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molly muffin
11-28-2013, 06:01 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Leslie and gang!
Enjoy the holidays!
We make real cranberry here Patti! My husband makes it the night before the dinner. yums
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and.... nope I don't eat cranberry sauce, it gets in the way of the gravy - LOL
11-30-2013, 08:45 AM
It is freezing here today and the roads are sheets of ice. I don't think the Tipper the Ripper will be out today. She has been so bored I truly feel for her. I slept very little thinking of Tracy and Woody most of the nite. She handled it well, as I am not sure how I would have done. I may make some chicken soup today with my chicken left overs as I am sick of them already. Has your weather gotten much colder? Re you still feeding Squirt her cooked meals or did you put her on the dog food? I am going to the store on Wednesday so I will start looking for ingredients that were suggested to see if I am able to get them. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
11-30-2013, 09:03 AM
Yes, when I stopped cooking for all of them, Squirt started to decline so she is back on the home cooked and has been for a while now. She does get about 10 pieces of kibble for the crunchies she told our Communicator she wanted. ;) Soph, Trink and Brick eat the donated food just fine but I can't help but feel sorry for them when Squirt gets such good stuff to eat so I usually make them a little gravy with either canned food or green tripe for breakfast and supper (they eat it plain for lunch) - less than 1/2 tsp with water for the "gravy" - and they think they are all royalty now! :p
She finished the second round of Novifit last Thurs. and so far no signs of decline like when stopping after 30 days when she started to decline within a few days. The Anipryl has been on board for over 30 days so it's had plenty of time to get up to level and start to work like it should - and she is doing well! :cool::cool::cool: I have another round of the Novifit should she need it and have the second bottle of Anipryl standing by - this she will remain on from now on. She still gets lost at times outside at night but as soon as she sees me, I can see the light come back in her eyes and she knows where she is again. She hasn't had the terrors at all, no nervousness or anxiety or restlessness, and she rests well at night. She has been quite happy and energetic lately with the cooler temps - she LOVES winter time! I am praying we get some snow this year because she loves it so and I'm not sure how many more winters she has left so I want her to have snow this year. Daytime temps are going up to the 50's for the next few days while nites are in the 20-30's. Squirt and Trink both like the colder temps but the other three don't care for it at all. ;)
Leslie and the still reigning Queen
12-01-2013, 08:30 AM
I think the no crunch factor will get Tipper too so I may have to opt for a few pieces of kibble too. She has always eaten dry kibble so I think that will really drive her crazy to have none. Well if you read my post you will see I have a mouse, and I am off to go find the way he is getting in here. Blessings
Thinking of you and Baby Squirt, knowing how your heart feels.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.:)
love to you and the gang
Squirt's Mom
12-03-2013, 09:55 AM
:D:p:D:p:D We are expecting some inclement weather later in the week so I have a lot to do today to get ready in case we are trapped in the house for a bit. Sooo, I've been up early this morning and going strong....and breakfast was late as a result of me being busy. When I started preparing, I suddenly felt teeth slide down my calf and looked down to see Squirt, tail wagging, looking up at me with her gums pulled back from her teeth as if to say, "I COULD really bite you if I chose, ya know. Do I need to in order to remind you it is mealtime?! Where is my food?!" I just told her my mind didn't work much better than hers so she better be grateful I even remember to feed any of us at all! :p:D:p:D:p It reminded me of the movie Little Shop of Horrors and "FEED ME, SEYMOUR!" :p:p:p
12-03-2013, 12:10 PM
Poor Squirt having to remind mummy to FEED ME, FEED ME NOW :D
molly muffin
12-03-2013, 08:14 PM
Heheheh, I love that Little Shop of Horrors. My favorite line is the one Tracy just quoted "Feed me Seymour" hahahahaha Squirt as a huge plant, now that's a hoot!
We're suppose to have 2 days of warmer weather and then below freezing for the highs after that for the next couple weeks. Yikes!
Stay warm and snuggled up
sharlene and molly muffin
12-03-2013, 08:45 PM
Wow! I can visualize the "feed me Seymour".
Daisy waits patiently, milling around the kitchen while keeping her eye on the prize. Annabelle Lee mills around and nuzzles my legs crying and Gracie stands on her hind legs next to me at the counter acting like she never gets fed.
Each personality makes me laugh :) People who say "they're just animals" have never lived with one. <3
12-04-2013, 04:30 AM
Haha I can just picture that, so cute!! As if, she would gnaw you... then who would make her home cooked delights!!
I took Flynny for his evening stroll tonight, as that is all he is getting these days and he was so excited he leapt in the air and gently nipped me on the bum :D:D Cracked me up, little bugger!
Squirt's Mom
12-05-2013, 08:35 AM
I love it when her personality comes shining through! My old huzzy, the Queen of all she sees! :p
We are expecting ice storms, 2 on their way, over the next 3 days. They say we will have accumulations of up to 3/4" of ice which means we will more than likely lose power. We are going to my brother's who has a fireplace and I just wanted ya'll to know if I disappear for a while it doesn't mean anything bad has happened to the babies or to me - we just don't have juice to run the machine that rules my life! :o:rolleyes::p But as long as we have power, ya'll are STUCK with me. :p
I saw that weather report this morning, does not sound good - stay safe and get some good fireplace snuggles with the babies in:):):)
12-05-2013, 09:04 AM
Stay safe at your brother's with all the babies and the warm fireplace. That ice storm is very dangerous according to the news I watched. Blessings
I saw on the news this massive cold air even hitting Texas too.
Please stay safe....
12-05-2013, 05:48 PM
Please stay safe with your furbabies. We had a big storm last night which knocked out the power and brought down trees on the road, so we,ve been stuck in the village with no power luckily I have a gas heater for Woody :)
molly muffin
12-05-2013, 05:54 PM
They were talking about it on the news here in Canada, saying it's a massive storm. That can't be good.
So you got everything together to get to your brothers before it gets bad right? Dogs food all packed up, etc.
Stay safe and stay warm!
Sharlene and MollyMuffin
12-05-2013, 06:27 PM
Looking bad for everyone with this massive storm coming. Get to safety with the furlets please and stay warm with your babies. Blessings
12-06-2013, 03:56 AM
Stay safe Leslie and babies, no slipping on any nasty ice!! Hopefully we see you back here safe and sound soon xxxx
Squirt's Mom
12-06-2013, 08:44 AM
Thank, ya'll! :) We made it to Mark's yesterday afternoon just as the sprinkle was changing to rain. Got unloaded and everyone in the house just fine. Funny I expected Brick to have some trouble with the change but Trink is the one who is quite stressed out over this. She hasn't eaten a thing - not even a bite of bacon when offered. :( And she just wants to be held. I hope she settles today and we don't have a colitis flare. Poor baby. Grace is having to stay crated as people here are not accustomed to looking where their feet are going plus she is very confused by the new surroundings. I'm a bit concerned about her getting depressed thinking she's been returned to the shelter so I spend time holding her as much as I can. Squirt, Soph, and Brick are living large and happy to be here again.
Woke up early this morning to the sound of sleet pounding. It looked like snow coming down there was so much of it! But within an hour or so, it had changed back to mostly rain. The next 3 days will tell the tale. Entergy has sent an extra 8000 workers to the area and sent out an alert to be prepared for 5-7 days with no power starting last nite....and there are already several 1000's without power in the counties north and west of us. Our temps aren't supposed to get above freezing for several days so even the rain is going to cause problems as it freezes on roads and lines. The road to the house here was already lightly wet when we came out yesterday and I thought if the temps dropped then, that long twisting road would be nothing but black ice! :eek:
Mark has the generator working and ready if needed, wood piled on the porch and carport, LOTS of food and love to be had so we will be fine. I'll be online as much as possible but don't worry if I disappear....I"ll be back if only in your nightmares! heeheehee :D:D:D
Leslie and the displaced gang
12-06-2013, 10:03 AM
Aw Leslie, it sounds downright cozy!! But I know you don't want to stress the babies and we sure don't want others to be cold or in peril, so we'll hope the storm fizzles and all will remain safe.
12-06-2013, 10:12 AM
Prayers going up for a non serious cause with a simple fix.
molly muffin
12-06-2013, 02:55 PM
Leslie, glad you made it over to Marks and all is well. Hopefully Trink will settle as soon as she realizes that nothing is Really changing. Awww, little Grace, such a sweetheart and so hard with so many of her senses impacted. :( I know that you holding and touching her will be very reassuring that all is still well in her world. :)
Strange I must have been thinking of Grace, since I woke up and her name popped into my head straight away and I went to check Facebook and make sure everything was okay. LOL Maybe just being a worry wart, wouldn't be unheard of. :o
Take care, stay safe.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-07-2013, 08:29 AM
Hi Leslie:
Just wondering what it is like down your way? We got the ice last nite and are do for more snow and ice. Glad you made it safely to your brothers. Hope Grace has settled in and is more calm about being in new surroundings. I can understand how she feels like she is at a new house or rescue, with her senses so inhibited. You picked a great name for a girl that has suffered so much. Did they give you any idea if you even have power at home or when this storm will get out of there? Stay safe and warm. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
12-07-2013, 04:07 PM
We're home! :cool::):cool::):cool::)
Mark came into town and checked the roads to the house for me and he put some rock salt down on the drive, sidewalk and steps so we could make it into the house once we got here. I forgot about the salt and let Squirt walk to the steps like a big dummy so the first thing I had to do when I walked in the door was wash her feet - which meant a fight right off. Then she demanded to be fed as they missed lunch. Feels just like HOME! :D
I carried Trink and Grace in together in the crate they shared the ride in and when Trink got a whiff of HER house, she started spinning around in the crate. :p I opened the door to let her out and she kept spinning and yipping - soooo happy to be back home. I told Mark there is no telling what was going through her mind and worrying her but she is very happy to be back home. After she got the spins done she made a beeline for the bedroom and her little bed on the floor beside our big bed where she likes to lay during the day and has growled at anyone she thinks might be getting near. :D
I carried Grace to the bedroom and put her crate in its place, opened the door and out she came. She roamed the room reacquainting herself with her space, that little nubby tail wagging away. She found her water bowls and was obviously pleased to find things where she left them. So please in fact, she promptly pooped in the floor then started scooting her face on the carpet. :p While she was doing that, I put fresh bedding in her crate and she has made her nest and is sound asleep.
When we got to Marks, the first thing Soph did was run pee in their closet. When we got home, the first thing she did was run pee in the bedroom. :D Her places have been properly marked and she is happily barking at the leaves like usual now.
Brick stomped all through the house making sure everything was as it should be then he went to the bathroom and curled up on some dirty clothes by the heater and is sound asleep....after making sure his box was back in its usual place. ;)
I've got mounds of laundry to get done. There were 5 kids at Mark's that were staying for a while plus another 4 that showed up when they heard the 4-wheelers going and they were muddy as all get out. None of them thought about their muddy boots, gloves, outerwear, etc. when they came in so everything is muddy. Carolyn and I were constantly sweeping and wiping up mud and melted ice puddles, stuffing boys into multiple layers of clothes then unpeeling them when they came in 'cause their hands were numb from the cold, washing and drying clothes so they could get back out there and do it all again. They had a blast and it was such fun to watch them doing daredevil stunts with the 4-wheelers.
I'm exhausted and don't plan to do one thing for the rest of the day that doesn't absolutely HAVE to be done....and that ain't much. ;) Grace's bedding all has to be washed in case she needs fresh during the night, food needs to be put in the fridge and freezer, I need to try to get the steps and walk cleared more for the refreeze - tho as far as I'm concerned the babies can do their business on the porch if needed rather than risk carrying them down the steps. Then I'm gonna feed supper, take a long hot bubble bath and then we are getting in our bed - something we have missed.
The second storm they were predicting for today has missed us, the sun is shining a bit so we should be fine. No one in my county lost power and for that I am grateful. There is another storm on its way in a week or so but if at all possible, I am going to find a heat source that will keep one room warm and we will tough it out here if I can find something. Most stores are out of stock at the moment but the news says most stores have ordered in more heaters so maybe I can find one that will work for us. If not, we'll load up and go back to Mark's if it sounds like we could lose power. ~~whew~~ my old back sure hopes I find a heater! :p;):D
Leslie and a very happy to be home gang
12-07-2013, 06:08 PM
Glad the storm has not done too much damage at your place Leslie. How adorable to read about how all the babies went about reclaiming their space and settling back into their home. There is nothing like your own bed, in your own home... kisses for them all and a big HUG for you xxxxx
I am so glad you and the babies are home and I LOVED reading about the adventure.
