View Full Version : Serena, Havanese, radiation treatment - sweet Serena has passed
06-05-2009, 03:07 PM
Hi Everyone,
Serena and I are very glad to be here. I have a question. Will my old posts about Serena and her radiation treatment be back at some point? I know that you are probably not done with loading everything, but I wasn't able to find anything from the past so I thought I would ask.
January and Serena
06-05-2009, 03:16 PM
Hi January,
Unfortunately we were not able to reload anything from the old site :( and we do not have access to this.
Many here have searched the net for "cached" versions of their posts as there may still be some still available. I will look for you but if you want to look for yourself, search under search terms such as: caninecushings Serena or Serena.
Several here have started a new thread from what they remembered.
I will let you know if I find anything.
06-05-2009, 03:17 PM
January, unfortunately we have no access to the old site. The owner took the site off-line unexpectedly. Some of the other moderators/administrators have been able to "google" & find cached files for some of the old threads, so hopefully one of us may be able to find Serena's. I will tell you up front, though, we may not be able to recover all of it.
Could you remind us what the title of your thread was at It will help with the search.
I see Terry & I were posting at the same time, so sorry for any duplication.
06-05-2009, 03:19 PM
January, unfortunately we have no access to the old site. The owner took the site off-line unexpectedly. Some of the other moderators/administrators have been able to "google" & find cached files for some of the old threads, so hopefully one of us may be able to find Serena's. I will tell you up front, though, we may not be able to recover all of it.
Could you remind us what the title of your thread was at It will help with the search.
I think part of it was Serena DI Radiation. I tried searching for a cached version a while ago and could only find one page.
06-05-2009, 03:32 PM
First of all, I am so glad you found us! :D And I hope that you'll continue to post updates about Serena here, too. :)
Your old thread was originally titled:
New member & questions on macrotumors
Then it was changed at some point to:
Serena 9yo Havanese - Cushing's and DI - Pituitary Macroadenoma - Radiation
When I was searching for member stories, including Serena's and Brinkley's, I think that at some point I found cached versions of pages 1,2,4,5,6 and 7 of Serena's thread, so almost all of it should still be available in a cached version on google.
(I'll have to check to see if I may have saved it on my computer ... I'm not sure)
meanwhile, try searching for those exact phrases (the titles above) and see what you can find.
06-05-2009, 04:34 PM
Hi January,
I am so sorry the old posts are lost, we have taken steps with this new forum to do our best to prevent this loss in the future.
Please harvest all the cached material you can and if you have any trouble incorporating it into your new thread we will help.
And I am also going to change the title of this tread and your member designation to senior, right away.
Best wishes. Scott
06-09-2009, 11:16 AM
Hi Scott,
Thanks so much for your post. I have learned my lesson, and from now on will print out the posts about Serena. Ironically, one of my consolations about Serena's illness and treatment was that hopefully it would be of some help to others facing the same diagnosis. Losing all that work and everyone's replies, etc. was heartbreaking. As soon as I have time, I will work on her story.
January and Serena
Hi January,
I am so sorry the old posts are lost, we have taken steps with this new forum to do our best to prevent this loss in the future.
Please harvest all the cached material you can and if you have any trouble incorporating it into your new thread we will help.
And I am also going to change the title of this tread and your member designation to senior, right away.
Best wishes. Scott
07-16-2009, 11:53 PM
Moderator's Note:
Serena's original thread "Serena 9yo Havanese-Cushing's and DI-Pituitary Macroadenoma-Radiation treatment" may be viewed in the Archives at the following link:
07-21-2009, 03:30 PM
Hello Everyone,
I am long overdue for an update so here it is. Serena is well. Her fur has grown back over her bald spot and the natural part in the fur on her head has reappeared. I don't know when this happened. Just one day it was back. I dearly that that feature so I am very happy. Serena currently still has some IBD and skin issues (Not so great appetite, soft stools, thinning fur, and skin flakiness) The doggy dermatologist thinks the skin issues are from the prednisone that she is still on for the IBD so he is trying her on Atopica. Her itching seems to be a lot better and the initial side effects from the Atopica seem to be over. I want to talk to the vet about the Atopica however as I have read that it can cause neoplasms. Since Serena has had a tumor in her pituitary gland I am concerned. She is also on a supplemental dose of thyroid medication. This has increased her appetite -- but only for human food! She has lost a little weight, but in all other respects is very happy and playful. I had forgotten how playful she can be. The diabetes insipidus is a thing of the past, too. So, all is better than I ever thought it could be. I just hope it stays that way for a while.
07-21-2009, 03:49 PM
Hi January,
Very nice to hear from you and the Serena report is uplifting. Funny how we notice details like the part in the hair you mentioned.
You did not mention having seen Louise's post just before your's, it appears she has found all of the old thread, Louise has found many.
I am presuming IBD is irritable bowel and have been hearing that raw coconut or coconut oil is an excellent treatment.
