Maggie Mom
07-10-2014, 04:14 PM
Maggie, my 11 year old springer spanie,l was diagnosed with Cushings as a result of adrenal gland tumor over 8 months ago. We opted not to treat surgically, because of her age. So my regular vet started her on Vetoryl and we saw no real change in symptoms, after adjusting the dosage several times. With encouragement from our vet, we then took Maggie to internal specialists and the specialists confirmed the original diagnosis (blood work, ultrasound, scans). Since the Vetoryl was not providing any symptom releaf and they confirmed that surgery was just too risky, we switched her to Lysodren. The specialists are taking the very conservative approach to administration of the new medication and Maggie is now on 1-500 mg tablet, 3 times per week (started this week).
I am confident that the diagnosis is correct and we are doing everything for Maggie that we can, but her age and this disease have really changed my happy go lucky exhuberant dog.
Your forum is great and really helped me during all the testing, etc. over the last 8 months. I never posted before until today - not sure why, but just decided today I could use a little moral support.
Specifics about Maggie: 11 year old, springer spaniel. In good health prior to diagnosis with the exception of torn hock as a puppy and knee surgery on her back leg at 5 years old - like I said a very exhuberant dog. She weighs 50 pounds and also takes deramax for her arthritic leg.
Maggie Mom
Maggie, my 11 year old springer spanie,l was diagnosed with Cushings as a result of adrenal gland tumor over 8 months ago. We opted not to treat surgically, because of her age. So my regular vet started her on Vetoryl and we saw no real change in symptoms, after adjusting the dosage several times. With encouragement from our vet, we then took Maggie to internal specialists and the specialists confirmed the original diagnosis (blood work, ultrasound, scans). Since the Vetoryl was not providing any symptom releaf and they confirmed that surgery was just too risky, we switched her to Lysodren. The specialists are taking the very conservative approach to administration of the new medication and Maggie is now on 1-500 mg tablet, 3 times per week (started this week).
I am confident that the diagnosis is correct and we are doing everything for Maggie that we can, but her age and this disease have really changed my happy go lucky exhuberant dog.
Your forum is great and really helped me during all the testing, etc. over the last 8 months. I never posted before until today - not sure why, but just decided today I could use a little moral support.
Specifics about Maggie: 11 year old, springer spaniel. In good health prior to diagnosis with the exception of torn hock as a puppy and knee surgery on her back leg at 5 years old - like I said a very exhuberant dog. She weighs 50 pounds and also takes deramax for her arthritic leg.
Maggie Mom