View Full Version : Woody
12-20-2013, 07:19 AM
Morning babes, pfft where do I start, I didn,t think I,d find myself in this section for a while to come.:(
I miss you wee man, you were my life. You were the cheekiest, funniest, stubborn, feisty little dog and I love every hair on your body. You kept me on my toes, you never asked for much as long as you had food and toys you were happy. I can,t believe years ago someone threw you out into the cold, wet streets but it was there lose and my gain. You taught me so so much, you lived for the moment, played like your life depended on it and snuggled so good. I hope you had a good afternoon yesterday and that you understand why it was your time. Woods there is no words to describe how I feel losing you but I know one day we will meet again. I need you to do something for me, when you get to the bridge, Bruno will be there now he was the total opposite of you and he was a JR, please be nice to him he will along with the other angels look after you till I get to met up with you both.
love and licks mum xx
I said this to you everynight and will continue to do so
Night Night wee man, mummy loves you, see you in the morning xx
Bo's Mom
12-20-2013, 07:36 AM
What sweet words to Woody. I still can't bring myself to write Bo's tribute. I just break down everytime...but I do know he knew how much he was loved.
Bo waited for Woody because Bo always wants to show the newest member at the Rainbow Bridge the best places to run and show off with the wind blowing in their faces. Happy times await our Angels and they wait for us with open arms.
12-20-2013, 05:59 PM
Night night wee man, mummy loves you, see you in the morning xx
12-21-2013, 05:48 AM
Morning babes, it was so weird this morning not seeing you lying on the sofa with your paws in the air waiting on tummy rubs. The house is so quiet I really don,t know what to do with myself. I miss you so much little one xxxx
12-21-2013, 07:08 PM
Night night wee man, mummy loves you, see you in the morning ;)
12-22-2013, 06:32 AM
Hey little one, mums a bit late this morning, how you doing up there I hope your being nice to all the other furbabies there. Have you managed to catch any rabbits yet? I don,t know what to say to you today other than be good and I miss you so very much, I fell empty but trying to focus on the good times with you and my were there plenty. xx
12-23-2013, 07:22 PM
Well Woody it has been a week today since your second episode, you frightened me that day, the look in your eyes will haunt me forever, do you remember I lay with you on the floor and held you till you felt better. Its also a week since the last time you were in the house, a whole 7 days since we snuggled up that night, and you snored and pushed me to the edge of the bed. I lay a long time that night watching you, taking in every inch of you and softly crying. You were oblivious to this as you were asleep, all cosy with your head on the pillow you looked so cute and peaceful. I can,t believe your gone, I miss you so so much, but I,m trying to be brave :(
Night night, mummy loves you, see you in the morning xxx
12-25-2013, 02:13 PM
Merry Christmas Munchkin. It was so weird not having you here with me today, but I was brave and spent the day with the family. You are never far away and are always in my thoughts. I hope you had a good day to little one, I,m struggling without you xx
12-26-2013, 05:10 PM
One week ago today little one I held you in my arms, and said goodbye to you, this was the hardest day for me. We spent a lovely afternoon together and throughout the day there were glimpse of happy Woody and glimpse of a sad Woody. I knew what I had to do, and I explained this to you when we sat looking out the window and you looked up at me and licked my face I knew you understood. I think of you every minute of the day and the house is so quiet without you. I love and miss you so much munchkin xx
12-29-2013, 07:17 PM
I,m struggling today without you, some days are better than others, but today is a bad one. I went a walk today to clear my head, it was a cold but clear day the ones you loved, I did our usual walk it was weird going alone. I wish you were here, but I understand you are needed elsewhere I miss you so very much I love you
12-31-2013, 08:41 PM
Happy New Year little one, I hope your doing well. I,m hanging in there but its not the same, I have to find a new normal and its hard but I,ll do it. If one thing you taught me was to live each day to the fullest and I,ve not been doing that so far, but I,m working on changing that. According to the rescue its your 6th birthday today, that was the day you arrived at the centre so was made your birthday, but we didn,t celebrate that as your birthday we celebrated the day you came home, as it was your Gotcha day and we made that your birthday, but this year you can have two birthdays just because your special so a huge Happy Rescue Birthday to my precious boy as always I love and miss you more each day :)
Budsters Mom
12-31-2013, 09:24 PM
Many loving hugs and Happy New Year!You are doing great Tracy! Baby steps my dear. Your new normal will come when the time is right. I haven't even found mine yet, but so be it.;) xxxxx
01-02-2014, 08:32 PM
Hay little one, just popping in to say goodnight, but you know that already don,t you as I,m always talking to you, I can,t get out the habit of every time I leave the house to say "be good, back soon love you" I still take some comfort in that silly I know but it calms me somehow. I,ve given up looking for answers into what happened to you and why you had to get sick, I just want you to know how precious you are to me and had we had our time again together I wouldn't have done a single thing differently you bounced into my life, played like your life depended on it, remember that first day when you came home and in the corner of the room was a toy box filled with toys the look on your face was priceless, it was like all your dreams had come true I remember it like it was yesterday, so many memories wee man so many, and I will treasure each and every one of them.
