View Full Version : Little Katrina Has An Adrenal Tumor (Katrina has passed) 8/19/2009
06-07-2009, 10:26 PM
I am so relieved to have found this forum! We were in Europe from April 17th till May 21st. Our two little doxies were with us as always. On May 13th our doxie Katrina suddenly started panting heavily with rapid respiration. It got so bad that she was collapsing. We rushed her to a veterarian who stabilized her. The next day the same thing happened and we took her to a specialty clinic. She was there for three days and nights. The German doctors said she had pneumonia. Somehow that didn't seem right because she was eating like a little fiend and running and playing with her sister when not having a panting, breathing attack. They released her so we could fly home. The night before we were to come back she had another attack at 2 AM. We called a taxi and the driver flew down the autobahn at 120 miles per hour to get us to the emergency clinic. The young woman vet sedated her and the next morning ran extensive tests. The ultrasound showed a 24mm adrenal tumor. Doctor ran tests to verify Cushing's as well.
We flew back home with Katrina sedated and the next morning took her to a board certified surgeon at a large clinic in Akron, Ohio. The German doctor and our regular doctor recommend the tumor be taken out. I have a medical background and my research indicates that it is most likely a functional pheochromacytoma. Needless to say, my nerves are in shards and I am very concerned about my sweet little Katrina. I would appreciate any information and comfort, especially from owners that have experienced their dogs having adrenal surgery. Her surgery is to be June 12th.
Roxee's Dad
06-07-2009, 10:44 PM
Hi Candy,
I would like to welcome both you & Katrina to our forum. I'm certainly sorry to hear that Katrina is facing a cushing's diagnosis, but I'm very glad you found us.
We have a few members that have had their pups adrenal tumor successfully removed. The wekends can be a little slow sometimes but I am sure they will be along to help you sort thru this.
Can you tell us anymore about the cushings test that were performed?
06-08-2009, 01:57 AM
Hi Candy,
First of all, welcome. I'm so glad you found this forum, but sorry to learn about the panting episodes Katrina has been having. They sound so similar to the attacks that our Beardie-mix, Sam, had, which turned out to be caused by a functional pheochromocytoma in his right adrenal gland.
I don't have a medical background as you do, but when Sam was diagnosed with an adrenal tumor, I got on the internet and read everything I could about adrenalectomy in dogs, during the course of which I discovered that pheochromocytoma was probably what had been causing Sam's particular episodes of panting w/BP spikes. It probably also explained why his Cushings tests had come back negative, even though he seemed to have most of the Cushings symptoms. (In fact, it was while researching the Cushings part of the equation that I found this forum.)
I should mention that Sam's tumor had also invaded the caudal vena cava, making it a daunting presentation for any surgeon. However, we were extremely fortunate to have a highly-skilled, board-certified surgeon here in CT who was able to take the case and successfully remove the tumor and repair the vein.
Your surgeon may already have told you that as challenging as the surgery can be, the post-op care is critical as well. Sam was in hospital for 6 days after the operation. He had a couple of complications but the skilled staff and 24/7 care got him through it all. Needless to say, my husband and I could have used 24/7 care ourselves just to get us through all of it, but that's another story ;)
As you know, this is not a trivial operation, but the good news is that it's done with much greater frequency and success nowadays by specialty and teaching hospitals. These state-of-the-art facilities are really pretty extraordinary.
I know this is going to be a very hard week or two, but if you have any questions, please fire away. You have the support of everyone on the forum behind you, any time, day or night. We'll be thinking about you and little Katrina, so please keep us posted, okay?
Squirt's Mom
06-08-2009, 11:49 AM
Hi Candy and welcome to you and Katrina! :)
I am so sorry to hear of the troubles your little baby has already suffered. :( How scary all that must have been for you and hubby. And a trip at 120mph down the autobahn!!! Did you breath at all during that ride? :p It sounds like she got good care in Germany, tho.
We have several folks here who have been down the adrenalectomy path and I'm sure they will be along soon to offer their experience and support along with Carol's. I do know that you will want a board certified surgeon to do the surgery as I'm sure you also know. ;) Be sure to check out the Resources section where you will find some links on adrenal tumors and the surgery.
K9C Resource section:
I am glad you are here and hope to learn more about the both of you in the future. We will be with you all the way, Candy. You don't have to take this journey alone.
Leslie and the girls
06-08-2009, 03:21 PM
Hi Candy,
I am just welcoming you to the forum. There are a number here with experiece in this area, I am not one of them.
I am so sorry you and Katrina are dealing with this but I am glad you are here, we will stay by you as you try to find the best treatment path for your pup.
06-08-2009, 08:08 PM
John, Carol, Leslie and Scott,
Thank you so much for answering quickly! This forum is great! I have read all through it.
Carol----How is Sam doing now? Was it a long recovery? From everything I have read, the surgery has a high mortality rate and that really concerns me. Post surgery can have serious complications as well. Neither my husband nor I can remember hardly anything the surgeon said because we had terrible jet lag combined with high anxiety over Katrina. We are sure though that he did not mention any surgery complications. I am thinking of making another appointment with him before allowing the surgery on June 12th. Also, I did not care for the internal medicine doctor that the surgeon had us speak with. She did not seem to know enough about Cushings and adrenal tumors. My research verified it. Any advice from you or other members would be much appreciated.
Hugs from Katrina, Heidi, Candy and Joe
06-08-2009, 10:05 PM
Hi Candy,
A warm welcome to you and Katrina. My dog, Shiloh, had her adrenalectomy in October, 2006 and is truly doing great today at 14 1/2 years old. She had a very large, malignant cortical tumor (adrenocortical carcinoma) removed by a very highly skilled and experienced board certified surgeon. He was assisted by another wonderful bcs who interned under him. I had to wait a full two weeks for him to return from Germany to perform Shi's surgery. I really believe you want to be sure you have the very best surgeon you can find for Katrina. This is a serious surgery. My surgeon said they have an 85% long term success rate with surgeries such as Shiloh's. He probably does 6-8 adrenalectomies a year and I'm sure he has performed scores of them.
Shiloh didn't have any problems in post-op and she recovered uneventfully. She stayed at the hospital for 3 1/2 days after her surgery. She was kinda in a daze for the first 3 days. She would go outside and walk with me, do her business and come back in and drink a bunch of water. She was happy to just stay there. I went to visit her late the night of the third day and she totally changed. She was wagging her tail, kissing me, she ate and she clearly told me she wanted to go home.
As soon as she got home I could tell she felt better and was much happier than she had been for several months before the adrenalectomy. Then, she just continued to get better and better and better month after month. As you know, a successful adrenalectomy provides a complete cure. I'm sending you just one link to a pretty good site:
We will be here for you in every way we can. My only suggestion is for you to not be in a big hurry....make sure you have the most skilled and experienced surgeon you can find in a state of the art facility with 24 hour veterinary care.
06-08-2009, 10:10 PM
Hi Candy,
Sam succumbed to another illness almost two and a half years after his surgery. In fact, he actually had a second adrenalectomy almost two years after the first. That surgery was easy compared to the first one -- no vein invasion, the tumor was NOT a pheo, and it was the left adrenal. (The right is trickier to access.) Ultimately, it was a brain tumor that took him from us.
Sam's recovery from the first surgery, once he was home, was remarkably quick given how complex the operation and the post-op period had been. (It's the first 48 hours after surgery particularly that requires careful monitoring, longer if the tumor is a pheo.) Needless to say, it was a very tough week for us all, but we soon had our boy back for the next two years, healthy and happy. Without surgery, he would have died, so we really felt it was the only choice and were glad we had put our faith in the doctors who saved him.
Like you, I was worried sick after reading (in 2003) of the risks involved in the removal of a pheo. (Sounds like you've read some of the same articles!) Our surgeon, on the other hand, while certainly mindful of all the potential complications, was very confident and had performed numerous such surgeries before. He was the kind of surgeon who clearly rose to the challenge of a difficult case. In Sam's case, love and good hands saved the day.
Could you tell us which adrenal gland is affected in Katrina's case, and how old she is? Does the surgeon, himself, suspect a pheochromocytoma, and if so, have they started her on beta-blockers to better prepare her for surgery? As a board certified surgeon in a large clinic, I would imagine that he has considerable experience performing adrenal surgery. Did he discuss it with you? If you do meet with him again before the scheduled date, these are some of the things I would ask about.
As for Cushings tests, which ones did Katrina have and what were the results? As I mentioned previously, Sam's were all negative, since his tumor's release of catecholamines and the like were the cause of all of his symptoms, and not the usual over-production of cortisol that causes Cushings. It helped that Sam's internal med specialist was an expert in the treatment of adrenal-based disease. In fact, he wound up assisting our surgeon (among other staff) during the 3-1/2 hour surgery.
Your surgeon can tell you more about possible complications, but in Sam's case, they were mostly heart and BP-related -- arrhythmias and BP spikes. (He also refused food his entire stay at the hospital, soon rectified at home!) He was on heart meds for some time after the operation, but eventually was weaned off. His energy level returned within a week or so of being home, so that we really had to keep him down a bit so that he could heal properly.
There are a number of others on this forum who have experience with adrenalectomy, most of which I would say have been quite successful. None as successful as Sam, however, having had TWO :eek: .... (if you can call that success!) But at least he's a testament to the fact that adrenalectomy, even with a pheo, can be extremely rewarding.
06-09-2009, 07:36 PM
Good evening everyone!
Ken, Thank you for sharing the story of Shiloh. It's very encouraging and heartwarming as well as amazing. A sweet girl now 14 1/2 years! I printed out the link you gave. I know not to rush into the surgery. Read my message to Carol here. The doctor is board certified and performs 3 to 4 adrenalectomies per month.
Carol, I am so sorry that Sam is no longer with you! His story brought tears to my eyes. Poor guy had to go through two adrenal surgeries. From what I have researched, I think that is quite unusual. Katrina is 11 1/2 years old and weighs 9 1/2 pounds. She is very active and a great little watchdog. The tumor is 24 mm and is in the left adrenal gland. It is very likely a pheo. You will be pleased to know that I have cancelled the surgery for Friday in order to have her begin beta blockers. The surgeon will call tomorrow and discuss it with me. Also, I requested a different internist because the first one never discussed beta blockers or many other vitally important issues. We have an appointment with the new internist on Friday.
We are grateful for all the caring people on this forum!
06-09-2009, 08:00 PM
I'm glad you are getting her on stabilizing medication before doing the surgery. Last year there was a dog here with a "normal" adrenal tumor (ie not a pheo - just cortisol/steroid hormones) and he was put on an alpha and beta blocker 10 days or so prior to the surgery.
I don't know whether the IMS and the surgeon in question always liked to do this with all adrenal surgeries (makes sense) of if there was something about the size and shape of the tumor on imaging that made them feel that this was necessary. Possibly they weren't sure if there wasn't a pheo component to the tumor. His surgery went really well (pathology showed that it was not any sort of pheo) and he made a full recovery and his Cushing's was cured. He did, nevertheless (if I'm remembering correctly), have a bit of a BP glitch at one point during the surgery - this seems to be quite common in adrenal surgeries even without a pheo.
Here's a link to some info on pheo surgery and medication in humans: - although you have probably found it or something equivalent already!
Does sound like you need another IMS, unfortunately.:(
06-09-2009, 09:33 PM
Carol, I am so sorry that Sam is no longer with you! His story brought tears to my eyes. Poor guy had to go through two adrenal surgeries. From what I have researched, I think that is quite unusual.
Hi Candy.... You're right, it's very unusual, not to mention unlucky, but so was Sam :(. He had been in two no-kill shelters for a total of 6 months before we found him on Petfinder. We adopted him after we learned that someone had adopted him and "returned" him the next day, :eek: poor baby. He didn't have the best of luck, our sweet Sammy, but he had a good long run with us until health issues caught up with him. It was horribly unfair.... he deserved a longer life, and we were devastated after all we'd been through together to lose him. We loved him so and were glad we could at least give him the home he deserved for the second half of his life. Even today, he's never far away... ;)
Katrina is 11 1/2 years old and weighs 9 1/2 pounds. She is very active and a great little watchdog. The tumor is 24 mm and is in the left adrenal gland. It is very likely a pheo.
Right off the bat, you're better off that it's in the left gland, and apparently contained? Also good news. Whether or not it's a pheo, they will go in prepared for any eventuality, which is why beta blockers are useful beforehand if possible. In Sam's case, he was on them for only a few days since the vein invasion was a bit of a ticking timebomb and could have proved catastrophic, so there was more of a sense of urgency to get the surgery done as soon as possible.
You will be pleased to know that I have cancelled the surgery for Friday in order to have her begin beta blockers. The surgeon will call tomorrow and discuss it with me. Also, I requested a different internist because the first one never discussed beta blockers or many other vitally important issues. We have an appointment with the new internist on Friday.
