View Full Version : Squirt - my Queen has crossed The Bridge
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Squirt's Mom
07-17-2013, 08:49 AM
Thanks, ya'll! I increased the herbs she's taking for the arthritis, have been carrying her as much as possible, and giving Tramadol when she is really hurting - which a FIGHT, let me tell you! That stuff must taste absolutely horrid! :eek: She really has trouble when she first gets up from lying down, that leg just swinging above the floor, but as she gets going she puts a bit more weight on it and is putting more weight this morning than she has the last few days. Her overall mood is better this morning as well - the tail a bit higher, eyes a bit brighter so I hope this is mending.
Sharlene, both her back legs are pinned and screwed together. She had luxating patellas on both knees plus deformities in the right leg that required basically cutting it off and resetting it from the knee down. That leg was set something like 25 degrees off center and had to be turned. :eek: She was so cute in her bright red casts, tho! :D
Leslie and the Queen of Dogdom
Leslie, so glad to read that Squirt's leg seems a bit better today. That is tough with hardware in both back legs, you worry about one or the other carrying all the weight. My Angel Dakota was that way after she had the second ACL repair. I hope things continue to improve for your sweet baby.
Tina and Jasper
molly muffin
07-17-2013, 11:50 PM
Oh I am sure she was adorable in bright red!
Hoping that the leg continues to get better and nothing to do with the pins occurred. It doesn't sound like it did if she is using it more now. That Squirt has a strong spirit. :)
Gosh Dakota had pins in both legs too! Thats tough, you have to watching out for both legs all the time I guess.
Take care, more good days ahead I hope
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-18-2013, 02:27 AM
Daisy had luxating patella surgery on one leg. I'll never forget it! I slept on the floor with her for days as she cried constantly if I wasn't right there.
Happy that Squirt is improving!
07-18-2013, 02:43 AM
Glad to hear Squirt's wee leg is improving Leslie. I am not sure what strengths you get the Tramadol in over there but here we only have 50mg capsules. It was a real pain splitting them up. But I found a product that has been a huge benefit for me and I told my vet about them and he ordered it in for me. They are Tramadol drops, a human product. 5 drops = 12.5mg and it comes in a special little bottle with inbuilt dropper. I pop his drops in his dinner and he does not even know it is there! Really good for the small doses. xx
Sure hoping today Squirt's leg is even better.
07-18-2013, 06:57 AM
Leslie: Squirt is a wonder dog. She just keeps going, what a sweet little dog. So glad she is getting some better. You are a wonderful person with all you do for these precious dogs. I know you have kept so many up and moving and I know you love them dearly. Hope Squirt keeps improving every hour of every day. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
07-18-2013, 08:28 AM
Yeah, my Sweet Bebe is one strong tough little gal! I had all but given up on her a few months ago and the whole time she was wondering what was wrong with me! :o:) She's never given up, never stopped fighting. She's amazing to me! ;)
Squirt has always loved to have her face and head rubbed really hard. This morning I woke up to vigorous rubbing on my pillow under my head. When I opened my eyes, there was Squirty eye-ball to eye-ball and she responded to the view with a loud, high YIP! Which plainly said, "Get up, Mom!" When I put her on the floor, she took off down the hall toward the front door with weight on her left back leg. :cool: Not full weight bearing by any means but weight nonetheless. She drank and ate with that leg on the floor, not swinging in the air like it has the last few days! :cool: I carried her down the ramp after eating to potty and while they were about their business I was looking around the yard. I turned around to carry her back up the ramp only to find her on the porch already! She went up by herself. Since the seizure, Squirt has gotten very good at allowing me to help her when needed - when NEEDED. She's a life-long card-carrying member of the "leave me alone, I'll do it myself" crowd. ;) The fact she went up on her own says the leg feels much better as well as seeming to be functioning better. All of which is lessening the fear of damage with the hardware in the leg. ~~whew~~ (I wish I was half as tough as Squirt.)
Trish, I've never heard of a liquid Tramadol but that would be wonderful! So much easier to get in her! We have 50mg pills which aren't hard to cut...unless you need an 1/8 or less...which is what I typically give Squirt. I had two really good pill cutters that would hold the pill in place and cut precisely but they both wore slap out and I haven't found any as good as those - they came from her surgeon in TN. Yesterday I finally remembered a baby feeder I have that is like a big syringe with a large opening for food. So I smashed some of her feed with the med in it along with some water, put it in the feeder and squirted it down her throat. I used 1/2 pill and am guessing with the amount she flung out of her mouth onto the walls, floor, herself, bystanders, and me the amount she ingested is about 1/8! :p Yeah, liquids are Blessings in this house! :D
Thanks again! Ya'll are just amazing!
Leslie and Squirty
07-18-2013, 09:38 AM
I am so glad Squirt is better. Nothing brightens your day more than a happy almost back to herself dog. I can just see the tramadol and food flying. Love, JoAnne
07-18-2013, 09:55 AM
Wonderful news, Tipper and I are rejoicing for Squirty, and doing the happy dance. She is tough as nails that girl. I know what you mean about the I'll do it myself club, as Tipper belongs to that also. This makes my day knowing your girl is able to walk ok. It is the small victories that can make your heart so happy. God Bless you for all you do, and for little Squirt who is quite the character. Blessings
Budsters Mom
07-18-2013, 11:31 AM
Yay for Squirty! she definitely is one tough little cookie! I am thrilled that she's doing so well.:D I love your wake up call this morning. We live for those moments. I am so happy for both of you! Xxxx
07-18-2013, 12:33 PM
That's so cute:-)
Best wakeup ever.
molly muffin
07-18-2013, 05:00 PM
Awwww, Squirt What a hoot she is. That girl just never stops amazing me!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
07-19-2013, 10:37 AM
Squirt is sure the energizer bunny and then some!! What a fiesty girl! Sounds like she's adapted to her casts and carrying on!
If only we humans could be like that!! :rolleyes:
Hope she has a good day!
07-20-2013, 10:47 AM
Monday is coming closer and in a way I am glad. I am so anxious to see if this can help my girl. I am just nervous of her newly skinnier leg muscles being sore after these shots. I am also worried she will get crazy again when she sees the vets office like she used to. She also has an ACTH coming up on the 8th so this is going to be stressful for her. I am wondering how Squirt the wonder dog is coming along? How is the other baby that has trouble breathing doing? God Bless you for all you do for those babies and everyone on here including me. I am ever so grateful to know you. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-20-2013, 11:35 AM
Hey Patti,
Squirt is doing alright! :cool::):cool: She just follows me around then sleeps close by. I'm happy with that, tickled pink with that! She's eating well, sleeps well at night in the bed, enjoys her brief times outside - just too hot to be out much right now, and feels well enough to be playful at times. Still battling loose stools, which is making it very difficult to get the Lyso schedule on track, but other than that, she is good.
I so hope these shots help Tipper. It can take several weeks to see changes so be patient and believe with all your might that they will help...and I will do the same. Josie got her shots in the shoulder, not thighs, and they didn't seem to bother her at all.
Sadly, we got her and found that mass much, much too late. During the short time she was with me, it grew to the point it was suffocating her. We let her go the 23rd of June. She, like Tasha, is back in her first mom's arms once again.
Budsters Mom
07-20-2013, 12:41 PM
YAY for Squirt!! :):pThrilled she continues to do so well. These are the moments we live for! Big hugs to you and the gang,
07-20-2013, 02:14 PM
I am glad Squirt is still amazing everyone with her spunk. What a sweet baby girl, she needs many belly rubs. I did discuss the Xanax with the Vet however since it depresses your breathing and central nervous system, and Tipper has breathing issues it would not be a safe alternative for her. I am going to continue to try and see if I can find something to bring her some relief. I heard of a guy who invented a set of headphones for his dog he takes in an airplane. Tipper would never leave them on. It's funny she is scared to death of the thunder noise, but it you try to muffle it so she can't hear it , she will thwart whatever you are doing. It's like she doesn't want to hear it, but has to if that is making sense. I guess she wants to be able to hear it in case it sneaks up on her so she is prepared! She is sure keeping me hoping the last few days. I thank God every second I have her with me. God Bless
Squirt's Mom
08-01-2013, 12:18 PM
Hi ya'll,
Well, I'm about at my wits end with Squirt. I cannot get a handle on this diarrhea. It's not always watery but it is just about always mucousy and loose; she'll have a fairly normal day or two then back to a mess. I've also noticed since I'm having to clean her butt so often that her rectum has recessed some; not sure is this is just an aging thing or not. This morning I've been trying to make her an appt but not getting an answer yet at the clinic.
Her appetite is getting iffy again, too. This morning she refused her food until I put an egg in it and then she ate only a tiny bit. But I had decided she could handle a dose of Lyso this morning. She flat refuses any meds period now, regardless of how they are presented. She will not touch her food if it has anything it it - including salmon oil. Her skin has gotten dry and flaky and I'm sure it's partly due to the loss of the oils she has been getting for years.
I've been struggling with the Lysodren dosing because of the diarrhea and now because of refusing food with meds. She has only had 5 doses this month and they were spaced out weird. Every dose gives her worse diarrhea. She started refusing her food with meds this month. She's not showing any cush signs OTHER than a slight increase in water intake (which could easily be attributed to the heat and the fact that she is eating more kibble than she used to) and massive hair loss. She has always hated being groomed in any shape form or fashion but now seems to enjoy being brushed - probably because it pulls out wads, and I mean WADS, of loose hair. Most of the hair coming out is her soft undercoat.
BUT she's acting better than she has in a while. More active and interactive - she's been coming out to greet visitors which she hasn't done in ages! She is playful quite often. Instead of staying in the closet or bathroom sleeping, she's been following me around more, wanting to be where I am like she used to. She'll lay in the kitchen floor and just watch, maybe snooze a minute but for the most part alert to her surroundings instead of sound asleep. She's wanted to sit in my lap and lay by me on the bed when I rest during the day. She's still limping a little bit but her mobility is a little better - she's actually scared me standing up on her back legs asking to get in my lap! She's showing curiosity again in things around her, noticing things that are different and checking them out. It's almost like having my old girl back in some ways!
(Just made an appt for 11 tomorrow.)
So I'm kinda at a loss as to what to do. Part of me is saying forget about the Cushing's and just let her be for the rest of her time. Then I think about diabetes and organ damage and get really nervous that she's missing doses. Then the question of HOW to get the meds in her now - she's gotten very good at detecting them no matter how they are hidden. I would hate to because it would mean a fight every time, but the pill pushers are an after the appt tomorrow and hopefully a solution to the digestive issues, maybe the Lyso will be easier on her physically and she won't resist eating her food so much when it's dosed. (Yes, I credit her with the ability to make that connection! ;))
Any insight, experiences, suggestions appreciated!
Leslie and a stinky Queen
08-01-2013, 01:08 PM
Sorry to read about what's going on with Squirt. You've probably already tried this- but we always have a lot of luck with very sticky white rice. It will really bind things up if Squirt can/will eat it. Maybe if the pill was buried in a sticky ball of rice? Also a soft doughy bread ball can hold a pill pretty well...if Squirt will swallow it whole it could work...but I guess it's hard if Squirt just won't eat.
Since she is active and playful at least she is not too bothered by the diarrhea right now. Her behavior seems very perky so that's actually a good sign.
I hope the appt. tomorrow will help with a plan for Squirt!
08-01-2013, 01:30 PM
Hey Leslie: So sorry Squirt is having problems. She seems to be feeling okay since she is somewhat like her old self. For some reason CoCo's stool is better. Don't know if it is the weaning the thyroid mediciine or getting rid of the worm. I believe worms can do a lot of damage to our pups. I was so happy when I found it because I believed that was his weight loss problem and stooling problem, but the vets said no. Since Lysodren causes diarrhea, I am really concerned about changing to it. The lignans seemed to build up in CoCo also and cause diarrhea, don't know if Squirt has a sensitive stomach and certain things cause the diarrhea, but not eating her food is worrisome. CoCo loved the Nutrical, don't know if you have ever tried that, supposed to stimulate their appetite and has lots of vitamins. I am thinking about you and Squirt today. I know you will figure it out, you always do. Love, JoAnne
Harley PoMMom
08-01-2013, 02:18 PM
I am so sorry that our sweet Squirt is having some issues. It just might be that she is being picky about her food because medicine used to be hidden it, our furkids are so smart! ;) Hopefully her appetite will pick up real soon.
Have you thought about getting Lysodren in a liquid suspension? Might be easier to administer??
Sending healing and loving hugs to you and all the dear furbabies.
Gosh Leslie, I can imagine you feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. If her undercoat is coming out and she is more active it would seem on the surface her cortisol may be going up and I totally get how you are worried about diabetes, etc.
So what to do about the stools and appetite? I did not have the appetite issues but our vets were going to consider budesonide or increase her metronidazole or switch out to Tylan if we changed to Lysodren and her IBD flared.
But in this case, for Squirt, it seems you are thinking that Lysodren is the cause of it.
I am so sorry you are dealing with this.
Sending you much love and hugs
08-01-2013, 03:50 PM
I am so sad about Squirt not doing well and having the runs. I know how you are feeling and not sure of which way to go. I understand when you say not to treat her and just let her go on. Then the diabetes risk is another issue. I feel so bad that you have to deal with all of this. I know Squirt is special to you, and I don't even know what I would do if it were Tipper. I know she cannot continue on with the runs, as that in itself brings problems. It seems nothing involving this disease is ever easy, and there are never any simple solutions. I know potato will bind you up, will she eat any cooked potato? That is just a temporary band aid on the problem though. I hope you get in touch with the clinic. I will pray for you both that Squirt the wonder dog rises above it again and gets better. Blessings
Budsters Mom
08-01-2013, 04:32 PM
Oh Leslie,
It is possible to mash her pills and syringe them through with some watered down baby food meat? Or do they have to go down whole? Those pill shooters are tricky and most hate them. Are you giving her SEB for the diarrhea? I am so sorry. I wish I could be more help. A stinky queen is not acceptable!:D Big hugs,
Squirt's Mom
08-01-2013, 05:54 PM
I'm not sure the Lyso has caused the initial issue. She's been having issues since the seizure. She'll get leveled out, I'll give her the Lyso and she has diarrhea again. I am seldom able to get it stopped in time for the next scheduled dose so her dosing schedule is all off kilter.
The SEB helped at first but no longer seems to. Marshmallow helps some, not as much as the SEB did and she hates the taste of it. I'm hoping she's just got an infection and a round of ABs will help...or worms even, I'll take worms at this point! :D
I'll let ya'll know what Doc says tomorrow and thanks for the input as always!
Leslie and Squirty
08-01-2013, 06:48 PM
This is gonna sound simplistic, but at this point in time if Squirt is behaviorally doing better when she's missed a Lyso dose -- I think I'd just stop giving it. Given her age and situation, I think improved quality of her daily life trumps the longer term potential for chronic organ damage and diabetes. If she looks happier and perkier -- and will eat better and have firmer poops -- I'd just stop the Lyso.
