View Full Version : 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings - Ginger has passed

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03-05-2014, 09:07 PM
Hello. We have a 10 year old female beagle just diagnosed with Cushings Disease. We just started her on Lysodren yesterday. So far we have not see a difference in her eating or water consumption or panting. I know it might take a few days. My question is do any of you others out there fighting this notice that your dog snorts when she pants? It seems my dog gets worse with the pants by about 4:00 pm every day and when she pants she then starts snorting and is almost uncontrollable. Is this not uncommon? If any of you have experienced this and have found anything to help, please let me know. I am concerned about her so much! Thank you

03-05-2014, 09:58 PM
Hi and welcome to the forum.

I have manually validated your membership so you can disregard the email we send asking you to validate.

Beagles are definitely a breed that is on the top five breeds that seem to predisposed to cushing's. I must warn you that we ask lots of questions and ask you to post test results but that's so that we are in a much better position to offer you more meaningful feedback. So let's get started so we can get to know your girl a lot better.

What were the circumstances that lead you and your vet to pursue a cushing's diagnosis. For instance, was it abnormal blood and urine tests, the symptoms you've already mentioned or both? Can you round up the tests that were done and post the results here for us? On the blood tests, we need only see the highs and lows, including the normal reference ranges. Does your dog have pituitary or adrenal dependent cushing's?

Since you are loading, I want to make sure that you have been properly counseled by your vet as possible adverse affects, what signs you need to be looking for so that you know when to stop dosing. I've included link below to Lysodren Loading Instructions and Related Tips. I highly recommend that you read it thoroughly, print it out and keep it handy for ready reference. Did your vet give you prednisone to administer in the event your dog is showing signs of overdose? If not, please contact your vet and get those pills immediately. How much does your dog weigh and what loading dose did your vet prescribe?

The average loading time at the maximum dose of 50mg per kg is 5 to 8 days. Most experienced vets will not give a client any more than eight days worth of doses. You need to be looking for a sign that your girl is loaded. That sign can be as subtle as a dog looking up at you before licking the bowl clean or finishing their food in less time than usual or walking away with food left in the bowl. My dogs were food driven so I didn't bother to measure their water intake. When you are loading two at the same time, it's a lot more difficult to measure water anyway. However, if you do notice a change in drinking and peeing habits, those can be a sign that you need to quit dosing. Optimum time for the first acth stimulation test is 48 hours after the last dose. The reason for that is that Lysodren has a cumulative effect for up to 48 hours so you want to try to do the stim test when cortisol will be it's lowest.


The snorting you mention sounds like reverse sneezing and while this isn't a symptom commonly associated with cushing's, it could be that the same reason she is panting may be triggering this. Dogs with cushing's pant because 1) they become much more sensitive to heat 2) high levels of cortisol messes with fat metabolism and as a result there is redistribution of fat to the thoracic area; 3) high levels of cortisol also causes muscle wasting so the combination of the last two puts more pressure on the diaphram. Allergies can cause reverse sneezing as can obesity. My mom overfeeds her dogs and when they get obese, they snort constantly. Her current dog is getting much better because I've taken charge of her feeding and she's lost weight. A lot of dogs with cushing's put on a lot of weight so if your girl is carrying a bit more than usual, you might find that problem resolves once you get her stabilized and can get the weight down.

Well I've probably got your head spinning so I'll stop here. I'm sure others will be dropping in to welcome you as well as ask any questions I may have forgotten. We do have Lysodren moms here who know the drug and have walked in your shoes....some of us twice. We'll be looking forward to hearing a lot more about your precious girl.


03-05-2014, 10:28 PM
I had noticed she was panting more than normal and she was developing a pot belly. The main thing I noticed was she was drinking much more water and needing out so often especially through the night. I searched the web and then called my vet to see if Cushings was possible. They did the test and it was confirmed. Her numbers were extremely high. I am not sure the exact numbers, but will try to get them when I can. They main thing is her snorting. I know it has to be wearing her out. She is a 13 inch beagle and weighs about 30 pounds. I know some of it is the water weight, but some is our lack of proper feeding. Our doctor told us she was not that much over weight, she has a lot of muscle and is short so she looks stalky. she has been spayed when she was 8 months old. She breaths very fast even when she is resting. I am hoping we start to see some improvement by tomorrow, for her sake. Does anyone out there know how long before her panting is more under control? Also what about life expectancy after diagnoses? Thank you any help is so appreciated.

03-05-2014, 10:32 PM
is there any pain with this disease that the dog my be experiencing and do they have anything out there that would help settle her down when she gets panting so uncontrollably. She is also very restless at times like she is trying to get comfortable but cannot.
Is there a pill out there that could be prescribed that would help her rest easier? Thank you

molly muffin
03-05-2014, 10:42 PM
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Some dogs take melatonin to help them in the evening. The panting usually will be lessened once the cortisol levels are lowered. They just feel so hot and uncomfortable, although not in pain usually. You'll notice that she probably likes to lay in cooler spots, like a bare floor or near a window where it might be cooler. This most often goes away. It just takes getting through this load first and foremost.

Right now the most important thing is just watching to see when the load is done.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-05-2014, 11:04 PM
Okay. Thank you so much. My heart just breaks for her, and we want to make sure she is not in pain.

03-05-2014, 11:06 PM
Also. she is on 500 mg tablets. 3/4 of a tablet twice a day

03-06-2014, 12:23 AM
She's on a healthy loading dose of 55mg/kg. Recommended loading is 25mg/kg to 50mg/kg. Your vet rounded it to 55mg/kg for ease of dosing. The goal of loading is to give very large doses of Lysodren to effectively erode enough of the adrenal cortex tissue to ebb the flow of cortisol. Once you see signs of loading, that is usually the first day of improvements and they will continue from there.

You mention that your vet did a test and the numbers were really high. I would assume that the test was an acth stimulation test as the other test, the LDDS is a completely different test which does not have high numbers. An acth stimulation test does not tell you what form of the disease a dog has so additional tests, such as an abdominal ultrasound or an endogenous acth test, should have been done to make that determination. Did your dog have an increased appetite, any skin issues, thinning or loss of coat, weakness in hindquarters? I'm hoping the appetite is voracious because otherwise, it my be difficult for you to tell when loading has been achieved. Did your vet give you prednisone?


03-06-2014, 02:26 AM
No, he did not give us prednisone. I have a few left over from our regular vet to treat our girl for allergies, but he never mentioned it. Yes, her appetite is voracious!!! It has always been hard to fill her up. I figure that is just a hounds characteristic, but any more it is unbelievable!! Also she cannot get enough to drink. She will easily put away a gallon to a gallon and a half of water a day! No skin issues, she did shed like crazy this past summer and fall. I did not know of Chushings then or I might have caught it earlier. Yes, it was the acth test. She does has some weakness in her hindquarters. She hesitates to jump up on the couch and bed. I am hoping that will improve too with the medication.

Squirt's Mom
03-06-2014, 08:14 AM
Hi and welcome to you and your baby girl! :)

Did the vet tell you what to look for that would indicate it is time to stop the medicine and have an ACTH? Did the vet tell you what to look for that would indicate her cortisol had gone too low?

The panting is typically caused by the enlarged liver most cush pups have. Because they cannot process fats normally with the cortisol high, that fat gets redistributed in the body, pressing on the internal organs, including the lungs causing them to pant. Because the liver is working extra hard to handle the excess cortisol, it gets bigger also pushing on the lungs. As the cortisol comes back to a more normal level, these things should start to return to a more normal state as well.

Hang in there and keep talking to us, answering our questions and you will do just fine!
Leslie and the gang

03-06-2014, 05:27 PM
Thank you so much. every little helps! All we are going by is what the vet has told us. It is helpful to talk with people that have, or are going through the same thing. We do not really understand the numbers the vet told us, perhaps you are more familiar with them. He did say they were high. I believe he said her starting number before the ACTH test was 48 and after it was 34. Do these seem extremely high and if so is it ever to a point that the numbers are so high nothing will help? Or, if they do to come down, is it possible we will have to repeat the loading phase for another eight days?

03-06-2014, 06:20 PM
Welcome to the forum. Sorry your baby is having problems. I just wanted to add a few things to what the others said. Cushing's weakens the ligaments in their bodies, including the abdominal ones. So this also makes things shift around as their abdomen falls thus the pot belly. Also Cushing's dogs muscles are weakened by this disease, making it harder for them to breathe, as the muscles are not pushing air in and out normally. Some Cushing's dogs develop calcium deposits in their lungs also inhibiting normal breathing. If a dog is moving about and restless at nite, as I have found with my dog, it is usually uncontrolled cortisol, or they are uncomfortable because things have moved around inside them. Anytime a dog is having problems breathing they pant. I have put some really big cushy pillows on my bed for Tipper, when she gets uncomfortable she goes to the pillows. They must help relieve the pressure from whatever is bothering her. As far as pain goes, I am not aware of any except for arthritis and joint pain. Cortisol masks arthritis by keeping the inflammation down. When you control the cortisol with treatment, there is a chance of uncovering joint issues and or arthritis. They too can be treated, as I do that with my dog, she gets Adequan injections. This seems scary, lord knows we have all been there. You are in the very best place you could be to help your dog. There is a lot of experience on this forum. You are not alone, and we will help and guide you. We are all in this together, so with correct management your dog could live out it's natural life. It will get better as you learn everything you need to know. Blessings

03-06-2014, 07:28 PM
Thank you Tipper's Mom.all of you have been very helpful. Her snorting usually does not start until about 4:00 pm and then ends about 8. She still pants, but is not so noisy. She is restless at night, but I do have pillows for her on my bed. The worst is the noisy snorting, but also her getting up all through the night to get a drink of water and go outside and pee. I understand this is part of it, but I have been concerned about the loud snorting when she pants, why it seems worse in the afternoon and early evening and the trembling. Thank you

Harley PoMMom
03-06-2014, 07:40 PM
Hi and welcome to you and your girl,

I have just a moment to post, and I wanted to provide you with a link, from our Resource Thread, that has excellent information about Lysodren: Lysodren loading Instructions and related tips (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=181)

Please feel free to print anything out, and if you have any questions just ask! ;)

Hugs, Lori

03-06-2014, 09:17 PM
Sometimes snorting and reverse sneezing can be from trachael issues. Cushings causes the cartlige to weaken and not hold it's been shape which collapses the trachea. My Tipper has it so that's how I know? She does do the snorting, and congested sounds from her throat. She used to have real breathing issues, and make so much noise? The Adequan shots have helped that a lot.It was so bad at one point she went to the hospital and had a scope run down her throat, and up her nose, they could not find anything. She starts honking too, and sort of hiccups at times and she panics as she cannot get air, and it scares the crap out of me. I hope you can get to the source of the problem. I would be looking for answers from an IMS. Is you dog standing or laying when this happens or both? Blessings

03-06-2014, 09:57 PM
Thank you. Is it possible that the Lysodren will not work for our dog and they would have to try another medication? if they do what will the steps be? We are at the end of our third day and I really do not see difference. If fact her panting and snorting seem worse tonight. Thanks.

03-06-2014, 10:01 PM
Sorry Gingerbread got a positive diagnosis for Cushings. My dog, (a mini schnauzer, almost 10) drank so much water and and panted all the time too! That was almost a year ago for us. Once your dog's medication begins to control her symptoms it will all begin to decrease.
It takes some time, each dog reacts differently but it all will subside. My dog weighed about 15 pounds and was drinking close to 50oz of water daily...it was unbelievable and I was so worried about her all the time, just the way you feel.
My dog is doing fine now. She still drinks a bit more than she used to in the past but it's normal now.
Before she was controlled she panted a lot and when she was resting she would breathe so rapidly, restless at night and moving around all the time. Right now she's sleeping here near me, resting comfortably and breathing normally.
So, your dogs symptoms are all very common to Cushings.
Things will get better! I still watch her like a hawk in case she gets any side effects and I still measure how much water she drinks each day because things can change and there may come a day when she needs an medication adjustment but for now it's going well and she's pretty close to being her normal self.
Hope that helps you feel better. The beginning is the roughest part.
Hoping Gingerbread's Lysodren treatment goes well and that she's doing better asap!


03-06-2014, 10:06 PM
Thank you Barbara! This is one of the hardest things I have ever gone through with her and not been able to help. I worry she will have a heart attack if the excessive panting and snorting continue. Perhaps I am being over worrisome. Also, is there ever a time when their numbers are too high that no medication will help? It seems like the vet said her numbers were 48 per ACTH test and 34 after or vise versa.

Squirt's Mom
03-06-2014, 10:12 PM

Lysodren seldom works within the first few days to where we can see it. In fact, what you are looking for during this phase, which is called loading or induction, are very subtle changes. It might be something as simple as looking up from his feed bowl when before he didn't pause til the bowl was empty; or drinking 2 oz less water today than he did yesterday. You are a LONG way away from needing to worry if Lyso is working or not. ;)

I asked earlier if the vet told you what to look for that would mean it is time to stop the med and do an ACTH?

I also asked did your vet tell you what to look for that would mean the cortisol was too low - a life-threatening situation?

PLEASE take time to read very carefully the link Lori gave you about Lysodren Loading and Tips. If anything you read there is different from what your vet told you, please let us know ASAP. These are very powerful drugs and it is up to us to make sure our babies are doing like they should be while taking them...so educating ourselves about the disease and the treatment being used on our babies is critical. ;)

Keep watching your baby like a hawk for any changes. If you wonder about something, please don't hesitate to ask. :)

Leslie and the gang

03-06-2014, 10:21 PM
Okay, thanks Leslie. Yes, the vet did tell me what to look for and I did read the link that Lori posted. I guess I am just worrying too much maybe. I think I am scared I will not see a change at all in her during these 8 days of loading and won't know what to do next. She just looks at me when she gets panting and snorting so hard like she wants me to fix it and I can't for her. You know how those big brown eyes can melt your heart??? I am watching her very carefully. I thought that yesterday there was a slight change, but I am not seeing it today. I am in prayer about it also and that makes a world of difference too.

