View Full Version : Luxating patella

10-21-2014, 02:43 PM
Hi all . If anyone has experience with looking after dogs after luxating patella surgery would like to hear from them.j
My baby chelle is having both legs done Dec 15 and will need to be in a cage and stay quite for several weeks. Sounds easy but chelle is a complete and utter lunatic a loveBle lunatic but a lunatic nonetheless. She is really hyper and on the move a lot and when she gets excited jumps straight up from her hind legs. She also gets very excited whenever a person cat or other dog walks past window and goes ballistic.
Any advice or tips on how to keep her quiet after the operation???

10-21-2014, 03:43 PM
Hi Robert, sounds to me you have your work cut out for you, the weeks to come...in preperation of the surgery :) If I were you, I would start right now training Chelle not to get so exited, will make things easier once she had the surgery. So in preparation to the surgery you can already start doing things like training her, get her familiar with massages to help her relax, etc.
After the surgery, well, you will have to challenge her brain so she can release her energy that way :) You can use dogpuzzles, you can continue (clicker)training her but also you can not give her her food the normal way but give it to her in a Kong for example, this way, eating her meal will take up energy instead of only providing her with it :) If you go on the internet, you can find a ton of different things to keep a dog busy mentally, some of them being so much fun that I'm sure you will keep doing them with Chelle even when it's no longer required :) Good luck to you and Chelle,

Saskia :)

Budsters Mom
10-21-2014, 05:32 PM
Hi Robert,

How old is Chelle?

My advice would be DRUGS!!! Not for Chelle.
For you!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

I would have a very hard time keeping Rosie from jumping and climbing. If not drugs, then a glass of wine or two. You will definitely have your hands full, but I think you're up to the task.;)

10-22-2014, 01:52 AM
Hi Robert,

How old is Chelle?

My advice would be DRUGS!!! Not for Chelle.
For you!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

I would have a very hard time keeping Rosie from jumping and climbing. If not drugs, then a glass of wine or two. You will definitely have your hands full, but I think you're up to the task.;)

Hi Kathy chelle is a bit over 2 and I agree that drink may be the only solution!!!! On top of her jumping and running erc etc her and Bella get on really really well- they literally play for hours every day so chelle in a cage and Bella out May cause some barking and howling as well. Having said all that no one on this site would be without em and would do a lot more than I will in a coupla months . They are here for such a short time but leave such a big impression on our lives.

Squirt's Mom
10-22-2014, 08:25 AM
There is a Yahoo group called "Conservative Management" that deals with surgeries like this. They used to have a file filled with ideas for keeping pups occupied and stimulated without using the legs that would be a good thing to check out.

10-22-2014, 01:47 PM
I am surprised the vet is doing both at the same time? We've had a few rescues with double LP, and the vets always did one, then 2 months later, did the other.

Yes, I anticipate some very trying weeks ahead!

My own pug had LP surgery, but only on one knee. He recovered quickly and it's been 10 years since he had it done. Absolutely no issues since then.

One good way for her to get movement, without straining herself, is to do water therapy. That may be a good idea for her. Of course, with your vet's permission.

10-22-2014, 02:13 PM
Thanks guys I will definetely check out the site suggested and try and train her up a bit.
I rang a few vets and all did both legs in one go and the common reason seemed to be that going under once is better and that it is a significant operation with significant pain and recovery and once is better than twice.
I just hope and pray chelle will be ok to be honest- she like all dogs is an amazing little creature. She is very attached to me- when I come home both are excited and I give both a treat - Bella and the two who passed take or took the treat and then get or got excited again but chelle ignores treat and just keeps jumping on me and Bella ends up with two treats. Lucky Bella ! !!!!

10-22-2014, 02:45 PM
Well, I am in Alaska... so, our vets could be behind the times, lol.

Definitely ask about water therapy. Nice and low impact. :)

12-14-2014, 10:08 PM
My little mate chelle had her knees fixed this mornng and at this point all is going well.
She will be home tomorrow afternoon and then to try and keep her quiet for six weeks. I'm sure first week will be fine but after that could be interesting once she isn't in much pain and is bored senseless. Pray for me lol

Harley PoMMom
12-14-2014, 10:35 PM
Big prayers for you and dear Chelle ;) Do let us know how she is doing! And the best of luck keeping her quiet :eek:

Hugs, Lori

Budsters Mom
12-14-2014, 10:56 PM
Both knees, poor baby. :o I'm sure she'll do fine Robert.;)i If Chelle is anything like Rosie, you on the other hand will definitely need the prayers. Tons of them headed your way.

Squirt's Mom
12-15-2014, 07:57 AM
Glad she's home and hope she does very well. Squirt had both hers done at the same time and came home in bright red casts on both legs. She stomped around the house at will with ease. It was funny when she sat, tho. She looked a bit risque with her red legs all splayed out! :p:p:p

molly muffin
12-15-2014, 06:32 PM
praying for patience, you're going need it with a go getter like Chelle.


12-15-2014, 07:07 PM
Thanks guys. Pick her up in an hour. Probably should start a thread about her- she is a touch over 2 years old and has had a lump on her head removed got bit by a snake and now her knees. All that on top of being a complete and utter idiot. She loves me to bits And I love her to bits in spite of the fact she ignored me when we first met!!!

Squirt's Mom
12-16-2014, 08:07 AM
Oh! I thought she came home yesterday! duh.....

12-27-2014, 02:02 AM
Just a quick update on the patient... She is now 12 days post op and to say she has surprised me is an understatement...but Chelle is one who will always surprise. She is pretty well behaved!!!! She hates cage and gets a bit too excited at times but other than that all is well. I'm walking her two times a day 10 minutes a time. Im not sure that I would be doing hat after having what was done to her. I do physio on her 3 times a day as well. I have to sleep on couch as she howls if I go to bed and cage is too big to move. The neighbours are good but.... May try putting her in carry age and putting that in bedroom and see what happens.

Budsters Mom
12-27-2014, 02:59 AM
Hi Robert,

So glad to hear how well Chelle is doing.:p It is important for you to get your rest too. Chelle is small. It would be easy to put her into a small crate/cage and place it by your bed. You could even hang your arm over the side if she gets a little restless to calm her the first few nights. Many small dogs love a cozy little area to nest. Place a nice cushion and some soft blankets in the crate. Chelle will probably love it and you'll be able to sleep better in your own bed. ;)

12-27-2014, 04:29 AM
Good suggestion Kathy. Thank you.

Squirt's Mom
12-27-2014, 08:28 AM
Glad she is doing so well! I once piled up some sturdy boxes to mattress height, placed a small plastic carry case on top with pup inside so I could reach out and touch easily and the baby could see me. We both rested much better! ;)

01-03-2015, 09:05 PM
Hi Robert! Checking in on Chelle to see how she's coming along! I hope her recovery is going well and that you've been able to work out a manageble sleeping arrangement for you both!

01-03-2015, 10:34 PM
I'm pleased to hear she's doing well. I find it amazing just how resilient dogs can be. I remember a vet once telling me that dogs are much tougher than humans, yet we assume they are the same, and when we look at all of the little fighters on here I think it's true.