That's very good news. Now that you've had time to do some research, I'm sure you'll feel better going over everything in more detail with both the surgeon and the new internist. Oh, BTW, were Katrina's tests indeed positive for Cushings? It still may be a cortical tumor, in which case the surgery should be relatively straightforward. Serious, yes, but a bit less fraught. Again, most dogs with left-side tumors on this list have done pretty well.
Thanks for keeping us posted. I'll be interested to hear how you like the new internist!
(((hugs))) to you and Katrina
- Carol
06-11-2009, 09:48 PM
Good evening everyone!
I am very disappointed with the surgeon. He was to call me yesterday to discuss a few questions I needed answered. He did not call, so I called the clinic today and I was put on hold. His secretary came back and said that he would call me shortly after 2 PM when he completed surgery. It's almost 10 PM and no phone call. I am upset and don't know what to think or do.
Alison, I hope the new internal medicine doctor will be more knowledgeable than the last one. Thanks very much for the link.
Carol, yes, the German doctor verified Cushings. I really wish I was back in Germany so that clinic could do the surgery. The American surgeon (one who is not returning calls) said the tumor appears to be contained. Do you know if 24 mm, which is less than one inch is considered large? Would you be able to tell me more about a cortical tumor?
To all------I will post tomorrow how the visit went with the new internal med doctor.
Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
06-12-2009, 09:26 AM
Hi Candy,
Sorry things are not going smoothly and I hope you do better today. Looking forward to your post.
06-12-2009, 09:57 AM
Good evening everyone!
Do you know if 24 mm, which is less than one inch is considered large? Would you be able to tell me more about a cortical tumor?
Re: Size - according to the previously linked article (by Ken):
The first consideration is to be certain an adrenal mass exists. Abdominal ultrasound should always be repeated to confirm the mass is a repeatable finding. An adrenal mass is suspected when the maximum width of the adrenal gland exceeds 1.5 cm, there is loss of the typical 'kidney bean' shape of the gland, and there is asymmetry in shape and size between the affected adrenal gland and the contra lateral adrenal gland.
Katrina's tumor is 2.4 cm.
Adrenalectomy is the treatment of choice if the mass is malignant and has not spread but adrenalectomy may not be indicated if the mass is benign, small, and hormonally inactive. Unfortunately, it is not easy to determine if an adrenal mass is malignant or benign prior to surgical removal and histopathologic evaluation. Guidelines to suggest malignancy include size of the mass, invasion of the mass into surrounding organs and blood vessels, and identification of additional mass lesions with abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiographs. The bigger the mass the more likely it is malignant and the more likely metastasis has occurred, regardless of findings on abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiographs.
Since Katrina's tumor is apparently functional and possibly a pheo, removal is the treatment of choice.
Adreno-cortical tumor is the more common adrenal tumor found and causes Cushings (this is the type of tumor Ken's Shiloh had removed)
An adrenal tumor may be functional (i.e., producing and secreting a hormone) or nonfunctional. Excess secretion of cortisol, catecholamines, aldosterone, progesterone, and steroid hormone precursors has been documented. A cortisol-secreting adrenal mass causing hyperadrenocorticism is the most common functional adrenal tumor identified in dogs and cats. In addition to the typical clinical signs and clinicopathologic findings associated with hyperadrenocorticism, abdominal ultrasound should reveal a small or atrophied contra lateral adrenal gland; atrophy is a result of suppression of pituitary ACTH secretion. Tests of the pituitary-adrenocortical axis (i.e., ACTH stimulation test, low dose dexamethasone suppression test, endogenous ACTH concentration) are used to confirm adrenal-dependent hyperadrenocorticism.
No doubt your new internist will explain all of this when you meet with him/her today. We look forward to hearing the results of your visit!
How has Katrina been feeling this past week? Any more attacks?
06-13-2009, 11:56 PM
Haven't posted to you before, but have been following Katrina's story.
Just checking in to see how your visit with the new vet went. And if the surgeon ever got back to you. Sometimes doggie surgeons are just as bad as people surgeons with bedside manners, but they are skillful surgeons. Hoping this is the case.
Katrina is tiny but mighty. I know you will provide her with the best chance possible, and in turn, she will give it her best fight.
Healing thoughts & prayers.
~ Mary Ann
06-14-2009, 01:50 PM
Good afternoon Carol, Mary Ann and everyone,
Carol----Thanks for posting the information. Katrina's tumor is 24 mm, not 2.4 cm, thank goodness! She hasn't had any more attacks. Grateful and crossing my fingers.
Mary Ann----The surgeon never called. That might be a blessing. I will explain why below.
Katrina's visit with the new internal medicine doctor was encouraging. The doc was very thorough and spent one full hour with us, asking dozens of questions. She examined Katrina extensively and took her vitals. Her blood pressure is OK. One of her own dogs has an adrenal tumor and she is treating it with meds. She explained the high risks of surgery, especially with a dog as small as Katrina. Doctor ordered more blood chemestries and hematologies. Blood was also drawn for a adrenal panel to be sent to Dr. Oliver. She also called Dr. Oliver to ask if there is a definitive test for a pheochromacytoma and he referred her to a doctor in Utrect, Netherlands. Some of the test results will be ready Monday or Tuesday. Adrenal panel results in 10 to 14 days. I would really like to know if anyone here decided to treat their dogs adrenal tumor with meds instead of surgery and what the results were.
Hugs from Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
06-14-2009, 05:41 PM
Good afternoon Carol, Mary Ann and everyone,
Carol----Katrina's tumor is 24 mm, not 2.4 cm, thank goodness! She hasn't had any more attacks. Grateful and crossing my fingers.
Hi Candy -- Just to be clear, I believe you'll find that 24 mm IS 2.4 cm.
One of her own dogs has an adrenal tumor and she is treating it with meds. She explained the high risks of surgery, especially with a dog as small as Katrina.
True, it is trickier to remove the gland in a smaller dog. And yes, you can treat an adrenal tumor with meds, as several have opted to do on this forum (I'm sure you'll be hearing from them).
The advantage to surgery, of course, is that it can provide a complete cure. If you're dealing with a cortisol-producing tumor, treatment with Cushings meds can be effective for some dogs. If the tumor is a pheo, I'm not sure treatment with meds is recommended, but that's for your internist to address.
The dosage for treating adrenal tumors is higher than for pituitary-based Cushings, so it becomes a management issue, requiring very close monitoring. However, it can be life-extending.
I'm so glad you have a good specialist to advise you! Makes all the difference.
06-15-2009, 12:36 PM
Carol---Thanks for telling me the size in cm's. I hope other members that have had their dogs adrenal tumor treated with meds will post. I need all the information possible in order to help little Katrina.
Squirt's Mom
06-15-2009, 01:18 PM
Hi Candy,
The only case I can think of right now where the pup was treated medically is Nikki, but I don't think her mom, Michelle, has made it here yet. Nikki was treated with Lyso for over a year and did quite well.
One thing I want to mention to IMS is not a surgeon. They don't have the education or surgical experiences that a surgeon does, tho they are specialists. Before I decided against the surgery for Katrina, I would talk with a board certified surgeon who has several adrenalectomies under his/her belt. An experienced surgeon is the only one who can tell you with any degree of accuracy whether she is a candidate or not and whether surgery could offer a cure for her.
I'm glad you liked the new IMS! The first one we dealt with was awful. I really like the one we use now, tho.
Hang in there! You are doing a wonderful job for your baby.
Leslie and the girls
06-15-2009, 04:44 PM
Hi Leslie,
We did consult a board certified surgeon three weeks ago and he did not explain anything at all about complications. I have called him three times over the past two weeks requesting he call to explain surgery and post surgery complications. He still has not called! I just don't know what to think! He is part of the same group as Katrina's new internal medicine doctor.
06-15-2009, 08:23 PM
Maybe it is time to contact your IMS and let her know you are not happy with the surgeon and can she recommend someone else. You have to be confident and happy with your surgeon, if he/she is not calling you back and you havent even began the process yet what are the odds he/she will call you back when your dog has had the surg or if you have issues? Michelle is the only one I can think of that treated her dog with meds, I think there were others but I dont think they stayed with us. This is information that Alison posted to another member: Now the site is down the links dont work, but maybe someone can find some info with the names.
Here are a few links to some threads of members who's dogs have been treated for adrenal tumors:
Michelle/Nikki (ForeverMomof4) (Medical - Lysodren)
Ken/Shiloh (Buffaloe) (Surgical)
Helen/Josie (Myjosiegirl) (Medical - Lysodren)
Karen/Lottie (karenj) (Medical - Trilostane)
I did a search and found this pg but can not find any of the people mentioned when I searched maybe others can find their threads or parts of them
06-15-2009, 10:53 PM
Thanks very much Sharon! Yes, you are right. The links don't work. We will be getting the results of the Adrenal Panel in 10 to 14 days and the results of all the other tests sooner. One thing the surgeon said was that there is no hurry for the surgery. In view of that I am thinking of having another ultrasound done on Katrina in August or September to see if the tumor has gotten any bigger. Her last ultrasound was May 21st. I don't think it would be possible to get another surgeon as qualified as this one. The only other possibility would be Ohio State University, however they would most likely want to repeat all the tests and we have already paid over $2,000 to the clinic we have taken Katrina to. (Not to mention $1,600 to the doctors in Germany). Just wondering if an adrenal biopsy could be done.
It's a very difficult situation. We adore Katrina and want to do the right thing for her. She and her sister Heidi are our precious children. Somehow I have to calm down and work things out. I am grateful for the kind and helpful people on this forum and would like any input/advice Hugs!
Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
06-15-2009, 11:11 PM
Hi Candy...
I can't offer you much advice about adrenal surgery, but my dog Lucy just underwent pituitary surgery about a month ago, where they took everything out, and so far so good...knock on wood:)
It's been a rough road, and I know what you're going through now. In my case I didn't have a choice. Lucy's tumor was too big and she didn't have much longer.
I can only say I'm a fan of surgery now. And I never met and/or talked to the actual surgeon that did Lucy's surgery, as it was a human surgeon. I'd really like to thank him now, though.
I know Ken's story of Shiloh was a great comfort to me. You guys should talk, if you haven't already. Good luck to you, and I'll be anxious to hear what happens:)
Gina and Lucy
06-16-2009, 11:40 PM
Hi Candy,
I understand how difficult all of this is for you. Going through Shiloh's whole adrenal tumor ordeal was the toughest thing I have experienced in many years.
No, they really don't biopsy adrenal tumors. Also, there are at least eight different types of them. One time my surgeon rattled off the names of about six and said there were at least a couple more. I think it is common for them not to know what particular type of adrenal tumor a dog has until the surgery or even until they receive the pathology report.
As far as the size of Katrina's tumor, I can only tell you about Shiloh's. Hers was 4.7 cm x 5.5 cm. as measured by her first ultrasound. According to my surgeon, it was quite a bit larger by the time it was removed. It was considered a "huge" tumor and it was malignant. Shiloh weighs 75 pounds.
I think your best sources to learn about the effectiveness of any of the medicines to treat adrenal tumors are all of your veterinary professionals and the veterinary textbooks and manuals. Lysodren seems to be the one most commonly used for adrenal tumors.
Whenever I need to talk with my surgeon I make an appointment. His initial consultations are extensive and last 40 minutes or so. Then, I've called his facility and booked "follow-up" consultations and they're just 10-15 minutes and are much less expensive. I believe the only times I've ever spoken with him on the phone were right after her surgeries.
One thing he told me that might be of interest to you: He said all he cares about is the size of the tumor(s) and their involvement with area blood vessels. I've picked his brain about this stuff quite a bit. He doesn't care whether there is one tumor or two and I don't think he's overly concerned about the type or which gland it's in. He's concerned with its involvement with the caudal vena cava and other blood vessels.
Hang in there. You will make the correct choices for Katrina.
06-17-2009, 05:12 PM
Yipeee! Doctor called as promised! I think this internal med lady will work out. Will post more later, after I am done teaching music students.
Squirt's Mom
06-17-2009, 05:30 PM
Hi Candy,
Yipee!! Looking forward to your next post. :D
Do Re Me Fa So La Te Da! :p
Leslie and the girls
06-18-2009, 12:52 AM
Hi everyone,
It's been a long day and night. Taught four music students, gave one Astrology reading and just finished making Grand Marnier truffles dipped in Belgian chocolate.
Katrina's lady intern called with the test results. It was good news so far. We spoke for almost one hour. Katrina's hemogloubin, hematacrit, Bun and Alkaline phosphatase have improved and her ECG is normal. We have to wait for the results of the adrenal panel to try to determine what kind of tumor it is. The doctor is going to send copies of all the results of Katrina's tests as well as a 2009 WSAVA printout of Dr. Nelson's talk on adrenal tumors at the convention. I think I read that he is head of veterinary endocrinology at UCLA, Davis.