Take an extra long soak, okay?:):):)
12-07-2013, 06:20 PM
Great to hear from you you must be exhausted. Wouldn't want to be doing all that laundry! I went and got Tipper's chicken and sweet potatoes. I just went slow and took my time. The supplements however did not come yet dang it. I wanted to start her on this food. Now it looks like Monday or Tuesday if it comes. I am glad you are all safe. It was nice for you brother to go to your house and help out. It probably would be a good idea to have some alternative heat source so you don't have to leave all the time, and some temporary lighting. How about a small generator like the ones that run on gas? Or a kerosene heater, which smell and I hate cause they are dangerous, but what else is there? Oh well I know you will get it worked out, you probably already have a plan! It is 18 now where we are so we are in for the nite and I am tired I will watch some news. I have my Ruby slippers on- there's no place like home!! Blessings
12-07-2013, 06:37 PM
Glad to hear that you made it back home :) It was good to read that all the furbabies made sure everything was in its place when they got home. I agree do nothing and have a long soak, things can wait till tomorrow :D
My sweet Ginger
12-07-2013, 09:44 PM
Hi Leslie, I'm so glad you guys made back home safely and it sounded like the kids were very happy and relieved that they are back to their normalcy. I was worried that you'd have to stay with your brother for a longer period of time. Good to be back home, isn't it? This storm reminds me of our bad situations here a couple of years back. The hurricane Irene at the end of August and the October storm at the end of October. We lost power for 4 full days during Irene and 8 days during the storm. It'd have been totally awful if it wasn't for my husband's camping gear which came in really handy both times. We could at least take quick but warm enough showers and was able to use little electric appliances with a portable generator. But if it happened this time of the year? I wouldn't know how I'd have survived the cold in the house.:eek::eek::eek: With another storm looming, I hope you don't lose power for the sake of everybody. Stay warm and enjoy a cozy and comfy night with all your babies in their own places.:)
molly muffin
12-07-2013, 10:59 PM
There is no place like home! :) Those babies know it too and that is there happy place. :)
Glad you are all safe. Yep, hope you can find a heater somewhere. Just so you don't have to go back and forth when it's bad out.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-08-2013, 01:19 AM
I'm sorry but all of the visuals - I can't stop laughing :)
Glad that "everyone" is home safe.
We're expecting ice and snow overnight so I moved vehicles and the grill and salted everywhere.
I use pet safe salt where Daisy walks and the regular stuff everywhere else. She didn't mind me rinsing her feet with warm water though.
12-08-2013, 08:43 AM
You have such an ability to tell a story that makes the people reading it feel like they are right there. I could just visualize everything you said the babies were doing. We are in the single digits here today. Tipper is already bored and decided to lick her legs if she can't walk!. What about a propane fireplace for heat, the kind where the propane stays outside the house and you run a small line in?? With all the skills you have I know you and your brother could do it! That would be a good project together. I am going to catch up on things here today as I was up late trying to wait Tipper out with the light on so I could video her. She would not budge so finally I turned it out and went to bed. She ahs her little quirks just as I do, and she isn't sleeping with a lite on!!. Itching to start cooking her food and getting her started. Hope the supplements come soon. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
12-08-2013, 09:04 AM
Well, I'm also gonna be in the market for a carpet shampooer along with a heat source. None of the babies are willing to do their business on the porch yet even with peepee pads spread out - which froze to the wood overnight. They go out, stare at the opening to the ramp which is blocked then back at me like, "Move that stuff, ok Mom? Please? Now?" Then back in the house where they decide the carpet will do better. :rolleyes: It's just too cold to leave them out there very long so I don't have the heart to force them to stay out there.
We checked the weather before I left Mark's yesterday and the storm warning for yesterday had been cancelled with the next winter precipitation predicted to come on the 16th. After we got home, the predictions started changing and we have had some more light precipitation with more light expected today and another storm coming tomorrow - but it is not supposed to be as bad as the first one so hopefully the lines will remain in the air and the power on because with ice on the roads I couldn't leave and no one can get to us. So as I listened to the sleet tapping on the windows last night I tried again to come up with ways for us to survive in here with no heat. I measured floor space thinking about a tent, either finding one to borrow to set up or ways to make one out of blankets and my thermal curtains. A lower "ceiling" would help contain body and candle heat better. So Mom didn't get very much sleep last night after all but it's still nice to be home.
12-08-2013, 09:33 AM
You can buy one of those small Coleman heaters that use a propane cylinder about a s big as a 1 liter bottle. They are cheap and heat well. It would be great in an emergency. You could make a tent out of blankets and clothes line if need be like when were kids and made a ten in the house. It would contain the heat. I have flashlights that you crank by hand and have an emergency weather radio on them. They are great for when you have no power, I also have regular ones. I have touch lites to. They are about as big as a teacup saucer. You just tap them and it makes a lot of light enough for a whole room. There are the ones for your outlets that come on when the power is out also. Hope you do not get any more bad weather, until you get your plan figured out. Blessings
12-11-2013, 09:21 AM
Hi Leslie:
We are freezing our gutchies off up here only 15. The supplements never came so when I am done here I am calling them. Tipper gained more weight so I need to get her on this diet like 2 weeks ago. Hope you were able to make it into town. We are to get lake effect snow tonite so I may have to cancel Tipper laser treatment tomorrow if it is bad out as they never have these side roads clear in the morning. How are all the babies? I talked to the people that manufacturer the Buckwheat Groats and they said that they would cook up about double from dry. So at least I have some idea. If she stays on them I ma going to have to order more asap so they get her in enough time. I think I have enough for 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. I am wondering if she does ok on this if that is what she will keep her on?? Blessings
Squirt's Mom
12-11-2013, 09:48 AM
If she does well with this recipe, Cat may or may not use the groats in the second one. It will depend on the nutritional goals and what will best meet those goals as well as how well Tipper likes the food she is given. Squirt has been on the same recipe for most of the last 6 years. We tried a second one but Squirt refused to eat the salmon after a bit so we stick with the first recipe. I can't believe it's taken this long to get a shipment in of the supplements! I'd be calling too....I wonder if the road conditions have slowed things down?
12-11-2013, 09:54 AM
I just found out what happened. It was given to the local post office by FedEx. I hate when they do this. Trade off to the postal office. They usually keep things for 2 days. It got there today so if they do not deliver it with my mail I will go to the post office and ask for it. I am sick of this little game already. It may have been the weather , but the groats I ordered from the same company a day later came last week, so figure that one out. I just want to get her started on this as I was not happy with the weight gain at the vets today, although she did drink a lot of water before we went, and that could be it. Blessings
12-12-2013, 04:52 AM
Hi Leslie
Hope your all thawed out with the nice warm winds I have blown your way and the team are all settled back in!! Please do not use gas in a tent :eek::eek: sounds a fast way for everyone to get a singed haircut! Stay safe you lot!! xxxx
12-18-2013, 08:39 AM
What goes on down that way?? How is Squirt doing? Please let me know if you think I can safely increase Tipper's melatonin? I used it last nite and it helped but did not stop them completely. So either it was not enough of a dosage or it is not going to work completely. Addy had an interesting question about if she does have hypothyroidism could that cause it. Since some can be idiopathic I am thinking that could be possible, just do not know. My vet said he thinks she could be having this problem he said it is highly likely. We are going in the 40's for the weekend so Tipper will be able to walk so she will be happy. She has been depressed being in for about a week now. She needs to burn off excess energy or she is naughty as can be. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
12-18-2013, 09:22 AM
Squirt is doing good! Every time I get to say that this old heart just soars to the Heavens! :cool::cool::cool::):):) Just 9 months ago I was sure I was losing her but here she is, still going strong in spite of her issues. I am daily amazed by my Sweet Bebe and oh so blessed. And speaking of diets, I have no doubt whatsoever that her diet is playing a huge role in her continued health. When I stopped cooking for her and put her on commercial feed, she started to decline right off - back on her home cooked, she is right as rain again. So for Squirt, there is no question this is the right feed for her system. ;)
She has not needed the Novifit again either. I am so impressed with this product I don't even know how to express how wonderful it is! I can never thank Teri (Corky's mom) enough for directing me to Novifit! If any of your babies are ever diagnosed with CCD I highly recommend you try Novifit.
Our weather has been typical Arkansas! Temps in the 60's during the day and 40's at night following a statewide ice storm. We are expecting some rather severe storms this weekend, if I heard the news right last nite, so I need to get her Valium refilled asap just in case. Probably need to check the melatonin stores as well since three of them take it during storms.
Leslie and the ever reigning Queen
Well it sure does my old heart good to hear baby girl is doing well.:)
So I am going to happy dance right along with you as I know that feeling too.
molly muffin
12-18-2013, 09:31 PM
Awwww Leslie, big hugs. Always love to hear that Squirt is doing so good. She's just like the energizer bunny, just keeps right on going through thick and thin.
Think you guys are going to get what we're going to get here, only not as cold right? Coming in from Texas, it should hit you guys, then Patti, then us. *sigh*
We actually have two, coming in back to back. Expecting Saturday night to be ice before sunday snow. Joy joy. :)
Stay safe and warm!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
12-18-2013, 11:53 PM
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 01:03 AM
Thrilled to hear that Squirt is doing so well. :p I really needed to hear more good news today. Zoe and now Squirt. AWESOME!!! :D xxxx
12-19-2013, 03:18 AM
Awww I like this report, I like it very much!! You go Squirt! xxxxx
12-19-2013, 08:27 AM
Squirt just reminds me of the energizer bunny on tv. She just is miraculous and keeps on going. I know it is through the expert care and love you have provided for her. She is just a tiny little furry miracle girl. God Bless You and All the Babies.
Squirt's Mom
12-19-2013, 12:36 PM
Guess what?! We have an alternate heat source! :cool::cool: WOOHOO!! :cool::cool: I went to the lumber store I used to work for to get big boxes and someone had bought a HeatMate during the last ice storm, never used it nor opened it then returned it just yesterday. And I got a deal on it to boot! It will heat our bedroom and bathroom. It runs on Kerosene which I'm not thrilled about but this is for indoor use and it's a huge worry off my mind. Now if we wake up with no power, ice on the roads and no way to get out, we should be ok! :cool::cool::cool:
12-19-2013, 12:44 PM
This is very encouraging to know that 9 months later, things are so much improved! Go Squirt!
Budsters Mom
12-19-2013, 01:11 PM
YAAAAAY!!! Great news about the heater! Please be careful with it though. Be sure you put it where it is not likely to be knocked over and make sure it's positioned away from flammable objects. xxxxx
12-19-2013, 01:14 PM
I am so happy for you. Now that takes that worry away! Early Christmas present to you and all the babies! Blessings
12-21-2013, 09:42 AM
Hi Leslie:
I saw on the national map where Louisania is to get tornadoes today. Did not see it where you are but stay safe. Do you have some emergency lighting and a weather radio? They make a flashlight and weather radio all in one that you crank by hand, so no battery worries. Hope you and all the babies are having a safe and quiet weekend. Tipper hurt her leg really bad I am worried about it. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
12-21-2013, 10:07 AM
Yeah, we are included in the tornado watch for this afternoon when things are supposed to get pretty bad. So far just massive amounts of rain - like 3" since last nite! There is a lake at the end of my driveway at the moment. :D I turned the AC on yesterday afternoon 'cause it was 77 in the house and humid. So it was cooler last nite and we rested a little better. Temps are starting to fall now and we should have typical winter temps tomorrow again. 70's in Dec. in ARK is not a good thing as that usually means some rough weather on the way....but it was nice while it lasted! ;)
12-21-2013, 04:13 PM
Stay safe I am watching the national weather and it looks bad down your way. Praying you and the babies stay safe. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
12-21-2013, 04:36 PM
Other than the Hammerhead I just saw drifting around in my yard, things are ok so far! :p
12-21-2013, 04:40 PM
Haha Cool, it must be Shark Week in Ark! Stay safe Leslie xx
molly muffin
12-21-2013, 04:42 PM
Sharknado!!!!!!! LOL
12-21-2013, 05:00 PM
Daah-da, daah-da, DAAH-DA.... keep OUT the water Leslie!
Squirt's Mom
12-22-2013, 07:45 AM
We survived the weather with only minor damage from the Hammerhead. :D Truthfully, things didn't get as bad in our area as predicted, thankfully. The worst of it stayed below a line just east and south of us. We got torrential rains and some fairly high winds but no tornadic activity here. ARK was hit in a couple of places east and south of here, tho. No loss of life I've heard of, thankfully. Straight line winds were blowing vehicles side ways on the freeway near West Memphis/Memphis and there were numerous accidents in that area as a result. The heater is back on today; the temps started falling as the fronts moved through yesterday. We have gone from the 70's to the 40's for highs in a 24 hr period. We Arkies like our variety! :D
The babies did really good. Soph attacked the door a couple of times when it boomed but she was calmer than usual as were Brick and Squirt - for which I was thankful. Grace can hear just enough to know when there is big boom, otherwise she didn't seem fazed in the least. Brick's side effects started during the nite - melatonin works like a diuretic in him and he pees like a race horse for a couple of days. I heard him tapping down the hall several times...and this morning found that he actually hit the peepee pads from time to time! ;):D
I've been up for several hours with an infection in my mouth/jaw. I've had a toothache and figured it was a cavity. But this ain't a cavity. My left jaw started swelling last night and there is knot the size of a large grape inside at the root location; using my tongue is quite painful. This morning the outer jaw is knotted as well. Fever? Who knows. I've been eating ibuprofen by the handful since last night. The jaw is hot to the touch tho. :rolleyes: I dug around and found some Baytril for one of my bigger babies that came here and Clavamox. After a bit of research I decided the Clavamox was worth the risk so started taking it til I can get to my doc Mon. for a better AB. Then to find someone to take this thing out - which absolutely breaks my heart. I feel I've let my dad down and I've really, really been battling resentment for my baby brother overnight. :( So today is gonna be a stay in bed and watch NetFlix day, doing my best to keep this Clavamox in - which it don't want to do for a bit after taking it.
aww Leslie, I sure hope you dont have to have it pulled. Cuddle with the pups in bed. Feel better. We need a dormatory for all of us Cush moms that are down for the count right now.;)
12-22-2013, 02:12 PM
Ohhhh pick me.... I'll be the nurse!!! Well I am good for urology problems if you have any of those :D:D But I can hand out painkillers, antibiotics, chase you all back to bed, look after the pups, plus mix up some egg nog (ohh cloves in that might be good for your tooth) and I am good at snacks too!!
