View Full Version : new from europe (arthritis and vetoryl?) - Ian, Flynn and Enya have passed
05-27-2014, 08:15 AM
Tipper does not get a real bad episode compared to some of the videos I have seen of dogs, but it is bad enough. She just has so many issues since getting Cushings. It is humid and rained a bit during the nite. As soon as Tipper heard it she ran in the closet, and was afraid to go out this morning, until she realized no thunder yet. It is to get worse this afternoon. She continues on with laser therapy as at times I can see her leg bothers her, and she has developed a small sway back for her musculoskeletal system changes due to Cushings so I am just trying to be proactive and treat her as I know that weight pulling down on her back from her stomach muscles giving way has to hurt and make her back ache. I am trying to keep her as pain free as possible without drugs. I am guessing Ian is not liking your weather either? This humidity and Tipper's breathing problems coupled with a heart murmur do not mix well at all. She stays in with the air on so she can breath easier. She does tend to get real naughty if not walked enough. These dogs need their energy burned off. I guess Enya is the healthy one of the bunch now? How old is she? Hope you have a good day with the babies. Blessings
05-27-2014, 08:10 PM
hi patti, hot and humid with some rain here too.
ian's back is looking a bit hollow right now.
just as you mentioned about the weakening of the stomach muscles.
they sort of pull the back down.
is this what you see with tipper too?
enya is 12 years old [turned 12 may 2]
ian is 14 months older. [same parents, different litter]
enya has artrose in her front legs. years ago she hurt one of her front legs in an swimming accident and tore a tendon, which could not been operated on because of a big cut from the glas in the water.
it healed pretty well, but you can see the damage from this accident in the way she is using her front legs now she is getting older.
but i still try to keep us in shape by making long walks as long as it is not too hot.
hope you and tipper have ""a dry night"' without thunder.
05-28-2014, 11:54 AM
Yes that is what I see in Tipper, it has to put a terrible strain on her back. She was moving all around yesterday when getting her laser therapy like something hurt and she did not want to do the therapy. She is on high alert as a storm is on the way, so her bp was up from it when they took it today. I wish I could get her calm, that is all I am concerned about. Does Ian ever act like his back bothers him? Wen Tipper walks she has a body harness that is made out of Nylon and I cinch it a little snug on her as I think they may help to hold the weight of that belly up while she walks. I am so sick of storms, I am worn out from this all. So Enya is up there in years too. I wish they lived longer, it is heartbreaking to lose them. Blessings
05-28-2014, 10:01 PM
no, i do not think his back bothers him, but he had a bit of a lame frontleg today. they are a bit stiff anyway because of the vetoryl.
yes, both doggies are getting older, so it is not a nice thought that our time together is running out.
their mother died of kidney failure at age 14.
the weather is off here too, but i can imagine that you are so fed up with those eternal thunderstorms.
especially since tipper is so afraid of them.
hope you had some nice walks today.
it is raining now, so i hope the dogs do their business fast before going to bed.
05-29-2014, 12:12 PM
That is my only qualm about having a dog, is the life span and my extreme attachment to them. My last dog died from cancer at 7. I was so devastated I researched the breeds before getting Tipper two years later to see what breeds had longevity. The Jack Russell lives to 17-18 years old, but I see that has done me no good either. Tipper was really up last nite with this throat and mouth thing going on. I have emailed the IMS to ask her opinion. She is having trouble swallowing right now as I am typing this. This Cushings sure brings on a host of other problems! It is getting real hot outside so the dogs are in for the day unless it cools off on the porch. Hope you are able to get a walk in. That is good that Ian's back does not hurt, when you pet Tipper you can feel a divet in her back in the middle. Blessings
05-29-2014, 06:37 PM
yes, it is a pity dogs do not live very long. large dogs die younger than small dogs, but at age 12 most dogs do get health problems.
in my experience cats live longer than dogs.
in ian's case the only side effect of using vetoryl is the stiffness in his front legs.
no complications from having cushing's as far as i know.
flynn's symptoms were very bad. so i have experienced 2 totally different varieties of cushing's.
it was cool outside so we did 5 walks. [also because it was a national holiday today]
long day of work tomorrow, so i have to go to bed now.
sleep well.
05-30-2014, 08:07 AM
Hi Iris:
I am going to have the vet see if Tipper has a sinus infection on Wednesday. I am waiting to hear for the IMS and the Cardiologist about the questions I asked them. It was cooler here yesterday and Tipper loved it. It is cool again this morning, but I see the humidity is due back next week. I am waiting to get an appointment with the pain clinic for this pain in my chest. It has made me feel miserable all week. I will be calling and bugging them soon if I do not hear anything. I hope you get some of this cooler weather over there. Blessings
05-30-2014, 09:09 PM
pain clinics are for people IN PAIN!
why don't they answer your calls? are you on pain meds already?
can you increase the dosage maybe to give you some relief?
do they know what causes the pain in your chest?
i am interested in what might help tipper with her breathing problems since i do have the same issues as tipper has.
i always do have a sore throat, maybe this is the case with tipper too?
this spring it is worse too.
i love the cooler weather too.
today was ok, but the temp. will be higher next days.
i can handle this as long as the nights are cool and not sticky.
no airco here.
05-31-2014, 08:30 AM
I had a mammogram last year and the tech was looking away for a few seconds and the machine compressed me like a pancake and hurt me badly. It pulled something on my chest wall and I was black and blue, and green the size of your hand. I called and told them the next day and they had a Dr. call me back who told me unfortunately this would take a long time to heal. Well it is a year later and I still have trouble raising that arm and have stabbing pains constantly in that area. All I want is a nerve block to stop this it is killing me. The heating pad gives me some relief, but starts right back up again. I called the director of radiology and told her I have insurance, but what it does not pay would they be willing to pay? Hey this is not my fault, and I am trying to be nice about this. I cannot get a mammogram now this year as the pain would be intolerable. The hospital said they will send me a letter stating what they will do. How kind of them. So they know someone else would have just sued them, and not just asked for help??? Seems really like a stupid move to me. So I am waiting for my Dr. to fill out the form the pain clinic requested, even though my Dr. wrote me a referral on his letterhead. They said they only accept their forms!! What a bunch of malarkey, as I am not functioning well they are playing paper games. it is cool her the morning and Tipper has already walked. We are to go into the 80's so she will be in . Is the Cruft's institute anywhere near you? I always see different things they are doing with dogs over there. I wonder sometimes what their mortality rate is for dogs having the pituitary tumor removed since they were the pioneers with this operation? I hope you have a good weekend and it is not too hot for Ian to enjoy his walk. Is he still doing good taking the pills? Blessings
05-31-2014, 08:40 PM
this pain unfortunately is a common side effect of mammograms.
torn muscles etc.
they are for free in my country for woman age 50+.
you are invited every 2nd year.
payed by the government.
my mom died young of a very agressive form of breast cancer, so i had 2 mammograms.
1 did not hurt, the second one very much.
i could hardly do my work for weeks.
i hope this stupid paperwork is done fast and that they can give you a nerve blocker.
cruft's institute is in britain and is about dog behaviour.
i think you mean the uni-clinic in utrecht. it is well known for its pit tumor operations.[dr. sarah galac]
they don't perform them too often, since it is very expensive and most of the dogs are older ones.
there is a dutch blog of someone who let her cairn terrier mix [only 6 years old] have the op. overthere.
the dog had to stay there for a week.
the most difficult result is that she has to give her dog cortisone twice a day and she has to increase it if she suspects stress moments like vet visits/groomers etc.
she always carries an ampul of injectable cortisone with her in case the dog crashes. [addison]
since the dog was only very young he recovered well. [op. was march 2014]
he has to take meds to concentrate his urine for the rest of his life and thyroid meds.
he is still less perky than he was before. especially when walking.
that is a side effect of it.
since he was so young she felt she had no choice, but there are certainly side effects.
i am glad ian is doing well on the vetoryl.
that little can of expensive fish food for cats is still doing the trick.......
06-01-2014, 12:07 AM
Hi Iris! I hope you and Ian are doing well this weekend! What kind of other dog do you have? I think you mentioned you were walking the dogs, plural? ...
Mammograms.....Yikes! I've only had 1 in my whole lifetime. But, when I was diagnosed with lung cancer, I had a PET Scan.....which scan your whole body for cancer and whatever....and nothing was found....that was a 1 1/2 yrs ago. So, in my mind, I should be go to go for another 4 yrs. :D
What kind of fish catfood are you giving Ian? I'm glad the Vetoryl is still working for him. It seems Eli seems to have a lot of the symptoms of the Cushing's that your sweet Flynn had. I know when Eli still had his good days on Vetoryl......all his symptoms seemed to subside.
I hope you're having a nice weekend. It's rather hot here..but we had such a cold winter warm is good! With my breathing problems (COPD) the warmer weather agrees with me better anyway. Eli loves getting too and walking a lot more.
06-01-2014, 08:05 AM
The mammograms aren't usually that terribly bad, but this tech did them different that all the other years I have been getting them. No one has ever hurt me that badly. I swear if I don't soon get an appointment I will go crazy form this stabbing pain all day long. Tipper and Toby enjoyed the cool morning walk. The weather says thunderstorms for Monday thru Thursday, God I hope they are wrong! Tipper just cannot do four more days of thunder. I am so sick of this weather and being stressed out worrying about her. I gave her the second antibiotic pill this morning so it will take a few days to see if it works. I hope you and the dogs have a good Sunday and not too much heat and humidity. Blessings
06-01-2014, 05:14 PM
@jo ann, my other dog is ian's sister enya. i bred them myself for agility purposes. i've done lots of competitions with my dogs.
e.g. obedience, agility, herding, ipo.
i am looking for a young dog to work with in the near future.
i found some tiny cans of catfood called gourmet fish, and this is doing the trick with ian eating his pills.[well so far so good]
today i even managed to feed him the big fish oil capsule.
flynn had the trembling and drooling too, but he did not tolerate vetoryl because of arthritis. without it he got downhill very fast.
hope your eli will be a survivor!
enjoy your nice weather and the walks with eli!
06-01-2014, 05:25 PM
hi patti, 4 days of thunderstorms in the weather forecast?
such a bad news! is this normal for this time of the year in your area?
i think you tried everything to help tipper to survive this, i am out of ideas.
i hope you will get your appointment at the pain clinic soon! call them everyday.
hope the ab will help tipper.
we had a nice day, not too hot or humid and we walked a lot.
06-02-2014, 08:22 AM
Hi Iris:
Well I am sick about these stupid thunderstorms coming so I have some herbal tea for Tipper and she goes to the vet Wednesday for blood pressure and Adequan. I am hoping if she is really bad he will give her something there. I am calling that pain clinic today to see what the hold up is. I am going Thursday for my echocardiogram too and my blood work. It is very hot here already this morning and they said on the news that hurricane season has started so I hope the people down south don't get bad storms too. Tipper is sensing the impending storm as she got off the bed last nite, went in her crate, then decided to sleep in the closet. Hope you do not have this humidity we have, it is hard for me to breathe in this, I can imagine how Ian feels. Do people swim in the river you go to? Hope you have a good walk with your babies? Do you have some fans in the house to keep a breeze for Ian? Blessings
06-02-2014, 09:46 AM
@jo ann, my other dog is ian's sister enya. i bred them myself for agility purposes. i've done lots of competitions with my dogs.
e.g. obedience, agility, herding, ipo.
i am looking for a young dog to work with in the near future.
i found some tiny cans of catfood called gourmet fish, and this is doing the trick with ian eating his pills.[well so far so good]
today i even managed to feed him the big fish oil capsule.
flynn had the trembling and drooling too, but he did not tolerate vetoryl because of arthritis. without it he got downhill very fast.
hope your eli will be a survivor!
enjoy your nice weather and the walks with eli!
Oh! OK! Cool! :D I wish I had the patience and probably young enough to teach something, anything. lol I wish I had gotten another baby when I got Eli. <sigh> Too late for that now.
I'm thinking I'll have to give Eli some chicken and rice for breakfast with his pill. I also found giving a pill with some cream cheese wrapped around it works for the actual pill giving. He gobbles that down so quick, I don't know how he tastes the cream cheese. He never notices the pill. :D Otherwise, he eats hard food at he grazes most all day whenever he wants to eat, within reason. I have to put his food on a little rug next to where his food dish is sitting the tickling of the food in the bowl while he's eating it...scares him. :rolleyes: When he started the Cushing's thing (I'm guessing here)....the last year.....he heard something in the kitchen...(I have no clue what) and sometimes he walks backward out of the kitchen! :eek:
I'm hoping the trembling stops when he starts back on the Vetoryl (it did before), but the drooling just started the day before he got sick...on the 10th day of Vetoryl use. So, I'm hoping like your sweet Flynn....he'll stop the drooling as well. I'm not letting them start him back on anything other than a VERY low dose. Even 10mg is OK with me for now. :)
I hope you have a good day and walk with your babies. It's warm here in the 80's....which is OK with me. I can breathe better. Eli is in and out all day. .He goes out now about every 2 hours.....or less all day. Our usual used to be every 4 clock work. I always thought he had a bladder of steel! lol If I wasn't home..he'd wait until I got there. Today it's all cloudy acts like it's going to rain...but it's been acting like it was going to rain for several days now and it hasn't happened yet!