I love you night night wee man, mummy loves you, see you in my dreams
01-05-2014, 07:54 PM
Hey little one, how are you doing, there have been some more furbabies coming to your new home soon, so you be good and let them know that its safe, warm and everyone is healthy where you are. Now play nice. I was looking after Murphy today, he was very well behaved for me and enjoyed a long walk in the countryside, he did get a bit muddy though something you loved doing that in rolling in all sorts of stuff.
Well today was a good day, because I know your safe and I can stop worrying now.
Night night wee man, mummy loves you see you in my dreams :)
01-11-2014, 01:59 PM
Hey little one. I finally brought you home today, and you are on the mantle of the fireplace. I know it doesn,t make sense you being there and not running around like a nutter, but none of it makes sense, but I am calmer inside now knowing your home. I miss you little one, so very much. I love the bones of you and miss our snuggles x
01-19-2014, 11:00 AM
Hey baby boy
Its been a month today, since you,ve been gone, that's a whole 31 days since I last saw you, since I last held you in my arms and kissed your little nose. I didn,t want to let you go, ever you were my best friend, you got me, you gave me unconditional love and only asked for food, a bed and a warm lap to lye in and I gave you all of that and more. You taught me so much, things that I will carry with me throughout my life.
Till we meet again little one I love you and miss you so much everyday xxx
01-25-2014, 04:53 PM
Hey baby boy
How I wish you were still here, I,m having a hard time and your not here to help me through it, like you have done so many times before. What I would do just to see that cheeky smile of yours, it instantly made me feel better, I try and keep up beat but sometimes it doesn,t work and I want to scream Why! Why! Why! You, we didn,t have enough time little one we really didn,t. I miss you more as each day goes by, and hurt just a little bit more. I know there will come a time when it won,t hurt so much but for now it hurts so bad.
Till we meet again little one xx
01-29-2014, 04:42 PM
Hey Woods
How you doing, I hope your still causing mayhem up there but not to much I don,t want you upsetting any of the other furbabies.
I have Mac coming to stay this weekend yeah I know you didn,t like him but you didn,t like any dog, it will be good to have his company, of course it would be better if you were still here with me, but your not.
I miss you baby boy and love you always xx
02-09-2014, 11:07 AM
Hello little one
Not written to you in a while, but that doesn,t mean I don,t think of you. You are the last thing I think of before sleep and the first thing I think of every morning and all the hours in between.:) I miss you little one, its not the same here without you. I had Mac last weekend and we had fun, but it made me so sad that it wasn,t me and you having the fun like we used to. You were my rock Woody.
I am going for an interview tomorrow, so if you could cross your paws for me and if your ever not too busy playing and chasing rabbits up there please let me know your ok.
Love and miss you Woody as always
Mum xx
02-15-2014, 04:23 PM
Hey Woody
Mum got the job, so if you crossed your paws thank you ;) It is good to be able to focus on something other than you not being here, but your always on my mind. I still struggle with coming home and not seeing you lying on the sofa as I opened the door, you would instantly wag your tail and then roll over for belly rubs and kisses, and it instantly made me feel good.
I still talk to you, I come home and tell you all about my new job and everything that happened just like I would if you were here. I do so hope you can hear me. I always loved the way you leaned your head from side to side when I spoke to you just like you were listening, you probably weren,t lol but I like to think you were.
