View Full Version : 10 y/o Maltese/Bichon - Ill on trilostane

01-01-2015, 04:37 AM
good moorning,
firstly, english is not my mother language, so i'll do my best. Sorry if you don't understand all what i will be posting here.
I have a little maltese bichon femelle of 10 years, she is cushing but do not tolerate Vetoryl, even with 5mg per day, she is ill, do not eat anymore do not drink.
I am asking if it exist an alternative treatement.
Yesterday, i have ordered on a canadian site drops of Cushex (only herbs) to help my little dog. I am waitin the delivery but i am leaving in belgium and it would take some days to have it.
Has somebody tried the Cushex drops already ?
Actually my little girl is in care at the veterinarian for kidney, liver, gall-bladder, pancreas, it all goes wrong. Thank you if you can help me. I love her so much.

01-01-2015, 07:06 AM
Good morning to you and your little girl! I am so sorry she is doing poorly. You will see that I have moved your reply so as to create a brand new thread that is your very own. This way, it will be easier for our members to reply to you directly.

First of all, your English is excellent! You have done a very good job of explaining the problem. From what you have written, the first thing I am wondering is whether it may be possible that your dog does not really have Cushing's at all, and instead it is some other illness or problem that mistakenly made it seem as though Cushing's was the correct diagnosis. That could explain why the trilostane has not been helpful, and also why there are other problems now going on.

Can you please tell us what symptoms led to her being tested for Cushing's in the first place, and also what those test results turned out to be? Since she is ill, I am glad she is being tested further right now by the vet. Hopefully, this new testing will shed more light as to what is going on.

Lastly, I am sorry but there is no scientifically proven evidence that Cushex helps dogs who have Cushing's. The company is making a lot of money from worried owners, but unfortunately they have never performed any genuine testing to substantiate their claims. If it turns out that your dog truly does have Cushing's but she does not respond well to trilstane, there is another proven alternative drug that is used frequently in the U.S. -- Lysodren. We can talk more about that once we have a better idea as to how she is doing after this vet visit.

Once again, welcome!

01-01-2015, 05:23 PM
als je vlaams spreekt, welkom van ons allemaal uit nederland!
[welcome from us from the netherlands!]

01-02-2015, 02:49 AM
(ik spreek ook nederlands)
Good morning,
many thanks for your reply.

My little Câline is always in the Veterinary clinic. She has done some tests to prove the cushing. She is drinking very much, eating very very much (not yet now).
Last Tuesday she did'nt move anymore, was lengthened and I have bring her to the veterinarian's as a matter of urgency. As she cannot take Vétoryl which makes her very uncomfortable (does not eat and not drink any more), the veterinarian announced me that it was the cushing which gave her all these symptoms. In fact, it is a small dog untreated cushing. I look in vain for an alternative in Vetoryl to be able to look after her.

01-02-2015, 03:27 AM
I have to add that the test to ACTH is not yest available in Belgium.
Otherwise, the veterinarian disadvised me Mitotane ( Lysodren) because the liver is not in good condition.

Squirt's Mom
01-02-2015, 07:57 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Caline! :)

I would use the Lysodren myself if your baby cannot handle the Vetoryl. Your vet is scaring you about it for no reason. The liver will enlarge and the liver enzymes go up very high on testing because of untreated Cushing's. Lysodren is the only other choice you have and if it is available in The Netherlands, I would sure want to try it. But not being able to get an ACTH done does make treatment with either drug much more risky. :(

How much does your baby weigh? Was the Trilostane given with food? Were any ACTHs performed to monitor while she was on the Trilostane? Was the cortisol level checked in any way? It will be tricky to treat without being able to do the ACTH but it is possible.

When she was being tested for Cushing's were things like liver and kidney disease, thyroid problems, diabetes ruled out?

Leslie and the gang