View Full Version : Squirt - my Queen has crossed The Bridge
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09-21-2013, 12:50 PM
That was a close call with those clippers! When I was a child I was sitting on the front porch in suburbia, and along came 2 girls walking at dusk. One screamed in front of our house and yelled snake. The snake had tried to bite her as she did not see it on the road and stepped near it. My dad was not home, but the neighbor got his car and tried to run it over!! I was really upset as I do not kill things on purpose. It struck at his car though. When my dad finally arrived he got a rake and picked it up and went in the woods with it. It was a Copperhead so I saw how nasty they can be striking over and over at the car tire. I learned as a child from my dad not to kill things unless they are going to harm you. There are lots of woods around this development. Some of the woods were taken out to put these houses here. I have seen a lot of field mice. When you see them you know there are snakes. My dad loved to fish, and he would have me, at 8 years old take his pistol and watch for vipers while he fished in creeks. I learned a lot about the outdoors from him. Needless to say I am not scared of snakes, critters, spiders and all from learning about them from him. I used to bring snakes home all the time, and my friends would scream when they saw them. I have a great respect for all living creatures. I know how to spot different types of trees , but not herbs. What about the one that was green and is spiked all around and had white and purple like threads you could pull out. The kids all called it Indian Tobacco. I wonder if it had any medicinal purpose?? We always had a lot of Queen Anns Lace. Is that used for anything? Tipper actually went out and played around on the porch for a while it was raining!!! She never does that!! She seems so much better on the 25mg. I am hoping by the time she gets the ACTH in October that the numbers are good, and not too low. I am glad I decided to add the 5mg trilostane. Well we have a rest period until Wednesday when she gets her blood pressure and weight. She seems to be getting larger around like a barrel. I need to get some more weight off her. Usually it has not been that hard, but lately after that uncontrolled period I cannot seem to get the weight off her. I am still giving her lentils and if not for them she would be huge. I am blessed every day I have her with me. It got me teary eyed baking a cake for her birthday. In my mind I was wondering how many more she would have. I hope she can be like Squirt and be a wonder dog and keep on going, that I can only pray for. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-21-2013, 01:39 PM
The spiky plant may be a Thistle and many of them do have medicinal uses. But one common name for Lobelia is also Indian Tobacco and it is used medicinally also, tho it is one I am still afraid of as I don't know much about it and it can be a difficult herb to use correctly. I use 1/4 tsp of dried Lobelia in my smoke mix - it calls for a full tsp. but I'm very cautious with this herb for now. ;) I do make a Lobelia tincture for a friend who has RSD / CRPS as I will never use all I have on hand and she is comfortable using it.
I'm so glad Tipper seems to be having a good day so far! I, too, hope she is like Squirt and finds her balance soon.
Snakes don't scare me - in fact, I really like them, but if you want to see an old broad throwing backpack, camera, collecting bags, and clothes in the air while running around like a whirling dervish, just let a grasshopper get on me! :p Things with legs that move fast CREEP ME OUT! :D:D:D
09-22-2013, 04:40 AM
Jeepers remind me never to go on a walk with you and Squirty!! :eek::eek::eek: SNAKES and lots of them and you walk in long grass :eek::eek::eek: I hope your yellow gummies have steel cap reinforcements!! :eek::eek::eek: I am leaving your thread now as I am feeling all clammy :D:D:D
Very pleased to hear Squirt has picked up though!! Love she is enjoying her walks, either under her own steam or getting her Mom to give her a ride... smart wee dot she is :D:D xxxx
09-22-2013, 08:21 AM
I was looking at a lot of the pictures you posted of your babies. I swear that Squirt has some Jack Russell in her. When you look at her face and guard hairs etc. she is very similar to Tipper. We had rain most of the day yesterday. Without any noise coming from the heavens Tipper did very well. She has a decent nite sleeping also. The skin moving and leg jumping are scaring me though. I am so scared it is that tumor being active. It seems as soon as she closes her eyes it starts up, but not during the day unless she is sleeping. I feel a little better today so I may attempt to clean 2 rooms in the house. I don't like things messy or dusty and it is getting on my nerves. Tipper has already walked this morning, and it is very overcast and gloomy outside. I will take this cool weather any day. Hope you and Squirt have a good adventure today. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-22-2013, 08:43 AM
My Sweet Bebe is the product of two show dogs who escaped and "hooked up" - literally in their case! :D Her dad is a black Cairn Terrier and her mom is a black and white Long Haired Chihuahua. So you are seeing Terrier in her face, but it's Cairn, not JRT. ;)
Now, gotta come to Arkansas and take a walk with me! By the time we got back to the house, you would find your Soul filled with beauty and wonder and hope I promise. I happen to think my home state is one of the most beautiful, diverse places in the country. There are mountains, gently rolling hills, grass plains, and delta lands here. I always felt that when Mother Nature was forming these lands She was just practicing in the other areas and placed all Her favorite things here in Arkansas, close to the center of this country, to display much Her Glory in one place. :)
09-22-2013, 09:01 AM
I love a good old Cairn Terrier. They are adorable and wonderful dogs. Very smart, and tenacious as a terrier should be. Terriers are really resilient dogs, and keep going and going. Tipper's breed lives to 17-18 years, I pray she can use as much of that time up as possible. With the decline I have seen in her the past few weeks it will be a miracle of God. Blessings
Simba's Mom
09-22-2013, 11:32 PM
Glad to hear that Squirt is doing well and just wanted to say that you write the neatest things on peoples posts, thanku
09-23-2013, 08:23 AM
Hoping you and Squirt had another good nite. Are you having the cooler weather? I hope so as it makes these Cush dogs feel so much better. Going to clean up the house today as I am feeling much better. Is Squirt on or off the Lysodren now? I got Tipper's vaporizer out of the closet today. Last year when I put it away, the thought of her not using it again ran thru my mind. Thank God she is with me, I am trying to get as much out of every day that I can with her. I have all the cameras and video ready for her birthday. It will be a happy, yet sad milestone that day. Blessings
09-24-2013, 01:02 AM
Leslie, i don't mind snakes as long as they're not attacking. As a child, I also fished often and was lucky enough to never meet a poisonous snake. Copperheads and water moccassins are known to be in the area. I adore garter snakes. They're sweet and mellow.
09-24-2013, 07:59 AM
Just checking in on you and Squirt. I talked with the cardiologist yesterday about Tipper. I had read so many good things about Hawthorne and it helping dogs hearts that I wanted to know if Tipper could take it. She said many of her patients use it, and she has not seen any problems from it. She wants to see Tipper in November and XRay her heart to see if there are any changes from the echo she had 6 months ago. Then we will see about the Hawthorne. I read somewhere it is not good to give it to your dog if it has Congestive Heart Failure- so I am confused. Even though Tipper's heart is functioning well is the condition still considered CHF or not until problems start? So I am concerned that I read if they have this condition do not give them this. Do you know anything about this? Very cold and foggy here this morning, Tipper is loving this weather. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-24-2013, 08:23 AM
I'll read up on Hawthorn in my books and see if they say anything about not using with CHF and let you know.
09-24-2013, 11:09 AM
I searched but cannot find the article saying don't use hawthorne with CHF. I am wanting to start Tipper on it and need some help. The Dr. told me to buy form a good source to get the best. Where is the best place to get this best product? Do I buy pills or extract?
There are several types of both, some from the flowers, some from the berries- which to use? For 18 lbs how much should she get? She is currently on a heart supplement only. It is from Vetri Science called Cardio Strength- can it be used with this? The cardio does have some CoQ10 in it, it is sold on amazon. I don't want to mix the wrong things together. Also the Dr. told me this can cause gastro upset, should I then mix with food or what? Thank you Leslie, you are my go to person on all things herbal. Blessings
09-24-2013, 05:55 PM
Do you think there is enough to help support her heart in the Cardio Strength, or should I add additional CoQ10 or anything that you think she needs for her heart? I am wondering if I should be giving her taurine because of her eyes? I am ordering the Hawthorn where you suggested. You are so brilliant , and I am blessed to know you. Your help has been a Godsend to Tipper and I.Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-28-2013, 10:59 PM
Hi Leslie,
How is Squirty doing? Xxxx
09-29-2013, 08:15 AM
What's going on in your neck of the woods? How is Squirt doing? Are you getting all your herbs in before the frost comes? It is still cool here. I noticed on the weather this morning that storms are coming for Friday. Just when Tipper is really enjoying herself this has to start up again. Hope everyone is well. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-29-2013, 09:03 AM
Thanks for asking about Squirty! :) She doing alright. She's not as alert during the day as she has been but is still resting well at night, no terrors at all. She doesn't want to go for a walk every morning but does most and enjoys it when we do go. My nieces came by Fri. afternoon, in from college, and took Sophie home to visit for the weekend. While they were here, Squirt came to visit with them, obviously remembering their scents and happy to see them. :cool::):cool:
I've been harvesting and drying a good armload of Goldenrod every other day while they are blooming strong...but one of the fields got clear cut, trees and all, this week, taking down acres of the plant. I have about all I should need for the coming year and enough to share with some fellow plant users but not as much to share as I had hoped. It's nice to share plants from your area with others who then share plants from their areas with you! A plant exchange! :D I need about a week of being house-bound so I can clean this house instead of roaming in the fields and woods every chance I get! :p
Squirt's Mom
09-29-2013, 10:06 AM
Yesterday I harvested and made a syrup for pancakes, biscuits, etc. from this plant that grows wild all over the place here - the American Beautyberry Bush - and it is DELICIOUS! If I can get more jars soon, I plan to make some jelly from it as well! Learning to eat from the wild is going a long way toward supplementing my diet these days! LOL,+Callicarpa+america na&client=firefox-a&hs=x7I&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=6jJIUpKICqGx2QWmnYCgAQ&ved=0CD8QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=557&dpr=1.25
molly muffin
09-29-2013, 10:42 AM
You are brilliant Leslie! :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-29-2013, 12:03 PM
I looked those berries up and they are a form of Mullberry it seems. They look beautiful. Are they growing wild or did someone plant them? Great idea to make jelly with them. You are very resourceful with things. It is a great day for the babies to be outside. Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-29-2013, 12:14 PM
I am always relieved to hear that Squirty is doing okay. :)
I would love to spend a few days with you shadowing your trek through nature. I am in awe of your scavenging skills. Not only do you find things, you know what the heck they are and how to use them. I could learn so much by being a fly on your shoulder. ;) You are a real treasure. Definitely and endangered species. :) xxxxx
Harley PoMMom
09-29-2013, 05:46 PM
You are a real treasure. Definitely and endangered species. :) xxxxx
I agree 100%! Leslie sure is a Blessing to us all.
Squirt's Mom
09-29-2013, 05:54 PM
Thanks, ya'll.
Squirt has not had a good afternoon. She's been afraid again. :(
molly muffin
09-29-2013, 11:10 PM
oh not, poor Squirt. Poor you. Strange that it would be during the day, when previously it was at night.
Has it gotten any better?
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Hoping for a better day for our little girl
Squirt's Mom
09-30-2013, 08:31 AM
I was finally able to knock her out with the Valium last night - she had 6mg over a period of about 8 hours. :( It was raining yesterday but a light rain - no wind, no thunder, no heavy rain sounds. I don't know if she was feeling the atmospheric changes with the weather or if what we are doing is starting to fail. Since there had been some slight changes over the prior few days, I fear what we are doing to help is starting to lose it's power. There is one more thing to try then if that doesn't help, I will have to say goodbye to my Sweet Bebe. I won't let her live in fear every day. She deserves so much better.
She is not afraid this morning and bugging me for breakfast so I am off to feed my Queen.
09-30-2013, 09:22 AM
I am so sad to log on and hear Squirt is afraid again. It may be the change in the pressure. Tipper is very sensitive to it also, and gets freaked out. This is heart breaking for me to hear this. What else can you try? I don't want her to be afraid either, but don't want you to lose your baby either. All I can say is this disease has to be one of the worst things a dog could ever get. I look at my Tipper and can't believe what I see. I am praying this gets turned around Leslie I know how hard you have worked to over come all this. God Bless you and Squirt.
09-30-2013, 12:18 PM
I am wondering about something. If this is a non functioning tumor, would it stay the same size, or do they continue to grow also? I am going to get the ultra sound on the 15th. I want to know if the tumor has grown. As much as I want to hide in my little bubble, I think that will help tell what it is???? I am scared to death to know this, God help me. Toper is on 25mg now so there is no even way to split it. I would have to do 15 and 10 and I am not sure the 15 would hold her all day. Do you think that is a good idea or not? I have been living in my denial bubble, and when this tumor thing comes up, I just go to pieces. I am wondering if this tumor has been there all along since her first us and because it was not high resolution it was not seen. If so it would have to be really slow growing, or not growing any more to still be that tiny a year later. Maybe I am just becoming unwound trying to think up better scenarios than what I really have to deal with. Blessings
09-30-2013, 01:06 PM
Hope your little Squirt is doing okay today. I wouldn't doubt if her instinct is attuned to the rain approaching and that triggers her fear. My Trixie used to only be afraid of the thunder storms but now all she needs is a drizzle approaching and she's cowering in the bathroom, sometimes even a windy day will send her into hiding.
No wonder that shrub is called a Beauty Berry, it is the most beautiful color! I'm curious does the syrup come out in that beautiful shade of violet??
Squirt's Mom
09-30-2013, 01:18 PM
The syrup is a very pretty deep pink, almost purple.
09-30-2013, 03:16 PM
Sounds sort of like the color of the elderberry jelly I made. Bet it is good!
Squirt's Mom
09-30-2013, 03:38 PM
Patti, the Elder tree is a medicine chest all on its own. I use the berries and flowers in an elixir for flu and cold. The flower clusters can be battered and fried as a fritter, too, tho I haven't had the opportunity to try that yet. It's supposed to be delicious.
09-30-2013, 05:03 PM
Do you have them growing wild where you are? I have a farm near here where you can pick them. A farmer planted a field in them. He charges to pick them or you can buy them already picked. The juice is 37.00 a quart. They are my very favorite berry to make jelly. I used to go when I was younger and pick bushel basket full in the woods at my grandmothers. Those were the days! I forgot to tell you I have been reading on Rhodiola and it is used in people to lower cortisol. It is a form of Ginsing . Just wonder if it would help a dog? Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-30-2013, 05:32 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am so glad that Squirty was doing better and bugging you for breakfast this morning. :p I hope the rest of her day is smooth sailing for both of you. Xxxx
Squirt's Mom
09-30-2013, 06:00 PM
She's had a better day today but I've keep the Valium up at a low dose - 1/2 tablet (1mg) at lunch and 1/2 tonight. It's been cloudy all day and a light drizzle from time to time but no rain or worse. She's slept most of the day, not very active today but I'm sure the meds are playing a role there. If she does well tonite, I cut the Valium out tomorrow.
