View Full Version : Spencer - Ready to start trilo, now three seizures in an hour (Spencer has passed)

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molly muffin
11-24-2014, 09:36 PM
Oh Terry, sorry that Spencer seems to be having some issues the last couple days. You could do a baseline draw, and some general blood work to see how he is doing. I probably wouldn't do a full ACTH as the injected agent seems to have a bad effect on him, but perhaps the baseline could tell you something? I really don't know if it would or not, it can show that you aren't going to low, but I don't know about going up. What about doing the trilostane 5mg am and 5mg pm? Are you doing the 10mg all at one time now in the morning?

Just throwing out some thoughts.


11-26-2014, 09:53 PM
Planning on taking him in saturday to his vet to get a checkup. He is loosing bladder control, urinating where he is laying, sometimes without realizing it! Just so not like him at all!!! He's had two accidents on the couch and he would have NEVER done that!!!

Harley PoMMom
11-26-2014, 10:03 PM
Oh Terry, I am so sorry, hopefully the vet will be able help, keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Love and hugs, Lori

molly muffin
11-26-2014, 10:12 PM
You're right that is not Spencer. Hope the vet can help. Let us know what they say.


11-26-2014, 10:20 PM
Could he be losing control during a seizure?

11-26-2014, 11:05 PM
Valerie, he's not having seizures right now, at least not very often and when he does, they're only focal point ones....nothing like his Grande Mals when he urinates during an active spell.

This happens while he is fully awake and laying down on the floor or most recently....the couch! It's kinda like he just can't keep his bladder from emptying. I think I will feel better knowing he doesn't have a UTI going on!

If this is progression of his illness, ok we can figure out how to deal with it. If there is something going on that needs to be addressed, then we need to get it taken care of! Don't want him feeling any worse than he already does!

11-27-2014, 01:08 AM
Ah, ok Terry. I agree, Daisy was always upset when she had an accident. I never scolded her, but she would look at me like "I'm sorry."

Good luck at his appointment!

Squirt's Mom
11-27-2014, 08:58 AM
Let us know what the vet says, Terry!

11-28-2014, 05:32 PM
My poor boy! With the company and activity yesterday, he ended up having a seizure this morning just before 7:00am! Was pretty strong, but he at least didn't loose his bladder. We've just been letting him sleep as much as possible today! He's pretty worn out!

11-29-2014, 12:59 AM
Poor little tyke . Hopefully he will feel better after a good nap

11-29-2014, 03:05 AM
I hope Spencer will feel better today. My girls love the company too, but it wears them out! They have slept mostly all day. I hope the vet finds a simple solution to Spencer's problem and its nothing serious. I'll say a little prayer. :)

11-29-2014, 12:54 PM
After sleeping the majority of the day, Spencer still had a petite mal seizure again this morning at 1:13. It was mild and didn't last very long. Boy, he just can't have any stress at all!!!

On a good note, took him to get his urine checked and he has no infection, no protien, no crystals so all that checked out good. Looks like incontinence is the issue, so we'll just deal with it!

We also discussed dividing his Vetoryl into two 5mg doses instead of one 10mg dose. The vet he saw today had just gone to a seminar a few weeks ago on Vetoryl so she is going to discuss this with his regular doctor and maybe even call Depra to see if this will be a better option. With all his seizure issues, they want to be very careful not to rock the boat too much!!

Tomorrow life will return to normal so, hopefully so will lil man!

11-29-2014, 04:14 PM
Poor little man, they do seem to come at night time.. wonder why that is? Spencer sure does not seem to like his routine getting messed with! Hopefully a nice quiet day today and you can all catch up on some sleep! xx

11-29-2014, 11:53 PM
Praying my lil man has no seizures tonight! Bless his lil heart!

One thing we found out today was his heart & lungs sounded good! I was really surprised, considering he now weighs 12 lbs!!! I wish I knew what we could do about his weight gain!! He just continues to get bigger and bigger!

11-30-2014, 12:02 AM
Hi there,

My pug had incontinence too. It went mostly away once her cortisol was controlled. But, interestingly, my friend whose dog is Addison's, had the same incontinence, which went away once he was controlled too.

molly muffin
11-30-2014, 05:32 PM
Yes, stress really does a number on Spencer. I hope no seizures of any kind tonight. Get him back into a safe routine.


11-30-2014, 10:35 PM
No seizures this morning...yay! Spent the day letting him sleep next to me on the couch.....haha...yes we were both potatoes today! Got nothing accomplished othere than getting out of my jammies!

Just spent the whole day letting my sweet boy rest, get secure again....no barking....no one coming in the door...no stress!

Hoping for another restfull night!!

Hoping y'all have a great start to your week!

12-02-2014, 10:10 AM
My sweet boy had another bad seizure this morning at 5:27am!!! I sure hope we haven't regressed, as he was doing so well!! :(

Squirt's Mom
12-02-2014, 10:39 AM
Me, too, Terry! Maybe still a bit stressed from the holiday excitement?

molly muffin
12-02-2014, 03:24 PM
Oh no. :( I hope not too. Poor baby.


12-02-2014, 09:51 PM
My current angst is that my hubs is becoming complacent about his seizures....saying well it is what it is!!! When I say that seizures can be life threatening, he brushes me off and tells me that it's just what we'll have to deal with...like I'm just taking this all too seriously and the seizures are not that bad, because he rally's quickly afterwards.

12-02-2014, 10:07 PM
Terry, Daisy's IMS vet explained that natural Cortisol changes throughout the day and she prefers twice a day dosing in order to attempt to maintain as constant a level of Vetoryl in their systems 24/7.

This might just be the ticket for Spencer. What time does he get his meds now?
If it's at night, I wonder if that has any correlation to the seizures or maybe at least partly?

Just thinking out loud.

Being blase about Spencer's seizures might be the only way that hubs can handle it and he also might be trying to alleviate your fears.


12-03-2014, 08:35 AM
Valerie, he gets his vetoryl in the morning just before breakfast.

He had yet another seizure this morning at 12:07am! That's the 4th one now in less than a week! He had been doing so well until Thanksgiving! Just makes me so sad!!!

12-03-2014, 09:08 AM
Oh Terry, I am so sorry to hear about Spencer's setback. :(

I know how upsetting it is to witness a seizure, and you are right in feeling worried about the cumulative effect. As far as them happening at night, I remember being told that was pretty common when my Peg had her seizures. If I am remembering correctly, it is because the changes in brain waves associated with coming in and out of sleep cycles are conducive to triggering seizure activity.

I wish I had an easy answer for you, but I know what a tight-rope you have been walking in terms of balancing all of Spencer's treatment needs. Sending many healing thoughts headed straight your way.


Squirt's Mom
12-03-2014, 09:49 AM
Sending many hugs and gentle belly rubs this morning!

12-03-2014, 02:25 PM
Maybe splitting the dose into two will help.
Crossing my fingers for you Spencer!!!!!

molly muffin
12-03-2014, 04:10 PM
Right here with you Terry. I'm so sorry that Spencer is having so many of the large seizures. :(
I know you must be very worried and concerned about those.
I actually agree, that maybe this is your hubby's way of dealing. I know mine doesn't react about molly the same way that I do and there are times I think to myself, you aren't taking this seriously enough, yet in my heart I know he is because every once in awhile he'll let something slip that shows just how worried he is too. It's just he doesn't react the same way that I do. I know he feels extremely helpless to make things okay when they aren't and that frustrates him, so that it comes out almost nonchalant. He is anything but though, since she is his baby and I know that. I'm more emotional and want to fix things here and now. We're just flip sides of the same coin I guess and maybe you guys are too.

Hang in there sweetie!

12-03-2014, 07:23 PM
Thanks everyone for being so supportive and understanding!

Spoke with his Vet today. She called the neurology center and had a powwow with the Dr there. Game plan for now is to give him valium 3x per day and see how he responds. If that doesn't get the seizures back in control, then we will add another seizure med, eliminating the valium. They aren't real anxious to add another seizure control, but we are keeping that option in our back pocket for the time when that may be necessary!

Any change in cushings therapy is on hold, giving seizure control priority. I wish there was a magic pill that would fix all this, but there isn't! If I can just keep him comfy and somewhat happy till he's too tired to fight, I will have done my best!!

I love my lil man so much!!

12-04-2014, 01:51 AM
You are so good to your little man!! Prayers and positive thoughts to both of you

Squirt's Mom
12-04-2014, 09:21 AM
You're amazing, Terry, and that little man is in the best hands possible. I've said it before and I'll say it again - he is one lucky guy to have you as his mom.

molly muffin
12-04-2014, 06:56 PM
Oh I hope that this well help him and get the seizures back under control!


12-04-2014, 08:23 PM
Gave him the first morning valium before leaving for work, and when I got home this afternoon, he had a hard time walking and standing! Hope this is just a side effect from the additional dosage!

Such a sweet boy!! He's sitting next to me on the couch, and as I rub his little face he looks at me with the sweetest expression! I can only hope it is love looking back at me!!

I know y'all have commented that he is lucky to be my sweet boy....yet I feel like I'm the one truely blessed! He loves his momma no matter what! I come home from work and he just wants to be by my side! I go to bed and he snuggles next to my back! He makes me want to be a more loving, compasionate and forgiving furmomma! In my past, I would get upset if he pottied in the house....now, it just doesn't matter! It's nothing that can't be cleaned, changed or corrected!!

He has given me a whole different perspective on owning a pet! All for the good! I truely am the lucky one!!

12-04-2014, 10:13 PM
Mutual love and respect. That's what it's all about and you have it. <3

12-05-2014, 05:45 AM
Oh no doubt about it, that is love looking back at you for sure!! The sweet wee boy, hoping the rejigged meds do the trick and he is back to seizure free real soon xxxxxxx

12-06-2014, 01:51 PM
Sweet boy has had 3 nights of nothing more than a few focal seizures!! Hoping we're on top of this again!

The extra valium has him a little weaker once again, but his spirit is spunky as ever....especially when time for breakfast!! It's so good to have him sleeping thru the nights!!!

Squirt's Mom
12-06-2014, 02:14 PM
Good to hear, Terry!

12-08-2014, 07:35 PM
Hope i'm not jinxing my baby....still no seizures! If he sleeps thru the night, it will be a week since his last grande mal! He still is having some focals but not as bad as they have been in the past...long as the big ones are controlled!!

Keeping fingers, toes and eyes crossed!

Harley PoMMom
12-08-2014, 08:48 PM
YAA!! I will be keeping all various body parts crossed too!

molly muffin
12-08-2014, 09:29 PM
Excellent news!