Hoping and prayer your ok and having fun, I wish you were here Woody I really do. Love and miss you xx
02-19-2014, 03:50 PM
Hi baby boy
Its been 2 months since you left for the bridge, sometimes it feels like 2 years and others it feels like 2 minutes. I replay that day so many times in my mind, thinking about what I could have done better or differently, but luck wasn,t on our side and you had to leave. I,m sorry you had to have that surgery, I feel guilty about that every day, but I thought it was the way to go at the time, I hope you can forgive me. I get angry that your not here and that you had to have that disease, but it was typical of you to have something so rare that they couldn,t help you. I know you would have stayed with me if you could I know you tried so very hard to fight and you did for a time, but it got too much didn,t it. I miss you wee man and I,ll never stop thinking or loving you.
Till we meet again
02-23-2014, 05:32 AM
Hello little one
It's mums birthday today, another first without you, there seems to be a lot of first that I have to face alone.
The weather is shocking and I bet your glad that you don't have to go walking in it, you hated getting wet, you would pop your head out the door see it was raining and run back inside it was funny. I hope your doing fine little one.
03-03-2014, 02:41 PM
My dearest Woody
Phew there has been a lot going on this week, mum hasn,t been well and has been off work, but I feel much better today, so went back to work. Rachel moved this weekend into her own home, the first thing she put up was your picture, we were both sad that you weren't there, you would love her place, it has a long hallway like mums ideal for playing with your ball. I,ve felt very sad this weekend and have been missing you more than anything. I,ve cried a lot mostly over you not being here and because Rachel is all grown up now and I feel like she doesn,t need me anymore, she has been with us most weekends for the last 18 years, I can only imagine how her mum feels, she looked so scared when I left her yesterday, so could you watch over her for me please little one. :)
I came home from work today and I have received a card from Emma, you remember Emma our locum vet, off course you remember her, you always flirted with her, she had such a way with you, you never stressed when she was treating you. Anyway she has been off work sick with a broken leg and has just returned and found out you havee left, shall I read you the card, you will like it. On the front is a picture of a woodland with bluebell flowers running through it, and if I look hard enough I can see you running through them like you used to do here. Are you listening:
Dearest Tracy
I wanted to write and say how sad I was to hear that you lost your beloved companion, Woody. He was one of my favourite patients - a true gentleman, with a bold streak and (I suspect) a great sense of humour! I know how much he meant to you and I have no doubt that the affection was mutual.
You took care of him so well and it was an absolute pleasure to have him as a patient. Thinking of you, with best wishes. Emma xx
See you could always charm the ladies, I thought it was sweet of her to write to us. Its almost 3 months since you left, no time at all really but it feels like forever to me. I miss you little one, you were the light of my life. xx
03-15-2014, 05:54 PM
Hello little one
Been a couple of weeks since I wrote to you, but as I talk to you all day everyday then its ok. I am feeling better and not so sad, I think of you everyday, but some days I remember the crazy little dog that bounced through my door that day, the wall of death you did round the furniture, then the look on your face when you saw the toys it was priceless, and now I can smile when I remember that. You were my bundle of fun, keeping me on my toes on a daily basis, and making me think outside the box. Someone asked me the other day what I missed most about you, and although I miss all of it, it got me thinking and I miss the noise the most, the noise of you running around, the noise of your back chat and mostly the squeaky noise of you playing with your toys, thought I,d never say that as I spent most of the time trying to get you not to squeak them ha ha funny how things change. What I would do to hear you squeak your toys just once more :mad: I watch your videos all the time and I laugh and cry at the same time, but I,m so glad that I have them.
The rabbits are running a mock in the garden over the last few weeks digging holes and have eaten the tree at the bottom of the garden, that's because your not there to chase them away for me, so I will need to spend some time sorting out the garden when the weather is better.
Miss and love you always xx
04-05-2014, 05:51 PM
Hey gorgeous
How you doing, I am hoping that you are still having fun and causing mayhem in your new special place.
I have Mac staying but last night he gave me a fright. You always slept under my bed with your head right under mine, and in the dark and silence I could hear you breathing a sound that I fell asleep listening to many a night. During the night last night I woke up to that exact noise, I could hear you breathing under the bed it took me a few minutes to realise that infact Mac had crawled under the bed and was sleeping in the exact spot that you always did, he has never slept there. My heart sank as for those few minutes I thought it was you. I think you have been telling him all the good places to sleep.
