View Full Version : Managing incontinence w Cushdog/ hind legs collapsing - Sweet Jacob has passed

03-20-2014, 01:58 PM
Hi all!
I'm new here! Heard about this site via another website I was on reading up on Cushing's.

My almost 13 year old male beagle (on the 28th!) name Jacob, was diagnosed with Cushings recently. He's on Trilostane for the next 2 weeks and back to vets for another test.

I believe he has had this for a while, I'd say a least a year, given all the symtoms I've been reading about and thinking back now to what I saw then.

Jacob's 36 lbs, he's a good natured dog, still is. I've had him since he was a pup so my attachment to him is quite strong.

My question is how do you manage the incontinence that comes with Cushings? For example the last couple of nights he's peed in his bed. Last night while watching TV, he got up and peed on the floor. I believe he is also starting some bowel incontinence as well as when I get home from work, there is poo on the floor. Do doggie diapers help?

Any suggestions/tips/advise is most welcomed!

Thanks! :)

Squirt's Mom
03-20-2014, 02:11 PM
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Squirt's Mom
03-20-2014, 02:17 PM
Hi and welcome to you and Jacob! :)

As the cortisol comes back to a more normal level, we typically see the excess peeing coming to an end. Since he has only been on treatment for 2 weeks it may be that the med hasn't had enough time to work on this aspect. Another thought is that the dose is too low but the ACTH in two weeks will tell that story. Another possibility is that he has developed an UTI. I would have this checked asap - our cush pups are prone to UTIs until the cortisol is controlled so this would be my first looksee. ;)

As for losing control of his bowels, this is NOT typical of either the disease or its treatments. Is his appetite still good? Any signs of nausea or vomiting?

Can you tell us what he weighs and the dose of Vetoryl (Trilostane) he is taking? Is it once a day or twice a day?

Does he have any other health issues? Is he taking any other meds, supplements, herbs, etc? If so, what for?

Would you do us a favor? Please round up all the tests that were done to diagnose the Cushing's in Jacob and post them here. On the lab work that shows things like ALP (ALKP), AST, GGT, BUN and so on, we only need to see those results that are too high or too low. Please be sure to include the normal ranges for each value as well as the little letters that go with them. Labs use different ranges so it helps us to see what that lab calls normal.

I'm glad you found us and look forward to learning more about the both of you as time passes!
Leslie and the gang

03-20-2014, 07:37 PM
Hi Leslie
Thanks for the welcome!
I also assumed that the dosage might be too low but vet decided to start him off low and then increase after I bring him back for ACTH. If it is a UTI, is that also treated w antibiotics? I will def get that checked out then!

Appetite is still good. He doesn't eat as much as he used to when he was younger, but for an old guy he still has a pretty hearty appetite :). No vomiting, no nausea. He only vomits if he's gotten a hold of my food if I've left my plate somewhere he can reach.

His weight is about 36 lbs and the dose is 35mg and he gets it once a day in the mornings with food. No other health issues and he's not on any other meds/supplements/herbs.

I will ask for all his test results when I go back for test and post for you!

Glad I found you guys as well!! :D
Tania and Jacob

03-21-2014, 07:12 AM
Hi Tania and Jacob.

When my Tia started the excessive peeing, she would literally look at me and squat and pee in the house. She was 16 pounds so I tried diapers and children's pull-ups on her. Tia couldn't or wouldn't keep them on so I bought 12 month old children's onies and turned them around backwards and used them over the diapers. They have three snaps at the bottom and I left the middle snap open for her tail. Worked like a charm. I have pictures of her in them if you'd like to take a look.

Take care.

03-21-2014, 12:15 PM
They also sell belly bands that hold pads and are waterproof. I used them to potty train my Yorkie and they worked great for us. Blessings

03-21-2014, 12:29 PM
You can also put puppy pads under a towel where she he sleeps, even if you end up using the diapers this will help keep whatever he sleeps on from getting soaked.
The excessive drinking and peeing from Cushings was the longest lasting symptom for my dog. It did not go away that quickly even though my dog had started the medication. It takes awhile so in the meantime if your dog will tolerate wearing the diaper it will make things easier for you. My dog would not wear them but she did use t puppy pads which I put down on the rug where she typically would go. You can start by just putting them in various places around the house, or if your dog tends to go to one area put a couple there and see if he will use them. It may be a little harder to have success with a male dog who is used to lifting his leg. Good luck anyway, hoping your dogs symptoms will start to decrease soon.