06-02-2014, 07:27 PM
hi patti and jo ann. i do have a fan and i hate the hot and humid air too. ian has his thick coat grown back fully now. 6 months after the crash.
the dogs are mostly sleeping whilst in the house so the heat does not bother them inside [yet].
the river is clean enough to swim in it, but you have to go where the stream meanders through the meadows because in the main stream it is too busy with tow boats , ferries etc.
@jo ann, if cream cheese works with eli, i would keep it this way. i think eli's peeing will be less as he is on vetoryl again.
does he want to go every 2 hours during the night too?
my ian -and i think patti's tipper too- do not need to go outside during the night.
ian was back to his normal pattern immediately after the first dose of 10 mg of vetoryl.
he is now on 30 mg. he weighs about 14 a 15 kg. [=about 30 pounds]
next weekend we have two holidays, i looked it up in the dictionary and it is called white sunday in the usa?
we have monday off too.
i am going to stay with my aunt for those 2 days with the doggies of course.
i hope-despite the thunderstorms-everyone will have a quiet night with lots of rest.
06-02-2014, 07:33 PM
You have a good memory!! Tipper never has to go out at note, and only a few times in the day. She never peed in the house when she got Cushing's not once. She is really good that way and has always been her whole life. I bet you are glad to get a holiday, you deserve it. Blessings
06-03-2014, 09:06 PM
we will have temp. up to 30C [85+F] the next days...bleehhh!!!!!!
it will be a test for ian. have to be careful outside and indoors. hope he will handle it ok.
i am sorry about the thunderstorms in your area.
saw something about it on the news.
hope your vet will come up with something that will help tipper.
have a safe ride tomorrow.
o, and have you heared from the pain clinic already?
06-05-2014, 07:06 PM
Thank you so much for the help on the Valium. I will do what you said and make sure she gets it before the storm comes. I guess at least I will see if she is allergic to it on this small 2mg dose. So she is about 18 lbs and will need about 18-20 mg you think? I will let my vet know if this does not help her. I hope you sure do enjoy your holiday. Blessings
06-05-2014, 10:24 PM
yes patti, dogs are less sensitive to valium as humans.
and you are right about giving it to her before she gets into panic mode.
2 mg is peanuts, so i do not think it will be enough, but it will not harm her. do you have enough pills in case you need more when there will be a severe storm?
you can give her 2 mg before she goes into the closet tonight [if she goes] and find out how she will react.
dogs can handle a very high dosage and it is out of their body in no time.
that is aparantly a dog metabolism thing.
stesolid is a rectiole and works faster because it is "'liquid"' and has to be put in her anal region . in case you need it asap.
there is a lot of experience with it on the epilepsy [dogs] forum i am still on because i had a dog with this disease.
i once had a grown blind man as a client who used the same amount of diazepam [when having an attack] as my 10 kg dog.......weird!
but i hope these storms will pass you.
yes i hope we will enjoy the weekend despite of the tropical temp.
hope you will finally get an apointment soon at the pain clinic!
06-06-2014, 07:53 AM
I have a feeling that she will need a larger dose. It is good to start this way in case she is allergic, and she can be real sensitive to meds so I guess we will see Sunday as that is the next storm coming. It is cooler here in the 40s last nite and Tipper loves it this way. It is so much easier on the dogs than the heat and humidity. I am tired from all these appointments already. I am calling to see if I can track down my referral to the pain clinic yet? Good thing I ws on the heating pad a lot last nite it took the edge off of this darn pain. I am sending some cooler weather and lower humidity your way so the babies will feel better, I will skip the storms!! Blessings
06-06-2014, 10:08 PM
unbelievable that the pain clinic is soooo slow with the paperwork!!
is the heating pad the one that you can put into the micro wave?
at least this helps a bit, but an appointment at this clinic is what you really need....
no chance of any cooler weather overhere for the next week. bleeh!
the weather is off like in your area.
hope the storm will forget to touch your area!
sleep well!
06-07-2014, 08:18 AM
Oh no not a heat wave over there too! The dogs will have to get in water to cool off. I hope Ian can get thru it. It is a shame the heat is so bad on cush dogs. That pain clinic is giving me a pain excuse the pun, but I am sick of it already. On Monday they will hear one irate person if they don't have an appointment for me. I use an electric heating pad, usually when I go to bed I watch some tv and lay on it for a while. If it is bad during the day I lay on it or rub it with muscle cream that gets hot. It is starting to go into my shoulder now. I am taking an easy day today, as I am not feeling real great this morning. All of your fruit trees etc. must be getting ready to bear fruit over there?? A lot of my plants have still not come out yet from such cold weather this year. Blessings
06-07-2014, 08:32 PM
do you think your plants are still alive?
or are they frozen?
they already sell strawberries, blueberries and cherries in the orchards.
then come the prunes and after that apples and pears.
it is only walking distance for me.
i will ask my aunt to make some photographs of the dogs this weekend, so i can post them.
back monday night, so i am without internet till then.
my aunt lives close to the sea, so i hope it is not too hot overthere.
i would make it a lazy weekend if i were you with all this pain, and i hope you will find a nice and understanding person on the phone next monday. [wishful thinking?????/i hope not!]
06-08-2014, 08:21 AM
I am glad you are off for a weekend of relaxation. That will be great to get some pictures of the doggies. The sea near your aunts sounds wonderful, do you swim in it? I hope you just do nothing but rest and let your aunt be the hostess. I think you said last time she cooked for you both, that sounds like a good holiday having someone else cook for you!! I will be waiting for the pain clinic to open Monday and call them. I am having to do some cleaning and laundry and I do not feel like it at all. Blessings
06-10-2014, 09:18 PM
so, we are back and the weather is still VERY hot and humid.
only lots of shorter walks for now.
my aunt was a bit moody and not feeling well because of the heat, so i did a lot of the housework and worked in the garden.
ian is doing well considering the weather, but i hope the temp. will drop soon.
i forgot to buy new catfood cans so ian had trouble taking his pills.
i used peanut butter and hope they are in.
had a funeral of one of my clients today, so i have to find new clients.
hope you will hear from the pain clinic SOON!
06-11-2014, 09:48 AM
Sorry to hear your aunt was not well, but that was so nice you pitched in and helped her even though you needed a rest. Hope it is nothing too much. I have been wondering if Ian was having a bad time from the heat. It just makes it so miserable for them. We are in for bad weather this afternoon so I need to time these meds just right like the last time.It is dark out now, but nothing going on. We went to the vets and got bp this morning and I am thankful it was good. I am resting today as I worked hard yesterday and I am still not feeling well. I hope it cools down over there for you all, and that Ian did not spit the pill out of the peanut utter. Blessings
06-11-2014, 07:40 PM
hi patti, heared from the pain clinic yet? i hope so!
ian is doing pretty well. i am surprised. it was very hot after all.
we went to the river for an hour.
enya loves to swim, ian keeps his feet on the ground in the water, but it cools him down walking through it.
the temp. will be better in the weekend. [i hope they are right about it]
i hope the bad weather will pass you, but great that tipper's bp was ok.
do you have enough valium in the house in case the storms will be bad?
one short walk and then off to bed.
06-12-2014, 07:49 AM
My Dr.'s office left me a message yesterday and said that my referral is at the pain clinic it was all sent over. I will give the pain clinic one day to call me, then I will be calling them. I am so glad that Ian has the river to go into to cool off. That is funny how Enya swims and Ian walks on the bottom. Maybe too much energy exerted to swim?? Tipper would have loves a river to go in, she would have had a ball. I don't let her do too many things that excite her anymore because of her heart. It is mostly calm things like walking, playing ball, blowing bubbles for her, she loves them. It is early morning here at it looks like nite it is so dark out. We await yet another storm!! Blessings
06-12-2014, 07:47 PM
ian never was a swimmer, his mom and sister and some other siblings love it.
his father did not swim too.
yes i love the river and so do the dogs.
really hope that everything is clear now with the pain clinic paperwork!
and that you don't have to wait too long for an appointment.
you must be sick and tired of all those storms..........
06-13-2014, 07:55 AM
The phone needs to ring today from the pain clinic or I will be calling as I know for sure they have everything they need. Tipper and Toby have walked, but it is so humid. I had a hard time breathing and Tipper has to go slow because of her heart. We are to get yet another storm this afternoon with heavy rain and it is bringing in a cold front which Tipper will love. I hope you do not have this humidity and maybe get some of this cooler weather for Ian. How did the peanut butter work, did he spit the pill? I guess you are searching for another client to work for? I hope you find someone soon. It must be hard when they pass away after getting to know them on a personal level?? Blessings
06-13-2014, 08:43 PM
hi patti, i worked for 6 years with the last client.
it is difficult every time one dies.
maybe one day i will inherit a millione.....................
i would be very angry too if this pain clinic will not call you today. [did they?]
it is still hot and they say the temp. will drop since last tuesday, but so far not really.
we could do with some of your rain.
i did not find a pill, but i bought the cat tins again, so no more sticky peanut butter everywhere.
the dogs are less hungry because of the heat so ian is less eager to eat the pill treat, but i managed today.
even the big fish oil pill.
molly muffin
06-13-2014, 11:14 PM
Cat food must be Ian's favorite if you can get the pill down him using it.
Oh that is sad when you lose people that you see so often. Hits harder. :(
Started out day out humid and unbreathable so hot, then the air did a bit switch and now it's cool, even chilly. brrr
looking forward to the weekend!
Sharlene and molly muffin
06-14-2014, 08:03 AM
Hi Iris:
I sure wish you had the cool air we have this morning. Some places went down into the 40's last nite. It is very cool here and the dogs loved it they have already walked once. I hope it stays like this for a while it is Tipper's favorite temps. I am making some food today so I don't have to mess with things over the weekend. I am just not feeling up to par. I was awake more than I slept last nite. I may take the dogs to see the llamas today after I finish this food. This is my least favorite weekend of the year. I hate the fact that my dad is gone. I miss him more than ever, and could use his moral support now. It is hard when everyone is celebrating fathers day. It would be very hard indeed to work with someone for six years and have them pass. You have a hard job dealing with all this. Hope the babies are well and Ian is tearing into the cat food! Blessings
06-14-2014, 07:24 PM
it was a bit cooler today and windy, so not too bad.
today i helped moving all the things out from my client's house.
the daughters rented a garbage dumpster and throw away a lot.
i told them to donate it to "'the poor"' and second hand shops.
but they are in a hurry.
so i stuffed my van with kitchen stuff and linnen/clothes etc. and brought it to someone i know will donate it to elderly people who need it.
we are not ready yet, so i will try to safe more stuff.
they gave me some new packages of bed linnen for myself and they are paying me for all my help.
i am trying to order ian's catfood cans online because the single [tiny] cans in the supermarket are .50 euro each. they are more of a snack size can for cats.
@sharlene please send some chilly weather overhere, then i will sent some hot weather to your area......
and a kiss from ian for tipper and molly.
06-15-2014, 07:56 AM
Hi Iris:
It is cooler here this morning, but is to heat up to 84 degrees by afternoon. Tipper and Toby had a good day yesterday and have walked this morning already. Lots of dew on the grass here. The mosquitoes in the states have some kind of new disease they are passing to people that makes you really sick, it is coming from out of the country to here I believe. I try to not go out too early in the morning, and keep everyone in at dusk as that is prime time for them here. Do you have a lot of them over there? That was nice of the family to give you some linens and that you have some things for the poor. I was awake a lot last nite, I could not shut my mind off for some reason it just kept going so I am not well rested today. I am so happy that your weather is cooler, as Ian will feel better. Do you have to pay shipping when you order the cat food online? I hope Ian does not start to MEOW!! Tipper said to give Ian a big kiss from her. Blessings
06-15-2014, 08:03 PM
hi patti, lots of mosquitoes too here and indeed at dawn and dusk they are active.
have screens everywhere in the house at the windows and backdoor.
they do not carry any ugly diseases as far as i know in my country.
i do not have to pay shipping if i order 30 euro or more.
i buy natural snacks for the dogs and canfood for the cat and ian and some food for my fish and it is already 30 euro+.
the small chicken/fish rolls are still favorite.
meowing ian is cute..........and thanks for the kiss tipper!
and not being able to shut the mind off.......i know everything about it.
so much to worry about......
maybe you can take a nap during the day, just as the dogs are doing....
hope you can make an appointment with the pain clinic tomorrow!
06-16-2014, 08:08 AM
Well I am staying away from the mosquitoes here as Tipper and I both need no more issues. I am waiting for the pain clinic to open up and call them. Tipper slept in the closet again last nite, it has become her go to spot to sleep now. I don't feel like even doing anything today, but the show must go on. I only order things that have no shipping on them too. I hate paying shipping, such a waste and so expensive. I love the places that try to make you order more by offering free shipping with so much of a purchase! WE are to have storms for 7 days straight. I don't think I have ever known a time like this before with so many storms. Poor Tipper she will be all out of sorts. Tipper has appointments Tuesday and Wednesday so I will be running her all over. Are you done moving things out of that clients house? Are they going to sell the house? It would be nice if one of your elderly clients left you a bundle and a house!!! Hope you and the babies have a good day and it's not too hot for Ian. Blessings
06-16-2014, 09:00 PM
an other cooler day.
we loved it.
ian has found a football in the streets and was so happy with it.
i let him keep it.
it is flat now, but i will buy him a new one for cooler days.
the house of my client is not nearly empty, because it was full of furniture.
e.g. she "collected"' closets and stuffed them with everything.
a collegue of mine and i are going to clean the storage closets with food, soap, bathroom stuff etc. and we are allowed to keep it!
lots of toilet paper too! [and candy mmmm].
the house was a rental house, so it has to be empty and clean before july 1. [or pay for another month]
lots of work for all of us, but it means some extra money!
o, and i forgot that there is a basement too............stuffed with..............??
have a safe trip next days!