Harley PoMMom
07-21-2009, 04:03 PM
Hi January,
I did read your old thread that Louise so graciously posted, and OMGosh what a journey you and Serena have been on.
It just amazes me the challenges our furbabies go thru and yet bounce back.
So glad Serena is very happy and playful, and that her hair has grown back too.
Best wishes to you both.
07-21-2009, 05:42 PM
January, by Atopica, do you mean cyclosporin? If that is the case, I don't want to alarm you, but I would be VERY CONCERNED with the long term use of the drug. My 1st Cushpup, Barkley, also had very severe allergies for which my derm vet had him on cyclosporin long term I'm thinking about 2 years or so after we started the cyclosporin, Barkley was diagnosed with lymphoma. Cyclosporin is a major immunosuppresant drug given to human organ transplant patients to prevent organ rejection. Our Cushpups already have an out of whack immune system, & now you're adding another drug that hits the immune system even further. After Barkley's lymphoma diagnosis, I asked my derm vet if the long term use of cyclosporin could have allowed the lymphoma to develop. The response was, "Possible, but there has not been enough research done to document the issue." There's no doubt in my mind, it's a great drug for our pups with severe allergies, but after what happened with Barkley, frankly, I'm scared of using it. With my concerns about using cyclosporin, I opted for Chewbacca to start allergy shots, rather than cyclosporin, even though my derm vet (same one that took care of Barkley), did say we could treat with cyclosporin.
07-22-2009, 10:05 AM
Hi Debbie,
Thank you so much for voicing your concerns. Yes, it is cyclosporin and I have pretty much the same concerns you do about it. I will be talking to the derm vet about it, but it seems like my choices right now are prednisone with all of its dangers and cyclosporin with all of its dangers. My hope is to use the cyclosporin to straighten out her IBD and skin issues, wean her off of the prednisone and not have her taking either of these drugs.
07-22-2009, 10:17 AM
Hi January...
I read your thread with much interest, as it reminded me of what I went through with my dog. Lucy had a huge macrotumor which was removed by surgery two months ago. I just had a couple questions for you. Does Serena still pant? And the DI, do you remember how long she had that?
I'm glad Serene is doing well now:)
Gina and Lucy
07-22-2009, 01:24 PM
Hi Gina,
I am just fascinated that your Lucy had surgery, but I can't find your earlier posts. I'm not very proficient at searching so if you could help me find it I would appreciate it. As to your questions re: Serena. Yes! She still pants -- a lot. I thought maybe it was from the prednisone she gets. As far as the DI goes, I think the vet first became suspicious she had DI was back in late summer 08. She was successfully treated for Cushings yet was still drinking and peeing her brains out. Fortunately it was like water so she really didn't do any damage to our house. She completed the radiation treatment right before Thanksgiving and I was able to wean her off of the desmopressin by late April or May 09.
07-22-2009, 10:01 PM
Hi January...
Thanks for getting back:) As for my earlier, original thread, I took it down. I think I still have a copy of it somewhere, though. With the help of the administrators, I'm sure I can recreate it somehow if people are interested. It was a very long, tedious, excruciating day by day account since Lucy stopped eating completely and until after her surgery.
Reading your thread, I was amazed at how similar our dogs' symptoms and progress was. Radiation wasn't an option for Lucy, as her tumor was too large...I think it was something like 2.5 centimeters.
Lucy pants all the time too! And I thought the same thing, that it's prednisone, but she's only on 2.5 mg a day, and she's about 55 lbs now. It's a relief to know that the DI will eventually go away, though.
Thank you so much for putting your thread don't know how much of a help it is for me to see the progress. If you want you can PM me anytime and we can discuss and compare notes further:)
Gina and Lucy
Squirt's Mom
07-23-2009, 03:10 PM
Hi January,
I always love to hear about Serena, especially when the news is so good! The bit about the part in her hair is precious!
In reading about her bowels and skin, I wondered about some Omega's for her. It might be worth looking into if you and your vet haven't already.
It is really cool to read the exchanges between you and Gina. I am glad you two have found each other and can share your experiences.
Leslie and the girls
07-27-2009, 03:52 PM
Hi January,
I always love to hear about Serena, especially when the news is so good! The bit about the part in her hair is precious!
In reading about her bowels and skin, I wondered about some Omega's for her. It might be worth looking into if you and your vet haven't already.
It is really cool to read the exchanges between you and Gina. I am glad you two have found each other and can share your experiences.
Leslie and the girls
Hi Leslie,
You are always so kind and supportive to me and Serena. I appreciate it so much. Her dermatologist suggested Bacid or just plain yogurt for her IBD. Do you know how hard it is to find plain yogurt that hasn't been souped up?? I am interested in the Omegas; however, I wonder if I could get her to eat it. I used to give it to my old dog TJ and I remember it as a capsule that I broke open and put the oil on his food. She is so finicky I don't know if it would pass muster. Does it come in any other form?