Have you noticed the avatar I put up? That's my little Katrina with her leg bandaged. It was taken the last night we were in Frankfurt, Germany.
Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
06-18-2009, 01:10 AM
Hi Ken,
I am glad that Shiloh had a successful surgey. How long ago was it done? You probably mentioned it somewhere here, but there is a lot I haven't gotten to read. I am very curious as to how long dogs have these adrenal tumors before they are found and if they are slow growing or otherwise. Yes, Katrina's doctor said that if it is a adrenalcortical tumor, not functional and generally less than 3mm, Lysodren can be tried first. This is how she is treating her own dog. Ultrasounds would be given every 2, 4 and 6 months to monitor the tumor. Yes, she also mentioned the caudal vena cava and it's implications.
Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
Roxee's Dad
06-18-2009, 03:54 PM
Hi Candy,
Very cute avatar of Katrina. We would love to see some more pictures.
I hope the good news keeps comming your way.
Harley PoMMom
06-18-2009, 04:51 PM
Hi Candy,
I've been following your story and although I can't offer any advice, I can do alot of hand-holding :D
Your avatar of Katrina, she is adorable.
Grand Marnier truffles dipped in Belgian chocolate.
now this sounds scrumptious :D
Best of luck to you and Katrina.
06-18-2009, 06:54 PM
Hi everyone,
...just finished making Grand Marnier truffles dipped in Belgian chocolate. Hugs!
Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
I am sorry to go off topic but those sound too good to be true. :D
Do you take orders? I am quite sure this group could give you orders to establish a full time business! Wait til Louise and Beth see this! Yum Yum.
BTW I love the photo of Katrina. Glad you posted it!
06-20-2009, 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by frijole
I am sorry to go off topic but those sound too good to be true.
Do you take orders? I am quite sure this group could give you orders to establish a full time business! Wait til Louise and Beth see this! Yum Yum.
Hi Candy,
Well, Kim (frijole) was right....I'm Louise and I'm salivating just thinking about your Grand Marnier truffles dipped in Belgian chocolate.....mmmmmmm!!!
I've just finished reading Katrina's story. Wow, you've been through some really rough and frightening episodes with her. Unfortunately, I'm not amongst those who have had experience with adrenal tumors so can't help there. However, I would like to applaud you for being extremely thorough and doing such a good job of educating yourself on Katrina's behalf. She's one lucky little girl to have you for her Mom and advocate.
Will be following your updates and want wish both you and Katrina the very best.
06-22-2009, 01:06 PM
Just a quick update. I have been very busy teaching and spending several hours every day searching for everything possible on adrenal tumors. We should be getting the results of Katrina's adrenal panel this week and then I hope we can come up with the proper treatment. Last Sunday I bought her one pound of calves liver to help her anemia. Her nails had gone from black to almost all white. She gets two ounces of liver every day. Her intern thought it was an excellent idea. Color is coming back in her nails. I am off now to buy her more as she is down to the last two ounces.
Hugs and blessings,
Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
Squirt's Mom
06-22-2009, 01:39 PM
Hi Candy,
Research is a great thing for you to do! The more you know, the better things will go for Katrina. Way to go!!! :cool::):cool:
Some info on foods that contain iron and how much:
Source: USDA Database
Amount – in mg (milligrams) unless otherwise noted
Clams, canned 28
Pumpkin Seeds(kernel) 15
Chicken Liver 11.3
Quinoa 9.2
Beef liver 6.5
Beef heart 6.4
Tofu w/calcium sulfate 5.4
Pumpkin Seed whole 3.31
Just in case Katrina would like some variety. ;)
Hang in there!
Leslie and the girls
06-22-2009, 10:02 PM
Good evening everyone,
A lot of Katrina's bloodwork has improved, hemogloubin, hematacrit, alk phos, bun and more. Her Ecg is normal. Still waiting for the results of the adrenal panel from doctor Oliver.
Kim & Louise---I am eating myself crosseyed with my chocolates. Not just Grand Marnier truffles. I also made honey marshmallow rocky road, brandy cherries and gourmet bars based on Mars bars. I used to have a chocolate business, but am way too busy with music to do it any more.
Leslie----Thanks very much for the list of goodies containing iron. Based on that, I bought Katrina three pounds of chicken livers today. My husband had two huge German bratwursts for his lunch today and Katrina jumped up like greased lightening and grabbed one! I had to chase her to retrieve it. I had a heck of a time getting it out of her mouth! Doxies have very strong jaws. They were bred to hunt badgers. I got a message to be your friend. I clicked it and hope it went through.
Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
07-01-2009, 10:38 PM
Hi Candy,
Just checking to see how little Katrina is doing.
I really got a good chuckle about the sausage. :D
It is amazing how fast those little legs can take them
to a place where no one else can fit.
Especially if connected with food!!!!:D:D:D:D:D
~ Mary Ann
07-01-2009, 11:35 PM
Hi Mary Ann,
Thanks so much for inquiring about little Katrina. I got the results of the adrenal panel in the mail today and they aren't good. Almost everything except cortisol way out of range (high). I am suspecting that the Trilostan (Vetoryl) might be responsible. Katrina was only off of it for about 15 days when her blood was drawn for the adrenal panel. Of course I did not know at the time that Trilostan can cause several hormones to rise significantly. Since then I have read on the forum that doctor Oliver recommends that the animal be off of it for four weeks prior to the test. I have a raging sinus headache right now, but will post Katrina's results tomorrow.
Katrina is much better than she was in Europe. No collapsing or panting, less water drinking. She has tremendous energy, playing with her ball and running around the house as well as barking at everything that moves outside. Hard to believe she will be twelve in November, but then Scorpios are very strong. We have an appointment with her intern on July 9th, so we will try to come to a solution regarding the adrenal tumor. I requested another ultrasound to be done on that day as well. Last Friday her nice intern called and I felt so bad that I started crying over the phone. I just want my baby to be ok and live several more years. Mini Doxies live between 14 and 17 years, actually longer in Germany.
07-07-2009, 10:59 PM
Here are the results of Katrina's adrenal panel.
(baseline) range post ACTH range
Cortisol ng/ml 53.0 2.1-58.8 168.5 65.0-174.6
Androstenedione 1.18* 0.05-0.57 8.2* 0.27-3.97
Estradiol pg/ml 96.0* 30.8-69.9 99.8* 27.9-69.2
Progesterone ng/ml 0.83* 0.03-0.49 14.0* 0.10-1.50
17 OH Progesterone 1.75* 0.08-0.77 22.0* 0.40-1.62
Aldosterone pg/ml*** 251.1* 11-139.9 992.9* 72.9-398.5
I think it is possible that these values are exceedingly high because Katrina was on prednisone and after that Trilostan. She was only off of Trilostan for 2 1/2 weeks before the adrenal panel was done. Please tell me what you think of this.
Harley PoMMom
07-07-2009, 11:15 PM
Hi Candy,
I think I would have to agree with you there about the Trilo elevating the hormones, especially without a washout time when getting the panel done you really don't know the "true starting values" of the hormones, that's JMO, tho, other's may differ.:)
Harley PoMMom
07-07-2009, 11:20 PM
Candy here is were I got that info from.
Hi Jeff,
What Debbie said is very true because with the Ketoconizole and Zoe she was doing fairly well (or as could be expected at that time) Dr. Oliver spoke with our vet when we asked for this testing to be done and it was recommended that we stop her medications in order to get the best results possible. With zoe it was recommended 3-4 week prior to testing but when we discovered she regressed really quickly our goal was to have her off 2 weeks minimum, I think we made it to 18 days off and just could not swing another day as she was getting lots of break through symptoms. Have your vet contact the U of Tenn for their really do want to get the best (most accurate possible)
Good luck and please let me know if there is any other questions or even just chat.
Take care and puppy hugs always,
Heather and Zoe Claire
07-08-2009, 12:33 AM
Candy, I have moved the thread with Katrina's adrenal panel results into the original thread you had started for her. We always like to keep all information for a pup on one thread, so we can refer back to older posts as needed.
PS- I did edit the title to let other members know that Katrina's UTK panel results are posted for review. If you want the title changed to something else, just PM one of the mods or administrators & we will be happy to do that for you.
Squirt's Mom
07-08-2009, 11:32 AM
Hi Candy,
Did you get the treatment sheet along with the results? At the bottom of the results sheet there should be a treatment consideration/recommendation listed as numbers, as in #2, 3, and 5. Could you tell us what the treatment #s are on the result sheet? I am surprised at the cortisol level...with the adrenal tumor I would expect that value to be elevated.
It is entirely possible that the Trilo had an effect on the results. As Lori said, you may not know the true values in the natural state as a result. If it were me, and the funds were available, I think I would wait a few more weeks and repeat the UTK panel. But that's just me; it would really bother me to think these results may not be accurate and I would be too concerned to start treatment of any kind based on them. But again, that's just me. :p
Hang in there, you're doing a great job!
Leslie and the girls
PS. As another Scorpio, I have to agree with your assessment! :D;)
07-09-2009, 10:12 PM
Little Katrina had her follow up ultrasound yesterday and the tumor has grown slightly and changed shape. Her internal medicine doctor feels she will have to have surgery. We will meet with the specialist surgeon Tuesday at 2 PM. I am very worried and depressed over this! Very scared for my baby.
Squirt's Mom
07-10-2009, 12:13 PM
Hi Candy,
I know you are terrified at the prospect of adrenal surgery for Katrina. It is a serious operation, but we have had several here who are doing quite well after having this done. Ken and Shiloh (Buffaloe), and Brenda and Kaizer (Threedoglady) are two success stories I can think of off the top of my head. I am sure they will be along to share their experiences and knowledge with you.
The key to this surgery is to have a board-certified surgeon who has performed this procedure numerous times with a good success rate. Take the time to look for the best surgeon you can find.
Here is a link on adrenalectomies that has some good info along with pics that will give you an idea of what to expect. I am sure there have been advancements since this site was set up, too.
Newman Veterinary* my
Note: This website contains informative illustrations and diagrams
Candy, we are with you on this all the way. Please keep in touch and know you are NOT alone.
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
07-10-2009, 01:02 PM
Hi Candy,
Altho I can't offer any advice, know that I am here...holding your hand, we all are here for you and Katrina.
You and Katrina are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs to you both.
Harley PoMMom
07-13-2009, 04:13 PM
The best of luck to you and Katrina tomorrow with the meeting of the specialist surgeon.
Will be saying special prayers tonight for you both.
Please let us know how it goes.
Hugs to you both.
07-13-2009, 11:39 PM
I hope the surgeon is as good as your IMS and everything clicks so that you can have the confidence to put your baby in good hands.
I know that scared doesn't even start to describe your feelings. But please don't be depressed. You are doing everything possible to help Katrina. You may not like what you are having to deal with, but you should be happy and proud of yourself for what your are doing and how you are dealing with it. Keep strong.
We will be waiting for an update after your meeting with the surgeon.
Sending out healing thoughts and prayers for little Katrina.
Also soothing and calming vibes for Mom!!
Hugs ~ Mary Ann
07-16-2009, 07:20 PM
Hi Candy,
Checking in to see how you and little Katrina are doing.
Hugs and prayers for you both.
~Mary Ann
07-16-2009, 08:31 PM
My name is Gabrielle and we have a beautiful fourteen-year-old beagle whose health has been wonderful until the last few months when he came down with Cushing's.
He was put on Vetoryl, but it seemed to lower his cortisol too fast and he went into cortisol withdrawal. We caught it fast, though, and he recovered nicely. When we restarted Vetoryl at a lower dose, he developed pancreatitis, which we also caught very early, and he's recovering nicely now with no complications. We don't know what to do about the Vetoryl, though. We hope Charlie can continue to take it once he's finished with his antibiotics.
We'd love to have an ultrasound to see if his is adrenal or pituitary based, but we are having a difficult time scraping together the money. We live near Ohio State University, so a good surgeon is close by if Charlie needs surgery. Unfortunately, one of us was a victim of "outsourcing" and hasn't been able to find another job yet, while the other (me) has had to take a pay cut to save her job. We'd do anything for Charlie, though. We'd spend our last penny if we could. He's priceless.
I just want to say I'm happy to have found this forum, and I want to give my condolences to all who have lost their best friends, and my prayers to all who are dealing with this devastating disorder. I care about you all.
07-17-2009, 01:45 AM
Hello everyone. We met with the surgeon and he answered my questions. I must say he has a very clever way of answering without scaring me. Little Katrina will be having the surgery soon. It's almost two AM and I have had a very busy day teaching, so I won't go into much detail now. Will let you know the surgery date.
