View Full Version : Lara & India ... update .

05-24-2014, 10:33 AM
Hi all it has been a long time since posting , Thought you might like to know how we are all going .
We have Laras allergy under control ( At the moment ) .. She loves her new friend India . They play and run everywhere .
Best thing we could have done for her :) .... Natcho is doing well also . She will be 16 in November .
Have posted some new pictures for all to see.:D

Take care .. and may god bless you all and your pups ... Catherine & Ken ...... Natcho ..Lara ..India. ;)

05-24-2014, 11:54 AM
Hi Catherine.

It's nice to hear from you and I'm so glad that Lara and India bonded so quickly. I checked out your pics and oh my gosh, cuteness overload. How much do those two munchkins weigh?


05-25-2014, 06:58 AM

It is good to hear from you!!! And that things are going well with your gang. I love all the new photos!!!! Keep 'em coming.


07-19-2014, 10:30 AM
Hi Catherine.

It's nice to hear from you and I'm so glad that Lara and India bonded so quickly. I checked out your pics and oh my gosh, cuteness overload. How much do those two munchkins weigh?


Lara is 2.4 kg s and India 2.1 Kg s They are really good together .
Cheers Catherine ...

07-19-2014, 10:33 AM

It is good to hear from you!!! And that things are going well with your gang. I love all the new photos!!!! Keep 'em coming.


Hi Terry , .... They are the terrible two .. lol Will post more pictures. :D
Cheers Catherine .

07-19-2014, 11:23 AM
Hi my lovely friends , Would like some advice regarding vaccinations ?

Last week Lara had a C5 annual injection ... And with in 20 minutes she reacted to it .
Her head was swelling ... and red rash that was very itchy came out all over her .:confused:
We took her back to the Vet and they gave her steroid injection to help her . She seem to settle down after awhile .:(
But 9 pm that night she reacted all over again and this time it was worse than before ... We rang the emergency vet, they said bring her straight down . So we did ... They gave her intravenous meds so it would work faster . She has recovered now , but the question i am left with is ............. Do i vaccinate again ?
Lara has never reacted before , however she does have allergies ... to Beef , Chicken and Grass . :rolleyes:We have her on Venison , peas , carrots ( wet food ) and Hills Science ZD Ultra allergen . She is doing very well with this plan . I really don't want to put her through this again with vaccinations.Hoping some one has had the same problem and can share some advice with me . :) Our vet is very big on vaccinations , we havnt been back to discuss our coarse of action for next time .:( But i know they will be pushing me for C5 again . God bless you all and your fur babies ,
Catherine ... Natcho ..Lara.. India & Hubby Ken .

molly muffin
07-19-2014, 12:16 PM
I wouldn't do it again. They say that every time you have an allergic reaction to the same thing that it is worse than the previous time, which is why allergies can be deadly. So, right now, while this is fresh in their minds as to what happened, I would have that discussion with your vet and get a letter saying no more C5 vaccinations for Lara. I would be seriously concerned about any possible next time based on her reaction this time. It might be that something has changed in the vaccine, a base or something used to make it, and it's just not really worth it considering any possible exposure she might have. So, I'd say no and I'd be pretty inflexible in that.

They are both so cute.
Sharlene and molly muffin

07-19-2014, 08:31 PM
Hi Catherine,

I totally agree with Sharlene. After that type of acute allergic reaction, I think it would be very dangerous, even life-threatening, to vaccinate Lara again. Surely your vet will agree without any argument. A known allergic response is a clear and absolute contraindication to the administration of a medication or treatment.


07-19-2014, 10:16 PM
Thank you Sharlene & Marianne .. ;)
I guess i had made my mind up but just needed reassuring ...:)

Hugs to all ... Catherine .

Budsters Mom
07-19-2014, 10:38 PM
My Buddy had a severe allergic reaction to combination shot boosters. He went down fast and I almost lost him. He never received any of those shots again. The only shot he ever got was his required rabies and I did that under duress. This decision did not come without a price. I had to keep him away from all unfamiliar dogs. That means no dog parks or any place where dogs roamed free. He could only be around familiar dogs that I know had been vaccinated. For me, it was a small price to pay. Buddy was allergic to many things also.


07-20-2014, 01:18 AM
Yes Kathy ... Lara doesn't go walking because of the grass allergy ..we are fortunate to have a decent size courtyard with just plants and wood chips for her to run with her mate India .:)... Lots of concrete area also .

That was the reason we got India for her so she wouldn't feel left out .
And it helps to keep her exercise up also . ;)

Natcho my old girl goes around the block ( 16 yrs of age ) .. but doesn't mix with other dogs , she has always had yearly C5 .. no problems at all .
When i had my dear Ebonie .. she to was allergic to injections . But a antihistamine prior to injection was all they gave her and she was fine .
I appreciate your advice ... Thank you Catherine .

Budsters Mom
07-20-2014, 02:25 AM
Yes, Buddy had a grass allergy also. I always pretreated him with Benadryl before any shots. I also hung around the vet's office for an hour after any immunizations, just to be safe.

Oddly enough, my little Rosie has allergies also, grass being one of them. She doesn't have asthmatic/breathing reactions like Buddy did. She just has itching/scratching issues. I pretreat her with Benadryl also, just as a precaution and hang around the vets with her too. She had all of her puppy series of immunizations, but will not be getting yearly boosters. I will be protecting her from exposure the same way I did with Buddy. This is my choice for my little allergy dogs. It's not the right choice for everyone.


Squirt's Mom
07-20-2014, 08:23 AM
Hi Catherine!

I agree with the others - no way in you know where that baby would get another vaccine. Nope, not one. ;)

Hope ya'll are doing well other wise!

07-21-2014, 05:52 AM
Thank you all ... Hi Leslie :) We are all doing well and so glad to hear from you my friend . ;)
Lara is ok ... but will not be vaccinating again ...too bigger risk .
Catherine ...and the girls .