January and Serena
Squirt's Mom
07-27-2009, 04:30 PM
Hey January,
It seems I have seen salmon oil in a liquid form but I'm not positive. I use the caps for Ruby but she's big enough to swallow them. I just go ahead and make a mess getting the oil out for the littler ones! ;)
It is hard to find a good source of Omega 3's in food, but one sardine carries about 100mg EPA/DHA if she will eat them. Get the ones packed in water, not oil. Poultry fat, egg yolks and flax also have some Omega's in them tho marine fish oils are the best.
I don't know if Serena will take pills or if she can handle the size of most of the fish oil caps I have seen, but freezing them takes the odor and the sour burps away. I haven't tried freezing and taking a hack-saw to them to cut in half, but that might be a thought. :p
Here is an article on the Omega's:
Veterinary Services Department, Drs. Foster & Smith, Inc.
Holly Nash, DVM, MS
You will also want to add some Vit E when using fish oils to help prevent oxidization in the body and get maximum benefit from the oils.
Leslie and the girls
07-27-2009, 04:51 PM
Hi January,
When Munchie was taking salmon oil, Kronch is what the veterinary nutritionist from UC Davis approved for him. It is in liquid form and comes in a bottle w/pump. If you google it, many places online sell the product.
This is the information from the manufacturer:
* The relationship between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and the fact it contains both fatty acids makes it ideal.
* Kronch Salmon oil is extracted by cold pressing the fresh salmon at low temperatures. Cold pressing ensures that the fatty acids aren't broken down and that their qualities aren't lost. The fact that Kronch Salmon oil is cold pressed, means that it is very concentrated, making it very economical for daily use. Normal salmon oil which is extracted by boiling many different kinds of fish, contains much less fatty acid and hence don't have the same positive effects.
* Our Kronch Salmon oil is a pure natural product containing no preservatives, BHA, BHT, Ethoxyquin or artificial coloring or flavoring.
* We only add natural antioxidants such as alpha-tocopherol, ascorbyl palmitate, rosemary and olive extracts to our Kronch Salmon oil.
* Each bottle comes complete with a practical dosage pump which not only minimizes air input during use, but also ensures a good level of hygiene.
Squirt's Mom
07-27-2009, 05:42 PM
That is interesting about the Kronch, Louise. I went searching to see what I could find and here are some links for purchasing: (the SitStay seems to have the better prices of these)
There were several sites I didn't check out so there may be a better deal out there yet! This sounds like something I could certainly use as those capsules are just so HUGE!
Thanks for sharing!
Leslie and the girls
09-02-2009, 12:04 PM
I thought I would update Serena's story here and in the Checking In section. She is doing well. Right now we are working with a doggy dermatologist to get her fur to grow back. Right now, she has thin fur on her body -- much like that which is caused by Cushings. We think that the problem is that she has prednisone induced Cushings. She has been on 2 mg. of prednisone for quite a few months to control her IBD. Over the past two weeks she has been reduced to 1 mg. every other day and seems to be doing very well on that. She even gained a little weight. We will see the dermatologist next Tuesday and I am hoping that the reduction has improved her fur/skin. Other than that she is her old bratty self. I am thankful for every day that she is with me and able to enjoy her life.
As always,
January and Serena
Squirt's Mom
09-02-2009, 01:20 PM
Hi January,
Always good to hear from you! It thrills me no end to hear that Serena is still doing well.
The pred could certainly be causing Iatrogenic Cushing's so I hope the reduction in dose will help with that. There is another med that can be used, dexa-something, that isn't supposed to have the same cush effects as pred yet do the same thing. Alison has talked about it.
Let us hear what the vet has to say about her coat and skin.
Leslie and the girls
09-02-2009, 04:48 PM
Thanks for letting us know January.
It is very likely that the chronic administration of the prednisone is causing a continuation of Cushing's, but your Dr. is aware of this. I am glad she is being tapered from the pred and am assuming that the Dr. is tapering to see how she does with the IBD on lower levels of circulating cortisol. The reason you taper with a normal dog is to let the feedback loop normalize. In your case the pituitary has been rendered dysfunctional by the radiation so the feedback is already compromised.
I am becoming a big promoter of coconut for bowel issues and suggest you look into it. Raw coconut given twice daily.
09-02-2009, 10:08 PM
Hi January & Serena,
So happy to hear Serena is being her "bratty little self". I am absolutely thrilled everytime I read a post from you stating she is doing well. I am so glad you are still in contact with us here.
Take Care,
09-02-2009, 10:11 PM
I'm glad that Serena continues to do well and is "her old bratty self" :D It's wonderful to see a pup return to their old self!!!! Good that she gained a little weight also. Hope the reduced dose of pred allows her to regrow her coat and manage the IBD issue at the same time.
Will be looking for an update after Serena has her visit with the derm doc.