06-17-2014, 07:55 AM
Today is going to be miserable for the doggies and myself. High temps and humidity is really high. I am so disgusted with that pain clinic, but what can you do, it is what it is. I am glad you are getting some extra money, and some things that will make it easier on you having to buy things. There could be treasure in the basement!! I truly hope you get some usable stuff. I just love the dogs that are merle. They are so pretty, or should I say handsome in Ian's case?? It is not even 8am and my elderly neighbor is ringing the phone already! I guess I better see what he wants. Blessings
06-17-2014, 04:20 PM
Hi Iris! Some of your people there sound like ours here. Seemingly unconcerned somehow. I was totally surprised when these people actually though instead of throwing everything away (in a hurry) they have auctions and sell everything their families had. Me on the other hand....gave to people who needed it....but I kept everything of value. Maybe, I'm a hoarder afterall. :)
I know it has to be hard after caring for someone for that long, to lose them! I get really attached to some people.
Yikes...I started this 3 days ago. :( All is fine here..HOT in the 90's. Eli and I have just been laying around doing a lot of nothing. :D
I hope you and the babies are doing OK. How's Ian doing?
06-17-2014, 04:25 PM
Oh! Good that you'll be getting some extra money to have. That's always good! Like Patty said you just might find a treasure somewhere in there!! :D You'd be surprised what is valuable! ;)
06-17-2014, 09:01 PM
yes, the money is very welcome. lots of bills to pay for.
no treasure yet from the basement.......
those children are in such a hurry, so there is not enough time to really sort things out.
who knows what they are throwing away??
but i do have a crate of food, and found some sharp scissors i could use.
and some old books about nature.
we [collegue and i] called a second hand shop to come and have a look and they took a lot of furniture and the rest of the books.
salvation army took the clothes. i am glad we organised this.
after this we have to clean the house...............
ian is doing fine with the cooler weather.
hope the temp. will drop in your area and no blizzards, hurricanes or tornado's! keep safe!
06-18-2014, 03:17 PM
It is such a shame when people are rushed and have to throw out good things some poor person could use, just such waste. Hope you are able to save some stuff in the basement for whoever could use it. We were at the vets all morning going over Tipper's operation. Itnstormed so bad on the way there the roads were like lakes, and he got to see Tipper being terrified so that was a good thing in a way. She is napping from a bad morning. The sun is out now, but not for long. Hope you don't have this horrible humidity, Ian would hate our weather. Is you aunt feeling better now? Do you plant a garden? I love veggies and they are so expensive here. Blessings
06-18-2014, 09:21 PM
they even threw away the tv...........not a flatscreen, but it worked fine and would have made someone happy...
my garden is a sort of wilderness, no time to do much work in it.
but there are wild flowers [lots of hollyhock and lavender] and 2 mini ponds with frogs...
on the terrace there are pots with some herbs, tomatoes, fuchsia etc.
i keep them over in the winter, never have to buy new ones.
veggies are pretty cheap overhere and you can buy them straight from the farmers who have little stalls outside with free range eggs and fruit and veggies etc.
it is still rather cool overhere but dry.
we could use some rain.
hope you and your animals won't need an ark......
06-19-2014, 08:18 AM
Too bad about the TV. Someone could have used it! Still hoping you find a treasure. That sounds like you will have a lot of cleaning to do. It will get you extra money until you get another client though. Your garden sounds like mine, I haven't done too much this year because of Tipper and these storms I cannot take her out with me when it is too hot for her either and I stay with her continually. So forget the garden this year. It is still raining. It thundered all nite and Tipper stayed in the closet. I did not medicate her as it was just low rumbles and not the cracks like when lightening strikes something. She did well, no panic and no running in or out of the closet. Hope your temperatures stay cool for Ian. He seems to be plugging right along with the Vetoryl and doing well. Maybe you caught him earlier than Flynn? Maybe he can just deal with it better, who knows. I have to take Elvis my parrot to the traveling vet tonite so I hope this rain stops as it is about 25 miles away and I don't like driving in the pouring rain in the dark! He is just getting his wings clipped, beak done and nails and a checkup. Blessings
06-19-2014, 11:18 PM
hi patti, ian is certainly doing very well on the vetoryl.
when looking back on how things went with flynn, i think he was suffering from cushing's disease for a long time, but he went on and on like a real working dog.
he was always eating and drinking a lot, being so active and at first he was treated for thyroid problems, which we found out later were due to cushing's.
but his arthritis was a no go for vetoryl.
ian was certainly caught earlier than flynn.
he hardly had any symptoms but weaker hindquarters with some tremors.
but i thought -as many among us on this forum- it was due to old age.
he was and is never ill. the cushing's was a surprise to me and the vet.
no treasure yet, but who knows......a millione will do.....
glad that your elvis is doing ok after his ordeal at the vet, and tipper for being comfortable in the closet!
06-20-2014, 08:55 AM
It is a shame that more is not know about this disease and it is not a well know fact to vets or people with dogs. It is just a natural thing to think it is age related. I know Tipper so well from having the pleasure of staying home with her all day that I just knew something was not right. I think back sometimes now if I had not let my vet say this was old age and pass it off as nothing that maybe I could have saved her a lot of muscle loss and her stomach would not hang so bad. I had to get in a fight with him to test her, when he finally did and I knew she had it I was really mad at him. I am the one who had to tell him what she had and get the right testing done. You can't go back and redo things, but it makes me mad when I think of it. I have already walked the dogs and it is to get warm out today. I hope it is not too bad over there for Ian. It can make you feel so miserable when the humidity is up. Hope you are making progress on the house, sounds like it is a real job. Old people tens to hoard things don't they? Blessings
06-20-2014, 10:41 PM
hi patti, yes the old lady was a classic hoarder.
the house is almost empty now. they needed 3 or 4 dumpster loads to remove everything.
today we found refugees who live in the neighborhood in the dumpster and they filled some garbage bags with towels, bedlinnen and clothes. [and a toaster]
glad they caught it before the dumpster was collected.
there are a lot of el cheapo closets nobody wants, but that is to the daughters to get rid of them.
my back is broken already.........
and then comes the cleaning..............
luckily my country vet has experience with cushing's in dogs, horses and even some pet ferrets.
it is a mysterious disease i think and still needs lots of research.
ian is 99% his old self and as long as he is doing well, i do not take him to the vet.
i am afraid it will kill him from the extreme stress he gets at the vets practice.
when there is anything wrong with him, i will go of course.
all pills are down today....!
hope there will be sunshine tomorrow so you can get some sunny vitamins!
06-21-2014, 07:46 AM
I kind of figured since it was an elderly lady maybe she was a hoarder. Too bad about those homeless people. Do you have a lot of them in your country? Where do they go in the winter. We have a lot of homeless that sleep under over passed on the highways etc. and have tents to stay in. They pan handle for money. In some area they sleep on the sidewalks. Some buy bus passes and ride the bus all nite to have some where to sleep. I am glad they at least got some usable things before the dumpster was taken. I always help the homeless if I can. In the blink of an eye it could be me. I bet you are tired after hauling all that stuff outside. No wonder your back hurts. Do you have a heating pad you could lay on? We woke up to darkness and a slow rain. It is supposed to storm today, I am not medicating Tipper as I think she will be ok since it is not to be an all day thing. I don't blame you for not taking Ian to the vet. I think the stress level they can reach is dangerous for them. I think he is doing so well that you would know if something needed looked at. I though the old lady would have a treasure for you to find!! Maybe when you clean you'll find one. Blessings
06-21-2014, 06:54 PM
we do not have a lot of homeless people in the country.
they are legitimate refugees who have a home but do know where to find things they could use.
they get support money from the government, but they know how to recycle things very well.
in my street there is a single refugee mom with 2 young daughters and i always ask the families with kids i work with for clothes, toys etc.
and she will give everything she can not use to other refugees.
all 3 of them are doing very well at school.
the old lady also had a lot of canned food stored, so i gave her some too. [lots of tomato soup, veggies, orange juice packs etc.]
but no treasure yet and the house and basement are empty.
but i have books, food, bathroom stuff, a side table and a lamp.
made a long walk in the forest today, so the doggies are happy.
hope you will have a quiet sunday with sunny weather!
06-23-2014, 04:44 PM
Hi Iris:
I just had to medicate Tipper we have a nasty storm coming again. It is really hot and humid here. I bet you are hot working in that house. Was it in pretty good condition? I bet you are tired when you leave there and go home. Tipper is sitting on the bed with me, and there are some rumbles of thunder and she is doing ok.
I have Toby doing something so he does not bark and start her up. Is Ian a good watch dog? Toby goes crazy for how little he is, he hears everything. He thinks he's tuff stuff, but learned not to tangle with Tipper. Deloras son went on vacation for two weeks. She is so upset and crying. I feel bad, but there is nothing I can do. I had to run errands this morning so I am playing catch up now and doing laundry. We are getting severe storms warnings now so I am glad I gave Tipper the Valium, it is rumbling and she is still sitting here!!! What a difference it makes. I am glad I don't have to see her like that anymore. Hope you have a good nite with the babies. Blessings
06-23-2014, 08:21 PM
hi patti, it was a 4 year old appartment especially equipped for senior citizens.
we are done now. it is empty.
i am sorry that those severe storms are still in your area, but great that tipper can handle them a bit better now.
it was hot here too, but it is awful dry. the farmers are squirting water on the grass and veggies and orchards. those pumps are powered by diesel engines that make a lot of noise and those exhaust fumes..........
the whole neighborhood smells of diesel.
i've learned my dogs not to bark inside the house.
only when there is someone at the door. a few barks and over!
i used to have 4 of them and i do not want angry neighbors.
i rent the house so i do not want trouble.
there are so many delora's in the world, it is very sad!
i used to take my dogs to my grandma's nursing home too.
even the litter of puppy's i was having at that moment. great socializing! after 30 minutes i took them to the car where they went asleep with their mom. the car [doggy van] has always been their second home and still is.
they don't mind long drives at all.
hope you and tipper will have a quiet night.
p.s. do you have an appointment with the pain clinic yet?
06-23-2014, 09:28 PM
Yes I have an appointment, but it is a month away!! I would be sick, as I cannot take diesel, gas, etc. odors as I have breathing problems from my Lupus. Good you are done cleaning that apartment. She had no pets? It is still storming here, it looks like a giant lake in my yard! Do you have any new clients yet? Your doggies are good. Toby is awful, he's a yapper and never shuts those jaws! Tipper barks at strangers coming to the door, but she is not a problem . Toby even talks back to me, he has this little growly noise he makes if you tell him something. Elvis was even scared tonite when the lightening and thunder got too close and noisy. They sure don't need to water the fields here as everything is bogged down with water. Hope it is cool enough for you and the dogs to walk. Blessings
06-24-2014, 07:30 PM
hi patti, sounds as if you are having a free swimming pool outside, we do have a sahara.......
hot and humid today, but only 3 drops of rain.....
we walked through the river for 45 minutes, but then i decided to go home because it was too sunny and hot.
i've got astma, so diesel fumes are a no go for me too.
i am sorry that you will have to wait another month for your appointment...grr!
do you use some oral painkillers?
how is the weather forecast? any improvement?
luckily the old lady did not have any pets anymore.
rehoming them is such a hugh job as you know all about it.
no new clients yet so i hope the car and the pets stay healthy................
06-25-2014, 08:11 AM
Hi Iris:
That is terrible how dry it is over there. It stormed last nite I had to pill Tipper and it rained heavy all nite and is still raining things are flooding , but not near me. Our yard is like a lake and the dogs could not even find a place to go potty this morning the water is so far up their legs they have to stand in it to go. Tipper did well with the pill, and I managed to time it just right. I am not taking her for blood pressure today as it would be a waste of time. I am going to try and get this house cleaned today, yesterday I had so many little things to do it took up my day. I hope you find a new client soon. Oh that diesel would be terrible for asthma, my condition is similar where you can't get enough air and wheeze. The dry air can't be helping either. Poor Ian I hope he gets through this extremely hot period ok. Blessings
06-25-2014, 08:53 PM
hi patti, i will send some dry days to your area, so i hope they will arrive in the mail tomorrow...ha, ha.
ian is doing fine this summer. he is just walking slower and adjusting to the temperatures.
enya is swimming, but ian just gets his legs and belly wet.
saw a dog in a doggy wheelchair, don't know what to think about it.
former working dog, does not seem too happy with it.
going potty whilst you are almost swimming sounds odd.
do they still want to go in the water? brave dogs!
hope your garage stays dry. is it under your house?
glad that tipper is still doing ok with her pills during the storms.
