View Full Version : Sharring the story of Husko the Hero...

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06-04-2014, 12:45 PM
What's new over there? We are in for some tornado weather and the vet finally gave me valium for Tipper. I will not use it unless I really have to though. Hope you got the turtle all set up and having a nice place to live. Does Lemmy try to get at it?

06-05-2014, 07:20 PM
Pretty good here...yesterday raining and cold...today awfully hot...weather is crazy...
Lemmy is fine!
Leti (turtle) seems to enjoy her new place and loves basking!
Bought a new plant to replace the one at Husko's place (wasn't probably meant to survive amidst a forest(y) environment, the new one is 'tougher' though!).

Fingers crossed for Tipper!
But...do you think your anxiety ''transmits'' to Tipper?
Pretty sure now that the best medicine to anything is good ''vibes''!
Anxiety is certainly not one of them...

Yet , i most certainly know that feeling (or ''feeling'') good in this situation is much easier said than done...
Maybe spend some time talking happily about anything to Tipper(?)

06-06-2014, 08:03 AM
no I never show Tipper I am upset. I know it would just really wind her up then. WE are to get storms Sunday again so I will see if the meds have any effect on her. They are such low dose that Iris thinks she may need a higher dose. This is good to start out thought to make sure she is not allergic to them as she has an allergic history. It is cooler here and the dogs love the cooler weather. I have to get some lumps taken off Tipper and her teeth cleaned and I am petrified to put her to sleep. The vet said the lumps have to go. She has a big one on her knee and her back between her shoulder blades. There will be two vets with her, and some on anesthesia. One will do the lumps and the other the teeth so she is not out long. She has her teeth cleaned every year before she got the Cushings and then I was too scared to do it. Her breath is getting bad and I know she need it, but I am still very nervous about it no matter how many people are with her. I had to have my heart checked, I have a leaky valve. I have some pain from a mammogram I had done last year and it will not let up. So yesterday when they were doing my echocardiogram they hurt me on the same spot. Not feeling real great this morning, but I will get over it. I have to go to a pin clinic and try to get a nerve block to block the pain. It is hard to lift my arm up with out causing pain. Hope you are well and that you have nicer weather today and the you and Lemmy Have a good day. The turtle sound very happy now.

06-08-2014, 08:38 AM
We are to get a storm today so I am watching the sky and the weather in order to medicate Tipper at the right time. I sure hope she had no reaction to this medication. The weather has been good the last few days. I took the dogs to see the llamas at a farm near us. Any llamas over there?? Hope you and Lemmy are well. Did anyone name the turtle yet?

06-08-2014, 08:52 AM
Just wanted to drop in and say hello. Hope you're doing good.

Love and prayers,

06-09-2014, 08:25 AM
The valium worked really well for Tipper she was able to withstand the storm without all the crazy shaking and panting and digging the floor. I was so relieved it was like a 50 pound weight was lifted off my shoulders. I was so glad she was not suffering! Hope you and Lemmy are well and have a good day. We are to have three days of storms this week. Yesterday it rained so hard the yards looked like lakes. At least I have something to help Tipper now!!

06-10-2014, 08:30 PM
Yassou! Just dropped by to say hello as well! I see Leti is doing well in her new place. Lemmy's fine too! Angel Husko will like his new plant. :) The weather here is crazy too! Cool and stormy here today. They're going to put Eli back on the Vetoryl again...only 10mg to start this time.

06-11-2014, 07:37 AM

Just checking in to see how you and Lemmy are doing. Hope all is well.

Sending love,

06-11-2014, 09:27 AM
I hope you have been busy helping out the animals and that you and Lemmy are well.

06-11-2014, 05:33 PM
Hello everyone!
I'm sorry i don't log-in every day.

Lemmy is doing fine, although the weather is getting very hot day by day ,and he seems to enjoy sleeping more than ever.
When I return from work though he is ''geared-up'' for a walk!

I made a new basking spot for Leti above the water ,because the other one I made out of styrofoam (floating) was being beaten and eaten by her :eek:
I'll take some pictures and show you...I am really proud of it even though it is not as big as some i've seen on the internet.

Also planted 2 plants at Huskos' place...hope he likes them...

Donna,I hope you are doing ok!