Hope you can get in to see someone tomorrow Leslie, do you not have an urgent dentist available to sort it out, I don't like tooth/jaw infections at all so hope you can find some help soon sweet. x
12-23-2013, 07:58 AM
Hi Leslie:
Well I kept watching wicked weather down your way hoping that it would not be near you and affect the babies especially Squirt. Tipper is so much happier in the winter she goes to sleep without a care in the world about thunder. The last few days it poured and she never had a problem. I will have to get ready for spring weather though. We are to go into the teens today. Tipper's leg is better, but still not good. She is walking on the toes of that foot, and will not put her foot down. She does not want you touching it either. I am going to take this candy around that I made to my elderly neighbors, and have a chat with them for a few minutes as some get no company. I have to take Tipper for Bp tomorrow and will give the techs theirs. Hope you and the babies are ready for Christmas. Will you go to your brothers? Blessings
12-25-2013, 07:37 AM
Thinking of you and your beautiful babies this morning and remembering the true meaning of Christmas, which is knowing a wonderful, selfless, generous person such as you. I hope God gives you many blessings. Merry Christmas
Squirt's Mom
12-25-2013, 08:46 AM
Thanks, Patti! Merry Christmas to you and all your babies, too!
I went to my brother's last nite and had a great time...but it was too much too soon I think. My face is swollen again a little bit and in more pain this morning than yesterday but it's worth it to spend time with my family and see the joy in my grandson's face as he opened his gifts. My brother told me that my grandson said, "YAY! Meemaw is coming! It will be Christmas after all!" That has echoed in my head all nite long, bringing a great deal of happiness. He was so excited he couldn't eat and kept rearranging the gifts under the tree as we ate. :p
My oldest niece has a Hedgehog and I held him for a bit. Apparently I had some cream cheese on one of my fingers and he smelled it. He started licking my finger, which I thought was sweet and cute - til he BIT my finger! :eek: He was just cleaning his food first! :p They are cute and interesting little critters but difficult to cuddle with all those spines. :D
Today will be a very slow, easy day at my house. Time to recoup and rest a bit, just enjoy being with all my babies. I can clean house later - this mess ain't going no where I promise! :)
Wishing each of you a day that is perfect for you!
Leslie and the Gimp Gang
Squirt's Mom
12-25-2013, 09:38 AM
Ya'll gotta check out my pics and see what my niece made for me and what my family gave me! SO special!
12-25-2013, 09:47 AM
Those are great gifts.....they know you well. I'm sure the car magnet was on your truck within minutes. :D Merry Christmas, Les.
12-25-2013, 10:37 AM
Awesome. Yes they do know you. I also loved the photos of Squirt all snuggled in the blankets. :) Have a great day and keep taking those antibiotics Leslie. Hugs and love, Kim
12-25-2013, 12:39 PM
Awesome gifts and pictures of you sweet babies. Wonderful of your family to be so caring. I am hoping that you are going to be feeling better soon. Blessings
I'm so glad you are resting today. Awesome presents,your family knows you well.
molly muffin
12-25-2013, 05:57 PM
Merry Christmas Leslie. What a wonderful family you have :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
12-25-2013, 05:58 PM
Thanks, Sharlene! They have come a looong way the last few years! ;)
Hope you and yours had a wonderful day!
12-27-2013, 04:58 PM
Leslie, how are your teeth, have they settled down with the antibiotics? Hope your feeling better and the babies are doing good xx
molly muffin
01-01-2014, 12:51 PM
Happy New Year Leslie, Squirt, Brick, Sophie, Tink and Grace
Wishing you all the best in the New Year. (did I get all the gang included in that?) LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi, Leslie.
Just wanted to drop in and say hello! I read what your grandson said about you coming for Christmas - how sweet! That sounds like something my grandson would say. Grandbabies are the absolute best!!
Hope you are feeling better and wanted to wish you a happy, healthy new year!
Squirt's Mom
01-12-2014, 09:14 AM
Last week we had some sub-zero temps and I left the outside faucet on to prevent burst pipes. As you might imagine, the water froze on the lawn creating an icy slick down one side of the house. I didn't think about this, never entered my mind. Squirt woke up around 3am needing to pee. It was too cold and I was too tired to get dressed and go out with her. I didn't carry her down the ramp, stay with her, or carry her back inside. I was lazy and let her go by herself. When she came back in, she couldn't put any weight on her right back leg. :( We went to see Doc and he manipulated the joints on that leg good and said they felt fine and that the ALC seemed to be in place. So we came home with Previcox and Methacarbamol on restricted activity. If she doesn't improve, we will look deeper.
She was crated at all times unless I was taking her out for about 3 days. I cut up an old sheet to make a sling to help support her when she goes potty. At first she would try to go sideways to get away from it but soon realized it was helping her and works very well in the sling now. Starting day before yesterday, I've been letting her out in the bedroom with all the doors closed so she can't get on any surfaces other than carpet where she has good traction. She's putting a bit more weight on it tho it still won't hold her; it will fold up under her. She's feeling ok because she is now trying to run in the sling. :rolleyes: She's started moving a bit faster in the bedroom too with no support but I see that she puts the "good" left leg just about center of her body and uses it as a sort of spring to propel forward.
She's finished the meds other than one more day of the Previcox today - thank goodness! It was a fight every time of course and she quit eating for a day and half because she was sure there was a pill in there even tho I was grinding them, dissolving in beef broth, and syringing them into her throat...which resulted in maybe 50% getting in with the other 50% all over the room as she threw her head from side to side with her mouth open. Huzzy. She's gonna keep on and we are gonna have to resort to injections if she doesn't watch it. :D
For some time, I have been concerned about her wobbly legs on my soft mattress at night. There is no way she can sleep on the bed right now...and in the back of my mind is the thought she may never sleep with us again, something I'm not emotionally ready to concede but may have no choice. This morning she doesn't want her breakfast but that isn't unusual since hurting her leg. She wants in the kitchen at her spot with everyone else. She typically eats an hour or so after her usual time when she realizes Mom is still gonna make her eat in the bedroom. ;)
I gotta tell you, she was so funny the first day or two in the crate. She would moan and groan and whimper, begging to get out. When all that failed, she would turn around and lay down with her back to me then would look over her shoulder at me and yip as if to tell me off! :p So her personality is still strong as is her will.
Leslie and the insulted Queen
01-12-2014, 11:01 AM
It would seem Tipper and Squirt are running neck and neck with this leg thing. It was 40 something here yesterday and I gave her a bath. I am now in the throws of trying to give her a much needed trim on her hair. She will only allow a few minutes at a times so I am sure you can envision what she looks like. I have to grab her throughout the day and just clip off whatever I get a hold of. She is used to being clean and with that polar vortex we had last week there was no chance of a bath. She used to love to be bathed and have the warm water run over her. Now she just wants you to stop and let her out of the tub. I put a rubber mat and some towels in the bottom of my laundry tub so she has traction. She did not enjoy one bit of it. I noticed for the last few days her shaking her head and scratching her ear, I ordered Zymox in case her ear starts up. She will not let you use the hair dryer on her so I have to really towel dry her good and make her stay inside. She looks and smells good again. She is still trying to run and jump though, I am so tired of her little antics with the jumping already. If I cage her she will chew at the bars until her mouth bleeds to let me know she wants out. I know Squirt is not liking it either. It finally stopped raining and cleared up. Maybe she can have a walk and burn some of this energy off before she does me in. Blessings
I hope Squirt feels better rreal soon. Hubby had to stop putting Zoe on the bed for their afternoon nap in late October, she just could not stand or get up while on the mattress. It is a sad loss of cuddle time for him as they both always looked forward to their afternnon nap. I know it hurts you too.:(
I hope it warms up and no more ice for you!!!
Budsters Mom
01-12-2014, 04:32 PM
(((((((((( hugs ))))))))))
Squirt's Mom
01-14-2014, 11:02 AM
Squirt's leg is not getting better - or at least not as rapidly as I would like. The left leg is now folding up under her from having to carry most of the weight. It stays centered under her body, putting extra strain on that knee and hip. She did try to run once yesterday (in her sling) after doing her business outside like she usually does but that was only once. Most of the time she wanted me to carry her yesterday.
I noticed the last few nights that she is becoming more and more restless again. I don't know if this is the CCD becoming active again or if she is suffering the "confinement dementia" that some humans do when we are in the hospital for a long period of time. In my mind, she needed some stimulation and fresh air so I fixed the porch so she could hang out there for a while. No going. She wasn't interested in anything but trying to get through the barrier and down the ramp - which can't be allowed. I've taken her out there 4-5 times with no luck - instead of giving her something interesting to do, it seems to cause her more anxiety. I decided yesterday that I would put her back on the Novifit for her liver (with the meds she has been on that sure can't hurt) plus in case the CCD needs another round of it. Last night she was very anxious, wanting out of the crate only to pace endlessly, limping and falling repeatedly. She likes to lay on the bathmat in my bathroom so I put it on the floor by the bed hoping she would lay on it and sleep. She finally did about 2:30. I let her sleep there for about an hour then put her in the crate. She came wide awake again and spent the next 3 hours yipping, moaning and groaning but if I let her out, she started the pacing again, falling again and I couldn't stand seeing that.
She just now woke up and ate breakfast. That's almost 4 hours later than she usually wakes up and I'm sure it's because she had such a long stressful night. Tonite I'm making her a strong sedative tea hoping she will rest better. And I hope to see improvement once again with the Novifit...IF this is the CCD and not stress from the crate. I spent several hours last nite as I listened to her and watched her pitiful self trying to find a way that I could sleep on the floor comfortably (ie still be able to move come morning! :p) so she could be close thinking maybe that would help her settle at night. I might could use the cough cushions - they are narrow enough there wouldn't be any room on them for her but low enough I could touch her as she slept by the cushions....if she will. The down side to something like this is if she will sleep or wander all night. :rolleyes:
01-14-2014, 12:11 PM
I'm sorry to read this Leslie hoping and praying the tea and her meds make her feel better. Sending you big hugs hope your cushion idea works and she sleeps and doesn't wander :confused:
01-14-2014, 05:34 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Squirt is not up to par, but I have faith in that little girl that she is just messing with you! Seriously I hope you can get her back to sleeping. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
01-17-2014, 10:42 AM
Squirt was asleep by 5pm and is still asleep at 9:30 this morning. She has done this for the past two days - konked out after supper then slept very late (for her) in the morning. Not complaining, it's just unusual.
She's been much better in the evenings again after the Novifit was started back. She's not antsy or pacing...and obviously resting well! :D
I left her out of her crate most of the day yesterday and she stayed in the bedroom even with the hall door open. She did start to venture down the hall twice but I carried her back to the bedroom and told her to stay. The leg is a bit better but still not healing like I wish it would. Doc is going to check it again today when he sees Trink.
I think she's getting depressed from being so restricted so I'm thinking seriously about a cart for her that will allow her more freedom to move around when she wants instead of having to be in the sling and confined to carpet. She hasn't enjoyed any of the things I tried that would give her a change - I blocked the LR yesterday so she could be in there for a change and she just wanted out and back to the bedroom. :rolleyes: If she could roam the yard at will and go where she wanted in the house, it might help her spirits some. So I'm giving a cart some serious consideration and will talk to Doc about it this afternoon.
I'll let ya'll know what Doc has to say!
Leslie and a still sleeping Queen
01-17-2014, 11:40 AM
Hi Leslie:
Glad to hear Squirt is doing better on the Novafit, but sorry she is depressed. That is like Tipper too, she can't get out, run and jump so she is depressed too. I wish that her leg was getting better. A cart may be your only solution to that. Blessings
01-17-2014, 04:09 PM
Hmmm each time I hear Squirty has been antsy I check the moon, sure enough it has been a full moon this week :p I always sleep worse during a full moon and have full on technicolour dreams too so often wonder about the effects the moon has on our babies... bit like the wolves howling at the full moon kind of scenario!
It is so hard seeing them feel funky when they are restricted, so easy to let those big eyes melt your heart when you need to stand firm on the "this is for your own good" mantra!! Hope the leg improves and that cart sounds a great idea, I remember seeing some video of a doggie in a cart zooming about, was it John's?? xx
Squirt's Mom
01-17-2014, 06:00 PM
Well, a decision made on the way home today - this is the last trip with Squirt alone. I have to have both hands to hold her which makes driving very dangerous. I won't be taking her back to the vet either unless it is dire. It took 2 techs to hold her while Doctor Stacy checked her leg and 3 techs to hold her to trim her nails. They made the comment it is a good thing her heart is strong as hard as she fights and as stressed as she gets. They were afraid to muzzle her because she was breathing so hard. :( My Sweet Bebe has had enough of that crap and I won't put her through it any more unless there is no other choice.
