View Full Version : Kiska, Alaskan Malamute, Atypical Cushing's/Diabetic (Kiska has passed)
06-08-2009, 06:35 PM
Hey Everyone,
No, I really didn't drop off the face of the world! I have just been worked to a frazzle over the past three months or so! My part-time job turned into more than full-time. Just this week, I have returned to my part-time schedule, as the season is starting to slow down. In addition, Lowe's has hired a bunch of new people, so I guess that I am not in such demand! (Who knew I would ever be in demand? LOL!) Anyway, my job will probably end next month, as I am seasonal. There are certainly things that I will miss (like money) but it will be good to have more time for the important things, like all of you, and, of course "the girls" and my family.
I tried to find CanineCushing's to post after Suki (my beloved kitty) passed away. I never understood what happened to the site, and just didn't seem to have enough time to ever sit down and search. Besides, I have been in perpetual exhaustion. When I do get home, I eat and sleep. That's about it! Needless-to-say, the family has been underwhelmed with my level of energy.
I did have a doctor's appointment today. Apparently, my kidney function is off. I repeated a blood test, and will know more later in the week. Maybe that has more to do with my being tired than the job! The doc said that my creatinine level was up. Up to what, you say? I haven't got a clue. Can you believe that I left without my copy of the report? I know better than that, but that's what I did!
As for Kiska, she is still around and doing okay. The latest issue has been with her blood sugar. She has started having major lows for no apparent reason. The lowest reading was 35, and boy did I run for the pancake syrup to pour down her throat. I feel like a bad mother, because I didn't check her sugar levels for about three weeks when I was really being slammed at work. Kiska just seemed off, but not sick. When I did get back to checking her BG, I found that she was having several days a week when she was low. (Never as low as the 35 reading, but in the 50's and 60's.) Nothing in her diet or routine has changed (except for my being gone all day), although she has lost another five pounds. I have cut back on her insulin a bit and continue to monitor her.
I also took her to the vet for a check. The vet did a thyroid test, and felt that Kiss should be on thyroid medication. She was at the lowest level of normal at 1.0. The sad thing is, she was at 1.0 when I first had her at the vet one and a half years ago looking for the reason for her hair loss. Of course, that led to the Atypical Cushing's diagnosis. So now, I am giving her a thyroid pill twice a day along with all of her other meds and supplements. Poor dog. I just hope that the new medication helps and doesn't cause more weight loss.
Sammie is doing well. She doesn't seem to be having any more symptoms of Cushing's. So, for her, it is a wait and watch scenario. She is blowing her coat again, and once again, the house looks as though several dogs exploded. My vacuum is crying "UNCLE!" and there is no end in sight! Trying to brush her is like trying to wrestle a cow. She is over 100 pounds and as strong as an ox! That is one job that I intend to attack later in the week while I am off. Wish me luck!
So, in a nutshell, that is what we have been doing. I know that it doesn't sound like much, but "busy" is an understatement! I am really looking forward to having more than one day off at a time and finding some energy for more than my job.
At another time, I'll have to tell you about my "stalker" at work! He's a crazy Cosa Rican fellow who doesn't care that I'm #1: married, and #2, OLD! Who would have thought that I'd be worrying about something like this at my age? Knock me over with a feather. It's crazy out there in retail land!
Love and hugs to you all. I am so glad to have found you again!
Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie
06-08-2009, 07:00 PM
Welcome Jeanne,
What a nice suprise to find you again.
I am sorry for you over Suki, I know how much she means to you.
Glad that Kiss is still pestering folks and now you know how to find us and we can all talk about it.
So glad to hear from you again.
Wylie's Mom
06-08-2009, 07:35 PM
Yay!!! you're back... now I'll read what you posted:D:D.
Okay, I've read your post... I'm so sorry about Suki:(:(. About Kiska - I hope she was started on a low dose of the thryoid meds. I had also tried the meds on Wylie last year when he was borderline, but we stopped because even small doses were getting him toward hyperthyroid. I'm glad Sammie is doing welll - good luck on the brushing... oh, how I wish Wylie still had his dense coat.
I'm wondering if the stress of work caused your kidney function to be off.
AND... You are in still in demand!!!, check out this thread that Jo-Ann started:
(betcha didn't know you had more than one stalker;)).
06-08-2009, 07:41 PM're back!!! You've been missed, lots and lots. I'm so glad to see you. Darth Munchie says "hi" to you and the kids too. He and I are both still pluggin' along.
Watch out for those exploding dogs and stalkers!!
Hugs & Love,
Louise & DM
P.S. Sending my usual scritchies to the Kiss and Sammie....
06-08-2009, 07:55 PM
It is sooooo good to see you here again!!! I'm sorry to hear about Suki....I thought you had already posted that your cat had passed away.
Here's hoping your kidney function is back to normal when you're off work.
A stalker?!?! I thought we would have been free of that at this stage of life. :confused: Hope he's harmless!
I think we had a low at our house the weekend that the old Cushings site went down. I thought Lady was dying....but she rallied around and was fine in a few hours. The only thing that made any sense was that she had gone too low for the first time in 2 years!! She is doing okay....good days and then quieter days when she sleeps a lot.
Good to hear that Sammie is doing fine and will be checking back to see your updates,
Jo-Ann & Lady
Squirt's Mom
06-08-2009, 07:58 PM
Hi Jeanne!
