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Squirt's Mom
06-07-2009, 08:25 PM
Hi ya'll,
Well my twitcher has been activated tonite....Squirt just peed right in front of Jim and I then went out and peed 3 more times! geez....So I will be calling Dr C in the morning and get testing started. I guess an ACTH tho I know Dr C would prefer the LDDS. I also want blood work done since it's been a while. Her other hormones haven't been checked since last Aug. so I may go ahead and have the full panel done this time. And, of course, this could be a simple UTI. The urine was pale yellow, didn't have a strong odor at all, and the stream was solid, so maybe not. Who knows?! That's why we pay our docs, huh?
She has been panting some and shedding some but it isn't "hair loss" per se, just typical summer shedding...I think. She has lost a lot of her long hair, tho. The panting may be due to the heat lately but it's best to find out.
I'll let ya'll know what comes next!
Leslie and the girls
06-07-2009, 09:02 PM
Hey there...
Wishing you luck and hoping it is "just" Percy lurking about! He seems to be making the rounds, doesn't he?
Let us know what happens!
Love and hugs, Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Roxee's Dad
06-07-2009, 10:49 PM
Hi Leslie,
Keeping fingers and 16 paws crossed that whatever it is, is a simple matter.
06-08-2009, 10:23 AM
Hi Leslie,
Hoping it's something easy to fix. Good luck and hugs to you and the girls.
Lynne and Lady 7/98-3/09
Squirt's Mom
06-08-2009, 11:40 AM
Hi ya'll,
Thanks for the kind words and well-wishes for us. We couldn't do this without ya'll.
After some consideration, I decided to have the UTK panel done again and a full blood work up. After the fiasco :p last time, Dr C would prefer that the IMS do the panel unless it's going to be a while before they can get us in, then she will do it. So, I have a call into him and am waiting for the call-back. I have asked for the UTK panel, full blood panel and urinalysis.
It's ridiculous but I am a nervous wreck! :eek: Ever since her surgery and the follow-up ACTH that had such a great post number, 14.2 ug/dl, that I have held fast to the hope that tumor was the cause of all her endocrine problems. I have wanted to believe she is NOT Atypical or PDH...and now this test will tell me whether I am wrong or not. Her docs have felt this could true, too. !!twitch!! !!twitch!!
About the melatonin....after talking with Dr O, I decided to cut it by 1/4. She gets 1.5mg in the morning and 3mg at nite. She is more alert and active during the day, wanting to be with me again instead of sleeping all the time. So, unless her other hormones come back out of whack again, this is what we will stick with for now.
That's all for now...and I'm gonna go freak out for a bit! :eek::eek::rolleyes: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Leslie and Squirt
Squirt's Mom
06-08-2009, 01:25 PM
Just heard back from the IMS and she goes in Wed. at 8:30am for the UTK panel, blood work and urinalysis.
Oh dear god.....the wait has just begun...:eek::eek: awww geez....
Harley PoMMom
06-08-2009, 02:31 PM
Dearest Leslie and Squirt,
Wishing you both all the luck, well wishes, healing thoughts and prayers. :)
Lori and Harley
Squirt's Mom
06-08-2009, 02:58 PM
Thanks, Lori. :)
Apparently I need them....I just burned a pot of rice and quinoa, and one of house STINKS to high heaven!! :rolleyes: Am I distracted? pre-occupied? Moi?!?!? :p
06-08-2009, 03:35 PM
Hi Leslie,
Just saw the latest. This is Squirt trying to communicate with you in my view and I am hoping it means an UTI which would be the simplest outcome.
Waiting to hear more, how is she behaving recently.
06-08-2009, 03:57 PM
Hi Leslie,
Will keep my fingers crossed everything turns out fine for Squirt... But untill you have the dinners perhaps? :D
Saskia and Yunah :)
Squirt's Mom
06-08-2009, 05:59 PM
Saskia, the burned food was part of Squirt's menu for the week. I can't believe I handle liver for her, but I do! Parts....UGH! :eek: This is Gary's last nite with us before he goes to see his mom so I am cooking what he asked for - hotdogs with mac-n-cheese and home-made applesauce. So far so good on our feed! :p
Scott....behaviors...well, the ones I have seen could also be related to the heat - panting, laying on the tiles from time to time, shedding - so until the pee incident I wasn't too concerned, but have been watching. Since the reduction in melatonin, she has been more alert and active during the day, altho when we had a guest the other day, she didn't stick around much. And her eyes have been kinda sad at times the last few days, especially at nite. :( But today she has been fine, laying on the bed with me, in the office with me, outside only twice today so far, no excessive drinking or asking for a drink while in the bed and her eyes are bright.
I just found a tick while brushing her and after pulling it off, I had to use one of those bleeding sticks. It wouldn't stop bleeding! I don't recall that ever happening. That's the first tick she's had this year. After Gary leaves we are gonna clean out his "forts" and such, then attack the ticks and other bugs. I use Comfortis for the fleas and it works great! but doesn't work on ticks at all. That bleeding was strange, tho. Being a worry wart, I know. :o
Hugs to all,
Leslie and Squirt
Wylie's Mom
06-08-2009, 06:48 PM
Hi Leslie,
If you cook alot of rice... I highly suggest a rice cooker - I don't know what I would have done without mine. I can never get rice right without it. I think some cookers are better than others - mine is the "Tiger" brand. I seriously don't think its possible to burn rice with it:p. I have also done the overcooked rice with it (creates a little mess where the vent is, but no biggie).
I hope all goes well with the tests... and hope for no more ticks!!!
Squirt's Mom
06-12-2009, 11:27 AM
Hi ya'll,
GOOD NEWS so far! :D Part of the blood work is back in and her IMS said it is perfect except for a slight increase in liver values. They are:
ALKP - 260
ALT - 129
He said they are no high enough to worry about right now or to start any meds other than the supplements I am using now. He said it would take an ultrasound to see if the Burdock was really helping to clean out the gall bladder sludge, but based on the labs, he said it certainly isn't hurting anything!
I was concerned about any possible problems with her spleen or the tumor possibly returning or they had missed a small part and it was causing problems, but all is well there, too! RBC and WBC, platelets, etc. are all NORMAL!!!! :D:D:D
She does have a low-grade UTI...a rare bacteria is what he called it?...and she will start Amoxycillan (sp?) today for that. But he said her kidney values were fine, no problems there at all other than this bacteria.
Her IMS said with values this good, he's not worried about anything with her right now! Apparently there is still some more lab work to come in and of course the UTK panel, but based on what has already come in, he is very happy. ME, TOO!!!
Now all I have to do is keep it together for another week and a half or so til the UTK panel comes in. :p
Leslie and Squirt
06-12-2009, 11:52 AM
Leslie, Preventic collars work like a charm. When I first adopted Chewy, he brought some of those nasty, unwanted visitors from Texas with him. I found them, first, on Barkley. Within several days, I found them on the other 2 dogs. I was trying every product I could find to purchase with limited success. I had even made an appointment for an exterminator to bomb my house & yards. Dr. Lewis is the one who clued me in on the Preventic collars. He said that he thought once I had the collars on all 3 dogs, & those nasty little buggers found out they had no "free meal" at my house, they would go away. He was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! I think it was no more than about 10 days, & I couldn't find one of them. When it comes to the safety of the collar for a Cushbaby, I don't think that will be an issue as Barkley was chemo meds for his lymphoma, so if it was ok for him, but check with your vet. Oh, I had to purchase the collars through my GP.
Squirt's Mom
06-12-2009, 12:31 PM
Thanks, Debbie! :)
I will check with Dr C and see if those collars can be used with the Comfortis.
06-12-2009, 12:43 PM
Hi Leslie,
Good news on Squirt so far - I'm happy for you. Glad the out of the ordinary accidents were caused by a UTI and hope her UTK panel numbers will be good also.
Regarding the ALT, Munch has always been in the normal range and then out of the blue had his go up a couple of times. However, it did drop back down to normal again. With Munch, meds, certain supplements and/or illness seem to tinker w/his liver! My IMS wasn't concerned either and we just continue to keep an eye on everything.
Will be waiting, with interest, to see the remainder of Squirts results.
06-12-2009, 02:57 PM
Hi Leslie,
That is good news on Squirt and I hope all the other results are as good!!
I hate ticks with a passion, almost as bad as I hate diabetes,
Jo-Ann & Lady :)
06-12-2009, 04:19 PM
Hi Leslie,
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:):D:) Hoping the rest of the results are just as good. Hugs to you and the gang.
Lynne and Angel Lady 7/98-3/09
06-12-2009, 04:22 PM
Hi Leslie,
Hope the amocy does it for the uti.
Very good news on the bloodwork. We administer Advantage which controls ticks, fleas and heartworm. I am told it is not the best control for fleas but we don't have a big flea problem.
Roxee's Dad
06-12-2009, 04:23 PM
Hey Leslie (the twitcher)
Glad the Little Squirt's results are good so far. Hope the good news continues to flow.:D
06-12-2009, 08:58 PM
Hey Leslie...
I am SOOOOOO happy for you and Squirt!!!! Great numbers and let's just keep it all crossed for the panel! I have a beak crossed right now as you know so I'll send you my margarita so you can toast Squirt for me!
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Squirt's Mom
06-19-2009, 11:34 AM
Hi ya'll,
Just got a call from the IMS and the UTK panel results came in last nite. I will pick up copies this afternoon and post them for you then (along with the first UTK results for comparison), but here's what Dr S told me -
* cortisol pre was high, but the post is normal (121 ng/m. with a normal up to 174 ng/ml) (YAHOOOOOO!!!!!)
* estradiol is still high but not as high as in Dec
* both progesterones still high but down from Dec, too
* everything else is normal
Dr O's recommendations are to continue the melatonin but switch to the hulls, 1/2 tsp/day...naturally since I have a yrs worth of purified lignans! :rolleyes::p Also, starting a maintenance dose of Lyso of 1/4 tab, 2x/week as a consideration (I assume that would be 250mg/week). The plan is to try the hulls for a month, have a recheck, and if the numbers aren't down, we will start the Lyso then. BUT, Dr O said no loading for her! YEAH!
As I am writing this, I am having second thoughts. ~~twitch twitch~~ Squirt was diagnosed in 8/08 with Atypical and the treatments she has been on (melatonin and lignans) have helped some but not as much as they could have. She has this urinary infection and since the stim last Wed., I have seen more signs - panting more, seeking cool tiles to lay on, sleeping more, asking to eat earlier and more often (but that is not a reliable sign for her :p ). However, water intake is down and need to urinate has not increased and no more accidents. She continues to lose her long hairs but not symmetrically, and still no bald spots or loss of the other two coats. Her back legs are stiffer but not weak or trembling. Still no pot belly. Glucose and thyroid levels are normal. Liver values slightly higher (ALKP - 260, ALT - 129) but not alarmingly so. I approved of the idea of trying the hulls first but now I am not sure. What do ya'll think? ~~ twitch twitch~~
Leslie and Squirt
06-19-2009, 07:18 PM
would the hulls actually have more lignans than the purified stuff? that is hard to it that the lignans are primarily present in the hulls? I would think both are good but one would figure the purified is better...but I could be dead wrong
06-19-2009, 09:51 PM
I would go with what Dr. O says....I would try one step at a time....and then if not, try the Lysodren. It is only one month....and I don't think it is unreasonable to try this first. If this works, you can save on the Lysodren....
that's my opinion...but I always would aim for a more natural approach if I could first....and you know I am not anti-Lysodren....just that I think this may be the better option if it works...
am I making sense? I am sooooo sleepy....
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobers
06-20-2009, 12:23 AM
would the hulls actually have more lignans than the purified stuff? that is hard to it that the lignans are primarily present in the hulls? I would think both are good but one would figure the purified is better...but I could be dead wrong
Yes, lignans are found in the hulls. Purified lignans have about 40mg per capsule and the pressed flax hull has 35mg per gram. There are 3 grams per tsp so if my math is right, dogs under 30 pounds should be given 1/2 tsp which equals 52.5mg. I found the pressed flax hulls on Ebay and out of curiosity corresponded with the company. I explained that UTK recommends lignans for treatment of atypical and referred them to Dr. Jack Oliver at UTK. They sent me the product as a thank you and since I just ran out of Lulu's six month supply of purified lignans, she is now on the pressed flax hulls. Luckily this stuff has a two year shelf life. I spoke to the owner once I discovered that UTK revised their treatment option page to include their product and they were thrilled that Dr. Oliver actually tested the product and liked it. How cool is that?
Leslie, as I recall you reduced the recommended dose of melatonin because Squirt seemed lethargic right? This may have a bearing on why the numbers aren't lower. With the estradiol being high, I'd definitely go with the higher lignan content in the pressed flax hull product. I'm sure you know that if the estradiol isn't restricted to the adrenals, Lysodren wouldn't really help anyway, so I'd give the additional lignans a chance to work for a month or two. If you are still seeing overt symptoms after that time, then you may want to consider the Lysodren maintenance dose.
I hope this helps.
Hotty's mom
06-20-2009, 10:22 AM
Hi Leslie,
I haven't been on in a while and just saw your post. I'm very glad to hear Squirt is continuing to do well :)
My baby Sausage-Elizabeth was spayed a few days ago, so I've been busy caring for her. She is so miserable with the horrible e-collar she's forced to wear for another 10 days :(
Deanna & forever Hotty
Squirt's Mom
06-20-2009, 01:10 PM
Hi ya'll,
Well, after sitting up most of the nite twitching and watching my Sweet Bebe sleeping peacefully, I decided to stick with the original plan of trying the hulls first. Since we aren't dealing with cortisol, I just can't justify necrosis of the adrenals right now. I have ordered the hulls and will start them as soon as they arrive. Beth and Glynda, thanks so much for the input! :)
Jeff, I had wondered the same thing about the hulls VS the purified capsules. Not knowing the answer, I got the bottle and looked at the ingredients once again. It contains magnesium stearate from "vegetable source", and the cap itself "consists of gelatin." So, the capsules are more than just lignans; nothing that should cause harm or, I guess, interfere with the action of the lignans since Dr O approved this form VS the FSO. The pressed hulls, however, are pure according to the site:
"This product does not have anything else added to it. The hull of the flaxseed is removed by a mechanical process, then the oil is pressed out of the hulls with a standard low temperature press. (pressed flax hulls)"
So, I decided this may be why Dr O suggested this switch. After reading Glynda's excellent, informative post I understand more fully the recommendation. Squirt will be getting 12.5mg more of the lignans per day with the hulls VS the purified form.
Glynda, you are such a wonder! To do this research then contact the Carlson's on behalf of our Atypical babies, put them in contact with Dr O...well, it just shows how devoted you are to learning and helping all you can. Thank you for sharing what you have learned about the hulls!
Yes, I had cut Squirt's melatonin by 1/4. She was getting 1 1/2mg in the mornings and 3mg at nite. That was a little over a month ago. After the peeing incident, before we knew about the infection, I put her back on the full dose of 6mg/day VS 4 1/2mg/day. I heard your voice telling me how sad it would be to lose the ground we had gained and kicked myself in the butt! :mad: Sleeping a lot isn't nearly as harmful as these hormones!
Deanna! How wonderful to hear from you! We has Crys spayed a few months ago and she was back on her feet driving us all nuts the very next day! I had to keep her sedated to calm her down even a tiny bit so she wouldn't tear her stitches. By day three, I needed sedation! :p I hope Sausage-Elisabeth recovers quickly and easily soon and you can turn your twitcher down a notch! :p How is Debbie doing these days? And YOU? I sure do miss my Sister Twitcher here! :D
Leslie and Squirt
Squirt's Mom
06-20-2009, 01:16 PM
Now, I have a question for all of you...if I ever knew this info, it has fallen through one of the many cracks in my feeble mind. :o
Which one is supposed to work on the estradiol produced outside the adrenals - melatonin or lignans, or both? and how?
