View Full Version : New Diagnosis of Cushing's
06-18-2014, 10:55 AM
Hello, my name is Sheri and I am the mommy to 3 precious pets (2 toy pooldes ages 13 and 10 and one kitty age 8 months) Yesterday, my sweet Sandy was diagnosed with Cushing's. She is a 13 year old toy poodle. We found out she has Cushing's kind of by circumstance. In February, we took Sandy to the vet for a dental cleaning. Due to her age the vet suggested blood work before giving anesthesia or doing the procedure. Her results came back showing elevated liver enzymes. The vet felt it could possibly be due to her infection in the gums and did the procedure and placed her on an antibiotic. This past Saturday, we took Sandy back in to recheck the liver enzymes. They had not decreased, they had not stayed the same, instead they had risen. The vet talked to us about testing Sandy for Cushing's. She told us the symptoms of Cushing's and we realized Sandy has many. She pants ALL the time, drinks a lot of water, has gained weight/is ALWAYS hungry, has started urinatinhg in the house (which she has NEVER done), and sleeps mot of the day with little or no energy. I had just chalked all her symptoms up to old age, and being a bit overweight. I had no idea she could be sick. We agreed to testing and they scheduled an appt for her to come in on Monday of this week for testing to be done. I can't even remember the name of test at this point, that's how stressed I am. I do know they gave her cortisol and did a test to see how she reacted. She was there a number of hours. Does that make sense? I was called yesterday with the results and they said Sandy tested positive for Cushing's. They prescribed Vetoryl (Trilostane) 30 mg per day. They told me she would need to be watched carefully for the first 24 to 48 hours for adverse reactions. I am very frightened of what reactions she may have. My vet closes today at 12:30 and I am helping take care of my mom's dogs today, going back and forth to her house, because she is out of town so I have chosen to start Sandy's meds tomorrow when the vet will be open if I have an emergency and won't have to be leaving her on and off to take care of my mother's dogs. Can any of you share your advice about this disease and medication? I am a nervous wreck and would like to settle my nerves a bit before starting the meds tomorrow. Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
06-18-2014, 01:54 PM
I understand your panic and with all that is going on right now this is what I would do. Do not give your dog any medication until you get copies of all the testing. Please post all the abnormal numbers and the reference guide from the lab as all are different. We can then get a better picture of what is going on. Has your dog even tested for thyroid and diabetes, as they have some of the same
symptoms? Dechra recommends starting a dosage at 1 mg per pound. Your dosage sounds high for a toy poodle. How much does it weigh? Were there any other issues going on when it was tested? If so it can skew the numbers and give a false positive. The symptoms you posted are Cushing's symptoms. We need to make sure you have good diagnosis, and if your dog has Cushing's which it sounds probable then get the right mg of trilostane to start. When you start too high it can mean trouble so hold off until we review the numbers. Being at the vets almost all day would mean an LDDS test, and they do have to stay long for that. There will be three numbers from it so p!ease get them for us and any blood work abnormals. SAS any ultra sound done? It will be OK and we will get you thru this. It is a lot to learn at first so we are here to help you thru it all. Take a deep breath and stay calm, we will be here for you. Blessings
06-18-2014, 02:22 PM
Hi and welcome, Sheri! I'm so glad that you found our forum! :) ....All I can remember bold in my mind is "toy poodle" and 30 mgs. ....How much does your Sandy weigh? Surely, not 30 pounds. Dechra and UC Davis recommend 1 mg per pound of dog, as Patti posted above. Please don't start your dog on that amount. take the risk of overdosing your baby. If the test lasted 8 hrs....can I assume (I hate that word)....perhaps you had a LDDS. A low-dose dexamethasone suppression test? Could you get a copy of the tests given and post the results?
"Ideally, the starting dose to aim for is 1.0 to 3.0 mg/lb (2.2 to 6.7 mg/kg) once a day based on body weight and capsule size. When calculating dosage, it is suggested to round down. Start at the low end of this range. If you have any questions on dosing, contact Dechra Technical Support at 866-933-2472 or"
Welcome to the forum. Please listen to the ladies here. They know their stuff and can save you lots of problems. Don't be afraid to ask any questions........and please don't start any medication until someone here can read the results of some of your tests. And, let us know the weight of your dog.