03-06-2014, 10:27 PM
hmmm, I'm no expert with the numbers. If you are able to get copies of your tests from the vet then post the results and the normal values here--the norm numbers are there on the test-- and then people here will be able to help you with how the numbers look.
I believe the medication will help your dog, even if the numbers are high. It doesn't happen overnight. My dog is not on Lysodren, but neither of the Cushings medications work instantly. I thought I would give my dog the first pill and see her drinking lessen right away...but no, it didn't happen that way.
I remember how helpless it feels when the dog seems so miserable, you just want the meds to stop all the symptoms. I'm not that familiar with everything about Lysodren so I can't answer much about it. I just know you give it with food, but I think the Lyso info link was in someone's earlier post. My dog's symptoms were also worse in the evenings. We didn't have too much snorting, maybe if you can prop up her front half, like she's on an incline it will take some pressure off her abdomen and maybe that would help. My dog was bloated and had an enlarged liver and seemed uncomfortable. I'd try propping her up so she wasn't lying flat...but then she'd move to the floor. It's common for dogs with this to lay on the floor because it's cooler and the excess cortisol makes them hot.
Things will probably begin to subside soon...I know it's hard to deal with in the meantime though.


Sophies Mom
03-07-2014, 02:06 AM
Sometimes snorting and reverse sneezing can be from trachael issues. Cushings causes the cartlige to weaken and not hold it's been shape which collapses the trachea. My Tipper has it so that's how I know? She does do the snorting, and congested sounds from her throat. She used to have real breathing issues, and make so much noise? The Adequan shots have helped that a lot.It was so bad at one point she went to the hospital and had a scope run down her throat, and up her nose, they could not find anything. She starts honking too, and sort of hiccups at times and she panics as she cannot get air, and it scares the crap out of me. I hope you can get to the source of the problem. I would be looking for answers from an IMS. Is you dog standing or laying when this happens or both? Blessings

Hi Patti. It's funny you are talking about the snorting , because Sophie was diagnosed in December. But I noticed she was snorting and making pig sounds especially when smelling for food droppings on the floor. We always thought it was allergies because sometimes her nose runs clear. A few years ago she had a chest X-ray because of that and the vet says it's the way her trachea is. Whatever that means. She doesn't seem to be bothered by it. It bothers me more because I think something is bothering her. It seems to have gotten worse with the Cushings and I didn't really know if it was related until I read your post. Is it dangerous? Is there something I can do about it? By the way, I'm glad you had a good day with Tipper and she is feeling better. I always end my nite by reading the new posts on the forum before bed.

Barbara and Sophie, (New York, USA), canine, 10 YO, F, Spayed, Weight 19 lbs, Dx PDH 11/24/13, started 10mg 2x a day of Vetoryl x one month, now going up to 15mg 2x a day. Last Stim on jan 18. Pre 4.8. Post 11. Remaining on trilo 20mg 2x a day.

03-07-2014, 09:58 AM
It can lead to a dangerous situation if the trachea closes and they cannot get air.They will start honking as the trachea is collapsed. If it does not reopen they can't breathe. The rings of cartlige in the trachea are weekend by Cushing's. That makes them collapse. When my Tipper smells the ground she snorts like a pig, it is from this. I get her Adequan injections, which have been very good at helping this as Ican tell when she is due for a shot. I also give her GlycoflexIII to help build cartlige. Cushing's definitely plays an part in tracheal disease. If the wind blows and Tipper gets too much air in her nose, she starts honking.If she gets real excited she starts honking. I would see about the shots from your vet, and the cartlige supplements. Blessings

Sophies Mom
03-09-2014, 01:35 AM
Hi Patti. I looked up that drug Adequan, and it says it's used for arthritis. I don't understand how that helps the trachea?

03-09-2014, 09:14 AM
Arthritis is the breaking down of cartilage. Adequan helps rebuild cartilage. The rings that hold the trachea open are made of cartilage, which is damaged by Cushings. I believe the Adequan binds to the cartilage to strengthen it. I can usually tell when Tipper is due for a shot by the sounds she is making. You start with an series of 8 shots twice a week. After that series you go to one a month. Tipper goes every three weeks as her trachea is bad. Hope that helps you understand the Adequan usage. Blessings

03-10-2014, 08:00 PM
Hi. Ginger did not want her supper last night, was sick and had diarrhea.Did not want anything this morning, so I did not feed her or give her her Lysodren. Called the vet this morning and we took her in for her follow up ACTH Test. Since then she has been sick a few times today. Still not much appetite, but does seem a little hungry. Any suggestions as to what I could feed her that would settle better? Thank you so much to all of you. You have been a big help.

03-10-2014, 08:12 PM
Boiled boneless, skinless chicken breast and rice. Add a little extra water to the rice and cook it until it's mush. This is very easy on the tummy and is usually what a lot of vet's prescribe after a bad bout of pancreatitis. Feed her small, more frequent meals for the next couple of days.

03-10-2014, 08:42 PM
Thank you Lulusmom!!! Appreciate all the help.

molly muffin
03-10-2014, 08:46 PM
So you loaded for 7 days with lysodren and then, how long was it from her last pill till the ACTH test today? Remember that lysodren will continue to lower the cortisol for 48 hours from the last pill. So, if the test is done sooner than that, then expect the actual number will be lower than what the test shows. When do you get the results of the ACTH?

Let us know if Ginger eats and is able to keep it down.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Harley PoMMom
03-10-2014, 08:54 PM
Did your vet give you any prednisone? Were her electrolytes checked also?

03-10-2014, 11:20 PM
The chicken and rice settled just fine. she ate just a little and kept it down. Will continue this for the next few days and gradually add back a little of her food. Thanks so much.

03-10-2014, 11:23 PM
Her last pills were yesterday evening about 5:30 pm They did the test today about 11:00 am. I should here tomorrow sometime, Lord willing. Yes, she kept the chicken and rice down just fine. Has not hit the water bowl much at all since supper, so that is getting closer to normal, but I realize, may be her water intake will always be a little higher. She has been more comfortable today and tonight in over a week! Will let you all know the results once I hear. Thank you so much!

03-11-2014, 12:15 AM
No, no prednisone and Ido not know if her electrolytes where checked. I just called them this morning to tell them Ginger's symptoms and they called back to have us bring her in for the ACTH test. As far as I know that is all they did.

03-12-2014, 12:51 AM
Okay, got the test results over the phone from the vet. Her first test before any diagnosis was 41 prior and I think 38. The normal I believe he said should be >1 but < 5. Yesterdays test........ 1.3 prior 1.4 after!!!! She has rested better this past day than she has for weeks. I go to maintenance stating tomorrow. 1/4 pill 3 times a week. will retest in one month! Will start a journal tomorrow to keep track of her water intake, food amounts and pills given. also any changes, good or bad. I am so thankful for answered prayer and all of you for the support, comments, information and questions I need to, or have needed to ask! I will be in touch will updates on Ginger! Have a blessed night.

03-12-2014, 09:06 AM
I am so glad to hear that Ginger has been doing better. It is nice to see them feeling better and acting better. Hope she continues to improve. Blessings

Harley PoMMom
03-12-2014, 11:48 AM
Her last pills were yesterday evening about 5:30 pm They did the test today about 11:00 am.

Okay, got the test results over the phone from the vet. Her first test before any diagnosis was 41 prior and I think 38. The normal I believe he said should be >1 but < 5. Yesterdays test........ 1.3 prior 1.4 after!!!! She has rested better this past day than she has for weeks. I go to maintenance stating tomorrow. 1/4 pill 3 times a week. will retest in one month!

I don't mean to spoil your good news but I am worried. If she had her last dose of Lysodren on Sunday (3/9) and then the ACTH stimulation test on Monday (3/10) with results of pre = 1.3 ug/dl and post = 1.4 ug/dl, which was only about 17 hours after her last Lysodren dose. Lysodren continues to work for 48 hours so I am worried that her cortisol has dropped lower, maybe even too low. Please do keep an eye on her and if any signs of low cortisol appear, which can be any one of the following: vomiting, lethargy, and/or diarrhea, call the vet at once.

03-12-2014, 12:49 PM
Thank you so much Patti. Will keep you all updated

03-12-2014, 12:53 PM
Okay, I know you had mentioned this before, but I guess I may have misunderstood as far as it dropping lower. I will be keep a very close eye on her and have started a log this morning. and started the maintenance dose this morning as well. She had not had any Lysodren since Sun. the test was Monday and we did not hear results until late yesterday so this morning was her first once since Sunday. Thank you for your concern, and never hesitate to respond, good or bad. I need to know all I can in either direction. You all have been as much help, if not more than the vet! Will be updating when I can.

Squirt's Mom
03-12-2014, 02:30 PM
DO NOT start maintenance today! :eek::eek::eek: If the cortisol continues to drop and you start maintenance now, you are asking for trouble. Maintenance usually starts about a week after the loading is achieved and since the ACTH was done WAY too soon, we really don't have any idea where the cortisol will be in another 24 hours. Please do not start maintenance today.

Harley PoMMom
03-12-2014, 04:45 PM
I agree with Leslie, DO NOT start the maintenance dose of Lysodren, please!!

Lysodren continues to erode the adrenal glands for 48 hours after the last dose of Lysodren is given so right now she has a high probability of going Addison's if more Lysodren is being given.

03-12-2014, 06:55 PM
Well.... I already gave her 1/4th pill this morning after breakfast!! What should I do?

03-12-2014, 06:57 PM
her last loading dose was Sunday.

Harley PoMMom
03-12-2014, 09:41 PM
I would not give any more Lysodren for right now. Lets see how she is and then maybe the Lysodren maintenance can be started next week.

03-12-2014, 10:31 PM
Okay! Thank you. The vet did not say to wait, just to do it three times a week like Mon. Wed. Fri. So far she has seemed okay today. I feel awful for giving her any. I will wait and maybe start them come Monday of next week. But I will keep an extra close eye on her.

03-14-2014, 05:54 PM
So far so good with my girl Ginger. Her appetite is still down some, which is okay as she does need to loose a little weight, her water consumption is a little less and she is panting less too. No other side effects. Will plan to start her maintenance doses on Monday.

Squirt's Mom
03-14-2014, 06:12 PM
~~whew~~ Glad to hear she's doing alright! You done good, Mom!

03-14-2014, 10:42 PM
I am trying! You all have been wonderful! When I am allowed, I'll post some pictures of her! Yes... Mighty proud momma!

03-15-2014, 08:55 AM
Read through your thread, I am glad your baby is starting to feel better. Your are doing a good job mom . Blessings

molly muffin
03-15-2014, 01:02 PM
So good to hear that she is doing well. I think that in between time this week is a good indicator of where you want to be. Sounds like things are going well. :)

We'd love to see photos when you have some time to post some. :)

Sharlene and Molly muffin

03-18-2014, 01:27 PM
Did an album with three pictures of Ginger. Not sure how else to post pictures. Hope you all enjoy!

03-18-2014, 01:50 PM
I saw Ginger's album, and she is an absolutely beautiful girl!

molly muffin
03-18-2014, 03:48 PM
awww, she's lovely. You added the photos, exactly right and you can just go to your album and upload any time you want and add pictures.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

03-19-2014, 09:07 AM
Just checking in on Ginger this morning to see how things are going? Blessings

03-22-2014, 09:40 PM
Thank you! Yes, I think she is beautiful too(but I'm her momma! LOL). They are from a few years back, but just plain good pictures. Thank you for the comments. This has been the first full week of maintenance for her. I did Mom.,Wed.,and Fri. She did just fine. She is still hitting the water quite a bit. A little over a gallon a day and she is eating well. Not like she is starving, but just a healthy hungry. She is not shivering like she used to. She does some, but it is not constant. She actually wanted to go for a walk yesterday so my husband took her for about 45 minutes and she did good. She was tired and slept for a good 2 hours afterwards. She only got up 3 times through the night last night, so I am hoping that each week hat will improve as well. No vomiting, no diarrhea, very little panting. I am a very grateful Mom!

03-23-2014, 08:30 AM
You are doing a great job. I hope sweet Ginger continues to improve. Blessings

molly muffin
03-23-2014, 11:25 AM
It's always baby steps when it comes to cushing so hopefully you will see more improvement as time goes forward.
You're doing great!

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-06-2014, 02:42 AM
Thank you! Just finished her 3rd week on maintenance. Will call vet by mid April to have her one month blood test and check her numbers! Sorry I was gone a while. I have limited time on my internet and ran just about to my limit last month. We are doing okay. Ginger seems so much better. A little hungrier than I had hoped, but she has gotten some energy back and is sleeping most night through with only getting up maybe once a night!

04-06-2014, 09:28 AM
Like Sharlene says take baby steps. Celebrate all the little accomplishments as they are really gigantic as far as improvement goes. Any improvement with Cushing's is a win. Blessings

molly muffin
04-06-2014, 06:58 PM
I'm so happy to hear that Ginger is doing well on maintenance. :) Yay!!!

Happy Days, long may they continue

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-07-2014, 09:30 AM
Go Ginger Go!!!!!!!!!!!!

05-10-2014, 11:26 PM
Just an update. After Ginger has been on Lysodren for her month of maintenance dose her tests results were 4.8 before and 11.2 after. So the vet called and said since they were elevated some to add one more day of 1/4 pill. So I now give her a quarter pill four times a week. She seems okay so far with this dosing. It has only been a week, but She seems the same as when she was on the quarter pill 3 times a week. She will be retested in a month or so. Hope you are all doing well!

molly muffin
05-11-2014, 01:34 AM
Great to hear from you. When will you recheck to see if the extra 1/4 pill had done the trick?
Hope this is it for tweaks. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

Harley PoMMom
05-11-2014, 01:42 AM
I really do hope that the extra dose will help and that a mini load won't be needed. How are Ginger's symptoms?

05-11-2014, 09:36 PM
will retest in about 2 months. I do not see see any symptoms as far as excess water intake, panting or lethargy. Her bowel movements are normal, no nausea,. She wants to walk and is playful at times. She seems as close to normal as I can tell. I did add a few more pictures to her album!

05-17-2014, 03:35 PM
Will we check in about 2 months, Maybe about a month and a half now. She seems to be doing pretty well. No symptoms that I can see! Keeping my fingers crossed and prayers said. I did add a few more pictures to her album!We are in Indiana visiting my parents for a while! Hope you all are doing well!

