View Full Version : just diagnosed with cushings - Tara has passed
07-08-2014, 04:59 PM
Hi everyone. My 13 year old retriever tara has just been diagnosed with cushings disease. I am not familiar with all the tests but she has had blood tests and I need results and an x ray and ultra sound. Her panting and anxiety is upsetting to watch and night time is the worst. She drinks lots has weakness in her hind legs and fur thinning but no pot belly... her adrenal glands are enlarged one in particular but I am told it is a pituitory tumor.. she weighs approx 24kg and has been prescribed 120mgs vetoryl.. she started her meds today and I have to confess I only gave her 60mg to start. 120mgs seems such a lot to give her.. she has to have a further blood test in 10 days. I have also given her a zylkene tonight as her anxiety is bad. Is this ok? Lack of sleep worry and uncertainty is horrible. I love her so much
07-08-2014, 05:21 PM
hi welcome!
you did right by not giving your 24 kg dog 120 mg of vetoryl!
please start with only 1 mg/pound or 2 mg/kilo.
so 60 mg is more than enough to start with for at least the first month!
symptoms as anxiety, and panting should go away after starting with the vetoryl.
others over here will tell you to start low too.
too many dogs crashed by starting on a much too high dosage of vetoryl.
Harley PoMMom
07-08-2014, 05:35 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Tara!
I have manually approved your membership so there is no need to respond to the email that is automatically sent to you for validation.
I agree that 120 mg of Vetoryl is high for Tara weight of approximately 24 kg (52.8 lbs), so I am relieved to see that you have given her 60 mg instead. Is this 60 mg being given once or twice a day?
The starting dose of Vetoryl is based on a dog's weight and in Dechra's product insert the starting dose recommended is 1 mg - 3mg per lb of a dog's weight so if Tara weighs 52.8 lbs than 60 mgs is a reasonable dose, but we have seen less adverse effects when the initial dose is started at the low end of the doage scale. So if this were me, I would feel more comfortable starting at 30 mg and if need be, working up to a higher dose.
The tests generally used for helping to diagnose Cushing's are the low-dose dexamethasone suppression (LDDS), ACTH stimulation, urine cortisol:creatinine ratio (UC:CR) and/or ultrasound. The LDDS test takes 8 hours to perform, the ACTH stimulation test may take 1 or 2 hours, both use blood draws. If you could get your hands on copies of all the tests that were done on Tara and post the abnormal values here that would be a great help.
Dogs with Cushing's usually drink buckets and buckets of water and pee rivers, I see from your post that Tara drinks a lot, is her water consumption excessive? How about her appetite, is it normal or does it seem that she is always hungry? Is she peeing a lot and is her urine dilute?
Cushing's is one of the most difficult endocrine diseases to get a confirmed diagnosis for because not one test is 100% accurate at diagnosing it and other non-adrenal illnesses along with stress can create false positive results on all tests for Cushing's.
Many of the symptoms attributed to Cushing's are also shared with other health problems, such as diabetes and a thyroid issue, have these been ruled out?
Cushing's is a slow progressing disease so one does have time to get a confirmed diagnosis. Cushing's is also treatable but success in treatment is dependent on keen owner observation and a knowledgeable vet with experience at treating Cushing's.
Please know we are here to help in any way we can so do not hesitate to ask all the questions you want.
I am including a couple links to info regarding Trilostane/Vetoryl, please feel free to print anything out: Dechra's U.S. Product Insert ( and Trilostane/Vetoryl Information and Resources (
Hugs, Lori
molly muffin
07-08-2014, 05:36 PM
Absolutely correct, at 24kg she is around 54lbs, so 60 is definitely enough to start with, not 120mg.
If you see any adverse symptoms, stop the medication and get an ACTH test done. vomiting, diarrhea, refusing to eat, lethargic are all bad signes.
You'll want to keep an eye on the adrenal glands. Often when one is larger than the other it is because there is a secreting adrenal tumor. What happens is that adrenal gland takes over and produces so much that the other adrenal gland shrinks or stops working. It isn't needed, so until you know for sure if that is the case of not, you'll want to monitor it. It might just be different sizes as your vet seems to think but you'll want to know.
