View Full Version : Squirt - my Queen has crossed The Bridge
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Squirt's Mom
08-10-2012, 09:41 AM
Well, she sounded a 3AM alarm instead and was up once more to go out with mushy poops. :( She was begging for breakfast, tho, and is acting as if she feels fine. I gave her about 2 tbsp of her feed sans the meats along with SEB this morning. If this continues, she will be at Dr B's today. So far she hasn't asked to go out but she is a bit gassy...and right under my desk where I am sitting! :rolleyes:
I looked at the lab report we got the other day and there is no listing for lypase or amylase so I have no idea about the pancreas. :mad::eek::( I don't like the way this lab presents the results; there are three columns - low, normal, high - and the units of measurement but no normal ranges for anything other that cholesterol and triglycerides so you can't tell if something is approaching abnormal. I am going to call Dr Nafe and ask if there is anything he sees on here that could indicate pancreatitis...which is my concern. Her poops are very mucousy. :(
I'll let ya'll know how things progress.
Thanks for all the support!
Many hugs,
Leslie and the Stinky Queen
Squirt's Mom
08-11-2012, 09:59 AM
Squirt woke me up at 2AM, whining, moaning and growling in my ear and I thought, "oh we go again!" So I get up and go through the house to the front door...but Squirt stops in the kitchen, stares at the fridge and starts barking! :D:D She was HUNGRY big time! LOL So I gave her a couple more tbsp of her food and went back to bed with no need to go out. YAY! This morning she ate another very small meal then had a normal poop! WOOHOO! :cool::cool::cool: I have continued to withhold her meds and have added SEB to each meal except breakfast this morning to see how she will do without it on board. She is acting much more like her usual self, tho, today so I hope this is over!
I never did hear back from the vets yesterday but we seem to have turned the corner so I will do a happy dance today for sure! I did remember yesterday that she used to do this from time to time but it has been a long time since she had a problem and I guess I just forgot. :rolleyes:
Thanks for staying by our side!
Leslie and Squirt
08-11-2012, 10:12 AM
Leslie: That is great that Squirt is better, more poop patrol. That seems like all we do, but better to get a handle on it early. Hugs, JoAnne
molly muffin
08-11-2012, 10:25 AM
It's true, no one can get more excited about normal doggie poops than humans with pups on "poop watch". So glad that Squirt is more on game this morning! whoo hooo :) 2am snacks huh. Sounds like my husband. hmmm. should they meet?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
That is wonderful news!!! I am so happy Squirt is feeling better. There is nothing better than being woken up in the middle of the night for food when we're worried about them...well, except maybe a normal poop when we're worried about that too.
I'm hoping this is the end of whatever was bothering her.
Julie & Hannah
hey, how come we never got a dancing mama icon?
Go Squirt, get better real soon!!!!!!:D:D:D:D
Harley PoMMom
08-11-2012, 04:43 PM
So happy to hear that our sweet girl is feeling much better...WOOHOO!!!!
That's great news Leslie! May little Squirt continue to thrive:)
Hugs from Leah and Maya
08-11-2012, 11:54 PM
Glad Squirt is doing better. We need to hear about the triumphs also.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
08-12-2012, 07:56 AM
Leslie -
Sorry to hear that you and our buddy Squirt went through such a rough patch lately. Sounds like she's turned a corner and feeling better though and what a relief that is. She's slowly getting back to the normal eating and normal pooping - not to mention normal sleeping habits, YAY!
Extra Hugs coming your way! :)
Tammy, Crash, Darby, & Riley
I sure hope we are still doing the happy dance:D:D:D:D:D:D
Squirt's Mom
08-12-2012, 09:00 AM
Thanks! and yes, we still are! :D Squirt got her normal meal this morning loaded with all her meds and is happily licking her bowl clean as a whistle! :D I really hesitated to give the fish oil this morning but she needed it with the Lyso so she got half-ration on the oil. Poop patrol will continue, of course, just to make sure there are no tails or slimy casings today.
I saw the light back in her eyes last nite and she was playful most of the evening, back to "guarding" the kitchen and her mama's lovin'! She just finished her breakfast and is now in the office with me rubbing her beard on the carpet. LOL "Don't worry about washing my face, Mom...I'm a big girl, I'll do it myself!" :p If I could just teach her to run a carpet cleaner!
I love this old gal with every fiber of my being and it is sooo good to see her acting more like her old self today.
Leslie and the Queen
molly muffin
08-12-2012, 09:30 AM
Excellent news Leslie! Squirt is a real "character" Love her antics!
08-12-2012, 09:48 AM
ME TOO!!! I want to join the happy dance!!!
08-12-2012, 09:59 AM
So glad Squirt is better. Hope you have a really great poop patrol. Love, JoAnne
molly muffin
08-12-2012, 10:40 AM
Good day Friday, dare we go for Happy Dance Sunday?!
What a wonderful report on Squirt!!!! I LOVE hearing about the good days and I know how much we all appreciate them! When they are happy and playful it reenforces that we are doing the right things for them. Squirt is lucky to have you (and we are, too!)!
Squirt's Mom
08-15-2012, 10:19 AM
Just spoke with Dr Nafe, the IMS, about the UTK panel. The cortisol is still normal but there are elevations in the intermediates - not sure which ones just yet as the report is in the mail and Dr N was came out of surgery to talk with me for a second. I learned something interesting -
Dr N's approach is to increase the melatonin to 3x a day - 9mg/day. We also talked about the HMR vs SDG lignans. I have been curious if the HMR would work as well as the SDG did for her....and apparently the answer is no. Dr Nafe said what he and his peers have observed is that the HMR works on the cortisol more than the SDG does, while the SDG works on the intermediates more than the HMR does. So I will be putting her back on the SDG, flax lignans, and taking her off the HMR, spruce lignans. After she has been on the increase of melatonin and the SDG for 10 days, she will be retested. Dr N said that we could increase the Lyso at this point but since her cortisol is good, he prefers to start with this approach first - which is fine and dandy with me! ;)
I am very pleased that the cortisol is still in normal range after nearly five years! And I am looking forward to seeing exactly which intermediates are elevated so I can try to figure out if they are the source for her increased anxiety. I will post the results when I get them and we can all see what's going on! ;)
It was especially nice to hear this news this morning...I needed to know my Sweet Bebe is ok and Dr Nafe gave me that comfort.
Leslie and the Queen
08-15-2012, 10:41 AM
Great news on Squirt, Leslie. We all need to hear great news on our cushpups. Seems like Squirt is doing great. Love JoAnne
Yayyyyy, brilliant news!:D
molly muffin
08-15-2012, 11:01 PM
Whoo hooo good news about Squirt! That IMS just sounds so informed. I love that. That is exactly why it is worth seeing one if your regular vet isn't as "informed" as they might think they are.
Have they tried the HMR with adrenal or pituitary cushings to see if it would help control the cortisol levels? I'm curious, every avenue just seems like it would be worth a look.
So happy you started the day off with good news. Two thumbs up! :cool:
Jenny & Judi in MN
08-16-2012, 06:23 AM
that is great news!
Interesting about the lignans, Leslie. I have always wondered about the two different types and if they functioned exactly the same. I know the SDG lignans brought Zoe's intermediates down when she was on them, they just bothered her colitis a bit.
Sooooo glad we had a good news day for Squirt:D:D:D:D:D
Hi Leslie,
So good to read the wonderful news about Squirt! What a huge relief. Thanks so much for your good wishes for Jasper and my little Shelby. By the way, her nick name is Little Squirt. :) Glad to hear that Trinket did so well after her surgery this summer. Shelby is hanging in there. I think the biggest issue seems to be the e collar, for both her and Jasper. :p
I hope you and your gang are having a good weekend.
Tina and Jasper (and Shelby)
Bo's Mom
08-18-2012, 10:13 PM
WooHoo for good news!!! We are doing the Happy Dance in Texas for Squirt, aka The Queen....I love it!!
Squirt's Mom
09-05-2012, 03:02 PM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt has a beard which drips after she drinks; Brick and Tasha both dribble after drinking; and Tank splashes so finding drops of water on the floors isn't unusual. Squirt will sometimes drool in her sleep and Trink does a lot of self-grooming at nite in bed so wet spots in the bed aren't usual. However, last nite I picked Squirt up to put her in the bed, she had been laying in the closet, and noticed her rear was wet. I checked where she was laying in the closet and there was a very tiny puddle with a dribble trail to the carpet. :( I didn't notice any odor when I checked and the color on the paper towel was light yellow so I don't think a UTI is in play, but could be wrong. So we have an appt tomorrow morning to get this looked into.
Will let you know what I learn!
Leslie and the gang
PS...Her UTK results are here....somewhere, safely filed away where I can't find them.
Boriss McCall
09-05-2012, 03:39 PM
I'm rooting for Squirt! My min-pin would do that in bed & on the sofa as she got older. The vet put her on a daily pill & it stopped. I was so happy to have her back on the bed with me at night.
I am sure that all of that is different when it comes to Cush pups. But, with Cleo the doctor told me dogs do that sometimes with age.
It sux getting old dog or human. :rolleyes:
Good luck little Squirt!
09-05-2012, 07:45 PM
good to hear that Squirt is doing well :)
Jeff & the Girls
Hi Leslie,
I hope everything is okay with Squirt. I will be thinking about you both tomorrow.
Sending lots of hugs ((((((hugs))))))))
09-06-2012, 02:21 AM
Hi Leslie
Also keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you and miss Squirty.
Hugs my friend
molly muffin
09-06-2012, 09:46 PM
How is squirt? Thinking of you both
Squirt's Mom
09-07-2012, 06:46 AM
Hi ya'll,
Old-age related incontinence; 1/4 Proin daily. While this is not bad news, I cried all the way home. My Sweet Bebe is old and things are wearing out. I don't want her to be old and wearing out. :(
She started the med last nite as Dr B said this can cause some inappetence and this schedule will give her the longest time between meals in case she does lose her appetite. Oddly, I had to go find her and wake her for supper last nite. She is the one who always reminds me it's going to be time to eat in two hours! She ate her supper with no problem, it is just not usual for her to be asleep at supper time.
Leslie and the Queen
Bo's Mom
09-07-2012, 06:55 AM
Awww...praying the Squirt doesn't lose her appetite. It is so hard when they refuse to drink or eat.
Keeping Squirt in happy thoughts and many cuddles.
My Sweet Bebe is old and things are wearing out. I don't want her to be old and wearing out.
I know exactly what you mean. When I say that about Zoe to hubby he gently reminds me that he and I have the same problem;);)Hopefully for Squirt it is just a bump in the road toward old age.
Maybe she was just tired from the vet visit. I hope she is better today.
Boriss McCall
09-07-2012, 11:49 AM
Cleo was on that as well. After the first few days she was perfect! I was so happy to have her back in bed with me & no more accidents while she was sleeping. I know she hated having accidents too. so it made her a happy girl as well.
I do know what you mean thou. One time I took her to the vet when she was about 9 & the vet called her a "senior" I immediately burst into tears. I just HATE that word. :p
Roxee's Dad
09-07-2012, 12:39 PM
My Dear Friend,
I know I haven't posted much, but I do peek in and check on you and your babies. Squirt is just so darn cute. I remember the first time I saw her and was surprised at how small she is :) I'll never forget that sweet face and how she stuck to you like glue.
Kind of in the same boat with our Rozee, as you know, she's turned 17 and now instead of reminding me it's dinner or treat time... it's me reminding her ;)
Keeping you and the babies in my thoughts and prayers as always.
09-08-2012, 09:24 AM
Leslie: I hope Squirt and you slept well and she is up and asking for her breakfast this morning. Hugs, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
09-08-2012, 09:43 AM
Thanks, ya'll! Squirt had another rough nite as we had storms again and I wasn't prepared for them. When I know they are coming, I will wrap her while she is still calm and give her .2mg Passionflower tea plus an extra 1.5mg of melatonin and that helps her get through them better. But we managed and she finally fell asleep around 1AM. Next pay period, we are going to get a Thundershirt and try that.
Yesterday, I had to wake her for both meals but this morning she was up and instigating the Barkfest. :D I noticed little dribbles at her feed bowl both meals yesterday and had to clean her back end a couple of times but this morning there were no dribbles at the feed bowl. So I hope the Proin has kicked in.
You all mean the world to me. I read your stories and often sit here and cry my eyes out before I can say a word to you. I carry each of you and your babies in my Soul. So many of us are walking that path of anticipatory grief not only with our cush babies but with others who share our homes and hearts. I hope you find the same comfort that I do in knowing we do not walk this portion of our paths alone.
Many hugs,
Leslie and the gang
Bo's Mom
09-08-2012, 10:11 AM
That is WOOHOO news!!! And, if you do buy the Thundershirt, let us know your experience. My dogs have never feared things like thunderstorms but they do get anxious when we go to the vet's office.