05-25-2014, 10:41 PM
How are things up your way?
Ginger has been doing great on vacation. We are in Indiana visiting my parents. She has been wonderful with the travels as long as I give her her car sick pills. She stays pretty close to my side, but I wouldn't want it any other way! No matter how old she gets, she will always be my baby! So far no adverse symptoms with the addition of the extra 1/4 pill. She wants to walk and walk and run through the lush grass here! I love seeing her so active and spry! Hope all of you are well and staying safe and enjoying this Memorial Day weekend!

molly muffin
05-26-2014, 12:27 AM
This is excellent!! I am very happy to hear that Ginger is doing so well and enjoy her traveling adventures still. What a pretty picture go her you pant rolling and playing in the grass. Beagles are so happy when they can be free like that.
Safe travels
Sharlene and Molly muffin

06-24-2014, 11:15 AM
Will take Ginger to the vet this morning for her retest to see how the extra 1/4 pill is doing however, Sat. she started having severe Diarrhea and threw up once. Other than that she seemed normal. Wanted to eat and was willing to take a walk. So I fixed her some rice and lean chicken. She eat that and seemed a little better most of the day, but then was sick by about 10 pm. Up all night with diarrhea. Almost every 30-60 minutes. She never went much but she tried. Sun the same so I gave her some rice water from long cooking white rice and then boiled some ground beef. Again she ate, but the diarrhea continued. Called vet Mon. They said to not give her her Lysodren Mon. and bring her in Tues. She was up again all night last night with Diarrhea and was sick about 1:30 am. Any help for you all out there?? Getting very scared! Thank you

06-24-2014, 02:35 PM
When do you take her to the vet today? When was her last Lysodren pill?

molly muffin
06-24-2014, 09:14 PM
Well I don't like the sounds of throwing up and diarrhea. Do let us know what the vet said!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-24-2014, 11:14 PM
Took her this morning at 10 am. Vet checked her, took her temp and it was normal. Felt around on her and also looked in her ears eyes and mouth. He also did follow up of ACTH test. He thinks she got into something that has her GI tract all inflamed. He gave her an injection of Polyflex and an injection of Cerenia. One is antibiotic the other is for the nausea. He also gave me a script to help control the diarrhea and is also an anti bacterial. It is called Metronidazole. He will call with results of ACTH test either tomorrow or Thursday but for now I ma to hold off on the Lysodren until I hear from him. Her last dose was Sunday Morning. Since we have been been back from vet. she has been more relaxed and sleeping. She has been drinking water, but just normal amount. Had not wanted anything to eat even though I had fixed her some rice and boiled ground beef. About 7:30 she went to where her food bowl normally is and looked for it. Instead of trying the rice and beef. I opened a can of lea chicken and gave her about 1/3 of it and got one of the anti-diarrhea/anti-bacterail in her. She took it well, then went back out side. She has not been sick or had diarrhea since. Is sleeping on the couch by me now. I will up date when I get the ACTH test results. Any input is greatly appreciated. Many thanks! Colleen

06-25-2014, 08:56 AM
I am reading along in your thread and just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and your Ginger. Hopefully the ACTH will be back soon and we can see her numbers. It will all work out, everyone on here will help you thru it. Blessings

06-25-2014, 01:56 PM
Thank you! This forum has been such a blessing and very helpful! Ginger did sleep through the night, ate some breakfast and seems to be feeling better this morning.Will post results of ACTH test when I hear!

06-25-2014, 02:27 PM
Prayers going up for Ginger for a complete and quick recovery..Snuggles and Brando send lots of healing arooooos!

06-25-2014, 03:47 PM
i have a 9 yr old silky terrier that was just diagonis in may he is not on any treatment because it is to much and it not going to stop this disease its really a bad disease i still cant believe this is happening to my baby

Harley PoMMom
06-25-2014, 04:25 PM
Gosh I am sorry to hear that sweet Ginger is not feeling well, when a dog has diarrhea and is vomiting it is so stressful and worrisome. I am glad to read that the vet did do an ACTH stim test, were Ginger's electrolytes checked as well?

Hoping dear Ginger is feeling much better soon.

Hugs, Lori

06-26-2014, 09:34 AM
How is Ginger this morning? Hope no vomiting and diarrhea. You did the absolute best thing was to get her tested. Now we will see where she stands with her meds. Hope all is well. Blessings

06-27-2014, 01:54 AM
Thank you all. Vet called yesterday evening. Her before numbers were 7.3 which he said were a little high, but He was not too concerned knowing I had stopped her Lysodren because she was sick. Her after numbers were 9.2(i believe) so they have fallen from the 11 reading from her test prior to this one on Tuesday and adding the extra 1/4 pill. He said to wait until Sun to restart the Lysodren so her Gi tract has time to rest and recuperate. Then just keep an eye on her to make sure no symptoms start in again. He is thinking more that she got into something rather than it being the Lysodren, but I will be keeping an extra close watch on her. She slept well last night and was more interested in food today. Her eyes look clearing and she actually had a good bowel movement this afternoon! Made me so happy to see this!! LOL Vet said if all was going well that we would not have to retest for 2-3 months!! You all have a blessed weekend!

06-27-2014, 02:01 AM
P.S. Lori, I don't think he checked her electrolytes as far as additional blood work, He lifted her skin and pushed on her gums and said she seemed a little dehydrated, but not too much. The only thing through her being sick was she did drink water regularly. Not like ravenous, but a healthy amount and I started the rice water Sat. night which she drank some of hesitantly, but she drank it. So I continued to warm some up with a touch of low sodium chicken broth about every 2-3 hours and she drank it. I did about 1/4 cup at a time. Perhaps this helped. Maybe not, but it made me feel like I was able to do something for her. I was feeling pretty helpless.

06-27-2014, 08:50 AM
Yes anytime you have a situation where a dog goes low on cortisol you are supposed to check their electrolytes to see if it threw them out of balance especially the sodium and potassium. Hope Ginger is on the mend. Just keep a close watch on her. Is she drinking and eating ok today? Blessings

06-27-2014, 01:35 PM
Okay. I will watch her closer(if that is possible) LOL Thank's Tipper's Mom. She hesitated to eat her breakfast so I just left it down for a while. She waited about an hour and finished it all. Still going with smaller amounts more frequently. Then got her antibacterial pill in her. She is drinking well but not excessively.

06-27-2014, 02:09 PM
Good she is eating and drinking that is a good sign. Watch and see if she gets lethargic, diarrhea, vomiting, & can't stand. She should be ok but those are just things you watch for in Cush dogs. Blessings

Harley PoMMom
06-27-2014, 07:11 PM
Thank you all. Vet called yesterday evening. Her before numbers were 7.3 which he said were a little high, but He was not too concerned knowing I had stopped her Lysodren because she was sick. Her after numbers were 9.2(i believe) so they have fallen from the 11 reading from her test prior to this one on Tuesday and adding the extra 1/4 pill.

Can you get your hands on copies of this ACTH stim test and post the results here, please?

Was the 1/4 pill added after the most recent ACTH stim test or before?

He said to wait until Sun to restart the Lysodren so her Gi tract has time to rest and recuperate. Then just keep an eye on her to make sure no symptoms start in again. He is thinking more that she got into something rather than it being the Lysodren, but I will be keeping an extra close watch on her. She slept well last night and was more interested in food today. Her eyes look clearing and she actually had a good bowel movement this afternoon! Made me so happy to see this!! LOL

Lysodren is known to cause gastric upset, Pepcid AC given 20-30 minutes before the Lysodren is given may help with tummy upset.

Vet said if all was going well that we would not have to retest for 2-3 months!! You all have a blessed weekend!

If this were me, I would not feel comfortable waiting so long to have an ACTH stim test done, especially if her dose was raised. After an adjustment in the dose an ACTH stimulation test should be done within 2 weeks.

Hugs, Lori

06-28-2014, 02:06 AM
The additional 1/4 pill was added a little more than a month ago. She had been doing fine with the increased amount. This most recent ACTH Test was a follow up to them adding that extra 1/4 pill last month. So No increase this time around. I can try to get copies, but all I could do is type what they say as I do not have a copier/printer. I might could have them email then to me and then possibly copy/paste. I'm not too computer literate, so alls I can do is try. If nothing else when I pick up her new script. I'll se about getting copies and then let you all know. I will be picking that up this coming week.

Harley PoMMom
06-28-2014, 02:14 PM
Since this recent ACTH stim test does reflect the dosage increase I think waiting 1-2 months to have another would be fine. If she would start to show signs of cortisol going too low, which could be vomiting, diarrhea, or she is just not acting herself, than an ACTH stim test would need to be done.

You are doing a fantastic job!! Please do keep us updated. ;)

Hugs, Lori

06-28-2014, 03:27 PM
Great job, you are doing good with Lori's expert guidance. Blessings

07-07-2014, 03:25 AM
Just a quick note. Ginger has been doing fine since restarting her Lysodren after she was so sick. No adverse reactions! So Very Thankful! I pray you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! Blessings, Colleen

molly muffin
07-07-2014, 05:22 PM
That is excellent news! Long may she do well! :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

07-24-2014, 03:41 PM
Just an update! We have moved to Indiana as my Dad's health is declining and it is getting to be too much on my Mom and Sister to care for him, so we are here to be closer and help. Ginger is doing fine. She was wonderful on the trip out! I could not be more proud of her. The 1000+ mile trip was long, but we had no trouble and she rode like a trooper. I only had to give her1/4 car sick pill and she was fine all day long. She only whined once, and that was to let me know she needed to go potty and then get a cold drink. Love that little beagle of mine so much.. Have already found a vet near here to take over her care with the Cushing's! She has enjoyed walking and smelling where all the bunnies have been around all of the cornfields! Hope you all are well.

07-24-2014, 08:23 PM
I am so happy to hear Ginger is doing so well. Sorry to hear of your dad's ill health though. He is lucky to have you.

One of my favorite dog books is "Lauren's Story, An American Dog in Paris". Lauren was a beagle. It is a beautiful love story but it will make you cry so maybe don't read it. Anyway, whenever I hear "beagle" I think of Lauren.

molly muffin
07-24-2014, 10:27 PM
Great to hear from you and wonderful that Ginger is doing so well. All that new area to be explored, she is going to be a very busy little girl.

I'm sorry that your dad isn't doing well. That is so hard when your parents get older and you are far away. I'm really glad you were able to move to be closer and help out.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-01-2014, 01:33 PM
Doing well! Ginger is having a blast smelling where all the bunnies have been. New vet lined up. The area is beautiful!Will post a picture to her album! Don't know how to do it here! LOL Hope all is well with everyone!

molly muffin
08-01-2014, 05:58 PM
Oh love the pics. You're right quite lovely and she seems to be having a grand time exploring!

Sharlene and Molly muffin

08-05-2014, 12:44 AM
Going to post a few more pictures to her album! Yep! I'm a bit of a "doting" Mom! Hope you and yours are all well!

molly muffin
08-05-2014, 03:30 PM
Love the pics!!! Everything in the world to be proud of.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-08-2014, 10:27 PM
Just a note. Ginger sees the vet here on Monday morning. They will continue her treatment for the Cushing's and help me keep her as healthy as we can.
Also, I am happy to report that Ginger has lost 9 pounds since she was first diagnosed with the Cushing's disease. She has needed to for a few years, so I am thankful the Lysodren is working and she is now getting plenty of exercise! May you all have a blessed weekend!

molly muffin
08-08-2014, 11:57 PM
That is wonderful! So glad to hear that you're getting everything in place for her.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-18-2014, 04:01 PM
Posted a few more pictures!!!

08-18-2014, 08:23 PM
She is so sweet. I have to ask, the tan, plaid bed, at least I think it was plaid, it has a name on it. Could I ask, where did you purchase it? It is similar to my Koko's and he needs a new one. I cant find them in the local pet stores.

I hope everything is still going well and you are all adjusting.

08-18-2014, 10:13 PM
Absolutely! Any way I can be of help to any of you, please ask. I got it at Target. It is a Woolrich Brand. I think it was at a "Super" Target which means it is bigger than a normal Target store and they sell groceries as well as all the other things. I wish you well in finding one.

molly muffin
08-18-2014, 11:11 PM
She is just precious! Love the pics

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-21-2014, 07:29 PM
Okay my friends. I have a question. Ginger is having quite a time with itching and allergies. A few years ago, before we knew she had Cushing's the vet would prescribe prednisone and it worked wonders. Well, now that she has Cushing's I am needing to know if any of you have a similar situation and a recommendation? I have been trying over the counter generic Benedryl, but it is not helping much. I would appreciate any input. Thank you

molly muffin
08-24-2014, 01:13 AM
There is a new allergy drug for dogs that is suppose to be a wonder. One of the forum dogs is on it, it is called Apoquel. The problem is that it works so well, with few side effects that all over the world they want it and the manufacturer is having problems keeping up with demand. If your vet can get their hands on some, that is what I'd try. :) :) If not, we are back to trying benadryl, or something like that.

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-24-2014, 10:18 AM
Okay, Thank you so much! Have a blessed Sunday!

10-16-2014, 01:15 PM
Hi Sharlene.
Ginger's mom here. I have a question.
I have noticed in the last week That Ginger seems to be shedding again quite a bit. Her appetite is good and most of the time she is active. Some of the cooler rainy days she does lay around more than normal, but she is 11 also. No change in much else that I can tell. No sores or large areas of hair loss, just shedding. Is this anything to be concerned about?

molly muffin
10-16-2014, 01:20 PM
It could be that she is blowing her coat. When did she last have an ACTH test to check levels?
She is eating okay, no diarrhea?
You can always get a thyroid check too.

Sharlene and molly muffin

10-16-2014, 01:34 PM
Last ACTH test was I believe early July. No diarrhea. Sometimes she leaves a bit of her food. Blood panel was okay for thyroid when they did that I think in May.
Allergies are still an issue but hoping with first freeze that will help. Am still doing the benedryl.

molly muffin
10-16-2014, 07:13 PM
It is likely just her blowing her coat then and of course allergies to add to that.

Sharlene and molly muffin

10-16-2014, 07:37 PM
Okay Thank you so much. I just want to be sure that I do my best to stay on top of things for her. Have a blessed weekend!

12-04-2014, 10:36 PM
Good evening my friends. Just an update on Ginger. I took her on Tuesday for her ACTH test. Got a call yesterday from her vet. Her pre numbers were 1.4 her post numbers were 1.5 So they said she is within the normal range. I believe the normal range is between 1-5. So she is actually at the lower end of normal. They said to continue her dosage with 1/4 pill 4 times a week of the 500 mg Lysodren and just call if I see any changes or concerns. I would like some of you alls input please. Are we comfortable with these numbers? what to watch for? etc. Thank you and I pray you are all doing well. Oh and she is down to 24 pounds, which is a good thing!