Remind me, but you never loaded her, did you? Just have been giving maintenance doses? So you could always start back up with that again if you decided it was the better route to go. But for right now, I think I'd go with outward appearances and try to forget about the "internals" :o. Easier said than done, I know. :o :o
08-01-2013, 06:50 PM
Hope Squirt has a good appointment tomorrow and things get straightened out for her.
Hi Leslie,
Just wanted to stop by and tell you I'm thinking of you and Squirt, and hoping for the best tomorrow, both in terms of a good visit and good news! :)
Julie & Hannah
08-01-2013, 10:05 PM
Leslie, Wishing you luck tomorrow. Hugs to dear Squirt. Kim
Roxee's Dad
08-01-2013, 10:23 PM
keeping fingers and paws crossed that it's a simple and easy fix.
Simba's Mom
08-02-2013, 01:26 AM
So sorry to hear that Squirt is not feeling well, it's so up and down, just praying for normal days, hugs!
08-02-2013, 08:07 AM
Tipper and I will be praying that Squirty can get some resolve form the vets appointment today. I am hoping that whatever this is causing the runs, that you are able to pinpoint it and get it stopped. I know you will scour the earth to help Squirt ,so I am confident you will get this taken care of. How is she eating still ok? Praying for you Both
One more thought, is Squirt on a probiotic? If no and she is going on antibiotics might be a good idea to start. If yes, she may need it changed because we have to switch them around every so often. They stop working.
08-02-2013, 08:40 AM
This is gonna sound simplistic, but at this point in time if Squirt is behaviorally doing better when she's missed a Lyso dose -- I think I'd just stop giving it. Given her age and situation, I think improved quality of her daily life trumps the longer term potential for chronic organ damage and diabetes. If she looks happier and perkier -- and will eat better and have firmer poops -- I'd just stop the Lyso.
Remind me, but you never loaded her, did you? Just have been giving maintenance doses? So you could always start back up with that again if you decided it was the better route to go. But for right now, I think I'd go with outward appearances and try to forget about the "internals" :o. Easier said than done, I know. :o :o
I couldn't agree more.
Squirt's Mom
08-02-2013, 08:48 AM
Ah...forgot about Marianne's question - no, Squirt was never loaded. We went straight to maintenance.
Thanks, ya'll! I'll let you know what Doc says this morning about the diarrhea.
08-02-2013, 08:58 AM
Hoping for a good vet visit for Squirt.
Squirt's Mom
08-02-2013, 01:41 PM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt has a bacterial infection. ~~whew~~ She got a shot of Diathol with B12, which he said should stop it immediately, and came home with Baytril and a probiotic / anti-diarrhea combo that she takes 3x a day - ProPectalin. He also gave us a prescription for Diazapam for the storm phobia to try. Doc said he wanted this under control by Mon and if not, to call and bring her back. The rectum is more than likely aging and subsequent loss of muscle mass.
She got her nails trimmed, as did Brick, and I talked to him about starting Adequan on her when I can afford it. He's willing to give it a shot so we'll start that when funds allow. Doc said he thought there was a generic that was a bit less expensive and is going to look into it.
I knew she was shedding but my word! The hair was falling out in clumps all over the exam room today. I told them if they needed to stuff a pillow just sweep that floor! No wonder I'm wearing out a new vacuum! :D
I hope this works and she's back on an even keel soon. Stopping the Lyso, to stop even trying, is making my heart rise into my throat so if she can tolerate it and maintain a decent quality of life, I'll try to get her back on it - Doc wants me to as well. If it keeps upsetting her intestinal track or if it reduces her quality of life too much, I'll hang it up then. A little voice keeps whispering in my ear that if a German Shepherd can live to be 20 so can Squirt. ;)
Leslie and a tired Squirty
08-02-2013, 02:35 PM
So happy Leslie that it is something with Squirt that can be treated fairly easily with antibiotics. Maybe she will be fine in a day or two. Love, JoAnne
Budsters Mom
08-02-2013, 02:41 PM
Okay, such a relief! Whew! That infection will clear up and our ruler will back to her queenly self. :)It won't do to continue to have a stinky queen.:D xxxxx
Squirt's Mom
08-02-2013, 04:34 PM
Picked up her Diazapam - he gave her 10 2mg tablets. The pharmacist said they should start to work in 30 min to an hour and last around 8 hours. We have storms moving in early in the morning and running until Wed. so this should be a good test! The trick is going to be getting them into her! :p
Oh, and her weight was down to 12.4 today.
Hoping this does the trick, paws crossed, fingers crossed, praying real hard for baby girl Squirt.
Hope the Valium eases the storm fears too.
08-02-2013, 08:48 PM
Hi Leslie, hope this treatment does the trick and things settle for Squirt :) I know the probiotic and 1/4 tsp of Metamucil has stabilised Flynn's gut problems. But if there is a bug there that needs to be dealt with, how did the vet tell so fast it was bacterial? I thought the sample would have to be tested to give a clear result?
Fingers crossed it does the trick!
Squirt's Mom
08-03-2013, 08:26 AM
He did a test in the office that showed bacteria...the exact type he couldn't say but figured it's one of the ones going around now - and he told me the names but I can't remember...seems like both started with "c". I was so relieved all I really heard was "bacterial infection". :p We had a discussion on how her food was cooked and stored, and about how the temps outside cause bugs to grow where water has collected they might decide to drink. And folks who have outside dogs that put water on their feed then it sits in the sun growing bacteria that the dog then eats on.
Her first dose of Diazepam will go in, hopefully, very soon here. They are 2mg tablets and the dose is one pill as needed. Last nite, I talked myself into trying 1/2 tablet first - that would be 1mg which is well within normal range for her weight. At her age and after the Proin scare, I am a bit leery to try the full dose - especially since Doc isn't in the office til Mon. So we will see if 1/2 helps to start with.
Leslie and Squirt (who is "patiently" waiting on breakfast! :D)
Sounds like a good plan, try 1/2 dose to see how zonked out she gets. The Baytril helped Trinket some time ago, I am hoping it helps Squirt too.
08-03-2013, 08:44 AM
I am so relieved that this is a problem that can be easily solved. I am interested in how the Valium works for Squirt. I bet you were so relieved to find out it was a bacterial infection. Not that it is something great to have, but less worrisome than some other things it could have been. It is very easy to get worried if any little thing upsets the apple cart as I well know. Right away you mind starts wondering about bad things. It can't be helped, because with this disease you never know what to expect. I am curious did the German Shepard who lived to 20 have Cushings?? Have a good weekend now that you donlt have to worry too much. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-03-2013, 09:53 AM
As far as I know, Schoep did not have Cushing's but that's not going to sway my mind! ;):D:p I also know a mid-sized dog with heart disease and liver cancer who is now 18; 3 years after the heart and cancer diagnosis. Can't help but find hope in these stories. ;)
Squirt ate her food this morning even with the Baytril and Diazepam in it! Good girl! :cool: That was about an hour ago and I don't see any real signs of sedation yet nor any adverse effects. The storms haven't started but they are on their way so we will see how the day progresses. If the 1/2 doesn't help once the thunder starts, I can give her some more. She can have up to 4 mg a day but I want to keep it to as low an effective dose as possible. I almost gave her a melatonin with it but decided to wait and see how it works on its I need to research to be sure that combination is alright. ;)
She had a normally formed poop this morning! :):cool: It has quite a bit of tiny white specs all through it but it is formed! I wonder if the specs are bugs or something else? Surely worms would have shown up yesterday! I'll keep an eye on it and if the specs continue, we'll have to check that out as well. But all in all, I am pleased with her status this morning!
Squirt's Mom
08-03-2013, 12:48 PM
At 10 am it was time for the probiotic which is given via a syringe. She didn't fight me one bit so I would say the pill has had some mild effect. She's not sleeping and is alert but calm. The clouds went away, the sun is out so that line missed us this morning but there are more on the way thru Wed. so we will see!
08-03-2013, 02:02 PM
Way to go Squirt! You can get thru anything! I am so happy she is doing better. I know this really had you on edge. I am wondering what the white specs are too, that sounds weird, like some type of parasite maybe like tape worm eggs, which are from fleas? I am waiting for a storm here. It blew over earlier also, but tomorrow we are to get it again. Blessings
08-04-2013, 12:17 PM
Any more white specks? How is Squirt today? Do you think you will continue with the Lysodren if this bacterial infection gets under control? Squirt is one amazing baby, I understand why you are so taken with her. Blessings
Simba's Mom
08-04-2013, 07:37 PM
Sending hugs and prayers, Squirt is sure a fighter!
08-05-2013, 08:27 AM
Just checking in on you two today to see how Squirt is and if you saw any more white specks? Hope all is well I am on the way to the vet's with Tipper for shot# 5. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-05-2013, 09:34 AM
Thanks for checking on us! :)
Poops are normal and the white specs are still present - BUT they are present in all their poop and they are all eating the same kibble so I think it is from the feed. She eats quinoa and if you've never cooked quinoa, you will be in for a shock when you do! Quinoa is a seed and when it cooks, these little stringy wormy arms come out each side - two per seed, one on each side of the seed. So as the seed softens cooking, it starts to look as if the pot is full of tiny white worms. :eek::p The first time I cooked it, the person I was living with at the time came in and looked in the pot then said, "You better throw this out and start over - it's bad, this has worms in it!" :D Then when Squirt first started eating it, I noticed all these little short white strings in her poop and freaked! Nothing like snatching up a fresh sample, dashing to the vet, only to be told it's FOOD! :D:p:D
One thing I have decided I do not like about the Diazepam is that is take so long to start to work. We've had storms in the state all week just about but they came through our area only once so far - late yesterday afternoon. By the time I got the med in her and it had started to work, the storm had moved out. So she was still stressed during the thunder but mildly sedated after. :rolleyes: She needs something that goes to work quickly as our summer storms can come and go with little warning. I don't want to sedate her just because there might be a storm but do want something to help when they do come. When it is a definite that we will have storms, the med will help I think. But for these that pop up quickly and unpredictably then move on, the Diazepam can't go to work fast enough to help. One thought I have been considering is to go ahead and give the herbs when there is a possibility then give the drug when the storms do appear. The herbs will boost the drug and perhaps make it work faster...and they can be used together *with caution*. ;)
ah...the joys of Dancing through this life with my Sweet Bebe!
Leslie and the ever Queen of Dogdom
08-05-2013, 12:30 PM
That story is too funny about the worms! I know what you mean about these storms, it is awful on these poor babies that already have enough problems to deal with. I guess the vet told me this S-Adenosyl was new so he could feel good about charging me 60.00 for and 18.99 supplement. I'll have to ask him what new means to him! He came in 30 minutes late today. I waited in the car with Tipper so she did not get upset. He walked over to the car with his guilty conscience and talked to Tipper. He is a real piece of work this one! Blessings
08-05-2013, 01:46 PM
oh the creepy visions in my mind that your story brought! The stuff of nightmares for me because I loath most creepy crawlies and anything that resembles a white worm will definitely send me screaming and Chris laughing :)
ICK! He says that I'm "a true girly girl".
Patti, lat AGAIN! I wonder what the consequence would be if you were late for an appointment of his?
Funny story, a lawyer had an appointment with a doctor and he sat in the waiting room for over an hour. He literally sent the doctor a bill for his time. I don't know if the doctor paid it or not.
Squirt's Mom
08-05-2013, 06:52 PM
Weather warning came on the TV around 2:30 for severe storms until 3:45. I gave her 1/2 pill of the Diazepam at 2:40, or thereabouts. Not a drop or a rumble until just now.
Squirt was asleep on the bed but after a big boom, she is awake, hyper-alert but not panicked. the wind and rain are fairly heavy now. She's not shaking, panting or drooling, nor standing staring at me while doing all of that. ;) If things don't get too rough, 1/2 pill just might be enough.
That sounds pretty good, Leslie, great news, as a matter of fact and I hope the band plays on so the dance can continue for a long, long time.:):)
molly muffin
08-05-2013, 09:04 PM
Wow, good timing with the pill. Hopefully 1/2 is just right. What a pain about how early you have to give it though. That sounds frustrating and nerve wrecking just trying to figure out if you should give one or not. Arggghhh
That is funny about the pot of worms! (quinoa) ROFL. My husband won't eat it, or couscous, but I like them.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-06-2013, 09:14 AM
Great news that the 1/2 pill is working for Squirty. The fear they must feel with the low cortisol, must be terrible. I am glad it is helping to calm her fears. It is so hard to watch your baby in distress, and the weather this year is not helping any. It seems like one storm after another. After reading your post to me, I am taking your wisdom and using it. I am going to get Tipper an US. Pray for her that there is nothing wrong as I will melt into a puddle of anxiety. I think of your strength and courage and it makes me go on to get this done even though I am crying typing this. Hope your weather clears up for Squirts sake. Blessings
08-07-2013, 09:08 AM
We are supposed to get bad storms later today, and I can see Tipper is already on alert from the barometric pressure change. I am going to talk to the vet today about this, if he can spare 5 minutes for me. Blessings
08-09-2013, 12:10 PM
How is Squirt doing today? When you get time would you look at Tipper's blood and ACTH results? They are in 2 different posts as I forgot the ACTH. I am concerned that the alk phos and alt are steadily climbing, even though by all accounts the cortisol is controlled. Thank you I appreciate it. Tipper had her 6th shot today! Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-11-2013, 01:41 PM
Well, the diarrhea is back. :( She finished the ABs a few days ago and her stool was ok for a day or so then started getting softer and just now is back to no form at all, quite a lot of mucous. So back to the vet tomorrow. I have some Clavamox and am tempted to go ahead and start it since I don't have any Baytril left. What do you think? Clavamox or wait til tomorrow?
Poor baby. She threw up last night, too, but I think that was because a little piece of the ham slice I used to give her the phobia pill with got stuck in her throat and gagged her. She doesn't act as if she feels poorly and isn't acting off at all. In obvious pain and diarrhea but otherwise good appetite, drinking, pee, sleep, behavior. No Lyso in over a week either.
She's gonna get deprived of supper tonite and maybe breakfast in the morning which ain't gonna make her happy but we got to get her insides settled down soon.
08-11-2013, 01:54 PM
Oh I feel so bad, she was doing well for the last few days, now this again. I think I might be tempted to wait until tomorrow as your Dr. seems to be really be good with her. You are always on top of things so I am sure this will get cleared up asap. Blessings
08-11-2013, 04:59 PM
So sorry Leslie, diarrhea seems so hard to control in these furbabies. CoCo has done so well, but today had a little soft stool. I had given him a little cheese and probably too much lignan, but it was HMR, not supposed to have fiber, but these dogs have such a sensitive stomach, cannot seem to change anything. Maybe if Squiurt does not eat tonight or in the morning she will be back on track. I hope so anyway Love, JoAnne
08-11-2013, 05:41 PM
the Tylosin (Tylan) powder has been working for Daisy perfectly. Please ask the vet about it. It's used to treat chronic diarrhea with IBD too.
Honestly, it's been a life saver for her.
Budsters Mom
08-11-2013, 06:39 PM
Oh Squirty, you do worry your mother. :o Leslie, It sounds like her infection (or whatever) wasn't totally eradicated. Is there a vet emergency you could call today and ask about the Clavamox? They would probably not tell you and want to see her, but it would be worth a try.