:o:confused::o Leslie :o:confused::o
06-20-2009, 02:42 PM
Hi Leslie,
It is my understanding the melatonin and lignans work in concert to reduce estradiol.
Good news on the report, at least all the numbers are moving in the right direction.
I agree with the others that I would hold out the addition of maint Lysodren as a final treatment option if this change in type of lignans and dose do not work. I have been seeing that freshness is a big issue withe the lignans and wonder if the pressed hull is more vital than the purified lignans. I wonder if the pressed hull has a freshness date how it is packaged and just how you are to store it.
Squirt's Mom
06-20-2009, 08:55 PM
Thanks, Scott!
Yeah, I am happy to see the numbers moving in the right direction and I may well have played a part in them not being as good as they could by decreasing the melatonin dose. Geez, with all that could go wrong and I worried about her sleeping too much...she's an old lady like her mom. :rolleyes: We have so much to be grateful for...I have to remind myself of that more often! ;)
Leslie and Squirt
06-20-2009, 11:54 PM
Now, I have a question for all of you...if I ever knew this info, it has fallen through one of the many cracks in my feeble mind. :o
Which one is supposed to work on the estradiol produced outside the adrenals - melatonin or lignans, or both? and how?
:o:confused::o Leslie :o:confused::o
Geeze, Les, you might as well ask why the earth is round. :D You cannot believe how many times I've read the UTK info on this and how many times I've accessed the dictionary to try to understand all the big words. One big word begat another big word and so on and so on until my eyes roll back into my head and I start cussing. There is no way that I could ever explain the actual process by which those six adrenal hormones magically appear but I'll try to give you a quick and dirty that I hope you can understand. So here goes nothing.
Aromatase is an enzyme that is involved in the production of estrogen. It acts by catalyses (big word – look it up) the conversion of testosterone to estradiol, which is an estrogen by the way. Aromatase enzyme is located in the estrogen producing cells in the adrenal glands, ovaries, placenta, testicles, fat tissue and the brain. Note to self: Lysodren only targets the adrenals so it has no effect if the estradiol is being produced in the latter five areas of the body. Melatonin, a naturally occurring hormone in the body that we cushdog parents buy in a bottle, is an aromatase inhibitor. UTK always recommends Melatonin and phytoestrogen treatment when estradiol is elevated. [Phytoestrogens, sometimes called "dietary estrogens", are a diverse group of naturally occurring non steroidal plant compounds that, because of their structural similarity with estradiol (17-β-estradiol), have the ability to cause estrogenic or/and antiestrogenic effects] Lignans, found in the flaxseed, has the highest concentration of phytoestrogen found in plants. Lignans is also an aromatase inhibitor and with its phytoestrogenic activity, competes with estradiol for tissue estrogen receptors. So the quick answer to your question is if estradiol is elevated, UTK recommends both Melatonin and Lignans
21 hydroxylase is an enzyme which is involved in the biosythesis of aldosterone and cortisol. Melatonin inhibits the 21 hydroxylase enzyme.
3-beta-HSD is an enzyme which catalyses the synthesis of progesterone from pregnenolone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone from 17-hydroxypregnenolone, and androstenedione from dehydropiandrosterone in the adrenal gland. Note: the synthesis of all six adrenal steroids requires 3beta HSD. Melatonin and lignans inhibit 3-beta-HSD
So there ya go.
06-21-2009, 08:47 AM
Leslie -
If I'm following the last few posts correctly this morning I'm thinking that you and I are kind of in the same place with our babies. You're trying the flax hulls now and still using the melatonin with the possibility of adding a maintenance dose of Lysodren for Squirt, right?
You're holding off on the maintenance of Lysodren though until you can see what the flax hulls can do - your "twitch" intuition. :D This is kind of my story with Crash. His last visit to the vet showed his enzyme numbers coming down - still high, but down. I took this as a good sign, but when I asked a few questions including the switch to flax hulls Crash's doctor decided to email Dr. Oliver for some clarification. The vet and said that Dr. Oliver definitely recommends the flax hulls and mentioned a melatonin implant and the maintenance dose of Lysodren. My gut, like your twitch, I just don't want to go there yet. So our flax hulls came last Thursday and unless something drastic happens our doctor agreed to see what the flax hulls in addition to the continued dose of 6 mg of melatonin am and pm could do for a month or two before making any other decisions. So I think your twitch reinforces my gut because I was so worried about making the wrong decision. Sound familiar? I'm a worrier. :o
By the way, I agree with the yes and a defininite yea to Glynda for the connection! They are wonderful people to talk to if you ever have questions for them about their product, don't hesitate.
Oh too, Glynda despite a few big words I think I followed your explanation to Leslie's question and thanks for clarifying for me too!
Can you explain the melatonin implant also? The mere sound of "implant" stressed me out.
Happy thoughts to all....and stay cool! :) It's a hazy and hot first day of summer kind of morning in the St. Louis area. :(
Tammy, Crash, & Darby
Roxee's Dad
06-21-2009, 10:50 AM
Wow Glynda,
It's going to take me days to figure out what this all means. BTW, why IS the earth round?:D
Leslie, so glad that Squirt's numbers are looking good and more importantly that she is feeling good.:)
PS: I just looked it up and the earth is round because of gravity. Wish cush questions and answers were that easy.
Harley PoMMom
06-21-2009, 11:21 AM
Hi Leslie,
I too am glad Squirts numbers are coming down and I believe her Mom deserves a "High Five," for doing such a great job and should please, please stop being so hard on herself :) We love you Leslie, especially your Twitcher.
Here's hoping the pressed hulls will bring them numbers down even lower.
Squirt's Mom
06-21-2009, 12:00 PM
"catalysis /ca·tal·y·sis/ (kah-tal´ĭ-sis) increase in the velocity of a chemical reaction or process produced by the presence of a substance that is not consumed in the net chemical reaction or process; negative c. denotes the slowing down or inhibition of a reaction or process by the presence of such a substance.catalyt´ic" Catalyses = multiple reactions.
Your explanation is wonderful, Glynda! I even understand the big words...for the most part. ;) From my nutrition studies I know that beta bonds require B, or beta, enzymes for synthesis, and alpha bonds require A-enzymes. So it makes sense if estradiol is a beta bond (17-β-estradiol) an excess of the 3-beta-HSD enzyme would cause increased synthesis and higher levels.
Since this enzyme causes synthesis of the other hormones as well, that explains why we usually see more than just the estradiol elevated, right? And if a pup had only aldosterone elevated, the phytoestrogen (lignans) would not be needed. Am I on the right track here?
Thanks a bunch!
PS. I'm so glad John asked why the earth IS round!! LOL
Squirt's Mom
06-21-2009, 12:19 PM
Tamarah - Yes, you are on the mark with my twitching and it sounds like I have another sister twitcher. :p
Squirt has been on the purified lignans and the melatonin in capsule forms starting in late summer of '08. Since her estradiol and the two progesterones have not come down as we would like, Dr O wants to put her on the hulls. Since Glynda explained the higher content of lignans, that makes sense as a higher dose should have a stronger effect.
I, personally, won't use the implant for Squirt for several reasons. Like Scott said, it is too hard to know when the implant life runs out, resulting in possible erratic dosing. Nor do I like the idea of her having that huge needle stuck in her even once, much less over and over to replace the implant when it loses its effectiveness. So I will stick with the capsules so I know exactly what dose she gets and NO needles. But these are just my feelings. I know several folks who use the implant with no problems and are happy with it VS having to give meds twice a day.
Heat indexes here have been running in the 110's so I know what you mean about the water consumption! :eek: All of mine have been guzzling like mad! :p Crys is the only one who seems to like this weather. She wants to stay out in it but I don't let her for very long.
John - thanks for the kinds words and for finding out just why the earth is round. :D
Lori - you're a doll and I really appreciate the support! You do know we love you, too?
Leslie and Squirt
06-21-2009, 04:27 PM
sorry to be late in posting. Congrats on bringing the numbers down. Yay Squirt!!!!
Just FYI on the implant -- Pallie's had 3. She was due to get her next one actually this week, but it's on hold for the time being.
My vet says that Dr. Oliver swears by them and that the melatonin gets absorbed so much better than capsules. They last about 4-6 months and I've replaced Pallie's after 5 since they take about 6 weeks to really kick into high gear. My vet checked with Dr. O once about the dosing and overlap and Dr. O wasn't concerned as long as it was within the time the implant was on its way out.
But I say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :-)
Yay Squirt!
06-21-2009, 04:40 PM
Wow Glynda,
It's going to take me days to figure out what this all means. BTW, why IS the earth round?:D
Actually, the earth should only be referred to as round in the contraint of two dimensions.;) So your search should also have explained that the earth is a sphere, :) I sometimes am referred to as round!:D
Thanks Glynda, I knew you had that bit stored away somewhere.
John II
06-22-2009, 02:47 AM
Hi Sister Twitcher!
It's wonderful for Squirt to be responding so well :D
And did I not say Glynda was "The Oracle"? ;)
Best wishes,
Brother Twitcher and Angelina.
Squirt's Mom
06-22-2009, 07:21 PM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt's hull came in today so she will start on them in the morning since she had the purified form this morning.
I took her to have her nails trimmed this afternoon and the girls were shocked that she is 11! They said she looked and acted much younger. :D Of course, she gets full of it when anyone works on her feet...she will show you how quick she can get away! :p
Leslie and Squirt
PS. Hey Brother are so right - Glynda is an oracle...and a real sweet heart to boot!
06-22-2009, 09:01 PM
Hi Sweet Pea!!!
Boy, have I been out of the loop!!! Hulls? I thought you guys were talking about Hockey and I'm in Alabama. :p
I am so glad to hear that Squirt is doing great! I love to read these types of threads! Keep up the great work! With this support behind you, you can't lose!
And if anyone comes up with perfect rice or noodles, please let me know! I can gormet anything else, but fall flat on something as simple as that!
Hugs to you!!!!
Heidi, Marco & Sophie
...and Friskie, Lucky, Cheri & and Snicky from Heaven...and our almost home "Bitty Bichon"
06-22-2009, 09:18 PM
Ok I am caught up now. You're starting the hulls tomorrow? Did your vet say anything about them other than that we know Dr. O endorses them?
06-23-2009, 07:16 AM
Leslie and Squirt -
Good morning! Just checking in to see how you were doing. Is Squirt still showing off her new pedicure? :D I'm glad to hear you got the flax hulls. The order, I found, comes pretty quickly and with no shipping fee either. Wow, I'm liking this company. Anyway, let us know how Squirt does with the hulls this morning. Crash takes his well with a bit of canned food. I take mine pretty good too on my cereal. :D
Have a great Tuesday! :)
Tammy, Crash, & Darby
Squirt's Mom
06-23-2009, 12:21 PM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt didn't even notice the difference this morning with the hulls...not that I really thought she would. I think she would eat kitchen sink if I put it in her bowl! LOL :p
Heidi, Squirt's rice has to be overcooked to the point of mush. I tried a rice cooker a friend has and it was "cooked to perfection" - but not for her. It came out more like Minute Rice and not gooey at all. So I will continue burning pots of rice on occasion. :p Now, pasta? When it starts to look "loose", I pull a piece out and throw it on the fridge. If it falls to the floor, it's not ready; if it sticks, it is ready. I try not to let guests see me throwing pasta around the kitchen, tho. :eek: It might dampen the appetite! :p
Steph, Dr C learns from us about Atypical and the treatments. She is in full support of Dr O, tho. She spoke with him several times when Squirt was first diagnosed, and we bow to his expertise in all matters Atypical. Squirt's IMS also talked with Dr O when he got the results as he was unfamiliar with the hulls and he, too, is in full support of using them. So, I would think there would be no problem for Pallie to try them. And I will get started typing up that info from the booklet on the hulls and kidneys for you asap. QUACK QUACK :D
Tammy, after reading that booklet, I too am thinking of using them myself. I had no idea they had been studied that much or for so many different things! When I got them yesterday, I stuck my finger in and got a taste...not bad at all, very mild and not overly grainy feeling. I may wish I had gotten a larger container! Let me know if you notice any difference in yourself on them. As for Squirt's pedicure, it is embarrassing. :o I got very ill a few years back and couldn't do some things for a long of them was her nails. Her vet would cut them for me when I could get out but that wasn't enough. They got really out of hand and are what the groomer calls "daggers" they are so long. We are trying to get the quicks to recede by working on them every 2 weeks now. I had been trying to keep up with them myself but she fights me too bad and I'm afraid of hurting her back legs (pins and screws from surgery) or quicking her. So off to PetCo we go!
I took Crys there this morning for the same thing and it was a real nightmare! I came home bleeding and she was puking from stress. That was her first time professionally and she was not happy. :( But with continued attention I hope she will get better. If not, I see sedation in her future! :eek:
Leslie and Squirt
Carol G
06-23-2009, 12:38 PM
Two things.
One, a friend lowered her cholesterol by a number of points with ground flax seed.
Two, Winnie was terrible about nail trims when I first got her. She had to be sedated and then it still took three of us to hold her down. However, she got more and more used to it and started improving gradually. Eventually she got to the point that I could trim her nails at home. One tip, even if she isn't a biter, a muzzle helps calm them some.
Carol, Atty Cat and always Winnie & McGill
Squirt's Mom
06-23-2009, 01:56 PM
Thanks, Carol!
I took Crys' muzzle just in case, tho she has never offered to bite anyone, but I never considered it might calm her. I will try that next time and see how it works for her.
Squirt's Mom
08-09-2009, 05:58 PM
Hi ya'll,
Well, I'm just a bit late in posting Squirt's UTK results from June. :o
Here are her first results for comparison:
Squirt’s UT Panel results – 8/27/08
Baselines and normal ranges**
Cortisol ng/ml 41.3 2.1-58.8
Androstenedione ng/ml 5.6 0.1-5.7
Estradiol pg/ml 80.4* 30.8-69.9
Progesterone ng/ml 0.58* 0.03-0.49
17 OH Prog ng/ml 0.33 0.08-0.77
Aldeosterone pg/ml*** <11.0 11-139.9
Post ACTH (30 min and 1 hr) and normal ranges**
Cortisol ng/ml 161.9 327.8* 65.0-174.6
Androstenedione ng/ml 34.0 30.6 2.7-39.7
Estradiol pg/ml 80.3* 89.6* 27.9-69.2
Progesterone ng/ml 2.74* 2.74* 0.10-1.50
17 OH Prog pg/ml 3.08* 3.18* 0.40-1.62
Aldosterone pg/ml*** QNS 399.1* 7.2-398.5
* Above or below reference range
** Mean normal range values for spayed female dogs (N=36). QNS = Insufficient sample.
*** Normal range values for male and female dogs (N = 72 baseline, N = 23 post ACTH)
Results from 6-18-09
Baseline and normal ranges**:
Cortisol ng/ml 78.6* 2.1-58.8
Androstenedione ng/ml 1.5* 0.05-0.57
Estradiol pg/ml 84.0* 30.8-69.9
Progesterone ng/ml 0.83* 0.03-0.49
17 OH Progesterone ng/ml 0.57 0.08-0.77
Aldosterone pg/ml*** QNS 11-139.9
Post ACTH:
Cortisol ng/ml 121.6 65.0-174.6 WOOHOO!!!