I also noticed that the cyst on her head that was refilling has burst, and I mean BURST, this time. The top of her head was bloody and it oozed for quite some time. It seems sore this time. Guess the aliens forgot to come get it! ;)
molly muffin
09-30-2013, 07:21 PM
Oh poor Squirt. So sorry to hear that she was scared. Molly can tell if the pressure changes and it feels like rain/storms in the air. I don't know if it is the smell, or the pressure itself, but she doesn't want to go outside and instead of holding her tail over her back, nice and proud, she'll drop it and do a low run back towards the house. (like if we hear thunder or something).
But I don't know, if you have a nice sunny day and no pressure changes and Squirt is still acting scared, then perhaps it isn't that after all.
If we are looking at a dementia type of thing, is there something else medicine wise that could be tried?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-01-2013, 05:38 AM
Well probably good that thing burst on top of her head... better out than in! I wonder if that had a bit of infection associated with it especially as you said its a bit sore and that has upset her a little, did you squeeze it and get all the muck out? Fingers crossed for a good night and you can cut down the Valium tomorrow. xxxxx
10-01-2013, 07:22 AM
Just checking in on Squirt and seeing if she had a good nite? It never rained here yesterday, but was really black all day. Tipper was acting funny too as she was aware of the pending rain. She was a little restless last nite, and up at 5:45 this morning. She has already walked and is taking a rest now. She is not as active as she normally is. The last couple weeks she has slowed down. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-01-2013, 08:11 AM
Thanks, ya'll. Squirt did rest well last night and no terrors. YAY! Hopefully it was the weather the other day. I'll leave the Valium off today and see how she is with the Novifit and herbs only. Sharlene, there is one more med to try, Anipryl or Selegiline (generic), and we are going to try to get started on it.
Mark came by for a while last nite and I brought Squirt in to see him - she's always loved her Uncle Mark a great deal. She seemed to recognize him and wanted him to pet her but was done with him very soon and went back to the closet to sleep. That broke my heart because she has always danced and pranced and whimpered when Mark is around, begging him to love on her and play with her. I tell myself it was because of the Valium in her system yesterday, not that she didn't know him or didn't care he was here. When I get paid next week I'm going to make sure we go out to Mark's house for a visit. She loves it out there, loves Moe and the kids so I hope she remembers and enjoys a short visit. I keep trying to find things like this that used to bring her joy and pleasure then take her there, or do something, for stimulation.
Something weird that's going on with her - her coat is changing the direction it grows. It started with a small spot on her side with the hair pointing up instead of down - almost like she slept on it wet and it dried sticking up. Now that has spread so that both sides have the hair like that - pointing up instead of down. If this keep spreading, she will have the old Spike hairdo shortly! Has anyone else seen or heard of the hair changing growth directions? She blew nearly all of her soft undercoat during the diarrhea and has lost most of the long hairs over the last year or so. That leaves just the middle, coarse coat tho she is starting to grow the soft undercoat back for the winter I'm assuming.
I do my best to find some joy for us both each day. Every day, 1000 times a day, I tell her how much I love her, how very special she is, how grateful I am that she came into my life. Every second is precious. Every breath a reason to hope. Every good moment a reason to celebrate.
Leslie and Squirt
Bo's Mom
10-01-2013, 08:14 AM
You keep celebrating with Squirt...and let us do the same. She holds dear to all of our hearts.
Budsters Mom
10-01-2013, 06:00 PM
I do my best to find some joy for us both each day. Every day, 1000 times a day, I tell her how much I love her, how very special she is, how grateful I am that she came into my life. Every second is precious. Every breath a reason to hope. Every good moment a reason to celebrate.
Leslie, you have taught me so many lessons. This one is about love, true love. Your babies are blessed to have even spent one precious moment with you. We will continue to celebrate Squirty with you, because we all love her too. :p xxxxxx
molly muffin
10-01-2013, 08:21 PM
I am so happy to hear that Squirt did well over night.
It could very well have been the Valium in her system. She recognized him, just didn't have a lot of energy or as my friend who takes Valium to fly said, don't really care what that plane is going to do after I take one of those. :) So could be the same sort of reaction. Take her out to his place with nothing in her system and bet she'll be happy as can be.
Those terrors she gets is weird, but she doesn't have them all the time at least and her quality of life is still pretty good too. She is the gift that keeps on giving :)
hugs Leslie,
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Leslie. I don't need to be telling you this as you have so much experience, but the hydrotherapist told me that when Keesh is swimming and retrieving the duck or ball in the water he has a purpose in life, and his demeanor changes instantly. He's a completely different dog when swimming and for the rest of the day. I'm sure it's invigorating for him, but he's accomplished something and it changes his whole day for the better. I've had to keep him stimulated, and it's almost like having my young dog back.
I haven't given him any Valium ever, mind you most times I think I should be on it, but once it's out of Squirt's system I'm with Sharlene and bet Squirt will enjoy the trip to Marks. Of course it's difficult to find something to stimulate all the time, plus at their age they don't have the stamina or interest at times.
I really enjoy the hydrotherapy Keesh is getting. It makes me so happy to see him enjoying that time, and it's good for me physically as well. Never swam so much in my life.
I'll be checking to see how squirt is doing without the Valium.
10-02-2013, 11:30 AM
I agree with Sharlene Squirt definitely is the gift that keeps on giving. I think it was the valium also. I bet when she is off for a while and you take her to visit she will be her old self and so excited to see Mark. Did you have any thoughts on the Rhodiola I mentioned? I ordered the Hawthorne from the place you suggested and the only problem is I called there and they cannot tell me how much to give her. Would you happen to know? I searched, but cannot find anything. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-02-2013, 11:58 AM
Patti.....hummmmm...Rhodiola....I missed that somewhere. I will see what I can find. I think I posted the Hawthorn dosing on Tipper's thread but I'll double check and post it there for you. I did remember in the wee hours of the morning recently that you had asked about Queen Anne's Lace - yes, it is medicinal. It is also called Wild Carrot. This is one of the herbs I do not wildcraft yet tho because there is a look-alike called Hemlock that is deadly poison and I am not confident enough in my IDing to distinguish them comfortably. QAL often has one single bloom in the middle of the white umbrel (cluster of blooms) that is either deep purple or red. When I see this, I know the plant is QAL - otherwise, I always question. (This single colored bloom is said to be from a drop of blood from Anne's finger when she picked the flowers, her favorite. The story I was told is that Anne wasn't very good with spinning or sewing and often pricked her fingers. She would get frustrated and sneak off to gather the flowers she loved most, her fingers bleeding from her work. :)) There is a third look-alike called Yarrow that is also medicinal. I use the dried Yarrow but I buy or trade it from a trusted source. ;) It is a staple in my wound washes since it stops bleeding and helps form the scab...among other properties. ;)
Squirt is still doing alright - no more terrors since Sunday and no Valium since Monday....well other than what is in her nighttime tea. I dissolve one 2mg tablet in 1cup water and she gets 4-6mg of this tea at night. It's just enough with the herbs to help her rest well.
It's been either raining lightly or quite humid this week so we haven't been able to walk the field but temps are supposed to start dropping soon. We'll probably go from 80 degree days to freezing at noon over night! Welcome to Arkansas! :p
Simba's Mom
10-03-2013, 12:06 AM
Just checking in on you and Squirt
Squirt's Mom
10-03-2013, 07:27 AM
Gonna call the vet this morning and have him look at Squirt. Last nite I found her standing in the closet and there were brown drops of liquid under her. I can't tell if they are from the bladder or from the yeast she gets on her teetee. When I saw the drops and her just standing there, kidney failure flew through my mind and I vomited. I trimmed the hair off her teetee then took her out to pee - which she did on the grass. I had a white paper towel and I absorbed some of the pee from the grass - it was a light yellow color, not brown so I hope those drops were from the yeast, tho I've never seen that before. She doesn't act as if she feels bad at all, in fact, wanted to play last nite after her teetee trim and after going out to pee. Her appetite is good, she drank well, and she rested fairly well. I kept thinking about this and realize stones, bladder or kidney, could be in play as well - which would have the same result as kidney failure. I just don't think I can ask her to undergo another surgery. :(
I'll let ya'll know what Doc thinks.
Leslie and Squirty
10-03-2013, 07:34 AM
Would you be able to get a sample off the floor of the brown liquid? Maybe the vet could test it? If not, and you see it again ask him if this is possible. You are much like me, you mind starts going as soon as something out of the ordinary happens. I hope it is just yeast and nothing else. If the vet tested it he would be able to tell if it was yeast. Would you even consider a surgery at Squirts age? I pray all is well, and that you stay well too, those babies have the best mom in the world. Blessings
Would Squirt by chance have barfed a little? I'll be waiting here to see what the doc says.
Squirt's Mom
10-03-2013, 09:50 AM
I had hoped she had vomited up some of the tea but no, it was from her teetee. We have an appt. in the morning with Dr. Stacy - Doc B is on vacation. Squirt had a minor leaking this morning and it was clear as water so what's coming out of the bladder since last nites brown drops has not been dark at all. I am really holding onto that in hopes it is just from the yeast.
If I hadn't vomited on the drops and my mind had been functioning, I could have maybe gotten a sample for the vet but...... :o
molly muffin
10-03-2013, 02:31 PM
Hope it is just the yeast too. Sounds like it if next urination was clear, with no signs of anything else.
Hang in there Leslie!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
10-03-2013, 03:18 PM
Thinking of young and Squirty and waiting to hear what the doc thinks. xxxx
Harley PoMMom
10-03-2013, 03:30 PM
Waiting anxiously with everyone else to hear what the Doc had to say. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs, Lori
Roxee's Dad
10-03-2013, 03:32 PM
Dear Sister Twitcher,
I know I don't post on your thread much, but you have to know you, Squirt and all your fur babies are always on my mind and in my thoughts and prayers.
Hoping for the best and keeping everything crossed in our house.
10-03-2013, 06:15 PM
Just waiting and praying for you and Squirt. Hope it is nothing. Blessings
molly muffin
10-03-2013, 06:35 PM
Hehehehe, Sister Twitcher. John, you're a hoot! :)
We're right here, waiting not so ever patiently. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-04-2013, 07:57 AM
Looking forward to a good report on Squirt today. I am praying all went well at the vets. We had a quick storm that came up last evening, with lots of thunder. Tipper was just learning to relax since there has not been any for about 2 weeks. It did not last long thank God. I heard down around you way there were tornadoes??? Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2013, 07:58 AM
LOL Most of you have missed this! :p "Twitching" is that feeling we all get when we feel something is not quite right and are bouncing off the walls, jittering with worry, herkie-jerking through the day, mind won't function, chewing nails and hair - well, you know what I mean! ;) One of those areas I am a PRO in! :D It is an old term of endearment and expression of understanding here in our family to call someone a Twitcher.
Squirt has had no more dark drops that I've seen. Her urine is either clear or yellow. She's drinking, eating, and pooping good and seems to be urinating without difficulty. And she rested well last nite. We see Dr. Stacy this morning and I'll let you know what she thinks!
10-04-2013, 09:12 AM
I forgot to ask you if you were able to find out about the dosage for Hawthorne for Tipper. It should be here today or tomorrow according to the tracking.Thank you for wishing Tipper a good birthday, I appreciate it. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2013, 09:51 AM
I posted that on Tipper's thread yesterday, honey.
10-04-2013, 11:25 AM
The only one I see is the Rhodiola, I am not seeing anything for Hawthorne or am I going crazy?
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2013, 12:24 PM
Patti - look on Tipper's page # 170, post # 1699. The original post on the Hawthorn dose is on page # 166, post # 1653. ;)
I don't know enough about the Rhodiola to offer doses, nor do any of my books talk about it or dosing for it.
EDITED TO ADD: I'll make sure you have seen this, Patti, then post an update on Squirt from the vet today.
10-04-2013, 01:10 PM
I must be going wacky, I don't know how I missed that!. The Hawthorne just came and it is 1:4 so how does that change things? I noticed the one you posted is for 1:2 or 1:3. Not sure now, please advise. I am going to have to get something to measure ml, possibly a syringe. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2013, 01:37 PM
Is this an alcohol tincture or glycerite tincture?
1ml = 1/4 tsp = 1 dropperful = 1 squeeze of the bulb (glass/plastic tube will not be full)
10-04-2013, 01:42 PM
Glycerite thank you Leslie
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2013, 01:51 PM
Ok...the glycerite is not going to be as potent as the alcohol tincture. That ratio - 1:4 - means there is 1 part herb to 4 parts solvent (glycerine), so it is weaker than the alcohol tincture recommended at 1:3 - 1:4 means more solvent (glycerine) to the herb content than in the alcohol tincture. So using the same dosing I posted for the alcohol will work just fine with the glycerite to start - that will be a lower dose of Hawthorn than the same amount of the alcohol tincture.
Hope this helps! Gotta go to the grocery store and I'll check in when I get back!
Budsters Mom
10-04-2013, 03:33 PM
Hi Leslie,
I know "twitching" really well. In fact, I have it mastered!:eek::D:eek: I am glad to hear that your little queen has turned off her brown drips. Dang leaky faucets!!!;) Your report sounds good overall, yay! :) Please let us know what the vet thinks. Thanks, xxxxxxx
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2013, 03:42 PM
~~whew~~ it's HOT out there for Oct! ugh...
Well, there was a mix up with the appt today - they have a new girl on staff and she only wrote down 2 nail trims so we didn't even have an appt with the vet - only the techs. They trimmed both pup's nails and shaved Squirt's teetee for me to help keep it dryer and less yeast hopefully will grow. I did tell them that the urine after the brown drops was a nice yellow, no odor at all, and then the leaking urine was almost clear. They said that made them feel better, to watch her and if I see the drops again or get more worried to bring her back; I can also catch some urine and take in for an analysis. Unless she gets sick or I see that brown again, I'm gonna wait for Doc to come back from vacation. It seems like when Dr. Stacy is there filling in, they typically overbook. All the exam rooms were full today, they had several come in without appts who were seen, while folks with scheduled appt's were waiting a long time passed their time. I could have waited to be worked in but neither Brick nor Squirt do well with being at the vet and no telling how long we would have had to I came home and will go back when Doc is in. They just don't understand how much it costs me to drive out there but I was nice about the mix up on her appt....this time. Next time, not so much and I will make her listen to me if she answers again.
