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02-03-2014, 08:21 AM
Bad nite last nite. Tipper had really bad gastro upset at 330am so we cannot have the tests. Please read my post. Blessings

02-04-2014, 05:00 PM
i have been reading your posts and i hope you will have tippers thyroid results soon.
good to hear that chance is doing fine though! must be a relief.
i think i am having/getting the flu. everything is hurting.
ian is asking for his pain pill, he likes the taste of it. he also wants a walk in the moonshine...............and it is cold outside.
he needs to pee i think.
i hope you are having a good night sleep for a change....................[are you listening tipper?]

02-04-2014, 06:47 PM
I hope you are not getting the flu. You do not need that. Tipped is feeling lousy today. We are resting now. I am beat. How long can Ian be on the pain pills? I have not heard back from the cat rescue yet. I m getting disgusted with trying to find her a decent home. Hope Tipper sleeps tonite as she needs it and so do I. We are waiting on 10 inches of snow tonite! More coming on the weekend. Do you have anything to take for the flu? I hope you do not get it.Blessings

molly muffin
02-04-2014, 07:22 PM
Eeek, hope you aren't getting the flu. It's just nasty this year. :(

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-04-2014, 07:46 PM
ouch patti, more bad weather coming your way. and more snow. you all must be so tired of it. i'am dizzy, sore throat, runny nose, fleece blanket....brrrr! i take Paracetamol (translation Amerikaans Engels: acetaminophen)
i fear that ian needs this painkillers for the rest of his life. without it he walks very stiff. the vet calls it a maintenance dosage. maybe during the spring/summer when the temp. are rising, he can do without them.
sharlene, how are you and your husband doing? and molly?
i am going to bed now, hope i can work tomorrow. i need the money.
sleep well everybody!

molly muffin
02-04-2014, 08:50 PM
nighty night! Sleep well and get better!
Sharlene and molly muffin

02-05-2014, 08:46 AM
Yes we are bombed with snow and more is coming down steadily as we speak. We do not really have traveling vets. There is just one vet from Illinois that travels the US and does only birds. He has certain people houses that he holds the clinic in and you make and appointment and go there. It is 20.00 my regular vet charges 100 so it is a great savings and this Dr. is an avian specialist and my vet is not. Tipper was drinking a lot and up last nite moving around. I am hoping we get some thyroid meds for her.. Please read my post I am putting all the info on there. These pain meds that Ian is on, do they affect the kidneys long term? I am so sorry he cannot go without them. Maybe like you said when the weather gets warmer. I hope you are feeling better as it sounds like you are coming down with the flu. Are you able to stay home in bed for a while? Take care of yourself. Blessings

02-05-2014, 05:24 PM
20 dollars instead of 100 sounds good! ian's painmeds are nsaids, so they can affect the kidney's. he actually ran since eating those pills. he gets 25 mg norocarp. maintenance dosage is 2 mg/kilo.
last time he was 14,5 kg, but he has lost weight since.
i am really struck with the flu, bbbeeehhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have to work, since i am my own boss and are on a low income. still have some vetbills from flynn and ian to pay.
but i do not have to work tomorrow afternoon. it is an old woman and i can not risk her getting the flu. she will pay me though because i am never ill and i often do extra duties for her.
patti, i am going to read tippers thread now, and then walk the dogs and try to sleep.
good night!

molly muffin
02-05-2014, 05:56 PM
Oh fooey, sorry to hear that you go the flu after all. :(

Nice that your tomorrow patient will pay you anyhow. You're right, you can't risk her catching it. I hope that you can recover quickly. I had it this year and was sick for awhile, the fevers and coughing are the worse, and my husband got it and it went pneumonia, so take care of yourself.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

02-05-2014, 06:21 PM
hi sharlene, i feel lousy. i hope i do not get pneumonia. i had it before.
since i live on my own and always had dogs, someone has to walk them. in this case it is a plus that they are golden oldies and it is cold and wet outside.
just around the block and off to bed...

02-06-2014, 07:58 AM
Please don't think I am harsh or trying to out do this vet as we have a long history of him being lazy and not doing his job and ignoring problems. I had to get into a verbal altercation with him when I told him Tipper had Cushings and he would not test her. Finally after me really getting on him he tested her and she did have it. You would have though he learned his lesson that I do not just thro ideas out against the wall and hope for something to stick. He has a history of avoiding problems which is not good. Things need to be dealt with before they escalate and cannot be helped. He is just a country vet that really knows very little about Cushings or and complications of it. We have gone round for round many times and every time I have been right so I do not trust him. I more or less use him for RX's and referrals and shots etc. I basically tell him what needs to be done as he is clueless. If I were back in Pittsburgh where I lived my whole life this would not be an issue, as the vets I have there are up to speed on things. All I can say is he better hope nothing happens to Tipper before this test from Michigan comes back. Tipper has been off and I know she is sick and he could care less that is what has turned me against him his cavalier attitude like she is replaceable. He is in this only for money and could care less about what happens to the animals. Yes there are vets here like that unfortunately. My other vets back home were never like this. I hope you are feeling better and this is really not going to turn into pneumonia, as you do not need that. I read an article where our dogs can get our flu so be careful of Ian. I hope he is still doing well. Blessings

02-06-2014, 08:06 PM
it sounds like you will need another vet. this relationship does not sound ok. too much stress! i don't know if there is another clinic around?
vets learn a little about a lot in vet-school.
and if a disease does not come around in years, they have forgotten all about it. in that case, we do know more about the disease than they do. especially when on a forum like this.
i used to have a dog with epilepsy and the forum was of more use than the vet.
ian is doing ok, i forgot about his vetoryl [blurry flu head] but he knows what time it is and came to ask for it.
i have to buy a new bottle of omega 3 fish oil pills. my dogs don't like them and since they are pretty big, it is difficult to hide them in their food. they will spit them out grrr!
i don't think you can order thyroid pills from the internet can you?
p.s. what does RX mean? i read it in your post.

02-07-2014, 08:05 AM
I really do need another vet. I have little time to look around and thoroughly check someone out, and do not want one worse that what I currently have. I have seen that happen on here. I am trying to deal more with my IMS and Cardiologist. I hope you start to feel better soon. That must be miserable having to walk dogs as sick as you are. Blessings

02-07-2014, 10:00 PM
it is indeed hard to find a vet that is for sure better than this one.
well take your time and i hope you will find a vet whom you can trust.
i hope you will have a quiet weekend with your pets.
it has rained the whole day, but the doggies will have to p and p, so coat on hood on and off we go. well as long they are doing fine, i feel better myself.

02-08-2014, 07:47 AM
I live out in the country so it is really hard to find a good vet here, most are just used to working on farm animals and you can't trust them as they know nothing of this disease. Sorry you are still under the weather. Hope your flu goes away soon so you do not miss too much work. Hope Ian is still doing well and able to walk good. Blessings

02-08-2014, 09:04 PM
i live out in the country too and vets are working on cattle , horses, pigs etc. most of the time. a plus is that they are not very expensive.
my vet has experience at treatment of cushing in horses, ferrets and dogs. he is a no-nonsense person and i like that. he knows what i want and don't want.
we do have a Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 25 km from here, in case of an emergency.
luckily ian is doing fine. hope tipper will get better soon. are the thyroid results in yet?

02-09-2014, 08:06 AM
I am so sorry you are still sick that is terrible when you have a job to go to and dogs to walk etc. I hope this goes a away and you get better soon, you have to be suffering along with this. I hope Ian continues to do well and you have him for a long time. Tipper is not well and I am at the vets again on Monday for fight number 500! I must do what I need to to help her. Blessings

molly muffin
02-09-2014, 10:33 AM
Hope you get better soon. It certainly does make a real impact on the body.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-09-2014, 09:33 PM
hi patti and sharlene, it is a mean kind of flu indeed. how long did it take for you to get better sharlene?
walking in the rain and storm today....brrrr.
but all the harsh weather in your villages does not sound good either.
ian is doing fine, and i hope molly and tippers health will improve soon too! both of you will need some rest too.
in our next life will will only take care of stuffed animals..................

molly muffin
02-09-2014, 09:42 PM
A couple weeks before I felt really myself. It was about the mid of the first week that I felt the worst and that lasted about 4 days. I never got it really bad in my chest, but I did have a fever for a few days off and on.

I hope yours clears up soon.
Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-09-2014, 10:18 PM
that sounds very familiar with my experience with this type of flu.
a couple of weeks to go?........... nice!
there is almost a storm going on so i hope the dogs will do what they have to do very fast!
sleep well everyone.

molly muffin
02-10-2014, 08:46 AM
No, you've already had one week right? So should be on the up swing soonish. :)

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-10-2014, 04:41 PM
yes, it is about 9 days now. i think i reached turning point today. i was able to taste part of my food today....not eating saw-dust anymore!

02-10-2014, 04:55 PM
I am glad you are turning the corner with this. I felt bad you are alone and have to walk the dogs too. I have the same situation here. Had an exhausting day today and I am waiting to hear from Tipper's cardiologist. There are just so many problems adding up that it is hard to deal with all this. I am glad Ian is good as you don't need any additional problems either. Hope you are up and around soon. Blessings

02-10-2014, 07:07 PM
hi patti, i hope you will hear from the specialist soon.
luckily ian is doing fine!
he is shedding like crazy, but overall shedding, no signs of cc or bad skin.
his former hotspot is covered with lots of new hair already. i hope his coat will come back. does tipper still have a full coat?
we had an almost dry day today, but i suppose your weather is still very cold with snow coming down?
i hope you will sleep well tonight.

02-11-2014, 08:18 AM
That is wonderful new that Ian has hair on the hot spot! I bet you are happy with that and he is too as no more looking at it and scaring him. Tipper is still acting rather funny and her pre number is low again so I am going to call Dechra today. Hope you are good as new after that flu. Blessings

02-11-2014, 08:21 AM
It's about time that you're getting some relief. The flu is miserable and each year it seems to be more resistant to antibiotics.

Try to rest so that you don't have a relapse. Hugs.

Fur growth is good! Yippeeee!

molly muffin
02-11-2014, 12:22 PM
Sounds like Ian is doing good, getting hair back and that you are on the road to recovery too. :) Hopefully by the end of this week, (the tiredness is hard to get over) you'll be back to feeling more like yourself.
Sharlene and molly muffin

02-12-2014, 08:59 AM
Hope you are back to feeling like yourself. Tipper had a decent note, but lots of seizures and one time shook her whole body. It is so scary to watch and I keep waking her to stop it. I am resting today, not feeling real great. Blessings

02-12-2014, 05:14 PM
i was not on the forum yesterday because i am still a bit miserable from the flu and very tired also. frontal sinus is hurting.
no snow here but lots of wind and rain.[almost a storm]. in the afternoon it was sunny for a while, so i thought i should make for a long walk with the dogs. but because of the flu i only managed to walk for just half an hour.
it is so difficult to hide ian's vetoryl so he will eat it. since the cushing is under control, he is back to being a picky eater.
he is suspicious of every food i try to offer him.
any suggestions?
patti, i hope tipper will be her old self soon. and i hope you will have some quiet days and rest well.

02-12-2014, 05:41 PM
Tipper has shown improvement at nite. She is sleeping better, but I am afraid she developed a habit of 4:30 and 5:00 waking up for the day. I think because of lack of exercise and she is laying around too much then does not need as much sleep. There is something called pill wrap they sell on Amazon that a lot of people use. I have never used it so maybe you could check out the reviews on it. Tipper gets hers inside a small piece of chicken, she wants the chicken so she does well with that. I am hoping you finally get rid of this flu, you must have really had it bad. Hoping you are good as new soon. Blessings

02-12-2014, 06:03 PM
yes i think tipper is missing her walks and her exercise. they need the distraction. laying around does not satisfy them.
can't you walk for 5 min. a few times a day as a distraction for her if it is not possible to really walk her? or let her roam in the backyard for a while before going to bed?
i am going to walk the dogs for the last time [it is midnight right now] they like roaming the neigborhood in the dark.
sleep well!

molly muffin
02-12-2014, 06:28 PM
hmm, I've tried the pill wrap with molly, didn't work at all. She ate part of the wrap and spit the pill out. Now I use wet food and form it into a tight ball around the pill, then I have the next small ball in my hand ready to go, so she downs the first one without thinking about it. :) That has been working. It only took a couple tries to figure out what she liked best and what size ball she wouldn't figure out there was a pill inside of.

Get plenty of rest.
Sharlene and molly muffin

02-13-2014, 12:56 AM
maybe a clump of peanut butter?

02-13-2014, 07:58 AM
I do use the same method as Sharlene, when Tipper see I have other balls of food ready in my hand she gulps down the first one fast and so on. I use chicken and actually squeeze it real tight into a ball in my hand with the pill inside. I am hoping today you are feeling better and getting rid of this bug. It must be really nasty and hard on you to have this for 2 weeks. Take care. Blessings

02-14-2014, 12:19 AM
ian knows what size to avoid. he will eat a ball from pea-size-marble size. but if it is a bit bigger.....no way! or maybe he smells the capsule inside? [those vetoryl capsules are pretty big i think!] i have used the peanut butter trick and it sometimes works.
and i do the same thing as you all do......have the next ball in my hand, but he was never an eager eater, so it remains difficult.
i now use "'el cheapo"' catfood. it smells awful, but he likes it so far. the only thing is; it is so soft ian sort of sucks the food off the pill and voila
pill is on the floor. so round 2 or 3 is necessary.
he once bit into a fish oil capsule, which i hid this way, and he is very suspicious since. luckily the painpills are tasty ones.

02-14-2014, 01:37 AM
Daisy has learned that she needs to take her pill before she gets dinner :-)
Dachshunds are so smart. It amazes me.

