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Squirt's Mom
11-24-2010, 10:24 AM
Hi ya'll,

Squirt had a better nite last nite! :) She was able to get comfortable laying down and only sat up twice that I saw. She did cough a little but no gagging and the coughing wasn't as bad as it had been. When I would check on her during the nite, she was sleeping most of the time and her breathing was more regular and not as raspy. A couple of times she was panting when I looked at her but it wasn't that ragged, rapid, bed-shaking panting; it was more like her usual pant. When she went out this morning, she showed a bit more interest in things around her and seemed happier. Yesterday, she would want out often but she would just take a few steps then sit in one spot, panting, for as long as I would let her. This morning she put her nose to the ground and did a bit of exploring after her business.

I didn't give her the cough syrup this morning as the coughing is better and the hydrocodone is a narcotic so I had rather use it as needed....with Dr. B's blessings, of course. I will call him this morning and give him the report he asked for. She isn't well as he wanted her to be today but she is better. So I will let you know what he has to say.

Even tho Squirt seems better with the coughing, ect., I am going to pursue some more testing for her once the Abs are finished. My Sweet Bebe just isn't herself. :( I will talk to Dr. B about some Xrays, blood work for sure and maybe another U/S. Once again, I want to rule out everything we can then we will turn our attention to the Cushing's. I wish Dr. B had the ability to do the SNAP test but if Squirt has an U/S she will have to go to Little Rock and maybe the IMS will be able to do that for us. I have made some changes in Squirt's meds for the Cushing's, again with Dr. B's support, so I may decide to go ahead and have another UTK panel done in a month or so to see how the hormones are running VS a SNAP test.

I am soooo relieved to see some improvement in Squirt even if she isn't "well" yet. It will be a bit easier to breath today and maybe there won't be as many tears. :o Squirt will be 13 in Feb. and I know her time is limited, but I want a few more years with her. I will never be prepared to lose her, cannot fathom life without her. But more than anything else, I want her remaining life to be one of comfort and contentment. I will do everything in my power to make sure that is what she has no matter how long she has left. My Sweet Bebe has given her all to me - how can I do any less for her?

Thanks again for all your support, suggestions, hugs, prayers, and love. I don't know what we would do without ya'll.

Leslie and Squirt

11-24-2010, 12:45 PM
Hi Leslie,

I'm so glad to hear that there has been some improvement in Squirt. That's a step in the right direction.

I think you're very wise for having further testing done. I know we have a fear of the unknown, and it does help to give us some comfort if we can find out what is actually going on and if there is something we can do about it.

I totally understand how you feel about Squirt. Corky's my baby and I also know that his life span is 10-14 years old. We do everything we possibly can to make sure our babies have a long, good quality of life. You are such a wonderful mom.

Take care my friend. I'm keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers.


11-24-2010, 12:46 PM
Hi Leslie,
It's a relief to hear that Squirt is feeling a bit better....those coughing fits always made me nervous too. Mandy had wheezy coughing the week before she passed...it went away w/some cough syrup, but who knows what was up? :confused: I was thinking I should have brought her to the vet then...even tho' the vet said she checked out fine 2 weeks earlier!

I think it is very tricky when they get older and it is only complicated by the Cushings. We had the occasional "bile puke" episodes as well, but with the meds and supplements, I always wondered if her tummy was just upset? Not to mention the habit of eating grass! LOL! I know they do that instinctively for their tummies, I've been told. But, it was clear to me that freshly cut grass was not very digestible!:p

Anyways, I'd keep a close eye on Squirtie and follow up w/the doc, as you plan.

Jeff & Angel Mandy

Roxee's Dad
11-24-2010, 01:56 PM
Hi Leslie,
Always good news to hear there is improvement :) Hope she continues to improve quickly so you can get some sleep.

Belly rubs to Leslie's girls.

Harley PoMMom
11-24-2010, 05:39 PM
I am glad, too, that sweet Squirt is feeling a little bit better. We will continue to send healing thoughts and prayers your way for both of our precious girls.

With much love and (((hugs)))

11-24-2010, 05:44 PM
Oh Leslie if only I could say something great like you would for me. I didn't know you were having problems too. Your doggie will be just fine she has to be!!!

Big hugs!

11-24-2010, 09:48 PM
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I am thankful that Squirt is a bit better. Hope tonight goes well and she is able to rest, you too Leslie.

Hugs and kisses for Leslie and the girls.:)

Addy, Zoe and Koko

11-24-2010, 10:49 PM
Leslie, it's been twelve hours since we heard from you!!!

11-25-2010, 01:57 AM

I'm so relieved to hear that Squirt is feeling a little better, and not coughing as much. I know you were going out of your mind with worry.
Hope she continues to get better, and sending thoughts and prayers for you both my friend.

Jane, Franklin and Bailey xxx

11-25-2010, 07:02 AM
Leslie -

As I check in this Thanksgiving morning I'm thankful to hear our buddy Squirt is feeling a bit better. She's not her perky self yet, but any signs of improvement are good. I know what you're saying about about our babies ages and all the questions that start running through your head when they become ill. Crash, now 13, had that intestinal bug setback a few months ago that threw his whole system off - - and well mine too with worry. He's just now really getting back to his old self. Squirt's a sweet little girl and when she looks up at you with that cute face of hers - your heart just melts and you want her to be all better - like immediately. She's working with you on that - she's tough - it's just going to take a little longer. We continue sending healing thoughts and our prayers your way.

Thanksgiving Day wishes to you and yours!

Tammy, Crash, & Darby

Squirt's Mom
11-25-2010, 11:34 AM
Thanks, ya'll! I am sure all the good vibes, prayers and positive thoughts have gone a long way toward helping Squirt feel better. She had an even better nite last nite, sleeping peacefully most of it. At one point, I heard this awful noise from her and raised up to check on her....she was snoring! And none too pleased that I woke her up to see if she was ok! :p She did sit up a few times to look around but it wasn't the urgent popping up she was doing. I haven't heard her cough since yesterday! YEAH! :D:D

I didn't hear back from Dr. B yesterday; they may have closed early for the holiday. So I will contact them tomorrow again.

Squirt, Trink and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Leslie and Squirt

11-25-2010, 12:00 PM
BIG SMILE! Thanks for checking in..

We are good today too... so far.

Squirt's Mom
11-25-2010, 12:25 PM
Thanks, Janis! You are a sweetheart to check on Squirt when your hands are so full with your own girls.

Leslie and Squirt

11-25-2010, 10:27 PM

my Aussies were pretty loud snorers as well :D

Squirt's Mom
11-26-2010, 10:58 AM
Mornin' to those not out chasing bargains on Black Friday!

Squirt was a bit worried when we first climbed in bed last nite. She wanted down, then back up on the bed several times; she didn't seem to have any reason to get down...other than to make sure the left-overs were still on the counter! She would walk over, sniff, then come back and ask to get back in the bed. :) I decided she could see the plate from the bed and it was driving her nuts! :D So I put the plate out of sight and she decided to stay in bed after that! LOL My little piggy! :p

Squirt was a bit more restless at first last nite, once the plate was put up, having a hard time finding a spot to get comfortable in, with some increase in the panting during that time. But she did settle and had a good nite - we both slept most of it, well, SHE slept most of it! ;) I did get more sleep myself but I just can't resist checking on her during the nite. :o

She is feeling better. This morning before we hit the floor, Trink and I were playing, as is our habit, and Squirt wanted to join in. :D I saw the devilment in her eyes again as she attempted to convince Trink to share the fun, to which Trink said an emphatic, "NO!"

After their morning constitutions, Squirt came wagging and wiggling back to the door with a grin on her face. So happy to see that! :):):)

Part of me wants to say, "Well, ok, it looks as if she DID have some sort of infection and the ABs are taking care of it. Be happy with this and don't look any further - no telling what you might find! :eek: " But I have to pursue a thorough check up. She deserves no less.

Leslie and Squirt

11-26-2010, 11:12 AM
We are peas in the same pod Leslie! I do it the same way and react the same way. As you always tell me, your a good mom. Just keep doing what your doing even if it kills you. If love can save her it will. Crap I hope that made you feel better. It was ment to.

11-26-2010, 12:48 PM
So glad to hear that Squirtie is feeling better!

I avoided the Black Friday sales, but did go out and treat myself to a buffet breakfast :)

Gonna go run a few errands and maybe stop and look at some pups....the little ones do cheer me up! so young, healthy and full of life. I wish I had a huge "plantation" where i could let them all live and run around....or an island? OK...I'd better go play the Pix 6 Lotto...:D

Jeff & Angel Mandy

11-27-2010, 03:40 AM
Leslie, I know what you mean by checking on them. I wish I could have the vet check Chloe every morning - just to reassure me. I keep looking for the littlest thing. This disease drives us to it.Jjust keep doing what you're doing - looks as if it's working. Give the Squirts girl lots of tummy rubs from us (they cure everything lol).
Carrol & Chloe

11-29-2010, 12:09 PM
Hi Leslie,

Just checking to see how Squirt and Trinket are doing. I hope they're both doing good.

marie adams
11-29-2010, 03:59 PM
Hi Leslie,

So glad Squirt is on the road to feeling better!!! So funny about the plate.....:D

11-29-2010, 05:53 PM
Thinking of you and the doggies.

Squirt's Mom
12-10-2010, 11:17 AM
Hi ya'll,

My niece came home from college and said, "WOW! Squirt looks funny!" When asked what she meant, she said, "Her body looks fluffy and her tail looks skinny!"

:confused::eek::confused::mad::(:(:(:mad::eek::eek :

<mama without blinders icon>

Squirt's panting is increasing. She was panting hard last nite but not like she was a few weeks ago - no raggedness or wheezing. Just fairly fast and hard.

She is restless at nite, moving often on the bed as she regroups.

She is sneaking around the place looking for Moe's food outside and the other dog's in the Big House and wolfing her own feed.

She seems to be staying at the water bowl a bit longer.

More and more, she lays on the floor where there are no rugs.

The hair re-growth on her hip and leg from the July surgery have not come in normally - only one of her 3 coats has come in. (New pics in album show this.)

Her hair has a coarser feel to it, more brittle-feeling somehow.

She is getting more and more adenomas all over.

She is losing hair around her eyes, from the lower lid area primarily.

She isn't raising either leg to pee any more but simply squats.

She pees for a longer time (it is a stream so no infection suspected).

She has been experiencing some nausea at nite.

The darkening of her skin has progressed to cover more of her body.

Her gums and tongue are very red, almost purple, at times especially at nite.

She does not have a pot-belly tho she has gained weight - 1#.

She still plays, gets excited about things, wants to be with me, interacts with people and animals, has had no infections other than the bronchitis, no other skin changes, no hair loss other than the eye lids.

hummmm......YOUR thoughts?

Squirt's mom, who is feeling like a great big dummy!

12-10-2010, 12:03 PM
I'm thinking of you!

12-10-2010, 02:49 PM
Oh Leslie, your sweet Squirty is sounding more and more like a genuine "Cushpup" to me...:o:o:o When are you thinking about repeating the UTK panel?


12-10-2010, 06:32 PM
Hi Leslie!
WOW! I am experiencing a lot of those things with Chloe lately but her last panel, about a month ago, was pretty good.:confused: Chloe does have a little pot belly and at times it feels very "tight" and hard.
Will be watching your thread carefully for info. You are definitely not alone!!:(

12-10-2010, 06:47 PM
Hi Leslie,

I agree with Marianne. It's sounding like Squirt's cortisol may be increasing. In looking at the results of the last two UTK panels, I noticed that the increase in intermediates correlate with the increase in cortisol, which is to be expected. You know Squirty best so what do you think is going on? If you think her cortisol has continued to climb, you may want to think about having Dr. B do a stim test. If the post cortisol is higher than the last UTK panel, then you can pretty much assume that the intermediates are also higher. If cortisol is still in the high normal range, you can continue with the melatonin and lignans and consider adding a lysodren maintenance dose. That's my two cents worth.


12-12-2010, 11:42 AM
Hi Leslie!
What's happening with the Squirtser? I was having real problems with Chloe's coat - really thinning on top and her back and neck were covered in those awful bursting sebaceous glands. What a mess. Dr. L. talked to Dr Oliver who suggested increasing the melatonin to 5-6mg twice a day. We did that. It has been 1 1/2 - 2 months now and I notice this morning there seems to be improvement in amount and texture of her fur. Wishful thinking or are we on to something????? Have you emailed Dr O?

Squirt's Mom
12-12-2010, 02:02 PM
Hi Carrol,

We talked after her last UTK panel because I am concerned about her andro and progesterone levels. Funny, as the estradiol returns to normal, these hormones can rise. :rolleyes:

We talked about increasing her melatonin and I did take her to 6mg at nite only a little over a month ago. But then she got sick and since has had some nausea at nite, so I cut her back to the 3mg to see if that would help with the nausea...it hasn't. So she will start back on the 6mg/PM tonite.

I have also added phosphatidylserine (PS) to her regime about a month ago. PS is a phospholipid and has been shown to lower cortisol in human athletes as well as having other benefits for athletes and non-athletes. Here is a link from iHerb concerning PS:


Again, because of the bronchitis and nausea, she hasn't been on it consistently since starting. The plan was to try these two changes, retest in about 40-45 days to see how things were, and go from there.

As for her coat....here is a pic of her in 2007, prior to diagnosis and prior to melatonin -


Here she is now, taken this summer as was the one in '07 -


And here she is this month -


She hasn't lost hair as is expected with Cushing's at all. Even before the melatonin, her coat was good! I wish I had a pic of her tail when she was younger so you could see the difference between it then and now...there is a vast difference I hadn't even noticed til Brianna said something. But, I don't know how long this change has taken to reach the point it is today, but her tail hair is much thinner than it used to be.

When she made her remark, I really started watching Squirt and noting things I saw that were different. That was 2 weekends ago. The only real hair loss I see is some from the lower lids on both eyes. The skin beneath is black. The other things like the drinking and peeing are subtle. She doesn't ask to go out much more often but she pees longer. I am not filling up the water bowl more often, she is just drinking more in one trip than before. She has always been a Miss Piggy but she is acting more concerned with securing food more frequently.

Are you seeing more changes in Chloe other than the coat issue?

Since posting the other day, she has been acting as if she doesn't have Cushing's once again, little huzzy. :rolleyes::p But I am not fooled this time, oh no! Action will be taken and taken soon. After much thought, even before this latest, I seriously doubt I would put Squirt through another surgery so an U/S and Xrays would be added costs that would more than likely lead to nothing. So, I am thinking of starting her on a maintenance dose of Lyso asap. If I can find someone close who does the SNAP test, I would like that done but don't know that it is really necessary at this point.

This is my baby :eek: and I find what little I have learned is rapidly falling through the trap-door of my mind so I fear I am missing something important or doing something dangerous....so please speak up and set me straight, or say you agree! :o

Leslie and Squirt

Squirt's Mom
12-25-2010, 05:03 PM
The maintenance dose is usually 25 to 50 mg of Lysodren per kg of the dog's weight per WEEK (25-50 mg/kg/week) and can be given in divided doses. Example: 500 mg Lysodren per week can be given as 250 mg twice a week, or 375 mg per week could be given as 125 mg three times a week etc. The entire weekly dose is often the same amount as the dose per day that was given during the loading phase.