06-18-2014, 03:51 PM
Thank you both so much for your response. I will go by the vet tomorrow and get a copy of the results to share. No, they did not check her for diabetes or thyroid. I think the test began with an A not an L and she was there about 4 hours. Sandy weighs about 11 lbs so if she should take 1mg for every pound, that dosage is way too high. I am so glad came here because I would not have had any clue that dosage is too high.
06-18-2014, 04:02 PM
So glad you found us too. If you have not opened that box and they will take back the 30 mg. that is exactly what I would do. If it were my dog I would start her on 10 mg. My dog weighed almost 18 lbs and I started her on 10 mg. She did well and adapted to the drug easily that way. You may have to tweak or raise her dose later after 30 days never before. This will minimize risk with her cortisol falling and her body adjusting to that and a new drug in her system. No way to the 30 mg to start. Blessings
06-18-2014, 04:57 PM
You just don't know how happy I am to have found this site and gotten these replies before I medicated her. I plan to be at the vet tomorrow with the unopened medicine when they open at 7:30 am with lots of questions, request for copies of test results, and requesting to give her a lower dosage. I really hope the vet understands that I am not questioning her judgement but I am not going to give her medications while questioning if they could harm her. When my sweet Sandy came into my life, I had just suffered the loss of a baby. She was my saving grace at a very difficult time and continues to mean the world to me. I often worry about her age and know that she can't live forever but I could never forgive myself if I gave her a medication that did her harm instead of good. I feel like there is a reason I started questioning this medication before I even did any research on it and I am so glad when I did begin the research I was led here to you all. I will keep you posted and let you know what happens tomorrow. I am guessing waiting on giving medication won't harm her in the next few days, correct? I feel awful for knowing she has Cushing's and not doing something about it immediately but I am waiting until I am sure that what I am doing is correct.
06-18-2014, 05:38 PM
Hi Sheri,
I know you may feel uncomfortable challenging your vet on dosing so I wanted to give you some credible reference material to print out and take with you. Most gp vets are familiar with renown experts in endocrinology so I am providing links to articles or blogs by experts, Mark Peterson, Ellen Behrend and David Bruyette. Your vet would do well to read all of these and learn a lot more about Vetoryl. All of these experts start their patients on 2mg/kg which equates to 1mg/lb. I have provided the relevant excerpts from each of the publications, followed by a link to the publication:
Dr. Mark Peterson:
My recommended starting dose is either 2 mg/kg given once daily or 1 mg/kg given twice daily. This is similar to the doses used in this study by Feldman (13), where the mean trilostane dose administered to his dogs was 0.86 mg/kg, twice daily (or a mean total daily dose of 1.72 mg/kg). Like Feldman, I feel that it is best to start with a daily dose that is at the low end or even lower than that recommended in the package insert. I would never start a dog on a dose at the higher end of the recommended dosage range (4-7 mg/kg), although some dogs with Cushing’s disease will eventually require daily doses that may be this high or even higher
You will note that Dr. Peterson mentions Feldman. This is Dr. Edward Feldman, also a renown expert and professor at UC Davis. UC Davis actually starts their patients at an even lower as mentioned by Dr. Peterson above.
Dr. David Bruyette:
I prefer to start all dogs, regardless of size, at 2.2 mg/kg once a day and then reassess them seven to 10 days into treatment by evaluating clinical signs, measuring electrolyte concentrations, and performing an ACTH stimulation test.
It should be noted that Dr. David Bruyette is one of the developers of Anipryl, the only other drug approved for the treatment of cushing's. Unfortunately, it's efficacy is negligible and even Dr. Bruyette prefers Vetoryl to treat his patients. He is also a frequent contributor to Dechra's continuing education for veterinarians.
Dr. Ellen Behrend:
Starting dose of trilostane for PDH treatment:
• 2mg/kgQ24Hor
• 1mg/kgQ12H
• Q12H administration is preferred if the owner will comply but is absolutely recommended for diabetic dogs to stabilize serum cortisol concentration.
