View Full Version : My Precious and cushings (8 y/o Staffie in U.K.)

01-12-2014, 02:23 PM
Hello everyone,

Let me introduce myself and my dog Precious.
She's a 8 year old Staffordshire bull terrier who started showing signs of this terrible disease 12 months ago:

Huge thirst and appetite.
Loss of hair behind ears and stomach.
Unhappy and lacking enthusiasm .
Pot belly .
Loss of muscle
Hard lumps of skin sometimes weeping .

I was probably slow in noticing this problem just thinking she had a skin problem and over eating and then the incredible thirst happened she was drinking around 5 pints of water a day .
After taking her to my usual vet he firstly suspected thyroid and the test came back positive, we started the process of treating this with 40mg thyforon but the symptoms didn't improve.
We then noticed that her hind legs became very shaky and weak so visited another local vet and asked him could it be Cushings disease.
A urine and a blood test confirmed that this was likely and treatment was started with Vetoryl immediately ,more tests were carried out at regular intervals and now we've started testing at 2 monthly intervals.
Here thirst has become more realistic and maybe a small bowl full a day her, hunger has suppressed but not totally gone away.
She has hard lumps still under her skin but these have not grown or appeared anywhere else on her body.
The hair loss has not really improved she's still bald around the ears and all her underside and rear legs.
I would say the pot belly has got smaller and some muscle returned,but her rear legs are shaky and she struggles jumping up steps and generally shows weakness in the legs.
She's still excited by walking but seems to not want to go far at all.
She's currently being fed on a mixture of good quality fresh minced meats chicken and beef usually with fresh vegetables and mixed fruits with a all natural no additive complete dry food duck and rice ,
She has a generall vitamin daily and a small dose of fish oil, and glucosamine tablet.
She's currently prescribed Vetoryl 120 mg and has this with food in the morning.
She is still having the treatment for thyroid.
And a sprinkle of cushex on her food daily.

Sorry I haven't got the blood details available but she has to be tested again this month so will post them then.

I really feel for you guys that are also dealing with a poorly pets as I understand they are everything to us animal lovers.

Update soon..

John and Precious.......

01-12-2014, 02:31 PM
Hello ,

Does anyone know of a Vet in the Uk who specialises in Cushings?

Seems to be a big lack of knowledge in the general veterinary practices.


Roxee's Dad
01-12-2014, 03:12 PM
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01-13-2014, 06:39 AM
Dear John,

Welcome to you and Precious! I have only a moment to post this morning, but wanted to let you know your membership approval has been finalized, so you should have no problem now with posting. :)

Also, I have taken the liberty of adding a bit more info to your thread title so that our other U.K. members will be more likely to "see" you and help out with the question you have asked about vet support.

I am very glad you've found us, and we will be looking forward to more updates about your girl.


01-13-2014, 01:53 PM
Welcome to you and Precious. I love SBT they always look like they are smiling :D

Where in the UK are you, I,m UK as well. I used an Internal Medicine Specialist at the animal hospital who was also an endocrinologist. Do you not think your vet is clued up enough on cushings? Can you search any vets local to you, to see if they are any better. We have a few people on here who are learning with there vet and educating each other.:D

01-13-2014, 02:46 PM
Hello , thanks for the reply's ...
My vets willing to listen and find out more,he's treating a few dogs with cushings but admits he's not a expert on the subject.

Would love to find a expert in the uk ..


01-13-2014, 05:31 PM
Hi John

Welcome, I am a uk member near London and I have Staffordshire bull terriers too, love your little girls name as they are such precious doggies but I guess we are biased :D

Just wanted to check with you how much she currently weighs? Also what tests were done initially to diagnose cushings? When did she last have her ACTH test and did they indicate whether she was controlled at that dose? Did you start on 120 or work up to it?

It is possible for your vet to consult with dechra who manufacture vetoryl if they have any queries on the blood results, you can also get referred to an internal animal specialist to have an ultrasound to determine if it is adrenal or pituitary and they would also then be available to consult. There are some specialists but they are dotted around the country and I don't believe we are as advanced as our friends in the states unfortunately.

Look forward to hearing more about your girlie


molly muffin
01-13-2014, 08:35 PM
I don't think that in the UK or in Canada we have nearly as much interaction with the drug makers or as many universities that are doing studies on cushings.

However, finding a university is often one of the best way to find a specialist. Or if you happen to run across someone who has used a specialist.

Tracy and Mel have both had experience and are in different areas of the UK, so maybe would have some ideas.

The main thing is to keep track of all test results, usually by getting copies of all the test results and having your own home file and then knowing what the optimal ranges are that you want the test to show.
Knowledge is key to cushings and the more you know the better things usually go.

We have a wonderful resource section to study up and any specific questions, we have usually have someone around who can answer and/or have experience in any given area.

Welcome to the forum
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

01-16-2014, 12:22 PM
Thanks Guys for the replies.
She currently weighs 19kg's and I keep her on a very strict controlled diet of quality foods and vegetables.
She started straight on that dose vetoryl and has had 4 blood tests since starting on them in October , my vet suggested testing again in February to analyse the blood and see if its near correct.
The symptoms have gotten better especially the thirst and hunger but she's still pot bellied and suffers with stiff legs and joints.
I was considering some short sessions of hydrotherapy to help her with exercise as she doesn't enjoy her walks like she used to.


01-17-2014, 04:14 AM
I am pleased she has been tested every month since starting, do you have any idea what her last result was? I don't want to worry you but that is a high dose for a 19kg dog. Tia was 16.3kg when she was started on 50mg of vetoryl the highest we went up to was 60 mg.

The medicine insert for vetoryl recommends a higher mg per pound but in reality since that was published they think it's better to go with a lower mg but the leaflet has never been updated

I am sure that you watch her like a hawk but if she seems off, stops eating or has runny stools stop the medicine and get her to the vets for an ACTH and electrolytes check ASAP

The cortisol helps with the inflammation so she might be feeling sore in her back legs. One of our other members in the states has used hydrotherapy and I believe it has helped.


01-17-2014, 05:49 AM
That's good news that the symptoms are starting to get better. As Mel said the stiff legs maybe due to the cortisol levels dropping.

Hydro is great Woody had 6 sessions when he hurt his back and couldn,t walk and piled on weight. Just make sure you go to a registered one, your vet needs to refer you. Woody only did 10 mins at a time in the treadmill tank and he slept for hours afterwards, but in 6 sessions he was almost as good as new.:)