View Full Version : Hallo everyone!

02-28-2014, 08:44 AM
My name is Eva and I live with my 2 Yorkies in northern Germany.

English is not my first language so I apologize ahead in case of spelling or other mistakes.

My yorkies are: Caprici, a blue and tan of almost 15 years and George, a biewer, 7 years of age. George is a shelter dog from Hungary and lives with me since december 2012.
Both dogs have their issues, but luckily none of them has cushings disease.

And that brings me to: why am I here?
I am one of the mods in a german yahoo group- the hundevital- and we recently had the german cushings-group join us. I would like very much to learn all I can about cushings disease to support our new members the best I can. I do know all the basics about this frightening disease, but I would like to find out more about the finetuning- so to speak.

I hope I don´t offend anyone by beeing here without a cushing dog and send my regards to all of you.

Please try to be patient with me- I am only used to groups so far and have little knowledge of the structure and customs of boards like this one.

Eva with Georgie and Caprice

02-28-2014, 08:49 AM
No offense at all Eva, the more that you learn, the better off you are as many of us have found that few vets know enough about Cushings.

Please visit the helpful resources section on this forum. There you'll find a TON of information, various links to articles and studies, etc.

If you have any questions that we may answer after that, please let us know.

Squirt's Mom
02-28-2014, 08:57 AM
Hi Eva and welcome! :)

If we can help you help those in your groups, YAY! and happy to do so. Please ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to explain. Here are some links about Cushing's for you -

Kate Connick*

Long Beach Animal Hospital*

Drs. Foster and Smith*

Newman Veterinary*

Cushing’s signs and pics*

BMD Health Library*
(scroll down to see Endocrine Diseases)

Mar Vista Animal Medical Center*

Washington State Uni. – College of Veterinary Medicine

Leslie and the gang

molly muffin
02-28-2014, 07:19 PM
Hello and welcome. We are happy to help you in any way we can. It's true that not enough vets have enough experience with cushings and that can be a bad combination. It helps to have knowledge.

Browse the Resource section and read the links Leslie gave you. I'd also say to check out the various members threads, just reading them through will help you learn and ask questions. Definitely :)

Welcome again
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

03-01-2014, 10:15 AM
Hello together,

thank you so much for your warm welcome! Yes- same overhere: not many vets know much about cushings and the first we do ist to check on the medication. The starting dose of Vetoryl is often much too high and the dogs come into the group very sick! We recommend 1mg per kg at the beginning, is that the same overhere?

Thank you for the links- I see there is much to read and the forum is huge..!:)

I have one question before I dive into it: we have some dogs with joint problems and if possible we try to keep the Vetoryl low because they seem to have fewer pain in their joints with a little more cortisol.

How do you advise when a dog has to get operated on- should the vetoryl dose generally be lowered or discontinued for a few days- or do you play it by ear?

Thank you so much and have a great day,
Eva with Caprici and George