View Full Version : Lasa-poo (Atypical Cushing's)

Lucy's Momma
05-10-2014, 09:36 AM
my border terrier Harvey is 9 years old and has all the symptoms of cushings disease, I took him to the vet who has took blood to test him for thyroid and general health but seems to think he has this cushings disease. I am worried about the cost of all this Harvey is not insured and we are worried we cannot afford the cost of all the treatments. Could anyone tell me roughly how much we am looking at so we have some idea what to expect. many thanks

Hi Dizzy, I'm new here...I have a lasa-poo she is going to be 7 june 24th and was diagnosed with Atypical Cushing's, just broke my Heart to know she had anything wrong..she has been thru a series of tests, Ultra sound...her liver is enlarged, has the extended tummy, ravenous about food and water...anyway I spent 1200.00 ..I live in Maine, so don't know if the Cost would be Different from where you are.. I also have had two opinions and a specialist..I love my baby girl!...everything has pointed to Atypical Cushing's, I cried everyday for a long time...but I had to stop crying and work on doing what's best for Lucy...then she had an Accident( jumped out of my SUV upon excitement with my grandbabies,( she never jumps out of the car, have no clue why she did) she just loves them, anyway she pulled a ligament in her back leg, on top of everything else, my poor little girl, what next...ok I have been long winded I'm sorry...I hope things get better for you...

05-10-2014, 01:09 PM
I wanted to welcome you to our site.

I also wanted to let you know I started a new thread for you because the thread you had started was inadvertently deleted during a maintenance procedure.

Please share more with us.

05-10-2014, 01:30 PM
Hi and welcome.

It was me who lost your original thread and Terry was kind enough to help me by starting a new thread with an informative post you made on another member's thread. Unfortunately that member has not been logged on for many, many months so I don't anticipate that you will get a response on that thread. Luckily that post was more informative than your original so we have a better start on understanding your dog's medical history.....and thankfully, I didn't commit a deadly sin when I screwed up. :D

Since your pup has atypical cushing's, I assume that your vet had a full adrenal panel done by the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK). It would be very helpful if you could please post the results of that test here, including the normal reference ranges. How long ago was your pup diagnosed and did your vet prescribe treatment for atypical cushing's? Depending on which adrenal intermediate hormones are elevated, UTK usually recommends Melatonin and Lignans. What symptoms did your pup have that prompted your vet to test for cushing's and which tests were done prior to the UTK adrenal panel?

Sorry for all of the questions but the more information you can provide, the better able we'll be to give you meaningful feedback and appropriate links to resource material that may help you gain a better understanding of atypical cushing's.

I'm sorry for the reasons that brought you here but am glad you found us. We're here to help you help your pup in any way we can.