Doctor Stacy said Squirt was too tense to be able to feel the ligament today but that her knee joint itself felt ok. She said we could sedate Squirt and get a better idea of the ligament but that is a risk I chose not to take especially since no surgery would be considered. I talked to her about a cart and she thinks it would be a good idea so I'm gonna start working on getting her measured for a cart from Eddie's Wheels. We came home with more Previcox and Methocarbamol and instructions to keep doing as we have been - restricted activity and access to slick floors, and using the sling when she walks.
a very tired Queen and loyal servant
01-17-2014, 06:06 PM
Oh gawd, that sounds exhausting for you both. She has not lost her spitfire though has she. Poor Squirty, sounds like she seriously hates it there. Hope the cart works for her Leslie... Big Hugs and a kiss for the girl and I think you need one of Addy's girlie drinks and a chocolate spa! xx
01-17-2014, 08:06 PM
Les, contact Amy Shever and ask her to check with her contacts at Best Friends or any other organization she may be able to call on. Sometimes they have them in storage so it never hurts to ask. Both Eddie's Wheels and have instructions on how to measure for carts so have those measurements ready. I'll check around a few more places. Does John still have one? They do adjust somewhat so it might adjust enough for Squirt. If you don't feel comfortable talking to Amy, let me know and I'll make the call.
01-18-2014, 08:34 AM
If Tipper does not rest her leg I may have to put her in a cart to get her off of it for a while. Please let me know what you find out about them. I really think this would help Squirt get around and may make this difference in her depression if she could scoot all around the house. Hope all is well. How is the weather?? Blessings
Squirt's Mom
01-19-2014, 10:28 AM
A friend is on her way over to help me measure Squirt for a cart. John and Amy both have a cart on hand they are willing to loan if they should fit.
I have another abscessed tooth and have been so sick the last few days with it I haven't been able to stand or I would have already had this done. I hope we have something in the works for her soon now, tho.
Fri. night after the vet visit, I thought she was done. She couldn't stand at all - both back legs would just fold up under her. She was dragging herself more than walking when she tried. I kept her in the crate to keep her from too much movement - and bawled all night. She lost control of her bowels in the crate last night and was mortified. She was covered in poop and it got all over the carpet and bathroom trying to get her cleaned up. It was a 3-ring circus - me dizzy and Squirt covered in poop! ugh
She's moving much better this morning and had a normal BM when we went out. The visit to the vet was just too much for her - way too much stress physically and mentally. She still isn't eating breakfast on time but eats much later in the morning. She has lost another pound - down to 11.6 lbs. Her back legs have lost a great deal of muscle mass; the vet even mentioned how little she had.
Squirt isn't having very many "dog worthy" moments right now and I pray a cart will give some of that back with the freedom it will provide her. But I can't stop crying this morning.
01-19-2014, 10:54 AM
Leslie I,m so sorry to read this, poor Squirt popping herself, it is so hard to watch them when this happens, but she sounds like she has such a fighting spirit and hopefully the cart will help her get around. You must not forget looking after yourself and get that tooth sorted out, nothing worse than toothache.:)
molly muffin
01-19-2014, 10:58 AM
Leslie, did the vet say Why Squirt is having trouble with her back legs? If the pins are fine and haven't moved, does he think that this is a soft tissue problem or what?
I like the idea of the cart if she can get around more, because I think that her depression is probably related to having to be in a crate, when she wants to be out and about (on her own terms of course).
I wonder if this is a temporary solution, as in she will get the use of her legs back, or is this a permanent solution for her?
Does anyone do the cold laser therapy there that Patti is using for Tipper? Would it work for Squirt with the pins?
I'm just throwing stuff out. What about warm laster or hydrotherapy? Any of that around? It would be great if she had mobility, whether cart or otherwise, once the weather warms up so she can go for walks with you to collect plants again.
Thinking of you both,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-19-2014, 11:38 AM
I am so sorry about Squirts legs. maybe they are losing muscle from her not using them as much, and that is something you cannot stop unfortunately. Is there any place for cold laser or the hydrotherapy close to you? I am so glad you are measuring her for a cart and she can get around then without dragging herself. Poor Squirt covered in poop. I bet she was not liking that for one minute. I hope the cart they are bringing will fit her, that would help a lot. The wind is blowing here and wild and cold. I am thankful Tipper has a good therapist at the laser center as it is making a big difference on her leg healing. Now as long as no one else messes with it she will be fine. I am sure this happened to Squirt at the vets as manipulating a leg to check it can sometimes do more harm than good as I have learned the hard way. I do not let anyone put Tipper's back legs thru range of motion anymore after what happened the first time. Sorry to hear you are having more tooth problems. Are you going back to the dentist soon? _Please do and take care of yourself Leslie, you have a lot of critters that need you. It is not good to keep having an infection in your system either as I am sure you know. What is the weather like? Have you tried out the heater yet? You may want to do it for the first time outside as sometimes the new wicks can stink things up. I have to call the electric company I got this outrageous electric bill and I am wondering if they read my meter wrong?? Have you seen Grace's pictures yet?Blessings
Squirt's Mom
01-19-2014, 11:38 AM
When Doc B examined her after the injury, he said he could feel the ACL and it felt in place as did the patella so we have been treating as a soft tissue injury. I know it will take time to heal, if it will, but it hasn't improved much at all so I had her looked at again Fri. Doctor Stacy saw her Fri but Squirt was too tense for her to feel the ACL and sedation is no longer an option for Squirty. Without surgery, if this is the ACL, it can take months and months and months to heal....and the cart will help that happen as well as help prevent damage to the left leg which is carrying most of the weight now. That on top of giving her a bit more freedom in the house and yard. She hasn't been able to go on field walks with me wildcrafting at all so she won't miss that but she does miss being able to walk the field behind the house. She goes to the back gate that opens to that field and stands, looking up at me as if to say, "What's the hold up, Mom?" :(
I'm going to look for some acupuncture, laser therapy, etc for her this coming week and see if it's something we can do or not. Don't know for sure this is even available around here but surely someone in Little Rock does some of these things for pets, surely.
I will post a video of her moving in a minute. It breaks my heart to share this as I know ya'll aren't aware of just how bad she is at the moment but I want you to see. I watched Dr. Stacy's face as she watched it Fri. and I could see her distress at seeing how poorly Squirt moves....I could hear her thinking, "It's time to let this dog go." :(
Leslie and the gang
Squirt's Mom
01-19-2014, 02:05 PM
The first video is the one Dr. Stacy watched. Look at how her left leg turns to support her body. :( ( ( (
01-19-2014, 02:12 PM
Awww the poor little dot, that leg does look sore. She is weight bearing on her right back leg ok though. Hope you have luck with finding someone to help with acupuncture or hydo Leslie. She looks to have good strength in her front legs so the cart could be the go to get her around a bit better.
Hope you manage to get to the dentist soon, your tooth sounds so painful. Take Care xxxx
molly muffin
01-19-2014, 03:52 PM
Okay, yep, I see what you mean. Need to get that cart pronto for Squirt. That should give her mobility and allow the leg to heal while not hurting the other one.
Just a quick look and the only thing I found for hydrotherapy (and there must be others) is the Canine Country Club (little rock area) they mention a $35. private therapy session with a vet referral. But just to take her there to swim (does Squirt even like water and swimming?) is $5.
There must be more around, but they seem to be hard to find and I wonder if any of the vets in the area would know of some place or have any ideas.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-19-2014, 04:55 PM
I really think you are doing the best thing by getting a cart for her. You can see the spirit is still there with the stomping of the front feet, but the legs just need some help in the back. Maybe after resting them a while in a cart they would heal a little better too. She sure is a sweetheart and I can understand why you are so attached to her. She is like Tipper, she just has that little bit of attitude nothing can ever take away. I hope the one your friends are bringing will fit her as that will save you a lot of time trying to get one. The wind is howling like crazy here and it is freezing. Tomorrow I have to take Tipper for Adequan. I hate to go out and did not even realize until the reminder popped up on my computer. Taking video and showing it to the Dr. is so much better than trying to describe what they do and having the Dr. stare at you funny. Blessings
01-19-2014, 09:57 PM
So sorry to hear about poor little Squirt and hoping that the cart will be the right size and help her get about a bit more.
It may be worth calling the vets in your area to see if any of them can do acupuncture - when Hamish's arthritis got bad that's what my vet suggested and when I asked if I would need to find a specialist she said that she could do it. That said it sounds like a vet's office isn't the best place for Squirt so it may be better to find an alternative, less stressful location - you may find places which offer the service for humans may be able to help to.
01-19-2014, 10:07 PM
Not bad prices for the hydrotherapy. It's a great way to exercise without weight bearing.
01-19-2014, 10:35 PM
Leslie, Sorry to hear Squirt is having problems with her legs.
Hope something works for her.
Budsters Mom
01-19-2014, 11:10 PM
Yes, it does look like a cart could help Squirt. Poor little Queen. Xxxxx
01-20-2014, 02:49 AM
Dear Leslie,
I could not see the photos,maybe because on iPad. Apollo was dealing with muscle wasting, and his one hind leg would lock up because of it. But we kept on fighting. I did water therapy for a few months, which helped and let him know we were not giving up. also laser treatment ,which is a rod used to stimulate and heal may help. I later got a red stroller which I would put him in when he could hardly walk. He did not give up and so enjoyed to be outside. NO one can tell you what to do. I did not listen to others, as long as Apollo was eating and enjoying the smells of outdoors , he was fine by me. Praying for you and Squirt. I can only give you my experience,strength ,Hope and support.
HUgs Sonja and Angel Apollo.
Dearest Leslie,
I understand the pain in your heart as Zoe and I are walking a similar road. I know in my heart she cannot stand the stress of a vet's office for laser treatment and they already told me she is too stressed for accupuncture.
The bads days break our hearts. It is a catch 22 becuase the more we try to keep them off ther feet to heal the worse the stiffness and muscle wasting gets so I dearly hope a cart will help Baby Squirt.
And for those of you wondering if our little girl likes to swim, she did a fine job of it some years back. I remember watching her videos.
Sending much love and strength to you, Leslie and thank you for the beautiful words posted on my thread.
01-20-2014, 11:40 AM
I am hoping that the cart your friends brought fit Squirt. I know how you are feeling and wish I could help in some way. If Grace is eating her stool then that could account for the diarrhea. There are pills to make her stop doing that. If it's not one thing it's another! You have something going on all the time just like me. I pray this all gets straightened out and that sweet Squirty gets her cart. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
01-21-2014, 12:43 PM
I talked to Squirt's IMS on FB this weekend and they do laser treatments. However, I realized that is not an option for us since she would have to ride to Little Rock. That would be an hour on the highway then through Little Rock with her fighting to stand the whole way. After seeing the way she was Fri. night after seeing the vet, I just can't ask that of her. Laser may help the leg but it won't make her younger nor take away the ravages of her years. The time comes when all we have left to offer is our love and that time has come for Squirt and me.
John has shipped Rozee's cart and it should be here tomorrow. I hope it brightens her spirits a bit by giving her a bit more freedom.
01-21-2014, 12:49 PM
I hope that the cart helps her!
Budsters Mom
01-21-2014, 11:39 PM
Yes Leslie, I totally understand. (((((HUG)))))
01-22-2014, 09:53 AM
I totally get it. I am hoping that the cart comes with lightening speed so sweet Squirt will have something to do now and can trek around in her cart without the worry of hurting her legs. I think they need a rest, but still need to be worked so they do not atrophy. I am praying this all works out for her as I know in my heart how you are feeling and it hurts me to think of you going thru this. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
01-22-2014, 10:00 AM
I cancelled my doc appt this morning to stay with Squirt. It was too cold for her to go out this morning early and she hasn't done her business yet - just sleeping on the floor. I have to see the dentist tomorrow as much as I hate to leave her even for a minute - but this has to be done. The appt this morning didn't have to be. I needed to be here more than I needed to be there.
I hope the cart is here tomorrow - I had my days mixed up when I said it would be here "tomorrow" in the previous post - it's supposed to be here Thurs. :o
All I want to do is sit and hold her....and that is how I have spent many hours this week.
01-22-2014, 10:31 AM
I totally get that you want to sit and hold Squirt, I spent many hours doing that with Woody. It is both comforting to you and I bet Squirt is enjoying it too.
You won,t be long at the Dentist and I,m sure Squirt will be fine for the short time you are away.
Hoping the cart arrives Thursday and gives Squirt back her mobility and spark.
Big hugs being sent your way and big Gentle hugs being sent for Squirt xx
Squirt's Mom
01-22-2014, 11:16 AM
I called and talked to the vet clinic this morning. Doc will come to the house so Squirt can leave from her comfort zone. I will go to the clinic and pick out her urn, etc. so that is ready to go and they will take her from home so she can be taken care of. Then her ashes will be sent to me. I think I'll go take care of that today.
"The appointment" hasn't been scheduled yet; I just want to have my ducks in a row. I've asked her communicator to talk to Squirt if she can reach her - with her mind the way it is now, I'm not sure she can. My gut tells me the time is close but I do not want to rush her - I'm totally selfish.
She hasn't eaten breakfast yet. She just stands and stares at the bowl, occasionally licking but not eating. I think I'll fry her an egg and see if she wants that - it's always been her favorite food.
01-22-2014, 11:40 AM
I have no words for what your going thru but please keep in mind you are not alone we are all here with you every step of the way :mad:
Roxee's Dad
01-22-2014, 11:54 AM
Oh Leslie, the tears are starting to flow as my heart is breaking for you. I do hope she perks up a bit so she can at least try out her cart. I am so glad I have had the honor to meet Squirt. Healing thoughts and prayers from our house to yours...
We are going through the same trials and tribulations with Rozee... Good days and bad, good moments and not so good.
(((Love and Hugs)))
01-22-2014, 12:15 PM
Oh Leslie. I am here too.
01-22-2014, 12:25 PM
My very dear friend,
If it is time, Squirt will let you know. I know you're not being selfish, as you have always done what's best for Squirt. Difficult times are always hard on us. I am always here for you and with you.
