View Full Version : Quincy, from Polish straydog to Dutch service dog

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01-25-2014, 08:27 AM
A month has gone by since Mhina passed. I am still so very sad and miss her so much but I have to keep looking towards the future. I need the help but also I need the company of a loyal canine friend in my life :)

And so, I slowly started looking for another dog. And since my heart is with the rescued ones, I looked at rescued dogs. Not easy since they should be quite social, not fearfull or afraid because I no longer have the time nor the energy to go that extensive route first of socialising a fearfull dog.

Well, I think I saw a possible candidate :) He's a rescue from Spain and lives in a fosterhome only 9 miles from where I live, so it will be possible for me to go visit him. And I will go visit him, this coming Monday afternoon.

He supposedly is very gentle and very friendly. Plays with the children a lot (fetch!) and loves to cuddle. He loves people, children, is social with other dogs and animals. He is familiar with indoor living (tv's, vacuumcleaners, he knows it all) and can walk on a leash :D He's stable and friendly...

He's 8 months old at the moment, will be around 50 - 55 cm high eventually and he''s named Obi :)

I will create a new album and share some of his pictures...and possible others as they come along and if needed.


01-25-2014, 08:33 AM
Oh Saskia! :o :o :) :) :) :D :D :D :D

01-25-2014, 08:41 AM
Ehmmmm, call me stupid but I can't seem to find the "upload picture" button...?

01-25-2014, 08:59 AM
Are you wanting to add to an existing album? If so, open that album, and the "upload" button will be on the upper left-hand side above the composite page of existing album photos. ;)

01-25-2014, 09:15 AM
This is just insane... I have created numerous albums, added loads of pictures without a problem but the upload button is really nowhere to be found. I tried it with a newly created album and with the existing albums... There's simply no upload button :(

Update! I now know why there was no upload button, my upload space was filled to the max. So I first had to delete e few pictures...and voila, there's the upload button again :D

Will now upload the pics of the Spanish gentleman :-)

01-25-2014, 09:32 AM
I just checked your albums, and you're right! I wonder if maybe you've exhausted your allowable space, because I know there is a limit. I will check on this later today and get back with you re: expansion if that is what is necessary. Sorry for the delay, because I am so anxious to see your pics!!!

P.S. I see we were posting at the same time -- so glad you found at least a temporary fix!

01-25-2014, 09:35 AM
Omigosh, Obi looks like a combination of Mhina and Sogno!! :) :)

01-25-2014, 09:36 AM
Yes, Sogno is who came to mind right away :) Was wondering if you would see it too...and sure thing, you saw it ;)

01-25-2014, 09:42 AM
Can you tell I am more than a little excited???? ;) ;) ;)

I feel like the sun is already shining brighter this morning...:)

01-25-2014, 09:48 AM
Well, I still have to go see him on Monday and then there's the next hurdle, the medical exam...will have to wait and see how everything works out. But he looks like a good candidate and a very sweet dog :)

molly muffin
01-25-2014, 11:27 AM
Oh look at Obi! Very precious and playful looking. Can't wait for the report on Monday after you meet up.
Hope he is as smart and wonderful as he looks!
Sharlene and molly muffin

01-26-2014, 01:17 PM
Thanks Sharlene :) I'll make sure to update you all tomorrow...

Saskia :)

01-27-2014, 02:25 PM
Well, today's a sad day. Things didn't go at all as I was expecting...and that has nothing to do with Obi. When I arrived at the place and the door opend, the most heavy air of urine I have ever smelled "embraced" me to the point I had to gag. I followed the lady in and what I saw, I can't describe it. The house was so very filthy. I was led into a small room (on my way to that room I saw at least a dozen cats everywhere..between loads of rubble) where there were 2 small brown dogs and Obi. Obi was very frightened, tail between his legs and the 2 (much smaller) brown dogs were biting Obi and the poor thing just sat there, scared and frightened. I was stunned! I quickly asked if I could take Obi out and spend some time alone with him...and that was okay. On the way to the fenced in area outside where I could spent some time alone with Obi, I heard lots of other dogs barking, coming from sheds shattered all over the place. She told me she had 47 dogs! I have not ever seen anything more appauling then what I saw today.

Well, the woman left and I spent some time alone with Obi but the poor guy was so scared, he never even came near me. I had to leave him behind eventhough it broke my heart. I cried all the way back home...but I simply can not afford financially to keep a second dog, beside the service dog that I need. The moment I came home I called the animalcops and they promissed me they will go there and have a look... I hope they can close this place down and Obi will find a very warm and safe home that will help him heal and grow so he can have bright future


01-27-2014, 02:46 PM
What an arrow through all our hearts, and most especially yours. Poor, poor little Obi. What a sad world we do live in, when people will treat innocent creatures in this way.

Sas, I am again so sorry. But I refuse to give up hope for you and for the companion that is meant to be yours.

Thank goodness tomorrow will bring a new day.

molly muffin
01-27-2014, 05:44 PM
I am Not giving up hope either and today while it might not have yielded the results we were all hoping for in regards to you finding a new companion, might have in fact, saved many animals from a bad situation and given them a chance to find loving homes and not be terrorized.
So, we're going to make a mark in the positive column for todays trip. :)
Your search simply, continues.
We all look forward to traveling the road with you.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-28-2014, 09:59 PM
Sas, I've not posted to you with Mhina's passing, so let me just say that I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

Now, on to what happened with little Obi. Of course, when I saw you were going to meet another Obi, I got a chuckle & told my Obi that he had a kindred spirit in the Netherlands. If I had made that trip to meet Obi, I would have been absolutely devastated, & wanted to take Obi, & all of his friends home with me. I'm certainly glad you contacted the proper authorities to have this situation looked into, & hopefully, they will do something about this woman. Even better, I hope they remove all of the pups from her "care", & put them some place safe where they have hopes of finding a forever home.

I know deep in my heart that there is another companion waiting for you, & that he or she will be uncovered during your search.

Huge hugs,

01-29-2014, 01:33 PM
Today I got a call from the National Society for the protection of Animals. They had received the report from the animalcops and wanted to talk to me some more about what I saw. After telling them my story they said they would go there and see for themselves what was going on there. I told them there also were children living there and with that amoniumsmell it was a very unhealthy place to live in, not only for the animals but also for the children (and all humans) So they will also take the Childrens welfare organisation with them.

They will let me know what has happened, after they have visited there...


molly muffin
01-29-2014, 05:05 PM
Good job Saskia. At least they are aware and will be sending both agencies out.
How very heart breaking for those poor dogs and poor kids too.

Sharlene and molly muffin

02-05-2014, 01:57 PM
Today I received a phonecall from the servicedogschool.... They have a "shrunken-in-the-laundry" size Goldendoodle :) (They know how much I want a medium sized dog...because they fit in my lap) :)

I was hesitant (but I'm afraid after all my recent experiences with canine health, I'll be hesitant no matter what dog, what breed...or where it comes from) but they said they would send me a short video of Fay (that's her name) during a training session. Well, I saw the video and ohhhhhh well....I would almost say "the rest is history" :D

They will get back to me with her exact height and weight and the results of her hips and elbows x-rays. I liked her "will-to-please" a lot, she seems rather eager to work but I also found it difficult that she looked a lot like Mhina. They told me that where Mhina had the typical curly poodlecoat, Fay's coat, once it has grown again is more like the coat of a Bearded Collie, so, the fleecy, weavy kind of coat. No curls.

Here's the short video of Fay training...


If her size is indeed not that large, then she may come and visit me next week orso...

Saskia :)

Ah yes, forgot to mention she is a bit of a handfull apparently. In a good way of course but she is not all that "obedient" if she sees a chance to have some fun :p So a little bit of a challenge...but I like that :)

02-05-2014, 02:06 PM
Ah Sas, what focus and attention! :)

I do understand about the resemblance to Mhina, but if she does end up joining you, I'm sure Fay's own "self" will soon come shining through.

I'll be waiting so anxiously to hear more!!! :) :)

molly muffin
02-05-2014, 04:51 PM
Fay has that retriever look to her and definitely the retriever tail. The hello I'm happy, you are my friend, lets do something :) (i had a golden retriever, wonderful dogs).
I think if this works out and I hope it does, that Marianne is right. Fay will just be Fay to you in no time at all. Plus she is on the training program already which is kind of nice.
Can't wait to hear more. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Bailey's Mom
02-26-2014, 05:26 PM
Hi Saskia-How about an update?

02-28-2014, 03:58 PM
Sorry I haven't posted recently. On january 21st, I had all my (remaining) molars and premolars removed. Due to my excesive bleeding and fragility of my connective- and bone tissue it was done by a dental surgeon in hospital. Unfortunately, it took me a long time to recover as there were many complications such as for example a lot of (jaw)bonesplinters and an open "passage" between my upper jaw and nasal cavity. I develloped several abcesses and in spite of a strong anti biotic it wouldn't heal. So they put drains in the abcesses and now, almost 6 weeks later, I am finally recovering from this ordeal. I now can heal and regain my strength again, since my teeth will be removed April 21st.

With this knowledge, the following will make more sense :)

I spoke with the servicedog school and Fay is 51 cm/20 inch high (Mhina was 55 cm/22 inch) and weighs 23,5 kilo's/51 lbs (Mhina weighed 18 kilo's/39 lbs)
So, Fay is smaller then Mhina was but heavier. She just started her training and so she won't be ready till at least the 1st of June. And well, with all this "teeth-stuff" going on, that suits me just fine.

Since she is "quite heavy", at least with my bleeding tendency, they will start right away with training her to be very careful when she steps onto my legs with her frontpaws when she has to hand me something. And before April 21st, (when they remove my teeth) she will come here for a visit so we can meet each other to see if we both have this "click":)

That's about all I know and can tell for now :)

Saskia :)

molly muffin
02-28-2014, 06:28 PM
Oh dear Sas, it sounds like you have really been through the ringer with this teeth issue.
I do hope that you and Fay click. Do you think the weight will be an issue? I hate to think of you bonding with Fay and then it not working out. That would break all our hearts.

Wishing you a speedy recovery from here forward.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Squirt's Mom
03-01-2014, 08:27 AM
Oh me, Sas! I've been dealing with teeth abscesses lately and when you said drains had to be put in I cringed and had sympathetic pain in my jaw! We fight so hard to keep the dang things but I gotta say, getting the bad ones out sure brings relief. Many years ago, I had a friend who had really bad teeth and got frequent abscesses. I watched her time after time take her fingers, press on her gums, and push the stuff up and out of the pockets without batting an eye! :eek::confused: I couldn't even stand for the SHEET to touch my face - I cannot imagine! I SO hope this gets better very soon and you no longer have to face any more of this.

Boy! Fay is a solid gal, huh? She must be muscular. Have they been sending her to work out in a gym? :p I hope your visit with her goes well and the "click" happens for you both.

Watching hopefully for the next update but meantime, please, please take good care of yourself. Keep plenty of soft foods ready so you can keep your nourishment up during the teeth flares. Try oil pulling with coconut or safflower oil and rinse often with warm salt water. Listen to me - telling YOU how to take care of yourself. :rolleyes::D

Prayers and healing energies flying your way!

03-01-2014, 02:02 PM
Sharlene, that is why I want to meet with Fay first :) To see if she leaves bruises on me...and of course to see if we "like" each other :) But I have no clue when this will happen, the trainer went for a wintersport vacation. I think he will be back next week so I will probably talk to him then and will know more.

Leslie, without going into gross details :eek: I did what your friend did too, twice a day I would push the stuff up and out but they would fill back up even faster then I could empty them ;) So eventually they put in the drains. That was quite the experience, trying to eat and talk with tubes hanging out of your mouth :eek: Okay, pretty tiny ones but still. Right now I have one bonesplinter sticking half out of my lower jaw...hope that when this one is gone, that will be the end of it, for now :) I will get full dentures in my upperjaw and partial dentures in the lower jaw. So in April they will "only" retract the teeth in my upper jaw. By now I am the master of soft foods with heaps of calories :p And I am proud to say I haven't lost a lot of weigth :D

And yes, Fay looks pretty sturdy. I could tell from the video that she was much more heavy then Mhina. Mhina was delicate like a ballerina, Fay is more built like a "truck" :p We'll see if this sturdy lady can be gentle....;)

Sas :)

03-01-2014, 02:34 PM
Oh Saskia, what an ordeal for you!

I know you will be humble and deny this, but you are truly one of the strongest, bravest people I have ever had the privilege to meet. Truly!!!

In addition to the possible bruising, I am guessing there may be questions about Fay being able to ride in your lap? What a shame she is not a tinier girl. But she is meant to be herself, of course, and we will keep all fingers crossed that "herself" will be a good fit for you.

Anxiously awaiting further updates...