So glad to have you and your girls home! Sounds like things have been ok and that's good. I am really sorry about Suki, tho. Seems like your last post said she wasn't doing very well at all but I know the pain is no less.
I wonder if stress over you being gone is what has Kiss out of whack with her sugar? Just musing experience. ;)
So good that Sammie has shown no more signs of Cushing's! What a relief, huh?
Welcome home ya'll! :D
Leslie and the girls
06-08-2009, 11:54 PM
Hello Scott, Susy, Louise (and DM), Jo-Ann, and Leslie!
OMG, I can't believe what everyone was doing to find me. I have never been more touched in my whole life. I'm also feeling really lousy about causing so much trouble. You are the most awesome people in the world!!!
I have a whole new perspective on "stalkers!" My Lowe's stalker has nothin' on you guys! Hopefully he's not as tenacious or creative as the Cush Force!
Susy, I, too, wish that Kiska and Wylie still had their beautiful coats. When I look at pictures from last year, it breaks my heart. Kiss has really gone down hill since then. She still has her spirit and loving heart, but I know that both diseases have taken their toll on her. I will be very careful to monitor the thyroid medication. Thanks for the heads up. Kiss will go back soon for another blood test.
Hi Louise and the Munchmeister! I'm glad to hear that the blender is still up and running!!! However, I'm not volunteering for the first sip! God knows what's been in there lately! Ha!
Jo-Ann, I was so sorry to hear that Lady gave you a real scare. I am so happy that she rallied. I think that Kiss was pretty close to doing the same thing to me when her blood sugar got so low. The vet told me that at 30, she probably would have had a seizure, and I might not have been home to rescue her. It makes me crazy to think what might have happened. Angels must have been watching over both of our girls!
Scott and Leslie, it was so good to see both of your names pop up! Thanks for the welcome home. It really does feel good!
I'm back at work at 7:15 tomorrow morning, so I can't stay up too much longer. I know that I'll be smiling, though, thinking about an intercom page from "The Hammer." LOL. You guys are off the hook! Seriously! Now that I know how to find you, I won't be far away. I'll talk with you again soon!
Big hugs and sloppy kisses from the girls!
Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie
06-09-2009, 11:56 AM
Hi Jeanne,
So good to see you here and posting:D:D:D:D. You were missed.
As for Kiska, she is still around and doing okay. The latest issue has been with her blood sugar. She has started having major lows for no apparent reason. The lowest reading was 35, and boy did I run for the pancake syrup to pour down her throat.
WOW!!!!!!!! That had to be really scary. Good to hear that she's doing ok. Hoping you can get her bg's sorted out. Hugs to you and the gang.
Lynne and Angel Lady 7/98-3/09
06-09-2009, 12:06 PM
Welcome "home" Jeanne!!!
I hope Kiska's blood sugar gets back on track. So sorry to hear about that.
Pallie's going hypothyroid too. Once she gets over this ulcer, my vet is thinking about putting her on a low dose of thyroid meds. She's a little lower than Kiska.
06-09-2009, 10:05 PM
Jeanne, Jeanne, Jeanne....
Did you think you were going to try and sneak by me??? Did you know that I stalked someone else just to see if I could find you??? Did you know that I wish I was 20 years younger bc he was kinda cute??? Could he be your stalker who I am stalking so we could all stalk you???:p
Do you know how close I came to having you paged at Lowe's after the idea was suggested? Just to make you laugh and hopefully NOT get fired...which is why I decided against it? :rolleyes:
On a serious note, I am very sorry about Suki. I know how much you loved her...and I am going to start getting myself all choked up if I keep going...
About Kiss, I would try the low dose and see and just watch very closely. I am so sorry I didn't push more for Scoobie to have the ful thyroid panel done. Sometimes, with sugar, it just happens. I swear my diabetes is sometimes seasonal! Is she out more with the warmer weather? More active? Anything like that? Maybe more stressed? That can all affect her sugar.
As for Sammie....I think we should have a dog wrestling contest. You take Bails and I'll take would be a change of pace if nothing else!:p
So glad to see you back, my friend...
And no worries about the blender. Scott offered to take sips before us!
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
06-11-2009, 02:48 PM
Hello Beth, Lynne, and Steph!
I'm really glad to be back, too! As for getting me fired at Lowe's, I think that it would have been safe to call! There are a lot of dog lovers around Lowe's. In fact, people bring their dogs shopping, and I get to see so many, beautiful furbabies. That has been a really fun part of the job!
No, Beth, if your contact in trying to find me was cute, he's not my stalker. Mine looks like Harpo Marx with dark hair!
Anyway, I'm enjoying a few days off, and trying to get caught up with housework. My girls seem pretty relaxed, as they are sprawled all over the livingroom sofas. Not, too spoiled!
Kiska's elbow infections are pretty bad right now. Even with her antibiotics, they aren't responding very well. She get's this way in the warm weather, and I think that she might get grass seed in them. I can't think of any other irritant. Oh, well, if I didn't have something to worry about, I wouldn't know what to do with myself! Before the old site went down, someone had a remedy for skin infections, but I can't remember what it was or who told me about it. (Me old? Say it isn't so! Ha!) Maybe they will stop by again. Hope so.
It was so good to hear from you, all! I'll drop in again when I've got my house in order. It has the lovely scent of "wet dog" wafting through it! I'm going to light a candle and start vacuuming!
