View Full Version : Any tips for dog photos

10-01-2014, 04:30 AM
Ok I have been looking at so many avatars in the forums and either you all got professionals to take photos of your dogs, trained them to freeze in cute poses or maybe there is a nack to taking photos of your pet?
I thought it would be interesting for a thread with how different members take their photos. And it will be really useful so we can capture the time we have with our precious little ones.

Ok my current tactic is to get my iphone and hold the button down so it takes hundreds of photos in like 30sec I get maybe one good one out of this lol!

Squirt's Mom
10-01-2014, 08:29 AM
I spend hours following mine around with my Kodak, snapping pics. Of the 100's taken, maybe 3 are decent! :p One of mine is very camera shy and will turn her head every time so catching her looking at the camera is a challenge but she eventually gets mad at me hounding her and gives me the stink eye. Those are what most of the pics I have of Fox look like! :D

10-01-2014, 06:30 PM
I always try to have a camera with me and take masses of photos, then delete quite a few of them! Life is so much easier with a digital camera. Although I have kept some which are a bit blurry because they have special memories attached to them.

10-01-2014, 07:22 PM
A lot of my photos are from my little digital camera. I tend to move my phone around a bit so some are blurry :rolleyes: I must take about a dozen or so photos all the time as well.

10-02-2014, 07:15 AM
Lol squirts mom, looks like your dog posed on his back was it mid roll?
Thankyou all for the tips and stories lol! It would seem quantity breeds one quality pic

molly muffin
10-08-2014, 05:13 PM
My dog sees the camera and takes off lickity split. The phone makes it much easier as she doesn't realize she is being photographed. The idea though is the same as all the rest of us have, which is click till your finger goes numb and hope even one of them is with them at least looking at the phone. hahahaha

I actually tried to have a friend who is a photographer/videographer professionally take her photo and he got a pretty good one, but she wouldn't sit still. (his dog of course sat there like a champ and looked right at the camera) Not mine! But one came out and that one he sent to us framed. I doubt he'll offer to try again! LOL

Oh and I forgot to add, then I crop them to get something good for an avatar. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin

Budsters Mom
10-08-2014, 05:51 PM
I think it depends on the dog.Buddy was a perfect subject who would even smile for the camera and happily wear all kinds of ridiculous outfits. With Rosie, it's a hit and miss venture. She is much to distractible to pose for anything, so I have to make a game out of it.
Yes, I agree with the others. You click away and hope for one that's good, then crop.;):D

Have fun!