• Recheck at 10 to 14 days or sooner if adverse events are noted; if any improvement occurs, the dose should not be changed if the cortisol concentrations are ideal or above.
• If no adjustment is made at the first recheck,recheck at about day30 after initiating trilostane administration, as dose adjustments are generally needed.
Please note that this publication comes directly from Dechra as Dr. Behrend is also a frequent contributor to their continuing education for vets.
P.S. I forgot to mention that Vetoryl must be given with food for proper absorption into the GI tract. We have had some vets instruct our members to fast a dog for the acth stimulation test which is incorrect. Vetoryl must be given with food the day of the stim test, which should be done within six hours of dosing. You would need to have your pup to the vet within 3 to 5 hours after dosing.
06-18-2014, 05:49 PM
Hi again,
Since you have a tiny dog, I wanted to provide you with another link to Dr. Mark Peterson's blog on how to extend a vial of cortrosyn, which is the stimulating agent used in the acth stimulation test. Stim tests are expensive because the cost of Cortrosyn is ridiculous. What most gp vets don't know is that even though the instructions for cortrosyn call for injecting the entire vial, only a fraction is required for an accurate reading in small dogs. Your vet could get at least five stim tests out of one vial, which will save you hundreds of dollars. Hopefully your vet will be willing to learn how to reconstitute and store remaining Cortrosyn for future stim tests for Sandy. Please print out Dr. Peterson's blog and give to your vet. It will be well worth your while to discuss this and twist an arm, if need be.
06-18-2014, 06:04 PM
LuLusmom, thank you so very much for this valuable information. I am going to print it out and have it with me tomorrow. The acth test sounds like the test they did on Sandy Monday. You are right the test was $200 which is going to add up fast throughout this disease fighting process for sure. I sure hope the vet is willing to read about and try to extend the vial to help save money. You advice is greatly appreciated! :)
06-18-2014, 06:20 PM
Also I just wanted to add that a few days will not make a difference as this is a very slow moving disease. It will all be ok, you can even tell your vet to call Dechra at 866-307-0789 and they will talk with her and start a file on your dog. You can also call and they will help you. Never be afraid to challenge a vet as it could mean the life of your dog. I only trust myself and recheck a million times things my vet suggests, he has been wrong so many times I lost count. I know this and need him for emergencies and RX's so I just check everything does. Knowing your vet gave you this dose to start I would be checking everything she does to. Just come on here and ask, you will get help rather than let a vet make a mistake you regret. You will do fine with this, just remember you are the only advocate for your dog so know your stuff and stick to it. Blessings
06-19-2014, 12:03 AM
You can also print this page out from Dechra where it says to start at the lower end of the scale for dosing. I knew that was way too much! My dog is one here that was overdosed on Vetoryl. He was given 60 mg and he weighs 30lbs.....after only 10 days he crashed and almost died. Like you, it had to be a guardian angel guided me back here....if not for these ladies, my Eli would be dead now. Your baby will be OK without the Vetoryl for a few Patti said it's a slow progressing disease. She'll be just fine. Oh! Eli is back on Vetoryl again now...but I started him back on 10 mg. He's doing fine now. The Vet may have to change that dosage and go up from there....but that's OK..we can go at it slow this's safer. imo :D
"Ideally, the starting dose to aim for is 1.0 to 3.0 mg/lb (2.2 to 6.7 mg/kg) once a day based on body weight and capsule size. When calculating dosage, it is suggested to round down. Start at the low end of this range. If you have any questions on dosing, contact Dechra Technical Support at 866-933-2472 or
06-19-2014, 07:53 AM
Hope everything goes well when you go to the vets. Just keep in mind this is your baby, if something happens the vet is not the one that will be grieving. It will work out at the lower dose and your dog will be safer. Blessings
06-19-2014, 02:27 PM