Fasting her, giving her sore little tummy a chance to settle is the first thing I would do. Does she get bouts of hypoglycemia. If so, watch out for signs that her blood sugar is too low. Difficulty walking or tremors can indicate this. You might want to try SEB to give her some nourishment and guard against dehydration. You could always put a little Karo syrup in it to guard her blood sugar level. SEB reallY helped Buddy's tummy. You probably know all of this and if so disregard. I'm just throwing my thoughts and prayers out to you.
Squirty, feel better fast! Xxxxx
molly muffin
08-11-2013, 09:44 PM
Drat Leslie. Sometimes these things can take a bit longer than normal. Molly finished one set of antibiotics, went back to loose stools and the vet ended up keeping her on antibiotics for anther couple weeks to make sure it was gone and she was on a probitic longer almost 2 months. It can be real hard to get cleared up sometimes.
Hang in there!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Stopping by to wish you luck at the vet today. Maybe Baby Squirt just needs another round as Sharlene said.
Stopping by too, to wish you good luck at the vet today. Sure hope this gets cleared up soon for both your sakes.
Budsters Mom
08-12-2013, 11:20 AM
Fingers, toes and paws crossed that all goes well at the vet today.
Big hugs,
Squirt's Mom
08-12-2013, 01:30 PM
We're back. More bacteria present today than last week...but again I forgot to get the name. :rolleyes: And Spirochetes are present as well today. Diagnosis is Bacterial Enteritis. We came home with Metronidazole and Endosorb tablets this time. She got another injection of the Diathol today as well.
I gave her a very small lunch with Turmeric added. It is astringent, which can help dry things up, as well as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory and is often used with digestive issues. Doc is on vacation but Dr. Stacy, who saw her, said this would be a good thing to try - shouldn't hurt anyway! She was grateful for food even tho it had the Endosorb and Turmeric in it. YAY! I've used Turmeric with both Tasha and Josie, but for different reasons, and they both seemed to like the taste so hopefully Squirt won't object when she no longer feels I am starving her! :p
Dr. Stacy did real good up to the point she was discussing what to do if this comes back again....she just HAD to go and use the "C" word. :eek::rolleyes::( Of course, that thought has already been flying through my her age it is certainly possible. I just didn't really want to hear anyone else say it out loud.
Budsters Mom
08-12-2013, 02:37 PM
Hi Leslie,
I hope Squirt's infection clears this time. There are some really persistent bugs out there. No one ever wants to hear the "C"word.:eek: I am so sorry that came up.:o
Please tell me about Tumeric. I have heard that it's excellent for digestive issues. Is it the regular spice (used for cooking) or a herb you get at a health food store? How much do you use for a small dog? I thought of trying it with Buddy, but he had so many allergies. We ended up using SEB instead, which worked great.
Squirt's Mom
08-12-2013, 03:03 PM
The SEB has worked fine until recently and it is now acting as a laxative for her. :( She flat refuses Marshmallow - it tastes like CRAP so I don't blame her one bit! :p
I get my Turmeric from Mountain Rose Herbs and I think it is the same as the culinary spice but I'm not sure how the culinary is harvested or prepared and I trust MRH. ;) Turmeric can be made into an alcohol or glycerite tincture, a tea, infusion, decoction, mixed with warm milk and honey, or sprinkled dry on the food...among other methods. It has a long and varied history of medicinal usage.
Budsters Mom
08-12-2013, 03:08 PM
Thanks Leslie. I learn so much from you!:)
Squirt's Mom
08-12-2013, 03:45 PM
If you get bored, here are some articles on Turmeric.
molly muffin
08-12-2013, 04:56 PM
Oh drat, no need to even go near the C word at this point. pfffttt Nope, just get rid of this nasty infection that is being stubborn about leaving and get on with life. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
08-13-2013, 09:49 AM
Squirt is absolutely REFUSING this Metronidazole. I have lost 3 pills since last nite trying to get ONE in her. I put it in her food - mistake. She refused to eat. I forced one down her throat - she threw it up. I mashed it in honey and water, syringed it and she bent her head down and let it all fall out onto the floor. :( So I've got a call into the clinic to see if they can suspend this in their beef flavoring they use.
Otherwise, she had a very, very, very relaxed nite because her mom is an idiot. I fixed her some supper and started her meds back - melatonin and lignans (1 capsule vs her normal 3). Then it started thundering and I fixed her another bite with the Diazapam in it - forgetting she already had melatonin on board. :eek::eek::eek: So I was up until around 5am, rousing her on occasion just to make sure I could and counting her respiration. She was groggy as all get out but always woke up when I touched her and tho wobbly, went outside to pee on her own - I did carry her up and down the ramp just in case she lost her footing. When I realized what I had done, I called the pharmacist, who couldn't help with an animal, then called the emergency clinic in LR. They told me what to watch for that would mean she needed to come in. As long as she was responsive, she should be fine. SO I kept making her respond all night long. She woke up perky, me not so much with less than 2 hours sleep. ;)
08-13-2013, 09:57 AM
Leslie, So sorry to hear about Squirt's problems.
Hopefully the infection will clear up real soon.
Glad to hear she was perky when you woke her through the night.
08-13-2013, 10:00 AM
Come on Squirt take your meds they make you feel better, Woody is on these for 5 days and I put it in a little chicken and he ate it all up.
Glad to hear that Squirt was responsive all night what a fright you would have got when you realised the mistake, accidents happen :p
08-13-2013, 12:39 PM
All the sacrifices we make on behalf of our babies will not go unrewarded. After they get better and you get that big kiss everything is forgotten!. I am not getting too much sleep either and being tired and dragged out all day is no fun. Have you ever had this kind of trouble off of Squirt before with this antibiotic? I hope they can mix it with some kind of suspension and it won't be so hard to give to her. These babies are smart- too smart sometimes. When given these drugs by the vet, I don't think they give any consideration to what method of delivery you have to use. Liquid is easier, but harder to know how much they got if they spit any, pills are just a pain if they know they are in their food, capsules get stuck and are my least favorite. How about the huge capsules they make, like you aren't going to have any trouble getting them into a dog! Hope by the time you read this you have gotten this solved. I know this is really no fun especially when you are tired! Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-13-2013, 01:33 PM
Ha! Yeah, Squirt has gotten wise to all the tricks of med giving in her old age! She will no longer take human food treats period for fear there is something in there, she will only take treats that crunch. :rolleyes: Ever seen a dog pucker up and spew liquid? Squirt has mastered that! :p I tried giving her something in PB a while back thinking it would stick to her mouth and eventually go in - nope. She just drug her tongue on the carpet and now refuses PB. :D She is too smart for her own good! I bit the bullet and bought a pill pusher this morning. :(
The clinic made a suspension with their beef flavored stuff for compounding meds. I gave it to her in her lunch and she ate most of her meal on her own and finished when I hand-fed the last few bites. It still tastes bad but not as bad as the pill on its own so hopefully this will work for the next several days.
Budsters Mom
08-13-2013, 02:30 PM
I'm sorry Leslie. I hate those pill pushers too! :o Squirt is wise to your tricks. I don't blame her at all but it does make it harder on you. As long as she's fighting you, she hasn't given up and that's AWESOME!! Xxxxx
Simba's Mom
08-13-2013, 05:58 PM
Oh Leslie, Hope they figure out how to get the meds to Squirt, thats a tough one...sending hugs!!
Leslie, I think I read Metronidazole has a bitter taste and it is better to give with a bit of food or shortly after a meal so it does not upset their tummy. Hope the liquid works better, but it may have been the bitter taste of the pills.
08-14-2013, 08:07 AM
I hope Squirt is still taking her meds and getting better. I am wondering how day 2 of the liquid is going? God Bless Squirty she still keeps on trying. Blessings
08-15-2013, 04:45 AM
Metronidazole tastes disgusting, I know because I had a course once! Hope she is feeling better Leslie, poor baby xx
I don't know if this will help you at all, but it's worth a try. Keesh wouldn't take anything from my hand at all. I am his caregiver and all food used to come from me. He figured out the hand treats had something distasteful in them. I tried the pill pusher, shoving it down his throat, putting it way back on the outside of his last tooth but nothing worked. He hates PB too. I don't give him his pills anymore, someone else does. He hasn't figured that out yet, but so far it's working albeit with very expensive white old cheddar cheese pieces. Once he has that figured out, I'm not sure where to go from there.
I understand perfectly about dosing errors. I almost took his Trilostane and gave him my Rimadyl.
Hope the suspension works better for you.
08-15-2013, 07:51 AM
Wondering how Squirt is and if the antibiotic is still working? Are you using the pill shooter? I hope she is getting better. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-15-2013, 08:18 AM
Hi ya'll,
Thanks for asking about my Sweet Bebe. I wish I could say this new round of meds wass working but that isn't so. The Endosorb is supposed to given only until the stool is forming normally then you stop it. I can't stop it and the stool stay normal even with the Metronidazole on board. It doesn't seem to be working as well as the Baytril did. I can get the suspension in her so it isn't that she isn't getting the dose she is supposed to of that - it just isn't working without the Endoscope. And there is no money left this month for another vet visit. The two that have already occurred meant my utility bill didn't get paid fully so I'm starting out next month in the hole. I have enough of the meds to get her through til Doc B comes back and I hope he will simply give her some more Baytril without having to see her. If not.....I sure hope the temps cool off next month 'cause it's gonna get HOT in here without power! :rolleyes:
08-15-2013, 09:32 AM
Sorry to hear that the meds aren't working for squirt, I hope you can get the Baytril.
I know where your coming from I only just made the rent this month didn't need an overnight stay in the emergency vet this week it's pretty much cleaned me out, but I,ll survive as will you, things we do for our babies :)
08-15-2013, 09:36 AM
Hey Leslie: So sorry Squirt cannot get over the diarrhea. I know the feeling, CoCo had it for three months or more I think, got so skinny, dewormed him twice. Started on Hill's ID. He is better. He is bad to dig around in the dirt and grab somethiing before I can stop him. These little dogs are so fast at getting things in their mouth and we have squirrels and rabbits and all kinds of critters around. His stool never shows worms when the vet checks it, but I saw one and always suspected that was it. I still check every stool, not fun. You might do that. They don't always show up on stool checks at the vets. Love, JoAnne
08-15-2013, 09:40 AM
I know what you mean about the financial struggles you are going thru in order to help your babies. This will be a bad month for me to as now I have an added expense with my cat. I do what I have to also. If it means not paying something else for the month then that is what I do to. I sure hope your Dr. will just give you the Baytril over the phone. If you go to a vet a lot and he knows you and the dog why not? I hope this gets straightened out for Squirt she has been such a trooper with everything that goes on with her. Blessings
molly muffin
08-15-2013, 10:28 AM
Oh drat, was hoping that this would work. Hoping doc gets back and soon and you can pick up some med for her. You just do what you can Leslie. One day, one lightbulb at a time.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
08-15-2013, 10:34 AM
Dear Sweet Leslie,
I know the Frustration over the $$$$$ thing. I am so sorry.:o I am still paying vet bills from several different places for Buddy.:o Why does everything have to be so dang expensive?
Oh Squirty. It's no fun with the runs!:o How is she feeling otherwise? Is she behaving like her usual queenly self or is she a little subdued?
I am here for you Leslie, like you remain for me. Big hugs,
Squirt's Mom
08-15-2013, 11:59 AM
Her behavior is great! Her appetite has been good all week so she doesn't act as if this is bothering her at all - until we have to wash her butt! :p
Budsters Mom
08-15-2013, 12:18 PM
Well, I don't blame Squirt? I don't like to have to get my butt washed either! :D LOL Glad to hear that she's doing well otherwise. :) That is a blessing.:p xxxx
molly muffin
08-15-2013, 03:30 PM
ROFL. That cracked me up about "wash her butt". I have on soooo many occasions, walked in the door and said, Molly dirty bum, and off she goes to the bathroom. She's not thrilled but she knows what a dirty bum means. Thank goodness she is small I can just pick her up and put her bum right under the faucet. LOL
Isn't life with animals always an adventure?!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-16-2013, 12:37 PM
Darn that old butt washing!! If I say Tipper you need your butt washed she immediately sits down as she knows what it means. I never say it any more, I just pick her up and put her under the faucet. If she has time to think it over you are in trouble! There seems to be a thing with feet, and butts that they do not want them touched. Glad to hear she is eating and doing well otherwise. Did the vet give you the antibiotics after you called? I hope so, and hope this all gets straightened out for Miss Squirty. Blessings
Budsters Mom
08-16-2013, 08:16 PM
How is Squirty doing today? Xxxxx
08-16-2013, 11:02 PM
I've just been getting updated on poor Squirt - hope she's doing better today.
Also wanted to mention that when Hamish had an upset stomach from some Blue Buffalo that was part of a recall (before we discovered the recall info) that the vet suggested that he might have developed an allergy to his food. He had 3 courses of metronizadole, and was ill as soon as we stopped each course. When I said it wasn't new food, although the bag was new, she said that it was possible for dogs to just develop a food allergy overnight just like humans (I can relate to that as I suddenly developed an allergy to garlic about 15 years ago). Just thought it might help?
08-16-2013, 11:49 PM
Trixie is also not a fan of the butt wash either!
We had very good luck with Tylan powder to get rid of a very stubborn intestinal bug last year. We had so many visits to the vet for the same was crazy. They kept sending out the stool sample and the results would show nothing.
Finally the vet used her own microscope instead of sending out the sample and she was able to pinpoint the chlostridium bacteria which causes colitis type symptoms. The Tylan was the only thing that finally put an end to a long bout of diarrhea.
Hope Squirt gets rid of whatever is causing hers. So frustrating when these things don't go away...some of these little buggers are hard to get rid of!
08-16-2013, 11:52 PM
we had the same scenario as Barbara happen recently and the Tylan has been working wonders for Daisy.
08-17-2013, 08:05 AM
just checking in to see how Squirty is today? Hope the runs are a thing of the past. I feel so bad when they have the runs, it seems like it drains their energy sometimes, maybe the electrolytes getting out of whack a little. Hope you and she have a good weekend with no storms. We are not due for any until tomorrow and Wednesday. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-17-2013, 08:57 AM
She has one more dose of the Endosorb then we will see if the Metronizadole is going to work on its own. I've kept giving it even after the stools were formed in the hopes it would give the Metronizadole time to take hold. If it is only the Endosorb that is controlling the diarrhea, I should know by tomorrow and if that seems to be the case, I will call and ask for more Baytril.
She continues to act just fine so this isn't bothering her at all apparently. She isn't losing any more weight that I can tell, in fact, seems to have gained a tad so she isn't getting debilitated from this so far.
I've been pondering this and have come up with some ideas that may be playing a role - primarily the loss of fiber and salmon oil that she had been on for years. After the seizure when she wouldn't eat she lost all that fiber that is in her cooked menus and she flat refuses anything salmon, including the oil which can act as an anti-inflammatory in the gut. In addition, the lignans provided fiber that she is no longer getting. So I am wondering if these changes could have caused this and are making it difficult to get control of, allowing bacteria to form. She has been eating her home cooked again pretty good most of the time so some of that fiber is getting added back...or has been anyway.