Squirt's Mom
12-05-2014, 11:27 AM
How is Ginger acting? Eating, drinking, pooping, playing/interacting ok? Those numbers look pretty good to me but the post is getting down there so keep an eye on her for any signs the cortisol is getting too low. Things like loose stool, loss of appetite, loss of energy - if you see those things, do not give any more Lyso and have the pred ready to go just in case. Call the vet and let him know what you have observed and when her last dose was given. If her behavior is good I wouldn't be overly concerned, just aware. ;) And you know we are always here anytime you have a question or concern....or just want to chat.

Leslie and the gang

My sweet Ginger
12-05-2014, 12:49 PM
I always worry when I don't see any stimulation between pre and post numbers because that means there is no reserve especially at the very low end at 1.4 & 1.5 as one pill could make a difference. Yes, watch her very closely.

12-05-2014, 10:33 PM
Okay. Thank you both so much. I just want to make sure I do the very best for her everyday. I don't want to over look anything. I want to be sure I ask all that I can, even if it seems silly or unimportant, I would rather ask now... then wished I had when it might be too late.
Have a great weekend.

12-05-2014, 10:50 PM
I want to go back and read all of your thread but wanted to say "hi"--I also have an 11 year old beagle, Abbie. We are just starting week 4 of maintenance on Lysodren with the one month ACTH set for next Friday. Abbie's pre and post numbers at the end of loading were also quite low (1.8 & 1.9) so our pups paths are very similar. I do wish Abbie would get back to 24 lbs.--her last weight was 26. Like Ginger, Abbie is shedding quite a bit which is not typical for this time of year in Florida.

12-05-2014, 11:39 PM
Just wanted to alert both you gals that it is pretty common for Cushpups to start shedding fairly voluminously once their cortisol levels are controlled. We think this is because the hair regrowth cycle starts normalizing again after having been negatively affected by the Cushing's. Once the new hair starts filling back in, some folks have noted changes in the color or nature of the new growth. But overall, the fact that new hair is regrowing is generally a welcome sight (although your vacuum cleaner may be overworked in the meantime!).


01-12-2015, 09:35 PM
Okay all. Hope your Christmas and New Years were wonderful.
Just wanted to touch base. I had called the vet last week to see about reducing Ginger's Lysodren down from 4 days a week to 3 (1/4 pill of 500 mg.) I had noticed she was not finishing her food. I thought maybe she didn't like it anymore so I slowly switched her to a different brand. The first few times I feed her she ate it all. Then she slowly started not finishing it either. So I placed the call to the vet. They finally called me back and said they wanted to leave her on the 1/4 pill 4 times a week because that was what was keeping her numbers in check and that by her not finishing her food meant it was working. So yesterday and today I couldn't get her to eat hardly at all. Yesterday she ate just enough breakfast that I got her Lysodren in her. Then we went for a ride. We went to a town about 30 minutes south of us and she got out and walked around and pottyed. I always take plenty of water with us when we go. I put her in the car and then went into the store for about 5 minutes. Then I came back out and took her in the store with me. It is one she loves walking around in. she gets to see the bunnies in cages and sometimes baby chicks during certain times of year. So she did okay. Then we stopped and got some lunch. I just went in and bought 2 hamburgers plain and took them back to the car. Usually Ginger is right up between us whining for a bite, but she just smelled the air a bit. She did eat a bite to 2 but that was all. So we came back home and she just laid in her bed. The trips she usually enjoys and they do wear her out, but she just acted like she didn't feel that well. So I fixed her some supper after we had been home about 3 hours. She smelled of it, but didn't eat any. She did eat her goodnight small Milk Bone before bed. This morning I fixed her some rice and canned chicken. She ate 2 bites of the chicken and that was all. Not enough where I felt comfortable giving her her Lysodren. So I talked to the vet and they said to get some fresh chicken breasts and boil them. The canned chicken has too many additives. They said if she won't eat to call and bring her in. SO I went ahead and made an appt. for Wed. afternoon just in case I need to take her. They said if she eats and I need to cancel I could do that. I just did not want to wait and then they were booked up. So I went to the store, bought some fresh chicken and boiled her some. She did eat a nice portion of it and then I gave her her Lysodren. She has done okay, no diarrhea, no vomiting, she drinks a little more than her normal amount of water, but we have had the heater running pretty regularly. she goes for a walk willingly and sometimes asks to go out. She did not act too interested in our food, which is unusual, but she did eat her chicken and some rice for supper. She did not want her treat which she always has wanted in the past. And she still once in a while shivers like she is cold which she has done off and on since the Cushing's started. Okay, now that I have run on so and I apologize,I just want to make sure I cover everything, Are there days that our pups will have "off" days? Does Cushing's change their tastes where what they used to like, they do not? Do they hit different stages where they do not eat much and then they level out? She has about the same amount of energy as before. So any feedback is much appreciated. I am keeping an eye on her and log as to what she is eating and drinking and how much. So much right now, I feel overwhelmed at times. Husband has surgery tomorrow also so my plate is full and I am just trying not to overlook anything with either of them. Thank you all so much. Hope this finds you well!

molly muffin
01-12-2015, 09:44 PM
I would keep an ACTH test to see where her numbers are at right now. Could be she is going to low for her.

01-12-2015, 10:26 PM
Okay Thank you. I wondered about that and thought by perhaps dropping one day off of the Lysodren that that would help, but the vet said no. I do not want her numbers to go too low where we a whole other problem to deal with. I will keep you posted and let you know how she is and what is going on. Thank you so much.

Harley PoMMom
01-13-2015, 03:49 AM
All dogs are different and react differently to the same medication, the same goes for the ACTH stimulation test numbers. What may be good for one dog may not be good for another. Those ACTH stim numbers are really just a gauge, the actual determination for the cortisol is how the dog is feeling. Ginger may need her ACTH stim numbers to run a bit higher. When a dog doesn't want to eat, to me that is a red flag that something is going on. I think going down to 3 days of week for the Lysodren instead of the 4 might be a good decision.

Keep us updated. ;)

Hugs, Lori

Squirt's Mom
01-13-2015, 08:30 AM
I think you are on the mark and I would be thinking the same thing - that dose needs to be cut back by one day. We have to gauge our babies behavior and meld that with the numbers for the whole picture. YOU are the expert on her behavior. ;) So I would insist an ACTH be done now if for no other reason that to establish at what number she isn't feeling her best and then try to keep her cortisol a bit higher and see if that doesn't improve things. If not and the signs start to come back, you can always increase the maintenance dose again.

My sweet Ginger
01-13-2015, 09:10 AM
Please do an ACTH stim test on Wed. as I'm very worried that Ginger's cortisol may be getting too low. I wasn't comfortable with her very low, blunted ACTH numbers from early Dec. and the subsequent maintenance regimen soon after.
Reading your post this morning was like you were describing how my Ginger was during and after her adrenals were being destroyed too much late last year except for my Ginger was already too weak to do anything by then. Eating was the only thing she did well before treatment but soon after her treatment had started she'd come to her food bowl like she wanted to eat and smells it (or just stands there) and then walks away... they still break my heart thinking about it.

Today is already Tues. so I wouldn't even bother with anymore Lysodren until tomorrow's test just to be on the safe side and it wouldn't surprise me if she ends up needing a break from Lysodren after her test results.
I wish you and your Ginger good luck tomorrow and hope you will get her to eat better soon. Hugs, Song.

01-15-2015, 10:21 PM
So I took Ginger to the vet yesterday. Talked to her about her symptoms and all. She suspected her numbers were probably getting too low. Rather than do an ACTH test(which they need a weeks notice for to get the medicine in anyways) She did a complete blood work up. She said by checking certain levels that would be indicators her numbers were low. She checked her temp, eyes, ears, mouth, teeth and felt her all over. I took in a urine sample, but did not get much and did not know I needed to keep it cold. But they tested it and said it was clear but very diluted. So They called late today and said that her sodium to potassium levels were low(I believe) and that I was to stop the Lysodren and come pick up a script of something called a mineral condrindicator(or something like that). Sorry I do not know the exact wording. He said it will be 1 pill twice a day for a week and they will check the sodium/potassium levels then and if we have to increase, it would be 2 pills 2 time a day. She has not had a Lysodren since Monday morning as she did not eat enough Wed. for me to feel comfortable giving her one.(which now I am thankful for). So I will get the script tomorrow and we will go from there. Thank you all for your support. I just want to make sure that I do the best I can for her and that any problems that arise and not due to my neglect, or oversight. I'll keep you posted.

01-15-2015, 10:57 PM
Did the vet say anything about giving some prednisone, too? If Ginger's sodium/potassium balance is off, there is every chance that her cortisol level is also too low. If she does not perk up quickly, I would question your vet about giving some prednisone in addition.


Squirt's Mom
01-16-2015, 08:41 AM
If I had the pred, I would be giving it. ;)

My sweet Ginger
01-16-2015, 09:04 AM
I'd get prednisone ASAP if these pills are only to bring sodium and potassium levels. Talk to the vet.

01-16-2015, 09:36 AM
It's possible that the vets included a resting baseline cortisol in yesterday's bloodwork (that doesn't require the stimulating agent). And if the resting cortisol was high enough, they may not think that pred is necessary right now. But I would definitely call back and clarify that today.


01-17-2015, 10:21 PM
So I picked up the pills about 1:00pm Friday. I bought a chicken strip from the deli and took it out to Ginger. She ate a little chicken first and then she took the pill in a small piece of the chicken. That was all she wanted. Then we went over to my parents to see them. About 4:30 Ginger walked into the kitchen and stood there, so I offered her some more chicken and she ate more. Took her across the street and she seemed to have a little more energy. She tried to get their dog to play a little bit, but he was not interested. We stayed for about 45 minutes then went back to Mom and Dad's. As I got my plate of food and sat down to eat all of a sudden I heard a little whine! There was Ginger wanting a bite of my supper! The first time in quite a while. I was thinking these pills are doing the trick and her being off of the Lysodren! Well today was a different story. She barely ate her breakfast of boiled chicken, enough I could give her another of the fludrorotisone. She slept some, but then wanted out I don't know how many times today. She drank normal and peed normal. She did poop good. And then a few minutes later poop again, a little softer stool. So we came back in. Within 10 minutes she wanted out again so I took her and all she walked to do was walk, walk, walk, even though she didn't seem like she felt that good. So I did and she poop a bit more looser, but not diarrhea. She finally came in and settled down for a few hours. Come supper time I tried everything to see if she would eat, but nope. She finally had a few bites of a hot dog. And then about 8:00 pm she was in the kitchen again so I gave her a small milk bone. She ate. The vet is closed until Monday. I could call the emergency number, but... I read a little moron the fludrocortisone and it really just sounds like a pill to balance her sodium/potassium and not much to raise her levels some. So I remembered that I had some prednisone from months back for her allergies. It is 20 mil. So I just gave her 1/4 pill. She has to eat!!! I pray I have made the right decision and will call the vet on Mon. (feeling scared for my Ginger).

Harley PoMMom
01-17-2015, 10:40 PM
Did the vet say anything about giving some prednisone, too? If Ginger's sodium/potassium balance is off, there is every chance that her cortisol level is also too low. If she does not perk up quickly, I would question your vet about giving some prednisone in addition.


Marianne is spot on here, I think giving her the prednisone was absolutely the right thing to do. The standard rescue dose of prednisone is 0.25mg/kg. With her weight of 30lbs that would calculate out to 3.4 mg of prednisone so the 5 mg you gave her should perk her up real soon. Keep us updated.

Hugs, Lori

My sweet Ginger
01-17-2015, 10:47 PM
I'm glad you gave Ginger prednisone if the pills are only to bring sodium and potassium up and not her cortisol level as I think that must be very low. I think she will perk up from prednisone and she might need it for a few days at least. If I were you I'd do an ACTH sooner rather than later.

01-19-2015, 08:08 PM
So I called the vet and left a message. They finally called back and they said that was fine to have given the prednisone to Ginger. It made a difference the very first day, and has since I gave her one on Sat. I have not given her another since and she continues to eat, maybe not as much as is normal, but she eats!!! And I can give her the fludrocortisone! He said if she continues to eat and take the fludrocortisone then bring her in next week to check her sodium/potassium levels. If she does not bring her in sooner. Thank you all so much for your support, input, understanding and encouragement.

01-21-2015, 04:21 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Ginger is feeling better. Hang in there! You are doing a great job.

01-21-2015, 06:11 PM
You are a great Mom in trusting your instincts--so glad Ginger is feeling better!

02-21-2015, 03:50 PM
Just a quick update on Ginger and adding some new pictures to her album.
Her electrolyte number have come up! She is still at the low end of normal. I only had to give her 1/4 of a 20mg prednisone twice. Since then she has been doing wonderfully! eating well, Playing a lot and sleeping very good at night. She has not had an off day since, for which I am very grateful! It sure puts a smile on my face when I take her outside and she just wants to run and explore!
Thank you all for everything.Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Squirt's Mom
02-21-2015, 04:48 PM
Thank you for letting us know! I am glad she's improving and pray the trend continues!

02-23-2015, 12:33 AM
What a huge relief that your Ginger is doing so well!
I hope she continues to do well, and that you're able to keep everything at good levels.
Ginger's lucky to have such a great mom as you :)

04-18-2015, 04:52 PM
Hello everyone. I hope your spring is going well! Allis okay here in Indiana. Just wanted to share a bit about Ginger. Since she has been on the fludrocortisone so has been doing pretty well. She has some days she doesn't want to do much, but I have to remind myself that she, like all of us, is getting older. She will be 12 this Sept. Also the heat here is more than what she is used to compared to Colorado. I try to get her out early mornings and evenings more than through the heat of the day, but unfortunately that is when the ticks like to be out also! (I am not a fan of them for sure!!). I have her treated for those with Frontline Plus. Always in doing a little reading up on things it seems that Ginger has kind of gone from Cushing's to Addison's. Am I correct in assuming this? Or at least she is following treatment as such. My question is, I sounds like it is not uncommon for her to "store" fat in her tail and around her neck. I guess this is for protection from stress since it is hard for her to manage stress. What can I be doing to help that not get out of control? I do not feed her any more than usual and she is walking more than she ever has. And with summer coming her walks will get less because of not being able to regulate body temperature. She has gained a little weight back since they found her electrolytes to be low and the medication has got her doing well. But she is still on the heavy side and I just do not want to contribute to that if at all possible. Thank you.

molly muffin
04-22-2015, 07:38 PM
Well it is very hard to keep weight off with any kind of steroid whether it be cortisol making them ravenouos or steroids to keep them balanced. I think as they get older they tend to put on weight in certain areas, much like humans do. A well balanced diet, with not a lot of carbs or sugars, greenbeans and items like that for snacks, might be work for her.