((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) and lots of love and prayers.
molly muffin
01-22-2014, 03:08 PM
I'm here Leslie and just the idea, well, I'm with John and just bawling at the thought.
I know you are going through the same things with Rozee, John, and that just makes it all so much harder.
It's good to have your ducks in a row, but it is all just Hard and sucks. I wish these times would never, ever come. :(
Sending you positive energy and calming breezes.
I too hope Squirt gets to at least try out the cart. What fun she might yet have.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-22-2014, 03:56 PM
I am so sorry you are having to go through this. I know how you are feeling as I feel the same about Brin, one day up and the next day down but he always seems to pull through and I pray that Squirt does too. You are the least selfish person there could be and I know you will know when the time is right.
Love, Linda x
Dearest Leslie,
My hearts breaks reading your post. I know Squirt’s needs always come before yours. Squirt will tell you as Zoe will tell me. Hold her close and tell her it is ok if she cant fight any more.
Leslie, I don’t know what to say as I am not like you - eloquent in writing when someone is hurting but I think you know I am here for you and Squirt, always will be.
Are we ever ready for when it is time to say goodbye?
01-22-2014, 04:40 PM
I am still balling my eyes out over your post on Squirt. You will always do the right thing for her and that is a fact. I know you need to be prepared. I also thought this about my Tipper to get things in order as if anything happens to her I would shrivel up and die. So I agree the ducks do need to be in order. I just feel so bad for you as you give your heart and soul to help Squirt. Some day maybe when I am in heaven I will finally get that magic wand, but I could sure use it now! Hug and kiss Squirt for me and Tipper please. God Bless You Both
Budsters Mom
01-22-2014, 04:52 PM
I'm here too.:o
Squirt's Mom
01-22-2014, 05:33 PM
Thanks, ya'll. I did go take care of the cremation service this morning so that is done. Now to find an urn worthy of her. She's not leaving tomorrow unless she chooses to do so. She may be here for a bit yet but I have to get ready. As much as it is tearing me apart, she deserves at least this.
Squirt did eat an egg this morning and part of her lunch. I got to remembering when I first started cooking for her as I was making next week's batch up today. I thought it would be best to put everything in a blender - but she wouldn't touch it. She would eat the individual things just fine but not when blended together. So I went and got an old fashioned potato masher and tried mashing her ingredients that way - it was a hit! Tonite I reversed that process and put her food in a blender making it more of a canned food consistency. She licked the bowl clean for the first time since she hurt her leg. Whether she will react the same tomorrow with it blended, who knows but she has had a good supper tonite.
Thanks again.
Hugs from us both.
01-22-2014, 05:36 PM
Go Squirt, glad you got a good dinner in her. Hope the cart turns up tomorrow so she can get about again.
Thinking of you both Leslie, sending lots of love and positive energy
Bug hug and kisses for Queen Squirt
01-22-2014, 05:39 PM
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Squirty Glad you ate girl, keep on going and turn this thing around like you have so many times before. God Bless Your Little Heart and Kisses from Tipper and she does not give out kisses often!!
Roxee's Dad
01-22-2014, 08:40 PM
:) Squirty still has an appetite... Yay.!!!!
We have days where I have to end up grilling food for Rozee. She will very rarely turn down grilled chicken or hamburger. I end up mashing her food with a fork so she can consume it easier. At her age, she can have whatever pleases her ;) and sometimes that may take a few meal offerings .... but they are so worth it.
01-22-2014, 09:21 PM
Well, maybe it's not her time afterall. So glad that she's eating finally!!!!
01-23-2014, 03:49 AM
Way to go Squirt! Pleased she ate like a champ today Leslie, it must do your heart good to see that. You might already know this trick but once when Flynn was totally off his food and I was getting desperate our vet suggested an old remedy, half a cup of milk with a raw egg beaten into it so pretty simple :) and he slurped that up like it was the best food ever! I hope it might help if she gets more picky with the food. I hope tomorrow brings good news as well xxxxx
Leslie, ((((hugs)))). I am so sad to read the latest about Squirt and that you are going through this. Glad you were able to get her to eat and hope that continues. I am praying that she rallies and things turn around for her. Sending lots of love and support.
Big hugs,
Tina and Jasper
Squirt's Mom
01-23-2014, 07:08 AM
My Queen has spoken. She had rather not be released but wants to go on her own if at all possible. She knows her body is failing and there is nothing we can do about it. She wants me to stop all her meds except the Novifit so her food tastes and smells good again. She is very tired of all the medicine and vet business and simply wants to enjoy these last few days or weeks. Squirt told me what to look for that would mean she needs immediate help to go but otherwise she'd rather go on her own terms. My Queen has spoken and I will comply.
Squirt has always seen herself as my protector. One reason she has fought so hard to stay is that she is worried about me, that I won't take care of myself, that I will try to fill her void by taking in more and more babies - making things harder on me. She needs to know that I will be alright and will take better care of myself when she is gone....because she knows I don't now. She feels as long as she is still here my attention is tightly focused on her so I won't lose control. By fighting so hard to stay even when her body is so very frail she is still protecting me....from myself.
She wants to spend quality time with me and her sisters and brother for as long as she has left. Her crate time is ended. She has full run of the house tho I am very cautious with her on the linoleum. I tried putting her back in the bed last nite and she lay beside me for a while but then became restless so I had to put her back on the floor where she could roam a bit. She slept on the rug by the bed almost all night long, getting up only a few times to change position. I have oral surgery this afternoon but before that happens I'm going to make a bed on the floor so we can be together. I HATE the timing of this surgery but it has to be done...and it is part of taking care of myself. If I didn't understand how critical this procedure is, I would cancel. But I will lay on the floor with her to recover over the next few days...and for as long as she remains.
As you may have noticed, my participation on the forum has suffered. What input I have had has not been worth the cyber space it took up. I hope you understand why...and believe you all understand only too well. I will be signing out this morning and won't be back for a while more than likely....until it's time to tell you she has gone to be with her Sissy and my dad, who she is looking forward to seeing. She wants my full attention and she will get it.
I ask that you pray she leaves with ease and peace, in comfort and love. We love you all, new and old. There is no way we could have survived the last 6+ years without you. The strength, the love, the hope, the faith, the courage you all show on a daily basis has held me up during the worst of times. You will never know how very special you are to me, there just are no words to express what you mean. Your babies and you each have a special place in my heart, you have helped make me a better person, and I love you all dearly. Our family here will always be in my prayers, in my heart.
Leslie and the Queen of Dogdom
I leave you with two of my favorites -
From The Darkest Evening of the Year
By Dean Koontz
“Because God is never cruel, there is a reason for all things. We must know the pain of loss; because if we never knew it, we would have no compassion for others, and we would become monsters of self-regard, creatures of unalloyed self-interest. The terrible pain of loss teaches humility to our prideful kind, has the power to soften uncaring hearts, to make a better person of a good one.”
“Dog’s lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you’re going to lose a dog, and there’s going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with (them), never fail to share (their) joy or delight in (their) innocence, because you can’t support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There’s such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and for the mistakes we make because of those illusions.”
************************************************** ****************
May you know that absence is full
Of tender presence and that
Nothing is ever lost or forgotten.
May the absences in your life be full of eternal echo.
May you sense around you the secret
Elsewhere which holds the presences
That have left your life.
May you be generous in your embrace of loss.
May the sore of your grief turn into a well
Of seamless presence.
May your compassion reach out to the ones
We never hear from and may you have
The courage to speak out for the excluded ones.
May you become the gracious
And passionate subject of your own life.
May you not disrespect your mystery
Through brittle words or false belonging.
May you be embraced by God in whom
Dawn and twilight are one and may
Your longing inhabit its deepest dreams
Within the shelter of the Great Belonging.
From John O’Donohue’s Eternal Echoes-Exploring our Hunger to Belong
01-23-2014, 07:28 AM
My thoughts and prayers are with both of of you my very dear friend. I hope Squirt enjoys her remaining time. Spoil her rotten, as if you don't already do that.
I feel the same way about our cush family as you do. We're all here for you. Give all your babies hugs and belly rubs from.
I love you very dearly. (((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))
01-23-2014, 08:37 AM
All I can say is God Bless You and your special girl Squirt. Just know I am grieving right along with you.
molly muffin
01-23-2014, 08:57 AM
Leslie and Squirt {{{ LOVE }}}
sharlene and molly muffin
01-23-2014, 09:08 AM
((((((Hugs))))) to you and the Queen
Harley PoMMom
01-23-2014, 03:30 PM
Loving hugs to you both.
01-23-2014, 03:41 PM
I'm crying as I read this but I'm so proud of you for doing what is best for both of you.
Squirt is wise beyond her years! There are 2 of you and both of you need care. Good luck with your surgery today!
Do you have one of those inflatable mattresses? They are amazingly comfortable. That is what I slept on when Daisy had her luxating patella surgery. She had 13 staples in her tiny thigh but cried like a banshee if I left her side. She slept in her crate right next to me:-)
01-23-2014, 07:48 PM
Leslie and Squirt.....(((HUGS))) for the both of you as you spend your remaining time on earth together....praying for a smooth and comfortable passing across the Bridge....Squirt, we will make sure Leslie takes care of herself when you are not here to help her and I'm sorry that I didn't get to meet you in person....may you and my Lady have many long conversations about how hard it was to look after well.
Love Jo-Ann
01-23-2014, 09:05 PM
leslie and squirt, i wish you both lots of strenght for the next few days.
i was there a few weeks ago with my flynn.
Casey's Mom
01-23-2014, 10:21 PM
Love and Hugs to both of you - you are the bravest of the brave Leslie with the deepest heart so I am wishing you strength and peace. ((((hugs))))
Budsters Mom
01-23-2014, 10:51 PM
You are the bravest of the brave Leslie. Squirt already has everything she wants and needs. That is you loving her and you are great at that. ((((((HUGS))))))
01-24-2014, 05:24 AM
HI Leslie
Hope your surgery was not too painful and you are back home with your Squirt and the gang, I would like to send my very best supercharged hugs full of strength to both you and Squirt, thinking of you xxxx
01-24-2014, 06:05 AM
Sending love and healing prayers to you and Squirt and to let you know you are the bravest and most loving person ever. All of us that have lost our babies know the sorrow you are going through, but maybe Squirt will rally again and go at her own time. Love, JoAnne
My sweet Ginger
01-24-2014, 07:51 AM
Dear Leslie,
It's so true. You are a person with the bravest mind, the biggest heart and the most caring hands. I have no doubt in my mind that your Squirt will have the most comfortable and sweet remaining days with you under your incredibly loving and tender care. You and Squirt make all of us so very proud and honored to have known you both. Love you Squirt. Love you Leslie.
01-24-2014, 07:57 AM
I can't get you and Squirt off my mind. Know that you are my hero with all you do and Squirt is one amazing dog. I am praying for you both and hoping for peace for Squirt. In my mind though I have to tell you I am waiting for Squirt to rally one more time. Blessings
01-24-2014, 09:14 AM
Leslie, My heart is breaking.
Love and big hugs to you and Squirt.
01-24-2014, 10:15 AM
You gave Squirt the best life she could have ever wished for my friend .
((( Hugs ))) for you ... And belly rubs for Squirt .. We all love you !
Catherine & Ken .
01-24-2014, 11:11 AM
Love and very tightests hugs ever to you and our precious Squirt.
You are just an amazing mommy and human being. Now its time to take your own advice and feel in your heart Squirt will always be close by to guide/protect/love you always.
We love you both too.
Xo Jeanette & and my sweet Princess from that beautiful Rainbow Bridge up above.
01-24-2014, 12:30 PM
Dear Leslie,you have been a roll model for so many of us. Being there for us,now it is time to be here for you. Prayers and love for you and Squirt. Treasure every precious moment. Apollo will be there for Squirt.
Hug Sonja and Angel Apollo
My heart aches for you.
Harley PoMMom
01-24-2014, 02:36 PM
Sending my love and hugs..
01-24-2014, 03:35 PM
Thinking of you both today....(((HUGS)))
Bo's Mom
01-24-2014, 06:22 PM
Sending Texas ((((HUGS)))) to you and your family.
molly muffin
01-24-2014, 06:24 PM
Sending strength, love and hugs to you and Squirt Leslie
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-25-2014, 07:57 AM
Sending you big hugs and love for you and Squirt form Tipper and I.
Budsters Mom
01-31-2014, 04:57 PM
Sending more love and hugs. ((((((HUGS))))))
02-01-2014, 12:44 AM
Sending love and warm blessings to you and your baby. Youre an amazing mother and Squirt has been the luckiest pup in the world to have you by her side. I pray you two share happy, peaceful memories together during this difficult time.
Meg & Abby
02-01-2014, 02:58 AM
Leslie and Squirt,
Hugs, kisses, and belly rubs coming your way.
Squirt's Mom
02-07-2014, 10:14 AM
My Sweet Bebe is still with me. Had I followed my intent, she would have been gone over a week now. But thankfully I listened to her and waited. She is better than she has been in about 2 months! :)
She is eating and drinking on her own again, even asking for most of her meals. She has more energy and is more alert even tho she still sleeps 15-20 hours a day. She has been able to walk around outside on uneven ground without support for 3 days now, squatting to do her business without sinking down into the mess. I’ve seen her stumble a few times and she is able to catch herself before falling…tho she doesn’t want to walk more than a couple of steps without me by her side even tho the sling is not in use. She is weak and wobbly, and knows it, so she wants me close by just in case.