12-09-2014, 03:55 AM
Maybe the split towing did the trick :-)
Happy dance!!!!!

12-11-2014, 08:51 PM
Still sleeping seizure free!!! haPpY dAnCe:cool::D

Harley PoMMom
12-11-2014, 10:52 PM
WOOYOO!!! I'm joining in on that happy dance!!! :D:D:D

12-11-2014, 11:52 PM
Wonderful! Now all of you can get some much needed rest.

Squirt's Mom
12-12-2014, 10:07 AM
WOOHOO!! :cool::cool::cool::cool:

12-12-2014, 11:11 AM
Well, I posted that about 3 hours too soon!!! Last night at 9:05, not long after I'd dozed off thinking it would be another good night....I was awakened to Spencer crying out from a seizure! That's probably the earliest he's had one. He had quite a few focal ones throughout the night too!

Momma's pretty tired today!

12-12-2014, 11:50 AM
Trying to think what could have triggered the seizure......and because Spencer is so sensitive to changes of any kind.....i'm wondering!!:confused:

We ordered a refill on his Vetoryl, but it didn't come in until yesterday afternoon. He received his last pill on wednesday, so yesterday was a missed dose. Do y'all think his missing the one dose could have resulted in the seizure?? All other meds, the Keppra & Valium were on normal schedule.

12-12-2014, 11:55 AM
Maybe. If he's seizure free tonight, I'd say it's likely.

Poor little guy.

molly muffin
12-14-2014, 02:15 AM
Oh fiddle sticks. Let's hope tonight is a better night.


12-14-2014, 04:21 PM
Had an extremely mild seizure last night at 10:32, kind of between a focal and petite. Had lots of focals before and after, and today he is very restless. Seems like he wants something, but we just can't seem to satisfy him for long or figure out what he wants! He will sleep for a little bit, but most of the day he's been awake and at times giving us his little wimper that means he wants.......whatever!!

12-14-2014, 11:34 PM
Terry, could the whimper mean that he feels something wrong or off?
I ask because Daisy never whimpered until the misdiagnosed kidney infection. Then she whimpered a few times on the way to the vet specialist when she was hospitalized.

12-16-2014, 01:29 PM
Valarie, he definitely was off that day! He wouldn't settle down. He wanted up on the couch, then down on the floor....back and forth most of the day! I recently had him checked over by his vet, and he had no kidney or bladder issues! I don't know if he was uncomfortable or what! He's been fine since then!

For now at least, he is sleeping good again!

molly muffin
12-16-2014, 09:56 PM
Yay for good sleeps, long may they continue, for all of you!

How is hubby's arm doing? Hope he is healing up well.


12-17-2014, 08:20 AM
Sharlene, his arm is healing! Dr removed cast after only 3 weeks, which I think was a mistake. Thankfully we had an arm brace he was able to use. It still hurts and he has to be careful, but getting better! You are so sweet to ask!

Unfortunately, lil man had a seizure last night at 11:49 pm! It was a petite mal so he didn't pee! Darn those stubborn seizures!!!:mad:

Squirt's Mom
12-17-2014, 08:55 AM
Goodness, such a roller coaster for you all. :( I hope he settles and the seizures start to take a back seat again very soon.

12-17-2014, 03:57 PM
Awwww. Poor Spencer and you two.
One seizure is better than what he was having not too long ago so maybe things are slowly resolving with the split dose?

It sounds like you're on the right track though.

12-17-2014, 09:42 PM
Well, I am off work now until Jan 5th! Will have lots & lots of time to spend with my lil man and give him love and peaceful calm days followed by restful nights! I hope this time with him will give him calm feelings. I will certainly enjoy holding him next to me on the couch and napping with him in bed and just spending the time petting him, rubbing his little swollen belly and face!

I sure hope he enjoys the next two weeks as much as I plan to!!!

Let the spoiling BEGIN!!!

molly muffin
12-17-2014, 10:00 PM
Sounds Wonderful!

I hope it is a nice relaxing time off for all of you!


12-17-2014, 11:12 PM
I hope so too! Just want the seizures to stop for him! Will definitely be giving him a calm, quiet, peaceful time...hoping it helps!

12-17-2014, 11:25 PM
Oh boy.......this is a first and a progression I've been dreading!! All this past year, Spencer has had seizures during the night.

Well, he just had one at 10:17pm while I was still up with him watching TV in the living room! He has NEVER had an episode under these circumstances!


molly muffin
12-17-2014, 11:36 PM
Oh terry. Maybe it is a vluke. A one off event. I sure hope so.
Have vets talked about them progressing?
Terry. All you can do is take things one day at a time. I know that is so cliche but I don't know ant other way to get through the days and nights.
You are an amazing mamma to spencer. Now you are home for a bit with him you'll get a better idea of how he is doing. And how often the seizures occur.

Big hugs

12-17-2014, 11:48 PM
Sharlene...i hope it was a fluke occurance! I really do!

His Drs feel this will progress as the brain lesion continues to advance.

As much as I know I need to accept this progression, as my hubs reminds me.....I find that difficult to do!

I just wish I had my healthy boy back!

12-18-2014, 03:05 AM
We all wish for that Terry. Hugs

Squirt's Mom
12-18-2014, 09:31 AM
Hope Spencer and you had a better night.

12-18-2014, 11:13 AM
Not only did he have the little seizure at 10:17, he also had another one a little more than an hour later. Both were mild, but still just having them at all considering the meds he's on concerns me. Will see how he does in the days to come!

12-21-2014, 12:01 AM
Dang these blasted seizures!!!!! Sitting on the couch, watching TV and I notice Spencer tense up, his head making an odd turn toward the couch. As I lean over to see what is going on.....he cries out, and I immediately realize what was taking place.....he's having a seizure!!! It's only 10:41 and this is now the second time this has happened when we weren't in bed asleep. The other night, when it happened I thought (and hoped) it was just a fluke......but I'm afraid that is not so!

He's been having a steady stream of focal seizures day & night. In fact, I was just trying to talk to hubs earlier about it. He didn't want to discuss or even think about it, or consider things could be getting worse! Lil man is getting weaker still, not wanting to walk much anymore. This afternoon, while outside....our niece came over and Spencer tried to run to her, barking his warning that he was going to eat her up! After falling 3 times, he gave up and just layed there in the grass still barking! He tried to be a typical chihuahua....but just couldn't! It broke my heart!

12-21-2014, 01:17 AM
Oh Terry :-(

Squirt's Mom
12-21-2014, 10:29 AM
What spirit Spencer has! That would make it even tougher to watch him struggle to do as he always did but you have to give the little guy credit - he is one tough cookie!

Let us know how things are going as you can, Terry, and know we are with you at all times.

molly muffin
12-21-2014, 11:34 AM
Oh Terry. That sucks. :( I'd hoped it was a fluke too.
He just keeps on trying though. As Leslie said, what a spirit he has.


12-21-2014, 01:42 PM
The seizure at 10:41 was just the beginning! He had two more, at 1:48 and again at 3:24!! The last was a grande mal! Poor baby is a little mopy today, understandably!!

I'm pretty torn about what to do! Do we just deal with the seizures or add yet another med, which will pretty much have him zonked out and is going to last who knows how long?

I'm not liking this! Not one bit!!!!

My sweet baby doesn't deserve this! 😢😫

12-21-2014, 08:01 PM
We are definitely in trouble!!! It's 6:55 this evening and for the first time....Spencer has had a seizure this early!

He's been restless all day...and hubs and I have noticed that something seems wrong! We can't figure out what is the problem!

Is his head hurting? Does he sense that his brain is misfiring?

He knows something is wrong....so do we! He's having a really hard time walking outside to potty!

I'm really worried....scared....and so not ready for this!

Calling his Vet tomorrow!!

Harley PoMMom
12-21-2014, 10:09 PM
Oh Terry, I am so, so sorry this is happening, many loving hugs to you and Spencer.

I will be praying for you all.

Love and hugs, Lori

12-21-2014, 10:19 PM
Ok.....so after this afternoon's spell...I talked with hubs and we decided to call the vet tomorrow. Based on past discussion, they will most likely recommend pheno or something similiar, which they said will have a sedative effect on him.

If that is what we must do we will, to get him thru the next few weeks. After that, depending on how he is doing we will have to decide where to go!

He has such a fighter spirit, and that fight in him is so difficult because he insists on us trying to do what he needs....and our frustration is not being able to figure out what that need is!

I feel like I'm being whiney......and sorry if that comes across! I truely am just flat out scared about what is coming, all the while knowing this was going to happen!

12-21-2014, 10:20 PM
So sorry to hear that Spencer is having such a hard time. I will say a prayer for all of you.

12-21-2014, 10:23 PM
Thank you, Lori! Hubs has gone to bed, i'm sitting up with lil man asleep on the couch next to me, having a really good cry!

Harley PoMMom
12-21-2014, 11:05 PM
I feel like I'm being whiney......and sorry if that comes across! I truely am just flat out scared about what is coming, all the while knowing this was going to happen!

You are NOT being whiney, you are very concerned and loving pet parent and that is totally understandable, especially here. ;) We are always here and will always be here for you and Spencer.

Hope these seizures soon stop, and I will be praying like mad that they do.

Love and hugs, Lori

12-22-2014, 01:34 AM
Knowing what to expect and actually living through it are completely different things.
You're not whining. Hugs

Squirt's Mom
12-22-2014, 08:13 AM
Never whiny, Terry. Just a mom scared for her baby - something we all understand. Please let us know what the vet says today. Prayers for all!

12-22-2014, 04:20 PM
Spoke to his Dr today, and she is adding another med that will eventually replace the valium, which we will wean him off. This is pretty much last ditch effort. If we can't control the seizures and maintain a quality of life for him, then we will need to prepare our hearts to do what is in his best interest!

Fortunately I am off work the next 2 weeks, so I will be home to keep an eye on him!

Thank you all for hearing me out, as I work and worry my way thru this! Your support is priceless!!💓

12-22-2014, 04:29 PM
My boy just had a bad seizure & he wasn't even asleep!! Definite progression in a bad direction!

molly muffin
12-22-2014, 04:36 PM
Oh no Terry. :( They do seem to be getting worse, so I hope this new drug can control the seizures.
I know how worrying and heart breaking it is to watch him struggle.
We are here for you, Spencer and hubs through this most difficult time.
Hoping for better days ahead.

big hugs!!

