View Full Version : Chloe (15 y/o Jack Russell) - Chloe has crossed Rainbow Bridge
Chloe's Mom
06-03-2014, 07:16 PM
My 13 y/o Jack Russell, Chloe, was diagnosed with Cushing's today. My vet has good experience treating Cushing's in other dogs. We are starting Vetroyl tomorrow at 5 mg from a local compounding pharmacy. I just wanted to stop by and introduce "us", since I'm sure I'll be here a LOT asking questions. I've been reading this forum for about a week, and am grateful for this community and the wealth of knowledge here. Without this forum, I would have never known about the Addison's Crisis and not known what to look for. I feel a little calmer about her diagnosis since I started reading here, and that my vet has said she's had really good results from this medication.
Whew...get ready to hold our hands (and paws!):)
molly muffin
06-03-2014, 07:47 PM
Welcome to you and Chloe. :) How much does she weigh? What are her symptoms? What test was done to diagnose cushings? Do you have the results of any testing, such as blood work, urinalysis, LDDS and/or ACTH?
If so could you post the abnormal numbers?
example alp 150ug (range 5 - 50ug)
That will get us started and a good place to start monitoring from.
Jump in at any time with any questions you have, we're all here to help you gain as much knowledge as possible
Welcome again
Sharlene and molly muffin
Harley PoMMom
06-03-2014, 07:49 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Chloe!
I'm sorry for the reasons that brought you here but glad you found us, and we are some of the best hand holders!!
I was wondering if you could tell us more about Chloe's diagnosis for Cushing's? What symptoms does she display that led you or your vet to test for Cushing's in the first place? How much does Chloe weigh? Is she taking/was taking any other herbs/supplements/medications? Does she have any other health issues?
If you could round up copies of all test/s that were done on Chloe and post the results here that would be great. We only need the abnormal values with their references ranges and units of measurement. We are especially interested in all results for the diagnostic test/s that were performed on Chloe for Cushing's, has she had an ACTH stimulation test done? How about an ultrasound? Was an urinalysis done, and if so, could you post those findings?
Cushing's is one of the most difficult diseases to diagnose and unfortunately, it is also one of the most misdiagnosed. There isn't just one test that is conclusive, so a vet has to rely on more than one diagnostic and validation test.
Non-adrenal illnesses such as diabetes, any thyroid issue, liver problems should be ruled out before starting any treament for Cushing's. Diabetes, thyroid and liver problems do share some of the same symptoms as Cushing's and non-adrenal illnesses can create false positive results on all Cushing tests.
I am providing a link for you that has information regarding Vetoryl/Trilostane: Trilostane/Vetoryl Information and Resources ( Please feel free to print anything out.
Please know we are here for you both, so do ask all the questions you want, ok? ;)
Hugs, Lori
PS I have manually validated your membership so that everyone can now see your post. You can disregard the email you receive from k9c asking you to respond.
Chloe's Mom
06-04-2014, 12:05 AM
Thanks for the quick replies and for the welcome.
Chloe's symptoms that brought us to the vet were excessive drinking and urination. She has had accidents all over the house, and previously was fine leaving her inside all day while I was at work. Now, I can't leave her for 2 hours without her peeing in the house, and she leaves a big puddle for such a small dog. Also, she sleeps in the bed with me, and twice I was awakened by a LARGE wet area in the bed during the night. I mean LARGE, too.
She weighs 14.5 lbs, and has gained about 2-2.5 lbs, as 12-12.5 is more her normal. She does not have (yet) the pot belly, but I had been looking at her and remarking to my friends that she was starting to "look like a sausage" because of her weight gain. 2-2.5 lbs isn't a lot, but in a small dog, that's a pretty significant weight gain and her body shape was just "changing". Vet did a comprehensive blood panel and urinalysis. I don't have any of the lab specifics, but will try to recall the general value ranges and get more specific numbers from the records.
At the initial visit, the urinalysis didn't indicate any sugar, protein or infection in the urine, but it was extremely dilute. I don't know the actual readings for the dilution/specific gravity, but the vet did say it was extremely dilute. All of her blood work came back within normal range except the Alkaline Phosphatase. If memory serves me correctly, the range was supposed to be something like 10-105, and Chloe's was 470. Her glucose, thyroid, kidneys, other liver tests, etc were ALL normal.
Based on her clinical signs and the elevated Alk Phos, vet recommended we do 8 hr LDDS. She had the screening yesterday, and results came today. From my memory, I believe she said her base-line cortisol in the morning was 9.2, and I think normal was supposed to be 1.2 - 1.7 (?). After 4 hours, her cortisol was, I believe, 1.4. At 8 hours, it was 10.7.:eek:, and normal was supposed to be something like the 1.7 (?). As I said, this is ALL from memory, but I'm absolutely sure of the 10.7 at 8 hrs, because I was very shocked at that result, given it was about 10x what was considered the normal range.
Based on all the bloodwork, clinical signs, and results of the LDDS test, vet said that we should start with a very low dose of the vetoryl and see how she is doing in a week. She mentioned that the previous dosing guidelines from the manufacturer had been found to be too high, and she prefers to start low and carefully monitor her progress. She is currently treating several Cushing's dogs, and said they are all doing very well on the Vetoryl.
**Edited to add: Chloe is not on any other medications or supplements.
06-04-2014, 12:56 AM
Hi and welcome to you and Chloe! I'm sorry also at what brought you here with your baby, but also glad you found your way here. The senior members here are worth their weight in gold and then some! :D I think Sharlene and all the questions you'll need.
My Eli slept with me as well....and before he was diagnosed he also wet the bed, the only thing was he slept right at my back, so I was the one that got peed on. lol Although, I didn't mind....but then I knew for sure he had to be sick!! :( Poor little guy..had never even peed in the house in the 8.5 yrs I had him, let alone peed in his sleep! :(
I just blab for the most part! :D:D I'm ALWAYS learning something new everyday! So, welcome! I'm glad at least that your Vet had the good sense to start your Chloe out really low....and you can always work your way up from there. Low and slow is ALWAYS the best way to go!
molly muffin
06-04-2014, 08:51 AM
Based on what you have told us, it does sound like cushings and it also sounds like the other likely possibilities have been ruled out.
Weighing 14.5lbs, 5 mg might even be low for her, but since we never know how a dog will respond to any medication, it is a safe place to start. 10mg probably would be fine to start at too, like if you wanted to do 5mg in morning and 5mg in evening. (some dogs can't keep control for the entire day, so the dosage is split) Make sure you give it in the morning, with food and then your ACTH tests are done within 4 - 6 hours of the dose with food.
We'll be right here with you, every step of the way.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Chloe's Mom
06-04-2014, 10:49 AM
Thanks, Joann & Sharlene! Joann, I read your entire thread about Eli and THAT is what made me really want to start at a loooooowww dose. My vet says that she has found 1 mg/KG to be good dosing guidelines. At that ratio, Chloe would be on roughly 6 mg, but we're starting with 5. I'm A-OK starting low. We can always go up. After reading about Eli's near-death experiences, I'd rather proceed VERY cautiously.
I had a diabetic dog many years ago, and I know how quickly things can change and put them in crisis. Cushing's seems to be very similar in the need for monitoring and being hyper-attentive to any changes in Chloe.
Once we settle on a good dosage, I'm going to investigate some of the online compounding pharmacies mentioned here. Mine is charging me $65 :eek: for 30 pills at 5 mg! That seems really high to me.
06-04-2014, 12:24 PM
Just a quick hello and welcome to the group. I too have a Jack Russell Tipper. She will be on Vetoryl 2 years this August. I as so happy you are starting low as Jack Russells can be sensitive to things. You are smart and keeping your girl safe starting low. I look forward to seeing you on here and good luck to you and Chloe. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-04-2014, 01:58 PM
Thanks, Patti and hugs to your JRT as well.