Squirt weighed 15lbs at her last vet visit. 15/2.2=6.82. 6.82kg x 25mg = 170.5mg/week. hummmm...... 6.82kg x 50mg = 341mg/week. hummmm..... 170.5+341=511.5/2=255.75mg/week for an average between the lowest and highest dose recommended for maintenance. So, to make the division of the tablets easier, 250mg/week for her? 250/6.82=36.66mg/kg to start. Does that sound alright?

12-25-2010, 07:30 PM
Hi Leslie,

I have been wondering the same thing about the maintenance dose for Zoe. She was 18 pounds last vet visit but I think she will be down to 17.5 now.:(

I think you figured it out right.:)



Squirt's Mom
12-27-2010, 11:48 AM
I hope I got the math right, Addy. That is not one of my strong points! :o Hopefully someone with better math skills will double check us on that!

If 250mg a week is right for her, then she'll only need 4 tablets a month. Can they prescribe that few or will we have to get 30 tablets? Guess I will have to ask them, huh?

Now, where is the best place to get Lyso via the web?

12-27-2010, 02:46 PM
Hi Leslie,

You got the math right on determining the maintenance dose, however, your accounting for pills needed per month is incorrect. At 250mg per week, one 500mg pill is good for two weeks so you will only need two pills a month. Your vet should be able to prescribe whatever amount you want.

12-27-2010, 02:55 PM
I looked on line and found some places that compound it with different dosing choices so you would not be limited to 250 mgs.

Did you not want to compound? They had flavored liquid suspended in oil and capsules for a lot of different dosing choices.

I knew the Trilostane was compounded but did not remember reading much about people using compounded mitotane.

Just wondering for you and me. 250 mgs for Zoe comes out to something like 32 mgs per kg.

Just started looking at pricing. Hopefully someone will have some info.



12-27-2010, 03:13 PM
Both Lulu and Jojo are on compounded mitotane which I get from Diamondback Drugs. Small dogs requiring doses less than 125mg (1/4 lysodren pill) usually have to have their dose compounded.

Squirt's Mom
12-28-2010, 01:07 PM
Thanks, Glynda! I figured I would have made a mistake somewhere but that was a simple one! :o Should have used the calculator to determine the number of pills per week....geez!

I found where I can get the compounded Lyso but since 250mg will work for her, then I plan to simply give her 1/4 pill 2x/week. If this works, then I won't need to get a compounded form.

Just before Christmas, I got robbed - my pre-paid debit card was wiped out by someone playing games online to the tune of $1500+. :rolleyes::mad::( That was Squirt's testing money, Trink's surgery money, plus Christmas money. With that gone, I can't have her tested before starting the Lyso. I know the Lyso will address all the hormones that are still elevated and/or rising, while the lignans and melatonin seem to have done their job with the estradiol, bringing it back to normal. This makes me a bit nervous even tho I really think it is time she starts the Lyso.

The signs I was seeing have abated some but are still present at times. The increase in melatonin and/or the PS may be having an effect, reducing the strength of the signs but with her cortisol steady rising and the andro so high I worry about long-term damage. She has been through enough - I don't want kidney, liver damage or diabetes to develop. She has had a great run for nearly 3 years all things considered but now she needs a bit more help.

I'll keep ya'll posted as we move into this phase of our journey.

Leslie and Squirt

Squirt's Mom
01-04-2011, 07:52 PM
Hi ya'll,

Squirt will start her maintenance schedule in the morning at 125mg. I plan to give her the second dose on Sun. morning.

Which brings me to a question I have wondered about for quite some time now. Why isn't maintenance set up to be given every 3rd day regardless of where in the week that falls? Would that not give a more uniform coverage instead of having two days and then three days then two days and so forth between doses? It would be more difficult to keep up with so that may be why.

Leslie and my Sweet Bebe

Casey's Mom
01-04-2011, 09:04 PM
I give Casey her dose every 3 1/2 days so Monday morning and Thursday night. I also have a calendar that is strictly hers so that I can keep track of her Lysodren dosing days, Adequan injections etc.

Hope this helps!

01-04-2011, 10:52 PM
Leslie, why do you have to ask such difficult questions? :D It is easier to keep track of if you simply choose set days of the week to dose. Sounds like you have picked Wednesdays and Sundays which sounds like a good plan to me. My two dogs get three doses per week on Mon, Wed & Fri. There is no doubt in my mind that I would screw up everything if I tried to dose every three days, plus they would not be getting their entire maintenance dose within 7 days. Dr. Feldman says because it's cumulative, it doesn't matter which days you choose as long as the dog gets the total "weekly" dose.

Squirt's Mom
01-05-2011, 10:35 AM
Thanks, Glynda! This old brain of mine often ponders crap! :p

Squirt had her first dose of Lyso this morning in 1/2 tsp of peanut butter. Like a dummy, I crushed the tablet portion in my mortar and some of it stuck to the bowl and pestal but I'm sure she got enough. There was just a fine dusting left on the bowl and pestal but Sun. I will try to get it down her whole...well 1/4 of the whole anyway. ;)

She has become very much opposed to taking pills the last few years so I am going to have to find some new tricks. She will no longer eat American Cheese or cream cheese as she is sure there is a pill hidden in there somewhere - and there was for a long time! I have tried wrapping pills in deli meat, covering them with butter, and the "never-fail" pill-pockets - wrong! Little huzzy will absolutely refuse it all! :rolleyes: ONE thing that may work is giving Trinket something at the same time...but then, what can I give Trink that won't set her colon off? Fun times in the camper to come! :p Yep, yep! I see margaritas and valium in my immediate future! :D

Leslie and Squirt

01-05-2011, 01:37 PM
You can take some of the cooked meat you feed Trinket and put the pill inside the small piece of meat and then give it to Squirt. You could first give Trinket some pea size pieces of the whitefish so Squirt is envious.:cool: Trinket's colon should not be bothered by the same cooked meat she is eating for her meals. I smush the meat around the pill so you can't see it. It doesn't take alot of meat (fish). Would that work?

Zoe can only have turkey so we cook a turkey breast for all her treats and I hide pills inside a very small piece of that meat. Her treats are only cooked turkey breast, we freeze slices and defrost a slice for a few days. I feed Koko the same meat as his treat. You could just cook up some fish and save alittle for a treat reserve.:)


Squirt's Mom
01-05-2011, 02:55 PM
That's a good idea on the fish, Addy! Trink's menu is pre-mixed and smashed to mush at the moment but I can put some pieces of just fish aside for treats on Squirt's pill days. I'll try that and see how it works Sun.


Squirt's Mom
01-09-2011, 12:21 PM
Hi ya'll,

jingle-jangle nerves jingle-jangle

Squirt had her second dose of Lyso (125mg) this morning with her breakfast around 8-8:30am. Thirty minutes ago, she started making a gagging sound but instead of her nose going out, it went down toward the floor and her chest. And she didn't get up, she continued to lay on her bed and just raised her head, nose down and in. Then she laid her head back down. :confused:

Just now, she sat up, looked at me as if she wanted something, then struggled to her feet, stood a second or three then went to the water bowl and drank - nothing strange about the drinking itself. But, she did have a much harder time getting up. :(

The last few nites have been better for her - not restless and less panting, but having a harder time moving around when she does want to. She has been quite playful and had more energy the last day or two as well, exploring longer when she is outside and initiating games with me yesterday afternoon and last nite.

They are calling for snow here starting in the next few hours, so I'm off to get a shovel and let the girls out for a bit. If anything else makes my nerves jingle-jangle, I will report in asap. ;)

Leslie and Squirt

Harley PoMMom
01-09-2011, 01:32 PM
As you already know ;):), Lysodren can cause gastric upset...sounds like maybe, Squirt is having some acid reflux...are you giving pepcid or slippery elm to Squirt before her Lysodren?

Had some snow here too, not that much tho, not even enough to shovel. I hate shoveling :eek:

Keep us posted!!

Love and hugs,

01-09-2011, 10:11 PM
God I hate it when stuff like that happens! Shovel some snow, that sounds like a good idea. Of course I dont have a clue what's going on but I'm sure hoping you and your squirt are ok! Hugs!!!!

01-09-2011, 10:26 PM
We had 5 inches by mid afternoon.. Haven't gone out to check in a while.. Probably up to 8. Expecting a foot. :( Supposed to be 25 below zero too. At least there is no ice. :rolleyes:

PS Hugs to Squirt. You had to go get a shovel? Guess you don't get much snow dear Les.

01-09-2011, 10:50 PM
Hope everythings ok. Keep us updated. Lots of hugs. Lots.

01-10-2011, 01:48 AM
Leslie? You ok? (((worried)))

01-10-2011, 03:21 AM
Leslie has been having computer issues recently. Check in if you can Leslie!


Squirt's Mom
01-10-2011, 10:56 AM
Morning! from snowy Arkansas! :D:D:D

This whole state has shovels out! LOL Schools and businesses closed, gov't. offices closed, grocery store shelves emptied, cars and trucks piled in the ditches and stranded on the roads and hiways. Out here in the country smoke rolls from every chimney within sight; bright red gas cans sit filled on back porches for generators just in case; the cedar and pines are bowed in honor of their Mother's splendor; and the laughter of kids is just starting to echo the whine of four-wheelers. Arkansas is basically at a stand-still but what an awesomely beautiful, humbling stand-still it is!

Squirt is doing ok. I gave her a Tagamet after Lori so kindly reminded me. I don't know why my mind just stops functioning when it comes to Squirt, but it sure does! :eek::o If I had read what I wrote on any other thread, I would have immediately known to try Pepcid or some-such....but when it comes to my Sweet Bebe, I become a total dummy. Just as blank as can be. :rolleyes:

Since starting the Lyso, I have cut the melatonin back to the original 3 & 3. She continues with the 120mg of lignans a day as well. She has continued with the GlycoFlex but next week I will start adding some things, one at a time, to help with the arthritis. I won't put her through any more surgeries unless something like last time happens again where a pin, etc. comes out. There would be no choice in that case. But I won't have the other leg operated on just to give a slight chance of improvement. Her right leg is much better, of course, but she is already bunny-hopping all the time again. I restrict her activities to a degree but no where to the lengths I did with Crys yet but I know the time is coming when that will be necessary. And a cart and buggy may well be in her future!

Squirt LOVES the snow! She always has but we just rarely get any, much less enough to matter. She will put her nose down in the snow and start trudging, plowing a trail with that tail slapping from side to side in joy! She will cram her whole face in the snow then look up at me like, "Did you see that?! You oughta try it, Mom!" When I finally convince her it is time to come in, she will have balls of snow hanging off her belly, legs, chest and face - grinning like mad and happy as a lark. :D Then she crashes and sleeps like a rock! :p I really think she and I are misplaced down here in the south! ;):D

Leslie and Squirt - the Snow Queen

PS. Thanks for the concern, ya'll! Love ya!

01-10-2011, 08:11 PM
[QUOTE=Squirt's Mom;46870]Morning! from snowy Arkansas! :D:D:D

Squirt is doing ok. I gave her a Tagamet after Lori so kindly reminded me. I don't know why my mind just stops functioning when it comes to Squirt, but it sure does! :eek::o If I had read what I wrote on any other thread, I would have immediately known to try Pepcid or some-such....but when it comes to my Sweet Bebe, I become a total dummy. Just as blank as can be. :rolleyes:


I'm glad I'm not the only one that does that!!! My brain draws "blanks" all the time too. Lucky for us some people notice. Sheesh.

Loved the story about Squrit and the snow. So cute!

Casey's Mom
01-10-2011, 11:17 PM
Desi loves to bury her face in the snow and roll in it and Casey loves to eat it as she walks. Casey also loves to roll in snow and they always race to the last bit of snow on the ground in spring to go potty. I know my dogs would truly miss snow so yours must be having so much fun!!

Love and hugs,

marie adams
01-20-2011, 01:27 PM
Hi Leslie,

I just read your post on Palmer's thread about Trink and her antics--LOL it put a smile on my face :):) after having one of my melt downs on the phone with a customer--that is not very professional--hahaha!!!

Take care!!!

Squirt's Mom
01-20-2011, 02:23 PM
Hi Marie,

I am happy that our Little Bauble could give you a laugh today! She's kinda magic that way!

Leslie and the girls - always

01-20-2011, 07:26 PM
Leslie, you and the girls are all kind of magical that way:D

Hope Squirt continues to feel good on her Lysodren and hope little Trinket is feeling better and giving you a poo. ;)

Hey, would it be hard to cut the Lysodren pills into 1/4 pieces?


Squirt's Mom
01-21-2011, 10:08 AM
Hi Addy,

Squirt is doing really good with her Lyso now. The first two weeks on her dosing day, she would be a bit lethargic and have some tummy upset. But this week she has acted no differently when she got her dose Wed. so I take she has adjusted. :)

Cutting the pills is no problem at all! They are large pills with one side already scored. I have numerous pill cutters so I designated one of them as her Lyso cutter. ;) I cut a pill along the score line then put the halves in the cutter and cut them in half again. To make sure she gets the full 125mg/week, I only quarter one half of the pill at a time and separate the halves that I quarter from each other. Does that make sense? I cut one whole pill in half - I put one half back in the bottle - I then cut the other half into quarters - I keep those quarters in a separate bottle - there are never more than 2, 1/4 pieces in that bottle at one time.

When she gets her Lyso, I feed her most of her meal as usual but reserve about a tbsp. Then I put the 1/4 pill in the remainder of her meal and give that to her along with about tsp. of peanut butter for the fat. She now thinks she is getting a special treat on those days! :D

We woke up this morning to find that the connections to the propane tanks had sprung a major leak over nite. $$$$ floating away! :eek::eek: So I'm off to get parts and see if I can fix it to get the heat going again. My little electric heater just can't compete with the 20 degree temps we've had a nite! :p

Leslie and Squirt

Squirt's Mom
01-21-2011, 05:53 PM

My SIL just brought an envelope out to me. I didn't recognize the return address. When I opened it, out fell a hand-ful of pictures of Squirt! They were set in a Christmas setting and she is even wearing a hat in one of them! :p They are GREAT!!! and such a total surprise! Apparently, the lady who groomed her just before we went to AZ took them and is just sending them to me because Squirty is freshly groomed and looking so spiffy.

At first, I thought my SIL had had them done as a gift for me and could not figure out how she got Squirt away from me long enough to have her groomed plus a photo shoot and me not know it! :p Regardless, I was tearing up already when Carolyn said she didn't do it. LOL

I will have to get them scanned in somehow and share them in her album. This is so great! :D

01-21-2011, 06:39 PM
Cutting the pills is no problem at all! They are large pills with one side already scored. I have numerous pill cutters so I designated one of them as her Lyso cutter. ;) I cut a pill along the score line then put the halves in the cutter and cut them in half again. To make sure she gets the full 125mg/week, I only quarter one half of the pill at a time and separate the halves that I quarter from each other. Does that make sense? I cut one whole pill in half - I put one half back in the bottle - I then cut the other half into quarters - I keep those quarters in a separate bottle - there are never more than 2, 1/4 pieces in that bottle at one time.