Love and miss you always wee man xx
04-16-2014, 05:06 AM
Hello little one
Mac has gone home and the house is quiet once again. I don't mind I'm getting used to it. The sun has been out the last couple of days you liked the sun you would follow it around the room to lye in it. You've been gone 4 months now gawd it's been a long 4 months but I'm adjusting to like without you. I still wish you were here, but I guess you we're need elsewhere. I often think of you running around chasing the rabbits and generally having a ball and that makes me smile.
Always and forever wee man x
04-20-2014, 06:25 AM
Happy Easter little one the sun is shining. I'm going to go out the village today, as it's Easter egg hunt and you used to love watching all the kids walk up past the house to the park for the egg hunt. All dressed up with there Easter bonnets on and they would stop and pat you on head and your little tail was always a blur I can't face that today.
Missing you as always xx
05-15-2014, 04:01 PM
Hay baby boy
Your bench arrived today and I,ve built it up :)
As I sit on your bench on this lovely night watching the world go by watching everyone enjoying the weather dogs running in the park, people doing there gardens, kids on their bikes it makes me realise that life really does go on, and for a time makes me smile and angry at the same time that how can life go on when your not here.
I look down the garden and I can see you running, playing, digging under the shed for the rabbits and it makes me cry but happy tears as you had a blast, but now the garden is empty as is the house. 5 months today you left little one to your new life and left a massive hole behind one that will never be filled. But I fill my days and my mind remembering all of all the great days we had together, playing, sleeping, having fun, you were my little bundle of energy and joy. I hope you enjoyed your life here with me as much as I enjoyed having you it was an honour to have had you in my life and the pleasure was all mine.
I love you little one, be safe xxxx
06-19-2014, 02:37 PM
Hay gorgeous
It's now 6 months since you left and I miss you like crazy, but I still console myself with the happy times we shared. It's only 2 weeks till your birthday so I will pop back than.
Love and miss you daily munchkin xx
06-30-2014, 01:53 AM
Happy Birthday Woody. I hope your having fun, today I'm not going to be sad I'm going to celebrate. So I'm wiping away the tears and I'm celebrating that little whirl wind that rushed into my life, that little feisty dog who would empty the bins and steal whatever then run past past with your head turned away almost like you thought I couldn't see you, that sooky little dog who would come up and put his paws on my shoulders and then wash my face, that little dog who chased the rabbits, cats and everything else that moved, that little dog who jumped in and out the leaves, that little dog who would back chat me at every turn, that little dog who always had to have the last word, that little dog who made me smile daily, that little dog with the huge personality, that little dog who was my best friend that's what I'm celebrating today. It doesn't matter that your not here in person because you will always be in my heart. So little one you have a good birthday and celebrate in style.
Love you to the moon and back xx
06-30-2014, 02:58 AM
Happy birthday woody. I'm sure tommy and woody are having a good old time up there.
06-30-2014, 04:45 AM
Happy Birthday to the wee man Woody!! Hope you had a slab of steak cake, a bowl of milk and all the toys you can shred!! You were such a hard case dog and you are very missed, but I imagine you are creating havoc at the bridge and zooming about having a great time and letting everyone know its your birthday!! xxxxx
molly muffin
06-30-2014, 04:54 AM
Happy birthday woody!
Belly rubs for you!
Sharlene and Molly muffin
06-30-2014, 06:40 AM
Oh Happy Birthday from me, Woody! And tons of warm wishes to your Mom, too. She is such a special lady as you already know well, since you chose her above all other humans to be your forever companion and soulmate!
Have a glorious party, and then rest well knowing how deeply you remain loved.
Big pats from your Auntie Marianne
Hope you are eating lots of doggie cake and ice cream with Zoe and the rest of our angels. Happy Birthday!!!!!
06-30-2014, 09:55 AM
Happy birthday Woody.