I just want to tell you: you have such a gift of sharing words of comfort and strength. I truly admire your knowledge and compassion when it comes to dealing with all the things that we deal with on a day to day basis; not only with our fur babies but with our other issues.
For that, I want to thank you!!
Oh Leslie, that is such good news this morning. So happy to hear that the barkfest has resumed and she is eating ok, and that the dribbling has stopped! It is so hard to accept the signs of aging in our babies, I remember going through that with my Lab, and feeling that it snuck up so fast.
Since I have spent so much time at my vets lately, I noticed for the first time that they have printed flyers about those Thundershirts out on their counter now. I will have to ask my vet what she knows about them. Jasper was on amitriptylline for several yrs to help with anxiety related to thunderstorms and other things, but we had to take him off it when we started the Lysodren. So it may be something that I will need to check out at some point also.
Thank you again for your support and words of wisdom over these past few days. You are a gem.
Love and hugs to you, Squirt, and the rest of your gang,
Tina and Jasper
Boriss McCall
09-08-2012, 01:47 PM
yay.. glad things are good. I am not sure about every dog. But, I work with a lady who's dog is deathly afraid of storms. She got Dudley a thunder shirt & he loves it. He will even ask to put it on when he is stressed. He runs to where she hangs it & she pops it on him. :)
I am so happy that you have Bark Fest again:D:D:D:D We have Bark Fest every morning at 5:30 am. I dont want to think of how quiet the house would be without it. I know you dont either. I think we both adore the commotion:D:D:D:D:D
Anticipatory grief stinks unless we wash it down with some Chocovino:D:D:D:D:D:D
I guess we have to live every day as if it were our last.
love ya
Just wanted to let you know I'm still keeping up with you. I'm so glad to hear it isn't anything serious with Squirt, but I totally know how you're feeling. It is so hard when they get old and start to have problems. I'm glad Squirt reminded you about breakfast this morning, and that there were no dribbles. That sounds like great news! If Squirt likes being wrapped up, I highly recommend the thundershirt. I think she's going to love it.
Like you, I frequently sit and cry as I read posts, sometimes it's more like sobbing. I've had an especially hard time lately, when I have a chance to get on here, because Hannah has been having issues. It is so hard to prepare for the day she'll no longer be my shadow. I do appreciate that we are never alone though, like you said. I can't explain how much it helps to have all of you to support us. I hope Squirt will be back to her old self in no time.
Julie & Hannah
09-08-2012, 04:09 PM
Sending love to all of you. I so understand. It's hard but just focus on today and give them all the love you got. It's all we got. Kim
09-08-2012, 05:53 PM
So glad Squirt was ready for breakfast this morning and no dribbles. I am so grateful to you and all on this forum for your good information. The Melatonin has helped my CoCo so much with the thunderstorms. We used to have to sit up with him until the storms were over, now he mostly sleeps through it. Old age is the pits, but what choice do we have, just grin and bear it as my husband says. Love JoAnne
marie adams
09-08-2012, 07:46 PM
Dearest Leslie,
You bring smiles and LOL so many times with your stories. I couldn't help but share the dog food diet story with my friends on the outside of the forum--they thought it was soooo funny!!!:D
I know it is hard to watch them get older, but it is a part of life. Take each day for what it is--togetherness!!! :)
You are wonderful to all of your furbabies and to all of us!!!
09-09-2012, 12:12 AM
Fingers, toes and eyes all crossed and hoping for good results for you and Squirt :)
Love, us xx
Squirt's Mom
09-15-2012, 04:43 PM
Hi ya'll,
The Proin seems to be doing its job! :D Tho she did end up with a UTI and is on Clavamox at the moment. :rolleyes: Annnd, Tank, my uber active foster, was playing ball, jumped over a chair and landed on Squirt's shoulders. Now she is limping but will put weight on the leg. Doc said he didn't find anything damaged and feels she is probably bruised. If it's not better by Mon, we go back for xrays but she is using it...when I let her. :o I've been carrying her up and down the ramp to go potty then putting her in the bed to keep her away from the ADHD doggy in the house. :D
Leslie and a gimpy Queen
PS. OH! Ya'll will be so proud! I didn't run into the clinic bawling this time. :o:p
Leslie, I'm sorry to hear that Squirt ended up being the landing board for Tank! I hope her leg and shoulder are ok. I have a lot of that type of "activity" going on in my house also, impossible to prevent. I do have to separate mine frequently just so Jasper can keep his sanity. :D :rolleyes:
Glad to hear the Proin is working, that is good news. And I am also happy to hear that I am not the only who is prone to bawling at the vet's. Yet another way that I know I am not alone since I joined this forum!! :p ;)
Love and hugs to you and your gimpy Queen,
Tina and Jasper
09-16-2012, 03:04 AM
Well it sounds like there isn't anything too serious. You might want give Squirt a little longer to get over the limp. Keep her quiet for a week or so. I mean if it doesn't seem to get worse. It can take a long time to heal.
If prion works you may want to try that new hormone shot. It worked real well for Kira. Just one shot and she's been incontenant free for about nine months now.
Hey ... And Bravo on the emotion control factor! Lol
Squirt's Mom
09-16-2012, 08:15 AM
Doc and I talked about the hormone treatment but with her intermediate hormones already out of whack, I wasn't comfortable with that. Her estradiol is under control with the lignans and melatonin so we went with the Proin. I was reading up on it last nite, tho, and got a shock...she has been wearing a Preventix collar but I took it off a couple of weeks ago just to give her a break from the chemicals and refresh the collar. The info on Proin says that those collars contain MAOIs and Proin should not be used with MAOIs! :eek: I was ever so grateful I had taken that collar off! And I will make sure Doc is aware that she usually wears one of them...all of mine do as the ticks here are unbelievable.
Her limp is better this morning and I let her walk down the ramp and back up on her own which she handled fine. I put a compress on her shoulder and leg for an hour or so last nite and you should have seen her face! "What in the world are you up to now, Mom? And why are you doing it to ME? There are four others here you could put that drippy mess on, ya know!" :p What she doesn't know is that there will probably be another one today...then one of those things where you get in warm water and someone puts lather on her - shhhhhh, don't say the word or spell it, she KNOWS! :D
Leslie and Squirt
If Squirt is bruised, it may take a bit of time. I go through the same thing, Zoe eggs Koko to play and he gets so excited that I have to worry he will hurt her, by accident. :(:(
I'm happy to hear the Proin is working and I hope that you still have Barkfest; that it has not affected her appetite.
Have a wonderful Sunday!!!!!
Hi Leslie,
So glad to hear the proin is working, and I sure hope the leg is feeling better soon. I'm glad to hear it hopefully isn't anything serious. Hannah got some cool compresses on her back the last month or so, and she wasn't a big fan either. I got the same, "Geez, Mom, what in the heck do you think you're doing to me now?" look that you got. She wasn't having much of it at first, but eventually she'd let me keep it there for 5 or 10 minutes. The vet told me to mix alcohol and water because it gets really cold, but doesn't freeze solid so I could form it around her back. It worked great. If only we could talk to them and explain how much we are trying to help! I've had that thought hundreds of times this last month. I hope the leg will improve on its own and no more trips to the vet are needed.
Take care,
Julie & Hannah
09-18-2012, 10:14 AM
Hi Leslie
We had a flea problem about 18 months ago. Not ticks, I realise. Advantage caused Franklin to gauge a hole in his side due to scratching at the chemicals.
Comfortis lowers the seizure threshold, found out the hard way.
Now we use a 'shoo tag' sewn onto his collar. It has a black strip like an atm card that repels fleas, ticks, flies and I think mozzies. Individual tags for each kind of bug. It's about $35 and lasts for 3-4 months. He hasn't had a flea since.
I know you prefer natural when possible, and thought you might like to check them out.
Love and huge hugs
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx
molly muffin
09-18-2012, 07:16 PM
That sounds really interesting idea, the "shoo tag". I haven't given molly her flea medicine since this whole cushings things started. I'm just really careful not to let her outside to play at dusk when the mosquitoes are around the most, (heartworm fears) or into any heavily grown grass areas, etc. I'm scared to give her anything that might affect anything else on her body. It's tough trying to be on top of everything at the same time.
Glad things seem to be working!
I just want to stop in and wish you, Squirt and the rest of your gang a very Happy Thanksgiving. I also want to thank you for always checking in on me and Jasper, and all the advice and support you constantly offer. We are so thankful that we found this forum, I don't know where we would be without all of the special people here.
I hope you, your pups, and the rest of your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that there is lots of turkey to go around! I checked with my vet to make sure Jasper could have some turkey today, and she said white meat was fine. Yay!! And this is my baby Shelby's first Thanksgiving, so she will certainly have a bit of turkey. ;)
Love and hugs,
Tina and Jasper
Squirt's Mom
11-22-2012, 09:26 AM
Thank you so much, Tina and Jasper! :)
We hope you and yours have a blessed day full of laughter, love and GOOD FOOD! :D
Leslie and the gang
Ditto from me too Leslie, I hope you and yours have a wonderful day. We got a head start yesterday with the cooking and the pups were mightly happy about that:):)
I have a wonderful picture in my head of your brood following you everywhere today!!!:):):):):)
I hope for wonderful weather for you all too
Squirt's Mom
11-22-2012, 10:06 AM
Thanks, Addy! We wish the same for your household!
When I was making the cranberry sauce yesterday, Cappi, Tasha and Sophie decided to fill the role of Quality Control. :p I sat in the recliner to cut up celery and nuts, and all three of them kept sticking their noses in the bowls to see what I was doing and was it edible by any chance. :D Tash ate everything offered...and some bites that weren't offered! :rolleyes: Soph liked the celery, nuts and pineapple while Cappi really, really tried to like the celery but just couldn't quite get there. She would carry her little piece all over the LR trying to chew it then dropping it like, "UGH", only to pick it up and try again. :p
Squirt sat in the food room where she knew all the good stuff would be happening patiently waiting with only the occasional whine to remind me she was there, ready to assist. :p
Tonite there will be leftovers to share...maybe, depends on how things are cooked. But either way, I will have my plate of goodies from lunch and they have a turkey breast waiting, baked just for them. ;) ssshhhh, don't tell them, tho - it's a surprise! :D
Bo's Mom
12-22-2012, 08:23 AM
Just checking in on you and let you know we are thinking of you.
12-22-2012, 09:20 AM
Hugs from me as well! Kim
molly muffin
12-22-2012, 10:20 AM
Hi Leslie!
Sending you Holiday Greetings and good cheer. You are greatly missed around here and I do hope that you have found some peace with your babies.
Hugs! Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Dear Leslie,
I just want to wish you and your clan a very Merry Christmas. I sure miss you around here. I hope you are enjoying time with your babies and are healing.
Love and hugs,
Tina, Jasper and Shelby
12-25-2012, 02:04 PM
Merry Christmas Leslie and gang! Hope you have a lovely day with your furbabies and family xx
12-31-2012, 05:20 PM
Hi Leslie - Happy New Year to you and family including doggy members of course! Hope you have a nice night celebrating what 2013 is going to bring xx
molly muffin
01-01-2013, 10:35 AM
Happy New Year Leslie, to you and the gang!
Best wishes for health and happiness in the coming year
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
01-01-2013, 01:33 PM
Thanks for the Christmas and New Year greetings! Same to each and everyone here!
Update time for my Sweet Bebe. Squirt has been having some problems the last few months that I think is gall bladder, tho pancreatitis has crossed my mind as well, and I'm too broke to do any testing right now of any kind. :( I have talked about her heavy panting before. She was eating twice a day, around 6-7 am and then again around 5 pm. After eating supper, we go to bed...yeah, I know, old fuddy duddies! :D Squirt would go to sleep as usual then pop up suddenly - and I mean POP up to her feet from a dead sleep - turning trying to reach her back groin area as if a sharp pain had been felt from that area. She would have a look in her eye of total surprise even shock this had happened. She would settle, drift off only to repeat this again and again, panting heavily. Her poops became softer, but never diarrhea stage, always formed, just softer and yellower. Due to the high beta carotene in her diet it is always yellowish orange anyway but it has become more yellow, less orange. So I started feeding her 3 times a day her last feeding before 4pm and that helped a little bit but not enough. So I made a few minor changes to the ingredients of her feed and decreased the amount she got at nite by nearly half. That has helped a great deal.
Then this past Fri, the 28th, she ate breakfast and promptly threw it up. :( She refused food all day Fri. but drank normally. I was a bit concerned that her food had gone over while we didn't have power but nothing in the fridge or freezer showed any signs of thaw. Just in case, I made her a fresh batch. But for 2 1/2 days all she had was rice and white turkey in broth, gradually building from plain broth to the meat and rice included. She did fine. I started slowly adding in her changed feed and she has not had any problems at nite or after eating but did throw up bile first thing in the morning Sun. So I am now giving her a little treat around midnight hoping it is the empty tummy that caused the problem Sun morning.
