01-29-2015, 01:26 PM
I am updating my original post with a more consise history on Lolita.
We originally were monitoring her because she has kidneys that are severely impacted with stones. She was on a special diet for that. C/D Diet.
What we noticed first were the skin infections that she kept getting that just wouldn't go away. For Lolita it was around her lady parts and on her stomach. And then she started getting ear infections too. And a bladder infection. But really it was a bout with vomiting when it all came to a head. Lolita would refuse to eat anything but the boiled chicken. We even tried the special vet canned food that easier on her tummy but she wouldn't eat that either. She is now very picky.
Lolita takes Tramadol every night for the kidney pain. Other than that she is not on any other meds.
According to her vet, Lolita isn't a candidate for Vetoryl because of her levels in her kidneys and liver.
I've included Lolita's testing for the past year or so. Sorry for the info blast. :-)
We are new to Cushings and are really impressed with this website.
Lolita is an 11 year old 13 lb Long Haired Chihuahua and was recently diagnosed.
We've attempted Lysodren treatment three times, each time reducing the dosage of the Lysodren. Each time I've had to administer Prednisone because Lolita didn't respond well. The last attempt was 1/8 of a tablet. We've decided Lysodren isn't for Lolita.
x---------------TEST------------------------- x--REF RANGE----- 1/13/2015--- 11/19/2014--- 11/15/2014--- 11/7/2014--- 9/21/2014--- 9/3/2014--- 2/26/2014--- 3/30/2013
ALP------------------------------------------ 5-160 U/L---------- 386--------- x------------- 1875--------- 1809--------- 1044------- 1461-------- 213--------- 111-----
ALT------------------------------------------ 18-121 U/L--------- 423--------- x------------- 2640--------- 2079--------- 518-------- 1028-------- 62---------- 67------
AST------------------------------------------ 16-55 U/L---------- 73---------- x------------- 161---------- 243---------- 33---------- 276-------- 24---------- 26------
GGT------------------------------------------ x------------------ x------------ x------------- 57----------- x------------ x----------- x----------- x------------- x-----
TOTAL PROTEIN------------------------------ 5.5-7.5 G/DL------- 7.8---------- x------------- 7.6----------- 7.4--------- 7.1---------- 7.7--------- 7.7--------- 7.4-----
GLOBULIN------------------------------------ 2.4-4.0 G/DL------- 4.0---------- x------------- 4.1----------- 4.0--------- 3.9---------- 4.5--------- 4.3--------- 3.9-----
BUN------------------------------------------ 9-31 MG/DL-------- 52---------- x------------- 36------------ 17---------- 20---------- 13---------- 12---------- 13------
CHOLESTEROL-------------------------------- 131-345 MG/DL----- 311--------- x------------- 690/672------ 817--------- 524--------- 762-------- 439---------- 365-----
BUN/CREATININE RATIO----------------------- x------------------- 40.0-------- x------------- x------------- 17.0-------- 18.2-------- 14.4-------- 13.3--------- 14.4----
BILIRUBIN-UNCONJUGATED--------------------- 0.0-0.2 MG/DL------ 0.1--------- x------------- 0.2----------- 0.5--------- 0.1--------- 0.4--------- 0.1----------- 0--------
WBC----------------------------------------- 4.9-17.6 K/UL------- 15.3-------- x------------- x------------- 17.1-------- 16.4-------- 16.4-------- 18.0--------- 10.8----
MCV----------------------------------------- 59-76 FL------------ 72---------- x------------- x------------- 76---------- 74---------- 74--------- 76----------- 78------
MCHC---------------------------------------- 32.6-39.2 G/DL----- 34.1-------- x-------------- x------------- 32.9-------- 32.0-------- 33.4------- 31.9---------- 31.7----
NEUTROPHIL---------------------------------- 2940-12670 /UL---- 12087------ x-------------- x------------- 14672------- 12759------ 11972------ 13176-------- 7819---
BILE ACIDS----------------------------------- 0.0-6.9 UMOL/L---- x------------ x------------- 83.7---------- x------------- x----------- x---------- x------------ x------
BILE ACIDS POST PRANDIAL------------------- 0.0-14.9 UMOL/L---- x---------- x-------------- 86.5---------- x------------- x----------- x---------- x------------ x------