Love you all.
Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie
Wylie's Mom
06-11-2009, 03:57 PM
I have a couple cached files of your old thread... it may have what you were looking for (like the Grapefruit Seed Extract 'GSE' that Sue had mentioned). I'll PM you...
06-11-2009, 04:59 PM
No, Beth, if your contact in trying to find me was cute, he's not my stalker. Mine looks like Harpo Marx with dark hair!
Thanks, Jeanne. I've had my daily chuckle now. Love it!!!! One more good to have you back.
06-17-2009, 01:02 AM
Hey, All,
Susy, the grapefruit extract was exactly what I was thinking of! Thanks. Kiska is on another round of antibiotics, and her elbows finally seem to be responding.
As for her blood sugar, she had another low tonight. She was at 45. I wish that I knew what was causing these swings. I adjusted her insulin and gave her some syrup. She ate well and is now sleeping peacefully.
As for me, I am (get this) collecting my own pee for a 24-hour renal test. No ladle here, just a humiliating plastic bucket and jug from the lab. Now I know how our dogs must feel! I am scheduled for a kidney ultrasound tomorrow. Do I know how to have fun, or what!? At least I won't have to shave my belly! Ha!
Sammie is doing fine, and our neighbor's cat is still hanging around applying for Suki's old job! If it were up to me, she'd have a home; but Mike just wants to take care of the pets that we have and not add any more to the crew. I guess that I will just have to be a good foster parent, and then send "Britches" home. At least I still have a kitty to hold and pet.
My work schedule continues to be part-time again! Yipeee! I am enjoying a 20-hour week, with lots of time at home. This is how it was supposed to be all along. Now that I'm happy with my schedule, I'm sure that my seasonal job will end soon. It seems that everyone's schedule is being down-sized, which means that lay-offs aren't far behind. I'll probably re-apply for the holiday season.
Before I say goodnight, I have been wondering what happened to the original site. I'm so glad that we have a temporary home here, but I never learned what happened to the old CanineCushing's. Does anyone know?
Big hugs to all,
Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie
06-17-2009, 02:19 AM
So you'd like a foster kitty to cuddle and send back home, huh. I've still got the 6 (now huge) 1 yr. old furballs. Would be glad to send one (or more) to NM for a summer visit. :D
Sounds like with Kiska's lows it's time for another vet visit.....arrrgh! Glad at least Sammie is doing well and not giving you a double whammy right now. Hope your renal test will be ok and I must say, I'm thrilled for you that you're not going to end up with midnight shadow and stubble on your belly. :eek:
Good grief....if it isn't the pets having problems, it's us!
Take care,
Louise & DM
06-17-2009, 09:16 AM
Hi Jeanne,
If someone hasn't already PMed you, the explanation for the closing of the old site is at under CanineCushings and then go to Special Announcement. It may be on this site somewhere but I haven't seen it.
Hope your scan goes well and glad you're just part time now. We missed you. It's good to hear that the elbow thing is looking better.
I have to post on Lady's thread sometime in the next few days. We had a really weird day yesterday and I'm looking for some input.
Take care,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
Squirt's Mom
06-17-2009, 11:41 AM
Hi Jeanne,
One of my docs put me through the wringer yesterday! :eek: I would much prefer to be collecting pee! :D Do Kis and Sammy think you are just bored or bonkers now? :p
I pray all will come out just fine for you in the renal testing.
Let us know how Kiska's BG is doing and if you have to make any changes or vet trips. We're nosy, ya know! ;)
Leslie and the girls
PS. BTW, Louise's kitties are just adorable. ;)
06-17-2009, 07:04 PM
Hi Jeanne,
How the heck have you been? People here were worried about you! I am so glad Kiska is doing good. What about the low bg's? What did the vet say, Any change of food?
I hope your scan turns out OK. PLease keep us posted!!!!:
06-20-2009, 02:16 PM
Before I say goodnight, I have been wondering what happened to the original site. I'm so glad that we have a temporary home here, but I never learned what happened to the old CanineCushing's. Does anyone know?Hi Jeanne,
This is not our temporary home, it's our new permanent home. :)
The owner of the old site, for reasons known only to her, apparently decided to close down the caninecushings dot net forums. We don't know why she closed it down and none of us knew that she was going to close it down beforehand. One moment it was there and the next, it was gone. Recently, the ccnet Important Information and Resources Forum has been put back up online as a read-only forum, but the other ccnet forums are still offline and the entire site is closed for posting.
When we realised that the old site had indeed been closed down, Natalie very kindly let us have a place on her message board to use as a temporary home and a group of former admins and mods from the old site got together to build a new home for us cushdog folks here. Now that we have our new forums up and running here, this is (and will continue to be) our new "forever home". :D
08-15-2009, 03:42 PM
Hi Everyone!
I'm writing to you from our campsite in Colorado. We have been here for a couple of weeks, but didn't have email until now. It had something to do with our password not working. Anyway, here I am! I have missed you, all!
Kiska is doing better with her BG's. I have been giving her snacks between feedings and it has helped with the low readings. However, she has had lots of trouble with her hind legs. The first day that we got here, her hips went out from underneath her, and I didn't think that she was going to be able to get back to camp. With a little rest, she finally got up. We haven't been on any more walks. She has to get up five steps into our RV. That has also been difficult for her. I now give her rump a boost as she goes up the steps. We started givng her Rimadyl to help. I'm building upper body strength lifting her furry hind end! LOL
Sammie is doing better after a few days with no appetite. I swear that it is something about being outdoors. She eats like a pig at home. Up here, she decides to be picky. Anyway, she is doing fine, and could stand to lose some weight! Me, too! I have been eating everything that is bad for me. What are vacations for?