She missed all her meds, herbs and supplements during this last week but did get the Lyso and half the melatonin and lignans this morning and hasn't had any trouble with that.
I hope what I am doing will help long enough to get some funds gathered for some tests and that it is something that can be treated fairly easily for her. Any suggestions, thoughts, etc always appreciated!
Leslie and the Queen
01-01-2013, 05:20 PM
Think of you Leslie - praying for the furbabies always ....
Happy and Healthy New Year
Love ya
Cindy and Bailey
01-01-2013, 06:52 PM
Hi Leslie
What does her pee look like, any darker? Just thinking if she has a blocked stone or something it might be affecting her liver. If the poop has gone paler/yellower, it could be?? Check her wee's are not dark which could indicate bile is spilling into her blood and being excreted through her kidneys and not going out via bowel because of any blockage in bile ducts/liver.
You probably know all this anway! Hope it has settled down now :)
Trish and Flynn
Squirt's Mom
01-01-2013, 08:00 PM
Thanks, Trish! The last pee I checked was a nice pale yellow but she hasn't peed in the floor in the last few weeks :D so I will get a paper towel next trip out. Thanks!
01-01-2013, 10:14 PM
leslie sorry to hear that your fur baby is having a yukky day.i hope tomorrow brings you both a more calming,peaceful,less stressed day.sending you love,light and xoxox patty(milo)meka
01-02-2013, 07:21 AM
Leslie: Hope Squirt is better this morning. You are so good and always seem to know what to do to help your puppies. Here is hoping 2013 is a better year for all. Hugs, JoAnne
Leslie, Zoe only pants hard when she has tummy pains from her colitis.
I just wonder if something like that may be going on with Squirt to cause the panting. :confused::confused::confused: I always know if Zoe has to poo or may be heading for trouble because she starts panting.
I know Squirt is in good hands, can she have the SEB?
Sorry she is not feeling well
Squirt's Mom
01-03-2013, 08:34 AM
Thanks for the replies, ya'll!
I did check her pee yesterday and it is a very pale yellow, nothing dark at first nor after the towel sat for a bit. Her liver has been on my mind more than I want to admit. :(
She has gotten several doses of the SEB and it helps as always. It was added to the broth, I just forgot to mention it. :rolleyes: (We need a feeble-minded icon along with the dancin' mama one! :D )
She has been better until this morning; she didn't finish her breakfast tho she ate most of it...and this is her Lyso morning. I checked the little bit she left in her bowl and didn't see any pieces of the Lyso nor the Tagamet so hopefully she got all of them. After she quit eating she wanted to go outside and hunt for grass, of which there isn't any right now. I let her roam around outside a bit in case she got sick then brought her in to watch. She drank water and is laying in the bathroom watching me talk to ya'll. :)
We are in a nail battle with Squirt and Brick (both grow so fast and both HATE for me to trim them) so they will go again in the next day or so for a trim and I am going to talk to Doc about what is going on to see what he thinks and how much I need to have for testing. Then start starving myself I guess, which isn't a big deal as food is often an antagonist for me anyway! :p
Again, thanks so much for the replies...I have been and am quite concerned about this.
Leslie and Squirt
Harley PoMMom
01-03-2013, 03:37 PM
Gosh, Leslie, so sorry to read that sweet Squirt is having issues and am sending tons of healing hugs and love.
Squirt's Mom
01-03-2013, 04:00 PM
Thanks, Lori.
She never did get sick this morning and ate all her lunch. :)
Boriss McCall
01-03-2013, 04:20 PM
Leslie.. Glad to read that Squirt seems to be having a better day today. I know what you mean about having to scrap money together to get these pups to the vet. It is really hard sometimes.. :(
Hopefully this won't be something serious & you & Squirt can move along to happy days. ;)
Happy New Year!
01-04-2013, 03:09 AM
Glad to hear the urine is not dark, that has to be a good sign :) I wonder about the grass eating, Flynn loves to eat grass too, but it has to be a certain sort... he won't eat the lawn at all but what we call cooch here in NZ. He is always worse at trying to hunt it down when he is feeling unwell. I remember asking the vet about it once and she said that some dogs just seem to do it more than others and not to worry about it. So I just tell him, he's a dog, not a cow and not to eat it!!!
Glad you are having a trip to vet to discuss further, hope its not to expensive though I think most of us would give up things if we have too! You are such a good Mama!
Trish xx
01-04-2013, 09:31 AM
Hope today is going smoothly for you guys today....(((HUGS)))
01-07-2013, 03:43 AM
Hi Leslie
How is Squirt doing? Hopefully all settled down now?
Trish and Flynn xx
Squirt's Mom
01-07-2013, 08:46 AM
Thanks, ya'll!
She is doing better - hasn't been sick and is eating all her meals like usual. But....with Trink's issue popping up, funds have to go to seeing to her so Squirt will have to wait a bit longer. :( SO I'm grateful she is acting more like herself and hope this was just a sign she needs smaller more frequent meals with her aging digestive system.
Leslie and da Queen
Koko went through a few weeks of vomiting and soft stool right after his eye issues and the ER. I cut back on his food a bit and spread out his meals more and he has been fine since.
I hope smaller frequent meals do the trick for Squirt too.
molly muffin
01-07-2013, 10:21 PM
Oh I do hope that Squirt continues to do fine on the smaller meals.
Did you mention that only one at a time is allowed to have issues? None of this double teaming mommy stuff.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-08-2013, 06:31 AM
Leslie, so sorry your puppies are having problems, but glad you found a way to help them. Maybe they won't have to visit the vet. Coco gets soft stools if he eats too much. The vet has told me to give him Pepto and I do occasionally, don't know if it is okay, but it does seem to help him. It does have saccharin in it, but probably just a miniscule amount. I mostly just give him less food and spread it out like I have seen your suggestion on this forum. Hugs, JoAnne
Squirt's Mom
01-09-2013, 08:21 AM
Hi ya'll,
Doc and I discussed briefly some of the things going on with Squirt and he flat told me he has never had luck with gall bladder issues...if that is what is going on and it is certainly a possibility. He's never done a bile acid test and isn't familiar with the meds used to treat gall bladders - Ursodiol I'm thinking. In addition, he is terrified of working with Squirt due to the Cushing's. He has helped but much prefers that she see Dr. Nafe, the IMS. He is so afraid of doing something to upset her balance and is so surprised she has lived as long as she has with her health issues. I just cannot afford the IMS right now - it's over $100 just to walk in the door. :( So, if things get worse (she is better right now) I guess I will either force him to do something or see another vet...neither is appealing, let me tell you. He has been really good to us but Squirt is just more than he can handle. ;)
She has lost weight since her last weigh in - she's down to 14.1 lbs the lowest she's been in years. She has perked up and is more active than she has been and this is probably part of it - less to haul around on her wimpy legs! :D She is more snuggly than she has been, too, staying near me most of the time and always having to touch at night when she's sleeping. Niiiiice. ;):)
Leslie and my Sweet Bebe
Boriss McCall
01-09-2013, 09:45 AM
Glad you are getting some good cuddle time with Squirt. ;)
I wish these darn vets weren't so expensive. Not only is the disease stressful it has too be expensive. ugg...
I hope things continue on the upswing & you don't have to worry about any of this.
molly muffin
01-12-2013, 08:18 PM
Hopefully Squirt will stay doing well. Hate to think of a gall bladder issue :( None of you including her vet, needs that right now.
Snuggles are good though, these can't happen often enough. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
01-16-2013, 07:09 PM
We are so blessed at our house, beyond words.
Squirt has an appointment with Doc B in the morning at 10 to look into what ever is going on with her. She has been better lately but will still pop up from a sound sleep on occasion, with greatly increased panting as if in pain. Never lasts long thankfully.
I'll let ya'll know what I learn tomorrow!
Leslie and her Sweet Bebe
01-17-2013, 02:48 AM
Hi Leslie and Squirt!
Good luck for your vet visit tomorrow, paws and fingers crossed for you two from us two :D
Trish and Flynn xx
01-17-2013, 07:40 AM
We can't keep them forever but who says we can't try. I hope you get a solid answer today Leslie. And guidance. My first husky lived 13 years and one month. Since then I have adopted a theroy for the five huskies that have followed. Thirteen years, I want at least thirteen years and anything past that is a blessing. My Kira is about two months from entering the blessing phase.
Here is a little something my friend sent to me. It discribes an emotion that I'm sure all the members of this forum can relate too.
See what I mean? :eek:
I think this needs to be my signature for awhile. LOL
Squirt's Mom
01-17-2013, 02:03 PM
Hi ya'll,
We are back and here are the abnormals from the labs today -
ALP – 1390 U/L Normal = 20 – 150 U/L
ALT – 328 U/L Normal = 10 – 118 U/L
AMY – 1358 U/L Normal = 200 – 1200 U/L
BUN - 30 NC/DL Normal = 7 - 25 NC/DL
GLU - 110 MG/DL Normal = 60 - 110
Hematology results -
GRANS = 12.3 x 10(9)/L Normal = 3.3 -12
%GRANS = 83%
EOS = 2.0 x 10(9)/L Normal = 0.5 - 1.5
PLT = 865 x 10(9)/L Normal = 175 - 500
Retics ~ 1%
Hematolgogic reminders:
Borderline Granulocytosis
Doc says there is some inflammation, but no fever, that could be liver or gall bladder and that the elevated EOS could be an allergic reaction to something. He has put her on Clavamox and if she isn't better once this is finished then we will look into getting her started on the Ursodiol. He doesn't think she has gall stones, thankfully, nor does he see anything that would indicate serious problems. He said she could be getting started with gall bladder or liver problems and if she is, we caught it early so we should be able to help her.
No Lyme, Ehrlichia or parasites present.
Over all, he said "the proof is in the puddin' and she's happy and STRONG!" :p She gave them a good fight getting blood fact, tearing the needle out of her leg! :eek: But it is fine, just bruised a bit. I had left the room hoping it would help her calm then I heard her yelp...which elicited a yelp from me in the waiting room. :o
She has lost more weight, tho, down to 13.9 from 14.1 a week or so ago and down from 15.6 in Sept. The change in her diet and feed schedule could be responsible. This is a good weight for her; she has a bit more energy and moves better that at 15# for sure....I just don't want the loss to continue.
She and Trinket both are slated to have their menus redone next week so I am really glad to have this info to work from. This could all be from the simple fact that she is an old lady and her digestive system just isn't what it used to be so she isn't absorbing the nutrients as well as she was and may be having more difficulty digesting some of the ingredients in her feed. We came home, she ate lunch and drank a lot of water but I hadn't seen her drink before we left and she was panting from the time we pulled into the parking lot until we were on the road home again. She has had enough of vet visits to last a lifetime as far as she's concerned! ;):D
I gotta share a funny with you....Doc was going over the lab work and he started some calculations with the electrolytes with this serious expression on his face. He added, divided, came up with ratios and finally looked up and said, "Well, she's not Addison's." LMAO :p:D
Thanks for hanging with us and sending all your amazing energies for her once again!
Leslie and the Queen
molly muffin
01-17-2013, 05:32 PM
LOL That is funny Leslie!
I'm glad that you have a plan! A plan always makes us feel so much better. No gallstones! That is good news too. whew
Crossing fingers that she responds to this treatment and all is well. We all need those "all is well" periods. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Well it sounds like you ruled out some things and if Squirt is fighting made about the needle, Im glad, you go girl, give 'em some spunk:D
I changed up Zoe's food a bit and she started losing weight, I increased the quantity of the higher calorie food as well as the fish and sweet potatoes and she finally put it back on, did take her a few months but she did it so I am thinking if you changed up Squirt's diet, it may be just like Zoe went through.
Keep the faith, Leslie.
01-23-2013, 09:44 AM
Leslie... I got the chills as I read that and they continued thru the whole thing. Now I'm just sitting here smiling. All your efforts paid off and that certain someone watching over you is surly standing by. Doc says no giant concerns. And as far as i know sick doggies dont fight the docs. Gosh my Mira fought will the doctor horribly all her life except the last few weeks. Wish i hadnt thought of that. well .... Looks like you got her for awhile yet. I couldn't be happier. :-) Happy happy happy....
Squirt's Mom
01-30-2013, 12:16 PM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt had a pretty rough nite last nite. After the storm threat was passed and we were in bed, she started coughing...and coughed for some time. I had to put her off the bed because she was walking on the bed with her head down, hacking away and I was afraid she couldn't see the edge in time to stop herself from falling. She walked and hacked on the floor for another 15-20 minutes, got a drink, and seemed to be over it. I put her back in bed and before long she was coughing again. She would seem ok until she lay down then it was like she had a hair caught in her throat that she was trying to get out. Down on the floor she would go each time to give her plenty of room for walking and hacking safely. This went on until about 4 this morning. :(
She's had some spells like this in the past but they never lasted this long nor were they as hard on her. She was exhausted when she finally got to sleep. So she sees the doc in the morning again. I'll let you know what we learn and as you can imagine, my mind is running to the worst possible things - like her heart.