Just wanted to let you all know that I haven't had an opportunity to take care of Sandy's issues with the vet yet. I woke up this morning to a very sick kitty who has been at the vet since 7:30 am and is in very poor condition. He was perfectly fine when we went to sleep last night. Woke up around 3:30 throwing up. It only happened once, we got it cleaned up and went back to sleep. At 6:00 this morning I woke up and he didn't come begging for a treat as usual. I finally found him in his kennel tongue sticking out, breathing sounding very strange, and he would not come out of the kennel. I took him to an emergency vet, only one open at the time. His temperature was 104.3. They felt he had aspirated on his vomit. Did an xray of his lungs and abdomen, can't tell if he has a foreign body in his abdomen. So, they sent me to our regular vet to have him hospitalized and put on antibitotic and more test to be run. Just got a call and his fever is up to 105.9. He is presenting with ulcers on the tongue that weren't there when he arrived there this morning at 8:30. Now they are questioning if it is something he has eaten that he is having a reaction to. Anyway, once they took him in the back I did give the vet the information on the medication for Sandy and told them I will not be giving her the 30mg and that we need to discuss this as soon as we get Riley cat straight. Ugh....what a few days this has been. I am down to only 1 well pet and praying he stays that way. SO very worried about both Riley cat and Sandy. Please send prayers our way.....we certainly need them!:(
06-19-2014, 04:13 PM
Wow, Shari! When it rains, it pours. :( I'm so sorry about your kitty, Riley! I'll be praying for all of you and Riley! Don't worry about Sandy ....she'll be OK without the Vetoryl for awhile. We'll keep checking in on you and look for some better news soon. I'm so sorry this is happening. :( good thoughts and prayers for Riley right now! You do have your hands full.
molly muffin
06-19-2014, 05:18 PM
Oh my gosh. I am so sorry to hear that your kitty, Riley, is having such a hard time. It does sound like it was something very sudden doesn't it. Is there anything at all that he could have gotten into over night? How about a plant?
How is he doing now?
Absolutely, Sandy will be fine until you have time to take care of Riley's situation. I hope we hear a good news report soon on him. Poor little guy.
big hugs
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-19-2014, 06:49 PM
An update on the pets. Let's start with Sandy...the vet read the information I took to her and has agreed to start with 10 mg for Sandy and we will continue with testing like we are supposed to and see how things go and if we need to increase. I haven't even thought about getting the results of the test due to all the craziness with Riley today. I will try to get those and post here asap. Now for Riley, after the ulcers appeared on his tongue they quickly opened up leaving what appears to be burn marks on his tongue. His lung now has some fluid in it. So, they think there is a very good possibility Riley bit into an electric cord and electrocuted himself. His xrays of his tummy were fine when they did the recheck so they ruled out any foreign body. They are keeping him overnight and giving him prednisone, continuing the antibiotics, and giving him a diuretic to help get rid of the fluid. They will be keeping him tonight and could be 1-2 more days depending on how he reacts to this medication. I went by to see him, with my 11 year old, and as soon as he saw us he began purring and didn't stop the entire time we were there. He was still just laying and wouldn't get up. They have him on ice packs in hopes to help bring the temp down faster. I spoke to the vet around 5:30 and she said he seems much more alert and walked to the food bowl but would not eat, probably because his mouth is hurting so badly. So, that's where we are at this point with both of my furbabies. I am so thankful for your kind posts and concern for both of them. Thank you all so very much for the support. I will keep you posted on Riley tomorrow and on Sandy throughout this journey. Will post her results as soon as I have them in hand. Thanks again!
06-19-2014, 07:11 PM
In am so sorry to hear about Riley. Have you ever seen him mess with an electrical cord before. That is scary at his age to have this happening. I know you have a lot going on, but at least you got the vet to agree on the 10mg. You are doing a great job. Is there anything caustic around your house Riley could get into? Some how a cat of that age biting an electrical cord is not convincing to me. A kitten or younger cat I would say yes. I have had cats all my life and something seems wacky here. If he bit into electric he would have been burned on his tongue immediately and you would have seen it, and he would have cried out. Anyway I am praying for you and him to get thru this. Blessings
I sure hope everything turns out ok for little Riley. That just sounds awful for the wee one. I would have never imagined that that was the cause of your poor sick kitten.