12-22-2014, 04:49 PM
I'm so sorry Spencer is having such a rough time. I know you are worried sick. I will keep you and your sweet boy in my prayers.

Squirt's Mom
12-22-2014, 05:17 PM
Praying things improve for our sweet boy.
((((((((((((((((((((HUGSANDBELLYRUBS)))))))))))))) )))))

12-22-2014, 07:09 PM
New med is Zonisamide 50 mg 2x's per day! We will wait on reducing the valium for now!

He is resting next to me right now. Sure scared me earlier! Was his worst seizure ever!!!

molly muffin
12-22-2014, 08:26 PM
So you'll be giving both this one and the Valium for awhile?

12-22-2014, 08:39 PM
Sharlene, yes....the protocol for now will be vetoryl once daily, zonisamide twice daily and keppra/valium every 8 hours.

Lots of meds for such a little fella! We also need to figure out how to limit his food intake when he feels so hungry all the time! He's gaining weight at an alarming rate! He's now 12 1/2 lbs....more than double his normal size! :eek:

molly muffin
12-22-2014, 08:47 PM
More veg fruit type maybe.
I do hope this med helps the little guy.

12-23-2014, 01:10 AM
Veggies. Green beans, avoid carrots because they have a lot of sugar.

12-23-2014, 08:38 AM
After having 6 seizures between 10:30 and 1:30, none of his meds helping, we took lil man to the emergency hospital. About to go pick him up! Hope he did better while there!!

Was a long night!

My sweet Ginger
12-23-2014, 09:36 AM
Oh Terry, I'm awfully sorry to hear this. I thought he'd do well on the combo of Zoni & Keppra as it worked like a charm for Ginger as far as controlling seizures. We had to stop the combo as she developed colitis after a few days tho.
I will pray he will get through this like all the other times before. He is such a strong little pup. Hugs, Song.

12-23-2014, 10:14 AM
Song, thank you! From what the Dr's have said, it takes a few days for the zoni to get to a theraputic level so there's still hope!! This past week certainly has been quite the challenge and we've been forwarned that this is all going to continue to progress to a point of no control!

You said your pup developed colitis. What symptoms presented when this happened? Just want to know what to watch for?

Squirt's Mom
12-23-2014, 10:24 AM
Oh me. :( Such a tough night for you all. I hope he is home soon and settles in with the new med quickly.

My sweet Ginger
12-23-2014, 11:01 AM
There was another pup who did so great on that combo for a few years but my Ginger started having blood (bright red ) coming out right after her business was done, never happened before and scared the heck out of me. It was about 3 days into the start of the combo and as soon as we stopped it so did the blood.
I hope Spencer doesn't copy Ginger in this and do as well as Buffy did. I'm praying for you and your lil man. Hugs.

molly muffin
12-23-2014, 03:15 PM
oh my goodness. I guess this is a cluster of seizures?

I do hope the combo does the trick.

You must all be exhausted


12-23-2014, 03:23 PM
Hugs to all of you Terry!
I'd be scared crazy too.

How did he do in the hospital?

12-23-2014, 06:17 PM
Awwww sorry to hear this, perk up boy!!! Hope he is home for Christmas and they get it all back under control. Big hugs xxxxx

12-23-2014, 06:43 PM
After a rather rough start to his day, this evening is looking a little better! He's able to walk, with some struggle but he's trying whereas he wouldn't even stand earlier! just gave him meds and fed him dinner, just waiting for Daddys to get home!

I literally sat on the couch all day with him by my side watching him the whole day for any sign of problems. He had some focal episodes which I attribute to meds wearing off to some degree, but he is alert!

Hubs is home so now lil man can fully relax!

Praying for him to sleep tonight with no issues!

12-23-2014, 07:31 PM
Enter many explicatives here.......another really bad, not breathing seizure just now at 6:28 pm!!! Pardon my french....but damn this blasted tumor!!! 😡😡😡

12-23-2014, 07:48 PM
I thought the other seizures where he cried out, jerked and peed was bad! I had no idea just how much worse it could be!!!

To watch him raise up, eyes wide open in a blank unknowing gaze, mouth gaped open as if gasping for the breath that doesn't come...tongue turning blue from no oxygen.....then the gasp and horrible cry as if the worst pain was being experienced....then the jerking of his head and legs!!! I'm so flaming mad right now at the unfairness of it all....I want to scream, and cuss like a sailor and just tell this heartless disease to join the devil where it belongs!!!

I am ANGRY! I am scared! I feel such hopelessness right now to do what my baby needs from me and that is to make him better!!

12-23-2014, 08:15 PM
Terry, my heart goes out to you because I only witnessed one grand mal seizure in my Peg from beginning to end, and that was a sight I never wanted to see again. The thing is, from what the vets have been telling you, it does not seem that it is within your power to make him better. The only real choice you have now is whether to continue to experiment with medication in order to buy a bit more time or whether to give him release from the tumor and the horrible effects on his little body. I would be surprised if he can withstand much more of this severe clustering seizuring. If he no longer can even really stand and walk properly, he is terribly compromised even when he is not actively seizuring. So you must judge whether there is enough joy and quality left in his life to offset asking him to suffer through these horrible episodes. I am fearful it is not in your power to make them stop, at least not for long.

I am so horribly sorry for you all. It is a tragedy that you all must suffer so.


molly muffin
12-23-2014, 09:16 PM
Oh Terry. My dear friend. I read your post of what these seizures are like for Spencer to go through and I just bawled my eyes out. He is such a dear, he has been so strong for so long, but this, this I cannot even imagine.
It sounds like the tumor is growing or has grown significantly to be causing these sort of seizures.
What did the ER doctors say about the potential of controlling these seizures? Is there any hope or will they just get progressively worse?
I ask because there are couple things of grave concern in what you have described. The tongue turning blue, is indicative of significant oxygen loss. The screaming cry when he comes out of it, is indicative of a lot of stress, possible pain and panic, likely all combined. If they cannot be controlled, then there is a chance that he will not come out of one of these seizures and it just sounds absolutely horrible for him, for you, for your husband.
You guys love him so much and I can't stop crying as I know how very very heart breaking and upsetting and scary this is. I'd be a wreck by now and swearing might be the least of it.

Sending big hugs and love your way tonight.

12-23-2014, 09:56 PM
Both his GP as well as the ER vets have given us grave prognosis in light of the turn of events! We were hoping to get past the holidays, but that may not be possible!

After this afternoons seizure, i just can't stop crying! Reality just bites you sometimes, when you just don't want it to!

In one way....i try to tell myself that if we release him now...he could spend Christmas in a better place.....but the selfish part of me wants him here!! I'm torn beyond words!

For what it's worth....I pour my heart and soul here with you all....not even my family, friends or even hubs knows my feelings, worries, pain... Like y'all do!

molly muffin
12-23-2014, 10:09 PM
And that is why we are here Terry! You can feel safe and express all those worries and fears and when we are very lucky, we celebrate the joys too.

Sweetie, I just wish that this hasn't happened right now at the holidays, but on the other hand, it is when you are there with him and maybe that is a blessing in disguise. He isn't home alone with this happening.

I know how worrying it is, trying to know what to do and when, I wish there were easier answers to be had. I just don't know what they are though. If the meds kick in and work, then maybe you can get through Christmas. Only you are going to know if that is working or not though, as you see him and know how he reacts and how severe these seizures are.

We are Here for you. Standing right beside you in spirit since we can't in person.
This is your safe place to talk out whatever you need to talk out or say. We just all worry so much for you and your hubby and spencer. You're family you know and we all stick together and worry together.

Big hugs!!

12-23-2014, 10:42 PM
Sharlene, I am so very thankful that I am home with him right now! Sooooo very thankful! I can't imagine him going thru this alone, and yet I wonder and worry that perhaps he did in the past as we struggled with the dosage of his meds to get them to a theraputic level.

My biggest fear....and it terrifies me....is that he will go into a seizure so strong and so very violent that he dies in my arms! Not the peaceful passing I would want for my baby!

Yesterday's seizure and again this afternoon was just that violent and scary! Just horrible experience!.......yet I just HAVE to give him every possible chance....or is that just selfish thinking on my part to keep him with me past his time!!

So many conflicting thoughts are going thru my mind!

molly muffin
12-23-2014, 11:12 PM
I'm glad you are home with him too. I actually think that this is a new progression. You haven't seen anything like this either yourself or hubs right, so I rather think or hope that he didn't have them before.

But if these meds don't help, then it will get worse, not better. That is not what any of us want to hear but it is the truth.

So, okay, to be practical, the vet is aware of what these seizures are currently like correct? That is what he was at the ER over night? And how long did he say before you would know if the med would work or not? Because you need to have some sort of reference to go by. How long till you know if it will help or not, that is all you have really. About the only thing that the meds can do is perhaps lessen the pressure a bit, causing the seizures either to not be as often or not as severe. Prednisone has also been used in conjunction with trilostane to keep the seizures at bay for a bit. It isn't a very long term solution though and we have had members who have used the combination.

Of course you don't want to lose him, of course you don't want to lose him at Christmas and of course you want to give him every chance, these are all natural things to want. You also don't want him in any pain or scared or to pass in a way that would be traumatic to each of you.

What I suggest, is that you sit down with hubs and I know he doesn't want to talk about it or even "go there" in his head, but you need a plan. Something to say, this is what we need to see and this is what we will do and how we will do it if we don't see it. If it does come to the point of having to say good bye, then many of our members have a vet on call that can come to their home and give them a sedative and have it happen as humanely and as comfortable as possible. Many members make these arrangements on the fly as things come up unexpectedly, but others have these in place months and months out because they know that the time is approaching. Maybe that is something you would want to talk to hubs about and have a vet on call. I am not saying this has to happen right this minute, but it is perhaps something that will make it not as traumatic to deal with later too.

I absolutely hate even having to mention these things but if it helps you even one iota I'm willing to talk about it, throw ideas out, whatever you need.


12-23-2014, 11:43 PM
Sharlene, as much as I know your words are so very true, with the recent turn of events, even hubs can no longer deny that our sweet lil man is leaving us!!!

Both his Regular and ER vets are hoping to get him past the holidays, they are being realistic and have tried to warn that this might not happen!

