View Full Version : Advise needed please

03-19-2014, 04:47 PM
Im new here and was wondering if anyone could give me some advise. I have a little westie Molly who is 12 and is being tested for Cushings but vet is now not sure if she has it. Molly s urine showed very high protein 3.2 2 and bloods showed high alkaline phosphate, also cholesterol was raised. She is drinking lots and weeing lots, she isnt eating very much and seems lethargic. She had acth testing which is inconclusive. Vet is doing ultrasound scan tomorrow. Any ideas what could be wrong please x thank you x

03-19-2014, 06:39 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Dogs with cushing's don't quit eating and other conditions can cause excessive drinking and peeing as well as elevated alkaline phosphatase. Westies are genetically predisposed to irritable bowel syndrome and any GI inflammation can cause an increase in alkaline phosphatase. Based on the limited information you have provided, I personally would be looking at something other than cushing's at this point and I think an abdominal ultrasound is an excellent idea.

It would be very helpful if you posted the actual blood abnormalities and please include the normal reference ranges. Was a urine a culture done to rule out a UTI and identify the bacteria? Part of the urinalysis should have been the urine specific gravity (USG) Can you check to see if you have that result and post it here? Please also post any other urine abnormalities. The more information you can provide, the better.
