View Full Version : ACTH Stimulation Side Effects???? - Roxi has passed

05-22-2014, 04:24 PM
I took my 11 year old Maltese in for a thyroid test as her hair was getting quite thin. The veterinarian recommended an ACTH stimulation test because he thought she may have Cushing's. The test was performed on Tuesday. My dog was not having any problems before this test was performed. After I brought her home from the test, she was never the same. She didn't seem to have much energy, wasn't as active, just acted all around blah. I did find out on Wednesday that she did have Cushing's & I was to come in on Thursday to go over medication & treatment. Wednesday evening before bed, she was very restless, breathing heavy & could not get comfortable. I took her back into the vet on Thursday morning because it was obvious something was wrong. They just called me to tell me she had passed away. Apparently she had some bleeding around her heart which they say was caused by the Cushing's. How did her symptoms elevate so quickly? I feel like I should have never taken her in & had this test performed. She was not having any problems prior. Has anybody else had horrible side effects from this test with their dogs?

05-22-2014, 05:01 PM
I am so, so sorry for your sudden loss. I am new as of today to this forum as my dog was diagnosed with cushing's yesterday and just wanted to let you know that he had an ACTH stimulation test yesterday and he did not have any side effects. Maybe, others who have more expertise, can answer your question better. Please don't blame yourself, we all love our dogs so much and we only do what we think is best for them.

05-22-2014, 05:02 PM
OMG, I'm so sorry for you loss. :(:(:( I can't imagine what you are going through.

05-22-2014, 05:47 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I just wanted to say that some dogs on here have had a reaction to the stimulating agent, but I have heard of nothing like this. It could be that your dog had other underlying issues going on that were not known. Either way the devastation is the same and my heart goes out to you. Blessings

molly muffin
05-22-2014, 07:57 PM
Oh no, what a horrible experience.
Usually an ACTH test, because it dumps the excess cortisol from the adrenal glands into the body will simply cause if anything, a more pronounced cushing symptoms which goes away within 24 - 48 hours.
I have Never heard of an ACTH Causing bleeding around the heart.
We have Admins who have been dealing with cushings for over 10 years, I'm sure they will pop in and comment too, and if it is something they have heard of, they will tell you.
I am very, very sorry for your loss, and offer my sincerest condolences.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

molly muffin
05-22-2014, 08:01 PM
I have changed the title on your thread, to reflect that your precious baby has passed.

We have a thread of rememberence for those who have passed and even though we didn't get a chance to know your furbaby we would be honored to be able to add her to the thread.

We are all here for you.

sharlene and molly muffin

05-22-2014, 11:59 PM
I am so very sorry to hear of the sudden passing of your Maltese. Please do not blame yourself for taking her in for the test, you were trying to do the very best thing for your girl with your vet's guidance.

My thoughts are with you.

05-23-2014, 12:43 AM
I'm so sorry to read what happened with your Maltese. What a shock for you and now what a heartbreak too. I can only imagine how badly you feel.
Other than the thinning of the fur your dog had no other Cushing's symptoms-big appetite, over drinking, panting?... so maybe something else was going on with her heart that was unknown? Did the vet say why he thought she might have Cushings, other than the fur issue? You should not blame yourself, you did what anyone would do which was listen to the vet.

I don't mean to put you on the spot with questions, especially because you're probably still in shock from all this, but trying to understand why the vet thought she had Cushings when you said she had been fine before going for the test. My dog has had a number of acth tests without side effects, I've never heard anything like this happening. It must have been so unexpected and I'm so very sorry for your loss.


05-23-2014, 01:20 AM
My sincere condolences on the loss of your furlet.
I too have never heard of blood around the heart stemming from an ACTH test.

My best friends dog presented exactly as yours did and she did not have Cushings. It just happens sometimes.

05-23-2014, 03:47 AM
I am so so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your little mate.

05-23-2014, 08:15 AM
Dear Becky,

I am so terribly sorry for your loss. What a shock this has to have been for you, and so tragic. In my ten years on the forum, I have only heard of one similar event, and that was the death of Donna's dog, Tia.