And I thought I was anal-retentive. :D:p:D

Squirt's Mom
01-21-2011, 06:49 PM
LOL....yeah some just aspire! :p

Squirt's Mom
01-25-2011, 10:40 AM
Hi ya'll,

Squirt is happy. I don't know how else to describe it...she is HAPPY!

On our walks, she is constantly looking back for me and when we make eye contact, she turns and trots on a bit further but never gets out of sight and is never lagging - she is leading now. She will stop and sniff a spot, then bounce away wagging her tail, head up and grinning! It's like everything she finds is new all over again.

She is being mischievous again. We have a signal for picking her up and she usually turns and stands for that to happen. The last few days, tho, it has become a game - one I had forgotten about but she hadn't! I make the signal, she comes like she is going to cooperate, then she starts backing away and spinning and bouncing, grinning like a fool the whole time, her little eyes just sparkling with joy as I try to get hold of her! :p I have remembered that snapping my fingers is the signal for her to stop playing that game if it is necessary to pick her up right then for some reason....but I haven't had the heart to snap them yet. It gives me immense pleasure to see her having such a good time and to know that she remembers how.

Her drinking is back to normal again and she hasn't asked to go out after we are in bed in over 2 weeks. Her skin has more pink to it now and not so much black/purple. Her panting has decreased dramatically and she is sleeping much more peacefully at nite. Her tongue is pink again and not that red color it was. This may sound odd, but her head had felt hot to my hand but it feels much cooler now. She rests on her bed or on one of her blankets instead of the bathroom floor during the day and, at nite, is snuggling next to me again instead of keeping herself separate. She acts no differently now on the days she gets the Lyso than she does on any other day. So, I feel we are making progress and the decision to add the Lyso was the right thing to do.

I love this little mutt so much and am so, so glad to see her acting as if she feels younger and happier than she has in ages.

Leslie and the Queen

01-25-2011, 01:22 PM
Such good news Leslie.:D I am so glad Squirt is responding so well.

Ya' did good!!!!!


marie adams
01-25-2011, 02:35 PM
Hi Leslie,

I can see the smile on your face in the words you used to describe Squirt's new energy and happiness to feel GOOD!!!:):)

I am so happy for you to see this again!!!!:):)

Harley PoMMom
01-25-2011, 04:08 PM
This is wonderful, wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you and sweet Squirt...huge hugs to both of you.

Love and more hugs,

01-25-2011, 04:28 PM
This is such wonderful news about Squirt. I'm glad she's doing so well on the Lyso. It's always so nice to see them doing things that they use to do before.

Squirt's Mom
01-25-2011, 05:26 PM
OMG! SQUIRT JUST PLAYED WITH TOYS!!! I mean PLAYED! :D:D She got her flat squirrel that she has basically ignored and shook it! She would stand on it and snap at the head and then the tail....if I tried to get it, she would growl and go after my hand...just like old times! :D Then I gave her one of the little rope toys and she played tug with me! :D

I honestly thought her toy days were behind her! :o She has had so very little interest. What fun! I was out of breath and had to stop but she was ready for more and played on her own. wow....

01-27-2011, 01:49 PM
Dear Leslie,

After reading your post, I just wanted to head to the nearest pet store and buy a whole bunch of toys for you and Squirt:D

I can't tell you how happy I feel reading your post which is filled with such joy.

You and Squirt are indeed an inspiration and I do learn from you for Zoe every day.:D I thank you for that, my friend.


01-27-2011, 02:00 PM
Hi Leslie,

I am just now seeing your amazing post about Squirt playing with toys. I could read the glee in your writings and I'll be smiling all day long. What a great and heartwarming post!

01-29-2011, 07:33 PM
Oh Leslie....what a great update on Squirt!! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! What an awesome tonic for you....
(((HUGS))) :D

01-29-2011, 09:51 PM
Thinking of you, Squirt and your little bauble...
Tight ones
Xo Jeanette

01-29-2011, 11:10 PM
Oh, Leslie, this is such great news about Squirt. you deserve it. WAY TO GO, SQUIRTSY!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D God willing this will go on for a very long time. We are SO happy for you,
Hugs, Hugs and HUGS,

01-30-2011, 09:41 PM
Woo Hoo Leslie! :D:D:D

Tears of joy my friend, that is wonderful news :D Hugs and happy growls to you, Squirt and Trinket :D:D:D

02-01-2011, 10:58 AM
How is our "Squirtsy" today??

Squirt's Mom
02-01-2011, 01:52 PM
Hi Carroll,

Thanks for asking after my Sweet Bebe! :)

She continues to do really well! Our walks are more frequent so we vary our paths often and she always finds things to enjoy along the way. She picked up on a mole underground the other day, true to her Cairn side! :p, and tracked it for quite some way before she jumped on a spot and started furiously digging. Moe saw the action and came to help; with his big paws, he got to it before she did...which was FINE with me! :eek: I didn't really want to have to take the mole away from her :o but she was having so much fun and it has been such a long time since she "hunted", I had to let her go. She pushes the boundaries of our walks often both in time and distance.

Squirt continues to play our games and with the toys, too. :D:D

We had some heavy rain and fairly strong winds this morning and the noise from the raindrops and gum balls hitting on the camper made her nervous...Trink, too. It was loud. Noises don't usually bother her but I could understand her unease. She wanted on the bed so that is where I put her and she crawled under her blanket for a bit, then was fine once the noise level dropped off.

Right now, she is snoozing on the couch on one side and Trink is on the other, so all is well with us.

Leslie and Squirt

02-01-2011, 02:25 PM
Hi Leslie!

What great news and we all need some great news right now after the last week:(.

Tell us about Moe...we haven't heard about him.

It must be something in the air because Chloe has also been more active. She was never a "playing pup" but does do a mini Bichon buzz periodically now. I thought we might have a problem because she was wanting off the bed during the night, running to the laundry room and barking at a bag of kibble left over from the time before we switched diets (had to because of itching and scratching and for Sparky who has diabetes). I thought "Oh no, here we go with the overeating again" but that was not the problem. It was I who was the problem. In switching the diet, I forgot to take into consideration that Chloe treated the kibble like toys. She takes one out of the bowl; puts it on the floor; paws the ground in front of it; runs, jumps and barks at it and then eats it! Dumb mama, she just wanted to play!:rolleyes:

The weather here in the desert is cool but sunny and pleasant.

It was a busy weekend because my 24 yr old son (my human baby) who is a Navy helicopter pilot, was finishing up a month's leave and he headed back to Guam today. He will have a supervisory job on land for a while and then off to Iraq to do medevac and search and rescue. just one more thing to keep me up at night!:rolleyes:

I sure wish I was on that couch with Squirt and Trink after this past weekend but it is cleaning and laundry for me. Why is it that grown children still leave messes? When I asked Joshua this and reminded him that in officer training they had inspection for neatness, he told me he is messy at home so he doesn't burn himself out!!

If Squirt and Trink are on the couch, where is that big Moe guy.....?

Again, so happy to hear everything is going well. That little squirt Squirt :D (sorry, I just had to do that:o) has a special place in my heart.

Squirt's Mom
02-04-2011, 03:52 PM
Hi ya'll,

Man, Squirt is having a ball in this weather! :p We have been out probably 6-7 times today and most of them were so she could play. :p She has insisted on taking her walks, tho she has done very little "walking". She'll get a bit ahead then turn and run back to me making circles around me, trying to get me to chase her or let her chase me...and of course she usually gets her wish. :p Every time she growls, I laugh, when I laugh she grins and takes off again! We just came back in to warm up and dry off but I can almost promise you she will be sitting at the door before long, begging to go back out there. :D

As long as things don't freeze and make ice, I will let her play. Once the ice starts to build, tho, she will have to be leashed for her own protection. She is feeling so good and so full of herself on the Lyso, I'm afraid she will go too far and hurt her legs.

She is taking fish oils and Vit E for the arthritis along with the GlycoFlex III. I can see a difference in the stiffness she was showing earlier, too. She gets 2130mg of oil (800mg EPA and 400 DHA) and 400 i.u. of the Vit E daily. She gets less than the full amount of the Vit E because it is impossible to get all the oil out of those tiny gel caps. Since both girls are on Vit E, I plan to find a liquid so it will be easier to dose and give. I have used a product called Konch in the past and liked it but it went rancid before I could use it all so I want a smaller bottle of oil this time.

Squirt has always been a Miss Piggy and I said at the beginning of her cush journey that her appetite would not make a good basis for judging signs. Well, in her case, that was wrong. When her signs came up, there was a frenzy and desperation about the piggyness that wasn't present before...or now. It was apparent she felt she was starving and would die if she didn't eat. :( She frantically searched for food outside and inside; when she found it, she inhaled it, seldom bothering to chew. Her head would bounce up and down almost wildly as she threw her meals down her throat. I even saw her bite the sides of the bowl a time or two. :( Now I understand what a Cushing's appetite looks like and am so happy she is no longer driven like that...tho she remains a Miss Piggy. :p;)

Leslie and Squirt, the Snow Queen

PS. Carrol, Moe is my brother's big male - he is supposedly a Bermese Mtn Dog but I think he looks more like a Swiss Mtn Dog. Most folks think he is a giant Beagle when they see him, tho, because his markings are very similar to that breed.

02-04-2011, 08:24 PM
Now I understand what a Cushing's appetite looks like and am so happy she is no longer driven like that...tho she remains a Miss Piggy.

Wow Leslie, your description makes me think of my Zoe to some degree. Glad you discussed that.:) I understand the difference now.

It is so wonderful Squirt is feeling so much better so quickly. You are doing an amazing job with her.

Hope the weather improves for you.


02-04-2011, 09:01 PM
I am so glad to hear that Squirt is continuing to do so well on the Lyso. She's really enjoying herself. :D

02-04-2011, 09:06 PM
Awe... Life is good!

marie adams
02-04-2011, 11:33 PM

I wish I could be there with you to see Squirt and the whole troop on the walks. It makes me smile to read your story. I am sooooo glad the Lyso is working and to be able to see such a difference. I never really saw the energy change in Maddie--the eating big difference she didn't have to inhale the food or steal it.:)

Enjoy your walks.:D:D I always had a cup of coffee on our walks--all the people I saw on the walks were a little jealous because I didn't have to have Maddie on a leash (what control I had on her---sure, she controlled me--haha). It was funny to start to see others having a cup on their walks--what a trend setter I was.:D

Have a great weekend!!!

02-05-2011, 08:30 AM
Tight hugs to you and the girls...:):):)

Xo Jeanette and the Princess :p

02-05-2011, 09:05 AM
Hi my friend,

Love your description of Squirt's games and running around :D, and I'm so glad for you both that the lyso is working wonders for her, and giving you back your happy, playful little girl. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx

02-05-2011, 11:47 AM
Hi Leslie,
Great news about Squirt! So glad our girl is back. It feels so good to see them playing and having fun.
Way to go, mom:D,Love,

Squirt's Mom
05-22-2011, 02:24 PM
Hi ya'll,

Squirt continues to do well with her maintenance of Lyso along with the lignans and melatonin. Her energy remains high, she rests well at night, and the hair on her right leg is finally coming in from the surgery last summer. A few weeks ago, I was brushing her while she lay on the bed and got to wondering if the Lyso had helped the hair on her "other" thigh....so I turned her over only to find the leg I was previously brushing WAS the "other" thigh! :) The hair over the shaved area has grown in so much, I didn't realize that was the leg that was operated on. She never did get the soft undercoat she usually does in the winter but she doesn't need it now for sure so I won't worry about that til this winter.

Speaking of worry....I'll share a little story with ya'll. :o

Mon. nite, I was rubbing Squirt's belly as we lay in bed and felt several lumps in her abdomen - about 5 total. That was about 10pm - by 11:30 I had diagnosed cancer - by 8am it had metastasized. This fine diagnostic work was accomplished while in the midst of multiple tears and hanging over the cliff of a full-blown panic attack. I called Dr. B Tues. morning and took her in to see him at 11:30. He gave her a thorough going over and found 3 lipomas - on her chest. He assured me they were nothing to worry about unless they started growing and interfered with her gait. Well, that's fine, I thought, then asked him about the lumps in her abdomen. He leaned over and whispered, "Those are her boobies." I thought he said, "poopies" and dropped my head on Squirt's chest and said, "You mean I have been up all night crying because you needed to use the bathroom?!" Dr. B said, "Not poopies, BOOBIES, you big boob!" LOL Squirt has lost nearly 2 lbs. since starting the Lyso and I can feel things I used to couldn't and I was feeling her mammary glands! :o:rolleyes::o:p I have been a fool many times in my life but was never so glad to be one as I was Tues.! :)

So, in spite of her over-anxious mom, Squirt is doing just fine!

Leslie and The Queen

05-22-2011, 06:28 PM
LMAO!!! glad I'm not the only one prone to PANIC!

Squirt's Mom
05-22-2011, 06:47 PM
Nooooo, Janis, not by a long shot! :p

05-22-2011, 10:13 PM
too funny.....

BTW...lipomas (sometimes referred to as "fatty tumors") seem to be common w/terriers....my girls also got them when they hit their advanced years. they are nothing to worry about, unless they are in a spot that hinders mobility (like armpit, for instance).

glad to hear Squirt is doing well.

Jeff & Angel Mandy

05-23-2011, 07:47 AM
Leslie, you can relate an occurrence like no other:D:D

I am so glad Squirt is doing well. Keep up the good work.


marie adams
05-23-2011, 01:13 PM

You are too funny!!! I also love your story telling!!:D

So glad Squirt is do so well. When Maddie's fur came back it had a different coloring and texture. At least it is fur....:p:p

Take care!!

Cindy Thoman
05-23-2011, 01:23 PM
Leslie, so glad you had good news to report on Squirt. Just want you to know how much I appreciate all the time you and other's put into this site.
Cindy, Alex and Bear

05-23-2011, 02:07 PM
Hi Leslie,

I'm so glad that Squirt is doing so well on the Lysodren.

06-07-2011, 05:00 PM
Leslie -

I hadn't checked in in awhile. I'm glad to read Squirt is doing well on Lyso. Thanks too for the bit of humor I had to chuckle. Your do have some of the best stories.


Tammy, Crash, & Darby

06-09-2011, 04:06 AM

I am so happy Squirt is doing so well... You give me and Honey Hope.. I've learned so much from you and I just want you to know I really appreciate all the information you have given me.

Take Care
Rhondalyn and Honey

marie adams
06-09-2011, 04:08 PM
Hi Leslie,

So glad things seem to be going good for Squirt.

I love your comment about the Chocovino on Mary Beth's thread. You are so witty. :):)

logans mom
06-10-2011, 01:15 PM
Hi Leslie,

I am glad your Squirt is doing so well on the Lysodren. I really enjoy reading your stories. Laughing out loud feels good. And, thank you for the birthday wishes so many months ago.