x-------------------------------------------- x----------------- x------------ x-------------- x-------------- x------------- x---------- x---------- x------------ x------
PRE-ACTH CORTISOL-------------------------- UG/DL-------------- x----------- 18.0--------- x------------- x------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- x------
POST-ACTH CORTISOL------------------------ UG/DL-------------- x----------- 31.6--------- x------------- x------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- x------
PRE-DEXAMETHASONE SUPPRESSION----------- 1.0-6.0 UG/DL----- x------------ x------------ 25.2---------- x------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- x------
POST 4 HR DEX------------------------------- UG/DL-------------- x------------ x----------- 2.7----------- x----------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
POST 8 HR DEX------------------------------- UG/DL-------------- x------------ x----------- 3.5----------- x----------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
x--------------------------------------------- x------------------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
URINE CORTISOL----------------------------- UG/DL-------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- 35.2-------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
URINE CREATININE--------------------------- MG/DL-------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- 125.9------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
URINE CORTISON/CREAT RATIO--------------- x-------------------- x------------ x---------- x------------- 87---------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
x-------------------------------------------- x-------------------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
FREE TRIIODOTHYRONINE (FT3)--------------- 1.2-8.2 PMOL/L----- x------------ x----------- 14.1 H-------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
x-------------------------------------------- x------------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
ULTRASOUND RESULTS----------------------- x------------------ x------------ x----------- x------------- x-------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
URINARY BLADDER--------------------------- ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
LEFT KIDNEY-------------------------------- ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
LEFT ADRENAL GLAND------------------------ ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
RIGHT KIDNEY------------------------------- ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
RIGHT ADRENAL GLAND----------------------- ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
I am also looking for help in what to provide as a diet to Lolita. I've stopped providing packaged dog food. Right now she eats boiled chicken with spinach and carrots. She likes that but I would like to ensure I am providing all of her nutrient needs. Any advice is welcome.
I am updating my original post with a more consise history on Lolita.
We originally were monitoring her because she has kidneys that are severely impacted with stones. She was on a special diet for that. C/D Diet.
What we noticed first were the skin infections that she kept getting that just wouldn't go away. For Lolita it was around her lady parts and on her stomach. And then she started getting ear infections too. And a bladder infection. But really it was a bout with vomiting when it all came to a head. Lolita would refuse to eat anything but the boiled chicken. We even tried the special vet canned food that easier on her tummy but she wouldn't eat that either. She is now very picky.
Lolita takes Tramadol every night for the kidney pain. Other than that she is not on any other meds.
According to her vet, Lolita isn't a candidate for Vetoryl because of her levels in her kidneys and liver.
I've included Lolita's testing for the past year or so. Sorry for the info blast. :-)
We are new to Cushings and are really impressed with this website.
Lolita is an 11 year old 13 lb Long Haired Chihuahua and was recently diagnosed.
We've attempted Lysodren treatment three times, each time reducing the dosage of the Lysodren. Each time I've had to administer Prednisone because Lolita didn't respond well. The last attempt was 1/8 of a tablet. We've decided Lysodren isn't for Lolita.