Aww Tracy, I love your message to your boy. Happy Birthday Woody!! Today is my Birthday too, and I am honored to share it with such a special Little Man. ;) Belly rubs for you, and hugs for your Mum. xo
08-03-2014, 09:20 AM
Hay little one
How you doing? Lots going on this end, Mac is back staying for a week. I do like having him here it kind of makes the house alive again but better if you were here but that's not to be, I like to think you look in on me from time to time and are happy at the bridge
Miss you munchkin xx
08-13-2014, 04:38 PM
Hay little one
I'm missing you this week, I miss you everyday but struggling a bit these past couple of weeks don't know why just am. I'm really missing our snuggles when afterwards the world seems brighter, getting fed up of coming home to an empty house. It is good that Mac comes and stays and for that short time the house and I are alive again but when he goes it's all quiet and am back to emptyness and it gets harder each time. Guess I'm not meant to not have a dog in my life but just can't get another just now. .... Someday I will.
Be good, be safe and be nice to the other angels and remember when your in manic mode as we called it try (yes I know it's hard for you) not to annoy them too much :D
Love and miss you my wee Muchkin woodydog xxxxxxxx
08-14-2014, 06:52 AM
Awww Tracy, big hugs. I hope Woody is not creating too much trouble at the bridge too, he will be showing them all the most fun places to visit, the best doggy restaurants to eat at and the sunniest spot to lie in and nap!! He sure had style that boy of yours!! xxxxx
08-14-2014, 04:50 PM
It's hard. But know that woody is at peace and you will see him again. And when he is in that nice warm sunny place my beautiful Tammy will be keeping him company. Cheers
Budsters Mom
08-15-2014, 09:56 PM
Harley PoMMom
08-16-2014, 09:11 PM
Big hugs from me as well.
Squirt's Mom
08-17-2014, 07:53 AM
Squirt will bring out that "manic mode" and they will be racing through the fields like mad together, nipping and leaping and making awful sounds as if they are on a rampage. But the light in their eyes and the grins on their faces tell the tale - they are happy and free and just waiting til we are reunited again when we will run in those fields with them by our sides.
And one day you will lay eyes on some little Soul and know the time is right and know that baby is in front of you for a reason - Woody sent them to you to love, to give you life again, to fill your house with laughter again. You will know the minute you look into that baby's eyes. ;)
Big hugs and shared tears,
hugs and tears from me too. some times, those bad days come out of nowhere and stick a round awhile- not sure why, it just happens.
you will know, as Leslie says.
big hugs, lots of love
09-20-2014, 03:47 AM
Hello baby boy
Well it's been 9 months today since you left, 9 long months pfft how did that happen. Sometimes it seems like forever since I last saw you and other times it's like yesterday.
I'm off to our favourite place tomorrow the Lake District we went every year and had so many adventures from a trip on the steam boat with your little life vest on to walking the hills and seeing no one just me and you. We didn't make it last year as you were sick so I will have to make up for that and have enough adventures for the both of us.
I will be taking your ashes with me and scattering them in the lake, it seems a fitting way to set you free then you will always be in your favourite place and means I will have to come visit every year. Sharlene and Trish have promised to sing so I will apologise in advance ha ha. So if anyone wants to help me say goodbye to my little man I will be doing it on Tuesday 23rd at 2 pm whilst singing Your my best friend by queen so pop the song on and say goodbye to the feisty, stubborn, independent, loveable, free spirited dog that was my Woody.
Love you xx
Squirt's Mom
09-20-2014, 06:44 AM
I'll be singing along, Tracy. I know your precious boy will be so pleased by this gesture...tho the singing might elicit a howl or 20. ;)
09-20-2014, 06:57 AM
Oh count me in, as well (and ditto about the howling, Leslie!).
What a lovely way to celebrate the life and spirit of Woody dog. Our dear Woody dog! :o ;) :)
molly muffin
09-20-2014, 08:19 AM
You betcha we are sending woody of with a grand song.
Lyrics here:
And fade with. "And she is buying a stairway to heaven".
That's 8am my time. I think we said 6 hours difference foe eastern time zone.
I bet woody and all his friends will be howling along at the rainbow bridge too. Lol
09-20-2014, 09:38 AM
Thoughts and lots of love from me to you and dear Woody :( RIP
Budsters Mom
09-20-2014, 01:14 PM
I am joining the howling celebration right along with all of you and our fur babies at the bridge. It sounds like a beautiful spot for our dear boy. :p xxxooo
Harley PoMMom
09-20-2014, 05:20 PM
It would be a privledge for me to sing along with you, Tracy, and the others, in honoring dear Woody.