As for my renal tests, I am in stage 3 kidney failure, with Stage 5 being dialysis or transplant territory. The doc thinks that I have damaged my kidneys over the years with analgesics, because of my migraine headaches. If there is no more loss of function, I can pretty much live with the 44 percent kidney function that I still have. I just can't take NSAIDS anymore. I go back in November for more tests. In the meantime, I'm just supposed to stay away from Advil and aspirin. I'm also supposed to keep a blood pressure diary. So far, I'm completely normal there. Both my parents are gone now, so I can't ask if anyone in the family had a history of kidney disease. Maybe I'll contact my uncle, once we're back home. He might know about his side of the family. Anyway, I'm trying not to worry about it too much. Some days are better than others. I just hate not being able to do anything about it.
Thanks, everyone, for keeping in touch. I did quit my job at Lowe's to take this vacation. They say that they will hire me back, if I re-apply. I'll see how things are going when we get back at the end of the month. Just before we left, I got a notice to appear for Jury Duty in September and October. The fun just never stops!
Hope that you are all doing well. I'll try to be better about checking in now that our email is working again. Love to all.
Jeanne, Kiska and Sammie
08-15-2009, 04:01 PM
Hi Jeanne,
It's so good to see your post although I'm sorry to hear about the kidney problems....hope your uncle can shed some positive news on that for you.
I'm sorry to hear about Kiska's hind legs, Lady struggles with mobility for parts of the day and then is great around supper time. She takes Metacam and Tramadol daily. A big part of Lady's problem with mobility is due to lack of sight. She just sees shadows now.
Hope the rest of your time camping goes well, take care,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
Roxee's Dad
08-15-2009, 08:36 PM
Hi Jeanne,
Sorry to hear about the kidney function, take good care of yourself.
Re: The steps, I had a senior pup (Bailee) that we took with us in the RV, he could not go up the steps anymore, so I stopped at Home Depot and purchased a 1 X 20 inch, 6 foot long piece of wood and some cheap carpet. Used a staple gun to attach the carpet to the wood and used it as a ramp for Bailee to walk up. Bungee corded the ramp to the ladder on the back of the RV when we were traveling. (Just a thought)
Jury duty - maybe you'll get an animal abuser and you can crucify him:p
Enjoy your vacation:)
08-16-2009, 03:04 AM
Hi Jeanne,
Hope you are enjoying your camping trip and doing some well deserved relaxing.
I'm building upper body strength lifting her furry hind end! LOL
Sorry the Kiss is having weakness in her hind legs and hope the Rimadyl will help her. could end up like Popeye with giant arm muscles from lifting her rump into your RV! Could come in handy when you re-apply at Lowes. :D
Take good care of yourself.
Squirt's Mom
08-16-2009, 10:19 AM
Hi Jeanne,
Good to hear from you again! Much longer and the posse would be out hunting you down again! ;):p:D
So sorry to hear about the kidney results...was hoping for a better report for you. :( Please take care of yourself! And let us know how you are.
I had a Dane once who was afraid of stepping up or down and had to be helped. She would go and stand there shaking, waiting for me to come and lift her front end first, then the back end up and in/out with a little pushing while holding that back end up! Getting her in my car was loads of fun but once in, she was very happy...she loved to ride! You wouldn't believe the looks and laughs from folks who watched the process! :D Thank goodness she was one of my smaller Danes, weighing just a little over 90 lbs!
Hugs to you and belly rubs to the babies!
Leslie and the girls
PS. Eat your spinach! :D
08-16-2009, 02:42 PM
We had all been wondering and I am very sorry to learn about your kidney issues. I hope staying away from the OTC meds helps retain the function you have and that the Drs. can devise a treatment to address your migrane's that does not cause further damage.
Moria also needs a boost most days, Vandy does like with you are describing by scooping up her hips, I just kind of steady her with a hand on her rump and keep her from falling backwards.
Glad you have your connection and hoping to hear more from you soon.
08-17-2009, 07:04 AM
Here's hoping it's a stalker and you can be relieved of your jury duty! :p How are you going to do jury duty with a diabetic dog? :eek: That's a scary thought for me....I can't be away from Lady long enough to do that.
Jo-Ann& Lady
08-17-2009, 02:06 PM
Hi Everyone!
I guess that weak hips are just part of the Cushing's package. Kiska's chest and front legs are still really strong, but the hind end is just skin and bones. Poor baby.
We do have a ramp that we bought a few years ago when we had a big truck, and the girls rode in the back shell. I'll have to find that sucker after we get home. I hadn't thought about it until you gave me suggestions. Many thanks.
Yeah, the Jury Duty does make things a bit more difficult; however, the last time that I was summoned, I didn't have to serve. Maybe I'll be lucky again.
The vacation is relaxing. One of our sons is up here fishing with us. The weather has been windy, which takes some of the fun out of it. We have to be careful with the awnings. Other than that, it is really beautiful here. We're a stone's throw from the river, and the woods loom up behind us. We've had ducks, squirrels, deer, bear, and lots of beautiful birds from blue jays to hummers. Actually, I didn't get to see the bear; but we were told by the host that it was right next to our site. Hopefully it won't be back while we're here!