09-02-2009, 10:15 PM
The other steroid that Leslie was referring to was probably Budesonide. It seems to have less systemic effect than prednisone and works more locally on the gut when given for IBD. There is something about it here: (about 2/3's of the way down). If you Google "Budesonide dog" you'll find more info.
Radiation treatment isn't usually expected to cure the Cushing's long-term so it's possible that she's also producing an excess of cortisol too. A stim test (taking into account the fact she's on pred) would give some idea as to whether this was the case.
09-03-2009, 04:41 PM
I am becoming a big promoter of coconut for bowel issues and suggest you look into it. Raw coconut given twice daily.
Thought I would provide you with some additional information on coconut. If you consider adding coconut to Serena's diet and are watching her fat intake, this may be pertinent.
Please be aware:
1 - piece 2"x2"x1/2" raw coconut while providing 4g of fiber also adds 15.07g of fat.
This information was obtained from:
USDA Agricultural Research Service Nutrient Data Laboratory Nutrient Database
09-03-2009, 05:33 PM
Thought I would provide you with some additional information on coconut. If you consider adding coconut to Serena's diet and are watching her fat intake, this may be pertinent.
Please be aware:
1 - piece 2"x2"x1/2" raw coconut while providing 4g of fiber also adds 15.07g of fat.
This information was obtained from:
USDA Agricultural Research Service Nutrient Data Laboratory Nutrient Database
Thanks for this Louise,
Fat is in my opinion much misunderstood. It is very necessary, it is what carries other nutrients and minerals into the system.
I am not suggesting that I am a 'fat' expert (although those who know me well may beg to differ:D)
I just know that I have been experimenting with it myself as I am having issues subsequent to radiation and I now have a pup (Talos) who is having on and off bowel issues without a good reason.
I would not dimiss coconut soley on the basis of fat.
09-03-2009, 06:43 PM
Fat is in my opinion much misunderstood. It is very necessary, it is what carries other nutrients and minerals into the system.
I am not suggesting that I am a 'fat' expert (although those who know me well may beg to differ)
I just know that I have been experimenting with it myself as I am having issues subsequent to radiation and I now have a pup (Talos) who is having on and off bowel issues without a good reason.
I would not dimiss coconut soley on the basis of fat.
Neither am I a fat expert. :D You are absolutely correct, Scott, in the fact that fat is necessary in the diet. Maybe increasing the fat intake is not a problem for Serena. I do not remember whether pancreatitis was an issue for her in the past or not. Just wanted to pass along the info in case it was.
What I do know is that if a dog is prone to either pancreatitis or has elevated triglycerides, the amount of fat in the diet could very well be an issue. Whether the food contains fat that is "the good kind of fat" (or not) it still contains fat and when added to the diet increases the amount of fat the dog is eating. I've been given this info by a Veterinary Nutritionist from U. C. Davis, an IMS with specific interest in canine nutrition and a Canine Nutritional Consultant. Also have had to deal with monitoring fat intake in my human life with the guidance of a Registered Dietitian. :( Although coconut may contain good stuff, a little bit goes a long way as far as the amount of fat it contains.
are you glad you had the operation
10-01-2009, 07:55 PM
I'm no fat expert either, but I hear what you are saying loud and clear, Louise. I spent several years having to be very careful of fat intake with Misty due to chronic pancreatitis. Not any fun, but absolutely necessary in her case.
I remember using coconut oil a few times when giving lysodren (recommended by an Internist), but found out quickly Misty couldn't handle it. Of course, not all dogs are that sensitive to fats.
How is Serena doing? Got an update for us?
Shelba and Suni
10-15-2009, 03:49 PM
Serena and I thought it was time to check in. She is well. Currently she is finally off the prednisone and will be having another stim test in a couple of weeks. Her IBD seems to be OK without the prednisone. She has lost a little weight, but seems to be maintaining at 11.3 pounds. Her coat is still problematic -- very thin and very fine. We are hoping it is from the prednisone. Since her thyroid was a little low she is on thyroid supplementation. Her attitude is great, although she has gotten into the habit of barking at me whenever she wants ANYTHING -- potty, food, attention. We will stay in touch.
January and ratty looking Serena
10-15-2009, 11:17 PM
As always it is so good to hear from you and glad Serena is doing well with a little hair loss. How long ago was her surgery?
10-16-2009, 08:46 AM
thanks for the update january!:)
10-16-2009, 03:11 PM
Hi January,
The 'ratty' coat will work out.
Hooray, :D
A very good report.
Best wishes for continued improvement.
Serena is a beauty- I just love the havanese breed- they have such a personality and Teddy is so incredibly in-tune with their pack (I wish I could say the same for my husband-haahaa)! I see that Serena is 9, my Teddy is 10, I cant believe how fast time goes by, it seems like just yesterday he was a puppy.
Teddy's skin allergies started up this winter so I wonder if its a havanese thing as my sisters havanese also have skin allergies. I have him on the Hill salmon and potato diet but I dont see alot of improvement, what kind of food is Serena eating (besides human).
