View Full Version : feeling helpless. (chihuahua/ Maltese mix)
Suz w/ Khloe2yrs
06-29-2014, 05:44 PM
I'm susie, my Khloe, a little over 2 yrs has not been diagnosed with cushings but since her first out of 3 ( I dont know what to call them) episodes of being sick. Pretty sure she has this but I'm hoping not!!!! I guess I'm looking for anymore info I can get. I have looked and looked but havent found anyone else with a dog her age thats been diagnosed. Khloe is chihuahua/ Maltese mix. She has all the look of Chihuahua.:) ok.... right around the time she turned 1 yr I noticed changes - fur loss (chest stomach area), bad breath, skin gradually turned from a light cream healthy to dark almost brownish/ black color whole body, then accidents more and more. Drinking lots, put a lot of body heat off, layed around way more, vomited 2 times yellowish stuff (small amounts). I brought her in to my vet. They checked her levels thinking could be dieabete s.. came back fine or normal. He mentioned cushings told me that was his guess but needed testing to be sure. They gave her a cortizone? Shot and she gradually come back to herself again within a couple wks.I wasnt able to get the testing done because of financial situation. Long story shorter, she had to more episodes not near as bad as the first but same symptoms except the 3rd time im not positive but I thought she had a seizure.. she come sat right next to me I pet her she sitting upand put her head down starring and talking to her( it ddidn't kast but maybe 15/20 seconds) she wouldnt respond normal like she was in a trance. That was about idk maybe 8/9 months ago. Now my baby is sicker then shes ever been! Its killing me not kbowing for a fact what's wrong. Tomorrow I'm calling a more advanced vet and now can...I hope! Afford the tests. Through this past yr since first time she got sick I have noticed a few more sighn and symptoms.. shes now attacking my boy vinney(cat) for no reasons, when jumping up on my bed she sometimes wouldnt make it, made solution step stool for that. She shakes a lot more when talked to. She shivers real bad. Noticed small patch of fur thinned out under neck. And she seems to me to not be seeing as well. Watery eyes. When trying to lay down the other night she had hind legs scrunched a little and went in circles like she couldnt find the right spot . All the symptoms from the very first time plus more. Except no vomit so far. Its weird cause a little bit ago she was up running/ playing with bher friend for a few like she is perfectly fine, yesterday she was in and out most the day but we had a bday party so it was pretty busy. So has anyone heard of or had a pup with this cushings and I could use any advice right now! From what I have read theres not a whole lot I can do untill she is tested and diagnosed???? Help please
Harley PoMMom
06-29-2014, 11:44 PM
Hi Susie,
Welcome to you and Khloe, so sorry for the circumstances that brought you here but glad you found us.
To me Khloe doesn't scream Cushing's, her symptoms seem to fit Addison's and/or a thyroid issue more than a Cushing's diagnosis. From your post you mentioned she was injected with cortizone, right? And then she was better? Cortizone is a glucocorticoid class of drug, sorta like prednisone. The reason I'm leaning toward Addison's is because she seemed to improve after the cortizone shot. Addison's, which is the opposite of Cushing's, is when a dog does not produce enough cortisol, and vomiting along with increases in drinking/urinating and even the seizures are symptoms of Addison's.
If this were me, I would ask the vet if this could be an Addison's issue, an ACTH stimulation test can rule in or rule out Addison's. Unfortunately a full ACTH stimulation test is expensive, so I am thinking that the vet could just do a resting cortisol check and see if this result is low.
Please know we will help in any way we can so do ask all the questions you want. ;)
Hugs, Lori
06-30-2014, 07:05 AM
Wow, I think Lori may really be on to something re: a possible Addison's diagnosis! Addison's is the opposite of Cushing's, wherein a dog is producing too small an amount of necessary adrenal hormones rather than too much. However, some symptoms can overlap. Look at this description of Addison's, though, because it can affect young dogs and seems to fit your baby to a "T"!
