View Full Version : Cosmo The Bichon's Story (Cosmo has passed)

05-03-2014, 03:10 PM
I knew he had Cushing's back in February. But you know the vets have to test.

A little history about my "Little Man". With Cosmo, life was never easy in the medical department. Just as soon as one problem was taken care of, another would crop up.

Major Illnesses:

Brought my lovable bundle of joy home March 23, 2004.

On 2/13/2007 he was diagnosed with a bad right knee. 2/20/2007 we had knee surgery. All is well except for the allergies, and he was very allergic to flea bites. So we had him on two flea prevention meds.

On 10/13/10 he was diagnosed with severe arthritis in left hip, and moderate arthritis in right hip. He was taking rimadyl for the arthritis.

On 11/08/10 he had more right knee problems. 01/13/11 surgery once again for my brave Little Man.

On 5/23/2011 we head for Phoenix. Cosmo was overjoyed. He loved to ride. We arrived 5/25/2011 in Phoenix. He loved his new home, there was a park right across the street.

He was happy and doing great for the next year. ( What a miracle, no monthly vet trips, except to get meds.)

On 5/4/2012, found out his thyroid was not working, and he would have to take soloxine, in addition to carprofen the rest of his life.

On October 8th, we had to move. On October 10th, he had a full blown allergy attack. Chewing on himself, scratching, itching. The poor little man was miserable. We had to wait 5 days, and then start him on prednisone. (As you all know, you can't mix carprofen and prednisone.) The vet also prescribed tramadol to help.

Cosmo was once again a happy little guy, until October 31st, 2012. While walking him, he all of a sudden let out a blood curdling scream. I scooped him up in my arms and took him home. When hubby arrived home from work we took him to the vets.

It was then found from x rays that his right left hip, had given out. (The vet had to totally knock him out) He would need hip surgery. We borrowed money from hubby's Father. The day of the surgery, the vet called and said Cosmo also had kidney stones, and that those would have to be removed. Our total bill is now almost 2000.00.

Of course with Cosmo, there are always trips to the vet for misc. small problems.

On October 2013, we moved once again. Cosmo's allergies never cleared up, and he was still on prednisone.

It was a miracle moving into our new apartment. The allergies cleared up immediately. We weaned him off the prednisone. He was prednisone free finally. He could now start eating and drinking like a normal healthy dog. He did continue to drink quite a bit of water, but not like when he was on prednisone. His appetite was very healthy, and we believed it was possibly psychological, because of the months of being on prednisone.

In our new place, Cosmo was so happy. He loved the grass and all the new smells. All the residents were shocked to find out that he was almost ten years old. Even with arthritis, he appeared happy when he was outside. But there were times when walking, he would stop and look up. He needed a little help. Such an independent Little Man, we knew he was in severe pain, when that happened.

We never realized that his bunny hop, was because of the pain he was in. The vet here in Phoenix, after the hip and kidney stone surgery, stated that his back legs were actually trash. He was in shock that Cosmo was moving around so much for a dog with such severe hip and leg problems.

Doing great in January. No vet trip except for meds and food. He was now starting to drink more water. His appetite had started to increase too.

In February the Vet said he would need to have a liver panel done. The results of the liver panel were normal except for one chemical. Never received the results from the vets. His appetite now was pitiful. He was hungry all the time. He started panting more, even though it was not hot inside of the apartment.

March the Vet said he would need to have a thyroid panel. Everything was normal on this too.
So the Vet stated again that it could be Cushing’s disease. We gave him a urine sample so that it could be tested. Of course it came back positive.

We then had the LLDS test done pm April 9th. Of course it came back positive. We jumped at the script for Lysodren. Went to the store to pick it up, to find out that 15 pills would be 100.00. Bought half of the script, and returned home to do more research. Cosmo had his yearly examine at this time, and did have cataracts.

When I found out that diarrhea and vomiting were the most common side effects. Started having doubts about this treatment. It would pain him greatly because of his arthritis in his back legs. He had been living with that for 4 plus years. We suspect it is more likely 6 plus years. Since it was not diagnosed until 2010. His left hip at the time of diagnosis, had already reached the Severe stage. He never showed signs of pain or slowed down, because of this.