Leslie and the gang
Budsters Mom
08-17-2013, 04:00 PM
That's great that Squirt feels well and hasn't lost any weight. Fingers, toes and paws crossed that the diarrhea stops on it's own. Xxxxx
08-18-2013, 08:06 AM
Hope Squirt is still doing well today. I hope when the medicine is done that she does not get the runs back, as I am sure she has had enough of it. Are you going to wait or go straight into the Baytril? That is one thing I have not had a problem with is Tipper having the runs thank goodness. I am taking the cat and her both at the same time to the vets tomorrow so that should be fun. I need to get both their issues straightened out and get a break form problems for a while. I am sure you know the feeling. Blessings
Hi Leslie,
Just stopping by to give you a hug and to see how Squirt is doing. I hope the metronidazole kicked in.
Squirt's Mom
08-19-2013, 06:51 PM
Her poop has been ok! There was a little shine this morning but still formed and no mucous areas seen! :):cool::) I started putting a cloth soaked in cool Calendula tea on her butt and it was no longer red after about 24 hours so I know it has to feel better...and she doesn't have to get in the tub! :p She still has a few days of the Metronizadole left and then she's through with meds for a bit - I hope! Her shedding is not NEAR as bad as it was and that tells me she isn't feeling as stressed as she was. She got brushed so often that she's actually stopped fighting it so much. She will get up and try to walk away after a minute, tho! :D Now if she's just get mellower about her nails. :rolleyes::p
08-19-2013, 07:00 PM
Great news all around for Squirt!
08-19-2013, 07:27 PM
So happy Squirt is better Leslie and so happy for you, always a worry when our babies are not well. Love, JoAnne
Im praying everythings stays good after you stop the metronidazole.
If it doesn't maybe try weaning her off of it.
Three cheers for Squirt and good poo:):):)
Harley PoMMom
08-19-2013, 08:12 PM
So glad to hear that our sweet girl is feeling better, sending you both huge and loving hugs, Lori
Simba's Mom
08-19-2013, 10:16 PM
Sending hugs and prayers, hope Squirt keeps feeling better each day!
Budsters Mom
08-19-2013, 11:30 PM
Yay! When butt's aren't sore, it's a good day. I'm glad her diarrhea has stopped. ;)
08-20-2013, 12:36 AM glad things are clearing up!! Glad Squirt is feeling better!! :)
08-20-2013, 07:26 AM
We are keeping finger and paws crossed that Squirt continues to do well after this dose is done. You feel so bad wiping a sore butt, even the thought of touching it when it hurts them is hard. Squirt is the wonder dog and I am sure a bout with the runs will not stop her from improving. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-25-2013, 10:20 AM
This morning Squirt got the last few drops of the Metronizadole so now we see if this approach has worked. So far, her stools have been ok. Sometimes there is a tail and slight shine but no more mucous patches, cow patties, or watery stools for a bit now. :)
I've been chewing my nails to the bone because in the midst of all this, I've had to start transitioning them all to kibble, Squirt included. She's been completely off chicken for about a week and a half now, eating her turkey recipe instead, and that may have helped with the diarrhea as I've had a feeling the chicken was a reason for it in the first place. She gets half of the amount she should of the turkey meal for breakfast and supper, supplemented with Solid Gold Hund n Flocken kibble. At lunch she gets only the Solid Gold - same for Trinket except that she and Brick are eating Fromm at the moment (given to us otherwise I couldn't have afforded it! ;)). Brick is easy to transition as he has a cast iron digestive system. :D Over the next few weeks she and Trink will be slowly taken completely off home-cooked and on to kibble only - except when meds need to be given. I am making some bite sized goodies to keep in the freezer for those well as for treats from time to time.
Something weird happened to Squirt sometime during the nite last nite. Not long after she started her cush journey, I noticed this bump on the top of her head. It was about the size of a Snow Pea and came up suddenly. Our vet in TN aspirated it and said it was just a fatty cyst, not to worry about it unless it started changing and growing. Well, this past year it started really growing and the color changed from flesh-colored to dark, like a blood-filled pocket. Doc has checked it and I had Dr. Stacy check it again when she saw Squirt for the diarrhea when Doc was on vacation recently. The lump has remained moveable all this time, not attached to anything, which is apparently a good sign. Dr. Stacy said she could drain it if it seemed to bother her but that the cyst would probably fill back up again. My concern was that a blood vessel was involved and if it ruptured she could experience some serious bleeding but Dr. Stacy said that was very blood vessels were involved. ~~whew~~ It hasn't seemed to bother Squirt other than when I would touch it, she would shake her head as if it felt funny to her. It had grown to the size of an American nickle and raised up almost 1/2" so I guess it did feel funny to have it touched, especially since it moved around when touched.
Wellll, this morning it's GONE. No blood, no gunk on her head, nothing I can find on the covers. When I examined it, there is a slight dampness as if fluids have come out and are still draining a little bit, but her hair isn't matted or stiff or anything around the area. It's almost as if it WAS drained by a syringe during the night! The pocket of the bump is very loose and flappy and I feel nothing of the cyst that was in my mind, I SHOULD find a core somewhere, but I haven't. :confused: However, I cannot tell you the relief I felt when I realized it had drained and there was NO blood. I have been harboring this fear that she would bleed to death in spite of what the docs have said if that ruptured. :o She no longer shakes her head when that area is touched and her little Mohawk, what's left of it!, is standing up in a neat little row again. :D I've always loved her Mohawk. ;):p
The only med Squirt is getting now is a tea made with Turmeric, Devil's Claw, White Willow, Passionflower, Traumeel, and either Skullcap or Catnip. She gets 3ml of the tea 3x a day. She's been on this tea for almost a month now in the hopes it will help with her pain level as well as support her intestines. I have some herbs that have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties I can add and may add one of those now that she is through with the Metronizadole.
All in all, I am very happy with how she is doing today...and today is all that matters!
Leslie and the Queen, minus a lumpy head! :p
Budsters Mom
08-25-2013, 11:14 AM
Hi Leslie,
The lump disappearing is truly a miracle!:D:):p It is obvious that Squirty still has many more lessons to teach us all.:p Love, love, love, to hear good news!;):) xxxxx
08-25-2013, 11:15 AM
Tipper had a real small one on the top of her muzzle, like a black color. I had the Dr. examine it as she is white and I was scared of skin cancer. He said it was nothing- I really forget what he called it, but he said they tend to bleed like crazy, as Tipper has scratched it several times and it bled. It comes and goes, it was gone for the longest time, but is now back. I remember having my Yorkie on Solid Gold when he was a puppy. Never heard of the other brand. Hope all goes well in the transition with the food. I just had a complete stranger offer for Tipper and I to stay at her home if I have Tipper's surgery. She is 30 minutes away form the hospital, don't know if that is close enough for me, but what a wonderful person to try and help me out. I will never be able to afford a hotel on top of all this since I am not working. Blessings
molly muffin
08-25-2013, 05:04 PM
Well isn't that something to just disappear like that. That is a good thing! I'm sure it probably felt a bit weird to her.
Hoping for stable poops going forward!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-25-2013, 09:23 PM
Aliens took it:)
(I'm glad that the lump disappeared.)
Squirt's Mom
08-26-2013, 08:11 AM
Aliens took it:)
OOOOO! I wonder if they also took my left tennis shoe?! I can't find it anywhere either! :p
08-27-2013, 12:45 AM
Nah, I'd have to blame Squirt for the missing shoe :)
Maybe she traded it with the aliens to make them leave?
What great news to hear about the lump disappearing. Wish I knew Squirt's secret. I could certainly due with a few lumps myself disappearing, however I believe they call it exercise I'd have to do.
It's nice to come on and read good things here.
So glad to hear the pooping is much better, I feel so sorry for them when their rear ends get sore. Good luck with the food changes.
08-27-2013, 06:40 AM
Excellent, vanishing lumps!! I like it :D:D Send those aliens over here, Flynn has a few that can take a hike too! :D xx
08-27-2013, 09:01 AM
The case of the missing lump and the left tennis shoe. Maybe there are some ghosts moving about at nite when you are all sleeping? I hope all are still doing well with the diet change and that Squirty is still ok and no more runs. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
08-30-2013, 09:13 AM
Well, within a couple of days of finishing the Metronizadole, her stool were soft again. Not cow patty soft, not soft enough to require butt wiping/cleaning, but not nice and firm either. The color is all off due to the change in feed (I used to know her poop from the color and content) which makes me catch my breath for a second til I remember the feed change. I've added a couple of things to her tea day before yesterday to see if that will help or if we need to see Doc again. I added Plantain and Echinacea. The stools haven't worsened as of this morning, thankfully.
From time to time I see things that make me think her cortisol is on the rise but then I can attribute everything I am seeing to something else as well. The increase in water intake is hard to deal with mentally - I KNOW it is due to eating more dry food now but it still causes me to pause when she goes to the water bowl. She requires water several times after going to bed now but isn't peeing more or more frequently, no more accidents than usual (when Mom has her head up her own butt and forgets to let them out as often as needed! :rolleyes:). She is back to reminding me when it's meal time *most* days - some days I have to wake her to eat. She is very excited while I'm preparing her food and then when it's on the floor ready to eat, she looks up at me like, "Are you kidding?! Where's my GOOD food?!" The disappointment is evident in her eyes. :( She does not wolf her food down and has been known to leave some in the bowl. HOWEVER, she's begging for more treats, but I think this is because I started giving them to her more often when she was off her feed because she was more apt to eat a treat than anything else. So I'm thinking this is just simply being spoiled. :D The massive hair loss has stopped when the diarrhea stopped being so bad; Doc and I both believe that was a stress response because it was from head to toe, not symmetrical or only in certain areas. Since the Proin has left her system, her panting is much less. She is more interactive and involved in things around her, coming out to greet visitors most of the time now. She is often playful these days, too, which just thrills my Soul. So while some of these things could mean the cortisol is on the rise, they can also be explained by other factors. Meaning, I will still hold off on restarting the Lyso for now.
Because her poop has changed, I decided last nite I was going to just stand on the porch and watch her poop to see how that function was - straining, several stops to finish, etc. - but little Miss Huzzy decided to be shy about it and trotted around the end of the house where I couldn't watch without going in and putting shoes on so I could follow her. By that time, she was through and headed back to the door. :rolleyes: But her "offering" had not changed from the morning poop so I was glad to see that.
Funny - she didn't want me to watch her but let me try to use the bathroom and the whole gang is literally under foot. My commode is in its own little closet, 4' wide, so four dogs milling around rubbing on and licking my legs makes it an interesting adventure to say the least! :D If I close the door for a bit of privacy, Squirt is the ring leader in scratching at the door, whining, growling and barking...but SHE is gonna have privacy. :p
Leslie and the gang
Hey Leslie,
I was wondering what would happen once the Metronidazole was stopped. Since Squirt is also dealing with a food change, would you consider tapering her off the metronidazole rather than just stopping it? In the early days, it was the one trick that helped Zoe. You can either go every other day for a week, then every two days, every three days then stop or just keep reducing the dose.
I know you prefer not to use it, just a thought:):):)
Squirt's Mom
08-30-2013, 10:38 AM
Thanks, Addy! The Metonizadole was prescribed to use til gone so that's what we did. Her last dose wasn't a full dose tho, more like half. And you're right, this is a drug that bothers me when used for more than a short time. If her stools do get worse again and this is what Doc wants to use, I'm willing to go another short round with it. But I am really hoping this is mostly due to the diet change now, that the bacteria has been taken care of, and she will adjust with help from the herbs. ;) For at least five years now, her little body has been flooded with chemicals of one kind or the other and giving it a break would sure be nice!
08-30-2013, 11:15 AM
Leslie: CoCo has problems with diarrhea also. I stopped the Metronidazole, Vetoryl, vitamiins and every thing except the Hill's ID and he has had good poops for about two weeks. I have not iced when he drinks more water than usual his poops are a little softer. He has gained a little weight and looks better. Don't know how long it will last. I am going to try to add one thing back at a time and see how that goes. Runny poops are not fun for anyone. Luckily CoCo is not particular about what he eats. He is a typical dachshund and will eat anything. I guess if he has to stay on this regimen forever it will be ok, the Hill's has lots of vitamins. Maybe he won't have to have the Cushings medicine again, one can hope and pray. So glad Squirt is better. I am sure you will find out what is causing the soft poops. Love, JoAnne
08-30-2013, 12:18 PM
That is so cute about Squirt wanting her privacy. My little yorkie will let me slip a shovel under his butt so all I have to do is bag it when he goes. Tipper does not want anything near her back end. I know what you mean about going in the bathroom. Tipper follows me right in and sits there putting her legs on me for me to pet her. She will usually sit there and stare at me. I guess the dogs are missing their cooked food. Everything is so expensive now that I don't know how people that are on fixed incomes are making it. I am really stretching funds for Tipper, I just don't know how we are going to make it. I had to order some more of that chicken for Tipper as it takes a long time to get it to the store and we are running low. When the butcher found out it was for my dog, he said "Most of the people I know won't even spend the money on it for themselves." I told him I did not have a choice. Are you and the doggies doing anything for labor day weekend? We are just staying home, that is all we can afford with all these vet bills. As long as I can see my sweet Tipper I don't care if I go anywhere. You'll have to put one of those little action cams on Squirty so you can look at it and see how she goes!! Blessings and God Bless you for all you do for the animals.
molly muffin
08-30-2013, 12:43 PM
Leslie, Squirt is so funny. She just cracks me up on a regular basis. :) Funny how they want their privacy but don't think we should have any. Gosh, something wonderful could be happening behind that closed door and they wouldn't know about it!!! :D
Really hope those poops firm up as she becomes more use to the kibbles and that nasty bacteria is gone. It sure can take awhile to get rid of some of them. Molly's was persistent and took about a month to clear up and she still needed the Flora for awhile longer. I'd think after this second round though that Squirts should be cleared out by now. So hope that is true.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
08-30-2013, 05:20 PM
:D:D They so funny with the privacy thing, I know if Flynny goes off into the bushes then usually tummy a bit upset. I wonder if they go hide it if there tummy is a bit off. Like how they would be in the wild where it is survival of the fittest and they do not want anyone to see if it is a bit loose indicating they are not at their best?? Who knows, but he will not come in my bathroom as it is tiled and does not like those cold slippery things underfoot, so he places himself in the doorway watching with his big brown eyes :eek::eek: a little offputting :D:D
A medication holiday can be great, if the drugs are not absolutely essential ones of course. Sometimes the lists of medications I see make my head spin and people, especially the elderly, often do very well cutting them down. I was asked to contribute to an elderly continence clinic with one of our geriatricians, it works so well with me assessing and advising on the continence issues and her looking at all the other things our elderly patients have going on, she often takes her big red pen and stops a lot of meds that have been added to their treatment plans one after the other over the years. We have seen very good results for these people :D but obviously it needs to have ongoing monitoring and evaluate as we go!