Glad to hear Serena is feeling better, it gives me hope.
10-20-2009, 01:24 PM
Hi Christine,
Nice to see another Havanese here, but sorry Teddy has Cushings. Serena is 10 1/2 years old now. She was diagnosed when she was 9. The end of this month will mark her one year diagnosis of a macrotumor and November will be the one year anniversary of her radiation treatment. I will be following Teddy's journey and hoping for a great outcome.
P.S. Teddy is one of my favorite doggy names.
10-20-2009, 01:26 PM
Hi Christy,
As always, I so appreciate your support. Just wanted to clarify that Serena didn't have surgery; she had radiation treatment.
P.S. I posted some pictures of my girl in the photo section.
Squirt's Mom
10-20-2009, 02:12 PM
Hi January,
Always good to hear from you and Serena! She is a doll, ratty or not!
Are you by any chance in touch with 2ghosts from the old site? We have been wondering how they are doing and I thought you might have kept in touch.
Hugs and belly rubs from us,
Leslie and the girls
Roxee's Dad
10-20-2009, 04:07 PM
Hi January,
I have been following your and Serena's story and went back again to re-read her original story. I am so happy that she is doing well. Serena's story is truly an inspiration. :)
10-20-2009, 04:31 PM
I wish I knew how Brinkley (2Ghosts) was doing; I think about them often and hope all is well. I lost contact when the old site went down.
10-20-2009, 04:33 PM
Hi January,
Good to hear from you and so happy that Serena continues to do well. She is so darned cute! We'll need to have a "Radiation Anniversary Party" for Serena come November so we can all celebrate in her honor.
11-03-2009, 04:46 PM
Hi everyone,
Serena had a bunch of tests done on Friday and I got the results today. Her ACTH stim was that of a normal dog. All of her other values were normal except for her liver enzymes -- either the ALT or ALP was high. It might be because I haven't given her her Denosyl for about a week. (Ran out, got more today.) Vet said to retest that in 3 months and if still high do an ultrasound. She didn't seem too concerned about it. Her thyroid reading was unregisterably low so I will be putting her back on her thyroid supplementation at the original dosage. I had lowered it because she was so hyper -- wanting to play, wanting to eat, wanting to go out -- every other few minutes. We'll retest that in a month. As always, I am grateful for every day with her. And especially grateful that she seems to be happy and that her tests are good.
Best to all of you,
January and Serena
P.S. Also posting this message in the Checking In section
Harley PoMMom
11-03-2009, 05:21 PM
Hi January,
I am so happy to read that Serena continues to do so well, and her stim tests were that of a normal dog...YAHOO!! Great news!!
Thanks so much for the update, it is always so good to hear from you and Serena, and please let us know how you and Serena make out with the retesting of the liver and the thyroid.
Again Congrats on those stim results.
Love and hugs.
12-23-2009, 03:25 PM
I belatedly realized that it is past time for my monthly Serena update. She is doing well, but I am trying to resolve her chronic loose bowel movements. As per the helpful suggestions from this list she has been on a probiotic and L-Glutamine for several months, but it really hasn't made much of a difference. I talked to her IM vet yesterday and we are going to try Budesonide. It is hideously expensive so the trial will just be for two weeks. I was hoping that if it works, others on the list might know of where to get the best buy for it.
Hope everyone has a peaceful holiday season.
January and Serena
P.S. Also posting this on Checking In
12-23-2009, 03:30 PM
January, very glad to hear that Serena is still doing good! As always when it comes to medication costs, I would suggest you contact Diamondback Drugs to see what they would charge, if this works for Serena.
Casey's Mom
12-23-2009, 11:28 PM
Serena looks an awful lot like my Havanese Desi except I gave up on that long hair about a year ago - too much work! You can see her photos on my profile page. Serena looks like a little doll and its wonderful to hear of her continued good health,
12-24-2009, 11:24 AM
Hi January!
Glad to hear Serena is doing so well! Wanted to share with you a product that I've used for Lucy..she's had chronic loose stools as well since the surgery, and I tried every OTC probiotic around...the only one that worked is a product called Complete-Zyme. I got it at the pet store, but the number on the bottle is is I just give her one tablet before each meal, and it works wonders..although sometimes causes a little constipation..then I skip a dose. It's worth a shot!
Gina and Lucy
12-24-2009, 09:09 PM
Merry Christmas to you and Serena. I'm so glad she is soing well other than the loose stools.
Squirt's Mom
12-25-2009, 11:01 AM
Merry Christmas! I hope you both have a wonderful day!