Hope you see improvements soon. When are you scheduled to go back for follow up testing to check how the meds are working?
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-08-2014, 06:35 PM
Thankyou so much for your support. I will get the abnormal values. I think she has had both LDDS and ACTH tests. I am supposed to give her 2x60mgs a day only because they did not have 120mgs in stock. I have only give her the one 60mgs today. Yes she drinks excessively but pees as normal just for longer she is always hungry.. no change there. She did have a geriatric test done initially no diabetes not sure about thyroid. Her kidney levels were raised slightly as I remember. I take her back in 10 days for another ACTH test.
Another niggling worry is that the vet said her vision was affected. Shone a light closely into in her eyes and she didnt flinch and she also has periodic head tremors. My worry is the tumour if pituitory is growing.
She is sleeping now . The zylkene does work with tara I think.
With much appreciation
Jules and tara
molly muffin
07-11-2014, 06:15 PM
How is Tara's anxiety doing? I wonder if her eyesight going doesn't also cause her to be more anxious.
How is she doing on the vetroyl?
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-13-2014, 09:55 AM
How is Tara's anxiety doing? I wonder if her eyesight going doesn't also cause her to be more anxious.
How is she doing on the vetroyl?
Sharlene and molly muffin
Tara has been really bad the last couple of days. I started her on 30 mgs of vetroyl on wednesday as suggested and she just seems to be getting worse with her panting and her legs keep going on her. Dont know what to do
07-13-2014, 10:29 AM
I feel so helpless right watching her trying to catch her breath and she has been having head tremors today
07-13-2014, 11:11 AM
Hi Jules, I am so sorry you and Tara are having such a rough time!
Just to clarify, are you currently giving Tara 60 mg. of trilostane once daily, or is it 30 mg. once or twice daily? I am a little confused as to the dosing. And do you already have a monitoring ACTH test scheduled?
I am wondering a bit about her blindness, and whether that may be fueling her anxiety as Sharlene has suggested. There is a condition called SARDS which results in total blindness, sometimes seemingly even overnight, and it can be associated with symptoms similar to Cushing's. It seems as though there is some type of hormonal connection that is not yet well understood. Whatever the cause, however, that must be making things doubly difficult for you girls. And yes, the head tremoring must be so worrisome, too. :(
I'm sorry I don't have any great suggestions right now, but I do want you to know you are not alone in your worry. Please do keep talking to us and hopefully a light bulb will go on for one of us so as to offer out a new, helpful thought about things.
07-13-2014, 12:00 PM
Thankyou so much... she was prescribed 120mg 1 x daily but the vet reluctantly gave me 30mgs so I have been giving her this since wednesday 1 x daily. Should I up this to 60mg 1 x daily? Dont know what to do for the best right now x
07-13-2014, 12:01 PM
She is due an ACTH test next saturday
07-13-2014, 12:34 PM
Thankyou so much... she was prescribed 120mg 1 x daily but the vet reluctantly gave me 30mgs so I have been giving her this since wednesday 1 x daily. Should I up this to 60mg 1 x daily? Dont know what to do for the best right now x
Since Tara weighs about 54 pounds, I do think it would be OK to bump her back up to the 60 mg. that you said you were giving her at first (you had told us the vet gave you 60 mg. capsules initially because they didn't have 120 mg. capsules on hand). Are you now out of the 60 mg. and only have new 30 mg. capsules? If so, you could either give her two 30 mg. capsules at once in the morning, or you could give one each in the morning and evening.
07-13-2014, 01:17 PM
I have just given her 2x30mgs. I will finish them off first and I have some 60mgs left. This is such a confusing and scary disease. I just want to help her get better. Thankyou for being there x
07-13-2014, 01:33 PM
Actually, after today, I would do the reverse. I would try giving the 60 mg. first and hold the 30 mg. capsules in reserve. If it turns out that even the 60 mg. is too high or even too low, then you'd still have the 30 mg. on hand with which to lower or increase a dose. Overall, the 30 mg. give you greater dosing flexibility in the event that the 60 mg. is not ideal after all, so I would not use them up at this stage.