03-01-2014, 04:06 PM
Marianne, it was inevitable. For many years now I have tried my absolute hardest to safe my teeth but the EDS won :) The good thing about it was, that my dentist tried every bit as hard as I did and as a result I can, at least for the time being, keep the teeth in my lower jaw. As you will know, the jaws will "shrink" a lot once the teeth are gone and as my dentist said: "You are still so very young so we must do whatever we can to at least save your teeth in your lower jaw for as many more years as we can". And I was like "Yippieeeeee...there are still some area's in which I am considered young" :D Another funny thing was that he mentioned that since several years now, he also works with dentures made in Hong Kong and that his experiences with them are very good. (they are quite a bit cheaper, that's why he mentioned them) I was like "Sure, if you say they are good. But I don't want to end up with new teeth and smile...and then there's a stamp saying "made in Honk Kong" on my new teeth" :D

I am not looking forward to April but on the other hand, the past 5 - 6 weeks were so bad, that it can't get a lot worse. And I survived these past weeks so I will survive what's coming as well :)

Hunble...? Mmmmm, usually yes ;) Brave, strong...? No, not particularly :) I am extremely lucky to have an upbeat nature, it comes to me without any real effort. Of course I have my bad days, of course I feel like I want to die too after yet another one of my dogs died...of course. Brave and strong, to me, means a person for who it is a real strugle, for whom it doesn't come that easy. For example, both my mom and my sister suffer from severe depressions and for them, life is hard. For them, every day is a strugle. So to me, they are the strong and brave ones, to continue, to actually strugle every day... For me it's not like that. I wake up and the first thing I do is sing :) When I'm outside, I see beauty and feel peace and joy...it comes naturally, I don't have to do anything for it. But those who have to struggle on a daily base and still stand, they are the strong and brave ones according to me. I am just lucky :)

About Fay and riding in my lap. I hope, due to her size, that this won't pose a problem. Once she lies still, she won't cause bruises, I think. It's mainly when she has to step on my legs, either to hand me something or to come lay in my lap. That's why I asked that she would be especially trained in being extra careful and gentle...like anything else, it can be trained. And hopefully that will solve the bruising problem :) But for now it's wait and see.... As soon as I know more, I will let you (all) know :)

Sas :)

03-07-2014, 09:26 AM
As promised, when I knew more, I would let you know. And I know more :) The trainer called today. He has been in contact with Fay's trainer (with whom she lives in the house, so Fay is not at the training/school's facility) and had asked her how Fay was doing. He also asked her what she thought of Fay especially her will-to-please? And it seems that, according to the trainer, Fay doesn't exibit a great will-to-please. She does do her job/training, but not overly exited :) This was not what he had expected since in the kennels (and as was to be seen on the video) Fay really seemed to enjoy "working". Anyway, we've decided that the best way to judge Fay, if she would be a match with me, if I enjoy her attitude etc is that she will come for a trial period to live with me :) I do not know the date yet but he will let me know asap. And then Fay will come to stay with me for a week orso...that way I can see/feel/sense/experience for myself what she is all about :)

Once I know the date, I of course will let you know :)

Saskia :)

Squirt's Mom
03-07-2014, 09:30 AM
Once she gets to know you, she will bend over backwards to please you, I'm sure. How could she not?! ;)

molly muffin
03-07-2014, 12:47 PM
Well it will certainly be exciting to have a dog in the house again and hopefully Fay will end up being a good match for you. If not, then the search will continue. As Leslie said it's hard to imagine Fay not being willing for you. :)

We'll be looking forward to further posts.
Sharlene and molly muffin

03-16-2014, 10:18 AM
Well, haven't heard from the service dog school yet and I have been looking around as well :) Right now I have my eye on a Border Collie x Frisian Stabij mix. A 1,5 year old male currently in a shelter in Rotterdam.


We'll see... :)

Sas :)

molly muffin
03-16-2014, 12:03 PM
That is a nice looking dog too. Have you contacted them about personality, etc?

Do you train or does he go for training, if the personalities match, at a professional facility?

Is his weight in the appropriate range for you? Will someone go check him out and see what his personality is like? willingness to work, etc, although being a border collie, they usually Like to work, the more the better in fact. Would that be a factor that they need a lot of activity, would it be more than you could give for his breed?

I know, I always have a million questions. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-16-2014, 01:46 PM
Sharlene, ask away :)

He and his brother went to a family at the age of 8 weeks. They have been living there eversince, He has, socially speaking, a good background. Gets along great with children, adults, dogs and everything else. They did miss some training and as a result he's pulling his leash and jumps up against humans. But nothing that couldn't be corrected with some training :) He's gentle, on the submissive side, intelligent, loves to work, cuddly, plays endlessly with other dogs and certainly needs his activities :) (more then average...of course) The reason he and his brother ended up in the shelter is (or so they said) because of healthissues of the owner. The brother was already adopted and so was Balou. But Balou returned to the shelter because he could not, absolutely NOT, be alone. Well, he never has been alone, he was with his brother always...so of course he cannot be alone. But hey...with me he doesn't have to be alone :)

His activitylevel doesn't worry me. He will have to work, during the day, he can run alongside my wheelchair several times a day, he can play with other dogs since the dogpark is just 100 yards away from my home and I want to take courses with him. First obedience but then later on fly-ball or something like that. He'll have plenty to do here with me :)

I mailed the service dog school, asking if they would be willing to go have a look at him, on my behalf. And of course, he would need a medical exam. So, it won't be easy but I really wanted to give it a try with Balou :)

Sas :)

molly muffin
03-16-2014, 02:08 PM
That sounds very positive Sas. I hope they will go take a look for you.

Even the not being alone can be a positive, he would bond with you very well I think and be willing to work hard for you too.

I hope this one is the one as I hate to think of you 1) not having a dog in your life 2) not having the help that is needed or the expectation of Soon having the help you need.

So this can be good and maybe a better fit too personality wise.

Now I can't wait to hear further news. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-16-2014, 03:18 PM
I think it all sounds positive too Sas. I was so sad to read about Mhina's passing. I hate to think of you without a dog also, and I hope this ends up being a good match. He is beautiful, I must say. :)

Tina and Jasper

03-17-2014, 10:07 AM
well, today and tomorrow Balou will be tested (at the shelter) on some critical points. If he has a natural love to retrieve, if he's afraid of loud noises (thunder, fireworks, etc) if he has a strong hunting instinct (hope not), etc. If the tests are all good, then the service dog school will go meet him (sometime later this week) and decide. So keep your fingers crossed, for me and Balou :)

Sas :)

molly muffin
03-17-2014, 06:06 PM
Fingers, toes and paws all crossed Sas.

Come on Balou, we are all pulling for you to pass and be the one!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

Harley PoMMom
03-17-2014, 08:20 PM
All various body parts crossed here too!

Hugs, Lori

Bailey's Mom
03-18-2014, 12:05 AM
What a cool name! I hope they will give him a bath before he comes to see you! ;):D I've got my fingers and toes crossed!!

03-18-2014, 05:52 AM
Hahaha Susan, the first thing I thought when I saw the mud was :Thank goodness he's not afraid of a little mud :D I love dogs that enjoy themselves to the fullest, mud and all ;)

Saskia :)

03-18-2014, 07:23 AM
Oh Sas, I've just looked at Balou's picture and he's totally captured me by that look in his eyes!! There's an intensity and wisdom there that seems far older than his "body" age. I can see why you are drawn to him and I will be hoping so hard that he will be the one. He looks to be a very special young man. :)

Squirt's Mom
03-18-2014, 09:21 AM
I, too, am taken with Balou AND his name. It reminds me of the bear in The Jungle Book. :D Anxiously waiting with our family for news of how his testing goes.

03-18-2014, 12:56 PM
Well, it's not going to be Balou, he's too obsessed with hunting and therefor looses focus easily, the ducks, rabbits, horses, cows or sheep is what he is focussing on. So I guess he's more Frisian Stabij than Border Collie :) Again, Marianne, we see the same :) Fortunately, there were many applications for him so I am sure he will find a wonderful home... And yes, Leslie, he was named after Balou the bear from the Junglebook :)

Back to Fay. As it turns out (and I learned this only today) Fay had a hard time adjusting in her new (temporary) home. She would lay in her bed and that was about it. Now, a few weeks later, she starts to relax and she now is getting the hang of training and enjoying it. (she apparently is quite...how do you say...a one person dog, she doesn't bond easily with people that are unknown to her. Which...I find an appealing trait) With that in mind, they didn't think it would be a good idea to move her to me for a couple of days and then move her back again. And I can understand that. That would not be in her best interest. It's a bit of a dilemma right now, for me. They think it will take another 2 till 3 months till Fay would be ready but that means that I won't know till then if she would be a good match. If it turns out she isn't, it means I will have lost 2 till 3 months. So for now, I don't have a clue...:)

Saskia :)

molly muffin
03-18-2014, 02:51 PM
awww, drat, that Balou was so fucused on hunting and the animals.

Well that does create quite the situation. I would keep looking, just in case you come across one that does strike you as a possibility and if you Don't find one, then Fay is there and you can check things out once she is through training. So, it need not be a bad thing, just a backup is there for you.

You never know and might come across the perfect match, so I'd look anyway.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

Bailey's Mom
03-19-2014, 09:41 AM
Hi Sas-I agree with Sharlene-let them keep preparing Fay and you keep looking. Whatever's meant to be will be.

03-21-2014, 02:52 AM
I received a few pictures of Fay and put them in an album :)


Bailey's Mom
03-23-2014, 12:24 AM
They are adorable. The one where she's carefully exploring is priceless!

molly muffin
03-23-2014, 09:50 AM
She really is a cutie and seems to be full of energy, very playful.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-23-2014, 11:28 AM
Indeed. Apart from the trainingvideo I had not seen her. But the picture where she looks at you, surprised me, she has a certain look in her eyes that appeals to me. Her eyes "speak"....that's what I liked :)

Saskia :)

03-24-2014, 07:25 PM
Okay, I added pictures to the Fay/Dany album (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=862)...pictures of Dany :) Dany is a Catalan Sheepdog (Gos d'Atura) and since 2 weeks in The Netherlands. (he was rescued in Spain) He's a 1,5 year old neutered male and is fostered by a dogtrainer and -behavioralspecialist :D She's euforic about him, he's kind, social with all humans and all animals, no hunting instinct, loves to work, very clever, very stable...has the right size/weigth as well.

Tomorrow she and I will talk over the phone some more and well, if it sounds positive, I plan on meeting Dany in person since he is not that far away from me :)

Will let you all know how this continues...

Sas :)

molly muffin
03-24-2014, 07:40 PM
Dany is beautiful!!

Okay, not to be a party pooper, because I just love Danys pictures, but looks like he might take a bit of groomer and how would that be for you?

If that is okay, then wow, looks awesome and is already with a trainer, behavior specialist, so would probably be able to move right into some special training soon.

Can't wait to hear your impressions upon meet and greet. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-24-2014, 07:44 PM
Sharlene....Doodles need grooming too...so in that area it wouldn't make a difference ;) That's why there are groomers :D

molly muffin
03-24-2014, 07:50 PM
Sharlene....Doodles need grooming too...so in that area it wouldn't make a difference ;) That's why there are groomers :D

Yes, thank god for groomers :) (good ones that is!)


Bailey's Mom
03-25-2014, 02:44 AM
It's a tough choice. Fay with her butt in the air won my heart!!:D:D And with her paws down on the ground ready to play. It's an exciting time for you Sas. I'm happy for you!:)

03-25-2014, 11:47 AM
Okay, a lot more to tell today :) I spoke with Ruth, the lady that's housing him for now, and he does sound like he is absolutely perfect (for me anyway) :D He has that nice balance between being "a real hard worker" and being a patato couch when there's nothing to do ;) Kind of like Yunah, she was fanatic whenever she had to work (a real Border Collie), but off work she was more of a flegmatic Lab. And that's the balance I am trying to find, a hard worker but without the nervousness and restlessness (leading to frustration) so often seen in Border Coliies or Australian Shepards to name a few.

And oh, he's NOT a Catalan Sheepdog, he's a Pyrenean Shepherd :) (probably mix) Oficially a French breed , contrary to the Spanish Catalan Sheepdog. But since he was found in Spain, he's still Spanish to me ;) I simply adore the semi pricked ears :D

So, Ruth and I agreed I would inform the service dog school and let them call her to make an appointment to meet Dany...both the service dog school trainer and myself will go and meet Dany. I hope the trainer has a vacancy in his agenda pretty soon :D I'm pretty excited about Dany...so lets hope it all will work out well :)

Saskia :)

03-25-2014, 11:48 AM
And Sharlene? Guess what??? They don't need grooming :p

Sas ;)

molly muffin
03-25-2014, 08:29 PM
Oh a Pyrenean Shepherd, from the Pyrenease mountains of both France and Spain, so a true multicultural dog. lol

I looked them up on the wiki, saw that, weekly brushing! whoo hooo

Hope they have time to fit in a meet and greet soon. :) :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-26-2014, 02:54 PM
The meet and greet will be this Friday, at 11 in the morning :D

I'll let you know how it went...

Sas :)

molly muffin
03-26-2014, 05:01 PM
Yay! that's soon alright~! Has to be a good sign right. :) LOL

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-27-2014, 06:59 AM
It's almost Friday, it's almost Friday -- can't hardly wait!!!!!

Hoping so much that all will go well when Dany comes to visit, and trusting that all will work out in the very best way for you all.

I'll be waiting so anxiously to hear...!!!

Love, Marianne

03-27-2014, 12:47 PM
Actually, I will go visit Dany :) I soooooo hope all will turn out well. For some reason, I want this dog really, really badly. Also, I really like the lady he's living with at this moment. She right away said she would keep Dany with her till I was fit enough after my teeth are being pulled (yeahhhh, one little hurdle I still have to take ;) ) , she offered right away to take him whenever I was, for example very ill and couldn't take care of him (if this would happen down the line), and she said that whenever there's a reason I cannot take care of him anymore, she will take him back at all times, he can go live with her after his retirement...whatever, whenever. She will always be there for Dany...and that's a comforting thought :)

I'll be sure to bring my camera and take some pictures so I can show them to you. Wish us luck!

Saskia :)

03-27-2014, 01:32 PM
GOOD LUCK, GOOD LUCK, and M-O-R-E GOOD LUCK!!! :) :) :) ;)

molly muffin
03-27-2014, 02:12 PM
Oh my gosh she sounds wonderful!!
What a relief to have someone to step in when, if there is a need. That woman is a true gem.
I really want you to have Dany too. So many things just seem right about that situation.
Fay of course is gorgeous and a sweetheart, but Dany, just sort of moved right into that space of "this is where he needs to be".