In Tia's case, she was already panting, overtly ill prior to the ACTH, and, in what seems like somewhat of a coincidence, had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure which entails fluid collecting around the heart and in the lungs. Over time, Cushing's can cause or exaggerate damage to any of the major organs of the body. But I am very surprised that if your dog had already suffered significant heart damage, there were no observable symptoms beforehand.

Even given pre-existing heart damage, I am personally unaware of any reason why the ACTH testing would trigger death, but I am not a vet and far from an expert on heart conditions. However, on the face of it and your description that your dog seemed perfectly fine beforehand, I too would question whether there was not some connection between the test and your dog's death. Even in the face of congestive heart failure, exactly what that connection could be, I do not know, unless somehow the release of the adrenal reserves of cortisol were too much for the heart to withstand or triggered some related issue.

What kind of relationship do you have with this vet? Would you feel comfortable asking him additional questions as to whether he believes there was a connection, and what it might have been?

Unfortunately, it is most likely that you may never know exactly what happened. Sadly, there is always some degree of risk with every medical procedure that is ever performed. But as I say, no one would have expected such an outcome from an ACTH. Please do not blame yourself for moving forward with a test that was professionally recommended and generally is so safe. Regardless of cause, we know how shocked and grief-stricken you must feel. Even though we may not be able to help you with answers, we are most definitely here to support you as you face these coming days. Please remain with us to share your thoughts and any special memories, OK?

Sending many hugs,

05-23-2014, 08:25 AM

I'm sitting here crying so hard I can hardly type. I'm so sorry you've lost your precious baby. I do understand exactly how you are feeling at this moment.

My precious Tia had some Cushings signs, panting heavily, pot belly, extreme thirst & hunger. I had her tested on Friday, August 9, 2013. I too knew something was different when I picked her up that afternoon. The next day she was panting and pacing the floor, very restless. Sunday morning, August 11, 2013, she was dead. I was told it was a blood clot.

For over nine months I've blamed myself for her death for taking her and having her tested. I've cry and beg forgiveness from her everyday. I've cussed, screamed and asked WHY a million times. But none of that has brought my baby back and I'm no closer to understanding why she died. I can tell you however, coming here was my Saving Grace. I honestly would have lost my mind if I hadn't found this forum.

Four months after I lost Tia, I had to have my 16 yo Miss Tippi put to sleep because of congestive heart failure. I have poured my heart and soul out here, cried, told exactly how I felt, and was not be judged by one person, as I am by everyone at work, home, etc.

Tia took my heart when she left me, but I've found a place I can come and know they understand what I'm going through.

Please know that you are in my thought and prayers.

05-23-2014, 08:35 AM
Donna, thank you so much for reliving your own pain in order to reply to Becky. Being the loving spirit you are, I suspected you would be here very soon, walking right alongside her :o. Again, my heart is filled with sorrow for both you ladies, and I wish you both continuing strength and comfort.


Angelique (Maya's Mommy)
05-23-2014, 11:27 AM
I am so very sorry for the sudden loss of your beloved dog.
My deepest condolences. ~Angelique

05-23-2014, 12:37 PM
I am so so sorry to hear about the great loss of your precious dog. My heart breaks for you. I am sending prayers of love, strength and peace.