When we got our lil man, we drove from Michigan to North Carolina to get him! He was 8 weeks old, so tiny that he fit in my hand. We had to assure his breeder that we knew how to care for him! When we got him home, he was so tiny that I placed him on my neck to sleep so I knew where he was. I literally slept that way for the longest time...so afraid he could get cold! We have always loved his attitude and spunk and that's how we hope he is remembered!

molly muffin
12-24-2014, 12:22 AM
It is those memories that you will have to hold on to and it is why you won't let him suffer. Because that little guy who slept on your neck, who you held in the palm of your hand. That is the Spencer that you hold in your heart, and all the years that came after, the good memories, the adventures and fun times. It is also why you have to make a plan, as hard as that is. You and hubby need that and so does Spencer.
I can barely write these words the tears are just flowing. I wish we could take all this away and bring back those good times.

12-24-2014, 12:40 AM
Sharlene...i could say soooo very much! I keep trying to type something....but delete it because nothing seems to fill the ache in my heart!

Thank you, my friend!

I just have no words right now!! I'm sad....crying....just overwhelmed with grief for what my precious boy is going thru!! And I'm still angry at his suffering!!! So very angry!!!

Budsters Mom
12-24-2014, 12:49 AM
Okay, I have been reading all along and blubbering along with you.:o It is extremely hard for me to talk about where you are right now because it brings me back to a place I never want to go again. I will do the best I can, but no promises.…

My Buddy had a pituitary macro tumor that eventually took him away from me. I knew that he was a ticking time bomb and our time together would be short. However, I thought I would have more time than I had. There is never enough time. I did not have a plan ahead of time as far as making arrangements for his euthanasia. I wish I would have. It would've been much easier. Buddy's comfort always came first in my mind. He often struggled during the night, not being able to's settle to sleep, but was his usual active self during the day. I had made up my mind that the first time that he had difficulty during the day and was unable to get up and appeared to be in pain, would be it. I would not let him suffer another moment. That is exactly what I did. It was as quick as that.

It is really helpful to have a plan in place. I was in shock when I went to actually carry out my plan. I don't remember much of it. As hard as it is, it's easier on the long run if you and hubby are in agreement, so you can support each other. I had no one, except the wonderful angels here. They saved whatever sanity I had left. This is all I'm able to say right now.

Our fur angels at the bridge will welcome Spencer with love, when the time is right. He will be well taken care of and free of pain to play and soar with the rest of them.

Big soothing hugs,

molly muffin
12-24-2014, 01:09 AM
I think that you are already grieving Spencer, Terry. You grieve for the little guy he was, every single moment of his life, you are remembering and missing. He sits beside you but these past couple days have to have been some of the absolute hardest.

I don't know that it is possible right now to have any perfect words. I certainly cannot imagine any. I've written and deleted too, it is so hard to know what to say.

Some call it anticipatory grief, but I think you have passed that stage by and now are just grieving and angry. I can't say that I blame you one bit either.

I can probably sum it up with just saying "this sucks". :(

I think I have a crying headache, in fact pretty sure of it. Spencer has become so dear to so many of us, as have you and your hubby, that we all hurt to see the pain you are all in right now.

Kathy, sweetie, you did walk this path, and it sucked then too. Thank you for popping in, I know that it isn't easy for you to talk about and I don't know if it ever will be, maybe not, love hurts sometimes, so very much.

I have to try and get to bed and sleep, work in the morning. Yep, working christmas eve.

Terry, I hope that tonight there will be no more seizures and you can all get some rest. Put Spencer up with you by your neck, smell that Spencer smell, hear that heart beat and hold it close to your heart.

Sending you big hugs, I'll be in tomorrow morning and touch base.

12-24-2014, 04:12 AM
Terry, there's nothing that I can say to make this easier.
Those seizures sound much worse and I would be petrified and angry too.

Please step back and make a list of Spencer's true quality of life right now.
Add that to the vets' prognosis and it might help the decision process.

I still miss Daisy every day, but she holds a special place in my heart always as Spencer does for you.

Please truly do your best to base your decision dopey on Spencer's quality of life. That is most important and undeniably difficult.

Hugs and prayers!

molly muffin
12-24-2014, 08:39 AM
Good morning. Checking in and hoping to hear that it was a seizure free night in the house.

12-24-2014, 08:40 AM
He had another seizure around 2:30 this morning and the rest of the night he kept having focals and weird breathing.

I woke up in a panic at 4:00am cause I couldn't remember if I gave him his midnight meds! With his weird breathing, i never did go fully back to sleep. I'm exhausted!

This morning, he won't walk, won't even stand! I tried to tempt him to get up with his favorite jerky treat, but he just collapsed while trying to get up and looked at me with such sad eyes!

Since yesterday, he's been peeing on piddle pads while laying down. I have to take him to the bathroon sink and rinse him off. I don't think he realizes he's pottied!!

Could the new meds be causing this? If so, do we continue in hopes they will eventually do what they are supposed to do? Do we stop them? He clearly is just existing right now!

Hubs was so upset this morning! He kept saying how he just wants to get thru Christmas....doesn't want to deal with the inevitable today or tomorrow, all the while feeling in our heart we may have to!

Our Christmas plans have been cancelled. We can't leave him alone, and he is too weak to go with us.


molly muffin
12-24-2014, 08:58 AM
Dang. I had hoped for a better night. He was having problems standing and was piddling on himself before the new meds so I don't think that is causing those problems. I think though that he is very weak and that if anything I would stop the trilostane as it shouldn't be given to a dog that is sick.

I'd be mad too.

The seizures since they are now affecting his ability to breathe might be the culprit of the weird breathing too. He had that happen before when you took him to the ER?

Big hugs

Squirt's Mom
12-24-2014, 09:05 AM
Oh Terry, I hope he improves very soon, that these new meds kick in and bring him some relief. I am so sorry he is struggling so right now. :(

Let us know how he is doing.

My sweet Ginger
12-24-2014, 09:14 AM
Terry, his grogginess is coming from Zonisamide. That happened to Ginger and it takes 1-2 wks for his body to acclimate to the drug. Yea, she got quite groggy in the beginning.

12-24-2014, 09:24 AM
Sharlene, i hadn't thought about stopping the trilostane!!! He got his dose this morning, but i'll let hubs know not to give him any more.

I was hoping for a better night too! I guess in a way it was.....he only had one seizure!!

molly muffin
12-24-2014, 09:52 AM
Terry was it the bad not breathing seizure or was it the grand mal he has had before?

Squirt's Mom
12-24-2014, 09:53 AM
I'm glad he's better this morning and had fewer seizures over the night. I hope his day brings the same.

I have to say I don't know how you and hubby do what you have. I watched Tasha have about 6 seizures over her last weekend and it was horrible what they did to her and horrible to watch knowing there was nothing I could do to make them go away - that she was going to suffer more and more and more as they progressed. She was so full of life in spite of the breast cancer plus so sweet and loving that it was grossly unfair to see her taken to that point by her cancer. Once it hit her brain and the seizures started, I knew there would be no brighter days ahead for her, only increasing seizures and confusion and drugs on top of drugs. And I simply could not ask her to endure that.

Even tho she was only with me 9 months, that was a very difficult decision to make even tho I had no doubt it was the right one. I can only imagine if she had been with me as long as Spencer has been with ya'll how much more difficult it would be to come to that decision. And especially at this time of year. NO ONE wants to associate such a memory with the holiday season. I know. I lost my daughter 4 days after Thanksgiving. But I can also tell you that no matter when or how "that day" comes about, the memories of that day will haunt you. Squirt had to leave in May and it is no less painful to think of Spring than it is to think of the Holidays.

We just love them so, Terry, that the very thought of them not being here is often unbearable. My daughter's "day" came out of the blue, no warning. But it was in my power to choose that day for Tasha, Squirt and many others. That power brings a strange sort of comfort with it knowing that in spite of our agony, they are free from theirs.

My thoughts and prayers remain with you and yours during the days ahead. Know we are here anytime you need to cry, to scream, to just talk to someone.

12-24-2014, 11:00 AM
His latest seizure thankfully wasn't the scary not breathing one!

We've been cuddling on the couch. He seems to want to feel my touch. He has layed on the edge of my lap, closing his eyes as I gently stroke his sweet little face!

Are we being selfish by letting him go thru this, or are we doing the right thing trying to give him every chance possible to share another day with us? I'm so torn....I guess my biggest and hardest struggle is the finality of letting him go! There's no turning back! We've done this before earlier this year, and it's just so difficult to go thru it again. Our home will never be the same!

I don't know who's struggling more...us or him!

Squirt's Mom
12-24-2014, 11:51 AM
It can be so very hard to know the answer to that question. For me, it ultimately comes down to looking very hard at the quality of their days. Do they get any pleasure from things like they used to? Do they have more good times than bad? Are they able to enjoy food and treats like usual? Do they interact with those around them? Are their days nothing but pills and treatments and vet visits and recovering from one event after the other? Are they able to control their bodily functions? Can they still walk? Is their sleep at all restful? Is that light still in their eyes or has a pleading taken its place?

It is the one of the hardest things we must face, but all too often we must do just that. After years of giving our all to them, the time comes when we must step back, take ourselves completely out of the picture, and see what is before us, see what they are telling us. I know you and hubby will do what is best for Spencer, and so does he. YOU know him better than anyone and you know what is best, somewhere deep inside we always know.

We are here anytime, Terry. Even when we need to say things that are hard for us to say and hard for you to hear.

12-24-2014, 11:58 AM
I'm so sorry that you and the little dude are going through this. Know that I am thinkin of and praying for you and Spencer. You are both fighters and you will know when the time has arriv d. I knew with both mine- with tommy I nearly let him go before the vet said to- he was sick with a kidney condition and even with treatment and recoveryv he had weeks to live and would hAve had to go through the suffering part afain and I couldn't let him do that- I owed him that after all the years and joy he had given me. I don't knowcwhat else to say other than life sucks sometimes.

12-24-2014, 12:23 PM
Sweetie, how I feel your pain. It was so up and down with Daisy and the specialists flopped from dioom to encouragement. Take you cue from Spencer. Stop the Trilostane and see if there is improvement.

It's best to have a quiet, family Christmas. All of you need the rest. Hugs

12-24-2014, 04:09 PM
Adding my hugs to the others and hoping the way becomes clear for you on how to deal with this the best for you all, it does suck whichever way you look at it. xxxx

12-24-2014, 05:02 PM
I hate more than anything to be typing this, but unless there's a miracle come our way, we will release Spencer from his misery saturday.....unless he totally crashes before then!

He continues to have seizures, he has no life and as a result neither do we!

Prayers are gonna be needed big time!!

