View Full Version : After 4 weeks on trilostane – insight on anxiety needed

01-05-2015, 01:21 PM
I have read with interest the many informative posts and found the information invaluable. However, I have not come across much by way of discussions on heightened levels of anxiety.

Ginger (my 15 year old Vizsla) has been diagnosed with Cushing’s a couple of months ago and has been on trilostane for 4 weeks now.. (ACTH stim test, as well has had her levels re-checked after 10 days on trilostane, etc. have all been done, but I don’t have test results on hand as we are away from home for the holidays and only returning in a couple of weeks when we will see her Vet again.)

She has typical Cushing’s symptoms of constantly panting, drinking excessive amounts of water, weakness in her hind legs and she is also in a constant state of anxiety (pacing, digging, restless to the point of collapse/exhaustion).

Soon after starting the trilostane the panting and excessive drinking have stopped and I am very pleased. However, I see little to no improvement in reducing the heightened levels of anxiety.. perhaps that is actually worsening ?? She is only able to relax/sleep when she is right next to/has physical contact with someone.

I would appreciate any insight or experiences others may have regarding heightened anxiety levels & Cushing’s and if trilostane has helped. Could this be due to too low of a dosage ? too high ?

Ginger's dad

01-05-2015, 02:40 PM
Hello and welcome,

It would be very helpful if you could gather up the test results and post them here.

Also, how much does Ginger weigh and what is her trilostane dosage?

As for the anxiety, my Tobey has this too. Mostly air licking. It has lessened with good cortisol control, but not gone away. Obsessive behavior may have nothing to do with the cushings, just that the cushings may heighten it, if you know what I mean.

Squirt's Mom
01-05-2015, 02:59 PM
My baby developed dementia and she experienced anxiety with it. You might want to talk to your vet about this if you haven't already.

Junior's Mom
01-05-2015, 06:15 PM
As Junior's cortisol levels have come down, I have noticed an increase to his anxiety. I don't think it's a coincidence. I believe it has to do with there no longer being available a dump of cortisol in times of stress. Junior was already an anxious dog before, but not as bad as he is now. It's something we are learning to deal with.

01-05-2015, 10:17 PM
Thanks for the quick responses and valuable insight. The decrease in cortisol levels could explain why there seems to be an increase in anxiety and Ginger's panic attacks.. that's something I had not thought about..

As well, the dementia angle is spot on.. I spent the afternoon researching Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome and I am seeing a number of those 'dementia' type symptoms that I had earlier assumed to be symptoms of Cushing's.

Thank you..

molly muffin
01-06-2015, 02:02 AM
Molly is way more jumpy since her cortisol levels have come down some. Hers isn't excessive but definitely different. She jumps at sounds. Wants to be close more often it seems.

Welcome to the forum.

01-06-2015, 05:39 PM
the same here as with molly, esp. sounds and being afraid of things they have never been afraid of before in the house.
there was a dog here on the forum called eli and he is still very afraid of sounds, the dark, strangers etc.
he even doesn't want to go potty anymore.
his personality completely changed! [on a low dosage] so yes, it has to do with cortisol levels coming down.
dogs who are already softies are more prone to it.