Then read more information on how they can have set backs, and have to do the induction phase again. My Little Man, already had severe health issues. What a corner we were backed into. Then the hammer fell. We called the vet to find out the cost of the ACHT tests. Our hearts sunk. 225.00 a test. Because of his surgeries, allergies, arthritis, and all the other minor ailments, we had thousands of dollars in Our Little Man. By this time, we had no credit cards, and only could use cash.

We opted not to treat him for Cushing’s. We could not afford the ACHT test, a liver ultrasound, or any of the other tests. We are now at the beginning of April. Poor Cosmo is panting all the time. Even though we keep the apartment at 75 degrees for him. He is wolfing down his food in less than a minute. Drinking water all the time. He is getting pot bellied, and a lot of people are remarking about his weight. ( He still weighed 17.50 pounds) He is very restless. Lays down, gets back up, lays down again. He is spending more time alone. He is now only laying on tile or hard surfaces.

The middle of April, the only thing he is doing, is drinking water, scrounging the floor for crumbs, panting, sleeping, pacing, and going out for walks. (He loved that, as several neighbors would give him little tiny treats.) We would take him for rides in the vehicle when we could make excuses to go out. But we did not have much money left, after all of the tests. But he loved to ride.

We then decided that it was time for the Little Man to be rid of his pain. We decided to send him back to God on April 23rd, 2014. We cooked his favorite meal. Took him for lots of rides, and to the park. On Tuesday April 22nd, could not believe how happy he was. He actually played with a couple of his toys. I just couldn’t bring him down to he Arizona Humane Society on the 23rd.

It was all down hill from there. He spent all day begging for food, drinking water, and panting. Then gave him his dinner at 4pm. He was in the kitchen, getting very vocal, and upset. He wanted more food.

Hubby took him for a walk. When he returned Cosmo’s back right leg had gotten messed up again. It didn’t take much for his leg to start bothering him He waddled as fast as he could for his bed. (Under our bed.) I gave him a pain med. He finally came out to the living room, an hour or so later, and sat by the front door panting. His eyes are looking glassy.

We decided once again, that the time had come. He was just miserable. I could not stand watching him panting and glassy eyed. Every time we went out to the kitchen, he was running out there trying to get anything he could.

The next morning Cosmo, was not even pulling on the leash. That had not happened in years. The Little Man always preferred to be in front. Knew his back right leg was really giving him problems.

We took him down to the Arizona Humane Society on April 24th, 2014, when hubby returned from work. I was just thankful, that AHS was available. Did not want to take him to the vets, as we could not afford what the vet would charge. And did not know if the vet, would tell us, he could work out payments with all the testing . (Why did they not offer this in the beginning?) The AHS was very kind. Cosmo would not be put in a cage, and have to wait. I was so worried about him, getting upset, and wondering when we would return for him. I almost took him back, when he started pulling on his leash. A gentleman by the name of Keith, said I will be with him. I was so grateful. I busted out in tears, and then had to walk out of the AHS. It was one of the hardest things, I ever had to do.

Because Cosmo’s name should have been Murphy. What ever can go wrong, will go wrong. Medically he was dogged for life with minor and major ailments. But nobody ever saw that. He put on such a brave front. Always playing tough dog.

It is such a shame that the costs for the drugs and tests are so expensive. Wish I could have at least tried. The guilt is eating me alive. I miss him so much. But it would have been selfish on my part, to put him through all this with all his other ailments.

My heart and soul was torn out on 04/24/2014. Sure wish I could turn back time. It’s not right to love a beautiful ball of fur so much. This is the first time in 34 years that I do not have some kind of furball in my home. The space just feels so empty.

Thanks in advance for letting me ramble on. The Candle Link helps to ease the pain.

God bless you all.


05-03-2014, 03:38 PM
I am truly sorry. Your little man is without pain because you chose to take the pain on an bare it yourself. I used a box of Kleenex reading your post. I could tell with every word you wrote, how you loved Cosmo. I wish I had a magic wand to make your heart unbroken. Blessings

05-03-2014, 07:32 PM
i am sorry that you lost cosmo. i don't have the money to do all the tests too, so i do understand your choice.
he is pain free now!

05-03-2014, 08:32 PM
It's easy to tell by your story how much Cosmo was loved and it sounds like you took the very best care of him and gave him a great life. I'm so sorry you are without him now. He sounded like a special little boy, I can only imagine how much you miss him.