Hugs, Lori
09-21-2014, 04:58 PM
Oh wheeeeeeeeeee great, we going to have a whole choir so Woody is definitely going to hear us in heaven!!!! Think I would howl if I heard the racket we are going to make :D:D But he was a boisterous, chatty boy so he will love it!! :)
Tracy should be there by now, it was a 4-hr drive so hopefully she is all installed in her cute little B&B and getting ready for a week of relaxation as she sure deserves it!!
Love the song choice
"You're My Best Friend"
Ooh, you make me live
Whatever this world can give to me
It's you, you're all I see
Ooh, you make me live now honey
Ooh, you make me live
You're the best friend
That I ever had
I've been with you such a long time
You're my sunshine
And I want you to know
That my feelings are true
I really love you
You're my best friend
Ooh, you make me live
I've been wandering round
But I still come back to you
In rain or shine
You've stood by me girl
I'm happy at home (happy at home)
You're my best friend.
Ooh, you make me live
Whenever this world is cruel to me
I got you to help me forgive
Ooh, you make me live now honey
Ooh, you make me live
You're the first one
When things turn out bad
You know I'll never be lonely
You're my only one
And I love the things
I really love the things that you do
You're my best friend
Ooh, you make me live.
I'm happy, happy at home
You're my best friend
You're my best friend
Ooh, you make me live
You, you're my best friend.
Finishing up with Sharlene's Stairway to Heaven!! :D
Tracy, I will be there too, 8 AM my time, singing my heart out with you. I love that song, have it all cued up and ready to go. And I always have Stairway to Heaven ready at any given moment!
How fitting that you are setting our sweet boy's ashes free on the equinox. And in such a beautiful place. A beautiful place for a beautiful boy.
Big hugs from me and Jasper xo
09-23-2014, 08:11 AM
I am here, warming up the vocal cords!
Hey Tina! :)
Hey Trish! Just posted on Woody's other thread. I hope my off key singing blended in! :D
09-23-2014, 12:19 PM
Thank you everyone for joining me in saying goodbye to Woody. It did rain and was hazy but I could hear your lovely singing voices and that meant so much to me.
I'm glad I had the chance to have that one last adventure with him and now he is totally free. I have popped a picture in his album of his finally place. He will be forever in his favourite place and forever in my heart. Ret easy Woody :)
09-24-2014, 12:55 PM
Such beautiful words. Singing for Woody.
09-26-2014, 02:55 PM
Well baby boy,
Mum is home after a wonderful 5 days in our favourite place. I hope you enjoyed your send off, it somehow just seemed fitting. I bet you were howling with all that singing noise we were making and I,m sure all the other furbabies were there with you. I know we never say goodbye just see you soon. :D
I had so many adventures whilst I was there, I,m sure you were with me every step of the way and I know in your own way you will always be there with me.
I have added some pictures of your finally resting place I hope you like it.
See you soon muchkin love you
Mum xx
12-16-2014, 04:32 PM
Bumping up Woody so we can get ready for your 1-year anniversary celebration party at the bridge this Friday!!! I know it is going to be a good one Woody boy!! :) xxxxxxx
molly muffin
12-16-2014, 07:58 PM
Woody, a true celebration of a joy for life and love.
We're with you all the way Tracy!
12-17-2014, 12:28 PM
You deserve a big celebration ,Woody.
Sonja and Apollo
12-19-2014, 04:46 AM
A year today you left us little Woody, I am remembering you with a happiness as your stories, pics and videos never failed to bring a smile to my face :) Chucking your toys around, breaking into the fridge if given half a chance, tearing about on your walks... you were a bundle of energy that's for sure!! Big hugs today Tracy as we remember and honour the little terrier called Woody!! xxxx
12-19-2014, 04:54 AM
My little Woody
There is no words to describe how much I miss you. What a year it's been.
Today I will remember you not in sadness but will remember the joy and laughter you brought to my life. Have a blast today wee man I love you so much.
Mum xx
Squirt's Mom
12-19-2014, 07:26 AM
You are always remembered and oh so cherished here, Woody. I'm sure there is a wild and wooly party going on up there most every day but especially today in your honor!
molly muffin
12-19-2014, 07:26 AM
Thinking of you and Woody today Tracy. What joy he brought to your life.