Leslie and the girls - always
02-09-2010, 01:04 PM
Hello everyone,
I think I missed the January checking in, but I am here for February. Serena is well, but is still having issues with IBD. She had a bunch of tests done a couple of weeks ago. Her thyroid was low so her medication for that was increased. Also, her resting cortisol was low so if the digestive symptoms don't clear up she will have a stim test. The vet is always watchful for Addison's Disease. I guess this is something that can happen, even quite a while after radiation is completed. The good news is that her liver enzymes are down dramatically. Prednisone must stay in the body for a long time. She was off for a month and the enzymes were still quite high. Now off four months, they are down. She was on Flagyl for about 6 weeks, but when I told the vet I thought it was depressing her appetite so we weaned her off of it and put her on Tylan. Not sure if I have the name right, but it's a powder and she HATES it. She still gets Entocort too. She seems happy, so I am too. I just wish she could have normal stools and put on some weight.
Best wishes to everyone
Squirt's Mom
02-09-2010, 02:06 PM
Hey January,
I always love hearing from you and precious Serena! :)
It seems Zoe's mom, Sue, uses Tylan and it has really helped Zoe. She has SIBO and was having some real problems for a while. Here is a link to their thread (it starts on page 3 'cause there was lots of greet-n-meet going on prior :p ):
I'm sure Sue would be glad to share her experiences with Tylan with you.
See you next month if not before!
Leslie and the girls - always
02-09-2010, 04:25 PM
So nice to hear from you! Serena is really a lucky girl.
02-11-2010, 11:34 AM
Hi January! I'm glad you are trying he Tylan (same as Tylosin). It really helped Niko. I had a chicken flavored powder version of it. To make sure he got it, I mixed it with a tablespoon or two of pumpkin. That also works if you need to syringe it in (which I ended up having to do when he got sick of pumpkin!).
Hope she has some good poops soon! :p
02-11-2010, 04:37 PM
[QUOTE=Squirt's Mom;25059]Hey January,
It seems Zoe's mom, Sue, uses Tylan and it has really helped Zoe. She has SIBO and was having some real problems for a while. Here is a link to their thread (it starts on page 3 'cause there was lots of greet-n-meet going on prior :p ):
02-11-2010, 04:39 PM
Hey January,
I always love hearing from you and precious Serena! :)
It seems Zoe's mom, Sue, uses Tylan and it has really helped Zoe. She has SIBO and was having some real problems for a while. Here is a link to their thread (it starts on page 3 'cause there was lots of greet-n-meet going on prior :p ):
I'm sure Sue would be glad to share her experiences with Tylan with you.
See you next month if not before!
Leslie and the girls - always
Hi Leslie,
I followed the link and read through quite a few messages but couldn't find any mention of Tylan. Can you give me some more direction, since I think I wasn't doing it right?
January and Serena
Squirt's Mom
02-11-2010, 06:21 PM
Hi Janurary,
Here are page # on Sue and Zoe's thread that talk about the Tylan.
Thread link - -
pages 3 and 4 are the only ones I found in the new stuff. The story of Zoe starting on the Tylan must be in the old site archives. I will search them more for you when I get a chance. (Am really, really trying to get finished with my first nutrition course this week! :o )
Here are some links to pages on other threads where Sue has talked to others about it and where Cushy has posted info on it.
Hope this helps!
Leslie and the girls - always
03-12-2010, 03:05 PM
Hi Everyone,
I am overdue for my monthly update, but I wanted to wait until I had Serena's latest test results. According to her stim test, she does not have Cushings or Addison's disease. Her T4 was very high however, so the vet has taken her off of it for 6 days at which time she will go back on at a lower dose. I actually was quite suspicious that her dose was too high because she was barking at me a lot, and she was having a lot of trouble settling down at night (one night she kept me up until 1:30 with her constant up and down). She was also drinking and peeing a lot, which really worried me because I was worried the DI was back. That seems to be much better with the reduced dosage so I will just keep an eye on it. Her GI issues still are problematic as she still has loose stools and can't seem to gain any weight. Right now she is on just flagyl and B12 shots once a week. She seems happy and so am I. I think of all of you and your dogs all the time and hope that things are going well.Thanks to everyone for all of the suggestions and support. I really appreciate it.
January and Serena
P.S. Also posting in the Checking In section
03-12-2010, 07:06 PM
Hi January....glad to hear you're both happy and doing well. Hope Serena can put on some weight....I remember the stress that that battle can cause.
Jo-Ann & my Dollydog angel :)
03-12-2010, 09:06 PM
I am always so happy to read your postings. Serena is such a trooper. I just LOVE her!!!
04-08-2010, 11:59 AM
Happy April everyone. Serena is doing OK and in fact, she just celebrated her eleventh birthday on April 3! It's a day I thought I might not see, so I am just thrilled. As far as her health goes, I think we have finally straightened out her thyroid supplementation. It was too high. Her stools are OK, but sometimes get too soft. I have been trying different dosages of the flagyl to see the minimum amount I can get away with. It seems to work, but also decreases her appetite so the less I give her the better. We will go back for more thyroid testing on the 23 so I will discuss with her vet other choices. She is maintaining her weight; still wish she could gain more. Her coat seems to be looking better, but that might be just wishful thinking. I have put some new pics of her and her brother Raffy and her toy birthday cake in her album. Please check them out if you have time.