Commonly reported symptoms, which can vary dramatically from dog to dog, include loss of appetite, weight loss, depression, listlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, hind-end pain, muscle weakness, tremors, shivering, increased thirst, excessive urination, a painful or sensitive abdomen, muscle or joint pain, and changes in coat, which may become thicker, thinner, longer, or even curly. About 15 to 20 percent of Addisonian dogs will have dark, tarry stools (melena, caused by gastrointestinal hemorrhage) or blood in their vomit. Symptoms often wax and wane, with the dog getting worse, then better, for months or even years.
Take a look at this article and it will tell you a lot more:
If it turns out your baby has Addison's, please do not despair because it can be managed very well with medication. Although the ACTH test is somewhat expensive up-front as Lori says, it can be used to diagnose Cushing's and is the definitive test for Addison's, so that may be the best way for you to go and a money-saver in the long run. This article mentions the fact that there is a way your vet can cut the cost of administering an ACTH test to a small dog. I'll come back later today and give you another link that tells a vet exactly what to do to reduce the cost to the owner.
06-30-2014, 07:26 AM
Has your dog had a complete thyroid panel done?
Suz w/ Khloe2yrs
06-30-2014, 11:28 AM
Thank you Lori and Marianne!
khloe has an appt. Wednesday were going to do a profile roter?? Test.( Please excuse my spelling.). So far all we have done so far is cbc test which they weren't alarmed about. They checked Thyroid, glucose, and cholesterol. The cholesterol they said was a little high but not enough to be alarmed. On Wednesday I will get all results on paper so I can start a file/ journel. Yeah they gave her two shots her intial visit for all this they were depo medral and kenalog? Also we gave her by mouth daily for about a wk. Allergy med. Antihistamine.
I will post all results when I get them. I'm so glad I found yas! I'm going to read more on addisons and the stuff you recommended. Think I have been so focused on cushings...
Thank you again its nice to have people with knowledge!!! And are understanding! Still praying. Hope to talk with yas again soon if thats ok!
06-30-2014, 12:48 PM
Hi again, Susie. As promised, here is a link to the article that explains how vets can cut the cost of ACTH testing for dogs who do not weigh a lot:
You can even print this out and take it along with you for your vet visit in case you all decide to move forward with some specialized testing.
As Lori already noted, I find it interesting that Khloe felt better after receiving those steroid injections. Of course, steroids are used to treat many different conditions. But they definitely would help a dog who is suffering from Addison's Disease.
molly muffin
07-01-2014, 09:33 PM
Addisons and allergies, both are often treated with steroids. It is I think more common for a younger dog to have Addisons than for them to have cushings I think. (if that is the issue even).
and welcome to the forum. I should have said that first, but just jumped right in with both feet. So, if thyroid and glucose are confirmed to be good, then I'd look at those two possibilities.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-01-2014, 10:13 PM
Hi Susie! Welcome to our forum. I know how badly it hurts to feel so helpless, so I want you to know I'm here for you if you ever want to talk or vent.
I'm so sorry your young pup is struggling. I know I may be way off base, but did anyone mention vestibular syndrome to you? Some of the symptoms you described match perfectly with what my pup experienced. My vet also said its common in the beginning of the summer and during the change of seasons. The humidity and pressure fluctuations can mess with our dog's equilibrium/sense of balance. Just a thought.
No matter what the problem, please know we are all here for you sending our love and best wishes, I'm sorry you're going through this :(
-Meg and Abby
07-02-2014, 11:50 AM
Just want to throw my two cents in, and see if it could help. When you mentioned bad breath, have you had her checked for liver disease, some of the things you mentioned are symptoms of it and it can make changes in their coat, I had a bird with liver problems from cancer and her appearance got markedly darker and sort of greasy looking. Also when you say you think she has a seizure, what came to mind with me was a focal seizure where they stare. I would have these possibilities as questions for the vet if it were my dog. Hopefully between all of us we can solve what is happening. Blessings
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