12-24-2014, 03:54 PM
Christmas hugs wining their way to soggy old Scotland!!! Hope the sun shines for you for Christmas (that's if your not going to get a White Christmas) Big hugs to you and also remembering our special boy Woody today.. that rascal will be leading them all astray I am sure!!!! xxxxx
12-24-2014, 07:54 PM
Merry Christmas little one xx
molly muffin
12-25-2014, 02:19 PM
Missing you so much this Christmas Woody and always.
12-27-2014, 01:52 PM
Thinking of you both at Christmas. Sweet Woody.
Hugs Sonja and Apollo
12-31-2014, 07:08 PM
Happy new year little one hope your partying hard
Miss you munchkin xx
12-31-2014, 07:32 PM
Awwww Woody did not need an excuse to party... that is one thing he taught me, party hard and enjoy life EVERY DAY!!! He set such a great example on how to live life... at full speed and with a toy in your mouth, saying phew that was fun!! :D:D Big Hugs Tracy and Happy New Year xxx
molly muffin
03-01-2015, 07:25 PM
Woody, sending you mum a Happy Belated Birthday greeting!
05-22-2015, 07:52 PM
Hey Woody... we miss you.. you little ball of energy!! Thinking of you this morning and sending a big hug to your Mum xxxxxxx
05-26-2015, 08:50 PM
wishing you a belated birthday, Woody.
Apollo and you don't get to wild.
05-28-2015, 02:50 AM
Hey munchkin
Been a while, still miss you everyday, hope your still causing havoc and mayhem wherever you go xx
07-12-2015, 11:11 AM
Hello wee man
I was away last week to our favourite place the Lakes, so peaceful but not the same without you but I know you were around as your always around
I miss you terribly munchkin xx
Budsters Mom
07-12-2015, 11:57 AM
Hi Tracy,
I miss hearing about Woody too.:o Such a fun loving little firecracker ready for fun!
12-19-2015, 03:39 AM
Well wee man it's another year since you left too much to say so found this and it says it all.
I cried the day you past away,
I still cry today.
Although I loved you dearly,
I couldn't make you stay,
A golden heart stopped beating.
Hard working hands at rest,
God broke my heart to prove,
To me he only takes the best.
And you were the best love you lots wee munchkin
Mum x
12-19-2015, 02:20 PM
Hey Woody, you little spunkalunka! It hardly seems possible it is 2 years, we do miss your craziness! The only good thing to have come out of you getting sick was that it brought Your Mum Tracy into my life and for that little dog, I am truly thankful! Woody's rules of life No. 1..... Live life full throttle till you get your dinner and go to sleep happy. Rule no. 2...... Repeat rule No. 1 :) xxxx
Budsters Mom
12-19-2015, 03:21 PM
Tracy, We miss him too! :o Lovely Poem.
12-19-2015, 05:08 PM
In honor of Woody.
We will always miss them. But we were blessed that God loaned them to us for the time we had. Because their imprint will always be in our heart and soul until the day we die.
Love Sonja, Apollo, Karma
Love the poem, we all will never forget Woody
06-11-2016, 04:43 PM
Hello little one
I will keep this short as I know you will be having way to much fun with Flynny.
Never a day goes by that I don't miss or think of you but you were too special to stay here and were needed elsewhere. Keep up the good work
Love you munchkin x
06-11-2016, 05:02 PM
Hello, too, from your Auntie Marianne. Woody, you're another one of our special dear feisty boys. What a pack of mischief you all must be getting into! Thank you for the joy you've brought our family here, and as your mum says, carry on! Never a dull moment until we're all together once again. :o ;)
06-11-2016, 05:27 PM
I don't know who would be leading who astray, out of Woody and Flynny... I hope they are having fun! Because I love to think of them running, running running :)
The boys will be running and creating mischief, Zoe will eating an endless supply of chicken
06-23-2016, 10:52 PM
Such a wonderful message and it's break my heart I feel how much you miss him I want to give some hugs, you are always in my thoughts. I pray for you.
06-30-2016, 12:10 PM
I love Woody's picture. He, Zoe, Apollo, and all our other fur babies are having a big party in heaven. Nice to think that.
Sonja, Apollo,Karma
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