View Full Version : 12 year old minpin ,cushings diabites,and scaring of the lungs
10-09-2014, 07:30 PM
nickel is a male minpin, 2 years ago diagnosed with scaring of the lungs,about 2 months ago diagnosed with diabetes. tues doctor said he might have cushings,he has been on pretezone for a while.need some help!!!
his blood sugar has been over 400 for awhile.
Harley PoMMom
10-10-2014, 01:13 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Nickel,
Is Nickel's diabetes under control right now? We have a sister site that deals with canine diabetes, the people there are wonderful and very knowledgeable about canine diabetes, I strongly urge you to join there forum as well, here is a link to the diabetes forum:
Now, if we could get more information about your sweet boy that would help us to provide you with better feedback, ok? What symptoms does Nickel display? How long has he been on the prednisone and why is he taking it? Besides the prednisone is he taking any other herbs/supplements/medications? How much does Nickel weigh? Have any tests for Cushing's been performed, and if so, would you post those results. Was a CBC/chemistry blood panel been done recently? If one has could you post those values that are marked abnormal with the reference ranges and units of measurement...e.g...ALT 150 U/L (5-50)...thanks.
I am sorry for the reasons that brought you here but glad you found us. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask them, we are here for you and Nickel and we will help in any way we can.
Hugs, Lori
10-10-2014, 08:01 AM
no his diabetes is not under said because of the cushings,he has been on pretezone for 2 years 10 mg a day because of scaring of the lungs.he weights 17.6 pounds ,the only symptoms is lost of hair is some spots,in august he had a procyte dx only thing high is mono 0.16-1.12 plt 148-484 pct o.14 o.46 ketones 3+ .other than that he has went blind and blood glucose is real high and he is on 10 cc of humilin
10-10-2014, 08:13 AM
I'm so sorry your baby is having such a hard time! But prednisone can cause all the same problems as Cushing's because elevated cortisol (Cushing's) and prednisone have exactly the same effect on the body. In fact, prednisone causes a type of Cushing's called "Iatrogenic Cushing's." So I think it is important to find out whether your dog has to stay on the prednisone or not -- whether there is some other way to treat the lung damage. That is one of the first questions I would ask the vet right now, because tapering off the prednisone might help gain better control of the diabetes. You can't just stop prednisone overnight, though, it involves a process of cutting back.
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