03-16-2014, 07:09 PM
Hi. I am new to chatting/posting online so please bear with me. My 11 yr old chow/lab mix Bozwell was diagnosed and has been being treated with Vetoryl for the last 2 months for Cushings. According to my vet as of his last STIM and urine tests (Sat March 8, 2014) all of his numbers are in the range they are supposed to be. While his hair is growing back, water intake and urine output has greatly improved we now have a new set of issues.
He gets very listless at night, has taken to not eating his food unless I am holding the bowl and coaxing him and is becoming very clingy. By clingy I mean following me around the house from one room to another. He is a three legged dog (one hind missing due to an injury he suffered prior to our adopting him), so the muscle mass in his one back leg is very limited at best. He also has lost much of his muscle mass throughout the rest of his body. He is also on thyroid meds. I recently, through the recommendation of our vet, had him on Ichon (generic Adequan) shots once a week and is currently on 1/4 of a 7.5 mg of meloxicam given in the am with food. I noticed that the Ichon seems to make his listlessness worse so I will not be giving him any more of those.
I guess my question would be, does anyone notice these as "normal" signs of cushings. My vet has only had 4 cases of cushings in the last 18 years and says he is not really certain of all aspects of the disease. My wonder is if the tumor is growing and causing any/all of these new behavioral items? Is there anything that can be done for these issues as we are losing much sleep due to his new found "night energy"?
Thank you in advance for any light you might shed on this for us.
Peace, love and milkbones ~ Lee Ann & Bozwell
He gets very listless at night, has taken to not eating his food unless I am holding the bowl and coaxing him and is becoming very clingy. By clingy I mean following me around the house from one room to another. He is a three legged dog (one hind missing due to an injury he suffered prior to our adopting him), so the muscle mass in his one back leg is very limited at best. He also has lost much of his muscle mass throughout the rest of his body. He is also on thyroid meds. I recently, through the recommendation of our vet, had him on Ichon (generic Adequan) shots once a week and is currently on 1/4 of a 7.5 mg of meloxicam given in the am with food. I noticed that the Ichon seems to make his listlessness worse so I will not be giving him any more of those.
I guess my question would be, does anyone notice these as "normal" signs of cushings. My vet has only had 4 cases of cushings in the last 18 years and says he is not really certain of all aspects of the disease. My wonder is if the tumor is growing and causing any/all of these new behavioral items? Is there anything that can be done for these issues as we are losing much sleep due to his new found "night energy"?
Thank you in advance for any light you might shed on this for us.
Peace, love and milkbones ~ Lee Ann & Bozwell