View Full Version : Sharring the story of Husko the Hero...

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03-18-2014, 05:06 PM
Hello everyone,
My name is Iraklis from Athens,Greece.

Up until recently i was the father of 2 former stray male dogs...
One is Lemmy and is healthy as one can be...
The other was Husko...and his story i want to share here...as soon as i find the strentgh and some clarity to write his story in detail...

Thank you for this wonderful and helpful forum!

P.S. English is not my mother tongue so please forgive me if anything is spelled wrong.

03-18-2014, 05:08 PM
So far, you're doing well :)

Welcome, and I hope that you share soon because it does help many people work through the grief of losing a beloved family member.

03-18-2014, 05:34 PM
Welcome from me too. I would love to hear your story about your Husko once you are able. Please do not feel alone in your grief, we are all here for you, and we want to help. Blessings

molly muffin
03-18-2014, 08:02 PM
Welcome Iraklis. We would love to hear the story of you and Husko and Lemmy.
Your English is just fine.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
03-19-2014, 08:15 AM
Welcome. Thank you for trusting us with Husko's story, for trusting us with your joy and your pain. Breath deep, take your time. Husko understands as do we.

Leslie and the gang

03-21-2014, 07:19 AM
Husko was a stray husky...

He was found in the city of Larissa by a kind young woman in 2010...
This is the first picture we have of him
(btw, when you see a date the order is dd/mm/yyyy)

He was 19kg (42lbs) ...and probably 7-8yo

He was being fed there by some people but many were abusive and hurting him.
He had the tendency to eat paper to ease his hunger...
Was taken to the vet and diagnosed with heart-worm disease.
Went through treatment (2 shots of the medication...the vet said it was a miracle he was still alive),got neutered
and finally outside
Was fostered by some good people (the dog the young woman has didn't want Husko around) until he found a good home.
Here's a pic from a foster home...

Was adopted in January but returned days later...don't know why...again was fostered by some good people...

Fortunately there are many pictures of this period in time (i was never a person taking many pictures and i regret that i don't have many many pictures and videos of our life together...

03-21-2014, 07:46 AM
What a very sad life this poor baby had. I cannot imagine him eating paper because he was hungry. This story is heart breaking, and I am so glad you have him the home he deserved. I am happy that he did experience love, and finally had a person of his own to live out his life with. Blessings

03-21-2014, 08:16 AM
I adopted him May 2011...

It had been 8 years since my last baby died due to kidney failure,
and i was sooooo happy to have a furbaby again...

btw,His fur had been shaved and allowed to grow again ,because it had been matted after 7-8 years in the streets.

This is our first picture together...

and this is his first video in my house same day...

03-21-2014, 09:14 AM
I remember Husko waking me up at 05:00 the next day ,to take him outside to pee......As he wasn't with me for a long time and i woke up abruptly i thought i suddenly saw a wolf in front of me and for a moment got a scare... :)

I was sooo happy being the parent of a dog again after so many years...
Going for walks...
giving his meal&water...
petting his head&neck (if you extended your arm, he poked it with his head and force you to pet his head) ,
our first visit to the vet ,
trying to teach him basic commands...(He already knew to ''sit''...managed to teach him ''down'' and ''leave it'' too...got bitten in the process of the latter too...and as a Husky he listened to ''come'' whenever he wanted though... :)) ,
playing whenever he wanted ,
sleeping wherever he wanted (he never wanted an actual 'sleeping place in the house...favorite spot was the balcony during the summer) ,
being greeted at the door (whenever he felt like it...many times he was busy with himself or sleeping :) or checking/watching the neighbors out on the balcony...) ,

.......the simple things we all know and love to do...

03-21-2014, 12:07 PM
I am sorry but I tried on 2 computers, and cannot bring up these pictures. It simply says the page is no longer available. I am glad you are sharing this story with us. Each one of these dogs deserves remembrance at the very least. I will continue to watch for any more of your postings. The people on here really do know the deep connection and sorrow you feel over the loss of Husko. Blessings

molly muffin
03-21-2014, 01:36 PM
Loving the story of Husko. :)

So happy you found each other.

You can create an album for Husko on here and directly upload your photos to it.

It's under your profile. Let us know if you need any help with it.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-21-2014, 05:23 PM
A week later I found Lemmy while taking Husko for a walk...
he followed me home...
I thought i would neuter/vaccinate him and give him for adoption...

Lemmy being a young devil had other plans...
He would be a handful to most people and I feared he wouldn't find a proper home so...our family grew...

I thought it would be better if they had each other and played...
Actually Husko always was a bit of a 'prince' and ignored all dogs as if they weren't there...
Lemmy wanted to play and annoyed Husko all the time...they sometimes played though...playing always stopped when Husko bit&grabbed Lemmy by his ear and bring him to me while Lemmy whined...

molly muffin
03-21-2014, 05:27 PM
Loving Husko and families story. The pictures are great! thank you

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-21-2014, 06:00 PM
Husko never liked water and thunders.

It was funny and cute how he left the balcony and came near my bed to sleep whenever a thunder struck...

I also remember feeling puzzled seeing him go near a lake and stepping in water ,as he hated being bathed, only to see him appear behind the bushes with a duck in his teeth...:eek:
(of course i managed to release the duck and set her free)

One time he lunged at someones face (actually the sandwhich in front of his mouth) and I panicked and shouted hard at him...also implemented the Cesar Millan 'bite to the neck' in order he NEVER does this again...I was scared someone might sue us and he'd be euthanized...never did anything remotely similar thankfully...

btw, first year both were fed 'Bosch adult' then 'Cibau adult' ,all 2012 both were fed 'Orijen adult/senior' (funds improved) and early 2013 'Applaws adult'...summer 2013 onwards is a future story...

On September 19th i took him to the vet and he was diagnosed with erlichiosis...(refused to eat his normal food and only accepted raw Turkey for 3 days...thought he was just getting picky...than on the 4rth day refused anything and in a very bad mood so i took his temperature and it was 42 Celsius...went to the vent first thing in the morning the next day)...all went well after 2 shots (days apart) and a month of Vibramycin (if i remember correctly).

Days/weeks/months passed...going for walks...hanging at the park with some friends ,many times all night long during the summer.
Though I am regretting now and feel guilty for every single walk or even minute of walks not had because of bad weather or being dead-tired from work...
I should mention that 90%-95% of our walks were during night-time after work.

Both finally got microchipped on the 10nth April 2012 and their annual vaccines on the 24th April 2012 (Huskos' last due to age and after rescent research probably Lemmys' last too...).
Of course every 3-4 months a pill of Dolpac was given...

03-21-2014, 06:21 PM
Should mention that Husko had gone from 19kg (42lbs) when found, to an overweight 29kg(64lbs) in 2012 , to 26kg(57lbs) in February 2013 and still a bit overweight...

These are from New Years Eve 2011>2012...one of my better memories...
a quiet family time (actually just Husko,Lemmy, mother and me in the kitchen)...and the biggest bone-treats i could afford...


btw, have I mentioned huskies shed? :)

03-21-2014, 06:44 PM
I am loving this story you are painting in my mind about these dogs. I loved looking at the pictures. Beautiful babies, and looked happy outside. Thank you for giving me a glimpse into your world, Blessings

03-21-2014, 06:50 PM
Forgot...it snowed here in Athens on February 2012...
some of my favorite pictures are from this day...


03-21-2014, 06:58 PM
Some pictures from 2012
Last picture of 2012

Late December 2012 I lost my job due to the current economic crisis...

Even though i took the unemployment benefit for 2013 , 360euros a month to help support a 4 person (brother working but rarely contributing and mother has a part time job paying next to nothing...father is a lazy prick...) & 2 dog family is very difficult...

I went into depression...spending all day playing PC games and watching movies all day long...for almost 2 months...
Finally got over it ,but no jobs were anywhere to be found for months...

I got both my furbabies checked at the vet middle of February 2013. According to the vet Husko was ''turbo-healthy'' considering his was probably 10yo at the time...

These are the ''off'' Low or High numbers i see...
WBC L 5,16 * 10^3 cells/μL
MCV H 77,0 fL
MCHC L 30,2 q/dL
CHCM L 30,0 q/dL
RDW L 11,8 %

Neut 66,8% L
Mono 3,4% L


03-21-2014, 07:06 PM
Love the picture of them lying beside one another. Did you have an ACTH test done? Blessings

03-21-2014, 07:22 PM
Since almost the start of 2013 i was taking them on 5-15min ''bicycle-walks/jogs/runs'' almost every other night in order for Husko to drop some weight...
I eventually noticed a slow decline in Huskos' endurance...considering he was probably 10yo.
Come March i stopped it completely because i didn't want to do harm to Husko by making him jog/run...he was clearly not enjoying it.

These are maybe the last pictures of Husko healthy (late April)...

Looking back, i remember bathing him in May and noticing his skull had a bit less muscle mass on the top...(he always hated the bath so i only bathed him 2-3 times a year ,but used a vinegar-wet towel every 1-2months)...figured my baby is just getting older...

Can't remember when exactly i noticed he couldn't jump anymore for treats...maybe as far back as 2012...

He slowly seemed to loose strength in his hind legs...
By early June he sometimes needed a tiny gentle touch of help to stand up...
So...just to be safe...we went to the vet...
A visit i will always regret for the rest of my life...

03-21-2014, 07:36 PM

It is important to mention sth very important that played a big role in events to come...I don't have a car, just a scooter and a sportbike
...and this vet-office of Elias ,Dimitri and George is the only one i knew within walking distance of almost 2 miles...plus i had good past experiences ex.Lemmy got neutered there with excellent results...

I told the vet-George that Husko has difficulty standing up and sometimes needs a tiny ''poke/push'' to stand-up.

After checking his joints he asked how old is...probably 10yo i said...
He diagnosed a very mild form of arthritis and prescribed Husko to take

1. 1/2 morning & 1/2 night for 7 days
2. 1/4 morning & 1/4 night for 7 days
3. 1/4 mornig for 7 days

03-21-2014, 07:54 PM
Do you or the vets think Husko has Cushing's? I am confused as to what all his issues are? Is Lemmy healthy? Are the gets expensive there? Hope you can get back to work, or still no jobs? How is your weather over there now? We are expecting snow again tomorrow? It has been a long hard winter here, and hard for the dogs to go out to potty. I am looking forward to spring, but my Tipper is afraid of thunder, and she makes herself a nervous wreck and gets sick. So I hope no storms. Blessings

03-21-2014, 07:56 PM

Instead of improving , Husko slowly got worse.
We opted for a blood test...

June 2nd Results (2nd paper got lost by the vets but they said what's important in this case was the first page)
''Off results''

γ-GT 17,59 IU/L (1,20-6,40)
SGPT/ALT 407,06 IU/L (10,00-94,00)
ALP 249,00 IU/L (0,00-90,00)

They suspected liver cancer...
They suggested an ultrasound but unemployment funds were almost weeks away...
I was devastated...

Husko was prescribed to take

Prezolon 5mg (until we could have results from the ultrasound)
1. 1 morning & 1 night for 7 days
2. 1 morning for 7 days

03-21-2014, 08:16 PM
18th July 2013

Day of the ultrasound and urine sample.

Ultrasound Results (in short):
Gall Bladder:normal but with suspended precipitate
Urinary bladder:normal
Adrenals:Left normal .Right couldn't be checked
Gastrointestinal tract: normal

Comments: DIFFUSE liver disease (dd: lipidosis, steroids hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, lymphoma)

Urine sample results:
All normal except
Specific weight :1007
epithelial :rare
erythrocyte : rare

I asked the radiologist-vet if he sees cancer & what is the diagnosis ,and he replied ''i see no masses , but i don't give diagnosis ,just the results of specialty (ultrasound & x-rays)''
Ι thought that meant ''no cancer'' so i asked if the liver puncture should be done immediately or next month when funds would be better ,to which he replied ''next month would be fine''...

Postponing it would turn out to be one of the biggest mistakes in my life...

03-21-2014, 08:27 PM
I took these results to my vets ,relieved believing Husko didn't have liver cancer.

They said ''no ,it's here and pointed at the last word of the comments section...Husko has liver cancer''.
I was devastated once again...nothing could be done medically so believing the vets, i could only postpone his death...

Husko was prescribed to take

Prezolon 5mg
2 morning & 2 night every day

Royal Canine Hepatic dry food
(also gave Milk Thistle ,not suggested by the vets they didn't even know it...started w/2 pills a day and finally ended up giving 5 pills a day when i felt things got worse)

Can't remember the exact date but Husko started limping his left front leg, which was swollen...
Visited the vets again...opened it to let the pus come out...it never closed again until he passed away...
Was prescribed Ceclor for that and his ear infection...
Visits to the vets had become weekly by August...

03-21-2014, 08:41 PM
hi iraklis welcome to this forum. what an interesting story you have written down here.
great that you saved both dogs.
my bordercollie flynn had the same thing going on at his front leg as your husko had.
also pus coming out and it could not been healed.
severe inflammation because of arthritis.
i had to put him to sleep because of this. 30-12-2013.
my dog had cushings as well.
i am sorry you lost husko.
i hope your lemmy is still a healthy boy.

03-21-2014, 08:44 PM

The radiologist-vet went on a monthly vacation so i had to wait till the end of the month for Huskos' liver puncture.

By this time Husko was diminished to a peeing/drinking ''machine''...only able to walk for 50y tops...22kg (48lbs) and me crying every single day...

His 24th August blood test results were:
SGOT/AST 113,56 IU/L (23,00-66,00)
SGPT ALT 651,84 IU/L (10,00-94,00)
ALP 1300,00 IU/L (0,00-90,00)

Routine CBC
WBC H 19,48 *10^3 cells/μL
RBC L 4,26 *10^6 cells/μL
HGB L 10,3 g/dL
HCT L 36,1 %
MCV H 84,8 fL
MCH H 24,3 pg
MCHC L 28,7 q/dL
CHCM L 28,1 g/dL

Routine WBC
Neut H 83,3% - 16,22*10^3 cells/μL
Lymph L 5,6% - 1,09*10^3 cells/μL

Morphology Flags
HYPO +++

03-21-2014, 08:56 PM
I was noticing every time i gave the cortisol medication Husko was getting worse...but as most people...i thought the vets know better...
By the end of august Husko was taking 5 Prezolon pills per day...

Until something snapped finally in me and i told the vets I'm stopping cortisol and getting a liver-puncture...
they insisted he had liver-cancer and a liver-puncture would just be a tormenting procedure and that I was wrong to not having Husko euthanized already...

29th of August the radiologist-vet had returned so I finally managed to find transport by a friend to get there...
Results of the liver-puncture were pointing to corticosteroids (didn't specify source)...

I was furious...I was killing my baby with my own hands...

03-21-2014, 09:11 PM

4th September
Managed to find transport by another friend to another vet far from home...she said he is good...
We did perform the LDDS test there...
An x-ray (not the one in my album) showed Husko had been shot in the past and had a air-gun shell in his back...
This messed me up inside...

Results came in 2 days later...6th September
btw, Husko had been off Cortisol for only 4 days (1/2 prezolon was his last 4 days ago)

SGPT/ALT 703,07 IU/L (10,00-94,00)
ALP 1551,00 IU/L (0,00-90,00)

Routine CBC
WBC H 41,92 *10^3 cells/μL
RBC L 3,75 *10^6 cells/μL
HGB L 9,5 g/dL
HCT L 33,4 %
MCV H 89 fL
MCH H 25,5 pg
MCHC L 28,6 q/dL
CHCM L 27,2 g/dL
RDW H 14,7%
PLT H 416 *10^3 cells/μL

Routine WBC
Neut H 89,7% - 37,61*10^3 cells/μL
Lymph L 3,9% - 1,63*10^3 cells/μL

Morphology Flags
HYPO +++

1.14,20 μg/dL
2.16,40 μg/dL
3.13,40 μg/dL

03-21-2014, 09:21 PM
I'll have to continue tomorrow...please understand i am completely devastated by what has happened up to now and it is incredibly difficult for me to write all of this...
You'll understand more and more as we come closer to the end...
And hopefully i'll have some answers myself...

Do not hurry and reach conclusions before this story is finished...

03-21-2014, 09:48 PM
I understand completely, take care of yourself. I know how hard this must be. I love my dog more than anything, so I know how you feel. Blessings

03-22-2014, 01:30 AM
Many of us have seen several vets until we found the right one. This is not unusual. Too many of them don't know enough about Cushings.

Squirt's Mom
03-22-2014, 05:31 AM
You are doing fine, darlin'. Take your time and remember to breath deeply. No need to push yourself - we are here, we are listening and we are not going anywhere. Share your journey with Husko as you need and know that many arms surround you, giving you strength and courage. I know your sweet boy is proud of you.

03-22-2014, 07:43 AM
As i said these last results came in Friday 6th September.
Husko started immediately treatment with Vetoryl Saturday 7th September.

I had already done research on medications for Cushings since the last results of the ultrasound...the LDDS was just the verification.
I must say i was scared to death after reading the side-effects but all else seemed worse or could be not-effective since we didn't know if it was the pituitary or the adrenals by now...

I opted for the Vetoryl 30mg once per day to play it safe...
Husko was still receiving
Denosyl (all through September if i remember correctly)
Ceclor (one week)
Milk Thistle (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Enzymatic-Therapy-Super-Milk-Thistle-120-UltraCaps-Healthy-Liver-Function-Detox-/250943909044?pt=UK_Health_Beauty_Vitamins_Suppleme nts&hash=item3a6d6c2cb4 THIS (price must be wrong though)

03-22-2014, 07:50 AM
10 days later we performed the ACTH test and new blood tests

17th September results were:

SGPT/ALT 741,65 IU/L (10,00-94,00)
ALP 1025,00 IU/L (0,00-90,00)

Routine CBC
WBC H 16,43 *10^3 cells/μL
RBC L 4,90 *10^6 cells/μL
HGB L 12,1 g/dL
HCT 42,4 %
MCV H 86,5 fL
MCH H 24,6 pg
MCHC L 28,5 q/dL
CHCM L 27,9 g/dL
PLT H 428 *10^3 cells/μL

Routine WBC
Neut H 81,8% - 13,44*10^3 cells/μL
Lymph L 9,9% - 1,62*10^3 cells/μL

Morphology Flags
HYPO +++

1. 9,84 μg/dL
2. 26,50 μg/dL

03-22-2014, 07:59 AM
Husko was slowly improving...