Androstenedione ng/ml 2.16 0.27-3.97
Estradiol pg/ml 78.1* 27.9-69.2
Progesterone ng/ml 1.95* 0.10-1.50
17 OH Progesterone ng/ml 2.66* 0.40-1.62
Aldosterone pg/ml*** QNS 72.9-398.5
*above or below reference range
**Mean normal range values for spayed female dogs (N=36). QNS=insufficient sample
***Normal range values for male and female dogs (N= 72 baseline, N=23 post-ACTH)
Comments: Values remain elevated. Consider switching to a flax hull product (item 4 on our treatment option sheet attached. Consider adding item 5 as well. (Item 5=maintenance dose of Lyso)
I just noticed the QNS on the aldosterone and would really like to know where that is now.
Squirt has been on the hulls for a little over a month now and I am seeing more signs than before so I am a bit concerned. Her breathing at nite has been very rapid and heavy at times, sounding almost as if there were some obstruction in her throat. Wheezy and rough sounding. At first I thought it was due to pain in her legs and gave her some Tramadol, but the panting continued even in her sleep. She is asking for water more often but not peeing more. Still sleeping more than I would like but I put that off to the melatonin. No pot belly still, and her long hairs continue to fall out but none of her other coats are. This, I think, is due to aging of the Cairn-type coat.
She got spirochetes again a few weeks ago and we go in tomorrow for a follow-up on that. I have also asked that her breathing, legs and thyroid be looked at. (Thank you, Lousie! ;):D )
If her thyroid is down in the 1.somethings again, I think I will ask to start her on meds for that. If it is ok now, then I am seriously considering starting a LOW maintenance dose of Lyso. OOORRR going back to the purified lignan capsules with a higher dosage given daily. Since all the discussion on the hulls, I am beginning to have some worries with them...naturally :rolleyes: .
I think I need to run down to Tunica and try my luck on the slots or something! My luck...I'd just be that much shorter on what I'd need for Dr C and Tunica that much richer! :rolleyes: Hopefully the plastic won't melt tomorrow. :p
Leslie and Squirt
PS. Lori, I promise I will get an update on my other girls in the next week or so!
Harley PoMMom
08-09-2009, 06:55 PM
Hi ya Leslie,
I think Squirt's UTK panel results are really good...hey some of them numbers are pretty darn terrific. :D Her Estradiol is just so close to being in the normal range..ugh that darn Estradiol, and her Progesterone not that far behind from being normal either.
I agree with you about Squirt's Aldosterone, I'd want to see what that is too, in hind-sight I wished I'd got that done with Harley along with his estradiol.
I'm still on the fence with the hulls too, I mean I know they are working with Harley, the numbers prove that...but they aren't I have no idea what I am going to do. :confused::eek: but what else is new.:)
Let us know how you and Squirt make out with your appt. with the vet tomorrow and best of luck with that. :)
PS Cortisol ng/ml 121.6 65.0-174.6 WOOHOO!!! I agree....WOOHOO TOO!!!
Love and hugs.
08-10-2009, 06:40 AM
You are on it! You know what you are you always do! I don't have much to add but I do think before a switch to Lyso (and you know of all things I am not anti-Lyso!), I would think about the capsules again. I am just getting mixed feelings about the hulls now after some of the experiences. Of course, with the vet's say so.
You are such a great mom to your clan!!! You know how to read what is wanted and what to do that is the very best thing....I have faith in you, Leslie!!!!:D
Love ya! Beth, Bailey and always Scoobie
Squirt's Mom
08-10-2009, 04:15 PM
Well, we're back and no results....too much fat in her blood!!! she fasts the rest of the day and we go back tomorrow and try again.
I have not been able to cook for her the last week or so and she has been eating canned...EaglePack and CA Natural. They are higher in fat content than what I am cooking, but I didn't think it was that much higher! geez...I hope it's the food anyway. Hyperlipidemia is not something I want to add to the mix! :eek:
Her breathing was checked and Dr C said it sounds rasping, wheezing etc. She has gained a little over a pound since last visit...a little over a month ago....gulp! that could be making her breathing a bit more difficult. Also one of her back legs is really popping out and one of the screws may be working loose so there is a strong source of pain that could be causing the panting and harshness of it. Heart murmur a grade 2 up from grade 1 last year.
So, that's where we are today....hopefully I'll know more about the thyroid tomorrow.
Leslie and Squirt
08-10-2009, 06:15 PM
Hyperlipidemia is not something I want to add to the mix! :eek:
From one who can say that again!!!!
Hopefully it was the temporary use of higher fat canned food that caused a problem. After only a little over a week of being on the Rx higher fat dry food last year and Mr. M's triglycerides skyrocketed, but he's a bit of a weird case. Anyway, I'll be peeling those potatoes (arrrrrrrgh) and cooking fish for as long as he's with me. Good luck with the blood draw tomorrow.
Glad that all is ok with the breathing. Gosh, I hope a screw in her leg isn't working its way loose. :( Poor Squirty! If her thyroid results end up low, maybe that's why she gained weight?
I'll be watching and waiting for that update!
08-10-2009, 06:31 PM
Leslie - if her blood comes up fatty again you might want to ask about getting her amylase and lipase checked out - I believe that fatty blood can be a result of pancreatitis.:eek::eek::eek:
If you still have to feed the canned at the moment you could try adding some rice/potato to cut the total percentage of fat in the meal.
I can relate to the canned thing - I always give Zac raw/homecooked food but I do keep some cans in the cupboard for if I'm just not up to cooking or whatever because of illness or something. Hasn't happened yet but I like to be prepared - especially with this Swine Flu on the rampage.
Harley PoMMom
08-10-2009, 07:05 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm going to post here about the hyperlipidemia, I already did in Nathalie and Phillip's, Phillip had the same problem your Squirt did with fatty blood, I found this in the merck vet manual.
"This can be primary or secondary to hypothyroidism, pancreatitis, hepatic disease, diabetes mellitus, nephrotic syndrome, hyperadrenalism, or high-fat diets. Hyperlipidemia is present when blood lipids are increased with or without gross lipemia and probably results from abnormalities in the synthesis or use of plasma lipoproteins. In primary hyperlipidemia, the abnormalities can be familial and might be genetic, as has been suggested in Miniature Schnauzers. Some dogs with hyperlipidemia are asymptomatic. Clinically affected dogs may have recurrent seizures, depression, recurrent pancreatitis, vomiting, acute blindness, corneal opacity, and xanthogranulomas. The goal of dietary management is to decrease the digestion and absorption of fat by feeding a diet restricted in fat (<10% dry-matter basis). The use of fish oil capsule supplements at a dosage of 1 g/4.5 kg body wt either once a day or in divided doses, depending on the number of capsules needed, help reduce serum triglyceride concentrations. Although fish oil supplements generally do not return serum triglycerides to normal values, partial reduction is believed to mitigate the risk of pancreatitis or other problems related to marked elevations of this lipid."
I sure can relate to Squirt and her screws, my right leg from my hip to my ankle is full of plates, screws and my thigh has a rod that goes thru it...bad motorcycle accident :eek:, I know 2 days in advance when it's going to rain.
Best of luck tomorrow with the blood draw at the vets, and I'll be watching for your update too.
Love and hugs.
08-11-2009, 07:00 AM
Leslie & Squirt -
We wanted to wish you both well today with your visit to the vet. Hoping that there will be only good news to report. :):):):):) (thought you could use a few extra smilies to start your day)
Thinking of you and Squirt and I'll check in when I get home from school this afternoon.
Tammy, Crash, & Darby
08-11-2009, 11:57 AM
Thinking of you
Squirt's Mom
08-11-2009, 01:35 PM
Hi ya'll,
What a great way to start the day!!! :D
Squirt's blood was "beautiful" this morning after a 26 hr fast tho she was rather PO'd. :p Her T4 is 2.8 ug/dl, norms = 1.1-4.0 ug/dl. Right back in the smack dab middle where she was before Dec.! YIPEE!!!! :D:D:D
I was trying to figure out why her values dropped so much in Dec. and I think I know. That was prior to her current diet when she was on the first one that was so bad. It included Brassicas, which are veggies like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli which can cause thyroid levels to drop. Hypothyroid pups should avoid this class of food. Before the bad diet she got from that vet, I was making do on my own (STUPID!!) and it was even worse plus I used some of those same veggies. So that could explain why the drop in Dec. She is no longer eating those types of veggies and her values are normal once again so it makes sense.
So, now I am going to concentrate on her hormone levels and the pain in her legs as the cause for the things I have been seeing that bother me - like the panting. And, no matter what, she will not be eating any more commercial feed as long as I am able to move and cook for her. If I don't have time to cook the whole menu, she will get something fresh and home-made. More convinced than ever that proper feeding is the way to good health! And what's proper for Squirt is her mama's cooking! ;):D
Thanks for the smilies and all the good wishes! Ya'll are the best of the best!:)
Leslie and Squirt
She had some diarrhea last nite so the possibility of pancreatitis was really on my mind. Dr C ran full blood work and check her out just in case. Everything is great! No pain in the belly, no swelling noticed, and labs are all normal except for the liver values which is expected in cush pups, and hers aren't too bad - ALP =451 (norm= 20-150 U/L), ALT = 76 (norm= 10-118 U/L). So all in all, I am HAPPY with today's results! :D
Wylie's Mom
08-11-2009, 02:30 PM
Squirt's blood was "beautiful" this morning after a 26 hr fast tho she was rather PO'd. :p
Such wonderful news:D:p:D:p:D! 26hr fast:eek:, Wylie would be PO'd too... I feel bad even doing a 12 hr fast - I try to get him to sleep through most of it by turning off all the lights and pretending to go to sleep myself and then in the morning, wisking him out the door and to the vet before he can think, "hey, what about breakfast":confused:.
I didn't know about the Brassicas family and them lowering T4 levels... for years, I used to regularly give Wylie brussels sprouts & broccoli as treats, but about the end of last year, he seemed to be getting too gassey, so they were stopped.
Her T4 & bloodwork, even with those "great for a cushpup" liver enzymes... I would say that beats Sharon's winnings on the slot machine - CONGRATULATIONS:D:D!!
Harley PoMMom
08-11-2009, 04:08 PM
What great news!
Her T4 is 2.8 ug/dl, norms = 1.1-4.0 ug/dl, and ALT = 76 (norm= 10-118 U/L) YAHOO!! :D
I didn't know about the "Brassicas" family either, and Cheryl and I just went to a farmers market today and I bought a bunch of broccoli for Harley...well it looks like I'm making broccoli for myself tonight! :eek: Thanks for that info bc Harley's T4 was low.
Again, I am so happy for you and Squirt. :D
Love and hugs.
08-11-2009, 04:23 PM
Congratulations on Squirt's good report! :D :D Hope the pain in her legs will subside soon.
08-11-2009, 05:03 PM
Hey Leslie,
Very glad the bloodwork came back in normal ranges, I'd be irritated too if I couldn't eat for 26 hours. (why so long?)
I have always believed a properly prepared homemade diet is better but I have never found the time.
Best to you and the girls
08-11-2009, 06:23 PM
The brassica thing is an issue with birds - my birds only get brassicas (which they love!) on an irregular basis for that reason.
Zac does get his skinkin' brassicas just about every day though - and this reminds me, maybe he shouldn't. He will not be well pleased! Brussels sprouts are one of his favorite foods and he picks them out first - before the meat very often. Weird dog, I know.
Zac is a healthy 3yo with no health issues (touch wood:p).
Squirt's Mom
08-11-2009, 06:36 PM
Thanks, ya'll!
Scott, she went in at 1 yesterday after breakfast at 8:30 and her doc first said to fast after midnight but since this is the second time there have been high lipids, she changed it to "don't feed until we redo in the morning"...then mom over-slept :o after sitting up and worrying about her pancreas nearly all nite. :rolleyes: twitch twitch Squirt is the only one I cook for on a regular basis...I can't imagine trying to do 3-4 different menus each week! :eek: Ya think she might be a little spoiled? :p
Alison, if Zac has no problems and has been eating that way for some time, he may not have an issue with the brassicas. Each pup is different! Not all humans will have a hard time with thyroid regulation if they include them in their diet. But based on Squirt's readings and her diets at each time, I have to think she is one who cannot handle them - certainly not on a full time basis!
It's nice to have a pup that is healthy, ain't it? Goldie is our healthy one so far, Crys just minor things....but Goldie is psycho! so that takes up a lot of the slack from being healthy. :p
Leslie and Squirt
08-11-2009, 06:52 PM
Well, Leslie, there is mental health and there is physical health....Scoobie had both!:p:p
Sending tons of hugs to cover you and the crew!!!!
Love ya! Me
08-11-2009, 07:06 PM
Thanks, ya'll!
Scott, she went in at 1 yesterday after breakfast at 8:30 and her doc first said to fast after midnight but since this is the second time there have been high lipids, she changed it to "don't feed until we redo in the morning"...then mom over-slept :o after sitting up and worrying about her pancreas nearly all nite. :rolleyes: twitch twitch
Leslie, I am glad all is well. You and I where doing the same thing last night. Worrying about pancreatitis. :o
After I read you post about the fatty blood sample I was sure Phillip was having pancreatitis as well – instead his cortisol was too low - yikes.
Roxee's Dad
08-11-2009, 07:12 PM
Hi Leslie,
Haven't posted much but wanted to let you know I've been thinking about Squirt and am very glad that everything has turned out very well. Keep up the great work.
Ya think she might be a little spoiled?
Yesssss.......but well deserving of it :)
Squirt's Mom
08-22-2009, 10:31 AM
Hi ya'll,
Since we are going to have to find a vet in AR to use for a while, I have been working on a questionnaire to send to the vets in the area. Here are the questions I have come up with so far....any input greatly appreciated.
1.) Do you treat canine Cushing’s? (If yes, please continue; if no, thank you for your time.)
2.) How many Cushing’s patients have you successfully treated?
3.) Which Cushing’s treatment(s) are you most experienced with?
4.) Are you familiar with Atypical Cushing’s, the Uni. of TN Knoxville (UTK) full adrenal panel and Dr. Jack Oliver?
5.) Do you stock the stimulation and suppression agents or do you order them as needed?
6.) Which agents do you use?
7.) Which lab do you use and are you under contract to send all samples through them whether they can do the testing or not?
8.) Do you have an endocrinologist and/or IMS to whom you refer patients? If so, who and where are they located?
9.) Where is the nearest, best high resolution ultrasound and someone qualified to interpret them?
10.) In the event of a crisis/emergency after hours/on weekends, what is protocol for your clients?
11.) Do you communicate with your clients directly or through techs and/or staff?
12.) What is your philosophy on yearly vaccinations?
13.) Are you familiar with other conditions associated with Cushing's such as diabetes, hypothyroidsm, etc.?
14.) Do you regularly attend seminars, conferences, and/or continuing education courses?
15.) What is your philosophy on non-pharmaceutical approaches? Which, if any, do you practice?
16.) How do you feel about home prepared diets?
17.) How do you feel about clients being proactive in their pet's care?
I feel like there are some important things I have missed but my brain refuses to go any further. :rolleyes: So let me know what you think I should ask, or not ask...
Leslie and Squirt
Harley PoMMom
08-22-2009, 11:35 AM
Hi Leslie,
That looks like a really thorough list, I only have a few things that I could think of:
I know you home cook for Squirt and I don't recall (sorry) your philosophy on vaccinations, but if you are like me now, I don't vaccinate Harley anymore bc of his cushings and his GP and I have come to that agreement. You may also ask her/him if your home cooking will be a problem...if it will be, maybe another reason not have this GP.
If s/he keeps abreast with current developments in his/her respective discipline; Does s/he regularly attend conferences and other continuing education programs.