Can't wait till Friday!!! one more sleep

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-28-2014, 03:21 PM
Okay...it's not going to be Dany. He's an amazing dog, really...what a great personality. He was precisely what I am looking for in a dog but he was extremely skinny. Not just a bit underweigth or skinny, no he was extremely skinny. And I have no way of knowing how long he has been this starved or why he is this starved. Intestinal parasites, something else....? If he is this extremely skinny because of parasites, he could easily have been infested with parasites for a long time and that could damage his intestines or other organs or affect him in the long run. If he is this extremely skinny because of something else...there's no telling what that might lead to. So, with great pain in my heart, I decided there were too much riskfactors healthwise.

Wish I was looking for just a dog, a companion instead of a service dog. The standards and demands or so difficult to meet and that means, like today, you have to turn down a dog, you really don't want to turn down <sigh>

I did upload a few pictures of today...because he's just sooooo wonderful :)


molly muffin
03-28-2014, 03:38 PM
Awww drat :( Have they done any testing on him for parasites? What is the regular weight for his breed? You'd think they'd want to get that taken care of soon as possible.

Well, I am sorry it is not going to be Dany because his personality seems just right. However, that being said, maybe there is another of a similar breed to Dany, which you now know is a personality possible fit with you that you can find.

I refuse to be bummed more than a little as I think that it is important to you and to all of us who care for you and know what you have gone through with your canine companions in the previous years, that your next companion be a perfect fit and be healthy.

The search continues! The pictures btw are wonderful! You're looking pretty chipper yourself Sas. :) :)
Sharlene and molly muffin

03-28-2014, 03:39 PM
Oh Saskia, I am so sorry that things will not work out after such high hopes. I know the right doggie is out there waiting to find you, but we were all hoping that Dany would be the one. :o

Squirt's Mom
03-28-2014, 03:40 PM
Oh, Sas, I am so sorry. I had really held high hopes that Dany was THE one. But I do understand your decision for sure! You have had enough heartache from babies that became ill not to mention seeing what could be a problem from the very start and needing to know the next baby will be able to meet your needs. I so understand. I also believe you will find that perfect baby soon. It is out there patiently waiting to meet your eyes. ;)

03-28-2014, 03:56 PM
Drats, I do keep hoping you find your perfect companion... he/she is out there waiting for you to arrive so I hope your stars align and your next furbaby arrives in your arms soon x

04-17-2014, 03:42 PM
Today I heard from the service dog school. Fay is about 3 months into her training and eventhough she will make someone someday a great service dog, she lacks the will to please that I am looking for. For someone else this will be perfectly fine but I so desperately want a dog with a bit more "content", if you know what I mean... Right now I will put the search on hold for a bit because right after Easter (so that will be tuesday :) ) I will go into hospital again to have the remaining teeth in my upper jaw extracted. And if it goes anything like after extracting my molars, it will take me 6 weeks to recover somewhat again... :( So for now I have to focus on what's coming and on recovering. Once everything has settled down and I feel good again, I will continue my search :)

Saskia :)

By the way, Happy Easter to all :)

molly muffin
04-17-2014, 04:22 PM
Happy Easter Sas!

I agree, with something so important coming up, you Have to think about you and getting through and recovery. Then can move on to other things. It will be something to look forward to and it's much better to have the Right dog, than just to have a dog. :)

Happy Easter to you too!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-06-2014, 04:23 PM
Okay, there's another new candidate...her name is Juli. She's a Romanian stray, cross Labrador and some sort of Fox? She a year and a half, kind to people and other dogs, bit reserved at first. Gets attached to humans more then to dogs and very smart. Needs a home where she can have a job of some kind...

Will talk to her fosterparents tomorrow to learn more about her. Pictures in my "candidates" photoalbum.

Saskia :)

05-06-2014, 04:32 PM
Oh I like her eyes and her smile!! :) :) :) :)

She looks very eager, Sas!! ;) :) :) :)

Squirt's Mom
05-06-2014, 05:01 PM
She's gorgeous! I would guess Fox Terrier? Sure has a Terrier look to her anyway!

molly muffin
05-06-2014, 05:19 PM
Oh she looks super intelligent and energetic! I like her. :)
You sure do find some beautiful dogs where you are at. :)

sharlene and molly muffin

05-06-2014, 05:22 PM
Oh she looks very intelligent Sas!!!!

05-06-2014, 05:33 PM
Indeed, eager, intelligent, energetic, that's what I saw too :) And of course I meant Lab x some kind of Terrier mix (and thinking Fox Terrier), Leslie :) The question is, how much Terrier is in there...and which part of the Terrier :D They can be voracious hunters, very loud and very stubborn...:eek: I hope I'll know more tomorrow...

Sas :)

Bailey's Mom
05-06-2014, 06:44 PM
Have you had your tooth surgery, Sas? How are you feeling?

Juli looks very intelligent......and soft! Fingers and toes are back crossed! :)
Susan :)

05-07-2014, 04:13 AM
Hi Susan, thanks for asking. Yes, 2 weeks ago all my teeth in my upperjaw were extracted. And as much pain and misery as I had after my molars were extracted, so little problems do I have this time around :D Not one painkiller since the procedure...really, it's idiotic. But hey, I'm not complaining ;) So far, so good! I think the preventative anti biotic helped a lot and also, this time I stopped taking some medications that I normally take daily, that contain Prednison. And we all know what Pred does , it's counterproductive when it comes to healing of wounds. So now I have my upper jaw dentures and I talk, I laugh, I eat....no problem at all. Next week, I will go back to the dentist for my partial lower jaw dentures. If that goes just as smoothly...I am the happiest girl alive ;)

So yes, now it is definately time for a new dog in my life, I am ready :p

Sas :)

05-07-2014, 01:47 PM
And once again, it's not going to be Juli. When I talked to the fostermom today, she told me that this very morning, Juli had killed one of the neighbours chicken :( It's quite understandable, it's what she had to do to survive in the streets of Romania...I understand. She's just doing what she has learned to do but not something you want in a service dog. And so the search continues...

Saskia :)

molly muffin
05-07-2014, 05:35 PM
Well drat. Still has we have said throughout, better to know these things up front than have to deal with them yourself down the road. That I think would be worse. The search continues. At least you know when that right match comes along that it really will be the right one.

Yay for the the teeth. I hope the next procedure goes just as smoothly and quick healing time. :) whoo hoo!

super big hugs!
sharlene and molly muffin

Bailey's Mom
05-08-2014, 11:52 PM
it's the old Sonny & Cher song........and the beat goes on, and the beat goes on..........
Just imagine what a treasure must be waiting for you and the end of this lengthy hunt! That dog is there, just waiting for you to find him/her.

So glad the tooth surgery went so well. That's great news.:D


05-23-2014, 03:21 PM
Okay, another candidate :) This time a small/medium sized shepard mix called Quincy. After lots of talking on the phone, after lots of questions (by me and the servicedog school) it is decided that she sounds just perfect. Her behaviour is examplary. She's very owner-oriented, social with all humans and animals but kind of stays to herself, a bit reserved because it's her nature not because she is scared or anything... Loves to fullfill tasks, very obedient, no hunting instincts whatsoever, cudlly with her owner, calm and stable... She'll turn 2 next month (in June), she's completely black, 45 cms/ 17.5 inches high and weighs 12 kilo's/26.5 lbs., a Yunah size dog :) You can see her pictures in my photoalbum.
( http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=862 )

She's a Polish stray that was rescued a year and a half ago, moved to The Netherlands, lived with a lady since then but now the lady suffers from severe depression and has decided it is best for Quincy to go life somewhere else because Quincy was suffering as well under the entire situation. So now she is in a temporary fosterhome.

I will go visit her next week, I do not know the exact date yet...and if the visit goes well, she'll go for her medical exam. So, another period of "wait and see" :)

Sas :)

molly muffin
05-23-2014, 03:43 PM
She looks very calm doesn't she. Wow, check out those ears. You just know that she is right on top of everything going on around her.

Can't wait to see how the meeting goes!

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-23-2014, 04:05 PM
Aparantly, she has this unique trade (Yunah had it too) that anything that isn't her business, she isn't bothered with :D If you will ask her to go get the ball, she'll go get the ball and if in the meantime the ceiling comes falling down, she couldn't care less....she was asked to go get the ball and nothing else :D So if she has no task to do, she will just lay quietly somewhere and observe...she won't mingle or participate.
And yes, she has HUGE, GIANT ears :eek: :D :eek: :D :eek: :D

Sas :)

05-26-2014, 07:09 AM
Yehawwwww, we're going to meet Quincy the day after tomorrow, Wednesday :D
I am so exited,

Sas :)

molly muffin
05-26-2014, 04:23 PM
Oh that is sooo exciting!! I can't wait to hear all the details of how goes.

Crossing fingers!
Sharlene and Molly muffin

05-26-2014, 05:28 PM
Wednesday can't get here soon enough!! ;) :) :)

I hope so much that your visit goes well, Sas.

All fingers and toes crossed, too...

05-28-2014, 03:18 PM
Ahhhh, today I visited Quincy with the servicedogschool trainer and well....she was jusr awesome! I am madly in love with her, she's perfect :D Now we have to wait for her medical exans and the moment she passes them, she'll come to live with me and I will personally train her :D

Pictures of our visit: ( http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=862 )

She was smart (picked up on a training session very fast), calm, enjoying herself during training and we had an instant connection :D It was heaven..now keeping my fingers crossed she'll pass her medical exams :)

Saskia :)

05-28-2014, 03:25 PM
Oh Sas, I couldn't be happier for you. You two look adorable together and I hope it turns out to be a match made in heaven. Yay, you're going to have another baby to share your life with.

Harley PoMMom
05-28-2014, 03:32 PM
Oh Sas, I am so happy for you too!!! Quincy sure is a beautiful girl and I will be praying that all goes well.

Love and hugs, Lori

05-28-2014, 03:32 PM
Oh Sas, I will cross everything I can find in my house in addition to fingers, toes, eyes and paws while hoping that the medical exams go OK!!!!!

You've made my day with your news! ;) :) :) :) :) :) :)

05-28-2014, 03:37 PM
Thanks, thanks and thanks :) I am exhausted righy now, it was a 6 hour drive (roundtrip) and a 2 hour visit so I was away from home for 8 hours straight, can't even lift a finger anymore to type....but oh dear, was it worth it. I would drive till the end of the world for her :D

Sas :)

molly muffin
05-28-2014, 04:27 PM
Oh it is wonderful! I'm so glad you fit, now come on Quincy and pass those medicals!!!

Love the photos. Looks like you are hugging each other!

wonderful news!
sharlene and molly muffin

05-29-2014, 04:49 AM
Sharlene, we were hugging each other :D Quincy was as taken with me as I was with her. The servicedogschool trainer was there as well and he wanted to see if Quincy was able to "learn" so he wanted me to do a little training session with her. Mind you, Quincy doesn't know anything about "training" yet, she is not familiar with "learning" and clicker training. Dogs learn how to learn...but Quincy doesn't have any experience yet. So here I go, with an unfamiliar dog who doesn't know me either and who's not familiar yet with the concept of clickertraining and learning :eek: I grab my keys, some treats, sit down on the floor (surrounded by 4 adults all closely watching me) and Quincy comes walking up to me. I hold the keys in my hand, Quincy looks at me, looks at the keys, looks at me again and gently touches the keys with her nose :D She gets a "good girl" and a treat. She looks at me again and touches the keys again with her nose. Another good girl and a treat and Quincy skips the looking at me and goes straight to touching the keys with her nose, which of course gets her another good girl and a treat. I then place the keys on the floor...curious to see if she had made the connection yet ( "I need to touch the keys...no matter where they are"). Quincy looks at me again, looks at the keys on the floor, looks at me again (I am compeletely "neutral"at that moment, no hinting with my eyes or voice, etc), looks at the keys again and yessssssssss....she touches them gently with her nose! :eek: After 3 times, the same thing, I decide to make it a bit more difficult and am not rewarding Quincy for just touching the keys with her nose, but she has to shove them a short distance with her nose. Quincy touches the keys with her nose (as she now knows is what is exoected of her) and darn, the good girl and the reward aren't coming. Quincy looks at me again, touches the keys again with her nose...no rewards. The she looks up at me quickly and voila, she shoves the keys over some distance wth her nose. BIG goodgilr and treats :D After she ate her treat, she shoved the keys all over the livingroom floor, hahahaha... She is definately one smart cookie :D And all the time she was wagging her tail, she loved "training" :) We got a standing ovation for our training session ;) It was....simply a dream come true, more then I ever could have hoped for :)

Saskia :)

05-29-2014, 06:38 AM
Oh Sas, the visit sounded absolutely wonderful --- and so does Quincy!!!! I hope she does pass the medical for sure.

I missed it maybe but how old is she?

You look wonderful in the photos!!