Three times over the last few weeks I thought I was seeing her pass. She just crumbled to the floor and was not responsive nor could I detect any breath. The first time it happened, I hollered her name, shook her, then, thinking she was gone, I snatched her up to hold her. When I grabbed her up, she jerked her head around and looked at me like “WTH, Mom?” Scared me when she jerked her head and I think I scared her snatching her up like I did. The next two times were the same except I picked her up more carefully and when I picked her up, she came to like the first time. I don’t know if dogs faint or not, nor am I sure what these events were, but she was not responsive any of the three times until I picked her up.
She’s not as good today as she had been the couple of days prior but something weird happened night before last. Squirt has been consenting to being brushed lately so I have been putting her on the bed at night to brush her for a bit. Night before last she fell sound asleep while brushing so I let her sleep where she was. Around 8pm she started whining, as if dreaming. But the whining didn’t stop. It kept on and on, getting louder and louder til she was almost screaming. Then she yelped very loudly a few times. Sophie and Fox came running from the LR, Trink jumped up from her sleep growling, Brick came out of his box barking, even little Grace poked her head out of her box and was looking around – Squirt was that loud. After the yelps I couldn’t wake her. She was breathing normally tho so I left her and just watched. Around 8:20 she suddenly sat up and vomited the supper she had eaten at 4. She was more restless for a while after then fell into a sound sleep. Her energy and confidence level have been lower and she seems a tad bit more confused about things since this happened. I’m not sure if this was a really bad nightmare and she was so sound asleep I couldn’t wake her or if something was happening inside that hurt, but the sounds she made were terrible.
I don’t know how long this improvement will hold but I’m grateful to see it. I’ll be peeking in on the site more but will still be devoting the vast majority of my time and energy to Squirt and our remaining time together.
Leslie and a fighting Queen in her Energizer Bunny costume
02-07-2014, 12:57 PM amazing that your little Squirt has such a will to live and now doing better even than she was. She has a lot of strength! Wonder what she was seeing in her sleep last night. I love how all the others woke up to check on what was going on.
Glad you have this time with her and the evening brushing sessions sound like a relaxing time for both of you.
Wishing Squirt more happy and peaceful days at home with you.
02-07-2014, 01:17 PM
I think Squirt may outlive some of us! I thank God she is better and that you have more time to enjoy her. That is all we ever want is to enjoy our beloved babies. I am hoping she sets a record and goes on and on for both your sakes. That made my day so much better knowing you still have her and she is showing some improvement. Blessings
Budsters Mom
02-07-2014, 01:38 PM
That us such great news Leslie! You go Squirt!:p xxxx
Love and hugs, Leslie,
please give Squirty some head smooches for me:)
Harley PoMMom
02-07-2014, 02:34 PM
Sending huge hugs and love to you both, Lori
02-07-2014, 03:43 PM
Good to hear that Squirt still has her fighting spirit. Sending hugs and soft belly rubs to you and the Queen :)
02-07-2014, 05:13 PM
Sending good thoughts to you and Squirt.
02-07-2014, 05:27 PM
Squirt may have been having seizures with the yelping and whining in her sleep. They can have them while sleeping to. Also, the fainting might also be seizure activity. We had a poodle who had this type.
It seems like stopping the meds was a good idea. I'm glad that she's perked up.
molly muffin
02-07-2014, 06:50 PM
Great to hear that you and Squirt continue to have some good together time. I agree the brushing sounds like it is very relaxing and therapeutic for both of you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-08-2014, 03:54 PM
Hi Leslie
Lovely to read your post and hear Squirt is hanging in there, that dream sounds scary though. I often wonder what goes through their little minds when they let out those sounds in their sleep especially when sometimes their little legs are pedalling away too.
***Sending you all a BIG HUG for next time you pop in***
02-08-2014, 06:00 PM
Leslie I am so happy to hear this update on Squirt. I think about you both daily and always keep you in my prayers. The improvement you describe sounds fantastic and even miraculous. Squirt has such a strong will to live! You both are courageous, strong spirits. I'm so glad you're able to spend time together.
The episode you described last night is puzzling to me. Sometimes when Abby is asleep she will make sounds or small movements but never as profound as what you described. Are you sure it wasn't a seizure of some sort? It sounds like Squirt might have been in real pain, based on the vomiting and yelping. You know best though. I hope it was just a nightmare. Hang in there you two! I pray Squirt continues to improve!
Love and warm hugs,
Meg and Abby
02-09-2014, 07:29 AM
Leslie: I have been reading the posts and I am so glad you have Squirt. I had CoCo at the vet the day before he died and the vet said he had congestive heart failure, but was actually walking around and looking for food on the floor. The vet did look sad when he listened to his chest and gave me medicine so i really did not expect him to be gone the next day. He woke up and was panting to breath and i called the vet and she said the only she could do was put an IV in him and give him fluid. He aleady had too much fluid in his lungs and around his heart. I just did not feel like I could stand him being by himself dying, so I chose to carry him for several hours and do everything to help him breath. I was looking for a vet clinic that stayed open all night when he slipped away from me and went to his favorite bed and I looked around behind me and he had gotten up and gone to his favorite bed. Just as my husband walked in from work. CoCo gasped and i tried to start his heart, but could not. I knew he was dead, but my husband just grabbed him and took him to the vet, but he took his last breath as he pulled out of the driveway. He still took him to the vet where they pronounced him dead and they wrapped him so i guess we could bury him. I am still grieving and believe he could have had an easier time of it if I had carried him to the vet or maybe saved him again, which i know in my heart was impossible and he died in his favorite bed with both of us with him but it is still so hard. This is the third one I have lost and I cannot seem to console myself. i know he was so sick and would still be in even worse shape if we had saved him again. He just had too many things wrong. I commend you on taking such good care of Squirt and know you are doing the right things for her. Some days I know my sweet baby did not need to live in such pain and could barely walk, but others i think I could have done more. Just praying for you and Squirt and the grief you are going through.
Love, JoAnne
02-09-2014, 08:08 AM
Leslie I thought of you and Squirt early this morning. Abby is having some type of tremor in her sleep but she doesn't seem to be making noise or indicating pain. Not sure how to explain it. This disease is really confusing and stressful >:-( Hope you two are holding up and doing better!
Squirt's Mom
02-09-2014, 10:08 AM
Squirt is doing about the same but Mom busted her a$$ in the kitchen yesterday morning and can hardly move. I've had a bad crick in my neck on the left side from sleeping on the floor with Squirt and when I fell, I landed solid on my right side. I can't lift a cup of coffee with the right arm, can't turn my head to either side nor up nor down very far at all, black and blue on my shoulder, arm, hip, and knee on the right side with a nice knot on the noggin to balance things out. I can't pick Squirt up now to take her outside and she is very upset about that....and I'm not too thrilled either, let me tell you. We had about 4" of snow day before yesterday that half thawed then refroze so everyone has to be carried out and back in - not happening. :rolleyes: My carpet will never be the same. So when the weather clears enough and I am mobile enough, I'll be getting a carpet shampooer of some kind. I would love to lay in a hot tub again but almost didn't make it out of the tub last time so I think I'll wait and use the heating pad instead today. :D
02-09-2014, 10:21 AM
Oh my goodness Leslie, I hope you are alright and not damaged yourself. Your carpet will keep I'm sure the dogs will be fine not going out. Please take care of yourself.
Sending big hugs to you and the gang
molly muffin
02-09-2014, 11:01 AM
Oh my gosh Leslie! That is scary.
A fall like that can be very serious. Not just soft tissue. So, just be careful and you might need to go to the doctor too. Is there anyone who can come over and help with the gang till you are better?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
02-09-2014, 01:24 PM
Does not sound good at all! If you have a bump on the head, you probably have a concussion. That is nothing to fool around with. You need to see a doctor girl! Would it be possible for your brother to come over and help out for a day or two?
Sending tons of love and healing energy your way,
02-09-2014, 03:11 PM
I fell down the stairs recently and did have a slight concussion. If you feel sleepy and/or nausea , do get checked out please.
02-09-2014, 03:35 PM
Leslie -
As you will fully understand, something just tugged at me this minute to check on our little buddy Squirt. I think of my Angel Crash daily and believe that he is still taking care of us here. Oh my how I can feel your pain of your fall as my boys knocked on my tailbone in the frozen tundra of Illinois a month or so and I think I am still recovering. So I'm sending you and Squirt a huge hug, love and prayers! I'll check back in soon.
Take Care!
Tammy, Angel Crash, Darby, and Riley
Harley PoMMom
02-09-2014, 08:14 PM
Oh my goodness, Leslie :eek: Do you think you broke any bones? Gosh I hope not. Sending healing energy with love, Lori
Squirt's Mom
02-10-2014, 08:22 AM
Thanks, ya'll. Nothing broken, just very sore. I'm just too old to be bouncing on the floor like that! :p I forced myself to keep moving yesterday and one of my honorary daughters made a rice bag for me that you can either heat in the microwave or freeze. A lifesaver as it molds to the neck, shoulder or arm where needed.
The ramp thawed out yesterday, dried and didn't refreeze overnight so the babies were able to go down and out this morning. I was able to carry Squirt out and then back in, tho it was a bit of a production and I was scared to fall again holding her. Everyone was happy for a bit of fresh air late yesterday and this morning except Fox and Soph, both of whom are terrified their feet will dissolve if they get wet! :p
Another winter storm is coming in today and is supposed to last thru Tues. with 2-4" accumulation of snow and ice; it's already sprinkling so the freezing will start soon. The heater is ready just in case we lose power. I hope we don't need it as that thing scares me to pieces.
Geez, Leslie, I hope you didn't fracture anything, I thought I was fine too but I wasn't so be careful and watchful of yourself, ok?
This winter is something else with no relief in sight. Take care and be careful on that ramp.
Give kisses to Squirty for me, ok?
02-10-2014, 07:33 PM
Oh wow! I've been away for some really has taken some twists and turns over the last year for me...and now I'm catching up on the Squirt's status. Glad to see she is hanging in there. Those "sleep seizures" can be scary. Our Pom, who is nearly 16 scared the life out of me a few months back...crying and yelping in her sleep...I thought she was dying! Naturally, she was fine and looked at me like WTF is wrong w/you? LOL :p
I recall sleeping alongside my Aussies on the floor many times...after surgeries, during the last few months of suffering w/Cushings, etc. I would never be far away particularly when their mobility was limited. Air mattresses were very handy! :D
Hope you are feeling better Leslie...falls are never fun. At least you did not break anything (I tore my quad muscle a few years back when I fell down my deck stairs...letting the dog out in the rain, naturally!...DUMB, DUMB!)
I will say a prayer for you and Squirt...I hope that the remaining days with her are pleasant for you both. She'll let you know when she is ready.
Jeff and the Girls
Budsters Mom
02-10-2014, 09:50 PM
How are you feeling today? Sending you tons of love and healing energy. Please be careful! We worry. :o xxxxx
Squirt's Mom
02-11-2014, 08:06 AM
JEFF! :) It is so good to hear from you! :cool::cool: I hope all is well in your world these days. Yes, you would certainly understand where Squirt and I are now and thank you so much for the prayers.
I am better, more range of motion, less stiffness, less pain. I may have to go see the doc about my arm, tho. After I use it for a while my hand starts to hurt really bad, burning, and goes partially numb so there seems to be some nerve damage there. I have some exercises from PT given to me for bursitis and tendonitis in that arm a few years back and have started using them again. If the hand continues to have problems, I'll go see the doc - makes typing difficult at times. ggrrrrrrrr :rolleyes:
Squirt is shaking this morning, like she's cold, just trembling all over. The snow storm missed us, going further south than expected so we are dry here this morning. I carried her out to the yard, she did her business then just stood there with her head and tail down waiting for me to pick her up. She was shaking badly then....and it is bitter cold out there but she hasn't stopped shaking after being back inside for an hour. Not as badly as she was outside but still shaking.
Yesterday she woke up feeling pretty good but tired quickly. She walked down the hall to get a drink of water, even tho there is a water bowl in the bedroom, and when she headed back to the bedroom she was walking so very slowly. A couple of steps then she would stop and stand for a while, then a couple more steps and stop. I went and picked her up and carried her back to the bedroom - she was grateful for the assist. It's getting where I feel guilty if I leave the bedroom because she follows me and it's obviously hard on her to keep walking all over the house. She prefers that I stay in the bedroom where she prefers to stay so I try to be in this room as much as possible.
Seeing her coming down the hall like that yesterday caused all my tenuous hope to flee. A pretty big part of me, bigger than I realized, had started to believe she was going to stick around for a long while yet. Those moments when I see my old girl still there give me enough reason to believe she is immortal. Then the moments come when I know she is fading and reality hits HARD, so hard. I don't care for this reality. I managed to get the kitchen cleaned yesterday and while wiping the stove top I saw all these little crusty spots and couldn't imagine what they were....then I remembered standing at the stove crying. The little crusty spots were tear salts. Tear salts are on everything these days. They are recognizable because I clean them off of my glasses over and over every day. There hasn't been this much tear salt since my daughter passed. How do our bodies supply so many tears and not dehydrate? So many things I don't, can't, understand these days.
02-11-2014, 08:10 AM
Oh Leslie, I believe we are getting your storm. :o
I have no words of wisdom, but just want you to know that you and Squirty remain firmly lodged in my heart, every single day.
Stretching my arms out to you from across the miles.
02-11-2014, 08:14 AM
We're here. Always sending hugs and kisses.