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2013, 04:19 PM
:p:p:p I just saw Squirt acting like she was about to squat and poop in the bedroom floor. I jumped up and took her outside where she promptly started squatting in the grass, rubbing her nekkid teetee on the ground! We came back in after she peed and she sprawled out on the kitchen floor, dragging her teetee on the cool linoleum, her back legs trailing behind! :p:p:p
10-04-2013, 04:59 PM
To what do you attribute the dragging on the linoleum ? The shaving? Squirt just keeps you guessing all the time. That is too bad about going all the way to the vets, and no appointment. Squirt seems to change things up a bit to keep you on your toes! Hope she does not have any more brown spotting. That must be a riot taking all of them to the vets together. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
10-04-2013, 05:22 PM
Sounds like Squirt had an itch that needed scratched! :)
Squirt's Mom
10-04-2013, 05:26 PM
Yeah, her teetee is normally very hairy. I keep it trimmed but not nekkid! :D So I bet the air feels weird on it right now. She'll sit and raise one back leg, look back there, lower that leg, raise the other and look again as if it might look different from that side! She's walking with her back legs spread wide I guess to keep the hair on her legs from touching it now that it's bare. LOL And the squatting and rubbing on things is just funny to see. :p
10-04-2013, 05:30 PM
I have never had a Brazilian :eek::eek: but probably what it feels like :D:D:D
molly muffin
10-04-2013, 05:57 PM
Oh my gawd, I am cracking up laughing at Squirts antics. It must feel very weird to her to be so breezy suddenly. :eek::eek:
hugs through the laughter
Sharlene and molly muffin
Budsters Mom
10-04-2013, 06:27 PM
What a hoot! LOL :D::D I read this on my lunch break at work and it had me smiling all afternoon! Thanks for the giggle Squirty!:D:D xxxx
10-04-2013, 06:42 PM
Tipper said to tell Squirt that in Pittsburgh we refer to it as your Koochie. So Squirt got a Koochie shave today, and is feeling the freedom of a good waxing one of us would get. Some things are just meant to be shared Squirt! She will be running wild thru the fields now, I can just see her. What a treasure she truly is, and you are very lucky to share your life with her Leslie. Blessings
10-04-2013, 10:14 PM
Hi Leslie HerbQueen!
I have a question, Flynn has had the itches which we seem to be finally getting it under control. Vets think it is allergies +/- flea dermatitis. I have shampooed him with Sebazole in previous weeks and now wanted to try something just soothing and calming for his skin without chemicals.
So I was in the pet store earlier today and spoke to the owner who is quite big on natural food and products. We buy Flynn's venison there regularly and it is additive free. I mentioned his skin problems and he has recommended a spray he makes up himself which he markets as a healing tonic. It is in a 500ml spray bottle and contains:
Seasonal Fruits
Marshmallow root powder
He suggests you can use it topically for skin irritations, wounds, external parasites OR internally for vomiting, stomach upsets, diarrhea.
I bought a bottle and just sprayed Flynn around his tail where he has had the itches - poor dog does not like water and this is a bit too close to that for his liking, you would think I had water blasted his butt even though I did it gently! :eek::eek: Needless to say I got the stink eye ;)
Just thought I would ask your opinion on its topical use. I do not think I would give it to him orally as it is not in a sterile bottle. Thanks xx
The part about lifting the leg then the other is a riot. Don't they make us laugh? If they only knew how funny they are at times.
So Squirt is now "commando" so to speak. :D
10-05-2013, 07:39 AM
Hope Squirt is still feeling the freedom of her shave! Hope she is doing well today, we are having a hard rain right now and it got Tipper a little rattled as it is coming down so hard on the windows etc. I looked thru the herb book I got with the Hawthorne, so many herbs and things to make with them. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-05-2013, 08:46 AM
:D Commando! :D I haven't seen her dragging her teetee yet this morning, but she'll take a few steps, legs still spread wide, then sort of drop her butt a little and almost crab-walk for a few steps. Last nite, she would roll over so I could rub her belly but when my hand got too close, she would raise her head and give me a dirty look! She would lay down on her belly then stand up and look at the blanket with this odd expression on her face and go lay in another spot only to do it all again. She finally started sitting on her thigh instead of her butt then sort of falling on her side so her bare nekkid teetee never touched anything. :p Once she finally got situated, she would look at me like she was saying, "Do you see what you have done to me!" LOL
Trish - that looks like it could help with the itchies tho the fruit is a surprise. But like you, I wouldn't use it internally. Concerns about sterility, the source of the herbs and fruit used, portions used, amounts used, how extracted and with what, as well as possible reactions to one or more of the herbs/fruits - like diarrhea from Nettle - are enough to keep me from feeling comfortable about internal use.
Patti - that is one of the many joys of herbs for me....seeing the many things one herb can address. I remember when I first started using SEB a friend telling me she had read it could be used for wound care. I was shocked! But further research on SEB shows it has many uses other than for the digestive system. And this has happened over and over - I think I know about a certain herb then someone says they use it for X with great success and it's like a brand new herb again!
10-05-2013, 09:03 AM
Is it ok to give the Hawthorne with food? She probably will put up a fight with a syringe.
Squirt's Mom
10-05-2013, 09:05 AM
Yes, it should be fine. I've started using the Hawthorn in Squirt's tea which goes in her food.
10-05-2013, 10:43 AM
Ok, I am laughing so hard right now I can hardly type! Poor Squirt, all her personal business being shared, she is probably hiding in shame!
Tia and Tippi, after their shaves, would walk a few steps then squat, then a few more steps and squat. They would look at me like WTH!!! I finally had to tell the groomer to please not shave their rumps anymore, just trim it up.
10-05-2013, 12:55 PM
Did you find your hawthorn where you live, or did you buy it? I don't think I have ever seen a hawthorn tree anywhere I have been. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-05-2013, 01:19 PM
I buy the powdered herb from MRH. They tell me this tree grows in ARK but I haven't seen one or if I have, I didn't know what I was looking at! :)
Budsters Mom
10-05-2013, 09:51 PM
You are Squirty are surrounded by angels, so go ahead and freak out if you need to.;) We've all done it a time or two ourselves.;) We are with you every step of your journey. Sending you mass hugs and tons of strength dear Leslie. Xxxx
10-06-2013, 08:31 AM
Hoping you and Squirt had a good nite, and that you did not get that awful storm with the loud thunder. Scared Tipper to death, and it was the loudest it has ever been. It is so hot and muggy here right now, Tipper walked, but extremely slow. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-06-2013, 10:45 AM
We were supposed to have storms over nite but only had a few mild thunder sessions which Squirt slept through - I had given her a little extra melatonin in anticipation of the storms. I stayed awake, or tried to anyway, in case it got bad and she got scared....but I woke up at 5am sitting in bed leaning against the wall, green grapes in my hand, TV on, lights blazing, book in my lap. :p I think I was a bit tired.
Yesterday my brother brought some fruit and frozen veggies over and when I was putting things in the freezer, I noticed some of the food was thawing - my freezer was going out! :eek::eek::eek: I contacted two friends who know about such things and they told me some things to check out on the appliance - AFTER unloading the thing and taking it all out to Mark's and a close-by friend's for Squirt's food. That happened AFTER Quentin and I went to watch Tris play football yesterday evening. Then I pulled the sucker out into the middle of the kitchen floor - upsetting Brick no end - and spent about 3 hours taking it apart and cleaning various parts. I had no idea that needed to be done from time to time! :o:eek::o The plan was to get it cleaned, watch the temps, and if they didn't start to drop, then I would unplug it, let it defrost and reclaim it's defrost default - one of those friends is an appliance repairman and he said GE fridges all have a glitch with the defrost system and will simply stop defrosting. (ALL the appliances in the kitchen of this house are GE and they SUCK, let me tell you! Don't waste your money on this brand.) By 4pm, I'm hurting so badly I usually take my meds and go to bed as soon as the pups are fed and taken out. But last nite I didn't get in the bed until after 9pm - exhausted physically and emotionally. The last thing I remember was checking on Que and the freezer temp, which was dropping thankfully, around midnight...then woke at 5am sitting in the bed! :D
This morning the temp in the freezer has dropped more so I hope the cleaning did the trick and it won't need anything further...and I WILL remember to keep those parts cleaned. Mark "lectured" me this morning about other things that need to "breath" when I told him the good news. So today I'll be moving other things around and checking their various parts for cleaning. When I was tugging and shoving on the refrigerator last nite I started to have demented thoughts that I just might need a man from time to time after all! :p
Squirt is doing well. She had her second dose of the Selegiline (Anipryl) this morning and there have been no negative effects so far. This morning she is feeling very good with the drop in temps - it was in the 50's here last night! :cool: The hair on her teetee is growing in and apparently itchy - she has been dashing, for her dashing, from room to room this morning, stopping to sit every few steps with her back legs spread out and her teetee pressed to the floor. She'll sit like that and wiggle a bit, then get up and "dash" a bit further like she's trying to get away from her teetee! :p:D:p I picked her up, put her on the bed on her back so I could get a look at her nekkid teetee to make sure there wasn't something there bothering her and when I ran my hand over the stubble growing back, she growled at me and started flopping to turn over. LOL I didn't see anything other than the stubble so I put her back on the floor and she "dashed" off again. I've got her in the bedroom now so she has more carpet for traction - that dashing on the linoleum scares me to pieces that she will hurt her legs.
Leslie and Squirty
10-06-2013, 01:16 PM
I am so sorry to hear of your appliance woes. That is a real pain in the butt! I hate GE appliances also, would never buy them. I am hoping the cleaning out of the dust etc. did the trick. Just what you need having to get a new refrigerator!! Glad you gave Squirt an extra dose of melatonin and she slept well. I have to hand it to Squirt, when she has a problem with something she knows how to deal with it. The stuff she does is too cute. Seriously though that probably is really itchy if the stubble is growing in. It was raining this morning and now it has cleared up, but it is still hot and humid. The wind has started to blow to so maybe we will get some cool air from up north. I can just picture you sitting in bed with those grapes in your hand!. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-06-2013, 02:01 PM
This fridge and freezer have been in use for less than 2 years! :mad: Getting a new one simply isn't in the cards so this one has to be working...somehow, someway...or I have to learn to do without one. The temps started rising again so I've unplugged it for the day hoping this will do the trick by resetting the defrost default. We will see. Thankfully colder temps are on the way so if worse comes to worse, I can at least keep a few things outside in ice chests til spring...then figure something else out. Ain't life FUN?! :rolleyes:
10-06-2013, 04:17 PM
You have got to be kidding me. Does someone have a voodoo doll of you and they are sticking pins in it? I thought I was the only one with that curse??? Do you think it would be worth a repairman? I swear GE makes this junk so have to buy another one. Are the repair people expensive there? I say if it stops working put the thing outside and when the weather gets cold just use it like a regular refrigerator but the cold will have to be supplied by mother nature. Do you have some coolers to use for a while? What a predicament, you certainly do not need this crap. Isn't life fun? I am wanting to know if there is anything I could do to help? Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-06-2013, 04:55 PM
Aw, thanks but we will be ok. I have family/friends who will let me store food stuffs and access to get it when needed. And I have my two friends who know a bit about this sort of stuff who will help me with labor costs if repair is needed and feasible. If it turns out to be too expensive or not worth fixing, I have the winter to save for one of those little dorm room fridges. I'm a tough old broad who has faced much worse and may again...I just like to moan and wail from time to time. :D;) It just makes me so mad that these appliances are so cheap. The dishwasher has never worked right - the top rack gets wet, no soap at all, and doesn't dry and three different repairmen could not figure out why other than it's a GE. But it makes an excellent dish drain! The microwave either overheats or doesn't heat at all about 80% of the time. So far, the stove and oven are working just fine, tho. All are less than 2 years old and have only been in use since last May. ;)
I have a small ice chest and have put a days' worth of Squirt's feed and lunchmeat for two meals in it tonite. Along with the grapes....I may need their comfort again tonite! :p But it will be enough to keep Squirt's food day by day - the rest is stored at a friends' house down the road. Her food is my main concern. ;)
I know exactly what you mean by GE appliances. I have already replaced my dishwasher that was only 6 yrs old and after only 3 yrs the compressor on my fridge went. I could have almost bought a new one for the cost of that repair. My stove has never worked right either.
Not a good day for us here with Keesh. Nothing major just a day that I could have done without.
Glad Squirt is fine... had to laugh about your posture when you woke up. You are a funny lady.
molly muffin
10-06-2013, 05:30 PM
So, the refrigerator/freezer is not working at all Leslie? You said the temperature was dropping this morning, after it had thawed yesterday, so I'm wondering what it's doing now.
How much would a second hand refrigerator cost? Does your landlord supply the appliances or was that left to you?
How very aggravating the whole thing is.
We have a GE side by side, with a water/ice dispenser on it. We've replaced a part in the back of the the thing twice so far, where the line comes into the frig that just breaks, some plastic part, that cost a fortune if you have a guy come out to fix it and about 20 bucks for the part if my husband goes and picks it up and does the work himself. Needless to say, my husband does it himself. But it's aggravating, as there is no good reason that it keeps breaking. We won't even talk about the rigging we did inside to keep the ice bucket from popping out of place, but it involves styrofoam fitted on the inside of the door, attached and that keeps the bucket from popping out every time someone gets ice. Again, no logical reasoning, other than bad design. *sigh* I'll never get another GE appliance either. :mad:
I'm glad you have Squirts food safe in a cooler. Hope you managed to put some for yourself in there too. ;)
It's good to have friends and family to help out.
Hoping for a better tomorrow!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
10-06-2013, 05:47 PM
I didn't thaw it yesterday; after cleaning the coil thing the temps started dropping so I didn't unplug it. It dropped more overnight but as today wore on, the temps started rising again so now it's unplugged. One of the guys helping me said GE has a glitch in the defrost default and they will just decide not to cycle and freeze up. He said every GE freezer he'd seen did this same thing so we're hoping this will reset the default and it will work right. I plan to plug it back in late tonite so tomorrow should tell the tale. If the temps don't stay cool enough, one of them will have to come look and see if the motherboard needs replacing...or if the compressor is not working right. I may have messed it up royally by not knowing to clean that coil thing. :rolleyes: But the fan blades on the coil were working and cool air was blowing inside - it was still starting to warm up, tho.
The house is mine, I don't rent it, just the lot it sits on. The appliances all came with the house except the washer and dryer - and I bought good old Whirlpool machines when I got the house. ;) I've got a call into the landlady just in case this thing is under warranty but I seriously doubt it. The house was bought "as is" which I'm sure includes the appliances that were in it. BTW - the folks I bought the house from have the mobile home venue sown up! They sell houses, have this park for the houses (any house, not just those they sell), they have a mobile home moving service, mobile home leveling service, mobile home repair service, and a mobile home supply store! The whole family is involved, too.