12-24-2014, 05:05 PM
You will have everything you need from us, prayers, hugs, tissues, chocolate, wine... plus a place to come and vent, scream, reminisce and just a safe place to chat with people who understand what you are going through. Give that boy a kiss from me please... actually 5 xxxxx :)

12-24-2014, 05:33 PM
You will have my prayers and hugs - and Spencer will too. I hope there is a recovery and you have more time. You have been so good to Spencer. Know what is happening really sucks but know you couldn't have done anymore for the little tyke.

12-24-2014, 06:51 PM
Seizure two hours ago, and another one that he clearly didn't breathe for a good 10+ seconds..face contorted....then the cry....followed by the rest! I may take him friday, instead of waiting till sat when hubs can go with me.

12-24-2014, 07:34 PM
I'm so sorry

12-24-2014, 07:37 PM
i agree with you for 100%, this can't go on any longer, spencer doesn't deserve the suffering.
i have had a dog with seizures and she stopped breathing too during seizures.
the vet said that this was like drowning over and over again.
i did let her go too the next day.
wish you both lots of strength!
hugs from us!

molly muffin
12-24-2014, 07:57 PM
Terry. Big hugs. It isn't easy decision to make but I too think he can't go on like this. This will be the ultimate act of love to let him go because I know how hard this is for you to do. If there was a chance, if he didn't stop breathing and cry out in distress it would be different but I just can't think of anything.
We are here and will support you through this but I do think based on what you have said that the time has come.

Lots and lots of love your way.

12-24-2014, 08:54 PM
I can't thank you all enough for your loving support!

This will go down as yet another bad holiday for me! My Mother died on St. Patricks day ...my Dad died on Memorial day...so this will just add another holiday to remember!

Yeah.....i'm still mad about it all!!

I apologize to everyone for being a wet blanket right now! Hubs and I are at home alone....Christmas Eve....tomorrow will be just another day for us. We've cancelled all plans.....and I just want to smack something......HARD!

two other ppl near & dear to me had to say goodbye to their furbabies, one just today!! Boy.....delete....delete...delete.....:mad:

12-24-2014, 08:55 PM
My thoughts and prayers are with you -- my first beagle/Cush pup, Maggie, had frequent grand mal seizures the last few months of her life followed by cluster seizures which were so very terrifying. I lost a little bit of her with each seizure.

12-24-2014, 09:10 PM
If he was only having the original Grande Mals, i could deal with that....these new ones are too much!

My sweet Ginger
12-24-2014, 09:30 PM
I'm so sorry Terry. All of you have fought so hard for so long. Many hugs, Song.

12-24-2014, 09:38 PM
Terry, I'm so so sorry. Hugs

12-24-2014, 09:44 PM
He had yet another bad seizure! I'm just besides myself!!!

12-24-2014, 10:57 PM
And another one! Not the stop breathing one like the last.....but still....

I can't stop crying....this is the worst!


12-24-2014, 11:02 PM
Hubs opened a large bottle of wine earlier....i think I will stay up tonight and embibe! Not too much...my lil man needs me...but enough

12-24-2014, 11:12 PM
I'm so sorry to read about Spencer's decline and my heart breaks for you. Reading his story and getting a feel for his spunk, I don't think he would want to live like this. I know I wouldn't.
I don't know how you guys are going to get through the next two days with him like this. Have you checked to see What your vet's holiday hours are in case it gets unbearable.
Praying for peace for you all,

12-24-2014, 11:26 PM
Ann....we do have an ER hospital literally right around the corner from us!

Hubs doesn't want to deal with loosing lil man today or tomorrow!

I will take him friday.....alone....to free him of his suffering!

Watching him today.....I would take him right now!

12-24-2014, 11:37 PM
I have thought about you and Spencer off and on all day. There's nothing I can say that everyone else hasn't already said. I just want you to know that I'm here too... watching and reading and praying for your little man. Hugs and prayers for all of you. I'll be praying for a miracle.

12-25-2014, 04:05 AM
Sweetie, as hard as it is, please don't wait until Friday if there is no improvement. Please for Spencer's sake. Hugs

12-25-2014, 04:29 AM
Sweetie, as hard as it is, please don't wait until Friday if there is no improvement. Please for Spencer's sake. Hugs

It breaks my heart to say this but agree with this. Unless I here has been an improvement It sounds like the last thing you can do for the little dude is free him.

12-25-2014, 05:07 AM
Me too. I know the devastation of losing a furbaby. Especially when you and they have fought so hard. I cry as I type these posts but feel that I owe everyone here complete honesty.

I'm noticing the timing of Spencer's seizure activity is just over an hour apart. This is not good for any of you and least of all Spencer.

Terry, hubs needs to understand what I'm sure that you already know.
It's time to help Spencer before he gets even worse. As much as this sucks beyond anything else, regardless of the holiday honey.

Be brave for him and be there for each other.

Love and hugs.

12-25-2014, 11:38 AM
Hi Terry,
I just can't stop thinking about you guys. How is Spencer this morning? Hope you had an uneventful night and were able to get some sleep. Glad you have a vet so close in case you need help.
Merry Christmas and may Peace be with you,
Ann and Peanut

Squirt's Mom
12-25-2014, 01:27 PM
My thoughts and prayers remain with you all, Terry.

It is unfair, isn't it? Spencer is such a tough little guy and has fought so hard, as have you and your hubby. If these diseases and other horrible things that happen to those we love could only feel that anger and hate we generate as a result of their effects, none of them would ever happen again, they would burn up in all that! And I think you have probably been grieving for some time, maybe not even aware of it...and anger is part of grief. We fight so hard for so long only to find ourselves unable to do anything more or different - we are backed against a wall with no defenses left.

You have gone far beyond what many would have and you have given your precious boy the best chances available for as long as possible. Keep loving him like always, and listen to Spencer. And know we are here.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
12-25-2014, 03:28 PM
Hello Terry. Stopping in to see how you and hubs and Spencer are doing today.
Sending you wishes of peace. I know your life is such a turmoil of emotions these days.

Big Hugs

12-25-2014, 04:06 PM
Thinking of and praying for you and hubby and Spencer.

12-25-2014, 05:26 PM
Hi everyone!! Sorry to take so long to check in...it's been a busy day! The good Lord has shown His mercy on us this Christmas day!!

Spencer had a rough seizure filled night, but woke this morning alert and wanting to be held! We had family over this afternoon for dinner, so he was able to bark at them....something he enjoys doing!

Since he was more alert and interactive today, we decided to let him enjoy one last Christmas with us! My step-son fixed dinner and cleaned up so I could hold lil man!

Thank you for the prayers....they were answered....we didn't have to loose our boy today!!

God Bless you all!! Merry Christmas love to each and every one!!

12-25-2014, 06:56 PM
Good news....praying for no seizures and continued barking!!!

Squirt's Mom
12-25-2014, 07:01 PM
I'm so glad he felt like enjoying his company today!

12-25-2014, 09:45 PM
Since he was awake the majority of the day, he is sound asleep now! Fed him a good dinner, so his tummy is full & happy!

Will call his vet tomorrow, and make arrangements! Just really glad he had a better day today! I got to enjoy one more precious Christmas day with my lil man!! I've come to terms! No tears today! Tomorrow, well...........

Even if the meds kick in, this week was a come to Jesus wakeup call of what is to come, when nothing works anymore!! I don't think it's fair to him to wait until then, knowing what he will have to endure!

12-25-2014, 09:54 PM
Oh Terry, I'm so glad that all of you enjoyed today!

molly muffin
12-25-2014, 10:16 PM
Terry I am glad you got to have a normal Christmas Day with your lil man. That he was able to enjoy the day too.

Big hugs. Tomorrow will be hard my wish tonight is for him to be seizure free and get a good rest.


12-26-2014, 12:01 AM
Really happy you two guys had a great xmas together. Will be thinking of and praying for both of you in the days to come.

12-26-2014, 11:11 AM
I'm just boo hooing as I type....i've scheduled Spencer's appt for 1:15 this afternoon! Prayers for strength will be greatly appreciated!!

We were blessed with one more day with him! He had no seizures all day yesterday, and they didn't return until 6:15 this morning followed by two others. While they were all mild seizure, the fact that he had them at all is a reminder that the ugly beast is still present!!

He's so tired! Maybe it's my imagination, but he just seems to be looking at me with such pleading eyes!

D@mn I hate this!!!! 😢

molly muffin
12-26-2014, 11:20 AM
Terry Big Hugs. Very big ones.
One day can be just as precious as a week or a month, maybe more so.

I wish so much that things were different.


12-26-2014, 12:25 PM
Being new to this forum and so appreciative to all the folks on here who have reached out to help, after reading about Spencer I just wanted to reach out to you. While I am new to the Cushings experience with my little guy Poppy, I have twice recently gone through what you are faced with. Nothing I can say to make it better as time is really the only thing that helps, but I just wanted to let you know you guys have my thoughts and prayers for comfort and peace.
Praying for your strength...

Squirt's Mom
12-26-2014, 12:50 PM
With you and your hubby as your hearts break freeing your sweet Spencer, my tears falling with yours.
Leslie and the gang

May I Go

Do you think the time is right?
May I say goodbye to pain filled days and endless lonely nights?
I've lived my life and done my best, an example tried to be.
So can I take that step beyond, and set my spirit free?
I didn't want to go at first, I fought with all my might.
But something seems to draw me now to a warm and living light.
I want to go, I really do; it's difficult to stay.
But I will try as best I can to live just one more day.
To give you time to care for me and share your love and fears.
I know you're sad and afraid, because I see your tears.
I'll not be far, I promise that, and hope you'll always know,
That my spirit will be close to you wherever you may go.
Thank you so for loving me. You know I love you too,
And that's why it's hard to say goodbye and end this life with you.
So hold me now just one more time and let me hear you say,
Because you care so much for me, you'll let me go today.

by Susan A. Jackson

12-26-2014, 01:47 PM
Terry, you know Spencer better than anyone.
If you see a change in his eyes, there is.

He has a wonderful hum_mom in you! Many people refuse to recognize the signs that their beloved pets give them.

A normal Christmas day was surely an incredible gift!

We're with you in spirit - tomorrow and always!
Many of us have had to help our babies when it's time. As hard as it is, I wouldn't want the alternative.

Hugs and love.

12-26-2014, 02:24 PM
Dear Terry,
I have cried so many times the past few days reading about Spencer, and the tears are falling now too. I prayed so hard on Christmas Eve night that he would make it through and that you could enjoy Christmas Day. Sending prayers of strength and comfort to you and your precious boy.