Squirt's Mom
07-01-2011, 05:45 PM
Hi ya'll,

Squirt continues to do well with her treatment which continues to do my old heart so much good! A day doesn't pass that she doesn't make me laugh out loud at her antics and sheer enjoyment of life. She has been panting a bit more lately but in the heat we are having, I'm panting a bit more, too! I don't think that is Cushing's related but just simply the heat and humidity. When she wants to stay inside all day long, I know it's too hot for her and she hasn't wanted to stay out very long at all lately. She has always been like her mom about the heat - we were supposed to be Eskimos but got sidetracked somewhere along the line and ended up in the south instead! :p

I don't know if you read Brick's thread or not, but he hurt his foot and the same day he started limping so did Squirt. When I checked her legs and feet, I found 3 burs in her front paws. She has hobbit feet and the burs had gotten meshed up in the hair and pushed down between the big center pad and the smaller ones for the toes. No wonder she was limping! :eek: So we spent about an hour cutting out the burs then trimming her hairy feet to help prevent that from happening again. When we get in the bed, I have been thoroughly checking her feet since finding the burs and she is about tired of that business!

We had a bit of excitement this week with the storms that came thru - lightning struck a tree right behind the camper, ran thru the ground and under the camper. Squirt was inside by herself when it struck and started limping after wards. I was very worried that she had been in touch with metal of some sort when the lightning struck and she had been zapped causing her to limp. Then I found the burs and was so glad I hadn't run to Dr. B in tears again thinking she had been fried. :p The boobie incident is still fresh in my mind! :o:D

She almost got thrown out of the camper the nite the lightning struck due to another panic episode on her mom's part. :o I am absolutely terrified of electricity and was worried that maybe something in the camper wiring could be smoldering just waiting til I fell asleep to burst into flames so I didn't sleep much that nite, to say the least, between the worry and the heat. I was able to get partial power after replacing some demolished fuses but didn't have any over head lights so I borrowed a nite-lite from my niece. It looks like a mini-lava lamp. I put it in the bathroom. Well, we were laying in bed, I was staring around sniffing for smoke when I saw a flicker run up the bathroom door. FIRE!!!!! :eek: I snatched Squirt off the bed and was tossing her out the door when it dawned on me that nite-lite had heated up and was lavaing, making flickers on the door. :o Thank goodness I hadn't called the fire department yet! :D:o Squirt was just pissed at being rudely awakened, slung in the air, bounced back and put right back in bed. LOL Trink and Brick slept thru the excitement and Squirt told them the next morning they were lucky I didn't try to throw them out the door during the nite. If I would do that to her, just imagine what I would do to them. It's a Queen thing, ya know...gotta keep your subjects in line! ;)

Leslie and Squirt, the hobbit-footed Queen

07-01-2011, 08:02 PM
What an adventure, Leslie;) Glad things worked out all right. I had something similar with Zoe two years ago. We had taken the car into the city to walk on sidewalks. How she got burrs on sidewalks, I don't know. She was limping and I could not get the burrs out so put her in the car to drive home to get a scissors. She started pulling them out with her mouth and coughing on them while I was driving. Like you, I am bawling "she is going to die eating those burrs" and I was driving 60 miles an hour in a 35 mile zone, running all the lights to get her home, crying all the way.

Are you sure you are not my long lost sister?

Poor Squirt, poor Brick. Hope everything is fine now.;););)

We all have had some bad storms this year. Hope it is the end of them.

Happy Fourth!!!!

Addy, Zoe and Koko

07-08-2011, 08:34 PM
You guys are funny...

I was just reading this after the long 4th for me. I had to work in the middle of the beach in San Diego from Friday to Monday...anyways...as I was scrolling down the "melatonin" from your title kept flashing...and I thought.


09-18-2011, 06:29 PM
Hi, Leslie -

Haven't heard from you in awhile and I was thinking about you and wondering how Squirt and her boobies are doing? :D Good thing you didn't take her to the vet's after the lightening episode....you may have had to find a new vet!

I hope you are continuing to enjoy the Chocovine! I still think that is amazing stuff....like dessert in a bottle!:rolleyes:

Squirt's Mom
09-22-2011, 10:33 AM
omgomgomgomg!!!!! :eek: My feeble mind has struck once again!

Squirt gets her doses on Wed and Sun but for some insane reason I gave her another dose today!!! :eek:

She went out to pee and was eating grass so I know her tummy is upset but that is all have seen so far. omgomgomgomgomg!!!!!

She wanted to lay under the camper as is her usual but I made her come in so I can keep an eye on her. omgomgomgomg!!!!!

I do have pred and am going to get a dose ready just in case. omgomgomgomg!!!!!

Squirt's Mom
09-22-2011, 10:37 AM
Squirt weighs about 15lbs so 15/2.2=6.82. 6.82x.25=1.705

Is this right? omgomgomgomg!!!!!

How do I get 1.70mg cut from a 20mg tablet?????? omgomgomgomg!!!!!

Squirt's Mom
09-22-2011, 10:55 AM
Ok....I cut it into 8ths then cut the tip off of the 2.5 portion so it is hopefully close to 2mg.....omgomgomgomgomg!!!!

She laying under my legs and is panting rather heavily but is alert. aw geez......

09-22-2011, 11:06 AM
Leslie, I am just about on my way to the airport but saw that you are in distress so wanted to let you know that everything will be fine. You and I suffer from loss of gray matter and I've given my dogs an extra dose on more than one occasion. As I recall, Squirts cortisol is high normal so you have a lot of cushion. If she was in the low end of normal, I might, I repeat, I might be concerned. Try to relax and enjoy your day with your babies. Squirt will be okay. Remember that Lysodren has a cumulative effect and if it was going to effect Squirt at all, it won't be today so quit staring at her. :p

In the unlikely event Squirt should show any adverse effects, the first thing you are likely to notice is a change in her eating so if her appetite is off tonight or tomorrow, give her a rescue dose of prednisone. My flight is only hour (10:15 to 11:15 pacific time) and you have my number if you need me.


P.S. You don't have to be overly precise on cutting the pred pill. If she gets a little more, it won't hurt her.

Squirt's Mom
09-22-2011, 11:10 AM
Bless you bless you bless you....my mind just shuts down at times like this and I can't remember a thing I have learned in all these years! :o:o I am vibrating like crazy right now!

Tho I can promise you I will be staring at her continuously.....:o:rolleyes:

Love you so....please travel safe and have a BLAST!

09-22-2011, 11:11 AM
Okay, Calm down, Glynda told me if I ended giving a little bit more pred to Zoe since her rescue dose was a weird amount too that it would most likely be okay so don't worry about the dose being exact when you cut up the pill.

I am home today except for a quick trip to rehab. Every time you start hyperventalating, just post something and tried to concentrate on your breathing.

It will be oaky, I know it will be okay. You just wont give her anything Sunday. It will be okay, Leslie.

I will go recheck the rescue dose. I saved the equation on my thread.


09-22-2011, 11:21 AM
We are posting at the same time. Your gray matter caclulated the rescue dose perfectly:):):):)

Are you breathing?????????????


Squirt's Mom
09-22-2011, 11:50 AM
Thanks, sweet Addy....I think gasping would be a better description :o:D but I'm not shaking as much as I was. Squirt is gonna be so sick of me by tomorrow! I keep touching her and leaning over to watch her breathing, touching her nose and belly, LISTENING to her belly....geez.....

If ya'll need me, I'll be in the loony bin for a bit!

Harley PoMMom
09-22-2011, 12:14 PM
As Glynda has said, I too believe Squirt will be fine. If you think that this dose is upsetting her tummy, what about giving her some slippery elm?

Sending soothing, calming, and loving hugs...Lori

Squirt's Mom
09-22-2011, 12:25 PM
gosh, that "slipped" my mind, too, Lori! :o Thank you! I'll get some made up right now!

09-22-2011, 12:46 PM
Leslie - try to relax - easier said then done!!! :D we all know that!!! :) I gave Penny her pill one day in the AM and my husband gave it to her a few hrs after -- You told me just to have the pred on hand watch her and it should be fine but I could give her a pred just to be safe - which we did anyway and she was fine - she slept alot that day but she was good - we all do that - we forget everything!!!!! My excuse is Menopause and Chemo brain for me!!!!!! LOL Keep us posted!!

09-22-2011, 03:30 PM
Leslie oh Leslie,

Everything okay? Are you having some Slippery Elm time?

Cha, cha, cha:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Just checking in on ya;)


Squirt's Mom
09-22-2011, 03:55 PM
LOL....yes, I am breathing, not gasping, now and only my head is bobbing around on it's stem instead of the whole body bouncing around! :p

Squirt is doing ok....no indication of problems....but she did run Brick out of his box so she could go in there to avoid my constant attentions. :D She did this right after giving her some SEB...like, "ok, you crazy broad, that is quite enough already!" :o:rolleyes: Queens only want attention when they want attention! :p

Now he's barking at her and she's trying to explain she needs the box more than him right now.

Still worried, of course, but am doing a bit better. Thank you all so very much. What would I do without my cush family????

Love and hugs,
Leslie and a fed-up Squirt

Jenny & Judi in MN
09-22-2011, 04:40 PM
I'm glad Squirt is doing ok. Too cute that the Queen is making sure everyone knows it!


09-22-2011, 10:42 PM

Im so glad both you and Squirt are doing better. Sorry I missed all the hub bub. I guess you, "Aunt Bee'ed" her away! That is what my husband calls it when I hover over him. I love Andy and Gomer.

Hoping for an even better tomorrow.
Rene & Angel Snoop

09-22-2011, 11:21 PM
Leslie - so glad Squirt is fine - I know it was a long day watching over him - I hope you both get a good nites sleep - you need it and deserve it - your a great mom and a fantastic Cush Angel who is always there for us !!!:D Now its rest time for you!!! Post in the AM how the two of you are doing -:)Nite

09-23-2011, 08:37 AM
Hi Leslie,

I hope you and the babies had a restful night and a good sleep. I also wish for you a day filled on sunshine and no worries.

Love ya,

Squirt's Mom
09-23-2011, 11:21 AM
Hi Ya'll,

It was a long nite for Squirt and me both....as well as Trinket who sleeps with us. I slept with the lights and TV on so I could see Squirt all during the nite. I constantly woke her up to be sure she was ok, that she was simply sleeping and not becoming lethargic. By 5am she wanted DOWN! :o So we all went outside for a potty break. Her stool was soft formed. I resisted the strong temptation to give the pred and instead put her back in bed; we slept for 4 hours uninterrupted by a crazy mom. :o We went back out and she had another soft formed poop. Ok....but that is the only thing out of the norm for her.

She is energetic, playful, and still has her typical piggy appetite. So, no pred. As long as she remains herself, there will be no pred. Of course, I am still "Aunt Beeing" her (LOVE that, Rene! :D) and will for the remainder of the day. She headed out to her favorite bathroom area back near the end of the property but I told her "far enough" - one of her commands. She turned and looked at me like, "You gotta be kidding me!" But she complied both times. She's a good girl! If today bring no changes, I will be able to relax and let her breath again. :p

I cannot tell you all how much it means to me to have you here. No matter what happens, you are here to hold me up, tell me to breath, and remind me of what I know when my feeble brain short circuits with panic. I love my cush family more than words can express.

Leslie and Squirt

09-23-2011, 01:36 PM
well, you are almost there, it is 12:30 my time:D

I think she will be just fine, Leslie, but I know you are just like me and you won't feel safe until the clock strikes the "witching hour"

what a week, is there a full moon or something? I thought that was last week:):):)


Leslie, you are always there for me and everyone else. There is not a soul on this forum who would not be there for you:):)

Why, you taught me about twitching, laughing and crying countless times. I will forever remember and I love you.


09-23-2011, 07:33 PM
Hi Leslie I think Squirt made it thru this situation - I think now Mom needs a nice drink and some well needed R & R!!!!!!!! :D You are a wonderful Mom and watch over your little ones with much love and care!!!! You are a wonderful Cush friend and you were there for me from day 1 in January and for my CRISIS in June - I will always be grateful to you and here for you anytime you need to yell:eek: scream:eek: cry:(curse:mad: share good news:):cool: sad news:mad: whatever you need :confused::mad::p;):D:o:):(:rolleyes::cool::eek: You and Squirt are always in our thoughts and prayers

09-23-2011, 09:54 PM
Awwwwww Leslie,

We love you too:).

Been a while but Im on and off here still. Sorry you had to go through this scary experience with our Squirty girl, but knew she would be just fine in your care.

You do deserve a break and some very tight hugs...

Xo Jeanette and the Princess:):p

09-23-2011, 10:13 PM
Leslie... Sorry I just read about your 'fun' last night.... sounds like all is well... how the heck did you end up with 20 mg prednisone pills? :D:confused::D... oh well... you figured it out and they will sure last a long time huh? Glad it turned out ok... remember.. pumpkin is your friend. ;):) Hugs to you both - Kim

09-23-2011, 10:45 PM

You are a very special person. I can not put into words how I have though many times about your dedication to helping the folks here. It is only proper that Squirt will be all right and everything you touch.

I hope and pray that you and your Squirt are resting and making up for all your Aunt Beeing!

Rest well my friend.

Rene & Angel Snoopser

Squirt's Mom
09-24-2011, 09:44 AM
Thanks, ya'll!

Squirt seems fine, Mom is exhausted. :p I did turn the lights and TV off last nite, but was still popping up to touch her, listen to her breathing, and stare for a moment. ;) Twitchers are hard to turn off sometimes! :D:o

Squirt will be glad to be able to spend time under the camper again in one of the many holes she and Moe have dug. They have dug so many, I expect one of these days this thing is gonna tilt! :p:D:p I have threatened to wrap the base, but they love it under there so much. Maybe it will tilt only a little bit. :D

Other than her feeble minded mom, Squirt has been doing well. I remember when I took her to the vet for the first time, and on the form I filled out they asked for her coloring. I went into great detail of all her beautiful colors and where they were - a cream undercoat, a reddish second coat, the long blond hairs, the ears and eyes rimmed in black with an eyeliner look on the eyes, ect. When I saw the official chart, it said she was "tri-colored". TRI-colored!!! I was floored they could reduce her gorgeousness to tri-colored! ;)

Well, she has been losing those lovely blond long hairs for some time now, most of them from her Elizabethan collar, or lion's mane, and her upper torso. So now she looks like she is wearing a reddish blouse with a blond grass skirt! :D And she still abounds in gorgeousness to me! Her coat isn't thinning, she's just losing those Cairn long-hairs as she ages.

One of my many small pleasures with her is to hold her in my arms and walk with her, watching her reactions to the new perspective she has from my height advantage. Watching her ears perk and twitch, her head tensing and raising to see, the way her body will freeze when she sees something really interesting, and the occasions she will turn to look at me like, "Do you see that?!?!" Yesterday, I was carrying her back to the camper when a squirrel jumped from one tree to another right across our path. Squirt's whole body went stiff, legs and all, and she looked at me with huge eyes as if to say, "They fly??? That thing flew!! Did you know they could fly???" I got so tickled I had to stop walking and catch my breath...she was so funny! :p:D:p:D

Again, thank you all for being here while I went temporarily insane....ok, wildly insane! :D

Leslie and The Queen

09-24-2011, 12:46 PM
I just had time to catch up on reading about your chaotic day/night. I am so glad to hear Squirt is okay, and I can totally relate to the constant checking to be sure she is okay. When I am worried about one of my girls, that is ALL I can think about! I'm glad she is happy and didn't need the prednisone either.

