View Full Version : Stinky, Chi with possible Cushing's - Too late to help?

patty 2
08-29-2014, 10:48 PM
Hello everyone

I wished I found this website before now.

I have a chi my daughter gave me three years ago. Since she had him he had always drank lots of water and eat his food without chewing it.

His name is Stinky and he has probably had Cushings Disease for several years. I took him to the vet after I got him and without test the vet advised me he had all the symptoms of this illness. Now, I think it's about time for me to have him put down. After reading a lot of your comments I do believe he is on his way out.

He has always had the distended stomach, drinks a lot of water, eats too fast. But lately, his skin has really become thin, he still hasn't lost kidney control, but starting to lose bowels control. For the past three months I have had to wipe is anus, and the past couple weeks he has had a hard time making it to the door to get out. Stools are very lose. He has slowly lost control of back legs. When he tries to go down stairs his back legs follows behind then he picks them up and walks on. He also snores like he is going to pull the wall thru his lungs.

Yet he still likes to go for rides, sitting on my lap, watching the world go by. He also likes to sit outside when it is cool.

So can someone tell me if he might be in pain? He just lays around and stares into space. But if there is a knock then he will bark. I have a pit and weimer. At times, the pit likes to pick on him but all Stinky does he bark at him.

Please let me know what you think.

Patty 2

08-30-2014, 07:46 AM
Hello Patty, and welcome to you and little Stinky! You will see that I have moved your post from our "Checking In" area so as to create a thread that is your very own. This way, it will be much easier for our members to reply to you directly. I will come back myself later on. But in the meantime, I am really glad you have found us because there still may be time to get Stinky some treatment that can help him.


molly muffin
08-30-2014, 10:52 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum. Has Stinky had any regular blood work done and urinalysis to get a perspective of over all health? If so could you post the abnormal high or low along with ranges?

If cushings, it might be worth it to get an LDDS test done to see if it is cushings and then try treatment to see if back leg and loose stools control will resolve.

I notice you said he stares into space, does he have seizures or get lost, stuck in corners, the sort of thing that would signify more neurological problems?

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-31-2014, 07:14 AM
Hi and welcome from me as well.

How old is Stinky?

I would hold off on thinking it is time to put him down. I would also consider running some testing just to see what is causing all of this - it could be an infection, or neurological or Cushing's.

Have a read through this link on symptoms, testing and treatment - http://www.kateconnick.com/library/cushingsdisease.html
Keep us posted

09-01-2014, 07:30 PM
Oh, poor Stinky! These little guys just melt your heart, don't they!

I wouldn't hang the towel up just yet! I too have a Chi with Cushings! We've been down a challenging road with him, but My hubs & I are determined to give him every chance to enjoy as many days as we can! He too has a huge belly and paper thin skin that looks so very fragile along with a host of other symptoms! He has seizures we are struggling to control, but he still enjoys his food, sitting next to Momma and going for rides!

You might ask your vet what to do for the loose stools! There could be something going on outside of Cushings causing the issue! There's meds you can give him to see if it helps, and if not then you'll have at least ruled that out.

I hope you can work with little Stinky poo to give him more time to love you and give you his all!!!