Big hugs,

12-26-2014, 03:31 PM
im so sorry you husband and Spencer are going through this but Spencer will be free from fits be strong again. Big big hugs and rest assured lots of prayers.

molly muffin
12-26-2014, 04:08 PM
Thinking of you all


Budsters Mom
12-26-2014, 04:11 PM
I know those pleading eyes very well. They still haunt me.:o It truly sounds like Spencer is ready to fly. We are with you Terry. You are surrounded by tons of love, prayers and support. I know that your heart is breaking, but you can do this for Spencer because he means the world to you. xxxxoooo

12-26-2014, 05:45 PM
What an incredible gift/blessing that you had a normal Christmas Day with your little man. It's so incredibly hard to let them go when all you want is more time and good days with them. Unfortunately Spencer seems to be giving you clear signs that he's ready. My heart goes out to you and the husband during this difficult time in your lives. I pray for peace for you and will be keeping you in my prayers and close to my heart in the coming days.

12-26-2014, 06:54 PM
Spencer is free from pain! My heart hurts so much! The house feels so empty!

I have a glass of wine in hand.

Here's a toast to my sweet lil man, who brought us so much joy!

Thank you everyone for the prayers that we would have Christmas with our precious little love! We did, and are both so very grateful for that!! We love you all!!!

Hubs and I are both crying over your sweet responses!

molly muffin
12-26-2014, 06:55 PM
Oh Terry. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}.
I will raise a glass to Spencer and you also.

It is the emptiness that I hate. :(

12-26-2014, 07:08 PM
i wish you lots of strength from us too!

12-26-2014, 07:12 PM
Terry, so sad for you... Spencer was such a champ and this was so hard to do, so I too will raise my glass and toast him with you all! Big hugs xxxxx

12-26-2014, 07:27 PM
Toasting you and Spencer. So sorry for your loss. Wish he was s to I'll here with you but he is meeting some mighty fine canines ahout now. Along fight fought to the utmost by both of you. RIP spencer

My sweet Ginger
12-26-2014, 08:08 PM
Here's my glass to you, hubs and lil Spencer who fought as hard as you could as a team and largely successful. We are all so proud of all of you. RIP, lil man. Hugs, Song.

12-26-2014, 08:29 PM
Terry -- you and your husband took such wonderful care of Spencer. That love helped you give him a release from all his pain -- all of our loved ones were at the rainbow bridge to greet him!

Budsters Mom
12-26-2014, 08:34 PM
Fly free little man, fly free!

12-26-2014, 08:36 PM
I raise my glass too.... To Spencer, Beloved and Forever Cherished...

12-26-2014, 08:42 PM
Terry, Spencer has joined the others and they're tearing up the place i'm sure!
I am so glad that Christmas went so well for all of you!!!

You and hubby will get through this together. Share your grief with each other, memories, thoughts - everything.

Love to you both. Xoxo

Spencer, watch out for Daisy Mae! She's too smart for her own good sometimes and will pull one over on you in a second - LOL.

Squirt's Mom
12-27-2014, 08:54 AM
Dear Terry,

You and hubby have survived one of the hardest days you will ever face and in so doing, you gave your sweet boy the greatest gift of all - freedom from his suffering. You and hubby accepted this pain so Spencer could be free - there is no greater love.

Spencer was met at The Bridge by many friends, old and new. All who ever loved him and all those whom he loved were there as well. His brain is perfect today, no seizing, no crying, no confusion. He is running with wild abandon, filled with joy at how wonderful he feels today, playing with friends in the Rainbow Fields. Your sweet boy will wait for you there and when you time here is done, Spencer will be at the end of The Bridge waiting to fly into your arms once again.

Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, Fox and Redd

To my dearest friend,
Please don稚 mourn for me
I知 still here, though you don稚 see.
I知 right by your side each night and day
and within your heart I long to stay.
My body may be gone but I知 always near.
I知 everything you feel, see or hear.
My spirit is free, but I値l never depart
for you will keep me alive in your heart.
I値l never wander out of sight
I am the brightest star on a summer痴 night.
I知 the first bright blossom you値l see in the spring,
The first warm raindrop that April will bring.
I値l never be beyond your reach - when you feel me in your heart just look up and you will find me

12-27-2014, 04:36 PM
Today has been such a blech day! I haven't changed out of my jammies! I just don't feel like doing anything, but cry! Hubs got up and removed all the rugs, kennel and bedding that I'm sure he felt would remind me of lil man....but the void only inhances the loneliness of letting him go!

I woke up around 4:00am, thinking a out him and wondering if I did anything that could have led to his inability to walk! With his added weight, was I picking him up wrong that injured his back!

While I know time will heal the hurting inside, it will not fill the loneliness!

12-27-2014, 06:13 PM
Life really does suck at times. You, your family and Spencer are in my thoughts and prayers. Know the feeling you have but you must realise you went above and beyond anything that could be a ecpected for the little dude. Even at the end you did the hardest thing possible - let him go - he is free from pain but now you are hurting. In my thoughts and prayers

12-27-2014, 10:06 PM
Terry, when you've healed some. Reread this thread and you'll know that you did all that you could and then some.

The seizures/tumor are what really harmed Spencer. Not the added weight honey.
Please don't pick through everything that you did or didn't do. You did A TON for the little guy and he fought hard to stay with you.


12-28-2014, 12:51 AM
Hi Terry

Be kind to yourself these few initial days, just do what needs to be done to get through the day... stay in your jammies all day and holler at the world, there are no right or wrong ways to do things right now, I think if I was you I would be concentrating on how your sweet Spencer is flying free of any discomfort he was in, can't change anything now so try not to torture yourself with the "what if's...." big hugs xx

molly muffin
12-28-2014, 01:27 AM
Sending big hugs your way. I'd stay in my Jammie's too. What ifs are the worst. :(


Squirt's Mom
12-28-2014, 08:38 AM
I don't know that I changed clothes at all for the first few days after Squirt had to leave....I don't remember much about those days other than aimless roaming and screaming. Nearly 8 months later, I still have those days. Do what you need to get thru this, Terry. Other than "do no harm" there are no rules and no time lines for grieving.

For folk like us who devote so much of our time, energies, finances, and lives to caring for another Soul, the loss of the one in our care goes beyond the grief. Our whole lives are suddenly overturned and nothing is the same any more. Time seemed to expand, every minute lasting an hour, and that hour was so empty with none of the usual things to do. I can't tell you how many times I would go into a panic because I had "forgotten" to do something for or give something to Squirt that she always needed. In the stores I still pick up things for her like I always did. So not only are there the awful, horrid "what ifs", we also face the endless "what nows". "What do I do now?"

But time helps, it does not heal but it does help. I heard something on a TV show last nite that hit home for me. One of the characters made the comment that we never get over the loss of one we love, the pain never goes away, we just wake up one day and realize we no longer mind carrying that pain.

We are here, Terry, any time you need to talk.
Leslie and the gang

12-28-2014, 03:48 PM
I am so sorry for your loss. Every time I start to write this, I just break down and cry for you, your hubby and Spencer. I think we all know we'll be in your shoes one day, and that day may not be far off. Or may be it has already come and brings all those memories flooding back. It just makes me realize once again that none of us is promised tomorrow, and we should love our families (furry and non-furry) as if today is our last day. May Peace and Love and Hope be with you in the days and weeks to come.
Much Love,
Ann and Peanut

12-28-2014, 03:54 PM
Wow, Ann. That saying is so accurate!
I'm at the point where I can look at a picture of Daisy and smile - most of the time.

12-29-2014, 02:40 PM
I'm sorry I am late, but I wanted to send my condolences on Spencer's passing. Your journey touched many people and it's clear how loved Spencer was.

molly muffin
12-29-2014, 09:10 PM
Terry, popping in to let you know that I am thinking of you and hubby.


12-30-2014, 01:30 PM
Good morning to all of my wonderful friends! First let me say Thank
You from the bottom of my heart for the love and support you have all provided this past year! It's hard to believe that a group of strangers can all come together in a matter of months and form a bond such as is found here!! I am so thankful I found you, and will forever be indebted to y'all for helping me give my lil man every chance to be here for every "one more day" we shared!

I tried reading back thru my thread, but just couldn't relive those days just yet! The fear and sorrow I felt is still a little raw! We received a card from our Vets and staff and hubs just broke down all over again!! Everyone commented what an awesome lil guy Spencer was and that we were such devoted parents, that there was absolutely nothing more we could have done for him!

My heart and soul was so focused on caring for my sweet boy, it seems so strange now! I catch myself looking for him, wanting to say hi to my sweet boy, just missing him terribly!!! 💔💔💔 Life goes on, tho.....doesn't it! times like this, I wish my family was closer!

Yesterday I went for my female check up & the Dr found "something suspicious" in my right breast. I have to go for an ultrasound since this is so new, my mamo this past summer showed nothing! I guess this is God's way of trying to distract me from my loss??

Well....enough of this depressing post! Lol.....I know y'all understand my ramblings on, and I appreciate your patience.....and loving support!! 💗

12-30-2014, 04:15 PM
Oh Terry... my heart still breaks for you. It's so hard letting them go and then adjusting after they have left us. I do believe we will be with our furbabies again one day and that has always helped me thru the grief. I hope that the days get easier for you, but that could take some time. Hang in there... you are doing great.

It was so nice of your vet's office to send you a card. They reaffirmed that you did all that was within your power to do for Spencer. It was just his time.

I will be praying that your "something suspicious" is absolutely nothing to worry about. Please let us know how the ultrasound goes. Hugs and Love!

12-30-2014, 08:01 PM
Got a call from lil man's vet! His ashes were back, so I immediately went to get him! He is back home with us once again! His remains are in a beautifully engraved wooden box! They cried with me when I got there and told me that I gave him more chances than the vast majority of their other owners. My comment was that as long as he was fighting, We had to get in the trenches and fight with him!

Thinking back on that......I shake my head when I think how can someone NOT take care of their baby.....doing everything they can! I only wish I could have done more!!!!

12-31-2014, 12:17 AM
Terry, my thought exactly when Daisy was sick. As long as she was fighting, I was right beside her. Xoxo

Squirt's Mom
12-31-2014, 09:07 AM
I'm glad your sweet boy is back home where he belongs. That is such a bittersweet homecoming for us.

Hang in there. I know the pain is still so very raw but it does get better. I heard a comment on a TV show recently that hit home. The statement went something like - we never get over losing one we love but one day we wake us and realize we don't mind carrying that pain.

Leslie and the gang

12-31-2014, 07:45 PM
To everyone.....I could name names.....but out of fear I might leave someone out....I hope you all know that this is for all who followed my post, whether you commented or just viewed.

