View Full Version : Squirt - my Queen has crossed The Bridge
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Roxee's Dad
04-03-2013, 04:13 PM
Dear Leslie,
We have been using a stroller for Rozee and I made a platform in Pattee's car for the back seat so she couldn't fall off the seat. I made it out of high density styrofoam. We surrounded it with pillows and blankets to limit her movements. Now when she goes for a ride, she lays on one of her fav pillows and is quite content.
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Squirt might stand to see better.....or smell better.......or feel more of a part of things.
I think what you say to your darling is precious and something we should all remember to express to those we love each and every day.
You know squirt best. you will know when limits are pushed to far, and know when to encourage to go further. your a beautiful momma to squirt and squirt is a darling baby to you. My heart embraces both of you.
04-04-2013, 02:06 PM
Thinking of you today with love and sending hugs of peace and strength.
04-04-2013, 02:44 PM
Thinking of you and dear Squirt. Sending love and warm thoughts, Kim
Harley PoMMom
04-04-2013, 04:03 PM
Sending tons of huge hugs and love.
Sweetie, I just read your post on Scoop's thread and your depth of understanding speaks volumes to your character but we all know you are pretty special so it should not suprise us.
I know precious Squirt is safe in your arms and she will always be able to count on your love. I hope there are many days of snuggles and talks for the two of you.
I think, dear Leslie, that you are one of the most noble people I can think of and we will all stand by your side always and always we shall be here for you but I think you know that.
Cuddles and hugs and continued love and prayers.
04-04-2013, 05:35 PM
I also read your post on Scoops thread and wanted to send you a big hug and Squirt some belly rubs.
I so hope that you have many more days to make sweet memories and that the last week has just been a blip for you both and that you old broads waltz many more days to come.
You are clearly so kind and generous in your nature to share those personal thoughts of your current feelings about precious Squirt with dear Vicki to help her with Scoop.
Take care
Bo's Mom
04-04-2013, 07:27 PM
May I cut in on a waltz? It would have to be a slow one but I think we can handle it. : )
Bunches of love and belly rubs for dear Squirt.....what a lucky girl she is.
I also read your post, and just want you to know I'm thinking of you and Squirt. I fully agree with what you said. It's so hard not to make decisions for US, rather than for them. It can get all mixed up. As horrible as it is to think about losing Hannah (I tear up or cry every time I think of it), I know that it will most likely come to me needing to let her go, when she is too sick, too tired, or too uncomfortable to keep going. I even struggle with the fact that she's living her life in a cone at least 50% of the time. I don't know how much she itches and constantly feel guilty that this has become her life. She still acts so happy most of the time, and that's the only reason I can do it. I know that there's a real possibility I'll put her on a steroid in the near future, even though I know it may shorten her life and make things worse....simply because she might feel better.
You were so eloquent with your words and I could feel how much you love Squirt. Thank you for sharing your feelings. It's something I needed to read.
Hoping you and Squirt are enjoying your time together today,
Julie & Hannah
molly muffin
04-04-2013, 08:09 PM
Leslie HUGS. I'm just bawling. Your words on Scoops thread I think has touched many of us in the deepest part of our souls. I really, for once, do not have the words to go any further. You are stronger than you'll ever know because the gift that some day you will give to Squirt will be the most heart wrenching one you can give.
love and hugs,
there is nothing i can express that has not been expressed by so many.....i hope that you know you and squirt are surrounded by so many hearts that truly love and care for you both. As you know....touch is as you speak and your heart over flows into your soul with the love for squirt you touch touch touch touch and let that flow into that sweet little body of squirts. and know that our hands are reaching out to both of you expressing our love for each of you, and prayers uplifting to both. you are the most remarkable individual, truly gifted in many ways, blessed with a heart and soul that is rare to walk the earth. love you my dear friend.
Leslie HUGS. I'm just bawling. Your words on Scoops thread I think has touched many of us in the deepest part of our souls. I really, for once, do not have the words to go any further. You are stronger than you'll ever know because the gift that some day you will give to Squirt will be the most heart wrenching one you can give.
love and hugs,
Dear Leslie,
Sharlene could not have said how I feel any better. I also read your touching words on Scoop's thread, and am bawling too. And I too can relate to all that you said, and share your feelings. You and your precious Squirt are in my prayers. There is nothing I can say that others haven't already said. Huge hugs my dear.
Squirt's Mom
04-05-2013, 03:55 PM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt is doing pretty good the last two days. She’s eating most of her meals tho I’ve had to wake her for a few of them, which is not the norm for Miss Piggy! The kibble soup is still acceptable tho she’s developed a bit of loose stool as a result but we have good ole SEB on hand. She’s drinking more and peeing more…she’s had two accidents walking down the hall. She started leaking again today so we will start on the Proin tonite per Doc’s orders, keeping to the lowest possible dose. I had hoped she wouldn’t need it until after the liver enzymes were rechecked and I may let it slide if possible. She’s gotten some melatonin to help her rest at nite but I haven’t given the lignans and may not restart them. If she keeps eating decent, I may start the Lyso back Sun but am still debating that. I may wait until after the labs for that decision. Altho, a portion of me says the Lyso is part of keeping her comfortable.
If she’s up to it, I plan to take her out to Mark’s this evening and let her take a walk through the woods there. She has a little trail we would follow when we lived there and it always made her so happy to lead me off on an excursion. If she’s too tired or hurting too badly, we will wait til in the morning and go. I want her to be able to enjoy it as much as possible!
I keep saying thank you but I don’t know how else to express my gratitude to you. You honor my Sweet Bebe with every word and there is no greater gift you could offer me than that.
Leslie and Squirt
Boriss McCall
04-05-2013, 03:58 PM
I admire you. You are such a good mom to your sweet girl.
I hope you two have a nice pleasant walk tonight & many more to come.
04-05-2013, 03:59 PM
Oh Leslie, I so hope you will be able to take your walk together! I know you will drink in every moment with all your heart and all your senses.
Sending more loving thoughts your way,
04-05-2013, 05:02 PM
it sounds like you have a fabulous night planned for you and Squirt :)
Have fun!
take back pack and have picnic! and if squirt gets sleepy you can nestle squirt in tote and not hurt back carrying!
somewhere....someone mentioned about giving pills in canned or homecooked foods.........and if needed to feed kibble how would they offer can take kibble and put in blender to powder form and add water and its like canned food. If you recall who mentioned that need maybe they will read it here too.
hope your able to tote camera along and snap some pictures too!
I'm glad Squirt is doing fairly well. I hope you got your walk. You have a lot to consider with your little Squirt, but I have no doubt whatsoever that you will make the right decisions for her. She is so lucky to have such a wonderful mom! It's clear you always have Squirt's best interest at heart.
Thinking of you both,
Julie & Hannah
Squirt's Mom
04-06-2013, 11:00 AM
We did get to take a short walk last evening. There has been quite a bit of storm damage out there and her usual path was trickier than it used to be with fairly large limbs across the paths, big puddles of water and mud, even a treetop or two in the way. She started that way then turned as if she knew that sort of thing was no longer something she could tackle and started down the lane folks use to drive from place to place off-road. Our trail through the woods meets this lane at the end and we would typically then walk down it to the neighbors in the past. Last nite, we stayed on the lane which she seemed to enjoy almost as much as the woods. She wanted to run, what is actually a lopsided bunny hop these days, a few times but her shoulder wouldn't allow much of that....nor would mom! :o But she managed to hop a few feet from time to time when I got close enough that she thought I might be planning to pick her up and put an end to her adventure! :D
Not far from the point where the trail meets the lane stand a group of small bushes. Something must make its bed in those bushes because she has always stopped and thoroughly inspected this area. Last nite was no different and it made me smile through and through to see her intensity as she snuffled and poked her face in the dirt. Every now and then, she would look over her shoulder at me as if to say, "Well, why are you just standing there? Come help find this critter!" :p
The neighbors have two dogs who used to meet us on the trail and walk with us. As we wandered down the lane, Jack and Buddy came to see what was going on. They had always gotten along with Squirt just fine, playing with her, accepting her presence. Not yesterday. I knew they would have to "re-meet" since it had been a bit since they have been around each other so I picked Squirt up just to be safe and let Jack and Buddy come to us that way. Both of them reacted negatively, bristling, growling and showing teeth at her, stiffly walking around us. She wanted down so badly, whether to greet them or to teach them a lesson, I don't know but she didn't get to do either. I sent Jack and Buddy back home and when they were gone, we resumed our wandering...using the eyes in the back of my head just in case. ;)
I don't think this was a case of Jack and Buddy deciding they no longer cared for Squirt but rather a case of them sensing a weakening in the hierarchy. I am seeing the same thing at home with Sophie. I have called Squirt the Queen of Dogdom because that is how she acts and has been treated by other dogs. She has demanded to be the top dog and would not back down from her rightful place as such. She rules, period. Now others can tell she is losing her power, her ability to maintain her throne and they are moving in. I put Squirt's food bowl down and Sophie will charge her, trying to take it away from her. Two weeks ago, she wouldn't have dared such a move. :(
After our walk, we went in to visit with the family for a while. Squirt wandered through the house, checking out familiar spots, then came to the chair where I as sitting and wanted in my lap. She is not a lapdog, never has been; she's always been much too independent for that. But she lay in my lap for almost an hour, calm and relaxed. As much as I enjoy holding her like that, it also breaks my heart to see such a drastic change in her personality and needs. In the past when I would want to hold her, she wiggled and twisted to get down after just a few seconds - "that's enough of that crap, Mom!" Now I can carry her as much as I want and she is relaxed in my arms the whole time. She's always enjoyed me picking her up to let her get a different view, perspective, on the world but she always wanted down fairly soon to go check out something she had seen from up there. She still enjoys the change in perspective but no longer feels compelled to go investigate what she sees. So several times a day we stand on the porch, which is about 6' off the ground, and look out into the woods in front of the house. I watch her ears prick and her head lift as she spots something of interest and joy floods my heart...then when she doesn't fight to get down, sorrow follows swiftly. I must learn to appreciate the remaining things and not dwell on those that are lost.
She's tired this morning and did eat her breakfast, tho she refused a treat. Her legs and shoulder are bothering her a bit more this morning but it's supposed to be a sunny warm day and I plan to take her out in the yard while I do some work so maybe she will find a sunny spot and take some sun therapy for a bit.
Leslie and the Queen of Dogdom, always the Queen in my Heart
04-06-2013, 11:15 AM
it sounds like Jack and Buddy do sense Squirt's weakness. Squirt knows it and is looking for comfort from you. Trust me, she's happy to be with you.
Daisy is less independent too and she loves to be held etc.
Sun means vitamin D and that's good :)
04-06-2013, 09:15 PM
Leslie, It sounds like Squirt enjoyed the time in the woods on her walk regardless of the other dogs. You are a fabulous mom.
Thinking of you and Squirt...Prayers of peace, comfort and mercy.
Sharon, norms and millie
Squirt's Mom
04-09-2013, 09:56 AM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt has had several pee accidents in the house, her drinking is increasing, she is restless at night (almost anxious at times), panting badly at night. Yesterday morning she acted hungry at breakfast but wouldn't eat. She finally did eat about 2 hours later than usual and ate most of her food - something I am always very grateful for these days! I had to wake her for lunch, which she refused but again after a couple of hours, she did eat some, not much but some. At supper she ate when it was presented and had a good appetite. About 9PM last nite, she wanted out to pee. Again at 11PM when she also drank a good bit of water. At 1AM she wanted out to pee and then drink again...and she was hungry! I gave her two treats which she ate with no hesitation. At 4AM she woke me up wanting down. I thought she had to pee but no, she was hungry again and I saw some of that starving desperation in her eyes again. I gave her a little bit of kibble and she ate it all happily. At breakfast this morning, she was hungry and after a bit of doctoring she ate all her food - her usual food with a bit of FreshPet added but no kibble soup this time. Then she took 2-3 steps and peed a huge clear puddle on the kitchen floor. All this tells me her cortisol is getting high again and I am in a quandary as to what to do.
The cortisol might help with the pain element we are dealing with if I don't treat but I don't want her miserable with cush signs. IF this is liver disease we are facing, the Lyso will probably have to be stopped anyway, which will mean the signs will rage full force. My gut says to go ahead and start her back on the Lyso anyway and maybe try spreading out the dosing a bit more. What do I do???? I cannot seem to think when it comes to my own babies...hard enough with others but darn near impossible with my own. :o Thoughts? please....
04-09-2013, 11:20 AM
Hey Leslie: I am so sorry Squirt is not well. Do you suppose she has got her times mixed up. I know most dogs seem to go on habit, at least mine do. CoCo now gets up at 3:00 a.m. and we cannot break him of the habit so we just get up with him. He eats when he gets up at 3:00 and now thinks 10:00 is also the time to eat. Squirt has been so sick and I know you take care of her at all hours. Would it hurt her to wait until she is more stable to start her back on the Lysodren. She seems to be improving every day. For some reason Cushing seems to make them forget that they have to go outside to pee, I guess they just cannot hold it. Old people have weak bladders so I guess it is the same with our furbabies. Sometimes I get up with a wet spot on the carpet and I know CoCo could not hold it, time for the resolve. I know you are the most knowledge about this disease than anyone and whatever you decide will be the right thing to do. Love, JoAnne
Harley PoMMom
04-09-2013, 02:45 PM
Oh Leslie,
I think you need to go with your gut, only YOU know our sweet Squirt best.