Gabrielle, I am so sorry you have to deal with the Cushing's at a time like this. I will pray that things get better for you and I am sure the others here will do the same.
Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
07-17-2009, 08:13 PM
Thanks for the update. I know that quite a few people have been checking your thread often to see how your visit with the Surgeon went.
We'll all be keeping our fingers and toes and paws crossed for a successful surgery for little Katrina. :)
Harley PoMMom
07-19-2009, 02:33 AM
Hi Candy,
Like Cushy said others have checked your thread to see how the visit with the surgeon went, especially me. :D
Hello everyone. We met with the surgeon and he answered my questions. Would really like to know the answers he gave you too, if you don't mind. I must say he has a very clever way of answering without scaring me.
Little Katrina will be having the surgery soon. When??
It's almost two AM and I have had a very busy day teaching, so I won't go into much detail now. Please, we love details. When do we get the details!
Will let you know the surgery date. Again, When??
Candy, Katrina, Heidi and Joe
Hugs from you PA. friends.
Lori and Harley
07-22-2009, 01:42 PM
Hello all. My hand tremor has acted up because of stress, so my typing will be limited. Katrina will have her surgery July 28th. I don't want to drop her off the night before because she's been shunted around too much for the past two months. Three vets and hospital stays in Germany as well as several visits to the specialty hospital in the USA. I told the surgeon that I know all about the complications with this type of surgery and he did not refute anything I said. He has done a lot of adrenalectomies and told us he has never lost a dog. Will finish now because of tremor. If you can help with comments, suggestions or questions, I would appreciate.
Candy, Katrina, Joe and Heidi
07-22-2009, 02:01 PM
I can't offer any advice that you aren't already doing. . . .loving her while we all wait.
I'm sure Ken and others will be by. I just seem to remember that sometimes they give the dogs ketoconazole (not sure of the spelling) before the surgery to lower the cortisol. Was anything like that mentioned? I think that Shiloe was on it, so Ken will have more info.
We will start banking the prayers for little Katrina.
Hugs ~ Mary Ann
07-22-2009, 02:14 PM
Hi Candy,
I am sorry that things have been so stressful for you that it is causing your hand tremor to act up. I certainly do understand though and hope you will be feeling better soon. I have no experience with adrenalectomies but as Mary Ann said, I'm sure other members who are experienced will be here to comment.
He has done a lot of adrenalectomies and told us he has never lost a dog. This is definitely a plus for the surgeon and he sounds like a pretty decent person in his attempt to put your mind at ease. Will be checking your updates and saying prayers for Little Katrina for a successful surgery and rapid recovery.
Harley PoMMom
07-22-2009, 02:21 PM
Hi Candy,
I can't offer any advice either, but I believe Ken will be along soon to offer some. I can offer alot of hand-holding tho. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers...Lori
Hi Sarah,
We are delighted to hear that Rascal is doing so very well after his adrenalectomy. I expect you will continue to see him get healthier and healthier for a long time.
I also think Darla will respond favorably to the Lysodren treatment. Before Shiloh's surgery we loaded her with 1750 mg./day of Lysodren for 3.5 days. She weighs 75 pounds. The Lysodren brought her cortisol level down and clearly made her feel ALOT better. Just an FYI, dogs with adrenal tumors often require a higher dose of Lysodren than those with pituitary tumors. Darla is on a pretty conservative dose.
All the best to you, Darla and Rascal.
07-22-2009, 04:01 PM
Hi Candy,
Sorry about your tremor and hope it is not a continuing issue.
I am sure also that Ken will be along, he is a big supporter of the adrenal surg pups.
Sounds like you have a good Dr. and at a certain point you have to put it all to him and God to work it out.
Wishing you all the very best outcome.
07-22-2009, 08:09 PM
Hi Candy,
I know it will be very difficult for you, going through the adrenalectomy with Katrina. But, you have so much going for you. She is only 11 years old and is a healthy, strong girl. That alone is huge. Your surgeon is obviously top notch. As Carol mentioned, tumors in the right gland are clearly more difficult to remove. The delicate pancreas is right in the way and they often have more vascular involvement. Tumors in the left gland are much more assessible and I'm so glad Katrina's tumor is in her left gland. Fortunately, Shiloh's tumor was also in her left gland. I really believe your chances for long term success are excellent. You are doing what you absolutely have to do. Do not ever question your decision.
I think you asked about Shiloh's surgery. It was almost three years ago and she was one month from turning twelve years old at the time of her surgery. She had a bad tumor and is a large dog. She will turn 15 in a couple of months and continues to do well, a complete piece of work. The odds are way, way in your favor that Katrina will be completely cured and live very well for many years. Like my surgeon told me before Shi's surgery, "hang tough."
07-26-2009, 11:23 PM
Hello Mary Ann, Louise, Harley's Mom, Scott, Ken and everyone. It's time for a lot of prayers and hand holding! My husband and I are very worried about Katrina's surgery on Tuesday. I wondered about beta blockers and the surgeon and internal medicine doctors discussed it and said no. I wonder if that is a correct decision. Also, I have a question, if anyone can answer. Katrina is a very sensitive girl and frightens easily. Should I ask the doctor to give her something to calm her before surgery? We will take her in early in the morning the day of surgery.
Candy, Katrina, Joe and Heidi
07-27-2009, 12:28 AM
Hi Candy,
You've got my prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for Katrina. I check in periodically throughought the day so I'll be here for hand holding too (as well as many others)! I know how scary and worrisome it can be when our furkids are having surgery. You won't be alone though. Please post as often as you feel the need.
I really don't know about the use of the beta blocker prior to surgery but if the IMS and surgeon have discussed it and are both saying no, I'd probably go with what they're saying....that's just me though.
I don't know if this will hold true in Katrina's case but when my Munch had surgery he was given something to relax him prior to the procedure. If you are wanting to discuss this with Katrina's doctors, I say go ahead! Anything that's on your mind - any questions you may have at all about any part of the procedure....ask the doctors and put your mind at ease.
Many hugs to you, your hubby and Little Katrina!
07-27-2009, 06:43 AM
Saying prayers and sending warm thoughts. Hugs as well. Kim
Harley PoMMom
07-27-2009, 07:41 AM
Hi Candy,
Katrina is a very sensitive girl and frightens easily. Should I ask the doctor to give her something to calm her before surgery? I would bring this to his attention and ask him.
Sending my prayers, soothing and positive thoughts. I will definitely be here tom. to hold you hand, like Louise said you are not alone, we are ALL here for you and Joe, Candy. We are family.
Many hugs, prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.
Roxee's Dad
07-27-2009, 09:02 AM
Hi Candy,
Keeping positive thoughts and saying a prayer for a successful and uneventfull surgery with a very quick recovery.
Give little Katrina a hug from me and mine.
Squirt's Mom
07-27-2009, 11:24 AM
Hi Candy,
Just a note to let you know that I am keeping you and Katrina in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. When you go in tomorrow, know that you have a crowd behind you even tho you can't see us and we will be with you the whole way.
Leslie and the girls
07-27-2009, 12:18 PM
Hi Candy,
Very best wishes for a successful surgery tomorrow.
Looking forward to the post surg report.
07-27-2009, 08:53 PM
I am a nervous wreck with heart palpitations for two days! Please pray that Katrina's surgery will be fine and that the adrenal tumor will be benign. I don't think I will be able to get any sleep tonight. We take her in at 7:30 AM and the doctor will do the surgery in the morning.
Candy, Katrina, Joe and Heidi
07-27-2009, 09:06 PM
I know how scared you are and so do the rest.
Thanks for taking time tonight to post to us.
We are all praying and wishing for the best outcome for Katrina.
07-27-2009, 09:23 PM
Continued prayers. Please know you have all of us to lean on and count on. Katrina will be in great hands and you have been a fantastic mom through this journey. Know that with all your heart. Have strength and we will be here waiting. Biggest hugs, Kim
Truffa's Mom
07-27-2009, 10:31 PM
All our wagging tails, our paws, fingers and all are crossed at this home, and praying really hard specially today and we will continue to do so tonight and tomorrow, praying for a total success at Katrina's surgery, and trying to send you positive and calming thoughts.
You'll have to try and rest or at least breathe and relax and channel your energy towards a calm & positive state of mind, tell your baby that everyone is pulling for her and that after the surgery her little body would be a little sore but afterwards everything would be like when she was younger, running and twirling and playing and kissing you like crazy.
I have lit real and virtual candles, and kiss my babies several times asking them to send your way happy thoughts.
07-27-2009, 11:40 PM
We all understand how scared you are. Just know that we are here to help you in anyway we can.
Sending healing thoughts and prayers out for Katrina. A successful and event-free surgery is all we ask for right now!
Hugs and calming vibes for Mom and Dad!
Keep us posted as soon as your can.
~Mary Ann
07-27-2009, 11:51 PM
Ditto to everything folks have already said. We'll have fingers and paws crossed and saying prayers a plenty in California that your little Katrina will sail through surgery.
We'll all be here for you and waiting anxiously for updates.
Carol G
07-28-2009, 01:26 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Little Katrina.
Harley PoMMom
07-28-2009, 06:07 AM
Hi Candy and Joe,
Just wanted to let you know that you all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and many hugs.
07-28-2009, 11:15 AM
I'm praying for little Katrina.
07-28-2009, 11:25 AM
Me too! Hope everything goes well today:)
Squirt's Mom
07-28-2009, 03:22 PM
Hi Candy,
Been out of town this morning but have had you and Katrina on my mind hoping all is going well and that soon you will have good news.
Keeping you all in my prayers and sending healing thoughts,
Leslie and the girls
07-28-2009, 03:40 PM
Saying prayers for Katrina's successful surgery today and waiting for your update.
07-28-2009, 06:41 PM
Hi Everyone,
We just got back home. Katrina had her surgery from 10 am until 11:15 am. The doctor said that it was somewhat difficult because the tumor was very close to her kidney and at some point he thought he might have to remove her kidney. , but he did not have to. He said that the surgery went well though. I asked him if the tumor was encapsulated and he said it was. No involvement with the vena cava. We were allowed to see her right after surgery and the poor little girl was hooked up to all kinds of monitors. Then we were allowed to come back four hours later to see her and she looked much better and did recognize us. I brought her homemade food, but she didn't want to eat. The doctor on duty said she is doing well, but not out of the woods yet. Should I worry about him saying that? I am very tired as I only had four hours of sleep last night. I'll go and take a nap now. Will come back later. Bless you all for your help and concern!
Squirt's Mom
07-28-2009, 06:52 PM
Hi Candy,
I am so glad to hear that Katrina is out and in recovery! That is so good! :D
As for not being out of the woods yet, that is pretty standard for any type of major surgery; I was told the same thing about Squirt when she had her surgery. There are just too many variables in the 24 hr period after something like that for a definite "no problems" comment. If you are like me, you will drive them up the everlasting wall over the next 24 hours finding out just how she is now, since the last call. :p
The best thing you can do is try to get that nap (LOL) or at least relax in some way as much as you can. They will be watching Katrina constantly, and she needs to rest as much as she possibly can so her body can do it's job healing so she will be kept fairly well sedated.
It sounds to me as if things went well for her and I am so glad! I just bet in no time she will be home. :)
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
07-28-2009, 06:56 PM
Hi Candy,
Hi Candy,
I am so glad to hear that Katrina is out and in recovery! That is so good! :D
As for not being out of the woods yet, that is pretty standard for any type of major surgery; I was told the same thing about Squirt when she had her surgery. There are just too many variables in the 24 hr period after something like that for a definite "no problems" comment. If you are like me, you will drive them up the everlasting wall over the next 24 hours finding out just how she is now, since the last call. :p
The best thing you can do is try to get that nap (LOL) or at least relax in some way as much as you can. They will be watching Katrina constantly, and she needs to rest as much as she possibly can so her body can do it's job healing so she will be kept fairly well sedated.
It sounds to me as if things went well for her and I am so glad! I just bet in no time she will be home. :)
Leslie and the girls
Ditto what Leslie said. :D
Love and many hugs to you and Joe.
07-28-2009, 06:56 PM
Hi Candy,
Glad to hear the surgery went well. You all need some rest so that when Katrina comes home she can relax and recuperate. Hope she can come home soon.
Truffa's Mom
07-28-2009, 07:15 PM
Hi Candy
What a relief!!!!! Katrina is in recoup!!! and you are taking a little nap:).
The surgery wasn't long ehhh?, well I bet for you and Katrina was eternal. As Leslie said this surgery is a little tricky, and Katrina already surpass that fist step. But she already saw you and she'll be looking forward to be with you soon and we will keep praying.
