Cindy Windy Woo
10-29-2014, 12:24 PM
Wow! What an amazing page! Everyone seems so friendly and helpful
I’m Jenny, I have a 13.5yr old Tibetan Terrier Cindy. We live in Northern Ireland with the leprechauns
I have suspected Cindy has Cushing’s for a few weeks/months now, increased thirst, increased peeing, starving hungry, no muscles in hind quarters, very wobbly in back end, low low energy, depressed and just not herself at all.
I took her to my vet last night who ruled out diabetes and infection. Says likely to be Cushing’s but would have to complete the full day test to check levels. Cindy is quite senile, arthritic and frets when she doesn’t have me or her best buddy Lexi the Spanish water dog with her. Realistically I don’t want to put her through the testing as I think it would be very stressful for her.
What I am wondering is if anyone has had any success with homeopathy?? Can anyone recommend any natural remedies?
Background: Cindy is an ex-agility dog, now has arthritis, half blind and a bit senile! She is fed 100% raw and grain free. She gets a daily dose of D.E. (Diatomaceous Earth) and a daily dose of Turmeric paste.
If this was a younger, fitter dog I would be doing everything possible to fix this, but I fear the treatment could be worse than the symptoms. She is definitely in her twilight years, and I want to make them as stress-free and pleasant as possible.
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated
Jenny & Cindy
I’m Jenny, I have a 13.5yr old Tibetan Terrier Cindy. We live in Northern Ireland with the leprechauns
I have suspected Cindy has Cushing’s for a few weeks/months now, increased thirst, increased peeing, starving hungry, no muscles in hind quarters, very wobbly in back end, low low energy, depressed and just not herself at all.
I took her to my vet last night who ruled out diabetes and infection. Says likely to be Cushing’s but would have to complete the full day test to check levels. Cindy is quite senile, arthritic and frets when she doesn’t have me or her best buddy Lexi the Spanish water dog with her. Realistically I don’t want to put her through the testing as I think it would be very stressful for her.
What I am wondering is if anyone has had any success with homeopathy?? Can anyone recommend any natural remedies?
Background: Cindy is an ex-agility dog, now has arthritis, half blind and a bit senile! She is fed 100% raw and grain free. She gets a daily dose of D.E. (Diatomaceous Earth) and a daily dose of Turmeric paste.
If this was a younger, fitter dog I would be doing everything possible to fix this, but I fear the treatment could be worse than the symptoms. She is definitely in her twilight years, and I want to make them as stress-free and pleasant as possible.
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated
Jenny & Cindy