Yes, Lysodren is not liver friendly but neither is elevated cortisol. If her Cushing symptoms are bothering her then, if this were me, I would be inclined to treat her.
Sending you and Squirt tons of huge and loving hugs, Lori
04-09-2013, 03:16 PM
I agree with Lori 100 %.
And I think I'd be inclined to try giving the Lysodren again, too. We went through some similar questioning with Barkis, but decided to continue giving trilo because without it, all he did was sit like a lump and pant CONSTANTLY, 24/7. He looked as though he felt absolutely awful. Keeping our angels comfortable is such a balancing act, and sometimes all we can do is keep trying and experimenting.
Sending love to you all.
04-09-2013, 03:30 PM
Dear Leslie,
I have no words of wisdom for you. I just want to say I hope Squirt starts feeling better from her cushings symptoms whichever path you take.
Always thinking of you, Squirt and the gang. Sorry, I've been lost for a while. I do still peek in once in while or when time allows, which lately is hardly ever. Grrrrrrrrrr....:mad:
Tight hugs.
xo Jeanette
molly muffin
04-09-2013, 05:13 PM
I'd probably restart if it were me, based upon the symptoms and that both cortisol and lysodren are not going to be good If it is liver disease, but at least one of them will help squirt Maybe to feel better. If it works out that it's too much pain could the lysodren be cut back at all?
04-09-2013, 05:29 PM
Have you tried Trilostane? So far, Daisy seems to be doing very well on that. Crossing fingers :)
04-09-2013, 05:38 PM
Have you tried Trilostane? So far, Daisy seems to be doing very well on that. Crossing fingers :)
I'm not Leslie but just so you (and anyone else that is new reading this) know one can't just switch between these two drugs. Squirt has been on lysodren and doing great for a long time. The problem is not lysodren. Her dog has been sick and one should not give lysodren NOR trilostane to sick dogs. She's walking a fine line and trying to make a decision as to what to do. I know your question was with good intentions - it just isn't an alternative worth considering in this situation. Kim
04-09-2013, 05:40 PM
Leslie, I think you have proven that Squirt's issues aren't related to lysodren/cortisol levels and the symptoms returned so obviously he needs it. I actually like your idea of taking the same dosage and splitting it to increase the frequency. That way the dose is lower and should be less of an impact on his tummy. Hang in there girl! Kim
Squirt's Mom
04-09-2013, 05:41 PM
Thanks ya'll! I started her back at supper tonite in the hopes it might help her rest better tonite - tho the odds are long on that hope as the drug probably won't have enough time to do much by bed time.
She been getting her dose on Mon and Thurs, 125mg each day. I thought I'd try spreading that out a bit further like every 3rd or 4th day if she starts hurting worse. I was fooling myself that I could "harden my heart" to the pain. Can't do it. So now that the Lyso decision has been made, thank you again, it's time to think about how to address the pain and what that could mean. I hate rocks and hard places. :( I need a jack hammer and find myself holding a dremel. :rolleyes:
Bless you all!
Leslie and Squirty
Squirt's Mom
04-09-2013, 05:48 PM
Thanks for the thought, Valerie, but Squirt has elevated intermediates as well as elevated cortisol. That means, for me and my dog, Trilostane is a no-no. I accept the Uni of TN's study that Trilo causes elevations in the intermediates and to my mind that is like treating a fire with gas. Others use Trilo in their babies who have elevated intermediates and seem to do fine - I was just not willing to take the risk and am VERY glad we are on Lysodren. If I ever have another cush pup, I will use Lyso with them as well. ;) It has served Squirt very well indeed.
Hi Leslie,
It sounds like you got some great advice, and I agree with your decision. At this point you want to keep Squirt comfortable. I wish there were an easier answer as to how to address her pain, but that never seems to be the case around here. :( I'm hopeful the Lyso will address some of Squirt's issues and she'll be feeling better soon.
Thinking of you both,
Julie & Hannah
molly muffin
04-09-2013, 06:10 PM
hmm, looks like it's going to be a case of trying to find some good anti-inflammatory herbs, that don't react with the liver at all. Also something to help with joint and cartilage repair maybe. Where were we at when we were talking about that before? we did talk about it didn't we? My mind is starting to go south, I swear it is!!
Whatever you do Leslie, it will be of benefit to Squirt. I have absolutely no doubt in that at all and complete faith. :) You my dear are your own jackhammer. :)
04-09-2013, 08:05 PM
Leslie I will be thinking about you and Squirt tonight. I hope both of you get some rest. Maybe the Lysodren will take effect quickly. You are the best. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
04-10-2013, 10:42 AM
No question the Lyso has gone to work. She is obviously in more pain this morning. May the Gods have mercy on us both. :(
04-10-2013, 10:54 AM
I wish you didn't have to deal with that balancing act between helping one thing and flaring up something else.
I don't have the wise words that others do but I just wanted to send you a great big cyber hug and let you know I am here thinking of you both
04-10-2013, 12:28 PM
Poor Squirt.
Hugs to both of you.
04-10-2013, 04:36 PM
Oh Leslie, it so hard to see our pups in pain. Maybe you can find a herb to help her. I know if it is possible you will find something to help her. You have helped so many with your knowledge. Love, JoAnne
Simba's Mom
04-10-2013, 04:51 PM
Sendings hugs and prayers!
Oh, Leslie, I'm so sorry. I wish there was something she could take. It is so frustrating when you can't help. I'm thinking of you both.
molly muffin
04-10-2013, 05:28 PM
Poor baby. Did you ever figure out what might be causing the leg so much trouble?
I do hope that it resolves so this pain can go away and Squirt can once again, be all she can be.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Boriss McCall
04-10-2013, 06:04 PM
Oh no.. poor little Squirt. I will be praying for her pain relief to come. :(
Bo's Mom
04-10-2013, 08:35 PM
Cuddles and belly rubs from Texas to poor little Squirt. Hoping for some pain relief and better days ahead.
molly muffin
04-10-2013, 11:32 PM
Would the Duralactin that Kim was using with Annie help Squirt? Seems to work good with the glucosomine, and anti-inflammatory that isn't a NSAID and is available over the counter?
I think cosequin sprinkle capsules help with tendons, ligaments and fluid between joints. but i am not sure if gentle for liver (??)
I am certain you already gently massage areas as i know you believe in the healing touch. have you considered water therapy? have read amazing things about that and you can do that at home. just careful of chemical pools.
i have heard air mattress are good therapy for them to walk on to help with therapy.
so wanting to help.........i think of you and squirt so often so many times through out the day.
04-11-2013, 04:09 AM
Those are wonderful ideas!
04-11-2013, 06:30 PM
Hello there
Just wondering how you and Squirt are doing. Hope your both ok
Big hug
Hi Leslie,
Just another thought for laser therapy available in your area? It has been a HUGE success for Hannah and many, many other dogs. I have the same tech do it every time and we've talked about lots of pets with significant improvements in their pain. Otherwise maybe acupuncture? Hannah really hated it, and I have a feeling that would not be an option for Squirt, based on what you say about her at the vet, but that also helped Hannah. It was just not fun to put her through it anymore, which is why I switched to laser treatment once a month to prevent/control any back issues.
Julie & Hannah
Squirt's Mom
04-12-2013, 08:39 AM
Thanks for all the suggestions! Unfortunately, I cannot afford laser, acupuncture and such. :( If I could, it would be being pursued. I had $60 for my groceries this month. ;) So I do the best I can with what I have...and that ain't much a'tall! :D
Squirt's appetite has slowly strengthened and I am so glad to see it! I still have to wake her often at mealtimes and I really, really, really miss the meal time alarms. :( But she doesn't turn away as often and when she does she will usually come back in an hour or so and want to eat. Her mouth is just no long working like it did and she eats (and drinks) very slowly and messily but she's eating and that's what counts. I think she has even gained a little weight! :cool:
I'm letting myself believe the herbs are finally kicking in - she woke up this morning with a little spring in her step again. :cool::):cool: Remember Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins? "Just a spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down, the medicine go down..." That delightful lady knew what she was talking about! Adding a drop of honey to the herb mix made it much more palatable. ;) I'm still looking into other things that may help but I'm glad to see a slight improvement this morning.
There is this little voice that tries to fool me. It keeps saying that she will overcome this and all will be well as it always has been. It's a cruel little voice. I cannot cure old age no matter what I try. But I can't stop trying, can't stop fighting for her. Not yet, not today. I will do all I can to keep her as comfortable as possible for as long as possible. Beyond that, I cannot fathom.
Leslie and my Sweet Bebe
Hi Leslie,
I'm so glad to hear Squirt is eating more and seems to have a little spring in her step. That is certainly good news! I'm lucky in that Hannah can get a laser treatment for $35 or get 6 for $180. At one a month, that keeps us going for a while. But at this vet, the doctor does the initial assessment/treatment, and then a tech does the rest, so I think that's how they keep it cheaper. When I first had it done at my primary vet, it was $60 for one or $150 for 3, so that was not too affordable.
Wouldn't it be nice if veterinary care was not so expensive?! It's no fun when you have to make decisions about helping your pet, simply because of cost. I sure hope the herbs have kicked in for Squirt and that she keeps feeling good!
Julie & Hannah
molly muffin
04-12-2013, 09:44 AM
Herbs are a wonderful thing, so perhaps they Are helping Squirt. I think I'll follow your little voice too, cruel or not, because as you say, nothing else is acceptable.
You know, you do what you can with what you have. I hate how expensive it is to treat our beloved animals. It makes it out of reach for so many things to be done and always seems to be a juggle.
I think you and Squirt will do just fine. Good day and bad days, she has the best mommy in the world. You're a perfect fit.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
04-12-2013, 10:49 AM
The wife of one of our moderators reminded me yesterday of a product called Dog Gone Pain. I looked into it this morning and found a product that is similar but has higher mgs of the herbs in DGP plus several different ones I have been looking at. So I have ordered it. Here is the link telling about it and I will let you know how it works for Squirt as soon as I know.
molly muffin
04-12-2013, 12:29 PM
That looks real interesting! Hope it works!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-13-2013, 09:20 AM
Sorry to hear Squirt is in pain. This darn Veterinary care is so out of reach for average folks. I often find myself doing without things I need in order to take care of my girl. This should never have to be a choice that we have to make. In the last few years Vet charges have skyrocketed. I think it is more for Tipper to see the Vet than for me to see the Dr. With the price of food and gas, who can afford all of this on a fixed income? I wish there were some alternatives, or more Vets willing to accept payments. I used to have pet insurance on Tipper and the company folded, or she would be set right now. Too bad this had to happen after she had no insurance, but that is the way things go. Even if the Universities were willing to do things on an income basis, that would certainly help. Have you tried putting a heated pad like rice or beans in a material sack and heating it a little and holding it on her leg. When Tipper's legs got a little weak, I had my neighbor make me a sling ( she sews) it has 4 hole and two straps at the top. I would get in the tub put Tippers legs in the sling and pick her up and let her swim in the warm tub water holding her up high enough so her legs would go. It wasn't easy and made quite a mess, but I think it helped her keep going. Tipper has a luxating patella problem also like many small dogs. The Dr. told me not to bother with it as it it uncomfortable, not painful and doesn't happen real often. Since Tipper has continued her mile or more walk every day I am reluctant to even consider doing anything with it. I am sure if it becomes a problem she will let me know. I hope Squirt's pain goes away, and glad to hear he is eating better. God Bless You Both,
Squirt's Mom
04-13-2013, 10:10 AM
Both Squirt's back legs are pinned and screwed together - she had / has luxating patellas in both legs and a birth defect in the right leg that I allowed them to talk me into fixing. Something I now regret but it can't be undone. She apparently has an injury on the right shoulder now and that is the one she is limping on the most. So a sling wouldn't work as it would put pressure on either the front or the back legs causing extra stress on them. That rock and hard place, ya know. :( In reading up on liver diseases, I have found that lameness is one of the signs - but I haven't found if the lameness is rear or front or what. Maybe I don't want to find it.
We have a friend who is an animal communicator who also does Reiki and the higher form, Shamballa. She worked with Tasha the last few months of her life and helped her a great deal - me too. She started working with Squirt yesterday with the Reiki and I could tell a difference. She woke up from the session with a light in her eyes and her appetite was better. She ate all her supper at one sitting when offered. She had more energy yesterday evening and night than she has in a long time - and not a restless, anxious energy but alert, in tune with her surroundings. This weekend she is going to try to communicate with Squirt and will let me know what she learns.
And, yes, I believe in this with all my might. I believe there are powers available to us we have barely touched, that most of us never think about existing but they are there. Some of us are gifted and can access these powers, putting them to use - my friend is gifted. I have called her my Silver Winged Angel for years and she lives up to the title. It is a great comfort to me that her wings are wrapped around us now, bringing all her Power to bear on our behalf. My job is to listen, to love, to assist my Sweet Bebe in whatever lies ahead the best I can.
Leslie and Squirt
04-13-2013, 10:30 AM
Leslie -
Good morning! This may seem weird...or not, but I had a dream about Crash and it was just tugging at me and lead me to check in this morning on our buddy Squirt. I am so sorry that Squirt has hit such a rough patch in her journey. Very interesting to read about your animal communicator friend and I totally believe there are true gifts and powers given to people! I will stay in touch here for updates.