04-22-2015, 07:55 PM
Okay, Thank you. Yes, I do know any type of steroid will contribute to the weight. She does not seem ravenous, which is a good thing, and she seems fine most of the time with the amount of food I have been feeding her, which is a reduced amount. I will add some green beans and items like them to her food or possibly try to use them as snacks. She is so loving regardless of how she is feeling! I will also look at the carbs and sugars in anything I am thinking of getting her. True, the older we get the more weight we can put on in certain areas. I am living proof of that! LOL Thanks so much. Wishing you all the very best with your journeys!

Harley PoMMom
04-22-2015, 10:04 PM
Always in doing a little reading up on things it seems that Ginger has kind of gone from Cushing's to Addison's. Am I correct in assuming this? Or at least she is following treatment as such.

Since she is still on the Fludrocortisone, I would also assume the vet believes she is Addison's. Has a chemistry blood panel been done recently to check her electrolytes? And how about her cortisol?

04-23-2015, 01:07 AM
Not recently. It was in late Feb. I believe. He said if we did not have any problems or see any signs that Ginger was not doing well that he would see us in May or June. She has seemed pretty well since starting on the fludrocortisone other than gaining some weight and her tail getting thick(LOL, I have read that is a symptom). She has a good appetite, good intake and outtake of fluids and almost always is ready to go for a walk. She sleeps very well and is always ready to greet anybody we meet happily! If she is Addison's is it okay if I remain in your group? I would like to at least keep you up to date on Ginger. Thank you

Harley PoMMom
04-23-2015, 02:50 AM
I'm glad to hear that Ginger is doing well...YAAA!!! And of course you can stay here, you both are family and always will be. ;) We very much want to know how you both are doing, ok?

Hugs, Lori

molly muffin
04-23-2015, 08:33 AM
Absolutely stay! It is great that she is energetic and seems to be feeling well.

04-30-2015, 05:41 PM
Thank you both so much! I was hoping it was alright. You all have been such a help, comfort and blessing to me and Ginger!
Have a question for all of you. Do any of you have any thoughts on a good supplement(s) or anything that I might ad to Ginger's food to help with mental cognitively? Sometimes Ginger just seems a little lost or like her thoughts are a million miles away. And she wanders at night like she is either restless or can't get comfortable. Also any thoughts on adding glucosamine to help with mobility? I just want her to feel the best she can for as long as she can. She does have energy and wants to get out and explore, but I do notice in the mornings she is a little slower in getting around. thanks so much!

molly muffin
04-30-2015, 06:00 PM
Novofit is what some have used for cognitive issues. A
I use a come treat form of glucosamine msm chromditome for mobility.

Definitely supplements can help

04-30-2015, 06:02 PM
Okay sounds good. I will look for both when I am out. Appreciate it very much!

Harley PoMMom
04-30-2015, 06:07 PM
Novifit is one that I have seen mentioned on the forum for canine cognitive dysfunction...LOL Sharlene and I think alike!!

This article talks about the supplements, among other things, that may help a dog with arthritis: http://www.whole-dog-journal.com/issues/10_3/features/Canine-Arthritis_15910-1.html

My sweet Ginger
04-30-2015, 07:15 PM
I strongly recommend Novifit right now as it has a better chance making a difference especially in the early stage of a dog's cognitive disfunction written in their pamphlets. I've been using them on Ginger for many many months who's in more advanced stage of dementia and I now believe it makes a difference when off, subtle but I do think I see a difference. They come in three different sizes depending on their weight. I hope you give it a try at least for 2-3 months as that's how long it took for me to notice something. Here's the link.


Squirt's Mom
05-01-2015, 08:40 AM
My Squirt took Novifit and it was a miracle for her. It worked quickly and without doubt beneficially. I have noticed that it seems to work differently in each dog - Squirt responded fast while Ginger has been much slower and some never responded. But it is worth a shot for sure. No prescription needed either! ;)

05-17-2015, 04:47 PM
So if no prescription is needed where to you get it? Like PetSmart? Or Tractor Supply?

05-17-2015, 05:36 PM
You would need to buy it on-line. Countryside Pet has it for $36.50 with free shipping (for 30 tablets for medium sized dog -- 22-44 lbs. which I assume is the range Ginger falls in). Although you don't need a prescription, I would definitely suggest that you let your vet know that you are planning on administering it. Also, if you are giving Ginger any other supplement that contains sam-E, you would need to be very careful about over-dosing.

07-02-2015, 11:46 PM
Greetings! Happy Fourth of July weekend to all! Ginger is doing so well! The fludrocortisone seems to be doing her just fine with no visible side effects! She has a good appetite and is usually eager to walk. She does have her days that she is a little off, not wanting to walk as much or snuggle, but just re;ax in her bed with mom and dad near by. But she is almost 13, so I do take that in to consideration. It is not very often, so I am not concerned however, I do keep track to make sure I do not miss anything. I know with the Addisons she can not regulate her body temperature or stress, so we do not go out in the heat of the day, or if it is extremely humid, we make a short trip outside so she can do her business and sometimes relax in the cool grass underneath a shade tree. All in all she is doing quite well. Just wanted to touch base since it has been a while. We have been busy with Mom and Dad as dad's dementia progresses so I am needed there a little more often. I will try to add a few new pictures of Ginger tonight in her album. Blessings to you all, Colleen

07-03-2015, 07:21 AM
So glad she is doing good!!!! Thank you for keeping us updated! Love the new photo - she has the most incredibly sweet face.
Sorry to hear your dad's condition - I know it is rough.

Continue to keep us posted and Happy 4th.

09-03-2015, 12:21 AM
Good evening everyone. I pray this finds you all doing well. All is pretty good here with me. Ginger has had a few bad days. I took her in last week and they checked her electrolytes.They were about the same as the last test, but since she was not eating they bumped her medication up to 1 and 1/2 pills twice a day instead of just 1 pill twice a day. It has seemed to help some. She has had a very hard time with allergies. She has been miserable. I have tried the Benadryl and it dos not seem to do much. I started giving her a lower does of the prescription medication, which has a small amount of a prednisone type of medication in it and it has helped some. It also helped her appetite a little today. The heat has made it bad to get her out much except for her normal short walks. She is more comfortable just laying under the bed where it is cool and dark. I am hoping tomorrow she will feel better. She(we) celebrated her 13th birthday on Sept. 1st!!! It was too hot to do much, but hopefully once we get some cooler days I can make up for it. I had wanted to take her for a nice walk down the shady trail and treat her to a special meal, but it was too hot and she was off a bit. So resting is what she got to do and seemed to need. I am posting another picture to her album. It was taken a few years back, but I just found it and wanted to share. I will keep you posted when I can. Thank you all.

09-03-2015, 12:26 AM
P.S. I also posted a picture of the custom license plate I had made for my car!!! It is beautiful!

Squirt's Mom
09-03-2015, 07:49 AM
I love the license plate! She is just so darn cute and photographs well. The shot of her with the baby is precious. I hope with cooler weather on it's way she will start to feel better and want to do a bit more.

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
09-05-2015, 10:19 PM
I agree the license plate is soooo adorable. Love the pictures of Ginger too. Such a cute little girl.

I do hope once the weather cools off a bit that she will feel better.
My molly isn't too keen on the heat either. She'd rather be inside having snoozes that taking any walks in the heat.

09-05-2015, 11:02 PM
Thank you both so much. She is something!!! We did get some rain and it dropped to about 73 degrees so we took a nice walk for about 20 minutes. Then she was ready to come back in. She is now snuggled by my side and it is the greatest feeling in the world!!!! She did seem to feel better today! I am so thankful for that!..... it's the little things!

molly muffin
09-08-2015, 08:59 PM
It really is the little things. :) I couldn't agree more.

09-08-2015, 10:06 PM
A happy belated birthday to Ginger! I love looking at her photos--the mid-howl one with the baby is so cute. I switched Abbie from benedryl to zyrtec for her allergies and it is working well.

09-10-2015, 02:01 AM
Oh okay Zyrtec. Is there somewhere to find out how much I can give Ginger? A chart or something? The baby is one of my grand nephews! He was pretty impressed with Ginger and that howl! LOL

09-10-2015, 05:04 PM
Hi! My Abbie weighs 24 lbs. and I give her 10 mg. once a day. In order to save some money, I get the generic (cetirizine) at Sam's. My vet and I thought that Abbie had become resistant to benedryl after being on for a long time. I would definitely discuss the change and dosing with your vet but, hopefully, this info will help.

09-10-2015, 06:51 PM
Okay Thank you very much. It just seems the Benedryl never did much for her. So I will talk to them and see. I just hate to see her so uncomfortable. Also is there anyone else out there that their pups have gone from Cushings to Addison's? If so I was wondering if you have had issues with them eating their food? Ginger will eat treats, bones, anything she finds outside(I know, gross) and some of the meat that we have, but not always. She just does not seem interested in her own food. I wouldn't care if I did not have to get her medicine in her twice a day, she could stand to loose a little, but not like this. The vet used her Fludrocortisone and I thought that would help, it seemed to the first few days, but a lot of days she just does not want her breakfast. No matter what I offer her. eventually she will eat, and does better in the evening. Thanks again.

09-20-2015, 08:33 PM
Does anyone here also have a dog that has gone from Cushings to Addisons?
Am having some trouble with Ginger and just need some advice.
I have tried to find another forum like this, but do not see one. Thank you.

Squirt's Mom
09-21-2015, 08:33 AM
What are you seeing that makes you thing she may be Addison's? I know she's had appetite issues but are there now other signs of the cortisol being too low - loose stool/diarrhea, lethargy, nausea/vomiting?

Squirt's Mom
09-21-2015, 08:33 AM
And is she still taking meds for treating Cushing's? If so and you truly think she may have gone too low, stop giving the med and call for an ACTH asap.

09-21-2015, 05:44 PM
She has had the ACTH test and she was at a 1. They stopped the Lysodren about 6 months ago and she is now on Fludrocortisone. I have had her in 3 times to test electrolytes. So this is what they started her on. She had been doing pretty well, but the last 3-4 days she has not want to eat except a few bones,(Milk bones) and is even turning her nose up at boiled chicken and roast beef. She has started drinking more water and vomiting it back up. Some diarrhea. She has wanted to still walk and has energy to do that. But no appetite. I barely got one does of her medicine in her yesterday. And she vomited them up about 3 hours later. Took her to the vet this am. Did a blood panel, Everything was okay except her electrolytes were very,very low. So they gave her 2 shots to bring them back up and get her to eat and increased her medication from .1 threes times a day to .1 six times a day.(3 pills twice a day unless they come in a stronger dose.). So I have had her tested and yes, she is Addison.

My sweet Ginger
09-21-2015, 07:57 PM
I just did a quick reading on Addison's and they all seem to say it's a straightforward kind of treatment once it's been diagnosed. Looks like for some reason Ginger's is not being controlled despite the increased dose of fludrocortisone which sounds very difficult to administer as she is inappetence. I know how frustrating and a huge challenge that is from our own experience with my Ginger.
I came across this while reading through the articles and thought it could be something to consider for your Ginger. If I remember correctly our Jasper was getting these monthly percorten-V shots (every 25 days) along with steroid which I don't remember which one.

- A newer option in the treatment of Addison's disease is a drug called DOCP. The injection is long acting and only needs to be given once every 25 days. DOCP has been intensively tested and been shown to provide better electrolyte regulation than Florinef. Some animals on DOCP may also need to be placed on a low maintenance dose of prednisone. -

I think she still need to take daily prednisone but maybe once a day and not three pills twice a day. Sounds easier than what you have to go through now if this option works out for her.

Is she on appetite stimulant for her inappetence? If not how about it? My Ginger's been on Cyproheptadine for the longest time and I know it helps her.

I just wanted to throw this out there for a consideration and I hope there's a solution for her very soon so she can go back to enjoying her life again. Hugs, Song.

molly muffin
09-21-2015, 09:13 PM
Oh My Sweet Ginger has some good options there. She has been down this road with her Ginger and did a bunch of research on it, so those are things that you can talk to your vet about.

How is she doing now with the dose increase?

09-21-2015, 11:22 PM
She is not on prednisone at all other than what my head and heart have told me to do. I have some left over from when my former vet had prescribed it for her allergies. So I have on my own given her some. She is only on the Fludrocortisone right now. That is what they have upped her dosage of. From 1 and 1/2 pills twice a day to 3 pills twice a day. I will see how tomorrow goes and make a note of your suggestions. Thanks so very much

My sweet Ginger
09-22-2015, 12:01 AM
I think the way I understood from reading some of the articles today was that fludrocortisone is for both glucocorticoids and mineralcorticoids therefore the dog doesn't need additional steroid. Whether or not she needs extra steroid, that's something you should talk to your vet or specialist about.
It could be possible that you will see a difference in her if she needs more since she's got some tonight but please consult with your vets first.

My sweet Ginger
09-22-2015, 01:02 AM
Sharlene, although my Ginger had gone to the other end her electrolytes were not compromised so she only needed prednisone therapy. I know Jasper's were and hope Tina will chime in.

I've mentioned this a couple of times before but the only thing she never spits out has been plain cheese cakes so I've been giving all her pills in it. She seemed to like the sweetness of it even during the time when she refused everything and anything.I still coat all her pills with it and has been pretty successful. Our freezer door is filled with mini cheese cakes. A life saver for her.

01-11-2016, 11:41 PM
Hello everyone! I have missed our chats! My computer got a virus or something so I had to take it in and it lost all of my information. I have been looking everywhere for my log in information and finally found it!
Just wanted to touch base and let you know that Ginger is doing pretty well! She has had a bout with ear infections, but other than that has been doing well with her medication. She is currently on 4 pills a day of .5 mg fludrocortisone and her electrolytes have been holding steady.
She does have some issues of seeming to be a little more easily startled and stressed with things that never used to bother her as bad, but we try to maintain a very relaxed atmosphere as often as we can for her. She still loves to go for a walk and run through the leaves, get out in the woods and smell where all the little critters have been and go and visit Grandma and Grandpa. I think she is doing wonderful for turning 13 Sept. 1st of 2015. I hope this finds you all doing well!

molly muffin
01-12-2016, 06:44 PM
Awww, what a good update. Glad to hear that Ginger is doing well. A bit more anxiety is probably not a surprise, but she does seem to enjoy the things that matter. Sniffing around, exploring so that is great.