02-14-2014, 09:22 PM
aha, i am glad this works for daisy. we have to outsmart our dogs!
today i managed to feed him the vetoryl and the fish oil capsule without too much trouble. sleep well everybody!

02-15-2014, 08:04 AM
Do you have like a cream cheese over there? Some people use that as it is sticky and easy to roll in a ball. Yes it takes a lot of work to research things happening to Tipper, but as long a s she is with me I don't mind doing it all. She is acting better on the thyroid meds so they are working. More snow last nite and cold wind today. Hope you find a new way to trick Ian he is as mart cookie and not easily fooled. He is probably laughing to himself thinking how silly is my mom trying all this stuff on me!

02-15-2014, 10:06 PM
yes i think he is laughing to himself too. i can try cream cheese, i like it myself too. i have to buy it on monday. today was a disaster with the pills......too much stress! [for both of us]
i did not feed him his painkillers for 2 days now, but he seems a bit off.
the weather is stormy and wet, so i will feed him half a pill before bedtime. they are not good for his kidney's, but he is feeling better with them. and so we will keep worrying about our doggies health.
well you know all about it patti.

02-16-2014, 07:50 AM
Maybe the cream cheese will at least full Ian for a while. I saw on tv a crime lab in the Netherlands that is so sophisticated that a sheriff here sent things over there to be analyzed for a murder case. Are you anywhere near it? We are waiting on more snow this morning then it warms up in the 40-50 degree range next week. Tipper was happy as she walked some yesterday. The thyroid meds are definitely making a difference in her. Blessings

02-16-2014, 10:25 PM
do you know what place the crime lab was in? ok i found it ;in den haag is the biggest one. pretty famous indeed. it is an hour drive from here.
glad that tipper is feeling better and that the weather is improving next week! finally!
it is still stormy weather out here. and about 7 degrees celcius.
ian's pills went down really easy today, so that was a relief.
it is 4. 22 am now, but i only have to work monday afternoon, so i can try to sleep in.
hope you and tipper will have a quiet night.

02-17-2014, 08:08 AM
Was it the cream cheese you gave him the pills with? Hope it works for at least a while. Yes I saw the crime lab on tv, it was very interesting. Hope you get some rest, I am glad you are finally feeling better. Is Ian's hair all grown in on the spot? Blessings

02-17-2014, 06:46 PM
i forgot to buy the cream cheese today...gggrrr!!! i hid it [veroryl] in a spoonful of tripe and he ate it. not the fish oil pill. i will try that tomorrow again.
you can hardly see the hot spot anymore, but his whole coat structure has changed overall after the shedding. it is not as thick and soft anymore. but that is due to the cushing i quess. his cushing belly is almost gone. so not to bad for this old guy! we walked for about an hour in the forest today and he was doing fine! march 4 he will be 13.
maybe tipper can come over for his birthday-party? ha, ha!

02-18-2014, 08:45 AM
Yes Tipper likes parties especially where there are balloons to break. She said if she can't make it to send her a piece of cake her favorite is yellow. She did ok last nite. Her leg has improved so much, I hope she does not reinjure it as she plays like a Mack Truck. I think this Cushings does do something to their coats. Tipper's is real sparse and brittle, but it could be the thyroid too. We had a snow storm last nite and it is still going on and the wind is unbelievable. Blessings

02-18-2014, 10:34 PM
ok, so tippers coat did change too after the cushing diagnosis. i hope his mane around his neck will grow back. and his tail is not as bushy anymore.
yeh balloons are favorite too overhere. o and sorry tipper i am a lazy doggy-mom; i do not bake a cake for ian. he is a picky eater and i think he would not eat it. his sister would, but she is already a bit overweight.
i hope the weather will finally improve after this blizzard. we still have the plus temp., some rain and wind.
hope you 2 will have another quiet night. and catch up with some sleep.

02-19-2014, 06:37 PM
Tipper said oh come on now just bake a cake!!! We are now in for storms tomorrow so I am already worried about Tipper's reaction as she gets crazy. Herblood pressure was high tO'Day so she does not need this. Ian's fur may get better. I think Tipper's is part Cushings and part thyroid so maybe that's why hers is still not like it was. I hope you celebrate many more birthdays with In. Blessings

02-19-2014, 10:43 PM
hi patti, is tipper afraid of thunderstorms or does she get excited from it? [as in wanting to hunt/chase the wind]
high blood pressure and a storm is not a good match for tipper i quess?
so the weather is not improving after all in your area?
today we had a sunny afternoon, the rest of the week they forecast rain and wind again.
i ordered some natural treats for the birthday boy and his sister.
so tipper, no cake but i can send you some treats as well........

02-20-2014, 07:54 AM
Tipper is scared to death of thunder and heavy rain. Last summer in August we had the worst storm and it actually ruptured the blood vessels in her eyes from her pressure being so high. I do not want any problems like that again. My vet never even called me still and I was going to ask for a mild tranquilizer for her as the melatonin may not be enough and it is to be real bad to day with high wind and pounding rain and thunder. Every day it is something else to battle! Since her pressure was up Wednesday I do not want her getting it up any higher. I am hoping you are not having rain and wind today so you and Ian can walk by the river, it sounds so beautiful there. Are you feeling up to par yet? A friend of mine had the flu for 3 weeks so it must be a bad bug this time around. Blessings

02-20-2014, 07:45 PM
how is tipper doing with the thunderstorm coming in? a mild tranquilizer sounds good. your vet should understand tipper needs it.
it is awful to see your pet panicking.
we had a cold drizzle today and [some] rain the rest of the week. about sunday the weather forecast says; dry and some sun.
the flu is not over yet, but i am very tired also. too much to worry.
have not paid for all the vet bills yet.
look what i found....they really do exist; http://homeguides.sfgate.com/care-instructions-money-tree-plant-50174.html
we could give it a try.........................
hope you and tipper will get some sleep despite of the thunderstorm.

02-24-2014, 07:44 PM
there is a dutch saying that says; no news is good news, and in ian's case it is right. he is doing very well so no complaints on my behalf.
2 dry days in a row! but the rest of the week they forecast rain and wind again.
the flower bulbs are blooming all over the garden overhere. it is spring already.

molly muffin
02-24-2014, 08:02 PM
Wow, flowers blooming. Nothing around here blooming yet that's for sure. We still have snow on the ground and below freezing temps. I think our high temp for wed is suppose to be -11C. brrrrr

Glad to hear that Ian is doing well and you're getting some good walks in.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

02-25-2014, 10:50 AM
Wow that is a record lately, two dry days! I am glad Ian seems to be doing well, you do not need any new problems or vet bills. We had more snow last nite.
My pussywillow bush does have buds on it though. We are to get that polar vortex coming again tonite. Tipper walked about 5 minutes today as it was too cold. She is fed up with the weather. I miss Grace terribly. Blessings

02-25-2014, 10:35 PM
sharlene and patti, i hope spring will come your way soon!
but there are still flees, ticks and mosquito's etc. around because of the hot winter temp.
there was even a fly in my car buzzing against the window.
i hope you can have longer walks outside with your dogs again. they need it so much.
sleep well everybody!

02-26-2014, 08:14 AM
Wow, woke up to more snow! Going down to 3 degrees tonite. I am taking Tippermto the vets this morning and the roads are really icy. It will be nice to see spring, but then the dreaded thunder will start and I don't know ifmTipper can handle it this year. I am so glad for you that Ian is in a good place now. Tipper is having so many ups and downs lately. This has become a full time job caring for her and taking her to appointments. That is ok though, I need her to be with me and have a good quality of life so it is all necessary. Hope you are having good weather. Blessings

02-26-2014, 07:46 PM
hi patti, i am sorry about the weather continuing bad in your area!
we do have the thunder in summer when there was a hot humid day , seldom in spring.
did the vet give you some tranquilizers today so you can give them to tipper in case she needs them? panicking is not ok for a cushing dog.
i hope ian continues to be ok. today he was playing with some driftwood floating in the river. he has not done that for a long time.
his online whippet cushing friend [female 10] was put to sleep today. she had little calcium balls floating trough her body and her bones were weak because of that. she was losing lots of protein via her urine. that is what i underderstand of it. her adrenal tumor was 1,3 cm.
i know her from her blog and we shared the vetoryl i bought from the internet. $%^&**disease it is!!

molly muffin
02-26-2014, 09:20 PM
Oh I am so sorry that your little whippet is gone. I am sure you are all sad today. Yes Cushing can do a bad thing with the calcium.
So very sorry
Sharlene and Molly muffin

02-27-2014, 07:51 AM
That is a positive thing that In is doing things that he used to, I am happy he continues on with no problems. That iantoo bad about the whippet, this disease has claimed so many babies in the year. The mortality of your own dog sinks in with each passing baby, and is an very scary thing. We have really cold weather and another snow storm coming. This year it seems never ending. The vet said no tranquilizers for Tipper. I am going to see what else I can research. I need to get this done now before all the storms start. I don't think Tipper can handle it this year, and I am really worried about her blood pressure going up and causing eye problems. Blessings

02-27-2014, 06:45 PM
another snowstorm? i can understand you and the dogs must be fed up with this weather! it never stops. we had a cold day with rain and wind today.
i really hope you will find anything that helps tipper with her anxiety attacks during thunderstorms.
ian looks a bit off today. i think all the activities yesterday made him tired. he does not want his pills. i will try it later.
he has got a new comforter and he likes it very much.
sleep well everybody.

02-28-2014, 09:07 AM
Oh yes it is storm after storm this winter. I have never seen anything like it. Tipper has really suffered not being able to walk. Tipper was so upset when I got home last nite, she was crying. I think since she has gotten sick and I never leave her and she knows it, that if I have to go out she gets very upset. In think since she is not feeling well, it scares her when she cannot find me, as she knows whatever is wrong with her I always help her. I am taking another easy day today as I am not feeling great. Hope you have decent weather to walk Ian. I hope he just over did himself and that there is noting going to start up with him. Blessings

02-28-2014, 09:50 PM
i can imagine tipper suffering from not being able to walk outside. they need it and we need it too. to clear the head and to exercise the body.
and especially for our cush-dogs to stay in shape.
i have to walk one more time in the drizzle before going to bed.
take your rest because we can not afford to get sick.

03-01-2014, 08:17 AM
Yeah!!! Today it is supposed to go up to 40. Tipper will be able to walk if it does.It really changes her attitude after she walks. She was hungry last nite and moving around the bed early this morning so her cortisol is on the rise. I am trying to catch up on all my things for myself. I never have time to do things for myself. I am usually doing something for the critters, the house, or cooking. I need some time for a pedicure and soak in the tub. Hope I an is still well and got over his tiredness. Blessings

03-01-2014, 08:40 PM
hi patti, so glad that you were able to walk twice with your dogs. it makes them happy, and us too!
but we need to take care for our selves too!
so, no housekeeping tomorrow, but patti-time!
ian is still a bit tired, but that can also be due to his new comforter which he likes very much.
today it is already 2 months since flynn died. i am so busy with work and my other animals, that i haven't had the time to really grieve.
the breeder of flynn's mom has a new litter coming up [this summer] . family of flynn.
but a] i don't have the money, b] two golden oldies at home and 3] i am not so much of a puppy person. but if she wants to keep one of them, she is looking for a foster home..........

03-02-2014, 08:31 AM
It doesn't seem possible that your dear Flynn has been gone 2 months now. That is not good that you have not had time to grieve. He was beautiful, and I know how you must miss him. I always wish our companion animals had lives as long as ours. They are family members and in our case all the family we have.
It can be more traumatic losing them then a person. Tipper is miffed as she thought she would be walking, and it is too cold for her. I hope for an early spring, but dread the thought of storms. Blessings

03-02-2014, 07:53 PM
yes, our pets are our family, but they leave us way too soon.
poor tipper, no walks today.
i have to walk my dogs now before going to bed.
it is almost freezing with a cold wind, but they do nothing in the garden, so i have to go...brrrr!!

03-03-2014, 07:19 PM
yes it is 1 am overhere and it is ian's 13th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i am still in contact with the owners of one sister and a brother.
his brother was diagnosed with intestinal cancer. they did operate , and he came out fine! as far as the specialist could see, it did not spread.
one brother died at age 9 from prostate cancer and one brother was run over by a car.
they still know me when i visit them although they left at 8 weeks of age.
no pills yet, i don't know which trick to use anymore. after being on vetoryl, he is more picky than ever.......

molly muffin
03-03-2014, 07:25 PM
Happy Birthday Ian!
I hope you guys can have a nice walk today for his birthday.
So glad his brother came though his surgery okay and the girl is doing fine too.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

Harley PoMMom
03-03-2014, 08:16 PM
Happy Birthday, Ian!!

03-03-2014, 08:56 PM
thank you!!

03-04-2014, 01:24 AM
Happy Birthday Ian!

03-04-2014, 09:01 AM
I am so happy Ian is able to celebrate today. Tipper is sitting only a few minutes at a time so that picture may be a while yet. Hoping I an enjoyed his chicken roll. Never heard of those, are they fresh or dried? It is below zero here today, so no walking. Tipper has laser therapy today so we have to go out. ACTH testing tomorrow! Blessings

03-04-2014, 10:38 PM
hi patti, those rolls are dried. i found them on a site by accident. ian loves them, and that is exceptional because he is such a picky eater. i just ordered 3 more bags. there is a little dried fish inside, looks funny!
and he ate his pills today...
hope the weather is ok tomorrow in your area.
how is tippers leg after the laser-treatment today?
hope tippers numbers are ok and that it means no more testing for a long time.