I hope Squirt gets used to her new food soon and this all settles down xxxx
Squirt's Mom
09-04-2013, 04:14 PM
Well, poops had been good until yesterday then she and Sophie both had loose stools. They are both eating the Solid Gold. They did fine on the first bag but when I opened the second one, the disks were smaller around but thicker and lighter in color. I went ahead and fed it. When I saw the stools yesterday, I tried to call Solid Gold to see if the formula changed but their phone system is circular - it asks for info then sends you back around the loop again. So I wrote. No reply so far. After a doc appt. this morning I was exhausted so I stopped and got some Natural Balance Duck formula and we'll try that for now. Normally, I would add the new to the old but since I'm not sure the Solid Gold is good, they are gonna have to chance a straight switch tonite to the new feed. Tomorrow should be FUN! :D I just hope Squirt waits until tomorrow and isn't hit with an uncontrollable urge in the wee hours while in bed! :p
09-04-2013, 04:27 PM
I don't blame you for being cautious about the Solid Gold with all the recalls etc. it is scary. Hope they do well on the new variety, and that Squirt has no problems during the nite. It is hard getting a good food now days. Blessings
OMG when the food looks different:eek::eek::eek::eek:
I hope everything is ok tomorrow
molly muffin
09-04-2013, 10:17 PM
I sometimes wonder when Molly goes off a bag of food like she doesn't like it but has been eating it just fine, if there is something wrong with that batch of food. You never know.
Good instincts! This really is poop patrol week for many of us. LOL
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
09-05-2013, 01:09 AM
They know right away if something in their food has changed! :eek: Fingers, toes and paws crossed for a smooth as possible transition to the new food. There is likely to be more poop reports tomorrow!;) xxxx
09-05-2013, 07:48 AM
Hi Leslie:
I am hoping that all went well with the new bag of food and Squirt had a good nite. Blessings
Well??? How was the night? Any accidents?
Squirt's Mom
09-05-2013, 02:15 PM
:D Nope, nice clean bed this morning and nice clean butts today - both of them. :cool: And they both seem to like the Natural Balance better than the Solid Gold....tho I'd like them on something different for long-term just not sure yet what. :rolleyes: I think my thyroid is not functioning as well as it should 'cause I get much too tired for the little activity I do and the brain cells have gone on vacation 20 out of 24 hours a day it seems. Looking at dog foods is exhausting! :p I had decided I wanted to try a Taste of the Wild but PetCo doesn't carry's carried at a store on the other side of town. So I guess I'll be checking that out soon. I gotta say, it's very strange at meal times. What used to take about 30min. now takes about 5! I keep standing, staring at their bowls, wondering what I've forgotten! :p
molly muffin
09-05-2013, 04:29 PM
LOL Leslie, Yea, just putting the food in the bowl, doesn't take nearly as much time as when you are cooking and separating and all that for each one.
Sort of confusing isn't it. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
09-05-2013, 11:30 PM
Yay for clean butts, and for good poos too, simple joys!!!
Budsters Mom
09-06-2013, 12:29 AM
Hi Leslie,
One of my friend's vet told her not to feed her little one Taste of the Wild because of a higher protein level. The vet said that it was a high quality food and highly recommended, but better for bigger dogs. He said it was great as a supplement for the little guys, but not as a main staple. I don't remember all of the details because this was a while ago. Please read the label carefully before you decide to switch again. Xxxxx
09-06-2013, 08:45 AM
One additional caution about TOTW as well as most of the other higher end grainfree kibbles is that they tend to have a higher fat content. For "normal" dogs, this is no issue. But if fat is an issue for your kids, they may not be the best choice. :o
Squirt's Mom
09-08-2013, 10:16 AM
Thanks, ya'll! I had been looking at ingredients only, not the analysis. :o I know better.
Poop report from our house - solid stools and LOTS of them! :eek: I had forgotten that using commercial feed will mean more poops and boy has it. They have gone from 1 or 2 poops a day to 5 or 6. Which means they are not able to use as much of the commercial feed as they were the home cooked. Mom walks around with a shovel eat up with guilt. :( The plus side of this is supposed to be the fact that I got $60 worth of food for myself this month but I find I am choking on it. :rolleyes:
Squirt is doing good overall. Her appetite is good, moods good, she's often playful especially on the cooler mornings, and is enjoying staying out in the yard when it's not so hot. She still sleeps a lot during the day and is awake for a long time at bedtime, getting on and off the bed for hours. She makes me very nervous moving around on the bed and I have put her in the bathroom for the nite a few times just to protect her wobbly legs when she's so active in the bed. Her leaking is minor and infrequent, especially if I will take her out about every 2 hours to pee...and make her stay out there til she does. ;) Her sight and hearing are getting less and less but she's still interactive and happy, and that's what counts most of all.
Leslie and the Queen
Well good poo reports on this side of the poo band wagon, hurrah!!!!!!
I wonder if I still have my Whole Dog Journal from January. They usually review dog foods but sometimes they dont cover all the bases. I'll go look for it:):):):):)
09-08-2013, 10:58 AM
Yeah for good poohs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
molly muffin
09-08-2013, 03:01 PM
May all doggies have good poops too. :)
Yes absolutely, quality of life, happiness, those are the important things. The rest is just...details. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
So Taste of the Wild is manufactured by Diamond and is on Whole Dog Journals approved list of food. They only listed the Wild Sierra Mountain as an example which contained 25% protein 12% fat and is lamb based food.
So I did not get very far with WDJ for you:(:( Most of the sample foods listed for each manufacturer averaged about 24% protein and 12% fat, even the Blue Buffalo Basic Turkey and Potato was 22% protein and 12% fat. I'm not sure how low in fat you need to go.
But what is crazy to me is the Canidae Salmon and potato has 40% protein and 20% fat:confused::confused:
09-09-2013, 10:07 AM
You could be right about the weather. Tipper seems miserable on this dosage though. I just wish tomorrow was over with already. I went to bed crying and woke up crying. I am trying not to get overwhelmed by all of this, I just break down at times. I could sure use my dad right now. He was a tremendous help to me. I can't help but worry about my girl, but I am holding it together, and will continue the fight for her. Even when my dad was sick, he could at least talk and tell me what was going on, Tipper can't and that is so much harder to take. I hope Squirt and all the babies are feeling better in the cooler weather, or don't you have any of that yet? How is the dry food going? Have you decided on one yet? Blessings
09-09-2013, 12:25 PM
Leslie, with all your nutritional knowledge, you undoubtedly know this already, but this is a quote from a Dogaware article by Mary Strauss that talks about fat content:
As a general rule, veterinarians consider diets with less than 10 percent fat on a dry matter basis (less than 17 percent of calories from fat) to be low fat, while diets with 10 to 15 percent fat (17 to 23 percent of calories) are considered moderate fat. Foods with more than 20 percent fat are considered high-fat. A few dogs may need a very low-fat diet, especially if they have hyperlipidemia, or if they react to foods with higher levels of fat.
The "dry matter" analysis will reflect fat content that is even higher than what is typically listed on the package because it involves calculating the fat percentage once the moisture content is subtracted. I just took a quick look at TOTW's website, and I saw kibble fat content that varied between 15-18%, depending on the variety (including 15% for the Wild Sierra kibble). I didn't see the moisture content listed, but usually it's around 10% for kibble. So if you recalculate on the basis of "dry matter," those fat contents increase to approx. 17-20%. So that is verging on high protein content per Mary Strauss.
The figures listed for fat content isn't the whole story, because the calorie content also factors in as far as comparing one food to another. Mary talks about all this calculation in greater detail here:
So once again, I don't know how careful you want (or need) to be about fat content. But if lower fat content is something you're looking for, Mary's article lists some commercial foods that you may want to consider.
Squirt's Mom
09-09-2013, 12:48 PM
Thanks, Marianne! You reminded me to get the nutrient analysis from her home cooked to compare to. The turkey recipe worked out to this -
Distribution of calories:
Protein: 29.6 %
Fat: 15.3 %
Carbohydrate: 55.1 %
The chicken recipe worked out to this -
Distribution of calories:
Protein: 38.3 %
Fat: 26.8 %
Carbohydrate: 35 %
I think I'm gonna stick closer to the turkey nutrient analysis than the chicken in my searching. Lower fats and lower proteins...but not crazy about the carbs that high with her level of activity. hummmmmm....
Squirt's Mom
09-10-2013, 07:54 AM
We had a very bad night and all I could think of was Annie and Tipper, and the thought of a Pheo or other adrenal tumor came to mind. Squirt has been having what I've called the "sun downer syndrome" - getting restless around sunset and for several hours after. She pants a bit more, can't get settled or seem to get comfortable; she wants on the bed then moves from spot to spot and then wants down. She gets down, walks down the hall, back to the bedroom, around the bedroom, bathroom and closet, then starts bouncing on her front feet wanting back in the bed...where she starts all over. This goes on for 6-10 hours every night and has been for several months now. She is hyper-alert during this time, her ears pulled up as tight as she can get them, constantly moving as if she is hearing things, looking around as if she sees things. It reminds me of my mom after she developed Alzheimer's and at 15 1/2, Squirt certainly is eligible for such issues.
Last nite was really bad. She started the usual restlessness and on-off the bed routine but she got more and more and more anxious until she was shaking all over, panting very hard and loudly, drooling like mad, eyes bulging, startling at nothing I could hear or see. I took her out thinking maybe the diarrhea was coming back and she just felt really bad again. She acted absolutely terrified when we went out, did not want on the ground at all, and would not leave my feet. She would turn her head and look behind her around the yard then act as if she saw a monster coming for her, scrambling to get back up the ramp, tail tucked, mouth wide open, raspy, frantic panting, eyes huge and bugged out, little whimpering sounds escaping her, her little body racked with tremors. She actually peed all over my feet because she was so afraid to get out in the yard. :( Squirt was acting like she does when we have bad storms but there wasn't even a cloud in the sky, no wind, no rain, no thunder or fireworks - nothing that I could determine might be causing her such distress. At 2am I gave in and gave her half of one of the Diazepams, which was a fight because she refused all foods offered (and hadn't been overly interested in her supper), meaning I had to force the pills down her throat (btw, the pill pusher was useless :rolleyes:); after an hour she was no better so I gave her the other half along with 1/2ml of Skullcap via syringe. About an hour or so later, she was calming and able to settle down and sleep. She's still asleep, chasing rabbits in her dreams. :)
We have an appt. this morning to get everyone's nails trimmed and I'm gonna talk to Doc about this. I would hate to have to give her sedatives every night but I don't know that that would be any harder on her than episodes like this one last nite are. I was scared witless she was going to have a heart attack last nite. :(
She's starting to stretch so she will be waking soon to start our day. I'll let ya'll know what Doc has to say and what he offers as a solution, if anything.
a tired Mom and drowsy Queen
Bo's Mom
09-10-2013, 08:06 AM
I do hope you get some answers to what was causing Squirt's distress. It is so hard watching our fur babies go through rough times and we are only there to comfort them when we can through it all. (((HUGS))) sent your way and let us know what doc says.
Zoe had a similar episode yesterday though not as extreme. We would turn down the air so it was cold in the house and give her a wee bit of snacks and then she would finally settle down. She was panting so and she does not usually pant unless her IBD is bothering her and if she was not sure where I was- she cant hear or see well- her ears go back and she has a frantic look in her eye.:(:(
I was slowly putting her back on her full Vetoryl dose since her stool issue last week.Finallylast night the evening dose kicked in and about 9pm she seemd more her self.
I'm sorry Leslie, I know how hard it is when we dont really know for sure what is wrong and bothering them.
Love and hugs
09-10-2013, 08:45 AM
The behaviors you are describing about the shaking etc. I believe were things that Annie did. How long has it been since Squirt had an Ultra Sound? Tipper does some of the behavior you were describing, especially about thinking something is going to get her and hearing things. She does get the tremors, but has had them all along. I have never seen her shake, but she gets the rippling of skin over her ribs a lot. She had it last nite. Her only symptoms are the change in breathing pattern, the rippling and the muscle contractions. If I hold her leg in my hand I can feel the pulsing of running thru her legs that makes them jump. It is uncontrollable whatever is causing it. If I wake her it stops immediately. She still does a lot of pacing, and is restless at nite sometimes getting up a lot and moving around. Are you thinking that Squirt could have a pheo?? I pray to God that is not the case. When Tipper first started with this Vetoryl several people told me the muscle contractions were a side effect of it. I am hoping that is the case and not the adrenal tumor. As I think about it now if it is not the Vetoryl then she has had the adrenal tumor since this started because she had the jumpy legs etc. when she started on the Vetoryl over a year ago. I also get scared now since Tipper had this tumor that she could have a heart attack. It is a daily agony like I have never known. I hope your precious Squirt was just having a bad nite and nothing else, I don't know how much more Tipper can take of all this. Blessings
Harley PoMMom
09-10-2013, 12:06 PM
Oh Leslie, so sorry to hear that you both had such a restless night. :( Will be waiting anxiously with the others to hear what the Doc has to say.
Tons of loving and soothing hugs being sent, Lori
Squirt's Mom
09-10-2013, 01:17 PM
Based on the description of her behavior and the timing, he feels this is cognitive, probably CCD. He said he has used the Selegiline with some success but has results just as good with fewer side effects from the Valium given at nite. So that is what we are going to try first.
She BIT him when he trimmed her nails! :eek::( She's never done that! They had to muzzle my Sweet Bebe. :(
09-10-2013, 02:10 PM
I feel terrible you both had such a bad nite. I am glad the Dr. knows what to do for her. Take a good rest today sweet Leslie, your babies need you to be well. God Bless you All.
09-10-2013, 03:18 PM sorry to read about such a scary night you had last night. Hope little Squirt will get some relief with the valium tonight. Hopefully that's what will work to keep her calm and able to rest. I'll be crossing my fingers that tonight will be better for both of you.
Harley PoMMom
09-10-2013, 04:36 PM
She BIT him when he trimmed her nails! :eek::( She's never done that! They had to muzzle my Sweet Bebe. :(
Our Squirt is a rascal!! I remember Terri's IMS recommending SAM-e to Corky for CCD. Found this article about CCD: Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (Senility) (
Quote from article:
Treatments that may help improve cognitive dysfunction (CDS) include selegiline, dietary changes, SAM-e, environmental enrichment, and cerebral perfusion (an improved blood flow to brain cells).
Love and hugs, Lori
Squirt's Mom
09-10-2013, 05:07 PM
Thanks! Teri and I talked last nite and she reminded me about the Novafit Corky took for this and that made me think of the SAMe Squirt was taking until a few months ago. I wrote to an animal herbalist this afternoon 1) to see if anything in Squirt's tea could be making this worse and 2) to see if the herbalist had any suggestions to offer. Here is what they had to say -
CDS is similiar to Alzheimer's in people and 50% of dogs over 10 years begin to show signs of dysfunctions. You did not mention what stage she is in...but you are on the right track and I love what you are giving her. Keep in mind you want to treat her body as a whole so her body can adjust and balance as you nourish her system. Diet change and activity are so effective in slowing down the damaged cells in CDS. A homemade/low protein diet is ideal, a variety of raw vegtables (think variety) experiment with as many as you can (blanch if necessary) also fruits, papaya, blueberries, juice if you need to. Stay low on dense cruciferous vegtables, they contain oxalates that are naturally-occuring substances found in plant leaves, it can effect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems, oxalic acid is the primary component of kidney stones. Support her with Acidophilus, Colostrum, Omega-3 fatty acids (krill oil ) CQ-10 and powerful antioxidants. Raw goats milk is ideal, containing all the enzymes, pro and pre biotics, high in Caprylic/Linoleic Acid, great for sensitive stomachs and perfect for pets who are lactose intolerant. Find a pet masseuse in your area that will work on her to support her physical and emotional health, ideal to work out the lactic acid build up in her as well as keeping her circulation moving.