Argh, those computer problems. I am regularly forgetting passwords and log ins and looking for them. What a nightmare to lose all that kind of stuff and have to re find it! Glad you found ours!

01-12-2016, 08:26 PM
Hi! So good to read such a good update on Ginger. I can definitely empathize about those ear infections. Abbie has had some rough ones. I got into a routine of flushing her ears and putting in drops once a week for a long while and, although I probably shouldn't jinx anything, they have been kept at bay. I have found that Abbie's stress levels increase when her cortisol goes up. I know Ginger has Addison's but am wondering if the fludrocortisone levels fluctuate during the day.

Take care and Abbie sends Ginger a big "a-roo-oo"!

01-12-2016, 10:20 PM
What do you flush her ears with and what type of drops do you use. I might try that with Ginger once she is over this round of prescription drops. Also, it could be the level fluctuate during the day. I may have to keep a log for a while and see if I see a pattern. Thank you all so very much.

01-12-2016, 11:25 PM
I use Vetoquinol's "Ear Cleansing Solution". It is the one my vet sells. After rinsing (followed by the vigorous head shaking) and wiping out, I put 4 drops of prescription Mometamax in each ear. I have been very fortunate in that Abbie has always been great about having ear drops put in. Hopefully, Ginger is cooperative as well--it makes the whole process go so much easier.

02-23-2016, 11:54 PM
Okay thank you! I need to make a correction on her medication. Ginger is on .1 of the Fludrocortisone, not .5 as I had stated.The past week and a half I noticed she was acting a little off so I gave her 1/4 of a 20 mg. Prednisone and upped her Fludrocortisone by 1 pill a day. This has seemed to help her. When she was having some problems a few months back the vet did an electrolyte draw and her numbers were very, very low so she wanted me to go from 4 pills a day to 6. She also gave her 2 injections at that time as a boost to get her numbers up. So I started the 6 pills the next day. She did not seem any better the next couple of days so I called to tell them and they said perhaps she was not absorbing the medicine and suggested a ultra sound to see if she had a tumor. I told them to let me think about it. Well after I hung up the phone I thought on this for some time. I realized she was doing fine with the 3 pills a day. That told me she was absorbing the medication fine. Then I thought perhaps we had just over done it with her walks for the 2 days prior to her not feeling well. I also suspected that the 6 pills were too much for her. So I dropped her to 4 pills a day to see how she seemed with them. In a few days she was much better and eating, drinking and ready to walk. So I called the vet to let them know this and she said that was fine, she would make a note in her chart and let her know if there were any changes. So She had been doing well with this does up till this past week or so. We have shortened her walks, especially if it is warm outside and instead of carrying one bottle of water with me when we walk, I carry 2. We take more breaks, even if she does not want to. This all has helped. I am not sure why the change this past week - week and a half, but I do know from what I have read, it is not unusual to have to increase the Fludrocortisone through time. So she is currently on 5 pills a day. I do 3 in the morning and 2 at night. So right now she is doing well. March she will be be due for her shots so I will get her electrolytes checked at that time unless I feel she needs it sooner. She just gets way to stressed going to the vet so I would like to get everything done in one visit. I am adding a few pictures to her album and I will keep you all updated. Hope you are all having a wonderful night! Blessings to you all. Colleen(Ginger's Mom)

molly muffin
02-24-2016, 07:52 PM
I'm glad you figured out the pill situation going back down for a bit. It does seem to be an adjustment though back and forth and that might just be what you have to do to keep her where she needs to be.

I hope the next tests show she is doing well.

I usually just let molly tell me how far she wants to go on her walks without letting her over do it if she is feeling particularly ambitious. I know that if we go too far, I'll end up carrying her back and she'll just get too tired.

04-05-2016, 11:54 PM
Good evening. Hope this everyone doing well. Just wanted to let you know that Gingers last tests were very good. Her electrolytes were right in the middle of the chart which is where they want them to be. I have noticed that even though her number are good she does seem to be drinking an awful lot of water. Not to where she needs out every few hours, or even through the night, which I am thankful for. She does get up and drink through the night, but comes back to bed. Perhaps this is common with her medication. I did not think to ask the vet about it when we were there last. I will maybe make a call and just see what she says, but wanted to run it past all of you as well. It is hard to get her to eat in the mornings. But the vet did say that it is probably because her night time meds are wearing off. So she was not concerned about that. Once she gets her pills in her and I take her for a walk usually she eats, but sometimes she does not until almost noon. She does not seem to feel bad most of the time, but she does have some off days which is to be expected. All in all I feel like she is doing well. I am adding some new pictures tonight of one of her favorite places here in Indiana. Blessing to you all.

Harley PoMMom
04-06-2016, 04:29 PM
Could you get a copy of her last ACTH stim and post those results here...thanks!

I don't know if you are aware of this but Vetoryl has to be given with a meal to be properly absorbed, so If she is getting her Vetoryl dose on an empty stomach those ACTH stimulation results will be skewed.

04-07-2016, 01:50 PM
She has not had a ACTH test done since her diagnosis has gone from Cushing's to Addison's except for once or twice after diagnosis. They are doing routine blood work and electrolyte tests regularly. They said since Addison's there is not a need to do the ACTH tests anymore.
She is only on Fludrocortisone. I have added some more pictures to Ginger's album for all of you to enjoy.

07-06-2016, 11:53 PM
Good evening everyone. I hope this finds all of you and your pups doing well.
Ginger is doing okay for the most part. I have managed to keep her ear infections in check mostly however we have had some issues with urinary tract infections for over 2 months. It seems that every time her antibiotics are done, within about 3-4 days we are back where we started. So they did an ultra sound and ruled out any stones or unusual cell formation which is a blessing. But they noticed the lining of her bladder is about 3 times the normal thickness. They are not exactly sure why except perhaps that these, or this infection has been long lingering. They sent her sample off to be cultured and it came back with 2 different types of infection E.Coli and something called Enterococcus. So we started out with Baytril for 6 days until they got the culture back to see what the infections were. Once they got the results they prescribed Clavamox for 10 days. She seemed to be doing better after about 3 days. She finished her doses this past Sat. and I will take a urine sample in in the morning. I have noticed that she is urinating just a little more frequently than she had been, but not like when I first noticed the infection. I know with the Cushing's and Addisons she cannot concentrate her urine so that along with not being about to fight infections all contribute to this. So we are doing the best we can. She is still on her 6 pills a day of the .1 mg Fludrocortisone and occasionally a small dose of Predisone. So I wanted to share and give an update.

07-07-2016, 03:10 AM
Glad to hear that she's doing well hope she will get better and better soon! Keep us update you and your doggy are always in my thoughts I pray for her faster recovery.

molly muffin
07-08-2016, 10:34 PM
Oh that poor dear. It can be a real bugger to get rid of some infections, so I really hope that this one is completely gone. I know some have talked about being on 30 day antibiotic regimes to get rid of persistent infections.

08-04-2016, 11:53 PM
So we have managed to keep the UTI's under control for now. She is doing better. She is having an awful time with itching and allergies. If I go with a quarter pill of a 20 mg Prednisone she does better with he allergies however it does increase her hunger and thirst which is hard on her weight. She has been scratching so much in certain areas that she has bald spots under her outer coat. They do not bleed or anything. They do get red like a hot spot and when I can manage to put some hydrocortisone on her in those areas it seems to help some. I have tried a warm bath, but do not want to dry her skin out. I know with the Addison's she has very low cortisone in her body with makes her allergies worse. It is kind of a catch 22. The vet had prescribed an allergy medication that had some steroid in it, but she did not do well with it. It kind of caused her to pant worse, drink more and be very skittish. So I called and we stopped it. They said to just try Benadryl which does not do much but I am at a loss right now. Hopefully we can get this figured out soon and she will be less uncomfortable. Other than that things are okay. Hope this finds you all well.

Budsters Mom
08-05-2016, 12:12 AM
Hi, My Rosie has pretty intense allergies also. Oddly enough Bag Balm helps to heal her breakouts very quickly and it's safe if licked. You just need a VERY small amount. Apply twice daily. I have been applying it to Rosie's skin 2 times pe day, to catch small little bumps before they get out of control. ;)

Benadryl only helps short term for Rosie, meaning a couple of weeks. I have been rotating that and Zyrtec. Rosie Weighs 14.7 lbs. she takes 5mg. per day of Zyrtec. That is a 10mg. tablet cut into quarters. 2 1/2 mg twice per day. Benadryl dosage is 1 mg. her pound up to every eight hours, but I only give it to her twice with food. She takes one half of a 25 mg tablet with each dose. Benadryl is considered safe with Cushing's medications. i'm not sure about Zyrtec. Please consult your Vet for possible medication interaction before trying Zyrtec.

Ginger is too large for a onesie. Rosie wears one to bed to protect her skin from itchiness/scratching/biting during the night. Maybe a T-shirt would fit Ginger?


08-05-2016, 03:05 PM
Okay, thank you Kathy. I will see about the Zrytec with the vet. A baby t-shirt would fit, but since she is Addisons now she has trouble regulating her body temperature and gets hot quickly so I am not sure. I may try one and see how she does. Also do you mean Bag Balm not Bab Balm. I have heard of Bag Balm and bought it when I was in Oklahoma. I do believe Tractor Supply sells it. I will keep you all posted.

Budsters Mom
08-05-2016, 03:14 PM
Sorry, it is Bag Balm. I started a thread about it recently. It is great stuff!! Has a mild pesticide and antibacterial properties. It is also completely safe if licked. Rosie leaves it alone for the most part. Use VERY little.

They do make dog tank shirts with a netting material for air to circulate through. I have a few of them that used to be Buddy's. He had allergies (and Cushings) too. He would get very warm also, but his skin still needed protection. Rosie is not a Cush dog. At least not yet. She is only three years old.


09-04-2016, 11:51 PM
Hello everyone. Hope you are having a good Labor day weekend.
So, Sept, 1st we celebrated Ginger's 13th Birthday with a trip to Rural King and a nice walk. She jumped a bunny and had a blast tracking him for a while. I will add a few pictures to her album tonight. She is doing okay. The vet has added a low dose of Prednisone to her medications to help her appetite. Although she does need to loose a few pounds, it has been a struggle to get her to eat in the mornings and sometimes once I get her fludrocortisone in her, which at times is a problem, she heads for the water bowl and sometimes drinks so much she goes out and spits up the water and sometimes her pills. So the Prednisone is working to help that not be an issue. She also has had some problems with shakiness, so in talking to the vet she wanted to try the Pred. first to see if it helps. If we change too much, we may not know the problem. The Pred, is working to help her eat most mornings. The shakiness is still there, but does not seem quite as bad or as often. Her itchiness continues and the vet said if it does that they have an allergy medication we an try, I am holding off hoping cooler weather and water will help with those. I will keep you posted. All in all, I believe she is doing well for her age an condition. The Prednisone dosage is 1/2 a tablet of 5 mg. once a day. She is still on the 6 .1 mg of Fludrocortisone.3 in the am, 3 in the pm. Thanks for always being there for us. Have a blessed night!

Harley PoMMom
09-05-2016, 04:23 AM
Happy 13 th Birthday, Ginger!!!!

Even though the Fludrocortisone does have some glucocorticoid (steroid) in its ingredients it may not be enough and the prednisone is needed. Has an ACTH stimulation test been performed recently to check her cortisol level?


Squirt's Mom
09-05-2016, 10:17 AM

And many mooooore!

09-05-2016, 11:32 AM
Happy birthday, Ginger! My son's birthday is also Sept. 1...a great day to be born!!

09-05-2016, 04:22 PM


09-06-2016, 12:47 AM
Thank you one and all!!

molly muffin
09-07-2016, 09:50 PM
awww I missed Gingers birthday!

Happy Belated Birthday Ginger!!!!

12-12-2016, 11:14 PM
Good evening everyone. Hope and pray you and yours are doing fine. We are doing okay here. The weather is starting to get a little colder, but for almost mid December, we cannot complain.We have not had any snow yet, a few flurries, but nothing lasting. Ginger has enjoyed the cooler weather and we have taken advantage of them and have been walking everyday we can. Ginger can do 3 miles easily, with a rest and water break mid way. She still wants to go, even when we are done with the three miles. The other day we did 4 1/2 with two rest and water stops. She has lost a few pounds and loves all the smells in the woods and running through the fallen leaves. Her medications seem to be doing her alright so far. I sometimes have to give her a single dose of the fludrocortisone mid day if we have taken a long walk then just the rest of the dose at bedtime. It helps. Have been busy with trying to keep mom busy and involved since my daddy passed away in July.It has been a hard time for all of us and the holidays are even harder. After 69 years of marriage mom just feels so very lost at times. But us kids that are here are getting her out for lunch, shopping, nails done, haircuts... and sometimes just a drive to another small town to look around. I bring her over here for a late breakfast of biscuits and gravy, or pancakes and sausage, or lunch and coffee and a visit with Ginger, my husband and I. Anything to get her out of the house while the others are at work. Ginger loves to have company and she loves her grandma and loved her grandpa. I pray you all have a blessed Christmas. Thinking of all of you and your babies. God Bless, Colleen

12-13-2016, 09:57 AM
Hi Colleen!

I just read your thread. I have a 13+ year old beagle who was Cushing's and presently Addisons secondary to her Addisonian crisis while on Vetoryl. Unfortunately my vet did not give me the warning signs of low cortisol nor Prednisone back up. Gracie was only on 10mg daily, low for her weight. But, it turns out she probably had early kidney disease that was not diagnosed....now stage 2-3 kidney failure after the crisis. Sub q fluids at home....yuck.

I can't believe Ginger can still walk 3 miles! I think little Gracie could walk about a mile before the downhill spiral of treating her Cushing's.

Just wanted to say hi from a fellow beagle mom...

Squirt's Mom
12-13-2016, 10:22 AM
Good to hear from you and especially to hear our sweet Ginger is doing so well! I hope you and yours have a blessed holiday season!