His belly had retracted.
He started eating again (In august he had stopped so i force-fed him chicken breast) ,never again dry food though.
And slowly regained some strength.

I was FLYING...All summer I thought my baby was dead but now there is HOPE!!!

Septembers' Vetoryl was almost finished...
I ordered the 30*120mg from the UK and took it to a farmacy-lab to make it 120*30mg.

03-22-2014, 08:08 AM

I called the original vets to have the 1 month test but they said it's not necessary since he is improving...
I will always regret not demanding it as it would show if it was too much or not......

Husko started receiving Vetoryl 1*30mg morning and 1*30mg night

btw,I had found a job by now as a scooter-courier ,payed by the hour ,but funds were not improved significantly (and were reduced as months went by)

Transport being always a problem, i managed to find a friend to get Husko to the radiologist-vet mid-October ,to check if it was adrenal-cancer.

It was not!!!
It was a sign of relief as I had read most pituitary tumors are benign and don't spread.
He also had another x-ray
(the air-gun shell on his back is just outside the picture and is on the left...the x-ray showing it from September is not digital so i can't upload it).

Since starting Vetoryl in September up to late October ,Husko was slowly improving.

I didn't take him on long walks and thought it was better if he rested as much as possible...but i didn't spend enough time with him petting as i now think i should have...

I had just discovered Game Of Thrones and started watching 4-5 episodes per day...
Being tired from all the turmoil (war of nerves by vets/constant fights in my house/volunteering at a rescue -anyone doing it knows the stress involved-/constant sadness and crying/trying to find a job etc.) most noticeably since the start of summer this is how i escaped all this...

03-22-2014, 08:31 AM

I should mention Husko always had a habit of doing 2-4 circles before laying down...

But...it started becoming more and more...
I didn't pay attention at first...but within a week it became 20-30 circles...
and Husko had stopped eating again so i force-fed him chicken breast again...

By the second week of November Husko had an empty look in his eyes and whenever he wasn't asleep he started pacing...
getting stuck in corners in the house...
sometimes head-pressing...

I suspected the tumor had enlarged...
Went to the vets nearby Friday 15th November...
He was given DEXTROSE to up his appetite as i was told...(i now know it was like adding fuel to a fire...)
Saturday ,giving him the 2nd bottle i noticed small head spasms...so i stopped the flow and drew the needle out...

Sunday 16th November Husko got an MRI...
(thankfully i had managed to yet again find someone to take me there and my emergency funds were exactly the price of the MRI, 300 euros)
This were the results...

Cerebral syndrome ( cyclic movements, promoting movements, aimless wandering)
No seizures.
Temporalis atrophy.
Cushing syndrome.
Normal adrenal glands at the ultrasound examination.

The study consists in multiple series of T1 and T2 weighted images of the head taken before and after IV injection of gadolinium.
On pre-contrast T2 weighted images, a large well circumscribed hyperintense mass is identified in the pituitary fossa extending dorsally
to the thalamus. The mass measures 25 mm in height, 21 mm in rostro-caudal diameter and 17 mm in width. The signal is not suppressed
on FLAIR. No change in signal intensity is seen on T1 weighted images, but distortion of adjacent structures is noted indicating a mass
On post-contrast T1 weighted images, strong and homogeneous enhancement of the pituitary/thalamic mass is identified.
Large enhancing mass located at the base of the brain, likely arising from the pituitary gland and extending to the thalamus. Given
previous diagnosis of hyperadrenocorticism, primary consideration should be given to a secreting pituitary macroadenoma/carcinoma.

03-22-2014, 08:48 AM
I was devastated once again...

All summer long I was told he was gonna die...
Then found hope and thought he would be ok and have time to live again...
And now this......words can't describe...

...I decided this would be his last week and Sunday 24th November would be our last day together...
The friend who took us to the pet-hospital to get the MRI promised me he would take us there so Husko would finally see the sea (not having a car we never went there...later found out by the young woman who had found Husko that he had seen the sea...)

Days before that Sunday, I went to another vet for alternatives...he said Lysodren but chances were 1:1.000.000
I have experience in my family of the effects of chemo...and ruled it out...
Same day...I decided not to just give up but search the internet for alternatives...the search went on for months...

Found many alternative treatments to cancer...
One of them was IV vitamin C therapy
Also...giving MSM ,curcumin would help.

Went to a pharmacy store/lab (the one that converted my 30*120mg Vetoryl capsules to 120*30mg) and explained in a hurry Huskos' story...
She actually gave me for free a bottle of ALA 250mg, one of MSM 1000mg, Vitamin C 240grms powder and a bottle of Ester Vit-C 250mg
I only paid for 2 boxes of IV-vitC serum (each containing 5*750mg/5ml injections)
Saturday 23rd November I called yet another vet home to get blood sample and prepare the IV...
Husko got 3grms on Saturday and 4,5grms on Sunday of IV-vitC

***As many here can understand...not having unlimited funds is a constant struggle of balancing...guessing...having reserves for emergencies or bills...''if i buy this today will i have to buy that tommorow?'' , something you felt less important was much more important etc. etc. etc...and looking back you can see mistakes that were maybe not visible at the time...or just plain WRONG decisions...

but we did go to the beach none the less...

03-22-2014, 08:53 AM
Even though he was never interested in other dogs...
he was interested in the group of dogs playing there with their parents and didn't growl them away...

03-22-2014, 09:07 AM

03-22-2014, 09:24 AM
These are Huskos' last blood results of Saturday 23rd November 2013
*Had stopped Vetoryl 2-4 day prior to this...

SGPT/ALT 104,43 IU/L (10,00-94,00)
ALP 243,00 IU/L (0,00-90,00)

Routine CBC
RBC L 5,44 *10^6 cells/μL
HGB L 12,7 g/dL
HCT 42,7 %
MCV H 78,5 fL
MCHC L 29,7 q/dL
CHCM L 29,1 g/dL
PLT H 478 *10^3 cells/μL

Routine WBC
WBC 16,43 *10^3 cells/μL
Neut H 82,5% - 10,68*10^3 cells/μL
Lymph L bb8,9% - 1,15*10^3 cells/μL

Morphology Flags

Cortisol level (note that Husko by this time hated every single vet and cried hard with every needle pinch...)
7,63 μg/dL

Tuesday 26th November Husko started eating again!!!
I was happy again beyond belief for this little glimpse of hope!!!

03-22-2014, 09:41 AM

As I said Husko had started eating again...

*He was given organic MSM in water 3 times a day (amidst all the turmoil i gave him human dose for 2 days ,which caused blood in stools...blamed the curcumin...before realising my mistake...)
...stopped it a month later because it didn't seem to do anything other than loose stools and sometimes diarrhea

*Curcumin powder with chicken breasts

*Boiled the water he drunk to evaporate the chlorine (since start of November water was given with a syringe because anytime he went to drink water, his tongue licked the air).

*1-3grms vit-C every day

*Alpha Lipoic Acid 1*250mg every day

*Milk thistle organic liquid

*Moved his bed in the most quiet room...the living room ,and always left the balcony door a bit open...
Nighttime NO lights were on ,completely dark.

*Every 2 weeks (Saturday&Sunday) he had IV vit-C ,with ever increasing doses
23-24 November = 3-4grms
7-8 November = 7-7grms
21-22 December = 15-15grms
4-5 January = 18-18grms

03-22-2014, 10:20 AM
Since mid-November ,
he would sleep...
and whenever he woke up he would get stuck in corners or head-pressing them.

But this stopped when he was out walking. (head-pressing only happened 4-5 times in 2-3 months when on walks)

So my solution to this problem was to walk him whenever he woke up, no matter what the time was.
He woke up 5-7 times a day...sometimes more...sometimes less...
Anytime of the day or night...multiple times...
The time i was at work my father or mother would sometimes walk him outside or get him unstuck from the corners.
This went on for months...

Tensions grew even more in the house...
Husko would pee and relieve himself in the living room which drove my mother mad sometimes and her stress was turned into cursing to me...
Funds were ever diminishing...
Bills were gathering...
But i had to be home for ever inrceasing hours because the others couldn't deal with Huskos' condition...
Work hours diminished...i tried to balance work/money to get what's needed but also have as much time at home tending to Huskos' needs...
Frustration was through the roof...
My 100% was diminishing every day...

Rainy days were worse than others...
Many times were good and i tried sooo much to give positive vibes to my baby every single day since the summer...but the strength needed to look positive and give positive energy was diminishing too...

These are some photos of our walks during December...

03-22-2014, 10:36 AM
Also found a small trick of kicking mandarines in front of him so he would follow...
Sometimes he would try to catch them with his front legs...
One night we found a huge green ball...it honestly felt he was playing with it...pushing it and rubbing his neck on it...(no photo of this event...have kept the ball though...)


Last days of December i also received my order of Sunflower Lecithin and an ultrasound cleaning machine to make Liposomal Vit-C
I was sooo happy and and had high hopes for this...

...After 2-3 days of giving him it he went very much downhill...
I called the vets (the ones nearby who had done the original mistakes, specificaly Elias) and asked they come to put Husko to sleep the next day...
The next day he called and cancelled it due to an emergency...so he'd come the next day...

Same day i noticed the Sunflower Lecithin has an ingredient called Linoleic Acid...which is OMEGA-6 (pro-inflammatory)...i stopped giving him immediately...next day he was better so putting him to sleep was cancelled...

result:100+ euros (which would make things easier later on) down the drain...
Finding the right medication that works for your dog is frustrating...

03-22-2014, 10:50 AM
some pics of Husko sleeping or in bed...


03-22-2014, 11:06 AM

The difficulties of handling all of this became ever increasing...
Many times I found myself sitting frustrated against Husko...
Many times when he woke up my voice had lost its tenderness and positive vibe towards him...

By this time I had changed his food to 1/2lbs sardines a day as chicken breast was giving him diarrhea/loose stools.

Continued giving curcumin , ans also gave OMEGA-3 capsules (4-6 a day) , vit-B supreme complex by Health Aid , Liver Guard by source Naturals
a cup of spinach or broccoli in a syringe mixed w/5-10ml aloe Vera and natural lemon juice...
Most nights I would also give a cup of water w/14-18drops of Hydrogen peroxide (at 20 he vomited).

This is his last IV vit-C (January 5th) as I could no longer afford it (more than 100 euros a month just the IV bottles), only hind-leg veins were used all this time due to the front getting black after the MRI and Dextrose serum months before...and most importantly it reached a point where Husko would panick when he saw a needle...

One day we went at the park nearby where we used to spent hours in the years before (the one with the lake ,not the one far away where we'd spend whole nights with friends during the summer)...
After you see the last picture...imagine Husko diving in the water & swimming to get to the ducks...me panicking beyond belief...
I succeeded getting him out in less then 2-3 seconds by extending my arm as far as possible...
When I got him out...he collapsed...so I carried him on my shoulders for more than a mile to get home...
I thought I lost him...
but he was better many hours later after getting a good sleep...

...The research for medication was non-stop...
I found there is a drug called Artemisinin/Artemether which is successful against cancer and tumors like the one my baby Husko had...

I found there is a medicine called Riamet which has the substance Artemether.
I called the pharmacy shop/lab if they had it...they didn't.
I called the company Novartis...it wasn't readily available...
it had to be ordered through a doctors' prescription through the Greek FDA...
I lost hope...

Days & nights went by as described before...
The frustration was building...
Looking back ,during December,January and February I found myself so frustrated by everything...
The war of nerves ,constant bad mood and turmoil in my house especially between mother&father, sometimes family helping and sometimes indifferent or against me, people telling me I should just put him to sleep, lack of funds, lack of car to get to vets, 24hours a day seemed few, bad decisions ,trying to balance everything...
got me to the point were sometimes at night when Husko would wake up and needed a walk and I was dead tired or researching the internet I would just go to him and slap him......

How pathetic is this???
I slapped my sick baby...and nothing can do this right or justify it...
What kind of horrible person could do this???
WHY couldn't I hold myself together?
If you think i am a bad person you probably think better of me than i do about myself...

03-22-2014, 11:18 AM
This is the last photograph I have of my baby being alive...(January 19th)

I also tried giving him BCAA for the tumor-cachexia but the suggested dose caused diarrhea so i backed it off...

By sheer chance one night ,mid/late January ,after looking at a rescue site ,I found a place where I could order Artemix (Artemisinin/Artemether/Artesunate) and a Yahoo!group experienced in this!!!

Again...high hopes emerged!!!
Few days later when I had collected the funds, I finally ordered it from the US.
It would take about 1-2 weeks to arrive and then ,my baby would have hope again!!!

Ending of January......my father took Husko for a walk while I was at work!
He said Husko stumbled and hurt his left front leg (the one which had the pus come out at summer and was still opened ,due to cortisol suppressing the immune system...)...and was walking on the other 3 legs!

Returned home...found out about this...and all hell broke loose...
I cursed my father for not paying attention to Husko!!
I cursed myself for not being there or couldn't see this coming!!
Just when i hoped things would get better...this happens...
I believe it was a huge blow in my babys' psychology and already bad health and I feared it would cost him his life...

03-22-2014, 12:28 PM

February 1st
Managed to find transport to the vet Elias the day after Husko hurt his leg...

He checked it and said it is probably muscle receding.
I didn't ask for an x-ray or blood test...
I didn't have the funds...but now looking back i should have just said i would owed him ,as he had given me this option in the past, instead of worrying about collecting money for future supplements or stupid bills...
One of the biggest mistakes of my life...

Was I getting used to Husko being able to surpass anything and didn't understand how important this was?
Did my stupid honor of not owing money cost the life of my baby???

By now the bottle of Artemix had arrived from the US!
Artemix works better when the tumor is aggressive so i started giving 1*30mg Vetoryl (still had plenty) each night 1 hour prior to 2 capsules of Artemix.
Artemix is pulsed so it was one day on one day off!
On the days he didn't get Artemix I only gave 1*15mg of Vetoryl at night!

Gave Artemix with 1Tablespoon of Organic Coconut Oil for better absorption (also with each day passing I reduced the amount of sardines and increased the amount O.Coconut.O. eventually giving 6 TBsp a day

Of course...Husko stopped eating again the same day i started Vetoryl...

2 weeks went by with no improvement of his walking...I was getting pissed off by everything...
My mother helped a lot during February...
She would put a blanket across his chest and walk him inside the house...
I did too...sometimes though putting my arms on his sides was enough...

He would cry when he wanted to pee or relieve himself, so me or mother would rush to pick him up...

In the following days I tried to collect funds for an x-ray...
Doing that while now working 3-4 hours a day ,since very few companies/people needed courier services since almost the start of the year ,and trying to do everything with 9-12 euros a day......seemed impossible...
It took me 2 weeks to collect the money...and by now it was March...

03-22-2014, 12:55 PM

I received this months Artemix ,Omega-3 and Liver Guard(still had of the others)...
Artemix was now given 2on-1off...

I also registered on the Artemisinin-Yahoo!group in case i did sth wrong, wanting any advice...and just plain talk to someone since it had been many months since i spoke and opened myself to anyone...
3 very good people offered to give me medication (I4P and Artemisinin/Artemix) which they did send by airplane...!!!

I had contacted many friends but only one could get us to the vets Saturday 8th March...
I waited anxiously and counted every hour since Thursday!
Morning Saturday she calls and she can't make it...I call a few friends...none I called were available...
I gave up...and hoped for next Saturday......
(now some other people say ''why didn't you call me?'' and i don't know what to say to them or myself...)

Can't remember the exact date (maybe 2-3 weeks) this started but Husko was now sleeping like this (opposite side ,left)
I put a fan 1yrd away blowing air at him in case he had trouble breathing...it seemed to help...

Last 2-3 days he only wanted to sleep this way on his right side...
If I lay him to sleep on his left side he would moan and ''distort'' his body to the point his head would almost reach his pelvis...
He slept throughout the day and night only waking up to pee or relieve himself...
He could not stand oh his (3) legs anymore...he would immediately or 2-4 secs later fall ,while also ''distorting/bending'' on his right side (head to pelvis).

My mind was full of thoughts it burned and felt empty...I just waited for next Saturday and if nothing improved till Monday-Tuesaday i would call the vets to come to the house to put Husko to sleep...

I could only guess...was it maybe not giving enough Artemix (more days on Artemix) or was it giving the immune system time to get the sick cancer cells out (more days off Artemix)?
Should I had maybe just stopped Vetoryl for a few days or go 2days*30mg+Artemix then 2days*15mg then nothing of these?
What was the magic combo??????

03-22-2014, 01:32 PM
Thursday 13th March to Friday 14th March

After coming home from work ,my mother said she gave Husko a good massage and he was stretching his legs (this leg stretching he always did when massaged was what confused me...what was wrong with his leg?)

He was sleeping quietly in the living room (on his right side)...
I gave his 1*30mg Vetoryl + 1 capsule Artemix w/1TBsp O.Coconut.O.
1 hour later 1 capsule Artemix w/1TBsp O.Coconut.O.
(A voice in my head told me to not give Vetoryl or Artemix this night...I didn't listen...)

Later at night (2-3am I think) he moaned so i rush to check...
Lifted him up in case he wanted to pee...
He couldn't stand and even if I was holding him ,his ''folding/distorting'' was painful to watch...