You mentioned pain and incontinence, which accompanied by sleepless nights indicates a late stage, given her age as well. Melatonin is excellent for anxiety and will help her relax at night. Lavender Oil is ideal as well, place 2 drops in your hands and work from her shoulders to her tail, using counter clockwise strokes (you want to unwind her : ) always be careful when handling oils, our pets senses are 10 x more acute than ours and if we over do it, they can become sick, rule of thumb is to start slow.
Much of that I simply cannot afford but I will do as much as I can to help my Sweet Bebe.
09-10-2013, 05:41 PM
Big hugs for you and Squirty from Tipper and I. We are praying for a good nite for you both. I have been talking to Tipper about when she was a puppy and all through her life's experiences at nite. It seems to calm her and helps her go to sleep. It helps me too remembering all the wonderful things we have done together. God Bless you all.
Squirt's Mom
09-10-2013, 06:20 PM
Squirt had her tea, 3mg of melatonin and 1/2 of a Valium (1/2 = 1mg) and she has been laying in the closet quite calmly. By this time, she is typically already started on her nightly anxiety sessions so I'm hoping she will get some good rest tonite. I'll let ya'll know how her night went tomorrow!
Thanks as always for being with us - I don't know what we would do without our k9c family.
Leslie and Squirty
Budsters Mom
09-10-2013, 06:22 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am so sorry to hear about Squirt's latest challenges. I came home with a migraine today. The new school year has started with a BANG with MANY new challenges:eek::eek::eek::eek::o:o. Sending tons of love and healing energy your way. :)I will respond more completely by this weekend. I have many threads to respond to. I have been keeping up with our pup's journeys, but have run out of time and energy to comment much. For that I am sorry. I will get my act together as I care about you all very much. Xxxxxxx
Oh Leslie, I sure hope Squirt has a good night on her valuim, hope she snores a plenty.
I know you were upset Squirt tried to bite the vet but I laughed and smiled so when I read that and wanted to tell Squirt, she is perfectly entitled to tell someone off if she feels like at her age:):)
hugs to you and the babies and Zoe is much calmer tonight too so I just know it will be a good night.:):):) I might just pop a melatonin in her as well;)
molly muffin
09-10-2013, 08:36 PM
Leslie, big hugs and a belly rub for Squirt. She is a darling. I wonder, if the Sam-E had been helping her with this and then since it's been stopped, if that is causing this to now sort of rear it's head. For her age, Squirt is a real trooper and just full of life and personality. I think that's great.
Attitude in spades as I'm errr hmmm sure the vet agrees.
It sounds like the beginning of a more restful evening. I hope that continues throughout the night as I'm sure you both need some rest.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
09-10-2013, 11:21 PM
Hoping all of you get some well needed rest tonight. :p xxxx
09-10-2013, 11:42 PM
Awww! Poor Squirt and how scary for you!
Glad she's calmer tonight. You all need the rest.
Oh Leslie, I am so sorry to read that Squirt had such a rough night. It is so worrisome when they are restless and cannot relax all night, and so exhausting for you. I am hoping that the Valium and the other herbal options give her some relief. I hope you are both resting well as I write.
Tina and Jasper
09-11-2013, 05:08 AM
Poor wee Squirt, what an awful night for you both. Sounds like she is already more settled tonight so hope you are both in the land of Nod. A lot of good information in that email from the herbalist, surely something will help her feel better and get the rest she needs in combination with the meds. xx
09-11-2013, 08:26 AM
I though that was so ironic that both Tipper and Squirt go in the closet. I hope you had a better nite, and that Squirt got some much needed rest. Tipper was really tired after the testing yesterday, but was restless last nite. They always act weird after that testing. I am hoping the herbal concoctions will help Squirt. Herbs are wonderful, and I go to them and supplements before drugs if possible. I need to get Tipper on a blood pressure lowering herb with the least side effects. Her blood pressure isn't high, but is not in the lower range it used to be in. She was around 120-130 now she is 130-155. I need to get that down a tad. Any suggestions? Our heat and humidity here are off the charts today. Yesterday it was 96. We are in for the day so I hope the vet calls early with the test results so we can formulate a plan with Dechra to get Tipper controlled. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-11-2013, 08:40 AM
Squirt slept peacefully until around 9pm. I was watching her breath and noticed the rate increasing and the breaths becoming more irregular - sure enough she was waking up and was a bit anxious when she did tho nothing near as bad as the night before. We went out and again she acted scared to be outside but did go in the grass to pee when I carried her out there and stood by her side. When we came back in she wanted in the bed again....and then started her on/off/on cycle. She was becoming more and more anxious so I fixed her about 2 tbs of her turkey food and gave her the other half of the Valium. It took about 2 hours but she did go back to sleep on the bathroom floor. She wasn't as anxious but couldn't settle either for a bit. Around 3:30 she woke me, barking in the bathroom. When I let her out, she went to the front door as if she needed to use the bathroom again so I opened the door. When the solid door opened and only the storm door was closed, she tucked her tail and backed up as if she saw something scary out there. :( I carried her out to the grass again but she wanted nothing to do with outdoors and ran back up the ramp before I could stop her. Once inside, she came straight to the bedroom and peed in the floor. No boogers in here, I guess. :p THEN she was begging for treats. Which she got, of course. ;) But then, as you can probably imagine, my mind went into overdrive thinking about cortisol and whether I should start the Lyso back again. THEN I batted Lyso VS Anipryl around for a few hours. And still have no decision this morning. :rolleyes: However, as my mind was running 90-to-nothing, Squirt got in the bed and went back to sleep and slept until almost 7 this morning. So she is better rested this morning with the medication she getting but mom was too busy watching, worrying, and pondering to follow suit. :D
A tired mom and a rested Queen
09-11-2013, 11:03 AM
Poor little Squirt, and poor you. I bet you are exhausted. I feel so bad for you both. I pray this goes away. Two bad nites in a row is enough to wear you both out. I know you feel so bad, and cannot sleep when this is happening, I know the feeling. Where is my magic wand when I need it?? It doesn't seem the valium has too much of an effect on Squirt. She is like the energizer bunny, she just keeps that energy going. I wish there was something I could do or say to help. I know how much you love Squirt and would do anything for her, but please take care of Leslie too. I ignore myself for Tipper too, so I shouldn't be one giving out that advise! I hope some how this all gets worked out and goes away somewhere for good. Just know when I am awake at nite I think of you both and pray for you. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-11-2013, 06:01 PM
It started light thunder here just a bit ago so everyone except Trinket is doped and I expect all but Squirt to sleep the night away...unless it gets real loud then Brick will pace til it's quiet again. Instead of melatonin tonite, I went with a pretty strong nervine (sedative) tea and 1/2 Valium again. I saved a small amount of her turkey in case she needs the other half later tonite like she did last nite.
If she's gonna have to take pills at night, I've got to revamp her feed transition to make sure I have plenty of cooked stuff for her pills to go in. I just HATE fighting her to get them down her throat; that cannot be of any benefit to her when she is already so distressed. So if I can always have something around that she likes and is apt to eat, that will be best.
Terri and I talked again this morning and I spent some time researching Anipryl VS Novafit - a SAMe product used for CCD. The Novafit is much less expensive with less side effects so I think I'm gonna shop prices then ask Doc to call in a script for some Novafit for Squirt and try it. The Novafit site says it can be given with food so that is a big help.
Leslie and Squirt
molly muffin
09-11-2013, 06:09 PM
:( Sorry to hear you had another bad night.
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-11-2013, 06:51 PM
We have had severe thunderstorm warnings for the last few hours. I gave Tipper some of the treats that are supposed to calm her down. I have a feeling we may get it tonite. I am so sorry this has to happen to you on top of Squirt having other problems. You are a wonderful mother and I will pray for you both tonite as I know I will be up with Tipper. I hope the storm is not so bad, you don't really need this. Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-11-2013, 10:30 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am so sorry. I really feel for you. Buddy had many, many bad nights close to the end. It is so hard when they are up all night and no one gets their needed rest. For me, exhaustion took over and I was just going through the motions of getting by. Sometimes that's all we can do. Prayers and healing energy coming your way that you all get a good nights sleep tonight. I hope the Valium helps as storms are on the way. Not in California, where we desperately need the rain. Go figure. Xxxxx
09-12-2013, 01:13 AM
Hi my dear friend,
I'm glad you decided to go with the Novifit. It really helped Corky in 30 days. He was back to his normal self. He didn't have to take it after that. It really does help CCD.
Love you my dear friend.
09-12-2013, 05:00 AM
Leslie: I so hope Squirt slept last night and the medication helps her restlessness. I know you are exhausted and so worried. You will figure out a way to help her you always do. You are so wonderful and helpful with all on this forum. I know all of us on here are sending you prayers and love. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
09-12-2013, 09:41 AM
Even tho it thundered for a few hours, we got only a sprinkle of rain. :( No storms, just thunder. :rolleyes:
I got a phone call last nite right around supper time and failed to watch to make sure Squirt ate the food with the half Valium in it and not someone else. They ate about 4:30 - by 5:30 Squirt was a basket cast and Trinket was passed out in the bedroom floor. Trink always goes to the bedroom after eating and starts talking and dancing around asking to get in the bed. She didn't do that last nite. When I put her in bed, she went to her spot, curled up and went back to sleep. No bulldozing, no cuddling, nothing of our normal bedtime routines. Me thinks Miss Squirty spit the Valium out and Trink snagged it. :rolleyes:
So at 5:30 I fixed her a bite of food with another half of Valium - she wouldn't eat she was so upset by then so I had to force it again. :( About 10 minutes later, she ate the food. :rolleyes: At 6:30 she was still antsy so I gave her another dose of the sedative tea and massaged her with Lavender EO. She relaxed and slept until around 9 then was up, hyper-alert and started the on the bed, off the bed, pacing routine....AND she was wanting to eat. She would go to the kitchen like usual during these episodes but rather than make a circle around the room and back down the hall, she would start bouncing on her front legs and barking at me while looking up at the counter where the dog food and treats sit. I was snacking on some chips and she stuck her head in the bag! She's been having more and more accidents in the house but I can't tell if it's cortisol or dementia that is making her do this. She is not shedding abnormally at all. Her belly is getting bigger tho she isn't gaining weight. That could be due to the extra treats she's been getting or the kibble as I'm probably giving her too much. It just doesn't look like enough when I put it in the bowl! :o The rest of her body is getting bonier and bonier. She has lost so much muscle mass over this past year it's unreal. She didn't quite have that desperate look in her eye when she was begging for food last nite but close. She ate her turkey bites this morning and then went to the bathroom because I was slow to put the kibble in her bowl and she didn't seem to care this morning. But last nite, she was hungry. I carried some kibble to the bathroom and she ate it gladly, tho.
Soooo I spent several more hours last nite debating with myself about Anipryl and Lyso. The Anipryl is very expensive - MUCH more than what it costs when we had it compounded in TN when she was first diagnosed. Lyso is much more economical to use. I have 3/4 of a pill left and am debating starting her back on it in the morning to see if this helps with some of the things she is doing...or if it causes the diarrhea to come back.
I am also going to start doing more things with her during the day to try to keep her stimulated and active more during the daytime hoping she will rest better at night. It's been too hot for her to get out for any length of time unless very early in the mornings and our mornings are usually full. But it is supposed to start cooling off tonite and tomorrow so I hope we can start wandering in the field behind the house for a bit in soon. It has gotten scary to carry her in the car for a ride anywhere because she does not want to lay down - she insists on standing and that scares me no end that she will hurt her legs doing that. When we go to the vet, I have to hold her tightly in my lap the whole time.
Having a very geriatric pup presents a harsh dichotomy. On one hand, what a blessing to have her with me this long. On the other hand, it is heart-wrenching to see her fading almost daily.
As you know, I am the reigning Queen of Guilt. Last nite I kept thinking about the Proin. Before the seizure, she had issues, yes, but nothing like what she is going through since that drug did its damage - or rather I LET that drug to its damage. She hasn't been the same since and I don't think she will ever recover what she lost due to Proin. I would give my right arm to be able to go back to last Sept. and tell Doc, "no, thanks" when the Proin was offered. I would rather have ruined carpets, beds and furniture than this.
Sorry but I had to smile when I read the Valium may have been scooped by the wrong patient.
I have notice myself with Keesh, eats well, but the body doesn't look the same anymore. I understand completely about how blessed we are that we have been able to enjoy our pups as long as we have.
I think geriatric dogs as well as people ( at least my mother was) seem to get antsy at night. Keesh paces, nests, and walks back and forth before settling down for the night.
Hopefully Squirt will settle down once you decide what you think is best, and I certainly know you have done the best. Don't feel guilty about the Proin. You didn't know....
Squirt's Mom
09-12-2013, 12:21 PM
Just got off the phone with Doc. He's never heard of Novafit but when I told him what it was being used for he said, "You want some?" :D He's happy to approve a script for her so I'm gonna get some ordered today and hopefully be able to start it next week.
Squirt's Mom
09-12-2013, 12:32 PM
Hey, this doesn't require a script! :D
09-12-2013, 12:49 PM
My God you are having a time of it, worse than me! Poor Squirt, I am glad the vet is giving you something for her. It seems the night is the worst time for Tipper too. It is raining here but no thunder so far. Tipper is ok with the rain. I was up all nite last nite never slept a wink as this vet had me really steamed. I thought of you and Squirt and wondered how things were going. Sorry things are bad for you and Squirt lately. I know what you mean about having a geriatric dog, it is a double edged sword. Watching my Tipper decline is torturous to me, I have a sick feeling all day in my chest and I know I am majorly depressed from all this. You are a wonderful mom and caretaker to those babies, no one could do better than you at this. You deserve a lot of credit for how you persevere. I hope this new medicine makes Squirt feel better. Don't beat yourself up over the Proin. You can't be to blame you were only looking to help her. You can't be accountable for this terrible drug, that fault lies with the manufacturer. It should be outlawed. Hope things go uphill for you, I will be thinking of you both. Have to post now on my thread about my idiot vet, then take Tipper to laser therapy. Blessings
Leslie, I was looking it up and I only saw where it had to be prescribed. That's interesting... wonder if I can get it here someplace.
Of course searching for anything in Ontario is a days work.