I wish you all the most heartfelt, prayerful and blessed New Year! To each and everyone who took the time and love to be here for not only me, but every scared, worried and paniced furparent....God Bless you beyond measure in the coming year!!

To all the new mommas and daddys who come looking for support and hope, you are in great hands! May you find the answers you seek and the encouragement you need to face the challenges that may come!

My Love and wishes for God's Blessings to you all this New Years Eve!

12-31-2014, 07:49 PM
Thank you Terry.
May 2015 bring health and happiness to everyone!

12-31-2014, 08:18 PM
Hi Terry... big new years hugs to your family too, plus a wink up to Spencer in doggy heaven xxxxx

12-31-2014, 09:05 PM
Had it not been for Spencer.....I would have never been blessed with knowing you!!!

What a blessing that sweet lil boy was for so many reasons!

01-01-2015, 12:40 AM
That's true, same here Terry.

Even though it's been 6 months since Daisy has flown, I can't stop coming here to check on everyone who has been so helpful through it all.

Tonight - Bella, Chris, and I reclining on the love seat. Blankets, warm puppy, Mikes Hard Lemonade (Black Cherry), champagne, meatballs in a crock-pot subs - just finished "Happy New Year, Charlie Brown". Ah, serenity - Happy, healthy 2015 everyone!

molly muffin
01-01-2015, 03:11 AM
All the best to you and hubby in the new year Terry.
We're pretty darn happy to know you too. Thanks you for that gift Spencer


01-01-2015, 05:23 AM
Blessings to you for the coming year Terry. And prayers for the little dude.....

01-01-2015, 04:29 PM
What a beautiful attitude, Terry. Hugs and Comfort to you and the Hubby in 2015. Thank you for being here to share and support all of us.

01-03-2015, 06:39 PM
It's now been a week and a day since saying goodbye to my lil man.....and I'm still so very, very sad!!! I still cry when I think of him, missing his little barks, missing him follow me everywhere I go! Sitting in the basement watching tv, and my lap feels so empty without him here next to me. The tears are flowing as I type!!!!

Hubs and I are constantly commenting on how our new daily routine feels so different and how we miss our old life!! I so wish I had that back....wish I had my sweet boy back!! I miss him so!!😢

01-04-2015, 09:06 PM
Hi Terry,
I'm so sorry you're hurting so much but please take comfort in the fact that Spencer is hurting no more. I truly believe that we will be reunited with those we love, two and four legged when we leave this world. Take comfort that your angel Spencer is fine and will be waiting on you, well and whole - running, barking and so happy to see you.
God Bless and Peace be with you!
Ann and Peanut

01-04-2015, 09:38 PM
Thinking of you and sending hugs.

01-04-2015, 11:39 PM
Terry, I promise you that over time you'll have more happy memories than sad.
I promise. Hugs

Squirt's Mom
01-05-2015, 09:30 AM
Death is nothing at all.
I have only slipped away to the next room.
I am I and you are you.
What we were to each other,
That, we still are.

Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy way
which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed
at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effect.
Without the trace of a shadow on it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same that it ever was.
There is absolute unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight?

I am but waiting for you.
A short interval.
Somewhere. Very near.
Just around the corner.

All is well.

~ Henry Scott Holland

Sweet Peas Momma
01-05-2015, 08:38 PM
I'm sorry for the loss of your Spencer! May is ask, since your post stated ready to start trilo, can I assume he never started the Cushing's meds? We just got Vetoryl to start 60mg a day for our 10 year old Boxer, Sweet Pea, who rescued us on August 29th 2014. Like your Spencer, Sweet Pea has the hind quarter weakness and pivots on her right rear leg. The knuckle has turned under numerous times, looking very painful, however, she does not seem to notice when it does so, like its numb or something. We have lined her normal walking area from carpeted living room to her food dish in the kitchen with runners, yet she is getting worse at times and has difficulty even standing on carpet or runners. We are going to start her meds in the morning. I'm excited but quite terrified of the side effects. Thank you for listening. Shelly, Sweet Peas Momma

01-06-2015, 08:25 AM
Hi Shelly! So sorry to hear that Sweet Pea is having problems! We did start Spencer on Vetoryl, 10 mgs once per day. He had no ill effects from the meds, and his weekness improved. The knuckling under seemed worse when he was stressed to extremes, and yes it was like his feet/legs were numb! I too was nervous about starting him on the Vetoryl, but once therapy started i was able to relax when I saw no complications. I hope Sweet Pea sees improvement soon! Please keep me up to date on how she is doing.

Congrats on being adopted by such a sweet heart! Boxers are wonderful furbabies!! Just love on her as much as you can....they need the extra hugs and kisses when they don't feel so good!

01-10-2015, 10:58 PM
I keep coming back, reading so many threads but not commenting because so many others are much wiser than I will ever be, and I don't think I can give the kind of experienced advice as those who have been here all this time, but I have to admit it makes me sad to see my Spencer's post fade away into the archives! I know this is natural, but it's still hard to let go of all of you who reached out this past year to provide guidance, encouragement, support and love.

molly muffin
01-11-2015, 12:54 AM
Hi terry. I know it is hard to see Spencer's thread go back. Perhaps you want to do a thread to him in loving memory section. Or you can post on this thread when you feel like it.

You don't have to give any words of wisdom. Just say hi on any thread you want. We always love to hear from you. You're family.

01-11-2015, 01:09 AM
Hi Terry,
You were kind enough to post regarding the passing of our dog, Steiny and I wanted to offer my deepest condolences regarding the loss of Spencer. I guess we're going through this together and as the saying goes, misery loves company. We are sure to have some very miserable days/weeks/months ahead but I'm trying my best to think of all the good memories and times we've had with Steiny. I hope you can find some peace and happiness in remembering all the fun you've had with Spencer.

Budsters Mom
01-11-2015, 01:14 AM
Hi Terry,

I closed Buddy's thread and opened a In Loving Memory thread, just as Sharlene suggested. It is sad when their threads no longer active after out babies's fly.

Of course it is your choice, but you do not have to let go of us. We are still here. You have much more to offer than you realize. Your experience and compassion is very valuable. None of us have been through exactly what you have. Sharing Spencer's Journey when the time is right is extremely helpful whether you realize it or not. We all support and learn from each other. That's what we do.

I am still here Terry. Buddy flew a year and a half ago. You do not have to move on unless you want or need to.

Big hugs,

01-11-2015, 02:57 AM
I'm still here too. Just in case something I type helps someone as I've been helped.

01-11-2015, 09:51 AM
Our lives change so much when we lose our dear ones. Each one of us responds differently. If Spencer's thread brings you comfort, then post away, just whatever your thoughts are for the day. My Zoe has been gone almost a year. As time has gone on, I find myself some days unable to find words to even post to others. Other days, I am fine.

Support comes in many forms- advice does not always have to be given, sometimes just a written hug and thinking of you counts too.

Whatever is best for you. We all understand. That understanding is the tie that never breaks no matter what happens.

So I am reaching out to you with hugs:):):):):)

01-11-2015, 08:31 PM
I checked in earlier today.....and just started crying again! Even Hubs started commenting how this is the first time he's been without a pet for as long as he can remember....me too!

I know this is just part of the process, we will grieve and eventually it will get better, but for now i'm just so lonely without lil man here!

We're trying to focus on bucket list trips we've wanted to take, such as flying to Sweden to visit my foreign exchange daughter and her family, and that does serve as a distraction but still isn't keeping the pain at bay!

I still wake up at night dreaming that I hear him crying out in a seizure! That is hard! I feel like I'm being a terrible whiner, and that is not me....however, I just don't know how to deal with this pain!

Everyone expects you to get over it and move on....after all, it's just a dog! But he was so much more than that!

Started off 2014 saying goodbye to my precious little Lexi....and ended with letting Spencer go! Last year really stunk!

01-11-2015, 11:02 PM
I just saw the sad news about Spencer and wanted to tell you how sorry I was to hear of your loss.
I also wanted to say that you are most definitely not a 'terrible whiner' and Spencer was not 'just a dog'. Everyone handles grief in their own way, there is no right or wrong way. One day, hopefully, the happy memories will outnumber the sad ones.

01-14-2015, 08:30 PM
My sweet hubs....in his attempt to make me happy and make up for what we've both gone thru....did something today that makes me smile! He bought tickets for us to go see a stand up comic that i love! Do any of you know Gabriel Iglasias, otherwise known as "Fluffy"?

Well....i have seen him on tv and think he is hilarious! Thanks to my hubbers.....we are gonna go see his live performance!!!

Is it ok to enjoy some happiness?

01-14-2015, 08:51 PM
Of course you should go and enjoy the show and be happy. Our beloved dogs would not want us to cry and cry and be so sad because of them.

I think it is a wonderful idea and I am so glad you have something to look forward to.

I'll have to google Fluffy:D

01-14-2015, 09:16 PM
Oh girl.....he is soooo funny! Last year we would watch him on tv....specials that were televised and we got hooked!!

Just feels soooo very weird to make plans that we don't have to worry about our babies needs! Feels like guilty pleasure that I'm not sure how to process!

I know we will have a good time....but still....

molly muffin
01-14-2015, 09:18 PM
Absolutely! You need to find things you enjoy now and getting outside the house is just the thing. And a comic. Perfect! A smile does the heart good you know. It's sort of like learning to walk all over again. You have to learn to get out and enjoy yourselves.

I like your hubs! Give him a big hug from the gang on k9c.


01-14-2015, 11:13 PM
Sharlene...you always know how to connect to what I'm going thru!

Hubs appreciates the kudos! He's a really good man! Just this evening, again.......we talked about how empty and lonely it is to come home from work, not having our babies here to greet us.

It's just sad.....really sad!

If we lost a child, everyone would rally around providing support and loving condolences, but loosing our dog is nothing to so many, but to us and most of you would agree it's devestating!

01-15-2015, 02:07 AM
Awww! the hubby is brilliant! What a great idea. I know y'all will have a great time and laughter is good for whatever ails you. (Ice cream helps too!)

Yes, what you have been thru is devastating. Shocking. Traumatizing. And the folks that don't understand... well, as I have said before, they are missing out on a kind of love that cannot be explained. Spencer WAS your child. And who can say that someone else's loss is greater? I don't think so. I think the feelings of grief are the same for whatever you are grieving over. Don't let those folks that don't get it bother you. They've never experienced it, and can't speak with any authority as to how it should be for you.