Our neighbors have an adorable Bassett puppy named Goober. I took some pictures of her. You'll have to tell me who can post pictures for me. I'll try to send some when we get home. Our signal here isn't very strong, so I don't know if pictures would post. Maybe I can get Mike to try it, just in case. Neither of us fall into the category of computer whiz!
It was great to hear from all of you. You have been missed more than I can say. Louise, I don't need another kitty, and I really think that you need all six for yourself! Send pics to my email! I'd love to see them! Mike is standing firm on the "no more pets" issue, or I would be so tempted to take you up on your offer.
Hugs from Popeye and the girls!
Jeanne, Kiska and Sammie
09-10-2009, 02:10 AM
Hello Everyone!
We are back from Colorado! The pups did pretty well on the vacation. The Rimadyl seemed to help Kiska enough that she could get into and out of the RV with a little help from me. Sammie stayed outside the whole month, with the exception of rainy nights with thunder. She HATES thunder, and Kiska doesn't like it either. We had them both inside and huddled close on those nights! Both doggies got sores on their necks from their collars being tugged by the tethers. I know that they were both happy to be home and tether free! All in all, we had a good time.
Since we have been home, I have been summoned to jury duty starting next week. I was hoping to get passed over, but no such luck. I have to report pretty early in the morning, so Kiska will be getting her insulin about an hour earlier than usual. I will try and get her used to the change this week.
I also re-applied at Lowe's. I hate to go back to work, but the money was really helpful. We'll see if they call me back.
An update on my kidney function...I actually had a kidney stone this week! I started feeling bad Friday night, and by 3:00 a.m. Saturday, I went to the hospital. By the time that we got there, the pain started to subside. Being cheap, I decided to tough it out and save a co-pay! Three days later, I found the stone. Wouldn't it be nice if the stone was causing all of my problems? I'm sure that I'm not that lucky; but it's nice to dream. I called the Renal Specialist to see what he wanted me to do with it. So far, I haven't received a call back. (Sounds like a vet, doesn't it!)
Other than that, I'm feeling fine. My middle son is getting ready to ask his girlfriend to marry him!!! He bought the ring and brought it here to hide. Shawn and Jodi will leave for Ireland toward the end of the month for an eight-day vacation. He wants to surprise her there. I'm so excited!
I have a friend whose doggie is probably a cush-pup. The dog, Wicket, is fourteen years old, and has had a recent stroke which caused paralysis of her face. She can no longer blink her eye on the right side. She's going to get accupuncture next week to see if it helps. Has anyone here had any experience with doggie accupuncture? The dog also went to an eye specialist who saved the eye with a regimen of eyedrops and medications. The Cush testing has been delayed until the eye problem is solved. The poor little dog does have a few of the Cushing's symptoms. I'll have to get my friend to post here when she has numbers to share.
Glad to be home and posting again! Talk to you soon.
Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie
Harley PoMMom
09-10-2009, 09:00 AM
Hi Jeanne,
Sounds like the vacation was wonderful, I always wanted to see Colorado but haven't got there...yet!
I wonder what it is about thunder that frightens our pups, is it really the noise? I don't know...I do know since my boy been on the melatonin he's not so scared of it any more. :)
Jury duty, I had to do that a few times...not too bad...take a book along to read incase you don't get picked for a case, I never got picked for a case, I don't know if it was bc of my blonde hair or what? Don't take your cell phone with you, at least here in the York County Court House, one wasn't allowed to have their cell phone on them for jury duty, and make sure you have no metal objects on you; belt, necklace, earings, if you have any screws or plates inside your body let them know before hand. My right side is full of plates/screws and when I had jury duty, when one goes into the courthouse you have to go thru a metal-detector, well I had to tell them my right-side is full of metal so they could hand-wand me instead.
Kidney stone :eek: I went thru that back in Feb. OUCH it is painful. My Renal Specialist had me save my stones so he could send them out to be analyzed.
Wouldn't it be nice if the stone was causing all of my problems? I'm sure that I'm not that lucky; but it's nice to dream.Hey, sometimes dreams come true.
So there will be addition to the family...a daughter-in-law...Congratulation of the marriage of your son Shawn and his new wife Jodi. A surprise proposal in romantic...he must take after his mom. :D
Oh...poor Wicket, I've only read alittle about accupuncture, I don't have any experience with it. Please try to get her to post here, as you already know there are so many knowledgeable and amazing people here who can help her Wicket.
Jeanne, you take care, and I'm sure you'll be hearing from Lowe's soon. Give Kiska and Sammie some gentle belly rubs from Harley and me.
Love and hugs.
09-10-2009, 06:23 PM
Glad you had a great vacation. I haven't been to Colorado in a number of years but remember it being so pretty, green and clean. Nice area to vacation. Hope your jury duty will be short lived. It's that "early" part that always gets me!
I called the Renal Specialist to see what he wanted me to do with it. So far, I haven't received a call back. (Sounds like a vet, doesn't it!) Hmmmmm, does sound familiar. :D Like Lori said I would think your Renal Specialist would want to analyze that stone to see what kind it is, so save that little gem! Glad you're ok now.