09-12-2013, 04:58 PM
So sorry Leslie. Maybe tonight will be better.I sure hope so. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
09-12-2013, 04:59 PM
Judi, I got it from Countryside Pet Supply -
You might contact them and see if they ship to Canada and if you will need a script or not. It may be controlled there and not here. ;) My order has already shipped and there was no shipping/handling charge! :cool:
I decided tonite to try a different tack with the Valium. I gave her the teas and a melatonin with supper but am holding the Valium til as late as possible to see if that will get her through the night. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow! :)
molly muffin
09-12-2013, 06:02 PM
It does sound like cushings might be rearing it's ugly head doesn't it. So hard to know. I hope that a bit of lyso would help her to calm down. Now if you start this, are you going to need to go through the ACTH testing with it or use it as the daily maintenance based upon previous?
Well as Queen of guilt, you are allowed only a bit of leeway in the whole Proin issue. This drug should come with warning to vets of potential damage. It doesn't probably because they make money of it for this use.
Hope you get some cooler weather at your place tomorrow too. We're suppose to drop tonight in temps.
Sharlene and molly muffin
Squirt's Mom
09-13-2013, 07:17 AM
I would start the maintenance again - same dose (125mg) 2x a week to start. I wouldn't want the cortisol lowered enough to cause her pain level to rise much nor to cause digestive upset. IF the cortisol is even playing a role here. I am seeing things recently that could mean it is rising again - and the flip side is that she is so anxious sometimes and for hours on end her cortisol is going to sky high from that I'm sure. So even if cortisol is causing some of this, is it due to the Cushing's or the stress she is bearing? I told Glynda it may just be wishful thinking because the cortisol is something I know how to attack - the dementia not so much. :(
The sedative tea and melatonin did help her for several hours last nite. She was able to relax and sleep until around 8:30 and when she got up she wasn't as anxious as she has been. We did the up-down-around the house thing for a few hours, then I have her 1/2 a Valium, massaged her with some Lavender EO, and she slept again for a while. I'm not sure how long as I am exhausted and went sound asleep a little after 1am. I woke up around 4am with two little vibrators pressed into my back - her front legs; she was trembling pretty badly. I took her out with the same result - she's terrified out there in the dark :( - and she wouldn't pee or poop. I have given her a small dose of the sedative tea and she is calming a little. She's laying against my leg as I type and I can feel the tremors decreasing.
Terri and I have talked several times since her diagnosis - Corky had this problem too - and she reminded me that with her sight and hearing fading things just aren't the same to her anymore, especially during the dark hours. I have a lamp on my left side that I use to read by at night in bed. I have noticed Squirt acting startled, as if she saw something strange coming at her, and finally put it together with my shadow on the wall. When my shadow moves, she must see something else, something unknown, and it scares her. Outside at nite, the porch light throws light down the ramp and about 2' beyond it. Then there is a dark area to the end of the house where the park security lights take over and it's bright at that end. The lit area at the end of the house is where I've been taking her when it's dark out and that does seem to help her most of the time. Not this morning tho.
She hasn't been this way during the day until this morning and I've wondered why only at nite - it would seem that dementia would be at work 24/7 but it hasn't been that way for her. Maybe I shouldn't have looked that gift horse in the mouth because this morning is the first time she's been anxious. :rolleyes: Maybe I should have given a full Valium last nite instead of half. Maybe I need to put her back on the twice a day melatonin. Maybe I need to switch up the calming herbs more so she doesn't build up a tolerance. So many "maybes".
What I know is that I can't allow her to be so afraid and stressed day in and day out if that is what this morning is telling us is starting to happen. She deserves better. I watched my poor little mom fade to absolutely nothing with Alzheimer's - she reached the point she couldn't eat or drink - her mind just stopped telling her body to survive and slowly, slowly, slowly she faded to nothing. It would have been a blessing to us and especially to her if the laws allowed us to end human suffering but they don't yet. I do have that choice with Squirt tho and will take it if her days are going to hold nothing but anxiety. We couldn't let my mom leave with dignity, while she had a "human worthy life", but I can do that for Squirt. Until this morning, I have felt she still has a "dog worthy life". A major part of me will go with her but that is how it should be. We aren't there yet, tho. I am praying the things we are trying and going to try will help her, praying so hard. Please pray with me. Pray these thing help. Pray we find some relief for her. Pray that I have the courage and strength to do what I must when the time comes. Pray that I am not selfish or blind.
a very distraught mom
My heart, thoughts and prayers are with you. You certainly are brave.
I also found this when searching for it in Canada - NOVIFITŪ Tablets are only available through a licensed veterinarian.
09-13-2013, 08:15 AM
Hi Les,
I don't believe the problem you are seeing in Squirt has anything to do with cushing's. High cortisol can disturb the sleep/wake cycle in a dog but I'm not aware of any cases where symptoms only manifest in the evenings. What you describe are classic symptoms of sundowner syndrome, including the night terrors. I'm sure you've done exhaustive research but I'm including a url below to an informative blog I found that you may not have seen yet.
molly muffin
09-13-2013, 09:03 AM
I noticed one of the things it mentioned in the article that Glynda linked is to get rid of the dry food. It seems that this became more evident when you switched them back to dry food. What do you think? I'm also wondering about the eye sight. Did Doc take a look at her eyes when he saw her last?
I think Squirt still has some quality of life to her but this, whatever this is, is making her more scared I think.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
09-13-2013, 10:05 AM
Yeah, and this article isn't the first to say no commercial feed so as of today, she is going back on her turkey diet only. I also have Ginko on hand but my mind never even thought about it until I read that article - tho I'm sure it was mentioned in others I've read recently. :rolleyes: It is time for a fresh batch of tea so I'm gonna reformulate that and use some Ginko. It has properties similar to the Anipryl in that is can increase dopamine in the brain.
I am a bit concerned because she hasn't peed this morning. It's been about 12 hours since she peed. I don't find any spots on the floor I've missed but that is still a possibility. She isn't drinking as much as she has been today so far either. I may add some Dandelion to her tea today just in case. She did poop earlier and it was a good poop again.
After she pooped, I carried her out into the field since it was cooler this morning hoping to walk around with her a bit but she was too scared out there. She would either huddle at the gate or huddle on my feet, trembling. So we came back inside and got back in bed where she can touch me, which seems to help her calm down.
I've got to go to the grocery store to get things for her food today and hate to leave her for any reason. But I have to do this.
I'm wondering about her eyesight as well, Leslie. I know you will get it get it sorted out. I remember Terri talking about how Corky would just go stand at the pool and stare. I too think about Corky a lot because sometimes Zoe will go outside and just stand and not move.
I'm so sorry, Leslie, that it has been so hard for you and Squirt. My heart aches as I know how hard yours aches.
I have no words of wisdom just my shoulder to offer and tears to share. I try to find the little happy things every day and focus on those good things I still see in Zoe. I know you do that too with Squirt.
hugs and love
09-13-2013, 12:32 PM
God Bless your heart you are still going at it to find something to help dear Squirt. You remind me of myself in so much as I never ever give up, and neither do you. I pray you can find a solution and that Squirt will have some peace at nite. I am praying for you all when I am awake at nite. God Bless you all.
Roxee's Dad
09-13-2013, 02:30 PM
I was wondering the same as Addy. I know when Rozee lost most of her sight, she became very clingy (very unlike her for most of her life) She seems to get lost or just stares at walls or doors sometimes, almost like she is trying to see if it they will get out of her way, or trying to figure out what they are or where she is. She will eventually move on or sometimes I just pick her up and she falls asleep in my arms where she feels safe and secure which she never liked before.
It seems she had and still has a very difficult time accepting she is just about blind. We went through a very similar situation when she went deaf.
She too sometimes has tremors or shivering. We don't know if because she is scared, cold or pain. Maybe all three.
Sending you big (((HUGS))) and keeping ya'all in our thoughts and prayers.
09-13-2013, 06:04 PM
Hi Leslie
I am sorry to read you and Squirty have had such restless nights. I also agree about her sight perhaps giving her troubles. A simple test my vet told me about to check that is to throw a cotton ball close to her face across her line of sight and see if she flinches. She should if she can see it. He also said if sight is a concern they definitely will show anxiety when going from a lit house out into the dark as there eyes cannot adjust to the change in brightness.
I hope she has done a nice big pee so you do not have to worry about that and she likes the nice dinner you will make her after your grocery trip :)
You would have to be one of the most unselfish people on this forum, you are always doing what is best for your pups so I will send you strength to continue on your mission to keep Squirt as comfortable as you possibly can, lots of hugs for you today Leslie xxxxx
Harley PoMMom
09-13-2013, 07:53 PM
You would have to be one of the most unselfish people on this forum, you are always doing what is best for your pups so I will send you strength to continue on your mission to keep Squirt as comfortable as you possibly can, lots of hugs for you today Leslie xxxxx
I agree 100% with this statement that Trish made, dearest Leslie, you are always here and supporting all of us. We are here for you and our sweet Babe, keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
With much love, Lori
molly muffin
09-13-2013, 08:04 PM
Absolutely agree too!!! , hugs Sharlene
09-13-2013, 09:31 PM
I hope your sweet little Squirt has a comfortable and uneventful night. Hoping she will stay close to you feel secure and get some rest..hoping you can a little rest as must be so tired.
09-13-2013, 09:38 PM
Me too Leslie. Hope both of you are resting and snuggled as we speak. Kim
Simba's Mom
09-13-2013, 10:11 PM
Sending hugs and prayers, and hope and strength, poor Squirt, but he's so lucky to have you!!
Budsters Mom
09-14-2013, 12:54 AM
Yes Leslie,
Trish couldn't have put it any better.:) You are always there for us despite many challenges if your own. I hope you all are able to get some much needed rest tonight. Sending loving thoughts, healing energy and prayers your way. I hope that both you and your sweet girl are all settled in for the night. Xxxx
09-14-2013, 01:44 AM
Leslie, I hope the things you talked about will help Squirt feel better real soon.
Hugs and prayers.
09-14-2013, 07:27 AM
Hugs and prayers for you and Squirt. I hope she is better this morning. Thinking of you and thanking you for all you do. Love, JoAnne
09-14-2013, 07:28 AM
I am praying hard for you and Squirt, and Tipper is sending hugs and kisses. I hope that Squirt had a better nite last nite. You are a miracle worker with your herbs and stuff so I have every confidence if anyone can get Squirty better it will be you. God Bless you for the wonderful person you are to help these babies. I know it is going to get better. I had a beautiful Rosary sent to me that was blessed by Father Madigan, I used it to pray for you and Squirt and all the babies on here. Blessings
09-14-2013, 07:49 AM
Leslie I was wondering about her sight also and wondering if a thunder shirt would help her since it is supposed to calm dogs down. I am sure you have thought of all of our suggestions and the Ginko is supposed to help. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
09-14-2013, 08:35 AM
Well, I don't know if I hit on the magic combination last night or what. I am sure, without a doubt, that the prayers and positive thoughts from our family here have helped.
She didn't need a Valium last nite! Well, she got a little in her tea by accident but that would work out to a very tiny portion of what she should get. A 2mg pill dissolved in a cup of water! I did change her tea a bit yesterday - it's good to rotate herbs most of the time - and she got a dose with supper and SLEPT ALL NIGHT LONG! :D I also started the melatonin twice a day yesterday so I'm sure that helped as well.
It is so weird to me regardless. She's been restless for several months (since the seizure) but the terrors came on suddenly. One night it was the usual restless roaming routine, the next she was terrified of everything but me. NOW those night terrors seem to have disappeared last nite. :confused: As much as I would like to believe it was due to my attempts to help her ;) - I just don't think that is reasonable to believe. She was more active during the daytime yesterday and I put that off to forced rest via the Valium. So I'm gonna re-read some things and see if this dementia can come and go like this.
BUT it is finally a cool morning and supposed to be a much cooler day today so I am going to try again to get her to walk the field with me a few times. And I'm hoping to head our to the fields and woods I wander to gather more herbs - if she's calm enough to leave for a bit and she sure seems to be so far this morning. I'll know more after I wander with her a bit. ;)
She's staring at me, bouncing on her front feet because it's breakfast time so I'm gonna go feed the gang. Let the Barkfest begin! I don't know what brought on the change last night, but I'm tickled pink about it and am going to enjoy it to the fullest!
Leslie and Squirt
Well, what a great morning so far and a great last evening too.
Squirt sounds like she's raring to go if she's bouncing for her food.
Sure hope you have a great day with her, and so glad things have improved.
Squirt's Mom
09-14-2013, 10:30 AM
We just got back from a roam in the field behind the house and she enjoyed it today! She didn't act scared like she did the other day. It was obvious after we got away from the house that she didn't know where she was but she wasn't scared. I did try the cotton ball test and she drew her head back so I know she can see up close. In lower light, dark, or at a distance she doesn't have the eyesight she did. My own eyes require much more light now than they used to so I can understand that.
Her breakfast was a bit of a disappointment to her because I added the salmon oil. Since her seizure, she has refused all salmon in any form BUT she needs the antioxidants and that is what I have for now so I tried just a small amount. Choosing my battles, I'd rather her eat and enjoy so I will set about to find another method of getting more antioxidants into her system. I have Vit E and somewhere I have some Selenium. She gets some good antioxidant foods in her home cooked so that will help.
I couldn't help walking around the field with a huge grin on my face and frequent laughter bursting out of my mouth as I watched her sniff every blade of grass, some repeatedly, and trot from spot to spot. She would look over her shoulder like she always has to see how close I was so she would know if she needed to speed up or not. :p I had great fun letting her think she was getting away from me....and she seems to have just as much fun. :D
I hope it's as cool this afternoon as they are predicting so she can get out and wander a bit more.
My Heart is so light this morning it is unreal. Times like this make the dips and valleys on this roller coaster almost worthwhile. ;)
molly muffin
09-14-2013, 10:31 AM
Whatever it was sure did work. :) I'm happy to hear that both you and Squirt had a more restful night. That up and down all night long takes a real toll on humans and their furbabies.
Go Squirt! Bouncy, bouncy!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-14-2013, 10:51 AM
I am so happy that whatever was going on stopped. You both have had a tough time lately. Thank goodness you both got some much needed rest. I am praying that it does not come back! Do you have herbs that grow wild where you are or do you plant them? I am still looking for one that lowers a dogs blood pressure with no side effects. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-14-2013, 11:24 AM
Patti, I have learned that most of what we call weeds have medicinal properties as do many trees, shrubs, and vines. I have devoted most of this year to IDing plants that grow in my area and learning how to harvest, prepare, and use them. I sent a letter to my landlady in Jan. and explained what I am doing because my yard looks like a drunk is doing the yard work! :p I have let things grow so I can start to learn what they look like through various stages of growth and to ID them - most are much easier to ID when they bloom. I don't use a mower; I use an electric weed eater and am very selective about what gets ate. ;)
I've received permission to wander five pieces of land that are clean and of many different ecosystems so I have found a wide variety of plants and have ID'd many of them...and I have harvested and made medicine from several so far that grow around me. Mother Nature is ever so generous if you know what you are looking at. ;)
A funny story - this Spring I was going to the store down the road and taking the back way. As I drove down the road, I was looking at the plants on the sides and in my head IDing as many as I could. for the most part, off in my own little world. This resulted in me slowing down a great deal and weaving from side to side. All of a sudden I heard a siren whirr and saw lights flashing. A cop was behind me. That road has very little traffic ever but yes, my luck would dictate that the only other vehicle on that road with me was a cop. :rolleyes: He made me get out, walk the white line, do the touch-the-nose thing, and blow into his little machine. :D He told me why he had pulled me over - too slow and weaving - so he thought I was messed up somehow, someway, no doubt in his mind. I explained that I was IDing plants on the roadsides and he gave me this look that said, "Right, lady. I've heard 'em all." After I passed all his tests, he believed me and let me go without any ticket of any kind...but a suggestion that from now on I do my plant IDing by foot! :p
This activity of wandering, IDing, harvesting, learning and using has kept me sane this year. It is the only time my mind is not in turmoil, my body not humming with stress. These hours are my healing time, when I can let all the other things fall away for just a little while. For me, these hours are deeply Spiritual and Sacred and allow me to come home with a lighter eye on the world.