05-29-2014, 07:02 AM
She'll be turning 2 on June the 17th, so next month :) Thank you Terry, we had such a wonderful, sunny and relatively warm spring and I did spent a lot of time outdoors, works always so healing for me and I do feel good indeed so I guess it did help again :)

I am hoping right with you she'll passes her medical exams. Not sure how I will manage to get through the days untill then ;)

Sas :)

05-29-2014, 07:26 AM
Sas, when will the medical work-up take place? I want to be able to focus all my positive energy on Quincy just at the right time! ;)

05-29-2014, 01:50 PM
Marianne, I have no idea yet unfortunately. Today and tomorrow are official hollidays, then it's the weekend so Monday at the soonest they (they, the fosterparents) will receive a list of vets via the servicedog school that are certified to do these test on service dogs (they cannot be done by any vet, they need to be certified in order to perform these service dogs exams), then they have to schedule appointments and I have no idea how soon that can be done. And since Quincy needs to be seen by 2 seperate specialists (eyespecialist and X-ray specialist/orthopedic surgeon) and they don't neccesarily are located at the same facility, it's quite possible both tests can't be done on the same day... So bottomline, I have no idea :D I hope...but that's merely hope and not based on anything, it could be done before next week Friday...
But once I do know for certain, I'll make sure to let you know :)

Sas :)

Bailey's Mom
06-06-2014, 05:36 AM
Hi Sas-

I am just now catching up with all the exciting news! And it's Friday, here....any word yet? It all sounds wonderful and meant to be. Would you mind if I mailed Bailey over for you to do some training? Just a thought.:confused::eek:;)

06-06-2014, 09:35 AM
Hi Susan,

no, I'm afraid that there's no news yet :( Lots of official hollidays, an absent secretary and well, lots of delay :mad: Without going into details, today I contacted my healthinsurance company (they pay for the service dog and thus they have the influence on the schools) and put them on the case...hope that will help some :)

Sure, you can mail Bailey my way, have lots of time on my hands, would welcome her with open arms :D Not sure if Bailey would feel the same way though ;) I actually had the dog of a friend of mine here for 2 weeks, he needed some extra attention too :D He now knows how it works, if I just could get my friend too to understand how it works :p


06-10-2014, 01:33 PM
Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 11th, at 15.00 (3 in the afternoon) my time, Quincy has her appointment for the HD and ED x-rays :D

Saskia :)

06-11-2014, 10:47 AM
Okayyyyyyyyyy, here are the results of Quincy's HD and ED exams. She is ED free and has HD A, could not be any better! :D :D :D

Next on the exam-list is the visit to the eyespecialist. Will let you know when that will be,

Saskia :D

06-11-2014, 11:35 AM
YAY!!! Super good news!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

molly muffin
06-11-2014, 01:51 PM
Super good news! Crossing fingers on the eye exam. So far so good. Deep breaths!

Sharlene and molly muffin

Bailey's Mom
06-12-2014, 01:38 AM
That's GREAT!!!

06-13-2014, 08:52 AM
I just added a new picture of Quincy that I received today from the fosterfamily....she is such a cutiepie :)


Saskia :)

06-16-2014, 10:25 AM
Quincy's eye exam will be on June 24th...

Saskia :)

molly muffin
06-16-2014, 06:00 PM
She really is so cute. Just want to hug her and throw her a ball or something LOL

You know our fingers will be crossed here!!!

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-18-2014, 03:46 PM
Yesterday, June the 17th, Quincy turned 2 :) Her fostermom send me a short video of Quincy and her BFF Kika playing. Kika is one of the fosterfamily's own dogs and the youngest. The others won't play with her but Quincy will, so they really quickly became very good friends, sleeping together etc. I really hate I have to break those 2 up, to end their friendship :(

Anyway, here's a link to, for you all, the first moving images of Quincy :)

Saskia :)

molly muffin
06-18-2014, 07:03 PM
Awww, she is so cute and playful.

love her!
Sharlene and molly muffin

06-23-2014, 03:01 PM
In 18 hours I will finally know whether Quincy passed her final (eye) exam, I am about to burst with anxiety and anticipation :D

Sas :)

06-23-2014, 03:03 PM
Everything crossed for good luck!!!!!!!

molly muffin
06-23-2014, 06:55 PM
Come on Quincy!!! Pass Pass Pass!!

We're crossing everything, everywhere!

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-24-2014, 09:57 AM
Anything and everything that has been crossed....has worked, Quincy (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php?albumid=862&pictureid=6826) passed all her medical exams! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I am so very very happy. This little, black girl (and people keep asking me "Why did you pick her? You could have picked any dog. Why this ugly dog?") will surprise everyone. She is an exceptional dog, mark my words :) And I love her....ears and all ;)

Saskia :)

Squirt's Mom
06-24-2014, 10:47 AM
Oh Sas! I have been reading along and am so glad Quincy has passed all her exams! :cool::cool::cool: As for an "ugly dog" - whaaat?! She is gorgeous to me and I also love those ears! I so hope you and Quincy work out perfectly and have many years together.


06-24-2014, 11:01 AM
Dear Leslie,

with all these designer dogs these days, people don't understand that anyone would choose for such a strange looking dog instead of all the curls and the fluffy coat, etc. Well, I really don't care about looks, I just look at the character (and many people should do the same, in fact). And her character is breathtaking, I am truly crazy in love. And those ears? I think they are adorable ;)

How are you? I think so often about you. All I have to do is think back at the time I lost my Yunah and I know in what awful place you must be right now. But I also know you...and you will stand tall. It may take some time, a lot of time, but you will rise again and share all that you are with yet another pup that desperately needs you.

Big big hugs,

Sas :)

06-24-2014, 11:32 AM
Oh Sas!!!!!!!!!!! :D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p :) :D :p :) :D

When do you get to claim her??

06-24-2014, 11:40 AM
Her fosterfamily will contact me this evening and I suppose I will hear from them how soon they can come bring her :)

molly muffin
06-24-2014, 08:19 PM
How Exciting!!! Go Quincy. Good job! Congratulations Sas on welcoming a new member to the family.

I think she is adorable!! Those ears, better to hear you with my dear. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

06-25-2014, 05:40 PM
Hi - have been following your story and so pleased to read that Quincy is coming home!!! What a joyful meeting that is going to be, hope she is in your arms soon. "ugly dog":mad::mad: She is so NOT!! Sheesh, some people do not think sometimes!!!

Harley PoMMom
06-25-2014, 08:06 PM
Oh Sas, I am so happy for you and dear Quincy!!! YAAA!!!!

06-30-2014, 02:24 PM
Wednesday, July the 2nd, Quincy will be brought here by her fosterfamily :)


Saskia :)

Harley PoMMom
06-30-2014, 02:54 PM
Wednesday, July the 2nd, Quincy will be brought here by her fosterfamily :)


Saskia :)

OMGoodness, Sas, Congrats!!!!! I am so happy for you both, YAAA!!!!!

Love and hugs to you both, Lori

06-30-2014, 03:44 PM
Yay!!! So glad to hear this wonderful news, Sas. I'm sure you are on pins and needles and the 2nd can't come soon enough. I am really looking forward to following Quincy's progress through your awesome videos.

(((Great big happy hugs)))

07-01-2014, 07:02 AM
Lalalalaaaaa...tomorrow, tomorrow, she'll be here tomorrow, it's only a day away...lalalaaaaaaa :D

Sas :)

07-02-2014, 07:34 AM
Should be just about time now!!! :D :D :D :D :D

molly muffin
07-02-2014, 08:15 AM
That's right, is Quincy Home yet? I can't wait to hear how she settles in. What a great new adventure you are starting together.

Sharlene and molly muffin

07-02-2014, 03:09 PM
She's here, my girl is here :D Sleeping, all curled up against my leg as we speak :)
This morning around 11.15 she arrived with her fosterparents and 3 other dogs, 2 of their own and another foster that will go to his forever home this Sunday.

After coffee and something to eat (while the dogs were playing in my backyard) we went to the doggyplayground. Quincy had no problem blending in with all the other, to her unknown, dogs. She ran and played, big dogs, small dogs, didn't matter, she was having fun :)

After about 30 minutes, we returned to my home and after some more coffee, it was time for her fosters to say goodbye...:(
This was very hard on Quincy (being "shepard-like" she is very very loyal to her pack and wants to be with them) and for the first hour, after they left, she lay in front of the door and cried. Whenever I sat down, she cried...whenever I did a small chore, she came looking what it was I was doing. So for the nect hour I did all sorts of tasks, mostly unneccesary ones :) I ignored the whimpering and talked to her and petted her when she came looking what I was doing :) After an hour I went to lay on my bed, Quincy followed me and started whimpering in front of the door into the backyard. I started sinnging a song (to myself) and Quincy came looking what I was doing. She stood on the floor, looking up at me on the bed, and I said: It's okay, come here..." and voila, she jumped on the bed, laid down and fell asleep :)

After a 2 hour nap, she woke up and we then played some in the backyard. She was happy and having fun :) We went for a little walk, she ate and fell asleep again.

We now jusr returned from our last walk of today and Quincy is laying beside me, sound asleep. It's now 9 in the evening and around 11, I will wake her up and take her for a quick pee and then we will turn in for the night :)

I have started a website for Quincy and of course it is all in Dutch. But it does have a video (with pictures) shpwing how today went :)

And tomorrow's a brand new day with undoubtedly new adventures :)

Saskia and Quincy :)

molly muffin
07-02-2014, 05:02 PM
Awww, she looks like she is having a lot of fun. I am sure once she settles in, determines that This is her pack and you her leader that she will be fine.

It's a grande journey that you are beginning and may it be a long one.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Harley PoMMom
07-02-2014, 06:02 PM
Watched your video and enjoyed it greatly!! Quincy sure is lovely!!! So, so happy for you both!!!

07-02-2014, 11:45 PM
Welcome home, Quincy!

Sas, I just viewed the video and got all choked up. Knowing that you have another sweetie to share your life and seeing you two together with made my heart soar. I am so happy for both of you!

07-03-2014, 05:03 AM
She is so lovely!! Love, that music and the Star Wars too :D she has the most perfect jaunty ears, such a beautiful girl... so pleased it worked out! I hope you have many, many years of love and fun together! :) I could feel the happiness on that website even though I cannot read Dutch!!

07-05-2014, 12:07 PM
It's three days since she came here and she already walks off-leash and comes running and jumping when called :D I can tell the changes in her life are tiring to her so she sleeps (and I let her) a lot :) Just to get used to my daily routine, to walk beside my wheelchair (something she has never done before), walk in traffic, learn some basic commands (she knows none), all that is for now more then enough for her. But she is doing very well :) She's a bit unsure, having to deal with everything without her pack, but comes running to me whenever she is unsure or uncertain of something. Eventhough I am not that familiar yet, I am all she knows and so she hangs on to me :) But she is not "clingy", she will go into the backyard by herself...but when she hears a strange noise, she comes running for me :) She gets along well with all dogs, and we go for daily plays to the dogpark where she can hang out and run and play with other dogs. She never slept on anyone's bed, she was always crated for the night ( which she had no problems with) but she sure loves sleeping on the bed with me. Whenever she is on the bed with me, she rolls over on her back and wants her tummy rubbed, very cute :) (also pretty "submissive")

It's just going wonderful and I could not be happier :D

Video's of her walking beside my chair, learning the routine of going into my house behind me, of her coming running to me when called, etc are on her website :)

Saskia and Quincy :)

molly muffin
07-05-2014, 12:58 PM
Aww, she is so cute and so smart too. I'm sure she will learn everything very well.
I love the videos and picture, especially the ones of her on your lap. Those are priceless and you both look wonderful.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
07-08-2014, 09:10 AM
Sas, I am just ecstatic for both you and Quincy!

Bailey's Mom
07-11-2014, 02:43 AM
WELCOME Quincy!!!! I am so happy for you both, Saskia. I love your videos and your choice of songs. My heart is full seeing that you have a doggie in your life to share your love with. You so deserve it. :)

Quincy looks so happy when she's walking off leash. Bailey wants her belly rubbed when she's on the bed as well. I'm most happy to oblige! :D


Squirt's Mom
07-20-2014, 08:24 AM
Hey Sas,

How are things going with Quincy? I hope you two are settling in and finding that magic.


07-20-2014, 02:58 PM
Hi Leslie :)

Don't know where to start in order to tell you everything that has happened, geezzzzzz, never a dull moment here :) Well, Quincy was attacked by a swarm of bees, that was horrible! She was terrified and stayed that way for several days but is now doing a lot better, thankfully :)

We saw the vet, and Quincy has a severe earinfection, poor thing. The vet is very worried it's chronic so we'll see what will happen there....

I also learned that Quincy suffered from severe Demodex and was treated for it....not nice I wasn't told about that.

And Quincy is extremely insecure....downright fearfull at times. So we have to take it very slow. For now I only have her on my lap and we drive everywhere to let her get accustomed to everyting :) She slowly, very slowly is starting to trust me but it will take at least 2 till 3 months before she will start placing her trust in me. Good thing, the trainer said, once she can make that "turn" in her mind, you'll have the most amazing dog in the world :D

So for now it's patience, building trust, gaining confidence and let her adjust in her own time :)

That's about it in a nutshell :)

Sas and Quincy :-)

07-29-2014, 01:37 PM
Tomorrow it will be 4 weeks since Quincy arrived here :) She fully got over the bee-attack, her earinfection has cleared but we seem to be dealing with some sort of sensitivity/allergy issue so for now she's on a short Pred treatment to see how that works.

We have started training and she is doing very well. Apart from it being fun, it's also helping Quincy gaining more confidence about herself :)

The first thing I taught her was to touch the drawer with her nose (haven't got that on video)

The second step I taught her was to touch the drawer more firmely so the drawer would move a bit

The third step was that I taught her that the drawer had to be completely shut

The fourth step was to add the "push" command to the action and to generalise it. Meaning, practising it with 2 drawers one after another and with entirely other drawers... Quincy generalizes so easily, it's just amazing :D

More generalizing, "push" the door of the fridge

All this in less then 48 hours :) And also, if you watch the videos in order, you can actually see that her bodylanguage gets better and better, she actually grows from training :)

She's still pretty insecure and kind of "locked up inside herself" but training has given me an entrance to her. I bet she gets her training done in no-time, the insecurity part and placing her full trust in me will take (much) longer but that's okay, we have time :)

And oh yes, I have done a DNA test on her, to see if they can figure out what breeds are present in her...will know in about 3 till 4 weeks :D

So far on our latest developments,

Sas and Quincy :)

molly muffin
07-29-2014, 05:43 PM
Awww, such a smart girl she is. She learns very quickly. :)

It'll be interesting to hear what all breeds are a part of her.