Patti, that is awesome for Tipper!
Hope the pain is gone!

and ...YASSOU to you too...you know who :p

06-12-2014, 07:57 AM
Looking forward to the turtle habitat pictures. Glad you and Lemmy are fine. I am sure Husko appreciates the plants you planted for him. Too bad it is so hot, will it be like this most of the summer there? You are working a lot of hours? Take care of yourself and try to have some enjoyment for the summer. I am glad I have medicine to calm Tipper it is so much easier on her.

06-13-2014, 12:44 PM
Are you near the Parthenon? What about a job as a tour guide?? Do they make any money? Maybe you have to put up with a lot of crap from people though?

06-17-2014, 07:34 PM
Thank you so much for caring to check on my girl. She is ok but will be having some lumps removed and a dental next month. JoAnn lit a candle for her to keep her safe. How are you doing? It is really hot and humid and real darkmas we have an extreme thunderstorm warning as this is a dangerous storm coming. I have given Tipper only half of a pill, I want to see if half will work as I don't like giving them to her. It takes about a half an hour to work. Hope all is well over there as we are to have these storms for 7 more days, I am really sick of them and you can imagine how Tipper feels.

06-21-2014, 02:52 PM
What's going on over there? We are having nothing but one storm after another. Are you working more hours now? I hope you and Lemmy are getting some walks in to Huskos place. Is your mom still working at the rescue? Any new dogs you like? Hope all is well with you.

06-23-2014, 04:46 PM
You must be busy, haven't heard a peep out of you! Hope you are well!

06-25-2014, 08:29 AM
Hope all is well over there, we have not heard form you and I hope you are just busy.

06-25-2014, 03:53 PM
I'm sorry i haven't logged in in days but there was a problem with my internet provider and i had no internet connection for almost 2 weeks!
Hope Tipper is doing fine!!!

The Parthenon is in the center of town, not within walking distance.
A job like that needs ''tooth'' in the municipality/government office...

It's getting hotter everyday here...tomorrow it will reach 40C...that's 100+F i think.

I've took some pictures of Letis' habitat and will upload soon!

On another note...The municipality employees unrooted Huskos' plants (mom told me today) being illegal...gotta love how the law works like that...
Uplanting illegal plants ,yet leaving thieves robbing millions roam free...

06-25-2014, 03:58 PM
I am so sorry they took Huskos plants, that is awful. What the heck can a plant hurt? Sounds very hot over there. Tipper is good. I will be looking for the pictures. Glad you an Lemmy are ok.

06-29-2014, 08:21 AM
We are doing ok here Tipper and I as long as it does not storm she does well. It was raining this morning, but stopped enough for the dogs to walk. Lots of mosquitoes out though! How are you doing? Are you working any more hours? Hope Lemmy is doing well.

06-30-2014, 05:39 AM
Work hours are a bit longer because my boss suffers in the heat and leaves more job for me to do, so that's a good thing! :)

Lemmy spends the day lying in front of the cooling fan :D

Could you plan a small vacation to no-stormy region of the country?
Is it worst there during the summer with regards to storms?

06-30-2014, 07:57 AM
Honestly this is the first time we have ever had storms like this. It has been all summer long. They say the weather patterns are changing so maybe that is it. I have no one to watch the rest of my animals so I cannot really go anywhere. I have a cat that takes medication that he must have every day and no one is going to do that. I am glad you are getting some more hours. Lemmy knows what to do when it's hot! Are you riding your scooter? That probably cools you off. We are going to have 90's next week. Take care and enjoy Lemmy.

07-02-2014, 03:51 PM
We had yet another storm last nite. Today seems OK and I am hoping nothing tonite. Tipper was at the vet this morning for Adequan. We were discussing more about her operation. Hope it is not too hot over there. At least we have air conditioning, Tipper cannot take the heat this year. You can make Lemmy some ice pops!!

07-04-2014, 07:59 AM
We are celebrating the 4th of July today, lots of picnics and fireworks. Funny thing Tipper was never afraid of fireworks before, but may be this year. It is cool today and foggy this morning. Tipper like it cool. I think we aren't going to have rain either!! Hope you have a nice weekend with Lemmy. Are you still going to the animal shelter?

07-05-2014, 07:32 PM
Riding in this weather is like riding inside an oven...I have to wear a long sleeve shirt as not get burned by the sun...blistering hot...