Have never tried accupuncture on any of my pets nor have I tried it for myself so sorry, haven't got any first hand info for you. Sounds like the Kiss and Sammie are both doing ok, which is good to hear. Still waiting to hear the story about your "secret admirer" (or was that stalker???) from Lowes. :D :D :D
Take care,
10-01-2009, 07:58 PM
Hi Guys!
Jury duty only lasted half a day. I wasn't picked for the civil case that was ready to begin. I am still on call for the month of October. We were told that we would probably be called at least one more time, so we'll see.
Shawn and Jodi got back from Ireland. He popped the question, and she said yes. I never had a doubt!!! No wedding date, yet.
I still haven't heard from Lowe's. Actually, that has been a small blessing, as I am still trying to help my seriously depressed son who is still out of work. We are trying to get him to move home, where we can be more supportive. Naturally, he would rather do almost anything else. I swear, if it isn't the dogs, it's something else giving me gray hair!
When and if Lowe's has me back, I'll be able to tell you if the stalker is still around! Hopefully he has moved on to greener pastures, as my nerves are already fried and I might say something awful!
Our house has become Kitty Central. I have four cats hanging around. I wish that I could adopt at least one. Mike isn't getting with the program. I only get to enjoy them outside.
The kidney stone was analyzed and found to be calcium. Won't know what that actually means for me until November when I see the Renal Specialist again. I am experiencing some side pains on my right, and think that they are kidney related. Again, I won't know if it is significant until November. Hopefully, I'm not getting ready to pass another kidney stone. Ouch!
Wish that I had more to report, but life is just getting in the way of living. I miss you guys, and always hope to have more time on-line. One of these days I'll find more time and energy. Keep us in your prayers! You are all near to my heart and I think of you far more often than I write!
Big hugs,
Jeanne, Kiska and Sammie
10-02-2009, 06:35 PM
Thinking of you also, often Jeanne,
10-02-2009, 07:12 PM
Me too! Thanks for the update and welcome back. Kim
10-02-2009, 07:29 PM
Hi Jeanne,
Still on call for jury duty during the whole month of October :eek: :eek: Think I like the "one day or one trial" system they have here better. Hmmmm, so your house has become Kitty Central. Sounds vaguely familiar. Enjoying your visiting furballs outside (as opposed to being inside residents) sounds pretty appealing to me at the moment. My destructo furballs have done it again...but that's another story. Oh, Munchie said to tell you that he also had calcium stones and he'd be glad to share his special diet with you. :D
All kidding aside Jeanne, I'm so glad that you've posted again. You are thought of often.....and, of course, will keep you all in my prayers!
Give the Kiss and Sammie some scritchies from me and you can also pass some along to your 4 visiting furballs.
Big hugs back at ya',
Louise & Munchie
10-02-2009, 09:49 PM
Miss you, Jeanne!!!!
Speaking of furballs, weren't you one of the guilty parties that told me cats and dogs do get along?? Can you please tell Pallie that Allo is not a stuffed animal?:eek:
My dad had calcium stones, had them crushed and then drank lots of water for years and he was OK...I am hoping they can simply vanish for you!
I am excited for your expanding family and very sorry about your other seems once the stress treadmill starts, it is hard to get off! Hang on, I have faith it will get better! At least that's what Louise keeps lying and saying to me! LOL ;)
Love ya...Hugs to you all....Beth, Bailey, always Scoobie, Allo the hissing kitty and Pesky Pallie
10-07-2009, 01:32 AM
Hi Everyone!
I have a feeling that the Munchmeister's diet for kidney stones might come terribly close to one of Louise's margarita mixes. Yucky! No thanks!
Still no word from Lowe's. Probably just as well, since I have been called again for jury duty. Hopefully, this will be the last time for a couple of years. The courthouse is downtown, and I really HATE downtown. Mostly one-way streets.
The pups are hangin' in. I worry about Kiska's skinny hind end. She doesn't seem to be in pain, but I can tell that it is so hard for her to sit down and get up. She hasn't had anymore episodes of not being able to get up at all. I am thankful for that.
Sammie is biting her fur out again. I think that she has a hot-spot. I'm going to try some witch hazel on it. At least the fur keeps growing back. She still isn't exhibiting signs of Cushings...thank God.
Scott, did you ever have to start Big Brown on Lysodren? I'm so out of touch, here lately. Just curious, and hoping that she is doing well.
Nothing new to report on me. Will know more next month.
Kevin isn't doing any better, and will have to move home at the end of the month. I'm going to have to move my furniture out of his old bedroom to make room for his. I'm sure that this month is going to zoom by. So much to do. On the plus side, he loves kitties. There will be plenty of fluffy babies to hold. Anything to make him smile again. This has been so hard, and I wish that I knew how to make things better. Please keep him in your prayers.
The Balloon Fiesta is here. The weather is changing, and I know that Kiska and Sammie are at least feeling better with the hot months behind us. They'll also be excited to have one of their boys home again.
My love to all. I will try to keep posting whenever I have some time. Things should improve next month, I hope!!!
Big hugs,
Jeanne, Kiska and Sammie
10-07-2009, 06:48 AM
Hey Jeanne,
We all hope things begin to look up soon for you and your family as well. Jury duty is a pain but I have served on two and they were both interesting.