Carol G
07-28-2009, 07:36 PM
Just adding to the list of everyone that is happy & relieved the surgery went well. Hope you can rest and relax a little.
07-28-2009, 08:54 PM
Wonderful news to hear. Continued prayers and warm vibes being sent your way. Kim
07-28-2009, 09:30 PM
Glad to read the surgery sent well for Katrina and hope you were able to get a little rest! Will be checking for your updates.
Hugs & Prayers,
07-28-2009, 10:52 PM
Big time congratulations from Shi and me on Katrina's successful adrenalectomy!!! No, I don't think you should worry about your surgeon saying she's not out of the woods yet. The first 12-24 hours after surgery are critical but they know how to handle anything that comes up.
My surgeon called me right after Shi woke up from her adrenalectomy and said it went very well. I said, "so we're halfway out of the woods?" He said, "oh, more than halfway." I totally believe the actual surgery is the riskiest part, by a long shot.
After Shiloh's surgery I visited her 2-3 times every day. She always walked for me and did her business but was ready to go back inside and rest. She was kinda in a daze. Finally, late the third day post-op, she was a totally different dog. She was wagging her tail, kissing me, talking to me, telling me to get her out of that place. She ate well the third day and my surgeon released her. Some dogs recuperate faster but I wouldn't expect too much too soon. I know Katrina is a real trooper but she went through some major trauma.
I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers that Katrina recovers beautifully. Please give her a kiss from Shiloh and me.
07-28-2009, 11:11 PM
So happy to hear that Katrina's surgery was successful. I think that the first day or so after surgery are always critical, that's why they have them hooked up to all those monitors. But nothing will ease your mind until she is home safe and sound.
Saying thank you prayers and continued healing prayers for a successful recovery.
Hugs for you.
~ Mary Ann
Squirt's Mom
07-29-2009, 11:30 AM
Hi Candy,
Just checking in this morning to see how things are.
Let us know when you have some news, even if it's just that you got to see her for second.
Prayers and healing thoughts continue,
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
07-29-2009, 12:18 PM
Hi Candy,
Just checking in too! Sending prayers and healing thoughts also.
Truffa's Mom
07-29-2009, 12:27 PM
Just checking
Huggy paws and choco healings thoughts
07-29-2009, 04:09 PM
I'm checking in too and looking for an update. Hope all is well. Thinking positive thoughts for Katrina!
07-29-2009, 11:24 PM
Oh, I hope all is well with little Katrina, too.
My dog is having gall bladder and adrenal surgery tomorrow, July 30th.
07-30-2009, 12:39 AM
Hello everyone. I am very tired. We visted little Katrina twice today. Round trip is 60 miles and I had to teach six music students as well. Katrina looks much better today. She is more aware and follows us with her big brown eyes. Some of the monitors have been removed. She still has one hooked up giving pain meds and electrolytes. She also has a pain patch on her neck. The doctors said they are very pleased with her progress. The only problem is that she still doesn't want to eat. I took her a stew of rice, fresh vegs and chicken livers as well as some yogurt and cottage cheese. She sniffed but wouldn't eat any. The doctor called with an update this evening and said she licked a little bit of yogurt off his fingers. He said that they will puree her food and feed her with a syringe. Should I be terribly worried about her not eating?
Gabrielle------I will look for your post about your furbabies surgery, as well as saying prayers.
Many hugs!
07-30-2009, 03:34 AM
The lack of appetite in the days after the surgery seem to be pretty much par for the course from what I've seen here. I'm pretty sure Ken's Shiloh did the same thing and he had to tempt her with hamburgers. From memory, a lot of them don't really start eating well until they return home.
I guess it is because their poor old insides have been well and truly rummaged through in the course of the surgery and the large doses of pain killers they need may make them feel a bit off too, I guess.
Fingers crossed here for Katrina's continued smooth recovery!
Truffa's Mom
07-30-2009, 05:53 AM
More healing thoughts your way.
I believe all the surgery and tubes and IV's, medicines, and strange people around them, is "brutal" for their bodies, and I imagine that the imbalance their system suffers is quite extreme.
I am sure that during her recoup period she will be adequately hydrated and when she gets home she will be more herself.
Thanks for the update, will keep pouring our choco healing thoughts.
Harley PoMMom
07-30-2009, 06:52 AM
Hi Candy,
I agree with the others about the "not eating" with Katrina, in Ken's post to you he said Shiloh didn't eat until the third day, and if she still isn't eating then she is in the right place and they will be able to help her, but I think she'll be feeling better today.
Thanks for keeping us updated, we are so worried about you both, how is your hand holding up?
Sending healing thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs.
07-30-2009, 09:16 AM
Hi Candy,
So glad and relieved that little Katrina came through the surgery and the doctors are pleased with her progress. She's adorable!
From what we've been told, not eating is pretty normal in this situation. Because Charlie Brown is having his gall bladder removed as well as his left adrenal gland, he'll probably be getting a feeding tube, but that's not certain. The surgeon told us yesterday it can take up to three months for the other adrenal gland to "kick in" and start working normally. Apparently, it shut down when the diseased one went into overdrive. I'm not as knowledgeable as the other members here, but I'm getting there.
Charlie and Kitty, our cat, send Katrina hugs, prayers, and kisses! We'll be thinking of her and checking back.
Squirt's Mom
07-30-2009, 10:40 AM
Hi Candy,
So good to hear from you and to know that Katrina is doing so well!
Her lack of interest in food right now is fully understandable and expected. That surgeon had his big ole hands in her little body, moving organs around to get a clear field of vision to what he needed. Having had this done to my own body a time or two, I can tell you food is the very last thing you want! That drive is just shut down temporarily as the body adjusts to the assault it has sustained. Then add the meds, strange people and environment, unusual noises and smells on top of that, and losing appetite for a few days is a bit more understandable and doesn't seem quite so drastic. So don't worry about that for now, ok?
Katrina is where she needs to be for now and will be well cared for. This is the time for you to take extra good care of yourself, rest as often as you can, do something good just for you so you will be ready when she comes home. Having been there with Squirt, I know this is not apt to actually happen, but it is a good plan. ;):p
Know we are here anytime.
Prayers, candles and healing thoughts flying your way!
Leslie and the girls
07-30-2009, 03:07 PM
Hi Candy,
I'm so glad Katrina is doing well. Just thought I'd let you know that Sammy refused food his entire 6-day stay :eek: at the hospital after his first adrenalectomy. When he came home, I started him on frequent, tiny meals -- a little cooked egg, a little potted chicken. Just a few bites were all he'd take, but he was eating at last and his real recovery began.
There's the trauma of the surgery itself and the pain meds and monitors, etc., but just being home makes all the difference when it comes to food. I wouldn't worry one bit about Katrina's lack of interest in it right now. (The fact that she even licked a bit of yogurt off the doctor's fingers is way more than Sam was willing to try, so a very good sign I think! ;) )
We're keeping you both in our thoughts for a continued steady recovery.
07-30-2009, 05:08 PM
Hi Candy,
Just stopped in to see how Katrina is doing. Glad to see that all is well!! Keeping positive, healing thoughts for your little girl. Hope you're feeling better too.
07-30-2009, 07:51 PM
Hi everyone,
We brought Katrina home about one hour ago. She slept in my arms all the way home. The staff at the hospital said she is so sweet that they hated to see her leave. As soon as we brought her into the house, she went into the kitchen and sat by the fridge looking up at me. I gave her a nice homecooked meal of rice, veggies and chicken livers. She devoured it and even tried to eat her sisters dinner as well. I am so relieved that she is doing well. She is wearing a pain patch. They gave prednisone and antibiotic to be given at home for 14 days. Follow up appointment with the surgeon and internal medicine doctors will be in 10 to 14 days. I am very tired again, so a nap is much needed. You'll never know how much I appreciate all the loving and caring people on this site!
Candy, Katrina, Joe and Heidi
07-30-2009, 08:21 PM
YAY!!! :D Welcome home Katrina! :D
This is exactly how it should go. The left adrenal is certainly the easier one to remove, just as it was for Sam (his second adrenalectomy!) and Shiloh and many others on this forum. You'll want to make sure she takes it easy for a while, but your little girl is back! I can feel your relief from here, and we're all cheering. :):):)
All the best,
07-30-2009, 08:33 PM
:D :D Fantastic!!! :D :D
Home and wanting some din-din....excellent! Sounds like Katrina is really doing great. Now it's time for some well deserved rest for you!
Take care,
Harley PoMMom
07-30-2009, 08:34 PM
Yahoo!! Welcome home Katrina!!
We're so glad you're home and eating for your mom. Now you be a good girl and NO jumping and take it easy. :D
Sending tons of gentle hugs.
Lori and Harley
Roxee's Dad
07-30-2009, 08:44 PM
Hi Candy and family,
So happy that Katrina is doing so well. :D Please keep us posted on her continued recovery.
Squirt's Mom
07-31-2009, 10:38 AM
Hi Candy,
We had bad storms here yesterday and we lost power. I have had ya'll on my mind, tho, and am so very happy to see that Little Katrina is HOME!!! :D:D:D
And she ate her dinner! See, all she needed was to be home with her people in familiar surroundings.
I hope her recovery is smooth sailing and that you have your old Katrina back once again soon.
Leslie and the girls
Truffa's Mom
07-31-2009, 04:07 PM
LOVE the good news. Nothing like home sweet home mixed with mommy TLC.
Take it easy little girl
07-31-2009, 05:21 PM
Welcome home, Katrina! That is certainly wonderful news to hear! And I'm so glad she devoured her food.
08-03-2009, 12:55 AM
Hi Candy,
Just stopped by and was looking for an update on Katrina. How's she doing???
08-03-2009, 01:30 PM
Good afternoon everyone!
Katrina is coming along very well and I am so happy about it! She is eating every homecooked meal I give her and is a sweetheart about taking her antibiotic and Prednisone. Joe and I just spent about twenty minutes carefully removing the pain patch from her neck. Her sister Heidi ran and hid, thinking we would be messing with her next. Katrina's stitches are at least eight inches long. Looking at them, you can see the surgeon did a great job.
Hugs to all,
Candy, Katrina, Joe and Heidi
Harley PoMMom
08-03-2009, 01:53 PM
Hi Candy,
This is great, great news...Katrina eating, and taking her pills easily. What a good girl.
I can just see Heidi running and hiding and thinking..."no, not me too"
My dogs do that when I'm brushing their teeth, I place them on my bed, while I'm brushing one, the other one jumps down and hides...oh and then there's the CAT..OMGosh.what a scratch party that is.:eek::eek:
Katrina's stitches are at least eight inches long.
Poor sweet Katrina, give her extra kisses from Harley and me.
Love and hugs.
Truffa's Mom
08-03-2009, 02:26 PM
Poor Heidi, but good news for Katrina.
Happy to hear the good news. Hope everything keeps improving.
Tons of choco healing thoughts
08-07-2009, 10:52 PM
Hi everyone,
It's been one week and three days since Katrina's adrenal surgery and she's coming along very well. Her appetite is good and she and her sister love to stand at the screen door and bark at everything that moves. She will have her stitches out this coming Thursday and then meet with her internal medicine doctor.
Candy, Katrina, Joe and Heidi
08-07-2009, 11:09 PM
Hi Candy,
Wonderful to read that Katrina is doing so well after her surgery. Will be watching for your update after you see her IMS. Give your little Katrina some extra pets and hugs from me!
08-08-2009, 12:13 AM
I am so happy that Katrina is doing so well. It warms my heart.
If the doxie's are barking, then all is well in their world!! :D
Give them hugs from me.
~ Mary Ann
Squirt's Mom
08-08-2009, 12:10 PM
Hi Candy,
Such good news at your house! :D This is wonderful to hear! :D:D Eating, taking her pills, barking....all good signs!
When you talked about the 8" incision, I thought of Squirt when she had her surgery....that incision was HUGE! I look at pictures of those days just after she got home then look at her belly today, and I can see no sign of the scar under all the hair! :D
Keep up the good work!
Leslie and the girls
08-16-2009, 10:34 PM
I don't know wether to be concerned or not. Katrina wasn't willing to eat as much as usual today. To try to encourage her, I made some soft scrambled eggs and hand fed her. She had her adrenal surgery on July 28th and has been on 5 mg of Prednisone once a day since. Has anyone had this experience with their dog after surgery? Surgery was almost three weeks ago. Little Katrina will see her internist on Tuesday. I thought my worries were over. Now my stomach is tied up in knots.
Harley PoMMom
08-16-2009, 10:46 PM
Hi Candy,
Maybe the pred. is upsetting her tummy a bit or just maybe she is having an off day.
I'd say if she is like this tomorrow I would call the internist. She did eat today tho...right? drinking too?
Love and hugs.