Well, I just heard from Diamondback with the potential quote for compounding 5 mg. Vetoryl. OMG, their quote is 1/4 of what I'm paying locally!:eek: I'm going to get this first 30 pills locally so I can get Chloe started and on the road to discerning her optimal dose. But, I will have my vet send subsequent Rx to Diamondback to fill. WOW...just WOW.
Harley PoMMom
06-04-2014, 03:00 PM
Thanks, Joann & Sharlene! Joann, I read your entire thread about Eli and THAT is what made me really want to start at a loooooowww dose. My vet says that she has found 1 mg/KG to be good dosing guidelines. At that ratio, Chloe would be on roughly 6 mg, but we're starting with 5. I'm A-OK starting low. We can always go up. After reading about Eli's near-death experiences, I'd rather proceed VERY cautiously.
Starting Chloe on a low dose of Vetoryl, I believe, is a good idea, and it sounds like Chloe's vet is great.
I had a diabetic dog many years ago, and I know how quickly things can change and put them in crisis. Cushing's seems to be very similar in the need for monitoring and being hyper-attentive to any changes in Chloe.
Success in treatment does depend on keen owner observation and a vet that is willing to work with you as a team player.
Once we settle on a good dosage, I'm going to investigate some of the online compounding pharmacies mentioned here. Mine is charging me $65 :eek: for 30 pills at 5 mg! That seems really high to me.
Compounding the Trilostane is a huge cost savings. The ACTH stimulation test is used for monitoring a dog while on treatment and they are expensive, another cost savings is having Chloe's vet reconstitute the stimulating agent that is used in the ACTH stim test which is Cortrosyn, since Chloe weighs 14.5 lbs, I believe, your vet could get at least 7 ACTH stimulation tests out of one vial.
If your vet is not aware of this you can provide her with a copy of Dr. Mark Peterson's blog for veterinarians where he provides instructions on how to reconstitute the agent and store for future tests.
How to Extend Your Supply of Cortrosyn and Lower the Cost of ACTH Stimulation Testing (
Hugs, Lori
Chloe's Mom
06-04-2014, 04:08 PM
Thanks for that info, Lori. I will definitely pass along to my vet because I know she's treating several Cushing's dogs ATM. It would be nice to save us all a little $$, if possible.
06-05-2014, 12:20 PM
Your JRT is the same color as my Tipper and Tipper has that brown patch on her side too! It seems there are a lot of terriers getting Cushings.
Chloe's Mom
06-05-2014, 11:39 PM
I've read that terriers are prone to Cushings, but really, who knows??? Your Tipper and my Chloe do have similar markings...cute lil stinkers!
Chloe started the vetoryl today, and so far, nothing out of the ordinary. I know it's too soon, but I just want everything to go smoothly.
06-06-2014, 07:43 AM
I just know form being at the Veterinary Hospital and the vets so much and seeing other Terriers with this disease. I wish there was more research to develop the cause and a cure. You are starting out low so you should not have any problems. It will get better and easier as you go along this journey. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-06-2014, 05:18 PM
Thanks, Patti. We've got all fingers and paws crossed here for a good result for ALL Cush pups here. Today's the second day without incident, so we're plugging along.
molly muffin
06-06-2014, 08:49 PM
You're doing fine! Baby steps. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-06-2014, 11:08 PM
Hoping you see good results once Chloe gets settled into the medication. My dog started on a very low dose too...I also wanted it that way as I was pretty nervous about using it. I believe low dose and slow increases is the way to go but it does take a bit longer to get symptoms controlled sometimes.
My dog was about 16 pounds and we started on 6mg twice a day. It took many weeks of tweaking the dose upward in small increments but eventually we arrived at 14mg twice a day and Trixie's symptoms were controlled. She had a few relapses...the dose seemed right, her test numbers were good and then the next week her drinking would start back up. Getting the dose just right can be a frustrating time, but once it works and the dog begins to return to normal it's a huge relief! We never had any bad side effects along the way, but it's good to know what they are so you can be careful to watch for any.
Everyone here on this board will be a huge help to you! I never would have gotten through the last year without the board! :) Hoping Chloe starts to feel better soon.
06-07-2014, 08:10 AM
You are doing a great job. It is true so just take it slowly, as that is the safest way for your Chloe. It can seem like you are not making any headway at times like Barbara said, but this is a drug that sometimes requires several tweaks to get it right. I had a heck of a time with Tipper and sometimes have to change her dose even now and she has been on it almost 2 years. Small increments is the way to go. It will all work out, and you will be like talking like a vet and feel like you have had a crash course in veterinary school soon! Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-07-2014, 01:37 PM
Thanks everyone! It IS a relief to read about dogs here who have been on the meds for 1 year + and still chugging along. I am squarely in the "go slow" camp, as I do NOT want an Addison's crisis. :eek:
Had to chuckle at Patti's "you'll be talking like a vet" comment. I feel like I've already had to take a crash-course in Cushing's. The last time I had to research Cushings (many years ago), the medications available were soooooo scary. I'm grateful that, while none are perfect, the ones available now are a little easier on our pups.
We're on day 3 of the meds, and so far, the only change I see in Chloe is some of her "I'm the big dog" behavior returning. :D I have 2 other dogs, and she's getting sassy and bossy with them again. I guess that's a good sign, as it may signal some of the "feeling good" excess cortisol may be leaving??? Or, it could be that she simply feels better and is ready to re-claim her "top dog" position. LOL
06-08-2014, 08:28 AM
Everything is going well. The reason Chloe is probably feeling better is that the high cortisol is starting to drop. With my Tipper I noticed it within hours, she magically changed and got her energy back. Tipper has such strong symptoms that I guess it makes sense her cortisol was so high that she would be feeling better in hours. The vet was amazed that she changes so quickly and so was I. I was glad as she was miserable drinking all that water, peeing, panting an d not sleeping. Chloe should continue to do well as you are doing a good job watching her. She will feel and act so much better once she is controlled. Has she gained any weight with this? I know JRT's are food driven, and Tipper would almost attack me if she saw me with food. Now I can actually eat in front of her with her not jumping at my food trying to get it! Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-08-2014, 06:55 PM
Chloe did gain about 2.5 lbs in the last year or so. In a small dog, that's a pretty significant weight gain. She weighs 14.5 now, and usually was 12-12.5.
Today is day 4, and I "think" I may be seeing a little less water drinking and peeing.:D Hope it's not my wishful thinking, tho... So far, she's doing well.
06-09-2014, 08:20 AM
Well my Tipper was always a but larger at 16.7 lbs but now she is about 18 so she has gained too, and it is not good for a small dog that is really like 10-30 lbs for us. I try to restrict her food. Now that she is controlled it is easier and she is not begging for food all the time, but she does let you know exactly when her feeding times are. I put her on a lower calorie food too and measure it exactly. Day five coming up and you two are doing very well. You are the perfect example for new people to follow so they minimize problems. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-09-2014, 01:03 PM
Oh Patti, thank you for your kind words. This is new territory that Chloe and I are navigating, and I can't express how grateful I am for the love, support, and wealth of information on this site. What a Godsend each and every one of you are!
All of my dogs are on scheduled/measured meals. It just seems that I've always had one dog or another that needed medication or to lose a few lbs. I haven't given my dogs free access to food for many, many years. I guess that is why Chloe's weight gain surprised me - she wasn't getting more, so why did she gain weight? Now I understand...
Today is day 5 of the meds, and she continues to do well. I see no adverse affects from the medication, and I think she is drinking/peeing a little less. Before her diagnosis, she used to drink with such a sense of urgency - as if she had spent the day in the desert. I'm seeing less and less of that now, and I'm pleased.
