View Full Version : Help!! 6 pound Yorkie-pooh possibly ate 24 lb Norman's trilostane

09-12-2014, 08:43 PM
HELP... Will someone please call me if possible?? (# edited out by moderator) Millie, 6 pound yorkie pooh, I am pretty sure but not positive ate Norman's (NoOneLovesMeLike Norman) 32 mg trilostane. :(:(Vet closed,:(:( called ER vet and they stated it would only last four hours in her and not to worry. Isn't 32 mg A LOT for a 6 pound dog. I have the meds for over dose. What should I look for? How do I give it to her?

Terribly worried and exhausted...between Norman having another seizure yesterday, 10 days from the last, which was 9 days from the one prior. and My own neurological pain, flaring.. I am stressed and exhausted. Millie is going to be 15yrs but the healthy one. Norman has enlarged heart, heart murmur, cushings, Raven, the other dog I am mama to, my Ex BF's but I still dog sit is severely thin :(:( and most likely won't be around another month or so, :(:( as he wont take her in to get checked. :( Losing her and most likely Norman next. I don't want to lose Millie. I am all alone, with this RSD/CRPS neurological condition. Already depressed lately, without the dog concerns. Please someone help guide me on what to watch for, when to give the other overdose medication.

Sharon (email edited out by moderator)

09-12-2014, 09:36 PM
Sharon, I hope someone has either called you or will be around soon to offer some help. In the meantime try calling Poison Control and see what they have to say.


09-12-2014, 09:51 PM
Hi Sharon,

If Millie starts behaving really ill, of course your best bet is to take her to be seen at the ER. But I bet she will be fine, too. If Millie were taking the drug daily, a dose that equals 5 mg. per pound is much higher than you'd safely start off with. But taking only one single dose -- I think she'll be fine. There is actually a fairly broad dosing range required to maintain optimal control in all dogs. For example, my own Cushpup took a dose that equaled 4 mg. per pound daily for several months.

I'm not sure how the ER vet came up with that four-hour time period, because the manufacturer's literature states that it generally takes around 12 hours for the effects of the drug to cease. But it reaches maximal level in the bloodstream after about 90 minutes. So if it has been longer than that since Millie ate the capsule and she seems fine, she'll probably stay fine until the drug exits her system.

You would be watching for exactly the same symptoms of overdose as you look for in Norman: vomiting, diarrhea, extreme lethargy. If cortisol drops too low, prednisone can be given to supplement the natural production that is being temporarily suppressed. But I honestly doubt that you will see serious problems with only one dose. By tomorrow, the drug should have exited her system all on it's own.

Keep us updated, though, OK? And hang in there, Sharon. I think Millie will be fine.


Squirt's Mom
09-13-2014, 10:19 PM
Hi Sharon,

First how is Millie? I hope she is just fine!

Second, and I apologize for being so dense as to leave this for so long, I have removed your phone # and email address. This portion of the board is visible to anyone, member or not. Someone googling "Millie" could pull up this post with your information. So I deleted it...and again, I am sorry it took me over 24 hours to think to do this! :o

I hope you are feeling a bit better this evening.
Leslie and the gang

09-23-2014, 07:08 PM
Hello Again! Thank you to those that responded. Millie made it through the night. :) I didn't get much sleep, less than normal which activates the Nervous system even more negatively, but we all are here together still and that is what is most important. Being alone and not having a good support system is a struggle without having all this other stuff going on. :(

Thank you for the phone call to check on me/Millie/Norman. :) Bless you my dear! <3

Pupps are all hanging in there. Feeling grateful for that. :cool:

Although, my step-dad this weekend was place in home hospice, so just a little more stress and then forced to be a part of a dysfunctional unsupportive family. :( But I know, God is with me and it will all enfold as he has planned. <3

Thanks again for the support. :D

Sharon, Norman, Millie, and Raven ;)

09-23-2014, 07:46 PM
I'm so glad that she's ok!