Squirt's Mom
10-06-2013, 06:00 PM
One good thing about all this - this thing will be squeaky clean soon! :p
molly muffin
10-06-2013, 06:14 PM
Wow, they do have the market sown up there. Nothing they can't do with a mobile home.
Well, I'd hoped you were renting and then the lady lady would replace it, but that won't work it you own it.
Good and bad of home ownership in a nutshell there. :)
Hopefully it will recycle and the defrost will kick in and it will all just work again. We'll go with optimistic, after all it's so nice and clean, be a shame if it doesn't start working and waste all that cleanliness. hehehe
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Harley PoMMom
10-06-2013, 06:22 PM
I, too, try to fix what I can as the prices for a repair man is so costly.
Last month my washer stopped agitating, I googled the problem and found that the coupling was probably the problem. I found a video on line that showed me how to replace the coupling, the coupling was only $5.00 from an appliance website!! And it fixed my 17 year old washer!! Made me so happy that I didn't have to buy a new washer as of yet!!
molly muffin
10-06-2013, 08:19 PM
Awesome Lori!! Good job. It's horrible how much the repairmen charge for their time and the parts always seem to be more expensive too than what you can find online.
Today we replaced outside vet covers, that was fun (not) it was rainy, muddy and found 2 wasp nests in one of them but in the end, mission accomplished and all it cost was the price of the vent covers from Home Depot. Needed those to be done though before winter and cleaned out the dryer vent cover so no worries there either.
We are an amazing bunch on here :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-07-2013, 08:33 AM
I am hoping that this morning finds you with a working refrigerator. I look a lot of things up on line like Lori, but sometimes it is way over my head to fix whatever. It is a shame these repairman are so expensive. I saw where some tornado activity was to be going on down south. Have you had any wind, or storms yesterday or today? We got a lot of wind yesterday, and then the rain last nite. Hoping you and Squirt had a good nite, and that you were not holding the grapes this morning! Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-07-2013, 09:58 AM
When I dismantled the fridge to clean all the shelves and drawers, I noticed that little Styrofoam thing you were talking about, Sharlene. I don't use the door feature for water or ice, nor the ice maker - I have a hang-up about that; I've seen those tubes come out to be replaced that were solid pink with mold and just can't use the door vendor. :o Plus that increases electricity and water costs. So I never had that hooked up. I have a "thing" about plumbing - I can work right beside you laying new pipe in a new home but once water has touched any of those pipes, I'm done. I'll puke my head off after that if I touch the pipes. :o:rolleyes:
Around midnight I went to plug in back in and noticed more water coming out of it so I left it unplugged overnight with the doors open just to make sure it is all thawed out. I plugged it back in about an hour ago so now we wait and see what happens!
We didn't have any storms here, in fact have had some lovely days and wonderful cool nights in the 50's! Squirt and I both love this kind of weather and always feel energized. She has had good days and restful nights so I am pleased as punch. She's walking and sitting more normally this morning so I guess that itchy stubble phase on her commando cut is better. :p
Squirt's Mom
10-07-2013, 06:02 PM
Temps in the freezer/fridge have been dropping all day. I put an ice tray in earlier and I HAVE ICE! :cool::cool::cool: So I've moved things from the ice chest to the freezer and brought Squirt's food home and it's in the freezer. So I should know by morning if it's gonna work or if it needs more attention. It took all day to do a few things that should have taken a couple of hours because my back has been in spasms off and on since early this morning. But if this works, it's worth it! ;)
So we're off to bed and looking forward to another nice cool night!
molly muffin
10-07-2013, 06:03 PM
And we are all doing the refrigerator happy dance for you!!! :)
sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
10-07-2013, 06:47 PM
Well, put your dancin' shoes away. :( The dang thing's been steady getting warmer since putting things back in it so I'm unloading it again and unplugging it. ~~sigh~~ Hopefully my friend can come take a look at it soon and let me know what can be done.
Squirt's Mom
10-07-2013, 11:14 PM may have been another case of dumbassery. :o
I decided to check the fan on the coil again to see if it was still working - it was. Instead of moving the fridge back into its slot I left it out in the floor to avoid the extra strain of moving it back out tomorrow then went to rest my back before unloading it again. When I was ready to move things out, I checked the temp and it had dropped 2 degrees on the fridge side, 1 on the freezer so I left it alone. In an hour I checked the temp again and it had dropped 2 degrees on both sides. Yay! but :confused:
I stood there and pondered the situation trying to figure out what made it work again when it dawned on me that I had pushed it all the way back against the wall earlier today. So it couldn't breath again! :rolleyes: It's doing ok and things are getting solid again in the freezer so it may be alright after all. The owner, however, has uh, well let's just say she's not always firing on all cylinders. :o
Budsters Mom
10-08-2013, 12:25 AM
Not dumb Leslie, never dumb. I think it's more a case of exhaustion.;)
I hope your frig keeps working for a very long time.:p
Glad to hear that Squirty is fine. No more shaving that baby commando! :D she doesn't seem to like that style! ;):D xxxx
10-08-2013, 09:55 AM
I never doubted for a second you would fix that refrigerator! Sorry to hear about your back, maybe a soak in a hot bath with Epsom Salts? It is very cool here, and Tipper loves it. You may have to get Squirt a jacket for her little bare kitty! Hope you both had a good nite. I am glad to hear that you have a working fridge. Blessings
10-09-2013, 05:17 AM
You are a woman of many talents Leslie!! You can add refrigerator fixer upperer to your CV :D:D Go You! Sorry to hear about the back pain, but very pleased to hear Squirt is doing just fine. Hope the rest of your week goes better. Thanks for your comments on the mixture, it does seem to help with the itch. xxx
10-10-2013, 09:28 AM
Well how are things working out on the new job as repairwoman? Is the fridge still going? I am so glad you were able to fix it and save a costly repair bill. How is Squirt doing today? We have frost this morning, and I am glad for Tipper's sake to see it. Tipper has just not been herself lately. I do not like the decline I see in her activity. How are your temps? down that way doing? Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-10-2013, 09:52 AM
Yep, fridge/freezer is holding well so far! It's so exciting to see ice in the trays and solid food in the freezer! :D
Squirt is doing well! :cool::) Yesterday she was much more active and alert during the day which I am crediting to the Anipryl. She would try to grab my feet when I was walking just like she used to as a younger gal and last nite in bed, she wanted to play Cover Monsters for quite a while. She hasn't displayed any digestive issues or restlessness so I'm very happy with this drug once again. BTW - Anipryl (Selegiline) is the first drug we used for her Cushing's. ;) She DID have some indigestion that time but the dose was much higher - she's taking 5mg as opposed to 9 -12 mg.
The Novifit will be finished in a week or so and I don't plan to reorder it right now. You are supposed to give it for 30 - 60 days until improvements are seen then stop. She has shown improvement during the first 30 days so I am going to see how she does without that for now. If she starts sliding backwards, this company got the first order out very quickly so I should be able to have it in hand pretty soon.
Temps have been wonderful! Mornings in the 40's and 50's, day time in the 70's. But temps are going to start rising today back to the 80's with nite temps in the 60's....rain and possible storms this weekend. Spring and winter are our tornado seasons so the fun is about to start here! ;):D The weather has really had me wanting to hit the woods and fields but there isn't anything I really need so I've not gone. Yet. ;) It will soon be time to harvest roots and I need to mark a few trees so I will know them without their foliage and I do want to see what grows during the fall and winter around here so I still have IDing to do but that's not pressing right now. So I've been focusing on things around the house, which has been neglected, for now.
Leslie and Squirty
10-11-2013, 09:00 AM
So happy to hear good news from you about the fridge and especially about Squirt doing well. It is cool here again this morning. It is getting dark so early at nite that Tipper is going to sleep too early and waking before dawn. I need to keep her up later and get this straightened out. I am desperately trying to get this weight off her by walking her more etc. and it is not budging. She is as round as a barrel. I am making home made wedding soup today and the dogs have their noses in the air. Hope to get most of my outside stuff done this week in case the rainy oeriod of October starts. Blessings
Budsters Mom
10-11-2013, 09:05 PM
Love the good news! Keep it coming. When my frig goes out, I know who to call!;) Great work Leslie! You are AMAZING!:) xxxxx
Budsters Mom
10-12-2013, 04:24 AM
It is all your fault I'm still up at 1:10 in the morning.:eek::eek: I had two dead flashlights that I was about ready to toss. The problem wasn't with the batteries. Even I can figure that out!:D The problem had to do with the bulbs, coils and connectors. I knew nothing about flashlights except you put batteries in them and push a button and they're supposed to work. When they don't work, you buy a new flashlight. That plan has served me well up until now. Well now I know someone who fixes refrigerators, so I should be able to fix a dang flashlight.:D Four hours later, I did manage to get them working. ;) They were cheap flashlights and I'm not so sure they were worth four hours of my time and aggravation, but I did fix them myself and it's all due to your example. Seriously, it's not you fault that I stayed up playing with broken flashlights of course, but I thought you would enjoy this story. ;):) xxxxx
10-12-2013, 07:47 AM
Hope you are busily gathering anything from outside as I see the high next Friday is only 45 here. Squirt is amazing in so much as she just keeps on going like the energizer bunny. Do you have a place to go underground when the tornado siren goes off? I sure hope so, as I know you have no basement to run to. I have to gather up all my babies to be with me, I would never leave any of them in the house. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-12-2013, 09:37 AM
LOL Kathy! I'm sorry I led you down the "fix it!" path! :D Now to tell on myself concerning flashlights - I bought a new one when I moved in here, one of those big ones that uses the big square battery. Well genius here couldn't figure out how to open the flashlight to put the battery in! I messed with it for several days and finally went to a neighbor, frustrated to no end. He looked at it, turned it over a few times and pressed this little button - POOF! it popped open right a way! :o:rolleyes::o A little button defeated me soundly! :p
There will be no outdoor activities for several days, I doubt. The rain and storms came in this morning, catching me unprepared so all three dogs are shaking and panicked at the moment since their meds came after the thunder started. Squirt won't eat so I had to syringe her meds in. She's pressed against me now, trembling still but not as bad as she was. There's one long squall line moving across the state this morning and I haven't heard yet how fast it's moving but I hope pretty quickly. And this is supposed to continue off and on til the middle of next week, getting worse Sun and Mon.
Power has been coming and going this morning so if I disappear that'll be why! It sometimes takes quite a bit for me to recover the connection.
It worries me when she gets scared of the storms because I fear the terrors will come back and take over again. As in the storm phobia will open that door. It's getting lighter outside and the thunder is further away so I hope this line is moving out of our area now and we will have a bit of calm so she will eat.
Leslie and Squirt
10-12-2013, 03:10 PM
Sorry about those nasty storms. I am praying that Squirt does not revert back to what was happening before. maybe they will be out of there soon, and the babies will come around. That is why I can't wait for winter here. Tipper can sleep and she does not have that worry of having to run for her life into the closet. I am getting nervous about her US on Tuesday. I don't think I will be able to keep myself together if this tumor has grown. It will just kill me. I have prayed so much I am worn out. I am trying to keep busy to keep it off my mind. I made 9 quarts of vegetable soup today and I am going to freeze most of them. When I have one of those days that I don't want to cook, I can just eat soup. Tipper had a good day today and really played hard with and beat up her toys. Some days she just has more energy, but I am noticing her wanting to sleep more often. I am hoping the rest of your day is good and the bad weather is gone. Blessings
10-12-2013, 04:25 PM
Yikes, sorry your weather sucks. I certainly hope you get no tornadoes. Gosh the weather over there has such extremes, seems like only yesterday you were all sweltering! Poor pups in the storms, do not do well. Hope it has settled and Squirty had eaten her brekky! I am about to make bacon and avocado on toast so no doubt Flynn will be lining up for a bit of bacon but alas he cannot have any right now. Hope the weekend settles down for you guys and you can get out at some stage! xx
10-13-2013, 08:44 AM
I am hoping that all went well yesterday after the storms??? I thought of you and Squirt last nite when I could not sleep, and prayed that she did well. I am trying to keep busy. I am concerned about all the testing for Tipper this week. It is so much to expect from her 2 days in a row. I pray to God there is no growth in her tumor, and that her ACTH and blood work come back good. Yesterday when I was washing my face and looking in the mirror, I cannot believe how much this had aged me. I saw an old woman looking back at me. It is ready to pour here so I just hope no thunder. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-13-2013, 09:33 AM
We lucked out with the storms - that line moved out and there weren't any more after it. The forecast now is good for the next few days then they come they say! In Arkansas we never really know what the weather is doing until we walk outside! :D Our weathermen are really simple gamblers, trying to see who can get the closest to reality. :p Can't tell you the number of times I've heard one of them predict a 20% chance of rain while I'm sitting in the midst of thunder, lightening and heavy downpour. I always think - "In that case, I do NOT want to be around when you say it's gonna be a 100% chance!"
As for somewhere to go when the tornadoes come, we have a closet in the hall that is the most central place to get in this house so I empty it out, put a crate, meds, food, flashlight and water in there and we sit in the closet til danger is passed. There isn't a storm cellar available that will allow my babies, and I will not go anywhere they can't during those storms, I simply will NOT leave them in danger so I can be safer. If they take the Wizard of Oz ride, I'm going with them. ;) And to be perfectly honest, those shelters give me the willies. I've gone down in them before but stood on the stair holding the door open so I could beat a hasty retreat if a spider showed up down there! :p Rather defeats the purpose of the thing, huh? :eek::D We had a really bad tornado year a while back and three in one night went right through the area my brother lives in, destroying everything around him but leaving his house and his neighbors untouched. One of the storm cellars was found days later that had been pulled up out of the ground and carried miles away then dropped. That didn't help endear them to me, either! Saw some really bizarre things after that night! Like 1000's of green pine needles stuck tip first in a piece of plywood like quills on a porcupine and a car set in the top of a tree without a scratch on it!
Because she was doped, Squirt slept most of the day then wanted to get up and play around midnight! And we did, even went for a walk in the field under the stars and she really seemed to enjoy herself. She slept well the rest of the night after we came in.
It's supposed to be a nice day today and I plan to make some herbal salves - something I really like doing. Not sure why - it's probably the messiest of herbal preparations and takes a long time to get the consistency right at times but I do love doing them. I just hope my oils that were in the fridge are still ok....if not, I'll have to start all over and no salves for a long time.