Leslie and a very tired Squirty
01-30-2013, 12:28 PM
Leslie-Sorry to hear Squirt had a rough night. Hopefully it was just a hair caught in her throat and nothing more. Hope today is a better one for her and for you. Will be waiting to hear what the vet has to say.
Hugs to you and Squirt
Boriss McCall
01-30-2013, 12:39 PM
oh no.. that is scary. Try not to let your mind jump too far ahead. Keeping you & Squirt in my thoughts today.. positive vibes...
I hope she is okay, that is scary. Koko was doing something similar as we left the clinic yesterday, it went on for about 30 minutes but not constant and then he just stopped.:confused::confused:
Oh Leslie, always something and I know how hard it is to not panic.
love and hugs for you and dear Squirt.
Harley PoMMom
01-30-2013, 02:18 PM
Keeping you and Squirt in my thoughts and prayers, please let us know anything as soon as you can.
01-30-2013, 06:12 PM
Hoping this was just a fluke thing and nothing at all to worry about. Leslie as easy as it is to say, try to not stress this until the appointment. I mean can't dogs choke on their own spit at times or something stuck down their throats which would make them cough like we humans? maybe something like that. Either way, we love you and wish Squirty the best.
Tight ones. Xo Jeanette and Princess
stopping by for beddy bye hugs for you and the pups
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))) ))))))
molly muffin
01-30-2013, 08:36 PM
Oh goodness Squirt!!!
Hope she just got something in her throat that irritated her, like a hair or something. Is she still coughing today?
Molly get a hair or something and acts like she is going to hack something up till it clears. Squirt is obviously much smarter than molly though, since she went to get a drink. I have to put water on my finger and then put it to mollys mouth to lick, then she's like "oh yea, water, good idea mom". Kids!!
Crossing fingers that it was nothing.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
01-31-2013, 03:26 AM
Hoping your having a good sleep little Squirt!! She must have been pooped after all that coughing poor little mite. Will be looking out for the report of her night tomorrow. :)
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxx
01-31-2013, 04:24 AM
That is such a horrible sound, and the physical hacking that goes with it is awful so it's no wonder your mind starts going unwelcome places. I'm hopeful though that she had an irritation in her throat and it scratched it a little which is why it went for so long. I do know the cases I have seen of coughing related heart issues are not usually that forceful hacking style cough, usually just persistent little coughs and throat clearing. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it! :o
I do hope you all managed to get some sleep after that little episode and the vet says nothing to worry about today. Meanwhile hugs to you and smoochies to squirt.:D
01-31-2013, 07:20 AM
Hi Leslie, make sure there's room in the truck for me this morning!
I don't have any answers for you, but I'll be riding shotgun regardless (or else holding Squirty on my lap, cuz I'll bet that's her seat that I'll be hogging...:))
Squirt's Mom
01-31-2013, 07:50 AM
Thanks so much, ya'll. You know how this old panicky mom gets! :o:p Squirt will be happy to have you hold her, Marianne!
Squirt had a better night with only a few little episodes that passed quickly. Of course, Mom was immediately wide awake every time she moved, sitting up staring at her. :rolleyes:
I'll let ya'll know what Doc has to say this morning. Should be fun - all four are going in. It's time to get nails trimmed and it saves gas to take them all at the same time but it sure gets interesting with four dogs on leads held by a truly uncoordinated old broad. We are always good for a giggle or three, tho! :p
Leslie and Squirt
Im in for the ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D
I'll hang out with ya!
01-31-2013, 08:38 AM
So funny Leslie, 4 dogs on a lead. I would be on the floor with the dogs on top, I do well to get my little doxie to the vet. I can't imagine trying to get four. Good Luck, hope all pups will be fine, especially Squirt. Lets hope she just irritated her throat and it will be fine soon. Love, JoAnne
01-31-2013, 09:35 AM
I forget whether Squirt ever has problems with allergies? I just thought about that as a possibility. Last weekend, Luna had a really bad hacking episode sorta like you are describing -- was all hunched over hacking away and actually coughing up some mucous. The next morning her face and jowels were all swollen and we rushed in to the vet because by then we realized she was having a hyperacute allergic reaction to something (god knows what, since she has her face into everything everywhere in the yard and where we walk). We gave her benadryl and the vet gave her a steroid shot, and within a few hours she was fine again. But periodically she does do a hacking routine and now I wonder whether maybe that's what's been going on and typically it just doesn't end up being as severe as last weekend...
Squirt's Mom
01-31-2013, 01:20 PM
Great minds, Marianne! ;):D I had just had the same thought as we were getting ready. And Doc thinks that is what we are dealing with as well.
Heart is GOOD! :cool::cool::cool: Lungs are clear! :cool::cool::cool:
I was talking to myself all the way there - "do not lose it if he says this is her not lose it if..." And when he said her heart was good, I teared up anyway. :o:)
With the recent elevation in the eosinophils, which can indicate an allergic reaction, Doc is leaning toward allergies. Her eyes have gotten very watery over the last few months but other than that, the night time cough is the only sign I have noticed that may be allergy connected. Admittedly, I don't know a great deal about allergies so I guess we are off on another learning adventure, huh? ;)
Now to figure out why she would have this reaction only at night. A few years ago, my doc told me I had allergies and put me on Flonase. That lasted about 2 days and I threw it away. Didn't help and made my nose bleed. :eek: For as long as I can remember, my sinuses stop up at night and only at night. But I just can't accept that I have an allergy to darkness! :rolleyes: Now it appears Squirt is having the same reaction. :confused: Could an allergy to darkness be contagious?!? :p:D:p
Seriously tho, one thought did occur to me as Connie, one of the techs, and I were talking about this. During the day I smoke either in my bedroom or outside weather permitting and Squirt has the whole house to roam in. But at night she is in the bed with me and I am smoking. So there is one possibility. I am working on quitting by using an herbal smoke mix but this nite coughing started prior to the herbal smoke mix so I don't really think that is a factor. I wonder about the detergents I use and if residues from those could be causing her reaction. When she is in bed is about the only time she is in contact with fabrics that have been through the washer. So there's another thought. Diet was the first thing I thought of, naturally :D, and since she has been eating basically the same thing for nearly 4 years, it is entirely possible she has developed an allergy to one or more of those ingredients. However, why wouldn't she react after each meal instead of only at night if is connected to the feed? many questions, so few answers. Somehow that seems normal, tho. ;):p
Thank you all for riding with us! Hope you enjoyed the scenery and I didn't scare you too badly when I went off the road for a second there. I did sling my arm out to catch you, Marianne. :p
a very relieved mom and her Queen
Dang Leslie, I peed in my pants went you went off that road with that swervy car action:rolleyes::rolleyes:;);)
I have bad sinus issues and they are always terrible at night. I take guafinisen before bed and sometimes that does not help and when the furnace runs frequently when it is cold out, I am all plugged up at night. We used to keep the vent in the bedroom closed in the winter which helped me but hubby thinks Zoe will be too cold so we have it open now and it does bother me but hey, anything for the Zoemesiter.;);):D:D
Could it be something like that for Squirt?
01-31-2013, 01:41 PM
Dust mites. Our mattresses and pillows are full of them which is why people get stuffed up more at night and it could be why Squirt is having problems when she is in bed with you. I have always been extra fastidious with my beds and bedding for this reason. Try cleaning your bed and pillow of mites and see if that helps either one of you...or hopefully both.
I had two dogs in my life who were allergy tested and both were allergic to dust mites. That sucks if you have carpeting and I never bought beds for them. I bought blankets so I could wash them frequently.
Squirt's Mom
01-31-2013, 01:51 PM
Good thought, Addy! I close my heat vents and open the window at night because Squirt and I both get hot during the night. My body does everything backwards! :rolleyes: Maybe we are both reacting to something outside at night?
ooooo...good idea, Glynda! Someone else suggested the same thing. I do wash the bedding every week and bought an allergy mattress cover by mistake when I got the bed. I'm not real good at vacuuming because it is such a strain physically so I will just have to do better in that area. ;) But haven't heard about using vinegar and will use it to see if that helps. Thanks! Off to wash and spray! :D
01-31-2013, 06:24 PM
Hey Leslie,
Allergies is one departmet I have massice amounts of experience with. Oscar (also 1/2 Cairn terrier) is an absolute itchy scratchy dog, who seems to be allergic to most things, including grass :eek:. As Glynda said, dust mites are a leading factor (behind food allergies that is), especially if you notice it at night particularly. Don't know if the vet talked to you about antihistamines, but that has been our long standing solution on and off for 12 years. Mind you, Ozzie's allergies are of the contact sort so affect his skin and paws especially, but haven't impacted his airways. It's worth investigating an antihistamine option though to have as a back up.
As fo the smoking :eek:! Have you thought about the e-cigarettes at all? I got my sister onto those cause I couldn't stand the smell (sorry but true) and I didn't want my 4yo niece exposed to it. They work really well. You still get the nicotine hit but without the other nasty's and 2nd hand smoke. All you breathe out is vapour, so something else for you to consider too :D:D Also, the set up cost initially is a little more than regular cigs, but long term works out heaps cheaper! Good luck with the quitting though!
molly muffin
01-31-2013, 06:48 PM
It's good to at least narrow down the process and a lot less scary than the heart idea!
Maybe try not smoking in bedroom and see if there is a difference?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Hi Leslie,
So glad to read about Squirt's appt and that the problem is not related to her heart or lungs. What a relief for you. I just want you to know that I haven't posted for the past couple of days, but I came along to the appt also, glad you have so much room in your vehicle!! :D How is Squirt doing?
Tina and Jasper
Squirt's Mom
02-01-2013, 09:21 AM
Squirt had a very restful nite! :cool::):cool:
Everything washable got washed in hot water and vinegar yesterday and what wasn't washable got doused in vinegar via a spray bottle. Bedroom STUNK for a bit but I have always liked the sweet after-smell of vinegar (I use it to clean with all the time.) I am going to try to develop the habit of spraying things every morning with the vinegar, too.
That was the only thing I did differently. There were several other things I thought about that could be part of the problem but just like not making changes when starting cush treatment, it didn't make sense to change a lot of things all at once. It would be too hard to determine what the irritant(s) could be. So I started with the bedding and it sure seems to have helped - at least last nite she was much better. Not a single hack! :cool::):cool:
I stripped the bed then worked my butt off trying to get the mattress cover off but it was wrapped under the mattress really far. I lifted the mattress only to find it wasn't a cover I was trying to get off but part of the mattress itself! :confused: "Oh, yeah", the old brain finally said...the mattress cover I bought earlier was for the old bed we were using when we first moved and this bed doesn't have one on it after all so I will have to look into getting a cover for this bed. It also has two egg crate pads on it which I am sure aren't good for this type situation but I have to have them to get any sleep at all even tho this is the softest mattress I could afford. I can take them out and get them in the sun from time to time tho and that I will do as well as keep them sprayed with the vinegar.
Squirt was given an antihistamine called Chlorpheniramine Malete (same as Chlor-Trimeton) and she is to take 2mg 2x/day. I haven't started that, tho. If I can find and remove, or at least minimize, the irritant so that she is comfortable, that is the approach I prefer to use for now.
Naomi, I have the ecigs and used them last year trying to quit. I have used the patches and smoked wearing them - they had no effect whatsoever on me. I was a guinea pig for a year for the VA (that's the Veteran's Administration in the US) when they did the human trials for the nicotine gum - all it did was burn my mouth and make me puke. I have been hypnotized 3 times, the first time it worked like a charm for about 6 weeks then one day, I "came to" at work with a cig burning in the ashtray sitting on my calculator just like usual and had no memory of buying the pack nor smoking half of it until that moment. The other two sessions did not work at all. I went through a behavioral aversion treatment in which they tried to gross you out - making you smoke until you vomit; showing and making you hold diseased lungs, hearts, and other organs; watching video of an autopsy on a cancerous body; other than the smoke-til-you-vomit part, I found it interesting, which was not the goal. :p Part of the VA trial was to determine not only the physical addition but the behavioral addiction facet of smoking. I always tested higher on the behavioral addition that I did on the physical - meaning the actions involved in smoking are stronger in me than the physical addition to the chemicals. None of the above mentioned approaches addressed the behavioral facet and that is why I believe they failed - that and I wasn't ready. I wanted to be, but I really wasn't. ;) I want to quit today - not for me but for my babies. They are the motivation I need. The herbal smoke mix will hopefully allow me to feed the behavioral additions while cutting the physical addition out slowly and completely. To date, I have cut down from 1 1/2 - 2 packs a day to 3 packs a week of real cigs. :cool: I smoke less than a pack (20) of the herbal cigs a day so to my simple mind, this is progress!