05-23-2014, 09:01 PM
I probably should have put more information in my original post. I'm not thinking real clearly. I was so mad yesterday & I just wanted to find out why this happened! Roxi (my Maltese) did have signs of Cushing's once I knew what the symptoms were. Of course, in hindsight, it's much more clear. She had always been a piggy eater so that wasn't all that abnormal. And she did drink more but I noticed that last November when she hurt her back & was put on a steroid. So, I'm thinking perhaps that is about the time the Cushing's began? And yes, she had gotten pot bellied & I didn't realize how much so until I took her into the vet. I didn't pick her up often because she did have a history of back problems so when I did pick her up, it would be just to lift her & put her on the bed with me or what not. The vet also pointed out the thin skin. Of course now I know these were all signs & when he told me the symptoms, I agreed with him that it could very well be Cushing's. Before that, I was chalking everything up to her just getting older. I guess when I say she wasn't having any problems prior to the Cushing's testing, what I mean is she was still running around, playing with her toys, giving me kisses, going up & down the stairs & ready to raise hell first thing every single morning. When she got home from the Cushing's testing, she was very blah. She sat around, didn't play, didn't really want to do anything. She's always had a lot of energy, even for an older dog but she did not have any after the test. And then less than 48 hours, she was gone. I even called the vet on Tuesday, 10 minutes after I brought her home & asked her if I should be watching for any side effects because she wasn't acting like herself. On Wednesday night, I knew something was definitely wrong.

I guess it was the membranes around her heart that were bleeding. They used a more technical term but I can't remember what it was. This vet has been my vet for several years & I feel very confident in his abilities. I could call there & voice my concerns but the wound is still to new for me to be able to talk to anybody about it without crying.

Donna, Roxi also acted like your Tia did the night prior to her passing. But she would also start coughing a bit & then stop. She started doing it when I took her into the vet yesterday & I seen a couple drops of blood come out of her mouth. This is when I knew that something was terribly wrong & I left there a wreck. The call came 45 minutes later that she had passed away.

Maybe I shouldn't have had the Cushing's test done, maybe she'd still be here. Maybe I should have taken her into the vet the night prior to her passing instead of making her suffer all night long - maybe they could have saved her. Maybe I should have stayed at the vet with her so she wouldn't have passed all by herself. I'm so sad & my house is so empty & quiet without her. She was always my ornery small 'child' that thought she was big & she brought so much life & energy to my house! Now, it's silent.

The more I research it & the more feedback I get, it seems that perhaps it was just coincidence that it all happened how it did. I realize I shouldn't beat myself up & I know in time it will get easier but right now, I can't imagine when that will be. Thank you all so much for your kind words & support.

05-24-2014, 08:50 AM
I was just reading thru your thread and had a question. Are you meaning the pericardium when you are talking about something around the heart bleeding? If so that is caused by fluid accumulation in within the sack which will them hemorrhage. You are saying that according to your vet Cushings caused this? I need to ask my IMS about this when I see her and will tell you what she says also. I am so sorry this happened, but I have to ask if there was fluid around the heart why the vet never detected this? Please try not to blame yourself as we all do. We so not have the skill nor the tools available to us to know things like the vets do. We just do the very best we can to help our babies with the knowledge we have. You did what you thought was right, and if this is the case with the heart, I am sure it would have happened at some other time which is out of your control. God Bless you and your sweet baby in heaven.

05-24-2014, 10:04 AM
Sweetheart I asked all the same "what ifs" and "whys" and "maybes" you asked. I've researched Cushings and tried to find out why my baby died and not someone else's baby. Why did I have her tested? What if I had taken her in the day after the test instead of just calling them? I knew something wasn't right, so why didn't I just do it instead of making her suffer? That's the one reason I beg forgiveness from her every single day now. I let her suffer. I let her die. And yes she probably would have died anyway if I had taken her in earlier, but I probably wouldn't blame myself as much. I blame myself for having her tested because I knew how stressed she got being away from me, her home, being around strangers. Everyone said she was a strange little girl because she only wanted me. She was almost 14 1/2 and she had lived a very good life without me knowing for sure she had Cushings. So, I do blame myself for her death. Roxi was so much younger than Tia and at that age, I wouldn't have second guessed the vet for recommending the ACTH test.

I too was mad. After the initial shock of losing her, I was mad as hell. Mad at myself, mad at the vet, mad at my husband for letting her die before I could get home. I was on I10 & had just taken my grandson home to Florida, driving back like a maniac and crying so hard I could barely see the road. I begged God to please not take her until I could get home. Just let me get to her so she'll know Mama loved her. He didn't wait and she died two hours before I got there. So, then I was mad at God. I hated everyone. I wanted to be left alone so I could grieve my baby.