As always, thanks to all of you for your support and comments. It makes such a difference.
January and Serena
P.S. Also posting in April update.
Harley PoMMom
04-08-2010, 12:11 PM
Serena looks absolutely gorgeous...loved the toy cake, and the pics! Raffy is quite the handsome fella too!
:):D Happy 11th Birthday Serena!! :):D
Love and hugs,
04-08-2010, 03:49 PM
January - Always love seeing a good update on Serena. And a big happy birthday to her! :)
Casey's Mom
04-08-2010, 09:44 PM
Happy Birthday Serena!!!:):):):):)
I am going now to see your new pics.
Love and hugs,
04-08-2010, 11:50 PM
Happy Birthday Serena!
I smile every time read a post from you and Serena.:D
04-08-2010, 11:54 PM
Happy birthday Serena.
Off to see your new pics now.
04-09-2010, 12:22 AM
:) :D :) Happy 11th Birthday Serena!!:) :D :)
Thanks for the new pictures, January. Loved 'em. Glad to hear that Serena is doing well. She certainly looks good. Give the birthday girl a special birthday hug from me.
06-11-2010, 03:24 PM
Hi, It's Serena and I checking in for June. Life got hectic and I think I missed May. Serena continues to be OK. Still the loose stools issue and puny appetite, but other than that she is absolutely normal. The vet recently switched her food to Ultra Z/D and I think it may be starting to help with the stools. Hope all of you are OK and enjoying spring.
January and Serena
Casey's Mom
06-11-2010, 11:21 PM
Hi January, my Havanese Desi has a puny appetite too, from what her breeder told me and what I have read that is a Havanese trait so not to worry. Desi is the reason I now make homemade brown rice, ground turkey and veggies and mix with her kibble and Casey's too of course!
Love and hugs,
11-18-2010, 11:57 AM
It's been a while, but I wanted to check in before more time got away from me. It has now been 2 years since Serena had her radiation treatments. We had a scare recently when her urine's specific gravity got low. I was worried that the DI was back which might mean the tumor was growing. Fortunately, I had noticed that on two occasions, months apart from each other, she had tried to pee every two feet during a walk. The vet tried her on Amoxi for two weeks and we tested her urine again. This time it was within the normal range. So now she is on Amoxi for a month to make sure the problem is resolved. The vet said it was a kidney infection, but her kidney values were OK. Serena has lost a little weight and continues to dare me to get her to eat. The other weird thing is that she was on medication for hypothyroid but became very sensitive to it. Even the smallest dose made her hyper. Without the Soloxine she is sort of mopey and her fur looks bad, so I am very slowly trying to give her small doses of the Soloxine. I was wondering if anyone else had had this experience?
All in all, we are managing well.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
January and Serena
Squirt's Mom
11-18-2010, 06:08 PM
Hi January!
It is always a pleasure to hear from you and Serena! :D
I am glad to know the DI isn't rearing it's head again and hope the AB's get her infection taken care of once and for all.
As for the Soloxine issue, don't have a clue! :p But I suggest you talk with Dr. Jean Dodds if you haven't. She is well known for her research and work with canine endocrine disorders, especially thymus problems and several of our members have talked with her with positive results concerning their own pups. I am sure others will be along with their experiences to share with you as I am basically useless but just keep on typing... :p
Don't let so much time pass by before letting us hear from you again!
Leslie and the girls :D - always
PS. The :D in my signature line is because of my new baby, Trinket. Go check out her story in the Everything Else section! I'm just a teeny bit proud of her! ;):D
Casey's Mom
11-19-2010, 08:29 AM
Okay you know Havanese don't like to eat right? I have one. :confused::confused: I hope you can resolve her eating habits. I cook chicken breast all the time and have it chopped in the fridge to add to my darlings food to get her to eat. Of course now Casey won't eat without her chicken breast either!
Love and hugs,
09-10-2012, 03:19 PM
Hello everyone,
I hope you and your dogs are doing OK. It is with a heavy heart that I am writing to let you know that Serena was euthanized on August 14, 2012. It was three years and nine months since her radiation treatment, which was pretty much as long as the radiation oncologist had thought she would live. Her quality of life was good until the past few months when she started to decline. Her IM vet and I tried pulling out all of the stops but Serena had other plans. She died peacefully in my arms. I miss her terribly but am so thankful that I had the additional time with her.
I will be leaving the group shortly but wanted to let you all know that your support, knowledge and caring helped sustain me through a 4 1/2 year struggle.
I will be thinking of you.