I'm so sorry that Squirt isn't feeling well.
Try to enjoy the time that you have with her. Get as many snuggles and kisses as she can stand. Xo
Bo's Mom
02-11-2014, 08:16 AM
Still keeping wide arms for you and your little girl. ((((HUGS))))
02-11-2014, 10:22 AM
I can't help but cry when I read your posts. I feel the same terrible, gut-wrenching things when I see how old and sick my dog really is. Reality is hard. Reality knocks you on your ass when you feel strong. I wish so badly that our dogs could live as long as us and be with us forever. It's not fair. Squirt has such an amazing and strong spirit. Don't lose faith.
Hugs and love,
Meg and Abby
02-11-2014, 10:25 AM
Also, in terms of the shaking, I called my vet because Abby is doing the same. I was told that Cushings dogs have a hard time controlling body temperature and are extremely sensitive to low temperatures. Here in Pittsburgh it is 10 degrees and my dog has been shivering very very much. I put her in a blanket and try to warm her. The shivering eventually stops. Just takes love and patience. Hang in there xo
Budsters Mom
02-11-2014, 12:48 PM
Oh Leslie, my heart hurt reading your post. :o (((((HUGS)))))
02-11-2014, 03:01 PM
Oh Leslie: I am so sorry and think of all these dogs every day. My heart aches for you and my tears are flowing as I read your posts
. So happy Squirt is still making it and you are feeling better. Hold her as long as you can. You helped me so much with CoCo. Love, JoAnne
Wanting to return the love and hugs, Leslie.
Harley PoMMom
02-12-2014, 06:52 PM
Just read Squirt's bucket list, tons of huge and loving hugs being sent your you and Squirty very much.
02-12-2014, 07:40 PM
I hope the PT does you good Leslie...I had 35 sessions in order to avoid surgery on my leg! Kind of extreme, but less trauma then getting cut and "rebuilt". I hope Squirt stabilizes and is comfortable, for whatever time she has has left to enjoy with you. I know exactly what you are want to stay right by their side and it hurts to leave them alone. When my first Aussie had Cushings so many years ago, we had to isolate her in the kitchen...just too many accidents. The poor girl cried and cried. It broke our out came the air mattress and I slept with her in the basement during those last few weeks. It's tough, I know.
I've had a lot of ups and downs over the last Mom passed away exactly one year ago today. That really threw me "off" for several months. Even the dogs were wondering "what happened to Grandma"? Eh, such is life. Mom loved all of the dogs over the years, even though it eventually became impossible for her to give them the kind of attention she would have liked (due to parkinsons disease). So, enjoy them while you can...lots of hugs and kisses!
Be well.
Jeff & the Girls
02-13-2014, 10:08 AM
Tight hugs from me here too Leslie and precious Squirt...
I love you both.
Xo JeAnette
02-13-2014, 11:31 PM
My heart is heavy reading your post. Lots of hugs love and prayers being sent to you and Squirt.
02-14-2014, 10:56 PM
Leslie, Lots of love and hugs to you and Squirt.
Squirt's Mom
02-15-2014, 10:18 AM
Squirt is doing ok...not as well as she was earlier this week but ok. Mom, on the other hand is bad sick with another abscessed tooth. Just didn't want anyone worrying if we arent' here for a day or so.
molly muffin
02-15-2014, 11:10 AM
Oh no! Not another one Leslie. :( you must feel absolutely awful, are you on the antibiotics and this one I suppose will have to come out also :(
hugs to you and an ear tickle for all the babies
Sharlene and Molly muffin
02-15-2014, 01:08 PM
Love and healing prayers for you and Squirt. Love, JoAnne
02-15-2014, 03:53 PM
Oh no Leslie! You can't get a break it seems.
It's Squirt's turn to take care of you now :)
Squirt's Mom
02-16-2014, 09:25 AM
Thanks! I'm functioning today. Still very weak and wobbly but much better. I was very close to septic this time according to the ER; had I waited til morning as I had thought I would have to, it would have been much worse. The ER is about 10 minutes away but it took me four tries and an hour or so to get there once in the truck. I kept having to stop and heave and let my head stop spinning. Twice I got out and sat on the side of the road because I was sweating profusely and could not cool down even with the windows open. They wanted to admit me but I refused so they gave me an AB shot with something for the nausea in it and sent me home with another round of ABs and pain pills. This is the 3 abscess since just before Christmas, the second in this tooth, which I am trying to save. My dentist says this one can be saved via a root canal....I just have to come up with $700 and hope the tooth (and I) survives meantime. I'm not sure how many more abscesses I can stand, tho. As much as I HATE to lose another tooth, these infections are taking me down quickly. On top of all the other stresses, recurring infections in my head are just too much.
Yesterday Squirt was off her feed again. Could have been because she wasn't getting to eat what she usually does. Her menu is cooked and in the fridge but I got sick before I could put it all together. None of them have been eating their usual - I've been giving the ones with teeth kibble and the ones with few or no teeth soaked kibble. No telling what all my babies have been thinking the last few days. I've been so unstable I've been terrified of falling on one of them so I put them in a room by themselves when I am up moving around to protect them. For two days I crawled to the bathroom instead of trying to walk for fear of falling on them. BUT I am stronger and was able to give them all a more normal breakfast today and Squirt ate it all happily.
I am so sorry to read you have been so sick. Mouth pain is the worst and it sounds like you were at the extreme! Sounds awful! I hope you are feeling better really soon and are able to get that tooth taken care of before it causes you further problems.
molly muffin
02-16-2014, 12:42 PM
Oh gosh Leslie. This sounds quite horrible. I hope the antibiotics help out soon and you will be able to get the tooth taken care of.
Sharlene and molly muffin
I wish you could get a break, Leslie. How is your arm?
Man, when it rains it pours sometimes.
02-16-2014, 01:48 PM
Just been catching up on Squirt and you and hoping that you'll be able to get your tooth sorted really soon - look after yourself.
Budsters Mom
02-16-2014, 05:31 PM
OWWWWWWW! I am so sorry Leslie. :o Tooth pain is the worst! I hope you are able to get it taken care of quickly. Xxxxx
02-16-2014, 07:49 PM
was there no one around who could give you a ride? That's so dangerous hon. Ask a neighbor next time, please.
Poor babes are probably wondering where you were and I'm sure that they sensed your not feeling well.
Why do the infections keep reoccurring? This sounds nasty, but frequent gargling with warm, salt water helps.
02-17-2014, 04:50 AM
Blardy hell girl, that is a scary story. Hope your feeling better today. Gosh I hate to think of you stuck on the road like that, honestly it sounds like you need a few shots of the IV ABs, can they do it at home for you? I know we have a home IV programme for cases like this, as we used it briefly for my Dad with his infection. You gotta do what you gotta do, but that story does worry me so hopefully a good report from you tomorrow xx
02-17-2014, 08:02 AM
Hope all is going well today. If I lived near you I would come and take the babies out for you. Sorry you can't catch a break from all this. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
02-17-2014, 08:49 AM
Thanks ya'll! Yes it is scary and living alone makes it worse. :o Everyone who could have helped was either sick themselves, working, doesn't have a vehicle and couldn't get here, or was out of town. I have always been independent and preferred living alone...but it is getting scarier the older I get, especially with these reoccurring infections that come on so fast and get very bad quickly.
As for why they keep happening, it's a combination of things. I have had problems with my mouth all my life. My gums were diseased when my parents got me at 6 months of age; I had a severe overbite that required surgery on the jaw bone and a head brace to pull it back in line as an infant ( one reason my TMJs are failing); my gums had to be lanced three times for my teeth to emerge. My dad was a dentist and he kept on top of my gums til he no longer could then my baby brother, also a dentist, took over. After our mom passed in 2009, baby brother disowned Mark and I, and fired us all as patients. I couldn't afford a dentist on my income so my mouth care has been nothing other than what I could do at home - which obviously is not enough. On top of these things, add incredible stress, lack of good nutrition because I either forget to eat or don't eat right when I do eat, medications that dry my mouth out terribly allowing for infections, minimal sleep (mostly napping thru the night), sedentary lifestyle, and more stress. The mouth issues are only part of the story - my whole body is in rebellion, rising up in anger at the neglect and abuse it has been subjected to. I have fallen head first into the caretakers nightmare - ignoring my own needs. :o:rolleyes:
OMG! Trinket and Fox are playing and SQUIRT tried to join it, play snapping at Trink! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: See....things like this make my mouth unimportant! ;)
My sweet Ginger
02-17-2014, 12:56 PM
Oh Leslie, I feel so helpless as to what I cano do to help you. I truly wish there's a way that we can help you in some way other than sending you our prayers and healing thoughts. I know I can't even take care of myself with the kind of problems you've been having much less taking care of many more fur babies on top of that.:eek:
Everyone knows you are a strong and strong willed, amazing person and mom but your suffering has to turn the corner for the better soon because I don't know how much more or longer you can physically or mentally take it all by yourself without some kind of help and I do mean even you, Leslie. Please get better soon and I will pray that some kind of help will come your way.
Sending love and hugs to you and Squirt and the gang. Ginger & Song
02-17-2014, 02:21 PM
I have fallen head first into the caretakers nightmare - ignoring my own needs. :o:rolleyes:
I fell into this a few years ago because I was so focused on everyone else's needs that mine seemed unimportant, but eventually realised that I needed to look after me too, because if I didn't there'd be no one to look after everyone else.
Please, please, take some time to look after yourself so you can be there for those who need you.
02-17-2014, 02:29 PM
Leslie, I'm sorry to hear you are having so many issues with your mouth.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Take care.
02-17-2014, 02:35 PM
Leslie, I too have battled many mouth problems like yours! If you can get your hands on some, get some chlorhexidine mouth wash (it is a prescription). Yes, it stains your teeth, so don't swish it all over your mouth, just take a qtip, dip it into the solution, then hold it onto the infected areas once a day. I brush/floss my teeth 5-6 times a day and see a periodontist every 3 months. I have the most high-maintenance mouth ever and have spent thousands on my teeth.
Also, if you are anywhere near a dentistry school or university, they offer amazing prices on having cleanings done, because they are students.
02-18-2014, 08:50 AM
I am hoping once you get this issue straightened out that it will be the last one that plagues you. I know what you are going thru as I go without things and always care for the ones I look after before myself. It is just a natural thing for me. I am always last. Too bad all your helpers have issues of their own and cannot come to your aid. Hey I'll pack up the troops and drive down to get out of this blizzard! It is really bad this morning, we have so much snow from over nite and wind that is unreal. Take care and be careful. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
02-18-2014, 02:19 PM
Saw my GP this morning, finally. I've been trying to get in for a couple of months but with weather, the fall, funds, the abscesses making me so sick I just haven't been able to. I had an appt with him about 2 mos ago but woke up in the wee hours of that morning with a virus and had to cancel. The girl in the front office wasn't very nice when I called yesterday but it seems I wasn't the only on since a gentleman was reading them the riot act when I walked into the clinic for talking to him "that way". And Doc apologized first thing when he walked in if they had been less than professional with me - he said they were all really overwhelmed right now.
Ok - the fall damaged a nerve in my neck causing the right arm and hand pain, burning and numbness. The fall strained / tore 1 or 2 flexor (?) muscles in my left hip and that's why I am having trouble using it. These should scar and heal in time. I have some exercises to do to help.
The rest (from my LIST that he read word for word!) starts with blood work today. Depending on what it shows, he will start more in depth next. The "C" word came up as a possibility to rule out. He said he was giving me some steroids to help with all the inflammation and today I am grateful for that! Antibiotics from the dentist have been picked up already and the GP said he was sending another today so I should have another round for the next abscess...which may be the last one I can tolerate!
He laughed when I told him I wanted what my dogs got when something was "off" with them - full labs, xrays/MRI/etc if needed, parasite check, and so forth! :p We talked about the stress I have been and am under, discussed the difference in depression and sadness (I am sad), talked about the changes an aging body must face and learn to deal with. When I told him how sick I got with this last abscess, he asked, with some concern, who lived with me and I told him my dogs. He wanted to know where my closest family member lived and I told him not far away, about 15 minutes, and his brow un-furrowed. :) Then he mumbled something about keeping the phone on my person when I feel these coming on. :o I hate phones and especially cells. I am an old fuddy-duddy who would prefer we were still using a rotary phone tied to the wall with wires! :p
So I feel better that I am being looked into, especially the liver and kidney, and hope for some answers soon. Meantime I have ANTIBIOTICS, fresh to start today and hopefully some on hand for later!!! :cool::cool::cool::cool:
Now this worn out old broad is going to lay down a while then think about at least rinsing the dishes in the kitchen.
AND Squirt is having a pretty good day. Her mental acuity has been a bit worse the past few days but that comes and goes so I'm not worried overly much about that right now. Her appetite is definitely back and that makes Mom very happy!
Leslie and the "eternal" Queen
02-18-2014, 02:43 PM
Oh I'm so glad you finally saw your Gp. Now if you could only take a few moments to look after yourself. You really gave been thru the mill with illness and the stress of Squirt. It is pointless telling you to look after yourself, eat right etc as I know only too well you won't, but please do try :D
molly muffin
02-18-2014, 08:58 PM
Well Leslie I am pleased as punch (love that expression, even though it makes no sense at all) that you got yourself looked into and taken seriously by your GP. Kudos to him for 1) apologizing for staff behavior 2) taking the time to go through everthing on your list and address it. That makes us all very happy. We like to know that you are taking care of yourself and that someone (the GP) is looking out for you too. So, kudos doc.