Harley PoMMom
06-19-2014, 07:58 PM
Oh Shari,
OMGoodness!!:eek::eek: Just getting caught up on your thread, glad to hear that dear Riley is feeling much better now, will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs, Lori
06-19-2014, 08:12 PM
OMG, how horrible for you! Glad Riley is improving, hopefully that continues, and Sandy gets better also. Hugs!
molly muffin
06-19-2014, 08:50 PM
Electrical! I was thinking more like a caustic plant if he was chewing playing with a leaf or something. How scary this is. I do hope he'll be okay and this will be a bad episode to put behind you.
Glad for the 10mg change, I think that will be much safer and better long term.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-19-2014, 10:03 PM
The vet did ask me if Riley could have gotten into any cleaning supplies or other poisonous substances. I told them I didn't think so and I looked around the house everything seems to be closed up tightly. The only thing I could come up with is possibly Comet but he would have had to get into the laundry room and up on the counter to get it, which is possible with him being into everything. Riley is 8 months old and into EVERYTHING and then some. He has been known to mess with electrical cords in the past but I thought we had gotten through that phase. I can say that my son said last night Riley went behind the TV downstairs when he was playing his game and when Riley got down he just laid in the floor and wasn't really active but he didn't think much of it and my son picked him up and went upstairs with him and went to bed. This was around 1:45 and he threw up at 3:30. We have noticed that our satellite isn't working and the box is downstairs where he went behind the TV. The TV was working fine when we went to sleep last night. The TV will come on but the satellite will not. We have called the company and gone through much trouble shooting and they can't come up with anything. So, that leads me to believe maybe he did something to one of those cords. I don't know, it's like grasping at straws. I guess the vet is just as confused as we are because we have no way of knowing what Riley has gotten into this time around. I am just praying that the treatment they are using which is prednisone and a diuretic to clear the lungs, IV fluids, and IV antibiotics will be a treatment that will work for either being electrocuted or a toxin that could have been ingested. It is so hard knowing he is at the vet all alone throughout the night and not knowing exactly what has happened to him. What if his temp goes up again and there is nobody there to put in fresh ice bags for him to lay on. What if he takes a turn for the worse and nobody is there with him? See, I am freaking out over here. My body is so very tired and says go to sleep so you can deal with all this tomorrow. My mind and heart won't let me rest because my poor baby is so sick. I guess between the diagnosis for Sandy and now Riley's emergency, I have just had about all I can take. My sweet Sam is the only pet who is 100% and I told him today he better hold it together because his mommy can't take anymore this week!
molly muffin
06-19-2014, 10:23 PM
Oh, sending you big hugs. It does sound like he might have gotten into a wire doesn't it. Can you pull out the satelite box with wires attached and take a look at it see if there are any teeth marks? He is such a baby at 8 months that there is no telling what he might have gotten into. :(
Yes, absolutely no more for the Year! We'll all be pulling for Riley to be better in the morning. I know I hate leaving them alone when they are sick. I wish vets office staffed someone when there was a patient there over night. :(
I'm sure you'll be on the phone first thing in the morning though so you definitely need some rest tonight. Just so you can think straight come morning. I know that is hard to do when you are worrying to so much though. :(
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-19-2014, 10:53 PM
Good Luck SheriLynnC!! I am also new to the forum and relatively new to Cushing's. All the ladies are right- I don't know why some vets start at the highest dosage. Because of this forum I HAVE HOPE! I felt so alone and now there is support as well as just knowing how others deal with symptoms/quirks/side effects.
I wish I had more to offer by way of advice, but I am new and am still trying to wrap my head around everything. BUT, the one thing I can say is that the ladies are right about the lower dose - I was more confident in going to my vet requesting a smaller dose (120 to 60).