I would also want to know if s/he has experience in treating Cushing's syndrome and associated endocrinopathies (e.g., iatrogenic Addison's disease, hypothyroidism, diabetes, etc.).
I know with Harley it seems like now this cushings is causing a cascading of problems, altho I know Harley and Squirt are two completely different dogs, with Squirt being much more controlled than Harley.
Love and hugs.
Squirt's Mom
08-22-2009, 12:36 PM
Thanks, Lori! Good points and I will add them now! :) Made me think of something else I want to know...their philosophy on non-pharmaceutical approaches, which nutrition would fall under. :rolleyes: duh....
Squirt has been so very lucky with her Cushing's from the beginning. And I am immeasurably grateful for that! Her signs were mild and we "caught in early"; Anipryl worked wonders for her long past the time it was predicted; funds were readily available when she needed them the most; she has the best vet and IMS in the world; removing that tumor sent her cortisol levels back within normal ranges, and her other hormones are coming down. Yes, I am very grateful! We have both been lucky in finding our family here 'cause there's no telling what would have happened if we hadn't. :eek:
Harley will come around, too, I'm sure. He's got a fabulous mom who's working hard to find the solution for him.
Leslie and Squirt
Squirt's Mom
10-23-2009, 02:42 PM
Hi ya'll,
Well, I was all set to write a glowing report on my Sweet Bebe and then all the rain set in and we have the blasted spirochetes again! :(:( She started having diarrhea yesterday and this morning it was a tad bit bloody, so she is back on Metrachonazole (sp?) and Clavamox, plus we gave her a wormer this time, too. She is sleeping under my bed at the moment and has had no BM's since morning.
Cushing's-wise, she is great, tho! I ran out of the crushed hulls last week and have put her back on the purified caps. Primarily because I have a lot of them and very little $$ at the moment. But rather than 40mg/day, I am giving her 120mg/day (3 capsules). A friend worked out the math for me and this is the amount that should be equivalent to the hull's percentage of lignans. Don't ask me how...:confused: The increase has had no effect that I can see. She remains on 3mg of melatonin 2X/day. When funds are available, we will have another UTK panel run to see how the estradiol and progesterones are doing now. Squirt still has no signs so I feel she is doing quite well anecdotally, the test will tell us how she is physically.
I am sad to say that her hair is doing funky things, tho. Not in a Cushing's sense, but more of an aging thing. Her long hairs are really coming out on her back and her Elizabethan collar is gone for the most part as are the long tufts on her ears. But her other two coats are thick and no signs of thinning or balding anywhere. In fact, her belly, lower torso and legs are getting hairier and hairier - probably due to the melatonin. It is impossible to see her scar from the surgery now!
Squirt loved her time in the country while we were in ARK! She rolled in the fields, chased cats and butterflies, sun-bathed, and even played with the other dogs. She gave me much reason to smile and laugh during a very tough time. Squirt will be 12 in Feb. and I am so grateful for every day she is with me.
Hugs to all,
Leslie and Squirt
Harley PoMMom
10-23-2009, 04:13 PM
Hi Leslie,
Oh, poor Squirt...Those darn spirochetes...rain, rain go away and take those darn spirochetes with you! I will be hoping and praying her meds kick in and take care of those nasty spirochetes. I'm really elated tho, to hear Cushing's-wise that she's doing great! :D YAAA!!! :D
Oh Leslie, I know just how you feel about the $$...where is our money tree? LOL :p:)
I am so happy Squirt was able to make you smile during your difficult times in Ark, our pups sure are a blessing. And you know are truly a blessing to all of us. :D
Love and hugs.
10-23-2009, 04:21 PM
OMG I totally spaced out--- email me your address and I'll send you almost a full can of flax hulls and quite a bit of lignan capsules! I hope that at least helps you out for a little bit! I think I still have some melatonin too.
Go away spirochetes!! I hope the meds help! Gotta take care of our little Squirty! ;-)
10-23-2009, 08:25 PM
OK, since I seem to be on a first-time learning curve with the parasite thing I will admit my stupidity.....what the heck is a spirochete and do I really want to know????? :eek: Do they only live in Tennessee??? :eek:
Leslie, I wish you all sunny days filled with chasing butterflies and even belly rubs and rolling in fields! It does the soul good and I hope you can join her for a good roll in the field on a sunny day and just letting all the bad things out! I know I'm crazy but that's how I stay sane! Try it!
You know I love ya!!!! Do I need to sign my name????
10-23-2009, 10:46 PM
I'm assuming that a spirochete is a bad thing so...BEGONE from Squirt's body!! :mad: :mad:
Glad she had such a good time in ARK and gave you reason to smile. Those moments are so precious.
Roxee's Dad
10-24-2009, 09:06 AM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt loved her time in the country while we were in ARK! She rolled in the fields, chased cats and butterflies, sun-bathed, and even played with the other dogs. She gave me much reason to smile and laugh during a very tough time. Squirt will be 12 in Feb. and I am so grateful for every day she is with me.
Hugs to all,
Leslie and Squirt
It is amazing what a change of scenery can do for our pups. It's always so nice to see them having fun and enjoying the moment. :)They certainly know how to make us smile. Glad you took the time to enjoy Squirt's happiness and glad it brought a smile to you face during your sad times. They do help us to heal.
Squirt's Mom
01-16-2010, 02:14 PM
Hi ya'll,
Thought it was time for an update on my Squirty. :)
She is still doing very signs at all! The fat pads on her shoulders have disappeared and the ones on her hips are going as well! I haven't felt her shoulder blades in ages! :p Her weight is fairly close to what it has been so I guess the fat has redistributed or been used, as it should be. The little fat pouch under her chest is even gone! She is looking very svelte these days for an old lady! :D
Her energy level has risen and she is much more playful than she has been. She plays piggys several times a day where we kinda dance around with me sliding my feet around and she tries to nab my toes. :p We play cover monsters every nite now, too, a game she has always dearly do I. She gets much more aggressive with cover monsters than with piggys and her jaws are snapping shut with real "ferocity" as she tries to "kill" the monster. :p
Squirt is enjoying her walks more and is able to go further before tiring that she was last year this time, even this summer - tho the heat does have an effect on her as it does her old mom! ;) We both love the winter months.
She remains on 6mg of melatonin and her lignans, hulls at the moment, every day along with her supplements and herbs. Squirt loves her menu and that makes the weekly work to make it worth every second to me, plus the fact that she is doing so well on it.
For a week or so after Ruby passed, she was really clingy but that has passed and she seems to have accepted the change in the pack quite well.
As always, Squirt continues to bring light, joy and love into my every moment and I am grateful for every day she is with me.
Leslie and Squirt, still the Queen of Dogdom :p
01-16-2010, 03:13 PM
Oh Leslie, what a wonderful report on our "Queen." :) :D :)
I am so glad that she is doing so well -- thanks to your loving care and devotion...:o
Many (((hugs))) always,
Harley PoMMom
01-16-2010, 03:42 PM
I truly agree with Marianne, what a wonderful update on our beautiful and svelte Squirt! Oh Leslie, Squirts continuing health improvements are because of your dedication and deep love for which everyone can see that you have for all your furbabies.
Dang, wish I could lose some of my fat pads...Leslie could you cook for me too? :p:)
Love and hugs,
01-16-2010, 03:47 PM
Hi Leslie,
I too, am very happy to learn your Squirt is doing well and keeping your joy and spirit alive after Ruby's passing. Although I am sure it continues to be extremely hard to still endure your pain of not having her, I think you probably have a lot of satisfaction knowing your little Squirt was and continues to be by your side to ease your pain. I'm sending you lots of tight hugs and wet licks from Princess...xo Luv, Jeanette
01-16-2010, 04:53 PM
He Leslie,
It's so wonderful to hear that Squirt is doing so good. You are such a very caring person. Squirt is very lucky to have you for a mom.
Casey's Mom
01-16-2010, 11:11 PM
Wonderful news Leslie, enjoy all of your butterflies!
Love and hugs,
01-18-2010, 07:22 PM
Leslie -
So glad to hear Squirt is doing well. Such an adjustment in the pack I'm sure without dear Ruby, but Squirt's vibrance, spirit, and spunk endures - what a wonderful thing for all of you. Continued good wishes to all! :)
Tammy, Crash, & Darby extra "woof woof" to Squirt from Crash & Darby!
Squirt's Mom
07-09-2010, 12:01 AM
Hi ya'll,
Well, it's been a while and it's time to share some things with ya'll.
Squirt continues to do well with her Cushing's...she hasn't been tested recently but still has no signs and the blood work she has had done supports that as well.
But she is facing another issue...her knees. Actually it is her right knee. We went to see her old vet yesterday who thinks it is the "tendon" they put in originally that has stretched and needs tightening. Since we are looking for a new Gp vet anyway, I went ahead and made her 2 more appts. to get a second/third opinion. (Some of you may recall my strong reluctance to having this surgery inflicted on any other pet again.) They didn't take any pics and sent us home with Tramadol and Rimadyl, to return in a week if not improved. :( They did do a mini-panel to check her liver and kidney values before giving her the Rimadyl and I was very pleased with the results. Will post them tomorrow. The only thing that caught my attention was a slight elevation in total protein.
Today the vet we saw seconded my fears, via radiographs...a pin has worked its way up out of the bone and is sticking up about 3/16". He is waiting for her records from TN to arrive and then he will contact the same surgeon that I wanted to do Crys' surgery...he is the only board-certified surgeon in ARK. Dr. Nelson, the GP today, has worked with Dr. Dew (the surgeon) and feels that Squirt is a prime candidate for stem cell therapy. The pin would be removed and then the therapy would begin as soon as the correct cells are growing and can be injected. I am not at all familiar with stem cell therapies but if this can help her and be less invasive than redoing the knee, it is certainly worth talking about.
For tonite, Squirt remained at the vets. She was sedated for the radiographs and once they saw the pin realized the amount of pain she must be in, plus they want to keep her as quiet and still as possible. Every time she moves, that pin is moving as well and causing more damage.
I had put her on conservative management the last few days trying to limit her movements and had debated giving that measure a few more days before taking her in. I am so glad I didn't. What this will mean for her in the coming days, I'm not sure. I hate the thought of the pain she much be experiencing and hate the thought of her going under the knife again...for any reason. But she has given no indication that she is tired of this old world and until she does, I will do everything I can to help her have the best life possible.
Tonite will be a long, lonely one...she is supposed to be here but I have to believe she is at less risk of injury where she is. (Otherwise, I would be banging on someones door yelling, "GIVE ME MY BABY!!!") I will keep you informed of her situation as I can.
Say a prayer for my Sweet Bebe...
Leslie and Squirt
07-09-2010, 12:23 AM
We do what we have to to help our babies. I have you and Squirt in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.
Roxee's Dad
07-09-2010, 12:32 AM
Dear Leslie,
Keeping you and your bebe in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure she would rather be home with you too. Give her a hug from us when you see her tomorrow.
07-09-2010, 01:52 AM
Dear sweet Leslie,
You and Squirt are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. I know that when Corky started having problems with one of his hind legs that has a pin in it, his vet and surgeon thought they would have to remove the pin as it kept popping out. I'm hoping and praying that Squirt will improve without having to have this done.
Bless your heart, we're here for you, as you've always been for us.
Luv ya bunches,
07-09-2010, 02:33 AM
Dear Leslie,
I am so sorry to hear about Squirt's knee problem, but very reliefed she is in capable hands. I know, it's tremendously hard to give them into the care of someone else cause noone does a better job then we do, right? :) I'll be anxiously awaiting the news of how they will proceed with Squirt's knee...
Keeping you and Squirt close,
Saskia and Yunah :)
07-09-2010, 02:45 AM
Hi Leslie,
Thinking of you and Squirt and hoping she's home again soon.
Linda and Spicey
Harley PoMMom
07-09-2010, 05:18 AM
Hi Leslie,
Keeping you and Squirt in my thoughts and prayers. Give precious Squirt some hugs and kisses from Harley and me when you see her. Please let us know anything as soon as you can.
Love and (((hugs)))
07-09-2010, 07:20 AM
Leslie, Will pray for you and Squirt. Do keep us updated. Sounds like Squirt is in great hands. Keep the faith. Kim
Hi Leslie,
We are all hoping and praying things turn out well for Squirt.
Addy and Zoe
07-09-2010, 09:29 AM
Leslie, I'm sure it was a very LONG night for you without Squirty...:(
But it sounds as though she's right where she needs to be, and we'll be waiting right here to find out what the gameplan is gonna be.
Big healing hugs being beamed to your baby girl,
07-09-2010, 10:29 AM
Hi Leslie... know just how you feel at moment , will be thinking of you ...fingers crossed for good outcome .
Squirt's Mom
07-09-2010, 10:35 AM
Just got back from taking Squirt her breakfast and visiting with her and Dr. Nelson. She is READY to come home! :p
I saw the X-rays and the pin has moved 3/16" and about 1/2 that has come thru. That portion is bent...which means it has been going on for a while. :( She has whimpered from time to time recently when walking but there has always been an immediate cause...bee sting, ant hill, thorns, crossed once that was attended to, my mind stopped looking for a further cause. :mad::(:mad:
We have an appt. in Russellville, AR with Dr. Dew Wed. morning for the consultation. Squirt will prepare for surgery "as if" food after midnight Tues. Dr. Dew and I will discuss the options and go from there Wed. morning.
Squirt is still at the vets for a bit longer today; they will do the CBC and some additional pre-surgery work-ups. Her records are being faxed from TN to Dr. Dew hopefully today. Until, we see him Wed. she will remain under conservative management to try to protect that leg as much as possible.
I have to say that everything else on the radiographs looked really good for a pup her age. There is some minor arthritic change in the hips but nothing major. The knees, of course, have some changes as well but not near what Dr. Nelson expected. Everything else visible was unremarkable! He was impressed...I hope the blood work impresses him just as much! ;)
Thanks to you all for you support. Don't know what we would do without ya'll!
Leslie and Squirt
07-09-2010, 12:07 PM
Leslie -- so glad to read that Squirt will be back home with you soon. Even if our pups are feeling well, I am convinced they do better at home in familiar surrounding with their people. Will be sending lots of prayers your way as next Wednesday approaches!
07-09-2010, 01:33 PM
Leslie, you know you and Squirt are in my prayers.
{[BIG HUGS!!}} Love too!
Shelba and Suni
07-09-2010, 03:16 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Corky and I are keeping everything crossed that everything goes well.
07-09-2010, 05:31 PM
Leslie -
What a ride you've had the last couple of days. Poor Squirt. I bet she is more than ready to be home as much as you are ready to have her home. We're thinking and praying for you all here. Hugs!!
Tammy, Crash, & Darby
07-09-2010, 07:29 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm glad there is a game plan for Squirt and that she will be home with you soon. Hope you have a quiet weekend and will be waiting to hear next week how it all goes for the both of you,
HUGS and prayers for a smooth and successful surgery and recovery...take care,
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel & Victoria :)
Harley PoMMom
07-09-2010, 07:34 PM
Tons of prayers and positive thoughts being sent your way.
Love and hugs,
07-09-2010, 11:22 PM
Hi Leslie,
Sending out healing thoughts and prayers for you and Squirt.
You are always close to my heart.
Luv & Hugs
~Mary Ann
07-09-2010, 11:24 PM
Thinking of you and Squirt!!! Kim and Annie
marie adams
07-10-2010, 02:47 AM
Hi Leslie,
Sending good thoughts for you and Squirt!!:):)
07-10-2010, 06:56 AM
Tight hugs for you and your little squirt.