Enjoy your time out and I'm still sending cyberhugs and prayers your way! And we will be here with you to always remember sweet Spencer:)

01-19-2015, 06:46 PM
Went to Dr for followup after finding nodules in both breasts. Ultrasound and even more comprehensive mammo disclosed an 8mm nodule on the left and 9mm on the right. ( right side nodule did not show up on mammo last summer)! So my Dr wants me to go to surgeon for second opinion, cause she thinks they should be removed. Her advice was that 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer and due to size and location in both, she would prefer they be removed. She is leaving final decision up to surgeon!

Gee......what should I do? They aren't malignant at this point, but my primary Dr does not like taking chances! She said if it was her, she would have them taken out! I do have the option of just waiting and watching for any changes.

Squirt's Mom
01-20-2015, 08:34 AM
Terry, I would get them out myself. Let us know what the surgeon thinks and what you decide. We are here by your side, sweetie, and I know Spencer is watching over his mom just as she watched over him so tenderly.

molly muffin
01-20-2015, 09:07 AM
You know if there is a chance that they are malignant then I'd have them removed just as a precaution if nothing else. That they grew so fast is a bit of a worry that would probably make me think surgery is the best option. Better safe now than sorry later is my thought.

Big hugs to you

01-20-2015, 11:38 AM
I have appt with surgeon tomorrow. Will let y'all know what happens. Thanks guys for the support! Leslie, Sharlene, Valerie, Addy, Suzie, Ann, and the list goes on & on......y'all have been awesome friends this past year!

01-20-2015, 11:52 AM
Terry, my 25 year old niece just went through this.
She's taking them out too. Prevention is the key.


01-20-2015, 02:43 PM
Aww, Terry, will be thinking of you. Let us know what the surgeon says.

We need to make a list"

How complicated is it to remove the nodules?

What are the risks, side effects, etc.

Yup- make a list of questions, so you don't forget any questions. Have someone go with you , if possible, so they can help listen.

We'll all go along:):)

01-20-2015, 02:51 PM
Terry, I have had 2 breast lumps removed over the years. They were benign but my thinking was that they didn't belong there. My mom died from breast cancer so I take no chances. The surgeon's recommendations should go a long way to helping you make your decision. We are here for you, today and always. Please let us know how your appointment goes. Prayers and hugs and love coming your way :)

Harley PoMMom
01-20-2015, 04:40 PM
I'm here too, and will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

01-20-2015, 07:26 PM
Awww.... You guys rock!!! Lol....my girls are quite large so any surgery if needed will be pretty extensive! Not sure which way the Dr will go...but prepared either way!

Lol.....came home from work today, and sweet hubs had the stereo going! Us old folks will remember listening to music on vinyl and enjoying Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd and the Eagles!! He told me... No watching depressing news on TV! Trying to keep me distracted tonight!

OMG.....how sweet is that!!

01-20-2015, 08:30 PM
That works, golden oldies will pick up both up, I have to say your hubby rocks:)

01-20-2015, 09:03 PM
I'm one of those old folks! Enjoy your nite with some great tunes and your great hubby!

01-20-2015, 10:47 PM
Terry, you're ahead already dear. Hugs

Squirt's Mom
01-21-2015, 07:49 AM
Great choice in music! I start my Sat and Sun off with James Brown blaring followed by some Jim Croce and Carol King. :D

01-21-2015, 05:49 PM
Great news!! Surgeon, who was very thorough....took time to go over mammo and ultrasound results with me, explaining the terms and doing his own ultrasound just to see for himself what was detected said no need to proceed with any invasive removal of the nodules!

Heck, he even looked at my birthdate and commented that I looked really good! Now that's a GOOD man.....lol....and my favorite Dr!

Harley PoMMom
01-21-2015, 08:48 PM
WOOHOO!!!!!!! That is great news!!!

01-21-2015, 09:16 PM
Great news, hurrah, Im pleases as punch and plan to go do some dancing to the golden oldies in your honor,

Way to go doc, glad the surgeon was good.:)

Squirt's Mom
01-22-2015, 06:57 AM
Oh wonderful news, Terry! I'm joining Addy in that dance!

Did you hug that doc's neck when he was thru? :p

01-22-2015, 08:18 PM
Good news, great music and tonight, good food! I love cooking....which could explain why sweet hubs, at 6'6" went from 165lbs when I met him to 210lbs now! He loves what I prepare and sometimes gets impatient! Lol..men!

So tonight I diced up root veggies....carrots, parsnips, turnips, onion & garlic pods. Tossed in a roasting pan seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper, slap ya momma (a cajun spice) and a little garlc powder. After tossing everything to coat, i nestled in some chicken thighs and have been baking in the oven! Oh my!! The smell is fantastic!

Can't wait to try it!

01-23-2015, 01:10 AM

Fantastic news and your doc sounds awesome.

Dinner sounds delicious. I'll be right over. :D :D :D

01-23-2015, 10:00 PM
You know....there's just some things that I find so unfair and just can't wrap my comprehension around the logic of it all!!!

Last year we took our family to a major holiday dinner out. We paid for our very expensive dinner with a credit card we don't normally use, thinking we would pay it off when due! We did not use it prior to our dinner out nor did we use it after. hubs is diligent about monitoring our accounts. Within days of our dinner at this particular brazillian steakhouse, our credit card had nearly $500 charged to it...all local..at Target, Meijers, Chilis .....etc! Our card had not been used prior to nor since then by us! Obviously our card # had been stolen!

Hubs immediately contacted our credit card holder and found out from them that this is common. When you give your card to the waitstaff, they can easily take a pic of both sides of the card and bam....they have all the info they need to make a fake card!

I contacted the restaurant about our violation, they denied any wrong doing, basically calling me a liar! I went online to see where I could post any kind of critique, which you see all the time...found they had facebook so I posted my experience there with my personal opinion that they should not be in businesss. Recieved a notification from their attorney that they will sue me if I don't do blah...blah..blah! Part of which I MUST send them a letter retracting my comments and apoligizing for my comments!!


I just feel like this is not fair! I didn't ask for anything, just hoped they would have apologized for our inconvenience and would have assured me that they met with their staff, and put measures in place to guarantee this would never happen in their establishment!

I didn't ask for money, or any financial compensation! Just wanted the right thing done! Instead....they are threatening to sue me!

Squirt's Mom
01-24-2015, 09:05 AM
Things can be SOOO unfair! A dear friend of mine called yesterday in tears. Her mom was being threatened by our utility company to shut off all her services in 24 hours because her son, who moved in with her, and his wife owed a bill in another town in Ark. The ex-DIL called our local utility company and told them her ex was living there and that he owed a bill elsewhere - which she had run up and not paid for the first 3 mo after they split. She moved out and has been using her son's name for services. My friend's mom had to leave work for half a day and take care of this bill her son and DIL owed in another city. I called the utility company and was informed that it is a state law in ARK that anyone living in your home that owes a bill elsewhere will result in YOUR loss of services until THEIR bill is paid - IRREGARDLESS of your own payment history. So by helping her son, being unaware of the past due bill his evil wife left, has cost her money she did not have to spare plus put her good credit at risk had she not been able to pay it and they had shut her services off.

So I learned yesterday that utility companies in AR can ruin your credit and take away your services if someone living in your home owes for services anywhere in the country. Nice, huh? The girl I talked to said it was an unfair law and that the DIL wasn't the first to use the law to force others to pay their bills.

01-24-2015, 10:30 AM
How awful!! Three months billing couldn't have been cheap!! It's a shame there's no recourse for your friend. I can't believe the law forces a person to pay another's bill like that! It's just wrong on all levels!!

Squirt's Mom
01-24-2015, 11:23 AM
I hope your situation works out for you. Someone stealing your ID is much worse than a shifty DIL. ;) The laws don't exactly do a lot to protect the victims in this type thing, either, unfortunately. People have lost everything from it! So let us know how things are progressing. This same woman with the evil DIL now has that LifeLock thing because of ID theft by said DIL and she says it is so worth it.

01-27-2015, 05:21 PM
Theft of any kind is never good!!

I had to send their atty a letter of apology and retraction! Hope it was good enough so they don't sue me for damages!

01-27-2015, 09:35 PM
Crazy. People are just crazy anymore. Both of your stories are just outrageous and should have never happened.

01-28-2015, 07:35 AM
A couple of months ago I had my wallet stolen after it accidentally fell out my car door and I drove off leaving it in the gutter!! Some girls picked it up and went and filled their car up with gas on my credit card, then off to the supermarket and they spent $350 on groceries. My bank rang me about the same time I realised it was missing to ask if I had my card in my possession... as they were not using the PIN number but were signing for it which was not my usual way of doing business. The card was immediately cancelled and the bank refunded my money. I thought they must have some pretty good systems in place to have picked it up so fast, was seriously impressed. Other than the hassle of replacing all my cards, I did not have to suffer financially.

The police rang me a couple of weeks back to say they had found my drivers licence and my iphone 6!! I was like awesome :D:D (only problem being I do not own an iphone 6 hahaha), I would have liked one though :D:D but I did tell them it was not mine and to cut up my old drivers licence as I had already got a new one! :)

01-28-2015, 08:05 PM
I wonder who the phone belonged to?

We had trouble with our credit card and I am sad to think the trouble happened at the ER when I went to pay the bill after Zoe died.

We are not sure but the trouble was right after that night. Thank goodness the bank called us too and cancelled the card.

All of this sure leaves a bad taste, doesn't it?
I can't beieve the restaurant sicked their lawyer on you.

01-28-2015, 08:36 PM
I was totally shocked that they took this action as well! Needless to say, I will never go back! I voiced my opinion and they took it to challenge, because they felt it could cost them customers. Never once did they apologize that my card was stolen, never did they assure me that they met with their staff and had measures in place to make sure this would never happen.....even after I told them what our credit card company said.....that resteraunt theft was common...waiters take pics of your card and get fake ones made! Their response was "oh really"? Then denial!

Their whole claim and threat is that I can't prove the waiter or cashier stole our card!! For that I can be sued and end up in bankruptcy!

It just seems so unfair!

01-28-2015, 09:45 PM
Yeah, just not fair at all.


We just never know anymore. I wonder how other people write bad reviews?

We have been more careful where we use credit cards now.

01-28-2015, 09:53 PM
Hubs & I went to a local RV show last weekend! No intentions other than to just look!!

Well......you know what happens next!

We go into an RV that is just grabbing me like a barbed wire girdle! It is beautiful! The salesman is relentless, and we walk away with a new purchase!

It's really perfect! Lol.....now we have to figure out how to get it into our backyard!