Thanks again for all the info and support!
Leslie and the gang
02-01-2013, 04:22 PM
Yes, well the whole ride was TERRIFYING, considering all you crazy Americans drive on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD :D:D:D:D My knuckles are still white :eek::eek::eek::eek:
So pleased to hear heart and lungs ok Leslie, allergies sounds a likely culprit or just something caught in her throat. Ohhh you certainly got your exercise for the day manhandling that mattress about! Thats funny... that cover was part of the bed :D:D
So pleased you had a better night!!
Trish xxxxxx
molly muffin
02-01-2013, 06:18 PM
You have had a busy day! So glad this worked or seems to. A few nights of peace and maybe you'll know more. But this is a better solution than medicine I think.
Whoo hoo.
Smoking is hard to quit. My husband quite and just did it, mind over matter he said. He told himself that he had never smoked in whatever year it was and quit on new years eve. That must be about 6 or 7 years ago.
My brain isn't like that I guess. I told myself I didn't, but then I did, so .. guess what won. We don't smoke in the house though and I've cut way back. For one thing it's just too dang cold and not worth it in the winter to go outside that often. LOL <shiver>
Keep trying Leslie!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 11:05 AM
The coughing remains MUCH improved with very few and far between hacks! :cool::cool::cool: Still haven't had to use the antihistamine, either! ;)
Now there is a new development - last week she got what I thought was a tiny wound on her back. Well, whatever it is, it ain't a wound because it is spreading. It started very tiny, like a pimple opening and now is about the size of a nickle, raw, bloody and oozy. I can't remember if there is an adenoma in that spot that may have ruptured this badly or not. :rolleyes: She has them all over, tho, so that is certainly a possibility. Nothing I have done is helping so we are off to the vet, again, at 2 this afternoon. I'll let you know what we learn.
Leslie and the Queen
02-14-2013, 12:41 PM
Darn it!! I'm so sorry you've got a new worry. :(
I see you're taking Trink in, too. Good luck with both girls, and give us an update just as soon as you can.
Healing hugs,
Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 04:11 PM
Thanks, Marianne.
This appears to be one of the adenomas that ruptured and got infected. So we have a round of antibiotics. I am so relieved because as usual my mind went to the worst scenario. :rolleyes::o
She is really limping today so I'm gonna start her on some pain meds, too. I have some of Tasha's Vetprophen and some of the Meta-Tinic on hand. Doc said those would be fine to use to see if they helped.
Her weight is still at 14.1 and I was glad to see she'd lost no more weight.
Leslie and Squirty
I hope Squirt is better tonight, Leslie.
Thinking of you both and hoping for a restful night.
love you
Squirt's Mom
02-14-2013, 07:34 PM
Thanks, Addy. Bless your heart - you've got your sweet girl just home from major surgery and here you are on our thread. (((HUGS)))
I decided it would be prudent to photograph this just in case it gets worse. I will wake up in the morning and see it twice as big as it is tonite anyway so a visual record will be beneficial for several reason. There are 2 new pics in the "gang" album of this spot. It started out no bigger than the point of a dull pencil lead (the old-timey kind you have to actually sharpen! :p). It bled quite heavily, tho, at first and has tapered to a steady tiny trickle.
She is sacked out under the pedestal sink in my bathroom at the moment, snoring away. :D I think the pain med is helping tonite for sure. ;) Looking at the sink straight on, you can't see her head - it's completely hidden behind the base. LOL I think I'll let her lay where she is until she wakes up and wants in the bed. It would be a shame to wake her. Of course, that means I will be up until she does want in the bed for fear of stepping on her during the nite. :rolleyes: :p
Leslie and Squirt
02-14-2013, 11:40 PM
Hi Leslie
Poor babies, good that it is draining. Be nice to get all the much out without it closing over first. Antibiotics will clobber anything left over. She will be feeling much better I bet! Have a good sleep xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02-15-2013, 12:13 AM
Leslie-I hope Squirt heals up real soon.
Poor Squirt,
That's an owie:(:( I'm sure the ointment and antibiotics will clear it up just fine, Leslie. I sure do hate all these dang growths our pups get.:(:(:(
I do love her anxiety wrap. She looks so peaceful in it.:):) And her coat looks really good.
02-15-2013, 10:18 PM
Yes she sure is a beautiful and photogenic Miss isn't she :):) I bet now this it is open and draining it will settle real quick. Hope all going well otherwise
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
02-16-2013, 01:07 AM
Woah! Your sink grew a body and legs? :p. hope things settle down for Squirt now with the anti-b's on board too, sounds like a nasty adenoma to rupture like that :eek:.
Just went back and read your post from last week (don't know why I missed it earlier) but saw the antihistamine listed, it is the same stuff I give Oscar for his allergies too. It's pretty good, but can take a day or two to give good results, so if she gets bad again, just be aware that a single dose may not work as you want it to.
(Also, well done on the commitment to stop smoking, sounds like you are really giving it a go with all the bits and pieces you have tried. Your brain is obviously more stubborn than your will though :p to combat the hypnosis like that :eek: keep it up, I'm more than happy to cheer you on :D)
02-18-2013, 12:45 PM
Hi Leslie -
Just catching up on our little buddy Squirt. Never seems to be too many dull moments in your world, but your flair for telling a story like it is - the good and the bad - well usually can make me laugh out loud! O.k. it was the changing of the mattress cover that made me chuckle today. :) Poor ole' Squirt on antibiotics, pain meds, and now allergies have come into the mix. Sorry to hear she's hit another rough patch, but she probably takes most of it in stride - much better than most of us would. Give her a big hug for me!
I have dealt with Darby's allergies for most of his years. Changed his food (limited ingredients), he's gets a daily Tavist, and I have a tub of grooming wipes on the table and wipe his paws with them when he comes inside. It takes diligence to deal with them.
We're doing alright here. Still miss my Crash so very much. Christmas was hard without him. He was always the first to figure out Santa had come and left presents in the spare bedroom closet. Hard to leave them under the tree if I was to get any sleep on Christmas Eve - Santa was always so thoughtful that way. Crash, even now 4 months later, there are still tears, but too there are so many memories that can leave a big smile on my face through those tears! All in time I know.
You take care! Hugs to you and your pack! I'll check in again sometime soon.
Tammy, my little angel Crash, Darby, & Riley
Squirt's Mom
02-25-2013, 09:43 AM
My Darling Squirt,
From the moment I lay eyes on you, I have been in love with you. You came into my world in such a tiny body who could have guessed such a huge Spirit resided within? You were full of spit and fire, curiosity and intelligence, determination and courage, loyalty and joy; you have brought all of this and more into my life on a daily basis. You kept me whole, you taught me how to forgive and accept, you made me Human. You kissed my scalding tears away, you mended my shattered Soul, you gave me purpose again. You are breath-taking, incredible, extraordinary, awe-inspiring, wondrous, miraculous, stupendous – yet none of those terms is enough; you defy description.
My wishes for you in your twilight days are that you continue to find joy day to day, that you be as comfortable as possible, that your spit and fire, determination and courage bubble to the surface over and over, that the sun warm your back and the wind Sing in your ears, that your dreams are full of moles and rabbits, and that I could give you another 15 glorious years.
I love you with all my Being,
Boriss McCall
02-25-2013, 09:53 AM
awe.. that is so sweet.
Happy Birthday Squirt!!
02-25-2013, 11:54 AM
Happy 15th Birthday Squirt
Hope you get lots of treats and have an awesome day
Mel and Tia xx
02-25-2013, 11:56 AM
Happy Birthday, Squirt!
Bo's Mom
02-25-2013, 01:07 PM
Happy Birthday, Squirt!!!! Many more special ones to come.
Roxee's Dad
02-25-2013, 01:19 PM
:):):) Happy Birthday Squirt :):):)
02-25-2013, 01:45 PM
wishing you a very happy birthday squirt,know that you have given your mama 15 fabulous years !!! patty(milo)meka xoxox
Harley PoMMom
02-25-2013, 02:43 PM
Happy Birthday Squirt !!!
Oh my goodness! Squirt and Alivia were born on the same day! There obviously was something very special about that day!
Happy 15th Birthday to you, too, Squirt!
Wow Squirt, FIFTEEN
Happy Birthday To You
It seems like just yesterday when I was watching you swimming in the pool, such a good girl!!!!!
02-25-2013, 07:44 PM
Hope you had a very special day.
02-26-2013, 12:13 AM
hope you got lots of pressies from mom! :d
02-26-2013, 12:24 AM
Happy Birthday Squirt!
<3 Sharon and the pups
Truffa's Mom
02-26-2013, 02:12 AM
I love you with all my heart, lots of choco kisses from Nina
:D:D:):):o:o:rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:o:o:):):p:p:: ):):D:D
02-26-2013, 05:38 AM
Happy Birthday Squirt and many more. I know Mom has lots of presents for her sweet girl today. Love, JoAnne
I hope your day was wonderful! :D :D
Hugs from me and Jasper
Squirt's Mom
02-26-2013, 09:06 AM
Thanks to you all from Squirt and me!
Squirt's day could have been better as we had thunderstorms all day and she was a nervous wreck. Before they got bad, tho, she did get her favorite food of all time - a fried egg on a plate. :D And yes, the plate is important - apparently eggs don't taste the same in a bowl. :p After that, she spent the day either in bed shivering or in my arms shivering. :(
Usually, we go to the park or for a walk in the woods somewhere on special occasions but riding in the car has gotten difficult for her so she doesn't get to ride as much as she used to. With that consideration and the rain, we stayed home yesterday. But if possible we are going out into the field behind the house for a bit today, weather permitting, to explore some interesting new things, just me and Squirt.
She starts her new diet today and I hope it works well for her. It is more easily digestible so I hope that will help with some of her recent issues.
Thanks for the birthday wishes again!
Leslie and the Queen of Dogdom
Happy birthday, Squirt! I hope your day was fabulous! :D:D:D:D:D
02-26-2013, 10:05 PM
Happy Bday to you...cha cha cha:p
Happy Bday to you...cha cha cha:)
Happy Bday dear Squirty...cha cha cha:D
Happiest Bday to youuuuuu...cha cha cha:p
With much love always..XOXO
Auntie Jeanette and cousin Princess
02-27-2013, 04:33 AM
Oh crikey, I missed little Squirt's birthday.. . HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEET GIRL!! Hope you had a fab day celebrating and lots of tasty treats :D
Trish and Flynn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i tried to see this years calender and couldnt. all i could see was last years. :( so i thought the calender thing had been discontinued. Glad it has not and will now need to revisit that section. so here is a REALLY late belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!MUAH MUAH MUAH kisses on snout!!!!! i love the plate and egg thing. isnt it something how they have their little things. on the thunderstorm thing........have you ever tried that canine music? it is amazing.
and my dear beautiful friend......i wanted to thank you for blessing me and shysie with you. forever we hold you and all your furbabies in our heart.
Simba's Mom
03-15-2013, 04:12 PM
Happy Belated Birthday Squirt, I need to find this calendar and do better, each birthday is soooo special for our Cush pups! Heck just celebrate some more :)
03-24-2013, 03:05 AM
I have not seen this calendar before, best I go searching for it! Sending big hugs to you Leslie, Squirt and the other furbabies!! Have a good weekend :D xx
Squirt's Mom
03-28-2013, 11:55 AM
Hi ya'll,
Squirt has been throwing up today - she lost her Lyso dose for today. :( She seems weak. I found her laying beside the pile of vomit, her head trembling. As I was cleaning the floor, she stood up but had a hard time getting her balance and soon lay back in the same spot...where she still is. Her tail was in the water bowl when I found her and either she wasn't aware of that or just didn't care. It's time for her lunch and she isn't interested at all. :( She threw up Monday as well.
I've called Doc and asked for a thorough exam...he will see her at 2:30 this afternoon unless she worsens.
I am a tad concerned that her cortisol is too low for some reason with the vomiting, lack of energy or interest or appetite so I hope he has the capacity to check the electrolytes. I know he can check the baseline cortisol in his office. I do have some pred and will give it if it looks like she is crashing.
I'll let ya'll know what Doc has to say this afternoon. Say a prayer that this is nothing major, please.
Leslie and the gang
saying lots of prayers dear friend, sending love as well
03-28-2013, 01:32 PM
Saying prayers and fingers & paws crossed that Squirt is just having a bad stomach day. I'll be anxiously awaiting your update.