Then I came here and I poured my heart out to anyone and everyone that would listen. And they did. I will never truly know what happened to Tia, but I do know I'm not alone and I have "virtual friends" that I can come to and they will hold my hand and let me cry and let me scream and cuss if I need to.

It's been hard, I won't lie about that. But I'm getting better and you will too. Roxi knew you loved her and you did everything you did for her and to save her. Hold tight your memories of her and you'll get through this. And, know you're not alone. Come and talk if you need to. Ask all the questions you need to. Tell us all about Roxi. Tell us anything you feel like talking about. You'll feel better, you'll still hurt, but you will feel better.

Sending my love and prayers.

05-24-2014, 10:53 AM
So sorry Becky. Words are never enough when your beloved friend passes away.

God bless you. Sending prayers your way.

05-24-2014, 12:39 PM
Becky, so sorry to hear about the sudden passing of your baby, Roxi. We all know the feeling all too well here. But, you are in great company here. Again Eli and I send our love and condolences to you. I'm just so, so sorry.

Jo Ann and Eli

05-24-2014, 02:54 PM
So sorry for the lose of your baby. There are no words that can comfort you with such a sudden lose. Praying for you and your sweet Roxie.

Hugs Sonja and Angel Apollo

05-24-2014, 05:24 PM
Becky, I can totally relate to the what-ifs. I had a terrible case of them (and still do, sometimes). Our circumstances were different but my dog also died shortly after some Cushing's-related testing.

I read some books on pet loss/grief, and there was one passage I wrote down to reference during tough moments. I hope it brings you some comfort.

"In the face of all the guilt experienced, I have the following bedrock belief: it's truly the exception that people did not act as best they could for their animals' highest good. They acted on their animals' behalf with the goal of having the best possible outcome and quality of life. Whatever decisions or choices were made, they were based on love and a consideration for the animal." -Betty J Carmack

05-25-2014, 09:10 AM
Thinking of you and hoping you are getting thru this. Blessings

05-26-2014, 10:59 AM

I just stopped by to check on you. I'm keeping you in my prayers. R.I.P. Roxi.


05-26-2014, 06:12 PM
I e-mailed Roxi's vet & am going to post the response. I welcome any comments or views you all may have on it. Or maybe it will help somebody else down the road. Again, thanks so very much for all of your support. It means so very much. (my e-mail is in black font, his is in blue)

Dear Becky,

I understand. I will answer all of your question via email below:

I've had a few days to try & come to terms with the sudden death of my sweet girl, Roxi. Unfortunately, I'm still in shock & have unanswered questions. I was too upset when I received the phone call about her passing to listen to anybody about what had happened. I had to hang up on the gal because I couldn't even speak. I am still unable to talk about it without bawling & that is why I am writing an e-mail instead of calling. It was so unexpected as she had not shown any signs of not feeling well or slowing down until I brought her in for the Cushing's testing. Although she did test positive for Cushing's, I was not too upset because I thought it would be easily treatable with medication since she hadn't been acting like she was sick & I was thankful that we had caught it early. I just really need some questions answered for my peace of mind.

*Could you please tell me exactly why she passed away? I only remember being told that the membranes around her heart were bleeding. It was explained to me better than that but I was so upset, I cannot even remember what was said.