Julie & Hannah

09-24-2011, 01:09 PM
Leslie I just love reading your post!!! I love the way you describe things - you really make me laugh!:D:D Especially the flying squirrel!!:) :D Glad Squirt is feeling good - :) Yes we all get insane over our babies - some days more than others for sure!!:)

09-25-2011, 11:41 AM
http://pad2.whstatic.com/images/9/9b/Textsquirrel.png (http://www.wikihow.com/Image:Textsquirrel.png)

Squirt's Mom
09-25-2011, 12:24 PM
Thanks, Ya'll!

Rene, the gif is cute!!! :D

Squirt is doing just fine and so is mom, now. ;) I am going to hold her Sun. dose until tomorrow then back on schedule with Weds' dose.

Thanks again for being here - you are all the absolute BEST!

Leslie and Squirt

09-28-2011, 01:52 PM
Hi Leslie -

I just read about Squirt's little overdose! Glad it all worked out and they didn't keep you in the loony bin for long!

The ONLY way I can EVER keep track of Alivia's medications (and mine) is a weekly pill box. I put all of her meds and supplements in there once every week (Max and me have one, too!). Otherwise I am sure I would over and under dose her on a regular basis since there are times I can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago. :p This is also the only way I would remember to give both of them their monthly heartworm medication. too!

Anyway, glad your excitment has passed!

Squirt's Mom
10-03-2011, 11:32 AM
Hi Ya'll,

FYI - I found a pharmacy that has the lowest price on Lyso while I was searching the last day or so but they don't sell in ARK. However, some of you will be able to take advantage of this lower cost so here is the link -


They say it is on sale at $6.75/pill - a dollar+ per pill savings over most of the others! Maybe some of you can use this info while the sale is ongoing.

Leslie and the gang

10-03-2011, 12:20 PM
If you are a member of Costco, you can get Lysodren much cheaper. If you buy 30 pills, the cost is $5.33 per pill; 50 count is $5.20 per pill and 100 count is $4.99 per pill.


Squirt's Mom
10-03-2011, 12:36 PM
Wish I was! Those are good prices!!! $7.99/pill was the best I could do because 1) I don't use credit cards and 2) where I live. But she's worth it....I'm also having to order nearly all her daily supplements and the supplements/vitamins/minerals I add to her food. Gonna be a tough month at our house! :p

10-03-2011, 02:16 PM
Wow....glad to hear that Squirt has made it through without any real adverse effects! I'd be terrified as well, but logically, a single extra dose of lyso followed by some corrective prednisone should not be problematic, particularly if Squirt didn't have low cortisol to start out with.

It can get crazy when you are trying to manage multiple medicines for your pup, and in some cases, your own medicines! I know there were days when I forgot my own stuff because I was so worried about Mandy's meds!

My newbie has come down with an intestinal bug, so here I am, once again worrying about dog meds...it's a never ending process :-)

Jeff, Angel Mandy & girls

01-16-2012, 12:17 PM
Leslie -

It's been awhile since I've checked in and I was just wondering how you and our buddy Squirt are doing? Hope you enjoyed a good holiday and that winter isn't being too hard on you! :)

Tammy, Crash, and Darby

Squirt's Mom
01-18-2012, 10:47 AM
Hi Tammy,

Thanks so much for checking on Squirt and I! It is past time for an update so I will get to that later on today. Over all, she is doing well.

Leslie and Squirt

01-18-2012, 11:02 AM

Was just checking in to see how Squirt was doing - glad to hear still doing well:):)

hugssssss xoxo

Squirt's Mom
01-18-2012, 02:35 PM
Hi all,

Squirt is doing well. She is a tough old broad like her mom. :p

I have been telling myself she was going to be 15 years old soon but with my feeble mind, I have given her an extra year somewhere along the line. She was born in Feb. of '98 so she will be 14 soon, not 15. I am quite pleased by this revelation! :) When she was first diagnosed with Cushing's, she was 10 and someone said she wouldn't be around much longer. I told them then that I prayed every day for 6 more years - that's all I asked for, 6 more years. Not much to ask; she's a small breed, she's been well cared for, and she is tough so 6 sounded fair. In realizing she is 14, not 15, I feel as if we have more time together. May sound silly, but it is what it is.

She is slowing down, showing signs of her age. She is seeking to be warm again on these cold nites and days instead of laying by the door to catch the cool air coming through. She has started crawling under the covers to sleep curled up against me at nite sometimes again, which she hasn't done in years. She wants to be with me more often than not now, and she has always been very independent. She doesn't always want to take a walk and some days, she only wants a short one. When we do walk, her pace is slower than it was last year - but so is mine. She has continued to lose her Cairn long hairs so the ones she does have left make her look rather ethereal when the sun shines through them just so. Her other two coats are thick still, tho. The lipomas on her chest have grown some but not a lot; they don't cause her any problem walking or laying tho I do try to take care when I pick her up not to press on them. No others have shown up anywhere else and her boobs have remained the same size. :p

Squirt is coming around where Trink is concerned but Brick is another story. Squirt is still the Queen and has no problem reminding either of them of that fact. :D But she and Trink will team up outside and go exploring side by side and Squirt doesn't always cuss her out when Trink sniff at her bowl now. All little Brick has to do is stir the air around Squirt and she tells him off! :rolleyes: But Brick is tough, too, and he just comes right back at her, yapping and growling, teeth bared, bouncing up off the ground with every sound. It's quite fierce to see. :p Of course, Squirt's reaction is - ":rolleyes: Yeah, I'm scared, you little pipsqueak." :D

I'm hoping we have a home soon and have been spending quite a bit of time driving around the area here looking at places. I take Squirt riding with me when I go and she is really enjoying the excursions. It's just her and me, and she truly enjoys the times it's just us. She has seemed to like every place we have seen...even the ones that are falling down! :) So many new smells to check out, she is in hog heaven at every stop. We went to look at one house this weekend and when we stopped, a huge black German Shepherd came charging at the truck. Squirt's window was down and she flew right back at him - from the safety of her seat. ;) But she was convincing enough, that fellow tucked his tail and went home. When we got out, she gave a few more growls his direction just to drive the point home. Turned out, he was actually a nice boy but he gave Squirt a wide berth the whole time we were there. :p

Based on her signs, her Cushing's is doing well with the current treatment. I haven't been able to get a UTK panel done but hope to do that soon. In the grand scheme of things in my little world, there will be many dollars dropped off at the vet's office before we have a home. ;)

I am enjoying every minute I have with my Sweet Bebe. Anytime she wants to play Piggys, we do; Cover Monsters, we do; snuggle, we do. I try to make extra times for just the two of us to do things together. I treasure every hour spent cooking her food and find a strange comfort in the pain it causes me to do so. She is worth this and so much more to me. I am such a lucky mom to have been graced not only with Squirt in my life but two other special babies!

Leslie and the still reigning Queen of Dogdom, Squirt

01-19-2012, 12:22 AM
An early Happy Birthday to the Squirtie! :D
That's really great; I can identify with what you are saying; the years go by too fast and suddenly our babies are aged. But, I find that I really enjoy the "elder" years w/my terriers. They really mellow out....given that they spend their youth being absolutely crazy :p
I really bonded w/my Mandy during her last 3 years...she just went from being an unpredictable nut to a real sweetheart.

Gotta love the pups...I am sitting here with Pebs (the chi-chi) asleep on my chest and Pepper (the aussie terrier) asleep alongside me. I always try to set aside some personal play time with them each day...the joys of youth...

Jeff, Angel Mandy and the Girls

01-19-2012, 09:43 AM
So glad Squirt is doing well, you are an absolute angel Leslie and have helped me so much. Squirt, Trink and Brick are all lucky pups. :)

I did the same thing with Rebel on his birthday I had aged him a year and was thrilled when I looked at the calendar (I always write what age they will be on it) and he was a year younger than I thought!! He must have thought I was nuts dancing around and whooping at him..lol

01-19-2012, 10:06 AM
Leslie - that was a beautiful post:) As I have said many times I love to read your post! Ditto to what Melissa said - you have helped me out so many times also - so glad Squirt is doing well:) Yes she is a tough girl for sure - I have that image in my head of the shepard running away:D:D Your furbabies are so lucky to have a mom like you!!

Hugssss xoxo

01-19-2012, 05:09 PM
Oh Leslie I hope you have many more years with Squirt. I remeber how I loved watching her swim in the pool

AND OMG you are right!!!! Novalsan cleaner- i just made a call to the old vet and the tech gave me that name too!!!! AND I can buy 8 ounces on Amazon.

Now I just have to talk IMS in to the chlorpheniramine antihistamine. Mine expired 3/2011. They probably are not good any more. Almost a year old.


THANK YOU!!!!!!! you are so smart!!!!!!!

love ya,
addy and zoe and koko

01-22-2012, 01:13 AM
i have tears streaming down my face and i holding my dear girls close kissing and kissing and kissing and saying over and over yes that is right, lol they are like uhmmmmm okay mom.......probably thinking its MY hormones. LOL. I treasure every single hour and moment with them, and shysie has been through so much and still trying to have things all settled, that every second counts and i dont want to do anything but be with her and touch her, smell her, kiss her, play, cook, whatever she wants. i simply am most content giving her my all......just as she does me. beautiful beautiful beautiful post. beautiful

01-22-2012, 08:19 AM
There is always such joy and silliness in your stories Leslie. Thank you so much for bringing us into your life. And here's to that glorious miss calculated year you found! I think I did the same with my own age a time or too. =:-0

01-22-2012, 09:00 AM
Hi Leslie-

That was such a wonderful post and was so well written. I can very much relate. Every day that Hannah is doing well is like a gift, and I purposely take (and make) time to just love her and enjoy our time together. She is such a sweet girl who loves her "mom" more than anyone or anything else. She has provided me with so much happiness and many, many laughs. Your thought about just having 6 more years is exactly what I did at the Cushing's diagnosis at age 12, but mine was can I just have a couple more years with her? Then it will feel okay. The truth is, it will never be okay to lose my Hannah, but it will be easier if I feel she has lived a long life to the fullest. I am so happy to hear you have had so much time with Squirt. She sounds like quite the character, and I can tell she has brought you loads of joy, love, and laughter.

Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
02-01-2012, 02:15 PM
Hi ya'll,

Squirt got to go see Dr. B today, tho I'm quite sure that is not how she saw it - "got to"...in her mind it's more like "HAD to". :p

She has been panting a bit more than usual and I was concerned about the heart-worm situation. Good news and could-be-better news. She is heart-worm negative! :D Heart and lungs sound good! :D But some of her labs could be better. Here are the abnormal results -

Squirt - Hematology results 2/1/12 (abnormals only)

WBC = 18.0 x10(9)/L Normal = 6.0 – 16.9
GRANS = 15.5 x10(9)L Normal = 3.3 – 12.0
%GRANS = 86%
NEUT ~ 11.1 x10(9)/L Normal = 2.8 – 10.5
EOS ~ 4.4 x10(9)/L Normal = 0.5 – 1.5
PLT = 800 x10(9)/L Normal = 175 – 500
Retics ~ 0.2%

NOTES – General Hematologic Reminders:
Moderate Granulocytosis
Some Diagnostic Possibilities:
Possible stress
Inflammation with little stress
************************************************** **********
Comprehensive Diagnostic (abnormals only)

ALP – 1012 U/L Normal = 20 – 150 U/L :eek:
ALT – 205 U/L Normal = 10 – 118 U/L
AMY – 1519 U/L Normal = 200 – 1200 U/L (Lypase normal)

Dr B. thinks this is all related to the cortisol levels and, bless his heart, feels he has reached his limit with Cushing's skill and wants us to see an IMS in Little Rock. He has recommended a Dr. Nafe (?sp?). Dr. B sent off a resting cortisol today so when we get those results in, I will make the appt. with Dr. Nafe.

Everything else looks fine to Dr. B and it was one relieved mama that came back home. I was so sure the heart-worm would be positive since it has taken so long to get them tested since learning about the HeartGard I used for decades. :rolleyes: Starting today, she is on Advantage Multi, which is supposed to take care of heart-worm, fleas, and intestinal worms...and can be used in conjunction with the Preventix collar for ticks.

I was also worried to pieces about the panting. Squirt has lived with a smoker for nearly 14 years now and the thought of lung cancer (of course! :o:rolleyes:) was at the forefront of my mind. Hopefully, the panting is just the first sign to show up indicating her cortisol is on the rise. THAT I can deal with! :p

Monday, it is little Brick's turn to get to visit with Dr. B. :D

Leslie and Squirty

02-01-2012, 07:56 PM
Thank god no heartworm! Was there something wrong with your Heartguard? Expired? I often keep it in the closet from year to year (I usually stop giving in the fall, resume in spring)


02-01-2012, 09:40 PM
Yeah no heart worm. Prob right. Cortisol raising. Glad you were one happy mama today!:D.

Hugsssss xo

What was wrong with heart guard??

02-02-2012, 07:35 AM
Hi Leslie,

No heartworm is a good thing. I worry about that as well.
I hope Brick has a good check up since he is next.

What are your thoughts on the high ALP? Does that relate back t.o Squirt panting more? I just wondered.

Super mama Lesie will get it all worked out I know.:D:D So hard to have to wait for test results, then ponder them when they finally arrive.

love you,

Squirt's Mom
02-02-2012, 10:40 AM
Jeff - back in August Dr B told me that the HeartGard had been found to be ineffective against heart-worm as were many other such products. There is a thread in Everything Else about it - here's the link -


I noticed yesterday that Dr. B's office carried nothing for heart-worm now but the Advantage Multi and a new who's name I can't remember but it starts with a "T"....I think. :o:rolleyes: He still recommended the Advantage Multi for my babies so that is what we went with...and it was a bit cheaper than the other one.

Since learning about the HeartGard, I have been a nervous wreck waiting 'til I could get them all tested. When he came in with that little white test contraption, my heart just stopped and when he said "negative", my head dropped in gratitude. Squirt is clear so I expect the others to be as well, tho Brick is at a bit more risk with his short coat.

Unless it has recently started reproduction, the medicine used to treat heart-worms is still not available. But the doxy treatment can be affective it just takes so much longer.

Addy, yes Dr B feels it is connected to rising cortisol. This morning wondered if one the supplements I started her back on a few months ago could be playing a part so I will be researching and asking some questions about that once again as soon as I can. She took the last one this morning...before the thought hit :rolleyes: ...so I will check it out before reordering. She can't take milk thistle so I will also be seeing what else is out there that might help. And there is always the Denamarin/Denosyl. OH! I just remembered SAMe! I have some of that! geez...this old brain...:rolleyes:

I have started convincing myself that her panting is the result of her liver. ;)

I went ahead and made the appt with Dr Nafe yesterday for next Tues. morning. I suggested they call Dr B and have Squirt's novel sent over so they could read it beforehand. :p The girl just giggled so that made me feel good about things there - a bit any way.