I put him on his left side and pet him...
Strangely the ''distorting/bending'' stopped this time after i pet his head...
Gave for the first time a 3rd 1 capsule Artemix w/1TBsp O.Coconut.O.
He belched 4-5 times...

He looked at me with a look I have never seen before...
as though asking ''do you want me to leave...?''
He slept...I went back to my room to rest ,
even though a voice spoke to me in my head to sleep on the couch (like i did many nights before...but the slightest noise would seem to wake him up so I thought it would be better if he rested)

He woke up about an hour later...
Lifted him up again in case he wanted to pee...my voice was not tender...it was frustrated...
I put him on his right side again...and he slept almost immediately...

No more than an hour later I went to check...
He had peed his bed...
I gently pulled him on the floor...moaned for a second...
I changed the sheets...massaged his side and pet his head...
He looked so calm and gentle...so beautiful...

I slept no more than an hour later in my bed...
Mother went to work at 7a.m. ...he was still alive...breathing a bit slow and heavy as she told me...

Father said he found him not alive at 8a.m. but didn't wake me up...

Mother came back from work at 9:30a.m. and woke me up...
''Husko is dead'' she said...
I can't remember jumping from my bed & going to the living room so fast ever in my life...

I couldn't believe it...he wasn't stiff or cold yet...
Pushed his chest for a few seconds trying to make him breath...nothing...
Checked for pulse...nothing
In my panic i took a syringe and drew 1-2ml of blood in case a vet could tell me what happened...

I can't remember how many hours i was standing over his body...
feeling empty...
forgetting to breath...
waiting for this nightmare to end so i will wake up...
waiting to see him taking a breath since he looked so calm...

03-22-2014, 01:48 PM
Does anybody PLEASE have any explanation for this physical reason of his passing?

Was it the immune system not getting out dead cancer cells in time?
Was it the tumor growing because of Vetoryl?
Was it Nelson Syndrome?


I am in very dark place...
Please don't try to comfort me by saying he is in better place or paradise...I don't believe in any god...and if for a moment i could believe Husko is in a paradise...I would pick my sword next to me ,point it at me and rush to meet my baby!!!

This is my yesterdays 'message to the Artemisinin-yahoo!group...
Please read it...and you will maybe understand my guilt ,my pain and suffering!!!

''Had something to eat today after many days of just coffee and milk...

The lady fostering that little dog with cancer called me back today...
He is actually 10yo not 2-3 (not that it matters to me), but in short she said she would like to try and find a home with a yard because he is used to being in the open being a stray. He is very scared too and getting him in a car is a ''handfull'' for just a test with Lemmy (she also has to work this Saturday) ,so i'll probably have to wait for another week for their visit...we'll see...

Coincidently , a very active lady-rescuer is interested in him too...(been through cancer herself ,fought it only with citrus oils -after almost loosing her life on chemo- and is now healthy)...we chatted a bit on FB......turns out she is a psychologist (cooperating with the police some times too)...so we had a loooong session/chat from 23:00 to 05:00......

I knew&know ''psychology/mind-connection/positive vibes'' to a cancer patient are 80% of the task...
But my efforts ,since last summer ,to fight the ''war of nerves'' of almost everyone / working for funds / researching for endless hours during the night&day / sleeplesness and sleeping weird hours / and aaaaall these difficulties we all know & share one way or another ,
were slowly diminishing my ''psychology/mind-connection/positive vibes'' towards my Angel Husko..and accellarating in the final month...

We realised i had a memory block...
During the last 2 weeks of his life...without remembering the exact ''reason'' or day i remembered i went to Husko ,grabbed him by the throat and asked him angrily&frustrated looking him in the eyes ''what do you want from me...what????''...
I wasn't sinking into paranoia anymore...i was paranoid...
Some times i was sitting frustrated on the couch against Husko...i regretfully even slapped him 5-6 times during these 8 months...but that final outrage was the last straw...i was scared...scarred...frightened...ashamed and disgusted by myself...

She asked me if he ever did me harm...
I do remember him biting me when i was teaching him not to be possesive with food ,but i never ever held a grudge against him or needed more than 0 secs to forgive him...
She said it's the same thing...he would forgive me in 0 secs too...
However...I can maybe imagine him forgiving and understanding my few slaps...but that last action?
She tried to comfort me by giving me a similar example of her completely loosing it after a very hard and emotional day and for some reason slapping one of her dogs who was sick at the time...and saying ''we're only human after all Iraklis...not gods...there's only so much we can cope and suffer untill we break...least we can do is learn from our bad actions...''

I then remembered my Angel Huskos' last look on his final night somehow asking me ''do you want me to leave?''...
Such gentle and noble creatures they are...
I feel my Angel Husko let go of his life in order to save me from what i was slowly becoming...
I feel completely destroyed, small and humble thinking this...
My best feels so little after all is said and done...
I don't know why i am writing this...because even if everyone...even if Husko himself could forgive me...i will never forgive myself...
I've been actually scared of peting Lemmy when he comes to me since Angel Husko left us...

I remember last summers' sorrow being told he has liver cancer and nothing can be done (but since little if any guilt was present i could actually focus on our happy days)...I remember ''flying'' with happiness once we found out it wasnt liver cancer but something that can be fought like cushings....then sinking again into depression after the tumor grew (probably Nelson Syndrome from the use of Vetoryl)
...then small battles won ,like Angel Husko starting eating again even though he was given only 1-2 weeks in early November...then depression going hand in hand with anger & guilt & frustration & regrets...

I know now that neglecting myself did more harm in our fight against cancer/tumor...but is so hard to realize this during the fight when ex.going to see a friend, seems like neglecting your furbaby...

She said i should focus on our happy days...but how can you do that when all you have left is pain and still love unshared?
When pain is the only thing you feel you can share with your now gone fur-baby?

I do know if i died i would absolutely hate to see Husko or Lemmy sad...but what would our furbabies do in our place?''

03-22-2014, 06:00 PM
I am so very sorry. I know how depressed you are over your sweet baby. It is indeed a very sad story. You gave him love and a home to stay in, in turn he gave you his loyalty and love. People do not understand the enormous grief we feel over the passing of our babies, but the ones on here understand.

03-23-2014, 02:01 AM

from what you have written, you have done so much to save Husko! So very much and I'm sure that he hung onto life even longer to be with you.

The world is not fair and I fully understand your frustration. My mother had Parkinsons disease and it was horrible to watch her die a slow death for seven years. I would not wish this pain on anyone!

Please, please forgive yourself. We are only human and can only handle so much. Husko is running free and healthy once again and when your time comes, you will be together again under happier circumstances.

It does not sound like your vets were much help at all and I find it amazing that Husko lived as long as he did under your care with no one knowledgeable enough to help you. Under those conditions, you did very well.

I imagine that our furbabies would do much as you did, love us and do what they can with what they have.

Love like this comes at a price when things go wrong, the emotional drain is astounding. No one can understand unless they have lived through it.

It's time to heal yourself now. Relish the happy memories as much as you can, there will be sad days, that is completely normal. Try to do things that you like to do that make you feel good. Hugs.

molly muffin
03-23-2014, 10:15 AM
Hello Iraklis,
Thank you for sharing the journey that you and Husko traveled together. The care you gave him was absolutely the best possible for the situation you were in.
The thing is that we are not vets, and we rely on them to know and do the best possible for our furbabies. We all go the extra mile, trying to research and find the best options of care possible to give them a quality life while they are here.
You were fighting a battle with liver cancer, where the end going to come sooner rather than later for Husko. It is amazing how much and how long he hung in there to try and stay with you. The options are so limited when it comes to cancer treatment in pets. If an option, surgery is just about the only option along with chemo/radiation for any kind of recovery. Medicines can help to shrink tumors, they can help to alleviate symptoms and hopefully they can help to give them a good quality of life for as long as possible. This is the option that most try, as surgery is often, very often, not an option for sometimes financial reasons, usually because it will not help and it is does more harm to put them through it than to just try to make them comfortable.
What you have to realize is that you were giving palliative care. Husko was not going to survive forever with the cancer. You did an excellent job of that. The frustration that fills your life though, of not being able to fix them, not being able to give them the lifespan that one hopes for them, can be overwhelming. I think that you were overwhelmed. Yet you did go on. You continued to try. I do not think that you can beat yourself up continuously for not being able to do something that no other human would be able to do either.
What is very sad, is that you are not able to give Lemmy the comfort and the loving touches that he too needs. Remember, Husko was Lemmy's best friend, his buddy too, and that animals grief just as we do. That Lemmy is turning to you now to be his comfort and somehow you have to find it within yourself to comfort and love him too and show it.
Your journey is not over. Husko's is, whether it is to a better place or just a relief from pain, for him this is over and you have to go on, just as Lemmy has to go on.
Think about that and try to find that place inside you that let you take in Husko and Lemmy and give them homes and love and care. That is the person you are. This illness that Husko had does not define you as a person.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-23-2014, 11:17 AM
Husko didn't have liver cancer...that was a completely wrong diagnosis...and the treatment for it proposed by the vets (cortisol) only worsened Huskos' condition...

Lemmy got over his 'sadness' in seconds...

I tried my best...but my best drove me to sometimes be intolerable towards Husko...and that is pathetic of me...

P.S.I know this story is a very long and hard read...i am sorry...

03-23-2014, 07:12 PM
we are only human. We are not perfect. We all feel frustrated by this disease even when the vets get the diagnosis right because every dog reacts differently and each case is different. It takes time to get it right and that is so frustrating.

You did what you could and you faltered along the way, that happens. You loved Husko and I'm sure that he knew. The vets failed both of you.

If you need to find someone professional to talk all of this out with. You can't let the guilt or sadness control your life and you have been through so very much.

Many people wouldn't have taken the time to do what you did for Husko. They would have given him up, or put him down without trying.

Now Lemmy needs you because he misses Husko too. Spend time with him and heal together.

03-24-2014, 05:12 PM
I have talked to a professional ,but that only made things be in a certain order in my head...it didn't actually help...

I cannot compare myself to people who wouldn't bother just to feel better......I have done better than that...but I should have done even more...I know i could have!

It is not only sadness of my baby Husko dying...
It is not only anger at the vets or the mistakes I made...
It is more so about the guilt of sometimes hurting (not so much physically but psychologically) with my actions my baby Husko in his time of need ,driving him into feeling unwanted and letting go of his life to stop it all...

Lemmy is doing just fine...he grieved for no more than 5 seconds than went on with his life...
I haven't neglected him at all...right after work we went for a 2hour walk leading to Huskos' place...

molly muffin
03-24-2014, 06:23 PM
That is good that Lemmy is doing well and that you are spending time together.

You don't know that Husko let go because he was psychologically damaged by your actions. It doesn't seem to, from what you have described, more a matter of his body not be able to do any more and giving out.

I think the most psychological damage has been to yourself.

Dogs are the most forgiving of animals to their humans. Most of us have seen how an animal can be beaten and treated horribly, and yet they will still come back to that same human who hurt them and beg for their love, and give them their love in return.

It is us humans who cannot forgive ourselves. That is what you have to find within yourself, the same amount of forgiveness that I am sure Husko felt towards you. You have to do that to honor him, his spirit.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-24-2014, 10:00 PM
I couldn't have said it better myself Sharlene.


before Daisy was diagnosed with Cushings and we began treatment, she would steal food from everyone and anything! It drove me crazy as I thought that it was bad, stubborn, dachshund behavior. I yelled at her and smacked her several times. I know that I shouldn't have and now that I've learned that the disease caused this and not her acting out, I have become more proactive and make sure that everything is put away properly and that we eat out of her reach.

Thankfully, those symptoms have subsided and I don't have to worry so much about this. I will always feel badly for how I behaved but I understand that frustration and pain can make us do these things.

Daisy still loves me and you know that Husko adored you. They are incredibly forgiving creatures. He would not want you to feel this pain. I know this because Daisy can sense when something is wrong with any of us and she sticks to us like glue. Lemmy can sense your pain too I'm sure.

Please work through this and forgive yourself. We humans are far from perfect.
Dogs seem to know that.

Focus on the good that you did for Husko and how very hard you tried to help him. Those are the things that he loved about you.

03-24-2014, 10:36 PM
As you said ,you did it before you knew Daisy had a condition...

I did what I did while my babys' health was compromised...and he needed me most...
Yes I can say I did much more than most people would even do for their human kids...but my behavior towards the end ,somehow invalidates in my mind everything good i did before and during...

And while there were many reasons or excuses ,ex. insomnia ,exhaustion & frustration ,I should have simply turned around and punch walls or something...not slap or grab my baby Husko by the throat...

Towards the end i feel my mind went from ''I want my baby to get better'' to ''I want all this to end...''...and that is giving up...and he felt that...

Yes, dogs are the most forgiving of creatures...but they are also the most tuned to our feelings...they know how we feel before we ourselves even realize...

btw,Thank you for listening!!!
Most people go ''...forget it...it was just a dog...grab a beer...blah blah...''

P.S. Husko left us 14th March. Can he be added to the company of all the other doggies who left us in that special thread?

Harley PoMMom
03-24-2014, 11:52 PM
P.S. Husko left us 14th March. Can he be added to the company of all the other doggies who left us in that special thread?

Husko's name has been added.

Hugs, Lori

03-24-2014, 11:56 PM
Post your favorite picture too so we have that to add (thanks Lori).

Watching your furry family member become ill and doing everything you can with nothing working for months is so very stressful.

Insomnia and exhaustion make things MUCH worse! Please realize that you were not yourself. We can only take so much! I'm not making excuses, I just want you to understand that even with the best intentions, we can only handle so much before we snap.

Blaming yourself can literally make you sick. Please don't do that to yourself. In a sense, the stress of helplessness of it all made you sick.

Husko would want you to forgive yourself and you must in order to heal and be who you need to be for yourself and Lemmy and so that you can begin to enjoy the good memories with Husko.

Harley PoMMom
03-25-2014, 12:01 AM
If you would want Husko's picture added, please do let me know and I can do that too.

03-25-2014, 07:53 AM
I am so sorry you continue to struggle over Husko. I know that I have a tendency
to blame myself for everything. I understand that you had a weak moment, and did something you regret, sometimes when Tipper frustrates me I yell, and feel terrible afterwards. We are by no means perfect, and good at beating ourselves up. I hope in time you can forgive yourself this one human mistake. You have done a lot more than others, by owning up to it. We are human and suseptable to flaws and mistakes. I hope you can get through this most trying time, and know we are always here and care about you.

03-25-2014, 08:25 AM
Firstly, I want to thank you all so much for wanting to help!
I just wish I could hold myself together like you guys do...

I understand that you had a weak moment, and did something you regret, sometimes when Tipper frustrates me I yell, and feel terrible afterwards. We are by no means perfect, and good at beating ourselves up. I hope in time you can forgive yourself this one human mistake.

Slapping was 5-10 times during these 8 months...
Grabbing the throat was 2 times...
Yes...I understand what you are saying...Seconds after I did it , each time I was angry at myself and said ''how could I do such a thing???''
I could maybe forgive myself for doing it once...but how can I forgive myself for doing it multiple times ,and even worse since every time
I knew it was absolutely wrong!!!
...And Husko never once showed aggression like so many dogs in his condition...which makes me feel even more guilty...

My inner-thoughts were ''I will help you Husko and do everything possible'' 99% of the time..........but sometimes it simply became ''I just want all this to end...''
Husko realized that...gave up fighting and ended it all so I wouldn't suffer...
I am not a religious person nor do i believe in any god...but i think this was the most godlike and selfless act i have ever experienced in my life...

If you would want Husko's picture added, please do let me know and I can do that too.

Thank you very much!!!
Can it be the link to his album?

03-25-2014, 03:58 PM
Husko sensed your frustration and clearly understood that you felt bad when you lost it.
I don't think that he gave up. God stopped his suffering and yours too. Every dog is different, each responds to treatment differently.

You're thinking that you want it all to end is selfless. You're heart was breaking for Husko. That's to be expected.

03-25-2014, 05:34 PM
My own conclusion from day 1 since he went away, regarding his physical but not mental condition ,was that I should have given him a lower dose of Vetoryl since restarting it (in order for the artemix to work, it needs an attacking tumor)...
I already knew Vetoryl caused the tumor to attack in the first place...and the attack caused by the 30mg dose was probably more than what the Artemix could handle......but seeing the small wound in his front leg (left by the opening of the vet so the pus would come out) finally almost closing carried me away...
I should have given a 10-15mg dose instead of the 30mg...

''i want it all to end...'' is actually the most selfish thing i could have in my mind...

I'm so glad you found an IMS who can see Cooper quickly. Please let us know how it goes.

This morning I uploaded a video of Pansy shivering when she inhales, is this similar to what you see with Cooper? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV7mc78B1UM

Husko too had this localised tremors in his final 1-2 weeks...anyone know what these mean?

03-25-2014, 07:34 PM
I don't know what exactly causes the tremors but they seem to happen more frequently (or maybe even exclusively?) to dogs with macroadenomas. The last vet I asked at Davis didn't have an answer for me.

03-26-2014, 08:31 AM
I do know that my Tipper does not have a macro and she has terrible tremors that have started affecting her whole body now. I wish I could find a solution as they are too hard to watch. Could you tell me what is Artemis? What is it for and what does it do? Hope you have a better day today.

03-26-2014, 08:48 AM
I have cried many tears while reading about your and Husko's journey. Unbelievable are the lengths you went to to care for this dog who had no home for years of his life until he found you. You gave up so much of your life for him and his disease. You went above and beyond for you baby what most people wouldn't dream of doing.