03-05-2014, 07:13 AM
Hi Iris, maybe you find this link from Laboklin Lab useful? Background is that we have a Synacthen shortage in Europe(which will hopefully end in June this year) and Laboklin established some parameters to work around the ACTH testing- Shortlink: http://tinyurl.com/pej75uo
Hugs, Eva with Caprici and George

03-05-2014, 07:50 AM
What site did you get those rolls on? Tipper was really good at laser therapy yesterday, the therapist commented on how much better she is walking. Yesterday she started her Jack Russell jumps and I had to run across the kitchen and stop her. The therapist said she must be feeling good to do that, and knows I will never be able to stop her from doing that as it is inherent in the breed. She will be having a new picture taken soonnasmher haircut is going faster than I anticipated. Tipper wants to know how Ian liked his birthday? I hope he continues on this path of doing well. How is the weather today? Blessings

03-05-2014, 10:10 PM
Hi Iris, maybe you find this link from Laboklin Lab useful? Background is that we have a Synacthen shortage in Europe(which will hopefully end in June this year) and Laboklin established some parameters to work around the ACTH testing- Shortlink: http://tinyurl.com/pej75uo
Hugs, Eva with Caprici and George

thank you eva, i have read it.
since i don't have the money to test , i watch my dog closely how he is doing on a low dosage of vetoryl. and he is doing fine so far.
if anything changes for the worse, i will take him to the vet, but so far, so good!

03-05-2014, 10:20 PM
hi patti, the weather is doing fine so far. cold nights with some fog, but spring temp. during the day.
i order those rolls at a site called; zooplus. they have lots of dried natural snacks. i can send you some if you want to try them out.
and tipper, we walked along the river on ian's birthday. and he ate some extra snacks. i am glad that your leg is doing better. mine are a bit stiff.
i am off to my comforter now. greetz ian.

03-06-2014, 08:43 AM
That is such a nice gesture wanting to send Tipper some snacks, but I do not want you to have to do that. I will go online and look at that site. Tipper does eat one dried treat. It's all natural dried green tripe. It sounds horrible, but is supposed to be very good for them. Ian sounds like he enjoyed his birthday. I pray Tipper celebrates her 13th. I am not feeling too well this morning so it is going to be an easy day. I must go out Friday and get Vetoryl for Tipper. It is always something, I have never been stretched out with money, before this Cushing's it is certainly an very expensive disease to diagnose, and treat. Blessings

03-06-2014, 07:29 PM
flynn loved those dried green tripe rolls, but ian does not want them anymore, too big i quess, too much work.
ian's and enya's treats are;
65% protein
only 1% fat
it is from germany.
lots of people buy e.g. a Bomann DR435CB it is an electric food drier. you can air-dry anything in it. meat, fish, fruit etc. whatever your dogs like to snack. costs only 30 dollars or so. 100% natural.
i hope you had some rest today and will have a good night sleep.
[can't they send the vetoryl to you, so you don't have to make a trip to the vet?]
bedtime for me now.

03-07-2014, 06:41 PM
Great day today Tipper walked twice. She seems tired out as she is not used to it. She is steadily losing weight too which is good. I need to get her dose straightened out as her cortisol was high like I thought? Hope your weather I good, tomorrow we get snow here. How is Ian doing? Blessings

03-07-2014, 09:31 PM
it sounds as if tipper has a good day today. two walks! she has to exercise to be back in shape i quess after such a long time indoors.
hopefully the weather wil cooperate. and loosing weight will help too.
did you hear anything about grace again?
ian loves his walks in this high temp. maybe this sunday i will drive to the seaside..........small country-only one hour drive.
sleep well every body.

03-09-2014, 09:00 AM
I am feeling better today. I will see what my Dr.says Tuesday. Tipper saw the snow this morning and just looked at me like I guess I am not walking again! I have to check the temperature. It has to be at least 32 for her to walk according to the cardiologist. How is the kitty doing, do you think she is missing Flynn? Glad Ian is still doing well, that means a lot with these dogs that they have good days too.Blessings

03-09-2014, 09:33 PM
kitty [official name; bagheera] is still sleeping at his old spot on his new kitty cushion. it still looks strange seeing him sleeping alone in that corner.
he is 6 years old now and he and flynn were buddies.
the other dogs have each other so less contact with him.
he is enjoying the weather so he is outside much. he has his own cat door. he likes his walks with the dogs at night when it is quiet.
ian is in good shape again, we walked for about 2 hours today.
his legs are still stiff since the use of vetoryl, but he can manage 5km/3 miles an hour.
i am so happy, ian is doing well after his collaps almost 3 months ago.
hopefully tipper will be stable soon too with less vet visits.

03-10-2014, 01:26 PM
I am so disgusted, Tipper could not get her blood pressure. Too much noise and yapping dogs in the kennel. I will try again Wednesday when we get a blood sample to check the thyroid. Poor kitty his buddy is gone, I feel sorry for him. You just wonder what he is thinking of where his friend went. It is a very nice day here, Tipper had 2 walks and she is tired. Have to go to my Dr. In the morning and have to get up at 4:30 am. Blessings

03-10-2014, 11:26 PM
up at 4.30 am brrrr. hope no snow on your way to the doctor.
i am sorry that you drove all the way to the vet for nothing. hopefully it is quiet overthere on wednesday. you just do not need all that stress for tipper and yourself.
i am glad your dogs had 2 walks today.
i think the cat still misses flynn. he is now lying on the couch with enya.
he seldom does that. my former cat timo and enya were the best of friends.
it was 18 c today. not normal! walking without a coat on in the sun!

molly muffin
03-11-2014, 09:17 AM
Wow 18C, you're having a heat wave and we have a winter storm moving into our area, with more snow on the way. This will hit myself and Patti. joy joy :)

awww, well maybe the cat just has to decide where he can find that comfort of animal companionship with the best, which other animal.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-11-2014, 12:00 PM
WellmI am home in one piece and my body is aching from sitting in the car so long. Everything was fine with the dogs while I was gone, but Tipper cried like crazy when she saw me and wanted to do her Jack Russell jumps which I stopped her from doing. Yesterday evening when I was trying to lay down my elderly neighbor had problems with his TV cable, oh well there went that nap! We are bracing for yet another storm, it's getting old. Hope you are doing well and In is being a good boy taking his pills. Blessings

03-11-2014, 11:55 PM
hi patti and sharlene, so sorry about that big storm coming your way!
we are spoiled rotten this winter! this weekend it will be 11C, but still hot compared to your weather.
ian's pills are down in some smelly cheap catfood, so far so good.
the cat is out chasing mice.
hope the both of you can sleep well in this storm.
did i mention before that in this warm and dry weather ian does not need his painkillers...yes!!

03-12-2014, 08:04 AM
So that's the problem. You are keeping all the good weather over your way?? It is pouring, it has all note. It looks like a river going down the road. It will turn to snow and ice, and I must get Tipper's blood work done. I am glad you have good weather as I think the cold would not be good for Ian with his stiffness. Are you still having problems tricking him with the pills? Blessings

03-12-2014, 10:48 PM
yes, europe keeps all the good weather to itself. last year we had snow and ice till the end of march. so strange....
ian is an overall fuzzy eater and pills are a challenge every day.
hope you can stay at home for a few days now, so you can rest.

03-13-2014, 11:38 AM
Wow you are so lucky that you are not in this storm. It was gale force winds all nite and snowed until this morning. I am so glad we do not have to go out. Tipper is back to being more like herself today. Both dogs did not fool around going potty this morning as it was below zero. Had to clear a path so they have somewhere to go. Hope you and Ian are enjoying your good weather and get a nice walk in today. Blessings

03-13-2014, 11:38 PM
one day the storms must be over finally. i hope for you it will be soon.
this is not ok anymore for people, pets, and wildlife also.
i saw butterflies today and bumblebees! and birds nesting!
my car is at the garage. in nl. you have to let your car have an anual safety test. they also test the exhaust system for environmental reasons etc. my car is 14 years old, so................i hope for the best.
today i payed the last part of flynn's vet bills, so that is done at least.

03-14-2014, 08:08 AM
Supposed to get to 50 today. I am hoping the doggies can walk! Blessings

03-15-2014, 12:20 AM
and i have been reading tipper's thread and i noticed you had some nice walks, great! is the weather forecast better now?
we do have a bit of a temp drop now and a cold wind.
the car is back .........euro 750! i do not have to pay it all at once. nice people overthere.

03-15-2014, 07:45 AM
Oh yes Tipper had a ball yesterday. She is not meant to be cooped up in the house for long periods. She just walked her little legs off. Her and Toby were exhausted, as he has short legs and has to walk many more steps to keep up. Sorry to hear you are getting the lousy weather now. Ian seems to be cruising right along with his treatment. Thanks for the info on the diabetes. I have no experience with it at all, but saw the glucose level kept rising. Knowing stress can affect it could be the reason alone. She has to get her blood pressure and Adequan shot on Wednesday and that's all. I am hoping her bp is good as the last three times it was up, but there was a lot of stuff going on in the vets office too. I want to make sure it was that and not her. Blessings

03-15-2014, 09:43 PM
i hope there will be a quiet spot where they can take tipper's bp.
there was a topic on a dutch forum about having a high glucose level because of stress. that dog went really high. [a foreign rescue].
we went to the forest today and ian actually jumped over some fallen trees on the path and climbed in and out of a dry ditch.
his hindlegs are getting stronger again every day.
nice, that your dogs enjoyed their walks too!
are they on a leash or do they play ball in a park? or both?
is there a nice spot where you can walk/drive to when the weather will be better? to spend the day in spring/summer? relax in the sun?
i am spoiled in that way with forest, river etc within a 10/15 min drive.
i am glad grace is doing fine in her new home!
bedtime for me now. sleep well!

03-16-2014, 09:10 AM
I know a number of the members have suggested taking Tipper's bp in the car. I asked the girl who does it one day to do that. The vet told her no way, make her bring the dog in here. If it was not for him she would have done it. The places that you are able to take In to sound beautiful. I am so glad to hear his legs are getting stronger too. It is colder her today and it feels like rain coming. Tipper is waiting patiently for the temperature to go up so she can walk. It makes the world of difference on her when she gets out. Blessings

03-16-2014, 09:08 PM
it is so sad that you can not explain it to tipper why she can not go out today. isn't it possible to fence this place where you live now? so tipper and toby can run around in the garden?
since you live in the country too, isn't there a place where your dogs can run off leash?
well speaking of walking, i have to go now for the last time today.
hope tipper sleeps well without breathing issues!

03-17-2014, 08:41 AM
I have to get my car inspected Thursday too. I hate doing it as my car is getting older and I am always afraid of having too fix things into make it pass inspection. I don't spend any money I don't have to because of Tipper's situation. I could never afford fencing now, but it is a great thought. Tipper cannot be off leash because Jack Russell's are such tenaceous dogs that if she saw a squirrel or any wildlife she would chase it clear across the country. Even though she is very obedient, they can never be off leash unless fenced. They never quit anything, and that includes begging for food! She would dearly love to run through the forest like Ian, but I would never see my dog again! Blessings

03-17-2014, 09:26 PM
okay, so that would mean a search and rescue mission to find tipper...............
i know what you mean about the yearly car inspection with an older car. they always find something expensive that has to be fixed.
i hope your car will pass the test without a hugh bill.
mine was euro 750!
you could drive a rolls without tippers vet bills!! [now the vet does probably].
i found ian's vetoryl on his comforter this morning. i hid it in a spoonful of peanutbutter and he ate it. so no pill today and a new one tomorrow. it is such a challenge everyday.

03-18-2014, 08:17 AM
I am quite sure I have helped put one of his daughter thru college, or gotten them a car, so that is so true. What was wrong with your car? I know what you mean about finding the pill you thought Ian took. One day I saw Tipper gnawing at her lower lip, and looked and one pill was stuck there like glue. I almost had to cut it out, and she is so funny about being fooled with now. We will be outside this afternoon as it will be 50. Blessings

03-18-2014, 08:50 PM
so glad that you had a heatwave today. we-instead- had a cold, windy day.
my car is just suffering from old age i quess. but it passed the test and i hope it will be fine for a long time.
it is a small van and the back is equipped ecpecially for the dogs.
isolated, with benches, and a fan on the roof.
it is their second home.
hope ian swallowed his pill today, white capsule on a white comforter. i found it by accident yesterday.
i have to walk in the drizzle, so i hope the dogs will do their business fast, so they won't be too wet.
sleep well!

03-19-2014, 07:49 AM
That sounds miserable, walking in the drizzle, but the Ian probably does not care. We are going to get ready to go to the vets soon. I am hoping it does not rain before Tipper gets her blood pressure done. We are supposed to have thunder today so I must get Tipper's cap collar on. Blessings

03-19-2014, 07:49 PM
i did read on your thread that you had a "'succesful"' vet visit with good results. i hope this bigger dosage will help tipper.
i have to upgrade my pc from windows-xp----w 7. microsoft does no longer support w- xp after 8 april.
i hope this old pc will survive the upgrade............
i like the simplicity of old fashioned xp.
17C tomorrow and after that down to 11.

molly muffin
03-19-2014, 08:28 PM
Just because they no longer support it doesn't mean that it won't still work. Youu may still use windows XP, you just won't have regular patches, security updates, etc sent to you from microsoft and if it does crash, they won't help you to fix, but if it crashes, you're better to take it to a local professional for help anyhow.


03-19-2014, 09:07 PM
hi sharlene, my bank has send me an email also. they warned me not to use xp anymore after april 8 because hackers are ready to take over your bank account. no more online shopping etc. too much risk involved.
so i ordered a cheap w 7 dvd and i have to make back-ups from mail adresses, favorites, pictures, pps etc. and all those passwords i always forget.
i will install the basic version of w 7 and hope for the best.

03-20-2014, 01:14 AM
I like Windows 7.
I wouldn't go to Windows 8.