I hear ya on the skinny back end, Moria continues to lose muscle mass and you see more and more of the underlying structure but she is still getting around OK, even going up and down stairs by herself most days but one of us is always right alongside. It turns out her cortisol and other hormones treatable with lysodren have stayed in the normal range and the lignans/melatonin have brought her estradiol into high normal range and her liver enzymes way down. So no lysodren for us.
Post when you can, you are missed and thought of often.
Squirt's Mom
10-07-2009, 10:46 AM
Hi Jeanne,
Good to hear from you!
I'm glad the pups are doing as well as they are and hope you can help Sammie with her hotspots....they can be so aggravating! I had a Dane that got them often and we had to keep switching products to control them. Don't remember now what all we used, but do remember the vet telling me to change them from time to time. Some were powders, some salves, and some were an ointment. It worked but it was a constant battle.
Your son's plight has touched my brother lost his job about a year ago and has been so stressed out. He hasn't been able to find steady work since, but does have some odd jobs here and there. He was hired to drive a bus this year but that isn't enough to feed his family much less pay all the bills. His wife teaches and with her salary they still can't make ends meet. He has been battling his own depression for some time now and it just breaks my heart to see him like this. So I can well imagine how difficult it would be to see your child in such a situation. I will keep Kevin in my prayers as well as you, sweet lady.
Leslie and the girls
10-19-2009, 12:37 AM
Hello All,
I just had to log-in and get my forum fix! You guys are the best for lifting spirits.
I was chosen as the 12th juror on a criminal case. Then, after a break, eight of us were dismissed. So, my civil service was done! I was told that I probably would not be called again, since we were in a pool of 300 people. The rotation most likely would not get back to us within the month. Yippeee. No more downtown for me!
Kevin is still about the same. He hasn't changed his clothes or cut his hair in two to three months. His apartment is dark as a cave, and he doesn't seem to get out. Sleeps all of the time. My heart hurts so much. I don't know if moving home at the end of the month will help, but at least he will have meals and people around him.
I don't think that Lowe's is going to hire me back anytime soon. I guess the place is pretty slow right now. So, I will have to look elsewhere.
Shawn and Jodi decided on June 6, 2010 for their wedding date. It was supposed to be a very small wedding, but they already have a list of 92 people. Lots of friends and family!
Kiska is doing about the same. She is stick thin, but is able to leap up on the bed again. We always find her there with her head on the pillows. I know that she thinks she is a person! And why not? We've never treated her as anything else! God, how I love that dog! Sammie is doing much better. The fur is growing back now that her hot spot is gone. I know that if I didn't have them, I would be in a dark place like Kevin. They mean the world to me, and keep me going when I think that I can't move forward another step.
No more kidney stones! My next appointment with the specialist is November 20. I'm hoping my renal function has improved, but who knows? So far, I'm feeling fine.
I wish that I had more to report, but that's my life in a nutshell. I'm up late doing my youngest son's laundry. He is coming over at 3:30 a.m. to pick it up on his way out of town for work. I'll have kitty duty at his apartment again this week. So I should scoot and get the next load in the washer. I love you guys, and thank you for checking in on us!
Jeanne, Kiska, and Sammie
10-19-2009, 06:35 AM
Glad that you're feeling fine and Sammie and the Kiss are both doing ok. I'm sorry your son is feeling so down. It's heartbreaking to watch and even harder to know that we aren't able to fix the problems for our adult children. I hope he's able to turn things around when he comes back home.
Ohhhhhhhhh....kitty duty again.....what fun. Enjoy!!!! How are your outside visiting furballs doing?
Take care of yourself, Jeanne and keep logging in for that forum fix. Love hearing from you and.....we need our "Jeanne fix". :D
Louise & DM
12-22-2010, 04:48 PM
It is with sadness that I share the news that Kiska passed on to Rainbow Bridge on June 1st. She had developed a massive liver tumor, and so Jeanne gave her beloved Kiska the final gift of release. Although it has been a while since Jeanne has posted here, there are many of us who remember both she and Kiska with such great fondness. And for those who had not had the chance to meet them -- I feel certain that you will also join with us in wishing Kiska farewell, and sending Jeanne our sincerest sympathy.
In loving memory of sweet Kiska, and with thoughts of comfort for her mother who loves and misses her so ~
Roxee's Dad
12-22-2010, 05:31 PM
Dear Jeanne,
I am so very sorry for your loss of Kiska. She knows she was loved.
Rest in Peace sweet girl.
Squirt's Mom
12-22-2010, 05:58 PM
Dear Jeanne,
I am so sorry to hear about our sweet Kiska. You both fought the Cushing's fight so well but to lose her to cancer, I know that was unexpected.
You made the right decision to set her free, and I know you know this is so. Hopefully Kis will send you a sign of her gratitude if she hasn't already.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal
12-22-2010, 09:38 PM
Jeanne -
So many times I've thought of you and Kiska and wondered how you were doing. I can't tell you how very sad I am to read about the end of Kiska's journey. I know it must have been (and continues to be) so hard. Kiska was beautiful -- and loved. It's only been 9 months since we lost Zoe, but this time of year, I miss her more than ever. Needless to say, we all miss you around here. Sending huge hugs. Sue (and new sidekick Cooky)
12-22-2010, 11:05 PM
We never had the privilege of knowing you and Kiska but when one of our "family" is hurting, we all hurt. From what I have read, you were and are a terrific mom and, in the end, gave her a peaceful passing with love to another place and time. I am sure she met all the cushangels and is having one heck of a time enjoying her new found health and freedom. Please know that we are sending love and hugs your way. When you are ready, we would love to learn about all the happy times with your little girl.