03-21-2014, 01:39 PM
Thanks for everyone's replies:

gatorgirl_bama: That is what Jacob does as well. He will look at me, squat and away he goes. He peed in his bed again last night and this morning while getting ready for work, and after his morning walk, he peed a bit in front hallway of apt. I would love to see your Tia in the diaper so see what you mean! Thanks!

goldengirl88: I've used belly bands on him before when he started peeing in my ex's house after we moved in (didn't like the guy) and I bought a belly band which worked alright, but seemed to slide up? Is there a particular brand that you used? Thanks!

Trixie: That is a great idea re the putting puppy pads under a towel where he sleeps. And I will pick up a pack tonight after work. He used to only pee on one spot on the floor but is now peeing pretty much everywhere :( My concern is that the parquet flooring is now discolouring and I live in a rental :| so I need to stop further damage from happening.

How long after you put your dog on meds did the excessive drinking and urination decrease?

I'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone in this. To be honest, I am or was starting to think maybe he was getting worse and not better. He's still a happy dog, still eats, etc and putting him down is not an option. But was a little freaked at how often he's peeing inside the house and also, when I do take him for his walks, how often he pees as well...

I'm new to Cushings and just trying to figure out how to deal with it so any advise is welcome, guys!

Thanks everyone! :)

03-21-2014, 03:15 PM
I bought Toby's belly bands on eBay and there are a variety of different types some have elastic to keep them in place. There are a lot of ladies that sew them and sell them on there. Some are really made well so just take a peek and see. I put a sanitary pad inside Toby's and it stuck to it. If he peed it never came out. Blessings

03-21-2014, 04:50 PM
When you buy belly bands, always make sure there is a pee pocket, meaning, there is gathered elastic that creates a little pocket so that when a dog pees, it keeps the urine away from the body. Urine burns are common when flat belly bands are used, especially if you are not vigilant in changing the pads. I put feminine pads in the pocket and have found that Poise pads are, by far, the most absorbent and wicks the moisture away from the body. I have an old girl with severe incontinence and she lives in a diaper. You can see what I'm talking about in this video:


03-21-2014, 09:15 PM
i was very lucky with my ian. he was dry only 2 hours after his first vetoryl capsule!! and never peed in the house since.
hope your jacob will stop peeing in the house too.
it has ruined some parts of my wooden floor too.

08-21-2014, 07:55 PM
My 13 year old beagle, Jacob, hind legs have been very wobbly the last day or so. He has been slow for a while and I noticed his hind legs were a tiny bit wobbly. He could still run a bit if he wanted and eager to walk. I noticed yesterday while taking him for a walk that they were extremely wobbly and he'd collapse while squatting going to the bathroom. It's almost as if overnight they got worse.
I had to put my dogs in a vacant apt today while repairs were being done to my bathroom and when I went to get them after work, I noticed Jake was covered in pee and poo. I could only guess that while going to the bathroom (in the apt) he'd collapse. And I was right as after I bathed him and took him out, he was very unsteady and wobbly.
I'm bringing him to the vets so his vet can see for himself, but was wondering if anyone had this experience before? And if so, is this the cushings getting worse or is this something else?

I have merged your post into Jacob's original thread so all of his history may be recalled more easily

Harley PoMMom
08-21-2014, 08:09 PM
What dose of Vetoryl is Jake taking? When was his most recent ACTH stimulation test and could you post those results?

Sometimes when a dog's cortisol has dropped too low the dog's legs may get wobbly. Is Jake eating and drinking normally? Any vomiting or diarrhea?

Our feedback will be more meaningful once we know the answers to those questions, ok?

Hugs, Lori

08-21-2014, 09:24 PM
Hi Lori
He is currently taking trilostane 35 mg that I give him every morning. Should have mentioned he was just recently diagnosed w a bladder stone and he was on antibiotics for that. One other thing is he's lost about 10 lbs since January 2014. I actually spoke to vets today before I saw Jacob collapsing and we did discuss having Jake come in for an ACTH stim test as its been since April. But he also wants to do a geriatric blood work on him too to see how jakes organs are doing.
:( I noticed on Jacob's right leg he's got a red sore on inside. Like he's been biting/licking it. Does that mean anything?
He yelps when I try to look at it.