03-20-2014, 07:45 AM
Sorry to hear you have windows issues. Hope you will still be able to communicate with us during the overhaul. We woke up to snow! I have to now go to the dreaded car inspection. Hoping my car does not need anything. Blessings

03-20-2014, 09:37 PM
hi daisy and patti, i will try to install w 7 indeed and not w 8 with all those strange items.
is w 7 very different from xp? i have learned everything from trial and error. self educated. well, we will see how this will work out..
i found an other vetoryl capsule this morning underneath the couch....grrrrr. i am out of options. ian hates pills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and patti, glad your car was ok!

03-21-2014, 08:04 AM
Oh yikes, not another Vetoryl pill in the bed!! Hope you can find some way to make sure he gets them down. Ian is certainly very smart, and probably spits them out when he walks a way from you. It is cold here this morning and they said more snow next week. So glad my car did not need anything. Tipper had really bad tremors last nite. We will walk if it warms up. Blessings

03-21-2014, 09:40 PM
yes, that probably is the fact; he walks away and spits them out.
i am glad he is very stable right now and missing a dose does not affect him.
hope tipper's tremors will be less this night. there are no meds for it i think you mentioned in your thread. except for the ones you tried out already.
glad you were able to walk the dogs today.
and hopefully NO MORE SNOW!!

03-22-2014, 11:55 AM
I am dead tired after last nite, but Tipper got one walk in so far. Real cold and dreary here and snow tonite. A clipper is a fast moving storm that will be bringing snow, but goes away quickly. Ian must be doing pretty darn good to go without some of those pills. Blessings.

03-22-2014, 08:31 PM
hi patti, i read about your buzy day in tipper's thread. will it ever stop?
it is -1C tonight. cold, but nothing compared to your weather.
sleep well. and i hope you [and i] will have a lazy sunday.

03-23-2014, 07:38 AM
Well it is snowing here this morning. Tipper had a good nite and was wanting to walk, but it is too cold. I am just not doing too much today as I have very low energy. It is officially spring here, but you would not believe it looking out the window. Hope you are able to get a good walk in with In. Blessings

03-23-2014, 07:12 PM
i looked at your thread and i can understand why you are having low energy!
the weather was bad today; cold showers with hailstones. i am very tired so we only walked in the neighborhood. lazy sunday.
back upping my pc before upgrading to w 7.
fish oil is down with ian , next is vetoryl................

03-24-2014, 07:58 AM
Hope everything goes ok with windows 7. I have a business computer with Vista on it. Tipper is bored. We woke up to snow on the ground. I am hoping it warms up for her to walk. I hope Ian takes his Vetoryl so he doesn't start with any problems. I just have no energy today again. I am just really down about my friend, and can't seem to shake it. Blessings

03-24-2014, 10:20 PM
i think you all need a good dose of real spring time, one should really get depressed from all this snow and ice this time of the year.
last year we had the same weather overhere.
i am sorry about delora and your friend and the worries about the cat needing an other home.
i don't know how ian does it, but i found another vetoryl on the floor.
the wooden floor is light colored and his bed/comforter is white, so he can hide the pill anywhere.
i can not force it in to him, because he will freak out and never come near me again. it is down now with loads of peanutbutter [i think].
i hope this will not affect his health. all that stress!

03-25-2014, 09:19 AM
Sorry to hear you are still finding Ian's pills. I hope the cat never picks one up. I think you may have to put a camera somewhere to see how he does this when you walk away. He is a tricky one isn't he? I put Tipper's in pieces of chicken and
she gulps them down whole so I am fortunate not to have that worry about that part at least. The sun is out real bright, but only 15 degrees. Tipper has laser therapy today, good thing I set a reminder on the computer. Did you get everything backed up on the computer? Have a good walk today. Blessings

03-25-2014, 04:06 PM
I hide Daisy's in a spoonful of peanut butter. It's gone in milliseconds.
Might be worth a try. You could gently stroke his throat to induce swallowing.

Harley PoMMom
03-25-2014, 08:15 PM
Some dogs can be very difficult to pill, my Sampson is like that :eek: Do you think getting the Trilostane/Vetoryl in a liquid form would be easier to give to Ian?

Hugs, Lori

03-26-2014, 08:29 AM
That sounds like a good solution if you can get the liquid. Is it available to you over there? We woke up to 2 inches of snow and it is frigid outside. We will not be walking today. Hope your weather is better than ours! Tipper did good at laser therapy yesterday and it was a nice ride as it was sunny and beautiful out. Hope you get an solution to the pill situation, Ian has become a pro at getting rid off the pills. Blessings

03-26-2014, 07:39 PM
thanks for all the tips! i don't know if there is a liquid form in nl.
i can only do this when it is really without a taste and without a smell.
he is such a picky eater.
and for lori, is sampson getting the liquid one?
i still have a supply of vetoryl for about a year, so buying new stuff is not really an option.
we do have cold nights right now and sunny during daytime.
i wish your weather would be the same.
i have made all the back ups, but my pc does not have enough mb memory to make w 7 work properly i read on the internet.
i also ordered a vista dvd. they are only 10 euro each on nerd forums.
now i have to find out which one to use.
sleep well everybody.......

03-27-2014, 08:21 AM
I know cost is really an issue as this stuff is all so expensive that I don't buy anything for myself, and it all goes to Tipper. I hope you are able to get your computer updated without a huge cost. I worry if I had a major expense with Tipper being sick, how I would handle it. This has exhausted all my saving and then some. Every once and a while my vet will let me pay later if I have had a lot of bills with her. I am hoping you can find out how Ian is getting theese pills out, and fix the problem without having to buy more Vetoryl. It is real dark and we are ready for rain, then snow on Sunday!! Blessings

03-27-2014, 09:30 PM
ian is doing fine, so missing a pill every now and then does not affect him obviously.
i scan the floor every day around his bed for pills on hand and knees.............
i took "'the risk"' today to walk around a small lake which we had not done since last fall -as a sort of test- and he did fine!
he remains a bit stiff since being on vetoryl, but he is getting stronger everyday. we walked for an hour and a half.
not as fast as we used to, but i am happy with this results.
i hope tipper will be stable soon and you can save some money......

molly muffin
03-27-2014, 10:54 PM
An hour and a half walk for a dog with cushings on medication is very good.
Glad you were able to get out and about around the lake and that Ian is still able to do that walk and enjoy it.

Sharlene and molly muffin

03-27-2014, 11:11 PM
That's a very long walk! Congratulations!

03-28-2014, 12:01 AM
ian was in great shape before "'the cushing collaps"'
that made him recover this quick i quess.
and the fact that he has no other illnesses or meds.
only a low dose of 30 mg vetoryl [2mg/kilo] and 1 [1500mg] omega 3 pill. so far, so good!

03-28-2014, 12:33 PM
Tipper was in great shape before the Cushing's too, but it has taken it's toll on her muscles, and insides. I think she is as good as she is today from being in good shape before all this. Her breathing and tremors still continue to concern me. I have been able to put out many fires started by Cushing's, but these two have me stumped as to what will help. We have really bad wind today and are expecting snow Sunday. Sounds like you are getting some crazy weather over there too. I think that is good Ian can go without meds every once and a while, as I feel that the Vetoryl is causing Tipper's tremors, but I am just not sure how. Blessings

03-28-2014, 11:28 PM
ian had tremors a few weeks long before he collapsed. i just thought he had some muscle weakness because of old age.
after the vetoryl they stopped immediately. the opposit of tipper.
ian's outlooks have changed also muscle wise.
hope the rain and storm have stopped so you can catch up with some sleep tonight.

03-29-2014, 07:57 AM
Isn't that strange about the tremors?? I would like to unlock that mystery. It is still warm and Tipper will be able to walk. She has been sleeping more than usual the last two days and it has me thinking about why. It seems when you have a cush dog you question everything they do. I am glad Ian can do well missing some pills as I wish Tipper could. She needs this Vetoryl, but I know it is causing these tremors, and wish I could decrease it, but her cortisol shoots up too high. I have been taking it easy the last couple days, because I am gearing up for my spring cleaning. I don't know if I can do it this year but I'll give it a try. Blessings

03-30-2014, 11:26 PM
ian does not like those high temperatures we already have. 22C today.
it does affect him. so into the forest or along the riverside it is.
next week it will be summer..........too soon for me.
i will send it your way! you could use it!
it is 5.25 am so i have to try to get some sleep.

03-31-2014, 02:18 PM
Tipper can no longer tolerate the heat either. I am on a break between picking Toby up from his dental. Tipper has had the run of the whole place while he is gone, she wants him to stay gone!! Poor Toby cried all the way to the vets, he is the cry baby of the two. He was so upset not getting his food. He will be starved when I pick him up and really thirsty. I am getting his hair clipped next week for his summer cut. I did not want to do it before his dental. I did that last year and they ruined his new hair do it was all wet and yucky. Hope you and Ian get some walking in. Do you have any indigenous vipers that you have to watch out for in the forest?? We have copperheads here, that is all Tipper needs, as she would go after it sure as anything especially if it would strike at her that would really tick her off!! Blessings

03-31-2014, 08:47 PM
googled for copperhead and i found out it was a snake.
we only do have one venomous snake; called adder in nl.
and an other one which is not poisonous.
the last one is pretty common, the adder is not.
i never met with one......i don't know what my dogs would do....
do you clip toby's hair yourself? did you manage to fix tipper's coat already?
i have to do my last round with the dogs and off to bed..

04-01-2014, 09:31 AM
Yes about 2 years ago one of the neighbors killed a few baby copperheads. Ever since then I am always on high alert with the dogs. I am always looking down and only let them in very short grass where I can see. Adders are nasty and will come at you even if unprovoked like a copperhead. Toby is better today he had a good sleep, a good breakfast, and a good walk. He had a time going potty first thing though the anesthesia can do that sometimes. Tipper has walked twice and it is really damp and dreary as rain is coming. It's a shame as it is to go up to 66 today. I will have to put that uncomfortable dap collar on her. Hope you and Ian get a walk before it is too hot for him. How is he doing with the pills? Blessings

04-01-2014, 10:20 PM
i hope we both will never meet with a venomous snake on our walks.
they do like high and dry grounds with sand. we are in a clay area near the river.
i only see grass snakes swimming sometimes in puddles.
and bats at night and hedgehogs which my dogs find very interesting.
o yes, and rabbits. their favorites!
i am glad the temperatures are rising in your area finally!
do you expect thunder?
last days i found no pills on the floor, so i hope he ate them all.

04-02-2014, 01:10 PM
When I first found out Tipper had Cushing's, I called on all the really best, and most experienced vets I used through my years in Pittsburgh.. I asked them all about this disease, and what I need to do to ensure my dog will have a long life, and a good quality of life. They all told me the most important factor you need to keep in check is the blood pressure as Cushing's can really impact it. One of my very favorite caring, and brilliant Dr.s told me to make sure I get her blood pressure checked every week. I have done that without failure, with the exception of the period when they had a dog barking there and they could not do
it. So every week I drive 30 miles to get it done. She is having a ball walking in this beautiful weather. I dread the heat and humidity of summer, as she cannot go in it because of her heart murmur. Does Ian ever try to go after the grass snakes? Tipper would be on them immediately!!. The sun is out and yesterday we made it to 67 degrees!! Hope you and Ian have nice weather to walk. Blessings

04-02-2014, 06:53 PM
i did not know that bp was so important with cush dogs.
ian's would be sky high because he hates the vet practice.
i am so glad that the weather has improved and you can finally walk 3 times a day! great!
it is humid today and 21C. ian was tired after his walk. so was i.
ian does not care about the grass snakes, his sister is more interested in them. they do swim at the surface of the water, but way to fast for enya to catch them.
in summer you can sometimes find a nest of baby grass snakes.
luckily they are harmless.
hope you and tipper will have a good night sleep.

04-03-2014, 01:14 PM
A nest of baby grass snakes would be a find for Tipper. She would destroy every one of them though! Tipper walked three times today. We are getting ready for a storm with damaging winds and hail. I gave Tipper a melatonin and she has her dap collar on. I hope you and Ian got a nice walk in. How is it going at work? I am fortunate in that respect that I can stay home with Tipper, but that means a lot less money coming in. It is an double edged sword. Do the storms affect Ian at all? It seems when Tipper's cortisol is on the lower end she really can't deal with them. I am worried about her blood pressure if this storm gets her going. Blessings

04-03-2014, 08:49 PM
hi, patti, we don't have storms in the spring or winter. only thunderstorms with lightning and lots of rain/hail in the summer and normal storms in the fall.
they don't affect my dogs. they even love fireworks!!
i am sorry for tipper though, hope the storm will skip your village.
can't you work a few hours/day at home to earn some extra money?
help people fill in their tax forms e.g.? or helping elderly people with their paperwork?
i need some new clients, but it is not easy to find them.
saturday i am going to visit a new one, hope they are nice people.
and an orther one got 3 extra hours to help her managing her life, so she can stay at home hopefully. she owns a 1,5 year old dachshund who ruins the place because she can't handle him. he is young and wants to play. i hope she will give him up for adoption. she sometimes feeds him tranquilizers of her own..............so sad!

04-03-2014, 08:51 PM
she sometimes feeds him tranquilizers of her own..............so sad!


04-03-2014, 09:06 PM
yes iraklis, lots of people have pets they should not have because they can not take care for them properly.
this dog is young and full of energy and since his owner is borderline, she can not handle such a young dog.
so she tries to calm him down sometimes with her own pills....................