Yes ,still going to the shelter, not gonna stop that!

Hope it stays cool there!
Does Tipper like water? Maybe a kids' bathtab to keep him cool whenever he feels like it?

09-13-2014, 08:07 PM
6 months already...it seems like yesterday sometimes although i try not to remember the bad times...

Yesterday i took in a stray female i found, thinking she might be lost cause she has a collar...No microchip...Guess she was a burden to her family who wanted to go on vacation, maybe...

Her owners might be found, she might be adopted elsewhere, she might be adopted by me...hope you don't mind Husko...

09-13-2014, 09:37 PM
I adopted recently too.
Husko and Daisy won't mind us helping others.

molly muffin
09-13-2014, 09:54 PM
Time is a funny thing. Sometimes it passes so quickly and other times it just drags on. Husko I am sure would want you to do all you could for any unfortunate animal who is in need. Whether that be adoption, foster or whatever.
6 months, amazing.

Sharlene and molly muffin

11-30-2014, 01:01 PM
Hello everyone!
It's been some time since i logged in...it is very hard to do because it somehow reminds me of the bad times while i tried/try to remember the good times.
Maybe in due time i'll be able to log in more often...
Despite that i think that REALLY good and compitent people are here so no loss there :)

News is that doggie i mentioned previously is adopted.
Not by me because about 10 days after finding her i lost her due to a childish mistake (took her out late at night to pee with no leash and she just run away...) Few days later she was found by a lady though who brought her to the shelter but some days later decided to keep her! Talk about LUCK! :)

Mother still works at the shelter!
Lemmy is doing brilliant!
But father is diagnosed with liver cancer...I might sound like a jerk now, but since he and i were never in good terms i am not devastated like other people would feel...I just hope it turns out ok!
Letti the turtoise is also doing fine!
I still work as a courrier...

I also made a youtube channel...uploaded some videos of my dear Husko during what i call now ''the fight'' (here (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3JiZboLQPo8UHVjnqoyqqNNzMP3IAC_H)) just in case people are helped recognising symptoms. (Although my channel is ''youtube partner'' i have disabled money earnings on Huskos' videos, so even in the unlikely event they have millions of views not one cent will be made off them...I think that's the right thing to do, don't you think??)

All in all i hope everyone (2 legged and 4 legged) is doing good and wish the best to all the cushpups and pups out there!! :)

11-30-2014, 01:19 PM
Thank you for sharing your video's. Husky was a beautiful dog.
I understand how you feel.
Sonja and Ange Ap

molly muffin
11-30-2014, 04:38 PM
Hello and nice to see you back. Husko is always remembered here too.

I'm very glad that the dog you were fostering found a good home.

Sorry to hear about your dad and the cancer. Wish him all the best.

11-30-2014, 10:54 PM
Thank you for sharing your story...Julie

03-15-2015, 11:04 AM
Thank you for sharing your video's. Husky was a beautiful dog.
I understand how you feel.
Sonja and Ange Ap

Hello and nice to see you back. Husko is always remembered here too.

I'm very glad that the dog you were fostering found a good home.

Sorry to hear about your dad and the cancer. Wish him all the best.

Thank you for sharing your story...Julie

Thank you all for your kind words very very much!

Yesterday was 1 year since Husko passed away...
It is so strange how time is flying yet sometimes it all feels like it happened yesterday...
I was dreading this day for some reason...but i think i managed it ok by trying to make something positive instead of falling into grief and made him a small video with a song i love...
I hope you like it...

I hope it gives some strength to those still fighting & a little smile to those who had or have been joined by my little Husko...

You know i'm not good with words so i'll just say i really hope everyone, 2 or 4 legged is doing good...& please,
rejoice for those around you...they'll not always be there...

03-15-2015, 09:21 PM
I really love the last 2 pictures of Huskies running free!

07-16-2015, 12:21 PM
I just watched the video and it was beautiful, sweet and sad all at the same time. He did know he was loved...

07-16-2015, 12:41 PM
Thank you. A sad, but beautiful video and story. I'm sure it will help others ..

Deanna and Puckie

Squirt's Mom
07-16-2015, 01:24 PM
Just in case you are able to read this, let us hear from you. I know things in your country have not been easy lately and you have been on my mind. I pray you and yours are well.