06-26-2014, 08:23 AM
We can use some dry days in the mail, I will be looking for them! It is good that Ian goes in the water up to his tummy at least he know how to cool off! Finally no rain this morning and the water has soaked up into the ground. When you walk on it is like a rice paddy and you sink down in. I have never seen weather like this. Too much climate change, hope this is not going to be our new weather pattern. No storm last nite so I was glad I did not give Tipper meds. She slept in the closet again. Have a good day, and I will mail you and the babies some rain! Blessings
06-26-2014, 07:58 PM
hi patti, it was HOT today and again no rain.
ian did not want any food today.
inside the house he is pacing from time to time and does not want to lay on his comforter. goes to the water bowl, but does not drink.
very strange behavior.
outside he is his normal self, wants to walk etc.
no vetoryl today of course.
i think the dogs do need some cool and rainy days. [good for my allergies too]
did our hot and dry weather arrive in the mail today?
hope tipper will have some days without storms.
06-27-2014, 07:57 AM
That is a little worrisome about Ian, I wonder what is going on? Do you think it is the dry heat? Maybe he has had enough of the heat. Tipper I noticed starts to pant if the room is stuffy or if the temperature rises the least little bit. She has even less tolerance for heat this year than she had last year. I hope he is ok. It is cooler here this morning, but lots of mosquitoes are out as the grass is full of dew. Looks like two dry days in a row this is a record for this season! Tipper and I will say a prayer that Ian is ok, and give him a kiss from Tipper and me. Blessings
06-27-2014, 08:07 PM
hi patti, ian is doing ok today.
he ate his food, but i did not give him the vetoryl today.
i will start tomorrow if he is still doing ok.
he never pants, but the hot and humid weather is not doing any good
for cush dogs.
still no rain.....
but i am glad that you had 2 dry days in a row to relax a bit!
are there more storms coming your way?
ian says thanks to tipper for the kisses and wishes her well too.
i have lots of mosquito bites too from walking through long grass along a ditch. i will avoid that place for now.
do you think those flies do bite dogs too?
never noticed anything of that kind with my dogs.
have to walk the doggies and go to bed...........
sleep well!
Harley PoMMom
06-27-2014, 09:45 PM
Hi Iris,
Sorry to hear that Ian is not feeling quite like himself, and hopefully this will not last long. Not giving him his Vetoryl was absolutely the right thing to do, Good job!!! Keep us posted, ok?
Hugs, Lori
06-28-2014, 08:24 AM
Good idea with no Vetoryl. You never know when they seem off what will crop up, but better safe than sorry. I am hoping you get some relief from this long hot dry spell you are having. We are to get storms tonite, and Tipper did her sleeping in the closet again last nite. She is not letting g any storm catch her off guard! I am washing bed linens today and some small stuff as it is already too hot out for the dogs here, and very sunny. I hope Ian was just having an off day as they do sometimes and that he is alright. Blessings
06-29-2014, 10:41 AM
Hi Iris:
We woke up to none other than rain again. It is not storming though. I found a small bump on Toby's back end this morning and I am going to have to have the vet take a look at it. I hope he does not start with problems now!! It is so hot and humid with the air on it is fogging some of the windows. I hope this rain comes to you as you need it badly. How is Ian feeling today? I hope things are alright for him. It is terrible you had to have two dogs with Cushings, one is hard enough to deal with. Tipper has let me resume cutting the long hair on her feet. If I hold her paw and cut she is ok if I promise her a treat!! I am hoping to take Toby tomorrow to see Delora she is so very lonely. Hope you have a good Sunday and Tipper said to tell Ian that she thinks he is real handsome, maybe that will perk him up a bit! Blessings
06-29-2014, 09:37 PM
hi patti and lori.
ian is doing ok considering the hot and humid weather.
i gave him the vetoryl today and he is doing fine so far.
migraine yesterday so no forum visits for me.
the dogs and i are no summer lovers.
but the weather in your area sounds a lot worse.
sorry you had to do laundry today because of tipper peeing on elvis' cover.
ian is blushing from tipper's compliment about ian's looks......
see you tomorrow......
06-30-2014, 07:37 AM
Too bad about the headache they are miserable especially looking at light really sets them off. I had to medicate Tipper last nite and think I got her just in time. We had really loud rumbles of thunder and she just laid in the closet. I am going to have to get more pills on Wednesday when she goes for Adequan. Cool and foggy here this morning looks like it could rain some more! I guess I should have ducks instead of dogs! I hope you feel better today and that Ian is still doing well. Funny how when a Cush dog has an off day all kinds of things go thru your mind. Blessings
06-30-2014, 08:28 PM
hi patti, yes you will watch your cush dog like a hawk when they do have an off day.
but since ian is doing so well over all, i am not too worried when he has an off day.
he has had vetoryl for 2 days now and is doing fine.
still sticky and hot outside with 2 drops of rain....
sorry that the storms are still going on.
hope your vet will give you some more valium pills for tipper.
keeping ducks sounds interesting though...................
how is the chest pain?
i am going to bed now.
sleep well!
Harley PoMMom
06-30-2014, 09:48 PM
Hi Iris,
I'm so sorry to read that you've had a migraine. I, too, get migraines, aren't they just plain awful :mad::(
Big hugs to you and Ian, lori
07-01-2014, 08:07 AM
I am so glad to hear I an is still doing well. Every time Tipper does something weird I get nervous. She was acting weird yesterday like her cortisol was low, acting scared of something and going in the closet. Then panting later and drinking a lot like it was high. maybe it was going up and down? No storm last nite it passed us but we are to get tornado weather this afternoon. It must be awful with your hot sticky weather and no relief. Is it like this in the summer a lot, or is it just this summer. Our weather is really changing around for the worse. It is was so humid this morning that it was hard breathing for Tipper and me. I have to go see Delora around 11am because I must be home for this storm. Blessings
07-01-2014, 05:16 PM
Iris, I hate to hear that Ian was not feeling well. Perhaps, it was the heat? I'm hoping that's all it was. :) ...How are you doing? This heat is killing all of us (and the storms for Patti and Tipper).....but, <sigh> we've had such a COLD winter.....I'm actually glad it's warm! I HATE being COLD! I just can't stand it! :( ......I've had company and a new great-grandson! :eek: Yikes! It makes me sound soooooo old! :( I'm hoping Ian and Enya are doing OK today! Have a good walk tonight! Hugs!
molly muffin
07-01-2014, 07:55 PM
Yikes! Scary to pop in and see that Ian had a bad day, but glad he is doing well now.
Those migraines are nasty things. Take care
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-01-2014, 08:47 PM
Hi Iris,
I'm so sorry to read that you've had a migraine. I, too, get migraines, aren't they just plain awful :mad::(
Big hugs to you and Ian, lori
o, yes i hate them. i always get them in this hot and humid weather....
i use pills that are called relpax. but it takes at least an hour before they start working. and i need something before i take them to prevent vomiting...
and thanks for the hugs!
07-01-2014, 08:55 PM
jo ann congratulations with your new great grandson!
and patti and sharlene, i am glad that ian is doing fine.
but there is a heat wave coming our way with still no rain.
i hate this weather.
we use to have cool summers in the past, but it is getting hotter and drier every summer.
and our winter was more like spring.
no airco in the house or car so i am not a happy person.
and patti, i hope the tornado weather will move to an other place, so tipper can start to relax.
07-02-2014, 11:56 AM
Hi Iris:
So troubling to know the weather patterns are changing all over the globe. I am praying for cooler temps and rain for you and the babies. The tornado weather passed us but we did get a storm cell that caused havoc for a while last nite. Tipper went to the vet this morning and got her Adequan. It is mugy and hot out so I don't know where the cold front is they said was coming?? I am catching up on stuff from being out all morning. Our meat and especially our beef has gone sky high. I might be a vegetarian here soon if this keeps up wow!! I am keeping everyone inside in the cool today as we have already walked. Blessings
07-02-2014, 07:35 PM
yes, too much rain at your place and a desert over here...
hope some cool and dry weather will come up to your place and some cool and wet over here.
walked -and fell- into the river this afternoon.
enya lost her ball in the water, and i wanted to grab it, but there was too much streaming, so i got a bath.
no problem since it was hot, but people looked at me thinking; why go swimming with your clothes on??
it was enya's favorite ball so i had to grab it of course.....
i buy organic meat and it is very expensive too.
but i eat it only twice a week.
i love eggs and cheese, so enough protein, but the cheese is very expensive too.
found a new client hopefully. going to meet her friday morning.
she has a 13 year old beagle.
molly muffin
07-02-2014, 10:36 PM
We just got a cool wind blow in, so should be making it's way south now. I'll huff and puff and try to get some over your way too!
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-03-2014, 08:32 AM
Well I hope that the Beagle is in good health. If not you can certainly help her out as you are very knowledgeable. I am hoping for you to get the job. Do you get the clients by word of mouth or do you advertise? I am trying to send you some rain and cooler temperatures. We had rain again last nite. Honestly the outdoors is crawling with bugs and mosquitoes from all the moisture. The only ones it seems to be hurting are the spiders. Their webs are ruined from the hard rain. The dogs have walked, but it is horribly humid out. Tipper never minded the fireworks for the 4th of July celebration, but this year as funny as she has been she will probably go in the closet. She went in last nite when it started to rain, but was not in a panic. It is real dark here and ready to start raining again. I have never seen anything like this ever. Hugs and kisses to Ian and Enya from Tipper and me.Blessings
07-03-2014, 07:43 PM
We just got a cool wind blow in, so should be making it's way south now. I'll huff and puff and try to get some over your way too!
Sharlene and molly muffin
thank you sharlene, i would be very pleased if it arrives soon!
my astma is bothering me with this hot and sticky weather and the dogs are not happy with it too!
and the weatherman said it is going to be 30 C bleeeh!
07-03-2014, 07:59 PM
hi patti, this lady i found via someone in my neighborhood.
he works in her garden and she asked him if he knew anyone who could help her with the housekeeping, medicines, groceries etc.
i am going to meet her tomorrow morning.
hope the beagle is not a fat and lazy one, but since he is old, i don't think i could change anything.
tomorrow will be 30C [90F i think] and again sticky........bleeh!
hope there will be some rain during the night.
hope tipper will not be scared of those fireworks.
i am not fond of bugs and mosquitoes too.
and big spiders...brrrrr!
the dogs and i want this summer to be over soon.
but since it is only juli 4th , not a chance.....
people are sitting in their garden half the night and making lots of noice.
07-04-2014, 07:48 AM
Hi Iris:
I am so glad you found someone in your neighborhood. I hope she hires you right away. Sounds like the beagle is very old like the master! It is much cooler here today and some fog this morning. It is hard to believe it is July, but I am waiting for winter as that is when Tipper feels the best. I thought she was going to end up sleeping on the bed last nite, but got up in the middle of the nite and went in the closet. People were already setting off fireworks last nite. Hoping for cooler, wet weather for you and the babies. That was funny about you getting the ball for Enya and getting soaked. I would have done the same thing. Blessings
07-04-2014, 06:24 PM
the lady hired me, and her beagle is lean and doing well.
needs to be groomed, but i will ask her if i might brush her. she has lots of old hairs and wool in her coat.
it is very hot and humid over here and it is not cooling down at all this evening.
no rain of course..........
did tipper survive the fireworks?
did not go anywhere with the dogs because of the heat today.
car is like an oven!
like you, i wish this summer was over.
molly muffin
07-07-2014, 08:15 PM
Great news that the lady hired you.
Is it cooling down any over there?
Hot and humid here today, with storms over night that woke me up
with the thunder and lightening. Molly got in bed with me, upside down,
getting her belly rubbed, right next to me and stayed there till the lightening
and thunder stopped. Then I put her down and she went to her own bed
and I had a dickens of a time getting her to wake up this morning so I could feed her and take her outside for a walk and get myself off to work.
That girls needs her beauty sleep I guess. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-07-2014, 08:45 PM
hi sharlene, we had one cooler day with some rain, but hot and humid today again...bleeh! and the nights are sticky too!
glad that molly is surviving those thunderstorms by snuggling up with you under the blankets, so she can not see or hear the thunder.
sometimes i have to wake the dogs for their morning walk too.
but they have to walk because they won't p and p in the garden.
but they can sleep all day whilst we have to WORK!
07-07-2014, 09:57 PM
So pleased to hear you got the job and it sounds like the beagle has been well looked after.
It seems like most of us here are looking forward to Autumn / Winter - last week we had 36C feeling like 40C thanks to the humidity, and following Hurricane Arthur over the weekend we now have 28C feeling like 35C - oh joy, not!! I hibernate once the temp exceeds 20C because the heat totally saps my strength - OH calls me his wilting English Rose :D
07-08-2014, 06:10 PM
o, i feel the same way! summer is not my favorite season at all.
exactly, 20 c is ok, any more not!
and hot and humid gives me migraines.
the dogs love the cooler weather too, we had drizzle today [20c] and we walked in it for 1 1/4 hour in the forest and got wet finally!
tomorrow it will be the same, but later in the week, hot again, bleeh!
we are just delicate woman!
molly muffin
07-08-2014, 06:18 PM
Spring and fall, those are the best times. I'm not a fan of winter at all, (canadians do love to be snowbirds and take off at the first sign of bad weather) :)
Hot, humid sticky doesn't cut it either. We have plenty of that too in the summer, but lovely springs and fall, are just divine!