I also found out that Dr. Nafe was the 2007 Veterinary of the Year in Arkansas. His specialties are small animal IMS and neurology.

Now for the part I'm sure most of you have been expecting - the GUILT IS EATING ME UP! I was literally sick last nite, puking, thinking that I have made her worse by starting the maintenance instead of loading her. I let my arrogance and finances stop me from doing this the right way. There wasn't any money for an ACTH then but I am telling myself I could have found a way. That's why I couldn't wait for the resting cortisol to come in to make the appt. with Dr Nafe - I have to know and get this going the right direction. I console myself that she is showing only one possible sign - the panting. Her thirst, appetite and urination is all normal, hair and coat normal, belly normal - but her labs could be better. So the Queen of Guilt is firmly ensconced on her thorny Throne this morning.

The Queen of Guilt and the Queen of Dogdom

02-02-2012, 11:03 AM

Thanks for the info on the HeartGuard:eek: Got to look into that and check which one Penny is on - cant think right now but will look

Leslie please dont feel quilty - I know how it is - there are so many tests and treatments for Penny and I have to pick and chose - financially it is so difficult - id we hit the lottery right now we wouldnt hesitate - but we didnt- yet:D - so we have decisions to make - just dont feel quilty - you are a WONDERFUL MOM!!!!!! :)

love and hugsss xoxo

02-02-2012, 01:29 PM
Dear Queen of Guilt,

You have always done what was right for your pups and did the best you could. Always.:):)

We all try things. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. We can't feel guilty when they dont turn out right. How is that any different from me trying Trilostane rather than Lysodren? You tried a maintenance dose and it worked for a while so why do you feel guilty?

So it was not exactly by the book. Our dogs dont read the dang book anyway so what the hey?;);)

Now no more guilt. You are the best mom to your babies and they love you and they could not ask for a better home.


we love you to:D

02-02-2012, 01:36 PM
Hi there Leslie,

It's been a while, but I'm glad Squirty tested negative for that yucky heartworm...ugh...As you know, I can't offer anything on the lab work, (Debbie, where are you? lol), and hope there is nothing to be concerned with.

Thinking of you and the gang with love.

We love you...xo Jeanette and Princess

Harley PoMMom
02-02-2012, 02:30 PM
Sweet Leslie,

You have nothing to feel guilty about, you do everything possible for your furbabies.

Your deep love, commitment, and devotion to them all is very, very evident. No more guilt, hear me!

Sending tons of love and hugs, Lori

02-02-2012, 02:38 PM
Leslie, you better quit beating yourself up or I'll have to come to Arkansas and do it for you. :D Why is it that we tend to forget all we've learned when we're talking about our own dogs? How many times have you, me and others told members that if our dogs were not symptomatic, we wouldn't treat, especially with Lysodren because the appetite and water consumption are all we can rely on for signs of loading? If Squirt's post stim is too high for your comfort what options are you giving yourself.

Squirt's Mom
02-02-2012, 02:45 PM
Options...hummmm...one is to increase her maintenance dose; one is to continue as we are until her signs become stronger; one is to keep beating myself up until you get here to take over from me! :p

marie adams
02-03-2012, 12:48 PM
LOL Leslie from your last post!!!

Oh how I remember the "what do I do" when I thought Maddie's numbers were going up and how the heck would I know if I gave her the right loading amount because how would I see any signs....:eek: Of course it is a guessing game but I did see just that hint of a change.

You know in your heart what to do, but I know it isn't easy. Squirt will do just fine.

I would love to see Glynda come and beat you up for beating yourself up....:D


Squirt's Mom
02-07-2012, 02:56 PM
Hi Ya'll,

Spent the morning in Little Rock with testing. I liked what little I got to know about Dr. Nafe and he was very good with Squirt. Of course, she could have cared less, just let her out of there! ;)

He examined her and he did hear congestion in her upper respiratory tract...but didn't hear any heart murmur during the initial exam. She has had a grade 2 for some time ??? BUT, he kept her in the back for two hours and I didn't get to talk to him when I picked her up. I am to call Fri morning for the UTK panel results and he left instructions for me to continue treating just as I have until we get them back. Maybe he will have more to tell me then. It surprised me when he said he didn't hear a murmur tho.

I did get her resting cortisol from the test at Dr. B's last week -

5.48 ug/dl Normal range 1.0 - 6.0

So it is getting on up there. I am anxious to see the results Fri. but she was really stressed in the office today and probably got more so after having to leave her - I didn't like that part much. ;)

I'll let ya'll know what I learn as I do.

Leslie and Squirt

02-08-2012, 04:37 AM
No heart murr murr. Cool. I don't see how they can hear anything over a dogs breathing. I bought a stethoscope to listen for Kira's heart murr murr and I couldn't even hear a heart bet! I can't find a pulse either. I think she's dead.

02-17-2012, 04:32 AM
Have we learned anything yet?:confused:

Squirt's Mom
02-17-2012, 08:57 AM
Today we are supposed to get Squirt's test results. I have already been calling but just get the recording. Don't they know someone should be on hand 24/7 when a cush mom is expecting test results?!? :p

Off the pace the camper for a few more minutes! Be back when I have the info.

Squirt's Mom
02-17-2012, 09:07 AM

The office is open but Dr. Nafe doesn't get in until 9am! I told the receptionist that I have been up pacing since about 6 and calling for the last 10 minutes. :D

Bless their hearts....they had no idea what kind of mom they were taking on when Squirt and I came through their door.

Back to pacing and staring at the clock....

Squirt's Mom
02-17-2012, 10:14 AM
:D:D Just talked with Dr. Nafe - all results are normal with the exception of the
Androstenedione, which is "very mildly elevated". Dr. Nafe said the melatonin and lignans would continue to work on this hormone. Cortisol is "perfect"! :D:D

When he examined her last week, he mentioned her upper respiratory - he could hear some congestion and noise there. I asked about it and he said unless she started coughing, sneezing, struggling to breath - not to worry about it. I feel so guilty because I smoke and she has lived with that for 14 years. She makes the same noises I do on exhale so I was worried she had emphysema, too - or worse. Dr. Nafe said that smoking is, of course, not good for them to be around but that dogs are not as prone to the same respiratory responses we are - they rarely get problems beyond what he hears in Squirt. Cancers, emphysema and other conditions from second hand smoke are possible but not probable in dogs like in humans. He did say that smush-faced dogs are at more risk than dogs with snouts.

In the exam he also mentioned her mammary glands but we didn't discuss them further so I ask about that, too. He said what he found were some cysts on some of the mammarys but, again, nothing to worry about. He said that these are often found on spayed females that were allowed to go through a heat or two before being fixed, AND that elevated progesterones can cause deposits in the glands resulting in these cysts.

He feels the elevated ALP is the Cushing's and to continue doing what I am to try to help that - Burdock root. I had just put her back on the Burdock not long before the labs Dr. B ran so we hope it will help with the ALP. He was very supportive of my use of nutraceuticals and just asked that I let him know when I add anything else to her mix or change her diet.

Dr. Nafe seems quite knowledgeable and was so kind to Squirt and to me. He listened to my questions and concerns without interrupting then answered in language that was clear, explaining his reasoning in depth. I am very pleased with our first encounter with Dr. Nafe. :) Anyone in the Little Rock, ARK area - I can gladly recommend Dr. Larry Nafe. ;)

This mama is very relieved after talking with him this morning. ~~deep cleansing sigh~~ They are mailing the results to me and when I get them I will post the results.

OH! An important story to share with ya'll - when we were checking out after her exam last week, I asked the receptionist to make a note in Squirt's file to mail copies of all her actual tests results to me because I keep a file at home for her. A lady standing there heard me and said that was a good idea, one she had not thought of but would do from now on. I explained about Squirt having Cushing's and that I had been taught this little trick by my Cushing's forum family. She told me that she had had a dog with Cushing's that weighed 135 lbs and we got to talking about the cost of treatment with Lyso for a dog that size VS one Squirt's size. She then told me that her baby lived seven years after diagnosis and passed from old age. So I wanted to pass this story on, especially for newcomers, so you know that it is possible for our babies to live well and long with this disease with the proper treatment. Never give up hope. ;)

Leslie and Squirt

Harley PoMMom
02-17-2012, 10:22 AM
What a great update about sweet Squirt, we are all sighing with relief with you!!!

Wonderful story about the lady and the files...one never knows when them there angel wings of yours will reach out and touch someone.

Love and hugs,

02-17-2012, 06:18 PM
So so happy for you leslie and little squirt! Squirt is so important to me too! You bring so much hope to this forum. And hope seems to find you. Seven years and this not so little dog still makes it to old age. Wow that is a wonderful message to pass on. Reminds me of the time a women just stepped out of her house, saw my Kira and told me her Husky lived to be 17! A message of hope.

02-17-2012, 08:14 PM
Hi there! What is it you give for elevated ALP??? My Precia could use some help!!!
Hug your baby from me and Precia :)

02-21-2012, 06:34 AM
Hi Squirt!.... umm that's it, just hi! :D

Squirt's Mom
02-21-2012, 10:12 AM
@@@Leena asked -

Hi there! What is it you give for elevated ALP??? My Precia could use some help!!!

I give her Burdock root to help with her liver and gall bladder (for sludge). Burdock is one of the safest herbs (it is actually a nutraceutical - food that has medicinal properties) we can use in our babies. No toxicity has been reported with its use. Here are some links that tell about Burdock root.

***EDITED TO ADD*** While there has been no toxicity reported, Dr. Susan Wynne and Barbara Fougere list an interaction with insulin, oral hypoglycemics and APAP

Budock info:

http://www.florahealth.com/herbal_encyclopedia_usa.cfm?appSession=69589328086 613&RecordID=337&PageID=3&PrevPageID=2&cpipage=7&CPIsortType=&CPIorderBy=&cbCurrentRecordPosition=27


She also gets Astragulus as an immune booster tho it does have properties that help the liver, heart, kidneys, thyroid, lungs and digestive tract. Astragulus is also considered safe but I would advise caution using it in pups with hypothyroid as it depresses thyroid function. Here are some links on Astagulus -

Astragalus info:

http://www.florahealth.com/herbal_encyclopedia_usa.cfm?appSession=26489328391 708



I will post a note on Precia's thread to let you know I have finally answered your question! :o

Squirt's Mom
02-21-2012, 05:10 PM
Got Squirt's test results typed up finally so here they are -

Squirt’s UTK panel – 2/15/12

Cortisol –
Baseline 58.8 Normal range 2.1 – 58.8 ng/ml
Post 101.3 Normal 65.0 – 174.6

Androstenedione –
Baseline 2.23* Normal 0.05 – 0.57 ng/ml
Post 5.47* Normal 0.27 – 3.97

Estradiol –
Baseline 58.6 Normal 30.8 – 69.9 pg/ml
Post 54.3 Normal 27.9 – 69.2

Progesterone –
Baseline 0.40 Normal 0.03 – 0.49 ng/ml
Post 1.36 Normal 0.10 – 1.50

17 OH Progesterone –
Baseline 0.41 Normal 0.08 – 0.77 ng/ml
Post 1.07 Normal 0.40 – 1.62

Aldosterone –
Baseline 78.2 Normal 11 – 139.9 pg/ml
Post 367.0 Normal 72.9 – 398.5

These results indicate presence of increased adrenal activity

Comments: (History – on Lysodren, doing well). Androstenedione elevation is moderate.

Signed - Dr. Hugo Eiler

Harley PoMMom
02-21-2012, 07:58 PM
Even with the elevation in the Androstenedione, I believe those UTK results are excellent! Great job, Leslie!!

02-21-2012, 10:17 PM
Yippy!!!! 8-)

Squirt's Mom
02-26-2012, 11:11 AM
Hi Ya'll,

Yesterday my Sweet Bebe turned 14! :D:D She got her usual breakfast, then we went on a long walk to her favorite area and beyond into new territory. Around noon, I fixed her all-time favorite food, fried egg, and gave it to her. She thoroughly enjoyed it and cleaned the plate back to spotless condition. However, she had to have her face washed after because her beard was solid bright yellow from the yoke of a farm fresh egg. :D

Happy 14th Birthday, Squirt!

I love you more than words can express!

02-26-2012, 11:22 AM
Happiest Birthday
sweet Squirt....:p

Glad mommy spoiled you with some nice meals on such a special day.

We are sending you lots of loving and healthy wishes always.

Aunt Jeanette and cousin Princess...:):)

02-26-2012, 11:28 AM
Sounds like it was a fabulous day for both of you! How fun!

Happy 14th birthday, Squirt!

Julie & Hannah

Harley PoMMom
02-26-2012, 11:52 AM
OMG...how did I miss sweet Squirt's birthday! :(:mad::eek::o

Happy 14th Birthday, dear, sweet Squirt!!

We love you, your mommy, Trink and Brick!!!!

Sending huge and loving hugs,

02-26-2012, 12:08 PM

Awwww you gave your little girl such a wonderful birthday! Yoke all over her beard......priceless!!


Luv and Hugs, Cindy & Penny xoxoxoxo

marie adams
02-26-2012, 12:22 PM
Dear Leslie,

Miss Ella would like you to give Squirt a big fat hug for her birthday!!! Ella is a hugger--those front legs are all over the place!:D

I am so happy for you to be able to spend so many years with Squirt!!!:)


02-26-2012, 01:19 PM
Happy Birthday to the best little swimmer in Arkansas!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday dear Squirt.

Leslie, I just got back from starting to clean out my mom's condo so when I read your birthday post, it was an instant stress reliever and smile maker:D:D:D:D:D:D

Zoe and Koko are sending woofs to you gang


02-26-2012, 02:10 PM
Happy birthday, Squirt! You certainly do look mahhhhhhvelous for your age. Would love to know your secret but please don't tell me that it's your diet. :D I suspect it's all that good lovin your mom has showered on you through the years, right?

Roxee's Dad
02-26-2012, 02:38 PM
:D:D:D Happy Birthday Squirt :D:D:D

02-26-2012, 03:24 PM
Happy Birthday Squirt - hope it was a special day.

Casey's Mom
02-26-2012, 10:32 PM
Happy Birthday Squirt!!!

02-26-2012, 11:13 PM

Love you love you love you

Many many more brithdays.... ;-)

02-27-2012, 08:08 AM
I'm one day late, but hey, let's just give Squirty a whole birthday week to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Marianne, Peg and Luna

02-28-2012, 02:13 AM
ugh!!!! mine is late too!!!!!!!!! we were all shuffling around and finally settled and now its late. sooooooooo............happy happy happy belated birthday!!!!!!! well this way its like your special day has gone into over time!!!!! blessings and hugs sweet squirt. sending you snuggy hugs and nose rubs.

Cindy Thoman
02-28-2012, 03:38 PM
Sorry this is late. Happy Birthday Squirt!!!