Cooper is missed
08-21-2014, 10:53 PM
I had a beagle Cooper with cushings too. He wasn't doing very well last summer and we were adjusting his veteroyl but when his legs collapsed and he could no longer walk the vet specialist checked the blood pressure in his legs. One leg had no pressure the other was very low. After an abdominal ultrasound they found a blood clot preventing the blood from going to his legs. I would suggest having your vet check for a clot if they cant figure this out. I'm so sorry you're going through this it's so tough to see them sick.

08-22-2014, 03:31 PM
It's w a most heaviest of hearts that I post that today Jacob passed away at about 10:40am.
He had a seizure at 1:45a earlier that morning and after bringing him home from emergency vets, he suffered another at 6:15 a. He didnt snap out of the second one and I made an appt to see his vet. After she examined him, she noticed right side of body had seized up and said it looked as though he suffered a stroke which he would never recover from. I knew it was time to let him go as I saw laying helpless and not really conscious on exam table.
I said my goodbyes and was by his side, of course, when he passed. Thank God he went quickly and peacefully. He almost had this look of relief that he wouldn't have to suffer anymore.
Thanks everyone for your advice.
Tania :(

08-22-2014, 03:35 PM
Oh Tania, I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Godspeed Sweet Jacob.

molly muffin
08-22-2014, 03:41 PM
Oh I am so sorry to hear this. :( My sincerest condolences for your loss. Jacob will forever though, in your heart.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-22-2014, 04:18 PM
Sleep well, Jacob. I am so very sorry for your loss, I wish you and everyone who loved him the very best.

Squirt's Mom
08-22-2014, 04:25 PM
Dear Tania,

I am so sorry to hear about your sweet boy. You both worked so hard to find joy in each day. I know that Jacob is now whole and strong once again just as he was when he was young and his heart is filled with love for his mom. He is running in the Rainbow Fields, ears flapping behind him, singing his heart out with all his friends, new and old. Jacob will watch over you for the rest of your days and when your times comes to cross that Bridge, he will fly into your arms never to be parted again.

Jacob's name has been added to the In Loving Memory thread for 2014 where he will always be remembered as a cherished member of our family.


Our deepest condolences,
Leslie, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, Fox and all our Angels


You're giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.

But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.

So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic, that will
Once more make me whole.

The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it's the only way.

That strength is why I've followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I've loved you all these years...
My partner 'til the end.

Please, understand just what this gift,
You're giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I've lost,
And all my dignity.

You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.

So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that's within you,
To now grant me this appeal.

Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady dog,
My pain and struggle done.

And don't despair my passing,
For I won't be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
And memory I'll stay.

I'll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I'll run,
...a young dog once again.

― In Memory of Asta, Feb. 1997 ♥
by Karen Clouston

08-22-2014, 05:26 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about your precious boy leaving this earth to cross the Rainbow Bridge. I know that he was well loved and will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you today and in the coming days.

Cooper is missed
08-22-2014, 05:48 PM
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know how hard it is to say goodbye to your best friend. My heart goes out to you.

08-22-2014, 06:41 PM
Too many ofbus here know your pain.
I am so sorry for your loss of sweet Jacob.

There are many others waiting to give him a tour in Heaven. HUGS.

08-22-2014, 06:52 PM
May your sweet Jacob be watching over you. With greatest sympathy.
Sonja and Angel Apollo

Harley PoMMom
08-22-2014, 07:53 PM
On Tania,

I am so sorry for the loss of dear Jacob and my heart goes out to you at this most difficult time.

Please know we will always be here for you and do understand the pain you feel.

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

08-22-2014, 08:09 PM
I am so very sorry. It is so hard. We are always here for whatever you may need. Please know that.

08-23-2014, 01:11 AM
Praying for you and Jacob. Doesn't help I know but he is now painfeee and with some mighty fine canine company.

08-23-2014, 10:35 PM
I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear Jacob. They are with us for such a short time yet they give us so much.

08-23-2014, 11:52 PM
I can't thank everyone enough for the support and love I've received. What a nightmare to be going through this. I still expect to get a call from vets to pick him up. I've not touched his bed or dog bowl, everything is where I left it when when I took him in. It was the most heartbreaking thing to wake up to no Jacob - hit like a ton of boulders.