I am sure that she will gain even more confidence and pack trust as the time goes on. It hasn't been so very long yet and who knows maybe she has had reason to distrust that her packs will be around long term.

What a sweetie she is and you sound Very happy too Sas!

Sharlene and molly muffin

07-30-2014, 10:32 AM
I am very happy, Sharlene :) She's absolutely, totally, utterly "my kind of dog" :D

She has plenty of reason to distrust the stability of her pack, she lived in 3 different families in an 8 week period. But she's coming around... The first time in a shop, she peed on my pants, she was that scared, and look at her today.... :)


Sure, it was very quiet in that store but nevertheless...she walks with her ears up and tail wagging, she heels almost perfectly, she sits when asked, goes down when asked and continues to heel again.... Soon we will be truly "walzing" through stores :p

Sas and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
08-02-2014, 06:21 AM
Oh Sas! She is coming along beautifully! I love her looking at you after each nose touch. And those EARS! So expressive! You are doing a great job with her and soon all that fear will abate because she knows she is in the safest, most loving hands possible. Boy! Did she luck out!

08-14-2014, 03:55 PM
So, time for an update about Quincy :) Healthwise we're struggling with infections...first she had an earinfection and once that had cleared, she developt a bladderinfection so now she is on anti-biotics. Apart from the infections, she has intestinal parasites which we can't seem to get rid of. She was given Milbemax 3 times in the past 6 weeks and today I received a call that the sample I had given them still was showing a lot of "eggs". I asked what kind of parasite it was, but the assistant didn't know :( Tomorrow I'll stop by the vetclinic and the vet will have told them what parasites and which medication should be used to finally get rid of them. Poor thing has been on so many meds in the past 6 weeks, prednison, anti-biotic, fleamedication, anti parasite medication, etc. And she has seborroe (not sure if this is the correct word in English) so she gets medicinal baths. I hope it's all mainly caused by stress...that it affected her immune system (and all the meds don't help of course) and that it will get better the longer she is here and the more she is used and feeling safe and and secure. She had a really bad case of Demodex which often indicates there's a problem with the immunesystem, or at least that it is not that strong. Combined with the stress, I hope it accounts for the current problems.

But having said all this, she is otherwise doing wonderfully :D






So, that will give you all something to watch ;) In some of the video's we're still in the training-phase...like with taking of my coat. In others you can see certain things she already completely masters, like closing the curtain :D

But thankfully it's not all work and no play...at the contrary :)


So all in all we are doing great :) Quins is a fantastic dog and I am thrilled to have her :D I am so glad that I got to choose my own dog cause now I have a dog that fits me like an old, comfortable shoe :p

Sas and Quincy :)

08-20-2014, 07:58 AM
The results of the DNA test I have done on Quincy came back :D And the results blew me away :p Quins is predominantly a Giantschnauzer x Dachshund mix :eek::eek::eek:

I'll post her "pedigree" in her photoalbum...it's truly amazing ;)

I suppose I now have a "Giant Dachshund" on my hands :p

Sas and Quincy :)

molly muffin
08-20-2014, 08:29 AM
That is really amazing and not at all what I would have thought!

Sharlene and Molly muffin.

Squirt's Mom
08-20-2014, 09:54 AM
WOW! Wouldn't have guessed that mix at all from looking at her pics! A Giant Wienerdog! :D

08-23-2014, 03:07 PM
(taking off my (rain)pants, my longsocks and my coat)

(getting and handing me a banana)

(helping me in the kitchen)

(in the supermarket with tail wagging and picking up and handing me my hankerchief)

(a walk through the forrrest)

Tomorrow it will be exactly 4 weeks since I started training Quincy. And look at her, she is fully working as a service dog, capable and knowing all the tasks she has to do. Four weeks! Must be a new record :D Smart doesn't even begin to describe her...:eek: But apart from being smart, she's a joy to have around, she's cudly, gentle, kind, calm, playful...in one word, she's perfect :D
It's kind of the "from rags to riches" story :) From a stray pup, covered in mange and all kinds of parasites, wandering the streets of Poland...to now a well loved and well cared for service dog in The Netherlands :D Who at this hour, is sleeping on my bed beside me covered with a soft fleece blanket, she loves to be covered up with a blanket...so she gets a blanket of course :p

Sas and Quincy :)

p.s. I added some new pictures to her album

molly muffin
08-24-2014, 12:15 AM
She is just amazingly smart and quick to learn anything new. Seems to really love it too. Just think how safe she must feel now and finally at home with her pack. I don't think she would take so well if she didn't feel that safety was there.

I just love her and I can tell you two are a perfect fit together

Sharlene and molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
08-24-2014, 09:05 AM
Truly wonderful, Sas. But there was never any doubt that Quincy would absolutely blossom and flourish under your tender loving care. ;)

08-24-2014, 09:31 AM
Sas, thanks so much for your updates and new visuals. It warms my heart to see you girls together. What a gift Quincy is to us all!! ;) :) :) :)


08-24-2014, 09:52 AM
Thanks girls :D I am truly very happy with Quincy. The first weeks were rather difficult since I guess I've lost some of my confidence (menopause...gotta loved it :p) But when the trainer reminded me that I was fully able and capable of giving Quincy what it was she needed, we turned the corner pretty quickly :D And gosh, I love seeing her doing this well, in all ways but mentally the most. Today we went for a nice long walk through the fields and to, what we call here, the "frogpool", for obvious reasons ;) The frogs certainly caught Quincy's attention and she even went into the water :eek:


That makes my heart sing, to see her like this... for her to discover the world, for her to discover she is NOT afraid of going into the water (even if it takes a few frogs :D ) and then to come home and how she curls up beside me, with her fleece blanket wrapped around her...to watch her sleep so sound and deep....that is what makes my heart sing :)

Sas and Quincy :)

p.s. Could one of the moderators change the thread title to: "Quincy, from Polish straydog to Dutch service dog". Thanks :)

08-25-2014, 11:13 AM
Sas, it is with utmost pleasure that I have revised your thread title. :) :) :)

08-25-2014, 11:14 AM
Thank you, Marianne:)

Squirt's Mom
08-25-2014, 11:59 AM
Very nice! :cool::cool::cool:

molly muffin
08-25-2014, 05:46 PM
She looks so happy and relaxed. Love it! Nice thread title too

Sharlene and Molly muffin

08-27-2014, 04:15 PM
Here's a new video :)


She's the best :p

Sas and Quincy :)

molly muffin
08-27-2014, 11:05 PM
She is such a smart girl. I can't believe how quickly she is understanding everything!

Sharlene and molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
08-28-2014, 08:16 AM
I just love that look in her eyes after she has done a job! How you keep from grabbing her up in a big ole bear hug every time I'll never know. :D

08-28-2014, 10:27 AM
I love every video you post and yes Quincy is one smart girl but her mom is pretty darn smart too. I think you are amazing, Sas. Few people can do what you do with your pups. You truly are a dog whisperer.

My sweet Ginger
08-28-2014, 12:01 PM
I couldn't agree more with you Glynda.
I've been fascinated by Quincy not only about her inspiring life story so far but also how much she reminds me of my Stella. No one was able to tell us what she is so far since she was a rescue and we've just been guessing with the least amount of certainty.:rolleyes:
So I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw Quincy's pics. To me they just look sooo alike. Maybe not their faces, maybe not their ears and DEF. not their personalities but look at their bodies; wide chested, small waist and the color. I uploaded a couple of Stella's new pics.

Sas, every time it read about Quincy or see her pics they make me so happy and warms my heart. You and Quincy are so perfect for each other. She's so smart and I just love her. Her DNA profile was very interesting.

08-28-2014, 05:06 PM
Hahaha Leslie, she gets huge amounts of big ole bear hugs, trust me :D

08-28-2014, 05:23 PM
Awww Glynda, thank you, you're so sweet :) But the truth is, I need the right dogs to be able to do what I do, couldn't do it with just any dog. So it's more about the dog then it is about me... :) If you want to participate in agility and are aiming to get to the top (for example) you go look for a Border Collie or a simular breed most likely or a dog with the same characteristics. And that's the trick, finding the right dog for the right task. Once you have that, you can go a long way..assuming you have the knowledge to train. But the type of dog you choose is the key whether you'll be succesful or not (in any area)

September 6th, we'll start with a course in "sports" at the local dogschool, will be a lot of fun for both Quincy and myself :) But she won't have to excell in that, that's not what I picked her for. We're just going to have fun... But I needed a dog that was smart, loved using her brain, calm, loved to work and do stuff with her owner and a dog that knows just "one" master...all qualities I want to see in a service dog. And that dog, that dog turned out to be Quincy :) If anything, I did well in picking her but the rest is mainly Quincy ;)

08-28-2014, 05:38 PM
Thank you, Stella's mom :) They do share a very simular buidy built, I just went to see the pictures you posted, she sure is cute :) But I saw some Dachshund in Stella...at least, I think I saw it :D Maybe the floppy ears, maybe because her body is "longer" but especially in her face...I saw a Dachshund. But this is non scientific, no DNA was involved, just my thought for what it is worth ;)

Saskia and Quincy :)

ps could I ask your name? I wasn't able to find it, I think :)

molly muffin
08-28-2014, 10:15 PM
Sas, the thing is in all of that, which I totally agree with, is that you have to be able to Tell when a dog is the right one or not. I'm not sure how many could do that and end up with the wrong combination, personality or something. See, that right there is an important component of doing what you do!

Stella's mom's name is Song. :)

Sharlene and molly muffin

08-29-2014, 05:37 AM
Thank you Sharlene...I agree, the choice of the dog is the most important, the rest is a piece of cake :D What a beautiful name, Song :)

Sas and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
08-29-2014, 08:21 AM
Song also has a beautiful Soul. :)

My sweet Ginger
08-29-2014, 08:35 AM
- I'm not sure how many could do that and end up with the wrong combination, personality or something.
Lolol. Sharlene, don't look any further than my Stella. In 2011 the rescue person from TN told me that we were getting a mix of yorkie and chi and I thought she looked like one in the pic at 3 lbs. 10wks old. When she arrived she was so puny, malnourished and scared looking who I wanted for Flora's playmate who was 5 at the time and Ginger wasn't interested in playing with her anymore. The next two months she doubled her weight and by the time she was 6 months old she emerged as this the biggest, strongest, craziest and fastest, bar none. :eek::eek::eek: Totally, totally not the kind of pup I was looking for but she was so cute and so different from the other two it was rather refreshing especially to my husband and they are the best buddies now. All of us was forced into making adjustments to accommodate our new dynamics and unexpected life style.
She was way too much of everything for us to handle and we were not enough of everything to her nature. After three years we've settled into somewhat of a middle ground where everybody stays healthy and happy and mingle. Stella has blossomed into this beautiful, regal looking with very healthy and shiny coat with the personality not quite up there yet which maybe we don't want her to change because that is who she is who stands tall and firmly in her own right and a very important member of our family now and very much loved. I think she will win a lot of short dog races if we can somehow train her. She's that fast. It's a beautiful sight watching her run in the field like a wind.;)
Thank you for reading Stella's story.:) Song.

My sweet Ginger
08-29-2014, 08:03 PM
Love you, Les. :)

08-31-2014, 03:30 PM
Here's a video of Quincy and me, roughhousing on my bed :D
http://youtu.be/8eBsxXZk6cg This is only the third time I heared her bark :eek: Although, bark might be a too big word for the sound she makes ;)

And Quincy peeling a banana....and almost eating it for me too :p :p :p

Sas and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
08-31-2014, 04:00 PM
Oh, now that's one fierce dog you got there! :p She is so undeniably happy and you sound the same.

09-01-2014, 10:14 AM
Yes...hahahaha...don't mess with Quincy :D :p :D :p Her "bites" are ever so soft, she barely touches my skin and she withdraws right away. But in this video you can finally see the dog she was suposed to be but never had the courage to be....untill now :) Now I've unleashed "the beast" in her, hahahaha ;)

09-03-2014, 04:59 PM
Have been on an old-fashioned "poop patrol" the past 3 days :D Since a week and a half now, Quins has been having pretty severe diarrhea. Appetite has been great, no fever, she's in great spirit, no indication she is feeling poorly...the Finidiar did not help, nor did the boiled chicken and rice. So now I have been collecting stool samples from 3 different days suspecting she may have Giardia :eek: But to cover our bases, the samples were send to a laboratory for an extended stool analysis. That would be internal parasites, Giardia of course, bacterial overgrowth, pancreatic enzymes, etc. The results will be back just before or...you guessed it, just after the weekend :D

But the girl is doing so wonderful :) Here are her latest accomplishments:

In the supermarket actually getting groceries (wich I point out to her with the help of a targetstick) from the shelves and dropping it in my shoppingbag :D

And helping me recycle by putting paper in the cardboard box to seperate it from the other garbage. She is becoming more and more pasionate about her duties... She jerks the second paper from my hand and throws in in the box with gusto, hahahaha. It won't be long before she starts running the household instead of me :p

Sas and Quincy :)

09-05-2014, 04:58 PM
Well, the results came back late this afternoon and everything was okay, no parasites, no giardia, no problems with the pancreatic enzymes, no yeast...but she did have a bacteria disbalance. Well, that's "peanuts" compared to a lot of other stuff that could have been wrong :D Hypo-allergenic kibble, salmon oil (both of which she already was getting) and some probiotics added to it all...and voila, that should be the end of this :)

This also means she (and I) can start the sports class at the dogschool tomorrow :D That will be loads of fun..;) And then Wednesday, she'll be taking her service dog exam :) And Monday is my mom's 84th birthday so it's going to be a fun week :)

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend,

Sas and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
09-05-2014, 05:00 PM
I'm glad it was nothing major and hope she's right as rain very soon! Happy Birthday to your mom! Enjoy your week, Sas!

molly muffin
09-05-2014, 10:06 PM
Oh good, glad nothing major and easily fixable. Molly gets the run every so often as everyone on here knows by now. I give her probiotic and increase the fiber and so far that has been working when she gets out of whack, which she is the last couple days. It usually takes anywhere from a day to a few days to get it back under control.