Luv ya bunches. Xo Jeanette
Licks, Princess
Squirt's Mom
07-10-2010, 11:12 AM
Well, my elation over the first lab report was was what they called a "mini in-house panel" and it's results were vastly different from those Dr. Nelson got when he ran a CBC.
Here are the results (all) from the first panel:
July 7, 4:40pm
ALKP 184 U/L 23-212
AKT 101 U/L 10-100
BUN 19 mg/dL 7-27
CREA 1.1 mg/dL 0.5-1.8
GLU 112 mg/dL 70-143
TP 8.5 g/dL 5.2-8.2
These are the results on the same values from the second panel:
July 9, 9:59am
ALKP *** 339 U/L 20-150
ALT*** 140 U/L 10-118
BUN 14 MG/DL 7-25
CREA 0.8 MG/DL 0.3-1.4
GLU 97 MG/DL 60-110
TP 7.8 G/DL 5.4-8.2
Not sure what would cause such a difference in less than 48 hrs, but there it is. Based on the second panel, her liver values have risen from her last CBC, not returned to normal as I had thought based on the first panel. geez.....
There are other values that are out of whack but these are the ones that I can compare across the two panels so I posted them first. I will try to get the rest soon. Her calcium is quite high, as are retics (?), grans (?), and neut (?).
They also ran a "Buffy Coat Profile" (?); that profile along with the hematology results concluded "Borderline Thrombocytosis"...:eek::eek::eek: BLOOD CLOTS!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
I am running out of time at the moment so will briefly say that Dr. Nelson sees Cushing's indications where I haven't...(so perhaps I am more than the Queen of Guilt...perhaps I have become the Monarch of Dumbassity as well)...will discuss these with you later!
Leslie and Squirt
Harley PoMMom
07-10-2010, 12:24 PM
I'm thinking the rise in her ALP and ALT was stress...don't know if the Rimadyl would of raised the liver enzymes, but I am sure stress would have...Squirt missed her mommy and with them poking and prodding her for the Xrays, well, up goes the stress hormone...cortisol!!
This article is pretty informative about ALP and it says:
ALP is found in many tissues, including the liver, bone, intestine, placenta, and kidneys.
The serum activity of ALP is much lower in cats than in dogs. The half-life is much shorter in cats (6 hours in cats versus 3 days in dogs),
So, I'm thinking in another 3-4 days her liver enzymes will fall back to the normal ranges.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
07-10-2010, 01:20 PM
Thanks, Lori. Dr. Nelson has me really concerned about the Cushing's now...I have felt really good about it as I have seen no changes in signs or behavior. Well, her behavior has changed since April, but our whole lives have been in chaos since then so changes were not unexpected nor in my mind unexplained. The mention of thrombocytosis scared the crap outta me, tho. :eek::(
For today, she is still on restricted movement, being carried everywhere, which she sees as no more than her due as Queen of Dogdom. :D;) Dr. Nelson also wants her to have 15-20cc of Pedialyte 4X a day until we see Dr. Dew. She was a bit dehydrated plus he said the Pedialyte will help flush the liver and kidneys. She must recognize her need for it because she drinks her water with it in it with no problems. But I can see where that will get old for her and I will need to encourage her to drink it after a day or so. :p
I am doing my best to take it one minute at a time and try to focus on the leg right now. Once that is over, we can start addressing these other problems...if they still present as they are now.
So far, I still like Dr. Nelson and he seems to have a fair grasp on Cushing's, including Atypical, tho he isn't very supportive of my Holistic views. :rolleyes::p One of the things we will "talk about later"! ;) He is in for a surprise with the diet he was talking about tho... LOL
Leslie and Squirt
Squirt's Mom
07-10-2010, 01:23 PM
OH! about the Rimadyl...I didn't give it to her...just couldn't do it even in light of the first liver values. When Dr. Nelson asked what meds she had already been given and I told him I hadn't started the Rimadyl, and had no plans to, his response was, "Oh, good! I was going to tell you to throw those away. Your baby does not need NSAIDS." :D
Squirt's Mom
07-10-2010, 02:14 PM are all the results from Dr. Nelson yesterday; CBC and Hematology results....
Vetscan VS2
Comprehensive Diagnostic
ALB 4.4 2.5-4.4 G/DL
ALP 339 20-150 U/L
ALT 140 10-118 U/L
AMY 917 200-1200 U/L
TBIL 0.3 0.1-0.6 MG/DL
BUN 14 7-25 MG/Dl
CA 12.3 8.6-11.8 MG/DL
PHOS 3.8 2.9-6.6 MG/DL
CRE 0.8 0.3-1.4 MG/DL
GLU 97 60-110 MG/DL
NA+ 148 138-160 MMOL/L
K+ 4.6 3.7-5.8 MMOL/L
TP 7.8 5.4-8.2 G/DL
GLOB 3.4 2.3-5.2 G/DL
HEM 0 LIP 1+ ICT 0
Hematology Results
HCT = 45.8% 37.0-55.0
HGB = 14.1 g/dl 12.0-18.0
MCHC = 30.8 g/dl 30.0-36.9
WBC = 14.2 x10(9)/L 6.0-16.9
GRANS = 11.6 x10(9)/L 3.3-12.0
%GRANS = 82%
NEUT – 10.7 x10(9)/L 2.8-10.5
EOS – 0.9 x10(9)/L 0.5-1.5
L/M = 2.6 x10(9)/L 1.1-6.3
%L/M = 18%
PLT = 745 x10(9)/L 175-500
Retics – 0.3%
Borderline Thrombocytosis
I typed these up just as they appeared so there is no uniformity between the two...sorry. Any help in interpretation will be most appreciated!
Leslie and Squirt
Sabre's Mum
07-10-2010, 03:47 PM
Hi Leslie
With an IMHA pup I should be able to interpret your results but I will leave these up to Debbie as she is way more qualified than me!!!
What I will say ... is that we placed Flynn on low dose aspirin to pre-empt the possibility of blood clots as this appears to the number one reason why IMHA dogs do not survive. Flynn (who is now about 22- 23kg) takes 1/8 low dose asprin tablet (tablet is 75mg). There are other medical products that can be taken to thin the blood as well which may be more suitable for Squirt's weight (I would not want to try and cut a tablet smaller than an eigth as the tablets we use are so small!).
All the best
Angela and Flynn
Harley PoMMom
07-10-2010, 04:05 PM
Thrombocytosis (or thrombocythemia) is the presence of high platelet counts in the blood. Platelets are cells that form clots and are needed to prevent excessive bleeding.
The platelet count is quite elevated. Platelets are cells in the blood which are responsible for forming blood clots. Non-pathological reasons for the platelets to be elevated include recent excitement or exercise causing splenic contraction, severe dehydration, or it being secondary to a pet having no spleen or during late pregnancy.
Dr. Nelson is aware that Squirt does not have a spleen, right?
Squirt's Mom
07-10-2010, 04:50 PM
Thanks for the link, Lori. I have been reading up on that and stem cell therapy the last few days. Dr. Nelson does know that she only has part of a spleen (they didn't take all of it with that tumor) but I got the impression he feels it is more connected to the Cushing's than anything else right now. But, like you, I feel recent stress has played a part in things, too.
Keep the info coming!
Hugs and love back attcha!
07-10-2010, 06:34 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm not quite clear on the sequence of events recently, but did Squirt have an anesthetic (for X-ray) between 7 and 9 July? If so then I'd think that the elevations in liver numbers could well have something to do with that.
My apologies in advance if I've got this totally wrong!
Squirt's Mom
07-10-2010, 07:03 PM
Hi Alison,
It wasn't anesthesia, they sedated her because she wouldn't be still. And yes, that would have been on the 8th, the day between the two panels.
She saw her old vet, who did the first mini in-house panel with the good #s on the 7th. I took her for a second opinion on the 8th and that is when they sedated her and took X-rays. They kept her that night and did the second panel, full CBC and hematology, the following day, the 9th. Would sedation and anesthesia have the same effect on the liver values? Seems logical they are related chemically....
Does that help clear things up?
Leslie and Squirt
Harley PoMMom
07-10-2010, 07:29 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am so sorry, my feeble mind thought that sweet Squirt had no spleen. And I should have known better in that you would have brought that up to her Dr. that she does in fact have part of her spleen, ain't? Dumb me. :( I am keeping you and Squirt in my thoughts and prayers, at least my feeble mind can do that! ;):)
With much love and big hugs,
07-10-2010, 07:56 PM
What was used for the sedation?
Squirt's Mom
07-10-2010, 08:17 PM
I have looked at the papers I got and it doesn't say anything about it at all.... I will have to ask them Mon. what they used to sedate her. But I do know that is why Dr. Nelson recommended leaving her overnight...she was still groggy from sedation and they wanted her to remain still overnight. I hope you are on to something here...:cool:
Squirt's Mom
07-12-2010, 11:26 AM
Ok...well there has been confusion on someones part...maybe mine :p
According to the file, Dr. Nelson didn't sedate her for the xray after all...but that leaves me wondering why he said to let her stay since she was "groggy"....:confused: So, I guess that is not a factor in the liver values...darn! Just knew you had something there, Alison!
The worry over the surgery has taken full focus today; reservations are made for tomorrow thru Fri if needed, her records have arrived at Dr. Dew's office, now to get the truck ready and her things gathered up.
Squirt has been on a mini-food strike the last day & 1/2...but I believe it is because I hid the Tramadol in her food and it is REALLY bitter tasting. No meds added this morning and she ate fine...after nosing around in it and taking "sample bites" :rolleyes: Getting pills in her is becoming more and more difficult but part of that, I think, is because she doesn't have competition any more. All the girls would gather round for "pill time" tho not all got pills. The pups here will eat your hand off giving treats so she doesn't have that competitive thing going on now that helped her just gulp it down. ;) Tried every trick I know of and she still fights so we are gonna have to look into some other measures, I guess. She is still taking the Pedialyte fine. Not very happy about having to stay in a crate but loves being carried everywhere. :D
So, we are off to Russellville tomorrow and will see Dr. Dew Wed. morning. Hope to be able to keep in contact while away but if not, I will update as soon as I can.
Please keep her and Dr. Dew in your prayers and thoughts.
Leslie and Squirt
PS. Some links I have found on thrombocytosis:
Casey's Mom
07-12-2010, 12:42 PM
Good luck and best wishes my friend! Lots of fingers and paws crossed hoping everything turns out okay for you and little Squirt.
Love and many hugs,
Harley PoMMom
07-12-2010, 01:05 PM
Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers and wishing you and Squirt the best of luck.
Love and hugs,
07-12-2010, 02:16 PM
Leslie -
Best of luck to you and Squirt on this latest journey of yours. You're in our thoughts and prayers. All fingers and paws crossed here for you! :)
Tammy, Crash, & Darby
07-12-2010, 05:33 PM
I am keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers Leslie. Corky and I are keeping everything crossed that everything goes well.
Roxee's Dad
07-12-2010, 07:15 PM
Hoping, wishing and praying for the best for our little Squirt.
07-12-2010, 07:30 PM
You and Squirt are always in my thoughts. Sending hugs and kisses, Kim and Annie
07-12-2010, 08:52 PM
Good luck and prayers for you both Leslie.
Carol G
07-13-2010, 01:41 AM
You will both be in my thoughts and prayers,
07-13-2010, 08:45 AM
Big hugs and prayers for you two today and the rest of the week...
07-13-2010, 08:59 AM
Hi Leslie,
Fingers and paws crossed for you both that everything goes well. Hugs to you and Squirty.
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
07-13-2010, 11:46 PM
You are always in my thoughts, so sending some additional healing thoughts and prayers for you and Squirt.
Luv & Hugs
~Mary Ann
07-13-2010, 11:51 PM
I rush to read whenever a new post pops up for Squirt. Hoping things are going well. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
07-14-2010, 12:58 AM
Oh, Leslie,
I am keeping you and the Squirtmeister in my prayers!!!!
Squirt's Mom
07-14-2010, 02:14 PM
Ok...gonna try this again...wireless laptop and rooky user of such make for interesting happenings online! :p Gotta learn to keep my thumbs off that little pad and to stop trying to make the curser move by using my cigarette pack! :rolleyes:
We met with Dr. Dew this morning and Squirt is there for surgery on her knee. Exactly what will be done, he wasn't sure until he could get in there. The pin for sure but he thought the patella was loose so the whole thing may have to be redone. :( He also thinks there is an ACL injury on the other leg but isn't going to address that just now. He wants to give her time to recoup from this and see if the reduction in work on that tendon will help. He said with her age and health issues the anesthesia risk is increased "500 fold"...however, that is still just 1/2 of 1%...and there really is no other choice to give her some comfort and hopefully more ability to enjoy her life.
She was shaking like a leaf and me like the tree the leaf came from when they took her back for prep...but I didn't cry... not then anyway. :o I promised to TRY not to call very often and so far have kept my word...but it's been long enough and I want to hear something NOW!!! :o:rolleyes::) I get a bit like those vultures on that poster..."Patience, hell!..." especially at times like this.
Before I do something goofy and send this off to heaven-knows-where, I will shut-up for now. As soon as I hear from Dr. Dew I will let you know how she is. Til then I will be twitching around in Russellville, AR! :eek::D
As always, ya'll are the best of the best! Squirt and I know we are held up by the most loving of arms and by the kindest of spirits...our family here. "Thank you" is never enough....
Leslie and Squirt
07-14-2010, 02:33 PM
Thinking of you and sending you strength. Hugs too. Kim
07-14-2010, 02:47 PM
Will be waiting to hear from you when you get an update on Squirt. In the meantime, I'm sending positive thoughts and saying prayers.
Squirt's Mom
07-14-2010, 02:53 PM
:D:D Dr. Dew just called! Surgery went smoothly, no problems going under or waking up! :D:D He said she is fully awake now, moving around her cage, so he is pleased.
The knee was a mess, complete re-do plus there was cruciate damage as well so that was taken care of, too. That was a bit of a surprise to him; he did the drawer test in the exam this morning but didn't feel anything so didn't think the ligament was involved. So, my Sweet Bebe will come home with basically a new knee!
I can't wait to see her and hold her again! :):):)
With hugs, gratitude and love,
Leslie and New-kneed Squirt
07-14-2010, 02:57 PM
YAY, way to go Squirt!!! I'm so happy that things went well and that the doc took care of all the problems.
07-14-2010, 03:04 PM
Oh what wonderful news Leslie! I can now let out a big sigh of relief and a hearty YEEHAA!!!
Strength and love to you dear friend, and if you have any extra kisses left over, give Squirt one for me when you see her.
Waiting anxiously for the next update. Take care of yourself.
Love and many hugs,
Shelba and Suni~~
07-14-2010, 03:11 PM
OH THANK GOODNESS for your report!!!!!!! :) :) :)
I just now logged on and found both your replies at once, so I was spared the earlier anxiety of awaiting word from Dr. Dew...:o
I'm so relieved for you both. Please give Squirt a gentle loving hug from all her family here.
And huge bear hugs to you, too!!
Harley PoMMom
07-14-2010, 03:52 PM
WooHoo!!! So happy for you and Squirt! Big hugs to you, my dear friend, and give precious Squirt some gentle hugs and kisses from Harley and me. Sending healing thoughts your way.
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
07-14-2010, 04:06 PM
Here is a link to the pic they took during the exam this morning. She had beeb doing her best to fade into the background hoping this wasn't about her after all, but got tricked by the word "treat". :)
Dr. Dew has a Twitter page where you can follow his patients and they have a Patient of the Week voting contest, the winner gets "goodies" via mail. Squirt should be in the next group of "contestants". :D The link for the POW is:
His web site is at:
Get a look at him in surgery...that is a clown cap! :D
07-14-2010, 04:22 PM
Leslie, loved the picture of Squirt. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter with that wild hair of hers. :D Speaking of wild hair, Dr. Dew looks like a cross between Grizzly Adams and Bill Gibbons (ZZ Top). No matter, he sounds like an awesome guy and I enjoyed his website.