I lost my Tia August 11, 2013. She was 14 1/2 years old and had Cushing disease. I also lost Miss Tippi, 16 years old to congestive heart failure on December 30, 2013. I was their Mama and I should have been able to make them better, but I couldn't no matter how much money I spend or how much vet care they got. I couldn't make them better. I cry everyday and I blame myself for not being able to save them.

I feel guilty because I too spanked Tia when she peed in the floor when she first got sick. I didn't know she was sick, I thought she was just to lazy to get up and go outside. But I spanked her and for this I will never forgive myself.

I've yelled at Miss Tippi for "not listening", when in fact she couldn't hear. I will forever feel guilty for this.

As I read your story and read the struggles, you went through to save your baby, the hard times, no job, no money, no car. I look at my life and the lives of most people I know and wonder, would I or they have done what you did to save our babies. Would I have given up so much, that I didn't have to begin with, for my babies.

You are amazing and should not feel guilty for any thing you did. You loved Husko and gave every thing you had to save him. Like my Tia, Husko left on his own terms, when they knew the time was right so we didn't have to make that decision for them. That was love for us.

Please take care of yourself and I'm sending love and healing thoughts to you.


03-26-2014, 09:24 AM
Thank you so much for your so kind words...

Please forgive yourself...you simply did not know there was something wrong with their health!!!
I did though...he was actually dying...and that is simply unforgivable...

I do know that my Tipper does not have a macro and she has terrible tremors that have started affecting her whole body now. I wish I could find a solution as they are too hard to watch. Could you tell me what is Artemis? What is it for and what does it do? Hope you have a better day today.

Can't say it is a better day...the more i realize i could have given him maybe some days to live with some cortisol (i think it dropped too low looking back now...) in order to gain time for the medication i was given to give to Husko (they arrived 4 days after he went away...)...the more i get angry at myself...it was a stupid mistake of me!!!




03-26-2014, 10:52 AM
I have started reading the material on the links you have provided. I thank you for the help. It will take me a while to read and digest all this information. We do have one member giving her dog a mixture of Chinese herbs to try and shrink his tumor. I will tell her to look at these links. I hope you are able to have a nice walk with Lemmy. How is your weather?

03-26-2014, 03:48 PM
Actually just came back from an almost 2hour walk with Lemmy...of course we went to Huskos' place too...

Weather is fine! 15C right now at 21:41. How about over there?

If she is interested i can e-mail her some files too that i have on the artemisinin.
I think it worked on Husko...it just didn't have enough time.
I tries 2 capsules yesterday too,just to see if it caused anything ''bad'' to Husko (side effects ,if any, are extremely rare) and only thing i noticed was ''clarity of mind'' for lack of better words.

03-26-2014, 04:52 PM
Since my original thread on my Hero Husko is too long and probably too confusing to follow...
And i am still trying to figure out if there is anything I missed...
And won't give up the search until all possibilities are excluded/included.......
I will now try to nit-pick on anything i was reassured by the vets or wrongly thought i new all there was to know...
(Forgive me...but i need to know...hope you understand and help if possible!)

...Let's start:

When Husko got his LDDS (4th September) he was only off cortisol for 2-4 days...(weening off it slowly since August 24th)
and was on cortisol for almost 3 months non-stop prior to that...
Could this situation have messed up the results?
1.14,20 μg/dL
2.16,40 μg/dL
3.13,40 μg/dL

03-26-2014, 05:32 PM
On the 17th September (10 days after starting Vetoryl ,1*30mg)
His ACTH was
1. 9,84 μg/dL
2. 26,50 μg/dL

Could this and/or his LDDS be false positives?
I know what Dechra says ,but i want opinions based on experience.

After the initial first month of 1*30mg Vetoryl once a day (moning)
His dose was upped to 2*30mg Vetoryl twice a day (morning/night)

No ACTH testing was done at the first month interval ,as i again stupidly listened to the vets that it was not needed since he was responding well...
However...almost a month later ,symptoms that drove me to have Husko have an MRI emerged (circling,pacing) which showed an enlarged pituitary tumor...

Could this be a chemical nelsons' syndrome caused by the double dose?
( I think i already know the answer to this...)

After he had the MRI i stopped giving Husko Vetoryl and his cortisol level after 4 days off Vetoryl was
7,63 μg/dL

Was he ''borderline'' cushings from the start?
His only symptoms since spring (that drove me to the initial vet visit in June) were slight hind leg weakness and nothing else suggesting cushings

Squirt's Mom
03-26-2014, 05:52 PM
MODERATOR NOTE: I have merged your post about Huskos' test results into his original thread. We normally like to keep all posts about each pup in a single thread as it makes it easier for members to refer back to the pup's history when needed. Thanks!

03-26-2014, 09:32 PM
Husko was maybe borderline Cushings ,even after the tumor enlarged.

So, after the MRI when I stopped Vetoryl completely ,he still loosed weight and the ''hole'' in his front left leg would not heal ,due to both (some) excess cortisol and the tumor/cancer cachexia....
BUT, no excessive drinking or peeing(3-4 times a night), hair-loss only on his back where his harness would touch it, no panting and just a tad pot-belly.
Muscle wasting and weight loss was probably more due to the tumor ,during this time.

During his final days his symptoms were:
1.Almost complete inability to stand on his feet ~ week (emerged about 8-9 days before he left us but continuously got worse...last 2 days would just collapse to the floor if I let him...)
2.Distorting towards the right side (his head trying to reach his pelvis)
3.When he slept his head sometimes faced upwards
4.Sleeping all day long ~ 4 last days
5.Moaning when rarely awake - 2 days
6.Would barely drink water - last day

1.When I started Vetoryl again in February (1*30mg ,later 1*30mg one day 1*15mg next day etc.) his wound started healing (aka lower cortisol) but not completely,
but since Vetoryl is somewhat accumulative did it drop the cortisol to almost Addisonian levels or just too low to handle the tumor?

2.When I started Vetoryl again the tumor slowly enlarged further resulting in pressing on nerves controlling the heart or breathing?
(which is why i gave an extra Artemix capsule)

3.Artemix was working and the tumor was in ''tumor-lysis'' state

4.All or combination of the above...

''Sollution'' to 1&2&3&4 would be to give cortisol for few days(?)
If so...I am a complete f*****g IDIOT...how could i not see this??? :(:(:(

Am I missing something? :( :( :(

03-27-2014, 02:04 AM

you are not a vet. You did what you could with the knowledge that you could find. The thing that makes treating Cushings so very hard is that no two dogs respond the same to the disease or treatment. That is why it is necessary to test so many times.

The vets are in the same predicament and when one is not familiar with Cushings, it compounds the difficulty. Also, many dogs have other health issues at the same time which makes treatment that much more complicated.

The information that you have provided proves that you loved Husko so much that you did all of this amazing research! I've never heard of the things that you're telling us about.

It could very well be that Husko developed another health issue which was hiding behind the same symptoms as Cushings. So much of treatment is a guessing game. Our IMS vet is very careful with the meds and she feels that maintaining Daisy's quality of life is more important than what the numbers show.She uses those as a guide but if Daisy shows symptoms of Cortisol going too low or not feeling well on the meds, we go back to a bit lower dose.

03-27-2014, 07:59 AM
I know you blame yourself for not knowing all of the things you stated. I think that you did exceptionally well with the limited resources you have had. I get very frustrated trying to figure things out that are happening to my Tipper too. I do not have the education of a vet, but I try to make up for that with extensive research, and the will to help my dog even under the most extenuating of circumstances. I fall short on some things, unable to figure them out as I am no expert in anatomy and physiology. This scares me, as my vet is very little help, and really only in it for the money. I know how you feel second guessing your decisions now. When you are the one making all the decisions, the pitfall of that is there is no one else to put the blame on if something goes wrong. This leads to you beating yourself up regularly after re evaluating what should have been done. I know this well as I am one of those people who always accepts responsibility for anything I have my hand in. I am my worst enemy when I make
mistakes. The deep love for these dogs creates many heartaches for the caretaker, as everything comes back to them. I lknow people that never take their pets to the vet when they are ill and need help. They just say let nature take it's course. It is because we respect, and will do anything to help our babies, we accept blame for everything that goes wrong. I know you think you should have known better and done things differently, but I am positive Husko felt the deep love you had for him and knew you were doing your very best to help him. He has forgiven you, now you have to forgive you.

03-27-2014, 09:29 PM
Thank you very very much for your kind words miss Valerie and goldengirl88...
since you mentioned ''let nature take its course''...

If Husko never got that initial cortisol (or better yet never went to that vet-visit and these f*****g vets) ,and because his only symptoms since spring were mild hind leg weakness due to a bit of muscle wasting (NO other cushings symptom....he was always the sleepy/bored fellow at home since the start), he would still be alive and probably have a few years ahead as a happy senior baby-dog...

Since November we were trying to fight what damage had been caused by the idiocy of the vets in the months prior...
Damage for which I actually paid the vets...I paid them to kill my baby for f***s sake...
...With funds that we so much needed since November for this fight!

No matter how I look at everything that happened...I find absolutely nothing redeeming or ''meant to happen''...

btw,I don't know what the laws in the rest of the world say, but here in Greece dogs are just property/objects...and you can only go to court for the purchase value of your dog and not on any ''medical fookups''...simply disgusting...

P.S. I just can't seem to find on the internet what the HYPO+++ readings mean under ''morphology flags''? Obvious guess is he was HYPO (earlier blood-tests showed that too)

03-27-2014, 09:47 PM
I'm thinking of trying to find a way to upload all of Huskos' test/mri/ultrasound etc. and mailing them probably to M.Peterson or any other highly respected vet ,asking for a written answer...(assuming i can find their e-mail at least)

Ive already posted on FB what happened to Husko ,including the vet names that did all this...
If they find out and sue me it would be so rewarding to shut their mouths by a world renowned vet...
Because here...they just lobby with one another...

I mean...
All summer long he (Elias) was gloating that he had seen ''20 huskies with liver cancer''...I wonder how many of those were cushpups receiving the wrong treatment...
...even on the day Husko left us...i went there with 2ml of blood i took in a syringe in my panic state ,and asked if they could tell me anything testing it.
He smiled...and said 'no' and continued 'he was lucky to live this long with all the conditions he HAD''...there were other clients (because that's what we are to them...simply clients) in the office of course...

I wanted to kill him saying ''HAD? HAD? You caused them you #%^#%^!!''
...but held my self together...said ''thanks'' and walked out...

Vets like this are dangerous...

03-27-2014, 11:05 PM
Yes they are dangerous and sadly, good luck to anyone trying to sue for negligence as I believe that many stick together. We trust them to help our beloved pets and too many aren't knowledgeable enough.

I went through 3 vets before finding a qualified specialist 2 hours away. If I hadn't found this forum, I might not have recognized that they were not handling treatment properly. Daisy would not be alive now.

As modern as the US is when it comes to animal treatment, crimes against animals still aren't punished strongly enough. Vets are still immune unless they do something obviouslywrong and it becomes wide spread knowledge.

You made friends here and we'll help you all that we can.
Know that your research is not in vain, even though Husko didn't win his battle with Cushings, the knowledge that you have might help to save other believed pets.

As for your so called vet, I've always believed that what comes around goes around and he won't get away with this lightly. He's arrogant and will make more mistakes. Sooner or later, he won't be able to hide behind his cocky attitude.


molly muffin
03-27-2014, 11:09 PM
The problem with a macro tumor is that it is very hard on them once the tumor starts to grow and put pressure on different areas of the brain. When that happens you truly are in a place of trying to do what you can to give them the best possible chance.
Vetroyl has been shown to increase tumor growth of macro's unfortunately most people don't even know it is a macro until the symptoms of one shows up during cushing treatment.
If you know before hand then you don't usually treat with cushing meds, but instead treat with prednisone, which though it is a steroid and can have the same effects as cushings, can relieve pressure on the brain for a period of time.
It's really a catch 22, in that you are darned if you do and darned if you don't and the only real treatment usually is radiation therapy, which they have a new one that is only 3 treatments, very mild on the dog with minimum side effects. We have one dog who has under gone this treatment currently at the University of Davis California. That dog is doing very well. We have another one who has undergone radiation therapy at the University of Florida and continues to do very well, almost a year later.
You don't know though if these treatments will work until you try them. This addresses only the macro tumors. For the liver you want to get the cortisol under control and hope that the damage to the liver isn't too great. Both the prednisone or the high cortisol can cause liver damage though.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-27-2014, 11:51 PM
I just can't trust any vet anymore after this...
I will just do what test is needed in the future...ask their complete written diagnosis and proposed treatment with their signature (99% just write a medication and send you off here...)...and after checking myself i'll do what i think is right!

Some people have already told me their problems with this vet-office...
It actually started good 3-4 years ago...but since...too many people coming in...and diagnosis have become a 20sec hurry up-job...

I mean...Damn it! You're dealing with living beings! Not a faulty motor of a car that can be replaced if you do wrong...

Thank you for considering me a friend! I do too!
If there is anything keeping me from not loosing it completely is maybe, just maybe , my experience might help someone else...
That would make Husko proud!
I think that is why most stick here after loosing their baby too...

molly muffin
I think Husko did pretty good on only natural supplements and healthy food since late November to January, considering all the damage done June to mid-november.

February-March developed into a nightmare for some reasons explained before...(mainly hurt leg and extreme lack of funds by then)
But, should never had started Vetoryl again (or maybe a 10mg dose would be enough to make the tumor attack in order for Artemix to work...which i'm pretty sure it did).
Should have used Melatonin for that instead of Vetoryl ,but i only found out recently that it drops cortisol levels...i only knew it promotes sleep...

03-28-2014, 07:57 AM

When Tia was first diagnosed with Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in 2010, I so trusted this vet that I never even saw her test results. The vet also kept wanting her to get vaccinated each year. I didn't do it though.

When she got sick in 2012 they wouldn't let me bring her into the office, said it was kennel cough and just gave me antibiotics for her. Two different rounds and still didn't want me to bring her in. She was getting worse so I found another vet and they did an exam and took x-rays and found she had an enlarged heart with lots of fluid and a spot on her liver. At that time, the vet said she also suspected Tia had Cushing disease. We decided to get the heart condition under control first and worry about the Cushings later. She did get better so we set up the ACTH for August 9th , but she died August 11th. She never got to start any treatment for her Cushings.

I request and received all Tia's test from the old vet and was amazed at the results. I didn't really understand them, but could see the numbers were really high. And on each test, the lab request a urine sample be sent in within so many days of each test, but on the next test it would state that they did not receive the sample. From what I've read in my Cushings research, I think Tia had Cushings in 2010, but was misdiagnosed. I think the vet didn't know anything about the disease.

I also think you are right in that most vets are there for the money, rush you in and rush you out, write a prescription and send you on your way. That's what he did with Tia and the kennel cough. Again misdiagnosed and had he actually seen her maybe he would have caught the congestive heart failure sooner and she would still be alive today.

There will always be a lot of "what if's" and I'll never really know why my sweet angel died. It has been seven and a half months and I cry every day for her. I still come here because I'm not judged by anyone on this forum because they understand what I'm going through and I can pour my heart out to them and they cry right along with me. I've said many times this forum has been my "saving grace" because without everyone here, I surely would have lost my mind by now.

Please please please forgive yourself as I am trying so hard to do for myself. You, just like me have another baby still alive that desperately needs you and all your knowledge. Take care and know that you and Angel Husko will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

Much love,
Donna and my angel babies, Tia and Tippi

03-28-2014, 12:12 PM

there's just so much unknown and uncertainty with Cushings and even less is known about the homeopathic treatments. I would much rather go that route bu there isn't enough information for me to take that chance with Daisy. As I type this, she's at the IMS vet at Cornell in Stamford getting her ACTH test and CBC done too. I'm hoping for some good numbers this time as I really don't want to increase her dosage again. She's only 11.5lbs.

Yes, we're a huge support system here and when one person loses a family member, we all feel it. Many do as you have done and stay to share their experience and knowledge with others who are still fighting the fight.

I'd never heard of Cushings before finding this site and I have learned so much.
I also think that helping others is part of the healing process and a great legacy for those who have crossed over the rainbow bridge.


03-28-2014, 02:30 PM
I know what you mean about the vets and I agree. We should be able to hold them responsible when they mess up, just like a Dr. Unfortunately pets here are treated as personal property. We need to really change things. I think the best thing to honor Husko would be to pay it forward and help others. You have a good knowledge of this illness and maybe that could help someone's dog. We are having terrible wind here all nite and today. Sunday we are expecting snow. I got two walks in with the dogs before the rain started. I hope you have a good day friend.

03-28-2014, 05:42 PM
To Donna (and angel babies, Tia and Tippi )

Yesterday when i woke up...I had thoughts that scared me...
I've always said people who commit suicide are weak...but there I was actually considering it...

Same night...I just couldn't get no sleep remembering all the ''fookups'' of the vets...
I am more enraged than ever before in my life!!!
I owe it to my baby Husko to let people know his story and what the vets did to him!
Maybe some other poor doggie will be saved if people going there learn about this...or even the vets become more responsible!

I've already post their names and fatal errors on FB so people will know...I have no money left to sue them...
If they sue me...so be it...A little bit of Justice be done for Husko ,Tia and every doggie mistreated like this!

doxiesrock912 & goldengirl88

I know...
I am not leaving this place...

btw, Husko wasn't on homeopathics...just natural supplements (since late Novemeber) and/plus Artemix&Vetoryl (since February).

Animals here are also just property...sickening!

Do you know if there is a way i can maybe contact Dechra or preferably M.Peterson DVM, ACVIM for a written/personal answer concerning the actions of the vets and what a big mistake/crime etc. it is to not follow the Vetoryl protocol and not informing me on the side effects of it ,etc.?

03-28-2014, 09:01 PM

is there a board that governs vet practices in Greece? If so, I would report Husko's story to them. If you have a facebook page, I would also tell your story there too for all to see. Word will spread quickly.