Love how smart she is and laughed at the banana peeling. I'm sure she'll do just fine on her exam.

Sharlene and molly muffin

Squirt's Mom
09-06-2014, 07:30 AM
If you have Slippery Elm Bark available there you might try some of that. If you do, be aware it can work both ways like pumpkin but I have had great success using it with my babies, even Trink with her colitis, as well as on myself (IBS) and for my brother.

09-17-2014, 02:20 AM
Today, a week ago, september 10th, Quincy (and myself) had our Service Dog exam. We were being watched by a trainer and had to perform several tasks so he could "judge" if Quincy had what it takes... :D Ha! She left him flabbergasted :p So, we passed our exam with flying colours and Quincy now is an official certified service dog :D He told me that he was absolutely speechless at the performance of this dog...and that in his opinion, after being a service dog trainer for over 35 years, Quincy must be a one in a 10,000 dogs that could pull this off :) It took me and her, 5,5 weeks of training and that is unheard of. He had never ever before encoutered a dog like Quincy and...a combination that was soooo extremely suited for each other :) Quincy posseses all the qualities it takes but I am capable of bringing them out....so it's the combination that makes it work so well. Needless to say I am very proud of her and me...

It's the start of the day here and I have a busy day ahead of me but I will return later today to upload some new pics :)

Saskia and Quincy :)

09-17-2014, 06:30 AM
Oh Sas, what a great start to my day, too! :D :D :D

I am so happy for you both, so proud of you both, and so grateful you are part of our family!

Hooray for Sas and Quincy!! :) :)


molly muffin
09-17-2014, 01:37 PM
Wonderful news!!!! Of course you both have what it takes, together!
You're a really awesome combination.


Sharlene and molly muffin

09-22-2014, 04:22 PM
A compilation of some of the tasks Quincy does for me... Not even 7 weeks ago, this little thing knew nothing, not even a basic command like "sit"...it's amazing everything she has accomplished in the past 7 weeks. I am sooooo very proud of her, words cannot describe how I feel about her :)


Recently Quincy also started to point out little wounds and/or scratches I have, she will point them out with her nose and then she'll look at me. I think a really, really strong bond and sensitivity towards each other is forming here...it can make me cry at times, so special this is :)

Sas and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
09-22-2014, 05:07 PM
awww, I got choked up reading about her pointing out little booboos. What a special friend you have. And very smart to boot!

molly muffin
09-22-2014, 05:38 PM
She is so wonderful and really do think you have a very special bond with each other.

She is just amazing, you both are.

sharlene and molly muffin

09-22-2014, 05:43 PM
Hi Saskia

You have both accomplished so much since Quincy arrived not so very long ago, watching this video brought tears to my eyes to see they joy you have brought to each others lives. Quincy in the grocery store was so sweet, walking along with her tail wagging and so obviously happy in her work!! Love how she gently picked up the groceries and deposited them in your bag, what a delight she is!! Loved it!! She is so clever and she looks at you like she would walk over 10 mountains if that was what you wanted!

Trish x

09-23-2014, 10:17 AM
Thank you Leslie, thank you Sharlene and thank you Trish :) About Quincy, tail wagging in the grocery store, can you imagine that she peed on my pants (laying on my lap) the first few times we went to visit the grocery store? She was that scared :) Hard to imagine now... :D

Leslie, can I ask you a personal favour? I just returnd from the vet and Quincy now has a bacterial skin infection...meaning more anti biotics :( So we had an earinfection, a bladder infection, skin infection, intestinal infection... In her past she had a very severe demodex infection. The "usual" puppy demodex is not that bad. You treat it and that's it. But the really severe Demodex infections (hard to treat, long period and many many different medications to get rid of it) are usually a sign of an underlying immune system problem. Do you know of any supplements/herbs that could be benificial to strengthen Quincy's immune system? You have so much knowledge in that area, I wouldn't know who else to ask. If it is too much for you, I understand and that's okay :) I love you no matter what... :)

Sas and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
09-23-2014, 11:43 AM
Sas, I'll be happy to do a bit of research and let you know what's available that may help. ;) There are many immune-boosting herbs. :)

09-23-2014, 12:08 PM
:) Thanks a bunch!

09-23-2014, 03:03 PM
Oh, Sas :) I hardly ever come on the forum anymore but when I do, the first thing I do is look for your posts. I've just been reading through your thread here, trying to catch up.....and I couldn't be happier for you and Quincy. She looks (from your video) and sounds (from your posts) like the perfect girl for you. And nobody is more deserving of such a wonderful assistant/companion than you are. The video has brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart, for you both. Of course, now I will have to check back more often to see your updates, for sure! I am glad you have gotten past the dental surgeries of last winter and that sweet Quincy has come into your life! Sue

Squirt's Mom
09-23-2014, 03:22 PM
First and foremost of course is nutrition. Take a good hard look at what Quincy is eating now and if needed get her on a higher quality feed, the highest you can manage. Ideally you can get with a canine nutritionist or nutritional consultant and work out the best diet for her.

Carotenoids can increase serum lutein which can boost the immune system. A mixed supplement of beta-carotene, lycopene, and Vit A and E in particular can be helpful. Dose according to Quincy's weight in proportion to the human dose. The minerals zinc and selenium can improve the immune system and help prevent infections. Dr. Susan Wynne recommends and uses a product called Moducare in patients with chronic demodicosis (demodectic mange).


Herbs that can help need to come from three main groups -

Immune-enhancing = Astragalus, Echinacea, Usnea, Ginseng, and mushrooms like Reishi, Maitake, Shitake, and Cordyceps. (astragalus is the one I would start with)

Tonic and adaptogenic = Panax, Eleutherococcus, and Ashwagandha (use these after the acute infection is under control)

Bitters = Oregon grape, Burdock, Wild Yam, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Chamomile, Dandelion, Thyme, Prickly Ash, Ginger, Yellow Dock, Barberry, Bupleurum, Forskohlii, Fringe tree, Fumitory, Picrorrhiza, Biacal skullcap

Hope that's enough to get you started.

EDITED TO ADD: This info came from Drs. Susan G. Wynne, Steve Marsden, Barbara J. Fougere

09-23-2014, 04:07 PM
Sas, just wanted to add that Dr. Wynn is the nutritional consultant at the specialty veterinary clinic here in Atlanta where Barkis was treated for his Cushing's. I have never met her, but I am really glad to know that she's locally available to me should I ever seek a referral to her!


09-23-2014, 05:14 PM
Oh Sue, how wonderful to "see" you again! :) And thank you so much for your kind words :) You and sweet Zoe are still such a big part of my life and time here on the forum...from day 1 and all days after that :)

Big hugs from me to you,

Sas and Quincy :)

09-23-2014, 05:33 PM
Dear, sweet Leslie I am grateful beyond words <hugs> You have so much on your own plate and nevertheless, always available to those of us who need your help, thank you! :)

About Quincy's food, right now she is on Royal Canin Hypo-allergenic dry food, twice daily, to see if that will bring a change (food-allergies) and I supplement it with salmon oil for the omega's 3 and 6. We're 3 weeks on the way now...so need to keep it up another 3 weeks. The vet gave her a cortisone injection and a 2 week course of Cefaral and a shampoo Sebomild-P. He did a skinskraping and found some dead (so, NOT alive) parasite eggs but he couldn't tell which parasites. Quincy has been treated with Stronghold in case of parasites and the finding of dead eggs suggests she did have some parasites but they now are killed by the Stronghold. It's not Demodex since she doesn't have the hairloss at the typical Demodex areas...
The vet said that for now he wants to see if this course of treatment will do the trick and if not, if it returns, he wants her to be seen by a dermatologist. All her infections are more than likely secundary and it's key to find the primary source of her weakend immune system.

Tomorrow, it's close to midnight now, I will look into all the info you gave me and start translating all the different herbs. I recognize a few like echinacea, ginseng and chamomile but the rest is abracadabra to me :) Just like the slippery elm you mentioned previously... When I finally found out what it was, it turned out it isn't available here :)

So thank you, thank you, thank you, Leslie :D And Marianne too...I'll make sure to check both your links :)

Big hugs,

Sas and Quincy :)

10-11-2014, 04:45 PM
Good evening to all :)

So far, things are going well here. Quincy is her usual, happy, loving to please, cudly self :D She took her last antbiotics last Monday evening and so far she is still doing well, itch wise, I so hope it stays this way...at least for a while :) I supplemented her food with the help of all the tips Leslie gave me and she now gets echinacea, chamomile and carrot flour in addition to the salmon oil.

Today we had our weekly class and Quincy did some jumping :D

Also, we keep training and she now also gets the dry laundry of off the rack :)

Last week, a cute teenage girl came to my house asking if I wanted to help her...? She's in her final year of "vet tech" school and she is supposed to do a presentation on a subject she could choose. She chose "service dogs" and asked if I wanted to help her...answer questions and be there the evening of the presentation (in front of fellow students, parents and teachers) and if possible, if I could give a demonstration with Quincy... Well, of course I will help her and come give a demonstration :D This will be January 15th, 2015.

And, this evening, a Facebookcommunity (in the USA), called "For the Love of Service Dogs", featured Quincy...so now she is going international ;)

So we're keeping busy and happy, hope the same goes for all of you!

Sas and Quins :)

molly muffin
10-12-2014, 07:47 PM
What wonderful and fun news. Some very exciting things coming up for you and Quincy. She is certainly our star, and yes international! How exciting. She is definitely a leader in her field. I'm so glad that she and you are being recognized for such stellar progress. Hopefully this will encourage others to look to the rescues for their service dogs and find that fit, to not give up when it seems that there isn't one and keep on trying.

So happy and proud of both of you.

Sharlene and molly muffin

10-13-2014, 06:49 AM
Oh, I love these updates on our girls!!!! :) :) :) :)

Just as Sharlene says, so proud of you both! ;) :D :D


Squirt's Mom
10-13-2014, 09:31 AM
I am so glad she is feeling better and that you found things available there for her to try. I love the FB tribute, too, and shared the story on my page. ;)

10-18-2014, 03:31 PM
Well, we did end up at the Dermatologist...which is okay :) This way we can hopefully find a treatable cause for her itching and recurring ear/skin infections.

The dermatologist is a very kind and sweet young lady (not too young though) and she took one look at Quincy's skin (which according to me looked very well...) and immediately said "yes, this is a dog with at least hypersensitive skin and probably allergic as well :eek: I mean, that skin looked perfect to me...nevertheless she saw right away there was a skin problem :)

So anyway, she gave me the allergie lecture, causes, treatment options etc and then said that it was the wisest thing to first rule out (or include) food allergies. So now, Quincy is on a 8 week strict diet of only RC An allergenic kibble. The newest version of dehydrolysed diet with the proteins cut up in the smallest possible parts (even smaller then in the time I had the allergie issues with Sogno) Smaller also then the Hill's Z/D, also a hydrolised diet. It's hard on her and difficult for me to watch her...:( But it's the way it is and I will stick to it for the next couple of weeks, no other option.

On a much brighter note...today we had our sports course again and it's so much fun :D I made a short video of 3 different elements we did today. In the first you see a "boring yet needed exercise"...quincy laying down in a marked square while I drive around it in my wheelchair :) The second clip is a personal touch I have added to the training to prepare Quincy on "working with distraction around her" :D In this case she needs to take off my wrist brace and hand it to me... The third clip...was her favorite and something we hadn't done before...crawling. She has to crawl underneath a plank but the puppy class is right next to us so you'll also see her going for it (Quins and "other dogs", thats a bit of an issue, hahahaha...she just loves other dogs and to keep her attention can be very hard. She just wants to run over and say hello :p) Anyway, it was a fun class :) And mind you, October 18th, still no coats required, that's crazy but awsome :D


Also, I uploaded a bunch of new pictures of Miss Quincy, the adorable one :D


And Thursday, the mantrailing instructor is coming for coffee and to talk about ways that I and Quincy can enrole in the "fun trailing" course she will be giving this winter. It takes some adapting for her mostly but she is bending over backwards to find a way to make it happen for Quins and myself...how kind is that? :) So hopefully we can add funtrailing to our "things that are fun to do" list ;)

Have a wonderful weekend all...we love you!

Sas and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
10-19-2014, 10:00 AM
And Thursday, the mantrailing instructor is coming for coffee and to talk...

Soooo, "mantrailing"..... is that like speed dating? :p

Your girl is absolutely gorgeous and coming along so well. But who's surprised at that?! Look who her mom is! ;)

molly muffin
10-19-2014, 10:29 AM
Hehehehe Leslie!

I agree completely Quincy is just so smart and has so much fun doing all the tasks. This must be heaven for her living with you. It's like the two of you have come together at the right time and right place.

Fun trailing should be a blast, hope you guys can figure that one out too.