03-28-2013, 01:44 PM
Sending positive mojo from here too, hoping Squirt perks up soon
Squirt's Mom
03-28-2013, 01:47 PM
I can't believe the difference between yesterday and today - she is not the same dog at all. Yesterday she was frequently playfully pawing my feet as I walked around. Today, she walks 2-3 steps and stops, just standing there. I was in the tub and she was there so I could keep an eye on her but she got up and started walking out the door. I listened and it took her about 20min to get from the bathroom down the hall to the kitchen...about 25'.
She's been off all day. I let them out when we got up and fixed their breakfast as usual. When I let them in, instead of looking for and asking for her breakfast she roamed around like she wasn't sure what was going on. I showed her her bowl and it was like she didn't know what it was or where she was supposed to go. I walked to her spot with it and she walked with me but kept right on going into the LR, past her bowl. I had to put the bowl under her nose and lead her to her spot. She ate fine, had a good appetite. Then got sick about 2-3 hours later.
Thanks as always and I'll let ya'll know what he says.
let us know as soon as you can, okay?
ya know, for some reason Spring can bring on tummy problems, remember when we all talked about that a few weeks ago?
03-28-2013, 02:48 PM
Sending love and prayers dear Leslie. Hang in there Squirt - we love you baby. Kim
Harley PoMMom
03-28-2013, 03:16 PM
I am, also, keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Leslie, do you think Squirt's episode could be from canine vestibular/vertigo?
Sending tons of love, hugs, and healing white light.
03-28-2013, 03:37 PM
Leslie...I am sending you love , hugs and prayers that everything is going to be alright with your baby.
03-28-2013, 04:11 PM
Oh Leslie, I am here, too. Prayers are flowing for you and Squirty.
molly muffin
03-28-2013, 05:03 PM
Leslie, just saw this! Hugs and prayers and healing thoughts and whatever else I can think of your way. Hope Squirt is going to be a-okay.
Squirt's Mom
03-28-2013, 05:06 PM
Thanks ya'll. First thing doc asked was if she'd ever had a seizure before and I told him no. He said she may have had her first but nothing more was said about that possibility.
Her labs were all good except elevation in the liver enzymes, WBC, PLT, EOS, amylase, and NEUT. I forgot to get the liver values so I can't tell you what they were only that he used plural - valueS - not value. She's running a fever of 103.2 so Doc feels there is an infection somewhere. He gave her a shot of ABs and sent us home with Clavamox. He said if she wasn't significantly better by morning to call - he is a bit concerned about her, too. She has lost more weight - down to 13.2 today.
The pain med she has been using will have to be stopped - it has Metacam, a NSAID, in it. I knew that wasn't the best approach but it was helping until very recently and I hoped it would last long enough for to get some herbs going that would hopefully help. Doc watched her walk and said she is limping on the right front from the shoulder.
Her Hematology report -
WBC - 17.6 Normal range - 6.0 - 16.9
NEUT - 13.5 Normal range - 2.8 - 10.5
EOS - 2.4 Normal range - 1.1 - 6.3
PLT - 724 Normal range - 175 - 500
Comments -
General Hematologic Reminders-
Moderate Granulocytosis
Borderline Thrombocytosis
Some Diagnostic Possibilities-
Possible stress
Inflammation with little stress
So now to wait and see how she is overnite and in the morning. She's asleep in the bathroom and everyone else is hollering for supper so I'll get them fed and crawl in bed with my Sweet Bebe.
Thanks so much for the prayers and support. You mean more than you will ever know.
Leslie and Squirt
get well sweet Squirt, rest good tonight, tomorrow will be a better day, sweet pup
Leslie, praying so very hard
molly muffin
03-28-2013, 06:29 PM
Awww poor little squirt. Sounds like she really doesn't feel good. I hope that you all have a restful, peaceful night and that in the morning she is much improved.
Hi Leslie,
I am late in seeing this. Poor Squirt. :( I sure hope she will be feeling better by tomorrow morning, and hope it is nothing more serious than a little sickness. I'll definitely be keeping both of you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you got lots of cuddle time with your sweetie.
Julie & Hannah
Roxee's Dad
03-28-2013, 10:42 PM
I am also late in seeing this... Keeping little Squirty In my thoughts and prayers. Get well soon Squirt !!
03-28-2013, 11:02 PM
leslie just tuning in on you and your litl squirt,sorry you guys are having such a hard time right now....know that we are all here for you with such support ,love and right here with you through this difficult time..........praying for a peaceful evening for you guys...patty (milo)meka xoxox
03-29-2013, 12:07 AM
Yikes, sounds like an infection somewhere with those white cells up a little and temperature! Those antibiotics will do the trick, so hopefully we will all be breathing a sigh of relief when you report in tomorrow and I so very much hope wee Squirt will have perked up by then!
Trish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
03-29-2013, 06:28 AM
Leslie: I just saw that Squirt was sick this morning. I so hope she is better. Sounds like she has an infection somewhere with the WBC increase and temp. Praying that she will be better this morning. These little guys seem to always be picking up something, but they can get better in just a few hours. Thinking of you and Squirt and sending good thoughts your way. Love, JoAnne
Good Morning,
I hope you were able to sleep a bit, Leslie.
How is Squirt this morning?
Thinking of you both with love
03-29-2013, 08:24 AM
Leslie, Sorry to hear Squirt wasn't feeling well.
Prayers that she is better today.
Big hugs
Squirt's Mom
03-29-2013, 08:46 AM
Thanks, everyone! :) We couldn't make it without our family here!
Squirt slept fairly well last nite tho it was obvious it hurt more to move. She ate a little bit of her supper out of my hand around 7 pm, then ate the rest from her bowl with just a little coaxing around 10 pm. She didn't lose her supper. :)
She was sleeping peacefully when I woke up this morning. We have storms possible today and it was already raining so I had to wake her and take her out. I carried her out to the yard then came back in to start on breakfast intending to go back out and carry her in while it was heating but she came up the ramp on her own.
Breakfast was much more like normal! :) She wasn't vocal like she usually is but she was quite interested in the process of fixing her food and watched the bowl as I carried it to her spot. She ate well and with interest. :cool: So far, she's kept it in. I went ahead and gave her another dose of Lyso since she lost the dose yesterday.
I am going to spend today deciding which herb(s) to try for the arthritis and shoulder - not sure if that is arthritis, dysplasia, or injury but inflammation is present and it hurts. :( My intention is to carry her as much as possible for a while at least so if it is an injury on the shoulder, it can heal better without having to carry her weight all the time. She doesn't limp on it as much early in the day as she does later in the day.
At the moment, she is busy rubbing her face and head on my back as I type. :p She has always loved having her face rubbed HARD and will follow me around just to rub her face on my legs! :D I move and she looks at me like, "Hey! I was using that!" :p
I'm gonna wait a bit to call Doc and report on her status to be sure she's not going to be sick again.
Many hugs to all!
Leslie and Squirty
molly muffin
03-29-2013, 09:06 AM
I'm glad it seems that Squirt is better today. Rubbing her head on you is always a good thing. It's like their happy place. :)
It does seem that maybe there was an infection somewhere with that WBC count up and the fever. Wonder what on earth that is about. Wonder if she it's an bacterial infection in the intestine or stomach area.
Awww, poor little Squirt with the inflammation. Hope that gets better soon too. I'm sure if anyone can figure out the herbs it would be you. :) I did take a look at this and it has some interesting ideas on it.
Hope you have a good day and Squirt keeps the food down.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
03-29-2013, 09:53 AM
Good Morning Leslie and Squirt,
I am glad to see that Squirt has ate and so far so good :). She does sound better and I am relieved to read that. I hope this continues and she feels better and better as the day go on. I also hope that pain can be relieved for her, so difficult to see them in pain. I bet she will just love being carried around by her favorite Kelpie is a face rubber too, especially in the makes me laugh, and that is how I wake up every day:p
with love and hugs, Lynda and Nika
03-29-2013, 09:56 AM
That is wonderful that Squirt is better this morning Leslie. She will probably improve more and more since she improved so much in one day. Antibiotics are great when we need them. Sending healing thoughts your way. Love, JoAnne
your words are music to my ears, Leslie:):):):):):):)
Bo's Mom
03-29-2013, 10:42 AM
Little Squirt,(I guess your name has meaning huh?? scaring us like that) :p
I am so glad you are doing better. You keep hounding mom for those head rubs and sending you some across the miles. Keep doing better and sneak some belly rubs in too.
Squirt's Mom
03-29-2013, 12:50 PM
Squirt ate her lunch, tho she wasn't real interested in it - not her at all but the ABs could be to blame there so I'm not going to worry just yet. I called Doc to tell him she is better today and had kept her breakfast in, and eaten her lunch. He was very glad to hear she is better!
I have a list of about 25 herbs to study and hope to have something worked out for her by tomorrow so I can order what I don't have and put to use the ones I do have. I worry about alcohol in the tinctures since she will probably need several so that will mean using teas, infusions, or sprinkling powders over the food. Glycerites are something I really need to learn how to make for them and that is on the agenda....I just can't seem to get to it! :D
Now to get her through a stormy afternoon and nite!
Squirt's Mom
03-29-2013, 05:17 PM
Just called Doc back. Don't know if dogs are like humans when they feel bad, but as the day has progressed, she has regressed. She has no appetite again, is listless, limping worse as the day went on - she stands willingly waiting for me to pick her up, and I've been syringing water the last hour as she is a bit dehydrated. :( But she's not shivering or trembling and hasn't gotten sick. She has to eat something to get the AB in....she's not so far down that I could easily squirt that in her mouth! ;)
I know she is in pain - it's been over 24 hours since she had any medicine for that - and that could be the cause of some of this. I haven't taken her temp yet but her tongue and gums aren't as red now as they were yesterday - they were flaming red yesterday. Now whether that actually means anything or not, I have no idea but it's something I've noticed. She will be so mad at me for taking her temp! :(
It is so hard to see her like this. She should still be young and strong, always young and strong.
03-29-2013, 05:27 PM
Yay sounds like the antibiotics are kicking in to get rid of whatever is bothering Squirt. They can make them feel yucky though, still I think if they are needed then a few days a little off colour with them are worth it to get rid of any infection. Hope things continue to improve for Squirt, be interested in the herbs you decide upon.
The green lip mussels someone mentioned (maybe you?) recently in a post come from New Zealand, in the past Flynn has been on a supplement that includes them, shark cartilage and deer velvet. With his recent kidney problems I stopped everything non essential, i think I will ask vet about restarting them once he has next UPC checkup as I think they did help.
Hope she is back to being her pekey wee self soon Leslie xxxxx
Roxee's Dad
03-29-2013, 05:28 PM
Still here Leslie sending positive vibes, good thoughts and prayers for our little Squirty.
03-29-2013, 05:36 PM
Eek our posts must have crossed! Sorry to see she is back to feeling a little more off, still it is only one day since treatment started. So if you are getting the fluids in and some food down I would give the antibiotic. When Flynny was feeling yuck on his antibiotic treatment (it was Clavamox too) at Christmas his vet recommended trying him on a little milk with a raw beaten egg and he lapped it up. Maybe worth a try if those two ingredients are able to be taken by Squirt?
Did your vet recommend anything else for pain relief in the interrim to get her over this hump? As you say I bet she is sore and would be make her feel yuck too. Hope she settles down this afternoon. xx
maybe the antibiotics are making her feel yucky, they sure make me feel yucky .
just give her extra kisses after you take her temperature, she wont be mad.
it is so hard to see them age and it seems like it happens overnight:(
still praying for Squirt, my olympic swimmer:):):)
holding you close, Leslie
03-29-2013, 05:44 PM
Me again, I just thought of something else, maybe a shot of Cerenia would help if it's available there. Anti-nausea plus my vet also told me it can help somewhat with pain and it lasts 24hrs. It helped Flynn in this situation.
03-29-2013, 05:44 PM
come on squirt we are all cheering for you to feel better !!! i am so sorry your baby isn't feeling well.i hope you two have a restful peaceful evening.... sending you healing thoughts and prayers...patty(milo)meka xoxox
molly muffin
03-29-2013, 05:51 PM
Oh dear, poor little squirt. Well, antibiotics can make them feel yucky and then not having had any pain med for the inflammation may be doing a number too. Hope that is all it is. Trish has some good ideas too. Maybe one of them will work.
Still keeping an eye on your guys and sending lots of love and hugs
Bo's Mom
03-29-2013, 07:27 PM
So sorry Squirt is still feeling bad. Hoping for a peaceful and restful evening and she is bouncing back to normal soon. Please keep us posted.
Simba's Mom
03-29-2013, 08:55 PM
Sending a healing hug to Squirt and a encouraging hug to you!!!
03-29-2013, 09:19 PM
we are sending love and hugs to you Leslie, and your precious baby Squirt..Lynda and Nika...xx
03-29-2013, 09:25 PM
I'll bet it's the antibiotics. All natural canned pumpkin helps Daisy.