And you are very welcome for any help I am able to offer. I'll never forget how scared and worried I was over my own boy prior to treatment. When the first box of trilostane arrived, I couldn't start dosing him fast enough in hopes that it would make him feel better -- which it did. Hang in there, OK?!!
07-13-2014, 03:09 PM
Thanks marianne. Its reassuring to know that there are people out there who understand. x What symptoms do I need too look out for if her levels drop to low?
07-13-2014, 03:14 PM
Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, marked lethargy -- these are the types of things that most often accompany overdose. I'm very glad you asked, because I certainly do not want to tell you to do anything that will make Tara feel worse rather than better. Right now, it sounds as though she is generally feeling so poorly, though, that it makes it somewhat hard to judge the effects of the medication. And I certainly would not feel comfortable suggesting increasing the dose to anything significantly higher than the 1 mg. per pound formula. But since your vet was recommending even a higher dose, I think it seems reasonable to try the 60 mg. for at least a few days. Unless, of course, Tara seems even worse while taking the medication!
07-13-2014, 04:57 PM
She is poorly today. I think she is exhausted. Her head tremors have been frequent weakness in her legs and quite disorientated when awake. I am just going to have to take it hour by hour with her and see how she is in the morning. Not sure whats happening to her.... thankyou for getting me through today. Jules
07-13-2014, 06:12 PM
Oh, I am so sorry. And if she is doing so poorly, then I don't know, either, that continuing with the trilostane at any dose is the right thing to do. :(
We are so often told that trilostane should not be given to a dog who is unwell. So probably the best thing is to let your vet know how poorly she is doing and see what they recommend. Again, I am so sorry that Tara seems to be so sick. My heart goes out to you.
Budsters Mom
07-13-2014, 06:33 PM
If she were my dog, I would immediately STOP the trilostane all together until she was better. I would not continue to dose an ill dog. :eek: Once she had recovered, I would consider resuming trilostane dosing at no more than 1 mg. per pound. I am not a vet, but that is how I would proceed. ;)
07-14-2014, 02:03 AM
Morning.. tara seems a bit brighter this morning. Has been out and done her business all normal and rolled on her back in grass. Still panting and now sleeping Nightimes are always bad for her. Worried there is something underlying her cushings..going to ring vet today re her symptoms and meds. Maybe an mri is the next step. I am exhausted with worry and baffled x
What did you decide as far as the dosing? Glad to hear she seems better this morning.
07-14-2014, 08:37 AM
Yes, I am so glad she's better, too! And now that puts me back to wondering whether upping to the 60 mg. yesterday was perhaps a good thing after all!? :confused:
What a puzzle!!! If only Tara could talk and tell us why she is feeling badly! :o
07-14-2014, 08:56 AM
Hi and sorry for the late welcome! Perhaps the back and forth mgs of dosing is what kind of messed up her system? Perhaps? You're giving it to her with food, right? ...I'd do the 60mgs as long as she is feeling well in the morning with breakfast..and see how she does from there. Are you doing the 60 mg or 30 mg now?
I noticed this remark you posted; "Another niggling worry is that the vet said her vision was affected. Shone a light closely into in her eyes and she didnt flinch and she also has periodic head tremors. My worry is the tumour if pituitory is growing."
My Eli is having the same problems. Watery eyes...and lately he's when I take him when first out the door it seems his peripheral vision is effected..he keeps his head close to my leg, rubbing it even until we get to the elevator, (I don't know what that's about) then he seems OK after that....Odd. He also has a head tremor...and mouth thing going on...and has had for months now. ...That seems to be a rare side effect of the Cushing's. I'd have to find the link again. But, several of our cushpups have had the head tremor. Eli is also pituitary dependent.
07-14-2014, 01:36 PM
Its like she loses control of her muscles head mostly when she is sitting down and her back legs. She is def better today... yesterday was her worst day. Still panting a lot but not as bad anxious or disorientated and legs are holding out although weak. Taking it day by day
molly muffin
07-14-2014, 06:00 PM
So glad to hear that Tara is better today. Did you give her any medicine today? It does make one wonder if there is another problem underlying. I would wonder too. Day by day, hour by hour, we do the best we can.
hang in there!