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-08-2014, 06:34 PM
yes, i love spring and autumn too.
is there a country where it can only be those seasons?
some snow with christmas will be fine, and kids and dogs love it too as long as it is fresh.
i thought you canadians were used to the cold temp. during winter?
it is only july 9 and summer has just started, counting the days till fall arrives.......
molly muffin
07-08-2014, 09:20 PM
yep, molly needs to be walked too. She isn't a one pee kind of female, she has these alpha qualities that makes her think she has to mark just like a male dog! I can take her out in the yard as an in between but you best plan on giving her a walk at the regular scheduled times or she lets you know about it.
hmm, well California is pretty good, if you live by the ocean, you get that breeze all the time, and the hottest month is september and that is pretty much it. You can drive to the snow if you need to I'm thinking of the middle area or a bit north up by San Francisco, not down where Kathy, or near Los Angeles, which can be very hot. I do like fresh snow and snow at Christmas, but once it all turns to ice, I'm not happy.
LOL You'd think Canadians would be adapted to the cold by now wouldn't you and some areas get it really bad, but I just wait for it to all be over and spring to arrive.
I've mostly tried to live places that don't have tons of snow.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-08-2014, 09:52 PM
Well I absolutely love Winter, but I'm not Canadian (just live there), and most of the people I know locally complain about the snow or head South for as long as possible once it starts to chill. I like the proper Winters which don't have the warm days which cause thaw / freeze which makes the trails icy. We're in the snow belt so get quite a bit of the white stuff - we've had over 9 feet some Winters......
07-09-2014, 07:41 PM
okay, tons of snow and 9 feet of it sounds too much for me.
we do not get that much over here.
we do have a sea climate, but when the wind is east, we will get cold weather from poland/russia.
but since temp. are up worldwide, maybe our whole country will sink into the sea.......
we had 2 cooler, wet days, but it will be hot again......
poor cush- doggies!
molly muffin
07-11-2014, 09:37 PM
No one in their right mind Wants 9ft of snow!!!! yowser!
I like a sea climate much better!
It's just right here today, 16C over night, but then tomorrow up to 29C but a dry heat, so that is okay.
Then thunderstorms Saturday night and Sunday. I best get my outdoor time in tomorrow I think.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-11-2014, 09:52 PM
very hot and humid today, half of me has melted away.
it is 3:47am right now and still sticky, but i am going to walk the dogs.
can't sleep, no airco.
i want one of those icebergs you saw sharlene....
glad to read that molly is so relaxed on her new pill.
we walked [literally] through the river today.
ian is still doing pretty well in this hot weather!
molly muffin
07-20-2014, 10:32 PM
Yuk! Is 35C normal for you guys in the summer?
That is pretty hot. we get some days like that every now and then but doesn't look like
we'll have many this year.
I'll try to send some rain and cool breezes your way.
How is the gang doing?
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-21-2014, 07:33 PM
hi sharlene still VERY HOT over here. [saturday was 35C]
the dogs and i don't like it at all!
it makes you really sick.
i think the sea climate what we used to have is changing.
when the wind is west from the sea it is not so hot, but with wind from the south/east hot weather is reaching us.
no relief the coming week.
i am afraid of the dogs health, this weather is so hard on them.
even the nights are hot.
they are a bit lethargic because of it.
hope your temperatures will be normal for your and mollies sake.
i am afraid enya will be cush dog nr 3.
she has a pot belly, but no other symptoms.
i will see how she will act after the heat [and on a diet], but bloodwork is due at least. hope it is just thyroid [or overeating, she always was a piggy], that is a pretty common sheltie thing in their old age, but since her brother has cushings.............
molly muffin
07-22-2014, 10:07 PM
oh gads, I hope not another cushings, but yea, I can see how it is a worry being from the same litter. :(
This heat though has to be affecting her, so maybe wait a bit till you get some cooler breaks and see what she is doing then?
Hope you get some cooler weather soon.
Sharlene and molly muffin
07-23-2014, 07:00 PM
i will certainly wait till we have more normal temperatures.
we went to a big lake [former sea] this afternoon, lots of cooler wind there and the dogs were very happy in/around the water.
they were very active for more than 2 hours, so i hope it is just the heat and enya being a bit overweighed............
and the heat continues for the next days at least......
The weather has been crazy everywhere this year. I am curious, tell me about the lake that was once the sea:):):)
I sure hope you don't have to think about the possibility of another Cush pup and that it is just your extreme weather.
07-23-2014, 09:13 PM
it is in dutch, but maybe you will get an idea this way.
enya has a pot belly, but no other symptoms of cushing [yet].
ahh De Zuiderzee :):):) I should have remembered that from our trip to The Netherlands:o:o:o:o
It was fun to try to read Dutch and you do get the idea.;) Thanks!!!
I hope the evening is a cool one.:)
07-25-2014, 09:47 PM
yes, the former zuiderzee. so you know where we are going.............
it is a bit cooler during the day, but the nights are sticky.
i promised the dogs to go again tomorrow.
our little holiday!
molly muffin
08-02-2014, 10:50 AM
Hey Iris,
how are things going over on your side of the world. :)
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-02-2014, 01:21 PM
yes, the former zuiderzee. so you know where we are going.............
it is a bit cooler during the day, but the nights are sticky.
i promised the dogs to go again tomorrow.
our little holiday!
I haven't visited the area, but am I correct in thinking it's quite popular with German holiday makers. I spent a lot of time working in Koln and seem to recall friends talking about that area.
08-02-2014, 06:38 PM
yes, germans like our beaches very much, since they are sandy and theirs are rocky.
and they like to drink lots of dutch beer.
and sharlene, it is still very hot and humid, thunderstorm today, but no relief!
i give ian only half his dosage of vetoryl, since he has lost weight because of this lousy weather, and is not feeling 100% in this heat.
the water temp. are very high now too, so not too much relief there too anymore.
we had a winter with no frost, so the water temp. were already high.
and it is only the beginning of august................
literally getting sick of it!
hope your weather is better.
Sorry to hear the wave continues. That is hard for pups and humans.
We have had such a cool summer but we have had a ton of rain also.
I don't think I had any Dutch beer but we did try Hodge Podge for dinner one night in Amsterdam. Bailey's mom, Susan just saw all the tulips in a beautiful park and sent the most wonderful video. It was just so lovely seeing all the tulips and the patterns made with the colors.
Try to stay cool and dry if you can!!!!
08-02-2014, 07:01 PM
yes, germans like our beaches very much, since they are sandy and theirs are rocky.
and they like to drink lots of dutch beer.
and sharlene, it is still very hot and humid, thunderstorm today, but no relief!
i give ian only half his dosage of vetoryl, since he has lost weight because of this lousy weather, and is not feeling 100% in this heat.
the water temp. are very high now too, so not too much relief there too anymore.
we had a winter with no frost, so the water temp. were already high.
and it is only the beginning of august................
literally getting sick of it!
hope your weather is better.
I was always a disappointment to them because I just don't like beer :eek: I was even more of a disappointment to the Belgians when I spent 4 months in Antwerp :D
Is your weather always been so humid? It definitely seemed to get hotter in my last years in the UK, and here is unbearable - from the end of May to mid-September I basically hibernate because of the heat and humidity (and Henry joins me so I can fully understand how poor Ian feels).
08-02-2014, 10:34 PM
i don't like beer too! [male] dutch, british, german and belgian working class people drink a lot of it. it gives them pot bellies, ha, ha!
the weather is getting hotter according to the people who are studying the climate change.
we had a very "hot" winter [no frost] , so the water temp. are high and the wind is "'hot"' too.
normally with a sea climate the wind from the sea is cool, but this year the wind is most of the time from the land side where the temp. are higher.
and especially the nights are hot and sticky. not cooling down much.
@addy and@ mc davis; you both have been travelling a lot for work and holidays.
if you want to sea tulips, you have to come during early spring time.
i've never been to the usa or canada, but i have visited a lot of european countries by car.
i hope the weather will be quiet and cool for all our [cush] doggies.
08-12-2014, 06:47 PM
and i won "'the cushing's lottery"' for the third time.
ian's sister enya is on vetoryl too since 5 days. 15 mg. doing well.
ian is still on 15 mg too since he lost some weight because of the heat.
it is cooler now this week, so we are happy.
hope the heat does not come back.
it didn't do any good to us.
hope the dogs will recover soon from this.
i am still a bit worried.
molly muffin
08-12-2014, 06:58 PM
Oh my goodness!! 3 now! Glad Enya is doing well.
Did you get her tested?
What is causing you to worry still?
Do you think this is a litter issue since all 3 have had cushings?
Glad the weather is cooler, I know you were really sweltering!
Sharlene and molly muffin
Well you called it right. Are you ok? I'm glad the heat let up for you.
Are you worried Ian lost some weight and had trouble with the heat?
08-12-2014, 07:46 PM
hi sharlene, flynn was not related to ian and enya.
he was a pedigree border collie, so nothing to do with the others.
the worry comes from the fact that this long period of hot and humid weather did not do the dogs any good.
she was showing more and more symptoms and getting more pot bellied every day.
so i took the risk of starting her very low on 15 mg vetoryl.
she is doing a lot better after 5 days now.
testing her means fully sedate her and that scared me very much, knowing she needs a lot because she is very stressed at the vets office. and because of that it will cost her a long time to clear her body from all this stuff.
last time when she cut her leg badly it took her half a day.
i took her back to give her an antidote. very scary.
molly muffin
08-12-2014, 08:44 PM
Oh, I thought Flynn was a litter mate. My mistake.
Yes the weather can be quite hard on them when it is too hot.
Yes I see what you mean. Poor girl.
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-20-2014, 09:57 PM
it is still cooler over here, so the dogs are feeling much better.
enya is on 15 mg for 13 days now and her belly is already less in size.
she is doing fine, except for the fears.
like tipper and eli she has become paranoid sometimes of noises and things we don't see, but she does.
especially in the dark. her eyes look clear, no greyish film or anything like that.
a bit skittish in the house too.
aside of that she is much fitter, so we are happy.
ian is still doing very well on the vetoryl for 9 months now.
sept. 4 he will be 13.5 years old.
molly muffin
08-20-2014, 10:37 PM
Hope that Enya continues to do good. You'll have to keep an eye on her, as being skittish can also be a sign of the cortisol going low, so they don't have that natural protection of adrenal burst when they think there is something going on.
Glad the weather is cooler for you now. We on the other hand have had the coldest july and october since they started keeping records. Isn't that a joy. NOT! They are now saying me might have a colder than normal winter too so no idea what that will mean for the rest of the world.
Sharlene and molly muffin
08-21-2014, 11:31 AM
I'm pleased to hear the vetoryl is helping both dogs, and also that it's started cooling down for you - that will definitely help.
I do hope we have a colder winter than last year - we kept having odd warm days which melted the snow which then turned to ice.
08-21-2014, 08:27 PM
i always will watch the dogs carefully.
i hope enya will slowly lose more weight, because she looks like a pot bellied piggy. her brother looks normal now, so i hope she wil too in a few months.
a colder than normal winter, brrrr!
mc davis and sharlene, i hope it will be a winter for you with steady temperatures, so you can go outside to walk the dogs without blizzards and tons of snow and ice.
last winter it was like spring over here, and the winter before we had 3 months of snow and again in april.
i think the climate is off, and we don't know what to expect anymore.
a cold summer after that long winter you had, doesn't sound too good.
it is only max. 65F now/20C so one could say it is cold some days when there is rain.
but the weatherman said that it will be pretty hot again next week?
well we have to wait and see. i hope he is wrong.
09-03-2014, 05:25 PM
my ian will be exactly 13.5 tomorrow, so time for a small birthday party.
he is still doing very well.
his birthday meal will be tripe, his favorite!
09-03-2014, 07:10 PM
Happy 13.5 birthday to Ian - I hope he enjoys his birthday treat.
How is Enya doing after another week on the meds?
Is it still cooling down for you?
We had one truly wonderful day of 16C last week (so I took Henry for a 4 mile walk), then temperatures rocketed along with the humidity. It was 30C when I left the rink at 10pm last night and my car was covered in condensation so I ended up putting the roof and windows down and had to use the wipers on super speed just to see :eek:
09-04-2014, 08:14 PM
thank you for the birthday wishes, it was cooler for 2 weeks, but it is hot and humid again.
16C is what they like here too, good weather to make long walks.
great that your henry is still able to make those long walks.
but 30C and very humid in your area, not what we and our dogs want!
ian's sister enya developed fears like tipper and eli had/have on this forum.
afraid of noises, the dark etc., even in the house.
she made me and her brother very nervous.
her pot belly was much less in size and her body was doing fine, but her mind wasn't.
so i took her off the vetoryl a few days ago to see if she would recover from that side effect.
and she is more happy now already, but already looking fatter and begging for food.
15 mg vetoryl for an 11 kg dog should not be too much. i will wait till there are more symptoms and then try again.
she is still fit enough to make long walks and loves to swim in the lake and river.
Harley PoMMom
09-04-2014, 08:30 PM
Happy 13.5 Birthday, sweet Ian!!!
09-04-2014, 08:34 PM
thank you!
molly muffin
09-04-2014, 10:58 PM
Oh my. Almost missed this!!