08-16-2009, 11:12 PM
I'm sorry to read that your tummy is all tied up in knots again but can certainly understand your concern over Katrina. Like Lori said, maybe Katrina is having an off day and didn't feel like eating as much as she normally does. If she has been cleaning her bowl regularly every day I'd be wondering too though. Did she perhaps eat something that she normally doesn't, maybe a treat or some tidbit she picked up that could be upsetting her tummy? It's also possible that this is totally unrelated to her surgery in July. Is she having other symptoms besides not eating her normal amount of food?
I always say when in doubt, call the doc and have a if the behavior continues tomorrow I second what Lori said. Ease your mind and make the call to the internist. If something is going, on better to catch it early.
08-16-2009, 11:48 PM
A few minutes ago I made up some ground turkey for her. I drained all the fat off. She is used to eating it. She seemed to really like it and I hand fed her. Ten minutes later she threw it up. Now I am really scared! Could she be going into Addison's?
08-16-2009, 11:58 PM
I'm not qualified to answer your question about Katrina going into Addison's. However, since you know that her appetite was not normal today and she is now vomiting her food, I'd go ahead and call the vet just to be on the safe side.
08-17-2009, 12:15 AM
She shouldn't be going into Addison's as long as she definitely had her pred today (didn't spit the pill) and she didn't happen to throw it up without you realizing.
Pancreatitis is something that comes to mind when a dog is off its food and vomiting and they can be more at risk post surgery although you'd think if that was the cause it would have shown up earlier.
Apart from the vomiting and poor appetite how does she look in herself?
08-17-2009, 07:10 AM
Saying some prayers for you and Katrina this morning. Kim
Harley PoMMom
08-17-2009, 08:04 AM
Was just checking in on you and Katrina...hoping everything is better today.
You both are in my thoughts and prayers too.
Love and hugs.
Squirt's Mom
08-17-2009, 09:44 AM
Hi Candy,
Pancreatitis was my first thought. As long as she is absorbing the pred and the dose is high enough for her, Addison's shouldn't be a concern. Her electrolytes are something I would want to look at though.
How is she today? Did she eat anything on her own? Still throwing up? Any diarrhea? Does her belly seem to hurt or be sensitive?
Let us hear how she is.
Hang in there, sweetie. You have done a wonderful job with Katrina and she is so lucky to have you for her mom.
Leslie and the girls
08-17-2009, 02:06 PM
We took Katrina to the specialty hospital at 3 AM. I just didn't want to take any chances. Since yesterday afternoon, she vomited 4 or 5 times. They are keeping her and have run some of the tests so far. Her electrolytes and BP are fine. Renal and liver values are higher than when she was released almost three weeks ago. But don't Cushings dogs have high liver and kidney values anyway? They said she hasn't vomited and is alert. They did some x-rays and said she has a metal object in her stomach! Could this be one of the metal staples from her incision that she could have licked and swallowed? The doctor that called mentioned possible surgery, but I don't know what for and certainly don't like that idea!! Katrina has been through so much already. They are going to do an ultrasound this afternoon and call me about three PM.
I know I must be rambling. Please bear with me because I had very little sleep last night. I know Prednisone can cause GI upset. The doctor said it can cause ulcers as well. I am wondering if this is what happened. If you can help with any suggestions or information, I would be grateful. Most of all, please pray that my baby will be fine and not need more surgery.
Candy, Katrina, Joe and Heidi
Harley PoMMom
08-17-2009, 04:09 PM
Hi Candy,
That was really good thinking taking her to the far as the metal object in her tummy...well it just might be a staple but the U/S should show more.
High liver values are usually the norm for all cushpups and high kidney values can be too.
Altho I have no medicl background, IMO, the doctor is awaiting to see what is on that U/S and to see if Katrina may be able to pass that object on her own before he has to preform any kind of surgery.
Honey, we are all here for you and Katrina, we are all praying for you both...she is a strong, very strong girl, don't you forget that, ok.
Remember we are here for you Candy, you go ahead and ramble all you want.
Sending tons of prayers your way.
Love and hugs.
Wylie's Mom
08-17-2009, 04:54 PM
Sending prayers your way...
08-17-2009, 07:43 PM
I'm sorry to hear Katrina is in the hospital. I think there is almost no chance she is addisons. My surgeon told me that after surgery the remaining adrenal gland virtually always gets up to speed in two weeks or so. Shi took 20 mg. pred. for one week after surgery, then 10 mg. the second week. She's alot bigger than Katrina. All of the surgeons do things alittle differently but I'm not so sure Katrina needs any more pred. now.
I can tell you this...since Shi's adrenalectomy there have been many times where she wouldn't eat anything for 24+ hours. She's also had many little bouts of diarrhea which usually last 36 hours or so. She always snaps out of it and is absolutely fine.
I hope either the x-ray is wrong or if there is something in her stomach, it passes by itself. It sounds like she is doing much better now. I'm praying for her and I really think she'll be just fine. Our senior citizen pups are always throwing something at us.
Roxee's Dad
08-17-2009, 08:00 PM
Most of all, please pray that my baby will be fine and not need more surgery.
Sending prayers and good thoughts for both you and Katrina.
08-17-2009, 09:41 PM
We just got back from visiting Katrina. They are saying she has pancreatitis. The doctor has really scared me saying that Katrina has a fifty fifty chance. I broke down and cried when I got home. Her electrolytes and BP are fine. Liver and kidney function tests are high, but that happens with a Cushing's dog. They are giving her IV's and pain medicine. I have copies of all the blood tests, x-rays and ultrasound. I feel so helpless! What should I do now besides praying? Have any of you had your pet come down with pancreatitis?
I am so grateful that I can come here for help and compassion. I thank all of you and Ken----you'll never know how happy I was to see your post!
Hugs and hope,
Harley PoMMom
08-17-2009, 10:03 PM
Many cushpups get pancreatitis. what did the test results say...can you post them?
08-17-2009, 10:13 PM
We've seen quite a few cases of pancreatitis here (and on the diabetes board too) and most seem to come through it with the right treatment. You've caught it early so I think there is good reason to be optimistic.
08-17-2009, 10:16 PM
Candy, my aunt's dog had it pretty bad a few months ago and had the same odds. She was on an IV for 4 days but her dog is doing fine now. They need to get the electrolytes back in balance. Katrina is in the best place she can be right now. Next time you visit bring in a tshirt, blanket or something from home to put in their kennel.... it'll give her a sense of your presence. Please know I will be praying for dear Katrina and send you strength for the coming days. Be well friend and keep the faith. We are here for you. (((Hugs))) Kim
Squirt's Mom
08-17-2009, 10:39 PM
Hi Candy,
I can so understand your fear right now...Squirt had a bout of acute pancreatitis after they removed her splenic tumor - and it is scary as hell!!! :eek::eek: The first few hours and days are critical and more than likely why the docs gave you the 50/50 speech. Squirt was home only one day when she had her attack and went back in for another 3-4 days it seems like with the pancreas flared up.
Everything that goes into their stomachs triggers pancreatic enzymes that can cause real damage when the organ isn't functioning properly and getting them on IV fluids quickly is vital...even drinking water can trigger these enzymes so Katrina is right where she needs to be. They will be able to keep her hydrated and bypass the digestive system altogether via IVs. They can also administer meds via IV and monitor her closely, which she needs.
Squirt's attack was due to handling of the pancreas during surgery. Apparently the pancreas is a very touch organ and is easily angered but they can't always determine the cause for pancreatitis. So don't be discouraged if they can't tell you why this happened. What is important now is to make sure Katrina stays on the IVs as long as her docs say she needs it, that she stays at the hospital where she can be monitored until they are sure she is able to eat again with no resultant flare up, and that you educate yourself on yet another facet of Cushing's - pancreatitis. I will post the links I found helpful when I researched for Squirt at the end of this message.
Don't let this get to you too much just yet...and I do know how hard that is to accomplish. If her docs didn't tell you she had damage to the liver or any other organs as a direct result of this attack, then you have every reason to have hope. Even if there has been some damage, that does not mean she can't get better.
Try to rest when you can and know we are with you...even those of us who are off to bed again have you in our thoughts and prayers.
Leslie and the girls
Canine Pancreatitis
Mar Vista*
Texas A&M – Gastrointestinal Laboratories*
University of Georgia
Veterinary Partner*
World Small Animal Veterinary Association*
IDEXX Laboratories*
Judith Stock (article appeared in Tufts University Your Dog)*
Swift Water Farms*
08-18-2009, 12:03 AM
You are all such helpful, loving angels! I read the last posts and feel more hopeful. I read through her reports carefully in the past hour. I found the following. In addition to "A 1.7 X 0.2 cm metallic foreign body within the stomach, "There are two metallic hemoclips associated with the surgery in the cranial dorsal left abdominal quadrant". Shouldn't those hemoclips have been removed? I wonder if that was causing the GI distress and vomiting. I wonder if the one has come loose. How do I brooch this question to the doctor tomorrow so that they will answer truthfully?
Yes, her electrolytes and blood pressure are good.
Many hugs,
08-18-2009, 12:10 AM
I'm just taking a wild guess here but I think it's possible that those clips were left in to tie off some big blood vessels after the adrenalectomy and that they are meant to be there. The way it is phrased: "There are two metallic hemoclips associated with the surgery in the cranial dorsal left abdominal quadrant" does make it sound like they expected to see them and they are meant to be there. Hopefully Ken or someone else can help you out with this one.
Could you maybe get your GP vet's interpretation of this? Just a thought...
PS: Just found this:
08-18-2009, 12:52 AM
Thanks for the link Allison! Another thing to help put my mind at ease for awhile. I am such a paranoid Scorpio, wanting to get to the bottom of everything! Little Katrina is a Scorpio too. Scorpios have been going through a lot for the past three or four years.
More hugs,
Truffa's Mom
08-18-2009, 01:23 AM
Ohh Candy, I am sorry little Katrina is at the hospital.
What Alison says sounds like a good explanation.
I'll be praying for a soon recoup and back home with you. We did have a a scare here with pancreatitis more than a year ago, but I think you caught it earlier and if treated right is something that will soon pass; balanced electrolytes, a long fasting and a slow introduction to food low fat and bland will make your girl strong as a horse.
Hope you can rest a little tonight
Squirt's Mom
08-18-2009, 01:07 PM
Scorpios have been going through a lot for the past three or four years.
From one Scorpio to another, you can say that again!!!! :eek::(:eek::mad::(:eek: Can you do something about the alignment of the stars for us? ;) I need a BREAK!!! :o:):rolleyes:
Have you heard from the docs this morning? I hope Katrina had a good nite.
I would certainly want to understand their findings of metal objects in Katrina...are they supposed to be there or not, and if not, why are they there? Ken may know more about this, like Alison said.
Keep your chin up, sweetie!
Leslie and the girls
08-18-2009, 02:20 PM
Hi Candy,
I do know that there are "inner layers" that need to be stitched up after an adrenalectomy in addition to the outside skin that we see. The one pretty big hiccup we had in Shi's recovery is that her inner stitches did not hold together. Shi had an area about 2" x 6" protruding out on her tummy where her stitches were. My surgeon explained that the inner stitches didn't hold and they had to open her up again and re-stitch her. He said it was similar to having a hernia. It worked out fine but was I was pretty distraught at the time. With Shi's surgery they used all sutures and no staples or anything metal to close the incisions.
I really do think that's a bunch of baloney that Katrina only has a 50/50 chance with the pancreatitis. Brandy, my beloved dog before Shiloh, had pancreatitis and lived with it for a long time...she made it to 15 and 7 months. As I remember it, diet is very, very important for a dog with pancreatitis. You can't give Katrina any opportunity to get into the garbage, get into chicken bones, anything like that.
I also remember talking with my surgeon one time and he explained to me that a big reason the right adrenal gland is so much harder to remove is the pancreas. It's right in the way of the right gland and has to be jossled to the side and you're dealing with an old pancreas. He said it can throw a dog into pancreatitis but he said, "but we can deal with pancreatitis without much problem."
Little Katrina is in my prayers. I fully expect her to come through all of this just fine and I'm really hoping she can avoid any more surgery.
08-18-2009, 03:08 PM
Just checking to see if you had posted about Katrina today. Hope she is feeling better. Katrina is in good hands with professionals and in the right place to get proper care and treatment for the pancreatitis.
I am so glad you noticed something was off when Katrina didn't finish her food and then took her to the ER when she started vomiting. A Mom knows when something isn't right!
