View Full Version : Finally possible justice for a case of horrible dog abuse

09-09-2014, 10:00 PM

This link should be one of the initial stories that made the news when this happened. Around 20 pups had been left to board at this unlicensed facility, with assurances that it was a "home like" atmosphere. I will let you read the rest, it will either make you cry, throw up or both. If you want more information, just run a search on the az.com website for "Gilbert dog boarding deaths".

Our Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been vigorously investigating this, announcing today that he is recommending that the owners be charged with multiple counts of felony animal cruelty, along with 2 of the caretakers. Of course, it's now up to the county prosecutor as to whether or not they file charges. One interesting point is that one of the caretakers is the son of the junior senator from Az, Jeff Flake. I do not care for Sheriff Joe at all, but I will give him credit for being a tremendous advocate for animals.


09-09-2014, 11:56 PM
Yep, I remember when that happened back in June. I felt sorry for those pet owners who lost their dogs because these people were scum of the earth. I hope they throw the book at them and throw their sorry behinds in jail for a good long time.

I happen to like Sheriff Joe and think more counties should have bad ass lawmen like him. California could have used ten Joe Arpaios. I don't care for his politics but besides his brilliant methods for making felons actually pay for their crimes, he's a fellow dog lover who walks the walk and talks the talk. He has saved many canine lives. He saved a pit bull who mauled a child a few months ago and was sentenced to death. He also started a Mash unit, housing dogs that were impounded in animal cruelty cases. It's basically a no kill shelter and they all find good homes.

molly muffin
09-14-2014, 08:43 PM
Horrible! I hope they throw the book at each and every one of the scum!!