Harley PoMMom
05-03-2014, 08:51 PM
Dearest Dawn,

I am so terribly sorry for the loss of your beloved Cosmo and my heart goes out to you and your family. Your love for Cosmo and your deep devotion to him is very evident so there is no need for any guilt. We all have gone through the "what ifs" and "should haves" but one must not dwell on those things, and I do hope that soon your tears will be replaced with memories of the happy times you and your dear boy shared. We truly do understand the pain you are feeling and we are here for you.

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

05-04-2014, 03:19 AM

my sincere condolences on your loss of Cosmo.
Please know that Cushing's is not a painful disease and it does sound like Cosmo was in pain. Without treating Cushings, you allowed the Cortisol to remain high which actually helps to alleviate pain and you focused more on the more pressing health issues which is always the way to go.

Without knowing this, it is possible that you helped Cosmo more than you know bu not treating Cushings.

Whether you treat or not, any good vet or specialist will tell you that their quality of life is what matters most and you did what you could to be sure that Cosmo's was wonderful.


05-04-2014, 09:43 AM
This broke my heart...

molly muffin
05-04-2014, 07:51 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Cosmos passed and that your heart is broken. :(

I don't think with the problems with his back legs, hip and knees that treating for cushings, and lowering the cortisol that was likely keeping him as comfortable as possible for so long would have been any doing him any favors as it would have likely caused the pain from the arthritis and bad hip to hurt even more.
You truly were caught in a hard spot. Even with money for testing and medications, often when arthritis is so severe, most people don't end up being able to do the treatment.
You gave Cosmos the best gift of all and this love and he returned it completely. This is a precious gift that will live on in your heart forever.
My sincerest condolences.
Sharlene and molly muffin

05-05-2014, 04:02 PM
Thank you all so much for your kind replies.

Can't believe how much I miss him.

Everyday things bring back so many memories.

God bless you all.

molly muffin
05-05-2014, 07:05 PM
Sending you some great big supportive hugs.
We know the heart break you are going through.


Sharlene and molly muffin

05-08-2014, 09:38 PM
Thank you all for such an informative forum.

After reading quite a bit, have started to wonder if Cosmo could have had Cushing's as early as May 2012. He went for his routine yearly examine and bloodwork. The vet was concerned about some of Cosmo's test values. His calcium and something else was high. (This vet clinic has never given me tests results. I never thought to ask, since they appeared to know what they was doing.) They collected blood to check Calcium and do a T4 tests. The T4 came back high. She then said that he would have to go on Soloxine for the rest of his life. This vet was also quite young, and did not have the experience the other vets in the office had.

Was under the impression that the Soloxine for hypothyrodism, would resolve his problem of always being hungry. It did not. I then remarked to her that maybe it was all in his head.

He has always drank lots of water, but thought that was due to the heat.

He was overweight when we arrived in AZ. (22 pounds) But even with his arthritis, he loved to go for walks, but couldn't go far because of the arthritis. We did manage to get him down to 17.5 pounds, but by then he had been diagnosed with Cushing's.

He did have skin abnormality, but that was because of his allergies. But those appeared to have cleared up, when we moved to AZ, from Houston, TX. He never had a problem with hair loss, in fact his hair grew quite fast, and he had to go to the groomers once a month. His coat was not oily, it was actually dry. He was not lethargic or listless, at this time. He was always raring to go.

I read on another thread, where a dog was diagnosed as having severe Cushing's. The tech at the Vet's office, told me "They either have it or they don't."

Since I did not do any further testing after the Urine Test or the LDDS, would more testing have told me how far advanced the Cushing's was? (Could not afford any more testing. I have stack 2 inches thick of vet bills. Plus what I had read, stated that some of the pups, have to go through the induction phase all over again.)

When the vet told me he had Cushing's, he never mentioned that I would have to stop the Carprofren. I stopped it on my own, in case he needed a dose of predisone. Had I been a different patient, and gone through with the treatment, the results could have been devasting, if a pup, would have needed the predisone.

When I decided not to put him through the Lysodren induction phase, I started him back on the Carprofren.

Beginning to have my doubts about this vet clinic. Quite upset that they have not even called to talk about Cosmo. I guess they don't feel the need to bother, since they can't make any more money off of him. Sent a check the other day to pay off the balance. Emailed them about Cosmo, since it would be too hard to talk on the phone about this. Have not received a response. :(

Thank you for your help. This is truly a wonderful forum, with vast amounts of knowledge. :)