The condition that she passed away from was acute cordae tendineae rupture with acute pulmonary congestion. There are some very good pictures that illustrate the condition if you do a Google search—also some very good overview of the condition. One of the most dreaded complications of Cushing’s disease is the weakening of the muscle fibers, deterioration of tendons and ligaments due to changes caused by overproduction of steroids by the adrenal gland. As a consequence we see congestive heart failure as frequent complication from Cushing’s disease and it is usually caused by myxomatous degeneration (valvular endocardiosis) of mitral valve and chordae tendinae—the cordae tendineae is weakened by the steroid overproduction and can snap like an old rubber band. Hypothyroidism was an additional factor in causing different neuropathies and muscle weakness. Roxi’s ACTH stimulation test results are the highest that I have seen in the last 10 years and that is why I was taking some extra time before discussing the results and next steps in treatment with you. My suspicion was that Roxi may have had a very fast growing adrenal gland tumor that needed a different approach than the other routine Cushing’s cases that we have seen. The next step would have been a complete ultrasound to evaluate the abdomen, the heart and locate the adrenal gland that was cancerous and have consultations with Dr. Sellon at Washington State University who is an Internal medicine and Oncology specialist about further steps.

*If she had a heart problem, why wouldn't anything have shown up on the blood tests that were ran for the thyroid?

Roxi had an asymptomatic grade 2/6 mitral heart murmur that we first noted on her physical exam before her dental in 2011—most small breed dogs will have some degree of asymptomatic heart murmur, but in the absence of any secondary lung congestion or other problems treatment is not recommended. She had the same grade 2/6 murmur during her last visit including before and after the ACTH stimulation test. The blood work was within normal limits for a dog with Cushing’s disease—as expected there were the changes (elevations) in the liver enzymes, mild elevation in the blood urea nitrogen and a slight elevation in the blood glucose levels—those changes were the topic of our consult the morning of --before the ACTH stimulation test. There are no cardiac markers on the chemistry panel –those can be done separately as a specialized cardiac marker test if needed.

*Could this have been caused by the test you performed for Cushing's? Because she was never her old self since I brought her home that day. I even called 10 minutes after I had her home after the testing & asked if there were any side effects I should watch for because while she was eating, she got very faint & went limp in my arms when I picked her up. She recovered from that but she never had the energy she always had before nor was she ever the same rambunctious dog she always was.

No, not directly. The ACTH stimulation test consists of one Pre and one hour post Cortricyn administration blood draw. We draw one blood sample before the injection of Cortricyn –we administered 0.5ml IM – and exactly one hour later we draw another sample of blood and the testing is done. The one possible adverse effect from the injection is an allergic reaction within minutes of administration. We monitor them very carefully to combat any allergic response if it happens—we had one episode years ago. I did discuss that possibility during our morning consult with you—I always assign a person to stand in front of the cage at all times to monitor in case I have to leave the room and that is exactly how we proceeded with Roxi. She did very well throughout the test. After the test she was offered food that she promptly finished, than she was given ice water and she drank. No incident whatsoever during the time here, however just the excitement/stress of being in a strange place being handled, than getting excited being picked up to go home could have caused heart rate changes and blood pressure changes that may have caused the initial fainting episode at home—possible the initial cordae tendineae rupture or a vagal syncope that is very common in small dogs –brought on by excitement. When we did not hear back from you after the initial episode we assumed that it was the vagal syncope and all was well. In Roxi’s case there were two stand alone endocrine disease entities that predisposed her body to changes that precipitated the acute congestive heart failure due to cordae tendineae rupture, but unfortunately, we see otherwise healthy dogs get the same condition without warning and the prognosis for survival is still very grim.

I've always had the upmost confidence in your care of my pets. I am not questioning your abilities but just need some answers in hopes to be able to come to terms better with what has so suddenly happened. In a span of just a couple days, she went from running up & down stairs, playing with toys & on the go all the time to passing away. I am beating myself up wishing I would have never brought her in for even a thyroid test because she was still happy & seemed to me to have good quality of life. I feel like I sentenced her to death with these expensive & unnecessary tests. I'm so mad at myself that she probably suffered her last couple of days & I didn't even realize she was dying. I'm mad I didn't bring her in late Wednesday night when she really seemed restless & uncomfortable because maybe she could have been saved. I realize these are all normal feelings of guilt when something like this happens. I'm just hoping with a few answers, I can maybe move forward a little easier.