Cindy, Alex and Bear

Squirt's Mom
04-30-2012, 03:53 PM
Hi ya'll,

There have been little smears of blood on my sheets this week but Trink is in heat and I just assumed it was her. She and Squirt share on spot on the bed and they each have their own spots they do not share. The smears have been on the shared spot until this morning...they were on Squirt's spot. So we are off to the vet to see what is bleeding and why. It's not much, but there shouldn't be any without an injury and I don't find one anywhere on her.

The hairs on her peepee started turning black about 6 years ago and she has been tested for the reason and none found. She had several UAs in TN that were clean and one here that was clean but that is the only thing I can readily think of that would cause bleeding - crystals or stones - even tho she shows no signs of discomfort or blood in the urine (I've wiped her several times this week to check). Hopefully, I will have an answer for the blood at least shortly.

More when we return!
Leslie and the gang

Squirt's Mom
04-30-2012, 05:38 PM
We're back and no infection, no crystals, no stones. :cool::):cool: The black hair is from a yeast infection! All these years and that has never been mentioned!

Dr B shaved her privates real well so they could get some air and gave me a topical solution to put on it for a few days. He saw no rawness or sores that would account for blood, so it must have been Trink, tho how she managed to sleep in that spot without a fight, I'll never know. :p He told me to watch her real close for the next couple of days just in case as he will be out of town after that.

So, the panicky Mom has struck again! :p Wonder what will send me flying down the road to see Dr B next time? :D

Leslie and Squirt

04-30-2012, 07:07 PM
Oh Leslie,

Thank goodness no crystals or stones. That dang yeast!!!! Im always paranoid about it.

Hope Squirt feels better real soon.


04-30-2012, 08:06 PM
Relief... so glad all is well! :D Scared me! :eek:

"The hairs on her peepee started turning black about 6 years ago and she has been tested for the reason and none found."

Neeka's turned black when she had her first heat. The breeder told me it happens sometimes and not to worry about it. It may go white again or stay black. It stayed black.

You have an intact female? How come?

Squirt's Mom
05-01-2012, 09:51 AM
Hi ya'll,

No, Squirt has been spayed and it didn't turn until years later. What's funny is that she wasn't bothered by that area - no licking or scooting as if it itched. However, since late yesterday afternoon, she has been miserable! :( She jumps up, looking at her back end like "WTH?", she's licking and scooting and sitting funny like she's trying to get all of that area against the floor/ground.

Dr B gave us Surolan which has Miconazole, Polymycin, and Pred in it - fungicide, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory. Didn't notice the pred part yesterday and now that I have and have seen her reaction, I'm not sure if I should keep using the Surolan. My gut says 'no' but I don't know much about yeast in dogs. I know it wasn't bothering her until it was treated yesterday. So, I think I will be looking into herbal fungicides and see what I can learn, see if there isn't a viable solution that doesn't contain pred. :) OH! wonder if the blue solution would work? hummmmm

The pred doesn't seem to have the effect I would have expected - she isn't drinking more, peeing more, nor is her appetite increased. The panting was worse last nite and she couldn't get settled, but the restlessness seemed to be connected to the discomfort she is now experiencing.

We are going to be moving very soon and I really don't want her stressed before that even starts. The move will be stressful enough without her being physically miserable. So if anyone has any ideas, pass them on! :)

Leslie and scootin' Squirt

Jenny & Judi in MN
05-01-2012, 10:29 AM
I hope you start to see some improvement today. Can the pred need 1 or 2 doses before it kicks in?

05-01-2012, 10:51 AM
Leslie, if the Surolan is an ointment or cream, then I really wouldn't expect Squirt to get a marked systemic effect from the prednisone with just short-term use over a limited area of her body.

I hate to say it, but this sounds kinda like a situation where, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!" :o If Squirty has had black hairs for six years with no problem, I'd be inclined to suspend the treatment and forget about it. The poor thing may be very irritated from the shaving, or from an uncomfortable reaction (burning?) to the Surolan.

I know it's not my place to question Dr. B, but it's a shame that she's worse off now than beforehand...


Squirt's Mom
05-01-2012, 10:56 AM
Thanks, Marianne. That's kinda my thinking, too. Maybe getting some air to that area will help as much as anything since she is really hairy and it holds the moisture. I keep her cleaned and trimmed but apparently not short enough nor often enough so I am just going to have to do better. I worry about nicking her with the scissors. :o

05-01-2012, 09:58 PM
Oh Leslie, poor Squirty's peepee. That's not fun at all. Hope she gets some relief soon, and maybe mommy has to fan her puffy area each night while you are in bed...lol...Either way, I'm always thinking of all of you, even though we have been hiding.

Take care of you and sending you and the babes all our love and tight hugs.

xo Jeanette and the Princess

Squirt's Mom
07-01-2012, 03:35 PM
Hi ya'll,

Time for an update on my Sweet Bebe!

The yeast is gone, thanks to a very simply solution - organic yogurt topping her meals (twice a day). YAY!!! She got that for quite a while and now I only give it to her like every third day.

Squirt continues to do well on the Lyso maintenance, supplements, herbs, and diet she has been for some time now tho she did have a few days last week when I got worried. She just wasn’t herself, ya know? Kinda slow, slept a lot and quite clingy when not sleeping, decrease in appetite and increase in pain level but whatever had her down is over and she is back to her usual self. Every time she has these off days, I start The Conversation with myself – “what’s wrong? How much more can she take? Is this the beginning of the end? FIX IT! FIX IT! FIX IT! You’re both ‘fixed out’, fool! NNNOOOOOO!!!!!” :o:rolleyes:

Since moving into the house, she has decided she is big enough now to sleep by herself :D so she usually sleeps in my closet (which is HUGE!) right by the floor vent…and I know she is content there because I seldom hear a sound at nite from that room. I really think her legs have reached the point where the softness of the mattress makes movement difficult and painful so she is more comfortable on a firmer surface…tho she will dig out a blanket to lay on at times.

She thoroughly loves her yard! It isn’t large at all but it is big enough for them to all have room to run, play, hunt, roll, dig, sniff, explore, and sun bathe. The 3’ fence has vertical spaces between the pickets (Brick’s head was measured to make sure he couldn’t get through) and Squirt will sit with one eye against an opening, watching the neighborhood, barking any time something moves. She doesn’t sit there very long, but she checks things out just about every time she goes out – a Queen has to be aware of her domain, ya know! :p

She has become very vocal at mealtimes. It is always rather loud around here as I prepare the various meals for them but since moving, Squirt has started giving it her ear-splitting best! At first, I thought the cortisol must be on the rise, naturally, but as I watched I realized she is just able to really get into the twice-daily Barkfests now that we have a real kitchen again and she is enjoying every minute of it! :D She will also take an Occupy the Kitchen stand which entails laying in the middle of the kitchen floor then snapping and growling whenever any of the others try to pass. This is great fun for her and the others have proven the cartoons right - dogs can walk on their tippy-toes! :p:D:p

I continue to enjoy every moment we have and continue to pray for many, many more to come.

Leslie and Squirt

07-01-2012, 03:48 PM
Glad to see the move went well and that Squirt is well on the mend.


07-01-2012, 07:37 PM
Leslie, thank you for the wonderful update. I always enjoy your writings.
Brought a big smile to my face reading about Squirt in the kitchen:D:D:D

There is no place like home for the pups and you!!!!!

07-01-2012, 07:49 PM
:D Loved that update. I can just picture them all and the backyard, the kitchen and even the closet.... how wonderful for you all! So happy for you. Kim

07-02-2012, 03:35 AM
Oh more happy news. Or semi happy anyway. And who wouldn't enjoy a good Barkfest!!? "Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark..... grrrrr, Bark!" Ok nap time.... Keep them coming Squirt!

07-02-2012, 12:28 PM
What a wonderful, happy update! I love it! :D:D:D

Julie & Hannah

07-02-2012, 01:31 PM
Awwww Leslie,

So happy you all seem settled in and are making wonderful memories in your new home. "Home sweet home, "there's no place like home".

Love to all and tight hugs.

So Jeanette & Princess

Steph n' Ella
07-02-2012, 07:38 PM
How is squirt's hearing? My parents' 15 y/o cocker has become much more vocal...in weird ways...since his hearing has declined. In fact, I don't think he hears himself at all :( When Ella and I visit my parents, Ella hangs out in the pantry (it's a walk in) where the treats are! We look up from what ever we are doing like "where's Ella?" as soon as we check the pantry, there she is! Too smart for her own good!

molly muffin
07-02-2012, 09:07 PM
Leslie, you certainly do have the adventures at your house. So glad Squirts yeast infection is gone. Sort of just cringe at the mere thought of it, poor thing!

Sharlene and Molly

Squirt's Mom
07-03-2012, 09:26 AM
Hi Steph,

Her hearing is going - something I've been noticing for a while now....but she's still selective about it. :p She doesn't always react when I call her name....but open the treat bag and she immediately reacts to the crinkle of the bag from anywhere in the house. :p

It seems to be worse when she is tired and she sleeps very soundly these days so she rarely reacts when she's sleeping. So I know it's slipping away from her. I've started using some hand signs with her so she will know them when it's totally gone. Tash is deaf and she has learned several signals so far but Squirt often just looks at me like, "Why are you doing that stupid thing with your hand??"....or comes to check for treats hidden in it! :D

Steph n' Ella
07-03-2012, 03:37 PM
Awe...poor ol' Squirt! I guess I am lucky in some ways that Ella was trained from a young age to be in the show ring! (Though being neglected as a kennel dog didn't help her health...) She knows tons of hand signals and is a dream on the leash (lead). We do a flat hand down in front of her nose and say "stay" and she will freeze in place...comes in handy!

Squirt's Mom
07-05-2012, 08:58 AM
Well, I had the most heart-pounding Fourth I can remember in a long time. I aged another 20 years, lost 7 lbs in sweat and tears, and can barely move this morning for the aching that covers this old bod.

Around 7pm, I let Squirt out to potty. Thirty minutes later, when she hadn't asked to come back in, I went to tell her it was time to go to bed...and couldn't find her. The back gate has apparently warped as the wood dries and it hadn't latched the last time I went out of it. It was standing open to the field behind the house. Our house sits next to a wooded strip that runs for quite a ways, edged on two sides by very busy highways.

For 2 1/2 hours, I ran the park, calling, knocking on doors. Nothing. I drove the park. Nothing. I drove the surrounding streets and neighborhoods, knocking on doors, asking if anyone had seen her, telling everyone where we lived. Nothing. Several people in the park joined in walking and driving, looking for her; several of us searched the woods. I walked the park again then got in the truck and drove the streets calling her one more time before full dark fell. Nothing. Knowing the odds of me seeing her again were rapidly diminishing as night came, I came back home, devastated.

When I left, I had left all the gates open and the solid front door open so she could see in and know someone was home if she came back. I stood in the street talking with some of the neighbors who had been helping me look then turned to go in. I noticed the front gate was latched as was the one on the porch but thought I must have closed them in habit when I ran for the last drive to search. Just to make sure, I checked the back gate - it was pushed to, tho not latched. Odd, but I was too upset to think much more about the gates. I went up the ramp to the front door and the solid door was closed. When I opened the doors, there was Squirt laying on the living room floor.

I fell to my knees and grabbed her up, bawling my eyes out, never so relieved in my life to see a soul alive. I carried her around the park to everyone I was aware of who had helped look for her but no one admitted finding her and putting her in the house. Whoever it was, saved this old broad. I am no where near close to facing life without Squirt, no where near. I just kept thinking, "Not again. Don't take another child and leave me never knowing what happened, with no answers. That would be asking too much."

The call was made early this morning to the guys who built the fence and none of the babies have been out of my sight. I got up I know 15 times during the night just to make sure she was really here, then to touch Brick and Tash to assure myself we were all safe at home.

Altho we are under a burn ban which means no fireworks for the Holiday, I can assure you there were firecrackers, bottle rockets, Black Cats, and Roman Candles firing one after the other in my old head and heart last nite...and they were NOT enjoyable in the least.

I am happy beyond words to sign this as....
Leslie AND Squirt

07-05-2012, 10:47 AM

I cannot even imagine how terrifying that was! What a horrific experience!

I am so, so, so, so, so, so, so beyond happy that you found her! What a wonderful feeling that must have been. I got teary eyed imagining what it looked like for you to see her there.

I'm so glad someone found her and brought her back to you. Good for you for thinking to knock on so many doors and tell everyone where you live.

Thank God she is okay. I hope you can rest today and just spend time cuddling your pups.

Julie & Hannah

Roxee's Dad
07-05-2012, 11:11 AM
Can't even imagine that gut wrenching feeling. I am so happy Squirt is home. An angel earned his or her wings last night.

Ask your fence guy if he can install return springs on the gates. I put them on my gates, actually it's a city ordinance here because of the swimming pool. I purchased mine at Home Depot.

Squirt's Mom
07-05-2012, 01:07 PM

07-05-2012, 01:41 PM

This moment deserves a group hug all around. My heart was pounding real hard reading your post. Whoosh!

Group hugs, now, go...

xo Jeanette and my sweet girl Princess

molly muffin
07-06-2012, 11:15 PM
Omg! How totally heart stopping! I'm so glad your little squirt is home safe and sound.


07-07-2012, 12:39 AM
Oh Leslie,

It was terrifying reading your post, and I cried when I read that Squirt was home safe and sound. Many hugs all round,

Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx

07-07-2012, 07:16 AM
I have had my sweet hearts go missing several times. And just like you you reach a point where you just say... That's it, it's over, I'll never see them again. I certainly have never had one returned in such a manner though. If you had video cameras, we could see the angel who returned her to you. I wonder. For you to loose Squirt in such a way is just plain unthinkable. To put you thru that was crewel beyond words. I'm not a happy camper.

I have a gate alarm. I'm terrified my dogs might get out. My Neeka is forever scaring me. I look all thru the house, calling her... No Neeka! I dash to the back door ... No Neeka! I turn and yell to my husband and there stands Neeka looking at me. I have no idea where she's hiding at but she's been doing it a lot!

07-10-2012, 03:09 PM
Wow! glad Squirt was ok... maybe she was in the house all along? if her hearing is diminished, it's possible. I've been thru the lost dog saga a few times and it's not fun. I'm kind of paranoid now when I let the 2 little ones out; I'm always checking to make sure the gates are closed (meter reader has left gate open before). At least she is home safe and sound!

Jeff & the Girls

07-24-2012, 07:54 AM
Wow Leslie I haven't checked in in awhile and I just read about ole Squirt's holiday adventure. Silly girl worrying momma like that. Glad everybody is o.k. and I'm sending you all a belated hug! :)

Tammy, Crash, Darby, & Riley (Crash's new little brother)

Squirt's Mom
07-30-2012, 10:30 AM
Hi ya'll,

We had another little thunderstorm yesterday evening and Squirt was a nervous wreck! She didn't start the 3pm alarm to remind me to feed her at 5 but instead wanted in the bed - completely out of character for her. She refused her dinner and all offered treats so I couldn't get the melatonin in her, which would have helped a little bit. I wrapped her up again, this time in a blanket, but it didn't help last nite. I may not have had it wrapped right...who knows. She was panting very hard and shaking all over. Her ears stayed pricked sharp and she had to be touching me at all times or she started whimpering. :( This is NOT my independent baby girl. The storm was over by 7, the sun out and the steam bath begun - but she didn't settle down until after midnight and refused all food until this morning. I went ahead and gave her the Lyso on schedule with her breakfast and she is doing fine so far. Her appetite was back as usual this morning.