04-04-2014, 09:43 AM
Oh my goodness that lady giving a dog her tranquilizers! Wow that is scary. Tipper knows the difference between fireworks and thunder so they do not scare
her. The storms did not come yesterday, we are expecting them today so have prepared Tipper with Melatonin again and the collar? She is on high alert going around listening to every sound, so she can already feel the change in the barometric pressure going on. Good thing your animals are not bothered by this, it is stressful for both of us and hard to cope with. I will in time find something to do for a few hours from home, I just do not want to take time from Tipper right now. I just want to enjoy her for as long as possible and not have other worries. The extra money would be nice though. Hope you are having a good day over there with Ian. He has done remarkably well on Vetoryl. I have been researching on Tipper's tremors, and found some interesting facts I will post. Blessings

04-04-2014, 11:25 PM
yes, i am lucky that ian is doing so well on vetoryl. no side effects.
starting low at 10 mg, up to 30 mg right now.
i have mentioned it before, so strange that vetoryl is the cause of tipper's tremors and it ended ian's??????
and the forever question; why do our dogs get the disease? i know it can be genetically transmitted in certain breeds.
i have noticed it on this forum too, but i think it needs a lot more research. every cush-dog reacts different.
flynn went downhill very fast in a few months time, and ian is 13 and doing very well.

04-05-2014, 06:50 AM
Ι am very interested in finding the causes too...but i do think it is a combination of reasons that result to cushings (especially the pituitary one)

some probabilities i've found...
Separation anxiety (the results presented in this documentary are very interesting to say the least)
Lack of melatonin production (caused by lights http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletters/Harvard_Health_Letter/2012/May/blue-light-has-a-dark-side/ or genetically pre-desposed ex.blue eyed dogs like Husko)
Lack of vit D production (lack of sunlight - ex.i mainly walked my dogs at night ,especially last year...)

04-05-2014, 08:37 AM
I do believe this runs in certain breeds especially terriers. I have read of people having dogs related to one another and they each developed Cushing's. Also my vet told me the vets have known for years that steroids are a cause of Cushing's,and when Tipper was a puppy she had prednisone a lot for allergies. That is where I believe she got it. I cannot believe no one is having any in depth sstudies to find the cause as people get this too. All I know is there is thousands of dogs with this disease, and many that are never known because of going undiagnosed. I wish someone would head a major study on this, but it takes a lot of money. Blessings

04-05-2014, 07:59 PM
yes, the lack of research is definitely a money issue. and the fact that it is rare in humans. but it affects e.g. dogs, horses and ferrets.
iraklis, although my ian is blue merle, he has 2 brown eyes.
his bm sister is odd eyed though. i hope she will stay cush-free!
they don't mind at all being home alone [i always have had more than one dog]
and i like walking in the dark too, but i always walk them during my lunch break for an hour. and in the morning too.
so all this could not be the cause for my 2 cush-dogs i believe.
tipper's steroid use as a young dog may be a cause of her cushing's.
but it is a very complicated disease for sure!

04-05-2014, 08:09 PM
Cushings (as all tumors/cancer) sometimes seem to be a result of many things adding up...ex.I don't think a blue eyed dog will develop cushings just because of that...
ex.Husko was a stray eating paper for many years, he had been shot (the vets said back then not to worry...but i can't believe them anymore) ,had heartworm injections/therapy (very dangerous drug) , eating dry food (even though the best brands) and...I sometimes even think Lemmys' behavior played a part...

By the way...concerning separation anxiety...watch the video i posted...
You'll be amazed at the resting cortisol levels and the percentage number of dogs their owners didn't think they had separation anxiety because they were probably not showing it...

04-05-2014, 08:43 PM
being a stray, your husko had a very stressful live, and was in a bad shape for this reason. no proper food or health care, that at least influenced his immune system.
but they still do not know what causes cushing in a dog.
so there is still a lot of guessing on that part.
most dogs on this forum are well taken care of for their whole lives and get it too.
i once borrowed a camera to film my dogs when i am away and they do only sleep.
they do get a lot of exercise outdoors so they are very quiet indoors.
they are used to being alone [with the other dogs].
i do leave them for 4 hours max at a time. no problem.
i am alone and i have to work!

04-06-2014, 08:52 AM
I just wish this disease had more research to develop a cure, as it affects not only the dog, but the whole family dynamic. I carry such guilt because I gave Tipper the prednisone from the vet for her allergies. I have so much guilt over this. She would get so bad and swollen up, with her throat closing up and had to have it to save her life. If this never happened I feel she would be fine and never gotten Cushing's. That is a good idea watching the dogs with a camera. We have frost real thick on the ground this morning. Blessings

04-07-2014, 06:46 PM
frost on the ground, but hopefully no more snow.
it is still "hot and humid " overhere and ian does not like it. [neither do i]
still on w-xp, and it is april 8 overhere already, so i have to fix it.
early start tomorrow, so off to bed and try to sleep.

04-08-2014, 08:47 AM
Well it has rained all day yesterday and today so there are ponds in the yard. Tipper cannot walk. Tomorrow is the ACTH test it will be number 17 or 18, I lost count. She seems rather bloated the last two days, don't know what that is from. Too bad for Ian with the hot weather. Tipper was always able to stand it until she got the heart murmur, now she is not allowed in heat and humidity. She must walk only early in the morning, or late when the sun goes down. Tipper got a little rattled last nite with the heavy rain and went in the closet! Blessings

molly muffin
04-08-2014, 04:27 PM
Iris, Microsoft released their last security patch for XP today, for those that aren't changing right away!

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-08-2014, 06:03 PM
ok, thank you sharlene, i ordered a vista dvd since w7 was not compatible with this old pc. [only euro 10 via some nerd forum]
i wish i could affort a newer pc but not a chance.
should marry a rich man...
lots of wind and some rain today and about 13C. the dogs were happy that is was not so "hot'' outside anymore.
hoping for good test results for tipper tomorrow!

molly muffin
04-08-2014, 08:11 PM
You can do the update for the security patch issued today and should be fine for awhile till you can get an upgrade. Vista I would think would work, as long as you have enough ram/memory, etc to run it. That might have been the problem with the win 7.
I can ask our IT guy on Thursday how long the XP patch should be good for. We also have a microsoft certified specialist that I can check with if IT is unsure, but I am fairly positive this guy will know. Besides working for our company and being VERY good, he has a computer shop.
I might even be able to get hold of him tomorrow.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-08-2014, 09:34 PM
thanks sharlene, that would be great. i've read that they should last for about a month [no garantees though]
but any info is welcome.
my pc automatically downloads the ms updates for w- xp.
or is this last one a special one?
do i have to download it myself?
where can 1 find it?

molly muffin
04-08-2014, 10:07 PM
no, if your computer automatically downloads the updates you should be fine.

I'll let you know what he says.


04-09-2014, 08:20 AM
Hope you get your computer woes straightened out. That is an pain in the butt when you have computer problems and need to use it all the time. Where I live I would be lost without it, as I am in the middle of nowhere. Everything I need virtually comes from my computer use, as I have to get many things shipped to me, so I would be in trouble without internet access. Tipper already had one walk and we are getting ready for the dreaded testing. Hope you and the babies have a good walk today. Blessings. Oh I just saw your first name on one of Sharlenes posts so now I can properly address you.

04-09-2014, 06:32 PM
i did not want a computer for a long time, but about 10 years ago i was the only one in this country who didn't have one......
so i had to find out everything by trial and error, no lessons, google is your best friend they told me. and that was right, i spent many nights fixing things. using nerd forums to help me etc. .....and it worked in the end. i am almost a nerd myself now ha, ha!
we choose the forest today to walk so happy doggies.
it is past midnight so i have to walk the dogs for the last time and try to feed ian the vetoryl i just found on the floor again with some snacks.
luckily last week i did not find any other capsule.

molly muffin
04-09-2014, 07:04 PM
Hi, I didn't get a chance to chat with our IT guy today, hopefully we'll both be in the office at the same time tomorrow. :)

So the brat managed to not take another pill huh. :) He's the king of manging to hide those things. :)

Glad you had a nice walk in the forest today. I'm sure the gang are all happy about that.

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-10-2014, 08:12 AM
When you say walking in the forest it sounds so beautiful there. I hope you have a good day and not so hot for Ian. He has become the master at getting rid of pills. Blessings

molly muffin
04-10-2014, 04:41 PM
Okay, so my IT guy said 30 days you should be okay. After that you really need to be upgraded to a different operating system from XP. Of course with all the news of the heartbleed issue with encrypted ssl, make sure that the things you use are safe, weren't affected at all (use a different type of encryption, most banks don't use the open ssl) anything that is vurnable, wait till it's patched, then change your password. It won't do any good to change a password if a system isn't patched or website. Most things you'll find you won't have to change the password on, but still check to be sure.

Hope you are having a good day
sharlene and molly muffin

04-10-2014, 07:35 PM
thanks sharlene, last night when i want to shut down my pc there was a message from windows not to do it because there were 3 new updates?? well windows installed them as usual.
i am not doing any payments with w xp anymore.
today i received my w vista dvd so i can try to install it.
i am feeling a migraine coming up, so took my meds and i am off to bed.
patti, today i drove to a big sluice in the river and we watched large ships and boats going in and out. there was a dog on one boat that was barking at my dogs. ian ran along with the ship, navigating out of the sluice, trying to catch that dog.
it was a towboat and they are very slow.

04-11-2014, 08:34 AM
I hope you get all your computer woes straightened out. Something is all changing and I guess we just have to keep up with it. Tipper has walked already.It rained last nite, and still raining and foggy. We had a chance to go when it stopped for a while. I need some energy, I cannot get myself going to start this darn spring cleaning. Hope your migraine is better. I take daily medication for those and know how bad they can be. Hope your weather is better than ours as we are to get snow on Monday. I am not really happy with Tipper's numbers as her pre is still low. I just cannot get both numbers to be right no matter what I try. I guess we will go for best as opposed to perfect. Blessings

04-11-2014, 08:54 PM
hi patti, rain and snow again? i can imagine that you are not happy with this forecast! hope you and the doggies can walk though.
ian has diarrhea as of last night, last time he had it he was 1 year old or so [giardia].
i gave him pills i had for flynn. they are called diarstop/finidiar.
[Elke tablet bevat: kaoline, aluminiumhydroxide, natriumchloride, calcium, kalium, magnesium en aroma. ]
no vetoryl last night and only 15 mg today. he is not feeling sick though.
he is eating and drinking, so no worries yet.
lots of old newspapers on the floor in front of the back entrance when i was at work and he used them, but that smell....brrr!!

04-12-2014, 11:39 AM
I guess that smell was not anything you wanted to come home to! I hope there is nothing too much wrong with Ian. Does he drink outside? Is that where he gets the Guardia? Tipper has already walked 3 times. I am spring cleaning and I take a break and take them walking then come back and start cleaning again. I am noticing Tipper getting jumpy from noise and the neighbors are starting mowers etc. to make sure they are working. When she hears the noise she runs to hide, so I know her cortisol is lower. It is in the 60s and sunny. I wish I had a house cleaner!! Have a good walk today with the babies. Blessings

04-12-2014, 02:57 PM
damn, enya ate ian's vetoryl. called the vet, but she said not to worry because it is such a low dose and just a one time dose. i hope this will work out fine for enya.
ian is so suspicious of anything i want to feed him, i tried the peanutbutter trick and he did not want it. it fell on the floor and his sister got it.
ian was always a picky eater and now he does not trust me with any food anymore. that is a big problem. even with his favorite food!
spring cleaning, my house could use it, but i am a lazy housekeeper!

04-13-2014, 08:16 AM
Yikes that would scare the crap out of you!! Hoping Enya is ok, and hope she never does that again. Would you be able too give it squeezed inside some bread? It would be easy to mold it around the pill. He is just an expert at detecting these pills. It makes it so hard to medicate them when this is the case. I have to get a small piece of cooked chicken, poke a hole in in and insert the pill. I have three to give Tipper so that is even worse. Hope you can get it down him this time. Blessings

04-13-2014, 04:26 PM
enya was fine, so it did not affect her like the vet said.
no pills yet today. he does not like bread.
he is not at all food orientated.
unlike his sister; she eats anything.
does tipper always eats her pills without any trouble? she is always keen on food isn't she?
sounds like you had a beautiful day today. followed by rain and snow tomorrow...grrrr!
i wish you lots of strength with your spring cleaning.

04-14-2014, 10:46 AM
Tipper does love her food, and loves chicken, so she takes it every time with no hassle. I used to try and pill her without the food and it got too stressful for both of us, so I went to the chicken. I have to buy her special chicken to fees her as she cannot have salt, and all the chicken sold here is pumped full of saline. I get it where they butcher it fresh and freeze it with no additives. It is really expensive too, but what can I do. We were waiting for a storm right now, it is dark and Tipper is getting very Andy already and smelling the air. She knows its coming. Hope you have better weather than this and you and Ian and Enya have a good walk. Blessings

04-14-2014, 06:28 PM
it was a bit cold today with lots of wind and some hail.
but not nearly as bad as you will have.
there is some doggievirus in this neighborhood going on.
ian started with diarrhea for 3!! days and as of today ian is finally doing better, and now enya is starting.
i did not give him vetoryl for 3 days.
i will start tomorrow on half the dosage.
or shall i wait any longer?
i buy organic meat myself, because they fill cheap meat up here too with water and salt.
and those cheap chicken comes from chickens that had a really bad life.
more and more supermarkets sell free range chicken with no additives.
eggs from chickens in cages are not allowed anymore.
i hope the storms will be over soon for yours and tipper's sake.