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-15-2014, 05:26 PM
Tara still the same. Not constant but Back legs giving way and head tremors continue. Still panting a lot. Vet says to continue with meds and questioned underlying neurological problems re loss of muscle control... day by day.. see vet saturday for blood tests. I wont put her through any more heavy tests other than bloods. Exhausted
molly muffin
07-15-2014, 07:03 PM
Oh you poor thing. I am sure you are exhausted. Poor baby. I do hope she will start to improve.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
molly muffin
08-02-2014, 11:12 AM
Hi how is Tara doing?
Any improvements?
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-07-2014, 05:27 PM
Tara has shown some improvement. Had her first blood results this week vet stated she was 680 and is now 150. Not sure how that works out but vet was pleased stating her cortisol levels had reduced and 150 good?? She is tested again in 1 month. She remains on 60 mgs given once in the morning. I do still find she is a lot calmer in the mornings with her panting but worse in the evening. Is there any way I can split the dosage to 30 mgs am and 30 mgs pm. Vet has suggested I keep her on 60mg am and give her an additional 10mgs pm. Tonight she has been restless and panting a lot. Her muscle weakness has reduced but she still has her head tremors in the evening mostly and not drinking as much water. Any ideas on splitting the dose? Xx
article on twice day dosing
update on Vetoryl use
you can split the dose in half 30/30. Some recommend raising the total dose before splitting, I am drawing on memory here- thought 25% increase and then split the dose. Someone correct me if that is wrong.
Or you can "backend it"as your vet suggested and start with 10 mgs at night and build from there.
I've seen people do all three. I'm not sure if 10 mgs at night will do much.
what measurement is that 150? nmol?
I think that come out to 3 ug/dl so maybe better not to increase the dose, just split it 30/30. Vetoryl comes in 30 mg capsuls.
Harley PoMMom
08-07-2014, 08:34 PM
Had her first blood results this week vet stated she was 680 and is now 150. Not sure how that works out but vet was pleased stating her cortisol levels had reduced and 150 good??
These results are from Tara's most recent ACTH stimulation test, right? If so then I think they are pretty good numbers.
If you think her cortisol is rising in the evening you can have an UC:CR test done and see what it shows. This would involve getting 3 first morning urine samples (before giving any Vetoryl/Trilostane), and pooling those samples. Dr Bruyette posted to the forum about this:
Both good questions. With regards to once vs twice a day dosing if we look at all the studies throughout the world you will see that about 80% of dogs do well with once daily dosing. One huge advantage of once daily dosing is owner compliance which goes up substantially when owners only have to dose once a day. While twice a day dosing may result in a lower amount of trilostane being used pre day it will require closer monitoring as the ACTH stimulation tests tend to be lower so we have to look for both hypocortisolemia and electrolyte abnormalities.
Urine cortisols can be a problem. Many studies have shown that the only way to accurately gauge urine cortisol levels is to obtain the first morning voided urine sample on 3 consecutive days and then pooling the urine to run a UCCR. When done in this fashion it is likely an accurate test. Otherwise there is likely too much day to day variation to make a single random cortisol very helpful.
Dave Bruyette DVM DACVIM
Hugs, Lori
08-11-2014, 01:50 PM
Hi there. Yes they were taras first blood tests so I am happy. She had a bad night on friday after what seemed to be a bout of indegestion I think? Up most of night letting her out to eat grass and she also ate a small piece of material. Long story short she improved and I have gaviscon now just in case. Any stress affects her ie her muscle weakness was more noticable. Last two days have been great in comparison. I know she will never be the same tara but to see her relaxed and not terrified and to manage ok on her feet gives me hope. Such a rollercoaster of a disease. Thankyou for being there when it gets bad xx
Did you leave the dose the same? Glad she is feeling better. The things they get into :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
molly muffin
08-11-2014, 09:13 PM
I'm glad she is improved and I hope that you continue to see even more improvements.