Budsters Mom
09-14-2013, 11:38 AM
I am so glad that Squirty slept last night! I hope you got some well needed rest too.:) it sounds like both of you had a relaxing adventure in the field. YAAAAAAAAY for both of you!:) xxxx
09-14-2013, 11:40 AM
Oh Leslie, I am so happy, somehow you found the right thing for sweet bebe squirt and also a funny tale about the cop. Does not take much to make our day as Clint Eastwood would say. Love, JoAnne
I am so glad that Squirty slept last night! I hope you got some well needed rest too.:) it sounds like both of you had a relaxing adventure in the field. YAAAAAAAAY for both of you!:) xxxx
Well I laughed ( out loud ) at the Hallelujah part !! Two reasons, one in reference to the the spiritual side which I am very much and of course because Squirt is doing so well today. One church I went to as a teenager everyone blurted out Hallelujah all the time.
Squirt's Mom
09-14-2013, 02:52 PM
Her Novifit came in today! That was QUICK! And it does say on the box that a script is required so I'm not sure how that was bypassed unless it has been 'deregulated' since the box was printed. The pills are MUCH smaller than the human ones so that will make this easier to give, too. We'll start this in the morning. Paws crossed!
molly muffin
09-14-2013, 03:07 PM
Yay Leslie!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-14-2013, 03:50 PM happy to read Squirt slept all night and is feeling happy and calm! Sounds like it was a combo of all good things!!
Hope it happens just the same tonight!! :p
09-15-2013, 08:23 AM
If it is one of the last things I do in life I want to come to Arkansas and meet you some time. Your life and knowledge just fascinate me. You love of the plants and herbs is remarkable. That is a great time to seek solace also. That was funny about the cop stopping you. He probably thought what a made up story this is. I am hoping when I get back from my flu shot that you will have posted and Squirt had a good nite again. I have to get the shot because of my immune system, otherwise I would not do it. If I get the flu I am just about done for, as it really goes straight to my chest, and I have respiratory issues now. I found an herb for Tippers blood pressure to lower it. Then after much research, found out you cannot use it on dogs with heart murmurs. It was Hawthorn, have you heard of it?? Hope to hear some good news on your end when I get back. I prayed on my new Rosary for you and Squirt and all the babies. Blessings
09-15-2013, 08:32 AM
I am so glad you got the Novifit my dear friend. I hope it helps Squirt as much as it did Corky. I hope you're feeling better.
I'm sending lots of love, hugs, and belly rubs.
Squirt's Mom
09-15-2013, 09:09 AM
Just a quick note this morning to say Squirt had another good night! She took her tea and melatonin and slept all night again. :cool::cool: She ate breakfast and got the first Novifit. :)
Now, i'm going back to bed under 4 blankets, one electric, and a heating pad. I've been sick since yesterday afternoon running to the bathroom then fever started last nite. I'll be back when I can...just didn't want anyone worrying about Squirty.
She's just flat amazing. ;)
09-15-2013, 09:58 AM
So happy Leslie. Take care of yourself. Love, JoAnne
Budsters Mom
09-15-2013, 10:38 AM
Rest sweet Leslie. I'm glad that squirt had a good night. Thanks for reporting, so we wouldn't worry. Always thinking of others, even when ill. I hope you're back to herb hunting soon. In the meantime, rest. Your babes need you and so do we.:) Sending tons of healing energy your way. Xxxxxxx
molly muffin
09-15-2013, 11:23 AM
Take care of yourself Leslie. Glad that Squirt had a good night.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-15-2013, 01:43 PM
I am so glad to get back and find out the Squirt did well again last nite. What a wonderful and amazing girl she is. Please take care I am so sorry you are not well, but you have really been stressed , and not getting a good nites sleep. I did a wonderful prayer for you and Squirt last nite on my new Rosary, I hope it helps. God bless you all, and I hope to hear you are back in rare form soon.
Squirt's Mom
09-16-2013, 08:50 AM
THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW! :cool::cool::cool:
09-16-2013, 11:25 AM
I hope you are well this morning, and I am really happy with the news Squirt did well again last nite. She is truly the wonder dog. Hope you are enjoying the cool weather, and your babies are too. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-16-2013, 11:50 AM
I'm able to leave the bathroom this morning :D but my joints are aching and I'm very tired. I did take Squirt for a short walk in the field this morning but it was already getting warm by the time we got out there and I couldn't stay very long.
I started giving Squirt the liquid SAMe until it ran out after two days; then I gave her one dose of human SAMe; the next day the Novifit came in and she has had two doses of it. So she's had five days of SAMe, two of them from the Novifit. Whether this has made a difference, I'm not sure but Terri said it seemed Corky was showing improvements in a week's time on the Novifit and was back to his usual self in a month.
I'm really trying hard not to look this gift horse in the mouth too closely and just be grateful for the improvement! ;)
09-16-2013, 11:55 AM
You seem to have the ability to help me all the time. I don't know what I would do without you. God Bless you Leslie. I looked at the links you provided and low and behold they had Derma Paw and the socks with a harness that cannot come off. I just ordered Tipper the sox so am stoked. You are the best and most selfless person, and you have solved numerous things for Tipper and I. We are blessed to know you, and have your caring, and helping spirit. Anyone that has dogs licking their legs check these out they are great. Blessings
09-16-2013, 02:03 PM
Please let us know how it works out. Sorry he is peeing so much.:(
09-16-2013, 04:37 PM
Just wanted you to know I'm think about you and hope you get to feeling better soon. Praying for Squirt too.
Donna and Angel Tia
molly muffin
09-16-2013, 06:45 PM
Whoo hooo! 3 nights in a row is pretty darn good. :)
Hope you are getting better too Leslie.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-17-2013, 12:49 PM
Glad Squirt had another good nite. I hope you are feeling better, as I know you think of yourself last like me. Take care, get some rest and just take it easy for a while. I know that is easy to say.Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-17-2013, 07:48 PM
Rest dear Leslie. We worry about you too! Xxxxx
Simba's Mom
09-17-2013, 10:38 PM
Yay Squirt, take care of you too, hugs
09-18-2013, 05:14 AM
Yay Leslie. Hope you are better today and Squirty continues on her feeling better. Thanks so much for listening to my whining. I know I can do what I have to. You are such a great person. Feeling sick and still helping everyone. Love, JoAnne
You've been such a pillar of strength for everyone here and on the FB page.
Now it's your turn to take some time and start feeling better.
Glad to hear of Squirt's improvement. What a relief.
Squirt's Mom
09-18-2013, 06:50 AM
Thanks, ya'll! I'm feeling much better. The big silver bowl is no longer within arms reach and my fever is gone...AND my Sweet Bebe is amazing! :)
She has not had any more anxiety episodes at all - none at night and none during the day. Yesterday and the day before, she was up and about most of the day instead of sleeping in the closet or bathroom. She followed me around like she used to or lay on the floor by the bed. :cool::cool::cool: I've been almost afraid to say too much for fear of jinxing it! :p
She was hurting a bit more yesterday morning when we went out for a walk and didn't want to walk much but neither did she want to go back home - she wanted me to carry her from interesting spot to interesting spot then put her down to investigate. :p When she was satisfied, she'd walk a little way then ask to be carried again. This loyal subject is thrilled to help her Queen explore new territory! :D
09-18-2013, 08:05 AM
So happy for you Leslie. You and the precious Squirt are amazing. You give all of us hope. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
09-18-2013, 06:53 PM
Oh Leslie, this is the best news! Just what I needed to read right now. :) I love hearing that she didn't want to go back home, but just explore, with you to make sure it happened. :)
Glad you are feeling better too. :) Still, more rest for a bit, make sure you are over it completely!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
09-20-2013, 08:20 AM
Just checking in with you and Squirt to see if the wonder girl is still doing well?? I hope you don't get the storms we are in for today. They said they will be bad. Poor Tipper she is just feeling better from her new dosage. Funny how 5mg makes such a difference. I could tell the first day she was controlled. She has such strong symptoms that as soon as her dosage stops working you know it. Do you think I should be giving Tipper any kind of supplement to support her adrenal glands? Do you think that would be bad and make the tumor function more? She has had a good couple days since the dosage increase. Hope the October ACTH show her level to be good and not too low again. Enjoy your weekend with the babies. Blessings
Budsters Mom
09-21-2013, 11:02 AM
Hi Leslie,
So glad to hear that Squirty continues to do amazingly well. We all age and some things go. With me most have headed south! :D Squirty just plows on. Bless her little soul. She has an entire flock of angels cheering both of you on.;):) Very pleased also to hear that you are on the mend also. :p Continue to get lots of rest Leslie. We worry about you. XXXXXX
Squirt's Mom
09-21-2013, 11:07 AM
Squirt continues to do well. No night terrors, no panic! :cool::):cool: Her energy level is good and she's happy as can be. She's enjoying her food and back to reminding me when it's time to serve it! :D She was going and stealing Trink's kibbles so I've started adding about 10 pieces of kibble, crunchies, in her bowl and that seems to have satisfied her desire to crunch. We had some rain yesterday, finally, and today the temps are much lower than they have been - a welcome relief for all of us in this house except my itty bitty man who gets cold so easily.
They were calling for the possibility of some pretty heavy storm yesterday so she got a dose of Valium just to be safe. I almost didn't give it to her but was afraid if she gets scared of the thunder, it will kick off the night terrors again, so I doped her. Which meant she slept most of the day yesterday then was awake and ready to play last nite when we normally go to bed. LOL She wanted to play Piggies and Cover Monsters then wanted down and wanted me down to play on the floor with her for a bit. We went out and walked in the moonlight for a short while after the rain stopped and she was fine out there, in fact seemed giddy from the adventure. :) We came back to bed, played a little bit more, then she curled up and slept the night away. I started getting a sore throat yesterday and sneezing a little, some fever last night but that didn't matter when Squirt was feeling so good - I'll walk in the moonlight with her every night if she wants!
I feel a little better this morning so we'll go walk the field shortly for a while then I hope to be able to go harvest some more Goldenrod which is blooming like mad all around right now. I have one closet already full, hanging to dry, but this is a staple in my medicines so I can never have too much! ;)
Leslie and a feisty Queen :D
Squirt's Mom
09-21-2013, 11:09 AM
I've also got to take some time today and find my dang phone. I hope it's not laying out in the woods somewhere! :p I carry it in my backpack in case something happens and I need help...but I'm not real good at zipping pockets back up after I take something out so things do fall out from time to time. :o
09-21-2013, 11:28 AM
I am curious what you use the goldenrod for? I know many are allergic to it, but didn't know of it's uses. I am so glad you did not have the thunder, we didn't either and for Tipper that was a good thing. You seem to be out in the country?? I love the country, my development is in the country, but I would prefer to be off by myself on a piece of land. I got the socks I told you about and they are wonderful. They sent me a sample of Dermapaw also which I am going to try on her leg. They shipped really fast. I am all stocked up on every ones vitamins, supplements, etc. I just ordered them on Amazon as I was constantly running low on somebody's something. Since all of them take supplements, and vitamins it is a lot to keep track of. Which reminds me I will have to order Manuka Honey for Tipper. I use Missing Link for the bird and cats. I am so glad to hear about Squirt continuing to do well, she is amazing, I hope Tipper can be like that. I baked Tipper's birthday cake today. It is really dense, so it will be for animals only. I am freezing it as who knows what will go on between now and them and I want to have it ready. Do you have snakes in your fields there? I am sure there are some poisonous vipers down your way. Two years ago a neighbor killed some baby copperheads here, so I am always looking everywhere Tipper walks to keep ahead of her. Hope you don't get these lousy storms. We were supposed to get cool weather, but it is hot and humid. As long as we have no thunder, we are good! Blessings
Squirt's Mom
09-21-2013, 11:55 AM
Goldenrod has great anti-inflammatory properties as well as antibacterial and antimicrobial; it works to help with allergies; as a mild diuretic and support for the urinary system, including frequent urination; helps heal wounds and aching joints/muscles.
Allergies to Goldenrod are rare. The pollen of Goldenrod is heavy and sticky, not air born. BUT Ragweed, which many people are allergic to, is often a companion plant to Goldenrod, found growing side by side. Pollens that are lighter and air born, can stick to GR pollen, causing a reaction but it is typically to the foreign pollen, not to the Goldenrod plant itself.
I started using this and Plantain in Squirt's tea after it seemed the Nettle was causing diarrhea for her to help with the incontinence. The Goldenrod can also help with her pain level by working as an anti-inflammatory. I am taking it now for this cold along with Elder Elixir and Elder Flower - all strong in antibiotic actions.
As for where I live - I am on the edge of the city limits in three directions and there are many places around that are still wild and open. My house is the last house on the street and faces a wooded strip that I was able to explore until the ice last winter took down so many trees out there. I hope to be able to clear some paths back in there when the leaves fall. And yes, we have poisonous snakes here - Rattle snakes, Copperheads and Moccasins. I put on my bright yellow rubber boots, long loose pants, bright colored bandana, and plow through grasses shoulder high, deep woods, and open fields with wild abandon. When I see a place that looks interesting, I start knocking on doors to get permission to roam, explaining who I am and what I am doing. People have been very kind and generous, if a bit puzzled by the weird old broad in goofy clothes. :p
Speaking of poisonous snakes - this spring I was working at the wood edge trying to keep the vines and Privet cut back. I was cutting away with hedge clippers, tossing the cut parts aside as I did, when I noticed the parts I had just tossed were moving. Closer inspection revealed a young Copperhead that I had cut in two with the clipper, thankfully just behind the head because they keep biting for a minute or two even after dead. I located the head portion, gathered both pieces and buried them in the woods....after doing the Wild Woman jitterbug, that is! :p There is a rather large Speckled King snake that lives in the woods and he does a pretty good job of keeping other snakes away from here but he missed this one! The snakes and my natural clumsiness are why I carry the phone - I see something interesting and don't look at anything else til I reach that goal. I stepped right off a drop of about 4' one day! :D Copperheads can get pissy and they have been known to actually chase people so I figure one of these days I'll piss one off...just hope there's a tree close by with low limbs when I do! :p
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