Negative feedback always spreads quickly.

03-28-2014, 09:19 PM
Yes, I have a FB page and have been posting since yesterday a brief ''memo'' of their uneducated crimes...

btw, If anyone wants to add me as friend here it is

Happened to talk to an MD today also...and when she heard the amount of cortisol Husko was given she gasped...
''WHAT???...that's a dose for a 150pound~75kg male human'' she said...wish someone would go on record if they sue me...

There is a board that governs...but it is a lobby and nothing happens...many people who went this route told me so...
At best an e-mail will be sent to them just as a formality.
I would also need a necropsy to do that...even though Husko died months later fighting for his life after a summer of ''treatment-murder''...

03-28-2014, 10:57 PM
It will be very hard to find someone who would go on record and even if you did, without them actually meeting Husko I suspect that what they say won't matter much.

Word of mouth is the best way to go and I'm sure that your FB friends will share your story with many others.

I sent you a friend request.

03-28-2014, 11:37 PM
Actually these vets are ''gods'' to many of the ''rescue people''.
I always thought they were good b4...but ignorance combined with arrogance (at least concerning ''liver cancer'' and cushings) caused so much harm to my baby Husko he only survived 4 more months due to being incredibly strong and willing to live.......

If I followed their advice last summer to put him to sleep because ''liver cancer'' is death-sentence...i would be ignorant of what had truly happened...and probably say ''they tried their best...''
Wonder how many people this has happened to...

I've posted also that if ANYONE of the 20 huskies (that Elias gloated of treating their liver cancer...and this was one of the basis of his ''diagnosis''...that huskies are prone to it) sees my posts to contact me...as i seriously doubt they were all ''liver cancers''......and some may have put their cushpups to sleep believing his bs...

FB friends now :)

03-29-2014, 12:02 AM
How very sad. I hope that Husko's story helps others. I'm sure that he's caused harm to others! You can't dose too high and not have something bad happen. It is almost impossible to prove that a vet has been negligent because they can easily alter their records or leave something out.

Share your story and please allow yourself to heal. Trying to sue the vet is a waste of time, money, and more hurt for you.

I've been told by friends that I see the "big picture" and many of them come to me for advice because I think in a unique way apparently. Maybe all of this is part of a bigger plan? You're meant to share his story. Do you know what I mean?

03-29-2014, 12:41 AM
I know...!
Since starting this posts in FB i've almost stopped hearing his cries in my head...

I don't have any money left to sue them...if they sue me...fine...up till then i'll keep collecting all the data i can lay my hands on that supports the truth...that Husko was at least mistreated!

03-29-2014, 12:46 AM
Please make sure you get copies of all medical records from every doctor that treated Husko. Just in case you need them...

Thinking about you,

03-29-2014, 01:02 AM
I have everything...7 bloodtests, 1 urine test, 2 ultrasounds ,1 liver puncture, 1 LDDS & 1 ACTH test , 3 x-rays and 1 MRI.
except some ''phone call'' prescriptions...phone companies keep records of phone calls if they deny something i guess.

I've also been searching for every scientific research i can find/use to back my case.
ex. http://www.2ndchance.info/cushingsteshima2009.pdf

plus, photos and videos displaying his condition through time (weren't shot for this purpose but they might help make a point).

03-29-2014, 07:28 AM
Awesome. Maybe, if you haven't already, start a journal and document everything, every test, conversations with his vet, etc., from the first symptoms Husko had until his passing. This could be helpful, just in case.

Hope you don't mind that I checked out your facebook. Try to have a good day with Lemmy.


03-29-2014, 07:57 AM
Tried that...it was impossible...this thread is the closest thing possible to what you say...

Of course i don't mind! You are all welcome to friend me as i said!!

03-29-2014, 08:59 AM
These are the various ways for you to contact Dr. Mark Peterson:
Phone 212-362-2650
Fax 212-537-6340
Address New York City Animal Endocrine Clinic 21 West 100th Street, New York, New York 10025
Go to Facebook.com/drmarkepeterson
Also ddmarkepeterson.com/contact freq Peterson/
There is a blog spot also animal endocrine.blogspot.com/dr-mark -Peterson

Dr. Peterson was the first Dr. I contacted upon my Tipper having Cushing's disease. He worked and consulted with my vet, but it was very expensive. If you contact him and explain your situation he may agree to look over your Huskos information to help you.
Good luck friend

03-29-2014, 02:49 PM
I hope you are ok as I have not seen you post, and know you were feeling down.I am hoping you are having a nice long walk with Lemmy.

03-29-2014, 08:31 PM
Didn't feel like getting up at all today...
Hope Lemmy understands...he is snoring right now :)

These are the various ways for you to contact Dr. Mark Peterson:
Phone 212-362-2650
Fax 212-537-6340
Address New York City Animal Endocrine Clinic 21 West 100th Street, New York, New York 10025
Go to Facebook.com/drmarkepeterson
Also ddmarkepeterson.com/contact freq Peterson/
There is a blog spot also animal endocrine.blogspot.com/dr-mark -Peterson

Dr. Peterson was the first Dr. I contacted upon my Tipper having Cushing's disease. He worked and consulted with my vet, but it was very expensive. If you contact him and explain your situation he may agree to look over your Huskos information to help you.
Good luck friend

Contacted him through his blog ,
but with the limited space I think he misunderstood because of lack of details that matter too much...
Never thought i would get 2 answers anyway...hoping for a crucial 3rd...unless he bans from posting :o

03-29-2014, 08:44 PM
Chatted with a VET page on FB too...

They said the cortisol prescriptions were fine :eek:
Does 10mg up to 25mg per day seem ok to anyone? Or are vets here just insane?
They also accused me of not trying hard and that I should have blood-tests done since November...

They are right though about the last part...should have borrowed money to do one earlier ,than the one I got stood by transport 8th March then the one arranged 1 day too late..

But do they actually think I don't blame myself for anything?
I am the one that will live the rest of my days with all the guilt of all the wrongs i did and all the things I never achieved of doing to make Husko feel better...

03-29-2014, 09:08 PM
Just saw this video of a rescue-lady about a stray she knew that started this little time ago (doesn't say days/weeks)...


Husko was like this few days before he went away (collapsing & bending ,but on his right side not left)...

Has anyone seen this before or recognize what it is ???

Budsters Mom
03-29-2014, 09:44 PM
That is so sad!:o it looks like it could be some sort if a stroke, but that's just a guess.

03-29-2014, 11:27 PM

every dog responds so differently. Daisy weighs 11.5 lbs and she is currently on 15mg twice a day of Trilostane which is the compounded version of Vetoryl and she just had her ACTH test.The test and her symptoms indicate a need for an increase to 20 mg twice a day.

Husko is quite a bit larger so the ranges that you posted are quite plausible. Many dogs have other conditions that might have some of the same symptoms as Cushings and it's hard to determine what is caused by what so it is entirely possible that something else was going on with him in addition to the Cushings.

They can't talk to tell us so it's often sheer luck too that the right test is done to find things out.

03-29-2014, 11:43 PM
I was referring to cortisol/prezolon (not Vetoryl) in post #103

03-30-2014, 10:57 AM
This video is so heart wrenching and upsetting I could hardly watch it. It seemed like a stroke to me. God bless this person, I would have had a heart attack if that was my Tipper. I am scared for my girl, I hope to never have to witness this ever.

03-30-2014, 11:33 AM
Sorry about that...i will post an update on that...hope its a happy one...

Reminded me very much of Huskos' condition last couple days...
Husko would sometimes lift his head and moan though...and was also able to sleep...
can't tell...

On another note...
Was down fixing my scooter...forgot the door open and Lemmy got down.
Sometimes i take him with me while doing that, but always on a leash so he doesn't chase cats...
I was about to finish in minutes so i just assumed he would wait a bit.

Walked away sniffing...without me noticing he chased something (99% cat).

Called for him...nothing...
Went around the block...nothing...
Jumped on the scooter...searched around 4-5 blocks for 5-15 mins (can't tell)...nothing...:confused:

All i could think is ''this can't be happening''...:(

Returned home to grab a jacket...soon as I arrived at the door...I see him running behind me and towards me......
''you little $h1t you scared me...come home'' :)

sigh of relief... :)

03-30-2014, 12:17 PM
I am so glad Lemmy came home. You surely do not need that. Do you use the scooter to go to work. I think most dogs like to chase cats. Tipper would never come back if she saw something she would chase it for miles and she would be lost. Her breed is like that though. We have 5 inches of new snow on the ground from last nite, but the sun is shining.

03-30-2014, 12:28 PM
Weather is good here but haven't really noticed...

Yes the scooter is for. I work as a package-courrier ,not steady hours though.
Usually start at 15:00 and sometimes finish as early as 18-19:00. 3 euros per hour.
It's really depressing knowing that things you can't control ,like a worldwide/nationwide economic crisis , affect your life and result in not being able to help your baby the best you can...
I realize now that lack of funds was by far the single most important thing that made everything worse...

Even so...had i not found a job some months ago...it would be far worse...

03-30-2014, 12:52 PM
Just received some pictures from the friend who drove us to get the MRI...I made him promise that next week we would take Husko to the sea ,as I had (almost) decided to put him to sleep the day after that...

Husko was in an ubber-pacing mood that day...
Was also the 2nd day of his IV-vitC...
I am actually holding him ,because he wanted to get up and walk...

2 days after this picture was taken , I was so happy he started eating again (not from him food-bowl. I just put each piece of chicken breast/sardine in front of his mouth and he would eat...this continued up until February when i started him again on a smaller dose of Vetoryl to make the tumor ''attack'' so Artemix would work..........damn me from not stopping it during his final days and giving him some cortisol...)
Wish that happiness would last longer...

''A sea of turmoil and a sky about to cry''

03-30-2014, 02:34 PM
So sweet and yet so sad looking at you holding your baby by the sea. I wish I could take your pain away, I realize this dog meant everything to you. It just makes me cry thinking of all you tried to do with the limitations you had. I go without many things in order to afford Tipper's care. It should not have to be this
way, that your baby suffers because these vets are so expensive. Sometimes I get scared that I will get to a place where I can no longer afford this. My heart goes out to you as I know how bad this has to hurt.

03-30-2014, 04:05 PM
What a beautiful picture Iraklis,
I can see the love between the two of you.

Lemmy came home :) That's wonderful! He knows that you need him.

03-31-2014, 06:41 PM
You asked if your dog could have had diabetes because of the weight loss. I did not see where there had been any blood glucose testing results in your thread. Was that included in any of the testing you had done? Hope you and Lemmy had
a good walk. It was 50 here today and we walked three times. Hope you got the scooter fixed.

03-31-2014, 07:22 PM
I was just searching his blood-tests.
He was only tested for that in September 4-6th.
Glucose - 112,08mg/dL (65,00-118,00)

After everything that happened since last summer...I question every single word the vets said... :mad::(

Scooter got a box added to it for all the packages, as up to now I had to carry everything in a bag which was really frustrating...even though since Husko passed away...some things that would bother me ,I simply don't care about anymore (ex. mobile phone used at work still has damaged screen). Numbness...?

The weather is getting much better since last week...spring is here!!!
(i may be repeating myself...even that would be helpful now ,cause walking Husko 2-4 times at night when he woke up with temperatures between 0-10 Celsius was killing me...)

Lemmy got a walk to another vet I discovered nearby :)
Nothing serious ,just a preemptive blood-test. :)
If anything turns up wrong though...I will first research it myself...then see what's what...never again blindly trust a vet...NEVER!
Also asked him about what the symptoms of baby-Husko mean...
1)tumor pressing crucial nerve 2)heart stroke 3)addisonian crisis
He said probably 1st...
Even tho he said it wouldn't help...I am pretty sure if instead of grabbing an extra Artemix capsule I gave a cortisol 16mg i had ready...Husko would gain some days of extra hope... :(

Found the courage today also, to open the 3 packages I received with medications for Husko ,by 3 very kind people from the US and Spain!
I am about to send'em to one of them as he is unemployed...
I was soooo moved by the handwritten dedications inside :(
Wish Husko got some better luck (and a better father than me...)...same day he went away, i got paid ,next day he'd get x-ray&bloodtest and 3-4 days later these 3 packages with meds arrived...which would make everything so much easier... :( :( :(

03-31-2014, 11:10 PM
I think that everyone here who has lost their furbaby feels that they wish they'd had better luck. I hope for a genuine cure for Cushings.

Squirt's Mom
04-01-2014, 08:57 AM
In reference to melatonin -

It is also suggested that it has some ant-tumor effects (especially pituitary tumors ).
So If by using it you can ex. give 20mg of Trilostane instead of 25mg...why not?

Ok, well let's start with the fact that NONE of us parents here are veterinarians nor scientific researchers so we have to rely on those who are and the proven results of their combined expertise. Not that we can't, or shouldn't, question them - but we simply do not have their knowledge nor experience so it is wise to listen.

Now let's look at that term "suggested" - this means there is a possibility only, not that anything has been proven - proof that can be repeated over and over and over in the same parameters with the same results. IF melatonin had the ability to reduce the amount of the drugs used to treat Cushing's, vets would be telling us to do this, researchers would be telling us to do this, numerous studies would tell us to do this. We are NOT being told this nor are we seeing this in any of the research.

Comparing the abilities of Trilostane and Melatonin to lower cortisol is sort of like comparing the abilities of a ball peen hammer and jack hammer to bust up concrete. ;) Those 5mg of Trilo will be MUCH more effective than the melatonin can ever be - IF it has any effect at all.

Now consider common sense - if something as benign as melatonin could work on a cush pup, who in the world would use drugs like Trilostane or Lysodren? ;) We would ALL be using melatonin instead.

04-01-2014, 09:09 AM
Was there ever any glucose showing up in Husko's urinalysis? I think you are doing a wonderful thing in memory if Husko to reach out to others and help when you can. Hope you and Lemmy have a good day.

04-01-2014, 02:53 PM
In reference to melatonin -

Ok, well let's start with the fact that NONE of us parents here are veterinarians nor scientific researchers so we have to rely on those who are and the proven results of their combined expertise. Not that we can't, or shouldn't, question them - but we simply do not have their knowledge nor experience so it is wise to listen.

Now let's look at that term "suggested" - this means there is a possibility only, not that anything has been proven - proof that can be repeated over and over and over in the same parameters with the same results. IF melatonin had the ability to reduce the amount of the drugs used to treat Cushing's, vets would be telling us to do this, researchers would be telling us to do this, numerous studies would tell us to do this. We are NOT being told this nor are we seeing this in any of the research.

Comparing the abilities of Trilostane and Melatonin to lower cortisol is sort of like comparing the abilities of a ball peen hammer and jack hammer to bust up concrete. ;) Those 5mg of Trilo will be MUCH more effective than the melatonin can ever be - IF it has any effect at all.

Now consider common sense - if something as benign as melatonin could work on a cush pup, who in the world would use drugs like Trilostane or Lysodren? ;) We would ALL be using melatonin instead.

Ι never said one should replace Vetoryl for Melatonin...after all...for Melatonin to have the effects of Vetoryl, it would have to be used in quantities that would probably result in certain death.

Just as an aid.

Was there ever any glucose showing up in Husko's urinalysis? I think you are doing a wonderful thing in memory if Husko to reach out to others and help when you can. Hope you and Lemmy have a good day.

Husko only had a urinalysis back in July 19th (the simple one ,not the ''cultivation'' one.)
It showed no sugar but was also very diluted due to polyuria.


btw, I was wondering today if Husko was just in a comma state when my father found him at ~08:00...
Because when my mother woke me up at ~09:00 he wasn't cold and I could draw out some blood (didn't have heart beat nor breathing)...maybe it wasn't too long ago he left this world... :(:(:(

04-01-2014, 11:32 PM
It also could be that Husko waited for you to be by his side when he passed. Many humans do that.

04-02-2014, 08:28 AM
Just saw this video of a rescue-lady about a stray she knew that started this little time ago (doesn't say days/weeks)...


Husko was like this few days before he went away (collapsing & bending ,but on his right side not left)...

Has anyone seen this before or recognize what it is ???

Turns out poor Liza had a tumor in her neck...nothing could be done...:(

It also could be that Husko waited for you to be by his side when he passed. Many humans do that.

stupid father should have woke me up...i'd try to revive him...or at least get to say goodbye...........

04-02-2014, 12:38 PM
It is a sad thing, but I have heard some people on here post that their family members could not understand or approve of their treatment of their dog. To some family it is just a dog. I will never be able to understand how these types of people think, or why they have such little regard for companion animals. It could be that to your father it was no big deal. I understand how you feel. Every time my Tipper is away from me like in the vets or hospital for testing etc. I say to them if anything at all goes wrong you come and get me immediately as I must be with my dog in an emergency. I make sure everyone that handles her understands this. I seldom even leave her at home now to go to the store or anything, I always get someone to sit with her. I am too afraid of something happening to her wit me not there. I have a stuffed animal dog here that I even make anyone watching her know how to perform CPR and practice on the stuffed animal. This dog means everything in the world to me and I am very cautious with her. It is a shame your dad did not seem to understand how important Husko was to you. I feel bad for you as this is like losing a child.

04-02-2014, 04:52 PM
I thought father liked Husko...(i know he doesnt like Lemmy)...he used to call him ''baby'' some times and walk him...

but i don't think he really cared...last months of Huskos' life he complained too many times about me spending too much money on Huskos' care...he complained I should have euthanized him because people in the streets told him my efforts are pointless...he didn't pay attention to Husko when walking him so Husko hurt his leg (which played a huge part in this overall psychology and mine)...all he cares about is eating and sleeping (after spending a fortune travelling the world while leaving 2 children and a wife behind with money barely enough to eat...) ,lazy prick...
I remember i told him when Husko hurt his leg that if he dies because of this i'd hurt him...haven't brought myself to do that...but I have told him that Husko was my family but not him...