You will be the Queen of HAPPY when Squirt comes home:D
I am so very glad you have good news.
Hugs and kisses from me and Zoe, oh, Koko said "him too"
07-14-2010, 07:38 PM
I am so very happy for you and Squirt, Leslie. I'm glad that everything went so well.:) You found a great surgeon.
I love the picture of Squirt. She is just too precious.
Roxee's Dad
07-14-2010, 07:46 PM
Good news Leslie:) very happy and relieved that our Squirt came through with flying colors. :)
Casey's Mom
07-14-2010, 10:34 PM
Great news Leslie and little Squirt !!:):):)
07-15-2010, 02:48 AM
Glad to hear that everything went well:)
Linda and Spicey
07-15-2010, 08:28 AM
Leslie -
Great to hear Squirt's surgery went well and she's on the mend. Wahoo! :)
Love the picture too. What a sweetie! :):)
Hugs to all!
Tammy, Crash, & Darby
Squirt's Mom
07-16-2010, 02:56 PM
Just a note to let you know we are back home and Squirt is doing well.
More later...Marcela's post has done me in for now.... :(
07-16-2010, 03:40 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm glad to know that Squirt is home and is doing well. We needed some good news.
07-16-2010, 07:34 PM
Great to hear your little Squirt is safe and recovering at home--no doubt she's got the best nurse at her beg and call, as it should be. Luv ya bunches and very gentle belly rubs to the Squirt. Xo Jeanette
07-17-2010, 02:27 AM
Dear Leslie,
I am so happy to know Squirt's back home and doing well, that little trooper :) I know how happy you must be to finally have her back with you, where she belongs, in your loving arms :)
Saskia and Yunah :)
marie adams
07-18-2010, 12:13 AM
Dear Leslie,
That is so wonderful for Squirt and for you!!:):)
It is so nice to have them home with you so you can take care of them and know they are in good hands--not that they weren't taken care of, but who is better than the one who loves you!!!:D
07-18-2010, 07:40 AM
Hi Leslie,
Wonderful news!!! :):):) Hugs to you and the recovering Squirt :):)
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Squirt's Mom
07-18-2010, 12:03 PM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt has been doing really well since her surgery. She has been eating, drinking, peeing normally and finally had a BM (TWO!) yesterday! :D
We go outside for short walks several times a day in addition to the trips out for potty and she is improving daily. At first she didn't touch the toe down at all but is slowly starting to let it take just a tad bit of weight...a light toe-touch for balance ect. But that is what we are looking for according to Dr. Dew so I am pleased so far. We go back in 2 weeks for a follow-up and he wants to see her walking much more normally by then.
I just went out to check on her (in our new "Band-aid home" - a 29' travel trailer) and found that she had thrown up her breakfast! :eek: Hopefully, it was the new glucosamine Dr. Dew wants her to try. It is a chewable form that is beef based. She has never been a big beef fan (well other than steak. :p ) so for now that is what I am looking at as the culprit. She has been eating with no issues til now and this morning was her first dose of the new gluco. Of course, there is the new possibility per Dr. Nelson of an allergy, so she may have developed a problem with one or more of the ingredients in her meal. :rolleyes: whoopie....;)
All in all, I am pleased with her progress...tho I am even more firmly convinced I won't put another pup through this surgery, especially a little one, unless there are dire, extenuating circumstances.
Thanks to each of you for your prayers, thoughts, kind words and always unsurpassed support. Ya'll are the best!
Leslie and Squirt
07-18-2010, 12:44 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm really glad that Squirt is doing so well after her surgery. I'm glad that she is walking and pooped. I know it was a few days before Corky did. His vet told me that when he was ready, he would figure out how to plant himself so he could go.
Squirt's tummy was probably upset. With trying something different, along with any pain meds and antibiotics, Pepcid AC might help, if she's able to take it.
Sending positive thoughts and prayers that everything continues to improve. Give Squirt a big hug from me.
Harley PoMMom
07-18-2010, 02:16 PM
Hi Leslie,
So happy to read that Squirt is doing so well after her surgery. Normal poops and pees!!! YAA!! :D:D Sorry, tho, she had a vomiting episode and I think you are on to something with the glucosamine.
Keeping you and Squirt in my thoughts and prayers. Sending positive and healing energy your way for Squirts recovery.
Love and hugs,
07-18-2010, 02:47 PM
Fantastic news Leslie. Big hugs to you both. Thanks for the updates. Kim and Annie
07-18-2010, 03:56 PM
Leslie -
Glad to hear Squirt is making progress. Other than the minor setback with her tummy, it sounds like she's well on her way to a full recovery.
Squirt and Crash can compare scars. :D
Continued well wishes!!
Tammy, Crash, & Darby
07-18-2010, 08:18 PM
Hi Leslie,
It's great to get an update on you two!! Glad to hear that you have your own living quarters now.
Hope Squirt's tummy settles down quickly. I used Cosequin(?) for Lady...think it's supposed to be one of the purest forms of glucosamine for dogs.
Will keep checking back...
So glad to hear Squirt is on the road to recovery (hopefully minor setback) :)
We are all cheering Squirt on!!!
Casey's Mom
07-19-2010, 09:52 PM
Yeah Squirt!! I know I would have been anxious waiting for those poops!!
Love and hugs,
07-19-2010, 10:43 PM
Leslie, I am so happy for you and Squirt! She is one special little girl, and I am so glad you found Dr. Dew cause it sure sounds like he is a wonderful doctor, even with all the hair! :D Keep the good news coming friend!
Love you both,
Shelba and Suni~~
John II
07-20-2010, 05:42 AM
Dear Leslie,
It's so good to hear Squirt is doing well - Yay! :D
marie adams
07-20-2010, 01:48 PM
It is great to hear all the good news for Squirt!! Keep up the good work!!:):)
07-22-2010, 11:03 PM
Hi Leslie,
We're so happy that Squirt is doing really well :) (aside from the thowing up). Hopefully that was just a one time thing. YAY!! She pooped!! :) Continuing to send healing thoughts from across the pond,
Lotsa love,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Hi Leslie,
I wanted to say a quick hi and say I hope that Squirt is still improving:)
Squirt's Mom
07-26-2010, 02:51 PM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt continues to do well, making her mom so very happy! She is walking further and further and using that leg more and more. I want her to put more weight on it than she is but that may just be me wanting her to be well NOW! :o:p We go back to see Dr. Dew Wed morning for the follow-up so we will see then what he thinks...he is the pro after all. :D
She is enjoying having a place of our own again, too. Her blankets are on the floor in spots she chose and no other pups can get their paws on it, her feed and water bowls are in the same spot each time, and she has her mom all to herself again. ;) The camper is small enough that the crate is no longer needed and she is really thrilled about that. There are non-skid throw rugs all over the floor so she can move around without fear of slipping.
She also has a pen outside that is about 6'x8' where she can hang out in the sunshine for longer periods of time when she wants. It is really too big to keep her movements restricted but she just rolls in the grass and soaks up the rays, grateful to be outside for a bit. As she gets more strength back, this may not be a good option until she is cleared for running, etc. So I keep a close eye on her.
We have missed not getting to sleep together - we have since she was 5 weeks old! I was looking forward to being able to do that again but after 2 nites of sharing the bed, I decided it was better for her legs to stay on the floor for now. She needs a firm surface right now and my bed is soft. Once she is healed enough, we will hopefully be able to resume our nightly rituals.
It is good for her to be getting her routines back; she and I both like our routines! ;) Her stress level should go down, which will be great! It's fun now to see the other pups on the place during her walks and she enjoys them instead of feeling aggravated by them. :rolleyes: She is the Queen, ya know, and feels she shouldn't be subjected to the peons constantly. ;):p
She has gotten a wee bit spoiled....well ok, MORE spoiled, then. :p She liked being carried around everywhere with a bird's eye view from Mom's arms and now she will just stop, sit and look at me when she has walked as far as she wants. But she isn't wanting to go in just then; oh, no...she wants me to carry her around for a bit so she can sniff the air, bark at things she sees and in general rule her domain in total comfort. Being a well-trained and faithful servant, I comply. But then we take an extra walk to make up for the exercise missed, well that she missed anyway. LOL
Assuming the follow-up goes well and Dr. Dew is pleased with her progress, I plan to have the UTK panel run in about another month. I want to be sure the trauma from this surgery is past and her system has had time to settle down so the results will be more accurate. I am sure if she had been tested while in such pain, the cortisol would have been elevated again. Waiting to do the test will, IMHO, give a truer picture of her cortisol level. If I am off track here in thinking this, please speak up!
Gonna take her files from TN to the new vets this week, too. Can't wait to see their faces when they see it! LOL The receptionist at Dr. Dew's was rather surprised at the size of her file from her GP in TN, then there was the one from the IMS office as well. LOL I am looking forward to meeting the IMS that Dr. Nelson recommended and hope he is as good as Dr. Sessions in TN was. Squirt was so lucky in TN to have the best vets we have ever dealt with. I hope we can develop a relationship with our new vets that is just as good.
Leslie and Squirt
07-26-2010, 03:49 PM
Leslie, what a wonderful update :D The image of Queen Squirt, being carried around to sniff and bark some more without having to walk, is priceless :D
I can imagine how nice it must feel to have a place of your own again, being able to follow your own routines again and living life with Squirt as you both are used to :) Except for the sleeping on your bed... But hopefully that will change very soon as well :)
All our best and hugs,
Saskia and Yunah :)
Harley PoMMom
07-26-2010, 03:54 PM
Hi Leslie,
I just love your post! It was so detailed that I could see it in my mind! Squirt sitting at your feet looking up at you with them "eyes"...Awww!!! She is just so precious!
Assuming the follow-up goes well and Dr. Dew is pleased with her progress, I plan to have the UTK panel run in about another month. I want to be sure the trauma from this surgery is past and her system has had time to settle down so the results will be more accurate. I am sure if she had been tested while in such pain, the cortisol would have been elevated again. Waiting to do the test will, IMHO, give a truer picture of her cortisol level. If I am off track here in thinking this, please speak up!
Leslie and SquirtFWIW, I agree with you 100% ;):D
Love and hugs,
07-26-2010, 04:23 PM
Leslie -
So good to hear of Squirt's progress. Who ever said we have our pups trained.....I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. :D You're so right though about missing her sleeping with you. I haven't had Crash in bed with me since his surgery in June. Darby, of course, with the summer months has taken up residence in front of the air conditioner vent so it's kind of lonely in the big bed without either of them.
Keep up the good work with your baby girl. We look forward to hearing about her future progress.
Continued well wishes and extra hugs for you both!
Tammy, Crash, & Darby
07-27-2010, 10:25 AM
Hi Leslie,
What a great update on Squirt!! :):) I'm so glad she's doing so well. Squirt will put more weight on her leg when she's good and ready, I'm sure :p. Until then, you, her well-trained and faithful servant :p;) will just have to continue to carry her around in her preferred mode of transport :). After all... It's the only way to travel :p:D
Wishing you the best of luck that your new vet works out, please keep us posted (I know you will).
Love to you and Squirt, please give her some ear scritchies from us,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
07-27-2010, 12:11 PM
Hi Leslie,
I'm glad that Squirt is doing so good. Having her own space is great. I'm sure she loves it. She is probably a very happy camper, as I'm sure her wonderful mom is.:)
Take care my friend. Give Squirt lots of belly rubs from me.
(((HUGS))) for you.
Go Squirt!!!!!!!
Oh, it is so good to hear Squirt is improving so:)
Heck, she deserves to be spoiled ALOT!!!!!!!!!:)
Roxee's Dad
07-27-2010, 01:51 PM
Hi Leslie,
Glad to hear Squirty is doing well. :) I don't think Rozee would ever let me go to bed without her. If I tried, she would be yapping at me all night and neither of us would get any sleep.:p I would have to end up sleeping on the floor with her. Heck I've done it before with Roxee.;)
Keep the good news coming.....
and Squirt...treat your servant well, ;):)
Squirt's Mom
08-03-2010, 12:29 PM
Hi ya'll
Squirt is coming along quite well. Her energy level is rising, stamina increasing, and a distinct improvement in curiosity and interest in the world around her. :):):)
Early this morning she wanted to go for walk...a long one! We walked all over about 1 1/2 cleared acres! I think she sniffed every leaf and blade of grass she came across. Squirt has always been a marker so when she sniffed an old pee spot, well she just had to stop and squeeze out a drop or two of her own. LOL We walked to the pen to visit the horses, out to the barn to sniff the new hay (and poke her very hairy face into! :D ), and around back of the barn to bark at squirrels and a large frog that happened to hop across her path. :) She really wanted to keep after that frog, but it went into a wooded area and her leg isn't ready for that type of terrain yet so she had to content herself with telling it off! :p
She has her balance back for peeing and pooping now. In fact, she is back to tapping that leg when she poops and stretching in out behind her when she is through with her business. :cool: I don't know why she taps when she poops but she always has; it's funny to watch! :p Her little face is so intent and that leg tap-tap-tapping like "come on now, come on...". :p
We went back for the follow-up exam last Wed. and Dr. Dew was pleased with her progress, tho he did want her using that leg more. When he manipulated the leg, he said it felt good. :cool: We go back in 6 weeks and she will have another xray to make sure it has healed properly then she will be released if all is well. Until then, her activities are still restricted - always leashed, no running, no jumping up or down, no more than 2-3 stair steps (which she hasn't attempted yet), and continue sleeping on the floor for fear of twisting that leg. The last one is hard on both of us. :(
John, Squirt has figured out how I can sleep on the floor with her this time, too. If I want to sleep on my right side, I put my head by the sink and angle my legs into the bathroom. If I want to sleep on my left side, my head is by the door and my legs angled around the table. If I want to sleep on my back, my head is by the bathroom door and my feet propped on the couch. :D:p Being 6' tall, getting all the parts arranged in small spaces can be interesting! :p
Dr. Dew has her on Glyco-Flex III for joint support. She hasn't gotten sick since the first dose, so it seems she is adjusting to it, tho her poop has been a bit looser than normal and has a bit of mucus in it. I got 2 kinds - a chewable pill form that I mash up and put in her feed and a soft treat-like kind that is easy to break into pieces for treats. She likes the treats and eats her meals as eagerly as ever. Each pill or treat has 1000mg of Glucosamine HCL along with MSN, DMG and anti-oxidants. Dr. Dew said to give her 1/2 table/treat a day so she would be getting 500mg a day. She is actually getting a bit more than that as she gets tiny bites of the treat kind during the day as well. Here is a link about the Glyco-Flex III:
She is scheduled for another UTK panel on Aug. 30th. So far, there have been no panicked calls from Dr. Bryant. :D He isn't familiar with Cushing's and told me straight out he wasn't comfortable treating it...but I think he will come around and be just fine. So far, I really like him; he is very compassionate and kind with the animals. When Crys had to have staples in her head, he kept calling her sweet names and even kissed her. Dr. Nelson, who I also like, said he would be on hand to help Dr. Bryant. I have talked with several other vets around here and feel much more comfortable with Dr. Bryant and his spite of his inexperience with Cushing's. So we will see how her hormones are doing soon. I am very anxious to see the cortisol value. If it is still in normal range, that PDH in our title will be removed! :):cool:
Goodness! I have rambled on, haven't I? And could keep on going! :p But I better submit this before I lose connection or do something with this laptop to make it all disappear! :rolleyes: And, BTW, if there are odd things in the text of this post, well I probably did something to make that happen...learning this thing is fun for a technically challenged old broad! :p
Leslie and Squirt
08-03-2010, 01:05 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am so glad that Squirt is doing so well. :) Bless her heart, she is such a little trooper.