Sharlene and molly muffin

10-19-2014, 10:37 AM
Hahaha Leslie...:p I thought it was an English word and didn't think to clarify, sorry :) Mantrailing is a seperate division within the SAR (search and rescue) branch. And with a nose like Quincy's, it will be soooo much fun to put it to good use :D It's the division that specialises in lost, living, humans. In forrests but also in urban area's etc. So it's not after disasters like an earthquake or something but simply missing persons. The lady who runs the hydrotherapy where I have been with Sogno, Yunah and Mhina, is thé expert and leading authority in the mantrailing field in The Netherlands (and far beyond) And she is coming to talk about if we can make it work with my wheelchair :) Of course we're not going to take the course (well, hopefully we can) to become an official mantrail team... It would be just for fun. (ask me again about the fun part when we're training in the middle of winter with temperatures below zero and the wind howling through the trees :eek: )

Hope this has convinced you I am NOT going speed dating...geezzzzzzzzzzz :rolleyes:

Sas ;)

molly muffin
10-19-2014, 10:56 AM
Hope this has convinced you I am NOT going speed dating...geezzzzzzzzzzz

Oh I don't know Sas, there is something to be said for listening to the pitch and then saying "righteo mate, NEXT" ROFLMAO!!!

That does sound like fun. How cool if you could do that for real too. I know you and Quincy could totally Do it.
Hmmm, howling wind, blowing cold and snow, don't they do this in the summer months??!!! hahahaha
On the other hand, Canada Goose has excellent coats that can keep you very warm, one of them comes all the way down to the ankles, keep you very toasty in that blowing cold. Think they might be a tad spendy though. Which sort of figures doesn't it. LOL

Still good times coming your way I bet!
sharlene and molly muffin

10-20-2014, 04:29 PM
Sharlene, have been doing and saying that for the past 23 years...anyone even slightly interested I send away...hehehehe :p That Canadian Goose sounds delightfull but also very much out of reach :D Just as out of reach as the heated jackets...that would be a dream come true. But that's all it will ever be, a dream :D But...having very little money I still found the perfect solution. I went to a dumpstore (where you can buy used army stuff) and bought a sleeping bag, one that was used for pole survivals...very very warm. I cut 2 holes at the top so I can put my arms through them and voila...I have a real cozy, wind and rain proof, very warm "jacket" to keep warm in my wheelchair during winter :D I can even fit a dog inthere as well, hahaha...the perfect solution for someone in a wheelchair with no money but still would like to keep warm and dry in the winter ;)

Sas :)

molly muffin
10-20-2014, 04:57 PM
That is so smart Sas!!! I don't have a canadian goose jacket either. Some winters I wish for one though. Lol. Maybe one day but a bit doubtful with Molly medical coming first. I work for her you know. Hehhehe

Sharlene and Molly muffin

10-25-2014, 06:48 PM
A typical Saturday evening :D


Sweet dreams all :)

10-28-2014, 02:07 AM
Fall continues to be magnificent here :D So we continue to profit from it... It's so much fun and it's so easy to take Quincy for walks into unknown territories with unknown dogs, she gets along with everyone, she's delightfull :D She played with at least 20 different dogs during yesterday's walk :eek:

And she's incredably willing to please :) When I'm on my bed, in the evening, and too tired ( well...too lazy actually) to get the tv guide and the remote control who are just out of reach for me (at least, out of reach if I don't want to move a bit :p ), Quincy provides me with roomservice and hands them to me :D

And in a hour and half, she is going to accompany me to the hospital, her second visit to a hospital. The first time she did very well...let's see how she will handle today's visit :)

Saskia and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
10-28-2014, 08:23 AM
Oh she is so beautiful, Sas! Her coat gleams, her eyes shine with joy and love, and it is obvious she is delighted to do her job, eager to please her mom. I am so happy for you both!

molly muffin
10-28-2014, 07:40 PM
Yep, Quincy is a beauty. Two beautiful girls, hanging out, doing their thing, enjoying the days.
How did the hospital trip go? I bet Quincy just Loves her life these days.


11-03-2014, 01:43 PM
And a couple of new videos... :)

At home I don't have push buttons to open doors and such so Quincy never had to do that. But the entrance door at the apartmentcomplex where my parents life, does have a push button. So I wanted to see if Quins would/could do it...just to be sure she understood it, we did it a second time. This is her absolute first time ever... :D

This was at the course last Saturday. Quincy has to lay down and stay down, at a distance, till I call her...

At the pharmacy today. The first time ever Quincy gets something from the desk and hands it to me...unleashed :D

And this is just a fun video showing Quins during our walks. When she just came here, she was afraid to play with me...and look at her now :D Afraid? No way, she is constantly challenging me, daring me..crawling backwards (perhaps we should start doggy dancing, judging by some of Quincy's moves, hehehe..), jumping on(and taking bites out of :eek: ) mole hills, jumping on my armrest, barking at me...running around my chair....she's having a blast nowadays :D

And THE cutest picture ever of Quins...

Sas and Quincy :)

molly muffin
11-03-2014, 07:51 PM
She is sooo smart!!! Once she started learning, it seems like there is no stopping her.

You're right, cutest picture Ever.


Bailey's Mom
11-15-2014, 09:14 PM
Hi Sas!

I've just gone back to August and read everything and watched every video. It gives one a bit of a different perspective on Quincy. It's like watching a slow motion reel of her growing up. How old is she now?

Oh she is so beautiful, Sas! Her black coat is so shiny, it gleams. You can see the happiness in her eyes. It is so wonderful seeing a dog get comfortable with a new owner and then start to thrive. It is obvious she is delighted to do as you ask, eager to please her mom. I am so happy for you both! I like her spunk. :D

May I ask what you use as training treats? It looks like sometimes you have something like baby food in jars and at other times you seem to have some sort of kibble or such thing.

It just really warmed my heart, especially knowing all you have been through, to see you both so happy. You have done a magnificent job. Bailey will arrive after lunch time. ;) Let me know when she's ready to be picked back up.:)

Squirt's Mom
11-16-2014, 08:17 AM
Oh she is SO HAPPY, Sas! That posture of a lowered front end with splayed front legs is one I love to see in any dog. You just have to giggle! Squirt would slap the ground with both front feet and it would tickle me every time. :p Everything about them then says, "Come on! Let's play, let's wrestle, let's chase that squirrel, let's dig, let's find some TROUBLE!" :D

She has come so far but that's not in the least surprising considering whose hand has been guiding her and loving her. You are amazing, Sas.

11-16-2014, 12:12 PM
Hi Susan :)

Yes, she has come a long way in the past 4 months...I am so proud of her. And yes, she is becoming more and more beautiful, the shine of her coat, the shine in her eyes, her gait, her posture... She turned 2 last June so she's almost 2.5 years old now :)

The treats I use(d)...the treat in the small can was liverpaste but she cannot have that anymore since she is, for now, on an elimination diet. So now she gets hydrolysed kibble, it's all she can have for now (as a treat). Her meals consist of boiled patatoes and deer in the hope she can support the deer proteins. If she can, there are more possibilities for treats and chewies (out of 100% deer)

Once her allergy issues are sorted out (hopefully ít's "only" a food allergy) I'm thinking of taking in a foster. I kind of had forgotten how much I love training dogs (not neccesarily as a service dog but building their confidence, their self esteem, teaching them to trust and how the world works) and Quincy has reminded me of that again :D And Quincy now is stable enough to be an example to more insecure dogs :) As a service dog, we have finished training, she can do whatever I need her to do. So now we have started to do some "fun training" where I am teaching her to do some "moves", kind of like doggy dance :D And of course, we are still waiting to see if I can enter Quincy in a man-trailing course, just for fun. So we are keeping busy but enjoying it so incredably much. We have just one time left of our sports course and then we will have finished our 12 lessons.

I'll be anxiously awaiting Bailey's arrival, hahahaha...should be a lot of fun :p


Saskia and Quincy :)

11-16-2014, 12:35 PM
Leslie, yes...she is. She is truly and utterly HAPPY :D :D :D And so am I :) She has a "naughty" side to her that makes me laugh so often and so much...she has changed my life profoundly and all for the better :) She does this "crawling backwards" thing with her butt up on a daily base, many, many times a day even today in the pouring rain. How can anyone mind getting wet when you see that little but go up in the air and move backwards :D

She's so funny and so eager to "work" that it will get us sometimes in funny situations ;) Here's a link to a video I made at the pharmacy. When Quins got me the first box of medications from the desk, I noticed it wasn't enough, I had ordered more medications and so the assistant went to check. And yes, there were two more packages with medications. So Quincy had to get 2 more boxes from the desk... After she got the second one, I sent her back for the third and last package and then she sees a flyer :D She will get me anything, whether I need it or not :p

Here we are doing a fun training. When I raise a hand, Quins has to raise a paw. Something we had never ever tried before... You'll see how she looks at me, looks...and then copies my move :D And how to make a circle...

Quincy going through a tunnel

And Quincy getting me my Tena

And Quincy having fun during one of our walks


Saskia and Quincy :)

11-17-2014, 01:39 PM
Quins has always been "leaking" a tiny bit of urine. Nothing to get upset about till one day, the leaking became a lot worse. I brought an urinesample to the vetclinic and sure thing, she had a blladderinfection. No big deal, it was treated with anti biotics and that was that. She merily kept leaking a little bit but hey...I have hard floors, a mop and well, that's all it takes, right? :D Till this weekend, she again started leaking more and this morning, I again went with an urinesample to the vetclinic. No bladderinfection but they did find a christal in her urine (just this one), the PH was too high and the urine wasn't concentrated enough. So the next step was to draw blood for an extended kidney (and other stuff) panel. The bloodsample is sent to the lab of the Veterinary University so I expect the results back in a couple of days. And no, I didn't ask for the exact PH number or the concentration number... I figured I'll get them all at once when the bloodtest result come back :) Please keep your fingers crossed it's nothing special...

Sas :)

Squirt's Mom
11-17-2014, 02:01 PM
I simply cannot bear to think anything else!

Bailey's Mom
11-18-2014, 07:31 AM
Fingers crossed.....looking forward to your good news.

11-18-2014, 07:38 AM
Me too! All fingers and paws crossed here!!!

molly muffin
11-18-2014, 10:13 AM
Fingers and paws crossed here too. Come on Quincy girl.


11-19-2014, 01:34 PM
My vet just called with the result of the bloodtest...Quins is in perfect health! :D All results were right where they should be...nothing out of the ordinary. Kidneys, liver, thyroid, you name it, it was perfect :)

So now we're going to try some medication to see if that helps with her leaking urine. For me, personally, I don't mind, not with the amount she is leaking at this point. Like I said, I have hard floors and a mop...and for the night, when she sleeps in my bed, she wears SnuggEase so she won't leak in the bed. For me, that's good enough but she has to accompany me to hospitals and such and that's why I have to treat it. Can't have her leaking urine in stores and hospitals, that's unacceptable. But bottomline, I have a perfectly healthy, happy, playfull dog who just leaks a bit of urine... Guess what? So do I and Quincy already knows how to get the Tena :p

Sas :D

11-19-2014, 02:18 PM
Whew, what a relief, Sas! Thank goodness!!!! :) :) :)


Squirt's Mom
11-19-2014, 03:08 PM
Big sigh of relief! So glad to hear this, Sas!

11-28-2014, 04:45 PM
Well, Miss Quincy has been on her "incontinence medication" for a week now and after only 2 days of taking it, she stopped leaking completely :D Not seeing any side effects so it seems like it is going all very well for her :) I will however, miss seeing her in her diaper, hahaha...she looked like a little monkey wearing it :p

We had our last training for this year :( I will miss it and so will Quins. We did get our "diploma" and a lot of praise to go with it :D Here's a video of our last training...

And here's one of Quincy taking of my neckbrace :)

And Quincy "the doorman" ;)

And this is Bob, an 11 month old yellow Lab. He's a very high energy dog and his owner, was my trainer during the course I took with Quins :) She asked me if I wanted to help her to train Bob and of course I said yes...way too much fun :D Here you see him during a training session where he has to touch the drawer with his nose (in order to close it...in the future) He was soooo tired that he fell asleep, stretched out on my bed in the livingroom :p He comes once or twice a week for some training and me helping his owner to train him, gosh it's so much fun :D

So all and all, things are going well with Miss Quincy, myself and our life :) We lead a full and satisfactory life, in harmony and complete understanding of each other. I kind of had forgotten how wonderful life can be, how peaceful life feels, despite all the hardships, when you have a true companion at your side, when you have a truly problemless relationship with your dog. And...when you have a dog so dedicated and so devoted as Quincy is :)

Saskia and Miss Quincy :)

molly muffin
12-02-2014, 07:11 PM
Oh Quincy is brilliant! You two make an excellent team.

Wow, 11 month old, full of energy at that age and all over the place with their legs if I remember correctly. That must be fun to train Bob.


Squirt's Mom
12-03-2014, 08:53 AM
She is just beautiful and it is so obvious she is in heaven by your side!

12-15-2014, 05:57 PM
Things are still going well here :D Quins is as happy as can be and still growing and develloping herself.

With the cold weather, she has a lot more work to do...4 times a day (after our walks), she has to take all my extra winterclothing off meaning gloves, coat, shoes and ski-pants. Four times a day and she loves every one of those 4 :D Apart from these four times, she also has to take off my clothes when we go for our afternoon nap and of course at night around bedtime. So that's 6 times a day :)

Some days she has to do it even more often for example when I have to go to hospital. She will take off my coat in a full waitingroom with a complete stranger filming her...no problem, that coat has to come off :D

One of the charactertraits I love in her, is her determination. She will try and try untill she succeeds in her task. Or if her ball rolls under the couch, she doesn't come running to me...she will lay on the floor, tries to get the ball from underneath the couch with one frontpaw...then the other, she will try from a different angle, roll over backwards just to get the ball herself :) Here you see her with three pretty large (for her) packages she needs to hand to me. But the packages are getting in her way, they are difficult to hold, she needs to lift them up and over my footrest, all and all a difficult task for her. But all you see is a determined dog, enjoying it so much to try and get the task done... A very proud little doggy that will let nothing and no one stop her from doing and completing her task :D

I am so proud of her...