Happy birthday Ian !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yuk. Hot and humid is terrible for the people and the dogs.
Less might work better though for Enya. You just never know.
Sharlene and Molly muffin
molly muffin
09-22-2014, 05:17 PM
Iris, how are you and the gang doing? Finally get some cool fall weather? We had a cool day here today but tomorrow we're heading back to sunshine and warmer temps. We're all thrilled too, since our summer seems to have been mostly wet and cold! grrr
Sharlene and molly muffin
09-23-2014, 06:15 PM
hi sharlene it is still pretty hot over here and very dry.
the dogs and i are not feeling well because of it.
last winter was hot and spring and summer too, no relief yet.
send some wet and cold over here please, you can have our dry and warm weather in return.
we went to the beach 3 times in the last 2 weeks to cool off a bit.
very happy doggies!
enys is still off the vetoryl because of character changes.
she became afraid of noises, the dark etc.
if the cushing symptoms are getting worse, we will see again what dosage to start with.
ian is still doing fine on his lower dosage, eating well and taking all his pills!
hope mollies eyes are in pretty good shape and that there is some proper medicine for it if needed!
09-25-2014, 01:33 PM
I am so sorry for your grief over Flynns loss. RIP sweet fellow. Home free!
Tight hugs.
Xo Jeanette
09-25-2014, 05:27 PM
thank you jeanette, it is almost 9 months ago flynn died.
i have an other cush dog ian, and his sister is showing signs of cushing too.
never a dull moment over here.
have to look into your topic to see what kind of cushing dog you have.
oh, i see you lost your dog a year ago, awful disease this cushing is!
i am lucky my ian is doing very well so far.
but like your princess and my flynn, it can be over real fast.
10-30-2014, 07:09 PM
ian is still doing fine on 20 mg of vetoryl and some fish oil.
the 3 of us went to the beach on tuesday-still pretty high temp. over here and sticky- and walked for 2 hours with a rest halfway sitting on top of the dunes watching the sea.
i am so spoiled with him [and enya]doing ok.
ian is on vetoryl since nov. 23, 2013.
his sister has a pot belly and arthritis, and i didn't put her back on vetoryl.
as long as she is doing well and feeling well i will wait till she has more cushing symptoms.
i still don't have the money to pay for all the tests, but if she is going to show discomfort i will visit the vet of course.
so, not too bad at all!
My heart goes out to you and your family.
molly muffin
10-30-2014, 09:32 PM
That is great that Ian and Enya are doing so well. Still doing long walks I see.
We're at risk of first snow flurries tomorrow night. Yikes, not really ready for that yet.
It's great to hear from you again.
Take care,
10-30-2014, 09:37 PM
So pleased to see an update from you, and pleased to hear things are going well with Ian and Enya, although sorry to hear it's still so hot.
We too have snow in our forecast, but have to wait until Sunday. OH is busy putting the snow tyres on and the Mustangs are tucked up until April.
10-31-2014, 10:49 AM
Hi,Sorry to read about your Flynn. I can't imagine doing this more than once. Good your other pups are doing well.
10-31-2014, 06:03 PM
it is hard for me to imagine snow on the ground as it will be 21 C [70F] over here tomorrow. on nov.1? not normal anymore.
maybe it sounds off, but i would love some snow for a change and the dogs certainly love it too!
it is warm/hot and sticky for almost a year now and cush dogs don't do too well in this weather.
i hope you don't get the long, cold winter you had last year with tons of snow.
is it normal to have snow already?
hope you and your dogs are doing fine, and till the next update.
molly muffin
10-31-2014, 08:32 PM
I don't think it will stick around for very long. Probably only an hour or so. The ground isn't frozen or cold enough yet. So I'm thinking it's just a passing thing. 21c. That is crazy!
11-01-2014, 03:58 PM
yes, 21c is indeed crazy for nov. 1, but it will be cooler next week the weather man just said.
cush dogs like the cooler weather. mine certainly do so.
hope molly and all the other dogs on the forum are doing fine........
molly muffin
11-01-2014, 09:56 PM
We've been out all evening and I'm just getting back, first thing I did was to take molly out.
Molly was loving the cooler weather tonight and just ran and ran from tree to tree or from sniffy spot to sniffy spot, it's 1C here right now.
11-02-2014, 05:27 PM
1C.................brrrrr! it was about 17C today. down to 12 the rest of the week.
so glad that molly is feeling fine and is running through the the vetoryl is doing her well?
molly muffin
11-02-2014, 05:53 PM
We will know more after the follow up ACTH this Thursday.
Cross fingers that her numbers are actually coming down. We need this for her kidneys and high BP
11-02-2014, 08:28 PM
we will cross our fingers and paws for molly!
11-03-2014, 07:03 PM
1C for us today, then 16C on Thursday :confused: :confused:
11-03-2014, 07:09 PM
that is a big temperature jump...............................from snow suite------bikini!
molly muffin
11-03-2014, 07:39 PM
yep, been there done that last week MC. Crazy isn't it
Budsters Mom
11-03-2014, 08:45 PM
It's heating up again here this week. Supposed to be in the mid 90s F by Thursday. That's about 35 degees Celsius. It has been dropping to the mid 60s during the night. That cold for us. Lol ;):D
11-04-2014, 02:15 PM
35C...pfffff, that would be far too hot for me and the doggies.
i prefer snow...............
are you going to walk the dogs during the night?
or are they used to these temperatures?
Budsters Mom
11-04-2014, 03:06 PM
It cools down quite nicely in the evening. Once the sun starts to set, it's cool enough to walk to the park. I try to go most days because Rosie loves it. Early AM is cool also, but I'm not much of a morning person. Getting to work on time is challenging enough.:o
We get snow rarely in our local mountains, but no snow where I live. We don't get any winter to speak of. We have a somewhat longer fall, then it turns to Spring again. I have NEVER experienced a white Christmas. It is not unusual to be running around at Christmas time in 80 degree weather (27.6 degrees Celsius)
11-04-2014, 03:17 PM
okay,so it cools down at night after sunset.
glad you can go to the park with rosie.
i am not much of a morning person either.
short round before going to work, a long walk during lunchbreak and after work.
it is indeed good for our dogs and ourselves to exercise them.
can rosie walk off leash in the park?
we do have a sea climate so the winters are not very cold too.
sometimes we do have a white christmas though.
11-30-2014, 04:44 PM
last night ian has vomited twice, this morning the living room was covered with bloody diarrhea from wall to wall.
ian was lying in a corner, so i called our vet-luckily it is a 24/7 clinic.
i took ian in, no fever, so he got some anti nausea shot and Metronidazole pills to give him at home, but he is too sick to eat them.
no diarrhea anymore, no vomiting, but he is feeling sick of course.
poor ian.
there were more dogs with a diarrhea virus this weekend who needed iv fluids etc. but they all had a fever, ian didn't.
he is drinking ok, so hopefully he will be feeling better soon.
molly muffin
11-30-2014, 04:55 PM
Maybe you could entice him with something to just get the metronidazole pill into him. If he has a gastro intestinal bacteria, then he needs to get that to help him stabilize and not become dehydrated.
Poor Ian. :( Something going around there?
11-30-2014, 08:01 PM
yes, he wasn't the only one with severe diahrrea this weekend, even when we were in people called telling their dog was having the runs.
saturday 2 dogs had to stay, both needed iv fluids, but they were runnung a fever, ian did not.
he is sleeping now after drinking a lot of water.
on his side instead of on his belly.
nothing came out of him again, front or backside.
so i hope this was it and he now has to recover from it.
no pills yet and no vetoryl of course.
11-30-2014, 08:54 PM
Poor Ian. I hope he's feeling better soon. As Sharlene says I'd try to get him to take the metronidazole because it will help get rid of any bacteria. I know it's not ideal but if I really had to get Hamish to take pills I would coat them in a tiny bit of liver sausage.
12-01-2014, 03:52 PM
ian is feeling better today, no more vomiting or diahrrea.
ian is very hard to pill.
he is suspicious of everything i want to feed him.
liver sausage or luxury catfood from a small can works most of the time, but i can't force it down because he would never trust me again.
and he needs his vetoryl.
i will skip the vetoryl again today and start low tomorrow.
he has walked a few short walks, so i think he is ok again.
his sister doesn't show any signs of being ill, so i hope she doesn't get it.
i had to clean everything and that smell......................brrrr!
he is asking for food right now, so i will feed him some.
he has eaten some treats today and that went well.
Squirt's Mom
12-01-2014, 03:58 PM
Glad to hear he is feeling more like his old self and hope he continues to improve. I could smell that odor when reading your comment! YUK!
molly muffin
12-01-2014, 05:51 PM
Glad Ian is doing better today and hopefully he'll continue to improve every day.
Must be something that is making the rounds. :(
12-01-2014, 07:13 PM
his brother died last tuesday of spreaded colon cancer.
he was operated 9 months ago, but the cancer came back.
so, i was very scared when i saw this mess yesterday morning...............
but so far, so good with ian.
I can imagine how scared you were. I am so glad Ian is better.
Big hugs
Squirt's Mom
12-02-2014, 07:42 AM
Oh gosh! I bet you were really frightened after learning of his brother's plight. How is Ian today?
Squirt got impossible to pill and very expert at getting the good stuff off then spitting the pill. :rolleyes: She finally decided that was too much work for a Queen and simply refused anything that MIGHT have a pill hidden in it. :D I resorted to either crushing pills or finding liquid forms and putting that in something she liked to eat. It worked 95% of the time - especially if the food was something different from her usual fare. ;) When the pills were really bitter, honey was our friend.
12-02-2014, 05:11 PM
ian is doing very well!
he is very hungry today, a few days without vetoryl and not eating whole meals, has made him hungry.
so he ate his normal amount of food and his vetoryl [only 15 mg today]
like leslie said he is very difficult to pill and you will have to think about how to fool them every day.
he is not very food orientated.
liquid and way! the best way with ian are capsules, he doesn't smell them, but when he has bitten one and has tasted the stuff he is very suspicious again. and most capsules are big.
luckily he can live without them for a few days, and after a lot of treats without pills, i can most of the time fool him again.
my working dogs- shepards and border collies- were very easy to pill;
mouth open and voila..........., but these smaller dogs are softies, and get stressed very easy!
pill time is not my favorite time of the day.
so far nothing going on with enya, so i hope she stays free from it.
molly muffin
12-02-2014, 07:12 PM
So good to hear that this seems to have passed for Ian.
I'm sure he'll be back on track in no time.
molly muffin
12-24-2014, 06:52 PM
Merry Christmas Iris, Ian and Enya. Hope you are doing something nice for Christmas.
Big hugs
12-24-2014, 07:26 PM
thank you sharlene, going to my aunt with the doggies, stay the night and back home friday.
[in the nl's we do have 2 christmas days]
the dogs are getting older, but doing fine.
12-24-2014, 08:57 PM
Just dropping by to wish you Merry Christmas from Henry and me
12-26-2014, 05:36 PM
thank you, and a [belated] merry christmas to you and henry too!
[no internet for 2 days.]
12-29-2014, 04:12 PM
tomorrow it will be a year already since i had to put flynn down.
he wasn't able to lead a normal bordercollie life anymore.
i've learned a lot since then, thanks to this forum.
luckily ian is doing ok on the 20 mg vetoryl.
enya is still looking pot bellied, drinking a bit more, but never had an accident in the house [she can hold it for 10 hours during the night]
she was always very food orientated from pup on, so that is not a symptom from cushing's for her.
so i will keep an eye on her for more symptoms, but so far so good.
molly muffin
12-29-2014, 06:18 PM
Thinking of you and Flynn. Even when it is the right thing to do, it is still a hard thing to do.
They take a bit of our heart with them and leave a huge portion of their heart with us.
I'm glad that Ian is doing so well and hope that Enya continues to do well too.
Squirt's Mom
12-30-2014, 08:15 AM
I Haven't Left At All
I saw you gently weeping as you looked through photographs
You paused for just a moment at one that made you laugh;
But as you turned more pages the tears began to flow
You whispered that you missed me but I want you to know;
I softly licked those stinging tears that down your cheeks did fall,
I want to help you understand I haven’t left at all.
On those days that you are overcome with sorrow, pain and grief
I rest my head upon your leg to offer some relief.
When you take our walking path I’ve seen you turn around
Because I know you surely heard my paws upon the ground.
At night while you are sleeping I snuggle at your side,
You stroke my fur as you touch that place where I used to lie.
You said it’s just your heart playing tricks upon your mind
But rest assured I’m really there, my Spirit’s left behind.
I know your heart is hurting; it’s like an open sore,
You think my life has ended and you won’t see me anymore.
But for those of us bound tight by love, death is not the curtain call;
It’s really the eternal beginning that waits for us all.
So, dear Master, as you live your life I patiently await
For us to be together when you pass through Heaven’s gate
Our thoughts and prayers are with you on this "first". I know your sweet boy is watching over you still...and always.
12-30-2014, 08:41 AM
Dear Iris,
Just wanted to tell you that I am thinking of you today, as well, and to thank you for all your helpful posts to others here even at times when you may be feeling low yourself. I know today must feel especially hard, but you did the right thing for Flynn as painful as it was. Today we all join you in honoring your dear brave boy.
Firsts are just plain crappy.
Big hugs to you. I understand.