Patti, I was also reading your thread about Tipper and her storm anxiety. It's odd, but my Chloe isn't really phased by storms. It is my 60 lb. husky that gets anxious and runs for cover during storms. Bless you and Tipper and thank you so much for your continued support and responses to my posts.:)
06-09-2014, 02:51 PM
When Tipper first gained the weight, I thought now how is this possible when I measure her food?? So then In began to investigate the possibility of her thyroid being low as this will cause it, and many Cushing's dogs also have thyroid issues. My vet fought me on this we got into it for real. I told him her thyroid was too low so we sent for a thyroid profile from the University of Michigan. They were on the fence about the results. So finally I paid for a consultation with Jean Dodds. Maybe you heard of her, she is a renowned specialist in thyroid. She looked at Tippers results and said it was too low as Jack Russell's are one of the breeds that needs their level to be at least at mid range. Tipper was below normal. In the mean time I talked my vet into giving me the lowest dose possible
of Soloxine. II read up on this and you must be very conservative when using thyroid meds with a Cushing's dog. Within about a week she was acting and feeling a lot better and lost some weight. It can change their personalities etc. when the thyroid is not working properly. You might want to look at his blood work and see where his thyroid level was. Weight gain is also common with Cushing's dogs too, so it is best to check it out. It can make their calcium out of whack if their thyroid is not working right, and high calcium can cause problems. Tipper had high calcium from it and it is fine now since she got her thyroid regulated. It will make them drink a little more taking Soloxine. I am glad you are on day 5 and your Chloe is doing well. Tipper did so much better during this storm with the meds. It was a last resort as her blood pressure gets dangerously high she is so terrified of storms. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-11-2014, 10:25 AM
Thanks for your reply, Patti. Chloe's thyroid panel came back normal, but not sure of the exact reading. Will have to ask the vet about that, as I don't have the actual copies of her lab results yet.
Well, we are on day 7 of the meds, and I can see Chloe getting a little better. Her eyes are brighter, and her "little dog bossiness" is certainly coming back!:D She still drinks water more frequently than my other dogs, but the urgency of her drinking has definitely decreased. Before the meds, she would just drink, drink, drink at the water, almost like she was biting it because she couldn't get it fast enough. Now, she is drinking at a more normal pace, and the "biting" at the water (think: GULPING) has dissipated a LOT. I haven't seen any more accidents in the house, but I am taking her out more often. Still, I am encouraged by her progress and believe that her overall water consumption and puddles of pee have decreased. :p
I've got a call in to her vet with the 7 day progress report, so I'll wait to hear back from her as to what we do next, and when. I'm assuming the ACTH test is next, but don't know when.
06-11-2014, 11:23 AM
Good going Chloe keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06-12-2014, 08:06 AM
Day 8 and I bet Chloe is feeling so much better getting that cortisol down!! It is nice when you see you dog come back to how they used to be. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-12-2014, 10:24 AM
Thanks, Patti! Yes, I am starting to see such positive signs in Chloe. She just seems to be feeling better overall - more energy, less urgency with drinking, and no accidents in the house (so far). Of course, I am vigilant about taking her out more often, but before we started the meds, she was drinking and peeing ALL the time.
I mentioned before that she seems to be getting her terrier "bossiness" back. Well, she's getting a little TOO bossy, IMO. Did the vetoryl make Tipper a little more crabby? Or, is this just Chloe's JRT personality coming back now that she feels better?
Other than this bossy behavior, Chloe is really doing well and I'm very happy with her progress.
Harley PoMMom
06-12-2014, 10:28 AM
It is wonderful that Chloe is responding favorably with her Vetoryl treatment. In Dechra's product insert it states that an ACTH stimulation test should be performed 10-14 days after treatment has begun, so an appt. between June 14th - 18th would be ideal.
Dechra's U.S. Product Insert (
Hoping Chloe continues to do well, and will be keeping all various body parts crossed for good ACTH results.
Hugs, Lori
06-12-2014, 10:45 AM
Tipper did have some changes to her personality. She is more touchy than usual. Two vets told me the meds would do this. I am glad she is feeling better and continues to improve. keep an eye on her with the other dogs as Tipper developed a low tolerance for my Yorkie horsing around with her and she went at him. I keep them separate now as you know the power of a JRT and I don't want my Toby hurt. Blessings
06-13-2014, 08:09 AM
Day 9 and Chloe is doing fine. I am so glad you started her low. It just goes to show you these dogs can do well when dosed slowly. I am really glad though that she is feeling better as that is the important thing. She will get back to her old self before you know it. Tipper never peed in the house ever even when sick. That was one good thing. Even when well she if I had to go somewhere for a long period I would put out potty pads. They were always dry when I got home, she would not use them! These dogs just feel so much better when that nasty cortisol goes down. I told you Tipper showed improvement in hours after starting the Vetoryl, I was amazed. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-13-2014, 04:36 PM
Thanks, Lori and Patti! Chloe continues to do well and we are on day 9 of the meds. She even started playing with my husky yesterday! Not bad for a girl that is almost 14!
When I say she is getting too bossy, I don't mean necessarily aggressive - just barking at one of my other dogs (Ayla) that has firmly established herself as the alpha dog. While Ayla jumps to attention at the "sassing", she knows I will fuss at her if she acts on it. So, she gets all worked up and Chloe is still barking away. I have to divert Chloe's attention and tell her to STOP to bring peace and quiet back. I will keep an eye on this.
Other than her cranky/bossy behavior, she's doing great!
molly muffin
06-13-2014, 11:30 PM
Yay, glad to hear that Chloe is doing so well. Getting a bit spunky too. ;) :) Isn't it wonderful when they run and play again. Love that!
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-14-2014, 07:49 AM
Ok she is on day 10 and being a little bossy I think she deserves it!! I am glad she is feeling like her old self again. There is nothing that makes me happier than to see my dog enjoying her life. No storm last nite it passed us thank God!! Blessings
06-14-2014, 01:24 PM
Hi there! Day 10 for you! Sorry, I didn't forget you and Chloe or anything! Please forgive me for not posting! I'm on Day 4 now back with Eli on the Vetoryl. He's doing OK. I haven't really seem any changes much....maybe not drinking so much water. I always give him fresh water in the morning is how I keep track of it. One bowl holds 4 cups and he usually drinks that......and half another bowl. Now we're just down to one bowl. :D
Eli gained some severe poundage over the years. Like about 8! :rolleyes: From August to the time in Feb.....when all this first started he gained 4 pounds alone! And, I put him on the Blue Buffalo Healthly Weight dog food and cut out his treats....and he gained.....the last 2 pounds! :eek:
I'm so happy that Chole is doing good so far on the 5mg. The ACTH Stim to get her Cortisol level will tell the tale. It should be time to get it least by Tuesday....although, I, myself, would do it by Monday. Make sure you give her the Vetoryl with food early enough to get her to the Vet...between 4-6 hours after that for the ACTH Stim to get an accurate reading of cortisol reading. :D
I'm really happy for you and Chloe! :) Fingers and paws crossed for us both!
06-14-2014, 01:52 PM
Yes like JoAnn said make sure you do not fast Chloe. Some vets say that and do not know it is wrong. Make sure you take her every time she gets tested at the same time each test. So you can compare apples to apples. Hope all is well. Blessings
06-15-2014, 07:59 AM
I guess we will all be excited to see Chloe's numbers. Just remember do not change doses for about 30 days. If her numbers still aren't where they should be after that period then I would try her at 15mg. She is on day 11 and all is well in Chloe's world which is a blessing
Chloe's Mom
06-15-2014, 10:51 AM
Thanks everyone! I'm curious about the ACTH test, tho. I've read that vetoryl can continue to reduce the cortisol for 30 days. So why should we do the ACTH at 10-14 days? If we increase the dose at, for example, 14 days - don't we run the risk of the dose being too high at 30 days?
Chloe is doing better, but I she had an accident in the house last night. :( We're not where we need to be yet, but definitely improved.