I love your descriptions of her pooping and you trying to sleep on the floor with her.:D I know it's amazing what we are willing to do for our precious furbabies.
(((((HUGS))))) for you and Squirt.
Love ya,
Terri and the Corkster
Go Squirt!!!!
So glad to hear about Squirt and her progress so go ahead and ramble all you want, we love it!:D
Thanks for all the tips for my Zoe, too:)
Wishing all good things for your family.
Addy and Zoe
Casey's Mom
08-03-2010, 04:17 PM
Great news Leslie - you are such a good momma!!
08-03-2010, 09:16 PM
Well, that picture of Squirt is just TOOOO cute! I, too, just read the whole thread and am thrilled that Squirt is on the mend. I know you will be so glad to have her home and "running" on all 4's.
Hugs and squeezes from us.
Carrol & Chloe
08-03-2010, 09:39 PM
Way to go Squirt! Nice job. Good job mom too. ;):D
Sabre's Mum
08-05-2010, 04:47 PM
Hi Leslie
Just catching up ... and saw they great news about Squirt. Absolutely fantastic!
All the best
Angela and Flynn
Squirt's Mom
08-06-2010, 04:16 PM
Squirt started swimming this week in the pool. It's 24' and she swims about 22' at a time which we repeat 5 times now. So she is swimming around 100' a day, a bit over. The first day, she was really panting after each crossing but that has improved 100% with each passing day. I think part of that was fear and she is adjusting to it better now.
The effect on her leg is unreal. She is using it a great deal more, supporting full weight on that side to pee, and stretching both legs after her business now! :D On her walks yesterday and today, she has voluntarily slowed down to use all four legs instead of me holding her back to keep her from hopping. And she is really interested in exploring as we walk...more and more each day.
If a weeks worth of swimming is making this much difference in her, then I highly recommend anyone who has pups with ortho problems to give it a try if at all possible! Now, what we will do in it's place over the winter....dunno, yet! ;)
Leslie and Squirt
08-06-2010, 11:35 PM
That's great news Leslie....I feel so much better when I can get my swimming in. Glad it's helping Squirt out too,
Jo-Ann :)
Hi Leslie,
Did you have to put a life jacket on her? Do you have chlorine in your pool?
I only ask because I wanted to try my pups in our pool but with Zoe's thin coat I was worried about the chlorine. That and she is scared of the pool, we always taught her to stay away from it. She fell into the shallow end when we first brought her home. I figured I would have to put one of the vests on her.
Oh, I know it would be good excercise for her.
Way to go Squirt!!!!!! On to Doggie Olympics!!! You should take a video:D:D
Squirt's Mom
08-14-2010, 12:00 PM
Hi Ya'll,
Squirt continues to improve and act more and more like a much younger pup! We have gone to every other day on the swimming to give her coat a chance to dry out. Blow dryers and Squirt do not mix! I am concerned about her skin with all the swimming and have been using a product called "efa HyLyt" on her after we get out. The "efa" stands for essential fatty acids. So far, my concerns have proven groundless but just in case I will continue to use something after we get out. If anyone has any other products for this they would recommend, I am all ears as the HyLyt is almost gone.
She is up to about 200' on the days she swims now which nearly wears me out just walking back and forth across the pool! :rolleyes::p Her breathing is strong and steady while I'm the one huffing and puffing! :p
I have been watching her for signs that her cortisol really is out of control and I just don't see it. Her urine is a nice yellow every time, no excess drinking or peeing, her coat is very thick with no hair loss, no pot belly, and no panting for no reason. She still seeks cool places to lay at times but also enjoys laying out in the sun for extended periods of time in her little pen. She has always been a little piggy so appetite isn't a good indicator for her. Before the surgery, her skin had gotten quite dark on her belly but now it has lightened up and is back to her normal coloring. I think she is just a pup who strongly reacts to trauma in her little body. I will be surprised if her liver values are still up and if her cortisol comes back elevated after her test on the 30th. I hope her estradiol and progesterones have come down this time.
Well, it's time for our swim today so I'm headed to the pool. Then I will spend the rest of the day making her menu for the week. She still loves that food so I love doing it for her!
Leslie and Squirt
08-14-2010, 12:56 PM
Hi Leslie,
It's always so good to hear how well Squirt is doing. I'm glad she is enjoying swimming. It is great therapy, not only for our furbabies, but for us, too. I hope she continues to do well.
I am using Comfort Conditioner on Corky, to keep his skin from drying out from the KetoChlor. It's a soap free, anti-itch conditioner with oatmeal and Omega-6 fatty acids. As far as I know, it's only sold through licensed vets. After wetting their fur, you leave it on for 5-10 minutes and then rinse it off. This might be something you might be able to use.
Give Squirt hugs and belly rubs from me.
Harley PoMMom
08-14-2010, 08:26 PM
Hi Leslie,
What a wonderful update on Squirt!! Like Terri, I too, am sooo happy that she is doing so well.
I hope her estradiol and progesterones have come down this time.
Am hoping and praying with you.
Love and big hugs,
08-14-2010, 08:39 PM
Sounds like Squirt is doing fantastic! Remember - don't let the numbers take priority.... sounds like you've done a wonderful job so take the health and continue to enjoy every single minute of it. You deserve it!!! So happy for you. Kim
I wish you could take a video of Squirt in the pool, I would so love to see it!!!!
Hoping the test is good news and so glad to hear how well our little "olympian" is doing:D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
08-16-2010, 04:05 PM
Here are some still shots and a video of Squirty swimming her little legs off!
08-16-2010, 06:44 PM
OMG Leslie!
How cute is that video of the little girl doing laps--lol. How very awesome indeed. Keep up the great work Leslie. I am so very happy for both of you. BTW, you will never catch my Princess in any body of water, great waterdog Lab that she is. Haaaaaaaaaa. Warmest regards and luv ya both dearly. Tight hugs. Jeanette
Oh Leslie,
How cute is that?????:D
It is so darn cute. Squirt is just swimming away. She didn't even need a vest!!!! She isn't afraid, just swimming, and swimming.
Gosh, Leslie, you made my day. I love it.
08-16-2010, 07:52 PM
Loved that! Go Squirt Go!
08-17-2010, 12:42 PM
Oh, yeah...........Olympics for sure!! The only thing missing is the cap but I'm sure she would win on "cutest face" for sure. It is so wonderful to hear good news - that's what keeps us goin' :D. Enjoy the swims and keep up the good work, Squirt.
Love & tail wags,
Carrol & Chloe
08-17-2010, 03:41 PM
very cute! terriers are not terribly fond of water...but put 'em in it and they will swim it! :p
Squirt's Mom
08-17-2010, 05:09 PM
Oh, she hates it, Jeff! You can see the determination on her face to reach that ladder and get OUT NOW! :p There's always a disgusted sigh when I turn and head to the other side for another crossing. :rolleyes::p You can hear her saying that a Queen should NOT be subjected to such treatment against her will. :p Oh, well! :);)
Thanks, everyone! She is working hard and doing great!
Leslie and the wet Queen :D
Harley PoMMom
08-17-2010, 05:14 PM
From the video one would never know that Squirt hates her swimming laps! The "Queen" is a natural born swimmer! :) She looks sooo cute too!
Love and hugs,
Squirt's Mom
08-17-2010, 05:22 PM
The first time she had this done on her knees and was allowed to do this, I would take her out to a lake near by for her therapy. It was shallow for a long way out so I carried as far as I could walk and put her in. She would fly to the shore, leaving a V-wake behind, hit the beach, shake good, and TAKE OFF! :p She didn't go far, but she went fast! We entertained folks around that beach several afternoons until I found a "catcher" to bring with me. The "catcher" would stand on shore and wait for her to get out then nab her. Either way, getting out was the best part for Squirt - that's when the games began that she had worked so hard for in her mind! ;):D It was a sight to see apparently, Lori!
08-17-2010, 06:10 PM
I loved the video, Leslie. She looks so adorable.
I can relate to her not liking it. When Jay was still with us, he would take Corky across the pool at the shallow end, and I would stand on the steps so he knew where to go. He would jump out of the pool, shake the water off, and then turn around and give Jay such a dirty look. I wish I would have taken pictures of it. They are just too cute.
Roxee's Dad
08-17-2010, 06:22 PM
You ans squirt make me laugh :D:D:D Great video and you can see the determination on Squirts face to get out.
08-21-2010, 11:37 AM
Hi Leslie,
Just catching up... Love the video of Squirty going for a swim :D:D:D she's a great swimmer (whether she wants to be or not). So happy to hear Squirt is much more mobile and doing so well :D:)
PS: Franklin wants to know how Squirt keeps her ear tips dry while swimming :)
Love and belly rubs,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Squirt's Mom
08-21-2010, 11:53 AM
Jane, Squirt says to tell Franklin,
"It is really hard to keep my ears dry with Mom splashing away trying to keep up with me! It's bad enough my beard gets wet every time but I will not get my whole head wet!
This is supposed to be good for me, Mom says it is and so do my docs, but I really don't like it at all even tho I can tell it is making me stronger.
Franklin, my friend, if you ever see your mom putting on a swimsuit, getting two towels and looking at you like something "fun" is about to happen....RUN! HIDE! Ears will be the least of your concerns!"
Licks and sniffs,
08-22-2010, 01:25 AM
Hi Leslie,
Franklin said 'thanks for the heads up, Squirt', but I have tricked him in the past... Got to the river, put on his life jacket (leash attached) and he was wading along the bank, up to his armpits. He took another step, and I hear "PLOP!" :eek: He swam about 6', then seemed to realise he was pointing in the wrong direction, circled back and made it up onto the bank again, turned around and gave the river a 'how dare you' look :rolleyes:. All in all, I think he did enjoy it, but we'll find out for sure this summer. Assuming there's no blue/green algae to stop us :(
Hugs to you and the Queen,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
08-22-2010, 10:21 AM
Hi Leslie,
does Squirt have a favorite (floating) toy? You could use the toy to make it more fun for her :D I know Sogno didn't care much about swimming but whenever his favorite toy came along, he was happy and loving every minute in the water ;)
Sas and Yunah :)
08-22-2010, 10:39 AM
:D Man you just brought back memories... I lived in FL for 6 yrs and had a pool built in back yard. Annie and Haley were constantly chasing the little lizards and they would run on the edge of the pool to get anywhere in that area.
While getting ready for work I saw Haley get pushed into the pool by an aggressive Annie as they chased a critter. Haley was in the deep end trying to pull herself out of the pool and she'd crash back into the water going deep.
Scared the bejesus out of me. So every weekend for the next month or so we had doggie swimming lessons. They both hated it but we taught them to swim along the edge to the steps. I put a ceramic angel by them so they knew where to go.
Oh I miss those days....
Squirt's Mom
09-16-2010, 04:28 PM
Hi ya'll,
Time to update on my Sweet Bebe!
Her leg is doing very well! :D When she walks, her back legs are spread to a more normal width instead of being held close together. She can support her full weight on that leg and has been standing up on both back legs in the past few days. She has a very slight limp now and I hope since the right leg is gaining strength, the ligament in the left will be given a chance to rest a bit and not require surgery. We haven't been able to swim lately because the water isn't heated and the nites have cooled a bit, making the water too cold for her. So we do more walking instead.
We will be going back to see Dr. Dew probably next week for the final X-ray and hopefully to be released to resume normal activities! :) Squirt has been sleeping with me for a bit now....the pitiful, sorrowful sounds coming from the floor finally wore me down. She had been demanding from the floor...growls, grunts, snarls, barks...and that was easier to say "no" to, but then she started sounding sad....that was just too much; I didn't make it through the first round! :o:D It is just beyond comfort to have her back in the bed again! Since Ap., that has been a really rare occurrence for us and we are both glad that is over!
Squirt has been acting years younger, too! :D She has been digging in the yard, engaging with the other pups... until they get too rough and Mom makes her come in! :p ...she has been greeting me with her old crouch-n-bounce, carrying sticks around outside, cheering Moe on when he digs up moles, trailing trails her nose finds that promise interesting things at the end, and she's been playing Piggies and Cover Monsters just about every day! I bought her a new toy even!! The first in ages! It's furry and she doesn't seem to like the feel in her mouth, BUT we have made a new game with it....I will put a dental chew or some such down for her and then hold the toy and act like it is gonna get her treat! Her tail will start wagging, her ears prick up, and she starts acting vicious! She'll grab the goodie and move it, then wait for the Towee (toy) to go for it again! After a time or two, she will either eat the goodie or let the Towee have it. :p I'll leave it to your imagination which she does most! LOL I'm gonna take her to PetCo and find another toy for her that isn't fuzzy. She loves to go there 'cause everyone always wants to pet her! :D
She had the UTK panel done this Mon. Her first appt. was rescheduled because there was a mix up in getting the gel. Dr. B did a good job so far and was so proud of himself! :p He felt bad because he had to go in the neck, but that is not unusual for Squirt. Her leg veins are no fun. It was funny...he told me he was learning a lot from my dog! ;):D Makes me proud! Dr B also says just about every time he sees her, "Nothing wrong with that dog except she's cost $1,000,000..." and just grins! :p:p Dr B and the staff commented on what a good patient she is.
Hopefully, the results will be in the next week or two and I will have an answer on the PDH. If the cortisol is elevated, it's back to punt time. The first step would probably be another ultrasound. But, cross that bridge when/if it's time.
For today, I am so happy to see more of my old Squirty. She still spends most of her day laying around snoozing, but she is so much more with it now. :D
Leslie and Squirt - da $1,000,000 dog!
Roxee's Dad
09-16-2010, 05:55 PM
Hi Leslie,
So good to hear the great news on Squirt, glad she is healing nicely. It's a good feeling when you can see the difference in how they were acting or playing compared to before the surgery. :D
Just a thought on Squirt being in bed with you. I once made bed guards out of heavy cardboard so Roxee could not jump or fall out of bed after her knee surgery. I tucked part of them between the mattress and box spring, bent them into a L shape and used duct tape around the corners for support. (You should have some duct tape left over:p ) Left an opening so I could get in and out. Just a thought.
Keeping fingers and paws crossed on the UTK panel.
Squirt's Mom
09-16-2010, 07:03 PM
(you should have some duct tape left over :p)
:d:d:d roflmao!!!!! :d:d:d
09-16-2010, 08:24 PM
"For today, I am so happy to see more of my old Squirty. She still spends most of her day laying around snoozing, but she is so much more with it now. "
That post is so great to read, Leslie. I can just see her in the crouch-and-bounce mode. It brings a smile to my heart. I am very happy with you. Enjoy!!!!
09-16-2010, 08:27 PM
And, thank you for that post, John. I have been very reticent to put Lacey back up on the bed. I can't sleep for worrying about her falling. I am going to follow your blue print and make her guards!!!:)
Squirt's Mom
09-16-2010, 08:35 PM
That is a great idea, John, and I'm glad you posted it!
09-17-2010, 02:29 AM
Hi Leslie,
So happy for you and Squirt!! :D:D What a great update :) Wishing you a great result on the UTK panel and Dr Dew's next appt.
Piggies and cover monsters back on the agenda? WOO HOO!! I loved reading that. And a new game with a new toy, wonderful, Leslie. I'm so happy you have your old(new) Squirty back again :D
Much love and ear scritchies
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
09-17-2010, 02:36 AM
Hi Leslie,
It is good to hear that Squirt is feeling better. Its always nice when what is old is new again:D
09-17-2010, 10:18 AM
What a great update on Squirt....glad to know she will be feeling so feisty when her new roommate comes home!!