Hugs and prayers!
Tammy, Darby, Riley, and angel Crash
Squirt's Mom
04-13-2013, 10:49 AM
awww... bless Crash and bless you, Tammy!
04-13-2013, 10:52 AM
Hey Leslie,
I'm just starting to catch up after a time away and so sorry to hear Squirt is struggling. I am happy to hear though that the reiki helped out and that you have such an amazing friend who can do this for you both! I just wish I knew someone like that here too :) I wholeheartedly believe in these treatments (having had them myself) and wish you the best of luck. I will certainly look forward to hearing how the communication goes too!
molly muffin
04-13-2013, 11:06 AM
Yay, so glad the Reki made a difference. Sometimes it is not the path most trodden that has the best results but the little one off to the side that looks interesting. You have taken those paths that looked the most interesting and I am so glad that the results are helping. Again, I can't help but think of how wonderful you are with Squirt and Squirt with you.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
04-13-2013, 12:38 PM
I left the house for a few minutes this morning and when I came home SQUIRT MET ME AT THE DOOR! :):cool::) This is the first time in about 3 weeks she's done that! Then she went, laid down and I had to wake her for lunch but that's ok. I'll take that that joy from seeing her at the front door gladly! :)
04-13-2013, 12:44 PM
it's the little things that make us so happy .....good girl squirt !!! thanks for putting a smile in mommys' heart ...patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
04-13-2013, 12:48 PM
Whooo hoooo! Nothing keep Squirt down for long. :) I'm glad she met you at the door. She was thinking, I hear momma, where is she..oh there she is..nap time. ROFL :)
A good day Leslie!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-13-2013, 01:05 PM
You go Squirt, nothing is going to keep you down!! You got your mommy all happy now and that's a good thing!! God Bless You Squirt keep on going girl!
Simba's Mom
04-13-2013, 06:17 PM
Aw, simple joys, but so mountain moving for us cush moms, thanks for sharing the good news! Way to go Squirt!!!!!
Budsters Mom
04-13-2013, 06:34 PM
Keep it up Squirt!!!!!:)
There is nothing like a fur baby waiting to greet us at the door! Particularly when they haven't been able to do it for a long time! Thanks for sharing!
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-13-2013, 09:24 PM
Yippeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's great!
Harley PoMMom
04-13-2013, 09:37 PM
WooHoo, you go sweet Squirt!!!!
Yay, Squirt!!! That's wonderful!
Julie & Hannah
04-13-2013, 09:50 PM
Nothing on earth like that little face greeting you at the door; Must be one of life's most reassuring moments! Go Squirt!:D
Boriss McCall
04-13-2013, 11:07 PM
yay Squirt! sounds like you had a good day. ;)
04-14-2013, 08:10 AM
Just wondering how You and Squirt are today and how the session went yesterday? Did the woman manage to communicate with her?
Big hug
04-14-2013, 08:18 AM
I truly believe in this as you do. There are people in my hometown that do this, but none where I live now or I would be doing it. I hope it keeps helping Squirt. Maybe this is the boost you both needed. Squirt keep up your spunkiness!! Blessings to you both.
Squirt at the door equals happy heart:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
always in my heart and prayers
its really nice to have happy tears forming and my heart beat in my throat feeling for such awesome news. (((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))
Squirt's Mom
04-15-2013, 10:23 AM
Squirt goes in at 11 this morning for the liver recheck. gulp I'll let ya'll know what we learn.
Budsters Mom
04-15-2013, 11:40 AM
Wellness thoughts and hugs being sent your way.
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-15-2013, 11:47 AM
We are crossing fingers and paws that all comes out well for Squirt. Big hugs for Squirt she is a real trooper. I will be thinking of you two, and sayimg a prayer for you both.
I'll hold my breath till you get back:D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
04-15-2013, 01:48 PM
You can breath now, Addy. ;)
Her blood was to lipimic for a reading even after being spun so Doc is freezing it and going to try to get a reading that way. If it still won't work, we will go back tomorrow or another day and try again. He had to take two draws today and that's enough for one day. :( I'm supposed to call this afternoon and find out so I'll let you know.
She has gained a bit! She's up to 13.8 from 13.1. :)
molly muffin
04-15-2013, 04:51 PM
Well yay, that seems good that her weight has come up a bit. Every positive thing counts :)
Crossing fingers for a good blood reading.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-15-2013, 06:16 PM
Every little positive thing helps the soul! I hope you and Squirt have a good day now. Blessings
I'm glad to hear Squirt gained a little weight. I hope they'll be able to do the blood work and your poor little girl won't have to be poked again.
Julie & Hannah
Harley PoMMom
04-15-2013, 07:28 PM
I am also happy to hear that sweet Squirt has gained some weight!! Go Squirt!! Waiting with baited breath for your next update.
Sending huge and loving hugs to you both, Lori
04-16-2013, 03:52 PM
Just wondering if you spoke to the vet re Squirts blood?
Hope your both ok and having a great day :)
Squirt's Mom
04-16-2013, 05:27 PM
I called this morning and haven't heard back from Doc yet. The tech said she thought we were going to have to come back and perhaps send this sample off to an outside lab. She didn't thing the second frozen sample worked either. So when I hear from Doc as to what we do now, I'll let you know.
04-16-2013, 05:32 PM
Boo to being stuck again, extra belly rubs to you little Squirt
molly muffin
04-16-2013, 06:16 PM
Fiddle sticks. How is Squirt doing today? Find your one funny, happy moment of the day and embrace it. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-16-2013, 06:55 PM
A big ole hug coming your and Squirty's way xxxxxxxxxxx
I dont think I can hold my breath much longer
04-17-2013, 05:11 AM
Thinking of you and Squirt first thing this morning. Praying this will be a good day and you will find out the lab report and Squirt won't have to be stuck again. Sending healing thoughts your way. Love, JoAnne
04-17-2013, 09:34 AM
Also thinking of you and Squirt. We are praying for good blood reports. God Bless You Both
04-17-2013, 10:22 AM
Leslie, Hoping for a good report on Squirt.
Hope today is a good day.
I'm thinking of you and Squirt too. I sure hope if you do have to go back that things will go well, and it won't be too hard on little Squirt.
Julie & Hannah
Squirt's Mom
04-17-2013, 11:53 AM
Spoke with the clinic this morning and they have talked to the state lab about this. The state lab will need 1ml of serum for them to test so Squirt will have to go back for another draw. Now I'm waiting to hear if she needs to be fasted this time or not...I suspect she will.
Just got back from PetCo getting 6 new foods for her as well as some Green Tripe. Whatever it takes to keep her eating....
Budsters Mom
04-17-2013, 12:28 PM
Hi Leslie,:)
Squirt has you! There is no one better! :) When you go to get the next draw done, poke the technician and see how they like it!! ;) Of course, Squirt has to eat! Sending you both ENORMOUS HUGS and wellness thoughts. Please keep us posted!
Kathy and Buddy:)
I hope she likes one or all of the foods. I have heard many good things about Green Tripe:)
Sorry she has to get poked again:(
Simba's Mom
04-17-2013, 02:21 PM
Poor Squirt, hope he starts eating better.... praying for good blood work, take care of you too!
04-18-2013, 10:09 AM
Hope Squirt loves her new foods. Also hoping for good blood draw and results.
04-18-2013, 11:53 AM
Hoping and praying for good things for Squirt. Blessings
Budsters Mom
04-18-2013, 12:18 PM
Thinking of you and Squirt today. Praying that all goes well.
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-18-2013, 02:30 PM
Crossing fingers for you and Squirt.
Squirt's Mom
04-18-2013, 04:53 PM
Holy crap! :eek: The Proin she has been taking for incontinence may be at the root of many of the things I have been observing in Squirt over the last several months including the seizure a few weeks ago! So THAT will be stopped for good now and she will either wear diapers or sleep in the bathtub since she no longer leaks but pees lakes in her sleep. geez.....
Table 6: Adverse reactions in the 28-day placebo-controlled clinical study
Adverse Reactions
treated (N=123) (first number)
Placebo (N=61) (second number)
Emesis 20.3% 8.2%
Hypertension (≥ 160 mm Hg) 19.5% 14.7%
Anorexia 16.3% 3.3%
Body weight loss (≥5%) 16.1% 6.8%
Proteinuria 13.0% 8.2%
Anxiety/aggression/behavior change 9.7% 3.2%
Diarrhea 7.3% 9.8%
Polydipsia 6.5% 9.8%
Lethargy 5.7% 1.6%
Musculoskeletal disorder .2% 1.6%
Insomnia/sleep disorder 2.5% 0.0%
Allergic Reaction
Dogs that are allergic to phenylpropanolamine or any of the components of Prion should not be treated with this medication. Improper use of Proin by hypersensitive dogs may induce a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. Symptoms of a hypersensitive reaction in dogs include weakness, seizures, pale gums, facial swelling and difficulty breathing. Dogs who exhibit any of these side effects after taking a dose of Prion should be transported to an emergency veterinarian clinic immediately.
100's of pet owners believe Proin either directly or indirectly lead to their dog's host of health issues including death.
Thank you, dear friend, for calling me and filling me in on this drug. I trusted when I shouldn't have.
molly muffin
04-18-2013, 06:28 PM
Omg! That is horrifying! I hope that once the Proin in out of her system (any word on how long that takes?) that other things will clear up and be better to.
Are there any herbal remedies to help with incontinence?
I bet that your vet is unaware of this, so might want to fill him in too as other dogs could see the same reactions if he prescribing Proin to them too.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-18-2013, 07:44 PM
Hey Les, here are the top six adverse events reported to the FDA for Proin (Phenylpropanolamine).
I know there are many pet owners who are convinced that Proin took their dog's life or has caused the onset of seizures. These people are working hard to get the word out, as well as asking people to report any adverse effects to their vets and insist that they file an adverse event report with FDA. There is a growing movement to get this drug off the market. If you notice that Squirt improves off of Proin, I would suggest you talk to Dr. B about it and ask him to report Squirt's side effects.
molly muffin
04-18-2013, 07:47 PM
Do we have any others on the forum using prion?
I am on my phone but will start searching once I get to my computer
04-18-2013, 07:57 PM
I used it with my Haley for years without problems. I do recall reading some negative things but by then she had already used it forever. I know someone once mentioned a holistic alternative but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was/is. Kim
Squirt's Mom
04-19-2013, 06:56 AM
I did quite a bit of reading on Proin last nite and it is horrifying what pet owners are reporting. One lady had a baby that acted much like Squirt and 2 weeks after stopping the Proin, her baby had massive seizures and had to be put down. Death from intracranial and intestinal bleeding, respiratory distress, stroke from high BP, continuing seizure disorders, on and on.
Then my mind went to work :eek::rolleyes: I am now wondering if the Proin has caused those muscles to simply stop working. This thought is based on the fact that instead of leaking she started completely emptying her bladder in her sleep after the Proin was stopped recently. She has been back on it off and on for about a week now - no accident last nite so I know the drug is still working on her. I have thought about how to flush her system but am not sure what would help and what might make the situation worse.
I also thought about the elevated EOS recently and the caution about pups with allergies to phenylpropanolamine and other ingredients in the drug. Is she allergic to these components? Was the Proin the cause of this sudden change with the EOS?
There will be discussion with Doc about Proin very soon. ;)
AND worrying about a new product I just got in that is supposed to help with pain as well as seizures called L-PhenyPet which is l-Phenylalanine. That ingredient and the phenylpropanolamine sound a whole lot alike in my mind so I have to research this very well before giving it to her. There may be no connection between the two and I do trust the source that recommended it for her completely. But Worry Wort Mom is in full battle mode at the moment. ;)
Now to share another thought that came to mind in the wee hours of the morning - a memory actually. I was thinking about diapers for Squirt and wondering how well she's gonna accept that, how to keep them on at night if she keeps trying to get them off. And the memory came rushing back. When Gia was an infant, I left her with her dad for a short while for the first time. When I came back home, I found my precious baby encased in duct tape. Her dad couldn't figure out how to work the disposable diaper. He said he couldn't find any diaper pins so he did the only thing he could think of - he duct taped the diaper on her. And, MAN, was she duct taped! :p I do have duct tape and scissors so we should be ok with diapers! :D I'll be at PetCo this morning to obtain some diapers so the adventure will begin soon. ;)
Thank you all again and again and again.
Leslie and the gang
04-19-2013, 08:10 AM
I support you about the diapers. I think that is a good solution. If that does not work, I have in the past used the belly bands for male puppies to train them, and so they could not pee on the floor. With some minor adaptation they would work for a female. They are closed with strong velcro and they cannot remove them. They sell them on ebay, and if you wrote to one of the ladises that make them with measurements I am sure they can help. They are washable in the washer, so if they get wet no worry.
I am constantly amazed by all the wonderful moms on here who always have to find solutions to new problems. We are a very resilient group with a lot of ingenuity. Squirt ended up in the best home possible, as her mommy is her true hero. God bless you both as you both get back up when you are knocked down and keep fighting.
04-19-2013, 02:23 PM
Hi Leslie,
From what you have researched do you think the problems with Proin have happened to dogs that are allergic to it or could it affect dogs that have been on it for years? Brin has been on the UK version, Propalin, for years with no problems that I have noticed. He suffers from ataxia which I am sure is neurological but he will be 17 this year so this is probably to be expected. I now worry whether I should take him off it or will this do more harm than good? I realise there can be reactions to most drugs but now I have it in my mind I can't help worrying about it!