Hope you all have a good day!
Leslie and Squirty
molly muffin
10-13-2013, 11:39 AM
Hope your oils are still good and you can make the salves. Everyone has their soothing things that they just love to do. I think for you it is herbal medicines, collection and knowledge. That is really great to have the ability and yearning to do, passion would be the best word I think.
Tornados scare the bejebees out of me!!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-13-2013, 01:00 PM
I agree with Sharlene, everyone has that thing they like to do and go to when they want to occupy their mind. I guess mine would be baking. I am so glad to hear the storms went away and that Squirt did well. I cleaned and finally dusted the house to keep my mind of things. Tipper walked 3 times today. It is still threatening rain, but non yet. I know what you mean about the weather people. They are the only ones I know that can be wrong all the time and still keep their job! Happy salve making. Blessings
Budsters Mom
10-13-2013, 04:20 PM
Yoo hoo Leslie,
I fixed the vacuum today! :D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
10-13-2013, 04:34 PM
10-13-2013, 05:04 PM
See what you started! Now in order not to feel totally stupid I will have to find something to repair! We can always get jobs as repair people!! Way go go Kathy you are on a roll keep it going! All kidding aside you got us motivated to fix stuff! I have to look thru the house and find something. It is raining here now, maybe I can fix that!!! Blessings
10-14-2013, 04:14 PM
Oh I feel so bad for you. I have done things like that too. I truly hope you find the poems and Squirt's file that is awful. I am getting ready for tomorrow, reluctantly. Blessings
10-14-2013, 04:17 PM
Alright ladies, I know where to go when I need something repaired.
10-15-2013, 01:14 PM
I hope you found your things??? I thought about it while I was awake last nite. I am just so relieved about my girl, I can't tell you how worried I was going in there today. I took my trusty rosary and prayed for my baby, and for Woody. They both got good news and that is wonderful. I hope Squirty is doing well today, it is looking like rain here. All of our leaves are turning, it is beautiful to see. Blessings
10-16-2013, 08:08 AM
Pouring down rain as I type this. Tipper is content laying at my feet resting. No walking this morning. I am disappointed as it is supposed to do this all week and she needs the exercise to get this weight off. Just that 3/4 of a lb makes such a difference in her, even when lifting her I can feel it. I hope you are done with he storms and that you and Squirt are well. Just was thinking of you last nite when I could not sleep and a thought went thru my mind to remember to ask you about. I take tart dark cherry supplements for inflammation. Would this be good for the cush pups? It has melatonin in too. Just a thought. Haven't found anything to fix yet, still looking. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-16-2013, 08:38 AM
I've never heard of "tart dark cherry supplements" so I'll have to look into that and let you know. I know Cherry bark is used for herbal cough syrups and I think it is an antispasmodic but I'll need to check that as well rather than rely on this iffy memory! ;)
10-16-2013, 03:22 PM
Hi Leslie,
I just wanted to stop in and say a friendly and loving hello to a wonderful soul.
I love you.
Xo Jeanette
me too, Im with Jeanette:):):):):)
10-17-2013, 09:06 AM
Hi Leslie:
Hope you and Squirt had a good nite. It poured here all nite, but Tipper was exhausted and slept thru it. I am anxiously awaiting her results today. It is really cool here we had a cold front come thru and Tipper loves it. I hate to turn the heat on because of the heating bills, but it will be necessary soon. All our leaves are really coming down now. Hope you and Squirt are having good walks thru the fields. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-18-2013, 08:51 AM
Well, I'm reordering the Novifit today. Squirt has been becoming more and more restless at night since stopping it. The last two nights she's back to the on the bed, off the bed and back again...and yesterday evening she had some startle responses to things I couldn't discern and some slight trembles so at 10pm I gave her a Valium. The Novifit was out almost 5 days ago now so based on her behavior, I think she still needs it even with the Anipryl on board.
My cousins from my dad's side of the family are gathering for a memorial today and I am sick at the thought of leaving her for so long - probably 6-8 hours. I'm hoping my SIL, who can't come with us today, can come by when she gets off work but they had an unexpected death in her family yesterday so I'm not sure what her plans are. I may give her, Squirt not SIL :D, another 1/2 Valium before I leave just in case.
molly muffin
10-18-2013, 09:48 AM
hmm, maybe give them both some valium. ;)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-18-2013, 09:50 AM
Hoping it all works out ok, I know what you mean about not wanting to leave Squirt. Praying all goes well. Blessings
10-19-2013, 08:01 AM
I was wondering how Squirt made out yesterday while you were gone? I hope everything was ok. Are you going to get the rain today? It is dark and it is approaching here now. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-19-2013, 09:47 AM
Squirt did ok while I was gone. I did go ahead and give her 1/2 a Valium just in case, tho. Sophie, on the other hand, had another of those apparent seizure episode. :( The rugs at the doors were all balled up, stuff had been dug out from under the bed but not otherwise disturbed, and I found her behind her crate wide-eyed, panting and scared. She ran around the house hiding here and there for about an hour after I got home, then went in her crate and went to sleep. She and Brick have become big buddies and he was anxious when I got home so I'm sure he picked up on her distress. When she went in her crate, he would go over and sniff around, checking on her several times then decided just to get in there with her for a while. He is the sweetest little guy ever!
Squirt started her on-off-on the bed thing when we got to bed so I gave her another Valium. I ordered the Novifit yesterday morning and by noon had an email it had shipped! I am very impressed with Countryside Pet Supply! The best price on this AND fast shipping. What more could you ask?
Mark and I both really enjoyed the time with family and our time riding together; even tho the purpose for the gathering was rather sad it was a healing and connecting time for us all.
And yes, Patti, we are looking at rain today but I hope no storms.
molly muffin
10-19-2013, 10:28 AM
Rain coming here today too.
I'm glad you had a good trip and visit with the family yesterday. It's good to get together every now and then, even though it was for a sad occasion. The last time my family got together was for my Aunts funeral. Sometimes that is the only time you see most people at the same time and place.
Awww, poor Sophie. Sorry she was so scared but glad that Squirt did okay. Brick is a darling isn't he.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-19-2013, 10:50 AM
So glad everything is going ok Leslie. You are such a wonderful caregiver. You always seem to know what to do. Love, JoAnne
10-19-2013, 12:25 PM
Glad to hear Squirt did well, sorry the other babies had problems. You are home now and that's all that counts. I did not know, but was this memorial for your dad? I did not know if he had passed. I am glad you got to see your family, that means a lot. It would be wonderful if I could see my family, but that is not possible since they are all gone. I am glad your babies have you, as you have to be the most wonderful mom a pup could ever have. It is still dark here but the rain has held off so far, but it is cold and damp. I will never complain about the cold as Tipper and I love it.I hope for your babies sake that you don't get a storm again. Is all your family originally from Arkansas? Do you just have one sibling? I would give anything to have my brother back, I could sure use some moral support at times. Have a good weekend with the babies. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-19-2013, 12:56 PM
No, this was a memorial for my Uncle Ralph who passed unexpectedly in April. He lived in FLA so the cousins decided to have a memorial in the town he and his family were from. A couple of the cousins made a granite marker and found a granite bench that we set in the family plot to honor Uncle Ralph. We were sent some of his ashes so we all took a little and scattered them over the family buried there, in a sense bringing a little bit of him back home.
My dad passed in '94. My dad and Uncle Ralph were two of the kindest, gentlest, most caring people I have ever known. A friend of Uncle Ralph's wrote this about him when he passed -
"Those who knew Ralph describe him as a modest, kind, gentle, patient, intelligent and soft-spoken man with a winning smile, and an abiding sense of humor. This is a true and accurate description of the man"
Those words fit my dad as well as Uncle Ralph.
I have two brothers but our baby brother disowned us after our mom passed. Mark and I are adopted, baby brother is a natural child - mom lost 5 babies before she was able to carry one to term so he was always special. In his mind, a great deal more special than he really is, tho! :p It's a long, sad, cruel tale but suffice it to say, baby brother wrecked havoc both during the final days of our mom's illness and after, finally taking the step of disowning Mark and I. :( He has since alienated most of the rest of the family along the way. I feel sorry for him and miss him terribly, as does Mark.
10-19-2013, 04:23 PM
Hi Leslie, pleased you have had a nice day with the family get together so sad that it had a sad reason behind it. Uncle Frank sounds like a wonderful gentleman, it was lovely you all had the chance to remember them.
Sorry to hear the doggies a bit unsettled when you got home, when the Mom's away the doggies will play (or something like that) Brick is a sweet pea, we worried for Soph like that and going in to keep her company. It will be good to get Squirt back on the novifit as it seemed to really help her, hope the post turns up quicksmart xxx
10-20-2013, 08:44 AM
It is too bad that your one brother has chosen to act like that. He is missing out on a wonderful sister. It sounds like your dad and his brother were great men. It is good to have a kind, and humble father figure in your life. My dad was one of the most intelligent men I have ever known. I learned so much from him. His biggest lesson to me was how to be humble, and how to help others. I miss him more than any other family members. I still have one of his jackets and swear all these years later I can smell his scent on it. What I would not give for 1 hour to see him. Hope all the babies are back to normal now that mom is home. It poured here all nite. Supposedly snow next week. I was looking up herbs to keep Tipper's inflammation down. I am going to ask the vet if Dark tart cherry would harm her. I know certain parts of cherry wood is poisonous to animals. I used to have a pet pig and her ate cherry bark and almost died. It shriveled his eyes up like raisins. I am wondering about the following if they have any long term side effects and are good or bad. Tumeric you can sprinkle on their food, Devilsclaw for arthritis, Saspirilla combined with Burdock, and something called feverfew. I am wanting to keep her arthritis to a minimum without drugs, and keep the tumor from enlarging. Let me know if you have any ideas on these. Have a good day down there it is really cold in the low 40's here. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-20-2013, 10:38 AM
Turmeric and Devil's Claw are among the herbs I use with Squirt...but I'm out of the DC right now. Both of these are good. Burdock I use for immune and liver support. But I've not used Feverfew nor Sasparillo. I am looking into Meadowsweet again for her, too.
The thing, the hard thing for me, to understand about herbs is that they don't work like western medicine where you take X for Y symptoms. Herbs are part of a whole system approach so while we use the anti-inflammatories for things like arthritis we also look at how the body is functioning in all areas and address removing toxins with things like Dandelion while at the same time boosting the system with things like Nettle that are highly nutritive. So, if this is something you want to do with Tipper, I strongly recommend you find a Holistic vet or animal herbalist in your area to work with as they will be able to better guide you in exactly what would benefit Tipper most. If there isn't one you can work with in person, some will work with you online. Expect an in depth accounting of everything around her, not just her illnesses. They will probably want to know detailed info like the water she drinks and the type of bowl she drinks out of, the air she breaths, the laundry detergent you use, etc. Holistic means "whole" and that encompasses every single thing in her world. ;) I was completely floored by the client intake form from our nutritional consultant the first time!
10-20-2013, 12:34 PM
Thanks for the information. I had been thinking about getting a holistic vet to help with Tipper. Just don't know as I can afford that on top of all the other stuff she needs. I will have to check and see if I can find someone to help me that is reasonable. You have to watch out here, as many of them just want your money, and will tell you anything and everything to get it. My vet has had experience with some of them and told me so it scares me. Maybe I could find someone online willing to help me. At any rate I will keep at it as usual. Hope you all are doing well today. It was pouring here and now the sun is out. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-20-2013, 12:56 PM
Another good thing to keep in mind are inflammatory foods - foods that can cause or exacerbate inflammation, like white potatoes. Plants in the nightshade family, like potatoes, tomatoes, some peppers and others can cause inflammation so getting familiar with foods that cause and foods that can lessen inflammation is important for our babies with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions like IBD.
I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the family even though it was a sad occasion. Seems I only see my family now too at weddings and funerals. Rather sad, as we used to have a family reunion religiously almost every year, but somehow living got in the way. We do keep in touch as much as possible though.
So Squirt was fine, bet you didn't think Sophie would have a problem. It's good to know though she settled down once you were home.
These dogs constantly keep us busy, and everyday seems to be something different.
BTW, I'd pay you to get herbal recommendations for my pets... I'd even do your website if you wanted to get into it (free). What else have I got to do now that I'm leaving FB.:D I don't think you'd have much trouble giving people the knowledge they need to know all the while making some money. From what I've seen lately there are a whole lot of people fed up with the high cost of meds and wrong information from their vets. One thing about natural herbs, there is no harm done.
10-21-2013, 08:10 AM
Hi Leslie:
Hope you all are having a good couple days. It is in the low 30's here this morning. They said we will see snow flurries by weeks end. I wanted to know are sweet potatoes in the nite shade family? I do on occasion give her some. Are the lentils she is eating ok? I am going to sprinkle turmeric on her food, hope she eats it. Blessings
10-21-2013, 04:39 PM
Just thinking about you and Squirt...
Squirt's Mom
10-21-2013, 05:08 PM
No, Sweet Potatoes are in the Convolvulaceae, or Morning Glory, family and are considered to be an anti-inflammatory food. BTW, yam and sweet potato are not the same plant. Yams are of the Dioscoreaceae family. ;)
Judi, if I'm still kicking in about 20 years, I may know enough to take you up on that web site offer! :D
10-21-2013, 05:23 PM
Ha, you will not only still be kicking you will be dancing through your woods with your scissors snipping off all the bounty you come across!! I have a mental image of you doing your collecting and fixing stuff, kind of like a female Indiana Jones!!
molly muffin
10-21-2013, 05:43 PM
Ohhhh, leslie needs an Indiana Jones hat!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
10-21-2013, 05:53 PM
And a magnifying glass :eek:
10-22-2013, 01:29 PM
Please read my post today. Maybe something about what I found may pertain to Squirt. Do you have any Reticulocyte values on her form your blood work? Let me know what you think? many on here have said about their dogs afraid of rain, noise etc. This could be the reason since it is caused by Cushings tumors. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-22-2013, 01:35 PM
It won't matter in our case, Patti. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it. Nor would I ask her to go through a stay in a hospital - too much for an old gal with Doggyheimer's. ;)
10-22-2013, 02:08 PM
I am just wondering if that is why she is getting those spells at nite? It seems there is an awful lot of babies on here having similar problems to Tipper with the rain etc. I am hoping maybe just the medication could be used in Tipper's case. I will find out and post it. I don't think I can leave Tipper in the hospital either so they will have to formulate another plan for her. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-22-2013, 02:43 PM
In Squirt's case, it's the Doggyheimer's according to the vet. The terrors are part of the signs for this tho not all dogs get them.