To sweet Kiska; Run free precious Kiska and may the sunshine of heaven be on your face and gentle winds at your back. I will look for your star in the nighttime sky. Godspeed and God bless.
Carrol & Chloe
12-22-2010, 11:49 PM
I've been wondering for months how you two were doing....I'm so sorry to hear this news and I hope you're taking very good care of yourself.
12-23-2010, 08:21 PM
Aw... I'm so very sorry to learn of Kiska's passing. I have thought of her often and of Jeanne - every time I'm in Lowes among other times.
12-23-2010, 08:42 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. Kiska was well loved and lived a good life with you.
Take Care,
12-24-2010, 12:12 PM
There are some beautiful pictures of Kiska in her story at the canine diabetes forum...
12-27-2010, 06:34 PM
Dearest friends,
I have been away for so long, and much has happened. As you know, I lost Kiska June 1, 2010. I still miss her every single day. I had taken her to the emergency vet twice, because she wasn't eating, or losing it when she did. She just looked worn out. I thought that it was either Cushing's related or problems with her blood sugar; but the Xrays revealed a huge liver tumor that had pushed her stomach into her backbone. There was no question that she needed to be set free. She was a precious trooper. I held her head in my lap and told her how much I loved her as she passed. She never moved or complained. It was very peaceful.
Now, I am battling my own cancer. I hadn't been feeling well myself, and finally my son took me to the ER. They did a CT scan and found a tumor. I had surgery September 18, and have been undergoing chemotherapy since October. Things are going well, and I'm sure that I will be fine. I have to be, because we still have our husky, Sammie, and we have adopted three cats! Mike finally gave up on his notion that we weren't going to have any more pets! I think that he knew how much I was missing Kiska, and he didn't have the heart to say no.
I had to leave my job at Lowe's so that I could concentrate on getting better. I don't know that I will be going back. Lowe's was very good to me, but it was physically hard. So, right now I am a lady of leisure!
You would think that I would be losing weight with this cancer thing, but nooooooooo. I have to be the only cancer patient in history to be gaining weight. God has quite a sense of humor! So far, I'm not amused! Ha!
I have had one dream about Kiska since she passed. It was right after I had been diagnosed with cancer. I thought that maybe she was waiting for my arrival, because she was just quietly standing there looking at me. Later, I came to believe that she was just watching over me. I know that if I were "going home," she would have been running towards me with that big, goofy Malamute smile on her face. So, for now, she is patiently waiting for me. I will have to be patient, too. When the time comes, I know that she will be the first to reach me and run into my longing arms. I don't think that Heaven has a clock, so Kiska won't be sad while she waits. On this side of The Bridge, time is painful, but it gives me a chance to live and love on.
Thank you so much for the kind words. You have always been such good friends to me. I'll try not to be such a stranger. When my chemo is complete, I'll let you know how I am doing. In the meantime, please know that you are in my heart!
Love and hugs,
Jeanne, my beloved Kiska, Sammie, and the new kitties (Kabuki, Ping, and Na'vi)
12-28-2010, 05:44 AM
Oh Jeanne,
I am so very sorry to read what you are going through. My heart is with you during this really rough time and my prayers are with you as you face the chemo and get better. Thank you for coming back and letting us know about Kiska passing - you are a great mom to her and I know she is watching over you.
We are all here for you so please when you can drop in often.
Squirt's Mom
12-28-2010, 11:44 AM
Hi Jeanne,
Bless your heart! You are dealing with so much right now and I hate that for you! :( Do let us know how you are doing as you can - we love and miss you, sweetie. We would also love to hear how Sammie is doing and all about your new kitties! Oh! Give Mike a hug from me. ;)
Thank you for letting us know about Kiska and for coming back to talk with us a bit when I know you don't feel well. Kis will always be remembered and honored here. She was so lucky to have you as her mom!
Your dream is so poignant and I feel you have the meaning right - Kiska is simply waiting, knowing it is not yet your time, but wanting you to know she is watching over you until that day you are reunited. You said it so perfectly - "On this side of The Bridge, time is painful, but it gives me a chance to live and love on."
Live and love to the fullest, Jeanne. Know you have friends all over the world who hold you and Kiska in their hearts.
Leslie and the girls - always
Wylie's Mom
12-28-2010, 12:32 PM
Hi Jeanne,
I'm so sorry to hear of Kiska's passing and that you're battling cancer. I don't know if this may help, but I found this site helpful for the Candida that I believe Wylie had: I found things that helped other ailments for people, too.
I'm glad that you had the Kiska dream...I'm still waiting for a dream with Wylie. Kiska was the only other Malamute that I knew of here and Wylie also had a large tumor in his liver...I believe that was what ruputured and caused him to bleed internally. His passing was very peaceful, too (he was very lethargic from the blood loss). I picture Wylie romping around with Kiska now - I don't know if you remember, but Wylie's foster family had a Mal named Kiska and he played very well with her.
I wish you well.
Squirt's Mom
08-10-2011, 04:36 PM
Hi Jeanne,
You have been on my mind quite often lately so I thought I would see how you are doing. I hope you still get notices from us and can give an update. It has been too long. ;)
Leslie and the gang
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