View Full Version : Donations of toys, meds

03-19-2014, 12:22 AM
I just lost my precious Border Collie. I have a lot of toys to give to an organization, and also had just refilled a month supply of her medication and wonder where I could give or sell that?

03-19-2014, 06:53 AM
Dear Dorie,

I am so sorry to learn of your loss. In the midst of your own pain, it is so generous of you to want to share your baby's toys and medicine with others. In terms of medications, unfortunately, it is not legal in the United States to sell or even share prescription medications with other private individuals. However, as you might expect, this question had arisen before and our best suggestion is to check with your vet or local shelters/rescue groups to see whether there are programs in your community that can distribute donated medication to others in need. I would suggest the same strategy regarding the toys. Here's a link to a thread on our forum where drug donation is discussed in more detail:


Turning back to your own loss, it would be our privilege to hear more about your dog and also your own journey during this sad time. I know we cannot take away your pain, but we are very good listeners and we really do care. :o

With sincere sympathy,