Take care,
08-18-2009, 06:54 PM
Checking in on you and our little Katrina. Hugs, Kim
08-18-2009, 09:48 PM
I don't know wether to be angry or terrified. First of all we went to visit Katrina this afternoon and she looked much better. She picked up her head when she saw us and her eyes looked so pretty and clear. We drove home feeling much better. Then at 8:30 one of the women doctors called and told me she had very good news that the blood tests came back much improved. I had her tell me the values and wrote them all down. At the end of the coversation she said "But I do have some bad news. Katrina's platelet count is very low and she could start bleeding". I just about fainted at that. She then went on to say that they are monitoring her carefully and will give her a transfusion if needed. Then she said that even with a transfusion there are great risks. My God! I don't know how much more of this bad news I can take. My nerves are in shards!
What can be done now expect praying for a miracle for her to get better.
Hugs as always,
Candy, Katrina, Joe and Heidi
Roxee's Dad
08-18-2009, 09:52 PM
We're praying here for Katrina.
Harley PoMMom
08-18-2009, 10:05 PM
We're praying for Katrina here too.
Love and hugs.
08-18-2009, 10:13 PM
Candy, Sometimes I wonder if they cover bedside manners in school. Geez... I am sorry things have been so up and down for you. I am sending positive vibes your way along with prayers, hugs and kisses for dear Katrina. Be well friend. Kim
08-18-2009, 10:29 PM
Candy, I believe that prayers are powerful and you've got a whole bunch of us praying for your little girl. Positive thoughts and prayers aplenty from one of your So Cal family.
08-18-2009, 11:35 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you and little Katrina tonight.
She's certainly in the right place, where they will do everything possible to help her to recover.
08-18-2009, 11:52 PM
I'm so sorry to hear little Katrina is having more problems. I don't know about pancreatitis, but could it cause the low platelet count? Or could she have developed a bleeding ulcer?
Sending out healing thoughts and prayers for little Katrina.
She has definitely burrowed into my heart.
Love and hugs to you.
~ Mary Ann
08-19-2009, 02:51 AM
I, too, am sending healing prayers for your little Katrina.
Squirt's Mom
08-19-2009, 08:55 AM
Hi Candy,
How is Katrina this morning? Any word?
I know in the fields of human medicine, often the very worst scenario is depicted in order to protect the medical professionals should something happen. Sometimes I think those in animal medicine do the same thing, especially when they can see how deeply devoted we are to our babies. I used an equine vet once who was the most negative man ever! No matter why I called him out, he would give me the very worst possible outcome as the probable outcome!
Don't give up hope, sweetie, and as long as Katrina is willing to fight there is hope.
Let us hear from you when you can.
Hugs and prayers,
Leslie and the girls
Harley PoMMom
08-19-2009, 09:59 AM
Hi Candy,
Was checking in on you and Katrina too.
Don't give up hope, sweetie, and as long as Katrina is willing to fight there is hope.I totally agree with Leslie, and Katrina is such a fighter.
Sending tons of prayers your way.
Love and hugs.
08-19-2009, 11:17 AM
Hi Candy,
We are praying for Katrina with all our hearts. Don't give up hope.
with healing prayers,
Dorothy and Mikey
08-19-2009, 12:53 PM
Hello Angels,
Katrina's doctor just called and said she is doing better today. This is her primary doctor who is very compassionate. She said the pancreatis has caused kidney failure though. I asked her how long Katrina can live with good care and she said from months to 2 or 3 years. What experiences have any of you had with kidney failure? We are leaving in a few minutes to visit our little girl.
Many hugs,
08-19-2009, 03:29 PM
I hope Katrina is feeling much better when you see her today.
Just curious what the Vet is basing the "kidney failure" diagnosis on ... I'm not a Vet or a medical professional of any kind, and I know that the Vets where Katrina is right now are Specialists and they know what they are doing, but I am just wondering if it's possible that it's not kidney failure, but in fact maybe signs of Addisons that they may be interpreting as kidney failure, because I remember reading about Addisons sometimes being misdiagnosed as kidney failure. And with Katrina having had the adrenal surgery, and now with all the the stress of a pancreatitis attack and a stay in the hospital, maybe she is unable to make the needed adrenal hormones and is perhaps Addisonian now, causing some of the test results to come back consistent with kidney failure, even if maybe it isn't actually kidney failure?
Anyway, here are two quick references that I found:
Addison's Disease is most easily confused with kidney failure. This is because of the dehydration which Addison's cases have. This causes waste products that the kidneys remove from the blood to accumulate, in much the same way as they do with failing kidneys.
BUN and creatinine levels, generally indicators of kidney function, are often elevated. At this point many animals are diagnosed with renal failure, as the kidneys are unable to function properly. Typically animals are given IV solutions for rehydration, which may produce an almost miraculous recovery. This too, is a great indication that failure of the adrenals rather than of the kidneys is creating the symptoms.
I'm sure I've also seen it said elsewhere, that Addisons is sometimes confused with kidney failure.
If it really is kidney failure, though, that can be managed successfully too. I think we have some members here who have dealt with renal failure and they'll chime in here if and when they can.
Thinking positive thoughts and sending (((hugs))) for little Katrina and for you.
08-19-2009, 04:50 PM
Candy, do you have the creatinine and BUN results that indicate the kidney failure.
In early June, Pallie's creatinine skyrocketed to 7.3 and was in the ICU for 4 days on IV fluids. When she came out, it was down to 3.9 and ultimately before she went to heaven (unrelated to her kidneys) her creatinine was 1.8, just .1 above the high end of normal (2 months later). Her kidney disease was related to repeated infections, but I did also ask my vet about Addisions. In her case, she definitely wasn't addisons.
Any more details you have on those kidneys would be helpful.
Steph and Pallie from heaven
08-19-2009, 10:55 PM
Hi Candy,
I am so glad to hear that Katrina is doing better today. Personally, I'm ignoring the "months" and going with the three year estimate...which could easily turn into four or five.
Truffa's Mom
08-20-2009, 12:22 AM
Ditto here :
Hi Candy,
I am so glad to hear that Katrina is doing better today. Personally, I'm ignoring the "months" and going with the three year estimate...which could easily turn into four or five.
I Hope Little Katrina is better and the diagnostic be clarified to you.
Keep praying.
08-20-2009, 12:40 AM
Hi Candy,
Just checking in to see if you had posted an update on Katrina since this morning. Hope you had a good visit with your little girl today and that she is doing better.
Harley PoMMom
08-20-2009, 12:48 AM
I see Steph has posted to you, she is very knowledgeable about kidney issues. She was so kind to help me with Harley when his BUN and other tests are showing he may also have kidney issues if I don't act soon. Steph knows these tests and their meanings.
You and Katrina are in my thoughts and prayers.
Love and hugs.
08-20-2009, 04:19 PM
Hi, I am Candy's sister Kathie. We have very sad news to tell you. Last night Katrina passed away. My sister is totally devistated so I am typing this awful news. Candy, Joe and I were there with Katrina holding her and telling her how much we loved her. Candy was called last night and was told that Katrina was having seizures. Of course we left immediately to go to the hospital. We feel so fortunate that we got there and were able to hold her for her last hour.
We were told 2 days ago that her platelet count had gone down to 6000. Her blood transfusion was not given until yesterday afternoon. We wonder if she could have been saved if the transfusion were given sooner.
We appreciate all the prayers and loving thoughts.
In loving memory of Katrina,
Katrina's Family
Harley PoMMom
08-20-2009, 04:27 PM
Thank you for letting us know about sweet Katrina...this is very heart-breaking news, we have grown to love Candy and Katrina dearly.
Please give Candy and family our heartfelt condolences and let her know we are here for her and praying for her...I just can't believe this news.
Much love, hugs and deep sympathy.
08-20-2009, 04:32 PM
Oh Kathie, thank you so much for letting us all know. This is such tragic news for our entire family. Please tell Candy and Joe how terribly sorry we are -- we will always be here for them, whenever they feel able to return to us.
(((Hugs))) to you all, in honor of the spirit of Katrina. What a brave and precious little girl ~
08-20-2009, 05:31 PM
I am so sad that Katrina lost her last battle with the tumor. And thank you for taking time to let us know when you are so close to her loss.
Mine will all get special attention tonight in her memory.
08-20-2009, 05:44 PM
I'm so so so sorry to hear Katrina has passed.
Keeping you in my thoughts.
08-20-2009, 06:26 PM
Oh no. Thank you so much Kathie for letting us know, Candy and Katrina have become part of our family and we we all hoping for better news.
I so wish this could have come out different and I can only say that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Godspeed Katrina.
08-20-2009, 06:27 PM
Candy, I am so very sorry to hear your little Katrina has passed.
Squirt's Mom
08-20-2009, 06:51 PM
Oh Kathie,
What sad news! :( I had such hope that Little Katrina would overcome this and rally back. My heart aches for all of you.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Ruby, Goldie and Crystal
08-20-2009, 06:55 PM
Candy, Joe and Kathy,
I am so very sorry to hear that Little Katrina has passed away. We were all so hoping that our prayers would have been answered. :(
Right now our thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time. As others have already mentioned, we will be here for you if and when you ever need us.
Godspeed sweet Katrina.
08-20-2009, 07:33 PM
Candy, Joe & Kathy,
I was just heartbroken for you all to read that little Katrina had passed. I am so very sorry for your loss.
Peace be with you, sweet little Katrina.
With deepest sympathy,
Roxee's Dad
08-20-2009, 07:51 PM
Dear Candy and family,
My heart is once again breaking. I was so sure that little Katrina would come thru this. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Katrina will be greeted by many cush pups that have gone before. Because we love them so much, I am sure their is a special place by the Rainbow Bridge where they all wait together for us. She is and will be watching over you.
Godspeed to you sweet angel Katrina.
08-20-2009, 08:10 PM
Dear Candy and family,
Oh my what a shocker. I am so terribly sorry to learn of your loss. I can only hope that wonderful memories of the healthy times help sustain you thru the grief. Our little Katrina is now an angel looking down over us all. May she be at peace. Hugs to you and yours, Kim
Truffa's Mom
08-20-2009, 08:15 PM
OHHHH Cathie what a sad news, we were praying so hard for little Katrina.
Thank you for letting us know.
It is totally heartbreaking; I can't imagine what a big void Katrina is leaving on Candy and Joe's hearts. She was a very brave girl and would be terribly missed. At least now she is free of any earthy pains, and she went to the rainbow bridge surrounded by her mommy, daddy and all her family, reaffirming to her how much she was loved and how much she will be forever loved in all our hearts.
Godspeed sweet Katrina, my babies will receive a special kiss tonight on your honor and we will keep your family in our thoughts.
She is Gone
You can shed tears that she is gone,
Or you can smile because she lived,
You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back,
Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
Or you can be full of the love that you shared,
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her and only that she is gone
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on,
You can cry and close your mind be empty and turn your
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes,
love and go on.
08-20-2009, 10:22 PM
Dear Candy and Family,
My heart is breaking for you. Please accept my condolences at this very sad time. Your little Katrina was truly loved and I'm sure she knew it.
I wish you peace and beautiful memories of the wonderful years you had with Katrina.
with deepest sympathy,
08-20-2009, 10:28 PM
Candy, Joe & Kathy,
I wish I could find the words to tell you how sorry I am.
Katrina has been on my mind all day today, and now I know why.
Heaven has gained another little angel.
Hold Heidi close, she will need you too.
Godspeed little Katrina. Rest well.
Love and hugs ~ Mary Ann
08-20-2009, 10:57 PM
Dear Candy and Family,
I really am just devastated by the news. I am so very sorry. I can't believe that sweet little Katrina isn't with you. It doesn't make any sense.
Her body is gone but her spirit will live forever. You know you will be with her again. Godspeed, little Katrina.
Carol G
08-21-2009, 02:09 AM
I am so sorry for your heartbreaking loss. My thoughts are with you.
08-21-2009, 06:22 AM
I too am very very sorry to read this about little Katrina - our hearts are with you.
Sending tons of healing thoughts and ((((((hugs))))))
Wylie's Mom
08-21-2009, 10:03 AM
Dear Candy, Joe & Kathy,
I'm so terribly sorry to hear that sweet little Katrina had passed. My thoughts are with you too.
08-21-2009, 07:18 PM
Dear Candy, Joe, and Kathie ~
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you all today. For everyone who loved Katrina, this must be such a difficult day. The wound is so raw, and the pain runs so deeply. If and when the time comes that you wish to return to us, I want to especially invite you to begin a thread about Katrina on our special memorial forum: In Loving Memory. ( You can write anything that you wish. A tribute, some special memories, your feelings, or just random thoughts (because it is hard to make sense when your heart is hurting so deeply...). We are here, and we will feel privileged to read anything that you should care to write.
Also, please know that candles have been lit in Katrina's honor here: Her family will always remember and honor her spirit.