03-29-2013, 09:37 PM
I too am on the team cheering for dear Squirt.
I have to admit when you said you gave lysodren this a.m. I winced.... because you never give it to a sick dog. I don't know when the last acth test was or what the levels were but just skip it until you know what is going on. A few days won't hurt him.
I might be overly cautious but this is our dear Squirt. By the way I used Cerenia with Haley and it is a marvelous drug for stopping vomiting.
Continued prayers and love sent to you both. Kim
how is our sweet baby this morning?
thought about you guys all night.
Squirt's Mom
03-30-2013, 09:32 AM
Thanks, ya'll! She slept pretty well and is better this morning again, eating her breakfast fine. But she woke up limping pretty badly. :( Something odd, tho - at breakfast, she ran Trink away from her bowl, tried to run Sophie away from hers, all while guarding her bowl from them. :confused: She hasn't done anything like this in ages - since starting the Lyso that I recall. I wondered if the antibiotics taste so bad she wanted their food instead but she was eating hers at the same time she was trying to keep them out of their own food. So while I was happy to see her appetite back this morning, her behavior was a bit surprising to say the least.
I kept syringing water last nite and after a bit she got up and wanted down to drink from the water bowl in the bedroom - which was a huge relief to see. Then she wanted something to eat so I gave her about 1/2 of the usual amount, then about 2 hours later, gave her the rest of her supper. She got the antibiotics that way, for which I was very grateful. I would have hated to have to force that down her throat the way she was yesterday evening...but I would have, tears flowing I would have.
Kim, I hesitated yesterday with the Lyso but she was acting better, wanted to eat, so I gave it. And, no, she hasn't been tested in a while, sadly. Every time I get just about enough saved up for it, something like this happens and wipes me out again - it costs $3-400 every time we see the IMS for the UTK panel. The bill this week took just about all I had left for the month. My only comfort is that I really believe Doc would treat my babies if needed and work with me on payments....even if that meant cleaning cages the rest of my life! ;)
I do have some Cernia but she hasn't vomited again so I don't want to use that as long as she has an appetite and isn't vomiting. But thanks for the reminder of what is in my medicine cabinet! :p And, Sharlene, thanks for that link! Some good info there! For now, she is getting Nettle, Devil's Claw, White Willow, and Burdock with either Skullcap, Passionflower, and/or Chamomile. These I already had on hand and they should help some at least so this is where we will start while we continue to work out what will be best for her over the long run - and there will be a long run. There has to be. The hardest part about using herbs is the length of time it often takes to see benefits and I want her pain controlled NOW. :( The Willow and Passionflower both will help some right off but not with the oomph that pharmaceuticals can so I have to be patient and help her in other ways as much as possible meantime. It will take at least 30 days to start to see the effects. With the Cushing's and Lyso, it is a challenge to find things she can use but there are herbs that should help that she CAN have and we WILL find them. ;) I will say that the pharmacists with Drs Foster and Smith, where I get her Lyso, have been very helpful in this area. I have talked with them several times over the last few months trying to find an herb to help the liver and they have been prompt and thorough in their answers. Thanks to them, I now know that the initial metabolic pathway for Lysodren is via the P-450 enzyme so any herbs that use that pathway shouldn't be used with Lyso. ;)
I cannot say Thank You enough. Knowing our family is with us helps keep me strong enough to keep fighting. We would have never survived this long without you and you will never know how incredibly grateful I am to each and every one of you.
Leslie and Squirt
Hi Leslie,
Just checking in on you and Squirt this morning. I'm glad to hear she is eating and drinking on her own, and hope she will continue to improve. I'll continue to think about you both...
Julie & Hannah
Leslie, just getting caught up on Squirt and so glad to read she is better this morning. It is so scary when they won't eat, so happy her tummy seems to feel better! Thinking about you guys. Hugs from me and Jasper, and a belly rub for Squirt. :)
molly muffin
03-30-2013, 11:55 AM
Hi Leslie, great that she is eating. Strange that she is guarding the others food bowls too. I did have a thought on that though, if she his having inflammation and a possible infection, then even with the Lyso, I think it is possible that Squirts cortisol could either have risen or be spiking in reaction to that. If so it's possible that the symptoms of cushings could show up during this time and once the infection and inflammation is taken care of, then that behavior might go away. Do you think that is a possibility?
Leslie, we absolutely couldn't be doing what we do on here without you! It's a two way street this family thing :)
Hugs and Love!!!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
03-30-2013, 12:00 PM
Isn't cushings really day by day? We really never know whats going to pop up and are so grateful for normal days...sending hugs your way and hoping Squirt gets back on track soon!!! Don't forget to take care of you too!!
Squirt's Mom
03-30-2013, 05:38 PM
This evening is better than yesterday but she's still not up to par. She ate her supper, slowly, slowly, and is drinking very slowly as well today. She about 3/4 of her supper then went to the other feeding stations to see what they had left. So I put what Squirt had remaining in Sophie's bowl and she gobbled it up! Guess she thought she was getting something over on Soph! :p
After supper, I took her out to pee; she squatted, did her business, shook herself then fell over on her side. I carried her in trying to hide the tears. She is just so unsteady. :(
I'll check in tomorrow and let you know how things are going!
As always, thanks a million.
Leslie and Squirty
03-30-2013, 06:36 PM
Oh Leslie, I know it breaks your heart to see them fall. CoCo is so weak he falls if he rubs up against you, but he just gets up and goes about his business. I hope Squirt will be doing better tomorrow. Seems like she is doing a little better every day. Glad she is eating and still thinks she is the boss and eating the other guys food.
These little dogs are so funny. Sending heartfelt thoughts to you and hoping you have a good Easter. Be healthy Squirt. Love, JoAnne
Harley PoMMom
03-30-2013, 06:51 PM
Sending you and sweet Squirt tons and tons of huge and loving hugs...Lori
molly muffin
03-30-2013, 06:56 PM
I agree with JoAnne, Squirt does seem to be getting a little better every day. Don't you think?
I'm so sorry, that is very scary when they fall over. Molly darn nears knocks herself over when she shakes and sometimes does land on her bum. She just shakes when she is really going strong so fast and hard that her feet don't stay on the ground. I imagine if she was weak from not being 100% strength, she'd land on the ground too. I refuse to think that there is anything that cannot be fixed is going with Squirt. Squirt will get better, because we are all willing it to be so darn it!
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
03-31-2013, 08:27 AM
Thanks, ya'll!
We had a pretty good night - she slept most of it. This morning, tho, she doesn't want to eat. If she hasn't decided to eat by noon, I'll have to squirt the AB down her throat and I really don't want to do that. In the morning, I'm gonna call Doc and get some Clavamox in pill form as well so I have options as to which fight I want to take on. ;) For today, I'm gonna bathe us both in liquid Clavamox. :D
More later!
Leslie and Squirt
I sure hope she decides to eat, poor Squirt, an antibiotic bath does not sound like fun, I can picture her, throwing her head every which way to avoid the syringe:):)
molly muffin
03-31-2013, 10:46 AM
Awww Squirt. Come on, have a bite for your mum so she doesn't worry so much.
Hope Squirt and you both have a good day.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
03-31-2013, 11:59 AM
Well, she is flat refusing to eat her food but does have an appetite. Soooo, we took a Clavamox bath and I fed a little bit of kibble after, which she ate most of. I have a feeling the addition of the antibiotics in the food has turned her off of it. We don't have enough of the Clavamox left now to get her full dose tonite and in the morning so I will call Doc for more in the morning when they open. She's got to eat to keep her strength up so whatever that takes, I'll do and get the AB in somehow.
Leslie and Squirt
03-31-2013, 12:31 PM
Yes, could be the antibiotics are affecting her desire to eat. As you know I couldn't afford to risk putting meds in Annie's food and when she refused pill pockets I had to get creative. With the help of the vet they told me exactly how much of the med (sometimes a whole pill) to put into a specific amount of water. It created a liquid form that I then sucked into a syringe. There was a gap between her canine teeth that was perfect for my small syringe and I'd squirt it as hard as I could and she got those darn meds. Kim
Leslie, thinking of you and hoping that Squirt will eat for you! It is so stressful when you can't get them to eat. Hang in there!
Hugs from me and Jasper
Still thinking of you and little Squirt. Hoping she'll eat more later. Glad you got the Clavamox in. I'm sure it's stressful for both of you.
Julie & Hannah
Roxee's Dad
03-31-2013, 05:27 PM
Still here, more positive thoughts, prayers and good vibes....
Squirt's Mom
03-31-2013, 05:51 PM
I thought she was going to eat her supper but no. She would pick up a bite then drop in on the floor...bite after bite. I checked her mouth to see if something seemed off there and don't find anything obvious. She finally ate about half of it from my hand. I even tried feeding her some food with nothing in it as well as more kibble and she wasn't interested at all. :(
I'll let ya'll know what Doc has to say tomorrow and thank again for being here with us. You are my rocks and my shields.
Leslie and Squirt
Simba's Mom
03-31-2013, 06:17 PM
Thinking about you and Squirt, hope the appetite comes back soon, sending hugs and prayers!
Bo's Mom
03-31-2013, 06:58 PM
I know when Bo refused to eat, I offered him pinto bean juice mixed with his regular kibble. He seemed to enjoy that a lot and it worked for a while.
I do hope Squirt begins a turn for the better and is soon to her old self again. Many thoughts and prayers...
Squirt's Mom
04-01-2013, 09:24 AM
Last nite I managed to get her to eat some kibble by doing like I did with Trinket at first - putting 2-3 pieces on the bed at a time. She ate about a handful that way. This morning I made her regular food plain, no meds, just food - she would pick up a mouthful then drop it on the floor. I made some plain chicken and rice - no go, same thing, dropping it on the floor. I've watched her carefully as she tries to eat and as she drinks - it looks like something has changed with how her mouth works. It's almost like she has forgotten how to use her tongue correctly. I ran my finger around inside her mouth looking for loose teeth, sores, lumps, anything and didn't find anything that might account for this. After I did this is when I started the kibble in bed - thinking if she has a bad tooth it would be hard for her eat it but she did better with it than with her cooked food. So after the plain regular food and the plain chicken/rice failed, I made a soup out of her regular food, mashed up real well with lots of water, and added some kibble to soak - she ate that very slowly and very messily...but she ate it.
I am beginning to seriously wonder if she didn't have a seizure or stroke Thurs. morning when she threw up and was so shaky. She hasn't had another episode like Thurs. since. My youngest grandson is here for the day plus I have a friend coming this morning to hopefully finish a project we've been working on for months. I'm calling Doc to see if we can get in this afternoon and I'll let you know what he says.
She has lost more weight - I won't be surprised to find out she is under 13 lbs now. :(
I'm so sorry to hear Squirt is having trouble. I can imagine how worried you are. I wonder, too, if she had a seizure now that she is having trouble eating and acting strange. At least she is getting nutrients though, however you have to do it. I hope you'll be able to get into the vet this afternoon. I'll be thinking of you guys and sending positive vibes and prayers for Squirt to improve.
Julie & Hannah
04-01-2013, 10:46 AM
Hi Leslie....I so love that she's interested in eating....she wants to keep fighting and stay with you....:)
Squirt's Mom
04-01-2013, 11:06 AM
Doc sees her at 3:30 this afternoon and I'll let you know what he has to say.
You got the texas girls with you and squirt as well. Shysie, shaddix and me think if we all get on floor and act like were gonna eat squirts food maybe that will help...nom nom nom...what?? Oh....shysie and shaddix just told me i wasnt suppose to really start eating bad. (Hoping you received a loving warm smile from us). I have put kibble in blender till it is fine powder then add water or other items mixed well and have had good results beforei have to work later but will stop back by. Love strength prayers being sent.
04-01-2013, 03:12 PM
you have been in my thoughts non stop Leslie..saying prayers and sending the biggest hugs to you, and gentle kisses for your little and hugs, Lynda and Nika
Harley PoMMom
04-01-2013, 03:34 PM
I am here too, dear Leslie, keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.
Squirt's Mom
04-01-2013, 05:23 PM
Well, she didn't get to see the doc today after all. They had an emergency come in and had one waiting ahead of us but I had to get the grandson back home to meet his ride on time and couldn't wait. So we go back in the morning at 11:30.
:):cool::)SHE JUST ATE HER SUPPER!:cool::):cool: All of it. That just makes my week! I got refills on the liquid Clavamox and got pills as well so I have options as to the fight I want to put us through. I'll let her supper sit a bit then give her a dose. Hopefully she will rest better tonite with a full tummy.
Many grateful hugs to all,
Leslie and Squirty
Hi Leslie-
YAY for eating supper!!!