04-15-2014, 08:17 AM
I guess they pull the same tricks over there with the meat. There was a virus going around a few months back over here that was really making dogs sick. I hope they are both ok. I have laser therapy today for Tipper and I just do not feel like going, as I was up all nite. I hope you have better weather today to walk if the dogs are up to it. Blessings

04-15-2014, 10:20 PM
hi patti, we did some shorter walks today, ian is fine now, but enya still has loose stools. i am short of old news papers because of all the accidents in the house.
i only gave ian 15 mg of vetoryl today. tomorrow i will try the normal dosage.
farmers have started to clean out there stables and put their dung on the land, so the smell outside is the same as indoors.......
hope the us goes fine for tipper tomorrow with good results.
hope you all sleep well and take good care of yourself!

04-16-2014, 03:50 PM
Hi Iris:
Boy I could sure help you out with newspapers, I have a huge stack I saved. You just can't escape that smell!! That is funny that Ian the dog that is sick got better faster than the Enya who is not sick?? Hope she gets over it that has to be a yucky clean up job! I cleaned the family room after taking Tipper this morning for her bp. Her weight was down and bp was good so I'll take that any day. She has walked twice in between my cleaning. I am beat today, so it will be to bed early tonite. Sleep well. Blessings

04-16-2014, 10:55 PM
no, ian got it first and 3 days later enya followed him.
i can imagine that you are very tired after all this cleaning.
i hope enya will be better soon, because i am cleaning diarrhea non stop since last friday. pills don't help. luckily no vomiting, but otherwise a very stubborn virus.
did i make a mistake with tippers us appointment?
i thought it was on wednesday?
so nice that tipper is doing great with her bp and weight.
sleep well!

04-17-2014, 10:51 AM
I can imagine you are sick of the dogs having the runs! Tipper goes next week for her tumor check. God help us cause that is a terrible nerve wracking time for me. I hope Enya gets better soon, it must be a terrible nasty virus they got. I am ready to start cleaning my kitchen, the dreaded kitchen!! Tipper has walked and it was nippy this morning but getting sunny now. Blessings

04-17-2014, 09:02 PM
hi patti, this morning i found some poop-drops om the floor from enya, but she did not have to go since.
my whole container is full of dirty newspapers.
not a lot of papers for charity this month. they recycle it and got paid for that.
o, i thought it was this weeks wednesday, but you will have to wait an other week for tippers us.
tipper will surprise us all with great results!
i hope your kitchen is clean now, so you can rest.
hope you will have a sunny eastern!

molly muffin
04-18-2014, 12:32 AM
Oh poor Enya, really hope for your sake and hers that this virus clears up soon!

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-18-2014, 08:40 AM
If this pooping keeps up I might have to come over and clean for you!! It is so hard on the poor dogs too. I am sure after all this time you are sick of it. It is amazing how Ian bounced right back from it real quick. Tipper did not want to go on her walk this morning, which is highly unusual. She had tremors again last nite. Hope you get out to walk with Ian, is Enya still going along, or at home? We are supposed to hit 70 Sunday!! Heat wave!! Blessing

04-18-2014, 04:22 PM
I have the link up to see Tippers tremors on her thread. This is a mild one, watch the tail and face twitching. What do you think? I will try to get one of the bad ones videoed. Blessings

04-18-2014, 08:45 PM
hi patti and sharlene, no more poop in the house..........and patti, my house can do with some cleaning after this. so if you do have some spare time?
i am so glad that you will have some real spring weather this eastern.
70...you will need a bikini for that.
it was 12 c today. eastern will be about 18c. so not bad.
ian is on his 30 mg vetoryl again and we had a long walk today.
patti, i watched your video and posted on your thread.
they look the same as ian has when he is fast asleep.
but i always thought they were just muscle spasms from dreaming.
maybe the video about the more serious tremors will explain more .
hopefully the specialist will be able to tell you more about them.
p.s. tipper looks so sweet when sleeping. i love those fluffy ears!
ian wants to marry her ha, ha!!

04-19-2014, 07:41 AM
After seeing her big belly in the video Ian may want to reconsider!! I am going to try and video the bad ones. I am glad Ian is back with the Vetoryl and having his walk. Yeah!!!!! No more poops in the house. I was thinking you would have to go buy newspapers if it kept up!! I am resting today and tomorrow as I am worn out. I will resume Monday and try to get finished by the end of next week. When I was younger I would just keep going until I finished, now things are different. Hope you and the babies have a blessed Easter. Are you going out or staying home for

molly muffin
04-19-2014, 12:49 PM
Hope you, Ian and Enya, have a lovely holiday weekend!

Sharlene and molly muffin

04-19-2014, 10:31 PM
first; i wish you, patti and sharlene, a happy easter too.
we do have 2 days of easter holidays overhere.
i am going to visit my aunt. she will cook me a nice meal, and i will help her with the garden etc.
tipper..... ian has a bit of a big belly too. his tail is getting bushy again and his mane are growing too. shiny coat, but curly . i know horses with cushing's do get a curly coat too.
i have to walk the dogs for the last time and go to bed.

04-20-2014, 11:18 AM
I hope you have a real good day today at your aunts house. That sounds like quite the treat having someone cook for you! She must be a wonderful aunt. Hope the babies are good while you are gone! Blessings

04-22-2014, 09:08 PM
hi patti, 3 days without internet. my pc needed a doctor. now fixed with vista. but i miss my w-xp.
the dogs are always coming with me to my aunt's. they are very welcome at her place.
in fact i stayed the night and the doggies too!
i like it when someone is cooking me a meal.[and she is a good cook]
i have to catch up reading on this forum, but i am too tired right now.
hope you and tipper have a good night sleep.

molly muffin
04-23-2014, 12:26 AM
Welcome back. Glad you had a sleep over at your aunts. Sounds like just the thing!

Yes I understand I mounted xp for a long time too. It is still my preferred op system of them all.

Sharlene and Molly muffin

04-23-2014, 09:40 AM
So glad all got fixed with the computer. Hope you will not have any problems for a long time. That was great you got a cooked meal, and taking the babies with you is terrific. You must have a very sweet aunt. Tipper and I went for bp today and it was good. I am so disappointed having to wait another week to take Tipper for her tumor check. It just makes for a lot of anxiety for me, when I lay awake at nite I think about it. Rainy here today and cold so unless it stops no walking. Is Enya all better now? Ian seems to be doing well on his maintenance dose too. Have a good walk with your babies. Blessings

04-23-2014, 09:51 PM
sharlene and patti, my aunt is indeed a really nice person.
i loved w-xp too, so easy to use.
since the pc is on vista i do not have sound anymore. very strange.......any suggestions?
i have to buy some extra memory bars to help my pc.
it is hot and sticky overhere, at night too, and it is only april.
i wish i found a way to feed ian his vetoryl, he needs it, but last 2 days he refused every treat because he knows there could be a pill in it
i tried to force it down as a last attempt, but he did put up a nasty fight and cried all the way. he is very upset right now and no pills.
he did so well on them.
i don't know what to do anymore.

molly muffin
04-23-2014, 10:36 PM
Sounds issues tend to be associated with the drivers. You might need to download a new driver.
Does he like stinky cat food? Some dogs love that stuff and will take the pills in that.
Sharlene and molly muffin

04-24-2014, 08:01 AM
Does Ian like fish? Do you think you could put it in fish and form it in a ball so he does not see it and harder to smell. He is a tough one that Ian, hard to fool. It makes it so hard for you to pill him I know. If Tipper smells it or tastes it, it must not be that bad as she eats it anyway. One of the supplements for her liver she spits out of the chicken just about every time, so it must be foul. She knows every time when it is in the chicken. Does everything about this disease have to be so difficult??? He probably does need his pills if he has been missing them, but the stress like you said of trying to just get it down him is not worth it. I hate to pill Tipper, but she leaves me no choice with the liver supplement. I swear she has jaws of steel, and you cannot open them. Hope you can walk before it gets to hot and humid. Sharlene may know what is wrong with your sound, I have had an issue in the past with sound, but can't remember what it was. Blessings

04-24-2014, 05:29 PM
it sounds so familiar; jaws of steel. i simply can not open his mouth.
i do not want to damage our relationship, he is such a sensitive dog.
today i bought a fish taste can of catfood and i hope the vetoryl is down.[searching the floor with a flashlight right now] but tomorrow i probably have to find something else to fool him.
he can miss it for a few days, but i do not want ian to collaps again.
he is almost back to normal on the vetoryl and i don't want to loose him.
we finaly had rain and thunder tonight, so i hope the temp. will drop.
i am going to read tipper's thread now. hope you and tipper are fine.

04-25-2014, 10:47 AM
I feel so bad that you cannot get these pills into Ian. I know you don't want any problems as your dear Flynn has not been gone that long. We will all have to think up some other options. I am housecleaning and taking a break, I have to finish or I will just leave it. I hope you are able to fool him at least once with the cat food Blessings

04-25-2014, 08:51 PM
How about opening the capsule and dropping the ''powder'' into a glass of water or milk ,use a big syringe to drain it and give it???

Harley PoMMom
04-25-2014, 09:12 PM
Trilostane can be made into a liquid suspension and I've also seen Trilo made into chicken/beef chewable treats, do you think Ian would go for any of them?

04-25-2014, 09:43 PM
thank you all for the suggestions!

How about opening the capsule and dropping the ''powder'' into a glass of water or milk ,use a big syringe to drain it and give it???

iraklis, dechra warned not to open the capsules. you have to give it whole because it is bad for our health and your dogs throat and stomage. that is what i read in the vetoryl manual.

Trilostane can be made into a liquid suspension and I've also seen Trilo made into chicken/beef chewable treats, do you think Ian would go for any of them?

liquid i don't know, he is so suspicious of things in/on his food.
the treats maybe, but he is/was never food orientated.
besides i do have enough vetoryl capsules for a year in stock.[and no money left]
does anyone on this forum feeds those vetoryl treats?

04-25-2014, 10:09 PM
p.s. patti, you work with vista right?
can you tell me how to bookmark sites?

and sharlene, still not a sound coming from my pc. any suggestions left?
pc says speakers are on, but i don't have speakers, i use a headphone.

04-25-2014, 11:16 PM
When Daisy stays with grandpa and I go to Greenwich, I use Greenies pill pockets and she gobbles them down.

04-26-2014, 08:05 AM
I do have Vista and just use the icon ai have on my tool bar to bookmark. I have a little different set up since mine is a business version it sometimes will not let me open files etc. which is a pain. I also know that about the Vetoryl capsules as I had that conversation with Dechra. They told me the dog should not even bite them. I give Tipper a supplement and it is a huge capsule, it is so hard to disguise, I think don't they realize theses things are too big? I always fear it sticking in her throat too. Tipper started the swallowing again last nite even though she has the pill. I just would like to know what started all this, and the root cause. It is going to be nice here so I hope we can have a few walks. Hope you and the babies get out and it is not too hot. In the summer Tipper has to go real early, or late because of her heart, and the cush dogs don't do well in heat and humidity. Blessings

04-26-2014, 06:06 PM
yes patti, heat and humidity are not good for cush doggies.
ian is not happy with this kind of weather.
the waterlevel is low in "'our river"', so there is a small beach now.
we walked through the water so we had cold feet to cool us down.
ian does not swim, but enya does. their mom was a seal in a dogs body, she loved swimming. ian was almost born in the water.
he goes as far as his belly touching the water. his father did not swim too.
today we tried the peanutbutter trick, my hands are sticky, but i think the pill is down.
i believe tipper has the same tracheal problems as i have my whole life, there is nothing to do about it the doctors have told me.
i use a.h. pills, nasal spray and ventolin.
have a quiet sunday!

04-26-2014, 06:11 PM
valerie, i looked those pill pockets up on the internet and i found something like this in my country, and guess what? he does not want them! his sister is eating them as a treat right now..................

04-27-2014, 08:33 AM
That sounds so beautiful going along the river and getting your feet wet. Tipper would love that. When she was well I had a kiddie pool in the back yard for her. I had a small motorized fish that would wiggle and swim. She would get in that pool and attack that fish and throw it in the air, she would not stop trying to kill it until you got it out of her jaws. First thing in the morning as soon as soon as sheate and was outside she started about that fish. She would get up out of bed at nite and whine to go get it. She was obsessed with this fish. We don't do that anymore as it would be too much on her but I do have it on video, it is hysterical.
Hope you have a good Sunday with your babies and I hope the peanut butter worked. Blessings

04-27-2014, 06:44 PM
i used to have a kiddie pool too. but flynn destroyed it as a young dog.
couldn't you set up the pool without the fish?
just some water to cool her down? let her dive for some treats in the water?
i know we are spoiled with "our river" and the forest at only a 10 min drive from home. and they love the beach, which is an hour drive.
maybe you can show the video of tipper killing the shark on this forum?
sounds fun!

04-28-2014, 12:45 AM
Oh no!
What about putting the pills in a glob of peanut butter?
Daisy likes that too.

04-28-2014, 08:10 AM
Will Ian eat a stinky sardine? Maybe put one in there? We are in for really bad weather this week so I have to talk either the IMS or vet into giving me something for Tipper. We have reached an point where it is more detrimental to have her terrified than the effects of the tranquilizer. That is why I prefer the fall and winter as she has no worries then. Looks like a good day to put the porch furniture out! Blessings

04-28-2014, 11:05 PM
valerie, sometimes the peanut butter trick will work, the other day he does not want it. so difficult to handle it.
luckily he is doing fine, even with some days without the vetoryl.
today he has eaten the pill...
glad to read that daisy is doing better.

patti, i agree you must have some medicine to help tipper, this can not go on for both your sakes.
the doctors must understand this!
it is so frustrating for you.