Good Luck!!!! :)
06-20-2014, 08:33 AM
Hope Riley had improved this morning and you can bring him home. I am wondering too since you said the satellite was out, and he is prone to playing with wires. There are some covers you can buy to put your wire inside of. I would check all the wires in the house and get them covered before he comes back home. I am so sorry this happened, I just love my kitty boys so I know how you feel, especially with other things going on. Please let us know when you find out how he is today. I am praying for you all. Blessings
06-20-2014, 08:55 AM
Riley cat update for all of you who have been so kind to send him your well wishes and prayers. My husband, Chris, went by the vet a few minutes ago to check on him. Riley was up walking around and when he saw his daddy started purring away. His fever is gone also! The vet said she will keep him overnight once again because this morning when he was more stable and she could get a better look at him, she saw actual burns on his lips along with his tongue. At this point, he isn't wanting to eat or drink anything. She wants to try to get those burns in better shape so that he can eat and drink when he comes home. He will also have another chest xray to see if the fluid in his lungs is improving. So, another day at the vet for Riley cat but he seems to have turned the corner and is on the mend. I plan to take Jackson, my youngest son, to visit him later in the day and give him lots of hugs. If he pushes me away within minutes, I will know he is getting back to his old self. Riley likes to be held and loved on his own terms and when he is done with you, he's quick to let you know. I love that crazy, into everything little kitty! I will also pick up Sandy's lower dosage of meds while I am there and try to remember to get the results of her tests to post here. Hopefully, both of my furbabies will be feeling much better in the near future. I have told Sam, the only healthy pet in the bunch, that he better keep himself together and not give his mommy any more worries. Let's hope he listens. :) Thanks again so much for your prayers for Riley and your advice for Sandy. I am thankful I found this site and you all to help me through this Cushing's journey.
06-20-2014, 09:13 AM
When the furbabies are good all is well with the world!! So glad he turned the corner. If he does not want to eat when home, get some large syringes at the vets before leaving. Get baby food, suck it up and feed him. Cats cannot go long periods with out eating as it affects their liver. They get real sick with a liver disease. I have had a cat with this and know you must make them eat, I learned this thru a cat specialist back home. So happy for you and Riley cat. Good day for all. Blessings
06-20-2014, 09:21 AM
Are there any flavors of baby food that will work best? I will get to the store and be prepared for him when he gets home just in case. We surely don't need any more long term illnesses around here. Thanks a bunch for the advice. I am new to kitty parenting so I am pretty clueless. I have had lots of experience with doggy parenting and feel comfortable in that area. Well, did until Sandy was diagnosed with Cushing's which has brought on lots of fear. However, with the support here we will get through it.
06-20-2014, 10:26 AM
You can use any flavor he likes chicken, beef, ham, turkey. Just check the ingredients and make sure only the meat and broth are the ingredients, no onion. They stopped putting onion, but I still check to make sure. My one cat had gallbladder issues at times and quits eating, I keep it in the house always. It is the consistency that sucks right up in a syringe too, just get one about the size of you middle finger. Put the syringe in on an angle and give e a little at a time. Wrap the cat in a towel and get hubby to hold him have everything ready to go first. You can use this with sick dogs too. I forgot to tell you the disease they get is hepatic lipidosis. Cats should not go more than 24 hours without food. When they first get it in their mouth it stimulates them to eat too. They can eat a whole jar during the day it will help them and it's not too much. If you ever need a syringe you can get a large one at pharmacies too. I always keep xtra's in this house as my cat does this often. He will now eat the baby food when I put it on a plate for him, he loves it. Hope Riley gets home tomorrow. Blessings
06-20-2014, 11:08 AM
Thank you so much Patti. We are off in just a few minutes for a visit with Riley and I will buy the baby food and have it here and in place waiting for his arrival home. I appreciate your help through all of this. :)
06-20-2014, 11:19 AM
Yay for Riley! Who would have thought he could have been electrocuted! :eek: These furbabies can sure keep our nerves in a bunch! I hope Riley will back hone again and well before you know it!
I'm so happy too that you were able to change the Vet's idea about the mg dosage for Sandy on the Vetoryl. Trust's was the right thing to do. :)
Harley PoMMom
06-20-2014, 11:38 AM
Glad to hear that Riley is doing much better ~ whew, that was pretty scary!