Jo-Ann :)
09-17-2010, 03:39 PM
I loved every single mental image of you and Squirt!! :) :)
Leslie, thanks so much for this update. And I'm keeping all fingers and toes crossed that Squirty just keeps right on healing.
09-19-2010, 07:12 AM
I'm so glad to hear that Squirt is doing so good, Leslie.
She's a little sweetie. Give her a big hug from me.
09-19-2010, 10:20 AM
Leslie -- so great to read Squirt's positive update! Another suggestion re the bed -- after Maggie fell off her side of the bed a couple of times (and came very close to hitting the nightstand), I got a baby guard (don't think that is the name of it but am having brain fog at the moment). Part of it slides under mattress and the rest comes up the side. The one I got had a mesh middle part -- it held Maggie's weight if she fell into it. Found the best buy at a "big box" store. I placed it up against the headboard and it reached half-way down the side of the bed so protected Maggie fully. (Note -- this only works if just one person shares the bed with your pup! :D)
Squirt's Mom
09-20-2010, 05:03 PM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt and I just got back from the vet. This weekend I discovered a fluid-filled pocket the size of a nickle on the side of her mouth. :eek: It wasn't there - then it was! It is right where the mole is on that side and, of course, my twitcher kicked in full steam ahead and I diagnosed melanoma. :rolleyes::o It's a cyst! :rolleyes::rolleyes: Dr. B pulled the fluid off and said to keep an eye on it but it is just a cyst. ~~whew~~ I was so scared calling for an appt., I could barely breath. :o And so relieved leaving it was like I'd lost 10 lbs! :o
Now to get her groomed and she'll be ready to travel! :D
Leslie and the Queen
09-20-2010, 10:23 PM
Phew, a cyst! :) Never thought I'd be so happy to hear one of our babies has a cyst. Wow, Leslie, I can only imagine the sheer terror you were feeling :( Just breathe, my dear.
Much love,
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
Squirt's Mom
09-22-2010, 11:36 AM
Hi ya'll,
Yesterday I bought us a new bed! Squirt has been having problems moving on the air mattress, sliding in the divots and such plus it was hard for her move around on. Last week, I jumped out of bed to check on some noises outside, and she was too close to the edge so when I got up she slid off! The bed is high, too! :eek: I grabbed her by her hair and drug her back on the bed before she hit the floor. Since then she hasn't been to keen on sleeping there. So I decided we needed a different bed.
I know Trinket will need to adjust to her new surroundings and that things will need to stay pretty much the same for her be really comfortable. So I went ahead and got one before she gets home so that will be one less thing she has to adapt to and it won't change any time soon.
Squirt got on the bed last nite and I swear she scratched and tested that mattress from end to end, corner to corner. Then she curled up and was snoring in no time! :p
Her face is still normal tho she is sick and tired of me checking it! :rolleyes: No word on the UTK panel yet but I didn't expect to just yet. Those results will come in while we are on the road, naturally! She goes to the beauty parlor tomorrow so she is ready to meet her new sister and Glynda. She will be gorgeous and I will be my same old frumpy self! :D
Leslie and Squirty
I hope you will take pictures while on your road trip and of Trinket's homecoming:D
I am sooooooo very happy for Squirt, Trinket and most of all for you.:)
09-22-2010, 03:30 PM
Don't know how I missed this update :confused: but glad to hear it was just a cyst! And a new bed is always a good thing for all involved!
I'm looking forward to pictures of all of you together in Arizona!! :)
09-22-2010, 03:40 PM
Me, too......hoping for pictures, that is. I'm sure Squirt will look ultra-spiffy for the big day. And I say, you go ahead and look however you wanna look, 'cause Trinket will love you no matter what!;) Sue
09-22-2010, 07:01 PM
How awesome to learn you will have a new addition and a playmate
For Squirt. BTW, ahhhhhhhhhhh!--Thank God just a dang cyst. Early congrats to the three of you. Tight hugs. Jeanette
Ps: say hi to Glynda
Harley PoMMom
09-23-2010, 06:48 AM
Hi Leslie,
Like the others I am so relieved that it was a cyst and nothing more. Please give sweet Squirt some gentle hugs from Harley and me.
I, too, am looking forward to pictures of all you in Arizona.
Love and hugs,
Casey's Mom
09-23-2010, 08:10 AM
Great news Leslie and have fun on your road trip!!:D:D
Love and hugs,
09-23-2010, 09:59 AM
Leslie, travel safely and we can't wait to hear about all your adventures!!!!!! :p :) :D
Squirt's Mom
10-20-2010, 12:02 PM
Hi ya'll,
Just a brief note until I talk with Dr. B here in a bit but had to pass on these results from her latest UTK panel...
drum roll please....
post cortisol = 170.6 (65.0-174.6)
STILL in normal range after 2 years!!!!!
I haven't look back at her last test to see if this has come up any or not and don't want to right now! :p For now, I am reveling in this cortisol result! She has remained in the "black" so to speak since that tumor was removed in Sept. '08 and it seems that her values have been in the 17-18 range since so I am happy with this result! :D That may change a bit once I see the full report, but the cortisol is what I was looking forward to seeing...and I like what I see!
I'll post the full results later once I have them and share what Dr. B and Dr. O have to say.
Leslie and Squirty
10-20-2010, 01:03 PM
Love ya!
10-20-2010, 01:21 PM
Good results, Leslie. I think this is great news.:)
Squirt's Mom
10-20-2010, 02:54 PM are the results from the UTK done in June '09 (didn't realize it had been that long ago!):
Results from 6-18-09
Baseline and normal ranges:
Cortisol ng/ml 78.6* 2.1-58.8
Androstenedione ng/ml 1.5* 0.05-0.57
Estradiol pg/ml 84.0* 30.8-69.9
Progesterone ng/ml 0.83* 0.03-0.49
17 OH Progesterone ng/ml 0.57 0.08-0.77
Aldosterone pg/ml*** QNS 11-139.9
Post ACTH:
Cortisol ng/ml 121.6 65.0-174.6
Androstenedione ng/ml 2.16 0.27-3.97
Estradiol pg/ml 78.1* 27.9-69.2
Progesterone ng/ml 1.95* 0.10-1.50
17 OH Progesterone ng/ml 2.66* 0.40-1.62
Aldosterone pg/ml*** QNS 72.9-398.5
Here are her results from 9/24/10:
Baseline and normal ranges -
Cortisol ng/ml 89.9* (2.1-58.8)
Androstenedione ng/ml 6.09* (0.05-0.57)
Estradiol pg/ml 69.6 (30.8-69.9)
Progesterone ng/ml 0.78* 0.03-0.49)
17 OH Progesterone ng/ml 0.95* (0.08-0.77)
Aldosterone pg/ml146.0* (11-139.9)
Post ACTH -
Cortisol ng/ml 170.6 (65.0-174.6)
Androstenedione ng/ml 7.57* (0.27-3.97)
Estradiol pg/ml 66.3 (27.9-69.2)
Progesterone ng/ml 2.04* (0.10-1.50)
17 oh Progesterone ng/ml 4.66* (0.40-1.62)
Aldosterone pg/ml 399.0* (72.9-398.5)
Dr. O recommends considering treatment options 1-5.
As Squirt is already on the melatonin and lignans, and the fact that she is not presenting with any signs at the present, Dr. B and I decided to leave her treatment as is for now.
Her cortisol has come up but it is still within normal range. Her androstenedione and 17 OH progesterone are really climbing up there! :eek: Not sure what, if any, ramifications those might have so I need to do some research there. Any input on her results or continuing the current treatment...please pass them on!
Leslie and Squirt
10-21-2010, 02:18 PM
Good to hear some good news.:D
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
Casey's Mom
10-21-2010, 09:40 PM
Good news Leslie - love to you and the girls!!
10-21-2010, 10:39 PM
Yahhhh, Leslie! So glad for your good news. Having a bad day here but, believe it or not, tour good news cheered me up. Here's to good news from now on!!!!!:D
10-22-2010, 08:32 AM
Woo Hoo Leslie,
Great news on Squirt's cortisol!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx
10-22-2010, 11:15 PM
Great news Leslie....hugs for all three of you!! :D :D :D
Squirt's Mom
11-22-2010, 10:55 AM
Hi ya'll,
Well, we are off to the vets this morning. Squirt woke me up puking bile this morning. :confused::eek::( She just hasn't seemed right to me lately.
Since her last UTK panel, I have been trying to walk the line between "looking for problems" and "turning a blind eye". After this morning, I choose to look for problems. ;)
So, she and Trinket both go in this morning. I will let ya'll know what we learn.
a worried me and my Sweet Bebe
11-22-2010, 11:04 AM
I'm keeping you, Squirt, and Trinket in my thoughts and prayers. I hope everything will be okay with both of your precious little girls.
I'm wishing tons of good luck too, Leslie, I hope Squirt and Trinket are okay.
Let us know right away. Well, of course you will!
Lots of love and hugs and hope and prayers,
Addy, Zoe and Koko
11-22-2010, 01:53 PM
Prayers for all of you from my home too! oxoxo Kim
11-22-2010, 02:00 PM
Dearest Leslie,
hoping for some positive news on both babies and praying Squirts little vomiting episode was just a tummy upset, and nothing more. princess has always had a tendency of puking bile if she doesn't eat when she is suppose to. it's like clockwork so I feed her at 7 am and 4 pm religiously every day. I guess it's like us when we skip a meal, not that this person here is doing that--lol. Hope she's back to normal by now. luv ya and keep us posted. Xo Jeanette
Squirt's Mom
11-22-2010, 02:53 PM
Hi ya'll,
Thanks for the support as always. Ya'll are just the best!
Dr. B is treating Squirt for bronchitis. She got a shot of AB and one of hydrocodone to help with the coughing and gagging. Dr. B said she is to be WELL by Wed. or bring her back and we will go from there. He said her heart and lungs sounded "pretty good", she had a slight temp but that could have been from the stress of the visit. At the moment, we are at my brother's office helping him with his computer work for a bit and she is very mellow. :p Dr. B said she would be a bit "high" from the shot and he is right!
She got her nails trimmed and she snapped at the clippers while he was doing it! :eek: She turned and snapped at me the other day when I was fussing at her for going too far across the yard, too. That is not my Squirty! I have a theory this behavior has to do with the increase in her male hormones. Any thoughts on this?
More later when we get back home!
Thanks again!
Leslie and a dopey Squirt
Harley PoMMom
11-22-2010, 03:22 PM
Well, I must be losing my mind, how did I miss this post about sweet Squirt!!! I am so sorry :(
Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way for Squirt's speedy recovery. I'd tell ya to give her some gentle hugs but I don't want you to get a nip in the nose. :eek: A little bit of aggression issues going on, huh? It just has to be them darn male hormones! ;):)
Please keep us posted on how Squirt is doing.
Love and hugs,
John II
11-22-2010, 03:48 PM
Hi Sister Twitcher,
It seems to all be happening today! :o
I'm also keeping you, Squirt, and Trinket in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope all goes well.
Squirt's Mom
11-22-2010, 07:59 PM
Hi again,
Ok...Squirt got two shots today; Depo-Medrol, and Torbugesic. One for the cough and an anti-biotic. We came home with Hydrocodone syrup, .75cc BID and Baytril, 22.7mg BID. She was really coughing in the waiting room today but hasn't since the shots. After eating, she went to bed, as is her habit, and started panting right away but it doesn't have the wheeze it did last nite, tho it is raspy sounding and still pretty rapid. She is supposed to have the cough syrup tonite so I hope that helps.
It seems there was more I wanted to share but I am worn out and the old brain ain't firin' on all cylinders so we are gonna take our meds and call it a day. ;)
Leslie and my Sweet Bebe
11-23-2010, 06:27 AM
Leslie -
Sorry to hear Squirt's not feeling well.:( How's she feeling this morning? How are you feeling this morning? This little setback of Squirts has been stressful on you too, to say the very least.:( We're thinking of you here and sending some extra positive vibes and healing thoughts your way. Keep us posted.
Tammy, Crash, & Darby
11-23-2010, 06:28 AM
I hope the meds work and that Squirt will be back to her normal self very soon.
Squirt's Mom
11-23-2010, 11:27 AM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt had a bad nite. :( She couldn't seem to get settled or comfortable. She would lay on her side, seem to drift off, then would pop up and sit, just panting and looking around. The first time or two, I thought she was hallucinating from the syrup maybe, but she was responsive when I talked to her. Her breathing would seem to improve then it would get worse again. The wheezing wasn't as bad as the nite before and at first I thought the syrup had stopped that but it came back off and on all nite. Carolyn (sis-in-law) came out to the camper to check on us and we could hear whistling a time or two as Squirt breathed. When Squirt would pop up to sit last nite, she would look at me and it seems to me I could see fear and confusion in her eyes, like, "I don't know what's happening, Mom, but it scares me." :( Early this morning she was finally able to lay down and sleep some.
Logically, I know the restlessness could have been a side effect of the hydrocodone - it does cause hyperactivity in some adults so it seems logical it could in dogs, too. She's had her dose of the AB and the syrup this morning so I will see if she is restless again.
Dr. B asked me yesterday if this had been coming on or if it came on suddenly. I told him it seemed like it came on suddenly but last nite I realized that isn't true. When we were in AZ I heard that wheezing but put it off to the altitude bothering her, and it did get better when we got back home - to the point I didn't notice it until this last weekend. On our way out of Show Low, Squirt got really sick; she vomited numerous times but I put that off to feeding her some canned feed that morning that was too rich for her; her cooked food didn't travel well and had spoiled. By the time we reached Albuquerque (where I knew there would be a 24 hr ER if needed) she was much better and wanted to eat. I kept her on a restricted diet until we got back home and on her own feed again, and she didn't get sick any more.
I have been worrying about her cortisol since the UTK panel shows it rising again, plus the increase in the male hormones, and have been really trying to decide if she is showing any signs. Other than the panting, she hasn't been. With the summer heat the panting didn't bother me as she does that every summer. I still don't think this is the Cushing's, tho it could be playing a part.
My gut says this isn't bronchitis either. :( I hope like hell it is wrong and just in panic mode. :(
Leslie and Squirty
11-23-2010, 12:56 PM
Dear Leslie. I'm hoping that the meds will start working.
Just a thought - were any x-rays taken to see if Squirt might have a collapsing trachea? When Corky was hospitalized twice last year with respiratory problems, they found that Corky has a collapsing trachea. His breathing sounded like a fog horn, for lack of better words. Part of his breathing issues were also due to his enlarged liver pressing on his lungs. My friend's baby also has this, and he also chokes. If it hasn't been checked, you might want to ask your vet about it.
I'm keeping you and Squirt in my thoughts and prayers.
Corky and I love you bunches.
John II
11-23-2010, 03:39 PM
Dear Sister Twitcher,
I'm sorry to hear that you and Squirt both had a bad night. I'm hoping whatever this is goes away quickly and never bothers the two of you again!
(((calming hugs)))
Oh Leslie,
I am sorry Squirt had a bad night. Zoe is snappy when she does not feel good. Maybe it is not the hormones but Squirt does not feel good.
It is so dang hard when they are sick. Zoe's reverse sneezing sounds like my asthma attack, wheezing is loud. I don't think that is what you mean though.
Yup, I have been twitching for a month now. Not good.:eek:
Praying baby Squirt has a better night tonight and you get some rest.
Addy, Zoe and Koko
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