Saskia and Quincy :)

molly muffin
12-15-2014, 06:38 PM
I love how she does every task with such joy and she learns what works as she goes. (the packages, the last one she had it figured out). That tail is always going, you can just tell how happy she is.

I'm proud of both of you!!


Squirt's Mom
12-16-2014, 08:07 AM
What a wonderful girl she is and so proud of what she does!

12-19-2014, 06:45 PM

Bedtime in The Netherlands, sweet dreams in advance from us to you :)

Saskia and Quincy :)

01-07-2015, 08:43 PM
Hi Sas!
Have been away from the forum since Miss Chloe's passinga year ago but here I am with a new little treasure, Miss Peaches, who has Cushing's and diabetes. We are in the very beginning stage of regulating both diseases but we will take one day at a time. When I left the forum you were going through a very rough time and I am so glad that you now have Quincy!

01-12-2015, 04:12 PM
Carrol, how wonderful to "see" you again :) And with that oh so cute little Miss Peaches no less :D What a wonderful person you are for adopting this gorgeous little girl that has Cushing's and diabetes...what a lucky girl she is to have landed in your loving arms :)

And yes indeed, we both were in a rough place a year ago. I lost my Mhina on december 27th 2013, just a few days before you lost your Miss Chloe...

But look at us now, both here again, both back with a new girl :)

Really glad you're here again (and of course, not because of the Cushings...but you know what I mean)...


Sas and Quincy :)

01-20-2015, 04:34 PM
A lot has happened so there's a lot to update :)
This past Thursday, Quincy and I have given our very first demonstration about what service dogs can do and what they mean to their person :D It was at a highschool and we had an almost 300 people audience :eek: I was terrified (to see that huge crowed in front of me) but Quincy didn't even blink :cool: Oh my gosh...this girl is something else. She just loves her work so very much, doesn't matter where we are, whose there or what is happening around her...she just works and wags and wags and wags her tail :D And she is so darn smart (and a smarty pants too :p ) that she keeps surprising me all the time. I had made a "programme" for myself of what to show during the demonstration so I would know how much time it would take...more or less and how much time I had to speak :) Well, all of the things I wanted to demonstrate are things she does on a daily base and I didn't practice them beforehand, no need, she does these things daily so she knows how to do them. But I wanted to add something fun and so, the day before the demonstration, I taught Quincy to get the hankerchief from my purse when I sneezed. (The sneeze itself was the command to go get the hankerchief) So, I did practise this a few times... So, when we did the demo, Quincy started with taking off my rainpants, then she picked up a few groceries and placed them in my shopping bag...and next was my purse. In the purse were, amongst other items, my cellphone and the hankerchief. I asked someone to dial my cellphone number and when it rang, (no command needed) Quincy went to my purse, got the phone out and brought it to me. Before I could do or say anything...Quincy returned to the purse and got the hankerchief out and brought it as well...hahahaha. She knew it was coming next and just went ahead and got it :D :D :p :p Miss Smartypants, hehehehe...she is just soooo very funny ;)

Anyway, after Quincy's spectacular show a teacher came up to us and asked if I wanted to come next Thursday (the 29th) to come teach her class for an entire lesshour :eek: A demonstration is one thing...teaching for an hour, is quite a differant thing...but I couldn't resist and said yes :D I just love it too much and Quincy is brilliant for the task :) So we are going full speed and loving it :)

And as you may remember, Quincy was put on an elimination diet to see if she was allergic to food. Well, during these 8 weeks of this diet, we had to treat 3 infections, all ears and/or skin. So, we concluded that food wasn't the (only) culprit and the dermatologist and I agreed we needed to test her for other allergies. Those results came in today. This was a "general" allergy test, it was just looking for the "groups" of possible allergens. She tested positive for mites, yeast, grasses and weeds/herbs, 4 groups. Now the testing will be more specific so we can find out for which mites specifically, which yeasts specifically, wich grasses specifically and whichs weeds/herbs specifically she is allergic. Once they are detected, the will put together a fluid that will contain these exact allergens and we will start to desensitize her. It's an 8 - 9 month period in which she will receive regular injections with the allergens (I can give them myself) in the hope her immune system will get used to them (the easy version) and therefore won't feel the need to react. This desensitition therapy works very well for about 33% of all dogs in the sense they no longer need medication, for another 33% it works to some extend, meaning these dogs will still recquire some treatment but considerably less then they would have otherwise. And the final 33% of the dogs do not respond at all to the desensitation. These dogs will need a lot more Pred and antibiotics throughout their lifetime. But there's a 66% chance that she will improve...and that is quite a good starting point. So I opted to try this therapie. We can always resort to the pred and such if needed...but it would be great if Quincy would be one of those 66% that will improve, moderately or greatly. We are now waiting for the test to show the specific thigs she is allergic too and for them to make her fluid so we can start the desensitation process :)

All in all, we are doing very well (the Atopy, well, that's a fact and I am not going to let it affect me in anyway), we're having fun and I feel exceptionally blessed that Quincy came my way, I love her to bits, atopy and all :p

Saskia and Quincy :)

01-20-2015, 04:52 PM
Saskia -- I first came to "know" you from your time with Yunah and I was here with my first Cush pup, Maggie. I always enjoyed reading your posts. I am back with my second Cush pup, Abbie, and you are now with Quincy and I am still enjoying your posts!

01-20-2015, 06:19 PM
Hi Judy, I sure remember you and dear Maggie :) How time flies... I am so happy for you that you now have Abbie in your life, Cushing's and all :) Any dog, but particularly one with Cushing's , landed in the right place with you, caring as you are and familiar with Cushing's :) For some reason it is not in our stars to have dogs without any problem (healthwise) whatsoever... :D But here we are, oh so happy with our dogs and loving them to pieces...isn't life great and weird? ;)

It's after midnight here but one of these days I will read up on you and Abbie...

Saskia and Quincy :)

01-29-2015, 09:54 AM
Today was the day where we had to teach for an entire hour and we have soooo enjoyed it! Quins was amazing :D The kids and the teacher loved her and were in awe ;)

I added a few pics of Quins at work in the classroom and some snow pics http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/album.php

She came into my life, half a year ago, a former Polish stray who didn't even know the word "sit", and look at her now, she passed her service dog exam and visits schools to show the children what she can do, she's nothing short of a miracle :D

On the atopy subject...this past week my entire home was adapted to try and reduce the dustmites exposure to a minimum. All matrasses, all duvets and pillows are now covered with anti allergenic covers. The rug in the livingroom is removed, the cushions will be covered with leather covers, etc. So hopefully this will help to some extend :) Still waiting on the desensitation fluid to start treatment/therapy. But right now she\s doing okay, some shaking her head (ears), somewhat itchie but manageble but that may be due to the fact we have some snow right now :) Looking forward to the future, to everything Quins and I will undertake, to our lives together and to everything the future holds...:)

Saskia and Quincy :)

02-03-2015, 08:28 AM
"Some of our greatest treasures we place in a museum, others we take for walks"...and how true that is :)


Saskia :)

02-13-2015, 07:32 AM
This morning we were taking a nice, lovely, sunshine filled walk in the countryside, when we encoutered 2 goats :) Just had to share the video of what follows...Quincy wanting to play with the goats :D Unfortunately, the goats didn't want to play.... poor Quincy :( She's just so adorable and simply wants to play with anyone she meets, 2 legged, 4 legged, 3 legged, doesnt matter :D


Saskia and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
02-13-2015, 08:17 AM
LOL She got the zoomies over those goats! It looks to me like you now need either another dog or a goat for Quincy, Sas! :D

02-13-2015, 01:22 PM
Wouldn't she just love that, her own goat :D

Sas ;)

02-14-2015, 02:35 PM
Here's another one, just because she's so darn cute... and very good in cleaning up after herself :D :p

"get your harnass...put it away" :)


Sas and Quincy :)

02-16-2015, 06:20 AM
Oh it does everyone's heart good to see such wonderful videos of Quincy - it does mine. :)


02-19-2015, 04:39 PM
After 4,5 weeks, Quincy's custommade desensitationfluids arrived and today I gave her her first shot :) Now, keeping everything crossed that she will respond well to the desensitationtherapy and that in 8 till 9 months she has imprioved greatly :D

I also received the results of the specific allergens she's allergic to and I was stunned, to say the least :) She's allergic to 26 different kinds of grass :eek: , to a lot of weeds and herbs (18 in total), to 3 differant types of dustmites (I had no idea there were differant types), to haymites, flourmites, moldmites and to 5 types of mold from 3 differant species of mold and to yeast of course :)

Sure hope we will be able to "teach" her immunesystem not to overreact so badly to the above mentioned allergens.

Apart from this therapy, we have an entire regime of other stuff, mostly to help her skinbarrier that's "broken" which causes fluids to leave through her skin and for bacteria, yeast and mites and stuf to enter her skin. It involves showering, using spot-on treatments and of course omega 3 and 6, sinc, vit E and more :) Oh, and of course the "paw-wash" after each walk :D I am determined to get this under control, as you can tell ;)

Well, it's getting late here, time for me to go to sleep... Wishing you all my best and already "sweet dreams" eventhough for most of you it's not near bedtime yet :)

Saskia and Quincy :)

molly muffin
02-19-2015, 05:26 PM
Oh I hope this will help to desensitize her! Holy cow that is a lot of allergens!

I'm sure that if it is possible to get it under control of some sort, then you are just the person to do it!


02-20-2015, 01:32 PM
Something entirely different...but fun :) I'm always looking for cheap ways and came across this oh so cute dogbed made of a classic wooden pallet. I will use this as Quincy's loungebed outside in the garden :D So if there's anyone outthere that's a bit handy...this is a nice and cheap way to make a nice dogbed :D


Sas and Quincy :)

Squirt's Mom
02-20-2015, 02:29 PM
Goodness! What a list! Bless both your hearts. I hope the fluids and baths do the trick and she can develop some weapons to use against those nasty allergens.

I saw a bed like that on FB and thought how cute! I like the ones made out of the old TV cabinets, too.

02-20-2015, 03:02 PM
I hope Quincy responds as well as Spicey did to the desensitisation therapy. She too suffered from many allergies and once we started on the immunotherapy injections she improved dramatically. She had an injection every month all of her life. Good Luck.


02-28-2015, 08:57 AM
Thanks Linda, I sure hope as well that it will help Quincy with her allergy issues :) She just had her second shot...such a good girl she is :D

And yesterday we had Don, the Beagle staying with us. He stays with us one day a week. His owners both work and have adjusted their workschedules so Don is never alone, except for one day a week...they couldn't adjust it. Since he is old (15!) and suffering from severe allegies and iatrogenic Cushing's (due to the pred he needs for his allergies), they don't want him with just any dogsitter or a doggy daycare and so he stays with us that day :) It's just so lovely to have him around. Of course he sleeps a lot but he actually will play for a few minutes several times a day when he is here :) We go for walks, he gets something to eat and then sleeps again. He's such a beautiful old man... :)

Saskia and Quincy :)

02-28-2015, 10:13 AM
Hi, Saskia! Don looks like he thoroughly enjoys his time with you and Quincy. :D

He is very handsome--I am, of course, partial to the white faced pups! Love the picture of Quincy trying to will Don awake.

02-28-2015, 10:24 AM
Thought you would enjoy it :) There are quite a few Beagle lovers on this forum and add that white face...BINGO! :D Yes, it's cute those 2...the energetic Quincy who is really trying hard to behave herself and to let Don sleep...but ohhhhhhh would she love it when he woke up and would play with her ;) But she is very polite...at least trying her hardest to be :p But once Don is awake, she always manages to engage him in some play but gently :) And once we go for a walk, a slow, short walk...Quincy just cannot contain herself anymore and she "attacks" him playfully...but never even touches him. But she just has to do it :D We're always looking forward to Fridays...our "Don day" :)

Sas and Quincy :)

04-01-2015, 12:09 PM
Things are going well here, exceptionally well :D Quincy has changed so much... Was she rather shy and timid and fearfull when she came here 8 months ago, she now fully enjoys life, exploring every tiny bit she can...to the point where I sometimes have to hold her back a little because she otherwise becomes too rambuntious :eek: When I first took her to stores and supermarkets, she would pee on my pants, she was that terrified. These days, Quincy goes through supermarkets like "Hurricane Quincy" :D "Oh wait, I have to check what's around that corner".... "Hold on, I think there is someone calling me, be right back..." or "Can't fetch anthing right now, too busy sniffing out what is under that shelf", hahahaha :p Really, she is starting to learn the world and everything that is in it...and LOVING it :D Fear has subsided and nosy to a fault replaced it, timid? No way, everyone is her new best friend these days...she is absolutely hilarious and very, very outgoing :)

Our walks are always a delight, never a dull moment there for Quincy...walks are a good reason to celebrate life ;)

And always eager to learn, to use those brains of hers... Yesterday we started to train how to pile up cups...

Today she can pile up 4 cups in a row :D

So all and all, we are very happy, we laugh a great deal and we keep learning new things (mostly just to occupy her brain but that is fun too). She is my little miss smartass...(can I say that here...?) and I love her to pieces :)

Saskia and Quincy :)

04-01-2015, 03:00 PM
Saskia -- loved the videos! :D Quincy really does look like she loves to learn.