06-15-2014, 10:59 AM
You test at 14 days to see if the numbers are OK or going too low. Then after the 30 days is up if the numbers are too high you increase then. No increases before 30 days as the cortisol continues to drop and if you increase it could lead
to Addison's. At 14 days if they see the numbers going too low they can stop the Vetoryl for a while to compensate. These drugs are very powerful so you want touse tthe correct protocol along with them. Hope Chloe is having a good day. Blessings
06-16-2014, 08:11 AM
How is dear Chloe? I bet she is running around like a puppy? Hopre all is going well. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-16-2014, 11:51 AM
Thanks, Patti. Chloe is doing well so far. I haven't asked my vet about the ACTH test yet. I will send her an email about it and see what she says. I'm pretty confident that her numbers aren't going too low, tho. If anything, they may still be a little high. I really have limited funds, so I want to do the ACTH test when it will be most revealing. I am starting a new job today, after being unemployed for 3 months. Honestly, I can't afford ACTH tests every 2 weeks.:( IOW, I'm wondering if we can do the ACTH at 30 days to see where we are? Trust me, if I saw ANY indication that her cortisol was low, I would move heaven and earth to get the $$ for the test. But, if anything, I still see a higher than normal water consumption, and she did have an accident in the house Saturday night.
I don't know - of course, I want to do the best for Chloe, but I really have to watch my funds at the moment until I start getting some regular income, KWIM???
06-16-2014, 12:35 PM
I had my Tipper tested at 30 days as I was vigilant about watching her. The new protocol by Dechra which is not in the brochure is test in 30 days because too many people were testing in 14 and then the vet would say up the dosage and the dog would end up over dosed. So they went to 30 in hopes this would stop the over dosing. I think you are very on the ball and if you cannot afford it I understand where you are coming from, I have totally changed the way I live as I am on a fixed income now form being sick and these bill for Tipper have used all my savings and then even more. I know the feeling to want to help your dog and not enough money to do it. I do nothing that I was used to doing before in order to be able to get Tipper thru this. It is hard on some families with two people still working, and Tipper has had extraordinary vet and hospital bill. She has to be scanned every three months and heart check, and eye check plus all my regular vet stuff and laser therapy. I was not used to being this poor until all this hit with her. If I was still working this would not present a problem, but I am not so it is very difficult, so I understand you sweety, so don't worry it will be ok. The best of luck with your new job. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-16-2014, 09:11 PM
Thanks, Patti! Whew! I don't want to feel like a bad Cushy-Mommy, but I've already spent about $500 for the original work-up + meds, and with only a teensy income from selling some stuff on ebay, that $500 was hard won.
Chloe is doing well, and I watch her like a hawk. My new job is only part time, so I'm only away from her for about 5 hours a day, M-F. With her positive response to the dosage by day 10, vet felt like we should stick with her low dose and see how she does. I'm glad to hear that waiting until 30 days doesn't make me a horrible Mom.:)
06-17-2014, 07:50 AM
You are doing a good job, so we will see what happens 30 days from now. It is a good thing you started her low as she will more than likely do well throughout her treatment. Hope you like your job, it is a hard adjustment to make with all this stuff going on for you. I hope things get easier. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-21-2014, 02:57 AM
Thanks, Patti. Chloe is still doing well, so all fingers and paws crossed here! She has more energy and doesn't seem to be drinking and peeing as much. I'm waiting for the 30 days to be complete, but the low dose may be what she needs. Time will tell, but I'm encouraged so far!
06-21-2014, 07:34 AM
It is so nice to hear success stories when the dosing is done low and slow. I am so happy for Chloe and I hope she continues to improve. As I said this is a textbook case on how to keep your dog as safe as possible with this drug. She is probably starting to feel so much better. My Tipper started out this way and will be on this drug two years in August. My vet wanted to start her on 30mg right off the bat. She is on 25mg now. I thank God every day for letting me have enough sense to start her on 10 as sure as God made green apples she would have been over dosed. I am always so happy to see dogs doing well because they are managed correctly. This drug is not perfect, but it and Lysodren are about the only things were have that are effective. If it were not for this drug I know my dog would not be here and for that I am thankful every minute of every day. Blessings
06-21-2014, 10:53 AM
Thanks, Patti! Whew! I don't want to feel like a bad Cushy-Mommy, but I've already spent about $500 for the original work-up + meds, and with only a teensy income from selling some stuff on ebay, that $500 was hard won.
Chloe is doing well, and I watch her like a hawk. My new job is only part time, so I'm only away from her for about 5 hours a day, M-F. With her positive response to the dosage by day 10, vet felt like we should stick with her low dose and see how she does. I'm glad to hear that waiting until 30 days doesn't make me a horrible Mom.:)
Hi! Don't feel bad at all! This go round', Eli isn't being checked for 30 days either. Only that was the IMS and my Vet's choice...which was at first, was leery for me...but, I can tell with Eli it'll be OK. He's, so far, doing fine. We're going slow... but, he's fine this time. :D I think they'll probably up his dose, just my opinion for now, we'll see when they do his ACTH Stim again to check his cortisol level again. (Remember he's 30 pounds on only 10 mgs).
I'm also on a very low fixed income, and have spent to date since Feb. over 1500.00 on Eli's Vet bills. :eek: I had to use my dental fund. I have no savings....and only draw a small SS check now and also can't work due to disabilities. I have to put that money back somehow. But, I also couldn't let him go without. Here's a link for you to try to apply for a grant. They give grants to help people with low income and senior dogs who need care. I also applied a couple of weeks ago, but haven't heard from them yet. Hopefully, I will soon. Luckily, I live in a small town where the tests aren't really expensive...but right now everything adds up, especially with his being sick and hospitalized...and having to have meds monthly. ....I hope this helps. There are many foundations out there, but many are state specific, county specific, most don't have money, some only do surgery, some only have 50.00...the list goes on. I live in KY and they only had spay and neuter help. :(
So, please never feel like a "bad cush-mom"'re doing the best you can, under very bad circumstances. Good luck with your new job! Sometimes, part time jobs work into full time jobs. You just never know!
Chloe's Mom
06-23-2014, 12:28 AM
Oh thanks, JoAnn!! It is so hard when the funds are tight, but you want to do everything right for your furkids. And, I just got another round of bad (very bad) financial news. The evaporator coil on my car A/C bit the dust and of course, it's a horribly labor intensive and expensive repair - $900!!!! :eek: It is HOT here. I simply cannot go without A/C in my car. So, I bite the bullet, plan to sell some of my stuff on ebay and CL, and cross all fingers and toes that I can raise the $$ when the bill comes due. Sheesh!
But, Chloe is still doing well. I can tell from the color and quantity of her urine that she is getting better. Before we started the vetoryl, her urine was perfectly clear because it was so dilute. It's getting some "color" back, and there is not nearly as much. I'm just so thankful that she's doing well on the low dose.
Thank God for this forum. I see sooooooo many new people come here with a new diagnosis and a large starting dose. I read your story about Eli just before we got the results of the LDDS test, and I was soooooo thankful that my vet started at 1 mg/KG, rather than the earlier published dosing guidelines. You will never know how many people and dogs you helped by sharing Eli's story. And, this forum is just a God-send.:)
06-23-2014, 01:10 PM
Oh that is horrible for you. I feel so bad you are really trying hard. I hope you can find one of those places that will help with Chloe's vet bills. You did not need this now. Keep your chin up better things will happen for you. Glad Chloe is doing well, so you don't have that worry. When you see so many dogs being started too high it does make you sick as you know the result. Maybe you will have some money coming in your future. Blessings
molly muffin
06-23-2014, 07:58 PM
Oh dear, sorry to hear this about your car AC. You're right it does it bloody hot down your way.
Is there any possibility of a mechanic being able to do it cheaper somewhere else? Maybe get a few estimates? I went to a junk yard once, requested the part i needed, took a handy guy with me and he ended up find the part i needed and put it on for Much cheaper than I could get the dealer to do.
Just a thought really. Since it might be that you've already done all that or this might be your only option. I don't know why when it rains it pours. :(
On the other hand, glad to hear that Chloe is doing okay and on this low dosage, I expect she will continue to do so. Have you spoken to your vet about vial splitting for the ACTH tests? They can freeze the part they don't use and use on your next ACTH tests, making the cost a bit lower over all. That is a thought too if you haven't checked into that.