10-22-2013, 11:23 PM
Poor Squirt. How scary for both of you.
10-23-2013, 09:00 AM
I guess Squirt is just like a person when they get old and get Alzheimers. She has outlived what may would say is a dogs natural life span, so I guess the Dogyheimers goes along with that. It is wonderful that she has made it this far with you expert love and guidance, but I understand the challenges it brings. Blessings
Simba's Mom
10-24-2013, 12:59 PM
Aw poor Squirt, sending hugs and prayers!
10-26-2013, 08:47 AM
It is freezing here and so windy it feels like -30 outside. Tipper does not mind as she would rather have it cooler. I am busy trying to solve Tipper's dilemma and getting ready to write to Dr. Bruyette, he has always guided me well. I have researched this so much that yesterday I never got out of my PJ's except when the phone man came. I am at it again today. I will help this dog not matter what. She is only 12 and I am not letting her go. I hope you and Squirt are doing well. Are you getting the colder weather and wind? I hope the wind gets all the leaves off my tree down so they can get cleaned up finally. Still having phone issues. Sometimes life is just not too fun. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-26-2013, 09:37 AM
Our temps have finally dropped into fall range but they are supposed to go back up to near 80 in a few days. Welcome to Arkansas! :D
Squirt is improving again with the Novifit. It amazes me that SAMe has such a positive benefit for CCD. She worried me when I took the gang for a nail trim this week, tho. She was violently shaking on the way there like when these terrors come on but we were a bit early so I stopped at Sonic. While we waited there, she calmed down and quit shaking so I think she was just getting anxious about the vet - she's fairly sure now when we take a longer ride that is where she is going. We didn't have to wait at all when we got there either and that helped, too. They took her and Brick back first right away so they were able to get back in the car quickly where they are calmer.
The new tech, the one that messed up Squirt's appt last time, was the one who trimmed Trink's nails and I was in the room with her. I'm not sure I like this new tech at all - she seemed a bit rough with Trink and Trinket was difficult to trim for the first time.
The concern for today is this dang refrigerator. :mad: I was hearing a weird noise from time to time over the last few days that I couldn't pinpoint. Then yesterday afternoon I opened the freezer and heard it - an intermittent whirring. I checked the temps and sure enough they had gone up again and things were starting to sweat in the freezer, preparing to thaw. I pulled it out and checked the coil and fan - they are clean and working and the noise wasn't coming from that part. In researching, troubleshooting online, it seems this could be the compressor or a relay switch. So I called my repairman friend and asked that he come by when he can and prepared to get up this morning and start unloading the thing. BUT this morning, temps have dropped and things are solid in the freezer. :confused: I hope this is just a part that I can't reach that needs cleaning or is inexpensive to replace. I've tried repeatedly to get the grill on the bottom front off to clean underneath but cannot get it off. One side is broken like someone else tried and couldn't get it off either. I may just break the other side off and tape it back! ;):D Just in case, I'm gonna start shopping used appliances and those little dorm fridge/freezers. :rolleyes:
molly muffin
10-26-2013, 08:40 PM
That dratted refrigerator! Do they have any good used ones around where you are? Maybe you could pick one up on the cheap. Of course, you don't need anything that is going to give you more problems down the road either. I haven't looked at new refrigerators in a long time to see how much they cost now. Maybe you can find something reasonably priced. hmm, maybe your repairman friend knows of something.
I don't like new techs usually. They just don't know all the ins and outs of our babies and how to handle them the best way.
Glad it's over and the gang is all home and hopefully the freezer working fine.
*sigh* 80, we seem to have skipped fall and went from summer to winter. I wish fall would stick around a bit longer. Although thank goodness we haven't had any snow yet. I can do without slippery slushy roads and walkways for a good lone while. At least just cold I can handle and still take little miss molly for her walks.
Sharlene and molly muffin
10-27-2013, 08:18 AM
That refrigerator is a pain in the you know what!!! The weather here is to go in the 60's next week too. I do not like new techs either. That is why I was so upset with the substitute Dr. when my vet went on vacation. They do not seem to realize that these cush babies are fragile and handle them rather roughly. I always protest right away and tell them they better watch Tipper's back legs and not to be rough with her. She still looks tough as nails, but her body is slowly becoming more fragile. She is not nearly as active either and that worries me with this RBC thing going on. Squirt is doing well then while back on the Novifit? Do you make any kind of jelly from berries? I still have to finish my elderberry jelly. I froze the rest of the juice and never finished it. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-28-2013, 10:03 AM
Patti, I haven't made any jelly but I have made some syrup for pancakes, biscuits, etc. from Beauty Berries that is delicious! Mark says I should bottle it and sell it to which I asked if he had the start-up capitol! :D It is good and the most beautiful pink color.
Well, I got the diagnosis on the fridge yesterday and it's terminal. :( My friend and his boss ran the model number through their troubleshooting program and discovered this model is the bottom of the crappy GE line. These particular appliances seem to follow a pattern - in their 2nd or 3rd year of use, either the motherboard or a relay switch goes out first, then the other of those will go out, then the compressor goes out. So you end up spending as much on replacing parts as you would in buying another fridge. The trouble with mine is the motherboard. :rolleyes: So far, the refrigerator side is holding and the freezer side hasn't gotten warm enough to completely thaw things tho they have gotten soft, like ice cream. So today I "shop" and grovel before the dang thing just lays down and dies. :o
10-28-2013, 12:50 PM
I am so sorry your fridge is dying. I know the expense of another can't be making you too happy. Is there anywhere close to you that you could get a cheap used one? What about Craigslist? The pancake syrup sounds wonderful, you are just brilliant about all these things, and I am so lucky to know you. You have helped my Tipper immensely with your wisdom. It is rather warm here today so I hope you get some down your way. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-28-2013, 01:44 PM
I got a used one this morning. It will be delivered in the morning. I went to school with the owner of the shop and his repairman and they are being very good to me! They are bringing the fridge before I can pay for it! :cool::) It is the one they have been using for their lunches, etc. and he believes it will last for a while. They have gone through it and it has a 30 day guarantee - if something goes wrong, they will fix it or give my money back to go toward another one. It's smaller than the one I have now but that's ok! No bells and whistles like ice maker or in-the-door water and ice but that's ok too - I don't use those features so they are not needed. It's a cream color while all the kitchen appliances are black but who cares if it works and lasts for a while?! :D
I am just so relieved that I won't have to worry about Squirt's food for a little while at least! :cool::cool::cool:
10-28-2013, 02:03 PM
Thank God they helped you out, what great people. I have been praying for you and Squirt. Blessings
molly muffin
10-28-2013, 05:44 PM
Leslie this is the best news I have heard all day. What a wonderful guy to do this for you. I was worried, I have to admit. Couldn't stand the thought of you guys being without a fridge.
Doing the Snoopy happy dance!
sharlene and molly muffin
10-29-2013, 08:12 AM
Hope your replacement is working well for you. Iwanted to ask you since you make so much stuff from herbs etc. Have you ever made any herbal teas? do you like teas? I like them when it is cold out, and they have so many flavors now that is why I asked. I hope you and Squirt are doing well. We are supposed to hit 70 today so we'll see how that goes. I like the colder weather for Tipper ,but hate the heating bills. Do you have gas heat? It is so expensive, I have learned to turn it down and put on heavier clothing if I get cold, which is never. Hope some of this heat wave comes to you. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
10-31-2013, 10:19 AM
"New" fridge is working just fine! And a theory I have held since starting to use the other side by side has been validated - the side by side holds MUCH less than the old timey kind with the freezer on top. The old freezer was cram-packed full - the "new" freezer has all of that stuff plus my salve making equipment and still has room left over for almost the same amount to be added again! The fridge portion holds more as well but you don't have as much variability with shelf settings and I do have to bend over more with the "new" on than the side by side - but that's just fine and dandy! It's working and has more room! My salves and oils just about filled the old one, now they take one shelf in the "new" one and there is room for at least that many more on the same shelf. :):cool: I am thrilled with the space available now! AND I love the color in the house. The appliances that came with the house are black; this "new" fridge is cream and it picks up the lighter colors in the wallpaper and flooring, brightening up the whole area! :cool:
Squirt has been off her feed since yesterday....BUT yesterday is when we started Tramadol so she may be turned off by the taste of that in her food. When she stopped eating this morning, I found both the Novifit and the Tramadol in the bowl and proceeded to find a way to get them in her - which resulted in my middle (bird :p) finger on my right hand getting ripped open. She is getting VERY pill wise and VERY much against them all in any form, period. This morning she got the meds washed down with a blood donation from Mom because they were going down her throat one way or the other. Then Mom sat in the floor, bleeding freely, and cried because she felt so freaking mean.
10-31-2013, 11:10 AM
As Leslie I hope ur finger gets better soon. I can sympathise as Woody is very pill savy and with his op needs lots of meds at the moment. I have found a way I put a tablespoon of ice cream stick the tablets in it mix them all in and Woody takes them no trouble
Squirt's Mom
10-31-2013, 12:12 PM
I may be able to get her some ice cream soon and try that. She has refused everything I've tried to use so far. :(
10-31-2013, 12:24 PM
Fingers crossed, I tried everything before I discovered this by accident I was originally trying to get fluids in him and he loved it. Wee tip don't melt the ice cream I keep it quite hard and let him lick it up and tablet goes with it. Saves on sore fingers :D
Budsters Mom
10-31-2013, 03:39 PM
I am so sorry Leslie. We are all pulling for Squirty. I hope you know that? Have you tried to syringe any SEB with Karo down her? That could help get a little nutrition into her. Just a thought....
Extra special hugs for you sweet Leslie. I know how hard this is.:o Please read my silly kid joke in your "Great Times" thread. You can't help but crack a smile. xxxxxx
Squirt's Mom
10-31-2013, 03:48 PM
It was more like rolling on the floor busting a gut laughing, Kathy! Then I read Patti's post about "ELVIS!" and nearly wet my pants! :o:p:p
11-01-2013, 12:17 PM
Hope you were able to get something to get your meds into Squirty. I am glad the refrigerator is doing well for you. I saw someone on Craigslist had some high end GE appliances for sale. High end? All they make as far as I am concerned is crap. At least you don't have that worry now. I think the ice cream sounds like a good idea. Yesterday I had to wrap Elvis up like a burrito in a towel hold his head and keep his feet from coming out, and give him the meds. Oh what a blast that was. I got them in but he is so clever, he waited until I put him down and threw his head and spewed them all over the kitchen. Nice sticky mess I had to clean, still finding specks of it today on things. So this morning I made his breakfast, which I have to hold the bowl for him while he eats it all!!!!! I heated up his gruel just a tad not to ruin the meds and put them in the food. As soon as he stuck his beak in he started with the " no I don't want this crap." So I forced his beak in the bowl several times until it was gone. His poop has got some form to it , and he is getting better. There is nothing worse than a bird with diarrhea. There is so much wind here this morning. I hope all the leaves come down out of my tree finally so I can get rid of them in the neighbors garden. I saw the national weather map last nite and saw some possible tornadoes above you last nite. Hope all is well and that Squirt has taken her meds. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
11-01-2013, 12:25 PM
No, we are still not eating and still not getting most of the meds in. She woke up this morning vomiting bile and refused breakfast. By lunch she was acting hungry but only ate a couple of bites then walked away from her bowl. No more bile, tho, and her poops are good. She will eat a treat but nothing else. I've got to go to PetCo this afternoon so I'll get her something new to try - she like the FreshPet when she quit eating after the seizure so I'll try that again. She doesn't act as if she feels bad at all just won't eat.
11-01-2013, 12:35 PM
I have often wondered about that Fresh Pet when I have seen it advertised, how is the fat content? It's nice to know in case Tipper ever stops eating stuff and I need to get something. Blessings
molly muffin
11-01-2013, 04:53 PM
Hope Squirt starts eating normally soon. That is always one of those worrisome things that can drive us crazy until it is sorted out.
Come on Squirt, have a bite and take your meds!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-02-2013, 08:42 AM
Looks like we have a storm brewing up here. Did Squirt eat the Fresh Pet? I hope so. I put Elvis' meds in his breakfast food again and he was throwing it everywhere this morning, he can taste the meds. I told the Dr. to tell the druggist to use Apple flavoring as he likes it, but he insisted on Cherry. He can taste I right away and starts flinging it all over off of his beak. If it was not so cold in the garage I would be feeding him in there!! This stuff dries like cement and is hard to get off things. It is easier that stressing him out and holding him burrito style in a towel. Hope you have a good weekend and that Squirt gives in and gobbles the meds up. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
11-02-2013, 09:52 AM
Mom is a little dense at times, ya know? Yesterday about an hour after she walked away from lunch, I was thinking about this, wondering what was up with her, when I remembered the way she was tossing her head when she would take a bite. So I wondered about a bad tooth, a real possibility, but her teeth all felt solid; tho one or more could still be causing pain, none are loose. THEN it hit me - the Tramadol piece I had put in her food the night before when she walked off was still in the bowl when I offered it again (when she walked off, I put the bowl of food in the fridge) and it took me longer to prepare the other babies feed than usual after putting the pain med in Squirt's food. So I bet that little piece of pill dissolved and spread its bitterness throughout the feed - which I kept trying to give her and she kept refusing. SOOOO I fixed her half of her normal portion around noon yesterday with nothing in it - and she ate it all up happily. So it was the Tramadol in the feed that put her off of it. As often as this has happened, one would think that would be the first place my mind went, huh? :D
She's ate her breakfast with the Novifit and herbs this morning just like normal so the Tramadol will be a battle when she needs it. ;)
11-02-2013, 10:36 AM
There is a supplement I give Tipper in her food. I try to crush it up. She always finds a small piece in her dish and leaves just that tiny piece! Well the next time I feed her back in the bowl it goes. It must taste awful and she refuses it. When I give her a piece of chicken with her Vetoryl she always smells it, but will take it. When I put the supplement in chicken she smells it and backs away, just doesn't want it as much as she wants the chicken wrapped around it. You are such a good care taker of Squirt she has the best life possible with you. It is raining and dark here now. At least Tipper got her walk in this morning. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
11-02-2013, 11:31 AM
Now, I want to share something with my family here.