I’m hoping that by the time you are reading this email (due to my extremely slow typing speed) you may have had a chance to read about all of the conditions that Roxi was so gracefully negotiating and was giving you no indication even before you brought her in that a domino effect was about to start. Unfortunately for us both—you as the owner and us as health care providers—Roxi was a great pretender, because if not for the skin and hair coat concerns and the groomer pointed out you would have never imagined the severity of the conditions that she was living with—she was acting happy. She was trying to keep that act going even when she came in last and was in grave condition. Cases like Roxi always makes us pause and re-evaluate every step that we have taken in the diagnostic process and try to see if we would have been able to change the outcome. You did the right thing by bringing her in to evaluate her and test her for the conditions that we have found her to be suffering from—we on the other hand were very meticulous in our diagnostic process, with more that would have followed to provide the best answers for you. She wasn’t a complainer and she has taken the ravages of these conditions to the max until her body couldn’t take it anymore. In the absence of testing and knowing about her condition, unfortunately you may have found her dead one day—like most other undetected cases.

I’m very sorry about your loss. It was my privilege to work with Roxi.

Please let me know if you have any other question—call, email or visit in person.

05-26-2014, 06:33 PM
I have to say my vet would never in a million years take the time to send such a detailed and thoughtful email . This vet sounds very consciencious, and was extremely careful with your Roxi. After reading this I don't find any fault with him. As you said maybe this will help someone else. I intend to ask Tipper's cardiologist about all this on our next visit. You are brave to get back on here so soon and post this for the help it may give others. God Bless you and sweet Roxi in heaven.

05-26-2014, 06:47 PM
Becky, I totally agree with Patti. Thank you so much for sharing your email conversation with us. I had never before heard this specific condition named, so this is a learning experience for me, as well. And if I am understanding your vet correctly, it is not a question of "if" the rupture would occur, it was a matter of "when." Had it not been in conjunction with the ACTH, it could have been in conjunction with another procedure or just an episode of high excitement for Roxi. This does not ease your loss, I know. But I do hope it will ease your guilt.

Thank you again, so much, for sharing this.

molly muffin
05-26-2014, 07:48 PM
oh Becky. HUGS! It must have been hard to have to relive those days and what occurred.

I'm very impressed with your vet and what a thorough answer he gave. Usually when we think of muscle, ligament, wasting, we think about ACL tears and pot bellies where the muscles don't hold the liver and stomach tight any longer, and fat redistribution to the throat area. It makes just as much sense though that the heart muscles and surrounding ligaments/tendons would be affected also. We already know that excess uncontrolled cortisol can contribute to heart problems and it is one of the things that an untreated dog, we have to watch out for.

I think your vet has given us all some very valuable extra information though, about what can happen especially when combined with other problems. It seems that it comes together like the perfect storm and has devastating effects.

I too, thank you for sharing this with us. Roxi, might save another who follows and reads her her story.

My heart just breaks for you.
Sharlene and molly muffin

06-01-2014, 10:24 AM

I was just wondering how you are doing. I know this last week has been the hardest on you and I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. Take care.


06-01-2014, 01:30 PM
just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and Roxi too. Blessings

06-05-2014, 05:35 PM
Two weeks today. Still as hard as the first day. My other dog is as depressed as I am. I am going through the motions of pretending everything is ok & normal for the sake of everybody else but, I am a wreck inside. As soon as I'm alone, I break down. I've lost other dogs before & always missed them & cried for them too but they were always older & I prepared myself for their death as I watched them age. This was so sudden that I can't seem to come to terms with it.

I agree that the vet was awesome in answering my questions. I have the utmost respect & trust in him. He's always taken the time to talk to me & explain everything as many times as I've needed. I e-mailed him back & thanked him & told him how much I appreciated his response & how highly I thought of him. Although he answered my questions, it doesn't make me stop questioning myself as to whether I should have started all of this to begin with. I firmly believe she would still be with me had I never taken her in.

I'm so lost & lonely without her. I would give anything for a 'do over'.