04-19-2013, 02:33 PM
OMG! Daisy leaked for a bit after she was spayed and Proin was discussed. Thank God we didn't go there!!!!!
Prayers for you and Squirt, hopefully you caught this in time and please tell your vet to find and alternative.
Squirt's Mom
04-19-2013, 02:40 PM
Linda, based on what I have read so far, I would stop it...but that's just me. At 17, I might feel differently tho. ;) WONDERFUL by the way - 17 years old! Gives me hope!
The things I've read that scared me the most were those pups who seem to have lasting effects from Proin even after stopping it. Continuing seizures and strokes, heart issues, respiratory issues, muscle deterioration and neurological changes.
This is one of the reasons I didn't worry about it when it was prescribed for Squirt - I've known several folks whose pups were on it for some time with no apparent issues. I thought it was one of those good old drugs that has been proven "safe" so I didn't even bother to look it up. Bad, bad decision on my part. :(
Are Proin and Propalin the same chemical makeup?
04-19-2013, 03:19 PM
Hi Leslie,
I think I will reduce it to once a day, from twice a day, for the time being then try stopping it altogether. I think Proin and Propalin are the same. It says it contains Phenylpropanolamine 40g and Excipient QSP 1ml.
Brin is doing great for nearly 17 but his neurological problems do worry me. Even the sun shining in his eyes affects him and he falls over. I am thinking of getting him some doggie sunglasses before the summer comes! Nothing fazes him though and he just gets up and carries on. As a vet once said about springer spaniels, 'no brain no pain'!
Don't blame yourself about having given Proin to Squirt. We have to put our faith in vets sometimes and until I started doing lots of research when Spicey got cushings I had never thought of questioning anything the vets did, then, as we all know, we get obsessed about everything!
Hope you find some alternative soon.
04-20-2013, 08:40 AM
I must have missed some of the information. What exactly is the Proin for? Tipper and I are praying for you and Squirt. God Bless you both.
Boriss McCall
04-20-2013, 10:54 AM
I had my old girl Cleo who died right before I joined the forum. She was on it for about 6 months. That really makes me wonder if that contributed to her death. She was having more seizures than usual when she passed. :(
very scary... Good to know I need to stay away from that stuff. Thanks for the info.
Hope Squirt is feeling better today.
Squirt's Mom
04-20-2013, 11:04 AM
Hi Yall,
Patti - Proin is a drug used for urinary incontinence. It tightens those muscles so they have better control and don't leak urine. While it does that job very well, it has some awful potential side effects and it appears Squirt is one that experienced many of them sadly. I just hope it will pass out of her system with no lingering complications. The more I read, the more convinced I am that Proin has caused most of her problems over the last several months. I am torn into - on one hand the thought that the drug has been the problem gives me a hope I haven't had since she had the seizure and on the other hand I am consumed with guilt that I caused this decline by giving the Proin and fear it's lasting effects. I feel like I poisoned an old lady. :(
I took her out several times during the evening and after we had gone to bed and she peed well each time. She had no accident last nite...but I expect them to start anytime since she hasn't had the Proin in 3 days today. I have two washable diapers, a package of disposable diapers and a package of doggy pads like Kotex. The pads are BAD expensive compared to human pads and that is what I will be buying from now on! Folks in Kroger yesterday probably thought I had lost my mind - I had one of the doggy pad out of the package and stood in the aisle for a while comparing it to the various kinds of human pads. :p
Her new meds came in this week and we have started using all but one of them yesterday. She has had two doses of the Get Up and Go (for her pain) and two...I don't know for sure how to describe this usage. It's not a dose but an exposure, an experience...:confused: It is a Flower Essence and I haven't used these before and know very little about them - tho I am learning. You can give them internally or externally and I have chosen to use it externally at first. What I can tell you is this - last night she rested better than she has in a while. Her breathing was much better. In fact, as I watched her I wondered if the panting hasn't become so normal for her she felt she had to pant. She would start, then take a deep breath, and start breathing more normally - even through her nose and not her mouth. She wasn't nearly as restless as she has been and was able to find her sweet spot and stay there, sleeping deeply. This morning she was up and wanted to eat - she even participated in the Barkfest! :cool: She is laying around but not asleep as she has been but laying in the floor watching me. She even growled at Soph when she walked by! Always the Queen. ;) Whether the improvement is the result of the Proin leaving her system, the GUG starting to work, or the magic of the Flower Essence, I don't know and don't care.
I did talk to the clinic about the blood work and Doc still has her sample in the freezer. He said it had separated even more and he was going to try to run the test again himself. I didn't hear from them yesterday and they are closed today so I hope to have an answer to this conundrum Mon. For today, I am grateful my Sweet Bebe seems better.
Leslie and the Queen of Dogdom :D
04-20-2013, 11:29 AM
Hey Leslie,
so glad Squirt is starting to do better, sounds like she is getting her spunk back which is fantastic news. Fingers crossed that it continues and there are no signs of lingering side effects!
04-20-2013, 11:39 AM
Don't put it on yourself about the Proin. You were trying to help her. I know I feel that way about Tipper's acid reflux, why did I not realize this could be her problem? There are just so many variables with this disease that you can't always be on top of everything that happens. I am always kicking myself in the butt over stuff I do with Tipper. Because so little is known, and told to us by the Vets about this disease we put it all on ourselves. It should not ahve to be that way, sadly it is. I hope Squirt returns to herself after this crap is all out of her system. That is the bad part of this, some things help them in some ways, and hurt them in others. You're damned if you do and damned if you don't. It is a fine line all of us Cush moms walk in order to help these babies.God Bless You and Squirt Tipper and I pray for her.
molly muffin
04-20-2013, 02:31 PM
Oh yay, glad to hear that Squirt had a good news and is acting more like her old self. :) Very good news indeed. Nothing like having a little Queen ruling the roost. hehehe :)
So Flower essence,that is interesting. I wonder if that would help Tipper too. How about storm terrors even if it has calming properties.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Budsters Mom
04-20-2013, 03:41 PM
Great news! I think we could all use a little flower essence!:)
Feels my heart with joy to hear that Squirt is barking and ruling her roost once more! :)
I can relate to your doggie pad search in the grocery store. When I changed Buddy's food because of so many allergies, I read and compared every dog food label in the entire Petsmart store. I pulled out each bag, each can, etc. and searched for the criteria I was looking for. I then made notations about it and moved on. I did this in the course of three or four days during the summer when I was off.
I was known as the crazy lady with the notepad who stayed for hours, I'm sure. :) I loved your doggy/human pad story. That would definitely be me!
I greatly appreciate all the help that you've been giving me. I am very relieved that Squirt is doing better.
Kathy and Buddy:)
04-20-2013, 09:52 PM
HI Leslie - as you know I do a bit of work in the continence field... wondered why we did not use this medication in human patients so did a bit of googling, looks like it is banned here in human use because of the reasons I have copied below. Sounds like a nasty drug to me and glad you have stopped it, if it is not safe for humans not sure why they use it in our beloved pets. Best of luck sorting out Squirt's issues, if anyone can do it, you can!!
Trish xx
Norephedrine is a stereoisomer of phenylpropanolamine, which is listed under the Medicines Act 198. Norephedrine/phenylpropanolamine was previously used as an
appetite suppressant and a decongestant but the risk of side effects means that it will not be used in human medicine in future. There are no human medicines containing phenylpropanolamine now available in New Zealand.
Phenylpropanolamine is used in veterinary medicine: the product Propalin® is registered under the Agricultural Compound and Veterinary Medicines Act 1997 and is used for canine urinary incontinence.
Norephedrine is also a precursor substance that can be used in the manufacture of amphetamine, a Class B1 controlled drug.
The Committee’s advice regarding norephedrine
The Committee agreed that there is a potential risk of norephedrine being imported into New Zealand or diverted from domestic sources in order to be converted into amphetamine.
It was also agreed that in view of the current proposals to reclassify
pseudoephedrine and ephedrine (precursors to methamphetamine) as Class B2 controlled drugs, if norephedrine is classified lower than Class B2 it could provide an incentive for the importation of norephedrine and increased amphetamine manufacture.
The Committee considered that there would only be a limited effect on industry should this substance be classified; however, a Class B2 classification would require consultation with relevant stakeholders such as veterinarians. Consideration would also be required on the continued status of phenylpropanolamine as a registered animal remedy and its classification as a prescription medicine under the Medicines Act.
Finally, the Committee agreed that norephedrine would not be appropriately
scheduled as a Schedule 4, Part 2 precursor substance, as it is considered a ‘primary’ precursor (for amphetamine). The Committee also agreed there is insufficient information currently available to justify the scheduling of norephedrine
molly muffin
04-20-2013, 11:23 PM
Ha!! There you go. If it's not safe for humans then it is not safe enough for Our furbabies.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-21-2013, 08:35 AM
Boy that stuff sure sounds scary. I am glad you quit giving it to Squirt. How is she feeling today. I hope it is one of those things that when it leaves the body that is all you have to worry about. How is it going with the diapers? Will Squirt leave them on without ripping at them? Hope you guys have a great day. Tipper is happy she woke up and no storms on the horizon. God Bless
04-21-2013, 08:46 AM
Hi Leslie....just checking up on you and Squirt this morning....will be sending an email soon....hope she's feeling more like herself again this morning....
Squirt's Mom
04-22-2013, 12:25 AM
Well, Squirt started leaking, just leaking, tonite after taking the last Proin Mon. Sooooo, I put a disposable diaper on her - it was too small even though her waist size and weight are within the stated size. So I got out the washable diapers - too small also. The pads that said they go with the washable diapers are way to big to fit - they stick out the end of the diaper. :rolleyes: So unless PetCo will take these back, I just threw $42 out the window. :eek:
It was funny and scary watching her in the diapers. Funny because all she would do is back up while giving me a go-jump-in-the-lake look. And she didn't take steps back - she wobbled stiff-legged from side to side going backwards, nothing moving but her toes. :p As much as she hates clothes, diapers are going to be a challenge. It was scary because she couldn't see where she was going but she was going there as fast as she could wobble and I could just see her falling.
Louise sent me a video on how to make doggy diapers out of human baby diapers and I watched it but will now study it and hope I can cut the tail hole in some proximity to her tail. I gave some thought to sticking the pad on the ACE bandage I use during storms but couldn't quite work out how to keep it straight while working around the tail. This ought to be interesting...and no, there will be no videos of my attempts! :D
For now, she's asleep in the bathroom and I'm sure there will be at least one more trip outside tonite. If she wants in the bed later, that's fine - I have a waterproof cover on the mattress and a good washer/dryer set. ;)
Leslie and her Sweet Bebe
Budsters Mom
04-22-2013, 12:36 AM
Hi Leslie,
Petco should take the diapers back. At least they take anything back in California if you have your receipt. I would try it!:)
Hugs to you and your sweet little Squirt:)
Kathy and Buddy:D
you know the little diaper cover that goes over the diaper......and then it Velcros on both sides..........i use to take a pose pad or maxi pad and cut it to fit then peel the tape off pad and stick inside the diaper cover. less bulky for them. and if you trip it up okay you dont have to worry about them chewing on the diaper part. you can also use like a tiny shirt.......put the little arms of shirt on either leg, neck opening over bottom.
04-22-2013, 08:07 AM
Sure hope you take those diapers back to Petco as that is a lot of money to have to put out. You are a great mom to Squirt and I am confident you will get this worked out. I am so sorry Squirt is having the leakage again. God Bless you both.
Squirt's Mom
04-22-2013, 10:06 AM
Just got a call from the vet tech and they were able to use her blood finally. So no more draws for now! :cool: Even better, the ALT has come WAY down to 119 from over 600 last time! :cool::):cool::):cool: ALP still high at 1132, glucose and T4 are low. They are mailing a copy of the results to me and when I get them I will post them here. Doc said absolutely no more NSAIDS and I passed on the info on Proin. So, for the second time in less than 24 hours, I have been given hope.
The first came from her communicator. Squirt didn't want to talk to her at first - always the regal Queen, she kept wanting to know why she should talk to the communicator and simply wanted the Reiki. ;) But she finally consented to a chat. The bottom line is that she doesn't feel as if her time is now and doesn't understand why I have been so sad and anxious. She feels this is simply the time in her life when she will require more help. She hasn't lost hope nor the will to live. In my angst, my selfishness, I have made her feel bad and confused. Squirt recognizes that she has bad days but offered no complaints other than the pain associated with musculoskeletal issues. It also seems that the issue she has been having with her mouth is related to hypersalivating, tho I haven't seen any drooling, etc. I have noticed her smacking her mouth more especially at night but this excess salivation seems to be part of her eating issue. She told the communicator she didn't know what happened when she collapsed a few weeks ago - she has no memory other than it seemed she was looking into a "pitch black hole"- not falling into the hole, just looking into it. Squirt said she has a more "content" face the last few days, which is true, and sees that my face is happier and more hopeful.
So I have a lot of work to do on ME in order to be the best mom I can be to her. I have somehow got to get control of my emotions and find the strength she needs me to have. I have got to be fully Present in the now.
