View Full Version : Dog just diagnosed with Cushing's

05-15-2014, 11:04 AM
Hi, I have two GSDs, one eleven with CDRM and anal furunculosis, and a female aged ten (yesterday) who was diagnosed with Cushing's yesterday. I am going to the vet today to collect Vetoryl. She has liver problems caused by the Cushing's I guess, and I have started her on the Monica Segal liver diet. I spent three hours last night cooking and cleaning up and all for three days meals. My vet would be happier if I used the Hill's ld diet but as I have fed her raw since she was a ten week old pup, I don't feel happy about the Hill's especially after checking on the ingredients. She has had diarrhoea for months and I was trying everything I knew to deal with it myself, but finally gave in and saw the vet. She suspected Cushing's straight away, and we had the tests done. My dog, Jazz, when I look back has had the symptoms for a year maybe. She has developed a pot belly in the last two months or so which I put down to old age, a little lethargy which I also put down to her age, increased appetite which I thought was just her wanting to eat more. She also drank more and could urinate for England. She would wee at least twice on a fifteen minute walk. In the last week she has stopped that and I don't think she is drinking or weeing more than normal. About three weeks ago she had wet her bed. That was the first time in all the years I have had her that she wee'd indoors, even as a small pup. She has always been clean. I have taken great comfort from this forum in the time it has taken to get the Cushing's diagnosis. I feel like I have been through hell while waiting. Like all of you, my girl means everything to me and I hate to think of her suffering in any way. I am lucky in that I trust my two vets and respect their decisions. They are happy for me to ask questions and don't seem to mind that my knowledge of Cushing's has come from a weekend of researching everything I could find. My poor iPad must have been red hot. It is so good to know you are all out there to ask for help, or a shoulder to cry on. Bless you all.

05-15-2014, 11:14 AM
Welcome to the forum. I am so sorry your baby is having troubles. If you could possibly give us a little history on your dog. Any other illnesses ? How much does she weigh? Has she been checked for thyroid, and diabetes? Please get copies ofmher testing as the members will want to look at her numbers to see what is going on. If you could then post the abnormal numbers along with the reference guide given by the lab as they are all different then we can get a full picture of what it happening. I am glad you found us as you will get excellent help and support here. Just one caution since I know you are going to pick up Vetoryl. The starting dose is 1 mg per pound, the low and slow method is safer for your dog. Blessings

Junior's Mom
05-15-2014, 06:54 PM
Welcome to the forum. Please don't start the vetoryl until we know more about your dog, and how she is feeling right now.
Cushings is a slow progressing disease, and one of the most difficult to diagnose, so it is best to be sure before starting medication.
You mentioned that your dog has had diarrhea. Vetoryl should NEVER be given to a sick dog.
What tests have been run to diagnose your pup?

05-15-2014, 08:29 PM
Hi and Welcome,

As others have already mentioned, if we could have test results and more information we could give meaningful feedback.
My pup had been diagnosed with "stress colitis". It tuned out to be inflammatory bowel disease. In the beginning, her IBD bothered me more than her Cushings symptoms, which were not all that bad yet. I waited a year to treat her until her IBD was under good control. We had to control it with metronidazole and diet. Zoe was on a commercial raw diet and I started decreasing the raw and slowly added in Zeal Honest Kitchen for her. I also switched out her probiotic. Finally we were able to cut back to a fairly low dose of metronidazole daily.

No one test for Cushings is perfect and there are quite a few disease that mimic Cushings. I am concerned that your dog was tested for Cushings while having on going diarrhea as an non adrenal illness can give false readings even on an ultra sound- non adrenal illness may cause the adrenals glands to be enlarged.

It can also be that Cushings is causing repeated bacterial infections thus the on going stool issues. Please, tell us which tests were done to diagnose the disease and what the results were. Perhaps we are just missing pieces of the puzzle. I know it is hard to write it all down to us:)

I am so glad you found us and I know others will stop by.