One of the local TV stations has a contest called Pay It 4ward (they are KARK, channel 4) and a dear friend, whom I call Sis, nominated me. Here is what she wrote on the nomination - (she insists on using my maiden name as she cannot stand my ex and what he did :p)
"I would like to nominate Leslie Hays of Benton. Leslie lost her daughter several years ago in a tragic accident. Feeling lost and alone Leslie turned her energy towards helping special need dogs. She has adopted 2 blind "babies" with many health problems, fosters special need dogs until they find forever homes. She has even taken K9 nutrition classes so she can cook specific meals for these dogsthat will most benefit them and their medical conditions. She works tirelessly for animal rights and against animal abuse, all while suffering with her own health issues. She lives on a small fixed income of disability and repeatedly ignores her needs to be sure her "babies" have everything they need. Skipping meds, eating very little, passing up a social life all for these little animals that need tender loving care. Leslie is a true rescue angel for these canines that have nobody else. She gives to them mentally, physically, every way. Leslie Hays deserves recognition for her actions; for taking the horrific grief and turning it into a determination to help these animals that cannot help themselves."
To my utter astonishment, I was one of four winners selected and yesterday the TV station came to interview me. Their visit was supposed to be a surprise but Sis knew that if she let the cameras catch me in my usual state - frumpy dress, barefoot, no makeup - she would NEVER be able to run far enough nor hide well enough! :p:D:p So she warned me they were coming. I didn't believe that I was a winner, tho, rather that they were gathering footage to have ready when they did select the winners. Why would they choose ME of all people?!
BUT when they started filming they handed me a plaque declaring me a winner! They told me they were sending a check for $200! We talked a bit more and then I actually read the plaque. And was FLOORED to read that an anonymous donor had donated 200 pounds of dog food for my babies!!! I couldn't help but to start crying at that point. The girl doing the interview and the camera man were blown away that I was more excited and moved by the food than the cash. But that donation meant the world to us! It will feed my babies for a year and allow me to help others as well. For the first time in years, I lay down last night and went to sleep not worrying about what today would bring for my babies. They have FOOD and will for a long time to come. The burden this kind, generous gentleman lifted from my shoulders is beyond expressing. The cash prize means my grandsons will have a present or three under the Christmas tree and that is a huge relief as well. In an hour's time, so much of my stress and worries were alleviated. All for doing what I love. I am still amazed, astounded, humbled and feel ever so honored. And STILL don't understand why or how I have been so blessed.
The segment is supposed to air this coming Tues. night and all my babies get to be on TV! :cool::cool::D:cool::cool: If a link is provided, I'll share with ya'll so you can see them. But fair warning - I have no idea what I said during the interview so no telling what you may hear! :o:p I envision a lot of shots of us and the audience hearing the interviewer's comments, not mine! :p:p:D:p:p
11-02-2013, 11:52 AM
My God this is the best thing I have heard in I don't know how long. The reason you won is because you don't think you know what you did to win. You are so humble and so caring you do not realize what a true inspiration you have been to me. You just think what you are doing is no big deal, and you are wrong. You are making a tremendous impact on so many lives, and not just 4 legged ones either. I have learned so many things from you that you are a blessing. We all truly love you for all the things you are to us, and for all you are to the critters. As far as I am concerned you should have won all the prizes hands down. I thank the very smart lady who nominated you and said such eloquent, truthful things about a most wonderful person. I am so happy for you to be recognized for all you selflessly do. I am so excited for you and I hope we can get to see you and your babies receive the recognition you deserve. I still hope in my dreams to see you one day Leslie. Blessings
11-02-2013, 11:57 AM
A well deserved prize to a wonderful woman agree with everything your friend said you deserve this. I'm so so happy for you
11-02-2013, 02:17 PM
Wow that is awesome, pay it forward indeed!! Two thumbs up Leslie!! Would love to see the clip, hopefully it gets posted online somewhere, let me know if it does as I would love to see our latest TV star! xx
molly muffin
11-02-2013, 03:02 PM
I definitely want to know when it airs. Maybe we can find it online at the station?!
You are so deserving of this Leslie and I couldn't be more happy for you. Sis is wonderful to have nominated you and there isn't a doubt in my mind that once nominated, the whole world would know what a real winner looks like and she is named Leslie!
Isn't that the best about the dog food! No worries on that front! yipppeee! And Christmas too.
I have tears in my eyes, because sometimes, every once in a while, something truly wonderful happens to someone who deserves it. You Do pay it forward, and hopefully many others will be inspired by your story, to get out there and help out where they can. This forum is filled with a wealth of wonderful people who pay it forward, and you are a leader amongst us all.
Thanks for sharing Leslie!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-03-2013, 12:29 AM
You seriously wonder why they chose you? Come on girl :-)
As for the anonymous donation, he saw proof that his donation would be used solely for the dogs. I would've donated too. Congratulations!
11-03-2013, 01:02 AM
That is so wonderful. It couldn't have happened to a more wonderful, caring, and deserving person than you. Reading that made me feel so happy for you.
My sweet Ginger
11-03-2013, 07:39 AM
DITTO! to what Patti said. I couldn't be happier that you were one of the winners and I have no doubt if there were to be only one winner, you still would be that winner. It takes a huge person to do what you are doing and you just don't know it, Leslie. There are too many people who waste their money on worthless materialistic things, some unimaginable stuff to me which makes me upset because the tiniest bit of that money could save countless sick and abandoned animals and then I hear a story like yours. My heart just melts. I truly admire all the people who work tirelessly for poor defenseless innocent animals risking themselves a lot of times and I feel ashamed I'm not one of them in any way yet saying I'm an animal lover. I think that's become my dream in the last few years that one day I will somehow, someway get involved in helping animals in need in my own way once my life gets straightened out a bit. I'm very proud of you, Leslie and so should you. :) Song
Dearest Leslie, you deserve even more than that prize for all you do to pay it forward.:):):)
Usually, the TV stations email a link to the news clip. If they dont send ont to you, tell us again the TV station and we should be able to go to their website to watch it.
Can I have your autograph?:) Congrats all the way around and I am so glad people in your area now know what a treasure you are.
Budsters Mom
11-03-2013, 02:03 PM
We have to see that! :)It made me cry to read your story and no one deserves it more than you. We all have known that you are a true angel for a very long time. It is no surprise to us.;) The recognition and dog food is amazing and truly deserved. I am sooooo proud! Xxxxx
11-04-2013, 08:10 AM
I am sure you are busy with all those autographs! Ha Ha. Really though, I am sure everyone is proud to know you, and you are just as humble as always. Can't wait to hear if there is a news clip we all can watch. It makes me so happy when good things happen to good people. We had our coldest nite so far last nite at 28. It is really frosty here this morning. Hope you weekend went well knowing your dear babies will all have food for quite a while. God Bless you for all you do.
11-05-2013, 11:51 AM
Hi Leslie:
What are you up to? How is Squirt? Hope all is well down there. E have a nice day in the 50's. Tipper loves this weather. Blessings
11-09-2013, 12:33 PM
In reading Glynda's post on Barbara's thread I started researching this as Tipper also has high triglycerides at times between 300-600 there are some pharmaceutical grade fish oils for dogs but some have flax seed oil. Is that bad for Cushings? I may want to give Tipper some a couple times a week. Hope you and Squirt are well, it is cold and really windy here. Blessings
11-09-2013, 12:48 PM
Hi Patti,
Please see the link below to learn more about fish oil vs flaxseed oil. Fish oil is definitely superior. I've also included a url to a short video. The video address both, as it relates to arthritis, but fish oil is also very good for heart health as well.
Squirt's Mom
11-09-2013, 12:50 PM
Also, look into Krill Oil. ;)
11-09-2013, 07:07 PM
Ok after Janis's great news, this is the 2nd best news ive heard in a while. Guess im on a roll. Leslie, your story brought tears of joy. It is quite understandable why you were selected--you exude a great deal of compassion and humility and you want to help heal a more vulnerable species. Quite commendable.
Congrats Baby Doll. You and all the furbabies deserve this and then
God Bless. Xo. Jeanette
11-10-2013, 08:37 AM
I ordered the wild salmon oil in the link Glynda sent me. I am wondering since they say you can overdo this and cause problems if giving this every day as they say on the website is advisable? Do you know anything about this? Hope you and Squirt are well, haven't heard too much from you lately and worry about you and the babies. Have you gotten your prizes yet? A wonderful thing for a wonderful person! Blessings
Squirt's Mom
11-10-2013, 10:25 AM
Hey, Patti - I answered your question as best I could on Tipper's thread. You are so far above my knowledge with the reticulocytes I haven't been able to help much. :o
Squirt is doing alright! :cool::) Well, other than her pain level, which I am having a hard time controlling. She HATES the Tramadol and I HATE fighting with her to push a pill down her throat so I don't often force the issue. I tried being sneaky and including a couple of pills in her teas and she refused to eat. :rolleyes: Huzzy. :p So I ordered a couple of new herbs to try with her. One, Devil's Claw, she has had in the past but the other, Kava kava, she hasn't - and that is one I am still a bit afraid of as it is quite potent and has an anecdotal reputation for liver damage with long term use. Kava has a strong sedative action and will be used sparingly!
Knock on wood, her leaking has stopped - she hasn't been wet in weeks now! :cool: Of course, that scared me at first as I thought it meant her kidneys weren't working right but she's drinking normally and peeing just fine - no more and no less than usual just not peeing on herself. :)
As for the prizes, the food was delivered the day of the interview but I had to decline the cash prize. It has to be reported to the IRS as income and I am on the brink with my disability. It's barely enough to make ends meet and low enough to qualify me for Medicare programs that pay my ins. premium and most of the cost of my meds. Without these programs, I simply could not make it as two of my meds would cost over half of my disability. Any reported income will throw me over the limit for these programs and for the first time since my dad passed, some oil rights we inherited have actually paid a bit. We typically got $1 or less per year until this year - one cousin has a framed one-cent check for her dividend! :p I am already on pins and needles with fear that the little we got this year, around $400, will take me out of these programs so the cash prize the TV station offered I requested they donate to Arkansas Chihuahua Rescue, the rescue I work with. Kari, the lady who runs it, has been very good to us and I know she could use the help - we have about 30 pups to care for. ;) So I hope the station can make that happen.
Leslie and the gang
11-10-2013, 10:45 AM
Sorry to hear you cannot get the cash, but what you did with it is wonderful. I have to watch what I make because of taxes, and I do not want to pay more. It is really something that it is not enough to live on, but would wreck you programs you do get. Figure that one out Mr. President. At least your babies got the dog food and that is a big help. All the neighbors leaves that they didn't clean up are coming into my yard that was clean! I guess when this winds dies down I will have to clean those up too. I read some on the Kava Kava and Devils Claw before. I don't know enough about some of them so I always check with you. You are my safety net, I know you always have the answer. God Bless You and the babies.
11-10-2013, 10:57 AM
I just checked the wild salmon oil and the omega6 is 150mg is that low enough? Thanks
molly muffin
11-10-2013, 11:05 AM
Oh Leslie, I do hope they will send the money to the rescue, as they so badly need it.
So glad that Squirt is doing okay. I know you'll figure out something for the pain management. Tramadol really does seem to have that negative effect on their taste buds. Bitter just isn't palatable.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-11-2013, 08:34 AM
My yard is covered with leaves from my neighbors yards. I had mine all cleaned up. I guess I will go out a few minutes at a time as I do not leave Tipper alone. it is really brisk and we are expecting our first substantial snow of the season tonite. I am sure it will be pretty to see. I have to go find the cats and do a nail trim. One of them accidentally got me on the hand and it is deep. You said your dad had oil royalties, were you raised on a farm? That is my life's dream to live on a farm and rescue animals. Blessings
11-13-2013, 04:32 AM
Awww couldn't they just give you the cash, you put it in your purse and IRS none the wiser?? That sucks! You deserve that money Leslie.
Now I was wondering if you can get the Tramadol in drops form. I have that for Flynn, I used to put it in his food for a long time. Then he decided he did not like it anymore :eek: But at least with the drops, if I think he really needs it I can just give him a squirt in his mouth, he might not like it but it is not a fight as it went right on in. Just a thought.
Have you been on the telly yet? Is it available online as I would love to see it :D xx
Well !! I go away for awhile and you become a celebrity. OOOHHHH I know a celebrity :D
You deserved that notoriety better then anyone I know. You are a rock for all of us here and with all the other things you are involved in. It is so comforting to me, that you are here on this forum to direct, guide, share and explain so much. I personally an very grateful to know you. I really wish you could have kept that money somehow.
Now onto Squirt.... I'm sure I don't need to tell you anything but I was having a very hard time with Keesh and his Tramadol. As he's onto me about hand held treats and will now accept nothing out of my hand, I went to the deli and got turkey or chicken large sausages. I cut them into diamond shape. His pills are breakable so I give him 1/2 a pill x 3 each morning and night. He could find a pill in anything, but because I've cut the meat into diamond shape I can bury it completely. He can still eat around it and spit it out but in most cases he gets it down. I wash my hands after handling the pill, then put the meat in his dish. He hasn't figured it out that the dish can also hold that dreadful pill- LOL.
Squirt's Mom
11-13-2013, 08:20 AM
Squirt has gotten too wise to pill hiding tricks! :p She takes nothing from my hand, nothing on the floor, no single bites in her bowl - if I can't mix it in her feed and it not taste or smell bad, she will not take it. It's either in the feed or syringing it - which means a fight every time. My Queen can be a real huzzy! :D
Yes, the story was last night and I was SO relieved when I saw it. I don't remember what was asked nor what I answered and was a bit afraid to hear it! :p But they did a great job editing and it turned out ok. My babies looked SO GOOD! Made Mama very proud to see them on TV. :D If they provide a link, I'll post it so ya'll can see them, too.
Squirt's Mom
11-13-2013, 09:46 AM
This isn't what was shown on the news last night but is part of the interview that wasn't shown. You can see Squirt, Trink and Sophie in this little ditty -
They edited out the part where I screamed "200 POUNDS OF FOOD?!?!! OMG!!!" :D
11-13-2013, 11:04 AM
I just watched your t.v. spot and the babies looked darling, and Miss Squirt sitting on mom's lap! I cried thru a lot of it as I am so proud to know someone like you. God Bless you and the babies. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
11-13-2013, 11:13 AM
Ahhhhh...thanks, Patti! I found the link to the segment that was shown on the news and here it is -
Dang Leslie,
That clip is awesome!:D:D:D
As are you!
Just saw the clip... absolutely fabulous. Squirt looks wonderful too. So cute. Way to go, if anybody deserves recognition Leslie, it's you.
11-13-2013, 02:15 PM
I echo Patti's message. I also cried through it and loved seeing the babies.
Hoping you get more food donations now it has aired as I know your systems prevent you from having cash which sucks!
Roxee's Dad
11-13-2013, 02:41 PM
Dang Leslie!!!! You made my eyes get wet !!!! I am so proud to have met you and know you!!!!