04-02-2014, 06:43 PM
I guess you are right. A man that doesn't care about his wife and two children probably is not concerned about a dog. You loved Husko and that's all that matters. Some people will never get it, they have no love for animals and criticize us for doing so. You father was probably resentful of you spending money on a dog. I can certainly understand your ill feelings towards him with the way her left his family to fend for themselves. I hope that Lemmy always remains healthy as you have been through enough. Please take care of yourself and hug Lemmy for me and Tipper.

04-02-2014, 07:09 PM
Will do...
Actually ,today i received Lemmys' blood-tests...
All good!
I just think his CRK is a tad high 0.96mg/dL (0.32-1.43).

We went to Huskos' place again ,as almost every day since...the more I think about it all, the more i feel i failed him in his worst hour of need...
I was lucky enough to live beside him though, even for a short amount of time...and will be forever grateful for that...

P.S. Lemmy is snoring from exhaustion...

molly muffin
04-02-2014, 07:37 PM
Your father might indeed have loved Husko, but as you better than anyone knows, what Husko was going through could try anyones patience and often they think the kinder thing is to put them to sleep. Maybe it is because it hurts to see them in such a sad state of affairs.
I'm just guessing but I do know that my parents had a hard time seeing our Tasha when she was at her worse and I know they loved her dearly. They thought it would have been kinder to let her go.

Glad Lemmy is doing okay
Sharlene and molly muffin

04-02-2014, 08:10 PM
Your father might indeed have loved Husko, but as you better than anyone knows, what Husko was going through could try anyones patience and often they think the kinder thing is to put them to sleep. Maybe it is because it hurts to see them in such a sad state of affairs.
I'm just guessing but I do know that my parents had a hard time seeing our Tasha when she was at her worse and I know they loved her dearly. They thought it would have been kinder to let her go.

Glad Lemmy is doing okay
Sharlene and molly muffin

I understand what you are saying ,but i am sure that is not the case with him...his day went on as if nothing happened when he left this world...

I don't have regrets of not putting Husko to sleep (it came close to that ,but that was a dietary fookup of me that fortunately i spotted) because up to/and January he had many daily/nightly walks and ate food and showed (few) signs of joy...
February to March is a different story...should have accepted help from a lady who offered to loan me money, should have asked for x-rays/bloodtest during our 2nd February vet visit and owe the money, should have found a way to vent my anger instead of my voice loosing its calm and affection (not to mention my crimes of slapping and grabbing the throat of my baby)......i lost my calm,vigilance,clear thinking (what was left of that)...

I know nobody will say this ,but i am sure everyone realizes how wrong things were done by me during the last 5-6 weeks...and there are no excuses at all for that...
I decided to go the route of helping Husko to the end...and ''try to help'' is a far cry from ''do help''...

04-03-2014, 01:09 PM
Of course no one is going to say you did wrong, because we don't think you did. You did what you thought in your heart was right. You had very little help from the vets, and everything they did was wrong. I think if anyone let Husko down it was the vets that you trusted to save his life and they bungled it. You have learned a lot from this and it will certainly benefit Lemmy. You are actively helping others on the forum, so that honors your beloved Husko. You are a good person, and you did everything you could humanly do. I am sorry for your dad not letting you know Husko was in distress, that is hard to have to deal with. Have a good day with precious Lemmy as he needs you now, and you need him.

04-03-2014, 01:19 PM
Patti said it perfectly. Hugs.

Are you old enough to move away from your father? This doesn't sound like a good environment for anyone.

04-03-2014, 06:53 PM
I don't think Husko was in distress when father found him...probably in a state of coma (or nearly there). I don't know if this causes pain...
I certainly hope not...
But i think i could have done something...anything...

Yes ,I am old enough.
The money i make though would barely be enough to pay the rent...
This is a situation many people have been forced to in this economic crisis.

I can manage this situation in ''normal'' circumstances easily...
The whole situation with Huskos' health would be incredibly difficult even for the ''perfect house'' to handle...much less mine...
And i am making no excuses for my actions or mistakes with this...

I honestly don't know what to do...moving out looks like a dream in this economy...
Days after Husko left this world, i posted on FB if anyone has a dog with cancer for adoption (since i had 2 months worth of the medication i was donated)...it felt right...there was one ,but the lady (an MD) who posted it decided to keep him...
I also found this doggie...
She looks very much like Husko...could be a very very distant relative...called today for the possibility of adopting her (assuming first Lemmy is ok with her)...
I am sure Husko would want another stray be saved...
It somehow though feels too early...seems like a conscious decision of looking for a dog instead of just finding one in front of you...
Could be the (healthy?unhealthy?) anxiety of a new dog?
Would this dishonor Husko?

P.S. Lemmy was never buddies with Husko...
Whenever i called them to come and pet them, Lemmy would push Husko aside and he would just leave...I'd push Lemmy back and say ''stop it'' and call Husko back...
Lemmy is a selfish little $h1t...yet lovable... :)

But Husko was and forever will be the tragically ended love above all others...

04-03-2014, 07:38 PM
Iraklis, there is no rush to adopt. You don't sound ready. enjoy time with Lemmy now that he has no competition and focus on your finances. I think doing both will help you feel less helpless :)

04-03-2014, 09:34 PM
You did what you thought in your heart was right.

...and that includes an angry/frustrated voice, slapping and throat-grabbing?...no...

I am not a christian and don't believe in any gods, but i know how the story goes...
Judas and Peter both betrayed/denied Jesus...
I hope this doesn't offend anyones' religion in any way beliefs but i feel i did the same thing...

04-03-2014, 09:47 PM
I'm so glad Lemmy's bloodwork looks good - the two of you need each other right now.

04-04-2014, 09:33 AM
The throat grabbing and slapping is done now, there is nothing you can do to change that, or I am positive you would. Yes in hind sight it was wrong, but I understand how frustrating this disease can be and sometimes I yell at my Tipper even when it really is not her fault. I do it out of frustration which is an ugly part of being a human. With no one helping you, and you doing all this on your own, it was only human to become frustrated. I am positive Husko forgives you, dogs are some of the most forgiving creatures on this earth. You are like me, you continue to beat yourself up over things you cannot go back and change. I am positive Husko is looking down thanking you for doing all you could do. He would not want you to torture yourself like this daily. The more you reach out and continue to help on the forum, the better you will feel. Your presence and knowledge is needed here, so consider it a tribute to your wonderful boy Husko that you are paying it forward for the mistakes you feel you have made.

04-04-2014, 02:39 PM
I know he forgave me...he was so much better than me in every possible way...!
I know i cannot change anything that happened now...

In fact it wasn't just his health situation that caused that night to be the last...I think he went one step further and ''released'' me by letting go...
I still remember his last look into my eyes on the last night he was still here...i said ''it's ok...'' and pet his head...but now i think i know his question looking at me was ''do you want me to leave?''...

04-04-2014, 11:49 PM
How do you know that he wasn't asking for permission to leave? Asking if you would be alright if he went and his suffering stopped? Given the unconditional love that our furlets provide, I think this is more likely.


04-05-2014, 06:36 AM
I 'll probably be completely egotistical saying this...but the following days would be better (enough money for bloodtests-xray, medication arriving days later that would relieve my stress...)...
If only he knew...

If even that didn't make a difference...I would help him...and get to at least say ''I love you ,I'll miss you...goodbye my baby!!''

Inside me i was wishing that he'd go peacefully in his sleep...but not before we had fought with everything we got...

But I failed to do that in the end...
It is my fault...he felt betrayed...
His love was so much bigger than mine that he felt he had to let go of his life to relieve me...and he did...

04-05-2014, 08:48 AM
My biggest fear is Tipper leaving me and I do not get to tell her how much I love her, so every nite before we go to bed I tell her how much she means to me. She lays there quietly and just listens to me. Then again I don't know if I could manage seeing her pass, it would kill me. It is a double edged sword. I wish you could have had that moment with Husko. I think he was tired and wanted to be out of pain, and felt it would be best for you if he left. Animals have so much intuition. Most people who love dogs have a dog that is a once in a lifetime dog. A dog that was more special than any other they had. A dog that is so in tune with them. A dog they love more than a human. A dog they feel they cannot live without. This sounds like the relationship between you and Husko. I truly feel your pain, as Tipper is my once in a lifetime dog, and I am scared every day of losing her.

04-05-2014, 09:29 AM
Yes...words truly can't describe...

I've been having thoughts that suggest his very calm/''depressive''/sleepy behavior (unlikely for a husky, even in his age) would be indicative he was slowly becoming a cushpup as early as early 2012...
Which raises my guilt that if he had not been treated at all for anything since last summer ,the tumor would continue to enlarge very-very slowly...and by the time he needed treatment I would be more educated...and he would have lived a full life...even after 8 years of being a starving ,beaten up stray dog...

I've been looking at rescue dogs for possibilities...i feel that is the best thing that would honor Huskos' life...!
But knowing you've met the perfect dog makes choosing sooo hard...

04-05-2014, 01:48 PM
Should mention after reading other threads that blood-test here in Greece are mostly the plain ones and you have to specifically ask for which biochemistry test you want done.

Meaning Husko was never tested for T4 or anything like that...

Does anybody remember another case of a dog misdiagnosed for sth else like liver cancer or arthritis but actually being a cushpup?
I need to read something i can really relate to...
Thank you!

Squirt's Mom
04-05-2014, 02:10 PM
Actually, we seem to see more of the opposite situations - Cushing's being diagnosed when it is really something else.

04-05-2014, 07:22 PM
I have to agree with Leslie. Usually people are thinking their dogs have Cushing's when they don't. If you feel adopting a rescue dog will help you and honor your Husko, then go with what your heart tells you to do. Maybe it will ease the pain of losing your best friend in the whole world. Just know it will make an added financial burden for you, and you won't know about it's health.You have been through a lot, and I am sure you could love another dog, it will just never be the same as Husko though.

04-05-2014, 09:56 PM
Here are Dr. Mark E. Peterson's 2 replies (I almost lost the noteback it in the spam folder)...i asked a 3rd question too but never got an answer (not that i am not grateful...i wasn't even expecting 1 answer and i got 2)...


I can't help but think that things would be better off if he wasn't misdiagnosed in the summer 2 times...(muscle wasting caused loss of about 4kg / 8lbs)
And that his 10day ACTH test isn't indicative of how much the cortisol levels dropped...

04-05-2014, 10:53 PM
Cushings is easily mistaken for old age until the symptoms are blatantly obvious. Now that I know what to look for, in hindsight, I suspect that Daisy has had Cushings for at least a year before her diagnosis.

We do what we can with what we have. Our dogs know this too.

04-06-2014, 12:52 AM
Exactly - hindsight indicates to me that my dog's first signs showed up almost two years before I got a diagnosis. So much was chalked up to her not being a young dog anymore, and I think the rigor I applied to her physical therapy arrested or masked some of the physical symptoms for quite some time.

04-06-2014, 07:39 AM
Well...Not doubting Dr.Peterson....but i think i am...given the limited amount of information I could provide in a blog comment...

I don't think the tumor would enlarge so much had there been proper monitoring of Vetoryl...and even if it did anyway...he had lost so much muscle mass because of the Prezolon (for ''arthritis''&''liver cancer'' he did not have) that it diminished his chances of survival (not to mention i wasted time&money trying to address that too and losing focus...)...

04-06-2014, 08:09 AM
I read the information on the link to the blog. I was very surprised at Dr. Peterson's statement that there is no evidence that Vetoryl accelerates the growth of Pituitary tumors. That subject has come up many times and it has been thought by many that this does happen. I have to say that I feel then mis diagnosis of liver cancer and treatment for it had to have affected Huskos health. I feel if he had been diagnosed correctly and started on Vetoryl early on without the meds given for liver cancer he may have had a better chance of doing better physically, and maybe not lost so much muscle mass. Just think of it this way, if you did not have cancer and a Dr. put you on cancer drugs it would certainly impact you negatively. Have a good walk with Lemmy. We have a very thick frost today.

04-06-2014, 08:29 AM

How can Dr.Peterson not know of this thing (chemical Neslons' syndrome) happening to some dogs?

Just to clarify...Huskos' medication was on Medrol/Prezolon ,Ursofak, Ceclor, Flagyl ...not any chemo...but these meds are worthless/cause damage to a cushpup...(and of course all that money would be much needed later on for proper treatment).
I feel that had he been diagnosed earlier or even not gone to vets that early, he wouldn't even need Vetoryl for many months...

Yesterday i was thinking of going a long walk with Lemmy...
But today its raining...
We'll go later during the night probably...

04-08-2014, 11:47 AM
I am currently trying to figure out the mechanism causing Tipper to have these awful tremors at nite. It is really hard to watch her do this over and over again. I feel it somehow affects her even though the Neurologist says he does not think so. I never trust any Dr. anymore after being on this journey. I am sure the Vetoryl is the cause, but how is what I want to know. If you have any thoughts on this please let me know. It has been raining here for 2 days. We did manage to get a walk in today. Tipper goes for her 17 the or 18th ACTH test tomorrow. If her numbers are good, I am not testing her for about 3 months. She has had enough and this is extremely hard on her since she has had so many. I cannot expect her to keep doing this. Hope you and Lemmy are well.

04-08-2014, 05:34 PM
No response from you today? I hope you are well and maybe just working. Hope nothing is wrong.

04-08-2014, 07:57 PM
I am currently trying to figure out the mechanism causing Tipper to have these awful tremors at nite. It is really hard to watch her do this over and over again. I feel it somehow affects her even though the Neurologist says he does not think so. I never trust any Dr. anymore after being on this journey. I am sure the Vetoryl is the cause, but how is what I want to know. If you have any thoughts on this please let me know. It has been raining here for 2 days. We did manage to get a walk in today. Tipper goes for her 17 the or 18th ACTH test tomorrow. If her numbers are good, I am not testing her for about 3 months. She has had enough and this is extremely hard on her since she has had so many. I cannot expect her to keep doing this. Hope you and Lemmy are well.

Does it look like this in the video?

On another note, I uploaded a video of her shivering when she inhales here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YV7mc78B1UM&feature=youtu.be - I don't totally understand the mechanism but I feel fairly confident now that this is a Cushing's effect, rather than her being cold or scared.

04-08-2014, 08:13 PM
No response from you today? I hope you are well and maybe just working. Hope nothing is wrong.

I just wish i had more fotos and videos of Husko...looking at old pictures of Penny (dhe died on 13th February 2003) i realized how much i had forgotten...
I feel guilty when people try to comfort me saying how loving i was even though i did so many things wrong...
In retrospect...Husko was sooo much better than me!

I feel like a burden here sometimes...forcing my problems to people who already have enough of that...

Things at the shelter going wrong added to everything else...
If it closes...120+ dogs will be left in the streets...which in Greece means 120+ poisoned dogs...

Other than that...life is peachy in Hollywood & Monte Carlo :eek:
If living happy means being indifferent...how can someone go on if he can't do that...?

04-08-2014, 08:14 PM
I am trying to get some video together of it and post it. It does not look like this video, it is different more like muscle contractions is how it would look. I will let you know when I get the video up. Hope you and Lemmy are well.

04-08-2014, 10:18 PM
OMG! How sad about the shelter and what will happen to those dogs!
Share the story on Facebook so that it goes around. Alert the media in the US too. You never know who will step up to help.

04-09-2014, 08:03 AM
I guess I am naive and did not realize people there would poison dogs. How sad that is. We have a lot of no kill shelters that keep dogs forever, but they are having trouble staying open too. Do you think it would help you maybe to volunteer to help at the shelter? I have been where you are and it is not a good place. You are not a burden here ever. This site is not just for happy people, it is for people struggling to come to terms with their life after losing there best friend in the whole world. I will need your support one day when my baby must leave me, so don't think you are burdening anyone. You are intelligent and have information and support to help others on here. I think you need a big hug, and someone to tell you that you matter and make a difference. Are there any support groups where you live for people going thru hard times? You do matter to us on the forum, and you have a lot to offer. Hope you and Lemmy have a good walk today.

04-10-2014, 07:20 AM
Lemmy is just fine and enjoys being the only dog in the house...he always behaved like that anyway...

There are no support groups here...
I can't think of anything that would help...

This isn't a case of something unavoidable...Husko would still live had there not been damage from wrong diagnosis/therapies (and huge amounts of money spent on that ,that would be useful later on for that matter) by the vets and huge mistakes by me...I can't get over the fact that i hurt him during his hours of deepest and biggest need!

Even if i had left ''nature take its course'' in the beginning...he would still be alive!

I cannot say to myself ''I did everything I could and all this was unavoidable...''
I see other people say that and it hurts me knowing I could have given him months/years of a happy life instead of months of struggling...

No one needs advice or help from someone who slapped and grabbed the throat of his dying baby...no one...

04-10-2014, 07:46 AM
I probably will never change the way you think about yourself. I know you will continue to blame yourself for Husko passing. I do know one thing for sure, you have learned a lot from this and the things you researched, and learned first hand do have a place here. If you were truly a bad person, you would never have rescued Husko from a life on the streets. Being with you was probably the best part of his life. You brought him joy and love, a home and food too eat. You are not a bad person, you just had a weak moment, like all of us do. I am going to need your help finding out how I can stop these tremors in my Tipper. She must go to the hospital on the 23rd to see if her tumor has grown. That is how the forum works, we lean on others when we need support. What you did in a moment of weakness does not define you as a person. I am sure everyone on here has done things they are not proud of. Please stay on the forum, and offer your help when you can. Your Husko would certainly want you to help other dogs!

