View Full Version : Google X - could they help us?

Squirt's Mom
04-19-2014, 10:21 AM
I'm sitting here in bed with Grace asleep in my lap and listened to a news segment on the Google X research facility. It got me to thinking....we have been saying for as long as I have been around that we need a cortisol monitor for our babies that we can use at home similar to the glucose monitors diabetics use.

Not only do our cush babies need this so do Addison's babies PLUS humans with Cushing's or Addison's AND the equine world. So while the number of cush dogs may not be enough to merit the expense of R&D, surely all of these combined could bring enough force to get their attention long enough to listen. In a cursory jaunt through their website, it looks like they get involved in a wide variety of areas so this shouldn't be out of their realm of possibility.

So what do you think? Is my strange little mind off in lala land or is this worth pursuing? If so, how would we go about presenting our case?


molly muffin
04-19-2014, 10:33 AM
hmm, maybe. I haven't had a chance to look through it as today is crazy around here, but you would need to add in the possibility of human needs and pet needs, something that could be used cross species as they do with diabetes monitoring devices.

Humans have addisons and cushings too, and of course horses also, so there might be something in that. We always need to appeal to the bottom line, which is what will make a company or pharmacutical money, since that is where their main interest always seems to be.
