View Full Version : essential oils and natural treatments for cushings and calcinocis cutis

11-18-2013, 02:05 AM
Tuff is my 10 yr old Pitt. He has calcinocis cutis and am assuming Cushing's as well.
I'm not putting him through all of the tests because he's old and very sick.
I'm not one of the all natural organic only people, but my dog is old and I can't bear to out him on k-9kemo drugs and put him through all sorts of frequent tests.
I started giving him Cushex drops and also started giving him lemon and frankencense essential oils as well, since they are known to reduce tumors.
He's been on the cushex since Oct 1 and has had some improvement but the calcinocis cutis is still bad and his sore spots are only getting worse.
Has anyone used a topical product that helps heal these awful sores? The antibacterial soap works a little but I have a busy life with 2 young children and can't bathe him as frequently as I should.
Also, has anyone used the cushex drops and seen improvements? The reviews are amazing.

Squirt's Mom
11-18-2013, 08:17 AM
Hi and welcome to you and your baby boy! :)

The use of essential oils with pets can be very dangerous and they should never, ever be used with cats. EOs are highly concentrated and can build up toxins in the body. They should be used sparingly and with caution....and preferably under guidance by one trained in their use. Certain EOs should not be used with dogs period. Research thoroughly the EOs you are using from reputable sources, and btw that does not include sellers of the EOs because their main purpose is to sell the product period. Here is a link to a good article on EOs and pets -


Cushex is unfortunately not going to help his Cushing's in the least and could cause more problems than it helps. To put it bluntly, it is a snake oil that benefits the sellers only by preying on the fears of cush parents.

We understand that not everyone can nor will test for and treat their pups with Cushing's but when CC is present, treatment is the only thing that has any hope of healing the skin. There are a few things you can try to help the CC but as long as the cortisol is running rampant in his body, what is done is only a bandaid and will not address the underlying cause - elevated cortisol - and his system will continue to break down under the assault.

There is a product called DMSO that is used to treat the CC and here is some info on it -


And an herbal cream one of our members used -


And some information on Calcinosis Cutis -



And a link that tells you some of what you can expect with a cush pup who is not treated -


We are here to help in any way we can whether you choose to treat or not. At 10, your baby is NOT too old to treat - that is the age my Squirt was when she started treatment and gods willing she will be 16 in Feb. She is a smaller dog, tho, so her lifespan can be expected to be a bit longer than larger dogs. But sometimes finances make treatment impossible or the pup has other issues that prevent testing and treatment and we do understand. If you wish to try some "natural" approaches, I strongly suggest you find a Holistic Vet to work with who can guide you in the use of herbs, EOs, etc. There are some TMC (Traditional Chinese Medicine) formulas that have some potential to help with Cushing's signs. Fair warning - herbal treatment is not always less expensive and often is more expensive than traditional treatments with Lysodren or Vetoryl (Trilostane).

Please feel free to ask any questions and we will do our best to help. We will be here for you and your baby through it all.
Leslie and the gang

12-26-2015, 07:27 PM
My 10 year old Boston Terrier that I have discussed in another thread, has CC. She has had her adrenal tumor removed (about 6 wks ago). Her back is all scaly, scabby, and am afraid she will not regrow hair. New lesions on her neck, all around, on her forehead, heel, etc. I want so badly to find something topical. Her underarm area is indurated (hard), raised and red. We are bathing her every 3 days per the vet, and apply Vasoline, or other ointment under the arms to soothe them, as they rub when she walks. She has been on 4 courses of antibiotic since July, the last one being an injection that is supposed to last 2 weeks. She is a mess. When does this get better? I have been told it takes 3 to 6 months and gets worse before it gets better (after treatment). We are taking her in for another ACTH test next week to see how she is progressing, but not much help with the skin. Accupuncture??

molly muffin
12-26-2015, 11:15 PM
I don't know that acupuncture will help with the cc, as that is cortisol issue or in our case, prednison that acts just like cortisol. Acupuncture could help with things like joints, etc. perhaps.

12-27-2015, 07:52 PM
last post was from 2013!