Leslie and Squirty
04-22-2013, 10:22 AM
I just wanted to say good luck with your baby.Selfishly,I've been so wrapped up in my own grief that I can barely absorb anyone else's.The fact that you can still be there for others while you are dealing with your own issues is really appreciated.When Kelsey was hit by a car,she suffered nerve damage and was incontinent for the remainder of her life.Thankfully,she was able to wear those diapers for 10years!I bought a few from Foster and Smiths and used to then buy XL size 5 diapers at the store.I would open one up and pin it to the undergarment with the cut out tail and then put it on her.The silly things you miss when they pass.I couldn't go down a baby aisle without getting teary!Thanks for being there for me during a difficult time in your own life as well.
04-22-2013, 10:35 AM
Wow, good news re the alt levels. Woo hoo
Typical she didn't fancy a chat at first, that made me smile little madam. Fascinating stuff though when you did get going. How reassuring that she knows she has bad days but they don't get her down much apart from pain, let's hope those new herbs you found help with that
Maybe you should start the good things that happen on her thread each day or "Squirtisms" for us to chuckle at. I love hearing about all the pups antics. Wouldnt like it so much if they were mine mind you :eek:
Big hug and belly rubs for Madam Squirt
Just got a call from the vet tech and they were able to use her blood finally. So no more draws for now! :cool: Even better, the ALT has come WAY down to 119 from over 600 last time! :cool::):cool::):cool: ALP still high at 1132, glucose and T4 are low. They are mailing a copy of the results to me and when I get them I will post them here. Doc said absolutely no more NSAIDS and I passed on the info on Proin. So, for the second time in less than 24 hours, I have been given hope.
The first came from her communicator. Squirt didn't want to talk to her at first - always the regal Queen, she kept wanting to know why she should talk to the communicator and simply wanted the Reiki. ;) But she finally consented to a chat. The bottom line is that she doesn't feel as if her time is now and doesn't understand why I have been so sad and anxious. She feels this is simply the time in her life when she will require more help. She hasn't lost hope nor the will to live. In my angst, my selfishness, I have made her feel bad and confused. Squirt recognizes that she has bad days but offered no complaints other than the pain associated with musculoskeletal issues. It also seems that the issue she has been having with her mouth is related to hypersalivating, tho I haven't seen any drooling, etc. I have noticed her smacking her mouth more especially at night but this excess salivation seems to be part of her eating issue. She told the communicator she didn't know what happened when she collapsed a few weeks ago - she has no memory other than it seemed she was looking into a "pitch black hole"- not falling into the hole, just looking into it. Squirt said she has a more "content" face the last few days, which is true, and sees that my face is happier and more hopeful.
So I have a lot of work to do on ME in order to be the best mom I can be to her. I have somehow got to get control of my emotions and find the strength she needs me to have. I have got to be fully Present in the now.
Leslie and Squirty
Harley PoMMom
04-22-2013, 01:01 PM
That is GREAT news about the significant drop in the ALT!!! So glad our Squirt decided to talk with the communicator and Thank you for sharing what was said. You and Squirt are an inspiration to us all.
Love and hugs, Lori
Oh Leslie,
I am glad she is feeling better. Dont beat yourself up about the Proin
Phenylpropanolamine is some nasty stuff. They used to give it to me years ago when I was first diagnosed with asthma.
We always have hope sweetie, I know how hard this has all been for you. Heck, I gave Zoe a bath yesterday and she got so mad she tried to bit me then Koko. I laughed with joy that she still had her Baby Kujo side.:D:D
Live in the now, Leslie, we have no other choice.
Keep up the great work:D:cool:
Squirt's Mom
04-22-2013, 04:58 PM
I went back to PetCo today and they took back all the things I had purchased the other day as well as a bag of food that Brick has been eating that I got weeks ago. :cool: I got the next size up washable diaper for Squirt. This size isn't as tight around her legs and she would move them but as you will see in the video below, not quite as she normally would. LOL
I tried so hard not to laugh at her but finally lost it. :p
Boriss McCall
04-22-2013, 05:04 PM
ha! oh my gosh.. priceless.. She looks like a little wind up toy. so sweet. I think Boriss would have just sat down & not moved until I took them off.
She is a sweet girl..
04-22-2013, 05:08 PM
Bless her, she has such a sweet face
I wouldn't have been able to not laugh either with the performance
Good news about the Petco stuff, money back in the pot for the babies x
Budsters Mom
04-22-2013, 06:03 PM
Hi Leslie,
I am so glad that Petco took back everything! :D
I love the video. Thanks so much for sharing!:D. Squirt was so cute! She moved as if she had a load in her pants! Ha,ha,ha! She had a priceless look on her face, as if to say, "Are you kidding me?"
Kathy an Buddy:)
molly muffin
04-22-2013, 06:31 PM
Ohhh Leslie, someone is NOT very impressed with the whole diaper experience. I would have died laughing too!!
The looks she must give you when you put that on her!
Very happy about the ALT coming down so much. That is great.
You know Squirt, she beats to her own drum, chatty only when she feels like being so.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
04-22-2013, 06:40 PM
Aw, what a sweetie, glad Squirt is improving, loved the video!!!
04-22-2013, 09:47 PM
Awesome news on all fronts!
Daisy would've ripped them off and given me the stink eye for sure :)
Awesome news, Leslie! I am so happy to hear this! And I LOVE the video! It reminds me of my little Bailey when I put a sweater on him. He got all stiff and just sort of fell over. That little Squirt sure is a cutie!
I so wish I had an animal would make things soooo much easier!
Julie & Hannah
Bo's Mom
04-23-2013, 06:43 AM
Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning. Funny, I bought Bo the same brand of diaper from Petco in his last days and he did the same exact dance Squirt was doing. Maybe the manufacturer should have put out an offer to submit videos of dogs in the products....sure would have put a smile on a lot more faces.:D
Give Squirt some belly rubs for us.
04-23-2013, 07:30 AM
That video is too cute! Your laughing cracked me up too :D:D Have a good day you guys! xx
04-23-2013, 07:36 AM
Ohhh I meant to tell you I watched the Hobbit on my flight last week, it was great! I think it was you that said you loved those stories a while back, scenery is so beautiful! Hope you get to see it xx
04-23-2013, 07:37 AM
I will be out today. Tipper has some serious issues going on with her throat please pray for her and ask the lady we talked about to help her. Blessings
04-23-2013, 08:20 AM
Leslie: Squirt is so beautiful and that was hilarious. She did not like the diaper at all. Hope you have a good day with the Queen and all the pups. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
04-23-2013, 10:30 AM
I'm so glad ya'll enjoyed the show! :D Squirt is real good at giving the stink eye, let me tell you!
I did goof up with using the diaper, tho. I should have left it on her and let her get used to it before bedtime. She is not as steady as she used to be and has a harder time moving about on the bed these days. With the diaper on, she was really awkward and I was concerned she would hurt her back legs so she didn't wear to bed last nite. But, with taking her out often she didn't have an accident. So today we will practice with the diaper on while she is on the carpet so she has better traction until she is more at ease walking in it. Of course, the Queen may decide as long as she displays the "fact" that she just can't walk in it Mom won't make her wear it. ;) We have more storms rolling in and I got to thinking I need to get her an ACE bandage with colors and patterns that compliments the denim diaper so she can be stylin' during bad weather. :p Talk about the stink eye! :rolleyes::p
If anyone is interested in talking to our communicator to see if this is something you would be interested in, PM me and I will be happy to give you her contact info. Marcela is a member here who lost her sweet Truffa a few years ago but she still pops in from time to time. This type work is distance healing / communicating and she does not have to be with your pup to help.
Thanks for the compliments on my Sweet Bebe. I think she is the most beautiful creature to ever grace this old Earth. ;)
Leslie and Squirt
Squirt's Mom
04-24-2013, 04:18 PM
I got Squirt's test results in the mail today. Here are the abnormals -
ALP 1132 U/L 20 - 150
ALT 119 U/L 10 - 118
AMY 1443 U/L 200 - 1200
BUN 31 MG/DL 7 - 25
PHOS 9.5 MG/DL 2.9 - 8.8
GLU 21 MG/DL 60 - 110
K+ 8.0 MMOL/L 3.7 - 5.8
TP 8.6 G/DL 5.4 - 8.2
T4 0.9 UG/DL 1.1 - 4.0
HEM 1+
LIP 3+
04-24-2013, 04:31 PM
Why is her glucose so low Leslie? That won't be making her feel too good?
Squirt's Mom
04-24-2013, 04:58 PM
I know...that was a shock to see as was the T4. But I can't remember if she had eaten much that day or not. The GLU was fine the day she had the labs when she had the seizure. She had been eating better when this blood was drawn but had been off her feed for a while following the seizure and what she's willing to eat since is no where near the nutrient composition she's been eating for years so I'm hoping that is the reason for this - not eating and not eating right when she will eat. She's slowly acting better but still not eating worth a crap. The only thing she wants is one particular PetCo treat.
Two more new foods, more kibbles this time because she's flat refusing all canned or wet foods period, and she turned up her nose at both. I've added sardines, tripe, and mixed all sorts of flavors but, nope, doesn't want it. She's hungry but doesn't want anything I have offered other than those treats. Maybe five times since the seizure has she eaten her meal without coaxing or waiting for an hour or so, then she still leaves food. I got some ground Bison and some Parmesan cheese today. I'm going to make some meatballs with the Bison tomorrow as well as bake some of the FreshPet wet food she liked for a bit and see if that helps. Oddly, even with all the food changes over the last few weeks, her bowel movements are good.
Her refusal to take any wet foods has made giving meds to her impossible. She was due another Lyso dose today but refused her breakfast so I haven't given it. She's only getting 1/8 of a tablet at a time and I'm spacing that out so that her cortisol can rise just a bit to hopefully help with the pain and appetite. She should have been hungry for just about anything this morning but wasn't. I'm seriously considering stopping the lignans and melatonin as much as I hate to but I'm not sure they are worth the fight that is going would happen getting them down her.
04-24-2013, 05:10 PM
Even if she is not eating though that is still very low, I wondering if it is an error as that low would make her pretty spacey. Could the vet do a simple glucose test to just confirm it has come up. Also potassium a worry so high, is she getting anything to put that up?
Squirt's Mom
04-24-2013, 05:17 PM
No meds that would raise the potassium or PHOS...but she had just started taking the Proin again when this test was done. And I suppose it's possible the sample is off because this is the one that was frozen to separate the lipids and it took some time to get enough serum. I hope she is eating better by the time I get paid again so we can run another lab to see how things are then. I want the Proin out of her system 30 days then do the labs again; it'll be 2 weeks Mon. since she's had any Proin.
04-24-2013, 05:25 PM
Hmmm this might explain things!
7.3 Specimen storage
Serum or plasma should be physically separated from the red blood cells as soon as possible. A maximum of 2 hours from the time of collection to separation of serum/plasma from cells by centrifugation is recommended. After 2 hours, certain test analytes will not be accurately represented in the specimen – the most susceptible analytes are potassium, glucose, and ionized calcium. Glucose levels are significantly decreased, while potassium is significantly increased due to cellular metabolism. By eight hours, tests such as iron are also significantly decreased. Some other analytes are more stable and are not affected as readily.
Although refrigeration helps inhibit or slow blood cell metabolism thereby stabilizing analytes that may be affected by changes in temperature, it is recommended that serum or plasma be removed from the red cells before samples are refrigerated. However, this is not always possible. General lab practice involves refrigeration of whole blood samples as well as separated serum and plasma samples until such time as they are further processed.
Potassium levels will be further falsely elevated in refrigerated specimens due to inhibition of the sodium-potassium-ATPase pump causing cells to
leak potassium into the plasma or serum that will be used for testing. Cells contain 25 times the level of potassium as serum/plasma. Refrigeration can lead to falsely elevated potassium levels in serum/plasma in a relatively short time period.
Squirt's Mom
04-24-2013, 05:45 PM
Ah...certainly sounds plausible!
molly muffin
04-24-2013, 05:45 PM
That makes complete sense Trish. I wouldn't worry too much until you can have another lab test done. Make sure they draw enough that they can spin it down. Strange, you'd think they would be able to ge enough, after all we do with baby's blood all the time. You just usually end up moving it from the small tube to the big tube and then spin it.
Anyway, the point was (boy I digress) is that I agree with Trish and wouldn't worry too much about those specific results right now and wait till the next one. In Fact I'd print out what Trish wrote, take it to your vet and maybe he wont charge you for the redo. :)
I like to live optimistically. LOL
So what does those treats Squirt really like have in them that makes her like them?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
04-25-2013, 11:06 AM
I can't remember what's in those treats, Sharlene. They are joint support treats shaped like hearts from their bulk treats. I want to say peanut butter but I'm not sure and they don't list this particular treat on their site that I found. I'll have to write it down next trip there. For a while she like the little ginger cookies from the bulk treats but now it's the hearts. Both are quite crunchy and she needs them broken into pieces first.
She seems to have found a solution to the incontinence issue on her own. Not that she's found a way to stop it but she's found a way to make things easier. The diaper changed her conformity, spreading out her back legs; her back feet have been very close together her whole life. She got a handle on walking in it and had stopped the high stepping and side kicks but still had trouble walking and displayed more pain when she did walk. Once I realized what it was doing to her back legs, I took the diaper off. She was still in some discomfort for a bit afterwards. Last night and the night before, she got up in the bed for a little while then wanted back down. She went into the bathroom and went to sleep. I left a light on so I could see her if I had to come in there during the night and closed the door to remind me she was there. ;) I checked on her several times both nights and she was sound asleep. She's had a few instances of leaking but none of the flooding like she did the first time we stopped the Proin.