04-29-2014, 08:12 AM
Yeah for getting the pill down Ian. That one you don't have to worry about! Tipper was on high alert all nite. She moved about the bedroom and kept me awake most of the nite. I feel so bad that she goes thru this. My vet must find something safe to give her, as we cannot keep this up and summer really never started yet. I hope it is not too hot and humid over there for the doggies. Are your dogs nervous in a storm? Hoping today's pill goes down the old hatch for Ian. I am taking Tipper for her Adequan this morning. Blessings

04-29-2014, 06:20 PM
hi patti, so sorry that tipper is so nervous because of this weather.
my dogs don't mind the thunderstorms.
they do bark like toby, when there is lightning.
it is still hot and humid today, but the weather forecast says it will be cooler.
we can finally make longer walks when the temp. drops.
pills are down again. [oops, forgot to search the floor with a flashlight]
good luck tomorrow at the vet hospital.
i will read about the results in tipper's thread.

05-02-2014, 12:27 PM
Hi Iris:
My head is ready to explode from so much information. I am waiting for a list of questions I asked the IMS to be answered and I will proceed from there. I hope Ian is being a good baby and not spitting those darn pills out!! Good weather here and I did walk the dogs twice. I am catching up on my work and getting ready to go to the cardiologist Monday, another big trip! I am worn out, but need to get these things done. We have been going tombed early as I am tired. I hope you have good weather today to walk the babies. Tipper has been drinking more thannormal the last two days, I hope the cortisol is not rising. Blessings

05-02-2014, 07:51 PM
hi patti, i am sorry that you have to go through all of this.
i found the list in tipper's thread a good one!
hope you will get your answers soon from the ims.
the vetoryl is down, i have to try to feed the omega 3 pill.
it is so big and he recognises the smell from it.
the weather is ok right now, a bit cooler, so longer walks are possible again.
i hope tipper and you can have a good night sleep finally and that the extra drinking is just from the exercise she had.
ian is drinking more when the temp. are rising and after/during longer walks.
the every day worries about our doggies -and your own health- can make your head spin, and prevent you from sleep well.
enya turned 12 today, so we had a little party.
hope she will not develop cushing's too...........

05-03-2014, 09:14 AM
Hi Iris:
Happy Birthday to Enya. She getting to be an old lady like Tipper!! Glad Ian is taking his pills. Tipper said where's the cake??? I am waiting to hear back from the IMS, but it will be a few days with her busy schedule. At least I am not in any emergency situation, and have time to think this thru. I am trying to get caught up on stuff here as I will be gone all Monday morning. I have a sitter for Tipper, I never leave her alone, and they call me every hour to tell me she is ok. I am making some chicken noodle soup so I have something for Monday when I get home. I am definitely a planner. We have a bit of cold weather and are expecting rain today. Hope you do not have the heat and humidity and enjoy your weekend
a bit. Blessings

molly muffin
05-03-2014, 03:48 PM
Happy Belated Birthday to Enya!

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-03-2014, 07:18 PM
thank you both. 2 long walks today and some shorter ones.
we like the cooler weather.
patti, are the thunderstorms still on?
i hope not.
i have worked today to earn some extra money.
my energy bill was due a long time ago, so they send me a nasty letter with a high fine! just great! hope i get some money back because of this hot winter we had.

05-04-2014, 08:59 AM
Thank you for your good wishes. I am hoping to get home as soon as possible because it makes me nervous to leave Tipper with a sitter. It is dark put, and looks like another storm looming. I am anxious to get my questions answered from the IMS, I hate waiting. Tipper said to ask Enya if she feels like an old lady now?? Blessings

05-04-2014, 08:08 PM
answer for tipper from enya; no, i don't feel like an old lady in my mind, but my body says otherwise sometimes.
hope you and i will stay in good shape for a long time!
and patti, i don't like waiting too...
hopefully it is just a mild storm.
i do have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning...bleeggghhh!
hope your cardiologist has good news for you.
does your dog-sitter arrive at 4 am as you have to leave home that early?
that would be very special.
have a safe trip tomorrow.

05-06-2014, 06:31 PM
Tomorrow is to be a bad storm day. It will really put this mixture to the test!! We have to go for bp and Adequan shot. If it is rumbling on the way to the vets forget the bp!. We had laser therapy today and I noticed Tipper was touchy so I think that one leg is bothering her. The laser will fix it up, so glad we went. I switched her to Benadryl for the mucous and gave it this morning, it seems to have helped her more than the other Chlorphenarmine. The true test will be tonight when she is sleeping, that's when it is the worst. Maybe that's why she has been sleeping with her head hanging down off her pillow, so the mucous does not run down her throat?? It is beautiful and sunny today, hope it is not too hot and humid for Ian and Enya. I cant believe it will be the middle of May soon, time has really been flying. Is Ian doing ok with the pills? We have some buds on the trees opening up, your I guess have been out for a while? I have not gotten anything from the IMS yet so we wait! Blessings

05-06-2014, 10:12 PM
oops, waiting is so not ok!
our trees have leaves already indeed.
the blossom of the fruit tress has gone and there are little apples/pears hanging from the branches.
ian's pills are down, except for the big fish oil pill.
we will try that tomorrow again.
after a few cooler days, it is humid and sticky again............
hope tipper does well at the vet practice tomorrow.
and that those herbs will work.
my mucous problem is also worse when lying down, but i sleep with an extra pillow, so head up............

05-07-2014, 11:21 AM
We are back from the vets. Got some good information there, and Tipper's bp was good and she got her shot. She has to get one every two weeks because of her trachea. We tried three weeks and that is just too long. I bet that is nice seeing all the fruit trees with new fruit on them. It sounds just lovely there. We woke up to rain, I have given Tipper the mixture because they are calling for thunder. The vet said I can make it stronger even and give it up to 3 times a day. He said there is no side effects to it and is fine long term. She is conked out rightnow as she walked twice in between the rain which iisn't something she would normally do. Ian just does not want those fish pills. It is a pity all those capsules have to be so huge. Don't they realize for someone or a pet taking them it makes it so hard. The capsules can stick in your throat maybe that is why Ian
does not want them. Tipper said to tell Enya she is becoming a bit forgetful, and is scared of doggyhimers!! Blessings

05-07-2014, 08:28 PM
glad, that your vet was in a good mood!
it sounds good about tippers reaction to those herbs.
that would be a great help to control her fears!
yes, those capsules are way to big since most dogs are not easy to fool.
tipper; enya and you are just spring chickens!
we will live up to 20 and still make long walks! no worries!
i used a dictionary to look up doggyhimer, but i could not find it.
can you explain what this is?
ian jumped into the car yesterday and has a sore leg now.
he can not do this anymore. i was talking to someone and hoppa...............he is too old for that.
hope you have time to relax a bit now after all those appointments.

05-08-2014, 08:32 AM
Tipper does stuff like Ian an often would hurt herself. They just keep on doing it though. Strong willed these babies are. Tipper wants to do everything herself and resents help. Hope he did not do any damage to his leg. I am going to wait and see what the next ultra sound brings for Tipper. Nothing like making me a nervous wreck. My vet thinks she is frying to scare me into this operation. I am going to try and get another room done today, I need to be finished with this crap already. Tipper said to tell Enya doggyhimers is like people Alzheimer's!! Going up to 85 today so I need to change the furnace filter as I may have to put the air conditioning on for Tipper. Blessings

05-08-2014, 06:06 PM
yes, they certainly are strong willed! and luckily no doggyhimers for ian and enya.
but as long as they are this-strong willed- way, they do well is what i believe.
i agree with your vet, they are preying on your fear to loose tipper!
it is business for them after all.
wait till the next us. maybe it has not grown at all. measuring this things during an us is always a gamble.
it depends on the angle of that probe thing they are pressing on their skin.
tipper can feel your worries, so try to let it go for 3 months, and just enjoy your girl. older dogs are sleeping and resting more. mine do too.
hope the cleaning will be finished soon so you can relax till next spring.
ian's leg is better today, and since it finally rained , we did 4 shorter walks.
since flynn, i am always afraid it will be arthritis flaming up.

05-09-2014, 08:15 AM
I am just not thinking right this morning, my heart hurts so bad for Leslie and Squirt. That is one pitfall of being on here, your heart is continually broken. I am hoping Ian does not start up with the arthritis. I give Tipper Glycoflex III it has the green lipped mussel we discussed before, so she is not allergic. It seems to help her. It was so hot here yesterday the dogs could only walk in the early morning. Igot one more room cleaned yesterday.I could hardly walk when I got out of bed this morning!! Two more to go and I am done. I had to turn the air conditioning on yesterday as Tipper could not take the heat it was 85 here. It is already steamy out there and thunderstorms on the way again. Lots of tornadoes yesterday out west. Hope you are able to get out with the babies before it gets tohot and humid. I am ssitting still with Tipper's tumor situation until the next ultra sound. I hope this IMS would not say the size increased on the next one, sothey would get the operation, and it really had not!! I hope she would not stoop to something like that! Blessings

05-09-2014, 09:08 PM
yes the worrying about our own dogs and the ones on this forum can certainly wear you out.
i sure hope your specialist will be honest with you, but i still think they are preying on your fear to loose tipper.
those clinics are big business!
if tipper's tumor has really grown 0.3 cm in a whole year it is really a very small increase.
3 mm is less than the space between the words in this message.
so i hope you can relax a bit.
you and tipper can do with some possitive thoughts i think.
is the weather in your area always so "'explosive"?
or are there times in summer when the weather is more stable?
i hope so for yours and tipper's sake.
sleep well!

05-10-2014, 08:19 AM
You are right about this big business. That is why I would have much preferred to have an operation like that done in a teaching school. These private places need money and will do anything to get it. I hate to say this but it makes me not trust the IMS because of it, and that is bad. We live near a lake so our weather can be rather volatile at times, then Lake Erie is a huge lake very close to us too. That is why we get lake effect snow all winter. The last two years have been bad with storms. Where I used to live there was very little of this. Tipper had walked already, as it is humid and getting hot. we are to have storms off and on all week. I surely hope it is not bad Tuesday as I must travel back home to the Dr. and hate to leave Tipper with a sitter in a storm. I opened the door to my office for the first time since Grace has been gone. Tipper wanted in immediately. She has the best nose on her and she did not seem to smell anywhere the cat had been so I must have done a good job of disinfecting!! Hope you are not having this heat and humidity. Some of my plants are starting to come out. Have a good weekend with the babies. Blessings

05-11-2014, 06:44 PM
hi patti, i think you send your weather this way. it is 0;17 am overhere and there is thunder, lightning, wind, rain, and hail!
the shower is flooding and so is the sink.
and i just cleaned the house today grrr!
we could use some water, because it was very dry, but this..............
glad that you can detect some spring signs around you in your garden.
and that you can use your office again.
i looked up lake erie and i found out that this is one big lake, almost a sea by the looks of it.
i would love to hike there with my dogs.
i love the lake sides and the sea and so do the dogs. i was born in a small vilage near the sea.
so now i have to clean the bathroom before going to bed. all the water went down the drain, so i can start to dry off the floor.

05-12-2014, 08:46 AM
Glad you looked up Lake Erie and see the size of it. How has Ian been doing with the pills? Hope no problems. It is black here so we got the lousy weather back from you! It is a thunderstorm coming, so I will have to watch Tipper she is already on high alert. I am resting today as I have to get up at 4am for the Dr. appointment in Pittsburgh. I will finish the other 2 rooms later in the week and I will be done. my goodness you must have really had the rain, if it came up on the bathroom floor. What a mess after you cleaned and work all day you don't feel like doing that kind of hard work sopping up water. Hope everything is ok. The river where you walk the dogs does it ever flood the area? Are you far enough away if it does? The weather in so many places in the world is becoming unpredictable anymore. We never had bad weather like this all the time like it is now. Maybe I should have restricted the cats from my office, I just found some cat hair on my keyboard! Oh well cat hair never killed anyone that I know of!! Blessings

05-12-2014, 08:00 PM
hi patti, the storms are over for now.
certainly the weather has become unpredictable due to all the damage to the nature by mankind.
and it is still going on. it seems lots of governments did not learn from all the damage we did to our planet.
the river is 5 km [3miles] from home.
but, it is the netherlands, so everything is under control.
if not, half the country would be floaded! [= under sea level]
but our river beaches have gone for now due to a higher water level.
do your cats sleep on the keyboard or did they just lost some hair overthere?
have a safe trip to your doctor tomorrow.
p.s. ian ate his pills, but he does not want his big fish oil pill anymore.

05-14-2014, 08:44 AM
Yes Deloras cat will be gone today at 3pm. I tried again to get my neighbor to keep her but he refuses. I will just let Delora think the cat has a wonderful home here and that will give her peace of mind until she leaves this earth. I have cried over this cat for two days now and it just makes me feel bad when animals are in situations like this. Tipper was panting for two days now I feel because her cortisol soared two nites ago during that awful thunder, it was the worst I ever heard anywhere. She seems to be ok this morning. Glad Ian is still taking his pills. Is it hot and humid there? Do you let your cat outside or just inside? How old is it? Hope you are all cleaned up and get no more water coming in, that would be awful to deal with. I had that one time where I used to live and what a mess it makes, and I had to use bleach as it smelled even when dry. Hope you have a good walk with the doggies, and don't work too hard. Blessings

05-14-2014, 10:01 PM
hi patti, my cat is 6 years old.
black without one white hair.
he has his own cat flap. it is safe out here, so he loves to roam the farmland and orchards for mice etc.
he walks with us at night, when it is quiet outside.
no more flooding so far.
are you ever going to walk the dogs by the lake, so they can swim?
sounds as a nice place to go to in the summer.
it was a bit cooler the last few days, but it will be hot again.
hope tipper will have some quiet days without the storms.
you've had enough of them already.
i will send you some weeks of sunny and dry days.
that will be good for your joints as well!