Glad that Squirt is eating and having some good days here and there. She tries really hard I think to have good days. It'll be great when it's spring, hmm, skip that, spring brings thunderstorms, maybe summer and things feel right again and hopefully you'll be fixed up, Squirt will still be enjoying her yard and area, and the other furbabies will be having a blast in the sunshine.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
02-18-2014, 10:11 PM
So glad you saw a doctor! :) xxxx
02-19-2014, 12:40 AM
I'm so glad that you saw a doctor and are having a thorough checkup. Crossing my fingers for you!
Thank Goodness you saw your doctor. My PT told me if I had not had to wait six weeks to start PT, I would be in a better place right now. The exercises are a pain but we have to do them or we will get worse.
There is no C word, so dont even talk about that. I know the feeling about being 'sad" and some of that comes from being in pain, Leslie, and feeling helpless because you cant carry on the way you used to right now. It is a sad feeling indeed besides the dang anticipatory grief we have.
Hold my hand, walk with me and ask for help from your family. I know it is hard to ask for help, but sometimes we have to.
Always in my heart, you and Squirt.
I am so sorry to hear of the challenges your facing.....if I was there I can clean a house and wash dishes and place fresh linens on and do wash, all while you soak in a good herbal bath of dead sea salts as therapeutic music eases your mind and flameless candles fill the room with soft soothing light. Healing the mind and body. All souls that dwell in human bodies will face challenges that effect our mental and physical slows us down, reminding you to give to you. Something I dont recall really ever hearing you have I am glady you took this time to have you cared for. You give your all to all and your compassion for animals is incredible. We need you to take care of you because you make this world a beautiful place.
02-19-2014, 10:23 PM
What a beautiful post and I went all dreamy like reading it, so hope you are feeling a little better Leslie and I read the pups threads and see you taking such good care of them, so for now it is your turn so pleased you have taken that first step! x
Harley PoMMom
02-19-2014, 11:29 PM
I am glad, too, that you have seen the doctor. Take care of yourself and I hope you are feeling better real soon.
Love and hugs, Lori
Dont forget to do your exercises:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bug a boo Addy
Squirt's Mom
02-20-2014, 01:31 PM
Got a call today that I had new scripts to pick up - one is Pred! 20mg 2X a day for 3 days. Gonna be fun in our house the next few days! Wonder if I'll start peeing on the carpets, too? :p
molly muffin
02-20-2014, 02:29 PM
* just going to bring over the pails. Easier than cleaning the carpets. :)
Next thing you know it will be a ladle to collect specimens. :eek::eek:
If it helps that is good. (the pred not the buckets and ladels)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
02-20-2014, 04:20 PM
Just heard from the docs office on the labwork - all is normal with the exception of cholesterol and it is not that high so dietary attention should take care of it, and an elevated white cell count, which the mouth explains. He wants to test for tick born illnesses and Epstein-Barr Fri. so I will go in and donate more blood. I am very, very, relieved to know the liver and kidney values are ok!
02-20-2014, 04:29 PM
Yay that,s good news Leslie. Glad to hear those good results :D
02-20-2014, 04:41 PM
So am I Leslie, that is great news!! Phew!! party time, low fat cholesterol free of course... you can share my watermelon I am having for breakfast! x
molly muffin
02-20-2014, 07:46 PM
This is great to hear Leslie. The next ones hopefully will be all clear too!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
02-21-2014, 02:11 AM
Great news Leslie!!!
Do we need to ship over some wee wee pads? :)
I'm stilll holding your hand and am glad to hear things are coming around.
You will love the prednisone, I always got a lot of cleaning done at one in the morning:D:D:D:D;)
Just catching up on your string. Sorry to hear you have been having such a rough time! But, it sounds like your doctor is being very thorough and will have you fixed up as good as new (well, maybe not quite!) soon! ;) I agree with Addy - you will love the Prednisone! I once told my doctor if I could buy it on the street corner, I would be very tempted! :cool:
Take care of yourself, lady! Give Squirt an extra hug from me, too!
Squirt's Mom
02-23-2014, 11:26 AM
Well, I wish I could say that I am loving, or even liking, the pred but I can't. While it has helped with the pain level it also makes my heart pound especially at night and is making me antsy, like my skin is crawling off. I shake anyway and that has tripled on the pred. Thank goodness no one here has to have shots! :D
It has opened my eyes to the horrid effects of chronic inflammation, tho, in a very forceful way. The first night on it, I slept for the first time in ages, getting up only once to use the bathroom. I didn't hurt. But I forgot to take the PM dose the next day and that night was horrendous - pain came rushing back and because I had known a moment's relief, it seemed much more intense. When I asked about why he was giving me pred he said because my "system" is chronically inflamed and that is affecting every aspect of my being, including the mental fog I have been in and that has been getting progressively worse - to the point I have had to take a sabbatical from my courses because I simply cannot concentrate, comprehend and remember well enough to do the work.
So I have been doing a bit of reading on inflammation and am astounded by all it can do to the body, mind, and emotions. I can't help but think of our precious babies here and what their various illnesses are doing in their little bodies, the inflammation they live with just as I do. It is a vicious cycle, illness feeding inflammation, inflammation feeding illnesses. One source states that it is "like a forest fire, which starts when dry, dead plant material catches fire and gets hot enough to ignite even green trees and plants." Chronic inflammation affects healthy cells, making them "sick". I have known on a mental level how diet and environmental exposure can affect our bodies but I am beginning to understand at a visceral level just how damaging chronic inflammation is to any living entity. Our babies deal with so much; would that I were as stoic as them! But I whine MUCH more! :p I understand better and can empathize more deeply with what Squirt is living with every second of her days.
So, from this experience I will be making some drastic changes in my life. I have already emptied my cabinets of processed food items. I will have to learn to eat differently, to live differently, in order to combat the inflammation in my body. I have taken a tiny step back and am looking not at my body as a whole but more closely at cell level and what I can do to help the cells become healthier so they can fight the inflammation as they are intended.
Why, oh why, must I be one of those humans who is so thick-headed it often takes a bulldozer to get my attention?! :rolleyes::eek::p
Squirt's Mom
02-23-2014, 02:12 PM
Here is one of the many "blessings" pred bestows upon me -
I do my utmost to keep food particles from going down my kitchen drains, using sometimes 3 strainers, each more tightly woven than the previous one, to get as much as possible.
While making some Cheddar and Broccoli soup, I let it get too hot and it stuck to the bottom of the pan. This afternoon I carefully wiped, rinsed, and strained; rinsed and strained; rinsed and strained that pot. After the pot was clean of debris, I got a sack out to dump the strained material in to put in the freezer til trash day. I carefully emptied and rinsed each strainer down into the finest one. Knowing my hands were shakier than usual, I used both to slowly raise the full strainer and dump it into the sink. :rolleyes:
02-24-2014, 03:34 AM
OOps, now there is a bad case of Pred Brain! Sorry, I did laugh though :) Cheddar and broccoli soup eh?! I never heard of that one :p Hope it was tasty! x
Maybe you need a lower dose? How long do you have to take it? They overdosed me on it a few times. I ended up only able to take a child's dose now if I need it for my ashthma.
When hubby ate only whole grains, veggies fish and fruit, his arthritis was better so there is a connection. He has it throughout his body.
Squirt's Mom
02-24-2014, 07:34 AM
I've been taking 20mg twice a day - this morning is the last dose - thank goodness! My house is covered with neatly organized PILES of stuff. Not that I used all that time and energy to PUT THEM UP....nooooo...just make nice, neat piles everywhere. :rolleyes::p
Yes, diet is critical for inflammation and my diet has been pretty awful for some time. It is less expensive to use prepackaged foods - open a can and dump it in a pot, or open a box or bag then bake or nuke. Fresh fruits and veggies, fishes, nuts and limited poultry are the goal but no red meats or dairy products (which I live on! :eek:), no processed / packaged foods, no fast foods. And, of course, around 2AM one of my little demons was demanding a McDonald's Big Mac - and I don't particularly care for them. :rolleyes: Instead I ate some Greek Yogurt (YUK!) blended with banana and blueberries. Another disappointed demon. boohoo :p I have to go pick up another round of ABs today and made a list last nite of anti-inflammatory foods to get while I'm there. (This round of ABs is not to take right now but to have on hand should another abscess start and the docs are not available - again. :p Never seems to happen during the week!)
Squirt had a rather restless day yesterday. Lots of roaming around the house but it wasn't the aimless, frantic wandering of CCD. She just seemed restless. She was very present in her eyes. I've done my best to honor all her wishes but the one about no more nail trims is about to be violated. They must be trimmed a little bit at least or she's not gonna be able to walk soon. But I will try to do it myself. I will not take her back to Doc. If I have to get a groomer to help, I will go that far. She fights me so hard it may better to get help from the start - she does better if Mom isn't around. Either way, a nail trim is in her near future. ;)
Her appetite is strong and she is reminding me once again when it is meal time - something that makes this old heart Sing and Dance. And several times she has nipped at my feet or shoes while preparing meals like she used to. Then I turn around later to see her standing in the closet with her head and tail hanging low or asleep in the bedroom with her chin on the water bowl and am reminded of how tired she is. It is such an emotional roller coaster - from immense joy and hope to deep grief in the space of 60 seconds. So I do my best to hold onto the good moments, to rejoice in them every opportunity. My Queen, my love, my Savior, my Sweet Bebe.
Leslie and Squirt
Squirt's Mom
02-24-2014, 07:36 AM
Trish! You don't know about Cheddar and Broccoli soup?! :eek: Oh my! How deprive you have been! I will get the recipe for you to try and post it here in a bit. It's YUMMY! I can't eat a lot of it or my gut is torn up nor do I need much broccoli because of my Hashimoto's but I do love it and it is good for me in moderation. Plus, I can eat this when my teeth are in bad shape. ;)
02-24-2014, 08:45 AM
I know all about inflammation. I am the queen of it. I used to drink tart cherry juice for it. Now I take tart cherry pills I get at Amazon. They help tremendously. I have them on their auto delivery. I am glad you are taking the time to pay attention to your health, we all are guilty of neglecting ourselves. I am in my room as I cant face being in the office without Grace for now. I would never make a good foster parent as I get too attached and it would be like this experience every time. Grace just struck a chord in me. She was just the sweetest cat I ever had, and I miss her so much. She made quite an impression on my heart. Did you ever get that wheel chair for Squirt? Did it fit her, and if so is she using it? Have a good day with the babies.
Squirt's Mom
02-24-2014, 04:18 PM
I read about a certain type of cherries for anti-inflammatory diets but don't really care for tart things. I may have to learn to tolerate some of that tho. Giving up diary and sweets is hard enough without torture! :D
I am relieved to learn (I just looked it up!) that pizza at the youngest grandsons' pizza party tonite DOES in fact qualify as non-inflammatory. ;):p YAY! I love Larry's Pizza! oook....I'll eat a salad, no dressing and just glare at everyone else, OK?! :p:D
Squirt's Mom
02-24-2014, 04:59 PM
For my Sweet Bebe. For all our babies. (
Budsters Mom
02-24-2014, 05:35 PM
It's beautiful! I hope you are starting to feel better Leslie. Xxxxx
My sweet Ginger
02-24-2014, 06:41 PM
Oh, Leslie, I really enjoyed seeing Squirt moving around even with some limitations. She's doing a lot better than I imagined in the videos and she looks more alert than Ginger. So happy to see her. I also enjoyed the background sound effects too.:)
I got to try the broccoli cheddar soup recipe in a bowl. They look sooo yummy! Thank you for the recipes. I'm going to make them for my daughter and her boyfriend on one of these weekends and make the holes as big as possible so I can fill more and more soup in them.:eek:
02-24-2014, 07:27 PM
Hope you start to feel better Leslie!
Modified diet can help w/inflammation; I have a co-worker with a similar problem. He was on Celebrex for a long time and it damaged his kidneys. He was also taking some meds via IV. Now, he takes less meds and is on a modified (restrictive diet). But he seems to be doing much better.
I am glad to hear that Squirt is hanging in there. This is totally out of left field, but how is her vision and hearing? When hearing goes, they can easily become disoriented. If that is then compounded by poor vision, it can be a real problem. Dealing with that now with our 16yr old Pom...
Jeff & the Girls
Squirt's Mom
02-25-2014, 09:45 AM
My Queen, my love, twice this year I have walked down into the depths of the Valley, lifting you up to the Light of those I Honor only to have you returned to me for a while longer. Twice we have laid side by side, your front paws across the threshold of Death's door and twice you have stood up and turned away, Their Light shining in your eyes.
That makes today unbelievably precious, awe inspiring - a gift I didn't dare expect...yet hoped for so deeply for some reason that I do not understand.
Budsters Mom
02-25-2014, 10:06 AM
Happy Birthday Squirt!!! We love you, your mom and all your sisters and brothers. Go Squirt!!! :p:p:p
02-25-2014, 10:16 AM
Happy Birthday Squirt Tipper and I are hoping you celebrate another one next year. We love all of your family. Blessings
02-25-2014, 12:47 PM
Happy Birthday, dear Squirty!!!!!!!!!!
All best wishes to you and your mom! :) :)
02-25-2014, 12:50 PM
Yeah! Happy 16th to Squirt!
My sweet Ginger
02-25-2014, 01:11 PM
Yay! Happy Birthday Squirt and we wish you many more! :)
From Ginger, Flora, Stella, Ellie and Song.
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