View Full Version : "Mah Boy" Keesh the Wonder Dog

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Squirt's Mom
09-14-2019, 11:16 AM
I have been SOOOOO glad to read your posts on FB about getting back home finally! I hope you find a home soon that brings you joy!

09-16-2019, 05:11 PM
Thank you all for the support and encouragement you have shown me. 2 years in New Brunswick was definitely 10 yrs too long. I have all my things in storage and staying temporarily with a friend. I have now dropped the house as of today a total of 45 thousand dollars from a fair market value. Let this be a lesson to anyone considering moving to New Brunswick and even the real estate agents tell you the same thing. Too bad no one told me before it was too late Never, ever put money into any house in that province. You will not get it back... and I am a perfect example. This experience has ruined me permanently financially, which I just cannot fathom considering I worked all my life to have the worst province in Canada pretty much bankrupt me. I really hope the house sells before Christmas and I can find a place, however it is what it is for now. Something has to give for sure. I will get back on here and read everyone's threads when I can, but again... you guys are just amazing.

10-10-2019, 09:20 AM
So it's been 2 months now almost without even a hint of anyone interested in the house. Having trouble wrapping my head around this for sure.
This morning I was on the internet and listening to one of my favourite singers on youtube..... didn't know he had recorded this song until today... and of course the tears started. In memory of "mah boy" Oct 29-1999-Nov. 14-2014


Squirt's Mom
10-10-2019, 02:11 PM
I followed the link and it says - "Video unavailable". :( It says the uploader has not made it available in "your country".


I found a link that does work!


10-16-2019, 09:32 AM
Thanks Leslie.... I have been working the federal election advance polls for 4 days... and was driving one of the poll clerks to our poll about 1/2 hour away from here. For some reason and I can't remember why (15 hour days will do that to you) Keesh came up in conversation, and once again the tears welled up, and I had to stop talking for a moment while driving. Does this ever go away?

10-16-2019, 10:07 AM
Never, Judi...I still have days where I can't speak about her without crying. And i want so badly to talk about her, to remember, to hear other people's memories. But because I wind up crying, hardly anyone will. So I talk to her all the time, in my mind, sometimes out loud. Or I'll talk to Gable, who I think still remembers her...he's okay with me crying.

10-16-2019, 10:29 AM
Thanks Joan... there are days when I wish it would then most times I hope it doesn't. The memories although painful you want to hold onto, yet other times when the tears start at the most inconvenient times you wonder if you are normal. No matter what, he was the most precious thing I ever had and now that he's gone I will never be the same. I wish I could get another puppy, but it's impossible with my living situation, so I have gotten used to the fact that "mah boy" at least I did have and will cherish him forever.

Squirt's Mom
10-18-2019, 10:17 AM
OH Judy, I wish I could say yes, it does go away for all of us. But I can't. Some people seem to be able to compartmentalize their grief and visit it rarely if ever. I'm not one of those people. I wear my griefs like a cloak every day and will for the rest of my life. But I choose to think of that cloak as a shimmering, comforting protection knowing I have faced and lived thru all those agonies. I've seen images of a cloak that is like butterfly wings and one like a dragonfly with wings wide open. That is how I choose to see this mantle of grief I wear; it is and ever more will be part of who I have become. Sometimes I pull the edges over my head and crawl inside, drowning in tears and fresh anguish. But even then I cherish that cloak because every thread is woven with love beyond description and I never want to forget those loves. So cry, sweet lady, and rejoice that we have been blessed to know such love because many have not and never will.


10-29-2019, 07:40 AM
Happy Birthday at the bridge puppers. 20 yrs ago today you were born. Miss you as much today as ever.

10-30-2019, 07:56 AM
Tons of hugs flowing your way, Judi. What a gift Keesh has always been for you and for our family here, even now in memory. Your dear, sweet boy forever.

Take care, my friend!

Squirt's Mom
10-30-2019, 10:28 AM
Happy 20th Birthday, Keesh!!!


11-14-2019, 08:49 AM
Unbelievable... 5 years today I lost the best thing that ever was in my life. Oct 29-1999, Nov 14-2014- and my heart still aches. Keesh I miss you as much today as the day you left..... you will always be "Mah Boy"

Squirt's Mom
11-14-2019, 04:02 PM
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGEHUGS))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))

There is an ancient Japanese method of repairing broken crockery called Kintsugi. They use a resin mixed with gold to put the pieces back together again leaving beautiful golden seams running thru the piece. Kintsugi is also seen by some as a metaphor for those of us who are broken and healing. The process of mending by Kintsugi not only puts the piece back together it makes it stronger, beautiful, and unique. Nothing breaks the same way another does so each repaired piece is unlike any other even tho they may all have been originally made from the same mold. The repaired edges are jagged and crooked but the gold gives them a soft strength that shine with a beauty all their own. I like to think you and I and so many others here have that same unique, beautiful shine. That we are stronger because we have been broken into jagged, crooked pieces but we are healing, slowly but surely just as the gold infused resin takes time to cure the broken edges of crockery. You are stronger than you once believed and years from now you will be stronger still and shine more beautifully than ever.

Hugs again and again,

11-14-2019, 07:09 PM
That is so beautiful, Leslie. It’s such a huge gift to us all. Thank you!

Judi, I’m wrapping my arms around you, too, from across the miles. Always in loving memory of your precious boy. Always!

11-15-2019, 10:27 AM
You guys are such staples to this community... and I love you so much for it. That was beautiful Leslie.... and really appreciated.