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-19-2014, 04:12 PM
Hi there. Yes ive left the dosage at 60mg 1x daily am. I also give her 10mg 1 x daily pm of meticam for her joints. Also giving her chicken and turkey with soft food to give her some protein. She still has a good appetite but drinking less. How much excersize does anyone recommend for a dog with cushings. I dont want to over due it but want to try and build some strength her back end muscles. Julie and tara xx
08-19-2014, 04:24 PM
Forgot to mention. Tara had a urine sample taken and no sign of any infection xx
molly muffin
08-19-2014, 08:27 PM
You can start slow and see how she builds up to exercise. It can take a bit to get them strengthened and may never be what. They were. See and know what her tolerance levels are.
You can also try water therapy on a treadmill. This is a good option amd is used for dogs recovering from hip surgeries.
Sharlene and Molly muffin.
molly muffin
08-19-2014, 08:29 PM
Actually kaibos mum just posted a video of kaibo doing water therapy
Sharlene and Molly muffin
08-20-2014, 05:32 AM
Thankyou so much I will try daily gentle excersize for now and see how she goes. Will keep you posted. Love and best wishes julie and tara xx
Apollo's mom Sonja's pt vet had her putting poles on the ground so Apollo would have to step over, picking up his feet. Gentle inclines working sideways up and down the small slope rather than straight up and down.
We did one day on, one day off, to rest the muscles. We started at ten minutes, for maybe 2 weeks of slow walking, the next day was rest the muscles. Build up overtime.
08-21-2014, 06:43 PM
Hi there. Taras muscle weakness and twitching quite bad tonight. She has also had a bout of what looks like indegestion and desperately looks to eat grass. Does anyone know about hypokalemia and tests for potassium levels. Her symptoms would fit in with this.......
Julie and tara
Harley PoMMom
08-21-2014, 08:13 PM
Potassium levels are usually checked via a blood draw. If potassium levels are questionable, if this were me, I would probably have them do a mini electrolyte blood panel check. When was Tara's cortisol levels checked last (ACTH stimulation test)?
08-22-2014, 05:04 AM
3weeks ago. Her results were 150. She is due again next week. I am baffled. She did have head tremors before treatment and muscle weakness but not as pronounced and now odd twitching in body. Doesnt last long and it annoys her when resting more so. She always seems a lot better in the mornings too......???
If it is better in the mornings is that before or after meds?
08-22-2014, 03:33 PM
Yes before she gets her meds. Maybe because she has rested through the night. I cant work it out!!!
On another note I noticed today that her hair is growing back after her summer cut but its patchy growing more in some places than others. Bless her the cushings has really affected her body
Unless that is when her cortisol is at the highest and is helping some kind of inflammation and then she gets her meds and the cortisol goes down and she has problems- or is it a side effect of the drug?????:confused::confused::confused::confused:
08-23-2014, 11:56 AM
Could be but She is really calm in the morning. Vet has suggested increasing her meds from 1 x daily 60mgs am and adding 10mgs pm. Dont really want to do this
I am doing all I can if i can help my baby I will but what will be will be. I just I will not leave her side xx julie and tara
08-24-2014, 12:10 PM
Tara having a bad day. Restless wide eyed panting pacing twitching following me everywere. I feel so bad but i have had to walk out just to get some air. It is breaking my heart but I can do no more. I fear her tumor is affecting her. I am sorry to go on I just dont know what to do anymore....... julie
Squirt's Mom
08-24-2014, 12:24 PM
At her age, it is possible that Tara could be having some dementia issues as well as Cushing's. Dementia can cause them to become anxious especially at night, roaming around or pacing, whining, seeming to be lost and confused, even frightened. During the day the signs are not as obvious and become more apparent as the day goes on toward night. It might be worth talking to the vet about this possibility.
Hang in there. I know how tough it can get but you are doing fine and I know Tara trusts you completely. She knows you love her and will do all you can to make her days the best possible.