x---------------TEST------------------------- x--REF RANGE----- 1/13/2015--- 11/19/2014--- 11/15/2014--- 11/7/2014--- 9/21/2014--- 9/3/2014--- 2/26/2014--- 3/30/2013
ALP------------------------------------------ 5-160 U/L---------- 386--------- x------------- 1875--------- 1809--------- 1044------- 1461-------- 213--------- 111-----
ALT------------------------------------------ 18-121 U/L--------- 423--------- x------------- 2640--------- 2079--------- 518-------- 1028-------- 62---------- 67------
AST------------------------------------------ 16-55 U/L---------- 73---------- x------------- 161---------- 243---------- 33---------- 276-------- 24---------- 26------
GGT------------------------------------------ x------------------ x------------ x------------- 57----------- x------------ x----------- x----------- x------------- x-----
TOTAL PROTEIN------------------------------ 5.5-7.5 G/DL------- 7.8---------- x------------- 7.6----------- 7.4--------- 7.1---------- 7.7--------- 7.7--------- 7.4-----
GLOBULIN------------------------------------ 2.4-4.0 G/DL------- 4.0---------- x------------- 4.1----------- 4.0--------- 3.9---------- 4.5--------- 4.3--------- 3.9-----
BUN------------------------------------------ 9-31 MG/DL-------- 52---------- x------------- 36------------ 17---------- 20---------- 13---------- 12---------- 13------
CHOLESTEROL-------------------------------- 131-345 MG/DL----- 311--------- x------------- 690/672------ 817--------- 524--------- 762-------- 439---------- 365-----
BUN/CREATININE RATIO----------------------- x------------------- 40.0-------- x------------- x------------- 17.0-------- 18.2-------- 14.4-------- 13.3--------- 14.4----
BILIRUBIN-UNCONJUGATED--------------------- 0.0-0.2 MG/DL------ 0.1--------- x------------- 0.2----------- 0.5--------- 0.1--------- 0.4--------- 0.1----------- 0--------
WBC----------------------------------------- 4.9-17.6 K/UL------- 15.3-------- x------------- x------------- 17.1-------- 16.4-------- 16.4-------- 18.0--------- 10.8----
MCV----------------------------------------- 59-76 FL------------ 72---------- x------------- x------------- 76---------- 74---------- 74--------- 76----------- 78------
MCHC---------------------------------------- 32.6-39.2 G/DL----- 34.1-------- x-------------- x------------- 32.9-------- 32.0-------- 33.4------- 31.9---------- 31.7----
NEUTROPHIL---------------------------------- 2940-12670 /UL---- 12087------ x-------------- x------------- 14672------- 12759------ 11972------ 13176-------- 7819---
BILE ACIDS----------------------------------- 0.0-6.9 UMOL/L---- x------------ x------------- 83.7---------- x------------- x----------- x---------- x------------ x------
BILE ACIDS POST PRANDIAL------------------- 0.0-14.9 UMOL/L---- x---------- x-------------- 86.5---------- x------------- x----------- x---------- x------------ x------
x-------------------------------------------- x----------------- x------------ x-------------- x-------------- x------------- x---------- x---------- x------------ x------
PRE-ACTH CORTISOL-------------------------- UG/DL-------------- x----------- 18.0--------- x------------- x------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- x------
POST-ACTH CORTISOL------------------------ UG/DL-------------- x----------- 31.6--------- x------------- x------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- x------
PRE-DEXAMETHASONE SUPPRESSION----------- 1.0-6.0 UG/DL----- x------------ x------------ 25.2---------- x------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- x------
POST 4 HR DEX------------------------------- UG/DL-------------- x------------ x----------- 2.7----------- x----------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
POST 8 HR DEX------------------------------- UG/DL-------------- x------------ x----------- 3.5----------- x----------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
x--------------------------------------------- x------------------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
URINE CORTISOL----------------------------- UG/DL-------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- 35.2-------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
URINE CREATININE--------------------------- MG/DL-------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- 125.9------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
URINE CORTISON/CREAT RATIO--------------- x-------------------- x------------ x---------- x------------- 87---------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
x-------------------------------------------- x-------------------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
FREE TRIIODOTHYRONINE (FT3)--------------- 1.2-8.2 PMOL/L----- x------------ x----------- 14.1 H-------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
x-------------------------------------------- x------------------- x------------ x----------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
ULTRASOUND RESULTS----------------------- x------------------ x------------ x----------- x------------- x-------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
URINARY BLADDER--------------------------- ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
LEFT KIDNEY-------------------------------- ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
LEFT ADRENAL GLAND------------------------ ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
RIGHT KIDNEY------------------------------- ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
RIGHT ADRENAL GLAND----------------------- ABNORMAL--------- x------------ x---------- x------------- x------------- x------------- x----------- x------------- x------
I am also looking for help in what to provide as a diet to Lolita. I've stopped providing packaged dog food. Right now she eats boiled chicken with spinach and carrots. She likes that but I would like to ensure I am providing all of her nutrient needs. Any advice is welcome.