12-31-2019, 10:31 AM
My humblest apologies for not coming on here sooner and wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. It has been a confusing time and where I was there was not much access to internet. My brother-in-law got an infection which developed into encephalitis and we didn't think he was going to make it. He has recovered however his mind is like an 8 year olds at present, still in hospital after 2 months and his personality has changed we think forever plus his memory is shot. He was a self made businessman all his life and this blew my mind to see him in such a state. Then just before Christmas, my brother's dog died suddenly with cancer and that blew me away. Poor guy was full of it and only quit eating 2 weeks before it was discovered. So... with that said.. I want to wish all of you Happy New Year and may only the best of health, happiness and love be yours in 2020. P.S.... no my house is still NOT sold.

Squirt's Mom
12-31-2019, 12:55 PM
My goodness, Judi! What a terrible time you have had recently! I am so sorry and will pray for you and your family. I hope 2020 brings an about face in your fortunes, sweet lady!


12-31-2019, 05:30 PM
Sheesh, Judi, I totally “second” Leslie! It’s *so* not fair that you and your family have had so many struggles this year. Surely 2020 will have to be better, all the way around! What with all you’re dealing with, thanks so much for returning today to update us and to greet us.

Happy New Year to you, too, Judi. And all best wishes for better days to come!

06-07-2020, 07:48 AM
Hey Judi, just thinking about you today and wondering how you’re faring in the midst of the pandemic. I’m guessing it’s making things no easier for you, but hoping that you’re remaining safe and healthy! Please do drop us a note when you have a chance.


09-07-2020, 07:21 AM
Well hello my wonderul k9 friends. Such a horrific few years and hoping now even with the pandemic things will settle down a little. I finally sold the house the end of July... unfortunately completely lost my shirt. New Brunswick is the only province that you do NOT invest in a house and expect to get a return on it. 3 years almost that house was listed and lost between 50 and 60 thousand dollars. I can never recuperate that money... but at least I am in Ontario. Rented a townhouse in Welland Ontario.. never been in this town before but liking it and the neighbours although very close, have been great. The movers however scammed me and so far the police have done nothing about it after a month of trying to get my things back that they took... even though I paid the extortion money. A move that should have cost approximately 2300.00 they took me for 5985.00. Now I have a lawyer on it, but the loss and damage they did there is just no replacing. Hope I live long enough to see these scammers pay. If you want to know the definition of completely unglued and absolutely out of their mind, you should have been here when the call came in from the mover telling me I pay this amount or they won't deliver. Happens everywhere, and I did my homework on these jerks too. There is even a facebook support group for the people that have been hit by these crooks.

It is now time to heal... which will take a long time I am sure, and my energy level is now completely non existent, sure hoping that changes. So glad to be back on here and see all the familiar names. Wouldn't it be nice for the covid to be over, and some of us meet in person somewhere in the middle of where we all live. That is something I am putting on my bucket list. I hope you are all doing well considering the circumstances.... I myself am keeping a good distance from everyone and only pick up groceries that are pre-ordered. I will be back on here a lot more now that everything has settled down a bit.

09-07-2020, 04:33 PM
Judi, omigosh it’s great to see you here! :D

I can’t believe your bad luck with the movers, but I’m so relieved your house finally sold and that you like where you’re living now. It’s about time you finally started having some *good* luck, girl!

And yep, a K9C reunion would be great, that’s for sure. Back some years ago (many years ago now?), Glynda spearheaded an effort to get the clan together down in the southwestern U.S. I couldn’t be there, but the folks that did make it had a great time. Those were the days, back when we had so many active members and so many conversations going on the forum. I sure do miss those times, but always remain grateful for our friends who continue to meet together here now. So I’m thrilled to see you back “home” again today! And who knows, maybe another reunion will pop up in our future.

In the meantime, stay safe! And definitely please keep checking back in ;-).


10-29-2020, 04:34 AM
Happy Birthday puppers.... still think about you everyday and miss you as much as ever.

10-29-2020, 11:15 AM
Best wishes from me, too, in honor of this special day and in loving memory of a very special boy!!!

Keesh, your K9C family will never, ever forget you. Or you either, Judi!

12-01-2021, 09:27 AM
Well... it has been so long and life changes so quickly. I have some GOOD NEWS and it is almost a fairy tale. First though just wanted to mention "mah boy" has been gone now 7 years. I didn't post on the anniversary or his birthday, just let it pass quietly. I have never gotten another furbaby and probably never will. So, the good news is. 45 years ago my car broke down with my kids in it on the way to the beach. A stranger who lived almost 7 hours away was on that very same road at that particular time and stopped. He happened to be a mechanic and farm equipment dealer. He reached under my hood and pulled out the thermostat and said I didn't need it in warm weather, Needless to say I really wondered about his mechanic capabilities. Well this past January we connected on Facebook. I had a couple of dates with him 45 years ago, but I was fresh out of a divorce and wasn't really interested in getting serious. Well it sure is now. He is building me a house and it should be finished in a couple of months and I too will be moving 7 hours away from here. We are crazy about each other, yet I am still cautious about marriage especially with all the time that has passed. So that's it. I thought a few of you still here would be interested in the update. Glad to see you still on here. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and nothing but the best in the New Year.

12-01-2021, 12:02 PM
OMG, Judi! What wonderful news!! Gives hope to those who believe in true love and happy endings (Me, lol)! Wishing you all the best!

Love, Joan

12-02-2021, 08:23 AM
Judy!!!! Omigish, for sure I’m interested in your update! I’m *so* happy for you! ;) ;) ;) ;)

I know things can change and we can’t ever take things for granted, but we can — and should — take as much pleasure from the moment as we can. You so deserve some good luck in this world, and this guy of your’s sounds like the best luck!

It’s wonderful to hear from you, and please don’t be a stranger. Hope you have a great holiday season yourself, and thanks again for checking in!