She still sleeps a lot and is still in pain, sometimes quite badly, but she is improved. Her tail is help up more often, her eyes are brighter, and she's more interactive. And Mom is doing her best to stay focused on this minute and no other. ;)
Leslie and Squirty
04-25-2013, 02:45 PM
Les, what did the vet have to say about the results of Squirt's bloodwork? Did the vet do an xray or manipulate Squirt to determine if her leg problems are due to arthritis/joint pain, neuro issue or muscle weakness? When is the last time Squirt had an abdominal ultrasound to check her internal organs?
Squirt's Mom
04-25-2013, 03:12 PM
I haven't gotten to talk to doc yet about the labs, just the tech who didn't know. She hasn't had an ultrasound in a few years and that isn't in the budget now. Her last xrays were those following the knee surgery 2 years ago. There is no question she has arthritis - she was diagnosed with that in her knees when she was young. Doc has manipulated her but not sure if he has done so the last few visits - I have to leave the room now when they work on Squirt or she fights the whole time worse than usual. If he has, he hasn't mentioned anything. I know he checked her shoulder when Tank landed on her that time and again when she started limping recently so I would assume the answer is yes.
Squirt's Mom
04-26-2013, 06:06 PM
After nearly a month of fretting over finding something Squirt will eat, tonite she decides she wants Trinket's home cooked. So I got 2 packages of Trink's food out, warmed it up, gave it to Squirt and she ate it all with obvious pleasure! She ate two meals of the baked FreshPet so I stunk up the house this afternoon baking a bunch more and she turned her nose up at it. :rolleyes: I think I'll double Trink's recipe this week and see if Squirt will keep eating that. If she does, I can maybe tweak it enough to bring it in line with her recipe - they are similar. I tried the Bison - a disaster! We all had a bite, we all had diarrhea. :eek:
Unless the desire to eat Trink's food was a sign, she has shown none and has had only 62.5mg of Lyso on Mon of this week. No lignans, no melatonin. I forced one of the Get Up and Gos down her throat and I won't do that again for anything other than the Lyso. I've been looking at the pill guns / shooters and am not sure I could use that with her any easier - all the reviews say it works well with TWO people. If I can't dissolve it, I don't know that she will get it. I'm looking into a liquid Lyso, too. She is moving a bit better and for that I am grateful! And, oddly, she has had very little leaking this week - once or twice she was a tad wet on her teetee but no where else. She pees fine outside - I've been getting the stink eye for squatting to watch lately! :p
Last nite, she wanted in the bed for a while then asked to get down and away she went to the bathroom again. The mattress may be too soft for her to move comfortably on now and she moves around during the nite. The floor gives her more support.
Squirt is slowly improving. Her eyes are brighter and she is more content. Once this Proin is out of her system for 30 days, I will breath a bit easier. I haven't fallen to my knees by her thinking she'd stopped breathing this week but I have stood over her watching intently several times. :o Compared to four weeks ago, we are both better, tho. ;) Thanks in large part to our family here.
Leslie and Squirt
Harley PoMMom
04-26-2013, 07:52 PM
I've been looking at the pill guns / shooters and am not sure I could use that with her any easier - all the reviews say it works well with TWO people.
Squirt is slowly improving. Her eyes are brighter and she is more content.
I am so glad that our sweet Squirt is feeling better! Oh, I did try those pill gun/shooter thingys and boy was that a waste of money. :eek: It could very well be that I am just not coordinated enough to use them but I really do think that 2 people are needed, and may be they should have 4 sets of hands! :o:D
Sending big hugs to you both, Lori
Budsters Mom
04-26-2013, 09:08 PM
Great news about Squirt.:). "Brighter eyes and more content" love it!
Ate 2 servings, and leaking less, AWESOME!!:)
Leslie,she is doing well because of you! You make these moments possible. You truly are her angel and are an inspiration to us all!
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
molly muffin
04-26-2013, 09:57 PM
I have a what the vet called pill popper for molly. You put the pill in the end of it, it looks sort of like a small syringe and then you put it in their mouth and I guess shoot it down their throat. I have terrible luck with it, but the vet tech uses it with molly. The only one who can really get a pill down her is the office manager at the vets office. She rolls wet dog food into a ball around the pill, gives it to molly and molly Takes it! Not a chance she'll do that for me though. Is that the same thing as a pill gun?
I'm so glad Squirt ate and twice even. That must be a record in the last couple weeks. :) Good for her. That is one dog that knows what she wants And what she Doesn't. Mind of her own. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-27-2013, 08:51 AM
I am curious about the Trinkets Home Cooked. I have never heard of this. Where do you get it and what is it exactly? I am so glad Squirt ate and has the brightness back in her eyes. I think due to Marcela help it gave me good judgement into not letting this Dr. touch my Tipper. I am grateful for all she has done for her. Hope you and Squirt enjoy a peaceful weekend. God Bless You Both
Squirt's Mom
04-27-2013, 10:00 AM
Yep, my Sweet Bebe definitely has a mind of her own! :D Usually set in concrete! :rolleyes::p
I tried giving her some of her food this morning and it was a no go - but she wanted Trink's again. Theirs have the same ingredients except Squirt's has salmon and Trink's doesn't - so I am making Squirt's without the salmon today. We will see....
Patti - a nutritional consultant, Catherine Lane, has formulated recipes for my babies. Squirt's and Trink's both have dark chicken, beef liver, quinoa, white rice and the supplements calcium carbonate, zinc, taurine, and manganese mixed in plus fish oil and Vit E added to each meal. Squirt's also includes the salmon. Brick also has recipe but he can't eat soft foods - his coordination is not good due to the hydrocephalus so he gets some of his recipe baked into chewy cookies along with kibble and he can handle this just fine.
Squirt wanted in the bed again last nite but stayed the whole nite this time...and she rested well. Still no leaking. Weird but I'm not complaining! I noticed something else odd - we have been having some mild storms since yesterday afternoon. Squirt has had 62.5mg of Lyso and no melatonin at all this week - but she has been MUCH less anxious with these storms coming through. I did get some Passionflower and Skullcap in her via syringe last nite but that has never been enough on its own - even with the added melatonin she would still shake pretty badly. No shaking at all yesterday, last nite, or this morning. I expected her to be more nervous with no melatonin and very little Lyso on board. :confused: But again - I'm not complaining! :)
BTW, hope is a wonderful thing to have.
Leslie and Squirty
04-27-2013, 02:34 PM
more improvements...yeah!!!!!
Hi Leslie,
How is our Squirt this morning? Give her hugs and kisses for me
hugs and kisses to you as well:):):)
04-28-2013, 08:44 AM
I hope your precious Squirt continues to improve, she is sounding like she is on the upswing thank God. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
04-28-2013, 09:26 AM
Thanks! Squirt slept in the bed again last night and slept well. She has been eating her food, mushed up instead of chunky like she used to want it. Her mouth is still not right and may never be but she is having an easier time eating and drinking. With the storms expected to continue through the night last nite, I gave her some melatonin in her supper - and she ate only a little over half of it. Dumb move on my part. :rolleyes: I was a bit concerned that would have put her off the food again but she ate breakfast just fine. :)
My youngest grandson is here with us this weekend and it was obvious she is still off because she didn't run to greet him or spend any time with him. She has always been very protective of both grandsons and loves them dearly, always excited to see either of them - but not this time. Her greeting was very late and quite reserved, and she has basically ignored him since. But I am ever so grateful for the improvements she has made so far.
Leslie and Squirt
Budsters Mom
04-28-2013, 10:54 AM
Hi Leslie,
Yay for Squirt and for you! I am so glad that she is eating and had a good night.:) I hope you were able to get some rest too! :)
Kathy and Buddy
molly muffin
04-28-2013, 03:03 PM
Hi Leslie, I do hope that eventually Squirt will greet the grandsons the way she usually does. I'm sure it is something that she and the boys both enjoy. I guess everything just takes time.
Sleeping well though is a good start and eating, even if not as much as she might have at one time.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
Hope is a beautiful what you said......yes hope is a beautiful thing to have. Amen.
huge smile, and felt complete warm smile and love just flush all over reading about the last couple of days. I am so happy for all of this.
Squirt's Mom
04-30-2013, 09:53 AM
Squirt was HUNGRY this morning! :) She actually danced around, patted my feet walking down the hall, and whined for her food. Exciting, yes? and no.
She hasn't had any Lyso since last Mon. and that was only 62.5 mg. I don't know if the appetite increase is due to the cortisol going up or because she is finally starting to get over the seizure and Proin. She is displaying no other cush signs - no excess drinking or peeing, still resting well day and night, not seeking cool places, not hiding, not shedding, and still no leaking. I am torn completely in half - I do NOT want to do anything that will diminish the appetite again causing her to go off her feed but nor do I want to let the cortisol start raging possibly putting her in need of a load. An ACTH is flat out of the question unless I sell a LOT of stuff - which ain't been happening tho I have sold some things...enough to pay for this recent ordeal anyway. So for now, I'm tiptoeing around watching her like a hawk and am going to withhold the Lyso for a bit longer....I think. :rolleyes:
It's tough feeling so happy to see her acting more like her usual self yet worrying about the reason for it. I think for today I will just be happy to see her feeling better. :)
04-30-2013, 10:24 AM
Glad to hear Squirt is wanting her food now. I am right there with you about the cause. It's a shame the cush mom seldom if ever gets a worry free day. God Bless
Harley PoMMom
04-30-2013, 12:03 PM
Maybe, right now, Squirts needs her cortisol to run a bit higher, so I believe holding off on the Lyso will do her more good than harm.
Sending you both tons of loving hugs, Lori
04-30-2013, 12:15 PM
Reasons for the hunger aside, she was happy and dancing around your feet. That is enough reason for celebration anyway! :D And as Lori said, it may pay to have her run a little higher at the moment anyway. Surely holding off a little longer wont let it get away from you.
Budsters Mom
04-30-2013, 01:13 PM
Happy, hungry and dancing at your feet! :D YAY!!!!!!!!!!:D
For the moment, just enjoy!:)
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
We are all dancing at your feet too, great news.
I cant advise about the Lyso dose. I know you dont want to have to do a load and I dont blame you.
molly muffin
04-30-2013, 06:14 PM
Everything seems to vary, day by day doesn't it. :) A happy Squirt though, is a happy momma :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
04-30-2013, 06:14 PM
Hi dear Leslie,
Yes, you are seeing correctly. It's me, the Princess's mommy. lol...I just read up on your Squirt, and I am very happy to see she has eaten for you. Gosh, I think by far, that is our biggest concern with these babies. When they don't eat, we certainly panic. I know I do. I think you also, any of us. So I hope she keeps this up for you and her so you can continue your path on loving each other up, not that you don't do that anyway.
Always thinking of many here on the forum, so many, specially you, Squirt and the whole gang.
Tight ones..
xo Jeanette
05-01-2013, 10:31 PM
Hi Leslie
I can never thank you enough for all the kindess,love and support you and all the members have shown me since I lost my Fella.The shock has somewhat lessened and I'm just starting to read thru the threads that are posted here.So much love found on this board!!If only all dogs could have such wonderful moms!Glad to hear your little Squirt is eating!I hope in the next few weeks I'm able to go thru each and every thread and get to know and love your babies as much as you all have loved my Fella!Finding all of you was Fella's gift to me.I've never felt alone for one single minute because of all of you and just wanted to say thanks!Love and hugs to you and your "gang"!
05-02-2013, 12:16 AM
take the positive things and run with them!
Eating is good:) Happy dancing too!
Simba's Mom
05-02-2013, 01:13 AM
Yay Squirt, way to go, make your Mamma happy!!!
Squirt's Mom
05-06-2013, 10:47 AM
Hi Ya'll,
I cannot believe how much better Squirt is doing. Her appetite is still good most of the time, sometimes off in the mornings but for the most part, very good. Not the cush appetite either even tho she hasn't had any Lyso since 3 weeks ago yesterday. She is displaying no cush signs whatsoever in fact! :confused: But still not complaining! :p She is back on her home cooked and enjoying it once again, thankfully! Tho she refuses to eat the salmon. :rolleyes:
She's had a couple of morning tummy upsets, vomiting bile after waking up, but I've started giving her some treats after we go to bed and that seems to be helping as she hasn't had this happen since the nighttime treats. I hope it's just that her tummy gets too empty over night. ;)
I was watching her sleep last nite and was overcome with gratitude at how well she rests now. She no longer pops up as if in pain, doesn't feel the need to get up and reposition constantly, her breathing is vastly improved as is the panting, and the lip smacking/air licking has all but stopped. She has had very few leaking incidents still as well.
Her shoulder seems to be healing finally and her limping is much less than it was. She is stronger, falling rarely. She knows when she needs help and when she doesn't. If she needs help, she will stand there until I pick her up; if she doesn't need help and I act like I am going to pick her up, she takes off, grinning like it's a new game! :p She often pats my feet while I'm walking like she always has and has initiated Piggies a few times recently!