My sweet Ginger
04-10-2014, 08:47 AM
Hi Iraklis,

Everything Patti is saying is so true and what she's saying is we are all humans and not gods. We all have weaknesses and we all make mistakes, too many of them through our lives. Sometimes it takes a longer time dealing with it but eventually we do have to move on and get on with our lives. Painful but we have to learn to deal with it because the only other option is to our own destruction.
You can offer or dedicate your time, knowledge, courage, experience, compassion... and most of all the love for animals that branched out by taking care of your beloved Husko to others who are in great need of all these and you know there are too many of them around all of us. You can do or offer a lot in Husko's honor and you will be doing all this with your Husko who is and will be in your heart forever and he will be ever so proud of you with a big smile on his face. He will live on through your good work.
Iraklis, you are a wonderful person already and I truly mean it but you will become an even much better human being, you and Husko together. Take care. Song.

04-11-2014, 08:39 AM
I am hoping you and Lemmy are well. I wish you had someone over there you could talk to. Tipper had really bad tremors last nite. She walked four times yesterday, and maybe it is too much exercise?? Hope to see you back on here helping everyone. Blessings

04-11-2014, 03:09 PM
I try...
It wasn't just a moment or once as i've said before...
I actually think i knew what i was doing was wrong...but couldn't stop myself...
It's easy being good when everything is ok...
It's when things go wrong that we see our true selves...and when he needed me most...I failed him...

I can document wrong decisions i made that would certainly affect what happened later on...and thinking back my reasoning was absolutely wrong...and they point to me that Husko was less important to me that stupid bills or Ares the stray doberman i had given for adoption (which had to find another home within a deadline) or dear old f@cking me...

I'd be lying if i'd say helping or adopting another dog (eventually) makes me happy as Husko being alive&happy would...i just hate to see anyone else feel the way i feel now...

...Can you video the tremors and what medication Tipper is on?

04-12-2014, 11:56 AM
I have some video I took with a small tablet I have and have to figure out how to get it on photo bucket. I will work on it this weekend. I have to see if I can find the manual. I was trying to see if exercisehad some relationship to her tremors. If too much makes more tremors or if too little makes more. I am keeping a journal on it. Beaglemom asked you about the Artemis on her thread, I thought you may have overlooked it. Today is sunny and in the 60s, Tipper has walked three times already. I wish it would stay like this, but Monday or Tuesday is snow. I will be taking Tipper for her ultra sound on the 23rd of April. She has one
every three months, this will be the fourth one. It is very hard to sit and wait for her and see if the tumor has grown. I die a million deaths waiting to hear her fate. Hope you and Lemmy have a nice day.

04-12-2014, 09:26 PM
Looking forward to the video!
Hope the ultrasound shows positive results!

Went to the shelter today and walked some dogs...my mother walked Lemmy...and I bought him a 1euro toy he loved at first sight (and weirdly ,he didn't manage to disintegrate it in 10secs...it still exists...)! :)

04-13-2014, 08:00 AM
I am so glad you went to the shelter and walked the dogs. It would seem you have a good relationship with your mother? I am so happy that you took Lemmy and got him a toy. He needs you now, and you need him. The shelter is probably really needing volunteers to walk the dogs, so that is a good thing you are doing, and I think it will only serve to help you through this. It is going to be in the 70s today so the doggies will be out!!

04-14-2014, 02:28 PM
I am having a time trying to get this video up to watch. I will keep trying. It is pouring rain here, how is your weather? Hope you and Lemmy have a good day.

04-15-2014, 08:22 AM
So what are you and Lemmy up to this week? We have snow coming down. This video is making me crazy!

04-15-2014, 10:11 PM
Just the usual...
Some days are bad...others are even worst...
Trying to adjust again to sleeping at night and not morning to almost noon...

Just thought of sth about the tremors...could you check body temp before trilostane administration and at various times after that and when tremors occur?

04-16-2014, 03:55 PM
It all I'd:
I am going to look online to see if I can get one of those gadgets that you can put in the dogs ear and take his temperature. I am hoping to be able to get this video online soon. It was really cold here last nite only 22 degrees. There is still snow on the ground. I took Tipper for her blood pressure reading this morning. It was good and her weight was down a little which is great. I know how hard it is to change your sleeping time around. Hope it works out. Have a good day with Lemmy.

04-17-2014, 11:02 AM
I ordered a thermometer to take Tipper's temperature in her ear. It should!d be here soon. She slept in her crate last note, so I don't know if she had tremors. They just seem to be getting worse and it scares me. I know it is listed as a side effect on the Vetoryl insert, but this is getting beyond tremors they are getting sostrong. I hope to have the video up by next week. Hope you are getting your sleeping changed around ok. It is nice and sunny, but chilly here. I take Tipper to the hospital next week for her tumor check, so plewse keep your finger crossed that it has not grown.

04-17-2014, 04:42 PM
Have you thought of maybe stopping Vetoryl for a few days, maybe a week ,to see if the tremors stop?

It just started raining here...crazy cloudy these past 3 days...luckily walked Lemmy about 2 hours ago...

Not there yet concerning sleeping times...

Fingers crossed for Tipper!!!

04-17-2014, 06:15 PM
The longest Tipper has been off the Vetoryl is 3-4 days. I think what ever this drug does causes lasting effects as she still had the tremors when off of it for a few days. I can't take her off longer than that as her symptoms are too bad,and it is so hard to get her numbers in line and dosage right once her cortisol has been allowed to rise. She is pretty good with her pre and post numbers right now, So I don't want to rock the boat. That being said, I don't feel this can keep going on as it is getting worse. I will be working on this video so everyone can see it this weekend. Tipper had three walks today so she is worn out. Enjoy your day with Lemmy. How is the change with your sleep doing??

04-18-2014, 08:56 AM
Tipper did not want to go out on her walk this morning. I had asked the neurologist if Tipper could be having Myoclonic seizures. He was not convinced. I have researched the heck our of them. They start mostly when the dog starts falling asleep, which is when Tipper's happen. They make them have facial twitches, which she does, they can progressively get worse, which they are, it is a jerkimg motion from muscle contraction, and once they get this there is no cure. It can be caused by medication!! So if she has this it would fall in line with the fact that stopping the Vetoryl did not stop this activity. There are some medications that can control it, not sure I want to get into those. I know my dog, and this is something more than tremors. Hope your sleeping is going well and you get outside and enjoy the day with Lemmy.

04-18-2014, 04:15 PM
Please look at Tipper's thread as I got the link on it to see the video. This is not abad tremor like she has been ggetting, but a milder one. Notice the tail and face twitching also. I think she is having myoclonic seizures. I am going to try and get one of the really bad ones on video and put it on here. What do you think this could be? I am wanting your opinion. Thank you,

04-18-2014, 07:19 PM
Will do asap...

Just got out of a conversation on FB...and found out the vets blame it on me...that i didn't do all the tests (WTF?) and so he made a diagnosis on poor data...WTF?

It was they who didn't look/search/pay attention on anything else the ultrasound results stated ,other than the last possibility of ''liver cancer''...and it was they who refused any further testing deeming it un-necessary...WTF?

04-19-2014, 02:11 AM
it sounds like word is getting around and the vets are trying to cover their butts. They might be losing business already.

Do you have all of the records where they say not to test?

04-19-2014, 07:28 AM
I am so sorry this is happening. You do not need the vets blaming you on top of their misdiagnosis of your Husko. They must blame you instead of having their business ruined? Have a good weekend with Lemmy.

04-19-2014, 08:52 AM
Refusing to test further on all the possibilities (dd: lipidosis, steroids hepatitis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, lymphoma)of the ultrasound results cannot be on any record, they simply refused as they had already drawn a conclusion it was liver cancer...

Eventually i found transport and went to a different vet...should have stuck with him...instead of going back to them...easier said than done though...

I wonder what is their story on not following the Vetoryl protocol, not recognizing symptoms of tumor enlargement ,giving Dextrose to a tumor patient, giving cox-2 pills to a cushings patient...

I have to find a way to scan all my tests records and publish them...

Honestly, i was spooked and enraged last night by hearing Huskos' cries after reading all that...

04-19-2014, 09:33 AM
Thinking about you and Lemmy and I'm keeping y'all in my prayers.

Much love,

04-19-2014, 02:04 PM
I am not sure if you celebrate Easter but I hope you and Lemmy can go on a good walk. It is beautiful and sunny. Do you have a library where you could use their scanner? Maybe you know of someone who would scan them for you at a school or university? Hope you are able to work it out.

04-20-2014, 08:29 PM
We do celebrate easter, but i don't care really...

I will find a way to do it and scan all the test results...

Went to Huskos' place earlier with Lemmy...
On the way back home, he got really scared and jumped up half a meter and yelped when he saw a grasshoper on the road...so funny...

P.S.On a brighter note...my neighbor (below apartment) found a 'pointer' dog hit by a car April 10th...She's ok btw...and yesterday I fortunately found her owner through FB, completely by chance!

04-20-2014, 09:34 PM
Thinking about you and Lemmy and I'm keeping y'all in my prayers.

Much love,

Thank you so very much!

Much(er) love back to all your family!!! :)

molly muffin
04-20-2014, 09:47 PM
Oh I'm so glad the pointer was okay and what a wonderful thing to have found her owner.

An Easter miracle perhaps. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-20-2014, 09:50 PM
Could be...even though i don't believe in miracles...

Her owner said ''i have to give you a present to repay you''
I said ''the only present i want...nobody can give me...'' :(

I am happy for them none the less

04-20-2014, 09:52 PM
I do hope that you can scan in the results. Facts will prove their (the vets) negligence. I hope that their practice suffers because no one should go through what you and Husko did.

Lemmy jumping from a grasshopper. The visual is too funny!
Happy Easter.

molly muffin
04-20-2014, 09:56 PM
A miracle can be any unexpected good thing, an impossible thing.
This was a good thing and it was a good thing that you even TRIED to find the owner to reunite them as many would not have bothered.
The littlest things in life can sometimes have the biggest outcomes.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-20-2014, 09:58 PM
The littlest things in life can sometimes have the biggest outcomes.

sooo very true...in sooo many ways...both good and bad...

04-20-2014, 10:06 PM
I do hope that you can scan in the results. Facts will prove their (the vets) negligence. I hope that their practice suffers because no one should go through what you and Husko did.

Lemmy jumping from a grasshopper. The visual is too funny!
Happy Easter.

It seems they tried to put all the blame on me...
Yes, i am to blame...for trusting them...and yes i could do better after November...but Husko&me were fighting ,by that point, an air bombing coming our way blindfolded with sticks&stones (and actually succeded in bringing down some of them bombs...)

I honestly don't care about their business...
I only hope no dog suffers Huskos' fate ever again in their hands...

Happy Easter to you & everyone celebrating it!!!

04-20-2014, 10:12 PM
That's what I meant, if their business fails then no other animals will be misdiagnosed and no more heartbreak will come to families because of them.

04-21-2014, 08:21 AM
You did the most wonderful thing reuniting that dog with it's owner. You are a good person, you are just very critical of yourself. That was the best Easter present that family could have gotten and it wouldn't have happened had you not intervened. I am glad you took Lemmy to Huskos place. Do you think he realizes that is Huskos place? That is too funny about the grasshopper. Tipper always tries to me at them and they spit all over her and she drops them. Must be an awful taste! It is sunny here and seems like we will have a beautiful day.

04-21-2014, 02:37 PM
Thank you for the help with the Melatonin. You always help me when I ask, so I just want you to know I appreciate it. Take care friend, and hugs to Lemmy.

04-22-2014, 06:55 PM
Tipper has trachea problems and sometimes it collapses. At times she struggles to breathe at nite. Do you have any experience with this? She does get Adequan shots which seem to help for about 2 weeks. We have rain today and the temperature really dropped, it is very cool out. Hope you and Lemmy walked today.

04-22-2014, 09:02 PM
Tipper has trachea problems and sometimes it collapses. At times she struggles to breathe at nite. Do you have any experience with this? She does get Adequan shots which seem to help for about 2 weeks. We have rain today and the temperature really dropped, it is very cool out. Hope you and Lemmy walked today.

Could be a sign of muscle wasting, i think.
Does Tipper experience any noticeable muscle wasting elsewhere?

Yes, Lemmy went our usual route (now for a month+) to Huskos' place and back...
Was really hot here today in Athens ,after such a long winter ,25+C.

Squirt's Mom
04-23-2014, 08:00 AM
Small dogs are just prone to collapsing trachea and Cushing's seems to make it much more possible. Collars are also a cause for collapse trachea due to damage when the dog pulls. Harnesses are always the better choice. ;)

04-23-2014, 09:24 AM
Tipper did wear a collar when younger and it probably did some damage. Also Cushing's does make it worse, and it weakens the cartilage thus letting it collapse. I may have to start getting her Adequan shots every two weeks instead of every three. I hate to do it to as she is always at the vets and the shots Ade painful in her now skinny legs. She has some muscle wasting in the rear legs, but not a whole lot as she walks everyday to keep her muscle up, and eats good quality chicken white meat. We have rain again today. Give Lemmy a hug from Tipper and I.

04-23-2014, 08:11 PM
Everything makes me go back...does a collapsed trachea cause cough? Or just shortness of breath?
does Tipper sleep kinda like this (head facing upwards) too?


Omega-3 helps with muscle wasting too from what i've read.
This is what i used

Cloudy here during the day ,but very hot. As we were returning from Huskos' place ,Lemmy&me, it started raining...again...hope it is over by tomorrow!

04-24-2014, 07:32 AM
Good morning all.

My neighbor had a big mixed dog named Sammie that had a collapsed trachea. She coughed all the time, but lived with it a very long time. She walked every morning with her Dad and other dog brothers but was also short of breath a lot and had to stop the daily walks. She wore a collar but they didn't put a lease on her when she walked, she just followed the others. She just passed last year from old age.

Just thought I'd throw that in! Much love,

04-24-2014, 08:10 AM
Thanks Donna it makes me feel a little better.

04-24-2014, 08:18 AM
Sorry for the thread hijack!! No Tipper does not sleep like that. I do give her very good fish oil every day. I think I am going to have to resort to giving her the Adequan shots every two weeks instead of three. That has been the only thing that helps her. I heard her for the first time ever hack two times last nite in what sounded like an attempt to clear mucous from her throat. That could be adding to the misery. I have an antihistamine the IMS approved to give her, but that was
before she started taking the Soloxine. I see her next Wednesday for Tipper's tumor check, and I will ask her if it is ok to use, if so I will try that. I think the reason I quit using it before is it said do not use if you have seizures, and we were not sure if what Tipper does at nite was a seizure or not. I don't know what could be the source of this mucous, as she had a big amount of it in her eye this morning, so that would make sense that is causing trouble since the eye , nose and throat are involved with one another. Glad you got a walk in with Lemmy before the rain. Your country is beautiful, and to be able to go by the sea is a bonus. How far is Huskos place from where you live?

04-24-2014, 10:45 PM
mucus could be a result of infection due to cushings high cortisol suppressing the immune system(?)

Huskos' place is a 15 minute walk...about 30yards outside the shelter i volunteer at (it is inside the park i hanged out with friends i described earlier i think)

04-25-2014, 10:40 AM
I read somewhere that Cushings narrows their nasal passages, and may be the reason a lot of them snore really bad. I am wondering if it affects the sinuses and that is where it is coming from? I am so happy that you volunteer at the shelter. You are a valuable resource for them knowing all the information you do. Just maybe one will capture your heart and help heal the hole left by sweet Husko. Hope you and Lemmy have a good day.

04-26-2014, 05:49 PM
Are there any paid positions at the animal shelter? I just thought since you love animals maybe you could get a position after volunteering a while?? That would be a great job working with animals. It was cold here today, but Tipper likes it cool so she walked three times already. My best friend for many years was Greek. Her family made wonderful food. I bet it is beautiful where you live. Hope you and Lemmy have a good day.

04-26-2014, 05:57 PM
Are there any paid positions at the animal shelter? I just thought since you love animals maybe you could get a position after volunteering a while?? That would be a great job working with animals. It was cold here today, but Tipper likes it cool so she walked three times already. My best friend for many years was Greek. Her family made wonderful food. I bet it is beautiful where you live. Hope you and Lemmy have a good day.

There is only one paid position...and my mother got it 1 week ago as cleaning lady.

As of today i am fostering a colley-mix named Roza till 12th May...Walking one dog was boring anyway... :)
It rained here today so we squeezed the walk when it stopped for about half an hour.

P.S. Meh...don't bet on it...

04-26-2014, 11:16 PM
Oh she's beautiful!
Does Lemmy get along with her?

04-27-2014, 07:57 AM
I am so happy your mom got the job! This collie is beautiful, what is her personality like? Does she get along with Lemmy? She does not look real old. She is probably so happy to get out of that rescue and into a home. I am glad you are fostering her. We had a nice day ahead. Tipper goes to the hospital Wednesday so keep your fingers crossed for her. This makes me a nervous wreck awaiting my girls fate.

04-27-2014, 05:20 PM
Lemmy was always a selfish pr..k :)
They don't fight or anything but you can sense he is like ''not again...''

She is about 2 years old.Was found in the island of Leukada (is not a case of the shelter i volunteer at).She was treated for Leishmaniosis but is now healthy.
She follows me around the house and is very quiet. When walking she still pulls but she is not super-strong and is easily manageable. She wants to chase cats and motorbikes, but nothing scary.

Mom got the job ,it pays 200euros a month...better than nothing i guess.

gg88:Will do!

04-27-2014, 05:58 PM
I have to look that problem up, I have not heard of it. Will the dog have any more health issues from it? Did you have Lemmy before Husko? I just wondered if he is jealous when you pay attention to other dogs? I wish they had a paid administration job for you at the shelter, I think you would be good at that. I love animals, they can be better friends than people. I have 2 cats, two dogs, and a parrot named Elvis who really has a great vocabulary. We walked three times today, and the doggies are tired. Do you take both dogs together to walk?