Taking it one minute at a time and I appreciate from the bottom of my heart all the support.


molly muffin
08-24-2014, 12:39 AM
For such little ones, they sure do pack a wallop of personality into a big space. The silence is horrible. I know your heart is broken.
One minute at a time is all a person can do when this happens.
We're here, any time at all for you.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-25-2014, 08:12 PM
First day at work today since Jacob passed. How depressing it was to come home and not be greeted by his sweet happy face. I've now started to sink into the "what ifs" way of thinking. "What if I caught the cushings earlier?" "If I had more money, would that have helped him?"

I had the honor to have him as my companion for just over 13 years and in seconds, he was gone. It's one of the things I have a very hard time swallowing.

Harley PoMMom
08-25-2014, 09:10 PM
Oh Tania,

My heart goes out to you, it is so darn hard losing them. Sending you tons of loving hugs, Lori

My sweet Ginger
08-25-2014, 09:55 PM
I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Jacob. He was a beautiful boy. I'm so sorry. Song

08-27-2014, 02:58 PM
Vets just called to tell me Jacob's ashes ready for pick up. Ugh. This is by far the most gut wrenching time thing of anything I've gone through in life :(

Anyone here who have had their beloved pets ashes returned - what did you do with them?


Harley PoMMom
08-27-2014, 03:15 PM
I bought a wooden urn for my furbaby's ashes and have them sitting next to my bed on a nightstand, I tell them every night that I love and miss them deeply, I don't know why but it makes me feel better to talk to them like that.

Darn it is so incredibly difficult losing one's furbaby, sending loving hugs to you, dear Tania.

08-27-2014, 04:45 PM
A hard day for sure, my condolences on the passing of your Jacob. I hope you find some comfort in bringing him home x

08-27-2014, 04:52 PM
I still have the ashes of my two chihuahua's....Squirt & Lexi!

It is hard to go pick them up, makes everything so final....but hubs & I wanted them home with us where they belonged! In some way there is comfort in that!

08-27-2014, 05:02 PM
Hi I know what a tough time it is and feel for you . My two Maltese passed 12 months apart and both were cremated. I didn't want to see the urns everyday so they are in the top of the spare wardrobe where they are the only things there. Tammy is on her favourite tug and tommy has his toy rabbit- the only toy he played with got the last 5 of. 6 years of his life. Other people scatter the ashes or have them where they can be seen. Very much an individual thing.
Tough time I know and praying for you and Jacob.

molly muffin
08-27-2014, 10:53 PM
Definitely hard when they call and harder when you go to pick them up.

Everyone does their own thing with the ashes, whatever it is that is special to you. Some have a special box created, or an urn, or a chest with their favorite things, it can be anything.

Sending you big hugs.
Sharlene and molly muffin

08-30-2014, 11:17 AM
My precious baby boy Jacob is now home. We picked him up last night and I had my partner go in to get his ashes. My initial feeling was one of shock and disbelief. The thought of my sweet boy who used to run off from me or would run the ravine near home for hours, is now ashes is distressing. I've placed his urn on my nightstand by my bed so he's with me when I sleep. I now feel extreme sadness and lonliness despite having the other two dogs. Jacob was my faithful companion till the end and I miss him with all my heart.

08-30-2014, 11:43 AM
So many of us here understand how you feel. Be kind to yourself.

molly muffin
08-30-2014, 09:45 PM
This is a very hard day, bringing him home, but at least he is home now. We know that your heart is broken. :(

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-30-2014, 11:10 PM
I know you are missing your beautiful Jacob and I'm so sorry you are having to go thru this. Try to remember that your boy is running free now and in no pain. He is perfect and whole. I know it doesn't help you miss him any less. I know that he is with you in spirit, right by your side. I don't believe the spirit ever dies. :)

My friend lost her husband many years ago and he was cremated. She takes his urn everywhere with her. Vacations, day trips, even to the store and back. On his birthday she and her children and grandchildren go out to eat in his honor and set the urn right in the middle of the dinner table. It brings them peace and joy and helps them to feel that he is still with them. Do whatever brings you peace, Tania. Hugs and I'm praying for healing of your broken heart.