View Full Version : Misty - Husky taking Vetoryl

01-10-2014, 12:13 PM
I everyone.I'm new here I'm. Tiffany. And My husky misty was diagnosed lady summer with cushings. Shes taking the 60mg vetoryl 2 pills in the morning and 1at night. The cost is crazy. I get 10%off at the vet but its still about 103 for a box of 30 which only lasts me 10 days. So I'm constantly back at the vet to get more and they all know me by now but yet they still always ask the vet ifi can refill it. I feel like the should have some kind of note in her chart about being ok to refill until her next testing is done. Its so frustrating .

01-10-2014, 03:02 PM
Hi Tiffany,

Welcome to you and Misty! I noticed you had posted this reply to a thread off our main forum, so I have taken the liberty of moving your reply here so as to create this new thread that is yours alone. This way, it will be easier for our other members to welcome you, too, and talk with you directly.

Can you tell us a bit more about Misty's treatment history? What led you to suspect Cushing's, and which diagnostic tests were performed? And how is she doing now after having taken the Vetoryl for a few months?

As far as the cost of the Vetoryl, a number of our members have found that they can buy it more cheaply from internet pharmacies than from their vets. Also, it would probably be cheaper for you to buy and give her one 120 mg. capsule in the morning rather than two 60 mg. capsules. Misty is definitely taking a hefty dose of Vetoryl at a total of 180 mg. daily. Has she had follow-up ACTH testing that confirms this is the most appropriate dose for her?

Sorry for so many questions, but we are glad you've found us and look forward to learning more about your girl.


01-10-2014, 05:11 PM
Thank you. Misty was first put on just the 2 pills a day when she was first diagnosed. After about 2 weeks on that she had her first ACTH test and when the vet got those results the pill at night was added. She just had a 6 month. ACTH test the vet said to keep the medication as it is.the office has never offered the 120mg I didn't know they it until I found this forum. Its not easy afford her meds as of right now I need 3 boxes of 60mg. Just to cover a month and that's over $300. I am definitely going to look into getting the vetroyl from one of yge sites ive seen recommended on here.
Here's some background on Misty.
Misty is an 8 yr old Siberian husky, she's like my oldest daughter lol. I got her when she was 9 weeks old. Shes a big girl. Even as a puppy she was larger then other huskies we've been around. A lot of people has asked if shes part malamute but nope shes an AKC registered Siberian husky.
The last few years. She had really started to put on wieght and the vet we had been seeing just said she was over eating and had us cut her portions. Finally we found this vet and they did a full workup and suggusted testing for cushings. This is when we finally found out and started treatments. And shes finally starting to loose wieght and be more active again.
ok that was a lot. Sorry. Lol any advice anyone can give would be great.

Harley PoMMom
01-10-2014, 06:21 PM
Hi Tiffany,

Welcome to you and Misty from me as well! I was wondering if you could get your hands on copies of all those ACTH stimulation test results and post them here for us. Also, did your vet mention that Vetoryl has to be given with food to be properly absorbed? Has Misty's ACTH testing been performed 4-6 hours post pill?

To help cut down on the cost of the medication, Trilostane, which is the active ingredient in Vetoryl, can be compounded. Many members use Diamondback for their compounded Trilostane, here's a handy link: Diamondback Drugs - Veterinary Medicine and Compounding … (http://www.diamondbackdrugs.com/)

How are Misty's symptoms? Is she eating, drinking, and having normal bowel movements?

Our Resource Thread has a lot of information about Trilostane/Vetoryl, here's a link: Trilostane/Vetoryl Information and Resources (http://www.k9cushings.com/forum/showthread.php?t=185) Feel free to print anything out!

Please remember we will help in any way we can so do not hesitate to ask all the questions you want. ;)

Hugs, Lori