04-27-2014, 07:57 PM
It might do eventually...it usually hurts the kidneys if not looked after.
Looked after, a dog will live a long life.
Much-much easier to deal with if caught early (as with her) compared to Cushings.

Husko was before Lemmy.

Forget what you think of shelters in the US...we are all volunteers and our funds keep it running.
Only the one with cleaning duties gets paid cause its the hardest job!
I would suck at administrating...it's a duty i would never wish to myself.

Yes, did walk 'em both...pretty disorganized (if that makes sense) compared to past Husko&Lemmy walks...

04-28-2014, 12:34 AM
They'll settle into a routine soon and walking should be easier.
I hope that Lemmy will come around and they'll become friends.

04-28-2014, 08:16 AM
OK I will have to think up another job you could do!!! That is great for your mom to have the only paid job there though.She must be a hard worker. I am going to have to get someone to give me something for Tipper. We are to have bad storms this week and she is terrified. Last time her blood pressure went sky high and it broke the vessels in her eyes, so I must do something as it is too stressful for both of us. Have a good day with the babies.

04-29-2014, 04:37 PM
I think I will have to build my Tipper a sound proof room!! We will be gone early to the hospital. Send positive thoughts for my baby.

05-01-2014, 07:53 AM
The IMS made a mistake on Tippers numbers so instead of the tumor growing 1.31 cm it has only grown .31. I am still not happy but that is a better picture. I am sick today and will post to you later. I thank you for your support and sending good vibes to my baby. This has been terribly hard. Yesterday I could hardly drive home I was so upset. This dog is everything to me. Thank you for your help my friend. I am going to ask the vet about Artemix and see if she can approve it.

05-01-2014, 07:48 PM
Ooohhh...now i get it! Bad news but at least it isn't THAT bad...Tipper will fight as long as you support him!

Don't mention it! Really!

If you ask about Artemisinin and its derivatives (artemether and artesunate) ,print some of the links i sent you as most vets/doctors don't know about it.

05-02-2014, 11:23 AM
Thank you for your help and input. I have emailed the IMS since she was too busy to see me Wednesday and asked her about the Artemis, and many other questions. It is not a lot of increase on the tumor, but it is making me a nervous wreck. I hope you and the babies have a good day, and a better walk.

05-04-2014, 03:40 PM
How is it going with the foster? I have not heard from the IMS yet I am still waiting. It keeps looking like a storm outside, we had one yesterday too. I hate waiting for answers!! Hope you are having good weather, and walking the babies.

05-04-2014, 10:46 PM
I hate that too...I can understand...Hoping for the best possible results!

Weather is fine here! Getting hotter every day...

Fostering really helps ,i think , get my mind to think about something else other than grief and guilt. It still comes back to me some times during the day, but having something to do, helpful to someone (being dog ,human whatever) fills some voids if that makes sense.

05-05-2014, 12:01 AM
Yes, it does help and it's a positive way to honor Husko by helping another in need. Hugs.

molly muffin
05-05-2014, 08:08 PM
Helping others, animals, humans, is a wonderful way to fill time, fill the mind and even more, fill the heart.

May your heart always be full

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-06-2014, 08:20 AM
I am so glad you volunteer for the rescue. It is a good thing to help these innocent babies who have no homes. It also does keep your mind off things, and
gives you a better frame of mind. How is the foster getting along? I am still waiting for the IMS to answer me. I wish we had your weather, I am jealous!! I am taking Tipper to laser therapy today.

05-06-2014, 10:06 PM
All goes well with the fostering.
It really also helps to live with another character of a dog like Roza is.
First few days i was afraid(?) i wouldn't be able to give her back and i would adopt her...after a week though it is clear we are not meant for each other. By no means is she a ''bad'' dog. It's just that i think we don't ''match''.
Lemmy plays a lot with her ,but (never thought i'd say this about Lemmy) he sometimes gets fed up with her energy...and saying that about Lemmy says a lot... :)

But...who knows what happens tomorrow...(?)

05-07-2014, 11:26 AM
That is good things are going well. It keeps your mind occupied so it helps you both. I had Tipper at the vets today.nher pressure was good and she got her Adequan shot. You will have to see my posting about the tumor discussion. My vet is interested in the Artemis and wants me to print something out to show him. He is into herbs and eastern medicinals. It is raining and I have been using an herbal mixture on Tipper as she is petrified of thunder and it makes her blood pressure go up. Send some of that good weather over here!

05-09-2014, 06:06 PM
We just had a storm and I gave Tipper the herbs. She did better than normal, so Iam glad for that. It was 85 the last two days and humid today. The dogs had to walk early as Tipper cannot tolerate the year or humidity. The IMS answered back on the Artemix.She said there have been no double blind studies done on it so she cannot say one way or the other if it is OK to use. Not the answer I was looking for. I think I will wait until the next ultra sound and see if it remains the same size, if not I may have to o something. The mortality rate for that operation is just too high for me. Hope you have been having a good time helping at the rescue. I am just crushed by the passing of Leslie's Squirt, she has been on this forum for a long time. Someone needs to start some research and get rid of this horrible disease. Do you ever take the dogs to walk on the beach in the water?

05-11-2014, 09:41 PM
It's been really hot here past few days.
Shelter volunteering is a double edge sword...few good moments...more bad moments...

Hope everything checks good @the ultrasound results!

No beach is within walking distance ,so unless a car is available...really not...

05-12-2014, 08:25 AM
I guess you could get depressed seeing the poor babies in the shelter, but your help is what will get them thru living there temporarily, and that is what counts. These poor unfortunate babies never asked to live like this, so their future depends on you. You are doing a very noble thing to honor Husko, he would be proud of you. It was very hot here too the last three days, but now a clod front is to come and will be much cooler next week, which Tipper likes better. I hope you told your mom how much she means to you yesterday for Mother's Day. She must be a hard worker to do all she does. Are you not doing the messenger service anymore? Too bad the sea is too far away to walk to. You could attach little cart to your scooter and pull the doggies there! Just kidding!

05-12-2014, 08:06 PM
in my country you see a lot of people on a bicycle with a doggy cart attached to their vehicle.
or kids in it on their way to school. so maybe it is an option.

05-14-2014, 08:31 AM
We had the worst storm ever two nites ago. Tipper was terrified. Are you getting any bad weather over there? It seems like the weather pattern of the world is changing. I had to go to the Dr. yesterday and leave Tipper with a sitter and she was frantic when I got back. If I leave her for a few minutes in a room she starts to cry real loud. She has never done this before and I guess it is the disease making her uneasy without me. We live by a huge lake a few hundred yards away, but these are so many geese there that you cannot take the dog by the beach as there is goose droppings everywhere and she does not need a bacterial infection on top of all this other stuff. About how many dogs does the rescue hold? Hope you are keeping busy and that things are off your mind for a while. Hope you have a good walk with the doggies today.

05-15-2014, 06:21 PM
I'm thinking of buying a 'crate' and mount it on the scooter for Lemmy.
Trailer would be dangerous.
btw, Roza went back to her original foster family.It was agreed i wold keep her for 2 weeks.

The shelter has about 130 dogs...during the summer i am scared of what will happen ,as people abandon dogs to go to vacation or abandon puppies they bred because they didn't neuter their pets...

I have not stopped logging in here...it's just that it has become pretty hard&confusing to follow up what is going on on every thread.
Hence the less commenting.

05-16-2014, 08:43 AM
Will you be fostering any more dogs? It is nice to give Lemmy a different play mate. You would have to make sure the crate was really secure. Is Lemmy calm enough that he would not get rattled from the ride? I just ignore Tipper when she gets afraid of the storms. As much as it kills me inside I show no emotion and go about my business. I sent for Bach's Remedy it is full of flowers and supposed to be good for stress. I never bought it before as it has alcohol in and Cush dogs are not supposed to have alcohol. Now they make an alcohol free one, so I will try it and see if it helps. I read this phobia can be inherited, and that is more than likely where it came from, as I know of no incident that would have scared her into this. It is drizzling here again, we have had 4-5 days of nothing but storms, and I am so sick of it. Hope you have good weather and a nice day with Lemmy.

05-17-2014, 07:59 PM
I don't know...(about fostering)
We'll see about the crate

Took Lemmy to the shelter to check if he would get along with a dog i like there ,named Ivan. It seemed they would be fine...but mother doesn't want another big&old dog (Ivan is a black ~9year old 32kg male)...
There is another option of a female Husky ,named Iris, i saw at another shelter...she will probably be easier to accept by everyone else in the house (for obvious reasons...).
But Ivan will probably never be adopted...I don't want to see him in a cage any more...

As it is...i want both...and i probably cant have none...

05-17-2014, 08:11 PM
Maybe things will change and you will be able to get another dog. The Bach's Remedy is for stress. It is made from flowers. It is supposed to work well so I ordered some for Tipper. It is not expensive, I will let you know how it works. The weather here has turned very cold. Hope you and Lemmy are doing well.

05-18-2014, 07:57 AM
Yes please do send the sunshine over here! No rain today and that is great. I am going to enjoy the day with my girl. Hope you and Lemmy have a good day too.

05-19-2014, 11:21 PM
Yes please do send the sunshine over here! No rain today and that is great. I am going to enjoy the day with my girl. Hope you and Lemmy have a good day too.

Damn it...it rained here yesterday (really)...lol :)

05-19-2014, 11:32 PM
Iraklis, we love to share. :)

05-20-2014, 08:05 AM
We are getting rain and storms this afternoon so I guess you sent it back over here to us!! I am going to have to use the medication I have for Tipper as the Bach Remedy will not be here until the 30th. Tipper has been doing relatively well except for when it storms. She came outside yesterday on the front porch and stayed for a while. She is afraid of every noise now, so last year she stopped going on the porch because of people with mowers etc. scaring her. I hope she has a good summer this time around. I am hoping for nice sun and good temperatures for you and Lemmy today. What is going on with the dog situation? Any choices yet?

05-20-2014, 05:58 PM
Iraklis, we love to share. :)


We are getting rain and storms this afternoon so I guess you sent it back over here to us!! I am going to have to use the medication I have for Tipper as the Bach Remedy will not be here until the 30th. Tipper has been doing relatively well except for when it storms. She came outside yesterday on the front porch and stayed for a while. She is afraid of every noise now, so last year she stopped going on the porch because of people with mowers etc. scaring her. I hope she has a good summer this time around. I am hoping for nice sun and good temperatures for you and Lemmy today. What is going on with the dog situation? Any choices yet?

Does calming music have any effect on Tipper?

Yup, sunny today here.
No choice...i feel whichever i adopt, i'll want the other too....

05-20-2014, 06:13 PM
No there is not ant type of music that helps. I just saw the weather, we are to get bad thunder at 1am. I am really getting tired of these storms, it is nothing but stressful for us both. Tipper would be doing ok if it were not for these storms. She walked several times today, and it is cooler like she likes it. You may be in for trouble if you bring home two dogs!!

05-20-2014, 07:04 PM
How about if you play with him during the storm? Or does he ''shut off'' when it all happens?

I know....

05-20-2014, 07:35 PM
She runs in the closet, pants till the floor is wet, shakes and will bite you if you try to touch her she is so terrified.I read this can be inherited so it may have come from one of her parents. I am already stressing out thinking of her struggling tonite. I hope it passes us and we don't get it!

05-21-2014, 07:10 PM
Just one storm after another today. Tipper got her Adequan shot today. She goes to laser therapy Tuesday. I am trying my best to keep her going. She hid in the closet during the storms. I am waiting desperately for the Bach Remedy to get here. I hope it helps her. She is really struggling with the noise from these storms. Hope your weather was better than this. Have a good walk with Lemmy

05-22-2014, 09:04 AM
What a storm last nite, nothing but rolling thunder all nite. My poor Tipper is struggling to get thru all this. Today it is dark also. I can't remember having this many storms every day. You definitely do not want this weather! Hope you are doing well at the rescue. Have you ever been to the US? Your country is so beautiful you probably never want to leave it. Have a good walk with Lemmy.

05-24-2014, 08:15 AM
What's happening in your part of the world? We have frost and cold temperatures with the furnace coming on. Tipper is loving the cooler weather to walk. How is it going at the rescue? Do they have a vet that gives the dogs discounted veterinary work if they are ill? Hope you have sunshine over there!

05-24-2014, 07:15 PM
Haven't logged in for a couple of days.

Yes, it is sunny here!
Just a few drops of rain today ,but just that...drops.

I'm going tomorrow at the shelter because Bona (pit-bull mix) ,one of the 2 oldest residents (not by age but time there) is getting adopted!!!
She was the first one i walked there as other people had problems walking her...(TOO aggressive towards cats and VERY strong)
My mother too has grown very fond of her and she would be at my home had she not had the ''cat problem'' and the ''don't mess around'' attitude towards some dogs (if she is annoyed the other dog will suffer damage...and i don't want that to be Lemmy).

Today i went to the other shelter where they have Iris (the husky i think i mentioned earlier in another post)...I think she is maybe a dominant female or just too used to life in the streets to draw a safe conclusion.
Had some ''Husko memory moments'' while there...but quickly snapped myself out...

Will check on Tipper's thread & see if i can add anything useful!

05-25-2014, 08:07 AM
Too bad about Bona she sounds like a nice dog, but you don't want her getting into it with Lemmy, as you said he can be playful and might set her off. Tipper had been doing a lot of swallowing again, just sounds like she has a mouth full of water when she does this. It is mainly at nite and I hear her get up and keep swallowing. It worries me when you cannot pinpoint what the problem is so you can try and correct it. I hope your weather is still nice. We are getting a storm Tuesday. I take Tipper to laser therapy so she will not be happy riding in the car if it is storming. Do you work at more than one rescue?

05-26-2014, 08:11 AM
Tipper had a vestibular episode last nite. Do you have any experience with these? I am worried one of these times her head will stay crooked like that. We are in for a hot one today, and the humidity is rising. I have already walked the dogs this morning and you can feel the heat starting. Tuesday we are to get thunderstorms so I have the herbal mixture ready for her. Hope you are enjoying nice weather and walking with Lemmy.

05-29-2014, 12:33 PM
Tipper had a bad nite with that swallowing all the time and trying to clear her throat. I sent the IMS an email asking her opinion on it. It is listed as one of the side effects of Vetoryl too! The storm missed us yesterday thank goodness. It is hot and sunny today. Hope you are having the same weather and have a good walk with Lemmy.

05-29-2014, 04:52 PM
Bona got adopted!!! :)

The weather is crazy i think...yesterday it was a hot summers' day...today it is raining :confused: .

By vestibular episode you mean the tilting of the head?
I don't know...Husko wasn't tilting his head, rather bending his entire body to one side (most times the right side).

By swallowing you mean ''air'' or water?

I know...the worst part is not knowing what you're dealing with...being in the dark is scary like that!
Ohhh vetoryl...this drug scares me...

05-30-2014, 08:19 AM
Well that is great for Bona, now she will have a home of her own. I know you liked her, but it is best this way so Lemmy does not get hurt. When Tipper swallows it sounds like she has a mouth full of water, when it should just be a normal swallow. Her breathing noises at nite have increased also. This is very worrisome, especially when you are in the dark about the cause. WE have cooler weather which Tipper likes better, but next week the humidity comes back. Is it real humid there when it gets hot, or a drier heat?

06-01-2014, 09:18 AM

Just thinking about you and wanted to say hi. Hope all is well with you and Lemmy.


06-01-2014, 10:19 AM
Yassou Iraklis! Just checking to see if you found another baby or not. I'm glad Bona got adopted, I know you liked him, but as you say Lemmy's safety is best to consider...and the cats. Maybe you should be looking for a nice GIRLfriend for him? ;) Male and female usually get along better than two males. Then they sometimes fall in love. :D

I hope you are doing well. It been hot and humid here in KY. Partly cloudy, a sprinkling once, but no real rain. My sister-in-law hasn't been back to Greece since her parents passed away.....Oh, except for when her had sepsis in Athens. I don't know when she plans her next trip.

Eli is doing good for now. A little wobbly at times and has that tremor off and on. <sigh>....well, with the usual Cushing's things. ..but his last ACTH Stim was normal. :D

I hope you and Lemmy had a nice weekend. Let us know when you find a new brother or sister....or perhaps, girlfriend ;) for Lemmy.

06-01-2014, 09:02 PM
Could the swallowing be the throat muscles weakening due to Cushings??? If it is due to Vetoryl...i don't know...i hate this drug...

All is good...took Lemmy for a walk to the ''lake park'' where we used to go for months when i first adopted Husko (and actually where i found Lemmy).
Daily routine helps...

Bona is female :p

I currently stopped looking for another dog.
Probably due to finding out that the small turtle (red ear slider) my mother adopted from a neighbor 4-5 years back (she moved and said she couldn't take the turtle with her...:confused: ) needed a better 'facility'.
She was kept in a plastic box (20''x10'') with some water ,as per instructions by the neighbor, all these years.
About 1-2 weeks ago i discussed it by chance with someone who has a turtle like this who informed me on what to do. First i can't let her by a lake or sth ,because it is not an indigenous species.
Yesterday i bought her an fairly decent aquarium&filter (I hope Husko is ok with me spending the money i got payed the day he left and said i wouldn't spend it...i broke a promise but i think it was for a good cause). Don't have pictures of it yet.

Hope all stays good with Eli!!!:)

06-02-2014, 08:10 AM
I am sure Husko would approve of you spending the money to help another animal. Your mother must love animals too, as she took the turtle in? Hope you get the turtle straightened out so it can live a long happy life. You have an affinity for all creatures, you will be rewarded one day for your good and unselfish deeds. I was thinking that about Tipper's throat muscles too, it scares me think what could be happening. Keep your fingers crossed that my sweet Tipper stays safe. have a good day with Lemmy.