Leslie and the gang

12-14-2016, 12:13 AM
Hi Betty I am so sorry to hear about Gracie! I will pray for her and you as well.
It is tough as not all vets are up on Cushing's treatments or Addison's. I did a lot of reading about Cushing's when Ginger was first diagnosed with it, and that, plus finding this forum held tremendously. However, it was still a learning processes and continues to be. they both mimic other illnesses, so it is very easy to miss something. I was told before the Cushing's diagnosis that Ginger had possible kidney failure as well, But when they did the bloodworm, it come back okay. Once we got her on a maintenance dose of the Cushing's medication, she did okay. Then, I believe a year and a half later, could be longer, is when I started noticing other behaviors in Ginger that I knew something was wrong. They did the ACTH test and that is how they found out where her levels were and then did checked her electrolyte levels. That is when they changed it from Cushing's to Addison's. So a new list of medications and procedures. The first vet did not want to put her on prednisone. They only prescribed Fludrocortisone. She did okay with it, and we rechecked her every 2-3 weeks starting off. Then once she was stable, we wet to 2 month checks. I kept a close eye on every day signs. When I noticed she was acting different I would call and have her rechecked. They have uped her does twice since the initial diagnosis. I went to a different vet for some other issues with Ginger, mainly because they had longer hours and not near as busy, The second vet asked about the predinsone and I explained about the first vet. She said, that Ginger should be on a low daily dose to help her appetite, as well as her cortisol levels. I am thankful for this vets input as it got to be a struggle get Ginger to eat in the mornings. Sometimes I could hardly get her medicine in her. Since the addition of the predinsone, it has helped her to eat better and seems more active. All in all she is doing okay. She has started to wander a bit more at night and early mornings, so I may have to address that with the vet soon. It may just be we retest her electrolyte levels and cortisol, or she may have some idea as to this new "habit" Ginger has started. Sorry to be so lengthy... But I hope your Gracie is doing okay.. Thank you for writing.

12-16-2016, 05:12 PM

We received Gracie's ACTH today and she's still Addisons. Her electrolytes were normal, so no DOCP shot. This vet wants me to bring Gracie in every week to check her electrolytes! Did your vet have you go in every week? I think it's over kill, and I feel like I'm an ATM machine.

12-28-2016, 12:32 AM
No, I think I went in the the first two weeks, once a week, But it was basically watch and see how she does. After that it was a month, then 3 months unless I see she is not doing well. I am sorry I did not get back soon to you. I understand. It does sound like over kill. I am glad her electrolytes are normal. That is the main thing to watch for symptoms of if they start to drop. She can show signs of being shaken, lack of appetite, and lethargic.
I hope this helps. I will try to do better checking back soon.

01-28-2017, 11:33 PM
So I took Ginger in to the vet last week because I was seeing signs that her electrolytes were out of balance again. She was shaking a little but mostly just drinking too much water and usually at night and then wanting out anywhere from about 3-5 in the morning. So they did a blood draw and said her sodium was too low and her potassium was too high so increase her fludrocortisone from 8 pills a day to 10. 5 am 5 pm. It has helped with her shakiness, and the first night she slept until 5:30 the next morning. But since then she again is getting up around 2 in the morning and drinking water, then back to bed only to be up again drinking water around 3 and then wanting out. The rest of the day she seems to do just fine. Average amount of water and her energy level is fine. I continue with the quarter to half tablet of 5 mg Prednisone to help her eat and boost immune system. So this is a mystery. I hate to think of taking her back in and getting another blood draw to see if she needs her medicine yet higher. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

01-29-2017, 05:05 PM
Kudos to you for picking up on Ginger's symptoms so quickly -- you are a great beagle Mom! I sure hope that a solution for the night time excursions can be found soon -- Abbie periodically has periods like that. I even made her go out in the rain last night at 11:00 just so she wouldn't have to go in the early morning hours ...

Harley PoMMom
01-30-2017, 01:08 PM
According to Dr Peterson it's not uncommon for dogs to become resistant to fludrocortisone, so since Ginger needed an increase in her dose it just may be that her system is able to overcome the effects of this drug. In this situation Dr Peterson recommends switching to Percorten-V.

Don't know if this was helpful at all but I am including a link to that article from Dr Peterson's blog: http://www.endocrinevet.info/2012/03/q-florinef-resistance-in-dogs-with.html

Hugs, Lori

molly muffin
01-30-2017, 07:47 PM
Did they say if it takes some time for her body to adjust to the increase in medication? I wouldn't think it would but I wonder, as to why she still seems to be exhibiting some symptoms of electrolyte imbalance. I think you will want to get them checked again, just for peace of mind to know how she is doing.

01-31-2017, 12:14 AM
OKay, Thank you all for your input. I never thought about it possibly taking time to adjust to the increase. I will keep a watchful eye the next few days and see if there is any change. I also did not know about possibly becoming resistant to the Fludrocortisone.. I will read article and if need be talk to the vet. I did finally get them to compound her fludrocortisone so I can give her only 2 pills a day with same dosage which will be much easier. Also, Any thoughts on the best time to give her her Prednisone. I was doing in the morning so she would eat well with her fludrocortisone, but I am wondering if it is best to give it at night so she might eat right off in the morning. I usually give her her meds around 8:00 am and she will take them with a piece of boiled chicken or beef. But sometimes will not eat her breakfast until almost 11:00. Or any thoughts on possibly diving the dose and giving small amount in the morning and at bedtime. Thank you all so very much.

Harley PoMMom
01-31-2017, 10:56 AM
Also, Any thoughts on the best time to give her her Prednisone. I was doing in the morning so she would eat well with her fludrocortisone, but I am wondering if it is best to give it at night so she might eat right off in the morning.

I don't know if the effects of prednisone in people are the same for dogs but when I had to take it my reaction to it was an increase in energy (and appetite :eek: :)) and this feeling of boosted "get up and go" came pretty quick after taking the prednisone. So for this reason I recommend giving it in the morning because if Ginger would have the same reaction as I did she may not be able to settle in at nighttime.

Hugs, Lori

molly muffin
02-02-2017, 07:14 PM
oh gads that would be good if it affects Ginger like it did Lori.
You'd go crazy with her being all over the house all night and not sleeping!
She'd probably be pretty freaked to wonder why she can't sleep when everyone else is. I'd stick to mornings

02-13-2017, 01:23 AM
I posted a picture of Ginger with my dad.

molly muffin
02-13-2017, 06:37 PM
Awww, that girl owns the couch arm for sure. :)

05-23-2017, 09:33 PM
So Ginger is doing well. She has developed an interdigital cyst between her back toes and none of the treatments have been helping to shrink it. I have tried several antibiotics with 2 weeks on two weeks off for months. I am trying Epsom salt soakings and antibiotic creams.. Not much helps. Any ideas would be appreciated. Also we have noticed that she seems to pant much more after supper. All day she seems fine as far as not panting except after a walk or something, we keep the apartment on the cool side, but each night after she eats supper she seems to pant for sometime. She does eat more at night than in the morning. Still a challenge to get her to eat in the mornings. She is still on .5 milligrams Fludrocortisone and 1/4 of a 5 milligram Prednisone. The Prednisone I give to her with her morning dose of Fludrocortisone. Any input would be appreciated. She still enjoys walks and does not seem uncomfortable other than just running on the warm side with her panting. No signs of pain or anything. Thank you and hope you and yours are well.

Harley PoMMom
05-24-2017, 11:26 AM
Glad to read that Ginger is doing well but sorry about that cyst growing between her toes. My Harley had an issue like that and his IMS instructed me to soak his foot in a diluted solution of betadyne/betadine twice a day, I think the ratio was like 1 part betadyne/betadine to 10 parts warm water. I was also to apply a triple antibiotic to it after making sure that his paw was completely dry.

As for the panting, when was the last time her electrolytes and cortisol were checked? If the electrolytes are unbalanced and/or the prednsione dose it too much or not enough, both of these situations can cause panting.


05-24-2017, 11:57 PM
Okay thank you. Did the betadine and warm water soaks along with the triple antibiotic help?
Her electrolytes were checked in March and they were right where the vet said she wanted them. The prednisone I am not sure about as far as the reading was or if they checked. They had said 1/2 a 5 mg of Predinose, but it seemed a little much to me when I was giving her that amount. Too hungry and too much water consumption, but perhaps I need to increase it to the half. I will see how she does for the remainder of this month and if she continues I will call the vet and make an appointment. Thank you so much. Blessings...

Harley PoMMom
05-25-2017, 10:35 AM
Okay thank you. Did the betadine and warm water soaks along with the triple antibiotic help?

I believe it did, that was 7 years ago so my memory is a bit hazy :o I do have it noted in Harley's medical folder but didn't enter if the treatment made the growth disappear. :o I also see that Harley was taking a oral antibiotic for it too, but again, and I apologize, I didn't write what was rx'd.


08-22-2017, 09:19 PM
Hope you all are doing well. Things in Indiana are going ok. Ginger is doing ok. However we are still dealing with issues of loose bowels. Some days it is better than others. Her new dose of .7 mg fludrocortisone (2 x a day)along with the quarter tablet of 5 mg. Prednisone seem to be ok, but I don't know if he dosing is still correct since the loose bowel issue continues. It does seem like her fludrocortisone wears off before it is time for her next dose, but if I give it too early, then I have more trouble getting her to eat in the mornings. Also.. even with the Predisone it seems she does want to eat, and will most of the times, but she almost acts like it does not set well. I read that both of these can cause stomach upset. Any thoughts before I call the vet to see what we can do on things that have helped your babies with stomach upset, if any of you have had this issue? Thank you.

Harley PoMMom
08-22-2017, 09:49 PM
Is she getting the Prednisone with food? I take prednisone every now and then for my migraines and if I take them on an empty stomach I do feel sick. You may want to ask the vet about giving her something to coat her stomach such as Pepto Bismol, Carafate, or slippery elm bark.

08-22-2017, 11:49 PM
I give her her Prednisone first thing in the morning. I usually give her a few bites of food and then her pills. Sometimes she will eat right afterwards, but sometimes she won't eat until the prednisone kicks in about an hour or so later.

09-04-2018, 11:58 PM
Hello! Hello! It has been so very long since I have been on here. I do apologize.. I had trouble finding the website and then I would forget about it and get busy with other things. Anyway I hope and pray you are all well.
I am happy to report that on Sept. 1st we celebrated Ginger's 14th birthday! I will add some pictures! She is holding her own.. Medication adjustments a long the way with the Addison's and several ear infections, bladder infections, yeast infections, but I know her immune system is compromised so I do my best to stay on top of everything as best I can, She has good days and bad days, good nights and not so good nights, but she will walk whenever we want to and sometimes when we don't want to she will want to. So we go when the weather allows. Up until about 6 months ago or so she could still go 3 miles as long as I take water for her. She has slowed down some, but we have had a hot summer so it is best she has. I am excited I have reconnected. Bless you all.

Harley PoMMom
09-05-2018, 01:35 PM
Happy 14th Birthday, Ginger!!!!!!!

Thanks so much for coming back and letting us know how things are going and I am so glad to hear that Ginger is doing good! Can't wait to see those pictures!


Squirt's Mom
09-05-2018, 02:18 PM
Happy 14th Birthday, Ginger!

09-05-2018, 04:04 PM
Trying to remember how to add photos.. Hoping I did it correctly.

09-05-2018, 05:01 PM
Happy 14th Ginger!!

My boy Kobe will be celebrating his 6th in 2 days! On the 7th of September.

Would love for him to make it to 14! Though boxers aren't the longest lived breed we're going to try to make it there and beyond! :)

Harley PoMMom
09-06-2018, 12:38 PM
Trying to remember how to add photos.. Hoping I did it correctly.

I didn't see any new pictures, so I'm including these instructions from our F&Q thread: How do I upload photos?

Once you've created an album you can upload images to it. Simply view the album and click on 'Upload Photos'.

You'll have the option to give each photo a caption, and to set one image as the Album cover, which will be displayed on the public profile. To delete an album or edit the title, description or album type, click on 'Edit Album'. To delete an image, or to edit a caption or change the album cover, click on 'Edit Photos'.

If you have any problems just let one of us staffers know and we'll be glad to help!


09-14-2018, 10:57 PM
I didn't see any new pictures, so I'm including these instructions from our F&Q thread: How do I upload photos?

Once you've created an album you can upload images to it. Simply view the album and click on 'Upload Photos'.

You'll have the option to give each photo a caption, and to set one image as the Album cover, which will be displayed on the public profile. To delete an album or edit the title, description or album type, click on 'Edit Album'. To delete an image, or to edit a caption or change the album cover, click on 'Edit Photos'.

If you have any problems just let one of us staffers know and we'll be glad to help!


Thank you very much! It just says Pending...

09-17-2019, 12:29 AM
Hello, I am back and guess what? Sept 1st we celebrated Ginger's 15th birthday. She has good and bad days and good and bad nights. She has slowed down quite a bit, but all in all she is doing ok.
I hope this finds all of you doing well.
Will attempt pictures again soon.

Harley PoMMom
09-17-2019, 03:16 PM
Happy belated 15th Birthday, Ginger!!!

09-17-2019, 03:31 PM
Wow 15! Happy Birthday, Ginger!

09-17-2019, 05:42 PM
Thank you. I did get a few pictures posted..
She is still maintaining at .8 mg Fludrocortisone twice a day, with occasional Prednisone added. We fight ear infections and skin yeast infections, upset tummys sometimes, but hey.. she is so worth it!!

11-23-2020, 12:51 PM
Greetings all! Hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy and getting ready for Thanksgiving holiday.
We celebrated Ginger's 16th birthday on Sept 1st! She is doing relatively well.. still holding at .8 fludrocortisone.
She does has some tummy issues a little more often than not, but some days she does ok.
Only major issue is she constantly fights skin yeast infections. I have the medicated shampoo but it doesn't seem to do much. I know a lot of it is her diet, but I also have to watch her protein intake because of her kidneys so I am a little at a loss as what to fix her to eat.
I will try to post pictures of my beautiful senior Ginger.
Thanks everyone. Be blessed. Colleen

11-24-2020, 12:40 PM
Dear Colleen, it’s so great to see you back here, and especially with this update on Ginger!!! ;):D:D:D:D

Happy Happy Happy Birthday, sweet girl!!!

You have done such a wonderful job of caring for Ginger, and it warms my heart to know that she’s still holding her own. Ginger is a brave survivor, for sure. Once again, thanks so much for dropping by and letting us share in the celebration!

Best wishes always,

11-25-2020, 12:27 AM
Thank you so much. I tried to post pictures, but it wouldn't let me. Perhaps they are too large. I will try again soon.

