View Full Version : What's Wrong with Dog and Cat Food?

Cooper is missed
11-11-2013, 03:00 PM
I came across this list of pet food companies that make quality food without harming animals. I guess I'm naive but I had no idea companies making food for our pets could be so cruel.


Budsters Mom
11-11-2013, 03:35 PM
OMG! I had no idea! :eek:

Cooper is missed
11-12-2013, 01:04 AM
I also learned that; "Beagles are the most popular breed for lab use because of their friendly, docile, trusting, forgiving, people-pleasing personalities. The research industry says they adapt well to living in a cage, and are inexpensive to feed. Research beagles are usually obtained directly from commercial breeders who specifically breed dogs to sell to scientific institutions."

My Cooper was a beagle, I can't believe anyone could harm a dog like him. It breaks my heart, he was the sweetest boy ever. Here's a link to an amazing organization that helps and where I hope to adopt another beagle some day.


Squirt's Mom
11-12-2013, 08:44 AM
The BFP is an amazing group that does wonders for these poor babies!

molly muffin
11-12-2013, 07:58 PM
I agree a wonderful group. Beagles are wonderful dogs. My first dog as a child was a beagle and he was just the best ever. Loved him all his life long.

Sharlene and Molly Muffin

11-12-2013, 09:48 PM
Thank you for the information. I really had no idea :(

Squirt's Mom
11-13-2013, 07:59 AM
A pretty good site concerning commercial dog feeds. Fair warning - some of the things you may read are shocking and a bit sickening.


Cooper is missed
11-13-2013, 06:39 PM
Wow there's a lot of good info there! After more research I'll be making some changes to my dogs' diet.

11-16-2013, 04:48 PM
How appalling!

I never knew how loving and precious Beagles can be until i recently have been walking 3 Beagles at my local shelter. The second they see me, they jump, lick and tail wagging--so precious. Ugh. I wish i can take them all. I go there with a purpose and leave crying and sad, but i force myself to suck it up because they have no use for tears, they need the help. Financially its not possible to adoot them but i bring food and myself for whatever they may need. I have to admit that is one tough job, and i give those people a ton of credit because i know i could not do it but there are people out there who are willing. God bkess them.

Tight hugs to all

Xo Jeanette. (Still missing my girl immensely. :(.

Cooper is missed
11-17-2013, 07:24 PM
It sounds like they appreciate seeing you and look forward to your walks! Bless you for doing that! Beagles really are so sweet. Against my better judgment I just watched all of the Iams videos linked in my first post. It's horrifying what these dogs had to endure. I just sat and cried. I used to feed my dogs Iams. I don't know how anyone can do that to an innocent dog. I just don't get it but something needs to change, that's for sure.