Here is a link that describes it and you can print it out and take it to your vet:
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-24-2014, 08:01 AM
Sharlene's suggestion about the part is a good. You can save a lot of money that way. If you know someone that can install it you could save more even. I am hoping you can save money on your ACTH testing also. It can get so costly, and believe me I know as Tipper has had so many. Something good is going to happen for you so don't let it get you down. Blessings
06-24-2014, 01:19 PM
Hi! I hope Eli's story helped someone anyway. I know I sure learned a lot the hard way! If it wasn't for this forum, he'd be dead right now! ...Thanking God always for them! :D ..I'm also lucky to live in a small town where I only pay $73 for the ACTH Stim. At the IMS they wanted $334.! BIG difference! .....But, even at $73...I'm scrounging! The pills are another $50+. .....I still haven't heard from The Onyx and Breezy Foundation yet. It may take awhile. I wish they'd send something soon....even if it's a denial. They are also on Facebook.
I'm so sorry about your car A/C! I know that feeling as well! The truck I was driving for years the A/C went out...and I couldn't go anywhere during the day by myself. I'd have to wait until it cooled off a little at night to go to the store even. :( So, I know exactly what you mean! And, places now a days....won't let you make payments to them, unless you know them. Small towns will my Vet...they quit letting people make payments.....but let me, but I've been going there for years. It's a catch 22 it seems.
I'm so sorry. I know the feeling all too well! :( I'm so glad that Chloe is doing well though! That's a good thing! Eli is doing OK, but I can tell he'll need to be boosted up to a higher dose when we go back. The only changes with him so far, is that he's not peeing as much, drinking or eating as much.....which is good, but we're not there yet.
06-25-2014, 08:13 AM
Hope Chloe is still doing well and being her sassy self. I definitely hope you can save some money here and there on what she needs. Every dollar counts and when you can save, it helps pay for something else needed. You are doing good so just know we have all been where you are and made it somehow. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
06-25-2014, 03:55 PM
Oh thanks, JoAnn!! It is so hard when the funds are tight, but you want to do everything right for your furkids. And, I just got another round of bad (very bad) financial news. The evaporator coil on my car A/C bit the dust and of course, it's a horribly labor intensive and expensive repair - $900!!!! :eek: It is HOT here. I simply cannot go without A/C in my car. So, I bite the bullet, plan to sell some of my stuff on ebay and CL, and cross all fingers and toes that I can raise the $$ when the bill comes due. Sheesh!
I had a truck that needed a new evaporator coil put in and the cost was $500, it is a lot of work because the dash in the vehicle has to come completely out.
But, Chloe is still doing well. I can tell from the color and quantity of her urine that she is getting better. Before we started the vetoryl, her urine was perfectly clear because it was so dilute. It's getting some "color" back, and there is not nearly as much. I'm just so thankful that she's doing well on the low dose.
So happy that Chloe is doing so well on her treatment! Yellow pee !!! YA!!!!! :D:D
Hugs, Lori
06-26-2014, 08:30 AM
Hope you got the car part situation solved. I just hate when that happens and these parts are so costly and labor to put them on is outrageous. Hope Chloe is still going strong, and peeing yellow. Funny how things that sound really ridiculous to the normal person makes our day!! Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-27-2014, 12:55 PM
Thanks everyone for the sympathy for my expensive car repair!:eek: Seems that my car ate one of their tools, so they are waiting for a replacement today and the repairs will re-commence. :mad: Lori, you are right - they have to take the entire dash out to get to the coil. Because it is so labor intensive, they bought the exact part from the dealer and the part alone is $400.:eek: With so much labor involved, they wanted a perfect, factory fit. No use to get an after-market part, spend hours putting everything back together, only to find it leaking or something and have to be removed again. But GEEZ - that's a LOT of $$ for a part!!
Chloe is still doing pretty well, but she sometimes gets up during the night for water, and pees in the house on her way back to the bedroom. I'm going to talk to my vet about the ACTH test, as I think we'll probably need just a little higher dose. Stay tuned...
06-27-2014, 01:06 PM
Just remember you can't adjust her dose for thirty days or more because the cortisol will continue to fall. She will probably need 20mg to start feeling really well, but you can go to 15 then 20. You can get the trilostane compounded at Diamondback and it will be cheaper. They do require tweaking but it is much safer than over dosing them. I am glad she is doing well. My goodness that car part is atrocious, and labor on top of that??? Wow feel so bad for you. Something good will happen to even it out! Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-27-2014, 03:09 PM
Thanks, Patti. We are about 5 days away from the 30 day mark. Hard to believe it's almost been 30 days, but I only got 30 pills, and we have about 5 left (going from memory here - not looking at the bottle). :rolleyes: That's why I'm wondering if we should do the ACTH test now, or should I refill the 5 mg. dose and do the test a little later? Guess I'll put a call into the vet...
Oh, and I WILL be talking to my vet about sending the Rx to Diamondback. Their price is 25% of what my local compounder is charging!!
06-27-2014, 03:48 PM
Since you did not do one at the 10-14 days you really do need one at thirty. I would not do anything else until I knew her numbers. Make sure she eats a meal and takes her Vetoryl and that the test is done between 4-6 hours later, not longer. I am sure she will do just fine. If she seems a little strange when you pick her up it is from the test. Sometimes they act a little off after the testing. Never fast her for a test no matter what as it will cause her to be overdosed when the results come in. Every time you have her tested take her at the same time of day, so you can compare apples to apples. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-27-2014, 08:16 PM
Thanks, Patti. I have left VM for my vet about the ACTH test. I checked, and we have 6 pills left. I think I will try to schedule the test for maybe Wednesday of next week. That way, I still have one pill left for Thursday while I wait for the results of the test. I don't know - will wait to hear from the vet on Monday to see what she thinks. When I called, they did say that she would need to come in 4 hours after eating and getting her pill, so we're on the right track. BUT, the test is $280!!!!! I'm definitely going to give her the article about saving the stimulant (can't remember the name) for the next test. Hopefully, that might save me some $$ next time.
I'm just hemorrhaging money here! :eek: But, I have to do what I have to do for Chloe. She is already soooooo much better, I know the meds are working. She just might need a slightly higher dose.
06-28-2014, 08:30 AM
That is Crotosyn you are thinking of? I know what you mean about money, it seems that you have a period where multiple things happen that require a lot of money and it's always when you can least afford it. I am hoping for something good to happen for you like hit the lottery!! I hope your vet agrees to use the method that saves you money, I would just be right up front and tell them you can't afford the testing unless they do it this way. have a better day today. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-28-2014, 10:10 PM
That is Crotosyn you are thinking of? I know what you mean about money, it seems that you have a period where multiple things happen that require a lot of money and it's always when you can least afford it. I am hoping for something good to happen for you like hit the lottery!! I hope your vet agrees to use the method that saves you money, I would just be right up front and tell them you can't afford the testing unless they do it this way. have a better day today. Blessings
YES! It is the Crotosyn. She will call me on Monday, and I'll see what she says. I'm sure she'll want to do the ACTH test next week. It will be interesting to see Chloe's numbers after being on the meds for 20+ days.
06-29-2014, 08:03 AM
I bet you are wanting to see Chloe's numbers! She will probably need a tweaking of her dose to put her in her sweet spot. Just make sure to get copies of the testing so we can see her results as some vets read the results wrong! She is doing so well with her treatment and she will only improve with her symptoms if she needs to have her dose adjusted. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
06-30-2014, 09:29 PM
Well, I talked to the vet today and she was very sympathetic about my unexpected car repairs. She told me to refill Chloe's 5 mg vetoryl and continue her treatment, and we could postpone the ACTH for a few weeks. But, we would definitely get it done before the 60 day mark. I just needed a little financial breather to get back on my feet before shelling out the $280 for the ACTH test. She said even if we did the ACTH this week, she doubts she would recommend increasing the dosage yet.