Leslie and the gang
08-24-2014, 02:06 PM
Thanks for your kind words leslie. I know everyone on here is or has been through the same worry and upset with this disease. No two days are the same with tara. Whatever is underlying I think stresses her and increases her cushings symptoms. Her lack of balance coordination and head tremors are not good signs.
09-04-2014, 10:54 AM
Tara really bad last night and today. Her panting restlessness and anxiety is at an all time high. No sleep last night and she will not leave my side. She was due her blood test on saturday but vet did not have what was needed in stock to do. 2 week wait!!!! Agree to test taras electrolytes and she advised me to increase her meds to 70mgs. 60mg am and 10mg pm. What should I do???
09-04-2014, 01:33 PM
Please have SARDS ruled out. It is a common cause of eye sight loss ans often missed. Also, having multiple health issues can skew ACTH test results. If Tara does have SARDS, there is treatment and eyesight can possibly be restored.
I say this because the Vetoryl doesn't seem to be helping much and her nervousness definitely sounds like she's afraid because of the changes in her eyes.
Do you have IMS vets available in your area? I would take Tara to one and they will often working conjunction with your regular vet for the best care.
Harley PoMMom
09-04-2014, 03:20 PM
I would not recommend increasing her dose until a full ACTH stim test can be done.
Does it seem that her symptoms are worse in the evening?
09-06-2014, 04:18 PM
Yes but now even after her morning dose she is panting restless and anxious. She had her electrolytes bloods taken instead and vet says all ok and no infection. She is eating ok and not drinking a lot but her behaviour has changed sleeping in corners awake in night pacing constantly seeking me out and nuzzles me. She rests then will jump up quick. Seems confused wide eyed and scared.She twitches on a regular basis now and generally seems tormented. I have ordered some melatonin cant get in uk.. She needs some peace and rest. All I can do is stroke her it helps but not for long.
09-06-2014, 04:20 PM
I have increased her meds. Now give her 60mgs am and 10mg pm. Making little difference
09-06-2014, 05:29 PM
Dear Julie,
I am so sorry you girls are having such a rough time of things! I can easily imagine how worried and exhausted you are feeling right now. I wish I had some great suggestions for you, but I am afraid I do not, at least not until your vet is able to go ahead with that ACTH test.
I do have one thought, though, which unfortunately is not a cheery one :o. For most dogs with pituitary tumors causing their Cushing's, the tumors remain relatively small. However, for some dogs the tumors grow large enough to place pressure on the areas of the brain that control things such as balance, coordination, appetite, attention, etc. From your description of Tara's behavior, I do wonder whether this may be contributing to her abnormalities. The only way to know for sure is to perform imaging of the head which is an expensive undertaking, at least here in the U.S.
But right now I am putting the cart ahead of the horse. I'm hoping you can hang in there until you finally get that ACTH test done, and then we will have that important info to factor in. But my heart goes out to you because I know how hard it is to see her suffering.
09-06-2014, 06:04 PM
Hi doxie thankyou so much for your support. Although I will not rule out SARDS at the moment I dont think tara has this
She still loves watching tv and no matter what state she is in still cocks up her ears and watches tv :))
09-06-2014, 07:05 PM
Thankyou marianne. I am trying to be to be strong for tara but I fear that her naughty tumour is getting bigger. Like all of us we know every move our babies make and understand each other in a way some people would not understand. I do think she has had cushings much longer than I knew about. When I talk to her she tells me with her eyes and her tail. We all know that. I have soul searched so much over these last few months and although heartbreaking I am preparing myself. Right now she is just asking for love and comfort. I will try melatonin to ease her mind. ( banned in uk but friend on hol in nyc has got) I will not put her through any more. I love you tara
Julie xxx
09-14-2014, 04:24 PM
Tara is due to go for her blood test tomorrow. Does anyone know do I need to fast tara or not prior to test
Julie and tara ♥♥
09-14-2014, 04:43 PM
Sorry another question. I have managed to get hold of some melatonin but it is 5mgs and says super strength. Would it be ok to give tara half a tablet?