That's fabulous news! Sorry you didn't get to see the vet today, but it sounds like you're fine waiting until tomorrow. At least you're armed with meds! I hope she will sleep well tonight-and you too! I'll check in tomorrow.
Julie & Hannah
molly muffin
04-01-2013, 06:17 PM
Yay, so glad Squirt had dinner! whoot whooot! That has to be a good thing. Maybe it is taking time to recover? There was that high WBC would a seizure cause that? or maybe it was a combination on things at the same time. It's so awful trying to figure out what is going on with them sometimes. Wish there was a magic gennie to just Tell us.
Hang in there Leslie, you're doing great. Getting the meds is good, options are good. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Thank goodness she ate!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
dang, I think my face is purple from holding my breath so long:):)
Are you sure there is nothing wrong with her mouth? What about her salivary glands, do they feel enlarged?
04-01-2013, 08:07 PM
I am sooooo happy that she ate :)...that panic that is felt when our babies won't eat is just horrible:(...I am anxious to hear how the appointment goes is a gentle hug for your baby and huge hug for you...hoping for a great nights rest for 2 of my favorite' and hugs Lynda and Nika
Simba's Mom
04-01-2013, 08:13 PM
Yay, happy dance, way to go Squirt, we are so proud of you for eating, woot woot! Hope this is the start of better days!
04-01-2013, 10:11 PM
Addy has a point, check her salivary glands.
you see.........cant mess with Texas. lol. Squirt thought we were really gonna eat the foods. lol
seriously though i am so thrilled to heart squirt ate. I got a HUGE smile when i read that. Sorry you didnt get to see the doctor but glad you can go back tomorrow to have things checked. Love and hugs to you and Squirt.
04-02-2013, 05:36 AM
Great Squirt ate. Hope she eats again this morning and hope the vet will find out what is wrong, but she does seem to be improving. Good luck at the vet. Sending healing thoughts to Squirt. Love, JoAnne
04-02-2013, 06:22 AM
I'll start the chant "Squirt, eat, eat, eat, eat......." If that doesn't work, subliminal messages "you're hungry".
Hope all goes well today:)
How is our baby girl this morning?
Hugs and love
Squirt's Mom
04-02-2013, 09:47 AM
Squirt ate most of her breakfast this morning! Her appetite is a tad bit off again but she did at least eat. Her mouth seems to be working a little better, too. :)
Last nite when we went to bed, she wanted to cuddle and was nipping at my fingers as I massaged her and loved on her - which made my old heart SING! Then she curled up by my side and went to sleep and slept well, thankfully. Nutrients and rest - something she badly needed.
She hasn't had any Lyso, melatonin nor lignans since Fri. and I am seeing a slight increase in her water intake but that is all. I've been giving some thought to simply stopping treatment but don't really know if that is something she would benefit from or suffer from just yet. If it would allow her to enjoy her food again, let her have an appetite again, it might be worth it. But there are possible negatives with that as, much to think about there.
Her shoulder is improving slowly...but my back is screaming from bending, lifting and carrying! :p She's worth every bit of it though especially when I can tell she is healing slowly but surely. She hasn't done the "walk 2-3 steps, stop" thing for a couple of days but by mid-day she is limping, just not as badly as earlier.
I hope Doc gives us a good report today....I'm choosing to believe it will be. I'll let ya'll know what he has to say.
Hugs and thanks over and over and.....
Leslie and Squirt
04-02-2013, 01:45 PM
It sounds like Squirt is improving. Crossing my fingers for good news from the vet.
Squirt's Mom
04-02-2013, 02:14 PM
Well, Doc couldn't check her mouth very well as she is feeling well enough to fight him! :D He asked if she had been messing with it - rolling her tongue around, pawing at one side or the other - and I told him no.
He said because her liver enzymes are so high, he thinks she probably had a "little seizure" Thurs morning as a result. So as long as she doesn't slide backward again, I am to take her in in two weeks to check them again. Hopefully, the meds were assaulting the liver enough to cause this and stopping them will lower those values. If they are still high at that point with no NSAIDS or Proin in her system, then it's probably the organ itself. Like Doc said, at her age there could all sorts of "bad" things going on, including cancer, and with her weight loss the last few months, that has certainly crossed my mind more than once.
She is perkier than she has been since finding her Thurs. and she is trying to eat more. I haven't given her any of the antibiotics today as I just want her eat. But there is no fever today so the Baytril shot and Clavamox she has gotten have helped there.
So I will be watching her carefully over the next couple of weeks and hope we don't have to go back to see Doc before then. Whatever it takes to get her to eat, that I will do so she can regain her strength. She shook herself at the vet's then again when we stopped to check on Carolyn, and didn't fall or stumble so I was glad to see that for sure. When she saw Moe, whom she loves dearly, I saw some of my old girl begging for his attention. :D Funny how a tiny little thing can make us feel so much better!
Thanks again so very much!
Leslie and my Sweet Bebe
I did get copies of the labs from Thurs -
ALP - 770 Normal range = 20-150 U/L
ALT - 643 Normal range = 10-118 U/L :eek::eek:
04-02-2013, 02:20 PM
Well, that's good news! She's still improving and nothing appears to be wrong with her mouth:)
molly muffin
04-02-2013, 05:55 PM
I am so glad to hear that Squirt is doing better, not falling over during the shake the booty maneuver, playing nip and nip with the doctor, saying hello to old and dear friend, cuddling, and eating! All great to hear and I'm sure your heart is a very happy one about that. Hopefully, each day will be better than the one before it and you'll have some calm weeks ahead, in which to make decisions about what treatments to pursue going forward.
Squirts ALP isn't really all that high compared to many (including mine), has the ALT always been high like this?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Squirt's Mom
04-02-2013, 06:44 PM
This is from Jan, this year -
ALP – 1390 U/L Normal = 20 – 150 U/L
ALT – 328 U/L Normal = 10 – 118 U/L
Truffa's Mom
04-02-2013, 08:39 PM
Kisses and tons of healing energy flying towards our sweet babe.
molly muffin
04-02-2013, 08:43 PM
So the ALT is actually going up and the ALP down. Did the vet say why he thinks this might be happening? You said something about the lysodren maybe having an affect on the liver. I wonder if the others who have used lysodren long term have seen the same thing.
Did the vet make any sort of recommendation about how to get the ALT down? Are any of the other liver values up too?
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
i have been flipping through my notes.....i know i read something about increase of one with decrease of another.
how is this evening going? how you doing? sending you love, hugs and and squirt are cared about and loved so very much.
have you thought about using a baby type harness to carry squirt in so you can carry that way? or use baby stroller when needing to walk? I even have a double jogging stroller. LOL! I use it with my clients when they have 1 or more little dogs and they want to be out and about but side walks are to hot to walk on i push them in stroller and they LOVE it!!!! and then i have basket like thing to carry tiny ones in that goes around my neck and waist. helps the back and neck and arms out ALOT as opposed to bending, lifting carrying. reversing a back pack....carrying it on the front is good too.
Squirt's Mom
04-03-2013, 10:12 AM
Thanks for the suggestions! :) I've been looking for a second hand stroller for them all but Squirt has decided lately that she will stand every time we ride in the truck...which is NOT good for the legs. I don't know why, if this is easier on her, less painful, or what, but I can just see those pins in her legs bending or breaking - and that would be it. :( So I'm not sure she would lay or sit in a stroller either.
Doc is hoping it was the Metacam and Proin causing the liver enzyme elevations. I'm sure the Lyso does impact the liver as it is one of the filtering organs that handle toxins....which drugs are. But pain meds like NSAIDS are especially hard on the liver. He told me the Proin can also be harsh on the liver so we have stopped that for now and when, if, we go back to it, she will take the lowest effective dose like every third day or fourth day, etc. Pain, well I guess I'm going to have to harden my heart and realize pain isn't going to kill her but treating it sure might. Still working on an herbal protocol but getting nutrients in is paramount at the moment - med will be added after that is secure.
I tried a new trick this morning with her food...from the very first when I started cooking for her, she did not want it mushed, like canned food consistency. She wanted chunks of food and that is what she has gotten for years. So this morning I put her food in a mini-chopper and blended it well. Nope, refused it. So I added some kibble and stirred that in well - she ate it! She can crunch kibble on both sides of her mouth so I don't think the teeth are involved. And it seems she can physically handle the kibble better than the soft food for some reason. Which brings me back to the tongue - it seems to have lost a bit of coordination. :confused: I've had to cut most of her beard off because it is getting so nasty when she tries to eat the cooked food now. She is drinking a bit more normally, more water goes in her than was before but it still gets on the floor, walls and her or anyone near her when she drinks.
There is no doubt in my mind that her home cooked food has played a huge role in her generally good health over the last 5 years but at this point, if kibble is what she wants and will eat, then that is what she will get. Which will present a challenge with getting meds in her but I will figure that out as well one way or the other. We will take each day as it comes, tackling issues the best we can, with the goal of keeping her as comfortable and as happy as possible.
I decided something last nite. The decision was made a while back not to put her through heroic measures should the need arise - it would be too much to ask of her. So each nite I am going to tell her how grateful I am for every day that she has been with me; and every morning tell her how grateful I am that we will start yet another day together. Anything she wants that is in my power to give, she will have. She has had so many restrictions for so long; it's time to relax those restrictions if that will result in joy for her Soul.
Bless you all and all our babies here.
Leslie and Squirt
04-03-2013, 10:28 AM
Leslie you bring tears to my eyes when you talk to Squirt. I am with you on the heroic measures which is mostly for us the ones that love them so. I have always said I hope the Lord takes them when it is time and I do not have to put them down, but give me the strength to do what I have to do like so many on this forum have had tp do. Kiss that sweet Squirt for me this morning. Love, JoAnne
My heart goes out to you, Leslie. We seem to be almost on parallel lines in a way so I can totally relate. Zoe stands in the car so car rides are few, I also wanted to get her a stroller but you are right, they will probably want to stand in it. Zoe’s beard is a mess, everything sticks so to it, we keep cutting and cutting.
Sending you lots of love and hugs. Give Squirt extra kisses for me, okay?
Boriss McCall
04-03-2013, 01:04 PM
I haven't had a chance to catch up on the site in awhile. I am so sorry you & Squirt have been going thru some hard times.
I hope things are getting better. I am keeping you two in my thoughts & prayers.
04-03-2013, 01:09 PM
Leslie, bless you and Squirty and Trink and Brick.
I totally agree with your decision made last night, and realize what a bittersweet time this is for you. I hope you know how many hearts and arms are reaching out to you, just as you have been here for us all. We are here, and here we will stay.
If she'll accept them ;), please give Squirt some extra cuddles for me. And even if she doesn't want the cuddles, tell her she is precious and loved. Although, with you for her mother, she already knows this and feels this every single moment.
Sending many hugs to you, Leslie. Today and everyday.
04-03-2013, 01:15 PM
Leslie, I'm so sorry to hear Squirt is having problems. I really am. I hope and pray that things get better for her. You have been so helpful with all your knowledge and suggestions. They are appreciated so much.
I have a question. Please don't take it the wrong way. I must think differently from others and maybe you can help me understand. When you said about not putting her through heroic measures, how does anyone know what is an heroic measure? How can anyone be sure if doing something will or will not help? Like with the radiation everyone said about not putting Scoop through that. They say radiation doesn't hurt except maybe a "sunburn" in that area. How do you know something will or won't help unless you try it? I felt if something (God forbid) would have happened, is it going to make a difference? He's doomed from that horrible tumor anyway. The way things are going it probably won't be too much longer so why not try. Everyone has their own opinion and that's fine. It just hurt seeing that everyone seemed to agree with the doctor's decision to not do it. Am I wrong or selfish or a bad mom to Scoop for wanting to do this or whatever I can? I guess I don't understand why something can't help him.
I'm sorry to bring this up on your thread but when I read what you wrote it just hit me hard. I am having such a hard time. Thanks for listening.
Administrative Note from Marianne: I have made a copy of this reply and transferred it to Vicki's thread regarding Scoop. For anyone who wishes to talk with Vicki about her situation with Scoop, please reply to her directly there: .
molly muffin
04-03-2013, 02:26 PM
Leslie, you are just the best mom ever for Squirt. :) HUGS! Whatever the future holds, I know that Squirt will be happy just being with you for every moment of it and may there be many many moments ahead. :)
Sharlene and Molly Muffin
Simba's Mom
04-03-2013, 02:48 PM
oh Leslie, my heart is breaking for you with all the stuff going on with Squirt, just when you think you know what they like for food, everything changes, just so Squirt eats right? When I'm positive, everyday is a good day, especially if your fur-baby is stable. When they are not feeling good, thats when we panic and worry and stress, and we start to think about whats best for our babies...This is so hard, but you are doing a great job with Squirt, so hang in there and remember we are all here for you!!! We are sending healing hugs to Squirt and encouraging hugs to you!! Prayers too!
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