By all observations, Chloe is doing well and continues to improve. I told the vet if I saw ANYTHING that seemed the least bit suspicious, I would bring her in immediately. She said that was OK, and we'll do the test in a few weeks.
I know it's not "textbook ideal", but I'm trying my best to do right by Chloe and keep us afloat at the same time. I feel really encouraged by her improvement, and will watch her closely in the next few weeks until we have the ACTH. Thanks everyone for your wonderful advice and support!
Harley PoMMom
06-30-2014, 09:34 PM
I know it's not "textbook ideal", but I'm trying my best to do right by Chloe and keep us afloat at the same time. I feel really encouraged by her improvement, and will watch her closely in the next few weeks until we have the ACTH. Thanks everyone for your wonderful advice and support!
We certainly understand, those ACTH stimulation tests are so very expensive :mad: I believe your plan is a good one, keep us updated, ok? ;)
Hugs, Lori
07-01-2014, 08:12 AM
I know how you are struggling with all of this. We are not here to place blame on anyone. You can only do what is within your means to do. As long as she is kept on her lower dose there is less risk involved. I hope you and Chloe have some really good luck, as you deserve some. You are being very vigilant with her so I know you will see if anything changes. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
07-01-2014, 12:37 PM
Thanks Patti & Lori. :) I hate that I have to postpone the test, but the 1st of the month is always harder on finances as most of my bills are due in the first 2 weeks of the month. Add the stupid car bill into it, and it's pretty overwhelming. But, the holiday has brought some petsitting jobs to help bring in some extra $$. I'm sitting for 2 cockatiels this week, and they are really a joy to be around.:D One is a youngster, but very sweet. The other is older and says "pretty bird" every day when I come to take care of them. Very sweet birds and every little bit of $$ helps.;)
07-01-2014, 12:42 PM
I am so glad you have some pet sitting jobs to get some extra money. I have a parrot his name is Elvis and he is about 4 years old now. My other bird before him was 38 years old and she got cancer and passed away. The little cockatiels have loads of personality and think they are big birds, I used to have one until he passed they are so cute and do a lot of fun things. Blessings
07-01-2014, 01:51 PM
Well, I talked to the vet today and she was very sympathetic about my unexpected car repairs. She told me to refill Chloe's 5 mg vetoryl and continue her treatment, and we could postpone the ACTH for a few weeks. But, we would definitely get it done before the 60 day mark. I just needed a little financial breather to get back on my feet before shelling out the $280 for the ACTH test. She said even if we did the ACTH this week, she doubts she would recommend increasing the dosage yet.
By all observations, Chloe is doing well and continues to improve. I told the vet if I saw ANYTHING that seemed the least bit suspicious, I would bring her in immediately. She said that was OK, and we'll do the test in a few weeks.
I know it's not "textbook ideal", but I'm trying my best to do right by Chloe and keep us afloat at the same time. I feel really encouraged by her improvement, and will watch her closely in the next few weeks until we have the ACTH. Thanks everyone for your wonderful advice and support!
Awww...I'm sorry you're still having a hard time. I know the feeling all to well! :( Paying bills and taking care of a sick furbaby sure adds up. I know. $280 for an ACTH test......also sucks! You'd think these vets would give some people a break occasionally! :mad: ......Did you send an app to the Onyx and Breexy Foundation yet? I still haven't heard anything from them myself yet. Our thoughts and prayers and with you and Chloe. Something has to give. Keep your chin up! Something will work out! :D
07-01-2014, 04:14 PM
Here's another link for some more national organizations below. They sure don't make it easy. As a retired counselor, I realize some people will take advantage of some programs...but, wow! :o elow
molly muffin
07-01-2014, 07:14 PM
Great idea with the pet sitting to bring in some extra cash. Dog walking also is a good one that people who work will use sometimes.
I think that at 5mg, you are at a fairly safe dosage. These tests sure do make it hard on people. I'm really glad your vet is willing to work with you.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Chloe's Mom
07-04-2014, 12:57 PM
Thanks, everyone. I actually have several pet sitting jobs lined up for this week and next. Lots of holiday travel = closer to ACTH test for Chloe and me!:p I posted an ad on CL as well, and have gotten a few calls/emails in response. Fingers crossed for more!
Chloe continues to do pretty well. She's laying on the floor under my desk right now, and funny, I see a pot belly when she's laying down, but not when she's standing. She still needs to lose a few pounds of her "Cushing's weight".
I finally got my car back from the repair shop yesterday. Nice to have it back, but yowza - the bill was a hard check to write. Shop was kind enough to include a free oil change, so I'm happy with that. They've always taken good care of me and charge much less than the dealership. Crossing my fingers that no more unexpected bills come up!
Happy 4th to everyone!!:)
molly muffin
07-04-2014, 01:17 PM
Happy 4th. Glad you have your car back. It's hard to be without transportation.
Awesome that you have some jobs lined up. Definitely will help out with the cushings testing.
Awww, those bellies, so rubable. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-04-2014, 02:09 PM
I am also glad to hear you have your vehicle back. That is the most awful feeling stranded with no car. Tipper is the same as Chloe. When she lays down you can see her belly expand, when she stands up it is invisible and people do not realize, they think she looks in great shape and she is not. Have a good weekend and love Chloe. Blessings
Chloe's Mom
07-06-2014, 04:53 PM
Thanks everyone! The repair shop actually gave me a loaner car because they didn't know how long it would take to fix my car. They had it for nearly 2 weeks, so I'm glad I wasn't stranded!
Chloe is about 32 days into treatment, and she continues to do well. I don't think we're at the optimal dose just yet, but I'm encouraged by her progress. She definitely is NOT drinking like she used to, and there is definitely color returning to her urine.
Now, if I can just line up a few more petsitting jobs, we'll have that ACTH test ready to go! Either way, I'll do it in about 2 weeks.
molly muffin
07-11-2014, 09:39 PM
Hows Chloe doing? I expect she is still doing well.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Chloe's Mom
07-13-2014, 09:29 AM
Thanks, Sharlene! Chloe is still doing well. I plan to schedule her ACTH in the next week or so. I expect that she will need a slight increase in her meds, but overall, she has definitely improved with the vetoryl.
molly muffin
07-13-2014, 10:07 AM
That's great!! How long has it been now? Would be great if she was good on this dosage. I guess she still has a few symptoms though?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
07-14-2014, 09:26 AM
Thanks, Sharlene! Chloe is still doing well. I plan to schedule her ACTH in the next week or so. I expect that she will need a slight increase in her meds, but overall, she has definitely improved with the vetoryl.
So happy to hear that you'll be able to get Chloe's Stim test done to adjust her dosage. I just got Eli's done on Friday. He needs his adjusted as well. You need to ask the Vet if you can give her payments. Doesn't hurt to ask anyway. Mine lets me pay in payments. I'm probably the luckiest one on the board who only pays $73 for a ACTH Stim test. No one believed me......until I posted the bill. It takes a small town Vet, I guess who isn't out to rip people off. (Actually there is a Vet down the road who does charge an arm and a leg for the tests)..but you can guess which one gets the most business. The place is packed on some days.
Pet sitting!! Great idea!! I have a "friend" on Facebook that does that.....and she stays packed all the time! Great idea!! :D:D:D:D
I'm think about going through my closet myself and getting rid of some purses, clothes, etc.....and heading to eBay. I'm already advertising a Baby Grand piano on there for one of my girlfriends. It'll at least pay for the food that I'm buying for Eli. LOL
Chloe's Mom
07-14-2014, 12:52 PM
Thanks JoAnn and Sharlene for checking on me and Chloe.:) Sharlene, the only symptom that I still see with Chloe is she still seems to be drinking/peeing just a little too much. Don't get me wrong - it is SOOOOOOOOO much less than before the Vetoryl, but I still wonder if her cortisol is just a teensy bit too high.