12-30-2014, 10:10 AM
Big (((hugs))) from me too Iris!
12-30-2014, 03:48 PM
thank you all for the kind words on this day.
it doesn't feel like one year already, but it is.
luckily ian and enya are still doing fine for their age.
we do have a few inches of snow and they do like it a lot, but i think it will be melted by tomorrow.
up till a few days ago it was 10-12C/50-60F , so like last year, no winter yet!
12-31-2014, 05:42 PM
it is 11.42 pm right now, so almost 2015!
i want to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year!
molly muffin
01-01-2015, 02:04 AM
Happy New Years Iris, Ian, Enya
01-01-2015, 05:16 PM
thank you sharlene! and a happy and healthy new year to you too!
01-01-2015, 08:00 PM
Happy New Year to you, Ian and Enya. We wish you all health and happiness in 2015.
Happy New Year!!!! I hope you and the pups are doing well as day two of 2015 starts for us.
We have gone a month without snow but expect snow this weekend.
It actually felt good to have a month of no snow, more walks for us.
I hope you are getting many walks in!!!!
01-02-2015, 04:38 PM
thank you both! and a happy and healthy new year to you too!
the snow has gone and the temperatures are up again.
no winter yet.
we still walk a lot, not as fast anymore, but forest, river, and in spring lake and sea i hope [their favorite spots] to keep them and myself in shape. used to be 4 miles/6 km / hour, and these days 2,5 miles/4 km/ hour. miss the longer hikes, but they still walk +_ 2 hours/day.
Squirt's Mom
01-03-2015, 08:13 AM
Good grief! I struggle to walk to the truck! :D
molly muffin
01-03-2015, 09:53 AM
I'm impressed, that is some good walks.
01-03-2015, 02:47 PM
if the weather is like today-cold drizzle- we don't walk this far.
but when it is dry we try to do the 2 hour walks.
i am not someone who goes to fitness etc. so this is our way to exercise ourselves.
01-03-2015, 10:25 PM
I always used to joke that I walked at "Hamish pace" (3 miles/hr), so we would be constantly overtaken by other trail users ;), and I'm sure I still walk at the same pace with Henry as we were overtaken by a man with a westie and a 5 year old yesterday!!
01-04-2015, 04:32 PM
oops...are we getting old????
i still walk way too fast sometimes and when i look back after a while the dogs are way behind.........
i have to concentrate on -like you- walk a 2,5/3 mile pace with my golden oldies.
my own pace is more like 4 miles/hour.
if you and henry are doing fine at a 3m/h pace then i would continue to do so.
enjoy your walks!
I don't think we will be doing any walks:rolleyes:
I just went out for five minutes and my finger tips froze:eek:
I sure hope you are having better weather.
Florida looks good right now.
01-04-2015, 08:23 PM
we are in the plus temperatures [no frost] and dry, so we can walk.
do you have a lot of snow and frost?
this is the second winter in a row in nl. which looks more like spring.........
We had snow most of the day and the wind is blowing pretty fierce.
I'm not sure how Koko will go out tomorrow as the temperature will continue to drop through the night. Up until this weekend, our weather was not as severe as last year.
I hope your weather stays good for you and the pups.
01-05-2015, 05:12 AM
i hope this winter will not be as severe as last year for you too.
is it too cold to let koko out in the snow for p and p?
if she really has to go she will won't she?
hope the weather will improve soon so you can walk koko again.
02-27-2015, 07:09 PM
ian is slowly drinking more the last 3 a 4 weeks. i found a puddle of pee twice. otherwise he is doing fine.
today after our afternoon walk along the riverside he got sick. before he was acting normal.
after a normal poo he pooped small amounts of mostard poo, yellow/orangish.
7.30 pm he started to vomit.
luckily we do have a 24/7 vet practice, so i made an appointment at 8pm.
the vet palpated his belly, but no signs of pain and everything felt well he said. gums ok. no signs of an uti.
little fever, but he is very stressed at the vets.
got a shot of cerenia and loperamide because of the cramps.
he is very restless still, drinks a lot, wanting to pee every hour, lying on his belly, not on his side what he normally does. not relaxed although he is very tired.
his sister got a snack and he wanted one too and ate it.
he will be 14 next wednesday.
i hope he is feeling better soon.
molly muffin
02-27-2015, 09:16 PM
Oh Iris. That must be very worrying. :(.
No uti but glucose okay? Kidneys?
He hadn't been acting off at all before the walk today other than drinking more and peeing more?
What did the vet think was going on?
Hope he is better soon.
02-27-2015, 10:04 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry to see that Ian isn't well. I really hope that it's nothing serious. Could it be something that he's eaten whilst on the walk?
It's a good sign that he wanted to eat. I'll be thinking about all of you and hope he's feeling better soon.
Squirt's Mom
02-28-2015, 08:15 AM
Prayers rising for Ian and you, sweetie. Let us know how he's doing! Had to take Redd in yesterday for the same problem - explosive butt syndrome! His wasn't orange, tho - just LOTS and OFTEN! :eek: So here's to our boys feeling much better today!
Harley PoMMom
02-28-2015, 11:54 AM
Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Hoping that Ian is feeling like his ole self real soon.
Hugs, Lori
02-28-2015, 03:50 PM
ian is feeling better today, no poops, but drinking a lot and peeing a lot. he never eats anything filthy [his sister does though]
he was drinking more lately and it looks like the cushing symptoms are coming back. he even eats his pills all the time.
he is still on a very low dosage 20 mg vetoryl for a 14a15 kg dog [+ - 30 pounds], so i am going to up it gradually.
blood work when he is better.
the vet wasn't worried, because the vital signs were ok. and his belly or kidney area felt good, no pain.
he is very fit for his age, looks good, no weight loss, strong heartbeat.
he is a very experienced all animal vet. [10 minute drive] he knows what i want and don't want. there is also a female vet and a regular female locum vet. i do like them all. no nonsense country vets.
and a veteranary uni at 25 km [15 miles]. [advantage of living in a small country.]
so i hope he can invite you all for his 14th birthday party march 4.
@leslie, i hope redd is feeling better too.
Squirt's Mom
02-28-2015, 04:07 PM
Glad to hear Ian is feeling better! Redd seems to be tho he's still having a little bit of an issue. Nothing like before thankfully! ;)
02-28-2015, 10:01 PM
So pleased to hear that Ian is feeling better today, and I hope he continues to improve so Henry and I can join his virtual 14th birthday celebrations :)
So sorry to hear about Redd tho Leslie - I really hope he's feeling much better tomorrow.
03-01-2015, 07:42 PM
ian is doing ok. still drinking more and wanting to go out every 3 hours or so.
he was very hyper after his vet visit. lots of stress and cortisol rising , he was like molly muffin after an acth test...............
day 2 on 30 mg of vetoryl, drinking less, but still more than a month ago.
@sharlene, is molly drinking more those 48 hours after the test?
molly muffin
03-01-2015, 07:52 PM
Iris, molly is everything more after the ACTH. More water, more food begging, more hyper, more, more more.
She usually calms down after 48 hours or so.
Give it some time on the 30mg of vetroyl. It can go down for even an month on an increased dose..
03-01-2015, 08:21 PM
well ian was the same, i have never seen him like this before.
i think his cortisol was already rising the last few weeks, and the stressfull vet visit did the rest.
it is now 48 hours later and he slept a lot today.
i know now what you are going through with molly.......i am tired too.
Squirt's Mom
03-02-2015, 07:53 AM
Bless your heart. I hope you and Ian both can get some rest today. His digestive system settled down? Redd is doing better but is convinced he is starving with his smaller meals the last few days! :D
03-02-2015, 04:12 PM
his digestive system was ok the next day, but he is still drinking a lot of water and wanting to go out every 2-4 hours. not normal for him.
pee in the house every morning...............
but he is doing fine otherwise...?????? weird.
@redd, i will send you a big steak for ian's birthday!
molly muffin
03-02-2015, 05:51 PM
Hoping that the water intake will decrease and the peeing in the house subside as he gets back to some sort of normal.
03-02-2015, 06:49 PM
i hope so too. i will give it some more days and then back for blood work. maybe kidneys, but he is not loosing weight or showing any other symptom but drinking a lot.
he isn't showing any signs of an uti. he never had one. no dementia at all.
just the drinking part.
03-03-2015, 05:09 PM
in 53 minutes [europe] ian will be 14 years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he was born in my hands, so i know him from day one!
hopefully he will go on for a long time!
happy birthday ian!
iris, sister enya, and cat bagheera.
molly muffin
03-03-2015, 05:51 PM
Awww, Happy 14th Birthday Ian
I hope you are around for a very long time to come too. :)
How precious to have known him since his birth and to enjoy the time with him.
03-04-2015, 10:29 AM
Happy 14th Birthday to Ian from Henry and me. I hope you all have a lovely day and that his health improves.
Squirt's Mom
03-04-2015, 11:03 AM
Happy 14th Birthday, Ian!
03-04-2015, 06:03 PM
thank you, he was spoiled with a lot of treats and a bowl of tripe.
[and he was very nice the last 3 days to NOT pee in the house during the night/morning.]
Harley PoMMom
03-04-2015, 08:12 PM
Happy Birthday, sweet Ian!!!
03-05-2015, 06:23 PM
thank you!
molly muffin
05-13-2015, 11:01 PM
How are you and the dogs doing? Must be nice weather there now and can have a lot of long walks. Hopefully not too hot, remember last year was a bit warm.
05-14-2015, 05:42 PM
hi sharlene, the weather is nice but very dry and we had a few hot days already. last year was very dry too.
no more really long walks anymore this time of the year. hoping for a cool summer with enough rain.
we walk for an hour during lunchtime, but no long distances anymore.
we went to the beach last sunday for 2 hours with a rest in the dunes halfway, but i try to walk on the wet sand close to the water so it is easier to do for the golden oldies.
ian is still drinking and peeing a lot even after increasing the vetoryl -with babysteps -from 20-30 mg. but otherwise doing fine.
enya is doing fine too, still a pot belly, and a few minor changes, but the cushing's??isn't progressing. turned 13 may 2.
today we made our yearly trip to one of their brothers. it is a very long drive, but it can be for the last time considering their age.
went to a lake with 6 dogs in total, so the siblings are out........
waiting for the pictures in the mail from our visit.
hope you and molly are doing fine too.
05-19-2015, 08:40 PM
A belated Happy Birthday to Enya, and pleased to hear that they're doing OK and enjoyed their visit with their siblings.
It's started warming up here too so Henry and I are counting down to next Winter - neither of us likes the heat and I had to pull 10 ticks off him after a 20 minute walk yesterday :(
molly muffin
05-19-2015, 09:59 PM
Ugh I heard ticks are suppose to bad here this year. That sure is also to pull off from one walk!
05-19-2015, 11:05 PM
I'm following here, and have a question about giving my dog her capsule. I am putting it in her food. I am not sure if she has chewed it or it goes down smoothly with her bite of food. Do most of you put the cap directly into the pups mouth? Thank you.
05-20-2015, 06:23 PM
@ mc davis...10 won the jackpot! nice pic of him in the car.
do you use anything like a flea/tick collar or drops? i found some too on my dogs already.
we don't like summer too. 17c today and windy, we like it that way!
in this temp. we can still do our midday walks.
we do more short walks in between cause ian needs to go outside more to pee.
@sblackmon47; my dogs are not easy to pill, so i always try to hide them in something extra yummie like wet cat food or cream cheese or peanut butter.
when they accidently bite the capsule they immediately spit it out.
just don't throw it in their bowl, but feed it seperately before you give the rest of the food. make it a small bite, so they swallow it without chewing. followed by something extra yummie to reward them.
good luck.
07-09-2015, 06:28 PM
update on ian; we are having awful high temperatures again. last saturday it was 36C=100+F. ian went outside to pee and got a seizure in the sun for 30 seconds. walking wobbly afterwards and feeling off. he never had one in his life. he is 14 1/2 now.
cush dogs do not well in the heat and ian has a very hard time during those heat waves.
our country used to be cool and wet, but not anymore due to climate changes. we had 2 cooler days and some rain, but as of tomorrow it will be hot again.
i don't have airco-hardly anyone in this country has-and i hope the doggies [and i] will survive. and it is only the beginning of july.
i am not a summer person at all!!!!!!!!!
i used to take them to the beach every sunday when it was cooler, but not anymore. way too hot!
because of the heat stress he is only taking 20 mg of vetoryl, 30 mg is making him lethargic right now. so drinking and peeing a lot.
we want snow ha, ha! his sister enya [13] is still the same; pot belly, a few mild symptoms, but no progression into full blown cushing's.
going for a walk in the dark right now, and after that, off to bed.
Squirt's Mom
07-10-2015, 07:17 AM
I hope Ian is ok and no more seizures! The heat is miserable here, too, and the humidity makes it feel even hotter than it really is most days. I am not a summer person either, getting physically ill in the sun. I wish I liked beaches, camping, and all the fun summer activities but I simply cannot participate. Walking thru a tourist town shopping in the summer is not fun for me - it is torture. ;)
Let us know how Ian is doing as you can! And stay cool! Do you have a kiddie pool, a small stiff plastic pool that is about 8-10" deep? You might put some water in that while the pool is in the shade to let Ian and Enya cool off. A cool wet rag on the belly can help them cool when they get too hot. ;)
07-10-2015, 01:18 PM
So sorry to hear about Ian. I hope he doesn't have any more seizures.