Budsters Mom
11-13-2013, 03:15 PM
Ditto! It made my heart feel good! :p Thank you for doing what you do! xxxx
molly muffin
11-13-2013, 06:24 PM
Both those clips are beyond wonderful! I bawled through them both!
You are really wonderful and you're ours! :) But we'll share you with the rest of the world too. LOL
How cool that they also mentioned why you shaved your head. That was thoughtful of them.
Wow, great to see the babies!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-13-2013, 06:31 PM
Who the heck could watch that piece of video and not start bawling? Leslie does that to me more than anybody knows. She cries, I cry. I love you, Les, and it was great to see you in the news, and it was also great to see Brick and Trinket. It is obvious they are happy, happy campers. Love it!!!
We need a national show to pick up the story, like good Morning America or Ellen:D:D:D:D:D:D
I'm not kidding, I'm serious:):):):)
molly muffin
11-13-2013, 07:37 PM
Ohhhh Great idea Addy!!! Can we send in links or something? Anyone know how to get a story to them?
Sharlene and molly muffin
molly muffin
11-13-2013, 07:48 PM
Inspiring person for ellens show
sharlene and molly muffin
My sweet Ginger
11-13-2013, 08:18 PM
I just saw the clips. How lucky are those babies of yours to be with you, Leslie though knowing you, you probably feel the other way around. ;) You and your babies are awesome!
I truly admire your hard work through all this. Most people don't know how much of a commitment and dedication have to be involved doing what you are doing. You pretty much have to give up a lot of your own comfort and personal fun in order to make your babies's needs met. How selfless of you. It makes me very happy that you have been recognized for your beautiful heart and hard work finally. You most deserve it, Leslie. :) ;) :) Sending a lot of love and hugs to you and your precious babies. :) Song.
Simba's Mom
11-13-2013, 09:48 PM
Wonderful clips Leslie, you are truly an angel!!!
11-13-2013, 11:56 PM
Leslie, that clip made me cry! You do so much good and it is being recognized. Yes, you should be on the Ellen show.
11-14-2013, 07:58 AM
Was there any increase in Squirts HGB or HCT from the lentils? I am sure this has to be the problem. I have stopped giving them to her altogether. I will see in about a month I will get a blood panel done. I am sure this is it, it made me sit straight up in bed. I had been praying to God for help solving this dilemma. I am very certain I have landed on it, I will have to wait for a blood test to confirm it though. I am going to wait a month to make sure her system is all cleared of anything going on from this and test her blood. She was having quite a bit of these with every meal, so maybe more than Squirt was getting.Blessings
Squirt's Mom
11-14-2013, 08:04 AM
Thanks, ya'll! There were actually times of laughter and smiles but they focused on the parts where I was bawling. :p:o But I couldn't help it. I was and remain overwhelmed with emotions about this. I walk through the living room and see those bags of feed and get teary all over! :rolleyes: My mom always accused my dad and me of being "sentimental old slobs" and she's right. Daddy and I would cry watching the Hallmark holiday commercials while Mama sat watching us, shaking her head. :p:D
THE ELLEN SHOW?!?!?! :eek::eek::eek: I would absolutely come undone! The week and a half between the interview and the airing of the segment was filled with nervousness just for a local show. I'm not comfortable in the lime light at all. :o I'm a real good mushroom - stick me in a dark corner, feed me crap, and I flourish! :p Besides, what I do is just a tiny scratch on a cog of a gear in the big machine of rescue. One of the TRUE stars of rescue is a family member here - Glynda. She has strength and courage I can only aspire to; she is a guiding light for me in my tiny efforts. Glynda goes into shelters looking for those to save who would be killed....what would have happened to Trink and Brick if not for her. ;) So sic Ellen on Glynda! :p BTW, for those who may not know - Glynda was chosen as the rescuer of the year last year. ;)
Glynda is amazing too and I dont know how she does what she does with such strength and determination.
But Leslie, if we could get you on a national show maybe we could get some much needed perks for you;):D
Nothing ventured, nothing gained:D:D:D:D
11-14-2013, 08:39 AM
Wow I am really amazed at the wonderful people helping these animals. My hat is off to Glynda, that is a spectacular achievement.
My sweet Ginger
11-14-2013, 08:55 AM
Hi Leslie, if don't mind filling me in a little here since I'm lacking a lot of our family history on here and wondering about some stuff. Did you get Brick & Trink through Glynda? How did it come about? I'd really like to know more about Glynda and your rescue work. You guys are such beautiful minded people who I'm really honor to have met you even online. Beautiful people doing beautiful work for beautiful babies. :)
Squirt's Mom
11-14-2013, 09:20 AM
Glynda, lulusmom, seeks out pups who would not be likely to be adopted out of shelters due to age, illness, deformities, etc. Two of her rescue babies have become famous as representative of Eddie's Wheels - Willa and Webster - two pups born without front legs. She enters the nastiest, scariest, most horrible shelters imaginable and walks out with babies who would have died there either from lack of care or due to euthanization because the staff saw no hope. Glynda ALWAYS sees hope! Always!
She works with a California rescue called Mutts N Stuff and they do wondrous things for their babies. Glynda saw Trink's pic on Petfinder, listed as a Pug because her eyeballs were so huge from untreated Glaucoma they literally lay on Trink's cheeks. Glynda got her out, had her eyes removed, and blessed my world by letting me be Trinket's mom. Brick was found as a stray on the streets of LA, taken to a filthy shelter where Glynda found him and saved him - blind, gimpy and geriatric, he had no chance in that shelter but again, Glynda saw a gem. And again blessed our family by allowing me to be his mom. There are countless others she has saved and either found loving homes for or has kept herself until their final day, loving them with all her huge heart. She is tireless and fearless in her work, sacrificing daily for those in her care - as I said, the TRUE star of rescue.
11-14-2013, 09:32 AM
This is a fascinating and wonderful story of a very brave and selfless woman. That is something I would like to do, but where I live would not be allowed. I would love to live on a farm and rescue animals for the rest of my life. Blessings
I'm in awe of the extreme measures everyone on here has taken to look after their babies... but I am overwhelmed by Glynda and Leslie for what they do. Selfless, kindhearted and loving doesn't come close to what these two ladies are and do.
My hat is off to both of you, and I have the utmost respect for you both.
Plain and simple you are "wonderful women."
My sweet Ginger
11-14-2013, 09:49 AM
Thank you so much Leslie for filling me in. I'm crying and my heart is breaking for Glynda because of the oceanful of tears she mush have shed each time she had to leave a pup behind her because she couldn't save all of them there and sadly we all know there are way too many of them. Still I'm so thankful that there are courageous people like Glynda out there doing this heartbreaking but also rewarding work for our best fur friends. I know I'm not cut out to be doing what she's doing in many ways for sure. I'd be crying all the time, couldn't possibly get anything done positively. So my sincerest and biggest thanks to you, Glynda.
molly muffin
11-14-2013, 06:37 PM
Glynda has a heart of gold and I'm sure she sheds many a tear. I didn't know she had been named rescuer of the year, but I certainly can't think of anyone who is more deserving of that honor. She does so much and saves so many.
You are both, pretty darn wonderful.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
11-15-2013, 03:32 AM
Ohhhh baby!! I just watched the video, so pleased I could see it!! I am not crying but cheering
That was so awesome to see you and the babies!! Love it, they are some mighty big bags of dog biccies, hope they like them :D:D You are such a star, love your hair... hope Janis see's that :D xxxxxxx
Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 01:26 PM
Well, I think I'm gonna have to start sedating Squirt to go anywhere in the truck. We went to see Doc for a nail trim and teetee shave and I am exhausted plus re-injured my shoulder trying to control her on the way back. She used to ride so well, it was a real pleasure to travel with her and we have covered literally 1000's of miles on the road together but those days are gone. :( She will not lay in her seat but insists on standing or trying to walk around the bucket seats with her wobbly legs. For a while I could hold her in my lap and she would be ok but that seems to be losing effectiveness, too. I tried crating her and she still stood, falling over the first turn; even in Brick's little carry case she insists on standing. She fought me the whole way there and the whole way back while holding her in my lap. That is dangerous for us and everyone we meet on the road. So next time we have to take a ride somewhere, she's getting a melatonin and if that doesn't help, she'll get Valium next time as much as I hate it. The only other thing I have been able to think of is to wrap her tight like a burrito and lay her in the seat but I think she would fight that, too. She wants to ride, still LOVES to ride but just can't settle and ride like she used to. :(
Ah Leslie... I know what you're going through. Just today I took Keesh in the van for his ACTH test. He's all over the place in the back, his crate is too big for the van and today he decided he should crawl up to the passenger seat. Needless to say he got stuck part way and I was all over the road trying to get him either back to the back or up on the front seat. My fault, I should have blocked the passageway, but he's never bothered much trying to do that lately. I had to laugh though, thinking of you holding down a squirming Squirt... sorry, but I thought it was funny. Matter of fact I got the giggles imagining it. ;)
Budsters Mom
11-20-2013, 03:27 PM
Does it hurt Squirt to sit down? That could be why she continues to stand even when put in a small crate. Just a thought..... Buddy had difficulty sitting the last several months. xxxxx
11-20-2013, 03:40 PM
That's too bad about Squirt in the car. Tipper does not like to sit either for what it is worth. It seems uncomfortable for her. She has a great car seat that she loved, and she does not want to sit in it. It could be something making her uncomfortable in that position. What if you put a doggie seat belt on her, I have one for Tipper. She can move around, but cannot get off the seat. Hope it works out, I am sorry to hear that as it is dangerous, Tipper had done some stuff like that and I almost wrecked once because of it. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
11-20-2013, 04:21 PM
She doesn't seem to mind sitting at home so I don't think it's that and a belt wouldn't stop her from standing; movement is what has to stop or she's gonna hurt her legs and I can't have that. :eek: She was taught to lay down and ride calmly and that is what she has always done until recently. I think this is part of the Doggyheimer's - maybe it's like the Sundowners but for moving vehicles! :D I've been trying to remember how long this has been going on and it seems like about a year, getting progressively worse. I missed the incontinence as a sign of cognitive loss and may have missed this as a sign as well. I think it's related to the stress factor - she hates going to the vet now and thinks every time she gets in the truck that's where she's going so she gets anxious and can't be still. For over a month, I took her everywhere with me that she could possibly go trying to let her know not all rides mean the vet but it didn't help. Doesn't matter if it's 1/2 a block to get the mail or to the bank 5 miles away she can't be still. But today is the first time she's fought me constantly even while holding her in my lap. She did not let up for more than 30 seconds at a time for the combined 1 1/2 hours on the road and that was only to gather her strength for the next assault! :p
11-20-2013, 04:52 PM
I see what you mean about the legs. I worry so when Tipper runs thru the house she doesn't watch herself anymore and hits into gates etc. going too fast. I have a fear of her doing in one of her legs too. The other day she hit one off the gate really hard, never even winced, just kept going my tuff girl Tipper. She is having a lot of tracheal noise today and snorting, she worries me 24/7. I fed my cat 4 syringes of baby food. They can get hepatic lipidosis really fast if they do not eat and he won't. He will be at the vets tomorrow if no improvement in the morning. Sent my email to Cat again. Hope she finds it it has Tipper's name in the subject line. I am so glad all the bad weather is out of here, I can breathe a sigh of relief for Tipper. Blessings
11-23-2013, 03:28 AM
Hi Leslie
Maybe a smaller confining box, like a cat carrier where she could not stand up... maybe cut a hole for her head so can see out and not be too scared but not able to stand. I use a seat belt attachment for Flynn, but today for the drive home it was not going to work with him being sore. So he lay on the back seat on a nest of blankies all the way home. Usually, if I don't put his seat belt on, he stands on the middle console thingy between the two front seats and rests his head on my shoulder like a parrot! Not real safe as he would turn into a missile if I crashed into anything.
You were a tower of strength to me this week Leslie and I wanted to tell you how much that meant to me, I am going to add in Marianne and Lori too as it was so nice to have them popping in to check on us. Thank you all xxxxxx
Here's what I've done with Keesh. I keep his collar and leash on, tie it to the back of the passenger seat at the top where the head rest is. He has enough room to stand up or lie down and look out the window in the back of the van. He can't roam anymore around the van, and he can't get all tangled up in a dangling leash.
I learned my lesson the hard way. A cop was on my left on a side street and just as I came over the railroad tracks he throws on his overhead lights. Keesh was in the front seat and this cop wasn't anymore then 20 ft ahead of me. I slammed on the brakes, grabbed the dog but yes Keesh became a missile. He hit the dashboard, cut his nose but didn't yelp. Keep in mind this is going through town at a very slow pace. My fault for having the dog in the front seat, however it was a slow ride. The cop drove across the street in front of me onto the road directly across from him then turned off his lights. All he wanted to do was cross the road. I was furious. Needless to say the OPP in this town got an irate phone call from me. They apologized, but I'd like to have choked this guy at the time.
11-23-2013, 08:37 AM
I am confident you will get this under control somehow. I know it is hard to drive with a dog doing that. Toby is not good in the car like Tipper, but she has so much more experience at it than him. Hopefully you won't have to go for a while in the truck with her. Blessings
Zoe is the same way in the car- she will only stand, wont stay on my lap, cries and pants and carries on- she was never like this- it all just started within the last six months.
11-28-2013, 01:17 AM
I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.
11-28-2013, 08:14 AM
I just wanted to pop in and wish you and the babies a wonderful Thanksgiving. I am sure those little ones would enjoy a go at some turkey! Are you cooking a bird? I am making a chicken for us today, as Tipper isn't great on turkey and all she has been eating is her chicken. It is in the teens here this morning so no walking for the doggies. Blessings
Thinking of you and yours
Squirt's Mom
11-28-2013, 08:55 AM
Thank you both! Wishes for a happy day flowing back to all!
Squirt's Mom
11-28-2013, 11:00 AM
For those who say they don't like cranberry sauce - it's only because you've never had "real" cranberry sauce. Here is a recipe (NOT canned!) that is sure to please the pickest of eaters -
1 bag fresh cranberries
2 cups sugar
2 large boxes of lemon jello
1 medium can crushed pineapple, well drained
1 cup pecans
1/2 cup boiling water
1 cup fine chopped celery
1 heaping tbsp frozen orange juice
Day one - chop berries fairly fine, add sugar, and store covered in the fridge overnight.
Day two - add all the rest of the ingredients and store covered in the fridge overnight. Serve chilled.
This goes great with turkey, chicken, or pork and makes a delightful fruit salad any time of the year! You will make converts from those who think cranberry sauce is that stuff in a can they don't care for to cranberry sauce lovers with this recipe! ;)
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