As Patti has mentioned baby food should be easy enough for Riley to eat, and as Patti stated, as long as it contains no onions or onion powder. Another thing you can do is to put Riley's food into a blender or food processor and grind into a puree so Riley can just lap it up, if he seems indifferent to his regular food than you can add a bit of stinky foods to his puree mixture such tuna or sardines.
Let us know how it goes.
Hugs, Lori
molly muffin
06-20-2014, 05:39 PM
So glad to hear that Riley is doing better! This is great news.
Good ideas that the gang here have. Patti does have lots of experience with the cat/dog/bird members. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-21-2014, 08:08 AM
Hope Riley gets home today as it sounds like everyone is missing him. Does he get along good with your dog? Hope he learned his lesson with wires! He will be glad to get home to, cats do not like change. Blessings
06-22-2014, 10:18 PM
Riley is home and mostly sleeping due to his pain meds. When he isn't sleeping, he is sitting by his food bowl whining because he wants his dry food. He is not supposed to eat anything hard but he isn't thrilled with baby food or canned cat food either. Today, I have given in a bit and put water on his dry food to moisten it for him to eat. He is eating that better than anything at this point. He knows it isn't exactly what he wants though because he goes to his food container and meows very loudly at me. Other than him being spoiled rotten and wanting to eat what he wants to eat, he is doing well. He is much more cuddly than before he decided to bite into a wire. Maybe he is thankful to be alive and has decided to be more loving. :) We have 3 more days of pain meds and then we will see if he is back to his old self and getting into EVERYTHING. As for Sandy, tomorrow will be her 1st day on her 10mg of Vetoryl. I am saying my prayers and crossing my fingers that things go smoothly.
06-23-2014, 01:16 PM
I am so glad Riley cat is home. Maybe he learned his lesson! Your Sandy should do just fine on that dosage. I am so glad you lowered it. The more you read on here you will be glad too! Some dogs take longer than others for symptoms to abate. Tipper was showing results in hours that is how bad her symptoms were! All is good with both furbabies so now you can let out a sigh of relief! Blessings
06-23-2014, 03:45 PM
Sandy did great with her first dosage of meds. The vet even offered to keep her there today for observation because I was so nervous about the meds. I took her around 8 this morning and she stayed until 3:15. They said she could stay until closing but I was missing her so I went to get her a bit early. They said she did just fine and showed no reactions at all. She is home and seems to be her normal sweet self. :) Tomorrow, I will keep her at home and not make take her off to be babysat again. I will feel much more comfortable after today went so well. Love my veterinarians for offering to help me with the adjustment of the new medication. :)
06-23-2014, 03:50 PM
Great thing they did offering to watch her. My vet would have offered and then charged me an outrageous fee, so you are lucky and I am so happy for you that all is well. I remember Tipper's first dose. I sat at the park across from the vets for hours in the event she had a reaction because she is allergic to everything. Thank God she did fine too. Blessings
06-23-2014, 04:38 PM
They were great and didn't charge a dime. Our vets are very caring and treat our babies and us like family. They probably also figured with Riley's latest escapade and that huge bill we couldn't afford another dime. :) We are blessed to have found such great care for all of our furbabies!
06-23-2014, 06:28 PM
That is wonderful to have vets like that, you are very fortunate. Hope Riley and Sandy continue to do well. Blessings
molly muffin
06-23-2014, 06:50 PM
Wonderful news that Riley is home. Hopefully his mouth will heal soon and he will be able to eat his hard kibble. Kittens just find trouble everywhere and if they don't find it, they make it, I swear it's true.
This is a very safe dose you are starting at and there crossing fingers there will be no problems at all with Sandy. Typically, and every dog is different but you tend to notice changes around maybe day 10 if it is working. Some do show earlier or later, but that is probably the average I've noticed here on the fourm.
Hang in there. You are doing fine and what wonderful vets you have.
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-30-2014, 05:14 PM
How is Riley cat doing? Is he bothering with any wires? I hope he is being good.I am also wondering how Sandy is doing on her treatment? Hope everything is going well. Blessings
molly muffin
07-01-2014, 08:51 PM
Hey there! How are things going on the animal farm? Hope to hear that both are doing excellent now and you are having a quiet spell.
Sharlene and molly muffin
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