12-28-2020, 08:12 PM
Have a quick question, though it is Addison's disease telated. I am having trouble getting Ginger to eat much of anything. No matter what I fix, she will eat a few bites, then act like it's awful. Most mornings I can get her to eat some meat and bread to take her pill, but the rest of the day is really a challenge. She will go look at her bowl, smell it and walk away. I take it up and she will go look where her bowl usually is. I will set it down off and on and she will smell it and walk away.
She has lost some weight so i was wondering if any of you all know is it possible she needs a medication reduction with her weight loss, or once on fludrocortisone, it rarely is reduced regardless of weight.
Thanks so much.

12-29-2020, 12:35 PM
Hello again! I’m so sorry but I don’t know the answer to your question. I encourage you to check with your vet, because it may indeed be the case that a dosage change is needed, or even that Ginger should be getting some different or additional medication. I do think your vet needs to know that she’s not eating properly.

I’m struggling with the same issue right now with my aged Lab. She is having a GI upset right now for reasons that we haven’t yet figured out. She’s been having on-and-off diarrhea and will eat fine some days and turn up her nose on others. Today is a “turn up her nose” day, and it’s always upsetting to me because when a Lab doesn’t want to eat, you know something is wrong :-((((. Anyway, I know this is no help to you, but I just wanted you to know that I can truly sympathize. When dogs don’t want to eat, it’s *so* upsetting. But I really do think you need to check in with your vet.

Good luck!

12-29-2020, 05:21 PM
I appreciate your reply. It is upsetting. I have a mindset like my mom... if someone eats, they are ok.
She has an appointment coming up soon so I will have them check her electrolyte panel. Wishing you well with your pup. Prayers.

Squirt's Mom
12-30-2020, 06:59 PM
Please keep us updated on our sweet girl.

01-18-2021, 12:04 AM
Thank you. She went to vet. Has a slight UTI, antibiotics for 14 days. It doesn't seem to be helping with the urination issues much. She has been on them for 8 days now. The pepcid has helped a little, but she still is getting sick off and on, mostly in the evenings. I wonder if her kidneys are not functioning as well as they should be.
Was wondering if anyone knows how phosphorus figures in to Addison's disease? Her electrolytes were ok. Sodium was low normal. Thank you all.

01-19-2021, 09:32 AM
Welcome back, Colleen. I’m sorry that Ginger is still having some problems. Again, I’m not super knowledgeable about Addison’s, but I think it’s the balance of potassium and sodium that’s a key issue, as opposed to phosphorus. At age 16, though, Ginger could certainly be seeing some reduction in her kidney function. We would expect to see that reflected in her blood chemistry panel, most specifically her levels of creatinine and BUN. There’s also a blood test called a SDMA that specifically reflects kidney health. If you are worried about her kidney function and this test hasn’t been done recently, you could ask your vet to include it the next time you’re in.

You have done such a great job of caring for Ginger to allow her to celebrate her 16th birthday. But at this age, I suppose there could be enough little things starting to “wear out” that they may all add up to affect her overall digestive and urinary system. That’s what my elderly mom would say to me on days that she wasn’t feeling well: “Marianne, my old body is just worn out!” In that situation, unfortunately it can be hard to identify any one single thing that’s the main culprit.

Anyway, please continue to update us, though. I surely do hope these issues may end up resolving on their own. In the meantime, please give Ginger some gentle hugs from her family here.


01-19-2021, 08:26 PM
Happy 16th Birthday!!! Thats awesome! :)

When my girl started to get to the point where she woudnt eat, and I focused on hand feeding..short burst attention getters, rather than the typical dinner bowl.
(granted, I had a good 4--5 pills to sneak in, besides any weight loss to balance out)
- Hard Boiled Eggs
- Cesar mini packets (be sure to find the Gravy ones, NOT gelatinous) Filet Mignon was one, Im sure
- and later those tubes of 'high end'/natural food

It seemed like those were stronger incentive (in the moment/too enticing to think twice about/turn down)

01-19-2021, 08:31 PM
I got to a point where I would just show up at my vet, to take a weight check, as I knew where their scale was.
They were very accommodating, and perfectly fine with me doing it.

* Keep an eye/record on that weight. weight loss in long term can be dismissed, but short term scale time can show concern.
It alerted me to take test = her protein loss in urine.

01-26-2021, 05:49 PM
Thank you one and all. I appreciate all input. I have started reducing her intake of protein some.. not a lot and adding carbohydrates and sneaking some veggies in.
The in between times she does very well. She will still walk a mile or more each day.. her decision, we let her go when and where she wants to.
I will check with vet on some of this. She's so sweet.

03-11-2021, 09:54 PM
Sunday, March 7th at 2:40 p.m. we had to say goodbye to my baby girl, my best friend, my little heart beat at my feet.
16 years, 6 months, 7 days. I am beyond sad, beyond lost, beyond heartbroken. She was the best friend I ever had. My baby, my little girl... thank you one and all for all the help and encouragement through the years. I will be back later.. to share more.. I Just Can't Right Now.😭😭💔💔

Harley PoMMom
03-12-2021, 01:58 AM
Oh Colleen,

I’m so very sorry for your loss. Thank you so much, though, for coming back and letting us know. Ginger has now joined our other sweet angels on our special memorial thread of honor, and we will always remain here for you, as well.

If you’d like for us to add a photo link to her memorial line, it would be our privilege to do so. At any time, you can send a photo of your choice to us at k9cushings@gmail.com, and we’ll take it from there.

She’s now forever free from pain, but at such a cost to your own heart. Truly, we’ll always remain here by your side should you wish to return and tell us more — about anything. Your lives together, special memories, how you’re doing on any given day.

I’m sending many hugs to you from across the miles, and please know that sweet Ginger will always be remembered and honored here by her K9C family.

With Heartfelt Sympathy,

03-12-2021, 09:36 AM
Our dear Colleen,

I, too, am so sorry to read your news. But like Lori, I’m so grateful you’ve returned to us and are allowing us to join you in honoring sweetie Ginger’s life and spirit. What a good, brave girl!!! When you feel up to it, please do come back again. We’ll always be here for you. And we’ll always treasure these years that you’ve shared Ginger with us. She will never be forgotten by her family here.

Sending you all my wishes for peace and comfort at this heartbreaking time,

Squirt's Mom
03-12-2021, 10:47 AM
Dear Colleen,

My heart is deeply saddened by this news and know yours is absolutely shattered. You have been a superb mom and I have no doubt Ginger loves you every bit as much as you do her. And yes, I speak in present terms because this is a love that will never pass. It will endure for all eternity. When that moment came, Ginger crossed the great Divide carrying that love in her heart and she will continue to carry it with her always. Today Ginger is as she was before she became ill, full of energy and joy, strong and whole, running wild in the Rainbow Fields chasing butterflies and bunnies, playing with friends old and new, sharing time with all those who went before that knew and loved her. She will be watching over you now just as you have so diligently watched over her.

You and Ginger joined our family 7 years ago, a few months before my beloved Squirt had to leave this life. You thanked us but I thank you and Ginger. For being here thru all these years, sharing your journey with us, letting us come to know and love your precious girl. You and Ginger have been a steady and beautifully bright thread running thru the tapestry of this little family. Now our tears fall with yours. But I firmly believe that one day, when our jobs here on Earth are done, we will all be with our beloved babies again. When that day comes, we will never again be parted from each other.

I still cry almost every day missing my Sweet Bebe. But those tears are simply the outward sign of the love we still share, a way of honoring that everlasting love. Grieve as long as you need in any way that you need. There is only one rule to grieving - do no harm. As Lori said, if you need to talk we are here.

My deepest sympathy,

On the day when
the weight deadens
on your shoulders
and you stumble,
may the clay dance
to balance you.

And when your eyes
freeze behind
the grey window
and the ghost of loss
gets into you,
may a flock of colours,
indigo, red, green
and azure blue,
come to awaken in you
a meadow of delight.

When the canvas frays
in the currach of thought
and a stain of ocean
blackens beneath you,
may there come across the waters
a path of yellow moonlight
to bring you safely home.

May the nourishment of the earth be yours,
may the clarity of light be yours,
may the fluency of the ocean be yours,
may the protection of the ancestors be yours.

And so may a slow
wind work these words
of love around you,
an invisible cloak
to mind your life.

by John O'Donohue
from Echoes of Memory

03-13-2021, 09:47 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss, Colleen. We all understand how heartbreaken you are, and we feel deeply for you. Losing a beloved pet is one of the hardest things life throws at us.Lena would have been 20 this coming birthday on the 19th and even though I doubt she would have lived until then, I still feel cheated for the last five years of not having her with me.

It does get easier; you never stop missing them; you just get used to it. I find myself smiling more when I remember the little things I loved so much about her. Just the other day I went to pick up Sibbie and remembered how Lee used to turn around with her back to me which made it easier to pick her up. She did that since she was a puppy and I can't remember how she learned to do it. The memories will get easier as time goes on.

I believe as Leslie does, that we will see them again when our time comes...

03-14-2021, 12:40 AM
I never thought anything could hurt so bad, so deep!

Squirt's Mom
03-14-2021, 11:26 AM
After my beloved Squirt had to leave, I would find myself suddenly screaming. It hurt so badly. The only thing that has hurt worse was when my adult daughter died. It was Squirt who kept me on this Earth when that happened. She was the only one who never left my side, who simply accepted that I was shattered into a million million pieces, that I was forever changed. She was the one who came to my side when I would fall to the floor or simply stopped being present. She was the one who kissed my tears away and always reached out to touch me. She was the only one who still needed me....and I was rapidly learning that I need to be needed. Without Squirt I would have joined my child, there is no question in my mind about that. When the day came that Squirt had to join Gia, all that vast empty agony came roaring back, doubled. And those sudden screams told it all. She and my daughter had shared a deep bond. Until her last day, I could ask Squirt, "where's Sissy?" and she would start looking for Gia. I believe Squirt felt Gia's continued presence more than I ever did; my pain kept me from that connection. With both my girls gone I was not sure I could go on. When Squirt left I felt I had lost that special link the three of us shared. So for weeks on end, maybe months...time ceased to have meaning, those screams would tear out of me because the pain was so physically, mentally, emotionally intense it is beyond describing. Squirt will have been gone seven years this coming May and Gia 15 years this coming Nov. Still, many days I find myself in tears with that indescribable pain only a hair's breadth away. It has gotten better, easier to bear, but I don't think it will ever stop. And in truth I don't really want it to. I'm afraid if the day comes that I no longer feel the anguish their loss brings that will be the day I have forgotten them and all they meant to my life, and Soul.

There is a quote that says something along the lines that grief and tears are simply love with no place to go. On one hand, I think that is right, especially in the beginning. But in time, as we learn how to carry our grief and join the walking wounded, we find places to put that love. We find another to love in a special way - not the same, never the same, but nonetheless special all on its own. We find ways to honor those we love and have lost by doing things that keep their spirits alive even it that is nothing more than sharing their stories with others who find themselves in similar situations. We find ways to maintain the relationship even though that relationship has changed. And, yes, we still cry and sometimes scream. But, in time, we learn that is alright. We learn that those are the times when that love has no place to go but out into the Universe.

Today I can see and hear and feel my girls presences around me. I know they are still with me just in a different form. I know they are doing all they can to keep me facing forward. There are days when it is all I can do to put one foot in front of the other and there are days when I can't even do that. But on those days I feel my girls beside me, simply being in the only way available to them for now. It brings me great comfort to know they are together again, just as they once were. And knowing that one day I will be with them again is the fuel that allows me to continue in this life.

You will find ways to walk through this dark valley and come out the other side, changed but present again. The Japanese have an art form called Kintsugi in which broken pottery is repaired using lacquer and gold to bond the pieces. They believe the gold makes the repaired piece even more beautiful than the original, and stronger, more resilient. I believe this is true of us as well. Our broken pieces will mend and even though those cracks will forever be evident those sharp edges can been seen as shining with a golden light. We have faced the worst and survived. More than survived. We have become stronger and more resilient because we did walk through that dark and fiery valley.

So you grieve. You scream, cry, throw things, cuss, stomp your feet, sleep for days on end...whatever you need. You will heal. And in the healing you will find one day that your broken, sharp edges are shining with light because you did grieve so deeply and survived. And through it all, you precious Ginger will be by your side, lending you her strength and promise.

You are not alone, Colleen. We do understand and we are here to hold your hand and share in your tears as long as needed.

03-14-2021, 12:21 PM
When Lena died, I went into total shock. I was so numb and all I did was cry. I know I went to work, but don't really remember much of those days. I could't wait to get home, even though I knew she would not be there waiting by the front door for me, and curl up on the couch with Gable and Cooper. Gable was the only one who understood...he loved Lee too and knew how hurt I was. My husband said that I was catatonic, all I know is I felt like I was in this balloon of despair. It was so quiet...I was used to hearing her sliding on the floor; snoring in her sleep; waking me up with her kisses. It was awful.

Then 10 days later my husband brought home a puppy. I was furious. I didn't want to replace my baby. I still needed to grieve...So Sibbie kept herself busy while me, Gable and Cooper watched her from the couch. She only knew me as this screaming, crying lunatic who fed her and cleaned up after her, but didn't have the capacity to let her into my heart.

It didn't take long for that to change...little by little it happened. She needed me and as it turned out, I needed her. She is not like Lee; she has her own personality; she's dependent and stubborn, not like Lee at all, but I love her for who she is. She'll never replace the dog of my heart, but she does have her own place in there. I love her and after five years, we have our own special relationship, different from the one I had with Lena, but still special.

There are many days when I still cry, scream and still don't understand why I lost the baby I loved so much. A memory can either set me off, or make me smile; a song on the radio can either make me cry or make me pretend that she is still in my arms as we used to dance around; a picture can either make me happy or make me scream.

I will never stop missing her...I have just gotten used to it. I love, and have loved, all of my furbabies, just in different ways.

She was the dog of my heart and soul...

03-15-2021, 06:16 AM
Thank you, I did send 2 photos, please feel free to use either. I have so very many that are favorites.

03-15-2021, 06:29 AM
Thank you all for the kind words an for sharing your stories. I am deeply sorry for your losses as well. I do find comfort in knowing others understand. I am so incredibly exhausted, physically and mentally. I feel such sadness, emptiness, regret and guilt. I know I cannot change things, I know no matter how much any of us do, we all wonder could we have done more, done things differently. The "what ifs" haunt us. Perhaps that is normal in grief. Ginger was always so tender, so clingy, she remained a baby her entire life. We allowed her to be and wouldn't change it for anything. Where we went, she went. There were maybe a handful of times in her life that she was not with one, if not both of us. It never seems enough..
I will share her story as I can.