View Full Version : Cosmo My Little Man
05-07-2014, 04:55 PM
Dear Cosmo,
It's almost two weeks now. I miss you more than ever Little Buddy. Wish I could turn back the clock. But that would be selfish on my part.
When I cut up veggies, can see your smiling little face. When I cut up watermelon and cantalope, I picture you patiently waiting for your share.
So sorry that you was dealt the bad hand, but you didn't know it. You was always so brave, and never let anyone think you was hurting.
Still getting up at five am, but I don't know why. Your not there.
Miss seeing you wolf down your food.
Sometimes I miss you so much, I think my heart & head will explode.
Will always miss you Little Man. I am so very sorry.
05-08-2014, 07:06 AM
When we love them so much, I know the hole left behind can feel bottomless.
Sweet Cosmo, always to be remembered and honored with both tears and smiles. Always to be remembered with love.
Sending many hugs ~
05-08-2014, 10:46 AM
Thank you for the wise words Marianne. God bless you.
05-09-2014, 10:27 AM
Good morning Little Man. It's going to be a beautiful day.
Still miss you bunches. Hope you are more comfortable now. Just wondering if the vets misdiagnosed your thyroid problem.
This apartment feels so empty. Miss you following me around. Laying in the bathroom on the bath mat, while I take my shower. Miss your little head peeking out from under the bed, while you sleep.
Take care Little Buddy. I love you with all my heart and soul.
05-13-2014, 12:26 PM
So sorry Little Man. What a rough life you had before I found you. We are thankful that we had 10 wonderful years.
Guess it was in the cards. You never had a chance for a really long life. Those people lied to us about where you came from. I always wonder why, even as a puppy you was so aggressive about your food. I now know why you was more aggressive towards humans.
Thankful we saved you from a life a doom. You taught us much, and made us smile everyday with your antics. It is so true that a bichon smiles. We sure miss your smile Little Man.
Say hi to Chrissy.
05-26-2014, 03:22 PM
Still miss you bunches Little Man. Will never forget your happy Bichon smile.
Rita your old groomer said hello. Having a BBQ with all your friends in the neighborhood. Will miss sharing those choice bites of chicken with you.
06-09-2014, 01:48 PM
Making a photo album for you Little Man.
Those darn what if's will get me every time. If I had known it would have turned out like this, maybe we should have stayed in Texas.
You was such a happy little boy. Always ready to go for a ride or play with your toys. Then the diseases started taking their toll and affecting your behavior. But you played tough, and never let anyone know how much pain you was in .
Still miss you so much Little Buddy. It was probably best for you Cosmo. It is in the triple digits, and will probably remain in the triple digits for months. I know the heat bothered you, and with the Cushings it would have been unbearable for you.
Take care Little Man. Talk to you later. :(
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