09-14-2014, 06:16 PM
If Tara is having an acth stimulation test, she must be given her dose of Vetoryl with a meal. She should be at the vet's office 3 to 5 hours after dosing. If she is going in for blood chemistry only, she should be fasted for at least 12 hours.
I take 5mg super strength Melatonin to help me sleep and the bottle says rapid release. I suspect your bottle says the same thing in which case, it should not be used. Rapid release or extended release is not recommended. Just plain old 3mg Melatonin is best.
09-15-2014, 12:33 PM
The melatonin just says maximum strength?? Not rapid release. Would it be ok if I halve the tablet?
Thankyou for the advice on the testing.
molly muffin
09-15-2014, 08:34 PM
If it is not rapid release or any special coating, just 5mg of regular melatonine then it could be halved. If it has anything or any special coating on it to not make it absorb then you want to go with plan melatonin
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-16-2014, 06:25 PM
No coating on it I dont think in fact clouds of powder when I pulled the cotton wool out.
Thankyou so much for that. Videoed taras tremors. Vet thinks they are small seizures. The do frghten and annoy her and she seeks me out and clings to my side when she has them. Will use melatonin if they get
worse particularly of a night.
Love julie and tara xx
molly muffin
09-16-2014, 07:32 PM
Did the vet suggest anything for the seizures?
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-17-2014, 02:19 PM
Diazepam. Not keen to give her that. Acth results back today 68.4. This has reduced from 150 when she was tested 6 weeks ago. Dont think I will be increasing her meds as first planned. She is on 60mgs 1 x daily at moment. Going to test her again in three weeks
Love julie and tara
molly muffin
09-17-2014, 04:22 PM
68.4 nmol?
That is a good result and I wouldn't raise medication at all.
Sharlene and molly muffin
12-05-2014, 03:50 PM
Hi there just to let you know tara passed away two weeks ago. She deteriorated quite quickly. Her back legs went her head had gone to one side her eyes kept flickering and she was vomiting really badly. The vet said it was either her tumor had grown or a stroke or another disease to do with her balance. Her bloods were taken two weeks prior and her levels were good. They had been consistently good. I was so glad I was there. I carried her to the car and into the vets. I have never seen her suffer so much and I made the decision to let her go to sleep and asked the vet to sedate her first. She slipped away peacefully. I was so privledged to have 13 years of happiness with tara and in her last few weeks I was out of work so we got to spend such special time together it was like the universe gave us goodbye time and our bond grew closer than ever. I was in my new job 3 weeks when she took bad. I miss my baby so much but I promised her I would not let her suffer and when she was ready to go to let me know. She did and I was there. RIP baby girl. Thankyou to all who tried to help
12-05-2014, 04:14 PM
So sorry to read this today, my condolences to you and your family for the passing of beautiful Tara... Big hugs xx
12-05-2014, 04:23 PM
Dear Julie,
I am so very sorry to read about your loss, but very grateful that you have returned to let us know what has happened. Tara was such a dear, brave girl. And it is now our privilege to honor her here always. It does indeed sound as though you two were able to share precious final moments together that will forever warm your heart and your memories. Should you ever wish to return and share more stories about your lives together, we would love to listen.
Do take care, Julie, and know that you will always be welcomed here at any time. You and Tara will always remain part of our family.
Sending many hugs,
Squirt's Mom
12-05-2014, 04:31 PM
I am so sorry to hear of Tara's passing, Julie. The two of you worked so hard and had come so far. We are here any time, honey.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie and the gang
molly muffin
12-05-2014, 07:08 PM
Julie, my sincerest condolences.
I'm so glad that you were able to have that special time together before Tara got bad.
sending big hugs your way
12-06-2014, 12:34 AM
I am so sorry to hear that you have lost Tara. I know your heart is broken. I will keep you in my prayers in the days to come. Please know that we are here for you and share your sorrow.
12-06-2014, 02:32 AM
My sincere condolences Julie.
Tara is pain free and you will be together one day. Hugs
12-06-2014, 11:25 PM
I am so sorry for your lose. May your sweet Tara be at peace.
Sonja and Angel Apollo
12-07-2014, 02:27 AM
I am sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences for you.
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