I want to share with you one of the gifts this time has brought to Squirt and me. Squirt has never been one that wanted to be held or coddled - she is fiercely independent. When I would try to hold her and love on her, she would typically give me a quick kiss then squirm to get down and on about her business of the moment, plainly saying, "that's enough of that nonsense, Mom!" :D She has always enjoyed being held in my arms and looking at things from a new perspective, tho - she just didn't want to stay there in my arms very long. Now I hold her on the porch, which is about 6' off the ground and looks out into the woods by our house, and she is relaxed against my chest, not wanting down. I can feel her body tense as she sees, smells, or hears something out in the woods; I watch her little ears prick forward, her nose twitch and lift to scent the air; I see her eyes widen and light up with interest, and she will occasionally look at me as if to ask if I saw that, too. We stand on the porch, my Queen and I, and just absorb what Mother Nature is offering. There is an intense feeling of oneness and healing during these times, a blessing of such depth I cannot find the words to explain but wanted to share as best I can with our loving family here. Squirt has always been my teacher and she is now teaching me how to face her December Days. What an amazing gift this gigantic little Soul is to me.
Leslie and her Queen
Budsters Mom
05-06-2013, 11:13 AM
Wow Leslie!!!
What a heartwarming cuddle story. It makes me think of Little House on the Prairie.:) I am thrilled that Squirt is doing so well and is able to continue to run her kingdom. :D It's all due to you!
Hugs and love to all,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-06-2013, 11:21 AM
It would seem that Squirt the Queen is finally getting the miracle she deserves. I am so happy for you both. Isn't it amazing the things that we learn from our babies? The time spent with them is worth a million dollars to me. I am a cleaning fanatic, but this year I have not touched the house for spring cleaning. I usually have mine done in March. I just don't care about it as Tipper is my priority from now on. I don't know if we have a month a year or longer, but I want to be with her as much as I can. I do little things here and there when she is in a room napping with me, but that is it. I never want to think I wasted some of the time she has left doing stuff that is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. I am happy Leslie that you and your precious Squirt are enjoying some of the nice days out on the porch. I keep taking Tipper out, she is still afraid of noise because her cortisol is still low I guess. She stayed out for about a half and hour yesterday. I am aclimating her to it little by little. She used to love the outdoors and I could never get her in. Now every noise has her on edge, except for when she is walking she is ok then. I guess her mind is busy and she doesn't think about the noise as much. I just got done soaking her foot again, she has been leaving it alone for the most part. I am going to do it 3 times a day as it seem to be helping her from chewing and licking it, until my Vet gets in. He's out more than he's in. Great news on the eating also. That always makes you feel better when your baby is eating right. I hope the happiness and joy you feel continues forever as you are a wonderful mom to Squirt and you deserve some happy time. Blessings
Boriss McCall
05-06-2013, 11:48 AM
awe.. love it. so glad you two are getting this time together & she is feeling good.
Roxee's Dad
05-06-2013, 12:49 PM
That is wonderful Leslie :) I can totally understand where you are coming from. Just the last few months, Rozee also one that never liked to be held, has been the same way. She now is feeling very comforted laying in my arms and falling asleep on my chest, which in turn give us a good feeling that we can provide that safety and comfort.
Enjoy all those wonderful moments that you share with sweet little Squirt.
05-06-2013, 01:32 PM
Hi Leslie,
So glad Squirt is doing better. Years ago, my Molly was throwing up each morning just before it was time to get up. When I told my Vet, he suggested giving her a small amount of plain chicken & broth baby food before bed and it worked. He said she has acid reflux. He also recommends 1/4 tablet of regular strength pepcid A/C when necessary.
Dodie & molly
Harley PoMMom
05-06-2013, 02:43 PM
Now I hold her on the porch, which is about 6' off the ground and looks out into the woods by our house, and she is relaxed against my chest, not wanting down. I can feel her body tense as she sees, smells, or hears something out in the woods; I watch her little ears prick forward, her nose twitch and lift to scent the air; I see her eyes widen and light up with interest, and she will occasionally look at me as if to ask if I saw that, too. We stand on the porch, my Queen and I, and just absorb what Mother Nature is offering. There is an intense feeling of oneness and healing during these times, a blessing of such depth I cannot find the words to explain but wanted to share as best I can with our loving family here.
With your wonderful decripition I can see you two so vividly. Such a beautiful and loving bond you and Squirt share.
Love and hugs, Lori
Thanks for another wonderful post. It is so beautifully written, and so thoughtful and heartfelt. I am so happy to hear how well Squirt is doing, and I'm so glad you've found something to enjoy at this stage of her life. :)
Julie & Hannah
05-06-2013, 05:20 PM
I see it from your view in my minds eye as I read it. You have a very descriptive way with words..
So chuffed she has perked up and that she isnt having too many issues from coming off all the pills
Long may Queen Squirt reign :)
Big hug, kisses for all your babies
molly muffin
05-06-2013, 05:29 PM
Leslie, that is so wonderful. You do paint a vivid picture of the two of you. I'm so glad that Squirt is getting better and really enjoying everything around her. You definitely put a smile on my face today!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-06-2013, 06:07 PM
Hi Leslie
Loved hearing the tender moments you share with Squirt.Definitely moments to treasure.As stressful as Fella's last week was with all the vet appts and then the surgery,we had so many memorable moments that last week.He loved car rides and usually spent them jumping from the front seat to the back,hollering at the dogs out the window or at the big trucks.:).That whole week,he would just stare at me with those big brown eyes and jump over into my lap and curl against me as I was driving.He loved our private time,just him and I.I talked to him and told him everything I ever felt in my heart and it was as if he heard and understood every word I said.One of my favorite memories was on our way home after he recieved an acupunture treatment.Instead of being his usual restless self in the car,he jumped onto the floor of the backseat and curled himself in the center and fell fast asleep for the entire 3hr ride.He looked so peaceful,with his whole face pointed upwards towards the roof of the car,sound asleep.:).It's a beautiful feeling to connect to our babies as we do.It truly is a feeling that is very hard to put into words but warms the heart and soul.So glad you and Squirt are enjoying this time together!I am so grateful to have shared that with my little one as I know you are as well.
05-07-2013, 06:29 AM
Leslie, I had a lovely feeling of peace when I read your story, love to you all xx
I hope there are many more porch days to come, dearest Leslie. I am so glad Squirt is feeling better.
05-07-2013, 09:58 PM
Hi Leslie
Just wanted to say thanks for that info on the doxy.I put it on my post but what a disgrace that a medication that used to be fairly inexpensive has now gone up 20x the amount just because the demand has become higher!It makes me so mad.I'm so fortunate this time around because I took out that loan but the cost can be a dealbreaker for so many,and would have been for me as well at many other times in my life.They don't make it easy!
On a better note,I hope Squirt is having a good day and you are enjoying every second of it!:).Have said it a thousand times,but am so grateful I found all of you!Thanks again!
05-07-2013, 11:21 PM
I love those snuggle times with Daisy too!
She often curls her neck around mine as if to hug me :)
I once asked my father why it was so easy to relax and fall asleep with a dog next to you. He replied "you feel their love". It's so true and absolutely priceless!
05-08-2013, 02:53 PM
Hey Leslie
Just checking in on you and queen Squirt, hope you are both having a good day
Big hug
molly muffin
05-08-2013, 06:25 PM
Your dad knows a thing or two it sounds like Valerie. :)
Nothing like sleeping next to a animal to make you feel relaxed and that all is right with the world.
Hope you are in major snuggle mode Leslie
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
if a person could ever speak/write what love is, what it looks like, what it feels would be you. if ever a person could express in words the power of prayer, of near feeling hands upon you lifting you up in prayer, you express that so well, with out looking at directly at someone yet them feel your caring eyes, yes dear friend it is you. if ever you should write a book...or short stories, and have it reach out to the world...i believe you would surpass winning the lotto. your love is of true pure beauty to all you share it with, furbabies and pet parents everywhere i am sure thank you so much.
Harley PoMMom
05-11-2013, 11:37 AM
if a person could ever speak/write what love is, what it looks like, what it feels would be you. if ever a person could express in words the power of prayer, of near feeling hands upon you lifting you up in prayer, you express that so well, with out looking at directly at someone yet them feel your caring eyes, yes dear friend it is you. if ever you should write a book...or short stories, and have it reach out to the world...i believe you would surpass winning the lotto. your love is of true pure beauty to all you share it with, furbabies and pet parents everywhere i am sure thank you so much.
I agree 100%. Our Leslie is the best! :D
05-11-2013, 03:10 PM
Have always been in awe of Leslie's way with words. I don't know another soul who can paint a living picture in my mind like her. You rock, Les.
05-12-2013, 08:44 AM
God Bless you for your way with words. You have a wonderful gift. I hope this finds you and Squirt doing well. I guess you still haven't given any Lysodren?? Hope Squirt continues to improve. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
05-12-2013, 12:40 PM
Thanks ya'll. :o
This past week I reintroduced the Nettle (dry herb), the Get Up and Go, and the SAMe (liquid) and she has continued to eat her food with joy! Today I started the L-PhenyPet. Still no Lyso, no lignans, no melatonin - and still no signs. Maybe she's been cured! ;) She has had zero leakage as well - perhaps the Nettle is helping with that. She's had some discomfort but that is much less than it was and most of her day is spent asleep. At night after supper she wants in the bed just like she used to and stays all night, sleeping soundly.
My youngest grandson spent the weekend with me and we have had some great laughs together. This morning he gave me a box of Whitman chocolates for Mother's Day so we piled up in the bed and ate bonbons for breakfast, watching funny videos on YouTube. A wonderful, wonderful Mother's Day gift!
Then another gift from my Sweet Bebe just a few minute ago - something I wasn't sure I would ever see again. Watch this! (pardon the movement, I'm not too steady this morning! :D)
What a GREAT Mother's Day at my house! I hope each of you celebrating this occasion, regardless of the skin your child wears, have a day as wonderful as mine. precious! Little Squirt looked so happy rolling around and then trotting back up to her momma! Between seeing that, knowing that Squirt is doing so well, and your sweet grandson, it sounds like you're having a wonderful Mother's day weekend! I'm so happy Squirt is doing well and is so happy. Seeing them happy is sometimes all we need for a little reassurance that we're doing the right thing, isn't it? Thanks for sharing, Leslie!
Julie & Hannah
Budsters Mom
05-12-2013, 12:53 PM
I love the video!:) I can feel the joy along with Squirt. The best part was seeing the joy on her face! It helps us to remember to slow down and take time to appreciate the little things and not take life quite so seriously. We learn so much from our fur babies.;) thanks for sharing.:)
Love and hugs to you and the gang,
Kathyvand Buddy:cool:
05-12-2013, 02:14 PM
I love the video, I put Tipper on my lap and showed her too. This is the very best Mothers Day present ever!!. It gave me such pleasure to see Squirt in a moment of splendor, of sheer doggy joy!! May she do this every day,and make her mothers heart filled with happiness!! Blessings
molly muffin
05-12-2013, 05:49 PM
Oh Leslie!! Super big Hugs! I just had a few tears of happiness watching that video. It's so good to see Squirt being, well Squirt again. What a wonderful Mothers Day you've had!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
05-14-2013, 06:26 PM
Hi to both of you....what a lovely picture you've painted of you and Squirt on the porch....I can feel the peacefullness that you're experiencing.....
05-15-2013, 12:22 AM
Hi Leslie
Happy Belated Mother's Day!!Sounds like you had a wonderful one!I loved loved the video of Squirt!Thanks for sharing.I love seeing them rolling in the grass like that-they seem so happy.Grace does that every morning and she always makes me laugh!:)
Glad you had a great day and Squirt did too from the looks of it!Thanks for all that you do and the love you share.And yes,I agree with the others,you have a wonderful way with words.:).
And I did check with the vet about the "human" doxy dose and it is the same but thanks for bringing that to my attention.
Hope you and Squirt and your gang are all in good spirits and many more good days ahead for all of you!
05-15-2013, 03:39 PM
It's obvious that Squirt is very precious. Great to see a little dog so very happy!
My dog Molly is and always has been very terrified of Thunderstorms and fireworks, so I kept seeing melatonin mentioned here and realizes that should help calm her down. I asked my Vet and she gave to me right away.Well anyway, I gave it to her as presribed for the very first time on May 6th. On Thursday evening May 9th, I noticed that Molly was walking funny, that her right foot particularly was pointed almost completely out to the right of her body and she had to keep sitting down each time she took a step. As I was calling the Vet, her legs went completely out from under her.
That afternoon, I had applied Vectra 3D Flea and Tick Repellent to her and my other dog, so I thought Molly was having a reaction to that. - My other dog was fine. My regular Vet was not there so the Vet on duty just had me apply dish detergent bring her there and he gave her a shot of Benedryl.
Well she still was not acting like herself, so I looked up the side effects of Melatonin and discovered that I believe she was given way too much. Molly weighs 16.2 lbs. My Vet presribed 3 mg. in the morning and 3 mg. in the evening each day.From what I see on line, t she should have been given 1 - 1.5 mg. ONCE a day. She is finally acting more like herself today.
I am still so new at this, that I can use any advice to ensure I'm doing the right things for her. I love her dearly and my Vet is really starting to scare me.
Also, do you or anyone else on the forum know a good basic multi-vitamin I can give Molly? The IMS wants to keep her on Hills k9 w/d until she has her bladder stones removed on May 30th.