January and angel Serena
Squirt's Mom
09-10-2012, 03:58 PM
Dear January,
I am so sorry to hear about our sweet Serena. She was always such a fighter, like her mom, and you both tackled a serious situation with courage and grace. I am so glad you were both given that extra time together. You and Serena have played an important role in the future of all Cushing's babies to come. Your experiences and endeavors in facing her macro will help shine the light for others who will follow. I realize that doesn't help ease your pain today, but I hope someday you will be able to look back and take pride.
There is no doubt in my mind that sweet Serena left this old world on the wings of your love, knowing she will always be cherished. She left her damaged body behind yet her Spirit is now strong and whole once again. One day, you will hold her again and when that day comes, you will never be parted.
Serena's name has been added to the In Loving Memory thread for 2012 where she will always be remembered as an honored member of our family here. I hope, in time, you will come back and share some of your memories of your lives together and let us share in celebrating her life.
Our deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Squirt, Trinket, Brick, Tasha, and our Angels, Ruby and Crystal
May you know that absence is full
Of tender presence and that
Nothing is ever lost or forgotten.
May the absences in your life be full of eternal echo.
May you sense around you the secret
Elsewhere which holds the presences
That have left your life.
May you be generous in your embrace of loss.
May the sore of your grief turn into a well
Of seamless presence.
May your compassion reach out to the ones
We never hear from and may you have
The courage to speak out for the excluded ones.
May you become the gracious
And passionate subject of your own life.
May you not disrespect your mystery
Through brittle words or false belonging.
May you be embraced by God in whom
Dawn and twilight are one and may
Your longing inhabit its deepest dreams
Within the shelter of the Great Belonging.
From John O’Donohue’s Eternal Echoes-Exploring our Hunger to Belong
Sabre's Mum
09-10-2012, 04:07 PM
Hi January
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of dear Serena. Both you and Serena fought the battle and this enabled you to have more treasured time with your darling Serena.
My thoughts are with you. Hugs from me to you (((()))))
Angela and Flynn
I am so sorry to hear of Serena. Words never seem appropriate.
It is so very hard. I am glad as well that you had extra time together. We cherish every moment.
God speed Serena.
09-10-2012, 06:42 PM
I am so sorry to hear that Serena has passed. I am glad you had the extra time with her but we all wish it was longer. It is never long enough!
Fly free Serena.
09-10-2012, 08:55 PM
Fly free of pain sweet Serena. Thank you for being such a pioneer in macros and sharing your story & life with us. Fly free angel, fly free. Kim
09-10-2012, 10:00 PM
January, I am deeply sorry to hear that Serena has passed. You can take heart & be very proud that Serena's story with her success with the radiation will give other members hope that this treatment can give their pups some quality time. Serena knew that her Mom was fighting for her to give every chance for a good life.
I know words are very small at this time in face of such a loss, but I will be thinking of you.
Roxee's Dad
09-11-2012, 01:21 AM
Dear January
I am so very sorry for your loss, Rest in Peace Sweet Serena. You were dearly loved.
09-11-2012, 01:44 AM
I am so sorry for your loss.May your angel Serna keeping my angel Apollo company, being healthy and whole once more. to our brave little angels.
Sonja and angel Apollo
Bo's Mom
09-11-2012, 05:54 AM
I am so sorry about your loss....Rest In Peace dear Serena. Your presence on Earth is dearly going to be missed.
09-11-2012, 06:29 AM
So sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, dear Serena, no more pain. Love, JoAnne
Casey's Mom
09-11-2012, 09:56 AM
I am so sorry to hear about Serena - I loved her story and she gave hope and inspiration to us all. RIP sweet Serena and fly on angels wings.
Love and hugs,
09-11-2012, 11:05 AM
Oh January,
I am so very sorry to read this about your little Serena. You both fought so hard and are truly an inspiration. My heart is with you.
09-11-2012, 02:56 PM
I am so sorry to learn that your sweet Serena has passed. Peace be with you little Serena and much love sent your way January.
With Sympathy,
09-12-2012, 12:21 AM
So so sorry for your loss...Serena will always be with you.
Sending lots of love hugs support prayers and strength......
Godspeed Serena
09-12-2012, 08:01 AM
I'm very sorry to read about your loss of sweet Serena. I know how hard it is to make that final call. You did a wonderful job with Serena and gave her many extra years to share.
Bonnie and Angel Criss Ann
I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Serena. You're in my thoughts....
Julie & Hannah
09-13-2012, 04:12 AM
Dear January
I'm so very sorry to read of Serena's passing. Her story is an inspiration to us all.You did such an amazing job to give her her quality of life, and were with her holding her paw in yours till the end.
Sincerest condolences
Jane, Franklin and Angel Bailey xxx
09-14-2012, 10:22 AM
Just saw the news and am so sorry. I also have a Havanese who has Cushings. As painful as the decision was, I am sure it was the right one at the right time.
10-19-2012, 08:13 PM
I was here way back :) when you first came. I remember you and Serena quite well. I am so sorry for your loss, and so happy for you that you had the extra time with Serena that you had due to her treatments and your love and caring.
Take Care,
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