05-15-2014, 11:37 AM
Hi Iris:
Well as you might have guessed Toby did not keep his mouth shut. Tipper was on the bed sleeping and he started and she got up and ran to the closet. I brewed some more herbs today, only much stronger like the vet suggested. We are to get more thunder here soon, so I have it ready to give her. This has been very stressful, but I just keep talking to her in a regular tone and try to act like there is nothing wrong. There is no way to prevent Toby from barking at thunder so it is what it is. If these stronger herbs don't work then the vet is going to have to do something. I believe she may have inherited this as that is where some of it comes from. She has never had a scary incident that started this so it may have come from one of her parents. I am real sick of this weather, I would rather see snow and know Tipper is safe. She did get to walk once this morning. I talked to the lady that took Deloras cat. She seems real pleased with her, and lives in a beautiful home, so the cat will not want for anything. In my heart I am sad though at never seeing her again. I will never tell Delora, she has enough problems now. It sure sounds like Ian is doing exceptional. You take the time to exercise your babies and that means a lot for their health.Tipper is so tired from being up all nite she is napping while I type. Yes please send the sunny weather with the low heat!! Blessings

05-15-2014, 08:48 PM
hi patti, you did the best you can do for the cat and it looks like you found her a really good home!
ian is certainly doing fine at the moment, so i am happy!
i've read on a dutch forum that people give those "relax herbs" non stop during storms and fireworks.
they had a lot of succes with it because they were building a sort of steady level of the stuff in the bloodstream of their dog.
maybe this can help tipper too.
i've had an -epileptic!- dog like this too, so i was very worried about her health during storms/fireworks etc..
a "dogwhisperer"' has given me very useful tips by then and i will tell you what those tips are;
stay in bed during the storms. show normal behavior during the night. if you set an example she will follow it.
when you -as the packleader- go out of bed and pacing too and paying attention to her, you are confirming her fear.
storm-packleader on high alert-dog on high alert- and you are reinforcing each others fears.
open the closet, so she can seek comfort there, but try to totally ignore her fear.
we do not realize it at first, but by paying extra attention to them [even talking] during this state of anxiety-and even observing them is also paying attention-we show them that we are worried about them and the dogs know there is something wrong.
what they need is a very stable pack leader to show them there is nothing to be afraid of.
i know this is very difficult to do, but it really worked in the end with my dog.
at least no more panicking.

05-16-2014, 08:33 AM
Hi Iris:
Well Tipper started up again last nite because we had a hard rain and she is associating it with the thunder. I do ignore her when she does this, and when in the closet I do not even talk to her. I ordered some new herb Bach's remedy and I will see which works the best. It is full of flowers ingredients so I will have to test it on her skin first since she is so allergic to everything. It is dark out now and I do not know what to expect next! Hope you send that sunny weather soon! It just started to drizzle. We just cannot get rid of this stuff! Hope you have a nice sunny and not too warm day so the babies can enjoy the day. Around here where I live now you cannot leave your cat out as there are a lot of people that hate cats and will cause them harm. Nice you cat can enjoy it's life going in and out. Blessings

05-16-2014, 09:29 PM
i can only hope this #$%^&*weather will be over soon for you and tipper!
it seems the weather is off everywhere.
we get tropical temp. next week with very sticky nights.
i don't have air conditioning so i hope ian is doing ok.
not at all my kind of weather.
there are people with tropical birds or pidgeons or fish who don't like cats too in my neighborhood.
after my last walk with the dogs i will keep him inside during the night.
i don't want him to climb on an aviary and upsetting the birds at night.
my neighbors who are addicted to cannabis do have too many cats which they don't care for very well. they roam everywhere for food.
they do have a lot of flees etc. so the tollerance of the neighborhood regarding cats is declining!
hope you all have a good night sleep.

05-17-2014, 07:48 AM
The weather around the world seems to be getting worse and many natural disasters etc. Warm places are getting cool and vice versa. It is dark today, and sprinkling with showers in the forecast today, but no thunder expected. Tipper will be ok with that. It is hard on dogs when you get sticky hot weather, so I hope your Ian does ok as I know the heat and humidity bother the cush dogs. I used to wipe Tipper down with a cool wet towel before she went walking. I have a harness now that has a cool pack you put in the freezer and it goes underneath to keep her core cool. I use it all the time in the summer as she has that heart murmur, and needs to be cool. The pack is about 8 inches long so it does a good portion of her body, then I just put it back in the freezer. You would be surprised how it gets melted from her body heat. Deloras cat seems to be fitting in nicely at the new home. She has a huge one story ranch house with a basement to run it too. There is a big bay window in the living room where she can lay and watch the birds, which is her favorite past time. Delora is worse just since yesterday I must get over there to see her again as I don't think this is going to be going on long. Your neighbors sound like real goof balls that don't take care of their animals. I saw a kitten this morning on the news come out of a house that had been demolished by a tornado, it was in bad shape, but is living and being cared for. They are trying to find the rest of the litter. Blessings

05-17-2014, 10:12 PM
i am glad that delora's cat has found such a good home!
and glad too that you and tipper had a thunderstorm free day!
the weather this week will be a test if ian can handle this type of hot weather.
just walking in the forest or near/''in" the river will do i hope.
they never wear a collar or a harness. i don't want them to get stuck anywhere in the bushes or in the water.
for now, walk the doggies and off to bed!

05-18-2014, 07:50 AM
I always imagine such a beautiful place in my head when you talk of walking by the river. There was frost on the ground this morning, and we are down in the 30's to start off the day, but at least no rain. Tipper slept ok and so did I, but never long enough to get revived. I am going to take it easy today my joints are giving me trouble this morning. I am hoping the Bach Remedy comes early in the week as we are to get rain Thursday. Blessings

05-18-2014, 08:37 PM
yes, the river is a very beautiful place to walk and swim.
there is a project going on to make the river banks more natural.
they create beaches and puddles with low and warmer water as a nursery for fish. there are ferries everywhere if you want to cross the river.
in summer it can be very crowded during the day at the most popular spots, so i move to the less popular ones, the "'muddy beaches"'.
most people prefer the sandy ones.
ian was a bit slower today on his walks [hot] but handled it well so far.

05-19-2014, 08:02 AM
Wow maybe you can take some pictures sometime and show me, I would love to see where you go, it sounds wonderful. You are so lucky to be near a spot like that where your babies can go. Maybe Ian was having an off day, or could the humidity be creeping up again?? We had frost this morning and the dogs have already walked once. I am making some homemade candy bars, I usually give a lot of them away. Keeps my mind off things. Tipper had some bad tremors last nite again, I just hate seeing them it is very unnerving. Blessings

molly muffin
05-19-2014, 09:10 AM
It does sound lovely by the river.
It could be the heat bothering Ian.

Hugs sharlene

05-19-2014, 07:40 PM
sharlene and patti, yes it is definitely the heat and humidity bothering ian [and his sister and myself]
it is getting hotter every day now, bleehhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i do not have a smart phone or digital camera, but i do have pictures on photobucket.
i will place them overhere when i found them.
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee78/ianenenya/0405-201120278_zpsfbe26e69.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/ianenenya/media/0405-201120278_zpsfbe26e69.jpg.html)
this is ian's brother joris and their other dog baron visiting us.
ian and joris and their mom.
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee78/ianenenya/Allerleimei20083056.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/ianenenya/media/Allerleimei20083056.jpg.html)
one big happy family [5 or 6 years ago]
http://i235.photobucket.com/albums/ee78/ianenenya/alle4.jpg (http://s235.photobucket.com/user/ianenenya/media/alle4.jpg.html)
more to come.

molly muffin
05-19-2014, 08:49 PM
Love the pictures.

They do all look like they were a happy bunch together.

Sharlene and molly muffin

05-20-2014, 08:10 AM
I loved looking at the pictures. They all look like they are having a good old doggie time in that water. They are all beautiful dogs. I am taking Tipper tomorrow for Adequan. I must use the herbs on her today as we are to get storms later again! The Bach Remedy will not be here until the 30th. Did you mean that the people over there keep dosing them with the Bach remedy all in one day? Is it safe to keep giving so it has some lasting effects? I am tired after yesterday I worked all day making jelly and candy. I gave a lot away to the neighbors, and will give some to the girls at the vets as they treat my Tipper well. Blessings

05-20-2014, 09:18 PM
hi patti, i think those people on the forum talked about some relax chinese herb mix. there are so many of them. they used it non stop during storms or fireworks to build up some sort of steady level.
others used zylkene or telizen. both natural.
i don't know if they sell it in the usa.
some used bach rescue. is that what you ordered for tipper?
i never needed it, so i am no expert.
mjammie....candy with caramel.......do you have some leftovers??
we do have thunderstorms right now, but not much rain yet.
the weather forecast for the next days is; hot, humid and thunderstorms....................so i won't send our weather to you.....

05-21-2014, 05:16 PM
Hi Iris:
Well we have had rain, and thunder off and on all day. I have had to turn the heat off and put the air on it is so hot. I made homemade yeast rolls today, and passed some to my neighbors. The whole house smelled of bread baking. Tipper got no bp today as she was wound up from the rain and it would be useless. She got her shot of Adequan. I gave the girls there some candy. They gave a piece to the vet, and called me because he said he wants the recipe for his wife to make some. Maybe I can bribe him with candy?? It is so hot I am glad the oven is off, but needed a warm house to make the rolls rise. The Bachs should be here by the 30th, I am anxious to try it. Delora is so sick she could not talk to me today. I feel so bad for her. I guess you see a lot of this in your work? I am tired after all this work so I am resting tomorrow. Please send good weather to us!! I hope poor Ian is not having to deal with humidity today. Does it bother Enya? Have a good walk. Blessings

05-21-2014, 09:22 PM
hi patti, hot and humid overhere too, and we do not like it.
so i will not send our weather to your area.
so slow walks near the riverside.
unfortunately i see a lot of ''delora cases"' in my work.
family is busy, busy.....''no time"' to visit mom and dad.
everyone has an health insurance in our country, so everybody can visit a doctor or hospital with cheap taxi's, vans equiped for wheelchairs etc. etc.
but a problem is that they are closing psychiatric wards and want those people to live among "'the normal people", but that does not work.
more and more i have to work with those people who can't manage their own household.
my neighbors are like that too, and their social security payment is much higher than my income.
ian is in his stubborn phase and wants to jump in the car by himself.
today he managed to do it, so i let him.
he is still very strong.........
hope you will have a quiet day tomorrow without thunderstorms.

05-23-2014, 06:20 PM
We got a break only 49 degrees now. Tipper loves it. It sounds like Ian has a mind of his own, like little miss tipper! It has been dark and looking like rain all day! There was a garage sale here earlier and the dogs went crazy from hearing people. I am tired and hope we have a quiet nite here for once. Hope the cooler temps come to you from here. Blessings

05-23-2014, 07:14 PM
hi patti, it is a bit cooler right now, but still sticky.
hope there will be no more garage sales tomorrow.
all peace and quiet....and a good night sleep.
ian is eating his vetoryl with gourmet fish [catfood from a very small can]
it is a hit so far..........fingers crossed.

05-24-2014, 07:58 AM
Hi Iris :
It is cool this morning with frost on the ground and the furnace coming on! What a swing in temperatures! I am glad Ian is doing well and is still strong. Tipper is still strong too, I am just fearful of something knocking her down. In the back of my mind everyday is this tumor situation. She is surely loving the cooler temps to walk in though. I walked them before the garage sales start and all the people come as Toby cannot keep his mouth shut and barks at people. He was really socialized as a puppy too, don't know why he is so goofy?? The situation you described with all the psychiatric people is awful. And people making more money getting paid by the government than you who works so much is terrible. I guess they just sit home and don't even attempt to work, or they would be making less? Hope you have a good weekend with the babies. I am going to clean this cat room Saturday or Sunday! Blessings

05-25-2014, 08:26 AM
Hi Iris:
Hoping you and the babies are going to have a good walk. Are you working this weekend? I hope you get a rest. Tipper has laser therapy this Tuesday and then Bp on Wednesday. So I need to get rested up for all these appointments again. The garage sales are still today so I will keep the doggies in. Have you ever tried bubbles with your dogs? My dogs love them and jump and chase them in the wind. Blessings

05-25-2014, 08:30 AM
And people making more money getting paid by the government than you who works so much is terrible. I guess they just sit home and don't even attempt to work, or they would be making less?

yes, that is so true, more and more people are getting paid sitting home and do nothing.
and they will keep you up all night.
their cars are newer than mine and their shopping carts filled with piles of expensive [junk] food.

so glad that ian and tipper are still very [head] strong.
hope they will stay this way for a long time.
it is still pretty hot, but not so sticky anymore, so we have made a long walk in the forest.
hope your spring cleaning is finished after the cat room.
i am going to take a nap now and will come back on this forum later.

05-26-2014, 08:07 AM
Hi Iris:
We are in for a hot one today and the humidity is already rising. I have already walked the dogs. Tipper had a vestibular episode last nite when I went to take her potty. It was a small one compared to the others. It always scares me as some dogs heads stay there crooked and never go back to normal. Hope your temperatures agree with Ian. I do think the walking them does help combat this disease. We have laser therapy tomorrow so the vacation form appointments is over. The garage sales are all over so now things can go back to normal. Blessings

05-26-2014, 09:32 PM
hi patti, it was hot and humid today again. not happy with it.
we had a mild thunderstorm today with not much rain. [it is pretty dry out here]
yes, i am convinced the exercise keeps our dogs in shape [and us too].
i do only know the vestibular disease version with old dogs, who suffer for days afterwards with no longer being able to stand on their feet, eat or drink by themselves. they are sick and dizzy because of the nystagmus.
the short ones tipper has i have never heared of. does she recover quick from them?
i am glad at least everything is back to normal in your street after all those garage sales.
hope the weather will be ok tomorrow in your area.