JoAnn, I sell on ebay AND do petsitting, so I'm trying to grab some extra $$ wherever I can.;) I am so incredibly jealous of your $73 ACTH test - mine will be $280!!! :eek: I plan to schedule it for next week when I don't have so many early AM petsitting jobs. Running to take care of animals in completely opposite areas from the vet would make it hard to get her there for the test too.
I haven't counted her caps lately, but I'm guessing we're somewhere around the 35-38 day of treatment. So far, I'm thrilled with her progress. :D
molly muffin
07-14-2014, 06:56 PM
That isn't bad, she might just need a small tweak upwards. It really seems to be working since that is her only real symptom left.
Etsy too is good if you are a crafty type person. I'm not, but I know some who have set up shop there.
A lot of people comb yard sales and then sell on Ebay to make a profit, setting a minimum bid.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-14-2014, 10:18 PM
Hi! Sounds like she needs a little tweak up for sure. With Eli at 10 mg.....the peeing and drinking and eating everything in sight....stopped. Although, the rest of his symptoms are still there. I had to make a list to keep from forgetting them all to give to the Vet. His latest is a skin fungus caused by the Cushing's. :( If my Vet charged anymore than $73 for the Stim I'd be SOL myself. Our IMS charges in Louisville charges $340. :eek: So far since Feb. I just finished paying off a $1500. bill and charged our last visit, including Vetoryl, flea stuff, and heart guard. Not to mention, I'll have to change whatever they add in Vetoryl. Luckily, they didn't charge me extra for an office visit like most Vet's would have. <sigh> It all adds up quick, I know. He's lucky he gets fed. Now, I just bought some special food for him.....I lucked out again, and out of the blue....sold an antique lamp that had been laying around at an antique store for last 4 yrs. :D That paid for his food. ...
I did finally hear something from a foundation today after a month, but still don't know anything yet. I'm not getting excited.....or rather I'm trying not to. I try to expect the worst and hope for the best.
Things always seem to work out somehow. :D You'll do OK.....and Chloe will be OK too! Just hang in there! :D
molly muffin
07-25-2014, 07:43 PM
How is Chloe doing?
hope things are chugging along just fine.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Chloe's Mom
08-01-2014, 01:09 PM
How is Chloe doing?
hope things are chugging along just fine.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Hi Sharlene and thanks for asking about Chloe!
We had the ACTH Stim test this week and Chloe's results, according to the vet, were PERFECT!!
Pre = 7 (2-6 normal) **She said that 7 as the pre reading was fine in a cush dog
Post = 9 (6-18 normal)
Soooooo, we've got the green light to keep Chloe on 5 mg Vetoryl.
I am so relieved and happy!!:D
08-01-2014, 02:33 PM
I am so glad that Chloe seems to be doing well. That is great news! :)
I do want to point out, though, that the "normal" ranges that you have posted for the ACTH testing relates to the use of the test in initially diagnosing the disease. In other words, those are the expected normal ranges for a dog without Cushing's. You are using the ACTH for a different purpose -- for monitoring Chloe's trilostane treatment. And so the desired norms are a bit different. :o
Here are the norms published by Dechra, manufacturer of brandname Vetoryl:
And focus on these monitoring instructions:
<1.45 ug/dl: Stop treatment. Re-start at a decreased dose.
1.45 to 5.4 ug/dl: Continue on same dose.
5.4 to 9.1 ug/dl: EITHER: Continue on current dose if clinical signs are well controlled OR: Increase dose if clinical signs of hyperadrenocorticism are still evident.
>9.1 ug/dl: Increase initial dose.
After about two months of the drug, as you will see, Chloe is right at the very top end of the desired therapeutic dosing range. If all her symptoms are now resolved, then this may be a good place for her to stay -- but you don't want her going much higher. And if she is still drinking/peeing a bit more than you would wish, that would be sufficient reason for a bit of a dosing increase right now.
I am so sorry to add a question mark to Chloe's testing report, but please do make sure your vet is relying on these therapeutic norms when judging Chloe's progress. It worries me a bit that she has said the results are "perfect," because they are actually verging on being too high if they increase any further.
Chloe's Mom
08-01-2014, 05:28 PM
Thanks for your reply and info. I will definitely ask my vet about the guidelines you provided and Chloe's results. She wasn't in today when I got the results, so they were given to me by the other vet in the office. My vet will be back on Monday, so I'll put a call in to her to double check this.
molly muffin
08-02-2014, 10:25 AM
How are her symptoms? Definitely confirm with your vet, because Marianne is correct about the monitoring when on medication vs diagnostic levels and many vets don't get that and the labs on the bottom usually will say, the ranges you see, but there will be an added not of on trilostane or on lysodren, what the levels should be.
I think it is good over all direction for sure, as I already said, but again Marianne is right, you don't want it to go upwards either.
Sending you hugs and hang in there spirit! LOL
Sharlene and molly muffin
Chloe's Mom
08-05-2014, 06:50 PM
OK so I just talked to Chloe's vet. Turns out, I guess I was so excited about her partner vet saying Chloe's results were "perfect", that I did not remember the right number for her POST result. It was actually 8.
Based on the result being 8, and that Chloe's clinical signs are actually pretty good, we're sticking with the 5 mg. trilostane dose. She said we do have room to increase to 6 or 7 mg., but she didn't feel we needed to increase just yet. IF Chloe starts drinking heavily again, develops skin issues, or has a ravenous appetite, we will repeat the ACTH stim test sooner. But, if she continues as she is, we can wait about 6-8 months to repeat the stim test and make dosage modifications if necessary.
I'm happy with her progress, and feel much better that I now have the CORRECT result and have talked to her vet. It is odd now that I realize some symptoms that I missed before they were actually corrected with the medication. For example, while Chloe wasn't always begging for food, she would eat anything and everything she could find in the yard. She's not doing that anymore. And, over the last several years, she has been diagnosed with HGE and hospitalized at least 4 times. However, each time she was seen, the vets always remarked how she didn't present like a typical HGE dog, as most HGE dogs are very lethargic and quite ill. But, her packed red blood count was always 60 - 65, which is supposed to be diagnostic for HGE. And, she had lots of bloody diarrhea. Now, I wonder if ALL of those "supposed" bouts of HGE were actually due to eating all the junk she found in the yard and just had a severely inflamed GI tract, rather than the life-threatening HGE. Who knows?
But, I can tell you that she has not had even 1 instance of a "gurgly tummy" since her Cushing's diagnosis and starting the Trilostane. Time will tell, but I can get MANY ACTH stim tests for the cost of ONE HGE hospitalization.
That is good news, a post of 8 if symptoms are controlled is perfectly fine. I would be concerned about pushing her next ACTH test out to six to eight months. I realize cash is tight. Since Chloe is on the high side of the range, she could very well drift upward. One never knows, some dogs drift up, some continue to go down, Trilostane can be unpredictable.
Dietary indiscretion can certainly cause problems, so if Chloe has dropped that habit, that is REALLY good news!!!
molly muffin
08-05-2014, 07:40 PM
Yippeee! I'm very happy to hear that she is in a good spot and her symptoms are currently so much better. Yikes, you bet some of that crud they find can cause gastro problems.
What I'd suggest is just keeping an eye out, if you notice even a bit of those symptoms coming back, then do the test sooner. That could be a sign that her cortisol is inching up.
So glad you posted. I keep having to run out and do things and between work and stuff, I had a list of check in's and you were on there. hahahaha It's been crazy around here lately.
Are you still doing the pet walking?
Sharlene and molly muffin
Chloe's Mom
08-05-2014, 09:11 PM
Thanks Addy & Sharlene! That is pretty much what my vet and I decided to do - watch Chloe for any signs that her cortisol is increasing and get her in for another test if there are any changes. If all seems well, we can do a "wait and see". Thank goodness my vet understands my financial constraints and will work with me to do the test when necessary. We're kind of in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mode.:) Since I am home most of the time, I can observe her very carefully.