Thanks for your help,
Dodie & Molly
Squirt's Mom
05-15-2013, 04:25 PM
It does sound as if that may have been a bit much to start Molly on. I would start with 1mg and only use it when there are storms, not every day. Melatonin is used to treat a form of Cushing's called Atypical and Squirt (average of 14 lbs) was taking 9 1/2mg a day, directed by her IMS. She got extra when it stormed. But she started with 3mg am / pm and had to adjust - she was sleepy at first. But just for thunder phobia, I wouldn't give it to Molly every day and start with as low a dose as possible then increase slowly if that doesn't help.
As for the vitamins, I wouldn't worry about that right now either - wait until the stones are out and you know what type she had. The type of stone can mean that she will not need any extra of certain things like magnesium or foods high in oxalates. So if I were you I wouldn't make any changes until after the surgery. ;) Others may have differing views so you might ask about these things on Molly's thread, too. When is the surgery?
Budsters Mom
05-25-2013, 03:53 PM
I have missed seeing you checking in:o I hope Squirt and the rest of the gang are doing okay. Sending love and hugs,
Kathy and Buddy:cool:
05-26-2013, 08:07 AM
I miss seeing you on here. How is Squirt doing? I hope everything is ok, and that you both are just busy ahving fun! Have a good Memorial Day. Blessings
06-03-2013, 04:24 PM
Hey Leslie
Just posting to let you know I am thinking of you all. Do hope everything's ok and your just taking a computer break to pick those wild flowers
Big hug, kisses and belly rubs to all the furlets
06-04-2013, 08:03 AM
I too am wondering where you guys have been. I am worried about you and hope there is nothing wrong. Blessings
06-08-2013, 05:27 PM
Hi Leslie - long time, no see! Hoping your just on a little break to recharge the batteries and Squirty girl is doing fine. Thinking of you and the gang and hope we see you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :)
06-09-2013, 07:58 AM
Where are you?? Hope you are just having a good old time with Squirt and enjoying the summer. Miss you. Blessings
06-11-2013, 07:13 AM
How are things going?
06-12-2013, 08:02 AM
I hope you two are having too much fun to post to us!! I am praying this is why we have not heard from you. Miss you!
06-12-2013, 08:39 AM
Hey guys, Leslie is doing fine and is busy taking excellent care of her own babies and a new foster baby with some pretty serious health issues. That baby is in the best hands possible. We all miss Leslie and the energy and healing she brings to so many here, but I do understand, only too well, that we need to take a little break in our normal routine from time to time to heal our hearts or take care of things that life throws at us.
06-12-2013, 09:05 AM
Thanks so much for the information on Leslie. She is such a wonderful person to give the information she does about our furbabies. I had been concerned that she was having a hard time with her babies since I had not seen her on the forum. So glad she is okay and hope all her babies and foster babies are okay. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
06-17-2013, 01:12 PM
Hi ya’ll!
Glynda, thanks for giving an explanation for my absence. I started to reply several times but knew the moment I signed in, I was back and I wasn’t quite ready to be back…so thanks! :)
The time came when I simply needed a break. From the moment I learned how sick Tasha was, my focus was on her and many things went to hell in a hand basket around here. After she passed, I came back to the forum too soon; I didn’t allow myself enough time to grieve as needed. Then Squirt got so sick. So I took some time just for me and my babies and our home. I’ve been cleaning house, working in the yard, walking fields and gathering herbs, making medicines, and puttering around. The plan had been to completely take a break from the computer but because of needing to stay in touch with family on Facebook, that didn’t quite work out. It has been a healing time sorely needed nevertheless.
Squirt is doing well! :cool: I believe she has reached the plateau of her recovery and there seem to be some permanent effects but nothing major. Her cush signs started coming back so I have restarted her on the Lyso on a maintenance dose – but not the lignans or melatonin. I have been slowly adding meds, supplements and herbs trying to make absolutely sure she is handling them very well before adding another. It seemed the wiser choice to start the Lyso instead of the lignans and melatonin. She rarely leaks and when she does it seems to be when she is suddenly awakened so that could a startle response as much as incontinence. Trink had a colitis flare and I got that settled then the next thing I knew she was sick again AND Squirt, Brick and Sophie decided to join her! :eek: It took a week to get the smell out of my nostrils! :p LOL They all seem to be settled except for Brick who has been having some issues for a while off and on. All I can say is Thank Goodness for SEB!
Glynda mentioned our new foster. Her name is Josephina, Josie, and she is an AKC Chihuahua with a similar story to Tasha’s. Josie’s mom passed recently and after one son neglected everything including Josie and apparently their mom, the other son came along to take control. He placed Josie on Craigslist where Arkansas Chihuahua Rescue found her and took her in. I’ll start a thread on Josie in the EE section and tell her story there.
I’ve been reading along even tho I wasn’t posting and I have laughed and cried with you all. This is one amazing family we have here.
Leslie and Squirt
Budsters Mom
06-17-2013, 01:42 PM
So glad to hear that Squirt is doing well.:) I missed you, but am glad that you took some healing time away from the forum. :p As for Josie.... If I was as sick as that poor little baby, I would want you to be my foster mom too!
Hugs to you and your sweet babies,
molly muffin
06-17-2013, 05:45 PM
Hi Leslie!! So glad to see you back on the forum. I hope you took enough time for yourself though. I know it is hectic with the wee ones right now.
Still I'm glad to see you. :)
Belly rubs to all of them.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
06-18-2013, 06:56 AM
You and Squirty were sure missed around here, so pleased to see you back posting! It is so like you to adopt another little sweetpea who needs your special caring talents. Lucky little Josie, I hope you get on top of all her various problems and she gets some quality time to enjoy all the special attention you will lavish her with, she certainly sounds like she deserves it!! xxxxxx
Hi Leslie,
Boy, I cannot begin to tell you how much you mean to all of us and how much we all missed you. I wanted to stop by and say welcome home:):):):)
Squirt's Mom
06-19-2013, 01:18 PM
awwww.....thanks, ya'll! It's nice to be missed and to be back home!
06-19-2013, 02:49 PM
Hey Leslie, I was so glad to hear from you. I wrote back to you on my site. CoCo is on Hill's canned ID Prescription from the vet. It has not seemed to get rid of the soft stools yet . My real concern is that he has lost a couple of pounds and seems to be wasting away with his bones showing. I have tried all the things for the diarrhea, slippery elm, pumpkin and fort teriflora, cannot remermber what else. Seems like when I give him more food he gets diarrhea. So glad all you family and pups are doing okay. I know you need this time to yourself and really hate to tell you my problems. Love, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
06-27-2013, 10:05 AM
My Sweet Bebe woke up about 2am wanting to PLAY! She wanted down for what I thought would be a drink but started whining at me once she was on the floor then started tapping the floor with her front paws - a sign to play! So for about 30 minutes we played Piggies, chase, and Toro! with a blanket. She was running through the house, spinning around in tight little circles, bouncing and carrying on like a puppy! Of course, her legs slipped and slid out from under her at times, scaring me to pieces but I just couldn't bring myself to make her stop. She was soooo happy and full of it - something I haven't seen in quite some time - that I simply could not take those minutes away. After playing for a while, she went to the counter where the treats are, got her treat and took it to the closet to enjoy. After a bit, she wanted back on the bed and slept soundly the rest of the nite. This morning she doesn't seem any worse for the wear. ;)
Goodness I love this dog!
Budsters Mom
06-27-2013, 10:14 AM
Thanks for sharing Leslie. It warmed my heart.:D
06-27-2013, 10:28 AM
Oh Leslie, what a precious gift! My heart is bursting for you two girls. :) :)
06-27-2013, 10:45 AM
Oh Leslie: That is so precious. Makes my heart sing to know she is feeling good. You are so good and lucky to have such a sweet baby girl. Love, JoAnne
Simba's Mom
06-27-2013, 02:49 PM
Love those happy stories, to want to play in the middle of the nite, aw, what a precious gift for you, sending hugs and prayers!!
Welcome home!!!!
molly muffin
06-27-2013, 05:41 PM
That is so wonderful! Up to the play in the middle of the night. I guess when the play bug hits, you got to just roll with it, even at 2am. :) hehehehe
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
I cant stop smiling after reading your post. It just feels so good to take it all in.
Many more play nights, baby girl Squirt.
Harley PoMMom
06-27-2013, 11:31 PM
Oh Leslie, that is wonderful news!! Sending huge and loving hugs to you both.
06-29-2013, 04:20 AM
I bet it was the super moon we had a few days back Leslie, I find I have really vivid technicolour dreams when bright huge full moon comes around and that one was the biggest of the year and the moon was at the closest point to earth :D:D Flynn wanted outside in the middle of the night then too which is unlike him and it was so bright outside!! I didn't even need the torch :eek: back to normal now though. I hope Squirty keeps her playtime up but maybe in the daylight hours so your not too tired during the day, but then we take the good times when they come don't we!! Your post made me smile too :D
07-02-2013, 03:41 PM
Thank you for your continued support, you are the best! I wanted to ask you about the adequan shots. I read you have to have a series of 8. It can cause hematomas at the injection site, cause vomiting,& diarrhea. Have you had any experiences of side effects? Also it said be careful using this on dogs with hepatic impairment, and renal problems. No one has ever come out and told me Tipper had liver impairment, but her last alk phos was 158up from 35 I believe. I am going to ask the vet tomorrow about this. Blessings
Squirt's Mom
07-02-2013, 03:54 PM
Hi Patti,
We were told about the possible side effects and the vet treating Josie followed that by saying he had never had a pup have a negative reaction in all the years he had been using it. Josie was to have one shot a week for 6 weeks then one a month after that. If there was any bruising from the injections, I didn't see it. In Josie's case, we had no other options and we had to try something. We never had a chance to do labs on Josie but even with liver values sky high, and Tipper's aren't, I couldn't have withheld this possible avenue of relief from her. I wonder almost daily if we had gotten hold of Josie before that mass got so very large and had started the shots then, if they wouldn't have worked better and given her a few more years. Her original vet diagnosed her with collapsing trachea in Feb of 2012, a misdiagnosis, so the mass had already grown large enough at that point to be troublesome and it simply continued to grow until it suffocated her. :(
07-02-2013, 09:33 PM
Awwwww! Best post I've read from you dear Leslie. I've missed a lot on my long break here, but it is always so enlightening to come back to my special place and read happy moments shared with the "bebe".
Good night and maybe the bed bugs will get your "bebe" and you up and around again sometime soon....:D
Love and tight ones.
Xo Jeanette and my Princess
Squirt's Mom
07-16-2013, 08:21 AM
Squirt has hurt her back left leg somehow. :( I was able to get the non-skid boots on her twice, then no more so I figure she slipped on the floor. :( She isn't putting much weight on it at all. She's not complaining with it, no yelping or whining, just not putting much weight on it. There is absolutely nothing I can do about it this month other than what is at my disposal at home. I get paid in 3 weeks and I'll have it xrayed then if I can't sell enough stuff between now and then. If the pin or screws are damaged again....well, I can't think about that right now.
I am so sorry to hear this Leslie. Dont think about the pins right now. Maybe she just twisted it somehow. Did you check her toes? Zoe was limping from a sprained toe, when the Gp pressed her toes, when he hit one place, she yelped.
07-16-2013, 09:08 AM
I am praying for you and precious Squirt. I know one time I went to one of my vets other offices, and they were doing an xray on Tipper. I told the girl who took her to be careful how they held her for the xray, and not to let her walk on the slippery floor, to carry her to me. She came out with Tipper walking on the floor and I was furious. She said "Oh I forgot sorry". Well needless to say Tipper walked on 3 legs for days, and could not go for a walk. The girls at the other office all know not to put Tipper on the floor and watch her legs. I am so sorry Squirt is having troubles. It is so hard when you try to keep them from injuring themselves, and they want to act like a normal dog. Tipper gets really miffed at me when I carry her up the steps in the garage. She actually gets an attitude, like I want to do this myself. I do not want to risk injury to her after she fell on the steps months ago, so she will just have to lose the attitude. Hopefully after some rest off the leg Squirt will come around. I know this is serious because of the pins etc. so I am praying for her. God Bless you Leslie for all you do with these babies.
Roxee's Dad
07-16-2013, 03:48 PM
Oh Leslie, I am so sorry. I know how hard it is with our senior pups. Sending you positive thoughts and prayers for a very speedy recovery.
07-16-2013, 04:00 PM
hopefully it's just a strain from moving the wrong way. I'd say it's a good sign that she's not crying out.
Crossing my fingers!
Budsters Mom
07-16-2013, 04:43 PM
Ah Leslie,
When did this happen? You could limiting her activity by confining her to a crate or small room and force her to rest her leg. Of course, you know this already.:o Sending prayers and healing energy you way. Big hugs,
07-16-2013, 04:47 PM
Oh no Leslie, do we never get a break. Maybe she just slipped and it is a little sore since she is not crying and a night's sleep will help it. CoCo's back legs are so weak and tiny, I think about giving him a Baby Aspirin, but with his stomach I am afraid it would hurt him, although my vet has suggested it. I hope she will be okay tomorrow. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
07-16-2013, 05:47 PM
Oh Fudge. I take it that it is the leg with the screws and pins? Well, maybe not damaged. I agree with Addy, lets not go there right now. Hoping that it's minor and clears itself up in a couple days with limited activity on it.
hugs, hang in there Leslie
Sharlene and Molly muffin
07-17-2013, 08:23 AM
Leslie: I hope Squirt's leg is better this morning and you both got some needed rest. Love, JoAnne
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