With many (((hugs))) to you, all of Katrina's loving family ~
08-21-2009, 09:58 PM
I am terribly sorry to hear of Katrina's passing and wanted to add my prayers for peace and comfort during this difficult time. I lost my pup back in December and I understand the terrible pain you must be feeling. I hope you can find refuge in your heart where Katrina will always be healthy and safe.
Many hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scooter
08-22-2009, 08:00 AM
I too am sorry to hear of Katrina's must be such a shock for all of you. Please take good care of yourselves at this time and may your memories bring you some comfort in the days ahead.
Jo-Ann & Lady
08-22-2009, 07:42 PM
Hello Angels,
I am completely devastated over the loss of my precious Katrina. I can't stop crying. My hand tremor is very bad because of this and it's hard to type. She should have been given a blood transfusion sooner. I am grieving terribly. There is some fate involved here. I will have my sister type the story when she comes over tomorrow.
Much love and hugs,
Candy, always Katrina, Joe and Heidi
Harley PoMMom
08-22-2009, 08:13 PM
Dearest Candy, Joe and family,
My heart is breaking for you all...I know how much you loved and adored your Katrina...this is one of the hardest things to go through...I wish, somehow I knew the right words to comfort you in someway, but right now words just don't see adequate.
Please know we are here for you always.
Love and many hugs.
Squirt's Mom
08-22-2009, 08:21 PM
I stood by your bed last night,
I came to have a peep.
I could see that you were crying,
You found it hard to sleep.
I whined to you softly
As you brushed away a tear,
"It's me, I haven't left you,
I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here."
I was close to you at breakfast,
I watched you pour the tea,
You were thinking of the many times,
Your hands reached down to me.
I was with you at the shops today,
Your arms were getting sore.
I longed to take your parcels,
I wish I could do more.
I was with you at my grave today,
You tend it with such care.
I want to re-assure you,
That I'm not lying there.
I walked with you towards the house,
As you fumbled for your key.
I gently put my paw on you,
I smiled and said "It's me."
You looked so very tired,
And sank into a chair,
I tried so hard to let you know,
That I was standing there.
It's possible for me,
To be so near you every day.
To say to you with certainty,
"I never went away."
You sat there very quietly,
Then smiled, I think you knew...
In the stillness of that evening,
I was very close to you.
The day is over...
I smile and watch you yawning,
And say, "good-night, God Bless,
I'll see you in the morning."
An when the time is right for you,
To cross the brief divide,
I'll rush across to greet you,
And we'll stand, side by side.
I have so many things to show you,
There is so much for you to see.
Be patient, live your journey out...
Then come home to be with me.
Author Unknown
08-23-2009, 08:01 AM
I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet little Katrina. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
08-23-2009, 10:01 AM
Candy, in the midst of all you are going through, thank you so much for coming back to talk with us. We will be watching for Kathie's update, so that we will better understand everything that has happened. It is hard enough to lose a beloved pup, but if you believe that there was an error in her care -- that must amplify the pain so greatly. We know that none of us can change your suffering. But we are hear to listen and to walk alongside you. And perhaps in some small way, that will ease the burden that you are carrying.
Wishing you healing thoughts this morning,
08-24-2009, 08:49 AM
Candy and family,
I'm so sorry for the loss of your little Katrina. I had expected good results from the removal of the tumor. May you always cherish your time together.
Bonnie and Angel Criss
08-24-2009, 08:53 AM
I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.
Sarah, Darla & Rascal
08-24-2009, 10:36 PM
Hello Angels,
It's Kathie, Candy's sister typing for her. She still feels devistated and feels it was grossly unfair. As you all know Katrina came through her adrenal surgery with flying colors. Candy firmly believes that the specialty hospital should not have waited 3 days to give the much needed blood transfusion.
It appears that the universe has stepped in. Candy was crying as we were driving home from the pet cemetary. Suddenly I saw the car in front of us with a large yellow sign saying "dachshund rescue"! We chased after the car and followed it into McDonalds. We motioned for the lady in the car to pull over. She had 3 little doxies, one of which was a 12 week old puppy. When the lady heard our sad story she asked if her friend, a breeder, could call Candy. That evening the breeder called Candy and said that she was intending to keep the only puppy she had. But when she heard what happened with Katrina she offered to drive with the puppy to meet Joe and Candy half way which was 200 miles. Needless to say, Joe and Candy fell in love with the dear liitle puppy and brought her home. Her name is NixieStar which means "little water sprite" in German. She is 12 weeks old and is a long haired black and cream dapple doxie. Candy is still greiving over Katrina very much but Nixie is giving Candy a lot of love. She is a beautiful angel and we feel very blessed to have her. We will be posting pictures of her soon.
Much love and hugs,
Candy, always Katrina, Joe, Heidi and Kathie
08-24-2009, 10:42 PM
Awww, how wonderful for Candy, it brings tears to my eyes.
Squirt's Mom
08-25-2009, 02:11 AM
Hi Candy, et al, :)
Kathie, you are such a sweet sister to help Candy out during this very difficult time. What a wonderful bond you two must have! I am grateful to you for keeping us up to date...that is so nice of you, especially since I'm sure Katrina's passing has had an impact on you as well. Thank you so much!
Things happen for a reason, I believe, and seeing that car was no accident, Candy. That precious little soul was meant to be in your arms and in the lives of all you love. I just bet NixieStar and Katrina have been talking; Katrina couldn't stand seeing you hurt so badly and wanted to help fill the void she left behind. Katrina knows Nixie will never take her place in your heart, but she also knows that you have room in that heart of yours to make Nixie a spot of her very own. By allowing yourself to get to know and love Nixie, and care for her just as you did Katrina, your soul will begin to heal. Katrina needed to see you love again, Nixie needs you, and you need a new baby in your life. I think its wonderful this has happened for you! And, of course, we want pics of NixieStar when you can! :)
Candy, take your time to grieve all you need. This has been a terrible blow, hard to absorb, so we all understand that you may not be able to communicate for a bit. That's fine, honey. We will be here whenever you are ready, whatever you want to express, short or long, it doesn't matter, we will be here. Many of us have an intimate knowledge of what you are going through and understand completely. Just remember, even when you don't feel like posting, you are not alone.
Hugs to all and a 'specially nice belly rub for NixieStar,
Leslie and the girls
08-25-2009, 04:13 AM
Nixiestar is one lucky little dog. I am going to copy a link for you below that you may have already seen but I just love it. It is a letter written by Silverdene (E.O'Neal's dog). I hope you like it.
08-26-2009, 08:45 AM
I'm so glad you have a new little buddy to help you get up in the morning!! And Nixiestar is one very blessed dog to become part of your household and family. I'm sure Katrina is at peace knowing there is another doxie looking after you all.
Please come back and let us know how you're doing,
Jo-Ann & Lady
08-28-2009, 10:31 PM
Hello angels,
I think I can type a little without crying. I miss my little Katrina so much! I look at the last picture taken of her the last thing at night before I fall asleep. NixieStar is such a sweet, loving little puppy. She gives Joe and me kisses constantly. Even though she is only 13 weeks old she lets us know when she needs to go outside. She never cries when we put her in her crate. She's a Gemini and has tremendous energy. Races around the house like greased lightening. She was climbing the living room drapes when I was on the phone. Tiny little baby, only weighing 4 pounds.
Heidi really missed her sister, so the puppy has helped her to be less lonely. However, when Nixie leaps at Heidi and wants to play, Heidi sometimes bares her teeth and lunges at Nixie. Hopefully, this won't go on for long. I plan on posting some pictures of both girls soon. You'll never know how much I appreciate all of your love, help and prayers through my heartbreaking loss.
Candy, always Katrina, Joe, Heidi and NixieStar
Harley PoMMom
08-28-2009, 10:51 PM
Hi Candy,
It warms my heart to see your post, and I am so happy for that precious pup of yours...NixieStar, Nixie...she has found such a loving Mom. I realize Nixie will not replace angel Katrina, but I know you have such a big and loving heart that there is enough room there for Nixie too.
And as far as Heidi baring her teeth and lunging at Nixie, well she is just letting Nixie know that she's higher in seniority. :) They'll get that straighten out pretty soon.
Would love to see pictures. when?? :)
Love and many hugs.
Squirt's Mom
08-29-2009, 02:33 PM
Hi Candy,
Good to hear from you but I can imagine how difficult it is to talk about your sweet Katrina. The pain is still raw and your heart is still aching, I know. You have a huge hole in your soul but in time that hole will start filling up with wonderful memories of your life with Katrina, and the ache will not be as painful or as constant.
You may have read this from me before, but just in case I want to share it with you now. The Prophet Kahlil Gibran talks of sorrow, saying it is digging a well in your soul. The deeper our sorrow, the deeper that well becomes. But as sorrow begins to pass, we find that well in our soul is able to hold more joy, laughter, love, all good things.
As you are able to begin filling your soul with those good things in life, you are honoring your Katrina, for she made that possible. And, I promise, this time will fact you are already starting to let that well hold a bit of love through Nixie.
I have no doubt that your soul will be much fuller, have much more capacity for love, compassion, empathy and hope than it ever was before...and it was considerable before.
Leslie and the girls
12-31-2009, 02:04 AM
Sweet friends,
It's been four months since we lost our beloved Katrina and we miss her terribly. Her pictures are every where in our house. Our puppy Nixie is seven months old now and the most lovable doxie we have ever had. We get hundreds of kisses from her everyday. She's a black, tan and silver doxie. Weighs only 8 1/2 pounds. We still have Katrina's sister Heidi and she and the pup play together. Nixie's puppy pictures are posted here in my folder. Soon, I'll try to post more.
In case you don't know how Nixie helped to heal my broken heart, my sister posted the story above on this thread.
Wishing all of you the very best for the New Year,
Harley PoMMom
12-31-2009, 05:51 AM
Candy, my dear friend, how it warms my heart so much to see your post. I am so happy that Heidi and Nixie are playing together, I know in the beginning Heidi sometimes bared her teeth and lunged at Nixie, but they are getting along now and that is fantastic! And yes, we would love to see pics of Nixie...can't wait!!!
Take care of yourself, my dear friend, and have a very Happy New Year!
Love and hugs,
12-31-2009, 10:58 AM
Candy -
I'm so sorry and yet so grateful that NixieStar has such a good family!
You take good care....
Lynne, Clyde & Bailey
01-19-2010, 10:06 PM
Dearest Candy,
I don't know if you remember me, but my beautiful beagle, Charlie Brown had adrenal gland and gall bladder surgery right around the same time as your darling little Katrina. Charlie never recovered enough to leave the hospital. His adrenal tumor was a very aggressive cancer and it had spread. We were fortunate to be with him at the end, though and we gave him many hugs and kisses and told him how much we loved him before he passed away. We know he knew us, though he was heavily sedated due to a seizure, because he barked to let us know.
I am still mourning the loss of my beloved Charlie, who had been my best friend, and sometimes my only friend, for fourteen years. Often I would think of your precious little Katrina and thank God that she made it through her surgery so well.
Today, I decided to log in and check on all the dogs and their owners I'd gotten to know last summer and early fall. I can't tell you how devastated I was to read that little Katrina passed away only about six weeks after my beloved Charlie. Candy, please know that I know how you feel. I keep my Charlie's photo with me all the time and it sits here on my desk. I never leave my house without telling Charlie I love him more than anything and letting him know he's still my special little boy and always will be. My heart breaks for your beloved Katrina just as it does for my beloved Charlie. Katrina and Charlie were sort of "partners" in this surgery and I know they're playing together across the rainbow bridge. Still, reading about the loss of your Katrina causes tears to come to my eyes.
I am glad to read that you're giving another special little doxie a wonderful home, though. I know your new little one is going to have a life filled with love. Katrina would be so proud and happy. She IS proud and happy.
Please know how heartbroken I feel as well. Because Katrina and Charlie sort of went through this together, Katrina had a special place in my heart as well. I haven't recovered enough yet to get another dog, but hopefully, I will someday. I pray every day for Charlie to give me a sign that he's alive somewhere and happy. At Christmastime, I was in a store and because of crowds, I had to go down an aisle I normally wouldn't have done. In that aisle, I found a ceramic Christmas tree ornament that looked exactly like my Charlie! And there was only one! Naturally, I bought it and gave it a place of honor on my tree. I hope this was Charlie's sign to me that he is happy and waiting for me.
God bless you, Candy, and your family of doxies. I know Charlie and Katrina are looking down on us from heaven and helping guide us day-by-day.
Much love,
01-20-2010, 08:54 PM
You got your answer about how Charlie Brown is doing when you walked down that aisle in that store. He's up there romping and running and playing in beautiful green meadows and gorgeous blue lakes and streams. He's with a wonderful pack of his best friends. He is a young, strong, healthy, happy dog and he's always got his eye on you.
02-02-2010, 05:25 PM
Thank you, Ken.
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