Now, I'm a little worried about my 12 y/o husky. He has a RAVENOUS appetite and is panting more than normal (given his thick coat and being in a humid and hot climate.) I talked briefly to her about that today, and I will be bringing him in for a senior wellness blood panel in a week or so. I told her that surely, I could not have TWO cush pups!!! I think she wants to check his glucose, as he is not gaining weight, but has lost some. I've had a diabetic dog before, and he is not drinking the gallons of water that my other dog did. Sigh...when it rains, it pours, I guess.
Yes Sharlene, I am still doing petsitting. I have a friend that I'm doing a long-term petsitting job for, as she is across the country with a terminally ill relative. I've also got some other jobs lined up for Fall, but need more in the here and now to pay for all of these vet bills. Still selling on ebay, but those sales are s-l-o-w.
molly muffin
08-05-2014, 09:29 PM
I think it is a good plan for Chloe.
Oh no, please don't let your husky have cushings too. Gads!!!
Well I wish you lived near me, our neighborhood would keep you busy. LOL Lots of people that work and lots of dogs. It's hard to find trusty pet sitters.
Hopefully the ebay will pick up. What about a local flea market? Get a table and sell there?
Sharlene and molly muffin
Chloe's Mom
08-06-2014, 12:01 AM
Thanks, Sharlene. I actually applied tonight for a contractor/per visit petsitting job. That would definitely help, as I could pick up a lot more visits and make some extra $$ for these vet bills. I took a lot of time filling out the application, so I'm crossing all fingers and paws that they at least call me in for an interview.:)
Wishing you good luck with the job and your husky. We'll cross everything we can.
molly muffin
08-06-2014, 02:24 PM
Oh that would be perfect job. Hope you get it!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
molly muffin
08-17-2014, 08:36 PM
Checking in on you and Chloe and your husky too of course. :)
How are things going?
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-22-2014, 01:44 AM
Jumped down to check on Chloe and Mom. Hopefully, not another cushpup for you. :eek: I sold a few things on eBay myself. I have some more stuff to list when I get better. It amazes me what people buy. I hope the pet-sitting has worked out for you too. It seems though you could make more money if ppl came you though? No? They don't have anything like that where I live. But, then they really don't have anything here where I live that ppl find in the real world. :(
We'll be crossing all paws here too.
Chloe's Mom
09-05-2014, 04:35 PM
HI everyone,
Just doing my check-in and I am happy to report that Chloe is doing well!! She seems to have adjusted to the 5 mg dose of Vetoryl and really, I don't see any issues right now. Fingers and paws crossed that this continues...
I discovered that I think my husky's issue is a behavioral one.:rolleyes: He is such a spoiled boy. I finally figured out that he is begging for food like he can tell time. Once we are past about 5 PM, he doesn't so much as peep for more food. I'm somewhat of a night owl, so if a dog is begging for food every 3-4 hours, yet mysteriously stops at 5 PM, yet is up and about until at least midnight, me-thinks he's just "adjusting" to time, rather than any true hunger. He really seems fine - running and crazy as he's always been. So, for right now, I'm going to hold off on any expensive testing until his regular annual visit. Well, unless something crops up other than "I'm a spoiled boy, and I want attention and food"!;)
Harley PoMMom
09-05-2014, 06:31 PM
That is wonderful news that Chloe is doing well on her treatment, YAA!!! :):)
Also good to hear that you believe you have found out why your husky boy was acting hungry, Thank GOD it's not Cushing's, ain't!!
molly muffin
09-05-2014, 10:02 PM
Yay, go Chloe!!! So glad to hear that she is doing well.
Well, hmmmph, how about that, the 5 o'clock ping goes off in their heads and it must be dinner time. Just a window of time that says food to them. Molly can be the same way at 5pm. It's always very rough when we have to change the clocks as her inner one doesn't kick in for a few days.
sharlene and molly muffin
Chloe's Mom
10-02-2014, 05:52 PM
Just checking in for October about Chloe.
She continues to do pretty well on the Vetoryl. :) She feels well enough to get bossy with my other dogs, so I'd say that she's pretty close to her "normal" now!
Hope all the other cush-pups are doing well too!
molly muffin
10-02-2014, 06:20 PM
So glad to hear that. We love a bossy Chloe! :)
sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
10-03-2014, 08:55 AM
Thanks for the good news!
Chloe's Mom
12-23-2014, 01:35 PM
Just checking in for December (albeit a little late) to report about my Chloe. Overall, she is doing really well with her vetoryl. The only thing I've noticed is that she has some teeth chattering episodes that seem totally involuntary. It only lasts a few seconds, and there are no other symptoms that would indicate some kind of seizure activity. Has anyone else experienced these strange episodes of teeth chattering?
Otherwise, she's doing well. Hope everyone's Cush dogs have a very happy holiday season!
Harley PoMMom
12-24-2014, 12:34 AM
Glad Chloe is doing well, and the teeth chattering, I do believe I have seen this posted here before.
molly muffin
12-25-2014, 02:39 PM
So great to hear that Chloe is doing well.
Merry Christmas and Peace and joy to you and yours
Chloe's Mom
12-21-2015, 12:55 AM
It is with a very heavy heart that I tell you that my precious Chloe crossed Rainbow Bridge today. It's a long story of lots of vet and specialist vet visits this week, but the most likely diagnosis was that she had brachial plexus tumor(s) that affected the nerves leading from her shoulder area to her front leg. This was not a treatable or curable condition, and caused her excruciating pain. I made the difficult (but necessary) decision to free her from her pain, knowing it would break my heart in the process.
She was my faithful and wonderful companion for 15 years. Godspeed, my little Wiggle Butt. <3
12-21-2015, 07:10 AM
I am deeply sorry to read about your loss of sweet Chloe, but thank you so much for returning to tell us. This way, we can all join you in celebrating her life and her spirit. Releasing her from her pain was your final loving gift, but we can imagine how much pain you are now suffering yourself. We hope you will remain with us here if you ever wish to share more thoughts about your lives together, or should you just want to talk about the days ahead. We will always be here to walk alongside you.
Fare thee well, sweet little Chloe, as you set off on your new journey to join our other beloveds at The Bridge. I feel certain they have already greeted you with muzzle kisses and their own wagging tails. And we are sending many hugs here to your mom.
Chloe's Mom
12-21-2015, 11:42 AM
Thank you, Marianne. She has been a part of my life for so long, it is really hard to accept that she is gone. But, I can take comfort in knowing that she is free of the excruciating pain she was in, and that she has been greeted by so many wonderful pets at Rainbow Bridge.
Budsters Mom
12-21-2015, 12:25 PM
12-21-2015, 02:21 PM
My condolences on your loss of Chloe -- hopefully, knowing that you have released her from pain, will eventually give you some peace.
Chloe's Mom
12-22-2015, 12:19 AM
My condolences on your loss of Chloe -- hopefully, knowing that you have released her from pain, will eventually give you some peace.
Thank you, judymaggie. My head knows it was the only fair decision for her, but my heart is having a hard time catching up.
12-22-2015, 05:48 AM
My deepest condolences on Chloe's passing. My heart is with you. Thank you for letting us know and know she will always be remembered and honored by us.
Big ((((hugs))))
molly muffin
12-22-2015, 07:38 AM
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your precious Chloe.
My sincerest condolences.
Even when you know it is the right thing to do and the right time the heart still cries with grief. :(
12-22-2015, 11:05 PM
So sorry about the lose of your beautiful Chloe. May she be free of pain and watch over you.
Chloe's Mom
12-22-2015, 11:42 PM
Thanks everyone for your kind words. I know that seeing her in such horrible pain was just not something I could ask her to endure just to keep her here with me. But, having her as a part of my life for such a long time, it has left a hole in my heart and home. Thank you all for your wonderful support and words of comfort.
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