I've been wanting to have her liver values looked in more depth and her panting is worrisome, so I went ahead and made an appt with Dr. Nafe, the IMS. She goes in Thurs. morning. Since the panting is the only cush sign she is displaying, I'm not sure an ACTH is merited at this point but it has been a while since her levels were checked so I will defer to Dr N on this. An ultrasound may be called for and I have been debating this possibility for some time. I don't think I will put her through any more surgeries yet I keep remembering what Scott, one of our admins, told me years ago - "It's always better to know than not". So, while surgery may not be a viable option, there may be things I can do to help if there is a problem with one, or more, of her organs. (The thought that half her spleen was left keeps eating at me - could that half have developed another tumor? :eek::( ) Plus, if there is a serious issue, knowing about it and learning what to expect can help me make the right decisions so that she doesn't suffer. Man, that was hard to type. :(

I've been worried about Squirt for some time but kept quiet. I'm prone to worry, ya know. :o I keep telling myself she's 14 1/2, it's been so so hot here, the stress of another move, change in routines, new environment, she misses Moe...these things take a toll. So, I'm gonna go spend more money and either find the problem or find that, once again, PANIC RULES! :D:rolleyes:

So, ya'll pray this is another boob incident! ;)
Leslie and the gang

07-30-2012, 01:15 PM
Oh Leslie,

I will not panic with you. I sure hope it is just the stress of moving, heat, etc. Sas knows a Tellington Touch massage for thunderstorms. What about the thundershirt?

Jenny & Judi in MN
07-30-2012, 01:54 PM
poor Squirt. A guy over on the diabetes forum has earphones that help his dog through loud storms. let me know if you want me to find the link. hugs, Judi

07-30-2012, 02:50 PM
Oh Leslie, I'm praying for another boop incident. Like the others I'm thinking it's just panic. But not unwarranted. keep us posted...

07-30-2012, 08:53 PM
Awww, Im sorry poor Squirt seems off my sweet Leslie,

Seems thunderstorms are at the top of the list of annoyances for our precious pups. Cousin Princess paces back and forth and during last week's storm, she wanted to go into the bathtub:confused: Huh? After the storm was over she settled down.

I do pray and hope this is nothing but the jitters for little old Squirt, so mommy can try to relax.

Thinking of you and the gang always with soo much love.

Tight hugs to all.

xo Jeanette and my girl

molly muffin
07-30-2012, 11:57 PM
Oh poor little Squirt. I certainly do sympathize with the storm stuff, as you know. However, it could be a multitude of things all together, just piling up on her. Either way, you know that no way will you feel better until you Know for sure what is going on.
Hugs and belly rub to the Squirt and gang!

Sharlene and molly muffin

07-31-2012, 03:22 PM
Leslie when your twitcher starts twitching, well it's time to find out what's going on. Poor ole Squirt we know you don't mean to worry your momma like that and that thunderstorm stuff can be scary. Hugs for both of you and keep us posted! Paws crossed! :)

Tammy, Crash, Darby, and Riley

08-01-2012, 08:44 PM
Hi Leslie,

I hope there's nothing too serious wrong with Squirt, and that it is just another boob incident, too. I am a total worrier, so whenever anything is slightly off, I jump to the worst case scenario. So I think a "boob incident" is exactly what you should be hoping for. I hope your appointment goes well. I'll be checking in for updates. You and Squirt are in my thoughts...
Julie & Hannah

Squirt's Mom
08-02-2012, 12:19 PM
Thanks, Julie! I carried your wishes with me this morning! ;)

Squirt is at the vet's now. It is about an hour away and they wanted to keep her for a few hours to do the UTK panel, superchem, and anything else those might merit. Dr. Nafe was interested in the lightening strike last summer and her resulting nervousness, asking if there had been anything else I noticed since then. There really hasn't.

He also explained ALP enzymes to me in a very clear manner. He and Dr. Mark Peterson are friends and Dr Nafe told me about a conversation they had concerning cush pups and ALP. Dr Peterson took 250 cush pups and watched their ALP for 2 years. He concluded that some cush pups simply have high ALP but it didn't mean anything. Dr Nafe told me that the ALP enzyme is made from living cells while the other liver values are produced by dying cells. In cush pups, these living cells sometimes get "turned on" and can't turn off so they are constantly making ALP...but as long as the other liver enzymes are normal, that is not a cause for real concern. When the other liver enzymes - ALT, AST, or GGT - are also elevated, then we are looking at dying cells in the organ which means damage or disease that could be irreparable. Glynda has explained this, too, but it was really nice that he took the time to reassure me.

That's what I know so far! I'll go back and get her in a bit and should have some more info then.

Leslie and Squirt

Squirt's Mom
08-02-2012, 03:57 PM
We're home and Squirt is a mess! She has reacted to this stim like never before. She is very anxious, nervous acting, and glued to my side. Poor girl. :( It IS cloudy, tho....wonder if she feels something coming?

Dr Nafe was in surgery when I picked her up but I got a copy of his notes from today and should have the Chem20 results tomorrow. The UTK will take longer, of course. He didn't notice anything out of the norm on the physical exam. :D When the chem results are in, we will know if anything else needs to be done from there. I really hope this is another case of me being a worry-wart but it had been 7 months since her last UTK panel and it needed to be done in light of her increased panting. I am quite anxious to know those chem results, tho. ;)

Thanks and hugs,
Leslie and Squirt

molly muffin
08-02-2012, 08:11 PM
That sounds like a very good doctor. I love it when things are explained so that I can understand it. I'm not a ditz, but sometimes when the technical terminology and the anxiety hit head on, it's a bit over whelming. That sounds like a really perfect explanation and one I never realized.

I hope Squirt is going to be okay tonight. Not too upset.



08-02-2012, 08:17 PM
Hi Leslie,

I sure hope you are twitching for no reason and all of Squirt's tests are fine. They get nervous even when the barometer starts dropping so that and being at the vets all day may be alot for little girl.

Holding your hand.

Jenny & Judi in MN
08-02-2012, 10:50 PM
I hope she is calming down now. Poor Squirt and poor you. hang in there

08-03-2012, 05:14 AM
I'm anxious to hear those test results too! Yeah and the twitching and all that! ;-) Hugs!

08-03-2012, 06:02 AM
I hope Squirt settled down and you both got some rest.

08-04-2012, 06:43 AM

Oh Leslie,

How are you and Squirt?

Squirt's Mom
08-04-2012, 08:48 AM
HA! Thanks, Addy! :D

Squirt is doing fine now. She settled down later that night and was able to sleep - but once again wanted in the bed, which is just fine with me. :):cool: Her appetite is back to normal, meaning the 3 pm alarm goes off as usual and she is leading the meal time Barkfests again. :p

I called the vet yesterday to find out about the liver values, which have been eating me alive, and they are ALL NORMAL! :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: I didn't ask about anything else, but the tech told me the doc said the labs were "good". We are now waiting on the UTK panel to get in and see if the Cushing's is the cause for the increased panting, and might be playing a role in her increasing anxiety. When that comes in, they will mail copies of the Chem20 and the UTK to me so I can share the numbers with you then. If her levels are off, I will be surprised, tho I do wonder about the effectiveness of the HMR lignans over the long-term. The flax lignans did bring her estradiol back into normal range. She has been on the HMR for about a year now. The last UTK she had done was while on the HMR and the estradiol was normal then as well. I am curious to see if it has continued to maintain the estradiol as well as the flax did. ;)

My grandsons are here for a day or so, and Squirt loves them both to pieces! When Tristan, the oldest, was an infant we could set him on the floor in his little seat and Squirt would circle around him, marking her territory, then lay down in that circle. She was very alert and attentive concerning Tris and no one and nothing entered that circle of hers without her permission. Tris was HER baby period and she guarded him with all her being. When Quentin came along, she wanted him on the floor with her as well. If we lay down on the bed with him, she would start barking and pacing, whining, until we put her on the bed with us. THEN she would start nosing him into a ball, making a nest around him with the covers. But she remained nervous until we put Que on the floor where she felt he was safer. :D If we had them in the swings, she would sit under the seat part and watch every move, back and forth, until the thing stopped. These boys are her boys and she is as glad to have them here as I am!

Leslie and the gang

08-04-2012, 08:11 PM
Hi Leslie,

So good to hear that Squirt's liver values were all normal. What a relief.

What a cute story about Squirt and your grandsons when they were babies. I love the part about her making a nest around one of them with the covers. I can just picture it all! :D

I hope you are all having a good visit.


Tina and Jasper

08-05-2012, 12:48 AM
Glad you and Squirt are doing better!!

Finally got to start reading other posts! Its going to take a long time for me to catch up on everyone!

Shannon & Sunshine

molly muffin
08-05-2012, 07:34 PM
Yippeee, gerat news about Squirt. That is so precious about her and the grandsons. She absolutely has ownership of them both. LOL


Squirt's Mom
08-06-2012, 02:26 PM
Yes, she loves her boys almost as much as I do! :D She was very happy to have them here - and exhausted when they left yesterday. Every whoop and holler had her going to see what was up. LOL Quentin cried a couple of times (he's not as rough and tumble as Tris) and she was by his side as fast as she could get there, staring at him with her liquid brown eyes.

However, Brick and Tasha were the stars of the weekend. Que fell head over heels in love with Mister Brickman and spend a lot of time petting, hugging, and talking to him. When Brick would go into his box for a nap, Que would lay in the floor in front of the door and talk or sing him to sleep. :) Brick was the first thing he looked for each morning.

Tasha apparently developed evil laser eyes over the weekend. :D They played a game in which they died if she looked at them! That entailed a lot of running, jumping, screaming, hollering, hiding, crawling, and covering of the heads with various protective materials - like boxes, pots and bowls! :p:D:p Tasha was in hog heaven. She chased them up and down the house, under furniture, over furniture just as fast as she could go! She slept like a rock last nite! :p

Now, back to "normal" life!
Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
08-06-2012, 02:53 PM
Those babies of yours are going to sleep for a week!!!

I love how the kids and animals interact. Absolutely priceless! You are soooo lucky! :)


Squirt's Mom
08-08-2012, 02:53 PM
Squirt's Chem20 came in the mail today - earlier than I expected, too! Everything, everything, is in normal range including the ALKP! :cool::cool: Now to wait another week or so for the UTK panel to come in. Then, we will hopefully be able to diagnose her with HAM as well. :p

Leslie and the Queen

08-08-2012, 03:38 PM
haaaaaa! You always have a way to make me laugh Leslie. So glad Squirts tests were all gooooood:) and yes HAM is definitely in the horizon--LOL. :D

Love and tight ones to all.
Xo Jeanette and my sweet Princess

08-08-2012, 04:36 PM
Big smiles for you today!!!

08-08-2012, 05:20 PM
Hi Leslie-

What FABULOUS news!!!! :D:D:D

Here's to hoping the remaining test will also be a good report!

Julie & Hannah

08-09-2012, 07:11 AM
Leslie: So glad Squirt's first report was normal. Here is hoping the next one will be the same. My grandchildren are grown. My oldest is staying with me while she does her student teaching since I live closer to her school. I know your puppies enjoy playing with your grandbabies. I so appreciate the information you give on the forum. I am new at all of this and need all the help I can get. I am concerned about the high potassium since it can cause heart trouble in humans and I suppose the same in animals, but I guess lowering the cortisol could lower it. I don't really know. Hugs to you and yours. JoAnne

Squirt's Mom
08-09-2012, 08:37 AM
My Sweet Bebe was sick during the nite with diarrhea and vomiting. :( Her last Lyso dose was Mon. morning and she is due for the other dose for the week today but she isn't going to get it...or any food for right now tho I have let her have water. She isn't showing any signs of pain or walking in the hunch-back posture so I hope it is just a bug. I gave her some SEB during the nite and around 3:30 she vomited for the third and last time. After that, she slept the rest of the nite but isn't showing any interest in getting breakfast. So, I will be twitching and being a HAM today for sure. And, of course, a flying trip to see Dr B isn't out of the picture either. ;)

08-09-2012, 09:35 AM
Oh no, Leslie! I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm glad the vomiting has stopped and that she got some sleep for a few hours. I hope things will improve soon. I know Metronidazole has helped my girls if it goes on too long. I'm going to cross my fingers that it is just a little bug and that you'll be updating us with better news later on. You'll be in my thoughts...

Julie & Hannah

molly muffin
08-09-2012, 09:58 AM
Awww, poor thing, throwing up is no fun. Glad the tests have so far all been great news and hope the next one is too.
Today is going to be good news day, so I'm just positive that your little sweetheart is going to be fine all day. Just a bit of upset tummy maybe.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

08-09-2012, 01:05 PM
Oh no, Leslie, maybe she ate something that did not agree with her. My CoCo has such a sensitive stomach and I know Squirt must have since you give her the slippery elm. Glad she is better this morn. Hope you get some rest. Seems like there is always something with the cushpups, but we all just carry on and hope for a better day which is what I hope for you today. Love JoAnne

Harley PoMMom
08-09-2012, 02:58 PM
Oh Leslie,

So sorry to hear our sweet Squirt is not feeling well and hoping she is feeling much better soon.

Please keep us posted and sending huge and loving hugs to you both.

08-09-2012, 03:13 PM
Well that is not good to hear and I hope sweet Squirt feels better real soon.

Dang, Leslie, always something.

Squirt's Mom
08-09-2012, 05:35 PM
Squirt has slept all day long. Not shown any interest in food at all, not even when the others got treats. No 3pm alarm...and I really miss those. But, she hasn't had to go out except to pee, either, and no signs of nausea. She did get up just a minute ago and go to the kitchen where she stared at me until I gave her 1/2 her normal meal. If this stays in ok, I will give her the other half around midnight or so, and if all is well through the night, she will be back on normal rations in the morning...along with her maintenance dose and other meds.

Thanks for all the kind words and wonderful support. I just don't know what I would do without my family here.

Leslie and Squirt

08-09-2012, 06:37 PM
Hey Leslie: So glad Squirt seems better. Seems like there is always something. Hope she has a restful night. Hugs, JoAnne

molly muffin
08-09-2012, 06:39 PM
That is such good news Leslie! Hope she keeps this down and it was just a little upset tummy. That squirt, she sure knows how to keep you on your toes!


08-09-2012, 06:46 PM
Hi Leslie-
That is such good news! I sure hope all is well and she is happily enjoying a midnight snack! ;)

I don't know what I would do without you guys either. I would probably be certifiably crazy. ;)

Crossing my fingers that Squirt is on the mend.

Julie & Hannah

08-10-2012, 06:58 AM
I hope your baby girl is sounding the 3pm alarm today