06-05-2014, 05:57 PM
The only thing I can say to you is this: This rupture in the chordae would have happened at another place and another time. If you would have kept her home and this happened there with you present, you would be blaming yourself to the end of time. I would not want you to carry that heavy burden, and I am sure you agree. As bad as it sounds I think a situation where you cannot blame yourself is the lesser of the two evils. That is my biggest fear. I live in the country with no vet close and no emergency facility. I would never want to think because I did not do something right in the event of an emergency, that I caused my dog to die. The hurt you feel will take time to heal. I am so deeply sorry you lost your Roxi I know how much you love her. Blessings

molly muffin
06-05-2014, 06:14 PM
Sending you big hugs Becky. Someone just said today, that you get through the loss, one day at a time. I think that is all anyone can do, maybe even one hour at a time.

I wish it hadn't happened at all and I do agree, if it was that weak, then even though she didn't act like there was anything wrong and I doubt there was a problem in her world, it was a incident waiting to happen, and there is no way to tell when it would or what would trigger it.

Sending tons of love your way

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-08-2014, 10:18 AM

I'm sure everyone on this forum wishes for a "do-over". God knows I've begged for just one, one little do-over and I would never take Tia in to be tested.

It's ironic that our girls passed like they did and we "meet" this way. I so wish I could tell you things will get better. That one day you'll wake up and not feel that pain and guilt, but I've been almost 10 months without my little angel and as much as I want to feel better, I don't. I know others will say, "don't tell her that" or " that's not helping her by saying that". But, this is how I feel by the sudden loss of my Tia and I can feel the devastation in your words too.

We didn't get the chance to treat our girls like most have. We didn't get the chance to understand this disease. We didn't get the chance...cause our girls were taken from us suddenly and basically without warning and there was nothing we could do, except ask why? Why was it our girls? I've asked this so many times. With every new thread that's started here, every new case of Cushings, I've asked "why was it my Tia, my beautiful little girl, my heart and soul, my baby, why?" I'll never have the answer to that question. Not one that will truly satisfy my heartache. I'll never know why.

What I do know is that I loved Tia with every ounce of energy I had and she knew that, she felt that. Will that take away the hurt, no, but that's one question I do have the answer to. She knew I loved her.

Please keep in touch with us. And I'll keep you and Roxi in my thoughts and prayers.

Sending love,

06-09-2014, 09:21 AM
Thinking of you, and your sweet Roxy and hoping you are getting thru this. Blessings

06-11-2014, 08:41 AM
Good morning Becky.

Just thinking about you and want to see how you were doing.

Sending love,

06-11-2014, 08:42 AM
**posted twice**

06-21-2014, 09:06 AM
Good morning Becky. Just checking on you.

06-23-2014, 09:41 PM
I am wondering how you are. I can only imagine what you are going thru. I hope
you are able to get thru this. Blessings

06-24-2014, 01:18 AM
My sincere condolences Becky. Hugs

06-30-2014, 04:57 PM
You all are so sweet & supportive. Your kind words mean so much. I'm not checking the board much because it's still so very hard. But please know that I really appreciate all your thoughts & prayers. Still taking things one day at a time & looking forward to that one day that I can get through without crying at all.

06-30-2014, 06:09 PM
So good to hear from you. We all understand, so don't worry about us. If you need someone to talk to we are always here for you. Blessings

08-10-2014, 05:06 PM
Well, after crying every single day for the last few months, I have decided to get another puppy. It was such a hard decision because I felt to do so, would be like I was trying to replacing my sweet Roxi. The house was so quiet & me & my other dog have been so depressed. I think this will at least help to take our minds of things some.

After researching cushing's, I now have a question about early spaying & it's part it may play in cushing's. I will post a new question regarding this since you all are so much more knowledgeable about it than I am.

Again, thank you all so much for all of your support & understanding.

molly muffin
08-11-2014, 10:34 PM
They never replace, but a new puppy can certainly add a lot of joy to a household. They don't know of the sorrow that they will help to ease, only of the endless joy to be with their family.

Sharlene and molly muffin