I absolutely hate the heat so I'm with you in counting down to winter / snow. I spend most of the summer hibernating somewhere cool and complaining about the horrible heat ;)
Our a/c failed a few weeks ago and we had fans everywhere - we put a bowl of cold water behind them to get a cooling mist. If you have multiple levels put a fan on the lower floor directed to blow the cooler air upstairs. We kept the curtains drawn to keep the rooms cooler, and we draped cold damp towels on Henry and gave him ice cubes. When outside we didn't let him walk on any hard surfaces.
07-10-2015, 07:07 PM
thank you, 2 fellow "'i do not like summer"' persons.
i do the same for myself and the dogs to try to stay cool.
it was cooler and we even had some rain for 2 days, but today and tomorrow will be hot again. next week it will be cooler the weatherman promised us.
i am a natural red head, so summer sun is my enemy.
i hope the 2 of you and your dogs will survive this summer.
going to walk the dogs in the dark. it is 1;08 am over here.
good night everyone.
07-22-2015, 06:46 PM
last friday afternoon ian got sick suddenly. blood work showed very high liver numbers. the chem machine couldn't even measure the alkaline fosfatase. nothing helped, no medicine, nothing!
he was so miserable today that i went to the vet to put him down.
a week ago he still walked along the river and now he is gone.
he and his little sister were never a day apart, they were very close and now she is confused and upset.
this is the second dog i lost to the dreadful cushing's disease.
he was 14 1/2 years old.
Budsters Mom
07-22-2015, 07:12 PM
Oh no!!! I am so very sorry for your loss.:o Yes, this disease sucks! :o
Fly free Ian, fly free!
07-22-2015, 07:46 PM
I'm so sorry to learn of Ian's passing -- please give yourself and Enya gentle hugs!
07-22-2015, 07:55 PM
I'm so very, very sorry to hear about Ian. Poor Enya must be so confused - my thoughts are with you both.
Squirt's Mom
07-23-2015, 07:16 AM
Dear Iris,
There are no words this morning, just tears that join yours and Enya's. I know how hard you fought for both these boys, how much of yourself you gave them every single day....and so do they. Ian knows how many sleepless nights you have spent worrying about his medicine and tests on top of everything else; he knows the lengths you went to in order to make sure he had what he needed, even when your own needs weren't met. Flynn, Ian, and Eyna simply could not have a better mom.
My thoughts and prayers are with you in deepest sympathies,
Leslie, Trinket, Brick, Sophie, Fox, Redd, and all our Angels
You're giving me a special gift,
So sorrowfully endowed,
And through these last few cherished days,
Your courage makes me proud.
But really, love is knowing
When your best friend is in pain,
And understanding earthly acts
Will only be in vain.
So looking deep into your eyes,
Beyond, into your soul,
I see in you the magic, that will
Once more make me whole.
The strength that you possess,
Is why I look to you today,
To do this thing that must be done,
For it's the only way.
That strength is why I've followed you,
And chose you as my friend,
And why I've loved you all these years...
My partner 'til the end.
Please, understand just what this gift,
You're giving, means to me,
It gives me back the strength I've lost,
And all my dignity.
You take a stand on my behalf,
For that is what friends do.
And know that what you do is right,
For I believe it too.
So one last time, I breathe your scent,
And through your hand I feel,
The courage that's within you,
To now grant me this appeal.
Cut the leash that holds me here,
Dear friend, and let me run,
Once more a strong and steady dog,
My pain and struggle done.
And don't despair my passing,
For I won't be far away,
Forever here, within your heart,
And memory I'll stay.
I'll be there watching over you,
Your ever faithful friend,
And in your memories I'll run,
...a young dog once again.
― In Memory of Asta, Feb. 1997 ♥
by Karen Clouston
molly muffin
07-23-2015, 04:12 PM
Oh no Iris. :( I am so very very sorry. I cannot even begin to take it in that Ian is gone. Do they know what happened that was so quick?
My sincerest condolences. Enya and you both must be missing him so much. It seems to awfully unfair. :(
big hugs
07-23-2015, 04:37 PM
no, they didn't know whay was the cause of him feeling so miserable.
friday morning he was fine and he got worse in the afternoon.
the heat had made him weaker and the vetoryl didn't work for 100% anymore. he drank and peed a lot again.
maybe pancreatitis, but the vet said not. his liver numbers were through the roof, so the vet told me he had liver failure and couldn't digest his food anymore.
but after he died there was blood leaking out of him, so probably cancer too.
he was never really ill in his life only for the last few days.
but what worries me most now is his sister, she misses him terribly.
she is very upset, they were like siamese twins.
molly muffin
07-23-2015, 04:52 PM
Oh poor Enya. It is so hard for the dogs left behind as they don't understand where their friend has gone to and keep looking for them.
Hopefully, even though I am sure your heart is breaking too, you can keep her at least a little distracted. Poor baby. My heart hurts for you both.
07-23-2015, 05:23 PM
thank you sharlene, we are going for a walk a lot. she is finally asleep right now, but when i move a toe she is awake again, afraid i will leave her too.
molly muffin
07-23-2015, 07:39 PM
Well that makes sense that she is concerned about being alone right now. It will be a slow adjustment. Both your worlds have just been turned upside down :(.
Harley PoMMom
07-23-2015, 09:12 PM
Oh Iris,
I am so very sorry for your loss of Ian, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
With Heartfelt Sympathy,
07-24-2015, 12:48 AM
I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Ian.
07-24-2015, 02:36 AM
I am so sorry! I was able to bring Daisy home after she passed. Placed her in her bed so that the cats could see for themselves and I do think that it helped.
Enya, poor babe. As with humans, it's hardest on those left behind. Hugs
07-24-2015, 09:11 AM
Dear Iris,
I cannot tell you how sorry I am about Ian. You absolutely did the right thing by releasing him, but I know that doesn't ease your own sorrow and loss.
My heart also goes out to Enya. In the blink of an eye, her world is changed forever, too.
I send you my warmest thoughts across these many miles. Please know your K9C family is always here, right by your side.
Always in loving memory of both your dear boys ~
07-24-2015, 02:11 PM
Poor Enya - it's so hard for them to understand when others leave and they can't tell us their fears. She must be so worried that you're going to leave too.
It takes so much love and courage to say goodbye.
Take care of each other and know we're thinking about you
07-24-2015, 05:59 PM
thank you all for your sympathy.
i don't know what to do with enya right now. she always lived in a pack of dogs.
maybe i need to find her an elderly rescue to keep her company.
she is not handling this very well. she is making me nervous too.
she didn't want to go into the van today without ian, she was panicking.
i knew this would happen when one of them would die.
the cat threw something of the table and she is hiding somewhere now.
so insecure on her own.
07-24-2015, 06:40 PM
If Enya's always been used to having other dogs around then getting a senior rescue might be helpful as it sounds like she's feeling a bit lost.
molly muffin
07-24-2015, 08:35 PM
I think that might be an excellent idea. You would need to do a slow introduction of course and find spine that is a good match for her as none will be Ian but maybe it would help both of you.
Squirt's Mom
07-25-2015, 06:43 AM
Some info that may help you and Eyna with the grieving process -
Grieving dogs – how to help:
07-25-2015, 06:53 PM
enya is still the same today. i never had 2 dogs with such a strong bond before.
the rescue sites where i was looking do have mostly big dogs and some staffords and spoiled terriers with a big ego.
not suitable for enya.
we walk a lot and we will see what will happen the next days.
thank you for thinking about us!
molly muffin
08-04-2015, 08:15 PM
Hi Iris, just checking in to see how you and Enya are doing.
I hope she is starting to make some adjustment progress and not feel so sad.
08-05-2015, 08:47 PM
last sunday i finally managed to get her into the car on her own.
i always lifted ian into the van first and enya jumped by herself.
i drove to the beach because it was a cooler day and we walked and took a bath/swim for 2 hours.
it was very emotional to walk there without ian.
today she is back to being skittish.
instead of sleeping with her brother, she is sleeping under my bed now.
bought her a soft doggy bed with ian's blanket in it.
i hope her nerves will settle down a bit, cause it makes me nervous too.
i hope molly is doing ok.
molly muffin
08-06-2015, 09:52 PM
Oh I'm glad you and Enya where able to get out and enjoy the outdoors and walks at the lake again. I'm sure that was a good thing for both of you.
Molly is doing good, thanks for asking. She has her moments, but I'd say over all she is her same diva self. :)
08-07-2015, 06:10 PM
it is very hot and humid, so no car rides for us today [no airco].
hopefully a drive to the seaside this sunday.
molly indeed sounds like a real diva. i bet she wants you to call her "'your highness"'............
08-08-2015, 06:35 AM
Hi Iris,
I have been traveling and returned a few days ago from Europe and am catching up.
Firstly I am so incredibly sorry your Ian has passed - my deepest sympathies!!!!
I too had two dogs that were "joined at the hip" (brother and sister) and when Clancy passed, Mytilda went through many of the behaviors Enya is going through. It was rough for her (and heartbreaking for us) and she was so skittish and unsettled for more than a month. It seems she could not understand what happened to him and her strong pack member was no longer there and her "pack position" had changed. We tried every distraction for the first couple of weeks and nothing worked. We finally ended up just letting her go through her grieving process and sort out what her position was in our pack but was always there to comfort her and we always kept the routine the same ---- even made sure she was never alone. Over time her normal habits returned and was happy again, but I will say she was never the same.
PS -- IMO getting another dog may not be the best for her just now. One thing may be good to do is go through some little training periods for her - such as asking her to do one thing like sit several times a day (give a treat and make a great fuss on how good she is). This may reinforce your relationship, increase her confidence and give very positive feedback to her.
08-08-2015, 05:29 PM
hi terry, sounds familiar! siblings can be sooooooo close.
which european countries did you visit?
she is used to living in a pack of dogs, but her brother always came first.
she now is the only dog and this makes her very insecure.
the other dog would also be for me. i want another working/sporting dog to work with.
but a young and active dog would not fit in with enya's needs.
but i miss hiking a lot. and agility, sheepdog trials etc.
enya and i walk a lot, but no more long hikes.
we will have to wait and see how well enya will cope with being "'an only child"'.
08-10-2015, 05:50 AM
Hi Iris,
Do you still go to any trials (agility or herding) as a spectator or help a friend participate - does Enya go with you? I know it is hard and limiting at this point. You know your Enya the best....I said about not getting another dog only from my experience - Mytilda became very aggressive around other dogs at the beginning.
This time I was there in Scotland - the Highlands (my fiddle music retreat).
08-10-2015, 06:49 PM
hi terry, i sometimes go to trials, but without enya. too crowded for her now.
enya was used to live in a pack, but at age 13 i don't know what she would like as a companion.
oh, scotland/the highlands, i love it too!
dogs are allowed to visit great brittain now without being held in quarantine for 6 months. but enya is too old to hike in rough terrain.
but in a few years with a new and younger dog i will.
my last visit to scotland was at least 15 years ago.
08-10-2015, 09:50 PM
I just dropped by to see how you and Enya were doing? As Mytil said she needs to go through the grieving process in her own way and time, as do you. Maybe you could try to visit somewhere new that could be a place just for the two of you?
The Scottish Highlands are beautiful, although for some reason I always remember them as the place Hamish got his first tick :( However he also did his first ferry ride (to Mull) there and had loads of adventures.
08-11-2015, 06:48 AM
Hi Iris,
Maybe another type of animal instead of a dog - possibly a cat would be a good companion. How is Enya with cats?
And it is fantastic that there is no more 6 month quarantine ---- Iris, I will have to check and see if this is just for other European countries or does it apply to US and Canadian dogs.
Oh the Highlands are my favorite place and one day Iris you will be hill walking again. I know about ticks for sure (mcdavis) and those darn midges :). I have never been to Mull, but Skye all the time --- love the ferry rides - everyone it seems have their dogs with them everywhere (ferries, trains, eateries etc) (great place).
Please keep us posted on the both of you!!!
08-11-2015, 05:33 PM
i do own a black cat bagheera, he was flynn's best friend, but enya isn't interested in him.
enya and i visited my aunt last weekend. we have been staying there several times a year. enya has stopped looking for ian in our own place, but she was looking everywhere for ian at my aunt's place. indoors, in the garden, outside in the streets etc. waiting for him at the front door. he slowed down the last few months and enya was always waiting for him at the front door........
in the netherlands people are taking their dogs everwhere too.
even to very crowded festivals with lots of noise or shopping etc. i don't think the dogs like that.
we should do a scotland forum meeting one day!
08-14-2015, 10:01 PM
Poor Enya - please give her a hug from us.
A meeting in Scotland would be fun - I keep telling Henry I'll take him to his homeland one day.
molly muffin
08-14-2015, 10:35 PM
hmmm an excuse to travel :)
08-15-2015, 06:06 PM
so you and molly will come over to scotland too?
this is post 777.....................
08-16-2015, 08:25 AM
Oh sounds like a plan :) I will volunteer to be a guide, but I admit I have never been south of Glasgow - I hang out in the west highlands. There is an amazing garden near Ullapool (Inverewe Gardens) and music all the time.
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